Re: [slim] Why the focus on specialized NAS devices?

2007-08-07 Thread shermoid

there are other reasons people want to put slimserver on NAS devices.  i
have had a readynas 600 running slimserver for over 2 years now. 
despite some troubles i had upgrading to SS 6.5.1 (needed to write a
perl script to rearrange many thousands of tracks into the way the
software wanted them), the setup has distinct advantages:

1.  i volunteer at a local radio station, playing space music at
nights.  i can literally unplug 2 cables (power and ethernet), and
bring all the music with me, in one box.  no PC necessary!

2.  i can have only one device turned on (the readynas), and hear music
all day long.  i do not need to turn on the readynas AND a pc, when the
readynas can run pre-compiled SS versions itself.  so, that's less
power, and a couple fewer fans to create white noise in the background.
the readynas itself is pretty quiet.

3.  although this next bit has disadvantages as well, i do not need to
muck around with slimserver on my pc.  that also means i can't take
advantage of SS's open source nature.  however, once installed and
running, i do not have to deal with any slimserver issues until i
upgrade.  due to the huge amount of trouble i had last time, i probably
will not upgrade again.  the 6.5.1 SS version has more features than
i'll ever need.  all it has to do is play music, and i'm happy.

so, there ya have it!  the use of a NAS device has alot to do with your
intended use of music.  if you need it to be portable (like i do),
having a self-contained music box is great.  and, since i use flac
files exclusively, an ipod type of solution (i.e., ripped to mp3
format) would just never work.  for my needs, the music has to be
broadcast quality.



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Re: [slim] Why the focus on specialized NAS devices?

2007-08-07 Thread shermoid

erland;219502 Wrote: 
 Wouldn't a computer like the Mac Mini or similar be able to do all this
 as easy ?

not really - i'd need, oh, 400-500GB of storage to hold all the music. 
so, that would entail a NAS or external device to the mac mini anyway. 
might as well not lug two boxes, but just one.  :-)

erland;219502 Wrote: 
 I can understand that it feels complicated if you have both a NAS and a
 computer, or if you have a computer with connected keyboard, mouse and
 monitor. But IMHO this is not what you should compare with. 
 You should compare with a standalone computer with no monitor, keyboard
 or mouse. This only require a network cable and a power cable to work.
 It can be pretty small, for example a Mac Mini a VIA EPIA solution a
 laptop or something similar.

it's again the storage problem.  the complexity of a computer and a NAS
isn't an issue.  the readynas is only 12x12, and is not a big deal to
carry around.

using only a NAS and a nokia 770 (pocket size) internet tablet, i can
control the readynas, have it play 4 hours of music without human
intervention, and be packed up and ready to go home in 3 minutes.  for
my use, it's a perfect solution.

many other solutions are possible, of course.  however, i prefer a
completely self-contained music machine, plus pocket-sized controller. 
this is all happening at 1-5am.  the simpler, the better, at those early
hours.  :-)



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Re: [slim] Compilation albums - problem

2007-06-04 Thread shermoid

hey peter and parkmad,

i agree with BOTH of you!!!  i got more or less flamed when i had
posted previously, complaining that the software should work for ME,
and i shouldn't have to work for the SOFTWARE.  evidently, i didn't
roll over sufficiently for the folks here, raise slimserver to the
sublime level of my personal demi-god, and bow to it.  instead, i asked
that the software get fixed, as it is now broken where it was not
before, which seems to be blasphemy to the denizens of the slim

peter, if you encode to flac files, metaflac is part of the flac suite
of tools that does the tagging.  to see if you have it, just type
metaflac at any command prompt.  it'll give you a usage message if it
is there, or else you'll see command not found or a similar message if

and parkmad, i agree with you wholeheartedly.  i was irritated beyond
belief when i had to re-arrange a bunch of data with a script i had to
write first, just to please the software.  i use a readynas600 to run
slimserver, not an intervening pc, so i have  limited versions of
slimserver to choose from.  i have to use, as slimserver now
comes bundled with infrant's firmware, and i needed a firmware upgrade
for various other reasons.

basically, i am never going to change anything else on this music
server ever again.  this last change from 6.2.1 to 6.5.1 was so painful
that it ruined any desire to invest even 1 more second of time into it. 
like you, as i get older, i only care about what works.  i do not care
about spending my free time coaxing functionality out of computer
systems.  i have much better things to do.



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Re: [slim] Compilation albums - problem

2007-06-04 Thread shermoid

JJZolx;206775 Wrote: 
 When albums are split among folders, either you may need to do
 something special to unify the albums or else you need to expect
 less-than-perfect scanning results.  I think there are a number of ways
 this could have been done, but it takes some additional intelligence on
 the part of the scanner and/or some additional attention to tagging. 
 For instance, in the above example, if they were each marked with an
 ALBUMARTIST (set equal to ARTIST in both cases) then that should make
 it obvious to the scanner that they're not the same album.
 Unfortunately, _requiring_ all of a compilation album's tracks to
 reside in the same folder was the 50lb sledgehammer approach.  Easy,
 dumb, and sure to aggravate some people.

and this is the problem i think we're all addressing.

in slimserver 6.2.1 and in 6.3.1, compilation albums split among
different directories were perfectly fine!  slimserver correctly
analyzed the tags, figured out that all tracks, even in different
directories, which had the same ALBUM tag were really part of the same
album.  a single album would show up on the slimserver web interface,
and all its tracks listed neatly below that.

once i had to go to 6.5.1, this no longer held true.  i was told by
slim tech support that i had to re-arrange the hundreds of compilation
albums into one directory per album, and re-locate all the thousands
of tracks myself.  so, it's not so much that i'm unwilling to tag my
tracks, or do *some* work to get the database in shape, it's more that
what used to work in an older version of slimserver now no longer
works, and the USER gets blamed for be unwilling to bend to the
software's needs.

so, it's a question of focus.  some of us are consumers - we want the
product to work.  some of us are geeks - we want to work the product.  i
used to be on the geek side, but have moved to the consumer side.  i've
spent too much of my life bending to computers' needs.  i want them to
bend to my needs now.  :-)

just my $0.02.



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Re: [slim] New competition from McIntosh?

2007-06-01 Thread shermoid

i have an almost exclusively mcintosh 2-channel system, and i would
never buy this.  while i love the sound of mcintosh gear, and even love
its very old-fashioned, 1980's hi-fi looks, i would never purchase a
beastie with an internal hard drive.  was there any mention of how
back-up the data?  with a single drive holding all your digital info,
it would be worse than horrible to have that drive crash.

i built my own music server from an infrant readynas600 + modified
squeezebox2 (bolder cable mods).  with a nokia 700 as a remote control,
it still was less than 1/2 the price of this mac unit, and is RAID5

i think mcintosh is appealing to their money is no object customers. 
i couldn't imagine anyone really wanting one otherwise.



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Re: [slim] Album count

2007-05-30 Thread shermoid

hey prabbit,

take a look my previous post:

if you think my little perl script could help to re-arrange the data on
disc, i will gladly send you a copy ...

hope this helps,


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Re: [slim] Compilation albums - problem

2007-05-28 Thread shermoid

SW4Peter;204916 Wrote: 
 Any solution to this problem yet guys?

hey peter,

after about a month of frustration, i did find a solution to this
problem.  it took writing a perl script to rearrange the data on disc,
and then run a complete clear everything and rescan library with
6.5.1.  now, FINALLY. my compilation albums appear as they should.

if your directory structure for compilation albums is such each artist
on the compilation gets their own directory, i have a perl script for
you that will help.  6.5.1 will not correctly assemble the artists
scattered in different directories together, even though the album name
is common.  instead, you have to put all the tracks for compilations
under one directory, and THEN 6.5.1 will do what it is supposed to do -
list the album once, and all the artists/tracks will be under that

let's say you have a best of 60's compilation.  if you rip it, and
end up with something like this:


my script will turn this into:


and so sorth, which 6.5.1 will correctly scan as ONE album, not 1
album listing per track which is what i used to get (and i think
you're getting).

if you use linux and flac files, this script will work.  if you aren't
using flac, then this won't work for you - the script relies on
'metaflac' to get the tags, and then process the files.  let me know,
and if you'd like a copy of this script, i will send one to you.



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Re: [slim] Quality of Slimserver

2007-05-23 Thread shermoid

it seems that there are at least 2 camps of people in the slimserver

1. those who think the product should work as the customer expects, and

2. those who think the customer should work as the product expects

i work as a software engineer (previously also in system
administration) like many of us in these forums, and like many who use
slimdevices' products.  so, we all are at least familair with computing
devices, and the maintenanace issues surrounding ANY computer.

i used to be be in camp #2 - i thought that i had to work to get my
computers into the shape i wanted them.  i believed that all computing
devices, even one that just plays music, needed to be configured, and
lovingly adjusted and constantly tweaked, and that's just what it takes
to be able to own and use a product.

i have changed horses, and am now in camp #1 - i want device
manufacturers to provide the customer an appliance.  i have simply lost
interest in dealing with hardware, software, firmware and any other
*ware, that does not work when plugged in and turned on.  in other
words i want a product, not someone's bench experiment that happens to
work, sort of, mostly, and depends on the positions of the sun, moon
and stars.

i've gone from using sun and linux machines to apple macintosh - you
plug it in, and it works in a very powerful way.  i don't feel boxed
in or trapped with something less than satisfactory, just because i
did not need to spend days or weeks tweaking it into a working state.

i also do not find it helpful for those who think that you must tweak
your setup constantly to keep it running to berate those who believe
that the product ought to work for the customer.  it's just two
different mindsets.  not everyone likes to mess with machinery all the
time.  i know i don't - or at least, not any more.  i'll do the work to
set something up, but i do expect commercial product quality out of
hardware and software.  that means the product works consistently when
you turn it on - no ifs, no ands and no buts.

products that require as much attention as slimserver are not really
full-fledged commercial products, they're for tinkerers, hobbyists or
geeks.  i agree with forestcaver that the slimserver product is far
from ready for mainstream, but works in the meantime, as long as oyu
have patience for it.  after about a month of tech support, i finally
have a working readynas and slimserver setup.  i will never touch it
again, except to add more music to the nas.  it's too painful to deal
with a product in a perpetual alpha/beta state like slimserver.



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Re: [slim] Duplicate Albums

2007-05-11 Thread shermoid

hey kdf,

thanks for the pointers over to bug database.  there's one thing i
think i neglected to mention in all the previous posts, however - i am
using a readynas600 from infrant technology to run the slimserver
program.  i download a pre-compiled version of slimserver directly from
infrant and upload that image to my readynas.  i do not use an
intervening PC to run slimserver.  i only need the PC to rip and
flac-encode cds.  for that, i use a linux system and the shell script

i do not have access to any source code, and cannot really take
advantage of slimserver being an open source product.  that's why i
kept saying that i have no access to the source code.  sorry for the

i believe the best choice here is to downrev both the readynas firmware
and the version of slimserver.  i can go back to raidiator 2.* from the
newset version (3.01*), and use slimserver 6.3.1.  the raidiator
version that i have already has slimserver 6.5.1 built in, and will not
allow me to add on a 6.3.1 version.  so, downrevving the readynas will
have to come first.  as someone pointed out earlier, 6.3.1 will allow
for correctly-handled multiple GENRE tags, and won't force me to
reorganize tens of thousands of files.

thanks again for your help!  i appreciate it very much.



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Re: [slim] Duplicate Albums

2007-05-10 Thread shermoid

slimpy;144904 Wrote: 
 Yes, you have to relocate them. There were some considerable changes in
 6.5 regarding the handling of compilation albums and common album
 Slimserver now only treats albums as compilations if they have
 different artists and the files are in the same directory.
 This is only a problem for people who strictly follow the
 /artist/album/song structure and even split up compilation albums. I
 suggest you create an artist directory called Various artists and
 regroup your compilation albums under this entry.
 Another (unverified) solution you might want to try: Tag all
 compilation tracks with the COMPILATION=1 tag. I'm not sure if this
 works though as I haven't actually tried it. But telling slimserver
 explicitely to treat these tracks as compilation could do the trick.


this is a SERIOUS problem for me if this is true.  i have just upgraded
to 6.5.1, and discovered that my database now has all these duplicate
album titles - as others have noted, one copy of the album title in
the database for each track of the compilation.

the problem is i have thousands of cds already on disc, with many
hundreds of compilation discs.  it would be a task of monumental
proportions to have to re-organize thousands of songs into different
directories.  the software i use automatically creates separate
directories for each artist on complation albums, and this has worked
under slimser 6.2.1 since i've had my readynas (about 2 years).

isn't there a way to leave all these files as they are, and have
slimserver work for me?  why should i have to work that hard for the
software?  i can't imagine having to find all the component songs for
each compilation disc, create a directory by hand, move all the files
into that directory, and do this for hundreds and hundreds of discs -
surely this is too much.  is there some other suggestion besides moving
hundreds of gigabytes of data around?



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Re: [slim] Duplicate Albums

2007-05-10 Thread shermoid

Siduhe;201082 Wrote: 
 There will be a number of tagging and reordering programs that can help
 to semi-automate this process for you.  Tag and Rename will rename
 files to a given structure, including reordering them in a new folder
 structure based on tag structure (Windows only), and I'm sure other
 programs will do the same kind of thing.

hi siduhe,

thank you very much for this usefil info and the suggestion!  i use a
linux system, and wonder if any of these programs you're referring to
have linux version.  i do not own ANYTHING that comes from microsoft. 

Siduhe;201082 Wrote: 
 You will need to decide on the structure, then identify each of your
 complilation discs (i.e. scan in your whole library, order by album and
 then select the relevant compilations), but other than that the process
 would be automated.

i might just re-open my original ticket with slimdevices, and seek a
bug fix for the 6.2.1 version.  i was happy with it until i discovered
that it did not handle multiple GENRE tags correctly.  and, i don't
want to have to figure anything out for the software!  i already have a
HUGE database of music, and the software should be backwards compatible,
like ALL GOOD SOFTWARE, and handle previous data.

if i have to work this hard, then i will toss it right back to
slimdevices, and ask them instead to fix the 6.2.1 version i have so it
recognizes multiple tags.  i'm the customer - they're the supplier. 
they work on my issues; i buy their products.  that's the deal.  :)

appreciate your help and suggestions very much!  i hope i can make some
use of them ...

kind regards,


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Re: [slim] Duplicate Albums

2007-05-10 Thread shermoid

Marc Sherman;201092 Wrote: 
 :There are plenty of linux tools that can move/rename mp3 files around
 based on their id3 tags. Here's one:

thank you marc!  i will check out the page and the software once i get
back home, and can download/install.  :)

Marc Sherman;201092 Wrote: 
 That's not going to happen. No-one is doing any further work on the
 6.2.x branch. You can stand on principle all you like, or you can take
 advantage of the suggestions to actually solve your problems that
 are giving you -- it's your choice.

well, while i appreciate what you're saying, any company that's
destined to stay in business will do exactly that - they will work on
legacy products if a customer demands it.  how do i know?  i'm a
software engineer.  i have re-worked decades old code upon demand,
because that's what the early adopters of new technology expect.  
doing so keeps the customer, keeps the customer happy, and encourgaes
the customer to sing your praises to others.

if slimdevices refuses to re-work an old version, i can become swami
sherman and predict that this company will not survive.  how do i know
that?  i have seen it happen time and time again.  if you do not support
your early adopters. not only will they  stop doing business with you,
but they will stop encouraging  others to use the products.  so, it all
comes down to how long slimdevices is in it for - the short run or the
long run.

it's not a matter of principle any more than it's a matter of good
business.  happy customers = continued business.  unhappy customers =
end of the business.  since i am an engineer, i will ultimately solve
the problem.  the only question is how willing slimdevices is help me -
especially when their earlier products worked with just one bug to fix,
and by following their latest suggestions, i now have have a disabled
music server.



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Re: [slim] Duplicate Albums

2007-05-10 Thread shermoid

snarlydwarf;201108 Wrote: 
 Right: which is exactly why Linux is Doomed!  Cause that meanie
 Linus doesn't fix the bugs in my 1.0.13 kernel.  I don't like ELF!  I
 am a DWARF!  I want A.OUT only!   Dammit, why don't they fix libc5! 
 The whole Linux GPL is DOMED because they won't fix what I want!
 Ooops.  Sorry.  Sarcasm overload.

* linux IS doomed.  it will be replaced by something better someday. 
while it's here, however:

* you can fix your own 1.0.13 kernel, as you have full access to the
sourcec code.  do i have full access to slimdevices source code?

* you don't have to use ELF.  you can invent your own binary format. 
you have access to the source code, and can code away to your heart's
content.  can i change the way slimserver accesses its database?

* you'll have to check with your doctor to see what can be done about
your stature.

* you can generate A.OUT files all you'd like without even having to
add a -o A.OUT to the cc command line.  can i alter the slimserver
code and make sure that compilation albums are handled correctly?

* since the source is readily available, you can alter libc5 in any way
you'd like to.

* and yes, if enough people don't get what they want, the whole GPL
scheme could be doomed.  care for a victor 9000 pc, or a wang word


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Re: [slim] Duplicate Albums

2007-05-10 Thread shermoid

Marc Sherman;201109 Wrote: 
 You're not the only professional software engineer here. I take it that
 all of your experience in the enterprise arena, where individual
 customers pay upwards of 6 figures for their licenses, and may not
 upgrade their mission-critical systems to the latest and greatest for
 years after it's released? Your broad statements simply do not apply
 the consumer software space, much less to open source.
 - Marc

hey marc,

i don't mean to impune anyone's abilities.  i'm certain many folks here
are techo-geeks in one way or another, or we wouldn't have undertaken
these types of projects in the first place.

my point is that a good company is responsive to customers' needs,
whether they are large needs or small needs.  if a customer requests
something from a vendor, or has been given bad advise by a vendor, the
best vendors will help the customer out, re-work old hardware or old
software, and keep the customer happy.  you do not need a million
dollar licensing arrangement to do good business.

if i had access to slimdevices' code, i'd fix the problem in my old
6.2.1 version myself!  but, i do not have such access, and must ask
slimdevices to make the change for me.  i'm sure the actual problem (in
pseudocode) is to change a line that looks like this:

if ($tag == ARTIST) then process_tags();

to a line like this:

if ($tag == ARTIST || GENRE) then process_tags();

pretty much, that's all i need.  :-)



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Re: [slim] Duplicate Albums

2007-05-10 Thread shermoid

thank you to all who've offered up advise on what to do.  your time and
thoughts are very much appreciated.



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[slim] Re: Nokia 770

2005-12-05 Thread shermoid

greetings all,

i just got off the phone with the nokia order center, inquiring about
my 770 order, which was placed november 2, 2005.

the new release date is second week on january, 2006.  let me repeat
that in internet screaming mode:  NONE OF US WILL GET OUR NOKIA 770's

this will be the first and last product i ever order from nokia,
bitchin' little device or not.  there is no better way to get and keep
a customer p/o'd than to make them wait for product.



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[slim] Re: Sonos Doesn't Have to be a Threat

2005-08-30 Thread shermoid

vs804017 Wrote: 
 I currently use an HP pocket pc with wifi and it works reasonably well
 with SlimServer Handheld skin (a little clunky) and with Telcanto which
 I purchased too.  But something better is certainly in order.  If there
 was a better handheld skin - something that would work in landscape
 mode it might even be a cool trick to install the handheld in-wall
 instead of an entire slimserver (which is what many have done).

yet one more option would be to offer a multi-tiered way to remotely
access your SB2.  this might help SB2's entrance into the mainstream
market (if those are slimdevices plans!).  i like vs804017's use of a
hand-held device an awful lot, and am waiting for nokia to release the
770.  being just a bit of a linux/unix zealot, i couldn't use a pda or
a hand held that runs windows.  :-)  i'm sure the HP faithfully does
the deed, if only they would have used HPUX instead of windows ... and
the nokia uses debian linux as its embedded O/S ...

but, that's not the point.  if slimdevices could package the SB2 with
any of a variety of remote access devices, that might help out a lot
towards ease of use for the consumer.  the current remote would be
standard, and from there you could upgrade to a pda, nokia 770, a
hacked SONOS remote, etc.  if the remote access boxes were supported by
slimdevices (perhaps pre-loaded with software, or configured somehow),
that might level out the feature-for-feature comparison with SONOS, or
the next device that has an even COOLER access method!  which you then
have to have ... !



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[slim] Re: SlimServer on ReadyNAS600

2005-08-09 Thread shermoid

JJZolx Wrote: 
 It should work pretty much the same as SlimServer running on a computer,
 complete with web interface.  My biggest reservations about the Infrant
 installation of SlimServer are that you can't load any plugins that
 Infrant doesn't include in the installation, you have no direct access
 to the SlimServer installation files, and you can't do nightly or SVN
 updates.  Infrant didn't even install all of the standard skins on
 their first release of 6.0.  They've recently released 6.1 and 6.1.1
 and they're listening to customers for feedback, so later releases may
 be a bit more flexible.
 Another reservation I have about running SlimServer on these appliances
 is that they have limited CPU horsepower.  They may be acceptable
 speed-wise (and I suspect the ReadyNAS is more powerful than the other
 devices that can run SlimServer) but it remains to be seen how they'll
 perform with very large libraries.  For me I think it'll be worth
 investing $500-$800 for a dedicated box to run SlimServer, plus maybe
 some other server based stuff.

hi JJ,

thanks for this helpful info!  in my case, it's not a problem if no
other plugins are available - i use slimserver right out of the box,
with the default skin.  and, not having access to the slimserver files
is similarly no sweat.  as long as it plays music, that's really all i
care about.  :)

i was wondering if you know about the database functions of slimserver.
it must be that some type of database software either lives on the
ReadyNAS, or is part of infrant's image.  else, how could you add new
music to your library?  :)  do you know how this database function is

and lastly, do you know what would happen if my pc was turned on, and
now there are two copies of slimserver running simultaneously? 
naturally, i could turn off the automatic loading of slimserver when
linux boots up, but it might be nice to have access to it
occassionally.  would the whole system get confused if two
slimservers were running?

thanks in advance for your guidance!  i appreciate learning as much as
i can about this great, new technology and what you can do with it ...

kind regards,


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life is uncertain; eat dessert first - anonymous

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