Re: [slim] Squeezebox: Wifi and Health

2009-10-22 Thread Adam_F

A couple of years ago the BBC fell for one of the scaremongers:


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox: Wifi and Health

2009-10-22 Thread adamslim

Wifi kills!  Your children will all be deformed, the radiation will
mutate your cells, turning you into a pustulated freak, albeit with a
remote chance of developing super-powers.  And wired sounds better - say
no to wifi!


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

SB+, Audion Pre, 6B4G death traps, Lowther Big Fun Horns, REL Stentor
SB+, Audio Innovations L1, Chi-Fi OTL monoblocks, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2

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Re: [slim] Improved Squeezebox config availible for Harmony users.

2009-10-22 Thread strindberg

After the upgrade of my Harmony remote, I do have the "Power On" and
"Power Off" commands, and these are also correctly mapped to my "Listen
to music" activity.

However, I notice that the "Power On" command does not make my
Squeezebox send a WOL to the server, which is quite inconvenient if the
server is off. Any reason why the old "Power" command was mapped to send
an WOL and the new "Power On" is not?


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Re: [slim] Improved Squeezebox config availible for Harmony users.

2009-10-22 Thread kunze


known issue,
please see bug:
and vote for it.

You can also workaround the problem by specifying the power on in
harmony as a sequence of power toggle followed by power on command.



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[slim] Squeezebox Touch & Radio - SC or TinySC?

2009-10-22 Thread nicoleif

Is the above new players capable of running both SC and TinySC? And is
it preferable to run TinySC with the Squeezebox Radio supplying the
music from a NAS instead of both supplying music AND having SC run on
the NAS?


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Re: [slim] Help! Trying to buy a SB Receiver in NZ

2009-10-22 Thread bigbossman

Grandell;475766 Wrote: 
> thats if you can find another receiver!
> and puzzling is a complete understatement. why no one sells these is
> beyond me, as they would pretty much sell themselves!
> if you're doing a review of the Touch, does that mean it will be
> getting it here soon?
> also, if you're writing for the Dom, are you in welly too?
> back on topic... if someone can confirm that the US versions come with
> a 110/240v transformer, then i can just buy one from amazon etc

Hi Grandell - Ebay have Receivers for sale regularly, as I've got the
OEM psu I'd just chuck the US one in the bin (sorry yanks) and
substitute it for our own clean, green version.
It's a mystery why the best kept secret in audio is limited (in this
country at least) to the odd computer store and on-line outfit.
About the Touch, here's what I was emailed from Logitech's PR agency "I
just wanted to give you the heads up that we currently do not have the
Logitech Squeeze box touch in NZ at the moment. The Logitech team are
currently sourcing for stock to arrive in the next couple of months."
I'm up in Auckland, Wellington sounds like a nice change compared with
this disaster area!!


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[slim] New Mac Mini

2009-10-22 Thread bigbossman

I'm about to retire my trusty old G4 1.42ghz Mini and replace it with
the latest Intel 2.53ghz version, with 4 glorious gigs or ram and a
500gb HDD.
I'm running Leopard on my old G4, is there anyone having issues with
Squeezebox Server v7.4.1 running under Snow Leopard?
I am expecting living networking and migration hell when I set the new
computer up, this will be a true test of faith methinks...


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Re: [slim] Help! Trying to buy a SB Receiver in NZ

2009-10-22 Thread Apteryx

I bought my Duet locally via the company i work for in Auckland (product
is a small part of our quite large business but does mean we utilise the
local distributors) - I'll ask our product people if we can get the
Receiver - quite probably not, but can't hurt asking.


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Re: [slim] New Mac Mini

2009-10-22 Thread squeeze-me

Nope, no problem whatsoever.

I'm running slimserver with a 1.83 ghz core duo MacbookPro with 4 gig
of memory.


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Re: [slim] New Mac Mini

2009-10-22 Thread esbrewer

Runs well for me on Snow Leopard except for the Preference Panel for SBS
7.4 has to 'restart' in 32-bit mode every time you make changes.  It
only takes a few seconds, but a few people in these forums have
complained about it.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.1 and SC 7.4
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Touch & Radio - SC or TinySC?

2009-10-22 Thread aubuti

The SB Touch runs TinySC, but the SB Radio does not. If you want to run
TinySC on the SB Touch and access a music library on your NAS (as
opposed to a direct USB connection to the Touch) you will need to run
the commands or edit /etc/fstab to (logically) mount the NAS as a file
system on the Touch. 

As long as you need the NAS running for your music library I don't see
any advantage to running TinySC on the Touch, unless for some reason you
have a hard time running SC/SBS on the NAS. Otherwise, running SC/SBS on
the NAS has the advantages of having a web interface and supporting
plugins, neither of which are supported by TinySC.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Touch & Radio - SC or TinySC?

2009-10-22 Thread nicoleif

aubuti;475884 Wrote: 
> The SB Touch runs TinySC, but the SB Radio does not. If you want to run
> TinySC on the SB Touch and access a music library on your NAS (as
> opposed to a direct USB connection to the Touch) you will need to run
> the commands or edit /etc/fstab to (logically) mount the NAS as a file
> system on the Touch. 
> As long as you need the NAS running for your music library I don't see
> any advantage to running TinySC on the Touch, unless for some reason you
> have a hard time running SC/SBS on the NAS. Otherwise, running SC/SBS on
> the NAS has the advantages of having a web interface and supporting
> plugins, neither of which are supported by TinySC.

Thanx for the info!


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Re: [slim] 7.4 and "Fast-Forward" issues - help?

2009-10-22 Thread SteveEast

7.4.1 is now the official release.



3*SB3, 1*Boom, 3*Radio.
Currently running 7.4 release on Acer Aspire easyStore H340 WHS.

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Re: [slim] 7.4 and "Fast-Forward" issues - help?

2009-10-22 Thread Roger66

Interesting ...

On my system 7.4.1 *just introduced* this bug.
7.4.0 was still working fine with my FLACs !


SB classic
SB Boom
Win XP Pro SP3
Thinkpad X60s

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox: Wifi and Health

2009-10-22 Thread kelvinelk


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Re: [slim] New Mac Mini

2009-10-22 Thread squeeze-me

The copy available at Squeezenetwork doesn't go into 32-bit mode.


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Re: [slim] 7.4 and "Fast-Forward" issues - help?

2009-10-22 Thread SteveEast

My experience was the opposite. With 7.4.0 I could crash the server very
easily while moving back and forth through FLACs. A quick check with
7.4.1 shows no such problem - or, at least, not one that I can reproduce
as easily as I could with 7.4.0.



3*SB3, 1*Boom, 3*Radio.
Currently running 7.4 release on Acer Aspire easyStore H340 WHS.

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Re: [slim] 7.4 and "Fast-Forward" issues - help?

2009-10-22 Thread Roger66

Did you move via webUI ?

When I point with the mouse on the webUI progress bar and press the
mouse button, the SB display freezes immediately. The SB server accepts
further mouse clicks, but nothing happens ... until shutdown of SB
server via Taskmanager.

Seen on any beta 7.4.1_X and on 7.4.1 final.


SB classic
SB Boom
Win XP Pro SP3
Thinkpad X60s

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Re: [slim] 7.4 and "Fast-Forward" issues - help?

2009-10-22 Thread SteveEast

I tried it both via the remote and the web UI. I hit it pretty hard
without any problem, whereas on 7.4.0 I could crash it very quickly (but
NOT immediately). 

FLAcs were ripped with a mixture of EAC and abcde.



3*SB3, 1*Boom, 3*Radio.
Currently running 7.4 release on Acer Aspire easyStore H340 WHS.

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[slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread rrweather

As some of you may have read in the Touch forum, we live in a house that
is a total nightmare when it comes to WiFi. While the house is only
about 1600 sq/ft, the WiFi signal from the second floor down to the
first floor is pretty weak. The house is a rental so I am unable to run
Cat5 cable around the house unless I want it laying on the carpet. You
can imagine how popular that would be with the "other half." So, as some
have suggested, I am going to try using the powerline adapters. I am
going to list the components I have, their location, and what results I
am looking to achieve. I am not an expert when it comes to networking so
I am looking for some input on how you would setup what I have and what
you would buy (within reason). I am not trying to reinvent the wheel
with my network but if there is something simple I could do or purchase
to achieve what I am looking for, I am all ears.

My setup:

We have our DSL modem and Linksys WRT54GL router at the top of our
stairs. Basically, the router sits almost dead-center in the middle of
the upper level where it is now. 

In the room right next to the router (the office), we have an Apple
Time Capsule using wireless to the linksys router. Hooked up to it is a
laser printer that we use with our laptops via the network. We are going
to set up a mac mini in the office as our media server until we get
something better. The first concern is that the mac mini (or any server
for that matter) would not have a hard-wire connection to the router.

Our Master Bedroom is also right off the location of the router. We
have a receiver, speakers, etc. in the bedroom. This will be location #1
for a SB Touch.

Downstairs, we have our living room, which is where our laptops spend
most of their time. As I mentioned, the WiFi signal from the router
upstairs to the laptops downstairs is mediocre at best. A friend and I
have messed with the location of the router to no end and it seems like
this is the best it is going to get. Prior to owning this router, we
couldn't get a WiFi signal from 25 feet away in a direct line of site
with another router. There is obviously some major interference in this

Also in the living room, we have a home stereo and a Roku Soundbridge
hooked up. The 2nd SB Touch will replace the Soundbridge. The
soundbridge works about as well as expected with the poor WiFi coverage
in our house. For the most part, it plays without interruption.
Occasionally it will have to rebuffer or it will cut out until it gets a
better signal. We also have a PS3 and a Wii hooked up via wireless and
they seem to work fine. We use them very little online so I wouldn't
know if they were having problems.

So my plan was to purchase powerline adapters to install at the router,
in the master bedroom, and downstairs in the living room. Hopefully
(fingers crossed) they will work better than the Wifi. The master
bedroom probably would work fine with the WiFi but the living room is
probably going to need the powerline adapter.

So, having the listed components, is there a better way to configure
things to better suit my needs. We like having the backup of the time
capsule (without starting an argument on how useful the time machine
backups are). We also like having the printer attached to the time
capsule for network printing. I realize that we could easily go buy a
network printer, but I'd rather spend the money on something else.

The first thought I had was to relocate the linksys router to the
office. This would allow the media server (mac mini for now) to connect
via cat5 cable. The potential problem with this is the router gets
further away from the center of the house which could potentially make
the WiFi signal downstairs even weaker.

The next thought I had was to move the time capsule downstairs and plug
it into the powerline adapter (assuming the powerline adapter works as
planned). I could then use the time capsule to expand my WiFi network
and plug the Touch directly into the time capsule. The biggest drawback
to this option is I can't exactly put my laser printer on my tv stand so
we would lose the print function.

The next thought was to use the time capsule upstairs as the primary
router and then move the linksys downstairs to expand the WiFi and to
plug the Touch into. From everything I've read, I think I would prefer
the flexibility of configuring the linksys router as my primary router.
I am almost certain the time capsule is very basic in network

The other thought I had was to purchase another WRT54GL and put it
downstairs connected to the powerline adapter. This would boost the WiFi
signal downstairs and give me something to plug the Touch into. I could
then move the upstairs router to the office, thus allowing the media
server to connect to the router via cat5. 

Overall, my goal is to get the Touches playing in the living room and
bedroom, and to get the media server going in the office. My secondary
goal would be to improve the WiFi signal do

Re: [slim] New Mac Mini

2009-10-22 Thread Chris Laplante
You're running Leopard on a G4? That's a neat trick!


On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 3:41 AM, bigbossman
> I'm about to retire my trusty old G4 1.42ghz Mini and replace it with
> the latest Intel 2.53ghz version, with 4 glorious gigs or ram and a
> 500gb HDD.
> I'm running Leopard on my old G4, is there anyone having issues with
> Squeezebox Server v7.4.1 running under Snow Leopard?
> I am expecting living networking and migration hell when I set the new
> computer up, this will be a true test of faith methinks...
> --
> bigbossman
> bigbossman's Profile:
> View this thread:
> ___
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Re: [slim] New Mac Mini

2009-10-22 Thread jku

bigbossman;475831 Wrote: 
> I'm about to retire my trusty old G4 1.42ghz Mini and replace it with
> the latest Intel 2.53ghz version, with 4 glorious gigs of ram and a
> 500gb HDD.

Have you noticed there is a new Mac Mini Server? You'd get 1000GB of
storage and Mac OS X Server for only $100 more ($999). 

This is the first Mac deal in a long time that I'm actually


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[slim] 7.4.1 Duet controller center button ux

2009-10-22 Thread chinaski

Has the functionality for the center button on the duet controller
changed? It seems to have become a glorified play button. When viewing a
randomly generated playlist, for example, I am used to using the center
button to view more information about a song in the list, i.e. look at
the album it's from and play that album, add another song from the album
to the current playlist, etc. Now however, hitting the center button on
a song simply plays the song from the beginning, and it seems there is
no way to get more information about the song. Is this a bug or is the
behaviour intentional, or is something amiss in my setup?




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Re: [slim] 7.4 and "Fast-Forward" issues - help?

2009-10-22 Thread Roger66


On my 7.4.1 the very first click is enough.


SB classic
SB Boom
Win XP Pro SP3
Thinkpad X60s

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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread Ben Sandee
I didn't read your entire post, but may I ask why are you so stuck on
the WRT54GL?  I have one and like it fine (running DD-WRT) but
compared to newer 'N' routers, the range will be limited.  Thankfully
not an issue for me.

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Re: [slim] Announce: New Squeezeslave 0.9 Release available on sourceforge

2009-10-22 Thread dhull

ralphy;475466 Wrote: 
> Sorry, until the 7.4 new release issues subside, I'm not allocating any
> spare time to issues relating to the new mysqueezebox service.  Did
> squeezeslave show up as a player on the old

I had it working with the old service, yes. I find that recent
softsqueeze releases still work. Should having squeezeslave masquerade
as a softsqueeze player work? My first try failed.


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2009-10-22 Thread flattermann

If you are interested, please drop me a line at: sqcmdr (AT)
flattermann (DOT) net


Home of 'SqueezeCommander' ( - The
SqueezeBox Remote Control App for Android

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[slim] Squeezebox 3 will not play streamed music

2009-10-22 Thread gw43

Just got home tonight, switched my PC on and hoped to listen to the

However, while Squeezecentre (v7.3.3.) is showing that the track is
playing, and the track shows in the display of the Squeezebox, it will
not start.  At the Squeezebox end it will toggle between "Paused" and
"Now Playing", but the track fails to start.

Internet radio will play ok.

So far I've tried:

Re-booting PC
Switching Squeezebox off at mains, disconnecting power cable and
ethernet cable.
Re-loading firmware, to v127.

Any thoughts anyone?


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 will not play streamed music

2009-10-22 Thread Phil Leigh

gw43;476045 Wrote: 
> Just got home tonight, switched my PC on and hoped to listen to the
> Squeezebox.
> However, while Squeezecentre (v7.3.3.) is showing that the track is
> playing, and the track shows in the display of the Squeezebox, it will
> not start.  At the Squeezebox end it will toggle between "Paused" and
> "Now Playing", but the track fails to start.
> Internet radio will play ok.
> So far I've tried:
> Re-booting PC
> Switching Squeezebox off at mains, disconnecting power cable and
> ethernet cable.
> Re-loading firmware, to v127.
> Any thoughts anyone?

xilinx reset...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
SB Touch Beta (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W -
MF Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 will not play streamed music

2009-10-22 Thread gw43

Panic over!

My music is on an external hard-drive - this seemed to have "jammed"
for whatever reason.  Unplugging and reconnecting the power seemed to
free it up.

Maybe it's about to fail!


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Re: [slim] New Mac Mini

2009-10-22 Thread bolfings

But you lose the optical drive, and you get 2 500g 5400 drives. I'm
still thinking the regular mini with the 4g/500g. with an external raid
may be a better option? My mini, besides being the squeezecenter, is
also the home theatre, so playing DVDs is kinda important -


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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread rrweather

Thanks for the response. Basically, I like the router with DD-WRT
because it is fairly inexpensive and versatile. Even more, I know they
work in this house. Rather than start over trying to find a router that
will work in our home, I figure I would stick with what I know works.
The other issue is I own nothing that can use N. If I had at least one
component that benefited from N, I might be able to justify going that
route; however, to buy an N router to use with my G computers and SB
touch seems kinda silly. I'll wait until they drop in price and/or I
have a computer that would benefit from the increased speed and/or
range. If I got a dual band router, nothing in my house would benefit
from the N option since none of my components could use the N band. As
far as I understand, the SB Touch uses G. So even going to a dual band
router most likely won't help with my coverage issues since everything
(including the SB Touch) would still be using G. If I am stuck with G, I
will probably end up having to go the powerline route. As I mentioned, I
am anything but an expert so if I am missing something, please let me
know. If a Dual Band router could somehow help me achieve my goals, I
would definitely like to know. Thanks


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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread tcutting

One suggestion- your server PC should be hard-wired to the router, if at
all possible.  If not, when you setup your Squeeze system, you will be
trying to make double-hop... PC/Server -wireless--> Router --wireless-->
Squeezbox Player.  Even with powerline adapters, I believe they have
reduced bandwidth.  I also don't know if you can run multiple powerline
"networks" at the same time, or what kind of limitations/interference
that may impose.  Bottom line - eliminate as much of the wifi traffic as
possible.  If you can't move your router/modem into your office, could
you setup the new server where you have the router?  That should at
least help.


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Re: [slim] New Mac Mini

2009-10-22 Thread exile


This is the first Mac deal in a long time that I'm actually 
considering...[/QUOTE Wrote: 
> i would steer you away from it. with the exception of refurbs there's
> never a "deal" to be had from apple.
> instead of the mini server, I'd say buy a regular mini and then add on
> a 1tb drive like the ministack from newertech which fits perfectly with
> the mac mini. Then use a free software program like plex or boxee to
> create your owm home media server. also, the ministracks are 7200rpm
> drives.


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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread Ben Sandee
I understand what you're saying, but it's pretty well-established that
an N router will improve range even if all of your devices are G-only.

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Re: [slim] New Mac Mini

2009-10-22 Thread jku

exile;476062 Wrote: 
> i would steer you away from it. with the exception of refurbs there's
> never a "deal" to be had from apple.
Oh, agreed. I like a lot of their hardware but have never bought any
because the price premium is usually just unacceptable.
> instead of the mini server, I'd say buy a regular mini and then add on a
> 1tb drive like the ministack from newertech which fits perfectly with
> the mac mini. Then use a free software program like plex or boxee to
> create your owm home media server. also, the ministracks are 7200rpm
> drives.
This I don't understand (unless you really need the optical driver, I
wouldn't). Your solution is more expensive, takes more space and misses
out on OS X server.


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Re: [slim] New Mac Mini

2009-10-22 Thread exile

i just don't see what the osx server will give you in a home
environment. I'm also always partial to  faster drives.

i also have worked with an xsan server in my professional past and it
was a complete pile of crap so i have very little faith that server
technology is one of apple's strong suits.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox: Wifi and Health

2009-10-22 Thread didjean

Great links guys... :-) 

It does confirm more or less what I thought... 

Though, just for my knowledge, some questions to my post are not yet

> Wondering if using multiple squezeboxes raise the amount of Wifi
> As soon as you plug an Ethernet cable, are squeezeboxes internal Wifi
antennas disabled? 
> Regarding PLC, is it stable? Can I use multiple PLC receivers?


SB3 + Cambridge Audio 640R + Cambridge Audio DAC Magic + Q Acoustics
1050i / Duet + Yamaha DSP A595 + Morel Applause MKII / Boom / Red Radio
/ Windows XP SP2 / SqueezeCenter 7.4

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[slim] Upgrading my experience? Need suggestions

2009-10-22 Thread tdellaringa

Hi everyone,

So I've been on the Squeezebox train since very early on. I have the
very basic player - this one in fact:

I love it, it's still one of the best purchases I ever made. But here's
the deal. Right now it sits in our master bedroom, and we mostly use it
to play music at night when we go to bed. 

My daughters each have a room down the hall, and they'd like to hear
the music too. I'd like to run speakers to each of their rooms so they
can listen at night too.

But, I know next to nothing about electronics. All I know is I can hook
up one pair of speakers to my squeezebox, not 3. I suppose I need some
kind of receiver or something to make this work.

The key thing is that I want to be able to turn off the speakers in one
of the other two rooms, if needed, with just a button push. I assume
this is doable, but maybe not easy? I remember in the old days you'd
have a stereo and you could push a button to turn off the speakers - I
was thinking that. 

Anyway, any suggestions would be much appreciated.


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Re: [slim] 7.4.1 Duet controller center button ux

2009-10-22 Thread ghan

Congratulations, you just stumbled upon perhaps the most-debated feature
in the 7.4 release, i.e. the so-called paradigm change in the
squeezeplay user interface.

Think: + = more is the answer. Meaning the + key brings up a context
menu with the items you are looking for. Takes some getting used to and
then you still want the old behavior is my experience


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Re: [slim] Upgrading my experience? Need suggestions

2009-10-22 Thread tcutting

You must have some type of amplifier to run your current speakers...
does it have a/b speaker outputs?  That could solve part of the problem
(provide one room of remote speakers).

The EASIEST solution, however, would be to buy a Squeezebox Radio for
each of the rooms.  They are small, and self contained (have player,
amp, speaker).  Not sure about your network configuration, but
presumably you are running your current SB3 wireless, so you have a
wireless network already?  (Although wired network is more reliable). 
With separate players, each can listen to different material at the same
time (or can synchronize together so they all play same thing at same


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Re: [slim] Upgrading my experience? Need suggestions

2009-10-22 Thread SuperQ

Yup, I would go for the Squeezebox Radio or Boom.  No need to mess
around with wiring or anything.


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Re: [slim] 7.4.1 Duet controller center button ux

2009-10-22 Thread chinaski

Thanks, I'll try that '+' button. I just did the upgrade to see what the
fuss was about, and was surprised by this new behaviour...


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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread rrweather

Ben Sandee;476064 Wrote: 
> I understand what you're saying, but it's pretty well-established that
> an N router will improve range even if all of your devices are G-only.
> Ben

If that is true, I would much rather pick up a dual-band router and try
that before going to powerlines. I guess I have some research to do!



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Re: [slim] Upgrading my experience? Need suggestions

2009-10-22 Thread tdellaringa

Well, I really can't afford to spend $600+ on new players. I have a
player that just works fine. I expect to have to buy something, but I'd
rather not buy 3 new products. My daughters are young and they don't
need to be choosing their own music, just hear what's playing.

Yes I have wireless running. To be a little clearer, we generally
listen to Pandora or playlists from iTunes. 

I was thinking there was a receiver or something that I could use as a
middle piece to plug the squeezebox into, then plug the speakers into
and hook the whole system up, and control which set of speakers were on.

I would think this is possible with the right equipment. There's really
nothing wrong with my squeezebox either - works great and does what we
need, so I can't really justify buying new product there anyway.


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Re: [slim] Net::UDAP - SqueezeBox Receiver configuration tool

2009-10-22 Thread lbryanray

I've been running my duet receiver from my laptop without a controller
(many, many thanks to Robin). I'm doing this with squeezebox server (the
old squeezecenter).
I'd like to be able to listen to Pandora, and if I understand
correctly, I need to do that through the web - or what
we used to call squeezenetwork. But although I'm logged in with the same
information at squeezebox server and mysqueezebox, does
not recognize my player. It says "Oops! You don't appear to have any
players registered to this account."
Is there a way to use the UDAP config tool to get control via the web?
Is there a way to switch back and forth (from control by squeezebox
server to control from mysqueezebox without a controller?



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[slim] Receiver as bridge problem

2009-10-22 Thread mirhon

I've made this setup for my father:

1. Squeezebox receiver - without controler, I use ipod touch, and
configure receiver with udap_shell script
2. Mini-itx PC with Windows XP and Squeezecenter (without keyboard and

My father has wifi with linksys Access Point.
I connected 1) with 2) using crossing ethernet cable.
I configured receiver with statcic IP ,bridging and wifi connection.
It works, I can control receiver wireless with ipod. The problem is
when I turn off PC the receiver led is blue which is ok (no access to
library) but when I turn it on again the led is white but I can't see my
PC in network - strange.
It looks like receiver is not in bridge mode when ethernet is down and
turn on again. Is it normal behavior?
I'm going to look at it closer at weekend but frankly speaking if it is
normal behavior  I'm going to  use  a usb  wifi card with my  PC instead
of  receiver (in bridging mode).


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Re: [slim] I officially declare my HATE for 7.4...

2009-10-22 Thread HectorHughMunro

The 7.4.1 experience and current handset software for me has been really
good.  Faster, more stable, better BBC support, better organized.

Really excellent and a world away from my initial Duet experiences.


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[slim] I live in San Francisco - Where can I go buy one NOW?

2009-10-22 Thread hungarianhc

Hi All,

I've had a tough time finding retailers that have the Squeezebox. I'm
going to the gym now, and when I get back, I'd love to get in my car and
go buy a Squeezebox Radio. Does anyone know where I can get one? If i
have to order it, I will... I'd just prefer to go pick this thing up
now. Thanks! Looking forward to more posting in this forum!


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Re: [slim] Upgrading my experience? Need suggestions

2009-10-22 Thread radish

How many rooms are we talking about? I got the impression it was the
existing room plus 2, hence why you needed three pairs of speakers
total. In this case you're looking at 2 new players (total $400), not 3
- the SB3 stays right where it is.

If you do want to go with speakers etc you're talking 2 pairs of (I
assume) ceiling speakers, lots of wire, and 1 or 2 new amps. That'll
probably come to at least $400 anyway. Plus installation if you're not
handy enough to do it yourself.



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Re: [slim] Upgrading my experience? Need suggestions

2009-10-22 Thread tdellaringa

Yes, 2 rooms extra. I guess I was hoping there was a way to serve the
three pair of speakers with just the squeezebox and maybe one other


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Re: [slim] Upgrading my experience? Need suggestions

2009-10-22 Thread SuperQ

tdellaringa;476147 Wrote: 
> Yes, 2 rooms extra. I guess I was hoping there was a way to serve the
> three pair of speakers with just the squeezebox and maybe one other
> component.

Yes, there is.  You can just add a second amplifier and use the main
out on your stereo to drive it and more speakers in each room.

But it will cost more, take longer to install, require running wires,
and basically be more hassle than just buying 2 squeezebox radios with
built-in speakers.


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Re: [slim] PDA-controller SlimControl 0.95

2009-10-22 Thread itm

I'm trying out v0.95 on a Touch Pro2. When the app starts it kick-starts
the wifi connection, which is great, but if the phone then goes into
sleep mode (usually after about 20 seconds) Slimcontrol doesn't revive
the wifi connection when I try to use it. 
Is this normal behaviour? Is it always necessary to manually reconnect
wifi after the phone has gone into sleep mode?


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Re: [slim] Upgrading my experience? Need suggestions

2009-10-22 Thread MeSue

Plus with the SB Radios you will have the option to play something
different in each room. You may not need it now, but you might want it



1 Duet | 2 Booms | 1 Radio (beta)  | 1 Touch (beta) | 1 SB2 
HP MediaSmart EX470 | Squeezebox Server 7.4
Find me on 'Last.FM' ( | 'Twitter'

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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread rrweather

I turned on the Soundbridge and then moved my router around upstairs to
see the impact on my network. Moving the router to the office caused the
soundbridge to drop off occasionally. I ended up putting the router back
in the hallway. I then ran a Cat5 cable to the office and hooked it up
to the time capsule. So now when I get the mac mini and/or any other
media server, it will be connected via cat5 to the time capsule, which
is connected via cat5 to the linksys router. This should at least give
my media server good access to the network.

I think the SB Touch in our master bedroom SHOULD be able to use WiFi.
The SB is only going to be 20 feet or so from the router. The most
interference seems to occur between the upstairs and downstairs.
Anything upstairs should be good with WiFi alone.

I think I am going to order the Powerline adapter for the living room
first. This will be a good test to see how well it will work. Then
(assuming it works) I can try using WiFi in the bedroom with the
Powerline as a backup plan.

>From what I have read on the dual-band N routers, no one seems to have
had much success using N routers with G. Most have not seen an
improvement on the G side with dual-band. Without a real need for a
dual-band router, I don't want to risk buying one and having the G
performance decrease. The Linksys is working good enough for now so I
will stick with it.


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Re: [slim] PDA-controller SlimControl 0.95

2009-10-22 Thread Locuth

itm;476166 Wrote: 
> I'm trying out v0.95 on a Touch Pro2. When the app starts it kick-starts
> the wifi connection, which is great, but if the phone then goes into
> sleep mode (usually after about 20 seconds) Slimcontrol doesn't revive
> the wifi connection when I try to use it. 
> Is this normal behaviour? Is it always necessary to manually reconnect
> wifi after the phone has gone into sleep mode?

Go to the settings and check the 'keep alive' box.
In the lower part of the window, maybe it's called something else - I
don't recall right now.

This will prevent your device from going to sleep.

The behaviour is arguable but it's by design.
If your device is not configured to restart wifi when it wakes up -
SlimControl does not resume wifi while running. 
Only at startup.


Use your PDA/Phone as SqueezeBox remote --

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Re: [slim] Help! Trying to buy a SB Receiver in NZ

2009-10-22 Thread Grandell

Apteryx;475833 Wrote: 
> I bought my Duet locally via the company i work for in Auckland (product
> is a small part of our quite large business but does mean we utilise the
> local distributors) - I'll ask our product people if we can get the
> Receiver - quite probably not, but can't hurt asking.

thanks, that would be fantastic

looks like i'll have to check out ebay/amazon again though, and do a
bit of searching on here about alternative power supplies. it seems like
they've done wonders for some systems...

thanks for your help guys :)


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Re: [slim] PDA-controller SlimControl 0.95

2009-10-22 Thread itm

I have both the "Power Up" and "Keep Alive" boxes checked.
The TouchPro2 has no problem resuming wifi for other apps after wake-up
(e.g. Opera Mobile), but if I try to access SlimControl after resuming I
am unable to browse the library, and if I return to the "now playing"
screen none of the buttons respond (they just beep if I click them). I'm
also unable to close SlimControl or return to my HomePage, so the
machine basically needs to be soft-restarted


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Re: [slim] PDA-controller SlimControl 0.95

2009-10-22 Thread arztde

pippin;475665 Wrote: 
> You should.
> Mid term most people will migrate so there is little use in developing
> for old server versions.
> Get involved in the beta and you'll know about upcoming changes.
> There's little way around that.
> BTW, I missed the part about the CLI doc, too, until arztde posted it
> in your thread in the German forum :D

I know and understand sometimes more than i post in some forums :D

Ok For the next days its no hurry to update special with the duet i did
borrow Sebastian for long time borough:-)

But chance is good that we meet somehow the next days the first time in
our live, because for some short time we are only 40 km from each other
So i hope Sebastian did not update the Duet for now, as long i can not
be absolute shure about downgrade possibility.
Because the duet have no guaranty anymore like the SB3.
Maybee when we meet we do a change.


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Re: [slim] PDA-controller SlimControl 0.95

2009-10-22 Thread Locuth

itm;476197 Wrote: 
> I have both the "Power Up" and "Keep Alive" boxes checked.
> The TouchPro2 has no problem resuming wifi for other apps after wake-up
> (e.g. Opera Mobile), but if I try to access SlimControl after resuming I
> am unable to browse the library, and if I return to the "now playing"
> screen none of the buttons respond (they just beep if I click them). I'm
> also unable to close SlimControl or return to my HomePage, so the
> machine basically needs to be soft-restarted
> ???

Could you send me the logfile from a SControl session as you've
described above.

Please set the log-level to 3 (in the settings).
And than just do what you've described. Do give SControl some time
without responding before you kill it. So it can flush the logfile.

It might even still respond with a 5-10 seconds latency.
So maybe you can make a clean exit.


Use your PDA/Phone as SqueezeBox remote --

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Re: [slim] PDA-controller SlimControl 0.95

2009-10-22 Thread itm

OK I set the log level to 3, did the test, then needed to soft reset.
I'll try to send you the log file via PM.


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[slim] Wireless Headphones - Views/Recommendations ?

2009-10-22 Thread socistep

Hi All

Have recently been looking at some wireless headphones, am interested
in any views/recommendations from any SB users so please let me know..



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[slim] iPeng and 7.4.1 - Cover Art No Longer Appears

2009-10-22 Thread sflen

Upgraded to 7.4.1 and the cover art no longer appears about 90% of the
time. Just the eighth note graphic. Song title appears correctly. Flush
cache has no effect.

Cover art always appeared in 7.3.x and 7.4.0 on iPeng. I did a clean
install for all my Squeeze updates.

In the few times that the cover art does appear, using the 'next
button' to go to the next song and then pushing the 'back button', the
cover art is gone.

Any settings to change? Any advice?



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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread snarlydwarf

rrweather;476177 Wrote: 
> From what I have read on the dual-band N routers, no one seems to have
> had much success using N routers with G. Most have not seen an
> improvement on the G side with dual-band. Without a real need for a
> dual-band router, I don't want to risk buying one and having the G
> performance decrease. The Linksys is working good enough for now so I
> will stick with it.

The advantage to N isn't the dualbandness (which won't help your 2.4GHz
'g' devices anyway).  The advantage is MIMO, which increases range, even
if only one side of the transmit/receive pair is using it.


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Re: [slim] iPeng and 7.4.1 - Cover Art No Longer Appears

2009-10-22 Thread ghan

Did you try going into More...Settings...iPeng Settings and hit the big
red Flush Cache button?
Then go into one of the browse menu items (Albums or New Music) and
wait for the 'synchronizing cache' to complete.


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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread rrweather

snarlydwarf;476226 Wrote: 
> The advantage to N isn't the dualbandness (which won't help your 2.4GHz
> 'g' devices anyway).  The advantage is MIMO, which increases range, even
> if only one side of the transmit/receive pair is using it.

Thank you for the link. I quickly looked it over and saw enough to know
it is mostly over my head. I'm sure if I took the time to really try
understand it, I might comprehend a little more of it.

So, in plain language, does adding a dual band router improve the
speed, coverage, or data transfer capabilities for devices that use only

As I understood it, the N portion operates on the 5Ghz band, which
relies on shorter wave lengths to transfer more data quicker. The
drawback is that since the waves are shorter, they do not travel as far
as 2.4Ghz waves. So if you are operating in a close-in area (router and
device being relatively close) you could transfer data quicker than with
the G band (all other things being equal). The further away you get from
the router, the less efficient the short waves get and you lose the
advantage you had. To compound the problem, I've read about the limit on
how much energy the N routers are allowed to put out due to government

In my situation, since everything I own is G, is there something to
gain by purchasing and installing a dual band router? I am definitely
not an expert in this subject so I am open to suggestions. I just
thought the dual band router would only help me if I had N devices to
run on it.

Taking it one step further, if individuals that own dual band routers
see a decrease in their G coverage using the dual band router, wouldn't
this only compound the problem in my house?

Please correct me if I am wrong in my rational.


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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread sflen

In my very large house with all masonry walls (including internal
walls), the only way to get wireless everywhere was to use the Belkin
Powerline Adapters - I have 2 sets - 4 units. I wanted to use my laptop
everywhere AND have SqueezeBox music throughout the house.

I have 3 SqueezeBox Classics, 1 Transporter. and 3 Apple Airport
Extremes. The Belkins are connected to the Airport Extremes with an
ethernet cable. One room needed the SB to be directly connected to the
Belkin with an ethernet cable but the others are working wirelessly -
without a problem.

I highly recommend the Belkin product although I had to return 1 set
because of a defect. No problem as Amazon took care of it.

I couldn't be happier.


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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread snarlydwarf

rrweather;476238 Wrote: 
> So, in plain language, does adding a dual band router improve the
> speed, coverage, or data transfer capabilities for devices that use only
> G?

MIMO (not dualband) increases the effective range, which in turn
increases the speed in problematic situations.  If you live in the
country, away from noisy wifi/microwave/etc and have a router 10' from
wireless devices, it would do nothing... but if you're on a hairy edge,
it can make an iffy network feasible.

> In my situation, since everything I own is G, is there something to
> gain by purchasing and installing a dual band router? I am definitely
> not an expert in this subject so I am open to suggestions. I just
> thought the dual band router would only help me if I had N devices to
> run on it.

You're confusing the two things.

DualBand is "I can work at 2 and 5G ranges..."

MIMO is "I have more clever antennas and get better signal strength
from them".

Some testing with 802.11g products and MIMO antennas.

Even on G-only networks, MIMO improves the signal.


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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread rrweather

snarlydwarf;476246 Wrote: 
> MIMO (not dualband) increases the effective range, which in turn
> increases the speed in problematic situations.  If you live in the
> country, away from noisy wifi/microwave/etc and have a router 10' from
> wireless devices, it would do nothing... but if you're on a hairy edge,
> it can make an iffy network feasible.
> You're confusing the two things.
> DualBand is "I can work at 2 and 5G ranges..."
> MIMO is "I have more clever antennas and get better signal strength
> from them".
> Some testing with 802.11g products and MIMO antennas.
> Even on G-only networks, MIMO improves the signal.

Thank you for the additional information. I will have to take a look at
the link and do some more research! Thanks again.



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Re: [slim] Wireless Headphones - Views/Recommendations ?

2009-10-22 Thread MeSue

I have the Sennheiser RS-120s which I use with my PC many hours a day. I
like them fine. I'm no audiophile, but they sound good to me. I don't
get interference unless I am moving around the house--just sitting at my
computer with them on is fine.

My biggest problem with them is that they are loose on my head, so I
can't do any headbanging ;) and have to remember to grab them when I
sneeze or lean over. Apparently I have a smaller than average head.

Another minor annoyance is that they automatically turn off after 2
minutes of silence. If you still have them on your head when they turn
off, you get an ear-full of static noise.

They are very comfortable and don't make my ears sweat. I like the
cloth earpads over leather or plastic ones. Never had a problem with
battery life, though I keep them on the charging stand when they're not
in use. 

I do sometimes have to check charging status when I put them on the
stand. The headband cushions block the contacts if you don't get them on
there just right. I have made it a habit to make sure they make good
contact. This might just be an issue with my set.



1 Duet | 2 Booms | 1 Radio (beta)  | 1 Touch (beta) | 1 SB2 
HP MediaSmart EX470 | Squeezebox Server 7.4
Find me on 'Last.FM' ( | 'Twitter'

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Re: [slim] Upgrading my experience? Need suggestions

2009-10-22 Thread snarlydwarf

MeSue;476169 Wrote: 
> Plus with the SB Radios you will have the option to play something
> different in each room. You may not need it now, but you might want it
> later.

And when the weather is good, you can grab a radio and take it


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Re: [slim] iPeng and 7.4.1 - Cover Art No Longer Appears

2009-10-22 Thread fillmore

did you try a complete clear and rescan of the entire library?  i
upgraded ipeng, but never upgraded to any 7.4 version due to the horror
stories reported.  everything is working perfectly so i really dont want
to dick around with the set up until im satisfied its stable.


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Re: [slim] iPeng and 7.4.1 - Cover Art No Longer Appears

2009-10-22 Thread sflen

fillmore;476259 Wrote: 
> did you try a complete clear and rescan of the entire library?  i
> upgraded ipeng, but never upgraded to any 7.4 version due to the horror
> stories reported.  everything is working perfectly so i really dont want
> to dick around with the set up until im satisfied its stable.

Thank you for the reply. 

As part of the upgrade process, a full rescan is done automatically. I
just did another one to see if it would help, but it did not.

I have no problems with 7.4.1 except for the cover art and iPeng. My 4
Squeeze devices work fine.

Again, thanks.


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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread rrweather

sflen;476245 Wrote: 
> In my very large house with all masonry walls (including internal
> walls), the only way to get wireless everywhere was to use the Belkin
> Powerline Adapters - I have 2 sets - 4 units. I wanted to use my laptop
> everywhere AND have SqueezeBox music throughout the house.
> I have 3 SqueezeBox Classics, 1 Transporter. and 3 Apple Airport
> Extremes. The Belkins are connected to the Airport Extremes with an
> ethernet cable. One room needed the SB to be directly connected to the
> Belkin with an ethernet cable but the others are working wirelessly -
> without a problem.
> I highly recommend the Belkin product although I had to return 1 set
> because of a defect. No problem as Amazon took care of it.
> I couldn't be happier.

Thanks for the info. Just to be sure of your use the
powerline adapters to provide a "wired" connection for the Airport
Extremes. The Airport Extremes then provide a wireless signal for that
room in your house. Lastly, your SB (except for the one connected
directly to the powerline adapter) connect to the Airport Extremes via
wireless? Just want to make sure I understand your setup in case I try
something like this myself. Just curious, what kind of router do you
use? It would be good to know what router works well with the belkin
powerline adapters. Thanks again for the info.


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[slim] Any Solutions Yet for artwork Issues & 7.4.1?

2009-10-22 Thread timequest

I've been reading about this issue - where artwork is not properly
displayed or not displayed at all.  I am experiencing the same issue. 
It's really not that bad though, only a small portion of my "albums"
either don't display the artwork, or the wrong artwork (for a different
album) is displayed instead of the correct cover art.  Have there been
any solutions to this issue yet?


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[slim] Squeezebox V3 vs Yamaha Naturual Sound CDC-655

2009-10-22 Thread slinkeey


I have been very happy with my Yamaha Natural Sound CDC-655 but I
thought it was time to use my 2 year old Squeezebox v3 for real and file
my CDs away.  The player has been rock solid and has sonically been fine
in my opinion.  I am by no means an audiophile.  I am not bashing Yamaha

I don't know if this stuff is just in my head but

The Squeezebox seams to have a fuller fatter (not louder... That is
different) sound than my CD player.  I can hear more detail too.  He is
the deal..  I use EAC to rip my CDs on my Wife's Window's machine.  The
drive I am using to rip is a tsstcorp cd dvdw sh-s182d.  I didn't use
any normalizing or anything.  

Maybe the Squeezebox has a newer better DAC?  Actually I am using my
AVR's  DAC (Coax Cable) for the squeezebox so that is out of the
Does the Squeezebox leave the stream alone or is there some EQ done on
it?  I hope that it is left alone.



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Re: [slim] Any Solutions Yet for artwork Issues & 7.4.1?

2009-10-22 Thread JJZolx

7.4.1 was released about a day ago.  Artwork display problems have
plagued Squeezebox Server for years.

Maybe there will be a 7.4.2 release in another couple of weeks that
addresses some of the remaining large bugs caused by 7.4.



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[slim] itouch remote for SB Radio and SB Boom?

2009-10-22 Thread fredpb

Can the itouch work as a full remote with the Radio and the Boom?


Greenwood, SC
Squeezebox Radio
Grace IR-1000B Internet Radio
Fan of buggy electronics..

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Re: [slim] Setting Up Network

2009-10-22 Thread sflen

rrweather;476264 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the info. Just to be sure of your use the
> powerline adapters to provide a "wired" connection for the Airport
> Extremes. The Airport Extremes then provide a wireless signal for that
> room in your house. Lastly, your SB (except for the one connected
> directly to the powerline adapter) connect to the Airport Extremes via
> wireless? Just want to make sure I understand your setup in case I try
> something like this myself. Just curious, what kind of router do you
> use? It would be good to know what router works well with the belkin
> powerline adapters. Thanks again for the info.

The router - Netopia - came from my internet provider. I have DSL at an
'official' 1.5 Mbps. I never give it much thought - it just works.

You have my setup perfectly understood. My router is connected to my
Airport Extreme which then is connected via ethernet cable to Belkin#1.
This transmits to the other 3 Belkins in my house. I have an Airport
Extreme connected via ethernet cable to a Belkin in two other rooms and
my SB3 is connected with the cable in room 4. 

And yes, 2 of my SB3s and the Transporter are wireless. These three are
in sync and no problems (unless iPeng and Logitech fight each other - I
just use my computer to setup sync)

The Airports are setup as 'Active Roaming". Go to Apple website/Support
and enter TA25991 for a full description of how to configure the
Airports. If you need further information, Apple tech support will help
- the tech that helped me never heard of Active Roaming but called up
the article and translated it for me. 

So I have wireless in my house everywhere except the one corner in room
4 that has my equipment rack (it figures - perfect reception in that
room except there). 

The defective Belkin was easy to spot - it gave off a sound perfectly
imitating a dentist drill as head in a dentist's waiting room. Belkin
said it was a defective power supply.

One small note of caution - if you operate a vacuum cleaner on the same
circuit as you have a Belkin, it may cause interference and signal
dropout. Your Squeeze device is fine - just pull the plug on the

Hope this helps. 



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Re: [slim] Standalone phono stage?

2009-10-22 Thread slinkeey

I know this is not audiophile but.

I wanted to keep using my 32 year old turntable with my AVR.

My local electronic store (Chester Electronic Supply) had this.

It is actually not that bad.  Usually anything from pyramid is total
shit but I gave it it a shot.  I wanted it right away and it was on the


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox: Wifi and Health

2009-10-22 Thread Adam_F

1. To some extent yes, but probably only significant if they are playing
at the same time.
2. I think so, but ths is something that Logitech should be able to
confirm definitively. Note though that the amount of energy that a Wi-Fi
device generates is very low unless it is actively exchanging data.
3. Yes in my experience and yes.



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Re: [slim] itouch remote for SB Radio and SB Boom?

2009-10-22 Thread pippin

Yes. Have a look at iPeng: www.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] iPeng and 7.4.1 - Cover Art No Longer Appears

2009-10-22 Thread pippin

Have you checked whether you see artwork in the Squeezebox Server web
Is your artwork probably in bmp format? That's no longer supported -
actually it never really was but it did somewhat work in pre-7.4


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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