Re: [slim] What device(s) would you recommend for my parents' setup?

2009-11-04 Thread ModelCitizen

I'd avoid the Receiver. Although it does not have as many problems as
the Controller it is still nowhere near as reliable as the Classic
(SB3). So, if you are price (and time) sensitive definitely go for the
Classic. Otherwise I'd wait for the Touch (with it's lovely colour

You've made the correct choice with iPeng, avoiding the troublesome
Duet, so don't screw up your track record by getting a Receiver!  :-)



Think the third party Squeeze plugins and applets are important?
Then 'vote for bug 14194'
( so more can be

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Re: [slim] PDA controller solution

2009-11-04 Thread spumanti

Hi Sebastian.

Sorry, have been out of touch for some time now. I have been moving,
and everything here is still a big mess. So I have not had any time to
look at the manual.

In the meantime i see that lots of new things have happened, It is a
very sexy upgrade for your software there :)

Everything seems to be running very smooth.

In the short time i have been testing it, I only found 2 minor things
(really only cosmetic at this point);

- in settings  Music server settings:
The green square with a V in it is halfway out of the window frame. Its
still possible to use, though.

- main player window:
When playing all songs from one artist, the first piece of album-art is
always shown, even if playing a song from another album by the same
It would be nice if the correct piece of album art was lifted to the
front, or if the album art slided out, to show the currently playing
album art.

Very nice with the feature to synchronize players (music / volume).

This software just keeps getting better :)

Oh, and a little requst:
Would it be possible to integrate an option to create a MusicIP mix
from a song / artist / album, when browsing the music collection? -that
would be an awesome addition.



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[slim] SB1 or SB2 - how to tell apart?

2009-11-04 Thread hoiho

I'm currently trying to obtain an SB2, for my bedroom, as I don't have
space on the shelf for a Classic/SB3. Ebay is a good source of SB kit,
but I'm finding a number of SB1s there are mis-described as SB2. I'm
sure it's an honest mistake, as the units are so similar, especially the
later matrix SB1s, unless you know what you're looking for.

Is there a quick and easy way to tell SB1 from SB2 without connecting
them to the net? Serial number, labelling, or something, anything? I
only have SB1 and SB3 here (as well the the old SlimP3), so I can't
check this. And yes, I know you can use the Info menu, but most of the
ones for sale have been disconnected, so an easy just look at this
would be very useful.


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Re: [slim] SB1 or SB2 - how to tell apart?

2009-11-04 Thread funkstar

hoiho;481526 Wrote: 
 Is there a quick and easy way to tell SB1 from SB2 without connecting
 them to the net?
The label on the bottom of the SB1 says Squeezebox the label on the
bottom of the SB2 says Squeezebox 2. Simples :)


my collection:
*1*x squeezebox radio
*1*x squeezebox touch
*1*x squeezebox boom
*2*x controller, *1*x receiver
*2*x sb3 (sliver/black), *1*x sb2 wired (silver)
*1*x sb (black), *1*x slimp3 (with rear shield)

interested in any others if you have them!

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Re: [slim] Rhapsody and Napster web remote frustration...

2009-11-04 Thread spyhunter

Good tip, but I'm overseas, and so I don't think they work here... 
Lucky that the music even plays through the squeezebox overseas...



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Re: [slim] A Radio is supposed to play music, not silence...

2009-11-04 Thread spyhunter

Thanks for trying to help, but this doesn't appear to work since it was
already set to repeat the playlist, and I already had several stations
in my list, so if this were true it would have been playing the other
stations when it came back, and it has never changed stations like that,
it just comes to a full stop.



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Re: [slim] SB1 or SB2 - how to tell apart?

2009-11-04 Thread hoiho

funkstar;481532 Wrote: 
 The label on the bottom of the SB1 says Squeezebox the label on the
 bottom of the SB2 says Squeezebox 2. Simples :)

Thanks! That's excellent - I hoped it might be as easy as that, but
presumed it wasn't, as so many people on Ebay get it wrong! I expected
some confusion, as my Logitech SB3 simply says Squeezebox, although
the SlimDevices ones do say v3 (in small type) as well...


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Re: [slim] A Radio is supposed to play music, not silence...

2009-11-04 Thread bpa

Satellite links have long transmission times - 0.5 secs and radio has
small buffer which would affect it packet window size. Which means it
could take 1 sec between radio requesting a packet to top up the
internal buffer and it actually arriving at the radio. This sort of
delay can be tolerated with file transfer or web browsing but not for
real time stream of audio. 

PC have larger memories and can be more flexible. I think radio has
been setup for terrestrial links which may be compromising the
performance with a satellite link. 

With these compromises and your estimate that the link speed at best
100kbits/sec - I'd be surprised if you could play any radio which has
greater that 32kbps.


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Re: [slim] What device(s) would you recommend for my parents' setup?

2009-11-04 Thread ajkidle

I understand why the Controller gets a bad rap, but why the Receiver
does too is beyond me.  I've been running 2 of them for over a year
without issue.  One wired, the other wireless.  Only problems I've had
have been related to weak WiFi signal, surely more a function of my
junky router and placement, not the fault of the Receiver.

If your setup would benefit from a display, absolutely go for the
mature design of the Classic.  Do you really want to put the new Touch
at your parents' place?  Hopefully it will be bug free, but it's new so
who knows how stable it will be (at least initially.)  If you don't care
about the display, the Receiver is a solid choice.


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Re: [slim] PDA controller solution

2009-11-04 Thread Locuth

Hey spumanti

Yes, it's been some time. I hope all is going well for you and your
Thanks for the notes. I'll look into that.

- in settings  Music server settings 
The green 'square' at the top-right:
Do you have a scrollbar overlapping it ? 

- main player window:
you mean, the coverflow does not scroll to the currently playing

I don't recall your screen size,
maybe you can add it to you previous post.



Use your PDA/Phone as SqueezeBox remote --

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Re: [slim] I've just got it. I have the best music system in the world.

2009-11-04 Thread toby10

Ikabob;481198 Wrote: 
 Yes, I did create an account with Is there a difference between
 the free acount and the subscriber account? ..

The only difference is content.  Both types of accounts work
fine on both SBS and MySB.


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Re: [slim] PDA controller solution

2009-11-04 Thread spumanti

Oh, yes... 
My device is a HTC diamond, resolution 480 x 640

I attached some manual screenshots as i cant seem to get my phone to
make proper screenshots!

I have just tested the album art again.

When i add all albums from one artist to a playlist, and start playing,
then when a song from the next album is played, it still shows album art
from the first album, and it will keep showing that.
I can of course scroll in the album art to see the right cover, but it
would be nice if it did that automatically.
The same goes, if it's a playlist with random artists. It will show the
album art from the first known album by that artist, even if the song
playing is from a different album by that artist.
It does change the album art, when changing artist.
(hope my explaining makes sense :) )

|Filename: Music server settings.jpg|


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Re: [slim] PDA controller solution

2009-11-04 Thread Locuth

Your explanations make total sense :-)

I found the cause of the cover-problem and fixed it.
I also fixed the green checkbox 

I will maintain a list of reported bugs and their status here:

I will probably also put a set of reference screenshots on the page.
So new users know what SControl is supposed to like like and if buttons
are missing on their device.

Window Mopbile is damn diverse!


Use your PDA/Phone as SqueezeBox remote --

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Re: [slim] SB1 or SB2 - how to tell apart?

2009-11-04 Thread funkstar

I guess it's easy to get the SB1, SB1G and SB2 mixed up if you don't
know what you are speaking about or are trying to get a bit more
money for your player than you deserve ;)


my collection:
*1*x squeezebox radio
*1*x squeezebox touch
*1*x squeezebox boom
*2*x controller, *1*x receiver
*2*x sb3 (sliver/black), *1*x sb2 wired (silver)
*1*x sb (black), *1*x slimp3 (with rear shield)

interested in any others if you have them!

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Re: [slim] SB1 or SB2 - how to tell apart?

2009-11-04 Thread hoiho

funkstar;481561 Wrote: 
 I guess it's easy to get the SB1, SB1G and SB2 mixed up if you don't
 know what you are speaking about or are trying to get a bit more
 money for your player than you deserve ;)

I think all the errors, so far, have been genuine - the vendors have
reacted with good grace, and updated, or pulled, the incorrect listings
when I've contacted them and queried if it's really an SB2, and they've
discovered the reality of the situation.

One day, I will find a genuine SB2, than I'll have the complete set
from SlimP3 to Classic! Although not yet in both black and silver...


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Re: [slim] Custom wallpaper for the SBC

2009-11-04 Thread Fertilizer

I just made these

|Filename: Concert Green 240 x 320.jpg  |


Qnap TS-439 Turbo, 4 x 1TB, Raid5
Squeezebox Duet, Boom  Radio ltd

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Re: [slim] SB1 or SB2 - how to tell apart?

2009-11-04 Thread funkstar

It's the transporter that is going to cause the most problems for
completing my collection :)


my collection:
*1*x squeezebox radio
*1*x squeezebox touch
*1*x squeezebox boom
*2*x controller, *1*x receiver
*2*x sb3 (sliver/black), *1*x sb2 wired (silver)
*1*x sb (black), *1*x slimp3 (with rear shield)

interested in any others if you have them!

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[slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread urbanshepherd

Ok, so not the best title, however I'm stuck with an issue which I'm
unable to solve and wondered if anyone had any ideas.

I currently run a SB3 with the Audioengine A5 active speakers which I'm
very happy with.  However, I now also have a PS3 which is connected to
the TV, and the TV speakers, which I'm not so happy with.

So, can anyone think of anyway that I can get the LR Audio from the PS3
into the squeezebox and then to the Audioengine's?

Happy to upgrade to something like a SB Touch if this would help,
though can't find any specs on inputs.  Also connecting the PS3 directly
to the audioengines leaves me without any ability to control volume.

I'm probably asking too much, but if you don't ask...?


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Re: [slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread funkstar

urbanshepherd;481578 Wrote: 
 Happy to upgrade to something like a SB Touch if this would help, though
 can't find any specs on inputs.  Also connecting the PS3 directly to the
 audioengines leaves me without any ability to control volume.
As it stands, the only players that have an input are the Boom and
Radio, because they have their own amps and speakers, so it kind of
makes sense.

The Touch is an interesting one though. By default it has no audio
inputs, however, using the USB port, you could attach a USB sound card
and providing someone made the drivers available and wrote the code to
interface it with the rest of the SqueezeOS, there is no reason why you
couldn't make it either just play back the input or even stream it to
another player. This has been discussed in the past.

It isn't even a future feature at the moment, just a this is
-possible-. Someone will need to do the development work on it though.

A better way of looking at this problem in the mean time would be to
see how you can get the A5s to accept two inputs.


my collection:
*1*x squeezebox radio
*1*x squeezebox touch
*1*x squeezebox boom
*2*x controller, *1*x receiver
*2*x sb3 (sliver/black), *1*x sb2 wired (silver)
*1*x sb (black), *1*x slimp3 (with rear shield)

interested in any others if you have them!

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Re: [slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread urbanshepherd

funkstar;481580 Wrote: 
 As it stands, the only players that have an input are the Boom and
 Radio, because they have their own amps and speakers, so it kind of
 makes sense.
 The Touch is an interesting one though. By default it has no audio
 inputs, however, using the USB port, you could attach a USB sound card
 and providing someone made the drivers available and wrote the code to
 interface it with the rest of the SqueezeOS, there is no reason why you
 couldn't make it either just play back the input or even stream it to
 another player. This has been discussed in the past.
 It isn't even a future feature at the moment, just a this is
 -possible-. Someone will need to do the development work on it though.
 A better way of looking at this problem in the mean time would be to
 see how you can get the A5s to accept two inputs.

Thanks Funkstar.  Had forgotten about the potential uses for USB.  

Maybe two radio's for their stereo seperation could be the solution!

I can get two feeds into the A5's without problem, though I lose the
ability to remotely control volume as the SB does this.


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Re: [slim] as connection point

2009-11-04 Thread bernt

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Do you want it?

- Yes
- No

Another idea.

I guess it's possible to install Neorouter on SB Touch?

If it's possible all I wish for then is a Boom Touch.


'LastFM' (
SB3, SB BOOM - SC 7.3.4 - Ubuntu Server 9.04
iPod Touch\iPeng

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[slim] High Resolution FLAC Broken in 7.4.1?

2009-11-04 Thread circlotron

Since upgrading to 7.4.1 Squeezebox Server (on ReadyNAS) I'm unable to
play high resolution FLAC files. I have 88.2/24 and 96/24 FLAC files and
a Squeezebox 3. The error I'm getting is: Unsupported Sample Rate

The 88.2/24 file is new so I can't say if it ever would have worked.
Nine Inch Nails The Slip is 96/24 and used to play on 7.3.3 though.

Is it possible that I'm missing a plugin or could this be a 7.4.1 bug?


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v1.5 (ACC)

2009-11-04 Thread Roger66



what a nice piece of software, thankl you !

I installed it yesterday and after some fiddling around while it wasn't
working I found out, that it needs an (additional) mySQL OBD driver. Now
it works good.

But I have two feature requests for future versions:

- please make the font size for the big report (Album covers
including tracks catalog) configurable or at least a little bigger. I'm
ending with an extremely small font for the track names after the album
art, so they're no more readable. Zooming in the htm page doesn't help
here, because it seems to be a bitmap font and so I can only see bigger
pixels. The font size of quick reference calalog is perfect.

- it is possible to add info about the file type (especially MP3 or
FLAC) and the bit rate of MP3s to the report ?



SB classic
SB Boom
Win XP Pro SP3
Thinkpad X60s

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Re: [slim] DSBridge - A simpler way to stream Spotify

2009-11-04 Thread nicoleif

Is it possible to install the DSBridge solution on a NAS, which has SCB


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Re: [slim] Rebuffering is ruining the Squeezebox experience

2009-11-04 Thread Andy Cudlip

my buffering problems started after I upgraded to 7.3.3 from 7.3.2. My
library is mostly iTunes AAC format and they played fine (via a
custom-convert) in 7.3.2 from my Linkstation Live (to a squeezebox
classic, wireless strength around 70%). Only thing to have changed is
the upgrade to 7.3.3.

I'm partway converting them all to mp3, but may pause that and monitor
this thread and the associated bug for a possible fix.

Andy Cudlip

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Re: [slim] DSBridge - A simpler way to stream Spotify

2009-11-04 Thread Ramage

nicoleif;481615 Wrote: 
 Is it possible to install the DSBridge solution on a NAS, which has SCB

DSBridge is Windows only


P2 266MHz, ubuntu server 9.10 SBS 7.4.2 r29092
AMD64x2 ubuntu 9.10, SBS 7.4.2 r29092
Dell 10v WinXP SBS 7.4.2-29092
Players: Classic, Duet, Boom

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Re: [slim] High Resolution FLAC Broken in 7.4.1?

2009-11-04 Thread dennis55

circlotron,Squeezebox 3 can only downsample 88/96 khz files to 16 bit
@48khz...therefore your message from 7.4.1. is correct.

circlotron;481599 Wrote: 
 Since upgrading to 7.4.1 Squeezebox Server (on ReadyNAS) I'm unable to
 play high resolution FLAC files. I have 88.2/24 and 96/24 FLAC files and
 a Squeezebox 3. The error I'm getting is: Unsupported Sample Rate
 The 88.2/24 file is new so I can't say if it ever would have worked.
 Nine Inch Nails The Slip is 96/24 and used to play on 7.3.3 though.
 Is it possible that I'm missing a plugin or could this be a 7.4.1 bug?


Slim Devices/Logitech Transporter
Bonnec Audiosysteme Timpano
Linn Products Akurate C4200
Totem Acoustics Forest
SqueezeBox Radio 
Duet Controller

Linn LP12/Cirkus/Ekos2/Dynavector DV17D2/Linn Linto/Linn Lingo1

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Re: [slim] High Resolution FLAC Broken in 7.4.1?

2009-11-04 Thread Peter314

dennis55;481666 Wrote: 
 circlotron,Squeezebox 3 can only downsample 88/96 khz files to 16 bit
 @48khz...therefore your message from 7.4.1. is correct.

The downsampling should be handled by SOX on the server side. My SB3's
are playing 24/96 and 24/88.2 files fine under 7.4.2 (and also played
them fine under 7.4.1, at least 24/96 - not sure I played any 88.2's).

PS: SB3 will handle up to 24/48 natively, and that is what SOX should
be downsampling 24/96 tracks to.


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Re: [slim] High Resolution FLAC Broken in 7.4.1?

2009-11-04 Thread Peter314

circlotron;481599 Wrote: 
 Since upgrading to 7.4.1 Squeezebox Server (on ReadyNAS) I'm unable to
 play high resolution FLAC files. I have 88.2/24 and 96/24 FLAC files and
 a Squeezebox 3. The error I'm getting is: Unsupported Sample Rate
 The 88.2/24 file is new so I can't say if it ever would have worked.
 Nine Inch Nails The Slip is 96/24 and used to play on 7.3.3 though.
 Is it possible that I'm missing a plugin or could this be a 7.4.1 bug?

It sounds as if SOX is broken. If you look at processes running during
attempted play of a high res. file, is sox.exe listed?


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Re: [slim] Improved Squeezebox config availible for Harmony users.

2009-11-04 Thread rbz5416

It would be extremely useful (for me at least) to have discrete codes to
switch to  SqueezeboxServer. With these the Harmony
could be configured to switch the SB to MySqueezebox before powering
down (which would allow Windows servers to sleep)  reconnect to
SqueezeboxServer on powerup.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v1.5 (ACC)

2009-11-04 Thread SilverRS8

Roger66;481610 Wrote: 
 what a nice piece of software, thankl you !
 I installed it yesterday and after some fiddling around while it wasn't
 working I found out, that it needs an (additional) mySQL OBD driver. Now
 it works good.
 But I have two feature requests for future versions:
 - please make the font size for the big report (Album covers
 including tracks catalog) configurable or at least a little bigger. I'm
 ending with an extremely small font for the track names after the album
 art, so they're no more readable. Zooming in the htm page doesn't help
 here, because it seems to be a bitmap font and so I can only see bigger
 pixels. The font size of quick reference calalog is perfect.
 - is it possible to add info about the file type (especially MP3 or
 FLAC) and the bit rate of MP3s to the report ?

I already made a version with larger fonts to test for some users and
will implement it as an option in the next version. You can then choose
between the small and a normal size font. I can make it configurable by
let the user enter the font size but a large font will result in the
page pagination going wrong as more lines tend to break because the line
will not fit into the space anymore. But I think you will already be
happy with the normal size font. Originally the catalog was meant for
print and the small font is more readable then but I can imagine that
some also would like i.e. a PDF version and the tracks font tend to be
too small. By the way; the font is a normal true type font, not a

The feature to indicate what codec is used was already requested by
another user and it has been added to my todo list for the next version.
I think there are two options to implement; 
1. indicate in the album header
2. indicate for each track
I will implement option 1 as option two seems to be over the top
because all tracks most likely will be made with the same codec.



Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' ( for
SqueezeCenter '_' ( SlimServer.
2xSB3, 1xDuet, 1xiPhone iPeng, Ubuntu NAS + SC, Denon PMA-1500AE +
DacMagic + Monitor Audio Silver RS8 = :-)

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Re: [slim] Rebuffering is ruining the Squeezebox experience

2009-11-04 Thread Pascal Hibon

My rebuffering experience also started with 7.3.3. It went away when
downgrading to 7.2.1 again. But on the support guys request I went back
to 7.3.3 to capture log files. Since I enabled performance logging I
never experienced a rebuffering no more. 
I went onto 7.4.1 and now on 7.4.2 and still no rebuffering. I must say
that 7.4.1 and .2 are amazingly a lot better in performance in general
too. If you haven’t upgraded yet, this is something to consider. I
installed the latest 7.4.2 to resolve a “plop sound issue at the end of
a song” on my wav files. Works fine so far. 
One thing to remember if you upgrade from 7.3 to 7.4 is to perform a
complete rescan of your music library.

Pascal Hibon

2 x SB3 - both wireless, ReadyNAS NV+ running SBS,
iPeng on iPod Touch.

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Re: [slim] High Resolution FLAC Broken in 7.4.1?

2009-11-04 Thread circlotron

I think I just found the answer.

awy;409429 Wrote: 
 This issue was considered as part of the downsampling changes
 (enhancements) in SC7.3. The decision was that the existing ability of
 an SB3 to drop every other sample when trying to play 88.4/96k samples/s
 was in fact a bug and not a feature. The resolution of the bug was to
 change SC so that it would no longer try to send such streams to the
 This has the side-effect that users of especially low-powered servers,
 such as the ReadyNAS Duo, are no longer able to play tracks with a
 sample rate higher that that supported by the player. Solutions in this
 case are: (a) resample the tracks in batch mode and store the results in
 SC, (b) get a more powerful server, (c) revert to SC7.2.1.


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Re: [slim] Net::UDAP - SqueezeBox Receiver configuration tool

2009-11-04 Thread enroberts

Hello, I too am having the same issues the above poster has been having
in regards to getting the SBR to connect to pandora/slacker/sirius
radio.  I did activate the account using the link provided in the email,
but still get the OOPS! message on that was discussed earlier
here.  without getting the reciever to register with, pandora,
slacker, or any other apps installed via will no appear in
the server software, nor will the user be able to even connect the rcvr
to  This is only true for new users, not users who were able
to register their accounts when was still available. 
Ultimatly, Logitech needs to create a button on the squeezebox server
software control panel that says connect SBR to  The only
current way to do it is using a Duet remote, and even then, you must
decide whether you want to listen to your PC music or connect to and listen to Pandora, slacker, or other Apps you might have
installed.  Logitech messed up on this one!  I have well over 100
customers right now with squeezeboxe rcvrs in their houses and would
continue to sell hundreds more, but without this problem being solved, I
CANT!   Any one have some ideas?  Thanks much! -Neal


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Re: [slim] PDA controller solution

2009-11-04 Thread Muele

I have tested the 1.0b a bit and it looks really good.
Album art is a bit slow, but that may be caused by a slow phone and/or
server. HTC TYTN (1)/WinxpSp3 on a 800mhz.

One thing that bugs me a little os the rightswipe. To me a left-swipe
would feel much more natural. By the way I use it lefthanded. Other than
that it works really well. Good work over all. I hope you will succeed
in setting up some sort of business around this fine product. 

BR Mogens


BR Mogens

2 Controllers, 2 Receivers, 1 Squeezeplay. Running off old 800 mhz IBM
T21 Thinkpad.

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Re: [slim] Octoshape p2p HQ radio streaming

2009-11-04 Thread firestorm

I'm listening to RTHK using Octoshape as I'm typing, its very
impressive, seems more reliable than than the lo-fi stream.

Would love to hear this in Slimcentre.



hear what I'm listening to,

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Re: [slim] PDA controller solution

2009-11-04 Thread NikolajC

Excellent update Sebastian. Will be testing some more for the next few
weeks. Congrats on a great program.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v1.5 (ACC)

2009-11-04 Thread Roger66

SilverRS8;481692 Wrote: 
 1. indicate in the album header
 2. indicate for each track
 I will implement option 1 as option two seems to be over the top
 because all tracks most likely will be made with the same codec.

Thank you for feedback, Frank.

Yes, I think option 1 would be absolutely sufficient :).

Please find attached a screenshot to see the very small fonts on
Firefox 3.5.4 with screen resolution 1024x768 as used on my notebook.




SB classic
SB Boom
Win XP Pro SP3
Thinkpad X60s

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Re: [slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread qirex

urbanshepherd;481584 Wrote: 
 I can get two feeds into the A5's without problem, though I lose the
 ability to remotely control volume as the SB does this.

You should be able to control if the RCA outputs of the TV are fixed or
variable and then you could use the TV remote to control that volume.


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Re: [slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread grum

I've got a very similar setup.

Option one, cheap and nastyfeed headphone output of TV into 2nd
input on A5's. Allows remote control of volume using TV remote. I used
to do this to get good sound for watching movies etc, until:

Option two, give in and realise you need another piece of kit. At least
a remote controlled preamp, ideally a DAC+preamp combined, which should
have the additional benefit of making the SB3 sound better.

I found a 2nd hand Cyrus AV-8 which is probably more than you need but
does the job nicely. In the meantime I had acquired a few other toys
which it integrates (sub, media streamer, PVR). Of course by now you
also need a universal remote...



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[slim] sleep mode in web interface

2009-11-04 Thread gian

Hello All,

is there a way to control the sleep mode from the web interface?

I do not use the remote control, I use a netbook to control my



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Re: [slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread bpa

With the current Touch firmware - I have plugged in a cheap USB
speaker/mic adaptor and all the drivers are present.  I have SSH into
Touch and tested the interface and could play audio and record input
to/from the adaptor using standard ALSA apps arecord/aplay.

With Touch running TinySC I SSHed into Touch and tested a quick attempt
at WaveInput with audio source the adaptors input. I got strange
SBS/SQLite problems so the test didn't work but I think it could work as
I didn't see that any of the transcoding code had been removed.

It is also possible these driver may disappear in the final release.


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[slim] Exporting settings for new squeezebox server install?

2009-11-04 Thread pudding


Im currently running Ubuntu, and am getting a new PC with Windows 7
tomorrow. Is there a way I can export all my settings and then import
them after I install SBserver 7.4 in windows 7, rather than having to
install all plugins and set them all up again? 

I did come across Settingsmanager plugin, but it doesnt seem to work
correctly in 7.4, and when I try and export settings nothing seems to



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Re: [slim] PDA controller solution

2009-11-04 Thread Locuth

Muele;481740 Wrote: 
 I have tested the 1.0b a bit and it looks really good.
 Album art is a bit slow, but that may be caused by a slow phone and/or
 server. HTC TYTN 

You mean the album art in now-playing screen?

SlimControl caches covers on-the-fly. So the first time the album
scrolls into view, it's beeing loaded from the server. The next time you
run SControl it will load images from the device.
The same in the browser or the current playlist

 One thing that bugs me a little os the rightswipe. To me a left-swipe
 would feel much more natural. By the way I use it lefthanded. 

I understand what you mean. I suppose I was thinking of it as flipping
pages in a book. So right flipping is going back. But I'd gladly make an
opinion poll and follow the majority.

 Other than that it works really well. Good work over all. I hope you
 will succeed in setting up some sort of business around this fine

Thank you.


Use your PDA/Phone as SqueezeBox remote --

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Re: [slim] PDA controller solution

2009-11-04 Thread Locuth

NikolajC;481752 Wrote: 
 Excellent update Sebastian. Will be testing some more for the next few
 weeks. Congrats on a great program.



Use your PDA/Phone as SqueezeBox remote --

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Re: [slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread funkstar

bpa;481773 Wrote: 
 With the current Touch firmware - I have plugged in a cheap USB
 speaker/mic adaptor and all the drivers are present.  I have SSH into
 Touch and tested the interface and could play audio and record input
 to/from the adaptor using standard ALSA apps arecord/aplay.
In that case it sounds like it's just an applet to tie it all together
that's needed :)


my collection:
*1*x squeezebox radio
*1*x squeezebox touch
*1*x squeezebox boom
*2*x controller, *1*x receiver
*2*x sb3 (sliver/black), *1*x sb2 wired (silver)
*1*x sb (black), *1*x slimp3 (with rear shield)

interested in any others if you have them!

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Re: [slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread bpa

The plugin I used already works with the same adaptor on a Ubuntu system
- I reckon it will work on Touch as soon as some more TinySC issues are


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[slim] Slimp3 plays at half speed?

2009-11-04 Thread silentrunning

Hello all,

I recently acquired a slimp3 unit (one of the early, caseless ones with
the Sony remote) - it powers up, grabs a DCHP address  connects to a
server without any issues, but seems to play everything (mp3 files 
radio streams) at the wrong speed - akin to playing a 78 rpm record at
33 1/3 rpm (for those that remember vinyl  78's). Other functions like
clock display  keeping time are OK - it's only audio playback that
seems to be affected.

I've searched this forum  the web to see if this issue has been been
noted before, but failed to find anything - does anyone here have any
ideas what might be wrong?

So far, I've tried a 6.2 server  the current 7.4.1 server with the
same results. 

Thanks in advance for any insight folks may have!


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Re: [slim] Exporting settings for new squeezebox server install?

2009-11-04 Thread pski

pudding;481781 Wrote: 
 Im currently running Ubuntu, and am getting a new PC with Windows 7
 tomorrow. Is there a way I can export all my settings and then import
 them after I install SBserver 7.4 in windows 7, rather than having to
 install all plugins and set them all up again? 
 I did come across Settingsmanager plugin, but it doesnt seem to work
 correctly in 7.4, and when I try and export settings nothing seems to

Might want to have a look at the vortexbox upgrade installations and
adapt the file/path to the differences between your current file and the
newer version.

Based-on my experience with the linux to linux update, only two files
are involved.

As above, please check the instructions for vortexbox for the names of
the .conf files.




real stereo (can almost weld)

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Re: [slim] sleep mode in web interface

2009-11-04 Thread pski

gian;481771 Wrote: 
 Hello All,
 is there a way to control the sleep mode from the web interface?
 I do not use the remote control, I use a netbook to control my

Hi Gian.

I'm not sure what you are running. Is it winders or something else?

It would help a lot if you could use the webUI to go to settings and
then to information

From there, copy the results and PASTE it to your next message.

Then you might want to explain what you mean by control the sleep
mode and why you are having problems.

Ready to help.



real stereo (can almost weld)

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Re: [slim] Simple question? How to download and album and listen to it right away?

2009-11-04 Thread pski

mmonacel;481008 Wrote: 
 Wow - right in front of my face. I never stray from Artist / Album
 browsing so that was probably my issue.   Thank you!

If you have a large library, using music library might be slow.

Check also Settings/Advanced/Rescan library

To allow daily rescan.


There was rumored to be an automatic function in the current 7.4
release, but so far I have no idea if it's there.


real stereo (can almost weld)

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Re: [slim] sleep mode in web interface

2009-11-04 Thread usch

gian;481771 Wrote: 
 is there a way to control the sleep mode from the web interface?

I don't think so. But you could download the SqueezePlay desktop
application from and
set it to control your player.


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Re: [slim] Simple question? How to download and album and listen to it right away?

2009-11-04 Thread usch

pski;481819 Wrote: 
 There was rumored to be an automatic function in the current 7.4
 release, but so far I have no idea if it's there.

There is an 'AutoRescan plugin'
(, but it seems somewhat tricky
to use.

My main concern besides that is that I normally make several changes in
a row (edit tags, add cover art, move and rename files), and I would not
want to trigger an unnecessary rescan for every intermediary step. That
is why I haven't tried it so far.


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Re: [slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread cooppw02

If the Touch could be extended in such a manner, would the audio still
sync with the video on the TV?

As for the OP, if he doesn't have variable audio outputs on the TV, he
probably needs a preamp.

I'm also dealing with a similar setup, and I've been looking high and
low for a budget preamp with a remote.  It's almost bizarre that such
devices are few and far between.  About the only active preamps with a
remote that I can find for less than $500 are Emotiva's USP-1 ($400) and
Firestone Audio's MASS preamp ($220).


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Re: [slim] Simple question? How to download and album and listen to it right away?

2009-11-04 Thread pski

mmonacel;481001 Wrote: 
 This is probably a VERY easy question, however for the life of me, I
 can't figure out how to quickly, simply, and easily get new music that I
 downloaded onto my Squeezebox and listen to it in a timely manner. 
 Downloading the music is no problem - and neither is moving it to my
 ReadyNAS.  The issue comes when I need to add it to the SB's indexed
 list of music.  The only options I can see to either basically do a full
 scan or a scan for new or changed music.  Unfortunately scanning for new
 or changed music takes a long time (~10 minutes).  That's completely
 unnecessary IMO.  I'm all excited to listen to some new music and then I
 need to wait seemingly forever to actually listen to it through my SB. 
 Is there anyway to point to a single directory and say add this folder
 or scan this folder for new music so I can get right down to digging
 my new tunes?
 I have about 360 GB of music in about 2300 total folders.  
 ReadyNAS Duo
 RAIDiator 4.1.5

Buh? Ever wondered why you need to brag? 

Downloading the music is no problem - and neither is moving it to my
ReadyNAS.  The issue comes when I need to add it to the SB's indexed
list of music.

I'm sorry you don't understand this.

The only options I can see to either basically do a full scan or a
scan for new or changed music.  Unfortunately scanning for new or
changed music takes a long time (~10 minutes)

So sorry that waiting for 10 minutes results in such an impatient


real stereo (can almost weld)

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Re: [slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread pablolie

you can also simply use a y cable (2 female mini into a male mini rca)
to feed into the A5s and such use an input by 2 separate devices. i have
done that without any issues. or buy a small passive preamp (which is
what i do now), i own a little Creek.


Server: Shuttle X27D - Ubuntu 9.04 - SBS 7.4.1
Sources: SB3 (3), SB Boom (3), Duet, Accuphase DP65v CD
Amplifier: Accuphase E306v - Creek OBH21/22
Loudspeakers: Ceeroy 3-way tower (tuned) - Audioengine 5/S8 - Acoustic
Energy Aego M
Headphones: Grado SR-1

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Re: [slim] sleep mode in web interface

2009-11-04 Thread Goodsounds

gian;481771 Wrote: 
 is there a way to control the sleep mode from the web interface?

Take a look at the fishbone skin for the web interface. The sleep timer
can be set at the top right portion of the screen.

At least that's the case with 7.3.3. I don't know if it's there with
more recent versions.


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Re: [slim] 7.4.(x) random mix excluding Genres doesn't work

2009-11-04 Thread GeeJay

I think Erland keeps copies of all his prior releases on his repository.
Even if you stay with 7.3.3 a while longer, you ought to give his
plugins a shot.  I bet once you start using them you'll be sold.


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Re: [slim] Occasional syncing issue

2009-11-04 Thread GeeJay

You say that your setup is straightforward, but one thing I didn't see
mentioned is the connection to your server.  Is it hardwired to the
router, or is that another wireless hop?  The one thing I did that I
think made the most difference was moving my PC to a place I could make
a direct ethernet connection to my router.


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[slim] what happened to my wireless network?

2009-11-04 Thread jmsun

The wireless network has been pretty reliable for my Transporter in the
last couple of years. Recently I had problem connecting to it (the
ethernet works fine). When I try to connect, it either cannot find the
network or have trouble connecting to it. I suspect it may have to do
with the the firmware update. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [slim] SB + Audioengine + anyway to get a line in....

2009-11-04 Thread lrossouw

Though very cool in a geeky way the wavinput into touch and straight out
again to speakers that are right there is a bit of a overkill in my eyes


'' (

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Re: [slim] Exporting settings for new squeezebox server install?

2009-11-04 Thread peterw

pudding;481781 Wrote: 
 I did come across Settingsmanager plugin, but it doesnt seem to work
 correctly in 7.4, and when I try and export settings nothing seems to

SettingsManager only deals with per-player prefs; you would want to
transfer your global prefs, too. It's likely you could copy your entire
SBS prefs folder and edit the filesystem paths in all the .prefs files.

Free plugins:  'AllQuiet'
( 'Auto Dim/AutoDisplay'
( 'BlankSaver'
( 'ContextMenu'
( 'FuzzyTime'
'KidsPlay' (
'KitchenTimer' (
'PlayLog' (
( 'SaverSwitcher'
( 'SleepFade'
( 'StatusFirst'
( 'SyncOptions'
( 'VolumeLock'

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Re: [slim] Exporting settings for new squeezebox server install?

2009-11-04 Thread aubuti

pudding;481781 Wrote: 
 Im currently running Ubuntu, and am getting a new PC with Windows 7
 tomorrow. Is there a way I can export all my settings and then import
 them after I install SBserver 7.4 in windows 7, rather than having to
 install all plugins and set them all up again?
Your SBS prefs are in /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/server.prefs. The
prefs for the plugins are in

Although you could also copy the plugins themselves, I recommend
installing them via the Extension Downloader, and then applying your old
prefs to them. In brief:
1. install SBS on Win7 box
2. install plugins using Extension Downloader
3. stop SBS. This is very important. Don't just close the web ui --
stop SBS completely.
4. copy your old server.prefs over top of the new one
5. copy your old plugin prefs over top of the new ones
6. restart SBS

Also, check to make sure that Win7 reads the prefs files correctly. You
may have a problem with the end-of-line characters (lf in Linux, cr/lf
in Win). If so you should be able to open them and then re-save in
WordPad to convert the EOLs. As always, make sure SBS is stopped when
you do any editing or copying of prefs files.


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[slim] iPeng scrobble question

2009-11-04 Thread JeffHart

I'm still learning the iPeng UI and am hoping some one knows how to set
a stream.mp3 player to scrobble from iPeng.  Here's my setup:

SqueezeServer 4.0.1 running on an XP system with dyndns installed and
port forwarding setup on the router.  iPhone 3GS with iPeng.  Using
Safari to stream ( and using iPeng to
control.  Works great on wifi and repectably on 3G - occasional signal
drop streaming VBR mp3 and a 60 second + latency.  If I check player
settings in iPeng it shows that it's scrobbling, however it isn't.   If
I use the iPeng web UI it also shows that it's scrobbling, if I hit save
it scribbles from that point on. 

Is there a save capability in iPeng that I'm missing?

Thanks for any advice.


You know, I'm all for progress. It's change I object to.
Mark Twain

SBRx5, 1 Boom, 1 Controller

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