Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-19 Thread Jonny Quest

mherger wrote: 
> Your LMS fails to connect to mysb. Please start a new thread for this 
> specific issue, providing information about your OS, antivirus or other
> security products etc.

Thanks, I'll do that... but might take a while.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-19 Thread Michael Herger

[22-03-19 11:06:34.9746] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error
(156) Unable to login to, sync is disabled: Timed out
waiting for data (

Your LMS fails to connect to mysb. Please start a new thread for this 
specific issue, providing information about your OS, antivirus or other 
security products etc.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-19 Thread chicks

Tidal offers a veteran's discount - $5.99/month if you've ever served,
at CD quality FLAC, which is the most anyone really needs.  Works for

piTouch™ w/JustBoom DigiHat -> RME ADI-2 DAC FS -> JBL 305P MkII
monitors; LMS 8.2 on piCorePlayer/Pi 4;  Material Skin.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-19 Thread Wojtulek

According to services... I used Spotify for years. I like quility music
but I cant hear difference comparing to Tidal(now RP4B + Musical
Fidelity v90 + not good speakers but dedicated tube ampifier for good

But I switched to Tidal recently because I've checked Roon and I love
it. The only service available in my coutry used by Roon is Tidal,

If I will switch to Roon soon? Not sure - now I use piCorePlayer and its
more stable on RP than Roon was on my mac mini... 
But of course Material is not as great as Roon UI. I can pay high price
for convenience but LMS+Material is alo great...

So now I use some plugins, I created account on to have
statistics, currently I use both Spotify and Tidal on my mac but only
Tidal is active in LMS. 
Ah and I have only 20+ CDs - I'm very picky :) I bought only albums I
liked for last 20-30y. I wont but album due to one great song.
So far so good - Tidal works like Spotty for me.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-19 Thread Jonny Quest

Hi there. I've raised this intermittent problem previously but can't
find the thread now - apologies for using this one.

I'm having trouble with LMS and TIDAL integration again. Once again this
has been prefectly fine up until a few days ago when it suddenly stopped
working again. I've done a complete reinstallation of LMS (v 8.2.0 -
1627922070) and index rebuild and it is failing to pick up items that I
have added to my TIDAL favourites, or any playlists that I have created
there. I did this with Windows Defender turned off so that no firewall
settings would affect it. The LMS web interface is showing TIDAL under
My Apps, but there is no TIDAL content under My Music > New Music, My
Music > Artists, My Music > Albums etc.

I think last time it happened the suggestion was that if it happened
again I should post the server log here to see if it sheds ay light on
this. It does appear to contain a few errors which (forgive me!) do not
mean much to me. There is mention of buggy formware on an SB Radio, but
the main player that I'm using is a SB Touch. Here are the logs:

[22-03-19 10:35:43.9936] main::init (390) Starting Logitech
Media Server (v8.2.0, 1627922070, Tue Aug  3 11:28:42 WEDT 2021) perl
5.014001 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
[22-03-19 10:35:48.8683] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (377)
Optimizing DB because of missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table
[22-03-19 10:35:49.0821] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2177) Warning:
Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!
[22-03-19 10:35:50.3838] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (377)
Optimizing DB because of missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table
[22-03-19 10:35:53.4306] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2177) Warning:
Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!
[22-03-19 10:35:58.8208] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Plugin::initPlugin
(155) Can't connect to port 10002 - MusicIP disabled.
[22-03-19 10:36:01.7736] main::checkDataSource (1121) Warning: Schema
updated or no media found in the database, initiating scan.
[22-03-19 10:36:05.6125] Slim::Networking::Discovery::getFakeVersion
You're using a SB Radio with a buggy firmware not recognizing this
version of Logitech Media Server.
Please consider patching it. Until then we'll try to play nice and
return a fake version number...

[22-03-19 10:48:44.1783] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1341) Warning:
[10:48:44.1782] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
/Slim/ line 1905
[22-03-19 10:50:32.2522] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1341) Warning:
[10:50:32.2521] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
/Slim/ line 1905
[22-03-19 10:50:32.2550] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1341) Warning:
[10:50:32.2549] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
/Slim/ line 1905
[22-03-19 10:50:32.8100] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1341) Warning:
[10:50:32.8099] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
/Slim/ line 1905
[22-03-19 10:53:49.4165] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_error (431)
Unable to login to SN: Timed out waiting for data
[22-03-19 10:53:49.4168] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error
(156) Unable to login to, sync is disabled: Timed out
waiting for data (
[22-03-19 10:53:49.4170] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error
(172) sync init failed: Timed out waiting for data,
will retry in 300 (
[22-03-19 10:59:29.4383] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestWrite (514) Context
not found in requestWrite
[22-03-19 10:59:59.5147] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_error (431)
Unable to login to SN: Timed out waiting for data
[22-03-19 10:59:59.5149] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error
(156) Unable to login to, sync is disabled: Timed out
waiting for data (
[22-03-19 10:59:59.5151] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error
(172) sync init failed: Timed out waiting for data,
will retry in 300 (
[22-03-19 11:00:08.8891] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_error (431)
Unable to login to SN: Timed out waiting for data
[22-03-19 11:00:08.8893] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestWrite (514) Context
not found in requestWrite
[22-03-19 11:05:13.9906] main::init (390) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v8.2.0, 1627922070, Tue Aug  3 11:28:42 WEDT 2021) perl 5.014001 -
[22-03-19 11:05:27.1213] Slim::Networking::Discovery::getFakeVersion

Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-14 Thread downtrip

Perhaps another of your criteria should be privacy? 

All of these options have fairly opaque privacy policies and they are
collecting a lot of data about us. Spolify for instance has filed a
surveillance by speech-recognition patent that claims to detect
“emotional state, gender, age, or accent” to recommend music. Which is
fair enough if you are OK with that. Personally I would feel like I'm
being stalked in a bad way.

I use Deezer at the moment because it seems less bad and is European
FWIW. I have no use for Tidal's MQA. I may possibly move to Qubuz since
it appears to have no drm. However, my partner has learned to use the
Deezer app and probably wouldn't be happy with change. Ho hum.

To answer your questions I have the Deezer app installed on 3 RPis and I
listen to my Premium account at 16/44.1 FLAC. Sometimes the RPis are
playing different songs simultaneously. Deezer doesn't register them as
'connected devices' which is odd, since at times there can be 3 people
listening to different music streams. I tend to play albums, my partner
makes use of the playlists and seems happy with the content of them. I
have no problem with content and I don't think I have ever read a review
of a band or piece of music and not found it on Deezer - and my taste is
definitely not mainstream.

So, yes, this is a thumbs-up for Deezer with caveats on privacy.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread Michael Herger

If I may, a completely different question.  I have a subscription to the

I recommend starting new threads for new, unrelated questions. But this 
one is simple enough :-).

"Announcement - ickStream open beta release on Squeezebox !".  Do you
know if anyone is working on a plugin to connect LMS to the Digital
Concert Hall?

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread svetter

Hi Michael - Everything is good.  As per my earlier posting I ended up
removing and reinstating the Deezer account within the mySqueezebox
environment as you also noted.  A little awkward, but now I know.

I really appreciate the support I have received from you and others on
various questions over the years about the LMS environment and usage /
configuration ossies.

If I may, a completely different question.  I have a subscription to the
Berlin Philharmonic Digital Concert Hall (, and
it would be nice to be able to browse / play concerts from this source
through the LMS environment.  I guess similar to the YouTube plugin
which allows searching for videos and streaming the audio portion
through the LMS system.  I have searched the forums for
digitalconcerthall and got only a single match - in the forum topic
"Announcement - ickStream open beta release on Squeezebox !".  Do you
know if anyone is working on a plugin to connect LMS to the Digital
Concert Hall?

Many thanks,

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread Michael Herger

That said, I could not find a plug-in settings link (either on the LMS
"Server Settings" screen Plugins tab or on the Advanced tab), where I
could easily update the password.  In order to make the password update

On MySB you should be able to remove the account from the service's 
settings page, and re-authenticate.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread svetter

Hi Michael - Thank you for pointing this out.  I had done a general
review / regeneration of passwords a few months ago, and that is when
things must have gotten out of sync.  I had subsequently updated the
password directly on Deezer, but didn't think to update LMS at the same

That said, I could not find a plug-in settings link (either on the LMS
"Server Settings" screen Plugins tab or on the Advanced tab), where I
could easily update the password.  In order to make the password update
I ended up uninstalling the plugin, deleting and recreating my Deezer
plugin credentials on  Is there
an easier way to do this?

Many thanks! - very happy to have my Deezer functionality back within my
LMS environment.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread Michael Herger

however, in the last ?half-year? Deezer have dumbed down the plugin, so
that the plugin only plays "smart radio" channels.

If you only see smart radios then you either don't have a premium (paid) 
subscription, or your Deezer credentials on are invalid.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-13 Thread jimwillsher

It works okay for me?


|Filename: 2022-03-13_080043.jpg|

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-12 Thread slartibartfast

svetter wrote: 
> I have used Deezer for many years - it was the first (at least as far as
> I could determine) with flac / lossless streaming and a pretty good
> library.  And, the plugin in LMS worked very similar to the app. 
> however, in the last ?half-year? Deezer have dumbed down the plugin, so
> that the plugin only plays "smart radio" channels.
> I really miss the ability to intelligently / selectively augment my own
> library listening with selections from Deezer.
> Is there a way to restore the former Deezer search & play capabilities?
> Could something be modelled e.g. on the YouTube plugin (a great recent
> addition to my LMS environment) which allows me to search and play
> YouTube audio directly/
> Thanks,
> Stephen VetterDo you have a paid subscription to Deezer?

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-03-12 Thread svetter

I have used Deezer for many years - it was the first (at least as far as
I could determine) with flac / lossless streaming and a pretty good
library.  And, the plugin in LMS worked very similar to the app. 
however, in the last ?half-year? Deezer have dumbed down the plugin, so
that the plugin only plays "smart radio" channels.

I really miss the ability to intelligently / selectively augment my own
library listening with selections from Deezer.

Is there a way to restore the former Deezer search & play capabilities?

Could something be modelled e.g. on the YouTube plugin (a great recent
addition to my LMS environment) which allows me to search and play
YouTube audio directly/

Stephen Vetter

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-02-09 Thread Julf

chavezdaniel wrote: 
> I have used both Family and Premium without issues. If you want lossless
> FLAC you need to go for the HiFi ones that are slightly more expensive,
> though 

Good to know, and yes, I know the non-"HiFi" ones are lossy, but so was

> According to the Deezer website, my only linked device is my Android
> phone, even though I have used the account on LMS and multiple Rpi
> squeezebox players and Window PCs. I have never had issues with the
> number of devices and maybe it doesn't even see LMS as a separate
> device. I don't know.

Interesting! Thanks!

> I don't see an option to assign specific sub-accounts to specific
> squeezeboxes. Maybe it always uses the main account?


"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-02-09 Thread chavezdaniel

Julf wrote: 
> I have a bunch of questions about Deezer integration.
> 1) What Deezer plans/subscriptions are needed? I assume "Free" is not
> supported, but is Family/Premium enough?
I have used both Family and Premium without issues. If you want lossless
FLAC you need to go for the HiFi ones that are slightly more expensive,
> 2) Number of devices - "Premium" seems to allow 3 devices, but do the
> individual players connected to LMS/msb count as separate devices?
According to the Deezer website, my only linked device is my Android
phone, even though I have used the account on LMS and multiple Rpi
squeezebox players and Window PCs. I have never had issues with the
number of devices and maybe it doesn't even see LMS as a separate
device. I don't know.
> 3) "Family" allows 6 sub-accounts (with their own collections and
> recommendations), but can the sub-accounts be allocated to specific
> devices, or is the whole LMS cluster always only one account?
I don't see an option to assign specific sub-accounts to specific
squeezeboxes. Maybe it always uses the main account?

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-02-09 Thread trans_lux

I really like Qobuz specifically the quality, lack of any DRM and the
ability to purchase hi-res music at a very reasonable cost, when you
subscribe to the annual Studio Sublime. 
I’ve found as others have mentioned that searching for content can
sometimes be tricky. If you don’t get the search string right it doesn’t
show up. 
I use LMS & Roon and the Qobuz IOS app when outside of the home.
IMHO it just sounds so much better it’s worth the effort.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-02-09 Thread Julf

I have a bunch of questions about Deezer integration.

1) What Deezer plans/subscriptions are needed? I assume "Free" is not
supported, but is Family/Premium enough?
2) Number of devices - "Premium" seems to allow 3 devices, but do the
individual players connected to LMS/msb count as separate devices?
3) "Family" allows 6 sub-accounts (with their own collections and
recommendations), but can the sub-accounts be allocated to specific
devices, or is the whole LMS cluster always only one account?

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-02-02 Thread slartibartfast

Tidal are doing an offer at the moment of £1 for 90 days of Tidal Hifi
or £2 for Hifi Plus.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-02-01 Thread slartibartfast

AxxelH wrote: 
> Thanks for those who talked about their experiences. Answering my own
> questions for Tidal based on a few days use:
> Tidal HiFi (not HiFi plus) appears to get me FLAC at CD quality, which
> is good enough for me. I have no opinion on MQA.
> Works. The generated "My Mixes" playlists for the currently selected
> account (see below) are available in the Squeezebox navigation. 
> Mostly works. Genre and mood playlists are available as top-level
> navigation items. Track radio available as a "more" item on per-track
> navigation. Artist radio doesn't seem to be available.
> Full access to individual tracks and albums, can be played in any
> order.
> Works differently than Spotty. Spotty combines all associated accounts
> into a single "app" view. In the Tidal Squeezebox app a player is
> associated with an account and that account is what is used for all
> access in the app (favorites, personalization, etc.). The navigation on
> player includes an item to allow you to select the account for the
> player, and it can be changed at any time.
> Appears to be available, but I don't presently use this so I can't
> adequately compare.
> Tidal Connect is not available. I could use a phone and Spotify Connect
> to choose what was playing on the Squeezebox. Here I have to use the
> Squeezebox search, navigation, etc. Not fatal for my purposes, if
> slightly less convenient.
> No idea but seems to work?
> Overall I'm pleased, this seems like a plausible replacement.In the absence 
> of Amazon Music, Tidal Hifi looks more attractive than
Qobuz coming in at the same price as Spotify.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-02-01 Thread AxxelH

Thanks for those who talked about their experiences. Answering my own
questions for Tidal based on a few days use:

>  - Quality/format/bitrate supported by various plans/price points.

Tidal HiFi (not HiFi plus) appears to get me FLAC at CD quality, which
is good enough for me. I have no opinion on MQA.

> - Access to personalization features of the service (generated
> "discover" playlists, etc.).

Works. The generated "My Mixes" playlists for the currently selected
account (see below) are available in the Squeezebox navigation. 

> - Access to "radio" features (curated playlists, algorithmic radio).

Mostly works. Genre and mood playlists are available as top-level
navigation items. Track radio available as a "more" item on per-track
navigation. Artist radio doesn't seem to be available.

> - Access to the whole catalog vs radio features only (Pandora vs Pandora
> Premium).

Full access to individual tracks and albums, can be played in any

> - Support for multiple accounts (in the sense that Spotty allows access
> to each logged in user's personalized playlists).

Works differently than Spotty. Spotty combines all associated accounts
into a single "app" view. In the Tidal Squeezebox app a player is
associated with an account and that account is what is used for all
access in the app (favorites, personalization, etc.). The navigation on
player includes an item to allow you to select the account for the
player, and it can be changed at any time.

>  - Streaming service catalog integration with LMS 8.

Appears to be available, but I don't presently use this so I can't
adequately compare.

> - "Remote control" functionality, if applicable (Spotify Connect, Tidal
> Connect, etc.).

Tidal Connect is not available. I could use a phone and Spotify Connect
to choose what was playing on the Squeezebox. Here I have to use the
Squeezebox search, navigation, etc. Not fatal for my purposes, if
slightly less convenient.

> - Under active development? 

No idea but seems to work?

Overall I'm pleased, this seems like a plausible replacement.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-02-01 Thread Jaca

tknx wrote: 
> I started the same sort of analysis, but Connect functionality is
> mandatory for me so it ended up being Spotify. I would love to switch to
> Tidal, but without Tidal Connect, it is a no-go.Did you try plugin I 
> mentioned in other thread for Airplay support (ios
devices)? It up to CD quality but basically just like connect.. 

I'm sadly mostly on android so it's LMS Connect app for me and psedu
connect with sharing..

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
HiFiBerry DAC+Pro on OSMC), Material Skin Apk, Squeeze Commander,
Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 with Material Skin (Docker in

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-02-01 Thread tknx

I started the same sort of analysis, but Connect functionality is
mandatory for me so it ended up being Spotify. I would love to switch to
Tidal, but without Tidal Connect, it is a no-go.

Thinkpad T440S · 3× Startech 7.1 USB interfaces · Ubuntu 16.0.4 LTS ·
'Musicserver4Lox' ( · 2× Dayton MA1260 · Beale

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-01-31 Thread jimwillsher

I always used Spotify, but a few months ago I went through a phase of
trying different service. Based on my own tyre-kicking:

Amazon - no support
Apple - no support
Tidal - All worked well but I disagree with MQA
Qobuz - I really liked it but hated the way the genre "country" was
bundled in with blues and folk
Deezer - works well, except the Deezer app (browser) has playlists
within a genre and this isn't available within the LMS plugin

I've stuck with Deezer and I'm paying for premium (family). Seems to
work very well on LMS.

I know this doesn't really answer your "comparison summary" question,
hopefully someone finds it useful.

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-01-27 Thread d6jg

I have Spotify and Qobuz. 
Spotify has slightly more content but is of course ham strung at
320kbps. Spotty is probably the best integration. 
But I use Qobuz much much more and I’m probably dropping Spotify. 
I have Qobuz at HD. The integration is a close second to Spotty and the
Qobuz library is pretty good these days.
I’ve tried both Tidal and Deezer in the past but chose Qobuz for its HD
content even though logic tells me my ears can’t hear any difference
over 16/44.1 FLAC.


[B]Living Room* Joggler & Pi4/Khadas  -> Onkyo TXNR686 -> Celestion F20s

*Office* Joggler & Pi3 -> Denon RCD N8 -> Celestion F10s 
*Dining Room* SB Radio
*Bedroom (Bedside)* Pi Zero+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV) & Bathroom* SB Touch ->Denon AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s +
Kef ceiling speakers
*Guest Room* Joggler > Topping Amp -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes

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Re: [slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-01-27 Thread Stig Nygaard

I just write to follow this thread. Currently I also use Spotify, but I
am considering trying Quboz instead...

'*rockland*.dk' ( - '**/user/rockland'
( - '*discogs*.com/user/StigNygaard'
( -
*Server:* LMS 8.1.1('LmsUpdate'
( - 1610364019 @
Jan 14 2021 on Synology DS716+II (DSM6.2+Perl5.24).  *Clients:* 'RPi3
(Max2Play, 7\" touch, HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro)'
(, SB
Touch, OrangeSqueeze/SqueezePlayer. *Main HiFi:* Marantz PM6005 & F3/Lyd
Audiovector 2.
Try my *'Art Grabr' (* for
fetching big *cover-art* from various sites - And *'Album Linkr'
(* for a better ** desktop
browser experience...

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[slim] Comparisons between current (2022) streaming service integrations?

2022-01-27 Thread AxxelH

Is there any place that summarizes the current degree of integration
between LMS and the various streaming services? One can try to track the
threads for various plugins, but a lot of forum information seems
out-of-date and its hard to follow for occasional readers. 

The services themselves are (mostly) fungible from my point of view, but
the Squeezebox integrations vary widely. For example, Pandora is
supported, but (last I checked) most Pandora Premium features are not
accessible from Squeezebox. Contrast that with something like Spotty,
with multiuser support, personalized playlist access, etc.

I'm thinking of things like:

-  Quality/format/bitrate supported by various plans/price points.
-  Access to personalization features of the service (generated
  "discover" playlists, etc.).
-  Access to "radio" features (curated playlists, algorithmic radio).
-  Access to the whole catalog vs radio features only (Pandora vs
  Pandora Premium).
-  Support for multiple accounts (in the sense that Spotty allows
  access to each logged in user's personalized playlists).
-  Streaming service catalog integration with LMS 8.
-  "Remote control" functionality, if applicable (Spotify Connect,
  Tidal Connect, etc.).
-  Under active development? I would previously have assumed Spotty is
  the "safest" in that sense, but reading the forums it seems like in
  practice mherger is maintaining most integrations? To be clear I very
  much appreciate his continued work, just trying to understand which
  projects are maintenance mode.

My sense is that Spotify (via Spotty), Tidal, Quboz, Deezer and Pandora
are all working in some form or another, but I can't tell what's
supported where.

If its not practical to produce such a list, is it safe to assume that
Spotty is really the most feature-complete integration? If so, what
comes in second place?

For context, I'm a current Spotify/Spotty user, with a family plan, and
a heavy user of the personalized playlists. I'm considering dropping
Spotify for an alternative, notably Tidal. But I'm unclear what I would
lose, and its hard to experiment/test across every service.

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