Re: [slim] Pre-Announcement: ickStream Music Platform

2013-04-24 Thread bobkoure

If you've got a block diagram overview of your system architecture, I'd
love to see it.
Unless, of course, you're doing something totally unobvious etc (you
know the new-patent definition) and don't want to give that away.
I'm guessing you've got it up on a whiteboard somewhere (photo would be
great), or a diagram out of whatever presentation you've been using when
talking with any possible hardware guys.

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Re: [slim] How to restart the server - sorry , I simply have forgot how to do that

2013-03-12 Thread bobkoure

Or you could download Mark Russinovitch's psservice.exe from
and run that from the command line or as a cmd file or as a one-line
link. It's
psservice restart squeezesvc
Why bother? because you can run it against a remote machine. I've got my
sb server on server4, so for me it's
psservice \\server4 restart squeezesvc

It's also useful in cmd files (you can stop and start processes as well
as restart). Think scheduled actions.

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Re: [slim] What can I do now? Squeezebox classic died

2012-12-21 Thread bobkoure

You might try squeezeslave on your htpc. I set it up as a service on my
windows box using srvany.
Also (probably not an issue with a HTPC), squeezeslave can output
through ASIO or Direct Sound. I'm using a Behringer UCA202 to convert
ASIO over USB to SPDIF, then that SPDIF to a receiver with decent DAC.
SS supports 44.1khz (same as CD) only, so not a good solution for high
def or internet audio streams at some other (lower) sampling rate.

I bought a spare SB3 on eBay so when one of my SB3s dies I have a spare.

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Re: [slim] I HAVE SEEN THE FUTURE! It doesn't look good ...

2012-11-03 Thread bobkoure

Mnyb wrote: 
> ... drat ! That I did not took the opportunity to try when was
> down.
You can just change the IP address mysb resolves to, either in the hosts
file of the server or, if you have a firewall that can intercept DNS
requests, there.

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Re: [slim] ports, firewall, and server discovery

2012-10-29 Thread bobkoure

Sounds like it. And broadcast doesn't get forwarded across subnets.
I know a way around this with cisco gear, but not with snapgear
(basically linux). Ah, well...

BTW I would -guess- this works like a lot of other services (e.g. DHCP,
DNS) where the broadcast comes from the (soon to be) client; response
comes from servers that hear the request; server selects a responding
server based on some criteria.

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[slim] ports, firewall, and server discovery

2012-10-29 Thread bobkoure

What ports are used for server discovery?

I live in a cohousing community, we have our own networking. My home is
on its own network, and I have the community network in a DMZ.
I currently have the following ports 'open'
TCP: 3483, 9000, 9090
UDP: 3483

Using SqueezeCommander and SqueezePlayer, I can connect to my server
manually, but, if possible, I'd like to get auto discovery working. I
know it works if I just connect my server directly to my community
network, but I'd prefer to keep some firewall protection.

Is there another port I need to open to get auto discovery to work?
Something else?


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Re: [slim] O2 Joggler v Squeezebox Touch for Audio Quality

2012-10-24 Thread bobkoure

Speaking as someone who uses that Behringer 302  USB/DAC (squeezeslave
output from my PC), I can tell you that the DAC in that unit is OK but
not wonderful.
>From the comments above, it's an improvement on the Joggler.
If you're setting up somewhere where you already have a receiver, get a
toslink cable and a/b/a between audio output from the Behringer (that
DAC) and toslink to your receiver (receiver's DAC). My mid-range Yamaha
gear (RXV series) was clearly better (mid-range Burr-Brown DACs, but one
per channel)

I took a Behringer 302 apart at one point (long ago) and looked up the
chips in use. As I remember there's a single chip that's a TI
combination DAC and digital audio converter. Given the A/B/A above, this
calls the digital audio converter somewhat into question, but I haven't
gotten around to trying a higher end converter. I'm using a PC and ASIO
so that higher-end would be a Musiland. If I had a portable device and
wanted analog audio output as good as a SB3, I'd think about an
Audioquest Dragonfly, but that's in the $200+ range (the SB3 DAC is
quite good, and, considering the price of the dragonfly, not overpriced)

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Re: [slim] 7.6 and MusicIP not working

2012-10-24 Thread bobkoure

No clue (don't use SugarCube), but you might want to start a separate
thread with this post, and include a link to MeSue's post in this
It's been long enough that I had to re-read the entire thread (often
thinking -I- wrote that?).
Not everybody will re-wade through at thread so your audience of
potential-answerers is quite reduced.

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-09-27 Thread bobkoure

SqueezePLAY it is. Sorry for my confusion.

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-09-27 Thread bobkoure

Is this Squeeze-play- or Squeeze-slave-?
Just wondering, as the screen cap shows squeezeslave (which I've been
happily using with ASIO for quite some while now TYVM)

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-16 Thread bobkoure

erland wrote: 
> Which functionality do you feel is crucial that the UE Smart Radio adds
> to make you upgrade your whole system to the UE Smart Radio platform ?

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-06 Thread bobkoure

Ah!  I used USB ASIO boxes, one to output SPDIF that went to a receiver,
the other just 2 channel audio to some amplified PC speakers. I think I paid maybe
$28 for each.

They improved sound -quality- a tad, but -maybe- that's why I wasn't
having synchronization problems.
Again, these are hardly high end gear; they're built around a TI DAC
that also converts to SPDIF. I remember being somewhat sad about the
specs when I looked it up 'way back. I got 'em mostly to sidestep any
issues with DirectSound.
I've since given one to a nephew (budding recording engineer) and moved
my office from the room adjacent to my serious listening area to the
basement (long story), so it'd be hard to re-test. There must be other
people using ASIO with squeezeslave or Ralphy wouldn't have bothered
supporting it...?

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-06 Thread bobkoure

simbo wrote: 
> I think you were just lucky with your hardware config!
1 - old-ish athalon box w winxp pro
2 - core duo laptop w winxp pro
3 - sb3

1 and 2 were hardly high end gear. I think this was with 7.3 or 7.4. Are
synchronization problems a new thing?

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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-06 Thread bobkoure

Mnyb wrote: 
> SqueePlay on pc does not sync very well in all possible hardware
> combinations re sound hardware and OS quirks ?
Last time I checked (which to be fair was about two years ago) synching
with squeezeslave worked fine (ss with ss and ss with sb).
The Pi is SS, so maybe a non-issue?

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Re: [slim] Can I stream my music over the internet?

2012-08-24 Thread bobkoure

I have no problem with SSH (been doing networking for 30+ years) but I
basically don't see the point in bothering with it for streaming music.
Remember that SBS was written with the intention of being read only, so
even if someone noxious breaks in they can listen to your music, or make
you listen to some of your own music, make your music stop, stuff like
Yeah, SBS is in Perl, which can be, well, idiosyncratic is the nicest
way I can put it - but it's probably as gone-over for security issues
as, say Apache (buffer overruns, etc.) so, as a platform, I'd expect
it's fairly secure.
No, it's not 'secure' secure (redbook or whatever they're using these
days for a standard), but you're also not the government, or a
corporation, so, at most, you're dealing with casual crackers, who, IMO
are unlikely to be interested because there are much more profitable
targets around (see above about how a break in lets you mess with what
someone's listening to, or listen a bit yourself).

SSH can be expensive, in terms of computing power required to encrypt a
stream. Yeah, I run commercial firewalls with separate encryption
processors, but the whole notion of encrypting a music stream just
strikes me as wrong. Yes, you can setup an unencrypted SSH (or VPN)
stream, and yes, this would be a more appropriate way, and does seem to
offer some benefit (2 way cert verification) but it becomes a pain if
you're trying to run the client end on a number of boxes.

Anybody else got thoughts about this? Am I missing something basic?
Won't be the first time...

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Re: [slim] How large is your local music library ?

2012-07-10 Thread bobkoure

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: How large is your local music library ?

- More than 100 000 songs 
- Between 50 000 - 100 000 songs 
- Between 25 000 - 50 000 songs 
- Between 10 000 - 25 000 songs 
- Between 1000 - 10 000 songs 
- Less than 1000 songs 
- Don't have a local library (only use internet radio and streaming

Total Images: 0
Total Videos: 0
Total Tracks: 78,379
Total Albums: 6,126
Total Artists: 2,189
Total Genres: 268
Total Playing Time: 7718:10:50

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-04-02 Thread bobkoure

Hi Ralphy,
I'm testing squeezeslave-1.2L-320.exe on a WinXPSP3 box.
When I first start it, I get the error:
"the procedure entry point NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort could not be
located in the dynamic link library ntdll.dll"

This does not happen with squeezeslave-asio-1.1-281.exe (or any of the
previous versions I've tried) on that same machine.

I searched a bit with this error message, came up with the suggestion
to rename \windows\system32\avrt.dll to something else.
Doing so fixed my issue. It's just one system, so just 'anecdata', but
might be useful if someone else has this issue.

One question: If I use the -L option to get a list of output devices,
how then do I use -n to specify that device? for instance, -L gets me
Output devices:
* 4: (Windows DirectSound) Primary Sound Driver (119/239)
5: (Windows DirectSound) SoundMAX HD Audio (119/239)
6: (Windows DirectSound) BEHRINGER USB AUDIO (119/239)

So, if I want to specify #7, what part of that string do I use? I've
AUDIO", neither of which worked. Got any suggestions?



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-02-15 Thread bobkoure

Thanks, Ralphy!


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Re: [slim] wireless vodoo

2011-10-02 Thread bobkoure

There should be some kind of setting that lets you pick between
- B&G (default)
- B only
- G only

Usually this is under 'setup' or 'wireless setup' somewhere.

That said, I'm not sure this makes much difference when there isn't a B

I -would- switch to channel 1 (the lower the frequency, the better a
signal passes through solid objects). It's not much a frequency
difference, so not much change, but it's free and easy.

If your router has removable antennas, get a replacement with as low a
dB rating as you can find (change the cylinder back to a sphere).

You might also do fine with a repeater. Cheapest way to get one is to
buy a dd-wrt capable router, but this requires some technical know-how
(or a friend with same).


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Re: [slim] Updating music files over the network

2011-09-30 Thread bobkoure

Another vote for robocopy. I use it for a lot of mission-critical stuff
as it's been rock solid. 
It's a command-line app. If you don't like command line apps, there's a
GUI around for it (also free).
One nice thing about command line apps is that they are very easy to
put in the scheduler.


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Re: [slim] wireless vodoo

2011-09-30 Thread bobkoure

dasmueller;660330 Wrote: 
> ...Netgear WNR2000v2...2nd floor
> ...Touch on the 1st floor
If you have a vertically polarized dipole antenna, then any antenna
gain comes from reducing vertical spread for horizontal.
For example, a single-pint (theoretical) antenna would broadcast a
perfect sphere. Typically there's some gain, and the more there is, the
more the top and bottom of that sphere are shaved off and the sphere
starts to look like a cylinder.

So, yeah, tilting your antenna on it's side will change where that
cylinder goes. Sadly, you also change polarization a bit (things work
best when the antennas are polarized the same).

You can also put a reflector on the antenna (plenty of info online) or,
if your router has removable antenna(s) you can get an aim-able antenna
(panel/plate or parabolic - or even yagi, but I haven't seen an indoor
one) and just, well, -aim- it at your target.
Sounds like it's working, though, so why change things?

100 years old, eh? I guess you could pull ethernet cables through your
voice-powered speaker-tube intercom system, or are you still using
those? :)


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Re: [slim] Macro to resize artwork images

2011-09-17 Thread bobkoure

staresy;658105 Wrote: 
> Currently I download artwork from the web, import it into photo shop,
> resize it to 300x300 and save it at medium resolution 
The challenge to automating this is that downloaded artwork often
doesn't have a 1x1 aspect ratio.
So you either force it to 1x1 and distort it, or crop. If you crop,
crop from where? Keep the center? Top left? right?


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Re: [slim] ReplayGain - How effective?

2011-09-07 Thread bobkoure

Ryssen;645386 Wrote: 
> Doesn´t the use of RG comparable with turning down (or up) a digital
> volume control,you lose resolution?
A digital volume control is down only.
Loss of resolution depends on how far down the control is set. There's
been a lot of discussion about this on this forum over the years, but
to (potentially over) simplify, a digital volume control basically
shifts bits downward and the bottommost bits are discarded. If those
bottommost bits are all zeros, then you didn't lose any resolution.
With 16 bit samples, being handled as 24 bit, there are always some
discardable bits, so no worries, at least not in the ranges that RG
will get you to with player volume set to 100%.
If that's over simplified, search for those forum conversations, there
were pages of it. As I remember (and IMO, of course), the best
explanation came from Sean Adams (user seanadams), which I can't find
right now (anyone got a link?)


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Re: [slim] Help me figure out this problem with my server

2011-09-06 Thread bobkoure

You've looked at the error log?
Anything incriminating? Any warnings or errors about anything at all?
If they've hidden the event viewer from you, try start / run /
"eventvwr.msc /s" (without the quotes).
If that doesn't work, check system32 for eventvwr.msc. If it isn't
there, I can email you a 2k3 version that should work just fine.


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Re: [slim] Help me figure out this problem with my server

2011-09-06 Thread bobkoure

As a BTW, there are USB-to-VHA/HDMI available for around $40.
I'd think about getting one of these setup before I started messing
with NIC settings.
'Google shopping search for usb-vga adapters'
I've used a few of these over the years (mostly for driving projectors
from netbooks that couldn't produce the required resolution). The
adapters come with a display driver, which -may- be all you need for
WHS (not sure how much of the 2k3 display subsystem they've ripped


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Re: [slim] How to make musicIP work

2011-08-30 Thread bobkoure

paul44birch;654263 Wrote: 
> If so is the clear library and rescan everything the best option?
A 'find changed' scan will do a MusicIP 'mixable status' scan only on
those files that have changed. When first starting out, this is not
what you want.


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Re: [slim] SB3 Easy Modifications

2011-08-19 Thread bobkoure

vrette;650985 Wrote: 
> ...Touch power supply directly from Logitech. It is a perfect
> replacement, and a better unit.
Interesting... How do you know it's a better unit? Put both on a scope?
Are they both switching power supplies?
I've read that there's some issue with the original SB3 ps putting
interference on the inbound AC line. Is the touch ps just cleaner that


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Re: [slim] 7.6 and MusicIP not working

2011-08-19 Thread bobkoure

A -lot- of the MusicIP issues on Windows were indeed related to
case-mismatched volume letters.
If you're running SBS in a win box it's worth upgrading to the nightly
(33110 or later). Even if the sugarcube problem is unrelated, you'll
have at least removed that complication.


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[slim] Having in 7.6 musicip problems? Install...

2011-08-19 Thread bobkoure

Running SBS and MusicIP on a windows box? Having problems?
Go install the nightly build (33110 or later)
Michael figured it out and fixed it!

Not only is the odd behavior gone, but it's loads faster.

Thanks Michael!


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Re: [slim] SB3 Classic or Touch

2011-08-17 Thread bobkoure

The SB3 can drive an IR emitter, so you can control some of your gear
with it.
There's a plugin: IR Blaster
I used it at a friend's house to upgrade a whole-house audio system
with a SB (actually a SB3 and a couple of remotes).

The last time time my Pronto went on the fritz, I started writing an
Android app plus plugin to enable the android+app with SB3+IR emitter
to work as a fancy remote control.
The Touch dropped this functionality - and I just replaced my Pronto.
There are devices that can take either wireless or ethernet (different
models) and drive IR emitters, and writing to that interface would save
me fussing with a plugin, but the devices are pretty expensive, so the
population of potential buyers is pretty small - and I wouldn't even be
able to recoup my hardware costs.


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Re: [slim] 7.6 and MusicIP not working

2011-08-15 Thread bobkoure

Win 2003 server here.


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Re: [slim] 7.6 and MusicIP not working

2011-08-15 Thread bobkoure

Hmmm... Dan mentions that he's getting a short MusicIP import, not
missing one at all.
Does that fit?
FWIW, I've been seeing a very short one as well (330 odd secs for 75K
tracks). The scanner's a lot faster, and I've been assuming that
whoever wrote the importer came up with a faster way to query whether a
track is mixable or a faster way to store the info.
But maybe it's actually a symptom - and I'm seeing it too...


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Re: [slim] MusicIP WebUI display: bug?

2011-08-14 Thread bobkoure

If anyone else has this issue, please go to 'bug 17450'
( and vote for it.
This will save a QA person from having to reproduce it.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP WebUI display: bug?

2011-08-14 Thread bobkoure


I'll submit it.


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[slim] MusicIP WebUI display: bug?

2011-08-13 Thread bobkoure

Once the MusicIP importer has been run (or entries are hacked - see
'this thread' (
you can click an 'M' icon in the track list.
After a bit, the left side panel redisplays and you get
at the top: Music IP Mix
next line: Home > XXX MusicIP Mix (where XXX is whatever you mixed on)
next line: All Songs 

And that's it. Where I;'d expect the MusicIP playlist to be displayed,
there's nothing.
If you hover over 'All Songs' you get the play/add/remove icons, just
like in 7.5 and prior, and if you click one of those icons, the
appropriate thing happens - or at least it seems to; hard to tell with
the playlist not displayed.
So.. is it -supposed- to work this way?
There have been other UI changes, so maybe - but I'm guessing it's a
Anybody know?


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Re: [slim] My story of picking betamax...

2011-08-12 Thread bobkoure

kweller;649114 Wrote: 
> Er, no. That would be an Ariel Square Four.
Which, in the states, at least, was dubbed a 'Squariel'.
Looking at wikipedia, I don't see that nickname for the ' Square Four'
( so I guess it was a
regionalism (New England, FWIW).
Ah well...


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Re: [slim] My story of picking betamax...

2011-08-11 Thread bobkoure

kweller;647730 Wrote: 
> This won't mean anything to non-UK residents but I bought Squarial as
> well!
A square four? Interesting engine. I worked in a Triumph/Vincent shop
(also long ago) and encountered a few Arials - even though it was the
US, not the UK.
They had a major disadvantage: rear cylinder cooling. Made sense for a
sidecar rig where there was ducting. Amazingly smooth. Given vertically
split crankcases, transverse fours were pretty much out of the question.


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-08-09 Thread bobkoure

I've recently switched to 7.6.1, and (after a bit) got MusicIP working
in the Web GUI.
I don't see it anywhere in SqueezeCommander, but maybe I've just
forgotten where it is?


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Re: [slim] 7.6 and MusicIP not working

2011-08-09 Thread bobkoure

For me, at least, a mix is produced, but it isn't displayed in the left
window. Instead, there's a title: -Home > [track you mixed on] MusicIP
Mix-. Beneath that is -All Songs-. If you hover over this, you get the
symbols for play/add/remove.
I'm not sure if not showing all the individual tracks in the MusicIP
mix is a bug; I think it is, and was going to start a thread around
that issue.

I have no idea what the issue with not finding multiple players is all
about. I have only classic players (and squezeslave) and they all got
found. You'll probably get better results either starting a separate
topic or posting in the '7.6 issues' thread.
You should have no problem re-installing 7.5. I tried the 7.6 betas
repeatedly, and went back to 7.5 each time. No problems. Just remember
that you need to uninstall 7.6 (no 'upgrading' to an earlier version)


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Re: [slim] 7.6 and MusicIP not working

2011-08-09 Thread bobkoure

I'm not sure that this is the same as bug 17358, as that one seems to
center around the importer not being invoked after a 'scan for new

I get a report of the scanner being run in my scanner log file
> [11-08-08 11:48:19.3307] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (460)
> Starting Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Importer scan
> [11-08-08 11:53:35.8809] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (592)
> Completed Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Importer Scan in 316 seconds.
so I'd guess it's something else going on(?)

I hope I'm wrong as 17358's been assigned...


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Re: [slim] 7.6 and MusicIP not working

2011-08-09 Thread bobkoure

1) download the command line shell from
2) be sure SBS is stopped
3) make a copy of squeezebox.db in the SBS cache folder
4) open the db sqlite3 squeezebox.db
5) run the following commands
UPDATE albums SET musicmagic_mixable=1;
UPDATE contributors SET musicmagic_mixable=1;
UPDATE genres SET musicmagic_mixable=1;
UPDATE tracks SET musicmagic_mixable=1;

4/5 alt)Alternately, you can do steps 4 and 5 together by running the
following from the command prompt

sqlite3 squeezebox.db "UPDATE albums SET musicmagic_mixable=1; UPDATE
contributors SET musicmagic_mixable=1; UPDATE genres SET
musicmagic_mixable=1; UPDATE tracks SET musicmagic_mixable=1;"

6) start sbs

This works for me. It may or may not for you. I haven't any testing
other than to run it If it doesn't, just replace your modified
squeezebox.db with the copy you made
Note that you are marking all tracks as mixable. Now, if you click the
'M' to the right of a track, and that track is not mixable, you'll get
an empty mix (I think - no way for me to test this)


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Re: [slim] 7.6 and MusicIP not working

2011-08-09 Thread bobkoure

OK, I'm looking at the schema.
I'm -assuming- that the entry -musicmagic_mixable- is in four tables
(albums, contributors, genres, tracks) is for performance(?)
...although I find the entries in contributors and genre a bit

Got a GUI to recommend for SQLite? With the command line utility when I
run 'select musicmagic_mixable from tracks' (or the other 3 tables) I
get a bunch of empty lines. I'd guess that those are nulls, and so
indicate that the MusicIP phase of the scanner isn't working correctly
(also assuming that musicmagic_mixable==FALSE means 'not mixable'). 

Come to think of it, given that all my tracks are mixable (well, 98%)
maybe I should just alter these entries to TRUE and see what happens(?)


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Re: [slim] 7.6 and MusicIP not working

2011-08-09 Thread bobkoure

I -thought- the way it worked was that there were 'M' icons on the left
panel that meant 'more' and 'M' icons on the right panel that meant
'mixer'. At least that that's the way it worked for me, way back in the
early betas, which I had to move back away from because of scanner
BTW, it seems to have vanished from Squeeze Commander as well.

Yeoman: Thanks for the response! I thought I was causing the problem
myself somehow.

MJM: I'm not sure that bug is causing a musicIP issue. Time to find a
SQLite utility and see what's actually in the db, I guess.

BTW, restarting everything is the first thing I do.
If you have SBS running on a win server, there's a utility called
psservice that will let you do this remotely. I have a shortcut that's
-psservice \\server4 restart "Squeezebox Server"-

As for making sure MusicIP is running, I have the SBS service
'depending' on the MusicIP service, so the system will startup MusicIP
before starting SBS.


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[slim] 7.6 and MusicIP not working

2011-08-08 Thread bobkoure

I had 7.5 and MusicIP working fine together.
I now have no 'M' icon to the right of the track listing in the Web

I've tried
- complete uninstallation / reinstallation 
- deleting cache
- multiple "Remove all and rescan"

MusicIP itself, seems fine (both the desktop client and the modified
web UI from SpiceFly)

The SBS scanner seems to be running an import
> 11-08-08 11:48:19.3307] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (460) Starting
> Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Importer scan
> [11-08-08 11:53:35.8809] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (592)
> Completed Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Importer Scan in 316 seconds.

In the SBS control panel I have
- Additional Playlist Buttons checked
- Plugins/MusicIP checked

I've tried this as many different ways as I can think of.



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.0 released

2011-08-01 Thread bobkoure

gharris999;639319 Wrote: 
> I don't use the ASIO version of squeezeslave myself and I'm not
> familiar with what its advantages might be. 
It sidesteps the windows xp direct sound mixer - in theory that mixer
is supposed to up-convert any lower bitrate audio to be the same as the
highest one currently being mixed.
You'd also need sound hardware that has an asio driver or asio4all that
uses asio in and sends to a lower level win sound driver interface.
Behringer's got an OK device (asio over usb, spdif or analog out) for
around $30.
I use one, with spdif out to a Yam amp (high end some years ago) with a
decent DAC, and can hear the difference between this and spdif direct
from my soundcard to that same amp (cleaner cymbals, mostly).
I'm using JVC pro monitors and an elderly velodyne sub. I wouldn't
bother with smaller speakers as it's not much of a difference.


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Re: [slim] How to export all my music as a text file?

2011-07-20 Thread bobkoure

aubuti;641708 Wrote: 
> I guess I shouldn't really be surprised that the strategy of wearing
> down the claimant is practiced by insurance companies around the world,
> but really
Here in the US, the way to reduce this is to buy insurance through an
independent agent as they have more clout to go to bat for you if you
need to place a claim.
Is there such a thing in Denmark?

Sorry about the flood. I hope you get everything back together without
too much trouble...


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Re: [slim] Ripping to FLAC and making a copy that works with ITunes

2011-07-20 Thread bobkoure

Apesbrain;640695 Wrote: 
> That depends on whether you can get beyond your belief that there is
> something deficient about how iTunes does the same thing.
I'm not sure iTunes does an AccurateRip (or something like it - no
reason they couldn't as I'm sure apple has all the CRC data necessary).
dbPoweramp can rip to Apple lossless if you care about this.
Either way, the only issue is that you're doing AAC->PCM/FLAC
conversion at playtime on the server. Probably not a big deal.
As far as "future proof", well, dbPoweramp's got a converter, so you
can convert everything to FLAC (or other lossless format) without
losing quality or tags. Basically, so long as you get a good rip into
-some- lossless format, you won't have to rip those CDs again.


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Re: [slim] Ripping to FLAC and making a copy that works with ITunes

2011-07-20 Thread bobkoure

Yet another vote for dbPowerAmp and MP3Tag.
As to whether you want to leave your current iTunes files in AAC or
convert, IMO depends...
FLAC, PCM (Wav), and MP3 are decoded on the player. That means that the
server is lightly loaded when handling these formats (not as simple as
'just pass the data through' but pretty close). Good if you're running
a low-power server or a NAS.
I dunno if the SongScanner works (or works well) with anything but
these three 'native' formats. Anyone know?

If you have to convert your files when you get them out of iTunes, then
FLAC is a fine choice. There'll be no further loss in converting (wasted
space, but storage is cheap). There will be further loss if you then
convert those FLACs into a lossy format, so save the AACs, and mark the
FLACs somehow.

As far as ripping 200 CDs, dbPoweramp's got a batch ripper. I've used
it to rip a couple thousand CDs (big project!). I'd suggest, if you
have a laptop with a CD reader, use that; put it somewhere where you're
going to be doing something else, like watching a movie, and just feed
it a new CD when it sticks its tongue out at you.
Of course, if you use the batch ripper, tags won't necessarily be just
right, so I'd rip to just FLAC, fix-up tags, and then use the
dpPoweramp converter converter (free with dbPA, and maybe free by
itself) to convert to whatever other format you want


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[slim] 7.6 and MusicIP: empty mixes?

2011-07-19 Thread bobkoure

Well, I decided I'd try 7.6 yet again.
Having learned from the last attempt, I uninstalled the previous
version, made sure all caches, conf files, etc. were removed, then
installed 7.6.

Scanning was... a bit balky. the first time the scanner found only
around half the files (25K of 70K). Scanning again "find new" found the
rest of the files.

The 'M' mixer icon shows next to tracks, but when I click an 'M' I get
an empty MusicIP list.
MusicIP was working just fine with 7.5 (and 7.4, etc on down.

Any ideas?


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2011-06-03 Thread bobkoure

There are a few apps out there that supposedly take an audio stream
intended for bluetooth A2DP (for stereo headphones) and redirect to
mono (like a phone single-ear headset).
The only one I can remember is BTMono, but there are a number of


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2011-06-02 Thread bobkoure

I have SqueezePlayer and SqueezeCommander installed on a Viewsonic
GTablet (running TnT Lite 4.4 / Android 2.2).

I'm having an odd problem with the interplay between volume settings in
Android and SP.

If I set the volume at the level I want (near the top - inefficient
headphones), I can start SP and the volume stays at that level

If I try setting the volume with either SC or the web UI causes it to
jump back to 50%.

In the web UI, if I try to increase the volume for this player, it
increases to 50%, another click of the "increase volume" icon and the
volume drops back to 25%.

Any notion of whether it's supposed to work this way?



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Re: [slim] How can I listen to my music in the garden?

2011-04-21 Thread bobkoure

TheLastMan;626625 Wrote: 
> Don't worry about health concerns, the regulations are in place to allow
> wi-fi networks to co-exist without interference rather than for any
> health reason.
I'm familiar with power laws and wasn't worried about health issues,
just clobbering your neighbors wifi.

If you can get reception indoors at a window that faces your garden,
then a repeater sounds like the cheapest / least intrusive solution -
or is there something I don't know about UK glass?


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Re: [slim] 10" android tablet $280 at woot (3/23 only)

2011-04-19 Thread bobkoure

It's certainly cheap enough.

I considered an Archos internet tablet some while back, but got scared
off by all the negative comments in the user forums (which I found as
part of researching the device and didn't save). 
They may have improved, and they may just have a bunch of whiny users.

I would suggest that you think a couple of times about a tablet as
large as 10". It turns out to be inconveniently large for a tablet,
even though that's absurdly small for a win/lin screen. FWIW, I'm
considering selling my g-tab and getting something smaller (maybe a
nook color that I can re-ROM as I now realize I don't care -that- much
about performance.)

I'd also suggest you stick to devices that have a community and that
are supported by at least one alternative ROM. Otherwise you're stuck
with whatever modifications the manufacturer shipped it with.


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Re: [slim] How can I listen to my music in the garden?

2011-04-19 Thread bobkoure

TheLastMan;626406 Wrote: 
> ...and then buy one of the following items:
> A "friend" tells me they work extremely well.

I gather these are amps to boost past regulation power levels. There's
no need for that for your usage. There's also the possibility that one
of your neighbors is running one of these, killing your garden
reception. BTW, if you do anything like that, -please- stay away from
channel 6, as that's where most folks who haven't a clue are - they
won't know what hit 'em.

Personally, I'd first try changing channels, and if that didn't work,
spending the ~$35 on a dd-wrt box to use as a repeater. And if -that-
didn't work, I'd think about a directional antenna (replacement or a
reflector around the dipole that's already there. But I'd be amazed if
you needed this for your application.


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Re: [slim] Can I use something like SB Server Advanced Search with my ipod touch?

2011-04-19 Thread bobkoure

Can you communicate with a plugin on the server?
If you can, something like Erland's SQL plugin might be useful (just do
whatever you need to convert the user's input into a single query, then
pass the query via CLI

You're certainly right about server query performance being suboptimal.
There's the hope that SQLite might be faster, but each time I try a
version of 7.6 it's not perceptibly so (but, to be fair, I've optimized
MySQL performance a bit)


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Re: [slim] How can I listen to my music in the garden?

2011-04-19 Thread bobkoure

There's little objective measure of strength because the power output is
regulated by, well, not law, exactly; here in the US it's regulated by,
FCC regulation.

If you have a techie friend, I'd suggest just getting one of the
routers that can have DD-WRT installed on it. I use an 'Asus WL-520'
a repeater and it's been flawless.

I'd also suggest as a place to look at customer reviews,
which is about as close as you'll get to reliability ratings.

All that said, before you start looking at all this - how close are
your nearest neighbors? Could you be having an interference problem
with one of their routers? If that's a possibility (and if you can), it
might be worth changing the 'channel' that your router is using. If it's
like the US, it came set to 6. Try 1 or 11. It could be as simple as


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Re: [slim] 10" android tablet $280 at woot (3/23 only)

2011-04-03 Thread bobkoure

Well... some of them ended up cheap(er) because there's something
wrong/limiting that the end user can fix.
In the case of the g-tablet, it's screen angle (not fixable) and bad UI
(fixable with replacement ROM, although Viewsonic's got a much better
one available now). The other hardware bits are pretty good - very
zippy once re-ROMed.
Ditto the Nook color: Limited, slow hardware (not fixable) and ROM
making it an e-reader only.

The g-tablet's got the advantage of being unlocked. I followed 'this'
set of instructions to upgrade to TnT Lite. The whole process took
maybe 40 minutes; would have been faster but the downloads took a bit.
TnT Lite gets you an everything-works ROM with cruft cut out (faster)
and a fairly stock Android experience. It's pre-rooted, so things like
sideloading (open an apk with the file browser to install an app) just
work. And the market app's already installed (happy figuring out what
apps you want!)

The Nook's a bit fussier to upgrade; I'd just about decided to buy one
and try re-ROMing it when the Woot deal showed up.One deciding factor
is that there's a large community around the g-tab (one of the reasons
I went with Squeeze, way back when)

BTW, it looks like it's going to be quite a while before Honeycomb
becomes available as Google's put a hold on releasing the source to the
world, so custom ROM builders haven't even seen it. Viewsonic/Malata's
in a funny position as they're not part of the Open Handset Alliance
(they don't make phones) so it's not even clear that -they- have access
- so there probably won't be similar hardware from Malata with Honeycomb
(which might be re-targeted). On the other hand, it's a tegra2, so it'll
definitely be fast enough if/when.

If you haven't found it, there's a great set of g-tablet forums over at
'XDA' (


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Re: [slim] 10" android tablet $280 at woot (3/23 only)

2011-03-24 Thread bobkoure

Stuff you've probably already found
'Viewsonic page' (
with keyboard[/url]

'how to root your g-tablet'

'XDA forum(s) on the g-tablet'

Got any thought on ROMs? Consensus of what I've read so far is that the
stock ROM (Tap n Tap) is a major disappointment and should be replaced

I'm reading positive things about the Vegan ROM, which, I gather, is a
mod of the ROM for the Vega - this same tablet as marketed by Malata.

to quote someone who's using one
> Ok, from someone who owns and uses one with a VEGAn ROM daily - to
> recap: 
> Amazon Appstore = yes 
> Youtube = yes 
> Netflix = yes 
> Android Market = yes 
> USB = Yes 
> Micro-SDHC = yes 
> HDMI = yes 
> Flash = yes 
> Bluetooth = yes 
> ALL ebook reader programs = yes 
> Honeycomb upgradeable = YES! 
> Android phone tether = yes 
> Use Office docs = yes 
> Smoother and faster than ipad = YES!!!

Usually I get buyers remorse about now, but not this time...


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[slim] 10" android tablet $280 at woot (3/23 only)

2011-03-23 Thread bobkoure

If you're looking for a decent sized Android tablet to control your SBS
(or whatever reason) this one's a decent deal. It's a ViewSonic gTablet
10.1" Multi-touch. It's at, but only today as they just do
one-day deals.
There are a couple of custom ROMs available (I've been looking at the
Cyanogen one). No idea if it'll get the upcoming Android tablet ROM
(screen might not have enough pixels). Lots of good info (and useless
blather) in the forum at woot.

I've been starting in on Android coding, and this is as cheap as the
second hand phones I was looking at, so I snapped one up (well
'snapped' being a relative thing, woot sometimes takes 5 days to
I'll also use it to control by SB server. It occurred to me that some
other folks here might also be interested in using one for that
purpose, so I thought I'd comment.

Admins: please feel free to delete this in a bit as it's not useful
info as of, well, 3/24...

Oh - I don't feel so bad for having missed the weekend deal on Duets



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[slim] MusicIP and multiple genre tags

2011-03-16 Thread bobkoure

I've been using multiple genre names in a single GENRE tag with a
One of the downsides is that MusicIP does not understand separators, so
if you have a "no Christmas music" filter, it'll only work to filter out
tracks that have a single element in the genre tag: "Christmas", as
MuicIP sees Christmas;Jazz as the genre "Christmas;Jazz" - and that's
not a match.

It turns out that it's really easy to convert separated labels in a
single tag to multiple tags with MP3Tag.

Go to \Convert\Actions, create a new action group. Add a new action in
that group, pick the action "split fields by separator", enter tag
"GENRE" and the separator you've been using. Click OK, then make sure
the checkbox to the left of your new action group is checked, and
clicking 'OK' will tun it against any tracks you've selected. You can
do entire directories recursively.

SBS appears to do fine with multiple genre tags.

MusicIP does, well, almost fine.
First off, the current (last) version (1.9 beta) does NOT clobber any
of the multiple tags when archiving analysis. (Yes, an earlier version
had an issue, which is why I'm only getting back to multiple tags
-However- it only sees the first tag, so if you've got a MusicIP
filter, make sure you've arranged the tags to the one you're filtering
on comes first. If you have a lot of tags to swap, it'll probably be
easier to do it while they're in a single tag.

So... a slight bit of extra functionality out of a defunct product.
Hope this helps somebody.

I sure wish Logitech would just buy/licence the MusicIP tech and
incorporate it into SBS so everybody gets to enjoy it.


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Re: [slim] N band Wireless

2011-03-16 Thread bobkoure

N routers, at least the ones with 3 antennas, do multipath, so I imagine
those would help with G clients.

If you need N, and I'd assume you need it for the range as you
certainly don't need the data rate for a SB, you can get a dd-wrt
capable router that does N, install dd-wrt, put it into 'bridge' mode,
and wire it to your SB.


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[slim] If you've been using the Web UI in Prism

2011-03-08 Thread bobkoure

The Prism project looks to have been discontinued.

You can do something very similar with Chrome 'application shortcuts'.
- open the Web UI in chrome
- click the 'wrench'
- click 'tools'
- click 'create application shortcuts'
- pick where you want an icon
- done

Also: the web UI is noticeably faster then in a Prism window.


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Re: [slim] 7.6: working with MusicIP? (no 'M' icon)

2011-03-08 Thread bobkoure

Phil Leigh;615741 Wrote: 
> are you trying to run 7.6 with MYSQL?
Only if the installer set that up without asking me.
It -was- an upgrade install from 7.54, so... maybe?

I'm back to 7.54 for the time being. Curiosity somewhat satisfied,
again, for the time being. At least its web UI isn't -slower- than the
current one.


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Re: [slim] Is there a Windows application to control a Squeezebox?

2011-03-07 Thread bobkoure

...depending on what you're using for a server.
I run SBS on an atom based server and have the db and cache in memory
Home/My Music/New Music takes around 2.5 sec on FF3/Prism, 2 sec on
Chrome, click to icons on browser panel.
I don't regard this as fast, but acceptable.
You might, too - hence this comment.

Oh, this with a medium sized database ~70K tracks. The client machine
has something to do with the delay as well, and this is on an old
Athalon box.


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Re: [slim] 7.6: working with MusicIP? (no 'M' icon)

2011-03-04 Thread bobkoure

I note the scanner log has about 5000 instances of lines that look like


  [11-03-04 11:42:06.1305] Audio::Scan::scan (64) Warning: Error reading: No 
error (wanted 4096)
  [11-03-04 11:42:06.1324] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (654) ERROR 
 Unable to read tags from file

Warning: Error reading: No error
OK, *that* makes sense...
All files scanned fine previously with 7.3x and 7.5x (I'm pretty fussy
with tags).

I don't expect this is related to the 'M' icon not appearing.

I'm considering downloading and installing an earlier build of 7.6
before I fall back to 7.5.

FWIW, this build of 7.6 doesn't appear any faster then 7.5 on a
medium-spec machine (atom 525, plenty of memory, MySQL innodb buffers
110% of database size and I kept boosting query cache until old queries
stopped getting discarded).
I've gotten 7.5 to go faster, cache run from a ramdisk, but it's
currently not on ram (hard disk issues, hadn't done the ramdisk
shuffle, thought I'd take a stab at 7.6)


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[slim] 7.6: working with MusicIP? (no 'M' icon)

2011-03-04 Thread bobkoure

I've done a test install of 7.6 (b31968) to see if it's time to move
Scan works great!
Music IP imports OK (as shown on the information panel) but tracks
don't have the mix 'M' icon next to them in the web UI.
I've checked that
- MusicIP plugin enabled
- advanced/musicIP set to "only read mixable status)
- Additional Playlist Buttons is checked on the 'interface' page

So... a two part question:
Does this work at all with MusicIP?
If it does, any notion of what I've done wrong to make the 'M' icons
not appear?

BTW, I also tried the old "morethanthis=1" option on the web ui URL -
didn't help.



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Re: [slim] 24-bit audio (new article)

2011-03-03 Thread bobkoure

Thanks for the link!
Phil Leigh;614936 Wrote: 
> wasn't the cd supposed to be long enough to hold a particular Beethoven
> symphony? (this might be a myth)
I remember something like this too (not definitely Beethoven, but some
particular long work that would just fit on both sides of an LP). Of
course, I may have just heard the myth long ago.


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Re: [slim] 24-bit audio (new article)

2011-03-02 Thread bobkoure

Phil Leigh;614911 Wrote: 
> That's the whole point of the Meyer/Moran paper. They inserted a redbook
> adc-dac chain in the midst of an SACD playback chain. Nobody could hear
> it! 
Hi Phil - got a link to that paper? I googled for it, and it's
apparently generated loads of controversy ('my google search'
which IMO is all to the good, but I'd be curious to read the paper

BTW, as I remember, the CD audio format was chosen, in part, to be able
to fit an entire LP onto a single data tape. No, I can't find a
reference, but I vaguely remember a good discussion of the process to
determine/decide on this new digital format in one of the IEEE mags in
the early '80s. Do you remember this being one of the factors? Or am I
totally misremembering?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2011-02-09 Thread bobkoure

It's in with a bunch of settings that appear to be on/off, but that
doesn't make sense with 'cpu='
I'm wondering if it's number of CPUs, priority, or something else.
Anybody know, before I start experimenting?


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Re: [slim] Inexpensive wi-fi receiver

2011-02-07 Thread bobkoure

Have a look at squeezeslave as well, particularly if you're looking for
a 'headless' device.

The price for used receivers (the no-display part of the duet) is
higher than what you'd expect, given that it's used electronics.
Logitech doesn't seem to be making them available any more (no idea if
that's temporary) and there's more demand than supply.


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Re: [slim] 7.53 not recreating my.cnf

2011-01-30 Thread bobkoure

Nope, just created a database.
I'm sure you're right about not seeing a difference, particularly with
everything either in memory or ramdisk.


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[slim] MusicIP data on ramdisk

2011-01-30 Thread bobkoure

You can set the MusicIP service to read/write the mip datafile wherever,
just by modifying mmm.ini.
...But there -doesn't- seem to be a way to set the MusicIP app to use a
data file in a "non-standard" place. 
Not something you'd care about if you just use the service, but if you
-do- use the app there's a lot to be said for having them both access
the same data file.

I've noticed that clicking on the data file brings up the app. In
general, when you click on a data file in Windows, it just invokes the
associated app with the full path to whatever you clicked on as the
first parameter.
So there -is- a way to move the data file and have the app access it in
a non-standard place.

You can just change the shortcut that links to the app. Right click on
it, pick 'properties' and append a path to your new/moved data file in
the 'target' field. So, for example, I changed my 'target' from
-"C:\Program Files\MusicIP\MusicIP Mixer\MusicMagicMixer.exe"-
-"C:\Program Files\MusicIP\MusicIP Mixer\MusicMagicMixer.exe"
"R:\MusicIP Mixer\default.m3lib"-

Apologies if you already know this stuff. It's just that, with memory
being so cheap these days, ramdisks are starting to make good sense.
If you don't have a ramdisk, but do have the memory for one, and are
using a win32 server, check out the 'Dataram ramdisk'


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Re: [slim] 7.53 not recreating my.cnf

2011-01-30 Thread bobkoure

The tables I setup for SBS were INNODB / latin1 as that seemed to be
what the "built in" MySQL in SBS was using, and, at the time I was
aiming at just making it work.

Now, I'm reading about MySQL performance.
It looks like SBS is not at all a transactional system, and, as such,
INNODB is going to be slower (transactional safety) than ISAM.
Does that make sense?
Is there any reason I can't just switch? I realize that SQL is
supposedly platform neutral, but that's only if you don't use any
extensions. I've no idea if MySQL INNODB has extensions that ISAM
doesn't. Any idea?


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Re: [slim] Music Folder

2011-01-29 Thread bobkoure

If you just want SBS to ignore MP3 files, why not go to Advanced/File
Types and add MP3 to the types of files being ignored?
If you've got cue files, but keep your FLAC files as separate tracks,
IMO, it's a good idea to ignore CUE as well (but that has nothing to do
with your current issue)


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Re: [slim] 7.53 not recreating my.cnf

2011-01-29 Thread bobkoure

I notice that MySQL already has
This was with the "mixed" (meaning this PC is used for stuff other then
MySQL) option - and is just slightly large for me.
The 'highmem' option in SBS sets it to just 32M. I suspect we need a
'loads-of-mem' option.

Without SbMySql complications, it was trivial getting the cache moved
over to ramdrive (I did modify both of those settings in prefs, still
not sure what the 'library' one does).

BTW, for Win2k3, I've had very good luck with the ' Dataram ramdisk'
- free (up to 4G)
- can load from a disk image at system start (file system driver)
- can save to drive image at shutdown
- has an auto save feature


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Re: [slim] 7.53 not recreating my.cnf

2011-01-29 Thread bobkoure

For anyone else looking at this, the MySQL link got mangled, it's
there were several win flavors. I went with MySQL 'essentials'.

SQLyog looks pretty good, but it's a 30 day free trial. Maybe not the
best fit for something I'd use a few times a year.
There's a "top 10" list of MySQL GUI clients 'here'
Personally, I'm familiar with PHPMyAdmin, but I'm unexcited about
installing Apache and PHP on this box.
I ended up using HeidiSQL (does all I need: create db, create
user/password, assign rights to that user on that db)

With the prefs file modified, SBS 7.54 starts right up.
Time to mess with performance. :)

One question: what to do with the SqueezeMySQL service? I just left it
set to 'disabled' but I may have missed something cleaner.


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Re: [slim] 7.53 not recreating my.cnf

2011-01-29 Thread bobkoure

Thanks! I'll try this and report back.


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Re: [slim] 7.53 not recreating my.cnf

2011-01-29 Thread bobkoure

I'm running SB server on a Win2k3R2/SP2 box, atom D525, 4M memory.
In my prefs file I have changed both cachedir and librarycachedir from

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Squeezebox\Cache
I run into this whether sb server is set to be a service or an app

Also: if I copy the old cache folder to the new location (so there's a
my.cnf in place), sb server will start, but sb mysql will not.
Once I've copied the old cache, if I stop both processes, delete
my.cnf, restart sb server, sb server -will- write another my.cnf, but
sb mysql will not start.

Same behavior for SqueezeboxServer-7.5.2-31545.
Time to drop back to 7.3.4-28402


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[slim] 7.53 not recreating my.cnf

2011-01-29 Thread bobkoure

If you're modifying, you have to delete ..\Cache\my.cnf so that
squeezebox server will re-create my.cnf with the new settings for
7.53 is not recreating it, so if you delete, sb server will be
unable to start.
Would someone who knows how to submit bugs please submit this one?


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.0 released

2011-01-11 Thread bobkoure

I've been running es|et nod32 all along on the client machine, and no
antivirus on the server.
I've got a crazy day coming up, but after that, I'll uninstall nod32
and see if that does anything.
I'm also thinking about uninstalling my NIC drivers, then re-installing
Thanks for the pointer to 0.9-133. I'll test with that, too.

Oh, and 22sec sounds quite wrong. I was listening to the Modern Jazz
Quartet to test and their tracks tend to be fairly long.



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.0 released

2011-01-10 Thread bobkoure

ralphy;601030 Wrote: 
> Just re-read your previous post.
> Does ASIO 0.9-133 drop out as well?

Same issue with 0.9-155. I don't have a copy of 09-133 anymore.
There's 0.9-95 on sourceforge. I'll test against that.

Thanks again!


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.0 released

2011-01-10 Thread bobkoure

ralphy;601030 Wrote: 
> Just re-read your previous post.
> Can you pinpoint when the dropouts started or have they always occured
> on this machine?
> Does the standard direct sound version exhibit the same dropout
> behaviour?
> I don't do a lot of testing with the ASIO version just a few hours
> playback using ASIO4ALL.
> It could be that an update to the portaudio library requires additional
> config tweaks for ASIO.
> Does ASIO 0.9-133 drop out as well?

This machine and server have worked fine for a long time.
I'm not sure when this started happening.
A couple of months ago I (finally) upgraded my server-let from win2k to
win2k3, but I'm pretty sure issues started after that.
Sorry to be scattered on the time, Mom's got Alzheimers and Dad's in
and out of the hospital, so my focus gets pulled away from computer
audio pretty regularly.

I started using ASIO with ASIO4All but had shutdown issues. Switched to
a Beringer UCA202 USB sound card, which came with its own ASIO driver
and that issue stopped. That was long before this happened.

I'll test non-ASIO and see how that goes.

BTW, I keep getting basically 'thread is stopped' when I have a
dropout. Almost like the server just stopped talking (that possible?).
proto_send: cmd=STAT len=53
output_thread STOP: 73633792
output_thread STOPPED: 0

output_thread ETIMEDOUT-PLAYING: 73633792
proto_stat: code=STMt decoder_buffer_size=2097152
decoder_buffer_fullness=2091400 rbytes_high=0 rbytes_low=277656506
output_buffer_size=2822400 output_buffer_fullness=83968
elapsed_seconds=22 elapsed_milliseconds=22000 server_timestamp=0
proto_send: cmd=STAT len=53
proto_recv: cmd=vfdc len=174
pa_callback: STREAM_END:output_STMu:1
output_thread STMu-PLAYING: 73633792
proto_stat: code=STMu decoder_buffer_size=2097152
decoder_buffer_fullness=2091400 rbytes_high=0 rbytes_low=277656506
output_buffer_size=2822400 output_buffer_fullness=0 elapsed_seconds=22
elapsed_milliseconds=22476 server_timestamp=0
proto_send: cmd=STAT len=53
output_thread STOP: 73633792
output_thread STOPPED: 0
output_thread PAUSED: 0
proto_recv: cmd=vfdc len=174
proto_recv: cmd=vfdc len=174
proto_recv: cmd=vfdc len=174
proto_recv: cmd=strm len=30
strm cmd t strm.replay_gain:1933323210 
proto_stat: code=STMt decoder_buffer_size=2097152
decoder_buffer_fullness=2091400 rbytes_high=0 rbytes_low=277656506
output_buffer_size=2822400 output_buffer_fullness=0 elapsed_seconds=0
elapsed_milliseconds=0 server_timestamp=1933323210
proto_send: cmd=STAT len=53
DONE strm cmd t


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.0 released

2011-01-08 Thread bobkoure

I had tried the -H, just forgot to mention it.

I've been looking at the event logs for both machines, but haven't seen
anything that might be an issue, other than -The device,
\Device\Scsi\SI3114r1, did not respond within the timeout period.- on
the server.
But that only happened back on 12/25 - and disks all pass diagnostics

I'll try running with those debug params. Hopefully I can figure the
issue without you having to spend time with the log.


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.0 released

2011-01-07 Thread bobkoure

I'm having a bit of a problem with squeezeslave; I get drop outs of
several seconds or more. It can happen several times in ten minutes and
then not at all for a few hours.

I'm running squeezeslave on a WinXP box with 2M memory (usually about
1.3 in use) with an Athlon II processor. Output is via USB to a
Behringer UCA202 using the Beheringer ASIO driver.
Squeezebox server's running on a separate machine (Win2003 server on a
via C7 with 2M memory).
The two machines are connected by wire (gb with a single switch between
the two).
I'm not doing anything in particular when the dropouts happen (no file
transfers, etc).
I switched back to version 09.155 - and get the same dropouts.
I've tried various latency settings with no change (didn't expect one,
but the help did suggest I try this for dropouts).

So - what do I look for in the debug log? Do I need to debug 'all' or
are there a few areas that I'd ought to start out looking at? 9I was
thinking maybe slimaudio_buffer and slimaudio_buffer_v(?)) Are debug
writes handled asynchronously or could I be causing even more problems
with debug 'all'?

Any other suggestions?

Oh - and I don't have any issues with either of the V3 hardware players
in the house (both also hard wired).



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Re: [slim] It's Dead Jim :'(

2011-01-05 Thread bobkoure

Don't just bin it.
There've been a few folks here whose V3 display panels have died. Seems
like it'd at least be worth putting it on ebay, so long as it was marked
as-is and for-parts-only.


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Re: [slim] Library rescanned automatically?

2010-12-23 Thread bobkoure

There is an automated rescan, but it's off by default.
Might be worth a look


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Re: [slim] Mirrorfolder

2010-12-23 Thread bobkoure

I've just been using a script running robocopy that gets invoked when I
stick a drive in (I've got an adapter you can just stick a bare SATA
drive into, connects via e-SATA). First time ever autorun has come in
Moving disks manually means I'm often out of sync, but only by the few
albums I've added any particular week. The discs that live at my
brother's house are usually -way- out of sync, but I figure it's still
better than having nothing off-site.

I hear good things about synctoy, which I keep meaning to try.


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Re: [slim] Library rescanned automatically?

2010-12-23 Thread bobkoure

If you're using MusicIP, changes there can trigger a SBS rescan, unless
you disable it.


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Re: [slim] Use the computer as a squeezeboxplayer

2010-12-20 Thread bobkoure

aubuti;595590 Wrote: 
> Note that sync'ing of software players is an inexact science, and
> generally does not work perfectly. But some people get lucky.
> Sometimes.
I must be one of the lucky ones - but all the time.
I have a PC (winxp squeezeslave ASIO -> Behringer UCA202 -> receiver ->
speakers) in one room and my hifi stack with SB3 in an adjoining room.
Both systems are using the DAC in the attached receiver. SB server's
running on a third machine, a server of all things, in the basement.
Everything's hard wired.
I can often hear audio from both systems simultaneously, and detect no
out-of-synchronization, even when walking between rooms. Yes, I'm aware
of the way that our auditory apparatus will damp out early reflections,
so synch is probably not perfect.
As I remember, squeezeslave's got some timing adjustments available.
I've not needed them, though.

If I'm not just very lucky, I'm doing something that folks with synch
problems are not doing. Or some combination, including luck, of


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Re: [slim] Syncing players

2010-12-15 Thread bobkoure

I have a couple of SB3s and squeezeslave on two PCs. Everything's
connected to a server in the basement.
Everything is hardwired.
We don't often want the same music all over the house, but on the
occasions we do, synchronization has been no issue.


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Re: [slim] Scans seem slow? web, SBC ui slow? how to make them faster! vote for this bug!

2010-12-14 Thread bobkoure

After doing some reading on MySQL performance tuning, it looks like
innodb_buffer_pool_size, if memory permits, should be set to 110% of
the database size.
If you have a MySQL user setup you can use a SQL query to get the size
of the DB. Otherwise, just look at the size of the ibdata file. In
windows, that's in -...\Cache\MySQL\-.
So, for instance, my ibdata file shows as 247,808K (242M), so I set
innodb_buffer_pool to 267M.


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[slim] accented chars in MusicIP - one solution

2010-11-27 Thread bobkoure

I've been pretty careful to get all the accented characters in my music
tags right.
I use MP3Tag to rename based on tags, so I end up with accented
characters in my file names. Windows and SB server handle these file
names with accented characters just fine. Sadly, MusicIP does not - and
there's no point in waiting for a new version that has this fixed.
One solution, which is working for me, is to just rename the files and
folders, 'flattening' the accented chars into the non-accented
I started to do this by hand - too big a job.
I then took a stab at writing a Python utility - and immediately found
that Python doesn't do well with mixed Unicode and ASCII (do-able but a
Gave a bit of thought and realized that I already have a utility that
can do this - 'Bulk Rename Utility'
( (free, BTW) I hadn't thought of
it as I use it as a regular expression renaming tool (great for that -
but regex, as well, isn't the right tool for accent removal)
Anyway, BRU has a checkbox for removing accents, and, at the bottom,
you can both select through all subdirectories and use a selection
criteria (like '*.flac').
So... once I figured the right tool, I was able to 'flatten' my files
in about ten minutes (about 70K flac files with ~1K with accents -
music is spread over a couple of drives; I did one pass for folders,
another for *.flac). Did a refresh/add in MusicIP, and a 'find new' in
SB server.
And now MusicIP is including the preciously-excluded files in mixes.
The only downside I can figure is that I now have some CUE files that
are wrong. Doesn't matter to me, but it might to you.


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Re: [slim] current 7.6 on w32: working with MusicIP?

2010-09-06 Thread bobkoure

Might as well go back to waiting, then...


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[slim] current 7.6 on w32: working with MusicIP?

2010-09-05 Thread bobkoure

Is anyone here using a recent 7.6 with MusicIP?
Is it working OK with MusicIP?
If you're using it on a low-spec (or semi low spec like my VIA C3
server) and also using the web UI, did you notice any performance
change there?

PS: yeah, I can wait for a release - but I have a half day free


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Re: [slim] Can I make my PC a SB "device"

2010-08-26 Thread bobkoure

Porschefan;571558 Wrote: 
> I installed Squeezeplay on my main desktop which is also running SBS
> ...   The audio quality, however, really suffered.   
You might try squeezeslave. It runs in a DOS window (or as a service on
XP - possibly on v and 7).
One interesting thing about squeezeslave is that there's an ASIO
version - this outputs directly to an ASIO sound device and doesn't go
through Window's "direct sound" mixer.
IMO, the easiest /cheapest way to get an ASIO sound device is a
Behringer UCA202, which connects via USB and has RCA stereo and SPDIF

You should be able to use the standard squeezeslave, though, and not
get suffering sound. Maybe think about ASIO as an upgrade. The UCA's
around $30.


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Re: [slim] Itunes Genius how can I have it in my sueezebox

2010-08-24 Thread bobkoure

Can you even produce M3U playlists with iTunes? And, if you can, can you
then use that playlist with some other non-iTunes software on that same
PC to play those tunes, or are the tunes somehow locked up?

Sorry, I have no experience with iTunes, so I can't help you with any
of that.

However, if you can get a working m3u, you can just copy it into your
sbs playlists folder.

That said, MusicIP got a lot easier to install after those of us who
complained went through the process. It's also easier if you're running
SBS on a windows box.


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Re: [slim] What's the best remote device moving forward?

2010-07-18 Thread bobkoure

tonyptony;562575 Wrote: 
> Too bad about the iPod Touch. Maybe I'd just be better off getting a
> Nokia N800? Wonder if the skins work better on it than the 770.
I have an 800. They're the same skins. Do they not work on the 770?
There's now a version of firefox for the n800/810. Maybe for the 770
Given ff, there shouldn't need to be much special about the skins for
the 770/800/810 - except sizing. As I remember, the standard Maemo
browser lacked something basic, but I don't remember what (been too
long). Javascript? CSS2? Anyway, the 770 skins were (again, AFAIR) a
bit clunky because there was a need to work around this limitation.

On an unrelated note - if you have small notebooks / netbooks around,
why not try Moose? Or even just the standard web GUI?

Personally, I'm leaning towards Android on a tablet. Like the 'velocity
if it ever becomes a real thing.


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Re: [slim] Android / Apple devices as a player

2010-07-15 Thread bobkoure

pippin;561762 Wrote: 
> As I said before, for iPhone this would definitely be a license
> violation, I believe for Android, too.
How, exactly? Is Ralphy's work in violation somehow? The FLAC or MP3
libraries? Something else?
Just wondering, as I'd given a bit of thought to porting ss2 to
Or is the violation in the way it's distributed? It would appear to be
an additional player(possibly with a special MAC) that could be
distributed separately, any improvements shared back with Ralphy, etc.


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Re: [slim] Fast/easy way to change players

2010-07-14 Thread bobkoure

So long as you have a local music server. (local as in on your own
I've been seeing complaints about synchronization using the remote
server. Unsurprising, if you think about it...


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Re: [slim] 2 Questions

2010-07-14 Thread bobkoure

If you're using windows and music quality is an issue, you probably want
squeezeslave2. Get the ASIO version and either install ASIO4ALL or buy
an ASIO output device (I'm using a $30 Behringer box with good
results). This keeps Windows' direct sound mixer out of your signal


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