Re: [slim] Squeezebox is (not) dead... One year later.

2013-09-29 Thread AndreE

The same on my side. 
It is already quite some time passed since I have my installation
working with no issues. 
Family just loves it.
It is pity to know that such great offering is not developed further.
It has great potential … and possibly would exist well being an
independent company.

Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers; 1 Touch and happy Family !
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server -- wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router
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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2013-01-07 Thread AndreE

NFLnut wrote: 
 The only iDevices that I own are the 1st gen click wheel and the 1st gen
 iPod Touch. And I have rarely used them. iTunes however, is THE single
 worst piece of software I have ever used! I have zero interest in
 proprietary, crippled hardware that I cannot customize and use in nearly
 any way I so choose.

I just can confirm similar feelings in regards to the proprietary closed
devises. The funny thing is that we are more in the minority. Mainstream
needs easy to use fancy devices, and Apple sales just confirms that.
Android world also follows it.
The same is about SONOS and many other items appeared on the market.

It is like the discussion about proprietary copy rights and many other
topics – a lot of us are not happy about this, but market goes own way.
Most consumers do not really care as long as it works and do not mind
when something goes into the trash bin after just few months of service.
It is where the mainstream is, where most of cash is in.

And the future will be just evolving further in this direction: more
content will be leased and not owned, more devices will be going that
way. New Windows will just reinforce this trend as it will be much more
closed systems then we used to have. Linux will be own island where
remaining “freedom spirit” will be.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-07 Thread AndreE

erland wrote: 
 Posting complains or require more information about the reasons behind
 shutdown Squeezeboxes isn't going to get us anywhere.
fully agree, there is only one way to get further support - to give
Logitech a hint about something they possibly missed in their planning.

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Re: [slim] Paid music services over Squeezebox players in the future- is this gonna discontinue?

2012-10-06 Thread AndreE

Mnyb wrote: 
 And what about a good headphone output in some model ?

The workaround would be to go for the headphone amplifier – they are
available in most music stores and rather not inexpensive with very
solid quality.

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Re: [slim] Paid music services over Squeezebox players in the future- is this gonna discontinue?

2012-10-05 Thread AndreE

JJZolx wrote: 
 What are you talking about? Did I miss an announcement, or is this you
 speculating about how Logitech is going to gouge customers in the

It is just thoughts shared based on the experience how the portfolio
planning happened at big companies :-)

As Logitech is a public company with strong focus on shareholder value
and profit – basic assumption would be how this company is going to earn
money and what are the revenue streams are available / possible.

There is no need to go into deep marketing analysis to get understanding
how Logitech earns money and what opportunities are available / left for
Moos_Man in case (s)he is going to make so attractive offer to
The rest – is just thoughts shared with this great community, and please
see it as an attempt to have a look into the future.

Logitech will be taking care about customers as long as it brings
profit, and at the point when it will be turning red instant actions
will be triggered whether we like it or not – they are not a charity. 
And there is no reason to blame them for being success oriented – I
still love Logitech keyboards and mice and would like to have a newer
and better model at the moment when mine is suddenly dead.

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Re: [slim] Paid music services over Squeezebox players in the future- is this gonna discontinue?

2012-10-04 Thread AndreE

moos_man wrote: 
 Hey Guys,
 I would like to understand how big/active/passionate the Squeeze
 community really is at this point, and how much real interest there is
 in keeping things going, and growing, int the future. I'm not talking
 about keeping this on life support (as per now), but in terms of new
 products and restoring the commitment to quality music playback - think
 transporter on steroids and other cool products.
 I'm seriously thinking about making an offer to Logitech for the rights,
 so would appreciate considered feedback.
 Moos Man

Moos Man,

This is a great idea to think about.

I would may be add few other questions to this in order to see the
The community is the place where owners of already purchased devices are
and might be not your future first customers.
The real question is where the market is? And who are your future

Some years back SlimDevices had technology advantages and unique
opportunity, but is it still true today? This forum is full of
discussions and comparisons and as you can find out - many alternatives
are available now from companies like e.g. Sonos, Philips and of course
All of them have great set of alternatives and all of them are easy to
use out of the box, what was a bit different for SlimDevices.

Logitech is pursuing two monetization streams: devices sales and content
usage based - this is a major reason why all new devices are connected
to Logitech servers. Content usage based model is not new and already
well developed by e.g. Apple, followed by Google, Amazon, Sony and many
others (with different success rate !). 
Logitec has made clear decision to move to easy-to-use and no
knowledge required segment – this is a volume strategy most likely with
low cost of the product to maximize the profit. It is what Logitech is
good at with ability to keep great quality standards - typing on
Logitech Keyboard and using Logitech mouse ;-)

What business model and monetization are you going to follow? Is it a
device sales? Would you be able to generate enough revenue to keep
network infrastructure up and running?

Would you go for advanced enthusiast “community” approach? How many
competitors are there already?

As the food for thoughts: e.g. companies like Denon, Onkyo and many
others have Network radio in their offering and rely mainly on device
sales leaving network/traffic related monetization aside receiving
only small royalty (guess based on indirect information) from content
providers like Spotify in case user has paid subscription.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-04 Thread AndreE

Money, money, money... - Nothing actually new – at least Logitech openly
talks with the community. Very much appreciated!

Hosting our requests for internet radio requires some computer power and
a big one. It does not matter where servers are: in amazon or somewhere
else – this is just expensive.
Products like Duet, Touch, and complete palette of classical SlimDevices
– these all do not generate (enough?) revenue to keep it up and running.

This was clear a mistake to keep central server in the concept from
the day 1.

What was good – to go for IPO or in this particular case for
I truly appreciate whole SlimDevice team as great visionary engineers
and businessmen! Well Done ! I truly appreciate it.

I was not expecting Logitech committing anything for our community and
our devices - this would economically not wise. 
Even a source code keeps quite some Know-how, which is a key. I would
not be surprised if Logitech will get some patents to keep it protected
– at least I would do it.

I personally like comment Mnyb | September 28th, 2012 at 9:24 pm as
correctly pointing issues out.

Me too stream has the same infrastructure issue inherited in the
business model - all that devices will follow the same path: moderate
sales and short live. It is only matter of time. All reasons were
already well listed in this forum.

The good news is: all that new Logitech iRadio devises will be rather
emotional purchases with short living time with no regret, and will be
dumped by owners much quicker keeping Logitech infrastructure burden
significantly lower.

We might see great success this Christmas season, or silent sunset

I am not going to join the pessimistic stream about Duet and whole
abandoned camp, rather see weak business reasons to keep huge
infrastructure with no revenue generation up and running – it does not
make much sense economically, at least to me.
Logitech is a public company – there is no any reason to blame them for
acquiring startups and discontinuing ideas, which do not take mass

As I’ve already mentioned in one of my previous posts: 
It would be nice if Logitech creates ultimately LAST release with no
dependency on central Logitech server, with possibility to connect
external internet radio typing their IP in the configuration – at least
this might keep the community happy.

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[slim] Sunset Squeezebox Server release? - please

2012-09-20 Thread AndreE

I was following many discussions about Squeeze future and about Duet and
Touch death. Quite diverse feelings were in my heart. Nothing is forever
in this short living technology world. Technologies are coming and
leaving the space like comets and brighter they are – short their live.
It is similar to the moment when I’ve moved my big type recorder down to
the cellar and let it be there in peace.
This was predicted that the solution complexity and usability would be
the hindering factor, the speed of occupying shop shelves and rather
silent marketing complain – all that would be the reason to shorten the
product presence on the market. Product did not really take off in big
mass and “SqueezeBox” idea did not gain from the acquisition.

It is always goes that way when small and rather successful company is
getting into big business by being swallowed. There are not too many
success stories there. I hope all founders have been rewarded and we ,
quite big community out there successfully using these products.
I am one of those. I have complete set-up, which functions very well and
delights whole family.

In this message I would like to thank you all, who were involved in
creation of this product, who has put own heart into it.

And also hope that at the day when there will be a decision to SUNSET
entire line or make big move to new technology abandoning the old world
full of Duets and Touches, there will be a new “LAST” version of the
Squeeze SERVER, which can be set in the way that it is functioning
completely unattached to the Logitech servers securing long life of
these nice products, which become part of the family and deserve to stay
as part of the family much longer.

I really hope Logitech will make everything to keep vast community

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Sunset SqueezeServer release? � please

2012-09-20 Thread AndreE

I was following many discussions about Squeeze future and about Duet and
Touch death. Quite diverse feelings were in my heart. Nothing is forever
in this short living technology world. Technologies are coming and
leaving the space like comets and brighter they are – short their live.
It is similar to the moment when I’ve moved my big type recorder down to
the cellar and let it be there in peace.
This was predicted that the solution complexity and usability would be
the hindering factor, the speed of occupying shop shelves and rather
silent marketing complain – all that would be the reason to shorten the
product presence on the market. Product did not really take off in big
mass and “SqueezeBox” idea did not gain from the acquisition.
It is always goes that way when small and rather successful company is
getting into big business by being swallowed. There are not too many
success stories there. I hope all founders have been rewarded and we ,
quite big community out there successfully using these products.
I am one of those. I have complete set-up, which functions very well and
delights whole family.

In this message I would like to thank you all, who were involved in
creation of this product, who has put own heart into it.
And also hope that at the day when there will be a decision to sunset
entire line or make big move to new technology abandoning the old world
full of Duets and Touches, there will be a new “LAST” version of the
Squeeze SERVER, which can be set in the way that it is functioning
completely unattached to the Logitech servers securing long life of
these nice products, which become part of the family and deserve to stay
as part of the family much longer.

I really hope that Logitech will make everything to keep vast community

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Re: [slim] Just 5 years and a bit less than 2 month Logitech has acquired Slim Devices

2011-12-14 Thread AndreE

it turned to be very interesting discussion. observing initial concerns
and current stage I would agree with one of posts above that Logitech
does great job pushing product around the globe. position and market
share could be bigger if we would not have some challenges with the
software at the beginning of Duet era. it was a pain to get new concept
and combine it with many external services. Logitech did a great job and
was definitely one of pioneers in this arena.
this software related hurtles hindered product and delayed real launch.
I do not know figures, but might guess that they are not so high for
duet, but should be much better for Radio and Touch. I personally love
touch - it is just great. Even my 5 years old son could handle it. and
I would be happy to replace all duets by Touches - just difficult to
trigger extra expenses to replace something what works now without any

Sonos, actually, did a great job and it is well presented in many shops
around. and what was very surprising, sales people on the floor could
explain how it works, could advice configuration and recommend
different alternatives. Analyzing this i believe it helped Sonos to
capture its market share. Logitech could trigger similar approach, what
just could be a bit difficult because most of Logitech products usually
just self explanatory and lay on the shelf waiting to be picked up.

maggior;676659 Wrote: 
 What I thought was awesome about the duet was the ability to expand the
 system with headless players for little cost.  Especially now with iOS
 and android apps to act as contolers, this is really cool.
and indeed - it is one of the key reasons why i have twice more Duet
stations than controllers.
Really like this product. The only one drop of bitter was software
release where connectivity between controller and receiver was an
issues. I must admit it was resolver relatively quickly, but still it
was a pain for the family for some weeks, right at the beginning,
shortly after setup completion. 

what do you think, how future for this product line looks like, how it
will evolve?


Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers and 1 Touch
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router -- DSL -- net...
and happy Family !

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[slim] Just 5 years and a bit less than 2 month Logitech has acquired Slim Devices

2011-12-12 Thread AndreE

Just 5 years and a bit less than 2 month Logitech has acquired Slim

It was interesting discussion triggered after this renouncement with a
lot of glory and concerns

What do you think about it? 
What parts of that earlier discussions have become truth and what do
you think was evaporating with the time passing by?


Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers and 1 Touch
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router -- DSL -- net...
and happy Family !

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Re: [slim] Good Squeezebox alternative?

2011-12-06 Thread AndreE

This sounds like Logitech needs to get sales up ;-) and have this
business successful.

Than it would be my Christmas wish to Logitech !


Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers and 1 Touch
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router -- DSL -- net...
and happy Family !

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Re: [slim] Good Squeezebox alternative?

2011-12-05 Thread AndreE

The discussion is getting hot ;-)
There was quite simple question: what can be used as an alternative to
my duet? 
Receiving an offer for Apple TV (second generation) with price tag
below 100 Euro (Touch costs still 250+) I see it would be hard to keep
the battle

Again, I am happy with my Logitech setup, just worry about its future.

if will be off – will my whole system be able to listen radio?


Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers and 1 Touch
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router -- DSL -- net...
and happy Family !

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Re: [slim] Good Squeezebox alternative?

2011-12-04 Thread AndreE

I would agree with most arguments listed above.

One observation raises some questions on my side. I’ve just recently
visited Hi-Fi shop next to me to have a look on local offering and
prices (thinking to upgrade my already aging home cinema) and what I’ve
seen was a bit surprising. Majority of vendors is moving towards AirPlay
or DLNA, or both together. Most common platforms offer iPad/iPhone
plugs, it might be for extra money or not - it does no matter for this

For me it is an indicator about the market need or market development

Some years ago I was looking on Philips audio devices and was puzzled
what DLNA could actually mean - now it is everywhere. It was too
complex to understand and to configure, documentation was huge at that

Most of you say that server is essential - agree, but we do have it on
each Apple notebook or even Windows one when we install iTune.

When I recall my experience with iTune - it is easy to install (it was
actually one click), no extra configuration. When I wanted to rip CD -
again it was done with one click. When I wanted to change tags - it is
part of iTune functionality - it was very easy and very intuitive.
Meaning average not-computer addicted person can do it with no special
education. Whole cycle is done using preconfigured software named

I guess whole story is about usability. I would not invent the wheel by
saying that complexity limits the market. I see that it was exactly this
for Squeeze devices. I do not want to hammer it, just share the
observation and experience.

Visiting this shop I had a talk about possibilities available at many
devices, and I was very surprised about the progress made by the
industry over several, actually just few years. Most devices can a lot
now: play net radio, play from HDD or USB stick, many support FLAC now,
can synchronously play over the net. Majority supports up to 5 devices
or even more at the same time. Most have one-two pages documentation
how to configure the device quickly. In the same time have full set of
possible features to tweak anything e.g. IP addressed, network settings
and many other things. Even offer external over the net device
management like Duet does.

One of most astonishing messages on the label was: Radio: 2.000+

I see that niche becomes small, very packed by elephants, and as it is
written in many strategy books - niche position is difficult to keep
over long time. There is only one way to get on track - to get out of
niche and become a player on mass market. Logitech knows how to do it -
look on devices around the globe. Each of us has one or more ;-) - I
type this message on Logitech keyboard and using Logitech mouse. But
this is a bit different market, would it work for Squeeze devices? 

Staying in this niche seems to me become vitally dangerous.


Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers and 1 Touch
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router -- DSL -- net...
and happy Family !

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[slim] Logitech and vTuner

2011-12-04 Thread AndreE

Just followed the internet radio topic and found that most of big hi-fi
and audio equipment vendors (list is on the sight) have a server
platform called as a common place
for internet radio

I guess it is an analog to mysqueezeserver hosted by Logitech

Seen the diversification of vTune platform vs. privately hosted by
Logitech question of hosting costs was coming to my mind as well.

Is there any indication that Squeeze/Logitech will follow this trend as
well and become a global partner of common platform?

Or putting it differently. In case Logitech decides to discontinue
Squeeze devices support and stops own server – would there be any
chance to reconnect devices to vTuner? (as an exit strategy with low
harm to users)


Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers and 1 Touch
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router -- DSL -- net...
and happy Family !

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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-27 Thread AndreE

This is very interesting discussion.

I guess the real thread for average user comes from “external
Any mass-market solution should be easy to set-up and operate by one
Interestingly TV solution rivals are: Samsung with its HUB, Philips
with similar ideas and of course Apple.
Apple TV and coming real TV box will change the entertainment world
I see that standard broadcast will have serious problems from this
Who needs a standard TV when you can stream everything from internet
using one of HUBX or possible iTune?
Still market is fresh and many solutions are not mature, but main
brands are already far ahead of most.
I personally believe that Logitech could launch the product doing both:
audio and video.
I would be happy to move all my movies to the same server where my
music is. But would it be really implementable and supported? Main
argumentation against would be the piracy (as all discussions about
movies). It would be great to move all DVDs and later Blue-Rays to the
server and have them available at any time I need… and it is possible
(to some extend) with Apple platform
Pity, I see Logitech is a bit too late to get to this market and…
content provider is a key for success. Google did not fulfill this
Another alternative would be to move to the same filed where big boys
are – to start offering content like e.g. Apple does. But this would
not fit to Logitech business model as it is now, and produces a lot of
conflicts with many partners, even with Apple. I see it as less likely


Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers and 1 Touch
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router -- DSL -- net...
and happy Family !

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Re: [slim] Good Squeezebox alternative?

2011-11-27 Thread AndreE

It is very interesting question about Airplay bitrate. Tried to find any
information, but no any exposure to figures
And thanks for sharing optimism I really wish Logitech all the best
with this product line.

After many issues with some version I finally have my music at my hands
and whole family enjoys it.


Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers and 1 Touch
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router -- DSL -- net...
and happy Family !

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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-27 Thread AndreE

Mnyb;673031 Wrote: 
 don't forget that the big money in TV comes from the comercials nobody
 would afford TV if it where all paid by the subscription , thats a
 fraction of the costs involved. So the TV exist to expose  you to
 comercials, your favorite TV show is a tool to have you sitting there
or abundantly high payments will be leveled to normal and a lot of
expensive stuff, which are questionable, will go to nirvana - e.g. cost
adjustment :-)
I would support this


Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers and 1 Touch
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router -- DSL -- net...
and happy Family !

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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-27 Thread AndreE

castalla;673034 Wrote: 
 BBC manage without subscription - a yearly licence fee is sufficient -
 and results in the best radio and TV in the world.  Subscription tv is
 a curse.
we do pay quite some money in Germany on monthly basis - i still
question some content produced for it
some are very valid and interesting, but it could be definitely more


Duet: 2 Controllers + 4 Receivers and 1 Touch
Intel Atom 330 Linux Server 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch -- Router -- DSL -- net...
and happy Family !

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Re: [slim] Interesting Debate On Sonos

2010-03-03 Thread AndreE

Buying the company not an easy game neither the best solution when you
have this line of business already in-house.
And Logitech has done this already.
What Logitech should do is to get things better planned, developed and
what is extremely important tested before it goes into the market.
And Logitech knows how to do it right #8211; proved by the financial
results and market share and position.

What may be a bit missing #8211; the link to customer requirements and
match them into the product
This forum as well as the Bugszilla from Slim are providing the good
And if some of those requirements were discussed with the users (I hope
they already do this) #8211; than the result should be coming soon.
The fixes and the list of issues users have shows that the testing is
not done in the best way.

e.g. one of German manufactures uses own employs to test cars before
they go to the market; they have big pool and most of people can get the
car to go to the canteen (2-3 km from some buildings) and by coming back
what they have to do is to write a report about the experience, and what
could be done in a different way #8211; by research people it was
confirmed to be one of key sources for innovations and quality/usability

Logitech may do the same #8211; it should not be an issue to find good
and reliable community to work with 
and I am pretty sure there would be enough people who would be able to
do the testing job right#8230; 
not just have fun, but also an obligation to really test and properly
report (without emotions)!


Duet: 2 Controllers and 4 Receivers
Plan: +2 Receivers and + 1 Controller [quite positive after move to
7.4.1 and later to 7.4.2]

Linux Intel Atom 330 based Server - [not completely configured yet] 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch, than Router via DSL to the net...
no WiFi at all

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Re: [slim] I officially declare my HATE for 7.4...

2009-10-20 Thread AndreE

Today morning I woke up and wanted listening music... just something
And... all my receivers were in this funky greenish light.
I’ve re-set one receiver and controller together, but... stopped doing
for others.
It was a sadness and frustration in my heart.
You know how long it takes to get it restarted and connected
And first what I had: was a announcement about one of the stations,
than this fancy song time counter on the controller and no song coming
out of my speakers, but just a silence. 
I had to switch between stations twice before it started playing
music... and it was a time to leave.
This was very frustrating... this greenish eyes silently watching on


Duet: 2 Controllers and 4 Receivers

Plan: +2 Receivers and + 1 Controller [unfortunately on freeze due to
product instability after move to 7.4.0]

Linux Intel Atom 330 based Server - [not completely configured yet] 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch, than Router via DSL to the net...
no WiFi at all

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Re: [slim] Letter of concern: Too many different players..?

2009-10-20 Thread AndreE

Diversity is always good as long as there is an abstraction layer
And I hope it is in place, 
otherwise some of older products will need to go very soon


Duet: 2 Controllers and 4 Receivers

Plan: +2 Receivers and + 1 Controller [unfortunately on freeze due to
product instability after move to 7.4.0]

Linux Intel Atom 330 based Server - [not completely configured yet] 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch, than Router via DSL to the net...
no WiFi at all

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Re: [slim] I officially declare my HATE for 7.4...

2009-10-19 Thread AndreE

Pascal Hibon? you've brought valid point.
It was the same for me. I've evaluated Squeeze Philosophy against Sonos
and some others, coming to the market.

It is exactly the Philosophy and the ideas and community behind were
main selling points for me as well,
but now
it raises concern about the way how rapidly software market and its
good products are sliding to ship and forget way of dealing with

Logitech is a great company - they know how to make good products and
how to deliver them to the market. It just looks like the target group
for Duet and some other new in the family is a bit different to what
Logitech used to have - this may be an issue and may require a learning

I really hope that Product management is reading this forum, at least
time-to tome.

and it is correct: Christmas is coming - it should be perfect by that
time, otherwise it may be a big problem afterwards. Net-Radio and music
definitely take off - and Logitech wants to be at the market maker area.


Duet: 2 Controllers and 4 Receivers
1R: - DENON AVR-3806 - 7 speakers + 2 Sub
2R: - DENON PMA-700 - 2 Canton speakers 
3R: - Sony Music Center 
4R: - 2 Active Speakers Yamaha HS80M + Sub

Plan: +2 Receivers and + 1 Controller [unfortunately on freeze due to
product instability after to move to 7.4.0]

Linux Intel Atom 330 based Server - [not completely configured yet] 
Connection via 6.Cat wired Ethernet to 1Gb net Switch, than Router via
DSL to the net...
no WiFi at all

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Re: [slim] I officially declare my HATE for 7.4...

2009-10-19 Thread AndreE

erland;474437 Wrote: 
 The problem is that everyone doesn't want to participate in beta
 testing, some just like to have a stable system and listen to their

Hi erland,

is is a valid point. I would be glad to, but only when I have time
Most of the time my family is using devices, sorry would like to use
it? but has an issue. If I do not reboot each receiver and controller in
the morning - there is no music at my house.
If I would get pair of extra devices with some significant discount as
a Beta program package - why not, I will be filling all bug reports and
perform even predefined tests - would be glad to do, but paying some
hundreds I would expect it would be working.

and this would be fine when it is a community type of the development,
but Logitech is a bg company with very well established
processes and known and proved quality records!!! 

Would you mind to have a keyboard, which may give you different
keystrokes depending on the firmware?
I do not think so ;-)
When you buy a mass product - it should work
If you target big audience - it is a clear indication from the amount
of partnership programs lunched recently - this should be out of the box
working solution with no ongoing hassles.

I would not be so mush surprised if Duet and some other troubling
products would be removed from the market, sorry, replaced by more
advanced ones and all investment we’ve made into our audio-live will
buried in the dust. Looking on the differences in the architecture and
solutions - it looks like it may happen - too many and too radical
changes are happening.

And - many people were reporting problems. 
Who of us was followed by the development with the request and
clarified the set-up, parameters and other staff? 
No one, may be few. 
This was in good old time, when it was a community product.

Unless they have a direct access to each device - I would be glad it is
a case and all problems are resolved after some time without any touch
to the remote. This would be a great thing!
Let’s hope that Logitech is really working hard on resolving what needs
to be resolved and will not dump Duet and will surprise us with the
solution we like and are proud again.

And you know, we will bring more and continues money flow to Logitech
account purchasing different services and enjoying the music at out


Duet: 2 Controllers and 4 Receivers

Plan: +2 Receivers and + 1 Controller [unfortunately on freeze due to
product instability after move to 7.4.0]

Linux Intel Atom 330 based Server - [not completely configured yet] 
wired Ethernet to 1Gb Switch, than Router via DSL to the net...
no WiFi at all

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Re: [slim] I officially declare my HATE for 7.4...

2009-10-18 Thread AndreE

I was reading all these posts with a smile... and grief

first three emotional posts were exactly what I have experienced in my

most probably I am one of those who recently stepped into the game,
purchased quite a number of devices, just could configure them... and
got 7.4.0 installed
I still have no active local server and as a result was promoted to new
release voluntarily ;-)

my frustration was ... let's say also high.
now it is better - i know - I am not alone on this path... and ... it
does not help so...

some of mentioned issues appear in my case on regular base and some are
really easy to reproduce. 
it is reduced menu and missing go back to Squeeze net menu entry
and many others... 
as well as the counter on the remote showing the progress when all
receivers have greenish light
and not only...

but how I can bring this back to Logitech?
how to make it available to Developers... and are they interesting to
get my experience?

being in software business for many-many years I've seen some
acquisitions, where great products, designed for one purpose, were
targeted to another market segment... 
and you know, it was not always easy and great idea, or even successful
move. Many were, but not all.

I truly believe and really hope that Duet would recover from this
I truly wish it happening because I am one of those few (most likely
many) customers who suffers from this and who NEED this happening

the competition - is a big driver
market is very dynamic - no question
but users' trust - it is a great value, and it is better to wait a bit
longer, but bring mature product to the market where no visible or
harmful issues are.
there is no any product without bugs - it is normal, but there are
different bugs
some are - postpone Release to customer Date type !

and... my plans to expand my set-up are also on freeze and... I've
stopped advising this product... because, you know... 
it is very embarrassing to see someone who has troubles with your
advice and... you cannot help and ... 
this person had a great trust to your words, which are turned into the
dust at one day by some you have no influence to...
trust and loyalty are the great value

typing on Logitech keyboard and using Logitech mouse, but not using
Logitech speakers and... thinking about Duet


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Re: [slim] How I may speed-up the digitalization of my CDs?

2009-09-24 Thread AndreE

Hi Jim,

Would you share the idea about your approach?
It would be interesting for me (I am in some thoughts about the backup



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Re: [slim] How I may speed-up the digitalization of my CDs?

2009-09-23 Thread AndreE

Hi aubuti,

You are completely right.
It is just a question of when to make a back up.
The process was just somewhere in the middle... and there were no
indication to have anything happening... never before... but you know.
It is unpredictable and lies in the area of probabilities of events
where we have no power to influence
The learning curve is passed... let’s see whether the education was
good enough to stay for long


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[slim] How I may speed-up the digitalization of my CDs?

2009-09-22 Thread AndreE

Hi to everybody,

I am in the process of digitalization of my CD library.
My Linux box is working fast (if I can say so) with factor ~3-3,5…
based on what I have seen in different posts it is a decent speed. And
all tries did not bring any further increase.
I’ve triedto use of my notebook with MS vista installed. The
digitalization works fine… but I could not get to the same standard what
I have in Linux. File naming is different. The tags from OpenDb were not
retrived in the same way or with the same quality.

How to get it “synchronized” from the naming convention and tags point
of view?
What tools on Vista may bring the same what I can get from Grip + FLAC

Any suggestions?

Any suggestion would be very appreciated


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Re: [slim] How I may speed-up the digitalization of my CDs?

2009-09-22 Thread AndreE

I know that I am not really digitalizing ;-)
you are right, ripping... would be a better word

the idea about two drivers is an interesting one. I had two, but it was
some hassle on my old Pentium box and I’ve removed one. It could be
potentially due to the difference: one drive is PATA and second was a
SATA. I will try another drive to see whether this would be wokring.

Are there any similar to Grip + FLAC solutions on Vista? (…and if
they are freeware – even better)
Who use what?


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Re: [slim] How I may speed-up the digitalization of my CDs?

2009-09-22 Thread AndreE

I know this feeling.
Bigger part was ripped, but then... there was an electricity incident
and the data was... lost together with HDD 
HDD was in old PC - no big lose, but the time - this is regrettable ;-(


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Re: [slim] Stop The Monster cable Bullying

2009-05-26 Thread AndreE

ok, trademark rights... it does not change the nature of the problem.
you are right also about million of words... the statistic also says
that few people on this earth may overcome a hundred thousand limit,
most are below or much below ten thousand.
Please do not take me wrong. I am not to offend anybody neither to
start a polemic.
The point is: Monster is widely spread and used word. And according
to the low in many countries it is not allowed to do so.
Just thing is MS would be successful to make a patent on several
programming commands like goto if and some others... the attempt was
in place, but likely it was refused.
There is a low and common sense 
It is like internet name occupation for later sales
It should be prohibited to sue someone who does not abuse your
trademark by being in another business, neither to allow registration in
the areas where company has no business in.


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[slim] controlling several wired Receivers with one Controller and no wifi AP?

2009-05-25 Thread AndreE

I’ve been asking many questions related to the subject, receiving many
replies I was a bit lost in few topics
This is the one of those:
I have wired land and not WiFi at home at all.
And I am planning to have at least two, potentially maybe three or four
SqueezBox Duo receivers connected to the LAN via cable.
One of the receivers is going to be purchased as a bundle  SqueezBox
Duo with the Remote controller.
My question: would it work fine in this case with all receivers
installed in different corners of my place ?
Would I have a problem due to missing WiFi?


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Re: [slim] Stop The Monster cable Bullying

2009-05-25 Thread AndreE

It is really sad story and creasy way of doing business
No ethic and no excuse

Just think. The copyright allows having any word or word combination
patented/protected by copyrights.

And human vocabulary is relatively small, not more than some thousand

The amount of reasonable combinations is bigger, but not much. The
amount of positive words or combinations is much smaller. And if any
creasy company will make a claim for any basic word – this would be just
a problem, because there is just one step to the point where we would
need to be just silent. 

Anything what we say would be violating one or another patent/copyright

And may be at that point of time it would become clear that this low is
a bit too wrong, especially how it is applied in some countries (sorry,
guys, nothing personal)


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Re: [slim] controlling several wired Receivers with one Controller and no wifi AP?

2009-05-25 Thread AndreE

Hi Aubuti,

Thanks for the reply. 
By first part of your message you are confirmed my guess.

It would be great if someone could state something about possibility to
have Remote connected dynamically to different receivers.


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Re: [slim] controlling several wired Receivers with one Controller and no wifi AP?

2009-05-25 Thread AndreE

It sounds like I need to have a PC with the Squeeze software installed
and on. Is it right? 
May I go into the internet radio without PC on?

I am again sidetracking - sorry for that


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[slim] Why would not turn the SC into full Media server?

2009-05-22 Thread AndreE

I was reading many topics on this forum and found very interesting in
understanding what I may do and what not with SqueezeCenter. The
interesting discovery was that I may have it installed on relatively
small mini Atom based box, which would cost me ~250 Euro including 330
Atom with 1G Memory and 1TB Hard drive. This would be way cheaper than
to have NAS with less computing and performance capacity.
It was very great and drives me away from the Sonos solution, which
offers less interesting things due to the proprietary architecture and
way higher price.
But doing the planning for the next step into the multi-room audition I
came to some other thoughts in regard to the Server. Whatever I do the
solution looks like a small PS playing Music server role. It is good for
money it costs, but… it is still an investment.
What many people were mentioning in this forum was : ... I would
better wait a bit and take better version of ... or more advanced model
of ... 
By reading this I was thinking why do not make another step into the
multimedia center where I would be able to record TV shows from the
cable or play Blue-ray, which I still do not have?
Such thoughts were driving me to the question, would it be worth of
making the real multimedia server with more power and cover not just
music but some other aspects and step into TV area e.g. with HDMI
interface and possibility to record and play Video. The sad thing is
Atom, even 330 version, would not cover this, more powerful platform
would be required.
It still would be fine under Linux, but would need more memory and CPU
hose power. 
Reading the forum I did not find any post where this step was touched.
Is anybody using this in Squeeze world? I’ve just found very
interesting offer with Intel DG45FC Board where HDMI is coming out of
the box and Intel claims perfect 1080p play.
I was thinking to have 4G and Intel Core2 E8400 or E8500 on it. There
just one question – what to do with the TV/Cable tuner. And whether this
approach is reasonable... these questions are bothering me a lot and I
would very appreciate your thoughts about it.


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Re: [slim] may I download Napster music into SC on NAS and then listen it Off-line

2009-05-22 Thread AndreE

good! this was one part of may concerns...


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Re: [slim] Why would not turn the SC into full Media server?

2009-05-22 Thread AndreE

Did you try to get 1080p on your box or it would need more HW power?
I know, the question is a bit odd, but who knows - some people are keen
to try


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Re: [slim] Why would not turn the SC into full Media server?

2009-05-22 Thread AndreE

I was thinking about Intel DG45FC MB.
Intel claims sufficient video power for this type of work... but who
is there anyone who did this?


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[slim] may I download Napster music into SC on NAS and then listen it Off-line

2009-05-21 Thread AndreE

Would it be possible to download files from Napster (under subscription
and with better quality) and listen it from SC on NAS powered by Atom
(over Duet) without connection to the internet?


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Re: [slim] may I download Napster music into SC on NAS and then listen it Off-line

2009-05-21 Thread AndreE

Hi Andy,

Now I see how silly question was. I did not see it as DRM issue.
Thanks for the reply. Understood.
Are there plans to resolve this?

It means the Duet is mainly for the internet streaming and for music
from CDs I have and RIP into my server. Am I right?
Would I be able to listen my CDs from the server without internet


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Re: [slim] may I download Napster music into SC on NAS and then listen it Off-line

2009-05-21 Thread AndreE

Did i understand right,
I do scan and SC will do the job even without connection to i-net?


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