Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-11 Thread tamanaco

Here is another speculative view of why Apple acquired


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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread pablolie

I will be candid: I hate iTunes. Adn that has a history.

>From 1990 to 1999 I was a total Apple nut and a stronghold for Macs in
an enterprise environment that increasingly went Windows. And don't get
me wrong: I think Windows is bloated and flawed and I am not a gullgible
fan that will ever claim technology superiority, but I think one thing
that MSFT has done is that they have evolved beyond the illusion (and
legal consequences thereof) that they can try to be controlling and
dictate the entire product application stack. Which is the huge Apple
illusion, and will prove to be their downfall if they grab significant
market share again.

Apple's bullish determination to own everything not only stinks of a
doomed attempt at a monopoly, but also shortchanges users with solutions
that are less flexible and agile than they ought to be. iTunes tries to
be too many things to too many devices and too many people and too many
devices and, as far as I am concerned, has already miserable failed. It
is a piece of crap. I used it a while ago, I have long since stepped
away from it. It does many things very easily for a large audience, but
does nothing particularly well for a more discerning audience. Sounds
more and more loike the MSFT story of the late 90s around the browser
wars and what not.

In any case, and to cut a long story short - heck no. I do not look for
lazy shortcuts. I look for flexibility and openness, and Apple has no
longer anything to offer there. They try to hold their user base more
captive than Microsoft ever attempted to. And that will hurt them. Not
right away, but in the mid term. Their differentiation is image. Their
substance is wearing thin.


Server: Shuttle X27D - Ubuntu 8.04LTS - SBS 7.4.1
Sources: SB3 (3), SB Boom (3), Duet, Accuphase DP65v CD
Amplifier: Accuphase E306v - Creek OBH21/22
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Energy Aego M
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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread Goodsounds

Jon Healey of the LA Times posted some interesting thoughts about Apple
and lala. I'm sure they have something in mind, perhaps what Tamanaco
says, or maybe they're just taking out a competitor.

While I don't prefer or own Apple products, I respect their repeated
accomplishments. No consumer products company does a better job of using
innovative design and sophisticated technology to achieve simplicity.

Apple does things it's own way, take it or leave it. Most people take
it, and pay little attention to the things you guys are discussing.


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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread exile

I just don't see the point in getting upset at steve. he's quite simply
a brilliant businessman as well as a visionary for the technological

as for your other point, I stand by the notion that people should take
personal responsibility for their actions. so with that said, if someone
is too lazy to make use of this thing called google to find a better and
cheaper way of collecting and customizing their music collection then
they are subject to paying the market value for ease of use. 

I guess an obvious analogy would be starbucks. If you want to give away
$2 or more every day to get your coffee fix instead of buying a pound of
coffee for $6 that will last a couple of weeks and provide 50 cups o'
joe then by all means pony up to the starbucks bar. To me,  it's all
about free will.


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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread iPhone

exile;493140 Wrote: 
> I understand the frustration that people have in regards to steve but
> let's be fair. there is a simple workaround for virtually every
> restriction placed on the itunes experience. The process of making your
> own ringtone free of charge is ridiculously easy, as was the process of
> freeing one's music from the drm nightmare way back when. 
> i don't buy from the itunes store but i think it's important to
> remember that steve jobs has almost single handedly led the charge on
> the digital music revolution and for that I'm eternally grateful.

What exactly did Steve J do "single handedly" to led the charge on the
digital music revolution? I will tell you, basically nothing! Other
people did all the hard work, then he thought and found a way to make
money off their hard work without paying them for it while finding a way
to rip the artist off once again while making the record companies and
the RIAA think he was their Messiah.

My point about ring tones is that the sheep that iTunes collects and
Steve J and Company are looking for need a product as simple as iTunes
in the first place so they are always going to pay twice while those
Techy enough not to will not be forced to. Apple should be up front and
honest about it and they might even make more money that way. "Hey, you
already own this tune, for 25 cents use this Apple App to make it one of
your endless available ring tones. And by the way, if you don't own the
tune you want, check out the iTunes Store and just buy the song and not
the whole album. And if you bought the song from the iTunes Store,
convert it free to a ring tone." That is what I am saying.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread exile

iPhone;493120 Wrote: 
>  There is only one reason I can't turn any song I paid for on CD into a
> ring tone for my iPhone, MONEY IE Apple Greed! One is forced to buy the
> song from the iTunes Store and then pay again to turn it into a ring
> tone.

I understand the frustration that people have in regards to steve but
let's be fair. there is a simple workaround for virtually every
restriction placed on the itunes experience. The process of making your
own ringtone free of charge is ridiculously easy, as was the process of
freeing one's music from the drm nightmare way back when. 

i don't buy from the itunes store but i think it's important to
remember that steve jobs has almost single handedly led the charge on
the digital music revolution and for that I'm eternally grateful.


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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread Pat Farrell
tamanaco wrote:
> Pat, iPhone, I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm not an iAnything fan, but
> I admire S. Jobs business moves. 

This is really a separate topic.

Steve Jobs is a brilliant businessman. Nearly as good as the world's
smartest business man, Steve Case, who sold a puffed up marketing ponzi
scheme to Time Warner for lots of real, hard cash.

But my comment was just that I don't want to be assimilated.

I expect that the next move will be video. Jobs already owns a huge part
of Disney. A decade ago, the common wisdom was that audio was too big to
stream over the Internet. Now, its not even a blip, and streaming video
is commonplace.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread tamanaco

Pat, iPhone, I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm not an iAnything fan, but
I admire S. Jobs business moves. He has a captive audience with the
iPhone and iPods that are centered around iTunes. What I see him doing
is aggregating services for his already captive audience to keep them
happy and to also go after other potential customers for devices like
the Sonos and SQBX. If you're already an iPhone user... he wants to keep
you... and if you're not.. he was to offer other avenues to get you...
That's all I'm "specualting" about here. Will I buy an iStreamBox?...
probably no... If Apple successfully integrates what I mentioned above
will they be a force to be reckon with... probably yes.


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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread andynormancx

iPhone;493120 Wrote: 
> There is only one reason I can't turn any song I paid for on CD into a
> ring tone for my iPhone, MONEY IE Apple Greed! One is forced to buy the
> song from the iTunes Store and then pay again to turn it into a ring
> tone.
It is perfectly possible to create a ring tone from music on a CD.


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread iPhone

pfarrell;493116 Wrote: 
> tamanaco wrote:
> > What do you think?... Am I dreaming here?
> More like a nightmare for me.
> I don't want my music packaged and controlled by the borg.
> -- 
> Pat Farrell

+1 have to agree. iTunes messes to much with ones music in the first
place, why would I want them screwing with my Web based music also? All
the acquisition does is add Web Based music for a fee for those that
don't want to buy from the iTunes Store, don't have an iPhone, iTouch,
or iPod, or just can't get enough music from iTunes and are willing to

Bill Gates might be the devil, but Steve Jobs definitely wants control
over ones music as well as dumbing it down so the mindless can even use
it and not know they are being controlled. There is only one reason I
can't turn any song I paid for on CD into a ring tone for my iPhone,
MONEY IE Apple Greed! One is forced to buy the song from the iTunes
Store and then pay again to turn it into a ring tone.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread tamanaco

autopilot;493113 Wrote: 
> iTunes already does streaming. Are you talking about a subscription
> service like Napster/Rhapsody?

It already does streaming, but as far as I know, it does not do high
bitrates... Adding a high bitrate local server,  remote streamed
services and adding a new product like an iStreamBox. An iStreamBox with
good quality audio components to play music via your AV system is what
I'm talking about. Basically a "future" specialized box for music
streaming similar to the AppleTV... Again, I'm just speculating here...
I assure you that Apple did not buy to become just another
Napster... It has to be (again I'm specualting) about the enhancement of
iTunes integration of these services with iTunes and opening new


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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread pippin

That's more or less what lala does, isn't it?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread Pat Farrell
tamanaco wrote:
> What do you think?... Am I dreaming here?

More like a nightmare for me.

I don't want my music packaged and controlled by the borg.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread autopilot

iTunes already does streaming. Are you talking about a subscription
service like Napster/Rhapsody?


Cheers, auto.

*lounge:* squeezebox 3, squeezebox controller, cambridge audio 640a,
mission 701's *kitchen:* squeezebox touch, trends ta-10.1, kef cresta
1's. *bedroom:* squeezebox boom *bathroom/garden:* squeezebox radio
*car:* ipod classic 80gb *portable:* iphone 3gs 32gb (+ipeng)

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[slim] Apple acquires What's Stevo's next move?

2009-12-07 Thread tamanaco

I can't help, but think that Steve Jobs' next move after the acquisition
of is to go after services like Pandora, Last.FM, Slacker and
Spotify. It "probably" also means that the streaming services are going
to be integrated into iTunes. I think this can become another great move
by the master because if it works... iTunes will gain a streaming and a
music media "social" environment. I can already picture an iStreamBox
that would give the SQBX a run for the money. iTunes with an
incorporated stream music server component, would instantly gain the
existing iTunes user me it appears as natural evolution of
iTunes for the iFolks. The Apple Apps Store could also be easily
integrated in the mix in order to distribute Apps similar to plugins for
the iStreamBox and/or specialized iPod Docking stations. This apps, like
plugins, would enhance the music listening experience for free or for a
fee and expand the Apple Apps Universe. Next move down the line for
Stevo... iTtunes video streaming

What do you think?... Am I dreaming here?


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