[slim] audio fingerprint dupes?

2012-08-03 Thread MrSinatra

anyone have any exp with this:


or 'similar' to detect and remove dupes or near dupes?

my interest is specifically in audio fingerprint comparison (and

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Re: [slim] audio fingerprint dupes?

2012-08-03 Thread MrSinatra

as seen here:


i need to investigate how it determines dupes...

thx Gary.

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Re: [slim] How large is your local music library ?

2012-07-09 Thread MrSinatra

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=95676

Question: How large is your local music library ?

- More than 100 000 songs 
- Between 50 000 - 100 000 songs 
- Between 25 000 - 50 000 songs 
- Between 10 000 - 25 000 songs 
- Between 1000 - 10 000 songs 
- Less than 1000 songs 
- Don't have a local library (only use internet radio and streaming

old news:


vote for it!

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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-07-06 Thread MrSinatra

come on erland, i know you don't believe that, just based on other posts
you've made about differentiating the product, ie. why would someone
want a SB over something else, especially something cheaper.

anyway, i happen to believe i would do a better job than the folks at
logitech.  sean and dean certainly did.  remember them?  they were the
guys who invented this stuff in the garage, and logitech came along and
bought it.  amazing that logitech couldn't do what they did with all
their brainiacs and corporate structure and precious info.

look, my beef here was with the notion that people posting here didn't
have any credibility while logitech had all the credibility, and
therefore us unwashed masses should stuff it.  thats nonsense imo.  its
fair to say we may not be credible, but given logitech record, its
fairly demonstrable that they are not credible.

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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-07-06 Thread MrSinatra

amcluesent wrote: 
 Then again, maybe Logitech wanted to enter the kitchen cookware
 marketplace and there was a simple misunderstanding! What might have

but does it work with online fruit?

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Re: [slim] How large is your local music library ?

2012-07-06 Thread MrSinatra

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=95676

Question: How large is your local music library ?

- More than 100 000 songs 
- Between 50 000 - 100 000 songs 
- Between 25 000 - 50 000 songs 
- Between 10 000 - 25 000 songs 
- Between 1000 - 10 000 songs 
- Less than 1000 songs 
- Don't have a local library (only use internet radio and streaming

mherger wrote: 
  Michael, does Logitech have any numbers for library sizes reported
  LMS/SBS to Logitech which you can share (either via PM/mail or in
  public) ?
  Or isn't that kind of information reported if the Report Statistics
  option in LMS Settings/mysqueezebox.com settings page is activated ?
 No, we don't have these numbers. I for myself often am torn between my  
 role as a developer, where I would love to have all kinds of data, and
 being a customer too. I don't wan to drop my pants for every service -  
 even if I do understand the usefulness of such information. All we're  
 collecting is listening hours per online source. Nothing related to
 music is collected as far as I know.

thats a huge mistake imo.

why not allow customers to opt in, and have logitech simply disclose
what info is being collected?  many people would be happy to do this.

i have no qualms at all about opting in.  i want you guys to know these
things, or if the app crashes, or whatever.  microsoft has an opt in
like that.

knowing such stats would be useful.  personally, if i ran logitech, i'd
make it opt in by default, but i would of course allow users to opt out.

btw, i have just under 60k songs at this point.

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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-07-05 Thread MrSinatra

hey pal, you need to settle down.  people are free to make comments.

your POV is valid but so is the opposite POV.  

the whole point i was trying to make to you which was done in good
humor, is that logitech is not above criticism.  you seem to act like
b/c they are a company, or because they make money, they are.  thats
silly imo.

furthermore, i cited an example of a product they lost hundreds of
millions of dollars over, and as was said, got their CEO fired.  that
just happened recently.  so if that happened recently, it puts other
things they are doing in a questionable light, does it not?  it
certainly would seem to at the very least harm their credibility.

now if you want to point out that people posting here also have
credibility issues, i think thats totally fair.  but that doesn't mean
we can't say what we think, or that logitech is above criticism.

i'm sure people defended IBM when it put out WARP, ...does IBM still
being around today make those criticisms invalid?

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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-07-05 Thread MrSinatra

mlsstl wrote: 
 Settle down???

yeah, thats right, b/c you're the one coming on here and acting like the
rest of us have no place to speak, and then get all huffy when we don't
agree with you.

take it easy, francis!

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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-07-03 Thread MrSinatra

in response to the posts above since mine, let me clarify...

i don't begrudge anyone a display if they want one with a display.  but
where is the SB ALONE with NO display?  the SBR isn't sold alone
anymore, right?  and certainly isn't easy to setup if its all one has.

and again, while i don't begrudge it, i don't think most people need it
[a small display on the device] or want it, esp at the price logitech
puts it at.  apple would seem to agree, and while i'm no apple fan, i
think at this point one has to bow to their market research.

this is probably because most people don't need to see whats playing to
know if they want to hear it or not, they merely listen to determine if
they should skip the track or not.

i mean, first of all the price for slim stuff is ridiculous.  lets start
there.  then consider what it costs to do up your house with that stuff,
vs alternatives, be they apple or otherwise.  then consider there is no
video.  then consider you can't connect to a TV.  then consider that the
screens on the devices, in most cases, are too small to see what they
say unless you are nearly in arms reach anyway.

again, i don't begrudge anyone their own preferences, i surely have
mine.  but if we want to see the slim paradigm survive, i think it needs
completely rethought out.

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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-07-03 Thread MrSinatra

bonze wrote: 
 not everyone has a 'droid' or 'iThingy' so a screen becomes necessary.
 I can't imagine how anyone could control an SB without some sort of
 visual feedback ???

no, not everyone does, but pretty much most everyone considering slim
stuff do.

and the webui is how it would be done without one.

let me be clear, i support the option of having a self contained server
with a display, b/c then you don't need anything else.  i get that.  but
it should not be your MAIN product, but instead should be a high end
niche filler in your lineup.

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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-07-03 Thread MrSinatra

Indeed!  Who are the unwashed masses to question the minds behind the
mighty revue!?

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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-07-02 Thread MrSinatra

i have to say that my exps with upnp and DLNA are not overwhelmingly
positive, but it does mostly work to some degree, just not usually

interestingly, thats exactly what i think of the squeezebox paradigm.

neither one is elegant.

by far, the single best thing about apple is airplay.  i'm not an apple
guy, i typically do not like their stuff or their hardware or the
choices they make.  but airplay IS elegant.  airplay IS robust.  airplay
IS flexible.  i mean, audio, video, computer, TV, tablets, handhelds,
mirroring, streaming, local, online, it does it ALL and it does it even
with everything in wifi.  and the adapters are CHEAP.  apple tv = $99. 
i mean, come on!

the problems with it don't bother most people, but do me.  itunes is,
for me, a non-starter.  i won't use it.  and there are some technical
questions regarding the quality of apple hardware adapters and how they
do their airplay magic that again, are for me, an obstacle, but for the
vast majority, are not.

also notice how airplay is going into other companies products.  

does anyone really believe that an audio product should exist today
whose main UI is webui?  i would bet most people still using server are
using some other UI.

i hope logitech sells slim to someone else.  i thought they'd be good
for slim.  i was WAY wrong.

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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-07-02 Thread MrSinatra

neither the apple TV nor the airport express has a display.  the apple
TV does connect to a TV obviously.  but apple has determined that there
is little to no need for the media adapter you connect to your other
gear to have a display, and i agree with that.  in most usage cases, its
not needed or even desired.

your handheld, tablet, or TV can be the display.

so apple has both choices, audio only, for like $60, or audio + TV, for

slim is dreaming to think the touch even has a place.  the whole product
line needs to be re-thought out.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-07 Thread MrSinatra

Nonreality wrote: 
 It died a month ago and can't afford a replacement.(medical problems) 
 Been using my Ipod classic as a make do.  Even though it only lasted 4
 years or so I think it was on of the best things I've ever owned.  I was
 depressed for days.  Hopefully I can figure a way to replace it.

sorry to hear that news, in all respects.

maybe some kind soul will offer you a SB# at a discount?

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Re: [slim] What is missing from your Squeezebox experience ?

2012-04-30 Thread MrSinatra

quite frankly, i would like to be able to ditch server altogether when i
want to, and have some kind of transparent, near optionless middleware
that would power the hardware.  essentially, something to turn the
hardware into a remote soundcard, so i could use ANY software i want,
and play to it.

so, for instance, i could fire up winamp and when i told it to play, the
audio would be sent to the hardware.

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Re: [slim] How do you want to create/manage playlists ?

2012-04-30 Thread MrSinatra


this is awesome.  for years i haven't used playlists b/c no one makes an
app that makes playlists the way i want.  the closest thing for me is
smartviews in winamp, but thats not perfect or suited really for
specific purposes or occassions.  smartviews are more of a library

as a former radio dj, i have long fantasized over what a perfect
playlist app would be.

erland wrote: 
 Since the playlist management in SBS/LMS is a bit limited and most
 people seems to use external software to manage their playlist it feels
 like there is a need for something better in SBS/LMS.
 So, some questions to people that use saved playlists and would like to
 be easier.
 Try to think about how you like it to work instead of how it works
 1. What kind of device would you like to use when creating the playlists
 - A computer
 - A tablet
 - A smart phone
 - A Logitech Controller, Radio or Touch display
 - A IR remote
 - Something else

i'd use a computer.

erland wrote: 
 2. How do you decide what should be part of a playlist ?
 - By selecting the individual tracks you want to include
 - By selecting the albums you want to include
 - By selecting the artists you want to include
 - By automatically selecting 100 tracks that matches some search
 criteria (genre, ratings, ...)
 - Something else

i think the app would need to scan the music to catalog it for
manipulation.  this assumes a user already has good tags.

smartviews let me use criteria.  what i would want is basically a graph
paper like grid, kinda like a spread sheet.  on the left would be album
artists, then indented just a tad would be album names, then indented
just a tad more would be track titles.  so like this:

__Ticket to ride
_Abbey Road
__Here comes the Sun
_Candy O
__Dangerous Type

and so on...

then, on the right would be a series of columns, with empty checkboxes. 
one column per named playlist.  so if u have 11 columns, u have 11
playlists.  then, if u put a check in the songtitle row for that column,
the playlist is automatically rewritten to include it, and vice versa. 
if you put it on the album row, all the titles on the album are
included.  and on the albumartists row, all the titles on all albums are
included.  also, a special column should exist that if you checked the
row in that column, it adds that to ALL playlists.

in addition, on a per column basis, i should then be able to specify
whatever criteria.  so i could say any new music in this file path or
subfolder should automatically be checked or any new music with this
genre should automatically be checked etc.

each column would have its own unique color and the playlist names would
be listed in a fixed row at the top (like in excel, so u can see em even
when scrolling) where they bend kind of, like at an angle, think 2
o'clock, to read.

erland wrote: 
 3. How do you decide which order the tracks should have in the playlist
 - Random ordered tracks
 - Random ordered albums
 - Drag and drop albums to put them into the right order
 - Drag and drop tracks to put them into the right order
 - Something else

this is not important to me as i would simply load and then randomize my
playlists.  however, if people wanted to play things in a strict order,
then an option in this playlist creating app would be to not overwrite
the order the playlist is in.  that way, i could use this proposed app
to create and select the songs, load them into winamp in AA, album,
track # order, rearrange them in winamp, save in winamp, and then the
proposed app would respect that ordering, but still allow to add or
remove items.

erland wrote: 
 4. What's the most frustrating limitation with SBS/LMS playlist
 management today ?
 - That it doesn't support relative paths in playlist files which are
 - That it's too hard to reorder tracks in existing playlists
 - That it's too hard to create completely new playlists 
 - Something else

i almost always use the SBS random mix functions.  anything else with
server is a joke.

erland wrote: 
 5. What kind of device would you like to use when modifying existing
 playlists ?
 - A computer
 - A tablet
 - A smart phone
 - A Logitech Controller, Radio or Touch display
 - A IR remote
 - Something else

same computer.  

erland wrote: 
 6. What kind of modifications do you usually do on already existing
 playlists ?
 - Reorder tracks in the playlist
 - Remove tracks, albums or artists from the playlist
 - Add new tracks, albums or artists to the playlist
 - Something else
 Is there anything else than the above you feel is important to take into
 consideration if anyone would like to improve the playlist management ?

to me, its all about adding or deleting tracks from a playlist, and or
automating a playlist.  i can envision columns where a playlist is made
based on last access date, or rating, or combos of criterias, like
smartviews, but its just automatically done.

a user should be able to dictate if 

Re: [slim] How do you want to create/manage playlists ?

2012-04-30 Thread MrSinatra

erland wrote: 
 Aren't there already other external applications that handles this well
 already ?

i have not seen anything close to what i describe.

erland wrote: 
 The reason I started this thread was to investigate what would be needed
 to make something that works good for Squeezebox. 
 I don't really use static playlists myself much, so I need information
 from people that actually use them to better understand the needs.
 Personally I mostly use smart playlists (through SQL Playlist/Dynamic
 Playlist) as I like to focus on listening to music rather than spending
 the time maintaining playlists, but I could see scenarios, like parties
 or special events, where the exact tracks and order of them could be
 important and due to this static playlists would be needed.
 Still, I'm skeptical if it's possible to implement it as a plugin as I
 think it requires a rich user interface to really work and I'm not sure
 the SBS/LMS web interface is suitable for this kind of usage.

i think the server UI sucks for just about anything.  but my point was
that if you are going to do something, do something that could work for
any app, not just server.  thats far more useful.  to me playlists are
mainly about what is or is not in them.  order is a secondary concern,
since any decent app can randomize a playlist.  if a static order needs
to be maintained, a proposed app should respect that, but leave that
setting of the order to other apps to do, just respect it when done.

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Re: [slim] How do you want to create/manage playlists ?

2012-04-30 Thread MrSinatra

erland wrote: 
 Wouldn't it just be a matter of using the m3u file which a SBS/LMS
 plugin/app produces ?
 Or am I missing something ?

i don't think what i proposed could be done in server, nor do i think
people who don't use server want to install it just to use such an app.

sometimes folks here need to remember, most people don't own squeeze
anything.  i think an app like this does not need to be tied to server.

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Re: [slim] How do you want to create/manage playlists ?

2012-04-30 Thread MrSinatra

erland wrote: 
 Completely agree, but it needs to be tied to some kind of media manager
 which can provide lists of available tracks, albums and artists. If you
 don't tie it to a media manager you will have to implement a scanner
 yourself in the app. Implementing an internal scanner is certainly one
 way to do it, I just fear that it will result in a lot more work than
 basing it on a media manager that exists already. UPnP media managers is
 certainly a solution but their issue is that there seems to be a lot of
 incompatibilities between different UPnP media servers so you can't
 really be sure it works with all just because you have tested it with
 one specific.
 My personal intention, if I would do something, would be to try to
 improve the situation for people that like to use Squeezebox devices,
 there are plenty of other developers and forums in the world that focus
 on non Squeezebox users, so let's focus on the users that want to use
 Squeezeboxes in this forum.
 However, at the moment, I'm more interested in what the actual needs are
 instead of discussing if it's suitable to develop as a plugin or not.
 After we know the needs, it's possible to decide exactly how it's best
 to implement it.

well just to be clear, what i proposed COULD be used by server, as its
output dir could be scanned by server, (since you can tell server where
to look for playlists).  so, i guess i don't know why its better to do
in server?  i don't think anything good can be done in server.

i don't know what u mean when u say upnp media managers but i would
suggest a simple scanner that works off whatever tags it finds, one file
per row.

i think i laid out what i'm looking for pretty extensively, so those are
my needs.  i hope thats useful to you.

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Re: [slim] Compilation albums - problem

2012-04-10 Thread MrSinatra

i should now clarify that i think comp=0, and maybe comp=1 tags will
over-ride the greatest hits logic, but i'm not positive.  (meaning that
those tags will make server combine album tracks from differing
locations into one album for display)

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Re: [slim] make suggestions about the new forum appearance

2012-04-10 Thread MrSinatra

i'd like the icons that show you the threads you posted in to be bigger.
i'd also like a tighter, less generic and less busy skin.

i also notice the bottom of fonts getting cut off, like in g it gets cut
a bit so it looks like q

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Re: [slim] make suggestions about the new forum appearance

2012-04-10 Thread MrSinatra

ie9.  a ctrl - or + fixes it.  but whether its the fault of the browser
or not, isn't the point imo.  ie9 is widespread enough that things need
to conform to it, however irritating that may be.

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Re: [slim] Planned outage - Wed April 4th

2012-04-06 Thread MrSinatra

routehero wrote: 
 Are you using the remember me button when you log in?

i do, and it happens anyway.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox vs. Apple TV - Give me some arguments for keeping my Squeezeboxes

2012-04-03 Thread MrSinatra

i should clarify that while apple tv doesn't directly support some 3rd
party services like say pandora, it will let idevices or whatever
stream them thru apple tv via airplay.

airport expresses are similar, they just don't do the video but are

here's a good overview of atv:



sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox vs. Apple TV - Give me some arguments for keeping my Squeezeboxes

2012-04-03 Thread MrSinatra

you're right, i should have added that as a pro to the logitech way: is
that they finally added DLNA ability to the server, long time coming,
altho it doesn't seem to be the most robust or elegant or prioritized
task.  seems like something that was done to help revue, but now that
thats dead, not sure its a big part of the agenda anymore.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [slim] Planned outage - Wed April 4th

2012-04-02 Thread MrSinatra

more smilies would be nice.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox vs. Apple TV - Give me some arguments for keeping my Squeezeboxes

2012-04-01 Thread MrSinatra

pski;698825 Wrote: 
 How much music does an iPad hold? Or do you mean from a computer?

16, 32, 64 gig, depends what u get.  The ipad can hold the music or
control it from a computer, or be the conduit that plays the music from
the computer or the cloud.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox vs. Apple TV - Give me some arguments for keeping my Squeezeboxes

2012-03-31 Thread MrSinatra


the apple stuff is way easier to use
its way cheaper
it does video
its easier for someone unitiated to just start using, ie. its more
it handles multiple wifi hops, (slim typically only does one robustly)

the only real advantages of slim stuff are:

sound quality
syncing, (which most people don't care about)
some online services apple won't do
and the fact that it isn't apple, so u can do flacs and RG, avoid
itunes, and so on, but most people don't care about that either.

and in fact, most people wouldn't care or perceive a difference in the
sound quality.

so what you have, is an expensive product, that is exponentially more
expensive to expand, that doesn't do video, that for many people isn't
easy or fun to use.

not to mention, developers who won't even commit to fixing ONE top ten
voted bug a release.

its a frustrating product, b/c it COULD be good, you can easily imagine
it being tweaked to become good, but the overwhelming feeling i get, is
that they don't think thinks like UI navigation, which is antique,
unusual, awkward, and frankly laughable, is worth the effort to make


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Why does this goes to Various Artists...

2012-03-25 Thread MrSinatra



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d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Where are your CDs?

2012-03-15 Thread MrSinatra

personally, i like the full CD, in its case, stored on the wall.

to me, saying that you are reclaiming that space is like saying its
time to throw books away b/c u have them on a kindle.

i like a bookshelf with books on it, and i like cd shelves with CDs on

call me old fashioned.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Why does this goes to Various Artists...

2012-03-09 Thread MrSinatra

JENCDK;694667 Wrote: 
 - how many albums are being called comps by server that are not comps
 in reality?
 I have one album, in one folder, that is handled wrong. That is, ending
 up being handled with the Various Artists functionality by SB-server. 
 I have 7 other albums that is handled correctly.
 All 8 albums (7 correct and the 1 wrong) are in each own folder (8 of
 them) and all 8 have Album Artist tag set to the same name and Album
 tag to the same name.

ok, so only one album is getting improperly handled.  thats not so

lets be clear though...

the one album that is improperly handled, HOW SO?  meaning, is it
getting called a comp and in reality it is not a comp?  or what?

JENCDK;694667 Wrote: 
 - what are they called/named?
 The 7 are e.g. Careless Whisper disc 1, Careless Whisper disc 2,
 Burning Love, etc. The one handles wrong is Diverse Musik and for
 that I have also tried Blandet musik (the last two are danish
 language :-)  All the mentioned for Album tag. For the Album Artist tag
 all 8 has Diverse Kunstnere.

again, the language thing throws me.

here's what i want you to do.

for the album that is categorized incorrectly, change the album tag to
XYZ and the AA tag to ABC (both for all tracks) and make all the
artist tags represent the actual artist of the song per track.  

then do a full clear and rescan, and let us know where the album ends

it SHOULD end up under ABC and NOT in the various artists category. 
IF it does end up in the VA category, it means at least one of the
tracks must have a comp=1 tag on it.

but lets do that and see what happens.

JENCDK;694667 Wrote: 
 - what format are they in?
 The 7 is in WMA, the 8th is a combination of MP3 and WMA.

thats a red flag to me right there.  why mix formats on a single album?
that kind of thing leads to issues like this.

JENCDK;694667 Wrote: 
 BUT!!! i have tried isolating the folder to be ONLY wma - where it
 handles correctly. Only MP3 where is handles wrong. And a combination
 of WMA and MP3 where it handles correctly with some of the MP3's and
 handles wrong if it is combined with others of the MP3. I have tried
 file-by-file to identify the files that results in errournous
 Therefore my question from yesterday - how to see full tags, e.g TPE2
 Those MP3's that results in the errournous handling must have some odd
 attribute somewhere, i guess. I just can't put my finger to it from

we're definitely getting closer, and i do think that at times, one
track with a stray tag can affect a whole album.

the first thing i would do is break the album into two parts, a WMA
part and a mp3 part, and create a folder for each.

then i would scan and see which part works and which doesn't.

if WMA works, then the problem is a stray tag somewhere in the mp3s.

you should drill down to the song info level in server for EACH mp3 at
that point and examine the tags.  whatever is happening can only happen
if server can see it.

also, MAKE SURE you have ONLY ONE tag type.  i suggest id3v2.3

JENCDK;694667 Wrote: 
 - personally, i don't mix formats.  so you are saying it is ONLY mp3
 files that are getting classified wrong?  do they have id3 and wma tags
 in them, or just wma?  are they in folders with wma files? 
 As mentioned. I have tried isolating formats and not mixing them. The
 WMA's goes fine. The MP3 (also when isolated to MP3's) goes wrong.
 The MP3's does not have WMA tags in them.

you're getting closer.

JENCDK;694667 Wrote: 
 - mp3tag calls TPE2 album artist it doesn't show frame names.
 So I don't risk there is a confused/wrong TPE2 tag, when I verify
 Album Artist tag to be correct in MP3Tag?
 What do you mean by it doesn't show frame names.   
  TPE2 = a frame name.  it doesn't show you TPE1 either, just
  thats how mp3tag works.  its not showing you frame names, but rather
  the name the frame represents.
JENCDK;694667 Wrote: 
   - have you drilled down to the song info level in server and looked at
   the raw tags server finds?
   Yes. And it didn't ring any bells. I'm not at my computer with the
   music right now, but will try this once again.
   I run my SB server from my Synology Nas, via SB-software downloaded
   from synology.com. This shouldn't be an issue, should it?
  prob not.  what ver server are you running?
  u will need to drill down to EACH and ALL problem mp3s to look for
  stray tags, and make sure you only have one tag type first.
  try using this formula in mp3tag for tag types:
  %_tag_read%[ (%_tag%)]


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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MrSinatra's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2336

Re: [slim] Why does this goes to Various Artists...

2012-03-09 Thread MrSinatra

garym;695006 Wrote: 
 for example, in LMS settings, I've set my compilations to be named
 Compilations rather than Various Artists.

right...  whats important is that whatever the value is, the actual
string you use, it has to be something that is NOT in any of your A or
AA tags.  the point is to avoid ANY possible string conflict.


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win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Why does this goes to Various Artists...

2012-03-07 Thread MrSinatra

JENCDK;694486 Wrote: 
 Hi again
 I have now stripped all extra tags, and the problem remains the same. A
 folder where each and every file has the same Album Artist and Album
 tag, is handled as a compilation, which it should not.

ok, we need you to start getting specific here.

how many albums are being called comps by server that are not comps in
reality?  what are they called/named?  what format are they in?

do you have one album per folder?

JENCDK;694486 Wrote: 
 It does not seem to be my WMA files that makes this happen, as if I only
 have these files in the folder, everything goes as expected, and the
 folder is correctly not handled as a compilation.
 If I add MP3 files, some of them handles correctly. Whereas others does
 not handle correctly and results in the entire folder to be handled
 wrongly as a compilation. I have tried one-by-one to discover some that
 handles correctly and some wrong.
 I cannot see any differences in files or in tags in files, for the ones
 handles correctly and the ones handled wrongly.

personally, i don't mix formats.  so you are saying it is ONLY mp3
files that are getting classified wrong?  do they have id3 and wma tags
in them, or just wma?  are they in folders with wma files? 

JENCDK;694486 Wrote: 
 I use MP3Tag to view tags. I don't see a TPE2 tag, and can see that this
 is referenced more places for Squeezebox Server.
 - Which other program than MP3Tag could I use to see TPE2 tags, and
 other relevant tags, to see if I can find the wrong info this way?

mp3tag calls TPE2 album artist it doesn't show frame names.

have you drilled down to the song info level in server and looked at
the raw tags server finds?


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Why does this goes to Various Artists...

2012-03-02 Thread MrSinatra

hi OP,

i'm quite ill as well, so thats ok.  :)

bug 9523 is a very stupid string conflict built into server. 
basically, server whats to make Various Artists a special category,
and so if you happen to have any tracks, as MANY MANY people do, that
don't have any comp tags, but have either AA values or A values of
Various Artists then server will hide the music from you.  see:


the best fix is this bug:


please vote for both.

the easy workaround is to either add explicit Comp=1 tags, or change
the setting in server to the special cateory name for VA, to something
not in conflict with any of your tag strings.

having said that, it sounds like your problem is that thing are getting
classified as comps that shouldn't be, correct?  if you do have AA tags
and you don't have explicit comp=1 tags, then i don't know how or why
server would think something is a comp.

it probably wouldn't hurt for you to clear your server cache and do a
full clear and rescan.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Why does this goes to Various Artists...

2012-03-02 Thread MrSinatra

JENCDK;693414 Wrote: 
 And now another ask for help.
 Some of you proposed I should only have and ID3v2 (and no ID3v1) as you
 see I have both.
 Actually, in the folder with the errounous VA-handlingn there is only
 ID3v2.3 and WMA.

i think this is the answer.  mp3tag will only show you one tag layer at
a time.  it probably is showing you the id3 layer.  server meanwhile
will read all layers and merge them, so i think server is using the wma
comp tag, ergo why server is calling it a comp.

i only use flac and mp3.  so i use only vorbis for flac, and only
id3v2.3 for mp3.

regardless of what format you use, i find its best to only have one
type of tag in it.

JENCDK;693414 Wrote: 
 But I do have ID3v1 in other folders. So
 - how do I upgrade the easiest from ID3v1 to ID3v2, just retaining
 existing tags without adding og changing any tags?
 And in general, if I find an odd tag in one single file to be the
 - how do I -remove- that tag. Meaning, not setting it to zero, or
 blank, but fully remove that tag as a registration?

as stated, use mp3tag.  u just do some simple config, where it removes
all but v2.3 and then do a tag cut and tag paste.  be careful tho,
experiment first!  mp3tag will also fully remove frames u don't want.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread MrSinatra

i like my SBs, but i don't love them.  still too much clunkyness, too
many unresolved but basic bugs.

still, the #1 reason i got a SB, high audio quality, still exists, and
so i am grateful for that.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Scanning - Metadata Changes

2012-03-02 Thread MrSinatra

emalvick;693511 Wrote: 
 Does it really over-ride the AA tag in terms of browsing, though?  Back
 at one point while messing with the comp tag, if I had a comp tag + AA
 (AA not equal to VA) the album would show up both under the AA and
 under the VA (Compilations) menu... i.e. it seemed they were given
 equal browsing.  That could have changed though (my experience was back
 at 7.3 days).

right, thats the expected behavior.  if you hadn't added a comp tag,
then it would show up ONLY under the AA tag, and not the server VA
category, b/c to server it isn't a comp.

since AA tags mean to server something isn't a comp, (which i think is
an incredibly stupid assumption to make, but thats what server does),
the explicit comp tag over-rides it, and you get the album in both

gary, i don't think what ur talking about applies here...  i have
things that have AA tags that aren't artist tags that show up, like
Soundtrack (Film)  if it is the AA tag and has a comp tag, it will be
in both places, A tags don't apply.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Scanning - Metadata Changes

2012-02-29 Thread MrSinatra

one of the problems with server imo, is that you can't switch easily on
the fly between browsing just album artists, or all artists.

in any case, i put an album artist on everything.  for comps, sometimes
its Various Artists but sometimes its Soundtrack (Film) or something
like that.  i basically feel like you in that i don't want all the comps
i have given one default label.

its really debatable if server even needs to know something is a comp
or not, but for the sake of itunes users i have added explicit comp
tags to my files, which over-rides the AA tag for comp status.

these links might shed some light on things for you:




sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Why does this goes to Various Artists...

2012-02-29 Thread MrSinatra

it would be nice if the OP would respond, but one of the things thrwoing
me here on the diagnosis is the different language.  like, is his OS in
Danish?  his server?  does that impact bug 9523?

also, even if he isn't using an AA tag, if he sets all his artists tags
to be in conflict with the VA string, he'll still suffer from bug 9523.

high time to get bug 15604 done, as it has at least 39 votes now, and
will solve 9523.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Why does this goes to Various Artists...

2012-02-27 Thread MrSinatra

chances are this is a tagging or location issue.

first, are all the problem files in one folder location?  i find with
server that its best to put one album = one folder.

second, i agree about making sure all files are only using one tag
type.  for mp3, i only use id3v2.3

third, in server, have you drilled down to the song level info?  look
there, b/c u will see everything that server sees as tags.  a stray
weird sort tag or something like that could be the cause.

also, i assume the AA tag itself does not = Various Artists as that
causes problems which need workarounds in default server.

i also assume u have server set to treat TPE2 as AA since this is how
most all apps treat TPE2 (de facto standard, but out of spec)

fourth, are the tags in english or translated by the app?

what is meant by recognizes is that people can annotate AA tags in
different ways.  in english, for flac it could be ALBUM ARTIST or

in id3v2, it could be TPE2 or TXXX ALBUMARTIST or TXXX ALBUM ARTIST

so it has to be a method server knows to interpret as AA.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Ps3 + lms + flac

2012-02-10 Thread MrSinatra

so is LMS transcoding the flac to PCM?  (which is raw audio, like a wav,
right?)  i'm just wondering at what stage things happen?

if u had a mp3, and the device did not natively support mp3, would LMS
transcode the mp3 to PCM and serve it that way?

is PCM the first option the device tries next if the codec isn't


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-01-30 Thread MrSinatra

logitech products are becoming increasingly unnecessary for most
users...  thats the real issue.

on the one hand you have apple and all its tight integration that for
most apple people works very well, or at least, prefectly for them. 
airplay is now becoming a standard that 3rd party hardware

on the other hand, other hardware is integrating more and more
dlna/upnp type things, also right into TVs and receivers and game

logitech meanwhile, sells an audio only platform that requires
mastering a fairly complicated server which has an extremely
unintuitive and unforgiving browse exp.

what boggles my mind, is logitech makes money from hardware sales, not
server development.  why they haven't concentrated more on hardware,
and making the server just be a middleware layer that allow any app to
send the A/V to the hardware, i can't understand.  it would save them
tons of money from continuing to develop server, which as a music
player, is an antique at best.

and besides, as audio only, its not only niche, but imo, doomed.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-01-27 Thread MrSinatra

erland;686715 Wrote: 
 Does anyone know which audio quality you get through AirPlay ? Does it
 allow some lossless format or is everything encoded through some lossy
 codec ?

i have no idea how airplay works, but i suspect it allows for different
codecs, and it might transcode or something based on wireless speed.

see here:


The Apple Lossless Encoder (the software for encoding into ALAC files)
was introduced into the Mac OS X Core Audio framework on April 28, 2004
together with the QuickTime 6.5.1 update, and thus available in iTunes
as of version 4.5 and above. The codec is also used in the AirPort
Express's AirPlay implementation.



so one would hope that all airplay was lossless, but i doubt it. 
besides, if the source material is lossy, why bother?  its prob like
DLNA in that way.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-01-27 Thread MrSinatra

DaveWr;686743 Wrote: 
 Everything is converted to 16 bit 44 khz cd standard ALAC according to
 Linn, who have incorporated Airplay support in their v expensive
 streamers.  They have also added Songcast to support high sample rate
 24 bit music.

that seems really odd...  why bother to make a mp3 lossless to send

and whats really odd about it, is i have seen in practice, music go
from a laptop, wirelessly, to a router, to an airport express and / or
apple tv, again, wirelessly, and not hiccup even once.

pretty remarkable considering its lossless thru the hops, and LMS
essentially requires itself to be hardwired to the router, even for
lossy stuff.

color me confused.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-11 Thread MrSinatra



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d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Net::UDAP - SqueezeBox Receiver configuration tool

2011-11-07 Thread MrSinatra

thx a lot, i'll work on it later, (i forgot how i installed it last
time...  i think i moved it over with bluetooth or something, then did
some weird stuff to get it to install.  droid is like dos once you're
out of their gui expected system)


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Beta: SqueezeConfig - UDAP Config tool for Android

2011-11-07 Thread MrSinatra

shouldn't SCon find my SB2 even if its in standby mode or connected to
my SB if it otherwise works and isn't wired?


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Re: [slim] Net::UDAP - SqueezeBox Receiver configuration tool

2011-11-01 Thread MrSinatra

yours works?

i installed it to my phone, and it worked for a while, but then it
stopped, saying it had expired or something like that.  LAME.

how do i get it to work again?


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
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Re: [slim] Net::UDAP - SqueezeBox Receiver configuration tool

2011-11-01 Thread MrSinatra

sebp;666716 Wrote: 
 Net::UDAP is *NOT* flatterman's droid beta utility, but Robin Bowes'
 original utility written in Perl.

right you are, duh on me, thx.

flattermann;666728 Wrote: 
 If you talk about SqueezeConfig, it probably told you Expired. Please
 update to a newer version..
 Maybe you should try what it says... :-)
 Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk

thx for the response.  back when this first happened, (some time ago)
there either wasn't a newer version, OR not a DL link.

if there is now, cool, where do i find it?  also, i wish it wouldn't
expire, b/c its a pita to install since u can't via the market.

having said all that, i use that and your app and i love both, thanks
for doing it!


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Big Party

2011-09-20 Thread MrSinatra

when you do RG, there's only two gain tag frames/fields, track and
album.  thats it.  (and two peak files that go with them to avoid

all smart gain does is pick which one to use, based on upcoming
playlist.  thats it.

so all its designed to do, is keep the user from manually having to
switch between track or album [gain].


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Big Party

2011-09-18 Thread MrSinatra

did u use smart crossfading?

i'd like to see a beat mixing plugin.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Beta: SqueezeConfig - UDAP Config tool for Android

2011-09-07 Thread MrSinatra

my squeeze config says its expired too, which is odd since its free. 
has anyone found a link to one that works?


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win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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[slim] trade old SB for 50% coupon?

2011-09-07 Thread MrSinatra

this is a long shot, but...

i got a coupon good until sept.14th for 50% off ANY product on
logitech.com (except the revue) and i don't really want to buy
anything...  but i figured someone here might?

anyone care to give me an old squeezebox 1 or 2 or 3 you're not using
anymore, or even slimp3 player, for it?  maybe a duet?  you could get a
touch for $150 with it, (saving $150).

lots of other stuff there to buy too.  i wanted a $50 revue, but its
the one thing they excluded.



sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] New Tags?

2011-08-31 Thread MrSinatra

i believe SBS should support id3 in FLAC, (as legacy support) but i also
believe anyone reading this or any tag editor should properly clean up
their files, since there no longer is a reason to have id3 in FLAC.  i
strip any id3s from my flacs.

in EAC, make sure your FLAC config has turned off insert id3 tags.

also, there are many year frames in id3, so you have to be sure which
frame is used/edited.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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[slim] amber lAMPS!

2011-08-20 Thread MrSinatra


retro!  cool stuff.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Probably the Worst Update in The World ...

2011-08-01 Thread MrSinatra

i would also suggest you document your problems in full and file bugs,
and try to bring them to Michael's and Andy's attention b/c i am fairly
sure they don't want these things to happen to others, and would
therefore like to fix it for you.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Why recommend someone to get a Squeezebox ?

2011-08-01 Thread MrSinatra

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=88915

Question: Why recommend someone to get a Squeezebox ?

- Its excellent audio quality
- Best price/performance on the market
- Excellent hardware/software quality of the whole solution
- Great support for online streaming services
- Great support for browsing and playing local music
- The possiblity to extend it to multiple rooms later on
- Its support for third party plugins
- The possibility to directly interact with Logitech regarding new
- This community and forum
- I wouldn't recommend a Squeezebox to anyone

i voted:

Its excellent audio quality

i couldn't in good conscience vote for anything else.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Probably the Worst Update in The World ...

2011-08-01 Thread MrSinatra

umapati;645890 Wrote: 
 Thanx a lot...But do you think I should switch back to older version OR
 upgrade to nightly version before starting or connecting my SB touch..?
 Bcoz I am still at the starting point..

i usually run the betas, so 7.6.1b is what i'd suggest for you.

however, i should state that i have not yet gone to 7.6, as my fear is
it isn't ready yet.

do u know where the bugs are filed?  once done, paste the bug link to a
post in the beta section of the forums.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] ReplayGain - How effective?

2011-07-30 Thread MrSinatra

Ryssen;645386 Wrote: 
 Doesn´t the use of RG comparable with turning down (or up) a digital
 volume control,you lose resolution?

imo, RG is exactly like turning up or down the gain on an analog amp
volume knob, except the gain is applied in the digital realm, and so
less distortive.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitech CEO Steps down

2011-07-29 Thread MrSinatra

i actually think it makes some sense for microsoft or google to buy

however, i think harmony remotes are basically obsolete.  its already
the case that a lot of new products have remote apps run from tablets
and phones, etc...  much better than even dedicated remotes.  tivo has
a really cool app for instance.  so do some TVs and receivers.

if the revue can bring droid and sbs/lms to your tv/stereo, i see real
potential in that.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitech CEO Steps down

2011-07-29 Thread MrSinatra

i see your point, but for that the cheap remote that comes with the
device is sufficient, the harmony seems surperfluous between the native
remote and the apps.  i find with my droid though, i like using it more
(most of the time) than normal remotes.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] ReplayGain - How effective?

2011-07-29 Thread MrSinatra

here's a pic of the winammp RG implementation.

interestingly, along with apply gain, the dropdown also has normalize
but i don't use that or really know how its different in practice.

what winamp does not have, is a smartgain feature, where it uses track
or album gain as appropriate as per the playlist.

|Filename: RG.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=12137|


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] ReplayGain - How effective?

2011-07-28 Thread MrSinatra

i've been using it for several years now, and i find it works pretty

one thing to look for, is peak values, the forgotten RG tags.  using
those is how it avoids clipping, and so a track might be played back
quieter than it otherwise would be, to avoid the clip.  usually not an
issue, but if something sounds too quiet it might have a momentary loud
spike in it or something like that.

the internet radio thing is an old complaint, vote for this bug:








having said all that, i do find that sometimes some things seem louder
or quieter than all the rest, BUT for the most part, i think it does
its job and does it well.

ps. i would also like to see a RG pre-amp so a user can adjust the
89db reference level.  this is available in winamp.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitech CEO Steps down

2011-07-28 Thread MrSinatra

maybe this is why 7.6 came out now, so they could move on to LMS and
support the revue, b/c the revue is the future while audio only
products are the past.

i've been saying for a long time now that they needed a cheap audio
endpoint, and the revue could be one (with video as a bonus).  if they
do get honeycomb into it, it could rescue the product.

make no mistake, the current situation is very bleak, and this could
all not only end badly, but end quickly.  however, a LMS server, that
can do upnp / dlna / audio/video and operate with a $99 honeycomb
powered endpoint is VERY appealing to me, and i think others, if it in
fact works well.

frankly, i'm shocked anyone is buying a touch at all.  to me, the
writing is on the wall for that kind of thing.

one last point...  maybe they will run LMS IN the revue...  turn LMS
into an android app the way they did SP.  just a thought...


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] What The **** Do I Need?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

don't miss the point, i also hate itunes...  but the wifi part of that
eco-system is much better, its more robust and reliable, works easier,

say what you will about itunes, i'll agree with it most likely, but the
airplay portion of what they do is very kickass, and its why you now
see 3rd party hardware support it.

i wonder if eventually someone will create a SBS/itunes server type
hybrid...?  some kind of open source server that supports airplay?  if
they did, it would really solve a lot of issues for most people on both
sides of this.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] NEW SB hardware?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

have you guys seen the apple TV?

for $99 you have a simple, easy to use piece of hardware that can
stream audio and video digitally.  your ipod and/or iphone can control
it as soon as its plugged in, or use the tiny 3 button remote that
comes with it.

what does logitech have to compete with that?  SBS?  the revue?

this is the problem.  logitech solutions have basically one selling
point:  do you hate apple?  then use us.

yes, i like the HQ audio things, and of course SBS is better in many
ways than itunes, but how many people care about that?  for most
people, (not me, but most others) itunes sounds and acts fine.

how many also want some kind of video for their money?  and we saw what
a gigantic thud flop the revue was, and not surprising given the money

i think logitech needs to really reduce the cost of the hardware first
of all.  and secondly, the hardware ought to support DLNA, so you can
use other stuff besides SBS, like WMP for example.

its getting harder and harder to justify going the slim way.  it is
positioned, as far as i can tell, only for audiophiles who hate apple,
and out of those, only those audiophiles for who other easier, cheaper
solutions aren't good enough.

did i mention video?  obviously they have  clue about this, as the
coming transition to LMS is slated to finally, finally include DLNA in
the server, as well as some (planned anyway) video support.  but talk
bout coming late to the party.

imo, the current hardware is too expensive, too poorly thought out, and
not capable of sustaining slim as things quickly evolve around them. 
for now, i am avoiding the apple universe, and other competing
solutions to SBS have their own drawbacks and so on that don't yet
overcome my investment in slim, but if someone came out with say, a $99
product that wasn't apple, that let me use whatever software i want to
send audio or video to it, to play on my stereo or whatever, i'd dump
slim in a second.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] NEW SB hardware?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

erland;636517 Wrote: 
 Yes but they have decided to not sell it in Sweden, at least not yet.
 I could import it but it still loose a lot of its attractiveness
 without support for Netflix and similar services which aren't available
 in Sweden. Streaming from iTunes on a desktop is not something I plan to

just fyi, you don't have to.  many NAS boxes, like readynas for
example, come with a built in itunes server.  whats great about that,
is you can then use apple hardware, without actually needing a mac, or
running itunes on a computer.

erland;636517 Wrote: 
 And AppleTV is too cheep. Well, I'm happy it's this cheep, but compared
 to anything else it's really cheep for what it does. Apple can release
 it this cheep because they can sell a lot of them, someone like
 Logitech would have a hard time selling similar amount of devices so
 they need to increase the prices a little bit.

well, over here, we don't pity the losers.  you compete or you get

with the touch / revue being THREE TIMES the price of apple TV, (and
airport express is even cheaper) logitech needs to up its game, BIG
TIME.  its not a small difference.

erland;636517 Wrote: 
 However, I do agree with you partly, the Touch have too slow CPU and too
 little memory to be a server and too fast CPU and too much memory to
 just be a player, so if the CPU and/or memory results in a higher price
 they definitely selected the wrong hardware configuration. 
 Personally I suspect it's a lot of other things than CPU/memory that
 sets the price, for example the display, and I also suspect the
 CPU/memory were restricted by the selected hardware platform at the
 time so they maybe didn't have much choices. They do now, but not when
 they started to develop the Touch.

i basically agree with you, but i said from the start that the touch
was a dopey, flawed product.  as you make clear, its too expensive to
be just aplayer, and too under powered to be a true server, and i would
add to that, that most people will have it attached to a stereo, and
won't want or need to sit right next to it to control it, and likewise
will be too far away from it for the screen to truly matter.

the whole thing is just really poorly thought out imo.

what should they have?  two devices with no screens.  one (more
expensive) with server and one without.  then let phone apps (or
computer based SP) control them, set them up, and act as remotes.  if
that takes off and sales are good, then consider a third model which
adds a screen.

the devices should also support DLNA; DLNA shouldn't be on the server
(7.6) only.

erland;636517 Wrote: 
 Apple is mass market, so if you want mid-range audio quality and
 simplicity, that's where you should go. 
 If you want high-end audio and customization possibilities, you will
 never get that from Apple because things like that doesn't sell on the
 mass market it just increase the price and maintenance/support costs.

i would argue that if someone was sending music digitally to their
stereo via apple hardware/itunes, you would be hard pressed to actually
hear the difference in a similar SBS digital setup.  but i know there's
a lot of religious audiophiles here, so i'll just say i think most
people would fail a double blind test between the two.

but i do agree that apples software is totally lacking and crap, and
there are many good reasons i agree with, not to use it.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] What The **** Do I Need?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

i'd say its uninteresting (to the mass market) b/c it doesn't yet
support airplay (or the audio part of it) and b/c the UI is not one
UI for all.  if it ever does, it becomes nteresting, and then the Q is
the degree to which it does.

i could be mistaken, but my impression is to do all those things it
does currently, VB basically runs separate apps to do them.  i think a
single open source unified UI, that can run slim, apple, or dlna, (and
tivo or whatever else etc), equally well is something of a holy grail.

although, my belief is that really a developer would just need to
replace itunes with their server and support airplay/dlna with such an
open source project to be successful.  one imagines such a project
could do what itunes does, better.  adding in slim support would be
nice, but not needed (to be successful).


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] NEW SB hardware?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

aubuti;636532 Wrote: 
 I'm neither an audiophile nor an Apple-hater, but AppleTV is completely
 useless to me simply because it doesn't have analog audio outputs. Yes,
 it streams audio, but does everyone have amps with digital inputs these

i can't say about apple tv, as i have had little exposure to it.

but airport express and other similar apple devices let you do analog
or digital.  however, my guess is the analog DAC sucks.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] NEW SB hardware?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

erland;636533 Wrote: 
 Without the display the Touch would be completely useless to me. I
 prioritize the display a lot higher than then built-in server, but I
 realize I'm not the target user of Logitech neither is most of the
 people on this forum.

it would still be a player, and while i can see limited cases where it
fits as is, i think in trying to be all things to all people, it
actually succeeds in being aggravating to most people.

i will NEVER buy a touch.

erland;636533 Wrote: 
 How would DNLA support on player side result in higher earnings for
 Logitech ?

its obvious!  people want flexible solutions.

if i could use ANYTHING other than SBS to power the hardware, i would! 
and so would many other people!  i would love to use software i feel is
better, more fun, more familiar, to play on the HQ slim hardware. 
thats my DREAM.

if the players had this, i'd have like 3 or 4 more slim devices FOR
SURE.  and yes, i realize i'd not be able to sync without SBS, so i
know that, but i could still fire up SBS but knowing that wouldn't stop
me from getting more boxes.

the hardware is where they make money, not developing the software!

erland;636533 Wrote: 
 - It will cause more support issues from users with third party servers
 - It will cause more time in quality assurance to ensure their players
 works towards third party servers
 - It will result in decreased number of sold server hardware boxes (if
 they decided to release server hardware)

funny, LOTS of companies seem totally able to sell successful dlna
players, are you saying logitech can't?

the biggest drain on logitech is developing SBS imo.  if they had more
sales, they could get avg users into other apps to power the hardware,
and still have more resources for developing the player and SBS.  it
could be win win.

erland;636533 Wrote: 
 I guess theoretically, it could result in more sold players if Logitech
 creates a crappy server and there is someone else creating a better
 DLNA server. Still, I've a hard time seeing how Logitech will benefit
 from DLNA on player side. I still believe the main reason they do it on
 the server side is to get support for Logitech Revue and possibly
 because they have some big plans to create future simple DLNA players
 which won't need SqueezeOS based firmware and due to this not support
 things like mysqueezebox.com and multi room audio. A simple player with
 simpler software would be more similar to other stuff Logitech produces.

who knows what they have planned or why.  i see little rhyme or reason
in ANYTHING they do.  but if someone wants to buy the hardware to use
with a different piece of software, like WMP which is a DLNA server,
then that only makes the potential marketplace for their hardware
bigger!  most people i show SBS to don't get it and think it sucks, and
they are basically right.  its complex, not fun, not flexible, and
generally a pain in the ass.

erland;636533 Wrote: 
 I completely agree, most people don't even hear difference between high
 bitrate MP3 and FLAC, some people will object but they'd still fail a
 MP3 vs FLAC blind test.

yep.  :)

erland;636533 Wrote: 
 Main problem for me with iTunes is that it isn't server based, it means
 that I have to use a specific desktop computer to access my music
 library. Still, I'm not their typical user, so you can't really blame
 them. At least they will finally make wireless syncing with portable
 devices possible in next release, so they are moving in the right
 Apple does a lot of great things but iTunes isn't one of them, at least
 not yet.

i don't understand you here.  itunes IS a server app.  also, like i
said, a lot of NAS boxes, even cheap ones, come with an itunes server
built in.

so in other words, you could run a NAS box, or cheapo headless system
with itunes in a closet, and stream from your iphone to your apple tv
via it, np.  its the best thing about what they do, b/c where the music
is played from, where its played to, is all very easy to control and
very flexible not to mention intuitive.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] NEW SB hardware?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

pippin;636576 Wrote: 
 If you believe you'll get more flexibility out of DLNA you are wrong.
 DLNA is OK for video (where the controller is in the player and you are
 dealing with single files) but for audio it's a failed technology and
 will go away - and I say that as someone who's actually doing active
 DLNA related development right now!

thats not what i meant.

i want DLNA to allow me the flexibility to not use SBS.  ie. to power
the slim hardware with other software solutions.

so i wasn't wrong.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] NEW SB hardware?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

other servers that do DLNA can be remote controlled.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] NEW SB hardware?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

pippin;636584 Wrote: 
 No. Not a single one.
 Servers are never remote controlled via DLNA. Renderers are. That's
 the problem.
 A server in DLNA is just a data source, all the logic has to be in the

i didn't say the server would be remote controlled by DLNA.

i said other servers that do DLNA can be remote controlled.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] NEW SB hardware?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

this is EXACTLY what SBS is doing.  i guess you think thats nonsense?

sbs 7.6 will do DLNA, and can be remote controlled by your app, theirs,
or others.  SBS is not the only server of which that paradigm will be

i don't know why you're so intent with finding fault with what i said,
but i have said nothing wrong, nothing nonsensical.  i think you
misconstrued my meaning at each step however.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] NEW SB hardware?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

my apologies if i am mistaken then, but i was under the impression that
if you have a DLNA client, like say a PS3, you could send to it video
or music files from say WMP, which is a DLNA server.  meaning, that a
user, via WMP directly, could control what went out over the DLNA

so, are you saying that isn't the case?  that only the DLNA client can
control whats called to play?

if so my fault entirely then for misunderstanding how it all works.  i
might be confusing what microsoft can do with its media center and xbox
360, which i know is different, but i thought roughly the same.  

i thought with twonky or foobar or whatever DLNA server, you could use
the app/server to control what went out to the DLNA device.  pleaase
let me know if i have this all wrong.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] NEW SB hardware?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

ok, so tell me if i have this straight:

if, in theory, you had a single piece of software that was both a DLNA
server, and a DLNA control point, it could, in theory, be remote
controlled by an app similar to ipeng, and control what is played over
the DLNA renderer?

is that possible in at least theory as laid out above?

b/c if it is, thats what i'd want.  let the slim hardware be the DLNA
renderer, and let something else, that can be remote controlled by
droid/iphone, etc, be the DLNA server and CP.  that would, in theory,
free you from SBS.  

this is what i thought was/could be possible and what i was advocating.
obviously, it would benefit logitech b/c their hardware would be
solutions for people who otherwise have DLNA servers/control points and
don't want to use SBS.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] What The **** Do I Need?

2011-06-15 Thread MrSinatra

erland;636539 Wrote: 
 I'd argue that the reason the mass market doesn't buy it is because:
 1. They don't know it exists
 2. They think it's too expensive
 3. The applications it bundles is still too geeky for the mass market

well, they could install it freely on old hardware, so i think 1 and 3
are good reasons, but its a different question.  you asked why the VB
might be uninteresting.  now you are asking why the mass market doesn't
buy it.  not truly the same thing, at least in so far as the way i was
answering it.

the context was me suggesting a SBS-like open source server, that would
support airplay, slim, (and DLNA devices, etc).  in that context, i was
saying VB is not there yet, ie. not interesting to me.

erland;636539 Wrote: 
 AirPlay support would certainly help but to get AirPlay you can just get
 a $99 AppleTV and you have what you like, as I've understood you don't
 even have to have it connected to iTunes if you only want to use
 AirPlay. AppleTV is cheap even if you only use it as a wireless iPad -
 TV and iPad - Amplifier connector.

again, it becomes interesting, that was the Q.  but would it be adopted
by the mass market?  that depends on how well the implementation was
done imo.

a lot of people would like to use the apple gear without the apple
software though for local tunes (or vids) that aren't all on smallish
pods/pads.  software that was capable of running apple gear, slim gear,
dlna gear, more or less equally well has a good chance of being widely
adopted imo.

imagine using an iphone or ipad or droid or computer or whatever to
remote control the server, which in turn can play to just about any
gear you've got.

in other words, one ring to rule them all.  lots of people have a mix
of gear...  even apple diehards have game consoles for instance.

think of my suggestion as a universal translator.  

don't know if this is legal, but there is this:


afaik, slim proto is open source, and DLNA is too, mostly, right?

erland;636539 Wrote: 
 It has a common home page from which you can launch the different apps.

no good.  it has to be unified, and smart enough to know what protocol
to use for what device, all under the hood.

erland;636539 Wrote: 
 My experience is that community based open source projects with a few
 exceptions rarely result in unified simple UI's.

true, but it could take the SBS route...  a company pairs it with its
hardware and yet makes it available for other hardware.  great way to
get adopted.  besides, i see this solution as being much less visible
than the SBS one.  more of a handheld remote operated type thing.

erland;636539 Wrote: 
 And how would this developer be economically successful ?
 By also producing and selling hardware ?

it depends how it was developed.  lots of community projects have
different strategies.

u see slim adding DLNA to their server now already.  (i don't know if
their DLNA includes a control point or not, but it should).  maybe they
add airplay too.  maybe they have their hardware able to be controlled
by other DLNA capable software.  suddenly, they are the master of all
possibilities, agnostics, and flexible.  thats a selling point.  and
people would buy the hardware knowing that it will be extra capable,
and knowing that the software will also handle their other non-slim

my only beef with that scenario, is that i don't like SBS as is.  i'd
prefer making something cross platform like foobar into this jack of
all trades.

erland;636539 Wrote: 
 Honestly, I don't think you will get what you want through the open
 source community, it's too scattered and geeky to accomplish something
 unified that's also simple to use and ready for mass market usage.
 VortexBox is how close it's going to get, it already today solves the
 complicated ripping, tagging and installation stuff, but I suspect it
 will never get much further than that. It will focus more on supporting
 new communication protocols than building a unified UI. However, I think
 AirPlay (audio) might be a possibility, because that's just about
 supporting an additional communication protocol. I doubt it will ever
 support licensed AirPlay through Apple, if supported it will probably
 used the hacked solution through ShairPort.

you're probably right, thats why for now i just want the slim hardware
to be DLNA capable.  if the revue is going to be, i don't see how/why
they wouldn't add that ability to the next gen SB hardware.  at least
that way, i could buy the slim hardware, which is how they make money,
and at the same time not have to use SBS, my dream, (and SBS is the big
unfunded drain on resources)


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] What The **** Do I Need?

2011-06-14 Thread MrSinatra

considering that there's probably 1000 times more itunes installs than
SBS ones, i think its safe to say that as a percentage, they exp less
issues overall, and actually given how many more there are, thats
pretty amazing.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] What The **** Do I Need?

2011-06-13 Thread MrSinatra

Mnyb;636170 Wrote: 
 Yea Sonos solution is to use it's own proprietary network, thus freeing
 themself from user errors in network setup, left only with the figth
 against nature and other radio sources .
 Reading this forum makes you wonder , same people always get network
 problems and new server versions always breaks their install ? I'll
 bet that an upgrade whose only diff where the version numbers would
 also break their installs, some peoples computer environment seems very
 fragile like a house of cards ?

if so, then why is it only slim gear that exhibits difficulties?

in other words, in my exp, i have seen the above, but only with slim,
not apple, not tivo, not other gear.  

the very first problem i had almost instantly with slim, that still
isn't fully solved btw, (but after YEARS has improved to some degree,
including some bug / code fixes made at my urging) was listening to a
shoutcast stream.  slim simply couldn't handle it, going into buffering
mode and so on.  all the pro slimmers, some of which are here in this
thread i think (if not literally, than in spirit), wanted to first
blame my network, the environment, etc, and when i made clear it was
totally normal, and that i could always ROBUSTLY and RELIABLY stream
the same shoutcast on a wifi laptop with winamp, they actually resorted
to saying that it wasn't fair to compare the dinky ip3k slim solution
to that.

not fair?  well, i couldn't disagree more.  first of all, its sold to
people saying you can do that, without even needing a computer! 
secondly, it IS supposed to be able to do that, anything said to the
contrary is nonsense.

my main beef is that in almost all cases when i have problems with slim
stuff that i report, even after years of using it, the reaction from
other users / devs, is to blame me, my setup, etc... and do everything
possible not to blame slim.  the problem is that it almost ALWAYS IS
slim.  and in my case, i feel that an even bigger problem is that none
of the devs live in windows, and so you run up against all kinds of
issues that seem to come from that.  and once you prove it must be
slim, you're lucky if the devs actually do anything about it, which
granted it may not be easy or possible, but communiction on such issues
would be nice.  i have real bugs that they know about that they refuse
to fix, one i can think of goes back to 2008.

having said all that, i am still using it, for now.  but the
marketplace seems to be catching up to them.  i am hopeful with some
things they are doing, like the DLNA, but the lack of resources and so
on is problematic, and waiting on 7.6 has become a joke.  logitech
really needs to step up their game if they expect this stuff to


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] What The **** Do I Need?

2011-06-10 Thread MrSinatra

the flipside of that is all the people with problems who never post, but
just give up, return, whatever...


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win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] What The **** Do I Need?

2011-06-10 Thread MrSinatra

this is actually a perfect example of what i'm talking about that some
people are trying to dismiss.  u need to know very little to almost
nothing to setup a wifi apple device, and once you do, its basically
forever.  compare that to the ip3k products, which many people here,
some posting how easy this all is, don't even attempt dhcp with
anymore.  true, the OP is talking touch but i seem to recall a lot of
problems with the touch when it rolled out anyway, no?

in addition, airplay has no problems with multiple wifi hops.  i was
able to stream from a laptop hd via wifi to a router back to a wifi
APX.  absolutely no drops, no problem, just plug and play.  i was even
able to have the laptop grab the music off of a NAS, that was wired to
the router, but again the laptop was wifi.

compare that to slim stuff, which basically can't do more than one wifi
hop period, usually the router to the device.

now, like the OP i hate mac/apple stuff, i get it when he says its in
the genes.  but a lot of people in my family like the stuff, and it
does do some things well, that slim does not match.  to all the people
saying this stuff is no muss, no fuss, i say take it to someone who is
NOT into computers, and watch them try to set it up from scratch,
without your help, and then compare that to someone doing the same with
apple.  it just isn't the same, its silly to try to say it is.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] What The **** Do I Need?

2011-06-09 Thread MrSinatra

RockinFX;635521 Wrote: 
 Well, it was honestly meant to convey nothing more than my abject level
 of frustration and desperation as I am well and truly lost. I have
 tried to get my head around the technology, I really have.  Obviously
 to little or no avail.  My sincere apologies for any misunderstanding.
 That said, I really appreciate the advice.  I am seriously networked
 audio challenged and didn't have a grasp of what is required in terms
 of ancillary devices needed in addition to my laptop and receiver.  I
 was set for Sonos until I discovered that I'd need a NAS or stand-alone
 computer to host the files in a way that Sonos supported.  I knew then I
 did not have a handle on this project as it seems (to me) a fairly
 simple task for a powerful laptop and very under-utilized network.
 A single device to provide the glue was what I hoped for and it appears
 that the Touch and Squeezebox Server would let me do exactly what I want
 without having to continuously power additional storage.  Sweet!
 Thanks to you both!

you've gotten a lot of responses from pros.  but it sounds to me like
you want something that just works thats easy, robust, etc...

i would suggest then that this product is not for you.

a lot of people on here might disagree and say they never have issues,
blah blah blah.  well, just read posts here.  this is a complicated
product that one could find many nice things to say about it, but
robust and reliable don't head the list.  or come in the middle.

i think for the user who wants easy, you want something like this:


there are lots of options, many of which are confusing, but i break it
down like this:

1. itunes freaks: use an airport express or another airplay device,
like apple tv or the pioneer receiver i posted about [elsewhere in this
forum] earlier (APX can do analog and toslink)
2. PC avg audio users: use a device which basically acts like a remote
audio card, so any app can send sound to it.  that way system sounds
can stay on the laptop soundcard, while winamp or whatever can be
configured to use the remote device, (like in my link above)
3. PC avg A/V user: lots of media adapters out there, that mainly focus
on video, but will do audio.  tivo, WD, etc...  lots of options, tho
like #2 you need to research exactly how they transmit the AV.  some
mimic soundcards (or really are soundcards) and do remote via RF or
wifi or bluetooth, while others use a server app to feed the device.
4. finally, SBS, which is currently audio only.  to do local music you
must install and use SBS, and SBS powers the hardware.  this option,
is, imo, for people who are fairly technically adept, and willing to
put up with MANY headaches and troubleshoot issues, in order to take
advantage of some nice features, and HQ hardware.  its the HQ hardware
that keeps me with them.

but unless i knew someone had skills, and patience, i would NOT
recommend this stuff.  it just isn't ready yet, again imo, for the avg
user who is practically spoiled on todays easy apps and pods.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] What The **** Do I Need?

2011-06-09 Thread MrSinatra

rayman1701;635588 Wrote: 
 I have to chime in here and say that isn't totally true.  snip  Maybe
 I'm a fluke, but I doubt it.

all one has to do is look at the posts in these forums.

now, i don't dispute your exp; but its not my exp, and i know a lot
more than the avg user.  

one could argue the forums will have a lot of wtf posts b/c it
inherently attracts people having problems, and thats true.  so i don't
claim to know what the percentage of avg users is (ie. the mainstream
middle marketplace logitech sells to) that run into problems.  but its
certainly obvious to me, that the percentage is way higher than what it
should be for a product like this, thats marketed this way, esp when you
compare to things like airplay or tivo.

having said that, (as i acknowledged earlier) the flipside is slim
stuff (and the touch ain't slim now) has lots of feature type and
hardware type pros that easier stuff doesn't have.  so its just the
pros and cons and what best fits a given users situation.

however, i stand by all that and what i wrote earlier, and consider it
all to be true. if this OP gets a touch, and doesn't have problems, i
wouldn't be surprised, esp as he is doing research prior.  but no one
would be surprised, would they, if he did run into some kind of
problems?  is that not a sad thing to say about a product line?  would
one say that about airplay or tivo?  that was all i was trying to say. 
i think i was fair in breaking down the 4 options as i saw it.

anyway, i certainly wish the OP good luck and i'm sure many here,
including i, will be happy to try to help should he encounter any


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitechs new sugary customer approach!

2011-05-25 Thread MrSinatra

i have never had an issue emailing someone in a bug before, most people
in a bug want it solved.  why should that be taboo?  there was no
indication it was.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitechs new sugary customer approach!

2011-05-25 Thread MrSinatra

MickeyG;633232 Wrote: 
 I've removed his personal contact info from this thread. No use flogging
 him any further. No fair dialing up his phone number either!

just for the record, i never called him.  also, he wasn't flogged.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
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Re: [slim] Logitechs new sugary customer approach!

2011-05-25 Thread MrSinatra

MickeyG;633274 Wrote: 
 I know you hadn't done either. I apologize if I implied that.
 But I do want to thank you for bringing this issue up.

np, i just didn't want anyone to misinterpret it.  thx.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
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Re: [slim] Net::UDAP - SqueezeBox Receiver configuration tool

2011-05-25 Thread MrSinatra

i want to plug again android squeeze config.  its very good, and worth
keeping on your phone.  i'm not sure if it only works for blue light
situations, or if it can set something up from scratch, BUT its very
easy to use and got my parents duet to be stable, (so far).


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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[slim] Logitechs new sugary customer approach!

2011-05-24 Thread MrSinatra

i can only guess he used to work on the revue.

logitech really needs to examine their approach.  one wonders how long
any of this stuff has once the slim guys thin all the way out.

the below is quoted verbatim, unedited, out of today's email.  start at
the bottom, work your way up:

 Yes, would please tell folks to talk to the customer-support reps.
 I am a QA engineer and my job does not include working with the
 Paul Chandler | PQA contractor - Audio Business Unit | Camas WA | 360
 817 1383
 On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Mike Walsh mrsina...@hotmail.com
 I assume you do work there?
 You do realize I’m a customer?
 Perhaps I should share these sentiments with others, so everyone knows
 not to bother you.
 From: Paul Chandler [mailto:pchand...@logitech.com] 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 12:20 PM
 To: Mike Walsh
 Subject: Re: response needed!
 Yes, it is a problem. Not interested in your emails or requests.
 Its not your problem if I'm on the emails or not.
 Paul Chandler | PQA contractor - Audio Business Unit | Camas WA | 360
 817 1383
 On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 9:03 AM, Mike Walsh mrsina...@hotmail.com
 But if you are excluded from updates to the bug, you won’t know whats
 being asked.
 We all just want to get to the bottom of it, including Andy, who does
 work there.
 Is that a problem?
 I posted since your last one just now btw.  –mdw
 From: Paul Chandler [mailto:pchand...@logitech.com] 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 11:30 AM
 To: Mike Walsh
 Cc: paul_chand...@logitech.com
 Subject: Re: response needed!
 Do you work at Logitech? 
 Paul Chandler | PQA contractor - Audio Business Unit | Camas WA | 360
 817 1383
 On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 3:14 AM, Mike Walsh mrsina...@hotmail.com
 thx, -mdw

real nice, huh?  he also seemingly has no exp on the bug tracker, which
is odd, for a QnA engineer.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Strange problem of Transporter

2011-05-24 Thread MrSinatra

this may not solve any of your issues, but i always advise anyone on an
ip3k device to use [force] a static IP, instead of DHCP.

try it and see if it helps.  (i don't have a transporter, so i don't
know if you can do a static IP easy via the device, or if you need the
net-udap tool)


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Broken up albums

2011-05-24 Thread MrSinatra

make sure all the files for one album are in one folder.
make sure you only have one tag type per file.
make sure the album, albumartist tags of differing tracks match
try deleting any disc or discnumber tags.
look for trailing spaces.
use mp3tag.

and of course, do a full clear and rescan after the above.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitechs new sugary customer approach!

2011-05-24 Thread MrSinatra

mherger;633075 Wrote: 
  Sure, he could probably have phrased himself a bit better when
  to a customer but honestly I've sometimes seen a lot worse than that
  these forums when someone have had a bad day.
 not to mention that MrSinatra can be... let's call it...
 direct in his writing ;-).

hey Michael, come on...  i posted the whole exchange.  i was nothing
but calm and polite.  do you really think his responses are

leave it to the europeans to not see a problem with this!  (j/k)


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitechs new sugary customer approach!

2011-05-24 Thread MrSinatra

erland;633073 Wrote: 
 Honestly I'm not sure I understand the problem, he is working with
 Logitech internal QA and isn't working with customer support, if he
 doesn't want to communicate with the customers that's no big issue as
 long as other people within Logitech does communicate with us. As a QA
 engineer I'm sure his responsibility is to report bugs to make sure all
 bugs are found before the release and as far as I can see that's exactly
 what he is trying to do and let the developers investigate the cause of
 the problem.
 Sure, he could probably have phrased himself a bit better when talking
 to a customer but honestly I've sometimes seen a lot worse than that on
 these forums when someone have had a bad day.
 Logitech might have a QA process which isn't based on getting
 notifications from the bug tracking system as soon as something happens
 with a bug, that's not strange that's how many professional companies
 works to get a bit more structure to the QA work and make sure the
 right bugs are prioritized instead of having developers that tries to
 do ten things at the same time.

erland, in america, this simply doesn't fly.  i have no beef with the
process, or with their protocol, nor do i care if he is following it or
not.  (although i have seen AndyG tell these new guys on bug tracker
to CC themselves to bugs they comment on)  anyway, i'm more than
willing to accept what he is saying is true, but thats totally besides
the point.

the point is that 1. i wouldn't and shouldn't be expected to know or
care how logitech runs itself, (not that i was told his POV until the
last email anyway) and 2. that no employee should EVER communicate with
customers in this rude way, ESPECIALLY customers who are just trying to

i filed the bug, and he commented on it, and the only reason there are
any follow ups at all from him are because i noticed his email was
excluded, and i simply, but politely, emailed him asking to please
respond to our questions, which AndyG also wanted answers to.  

that an employee who does QnA testing would respond to a customer who
does the same for free, (and also as a customer helps keep him in a
job); in the way in which he responded is APPALLING and he should
indeed be corrected and logitech should be ashamed.

now fair enough, this post may be irritatingly direct, but its both 1. 
after the fact, and 2. TRUE.

(you're still the man tho erland! :) )

ps. Michael, i still can't resize frames in the webui in IE9.  grr.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitechs new sugary customer approach!

2011-05-24 Thread MrSinatra

pippin;633133 Wrote: 
 Form your e-mail conversation he's not am employee but a contractor.
 BTW: You have to excuse Erland. He's from Sweden and there is a
 specific Scandinavion attitude to service, even by European standards;
 after all, it's them who invented IKEA ;)

hahaha, funny!  enjoyed that.  :)

erland;633135 Wrote: 
 I guess I'm just saying that:
 1. He shouldn't talk directly with customers and it was clearly wrong
 that he tried to answer you in the first place, he should just have
 referred you to the support staff.

i disagree.  even andyg expected more than that.  he isn't some
philosopher king.

erland;633135 Wrote: 
 2. Everyone can have a bad day, it's very bad if an employee let a bad
 day affect the customer relations but so is also posting private mail
 conversations in public without explicitly been approved to do so by
 the other part.

erland, REREAD what i posted, i asked if i should share those
sentiments and he said yes!  next you'll tell me i need a notary.

gimmie a break already.

erland;633135 Wrote: 
 3. One thing you are going to accomplish with this thread is that
 everyone is going to be very careful how they express themselves to you
 even in private.

good.  i certainly am careful in how i express myself, especially with

erland;633135 Wrote: 
 4. Another thing you are going to accomplish is that the people within
 Logitech who are already talking to us are going to be even more
 careful about what they say resulting in that we get even less
 information than we already do. In the worst case, it's discussions
 like this that in the future might result in that they decide to hide
 the bug tracker from the public.

i love this kind of thinking.  attack the victim, don't correct the
offender.  its very european.

erland;633135 Wrote: 
 5. I'm sure this thread has already triggered an internal discussion
 within Logitech how to handle things like this in the future, so now
 let's just let it die without continue arguing who is right or wrong.

i wasn't arguing.  i was posting what paul said, as he asked me to do.

what i was doing, was commenting on how shit poor the whole thing is,
and how logitech is really going down the crapper.  i'm hardly the
first to say so.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitechs new sugary customer approach!

2011-05-24 Thread MrSinatra

pippin;633133 Wrote: 
 Form your e-mail conversation he's not am employee but a contractor.

maybe, i don't know, but he has a logitech email and clearly they pay
him so to me the distinction isn't germane.  his official role and/or
their internal protocols really have nothing to do with it, imo; afaic,
thats besides the point.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Logitechs new sugary customer approach!

2011-05-24 Thread MrSinatra

Paul has since emailed me and apologized, and of course i accept it.  i
don't know if he saw this thread or not, but really i don't think that

whatever the larger implications about whats going on behind the scenes
at logitech, i now consider the issue between me and Paul closed,
thankfully so.

btw, i realize i often seem to be involved in contentious debates, but
others give as good as i do, and i don't mind it, i like vigorous
debate even if it rubs some readers the wrong way; but what was
different here was there truly was no instigation for any contentious
exchange, i was just trying to help figure out a bug.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] BIG ANGRY BEEF, buggy upgrade install process, SBS/SBR

2011-04-28 Thread MrSinatra

just an update on this...

i think i got everything working permanently, but i'm still in wait and
see mode.  i'm not sure what i did, or what made the difference.

i didn't review any of these threads to try any of the suggestions made
b/c i didn't have to go that far.  i fired up squeeze config on my
droid (thx flattermann!) and added as the second DNS and made
sure dhcp was off on the SBR, and things seemed to work.

regardless, the bottom line for me is that using dhcp on ip3k (which is
the default) is not reliable.  my advice to folks is to set ip3k stuff
to static ips, outside the dhcp range if possible, (although i think
this SBR is staticly set to an ip reserved for it in the dhcp range).

when set to be static, uptime seems to be 100%, regardless of SBS
upgrades or other issues.  thx to everyone who offered constructive
advice.  and one more plug for droid squeeze config, its really good!



sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squidget - A SqueezeBox Widget for Android

2011-04-28 Thread MrSinatra

i have a droid x, and i have squeezecommander on it, (as well as some
other slim apps).

as such, what role would your app play for me?  in other words, you say
your app isn't a replacement for squeezecommander, so i am trying to
figure out 1. if it has any utility for me, and 2. if only people who
don't have squeezecommander need it?


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Finally, the best Controller App arrives at iOS!

2011-04-28 Thread MrSinatra


you used to be able to configure a SBR from scratch with SP on the
computer.  not long after i informed slim of this, they seemingly
removed that ability, forcing a user to need a SBC to do so. 
absolutely evil and stupid thing of them to do.

so one thing that would be nice, would be to put that back in SP, and
have it work on these devices and computer.


sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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Re: [slim] Pioneer Airplay

2011-04-28 Thread MrSinatra

the main thing that caught my eye was the app in the video.  if thats
the kind of app that comes with a receiver, slim's ot some worrying to


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win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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[slim] Pioneer Airplay

2011-04-22 Thread MrSinatra



sb2  sbc (my home) / sbrec  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.4b - win
xp pro sp3 ie8 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 - d-link
dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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