Re: [slim] Streaming question

2010-02-16 Thread cjhabs

bpa;517422 Wrote: 
> Create a Favorite with the URL.
> If you wish to experiment to improve quality - I think SBS can play a
> Flac stream  but I think it must be streamed in a OGG container.
> Also - I think one user created a plugin to control VLC remotely (i.e.
> it mapped keys on the remote to VLC functions which are sent as commands
> on a separate TCP connection).

By keeping the stream open, it responds to skipping forward and back in
VLC, so that is good.

My biggest issue is getting the stream started consistently - sometimes
it just won't start until I faff around with it - retsarting VLC and the
URL - I haven't worked out why or found a process that works 100% of the

I suspect that flac will be less consistent for me as I am guessing
that my drop outs are due to the laptop being wireless - so flac will
stress the connection more than mp3.

If I could get the stream to start up consistently - this seems to
mostly break when I change the cd - then I'll be a happy man (it doesn't
take much!)


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Re: [slim] Streaming question

2010-02-15 Thread cjhabs

bpa;517263 Wrote: 
> I would use a different port than 1234 a big number like 1 because
> on the server there may a services handler already configured for
> security as 1234 used to be a Infoseek search agent port.
> Do not run everything on the server (SBS can be stopped). Just try a
> player such as vlc or mplayer (if no audio card redirect output to as
> file) to see if the server can receive the audio stream. The userid (and
> using su is not the right way as you must have run the login shell
> scripts) is important as sometimes systems are configured preventing
> some users from accessing some ports= etc.

You are _the_ man! Thanks - it is now working exactly how I want it.
The only issue I am experiencing is that the stream will stop in the
middle of a song and won't come back until I restart the vlc session and
restart the stream on the SB server. This could be because my laptop is
running wireless and can't feed the server - I will test it wired also.

Also sometimes I have trouble restarting the stream - I think it is ok
so long as I select the "Tune in URL" again on the left hand side of the
web interface, rather than trying to restart from the right hand pane.

By the way, is there a way to save the URL so I don't have to key it
into the "Tune to URL" field each time?

Here is a summary for anyone who else maybe looking to do the same,
taking into account your suggestions:
Play a CD in my laptop, stream it through Squeezebox Server to play on
my SB3.

My laptop and SB server are both running Ubuntu Karmic

On laptop, play the CD using VLC.
Configure VLC to use:
Input = Audio disk 
Select "stream" option rather than play.
Configure stream to be:
http, ip address = ip_local_laptop, port = 10001 (this can be any port,
use a high port number to make sure there are no firewall issues)
Note - this didn't work when I tried to stream to the SB server - only
when I streamed to the local laptop.
Set the transcoding options to mp3 (you can select flac also, but I
have not tried that)
Then under options, where it shows the command to be used for the
stream, edit the dst option from:
ip_addr:port to ip_addr:port/cdstream.mp3
On the same screen, select "Keep output stream open" or else it stops
after each song.

On the Squeezebox server, 
Internet radio -> Tune in URL -> http:ip_address:port/cdstream.mp3

You can control the music from VLC on the laptop.

I ran vlc from the command line as follows:

vlc -vvv cdda:///dev/sr0  --sout


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Re: [slim] Streaming question

2010-02-15 Thread cjhabs

bpa;517176 Wrote: 
> I presume you have tested the stream using VLC, mplayer or some other
> player on the server system (i.e. not the laptop) - this makes sure
> there is nothing like a firewall problem. Don't forget to test using the
> same user id as SBS uses as this can affect permissions.
> Assuming the stream works on another player on the server system, the
> most likely problem is that SBS doesn't know the audio format of the
> stream either because 
> * there is no MIME type with the headers
> * the MIME type is not a supported one (see types.conf)
> * with no MIME - there is no extension onthe stream name to indicate
> (e.g. stream.mp3) audio format.
> I suggest adding a name at the end of the stream from VLC and in SBS so
> the URL becomes something like 
> http://ip_of_laptop:1234/cdstream.mp3

I know there are no firewall issues (heard that before :-) but I will
try running everything on the server.

Thanks for the other suggestion - I may not get a chance to try this
until later - I will report back with the results.


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Re: [slim] Streaming question

2010-02-14 Thread cjhabs

cjhabs;517135 Wrote: 
> Update - not much progress - on the Squeezebox server I selected
> Internet Radio -> tune in url and selected http://localhost:1234
> On VLC on the client laptop I popped in the cd, ran vlc, selected
> "media -> streaming".
> Input is audio disk /dev/sr0 - cdda:///dev/sr0
> Destination is http, address of media server, port 1234
> Transcoding Audio - MP3
> Hit stream - nothing seems to happen.

Another update - I changed the stream output of VLC to be the local
laptop ip address and VLC started streaming it (after I loaded the
appropriate codec to convert to mp3) but still nothing on the SS when I
point to http://ip_of_laptop:1234


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Re: [slim] Streaming question

2010-02-14 Thread cjhabs

cjhabs;517125 Wrote: 
> I couldn't work out how to share the audio cd over nfs anyway.
> Could you provide a little more detail on what I need to do on the
> Slimserver side to configure this VLC solution please?
> Thanks - much appreciated!
> Chris

Update - not much progress - on the Squeezebox server I selected
Internet Radio -> tune in url and selected http://localhost:1234
On VLC on the client laptop I popped in the cd, ran vlc, selected
"media -> streaming".
Input is audio disk /dev/sr0 - cdda:///dev/sr0
Destination is http, address of media server, port 1234
Transcoding Audio - MP3
Hit stream - nothing seems to happen.


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Re: [slim] Streaming question

2010-02-14 Thread cjhabs

bpa;517098 Wrote: 
> The CD drive must be on the same system as Squeezebox server as the app
> which plays the CD must go to CD driver level.
> The alternative would be using VLC to play the CD on VLC and stream the
> output to a http stream  - you will get no control over the CD except
> via VLC and between changes you may have to restart the http stream on
> your SB player.

I couldn't work out how to share the audio cd over nfs anyway.
Could you provide a little more detail on what I need to do on the
Slimserver side to configure this VLC solution please?

Thanks - much appreciated!



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Re: [slim] Streaming question

2010-02-14 Thread cjhabs

aubuti;517077 Wrote: 
> Check out the CD Player plugin
> ( I've never used
> it myself because my SB server is hidden away, but it appears to be just
> what you're looking for. You can install it via SBS's Extension
> Downloader if you have enabled 3rd Party Plugins.

Maybe I can mount the cd onto the server and then use the cdplayer
plugin - I'll look into that and I'll post that if I can get it to



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Re: [slim] Streaming question

2010-02-14 Thread cjhabs

bpa;517087 Wrote: 
> It's not clear whether you have one or two Ubuntu systems.
> The CDplayer plugin will only work if Squeezebox Server is running on
> the laptop with the CD drive.

I have 2 machines with Ubuntu - the SS server and my laptop.
The cd is on the laptop. I want to stream from the cd on the client
through the SS server to my Squeezebox 3.
SS is _not_ running on the laptop.


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[slim] Streaming question

2010-02-14 Thread cjhabs

Couldn't find the answer to this - hopefully someone can shed some
I have Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 running under Ubuntu
I have a Squeezebox 3 connected to my audio system.
I have a Ubuntu Karmic laptop.

I wish to play a CD in my laptop through the audio system, so I figure
the only way I could do that it to have it streamed through the
Squeezebox server to the Squeezebox 3.

I know I can rip the cd and load it into the SS d/b but I don't want to
rip these cds.

Is this possible - if so how?

Thanks !!!



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Re: [slim] How to avoid the 'click' when a track starts

2008-03-31 Thread cjhabs

bloemert;285867 Wrote: 
> I have a classic squeezebox and a duet.
> I only play flac music files.
> A new track starts always with a short click and then after a split of
> a second the track starts. The problem exists on both squeezeboxes.
> After updating Squeezecenter 7 to version 7.0.1 the problem still
> exists.
> Does someone know how to solve this problem ?

Are you running Windows? It could be:
Control panel -> Sounds and Audio Devices -> Sounds (tab) -> find
"start navigation" in the list under "Windows Explorer" and change the
sound to none.



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Re: [slim] Vista and missing music

2008-03-19 Thread cjhabs

Resolved - boy do I feel dumb!
My old external drive was still being shared - with the same path that
the new internal drive was using, so my files were actually being
copied to a different drive - so no wonder they weren't showing up!!!

I'm glad no-one responded :-)



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[slim] Vista and missing music

2008-03-19 Thread cjhabs

This is a Vista issue - but affects Squeezecenter. I am looking for one
of the gurus on these forums to point me to a solution - which I
believe is tied to Vista permissions.

SqueezeCenter 7 running under Vista Home Premium.
Data stored on internal 320Gb SATA drive (K:).
Music folder is (was, burt see below): K:\media\FLAC
Folder shared as \\server\media\FLAC

Ripping CDs to FLAC on wireless XP (SP2) laptop.
Copy ripped FLACs to \\server\media\FLAC
Folder format below FLAC is Artist\Album\flac files

I currently have ~180 artists and ~200 albums

When I copy my newly ripped flacs to the server, they do not show under
the "Music Folder" browse.
Rescan - and they still do not show up.

Now - here is the wierd thing (in my opinion)!
Sit on the Vista box (shame there is no RDP in home versions :-(
Look in: \\server\media\FLAC
and the new folders/files are there
Look in: k:\media\FLAC
and the new folders/files are NOT there.
(Old folders are there that were copied from a USB to the hard drive
under Vista)

Point Squeezecenter to \\server\media\FLAC instead of 
\\server\media\FLAC and rescan and all of the music shows up.

So there are no problems with SC, but this threw me for a loop. I
assume this is a privelidge issue, but no idea where to look (couldn't
even figure a meaningful way to google it!)

Anyone have any ideas - it's disturbing to have 2 windows side by side
pointing to the same folder and have different files showing!

Thanks for reading this


BTW - when I first got the Vista box my SB3 constantly disconnected and
cut-out - it was due to Symantec 2008.
Even with all LAN traffic enabled in the firewall rules, I suspect that
the packet checking was not efficient and killing the streaming. Even
the network interface disappeared in certain scenarios! No problems
since removing it.


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Re: [slim] Missing SB!

2008-03-17 Thread cjhabs

miklorsmith;280835 Wrote: 
> I was able to get it up and running a while back, but it didn't work
> when the laptop was off, i.e. using the stock remote.  I'm pretty sure
> the problem is the SB was seeing the laptop as the server instead of
> the wireless router.  I tried going through the networking setup again
> and now the stock remote works but the laptop doesn't see either of the
> two players I have.

The IP address of the server in the SB should be the IP address of the
The gateway IP address should be the address of the router - this is
used to find SqueezeNetwork.



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Re: [slim] Two Independent Servers?

2008-03-15 Thread cjhabs

Will there be any SB firmware issues running both 6.5.4 and 7.0?



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[slim] SqueezeCenter 7 on Vista

2008-03-13 Thread cjhabs

I finally broke down and bought a new PC for the family.

I use an HP Pavilion zv5000 laptop for myself - wireless connected -
and used a USB drive for my FLACs. 
SB3 is wireless also.
I was running Slim Server 6.5.

My family PC is now an HP Pavilion Media Center m8300f PC running Vista
Premium Home 32 bit.

A bit of fiddling to get the networking going.

Anyway, I loaded my 75b of FLACs from the USB drive onto the internal
Media Center disks (2 x 320GB) and downloaded SqueezeCenter 7.

10 minutes later I am listening to my music on the SB3!!!
I like the "Default" interface better than the "Fishbone" I used to

All I can say is Wow!!! That was easy.

My only concern is that Vista seems to be screwing up my laptop's
wireless network connection for some reason - that doesn't really make
any sense - but it hasn't affected the SB3 yet. So - apprehensive as I
was at using Vista - everything is looking good.

Got to go and listen to some Vittorio :-)



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Re: [slim] Slimserver music folder help

2008-02-13 Thread cjhabs

rydenfan;269163 Wrote: 
> No Windows Explorer. I am running a Mac. I appreciate the help.

OS9 or OSX?


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Re: [slim] Slimserver music folder help

2008-02-13 Thread cjhabs

rydenfan;269156 Wrote: 
> But every time I try and type in something is says "oops invalid
> directory"
> Is there a specific was I have to type in my external drive to get it
> to aknowledge it?

Navigate to it from Windows Explorer - that way you can be sure you can
access it, then copy/paste the path from the explorer window into


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Re: [slim] Slimserver music folder help

2008-02-13 Thread cjhabs

rydenfan;269137 Wrote: 
> I just downloaded the Slimserver software and I am trying to set up my
> music in it for the first time. I have my music on an external hard
> drive. How do I tell slimserver the folder I want to use?

Server settings -> Basic settings -> Music folder


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Re: [slim] SB3 Networking Issues: Please participate

2008-02-11 Thread cjhabs

cjhabs;268248 Wrote: 
> I have had problem #1 3 times in the past week - the last time I could
> not get the SB3 to connect to SS after power cycling a number of times.
> It burst back into life after leaving it overnight. I believe the
> problem was connecting to SS, it connected to the wireless network with
> no problem. The SS server was having no network issues.
> It drops off in the middle of a song.
> SB3 F/W 81, SS 6.5.4 XP
> I have had #2 many times but believe that it has been caused by
> wireless network interference from nearby networks or by the SS server
> being overloaded (ripping CDs and browsing the web).
> I do feel that #1 is a real - albeit sporadic - problem.
> Habs

I need to take back some of what I said.
I got home and the SB3 had lost connecton - all other devices were OK.
The problem was not connecting to the SS, it was connecting to the
wireless network - as I couldn't connect to Squeeze network either.
Unplugging the SB3 and re-plugging allowed it to connect first time.

I also noticed that I had print jobs sitting in the queue of my SS
server - which leads me to believe that something happened to the
wireless network at some point. The laptop and repeater recovered but
the SB3 did not.

Also, after reconnecting, the SB3 was stuttering a lot then dropped the
connection again. Again I couldn;t reconnect until I unplugged - but
this time it connected to the network, but couldn;t connect to the SS,
(the SS server still had connectivity). I could play Squeeze network
but not SS.

So,at this point I did a factory reset on SB3 and when it came to
connecting to a SS or Sq network, it recognized my SS on anotehr PC but
not my live SS. Once I entered the IP of the live server it all started
working again.

I did not touch the SS server so the problem looks like its to do with
the SB3.

Hope this long winded description helps identify the possible problem.


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Re: [slim] SB3 Networking Issues: Please participate

2008-02-11 Thread cjhabs

mik63;268242 Wrote: 
> I would like to ask anybody that still has one of the following 2 issues
> or similar, to add his/her comments to this thread:
> 1) SB3 reboot/crash problems in the middle of a song
> 2) SB3 stuttering even with buffer full and over 80% Wireless signal
> I am trying to have Logitech to acknowledge they may have an issue in
> this area and properly investigate.

I have had problem #1 3 times in the past week - the last time I could
not get the SB3 to connect to SS after power cycling a number of times.
It burst back into life after leaving it overnight. I believe the
problem was connecting to SS, it connected to the wireless network with
no problem. The SS server was having no network issues.
It drops off in the middle of a song.
SB3 F/W 81, SS 6.5.4 XP

I have had #2 many times but believe that it has been caused by
wireless network interference from nearby networks or by the SS server
being overloaded (ripping CDs and browsing the web).

I do feel that #1 is a real - albeit sporadic - problem.



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Re: [slim] SB3 Wireless Signal Strength Drops For No Reason

2008-02-10 Thread cjhabs

I believe that you can allocate a different SSID for the repeater and
connect to that ID from the SB. This will prevent it roaming.

If you deny access on the router, it will still try to switch over but
probably lose the connection completely.

I have oly dabbled with this - so YMMV.



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Re: [slim] Curious about wireless route

2008-02-10 Thread cjhabs

I have the same setup, ss and sb3 both wireless.
I have had stuttering at various times. One cause was a neighbor's
wireless network operating on the same channel.

I still get it occasionally, but I am pretty sure it is not due to the
network - I have a repeater and my commection is rarley less that
36Mbps - I believe it occurs when I am ripping cd's, streaming FLACs
and working interactively. At this time cpu usage hits >50% and the
disk access lights are pretty much permanantly on, but network usage
never hits 5% - so while I agree it is not the optimum configuration, I
feel it should work.



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Re: [slim] Wireless compatability issues

2008-02-09 Thread cjhabs

Knowing you had gotten this going and it should work, I decided to go
back to basics. Eveything powered off:
1. Configured the wireless access point hard wired from the laptop -
2. Disconnected the AP and powered off.
3. Power cycled the cable modem
4. Connected the router and configured - WPA-TKIP & WPA2-AES
5. Power cycled router
6. Turned on AP
7. Connected 770 - looks like it used WPA
8. Connected SB - looks like it used WPA2
9. Connected laptop - can't tell what encryption it used

Now I need to see how SB3 plays - I'll let you know if I hit any



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Re: [slim] Wireless compatability issues

2008-02-09 Thread cjhabs

Thanks for the info - so my problem is just the Nokia 770 not
connecting. I'll look for a forum for the Nokia that is a helpful as
this one!! Thanks again.



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[slim] Wireless compatability issues

2008-02-09 Thread cjhabs


I have an SB3 running f/w 81, SS 6.5.4-12568.
Server is a laptop running wireless WPA-PSK(TKIP).
SB3 is wireless WPA-PSK(TKIP).
Motorola WG850G and WA850 repeater.
Works beautifully Once I discovered that the neighbors wireless
networks were causing my dropouts (thanks Net Stumbler!) and I changed
the channel.

Anyway, I bought a Nokia 770 to use as a remote.
I could not get the 770 to connect using WPA-PSK.
So I reconfigured everythin to WPA2-AES - the SB3 would not connect.
I tried WPA2-AES + WPA-TKIP - SB3 wouldn't connect but 770 would.
WEP didn;t work either - but I can't remember why - I want to use WPA

I installed a Netgear router - same connectivity issues.
I turned off 108Kbps mode - tried all the encryption options - same

Does anyone have Slimserver, SB3 and 770 working together wirelessly?
Can anyone give me some pointers as to what I am missing?

The 770 is up to date with OS2006, f/w 2.0.9
The Netgear and Motorola routers have the latest f/w.

I would love to get this combo working!!!




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[slim] Adding favorites via web interface

2008-02-04 Thread cjhabs

OK, I'm embarassed to ask becasue I'm sure I'm missing something simple
- searching the forums gives errors or "page unavailable" and web
searches didn't answer my question - so here goes:

How do I add music to my Favorites from the SlimServer web interface
(or from Moose for that matter.

Sorry for the newbie question



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[slim] Re: Best FLAC converter?

2006-05-09 Thread cjhabs

I use Foobar 2000 - it's fast and free.



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[slim] Re: A Silly Poll

2006-04-13 Thread cjhabs

47 and still pretending to be 18!


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[slim] Re: Slightly different wireless network problem!

2006-04-04 Thread cjhabs

geoffb Wrote: 
> Once or twice a week, my girlfriend initiates a viscous DOS attack on
> our wireless network by heating up something in the microwave.  The
> wireless phone used to cause problems as well, but I replaced that
> with a 5.8Ghz model and that fixed it.
> Cheers
> Geoff

I have a microwave between my wireless Slim server and router and its
guaranteed to knock the connection out every time. The only time I have
a problen recovering is when one of the neighbour's wireless networks is
generating a strong signal.

Maybe a judiciously placed wireless AP will help.



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[slim] Re: Fishbone skin -> Handheld skin (Modified) for browsing Speed

2006-04-03 Thread cjhabs

I just tried it on WinZip 8.0 and it is not a valid zip file - after
right click save.



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[slim] Re: Thinking of buying/building linux based music server...

2006-04-02 Thread cjhabs

lnxguru Wrote: 
> Cygwin and Hummingbird(commercial) have X servers for Windows. 

Xming is a free X implementation for PC - maybe built on Cygwin - not



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[slim] Re: To begin setup press the right button.. no thanks

2006-03-31 Thread cjhabs

JJP Wrote: 
> Is there anyway I can stop this coming up when turning on a squeezebox?
> It can be too easy to end up in the network setup pages through
> impatience / twitchy fingertips..
> Ideally i'd like a player setting for 'do not offer network setup on
> startup (unless connection fails)'
> Or is this feature there already & i'm just being blind?
> Jonathan

I only get this when I've lost connection to Slimserver. Sometimes I
have to re-enter the information and sometimes I don't. When things are
working correctly (most of the time) I do not get this message.



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[slim] Re: SB3 stopped working - (long)

2006-03-29 Thread cjhabs

jmpage2 Wrote: 
> A message to the people who go on and on about how their wireless cannot
> be the culprit because "their laptop works great on wireless".  Your
> laptop is not streaming audio over the network and does not need to be
> continued to it continuously like the Squeezebox needs to be
> continually connected to the Slimserver, AND, for everyone who has a
> laptop that "works perfectly" someone else has a laptop/access-point
> combination that fails miserably to live up to expectations.

I purchased the SB3 specifically to stream hi quality audio wirelessly
- which the SB3 is touted as being able to do - and does well most of
the time - I have no regrets, it has changed my music listening habits
completely - for the better. 

However, any problems streaming music are generally much more noticable
than hiccups with PC wireless networking, so if the device supports
this, as a consumer product, it should do it robustly.

A message to the people who go on and on about how their SB cannot be
the culprit because "it's the best thing since sliced bread", the
release of 6.2.2 is waiting on FW fixes for wireless issues, so maybe
it is a SB problem :-)

I really appreciate the information provided by everyone on these
forums as it helps solve a lot of problems and makes for a better
product in the long run.



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[slim] Re: SB3 stopped working - (long)

2006-03-27 Thread cjhabs

hifiresource Wrote: 
> Let me know if you find a fix for this, I'm having the exact same
> problem and Slim support is not responding.
> Bob

The problem seems to come and go. I've tried everything to reproduce
it. I thought it may have something to do with rescanning or using a
vpn connection on the server - but that doesn't seem to be the case.

I'm wondering if its something to do with wireless networks coming
online nearby and the arp table getting corrupted. If it happens again
I'll look if the available networks have changed.

I don;t have the option of switching to a wired connection. Are you
running wireless?



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[slim] Re: rescan or tagging problem, not sure which

2006-03-26 Thread cjhabs

What format did you rip the albums to? The tags that are read to
determine the Artist may differ depending upon the file format.

I had a problem that I unfortunately didn;' document for myself, but I
believe that if both the "Artist" and "Album Artist" tags were defined
it used the "Album Artist".

Also, having MP3 ID tags in flacs as well as Ogg Vorbis comments may
cause unexpected results.

Not sure of details here - just giving a couple of things to check.



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[slim] Re: SB3 stopped working - (long)

2006-03-25 Thread cjhabs

dhollar Wrote: 
> Update to my problem:
> I've reloaded the firmware (28 in my case) and I'm working again for
> now.

The reason I updated to FW35 (from FW28) was because I was constantly
losing the connection to SlimServer. I thought the problem was cured
with FW35 - but it's definitely better.


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[slim] Re: SB3 stopped working - (long)

2006-03-25 Thread cjhabs

dhollar Wrote: 
> cjhabs, was the reset the only you did to get your SB3 going again?

Sorry for the delay in responding. Yes, the only thing I did was a
factory reset of the SB3, re-entered the networking parameters and
everything was OK.


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[slim] Re: SB3 stopped working - (long)

2006-03-24 Thread cjhabs

In this case I don't believe that this problem has anything to do with
the wireless networking. The SB3 connected to the wireless network
successfully every time and SqueezeNetwork worked. It would not connect
to the SlimServer.

Having said that, I am not in a position to try running the SB3 wired.
>From looking at the forums I certainly wouldn't be surprised if it
worked flawlessly when wired.

Another observation from my initial efforts to get the SB3 running
smoothly was that I feel that the wireless receiver circuitry is not as
sensitive as say a laptop's wireless. My laptop (SlimServer) is about 15
feet away from the SB3 and I never have any wireless connectivity
problems with it, even when the signal strength is low and throughput
is 18Mbps. However the SB3 would not stream FLACs without dropouts
until I configured a wireless repeater that sits right next to the

On the plus side my laptop now has "Excellent" signal strength with the
repeater in place.



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[slim] Re: SB3 stopped working - (long)

2006-03-24 Thread cjhabs

Update to my problem.
My SB3 did not come back to life after rescanning. A factory reset of
SB3 and re-enter exactly same networking info and again its back up and
This morning it was still up - as it had been for the past 6 weeks
since updating to FW35.

I'll keep an eye on it during my next clean/rescan, but I don't believe
that's the problem as I've done it many times in the past with no



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[slim] Re: Static IP + WPA + D-Link Router Help Needed

2006-03-23 Thread cjhabs

I have been experiencing the same problem recently with my SB3.
Doing a factory reset of the SB3 (pull power plug, hold down + on
remote while plugging back in until factory reset shows on display)
then re-entering all the network information, resolved the problem for

Hopefully it will again tonight as I'm having the problem again.



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[slim] Re: Utility of Raid 5

2006-03-23 Thread cjhabs

It's time to pull out the wallet and spring for RAID-10 :-)


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[slim] Re: SB3 stopped working - (long)

2006-03-23 Thread cjhabs

This thread seems to have drifted a little.
Anyway - just a quick update.
On my way out of the door this morning I noticed that the SB3 again had
a blank screen.
I had just started a clear database/rescan on the SlimServer. I don't
know if that caused it or if it had lost connection earlier. I also
don't know if it'll come back after the rescan completes.

I'll run a few tests when I get home and post back - maybe some useful
info can be gleaned from this.



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[slim] Re: SB3 stopped working - (long)

2006-03-22 Thread cjhabs

OK - I'm a happier camper now. The first thing I tried worked.

I did a factory reset of the SB3, re-entered EXACTLY the same
networking information and everything was OK.

How can something like this happen?



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[slim] Re: SB3 stopped working - (long)

2006-03-22 Thread cjhabs

mherger Wrote: 
> It has been. Is it still running? Can you access the server's web page 
> (http://yourserver:9000/)? Can you access this same page from another 
> computer?

Yes, I can access the web page and browse the music collection from the
server itself.
I have not tried it from a remote machine.

When I get home I'll also try SoftSqueeze.


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[slim] SB3 stopped working - (long)

2006-03-22 Thread cjhabs

So my 3 month experience with the SB3 has gone from initial problems to
being happy to now being ready to throw it out.

Ready to kick back for an hour last night and listen to some random mix
- the SB3 had no display - no time/date - which means it couldn't
communicate with SlimServer. I'd had this a lot under 6.2.1 with FW28
and had to go through the network setup (without changing anything) to
re-establish the connection.
Since upgrading to a 6.2.2 nightly and FW35 the problem had gone away.

This time re-doing the settings made no difference. Nor did
unplugging/replugging the unit, nor did unplugging/replugging the unit
followed by re-doing settings (many times). I also restarted
SlimServer, rebooted the PC.

The SB3 connects to the wireless network - I know this because Squeeze
Network works.

My error is:
Power up SB3
Connecting to wireless network
Waking up SlimServer
Connecting to SlimServer
Connecting to wireless network
Powers off

I am running SB3 wireless with WPA Personal.
I have a wireless repeater right next to the SB3. I installed this to
remedy drop outs when playing FLAC files - it has worked great for a
couple of months.

SlimServer is on a Windows XP laptop, SP2. Again this setup has been
working great for a couple of months.
I turned off the Firewall - still can't connect.
I turned off the Anti-Virus - still can't connect.
I checked if any recent XP updates had been applied - none.

I can probably get this going again by trying:
A new nightly upgrade (is there newer FW than 35?)
Reset SB3 to factory and re-configure.
Run Ethereal and see if there's a TCP/IP issue.
Rewire the house to use cat-6 :-)
Troll the forums for other suggestions.

But in all honesty, I'd already spent hours resolving my wireless drop
outs. I work with computers all day so the last thing I want is to come
home and spend all night debugging these issues.

So I guess my question is has someone seen this and know how to fix it

Just venting - its the last thing I needed last night - I feel like a
beta tester



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[slim] Re: SB3 crashed on wireless network

2006-03-08 Thread cjhabs

msarti Wrote: 
> I used a 802.11b access point for my SB3 and I had no problem.
> Now I upgrade with a Netgear DG834GTIT that support both 802.11b and
> 802.11g.
> The access point can work as 802.11g or 802.11b/802.11g together. When
> the access point works with booth 802.11b/802.11g protocols the SB3
> hangs after few minutes, and I have to reset manually (disconnecting
> from power).
> When the Access point is set to work with 802.11g only, the SB3 works
> without problems. Unfortunately I have a laptop (where I'm writing)
> that works on 802.11b... 
> Is there a workaround on this problem?
> Thanks!

I believe that if an 802.11b device gets onto the wireless network then
all devices on that network must operate at 802.11b.
So, if your SB was running happily at 802.11g and then the network
switched down to 802.11b, then that may be confusing it.

Forcing your new router to use 802.11b will fix that - not what you
want to hear.



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[slim] Re: Wireless network fails after half hour playing FLACs

2006-03-08 Thread cjhabs

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> 6.2.2 is merely a bugfix of 6.2.1.  It offers no new features.  It's the
> firmware that's the big difference, but even that offers no new
> user-accessible features (lots of wireless fixes though).

I upgraded from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 to resolve a problem where I would lose
my wireless network configuration after the SB was powered off for a
while. Each time I powered back up I had to go through the whole
Network settings menus again. 6.2.2 fixed that.

I run Slimserver under XP and the upgrade is completely painless,
including the firmware upgrade for the SB.



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[slim] Re: Installation problem through RDC or Terminal Services

2006-03-08 Thread cjhabs

> FWIW I've been managing dozens of servers remotely, using the remote  
> desktop (they are four floors under my office). I _never_ encountered a
> problem installing whatever due to the fact that I wasn't sitting in
> front  
> of the machine.

"mstsc.exe /console" and you can do a console based install remotely.

One thing I have seen is having to run the application for the first
time with administrator privelidges to "setup" the registry correctly.


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[slim] Re: Wireless network fails after half hour playing FLACs

2006-03-07 Thread cjhabs

I would also upgrade the router to the latest firmware to make sure
you're taking advantage of any bug fixes.


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[slim] Re: Streaming over internet with Treo problem.

2006-03-03 Thread cjhabs

AirData Wrote: 
> Well, I don't know much about the Treo's inner workings either but don't
> forget this is a phone, not a networking device like a router or
> computer or WIFI. I'm not saying you are wrong... I don't know myself.
> So, I'm trying to find a way to find the MAC address so I can make it
> work better with Slimserver :) Or, use a wildcard IP address something
> like 70.18.*.*
> I have looked in the prefs and shows the normal network stuff except
> for a MAC address.
> Anyway, thanks!

If its connected to your network, your router status should show the
MAC addresses of the connected devices.



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[slim] Re: Streaming over internet with Treo problem.

2006-03-03 Thread cjhabs

AirData Wrote: 
> There is network settings in the preferences panel but it only shows the
> IP address, gateway address, and DNS addresses. My understanding is that
> the Treo does not have a MAC address but obtains one from the wireless
> carrier. I don't know if that MAC address changes each time or not and
> don't know how to get it either.
> Thanks for you help.

I don't know anything about the Treo, but the MAC address is tied to
the hardware chip that is used to access the TCP/IP network (wired or
wireless). Some devices, such as routers, are able to spoof MAC
addresses, but I've never heard of a device getting a MAC address from
another device.

The MAC address should never change as its tied to the hardware.



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[slim] Re: FAQs on Firewalls

2006-03-03 Thread cjhabs

danco Wrote: 
> For the new wiki entry on network problems, I need to say something
> about firewalls. I reckon it should be enough to refer people to the
> FAQs.
> But I notice that the relevant FAQ refers to ports 3493 and 9000
> (Macintosh and Windows) and then suddenly mnetions 9090 in the bit
> about Third Party Firewalls.
> So I am wondering what is correct, and I think the FAQ needs to be
> changed to be clearer (either remove the reference to 9090, or explain
> when it will be needed).

I believe 9090 is for the CLI (command line) interface, 9000 is for the
web interface and 3493 is for - well something else - it escapes me
right now.



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[slim] Re: Slimserver ODBC driver problem

2006-02-23 Thread cjhabs

I don't know too much about this but I would expect the ID field to be
numeric as it usually signifies a key used to link between tables.

Also, as Björk uses a special character in the name that is showing up
as 2 characters in MS Access, I think you'll need to get the UTF-8
driver working as UTF-8 handles multi-byte Unicode characters.



Khuli Wrote: 
> I've just installed the ODBC driver
> and have a few questions/points:
> It set up 3 drivers.. SQLite, SQLite3 and SQLite(UTF-8). I pointed
> these all to slimserversql.db but only the SGLite3 would produce
> anything in MS Access (the other 2 gave an error).
> Anyway, I got the various tables linked after some delay.. the
> [contributor] field in 'Albums' is text, whereas the [ID] field in
> 'Contributors' is numeric (??).
> However, I've not managed to work around accented characters.. my entry
> for Björk is coming through as Björk.  Anyone know how to correct
> this?
> Thanks.


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