Re: [slim] DSBridge - A simpler way to stream Spotify

2009-07-08 Thread Laz

chp;438750 Wrote: 
 *Laz*, the new release will work with iTunes, just make sure to drop
 everything in the bin/ folder into the iTunes directory. Do note that if
 your music is not 44.1kHz stereo, there will be issues.

Hi chp,

Thanks for the update and my apologies for the delay in my reply - I
suspect I'm on the opposite side of the world to you.

Things are looking better now but not quite there. I now get the blue
icon for about half a second before it vanishes again (faster than I get
my mouse down for a hover over). 

I suspect my problem is that my copy of iTunes takes a very long time
to fire up - of the order 3 to 10 seconds (I keep my library files on a
network drive and thanks to Apples monolithic approach, I'm loading
about 20 MB across the network). Is there any chance you can make the
delay a configuration variable in the ini file so that I can experiment
with this a bit further.

The other possibility is that I'm not set up for 44.1kHz output - am I
correct in assuming that I need to do this in the Quicktime Control
panel? I currently have all of my sound devices set to 44.1kHz 16 bit

I also have a quick suggestion for an interface option in the future. I
really like the ability to mute the local output - it would be even more
awesome if you could add a click on the icon option to select between
three options of: Play local (pass through?), Stream, Play local and

Finally, I presume you aware that this code is likely to give Apple
corporate types heartburn - they do so like their Bonjour solution with
tie in to iTunes and Airport Express.

Thanks again for the good work.



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Re: [slim] DSBridge - A simpler way to stream Spotify

2009-07-07 Thread Laz

chp;432858 Wrote: 
 I thought I'd share the fruits of my labour here... I have written a
 small drop-in wrapper utility that will allow you to stream among other
 things Spotify (anything that uses the first DirectSound API basically)
 as MP3 (with metadata).


I suspect this is dumb question, but should it be possible for me to
use this as a wrapper for iTunes? (Not as silly as it sounds - I want to
stream audio from iTunes movies to another location - I use the SB
normally when I'm listening to my own library).

Anyway, I have done the obvious and dropped the dsbridge and the lame
dlls in the directory. The red error icon comes up briefly and then
disappears altogether when iTunes comes up.

Could you let me know if:

a) What I'm trying to do should be feasible?
b) Any suggestions as to changes I could make to get the system




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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2009-03-15 Thread Laz

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does Album Catalogue Creator (RC5+) create a trustworthy

- Yes
- Yes but with minor issues
- No
- It does not work at all


Some more info on 3716.

I am running my slimserver on a linux box on the and I
have been getting the 3716 error pretty well regardless of whether I
include the server box in my trusted sites or not. The only way I have
got the system to run is allow Access to data sources across domains
for the internet zone (no effect in the other zones). In this case, I
don't need to add the slimserver IP to the trusted sites list.

I presume this is because my windows box does not recognise my
slimserver box as being in the same domain (and I'm too lazy to figure
out what I need to change - I can live with doing this change as a one
off to run acc). 

Anyway, I hope this is helpful. Now I'm getting the report without
cover art, so on to trouble shooting that!




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[slim] Mismatch between Itunes and SC track count - helpful script

2008-10-12 Thread Laz

Hi All, 

I've had a long standing problem with track count mismatches between
iTunes and SC - mainly related to the fact that iTunes is case
insensitive and accent sensitive while SC appears to be case sensitive
and tends to strip accents from path names (see

Anyway, this problem finally reached the point that I was irritated
enough to do something about it. As my perl-fu is not up to scratch at
the moment, I have written a quick VBscript to scan the iTunes library
(attached below). The scan looks for file paths containing accents 
(resolution is to remove the accent from the tune name in iTunes) and
iTunes file paths that have a different capitalization to the actual
file path (normally occurs with multiple albums by one artist - make
sure the capitalization of the artist is consistent across albums in

Anyway, I hope this is useful for other Squeezecenter users mixing up
Windows iTunes and Linux Squeezecenter.



' script begins - save as CheckItunesFiles.vbs

Option Explicit 

' If the script engine is WScript,next lines will execute the script
again using
' CScript and exit from the current WScript script. 
If InStr(1,WScript.FullName, wscript, 1) Then
CreateObject(WScript.Shell).Run cscript.exe //NoLogo  _
 WScript.ScriptFullName  , 1, False
End If

Dim objFS
Dim objFile 
Dim objItunes
dim objTracks
Dim strItunesName
Dim strActualName
Dim boolMismatchFound
dim strAccents 
dim strRemoveAccents 
dim i
dim j

Set objFS = Wscript.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
set objItunes = wscript.createobject(Itunes.Application)
set objTracks = objItunes.LibraryPlaylist.Tracks

boolMismatchFound = False

strAccents = array(À, Á, Â, Ã, Ä, Ç, È, É, Ê, Ë,
Ì, Í, Î, Ï, Ñ, _
Ò, Ó, Ô, Õ, Ö, Ù, Ú, Û, Ü, ß, à, á, â, ã,
ä, ç, è, _
é, ê, ë, ì, í, î, ï, ñ, ò, ó, ô, õ, ö, ù,
ú, û, ü)

strRemoveAccents = array(A, A, A, A, A, C, E, E, E,
E, I, I, I, I, N, O, O, O, O, O, U, U, U,
U, ss, a, a, a, a, a, c, e, e, e, e, i, i,
i, i, n, o, o, o, o, o, u, u, u, u)

for i = 1 to objTracks.Count
strItunesName = objTracks.Item(i).Location
' strItunesName = M:\iTunes\iTunes Music\rcade Fire\Funeral\02
Neighborhood #2 (Laïka).mp3

' wscript.stdout.writeline i  ,   strItunesName

if objFS.fileexists(strItunesName) then
set objFile = objFS.GetFile(strItunesName)
strActualName= objfile.path

' wscript.stdout.writeline strActualName

if strcomp(strItunesName, strActualName, vbBinaryCompare)  0 
If not boolMismatchFound then
boolMismatchFound = True
end if
wscript.stdout.Writeline Path case errors:   

for j = 0 to ubound(strAccents)
if instr(strItunesName, strAccents(j)) then
If not boolMismatchFound then
boolMismatchFound = True
end if
wscript.stdout.Writeline Path contains 
' strItunesName = 
replace(strItunesName, strAccents(q),
exit for 
end if
next ' j
end if

If not boolMismatchFound then
wscript.stdout.Writeline Mismatch(es) found
boolMismatchFound = True
end if 
wscript.stdout.Writeline Missing file:   strItunesName
end if
next ' i

if not boolMismatchfound then  
wscript.stdout.writeline No mismatches found.
end if
wscript.stdout.write Hit enter to continue.

set objFS = nothing
set objFile = nothing
Set objItunes = nothing
Set objTracks = nothing


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Re: [slim] SC7 doesn't recognize all MP3 files

2008-09-21 Thread Laz


This is a long standing issue - check

(I've just run into again, and now I can't even get the scanner to tell
me which files are causing the problem - grump).



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Re: [slim] iTunes playlists empty...

2007-10-03 Thread Laz

You may need to specify a Slim Server playlists directory - I couldn't
get SS to pick up iTunes playlists until I did this.

Also, some of the older versions of SS were just crap at reading iTunes
xml (much better with 6.5.2/3)


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Re: [slim] Certain artists not appearing in Slimserver library with itunes...

2007-04-26 Thread Laz

Can you do a get info from iTunes on the albums and check if the cases
of the pathname to the mp3/m4a files match the actual case of the path
to your path?

I.e. is the get info paths something like ../sting/.. while the actual
path name is ../Sting/..?

If this is the case, this is a bug I reported about a week ago.




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Re: [slim] Certain artists not appearing in Slimserver library with itunes...

2007-04-22 Thread Laz

Are you running slimserver on Windows, OSX or Unix, and are you running
iTunes on the same machine?

I know that this problem crops up for me because I have slimserver on a
Linux box and am running iTunes from a shared folder on the Linux box -
I have problems with Album/Artist case names and special characters in
the Itunes xml file not matching the actual filepath.

(if you are running on windows this should not be the cause of the


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Re: [slim] Why is the Squeezebox so dependant on the server?

2007-03-19 Thread Laz

Pat Farrell;188703 Wrote: 
 Laz wrote:[color=blue]
 That is way overkill. I ran for years on a P3-500 with 386MB, and 
 currently run on an AMD 2400+ (about 1.5 gHz) with a gig of ram, Wifi
 Since ram is nearly free, I don't see any reason to not put in lots,
 as a minimum, I think you're over specifying it, and will scare people
 away who would be happy campers.

I was indulging in a bit of hyperbole. 

My point was that the minimum requirements for slimserver are quite low
relative to the performance of a new, cheap PC - and cost of such a PC
is about the same as one squeezebox! Given this, why not just raise the
bar for recommended minimum server specs and reduce the scope for
broader market complaints about responsive.




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Re: [slim] Why is the Squeezebox so dependant on the server?

2007-03-18 Thread Laz


I agree with the OP about remote latency, connectivity and buffering.
These are all a pain in the backside for me. 

However, they are also own goals, because I'm using an underpowered
server, one of my wireless routers is surrounded by electronics, the
other is surrounded by more electronics and sits in a Faraday cage
style metal stereo rack, and I keep them at opposite ends of a house
with significant rebar. I'm perpetually amazed that my network works at
all. Even so, the only time latency becomes really ignificant is when
I'm working with both iTunes and slim at the same time.

As I see it, Logitech/Slim can deal with this issue by simply upping
the minimum required server spec and bandwidth requirements for the
broader release. 

Most people will not be terrible stressed to see a requirement for a
2GHz+, 2GB+ @ 54MBs or better. If you want to get by on less powerful
hardware, you can, but don't be too surprised by the performance hit
you suffer.


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Re: [slim] Can't add Playlists menu item to Squeezebox

2007-03-15 Thread Laz

Gave the restart a try, but no luck. 

I'm also unable to access the alarm menu on the older (v2) squeezebox.
I'm thinking a flush of preferences/forget player may be in order. 

Thanks for the head's up on the prefs file - I'll have a dig in there
as well.



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[slim] Can't add Playlists menu item to Squeezebox

2007-03-14 Thread Laz

Hi All,

I've just bought my second squeezebox (mmm, all black v3, nice) and I
am now suffering a bit of frustration with adding a playlists item to
squeezebox menu. If anybody can help with this, it would be much

The summary of my setup and the problem is as follows:

- Slimserver 6.5.1 running on Ubuntu.
- All music and playlists taken from my iTunes library. The library is
on the Ubuntu box. 
- No non-iTunes playlists.
- Playlists are available and work fine from the server web interface.
- Playlists are available and work from the Browse-Playlists menu on
the Squeezeboxen.
- I had added a Playlists top menu item to my old Squeezebox, which was
working fine.

- Problem: I expected it would be trivial to add a Playlists menu item
to the new Squeezebox. Unfortunately, the Playlists menu item is not
available on the Squeezebox config menu on the server.
- To make matters worse I deleted the Playlists item from my old
squeezebox menu and can't add it back!

Can anybody help add Playlists back to my top level Squeezebox menus (I
can still get there by browse, but I'd like to avoid the two step)




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[slim] Re: iTunes issues

2005-04-30 Thread Laz

Scanning iTunes results in extra albums, artists, and songs (the number
varies when I rescan, but varies around 15, 30 and 500 respectively).

I suspect this has to do with non-latin characters in names, as I
notice that the scan had a real problem with a German alblum with a
u-umlaut and also a Los Lobos album with an o-grave.

Still looking for a solution, but may need to revert to 6.01 if the
going doesn't get better.

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[slim] Re: iTunes issues

2005-04-30 Thread Laz

I uninstalled slimserver, deleted the m3u playlists created by slim
server, deleted the slimserver directory, reinstalled 6.02.

At this stage I end up with 1 extra track, 2 extra albums and 2 extra
artists. I'm willing to live with this until 6.1.

Probably not a viable option if you have a substantial investment in
slim playlists. You could try editing the m3u playlists directly  to
see if you have junk entries from the previous version (I haven't tried
this - YMMV).



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