Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2011-02-09 Thread bobkoure

It's in with a bunch of settings that appear to be on/off, but that
doesn't make sense with 'cpu='
I'm wondering if it's number of CPUs, priority, or something else.
Anybody know, before I start experimenting?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2011-01-14 Thread Phil Leigh

3o4Titties;602192 Wrote: 
> It's all about Slacker Radio. 
> Their algorithms are far more advanced and their library of licensed
> music is far FAR more vast then either Music IP or Pandora.

musicip is not a library of music.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Pekin Tuner, Townsend
Supertweeters, Blue Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2011-01-14 Thread cparker

Slacker is only available in the US and you cant take it on holiday with

cparker - Spicefly SugarCube - Taking Squeezebox and MusicIP to
the next level.  A hassle free non-stop journey through your music
library using MusicIP.  Plus the finest MusicIP installation guides,
enhanced MIP Interface and SpyGlass MIP the Automated MusicIP Headless

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2011-01-13 Thread 3o4Titties

It's all about Slacker Radio. 

Their algorithms are far more advanced and their library of licensed
music is far FAR more vast then either Music IP or Pandora.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-12-16 Thread audiomuze

excalibur;549498 Wrote: 
> So in short, can I just leave the DB with my former folder-structure and
> rest assured that MusicIP/GenpuID will locate the new path for my songs
> and correct them in the DB? After all they have been analyzed and
> stored in DB (which is what takes a really long time.Probably... if you use 
> the MiP headless server interface to update the
library it'll discard the incorrect file references and pick up the new
wherever they're located.  If you archive the analysis then you don't
have the problem of having to redo the analysis when moving files

Also, if you're looking to run genpuid 1.4 on a recent Ubuntu you need
to follow these instructions:


*'Linux finally gets a great audio tagger'
'puddletag' (*

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-06-26 Thread dbinder101

Excaliber, I pm'd you with my email address, thanks.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-06-25 Thread excalibur

Give me your e-mail and I'll send it to you.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-06-25 Thread dbinder101

I just converted from Win 7 to Ubuntu and am having trouble with Genpuid
1.4 I run the command 

genpuid XXX -logex -m3lib=/home/default.m3lib -r /musicdrive

However, the output contains the following:

Checking files to be processed...
Songs to be scanned: 11
** Stopping Processing

And then it lists all the songs and their puid. However, the m3lib
never gets updated. Is it because I should be using genpuid 1.2 or am I
doing something else wrong? If I need 1.2 does anyone know where I can
download it?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-05-21 Thread excalibur


It seems you guys are the most knowledgeable on MusicIP after the
demise of the old dedicated forum. So I have a question to you lot.

Over the last 10 days I have analyzed close to 7000 songs with GenpuID
to the default.m3lib DB.

I have since then moved some songs around, and do now see that MusicIP
web GUI actually thinks that these moved songs are new. As they have
been added to the 'Songs to Validate'.

So in short, can I just leave the DB with my former folder-structure
and rest assured that MusicIP/GenpuID will locate the new path for my
songs and correct them in the DB? After all they have been analyzed and
stored in DB (which is what takes a really long time.

Best regards

Morten E.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-05-14 Thread excalibur

Hi guys,

I seem to have forgotten to actually commend Andrew from Vortexbox.
This Fedora distro really is a match made in heaven for the SBS.

I 'downgraded' from a QNAP 209 II Pro (500MHz CPU 256MB RAM), with QNAP
OS, that needed a special QPKG package to be able to install
Squeeze-server at all. Took me a long time to get up and running.

After 5 months of early love with my SB, I found out about the greatest
plugin of them all - MusicIP. Only to realise that my QNAP 209
architecture did not support it.

I then looked carefully into the first NAS I bought, that at the time
(I could not get going with either FreeNAS/ClarcConnect or SME-Server).
Actually not a NAS but just a thin client PC. (HP 5730, 1GHz CPU, 512 MB

But during my first 5 months of SB'ing, I came across many appraisals
about the Vortexbox distro. So I got the HP 5730 up and running
replacing the 1GB Flash drive with an old laptop drive, and installed
Vortexbox. All went without a hitch. Squeeze-Server is built in and
restarted with the system. It even has Ripit installed that will rip
your CD's automatically to both FLAC and MP3 to each their folder and
eject the CD afterwards. Very sexy - and userfriendly indeed.
AFter 1 hour of work I was playing SB on the box... Not so on the QNAP.
Which was much more elaborate and finicky to get going.

I then muddled around getting MusicIP installed. No success until I
found out that Andrew had made a script to install it with one command.
Find it in the forum at

It went absolutely like in vaseline. Great.

But lately I have had some grieve as to get GenpuID working to tag my
FLAC files. But I think that it is there now.

This is by far the simplest and most quiet NAS I have ever seen. It
chucks quickly some heavier chores like running music-analysis. But I
was glad to see that when running GenpuID v. 1.2, each process only
takes approx 5% of CPU (hence you can run at least 6 parallel
instances, while playing on the server!), where the normal headless GUI
snatches 80-100 CPU processing, while doing the analysis. So I am really

Let me just finish by saying that I too have developed a fine taste for
my relatively large collection of 16.000 songs. It really is as if you
just suddenly aquire lots more music, because you suddenly (or MusicIP)
gets aware about the more seldomly listened to tracks and finds mixes
where they perfectly match.

A very new and rewarding way of listening to music.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-05-12 Thread excalibur

Thanks Aubuti,

But I found out it was because I used GenpuID v. 1.4. Apparantly it
doesn't work on my system. I tried with v. 1.2, which was quick in
doing the analysis. I think its there.

The log-file says - check. Everything green. So I think I got it.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-05-12 Thread aubuti

excalibur;545785 Wrote: 
> I start genpuid with this command
> sudo /opt/genpuid/genpuid 57aae6071e74345f69143baa210bda87 -logex
> -m3lib="/var/cache/musicip/cache/default.m3lib" -r "/storage/music/"
> -archive
That looks like one problem, although I can't guarantee it's the only
problem. The location of the file(s) should be the last argument, so
you should use:
sudo /opt/genpuid/genpuid 57aae6071e74345f69143baa210bda87 -logex
-m3lib="/var/cache/musicip/cache/default.m3lib" -r -archive

And don't forget to look at that other thread I pointed you to. Good


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-05-12 Thread aubuti

excalibur;545724 Wrote: 
> Running GenpuID on a Vortexbox. There is no problem running it from the
> web-GUI, but to archive fingerprints in TAGs I'd prefer to run it with
> GenpuID. But when I do in the /opt/genpuid/log.txt I see that I have a
> problem from the first automated script run this morning;
Could you show what genpuid command you/Vortexbox are using? Otherwise
it's a little hard for people who don't use Vortexbox to troubleshoot.

On your last question you posted a broken link, but assuming you meant
'this one'
the reason for the two steps is simple, although it's really three
steps. The first step (the genpuid command with the -archive option)
writes the genpuid tags to the files. The second step (the MIP web ui
on 10002) reads them into the MIP database. The third step (SBS scan
for new and changed) brings those changes to SBS.

You may also find this thread helpful:


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-05-12 Thread excalibur

aubuti;545728 Wrote: 
> Could you show what genpuid command you/Vortexbox are using? Otherwise
> it's a little hard for people who don't use Vortexbox to troubleshoot.

Thanks for your help.

I start genpuid with this command
sudo /opt/genpuid/genpuid 57aae6071e74345f69143baa210bda87 -logex
-m3lib="/var/cache/musicip/cache/default.m3lib" -r "/storage/music/"

Any thoughts would be great.




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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2010-05-12 Thread excalibur

Running GenpuID on a Vortexbox. There is no problem running it from the
web-GUI, but to archive fingerprints in TAGs I'd prefer to run it with
GenpuID. But when I do in the /opt/genpuid/log.txt I see that I have a
problem from the first automated script run this morning;


[2] Fingerprinting /storage/music/MP3/Suede/Coming Up/10 Saturday
Wed May 12 04:03:24 2010
[0:00] Fingerprint failed (mis-execution):
/storage/music/MP3/Suede/Coming Up/10 Saturday Night.mp3
[2] Fingerprinting /storage/music/MP3/Suede/Coming Up/08 Picnic by the
Wed May 12 04:03:24 2010
[0:00] Fingerprint failed (mis-execution):
/storage/music/MP3/Suede/Coming Up/08 Picnic by the Motorway.mp3
** Stopping Processing


This really puzzles me. I know not how to proceed. What Can be wrong
with my GenpuID proccesing?

I couldn't see the changes in the cache file when I ran GenpuID, so I
changed the mmm.ini files in both locations "/opt/genpuid" and

>From default "/root/.MusicMagic/default.m3lib" to my customised
location "/var/cache/musicip/cache/default.m3lib".

So by now I presume that I am building the same DB whether I use
Headless GUI API port 10002, or GenpuID from command-line. And when the
daily cron runs, it runs my GenpuID and stores fingerprints to TAGs in

This should make it easier for me to recreate the DB if I ever have to…
God forbid.

I have now indexed about 2300 songs via the web-GUI. The DB is at about
700KB. Does this seem right?

When I run GenpuID I see the above shown result. And then there is
'silence' for a long time, and suddenly songs with pathes start
scrolling up my screen. To me this seems a bit odd. As I know that song
can not be analyzed that fast. And then GenpuID just exits. Hopefully
having done it's work.

Is there a reason why this guy runs BOTH GenpuID first AND then Web-GUI
on the same files……..ng_Genpuid

In the section "Maintaining the MiP database".

Thanks for any help you may be able to spare… I am at my wits end here

Morten E

PS. If you need more background info please see my thread here:


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-08-01 Thread RoonieQ

Wirrunna;324819 Wrote: 
> RonnieQ, I have added this to bug 4366 >>->
> <-<< . It would be
> helpful if you could also upload a track that causes the noise.

Thanks. Will do. Just waiting on a token from the bugzilla site in
order to upload an attachment.

BTW - it's RoonieQ :)


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-31 Thread maggior

Siduhe;324496 Wrote: 
> itm, apologies for not going back over all your posts on this topic, but
> are you running the headless version of MusicIP?
> If so, there are a couple of things I can suggest - first, you may need
> to do a full clear and rescan in Squeezecenter for files which have
> recently been analysed but not validated by MIP to show up.  
> Assuming you've tried that and you still have a problem, double check
> the location of the default.m3lib file that you've given the headless
> mmm.ini file.  I had an experience a bit like yours where songs just
> weren't showing as mixable in SC, and I eventually discovered that MIP
> had created a new default.m3lib in a different place (Documents and
> Settings/Username/Application Data, I think) but I hadn't updated the
> setting in the mmm.ini document.
> If you run some validation over your files using MIP, then close the
> app down and save the cache, does the default.m3lib file change the
> time and date stamp?  If not, you may have another one kicking around
> somewhere.

This is exactly what I had experienced.  On Linux, I was able to fix it
by making sure the account I was running the app in was consitent.  I'm
glad you were able to put this issue in terms of Windows for itm.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-31 Thread Siduhe

itm, apologies for not going back over all your posts on this topic, but
are you running the headless version of MusicIP?

If so, there are a couple of things I can suggest - first, you may need
to do a full clear and rescan in Squeezecenter for files which have
recently been analysed but not validated by MIP to show up.  

Assuming you've tried that and you still have a problem, double check
the location of the default.m3lib file that you've given the headless
mmm.ini file.  I had an experience a bit like yours where songs just
weren't showing as mixable in SC, and I eventually discovered that MIP
had created a new default.m3lib in a different place (Documents and
Settings/Username/Application Data, I think) but I hadn't updated the
setting in the mmm.ini document.

If you run some validation over your files using MIP, then close the
app down and save the cache, does the default.m3lib file change the
time and date stamp?  If not, you may have another one kicking around


Who am I on 'LAST.FM' (
"-Siduhe Loved Tracks radio got the thumbs up. Feedback included: yeah,
it's good... got the odd dodgy track tho...-" (c) 'ModelCitizen'

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-31 Thread itm

maggior;324428 Wrote: 
> That's surprising.  Are your files all tagged properly?  I think all
> that matters is that the artist and track name be correct.
> Here are the stats of my library from the MiP web page:
> Total songs   20,377
> Mixable songs 14,511
> Songs to validate 20,377
> I have a lot of bootleg recordings in my library and this accounts for
> the vast majority of the songs that are not mixable.
> I attained this by only performing the "add music" operation from the
> MiP web page.
> How do you perform the validation process - is it from the web
> interface talking to the headless server or are you using the GUI?  The
> reason that I ask is that the issue may be that you have multiple MiP
> "databases".  I ran into this myself.
> I'm running Linux.  If you are running Linux as well, I may be able to
> help you out.  I don't have any experience with MiP on Windows, so I
> don't know what issues there could be there.

Everything has an artist/album/title/track number tag. I also have alot
of bootlegs. I'm performing validation from the GUI - Windows XP SP2 I'm


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-30 Thread Wirrunna

Has anyone tried this plugin ?
It works like a "Freestyle" mix from just one song.


A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-30 Thread maggior

itm;324322 Wrote: 
> It's just that none of my tracks have the Music IP icon against them,
> and my music library is only showing those tracks (and artists) which
> have been processed - i.e. only a fraction of my collection so far. So
> I suppose I'll have to wait awhile if I want full visibility of my
> collection.

That's surprising.  Are your files all tagged properly?  I think all
that matters is that the artist and track name be correct.

Here are the stats of my library from the MiP web page:
Total songs 20,377
Mixable songs   14,511
Songs to validate   20,377

I have a lot of bootleg recordings in my library and this accounts for
the vast majority of the songs that are not mixable.

I attained this by only performing the "add music" operation from the
MiP web page.

How do you perform the validation process - is it from the web
interface talking to the headless server or are you using the GUI?  The
reason that I ask is that the issue may be that you have multiple MiP
"databases".  I ran into this myself.

I'm running Linux.  If you are running Linux as well, I may be able to
help you out.  I don't have any experience with MiP on Windows, so I
don't know what issues there could be there.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-30 Thread mikerob

I'm not keen on archiving the MusicIP fingerprint data to tags on

I tried it about a year ago and found that it stopped AAC and ALAC
tracks playing on an iPod shuffle. The way that MusicIP added the tags
changed the order of track atoms that the shuffle was expecting. It
took me a long time to clean this up so I'd rather not take the risk


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-30 Thread itm

maggior;323676 Wrote: 
> No, you don't - that's my point.

It's just that none of my tracks have the Music IP icon against them,
and my music library is only showing those tracks (and artists) which
have been processed - i.e. only a fraction of my collection so far. So
I suppose I'll have to wait awhile if I want full visibility of my


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-30 Thread RoonieQ

egd;324216 Wrote: 
> Good thing you had made a backup (always recommended).  You should
> report this to Whicken from the MiP development team.  I'm sure he'll
> give it the attention it deserves.  Worth pointing out that I've
> archived analysis to mp3 and FLAC and never had any issues whatsoever -
> on a FLAC library of over 90k songs.

Thanks egd - glad I had the backup too! I've added to your post on the
MiP forum - thanks for opening it.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-30 Thread egd

RoonieQ;324187 Wrote: 
> Well, after choosing to archive all of my ALAC files, the newly archived
> (modified) files all possess a loud audible click at the end of each
> file when played. Not good. 
> Fortunately, I of course made a complete backup of said files prior to
> the archiving process and have subsequently restored the whole lot. 
> Comments?
Good thing you had made a backup (always recommended).  You should
report this to Whicken from the MiP development team.  I'm sure he'll
give it the attention it deserves.  Worth pointing out that I've
archived analysis to mp3 and FLAC and never had any issues whatsoever -
on a FLAC library of over 90k songs.


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
monkeys can be taught to cut code, and world peace is utterly

Integrating MusicIP with SqueezeCenter...'*here's how*'

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-30 Thread RoonieQ

tamanaco;324207 Wrote: 
> From the begining I decided not to allow MusicIP to write (archive) its
> data in my FLAC files. It's still an evolving technology. As far as I
> know, it is still in beta. Instead I choose to use the separated
> default.m3lib MusicIP reference index. This way is very easy to remove
> and re-install MusicIP as long as you don't change the location
> (absolute path) of your music library in your server. I also make a
> backup copies of the default.m3lib whenever I validate new tracks.

Thanks for the advice. I'll do just that as well. As long as I have a
method of restoring the track anaysis by some method if it is ever
lost/corrupted that will be fine for me. Keeping current backup copies
of the default.m3lib will work fine for me too. My inital scan and
analysis (~16,000 files) wasn't terribly long (couple of days??) but
I'd rather not have to do it again if the original info is lost.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-30 Thread tamanaco

RoonieQ;324187 Wrote: 
> Well, after choosing to archive all of my ALAC files, the newly archived
> (modified) files all possess a loud audible click at the end of each
> file when played. Not good. 
> Fortunately, I of course made a complete backup of said files prior to
> the archiving process and have subsequently restored the whole lot. 
> Comments?

>From the begining I decided not to allow MusicIP to write (archive) its
data in my FLAC files. It's still an evolving technology. As far as I
know, it is still in beta. Instead I choose to use the separated
default.m3lib MusicIP reference index. This way is very easy to remove
and re-install MusicIP as long as you don't change the location
(absolute path) of your music library in your server. I also make a
backup copies of the default.m3lib whenever I validate new tracks.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-30 Thread RoonieQ

egd;320851 Wrote: 
> If MiP supports it then archive it, the rationale being the same as for
> any other files.

Well, after choosing to archive all of my ALAC files, the newly
archived (modified) files all possess a loud audible click at the end
of each file when played. Not good. 

Fortunately, I of course made a complete backup of said files prior to
the archiving process and have subsequently restored the whole lot. 



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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-28 Thread maggior

Harry G;323613 Wrote: 
> If, without full analysis, it mixes just from tags, how does this differ
> from simply generating a random mix of a genre? 
> BTW: Because of its slowness, I'm suspicious about how the analysis is
> actually done. I have a feeling there's this big locked room in India
> with a T1 line, rows and rows of desks, and.
> All of the workers gravely listening to each of our tunes on headphones
> before making their artistic decisions. 
> Seriously, this is such a powerful tool that its really a shame that
> the setup is a barrier to the non-technical. I'm now comfortable using
> MIP. However, of the eight friends I've gotten into Squeezeboxen, all
> bright people, the only ones I will introduce MusicIP to are a computer
> store owner and a digital engineer. For the others, the setup and
> ongoing maintenance, when they stumble, would become my job:-(
> I am hoping that Logitech will license MIP as other companies have and
> properly integrate it into their product. The old Slim Devices got so
> much work for free from their enthusiastic user base that it gave
> management an odd, jealous attitude about outsiders making money from
> their product.
> Logitech is a real company with a history of paying real money for what
> they need. I'm hoping one of the company's "Suits" will read the
> feedback on this plugin and see the logic in properly embracing this
> process.

It's a lot different than just a random mix.  When you do the full
anslysis, it looks to see if there is a fingerprint for the track in
the MIP database (accessed over the internet).  If there is, it applies
it to the track.  If not, it generates one.  That's what takes time - to
generate the fingerprint, it analyzes the audio data.

If you don't do the full analysis, you still get valid mixes that work
quite well.  These mixes are still based on the algorithms used in MIP.
You just *may* not have the best mix possible.  For instance, a live
version of a song might be handled differently than a studio version if
a full analysis has been done.  

I suggest you read back in this thread.  You will see that just "adding
the tracks" creates mixable tracks from even the most obscure artists
and albums.  I have a lot of indie imported electronic music that is
listed as mixable without doing any analysis.  I was very impressed.

I do agree that better integration would be nice.  However, many of the
issues lie on the MIP side.  I run my MIP server headless on a Linux
server and find that I have to restart it at least once a week.  This,
plus the lack of understanding on how to add tracks efficiently, what
the advantage is of doing full analysis on tracks, what MIP is actually
doing, and so on, are not issues with Logitech, but with *MIP*.  

Getting it going can certainly be a frustrating experience.  I was
lucky and found some good info on the 'net that helped and I was up and
running with something in a short amount of time.  But it took me time
to figure out how to hack my init script to start MIP automatically
when SC is started.

I agree that there is room for improvement, but, IMHO, many of the
issues lie at MIP's doorstep, not Logitech's.  The community has done a
great job of providing info (much of it developed in this thread), but
it can only go so far with the current implementation.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-28 Thread Harry G

maggior;323540 Wrote: 
> Too many people get hung up on the analysis part of this.  You can start
> using MIP before doing the lengthy analysis.  I have not done the full
> analysis and I use MIP all of the time.
> Initially, it will based mixes strictly on your tags.  This works quite
> well.  When you perform the full analysis, each track is fingerprinted
> allowing more finely tuned mixes.  
> Earler in this thread (which has gotten quite large!) a developer from
> MIP commented on this very topic confirming that MIP will work well
> even without full analysis.

If, without full analysis, it mixes just from tags, how does this
differ from simply generating a random mix of a genre? 

BTW: Because of its slowness, I'm suspicious about how the analysis is
actually done. I have a feeling there's this big locked room in India
with a T1 line, rows and rows of desks, and.

All of the workers gravely listening to each of our tunes on headphones
before making their artistic decisions. 

Seriously, this is such a powerful tool that its really a shame that
the setup is a barrier to the non-technical. I'm now comfortable using
MIP. However, of the eight friends I've gotten into Squeezeboxen, all
bright people, the only ones I will introduce MusicIP to are a computer
store owner and a digital engineer. For the others, the setup and
ongoing maintenance, when they stumble, would become my job:-(

I am hoping that Logitech will license MIP as other companies have and
properly integrate it into their product. The old Slim Devices got so
much work for free from their enthusiastic user base that it gave
management an odd, jealous attitude about outsiders making money from
their product.

Logitech is a real company with a history of paying real money for what
they need. I'm hoping one of the company's "Suits" will read the
feedback on this plugin and see the logic in properly embracing this

Harry G

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-28 Thread itm

Presumably you have to wait until the validation is complete before you
can start using it?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-28 Thread maggior

itm;323263 Wrote: 
> I've got a library of 70,000 tracks (which don't include podcasts), and
> the current MIP estimate is 28 weeks to analyse them all. I'm not sure
> I can wait 6 months for this!!

Too many people get hung up on the analysis part of this.  You can
start using MIP before doing the lengthy analysis.  I have not done the
full analysis and I use MIP all of the time.

Initially, it will based mixes strictly on your tags.  This works quite
well.  When you perform the full analysis, each track is fingerprinted
allowing more finely tuned mixes.  

Earler in this thread (which has gotten quite large!) a developer from
MIP commented on this very topic confirming that MIP will work well
even without full analysis.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-27 Thread Harry G

Thank you all for the encouragements and cautions. I will proceed as

I agree that backup is crucial. This is part of the reason I'm moving
everything to a raid server AND keeping my backups. Let me add that I
think it a good idea (just like with real work)to keep the backups off

With the weird weather much of the world is having, I'd hate to lose my
house and my music at the same time. 

I had significant earthquake damage in '89 when I still lived in SF.
Dealing with the insurance claims adjuster was not fun. I don't think I
could have convinced him that I lost several thousand CDs unless I could
find all the receipts.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-27 Thread bobkoure

Harry G;323226 Wrote: 
> Is it safe to tag tens of thousands of flac files at the same time in
> this manner?
I did it when I first setup MusicIP. Tedious as hell making sure it did
(this was under windows, so I made a current backup for each file tree,
used MP3Tag to generate a tag-summary file for each folder, both on the
backup and on the changed files, wrote a windows batch file to iterate
through the tree, and diff each tag-summary file - -then- I started
hand-comparing) AFAICT it worked just fine.

Now I drop new music into a "new" folder, get MusicIP to do an
analysis, save tags, compare, and finally move the music to wherever it
belongs. Over-cautious? Yeah, probably...


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-27 Thread egd

itm;323263 Wrote: 
> I've got a library of 70,000 tracks (which don't include podcasts), and
> the current MIP estimate is 28 weeks to analyse them all. I'm not sure
> I can wait 6 months for this!!

if your library is properly tagged and not too esoteric it shouldn't
take too long to analyze.  Mine is larger than that you mention and it
certainly didn't take 6 months.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-27 Thread itm

I've got a library of 70,000 tracks (which don't include podcasts), and
the current MIP estimate is 28 weeks to analyse them all. I'm not sure
I can wait 6 months for this!!


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-26 Thread egd

Harry G;323226 Wrote: 
> Is it safe to tag tens of thousands of flac files at the same time in
> this manner? Any conflict with ReplayGain?
> Any problem in doing so on an XP machine and then moving the tagged
> music files to a Linux box that will from then on be my SC server?
> Trying out MIP on a 2000 track subset of my library has me extremely
> impressed. However, chatter elsewhere about losing tagging info from
> using earlier revs of the program has me spooked. 
> I've tagged over near 100,000 tracks over six years. If I had to do the
> same job again, I think I'd give up on music listening. I was going to
> add a ;-) to look friendly and cheerful, but honestly, the thought of
> losing the thousands of hours of work leaves me feeling chilled.

My experience of the MiP GUI with large volumes of tracks is that it
isn't particularly stable, irrespective of platform. Whilst I'm not
aware of any issues archiving tags with the current releases of MiP, I
recommend you break your library down into more manageable chunks for
the archiving operations - see the wiki entry for an example of how you
can break it down.  If you've currently got one .m3lib file covering the
whole shooting match and it was generated in MiP GUI under Windows, make
as many copies of it as you create sub-folders to move parts of your
library to, then move a copy of the .m3lib into the root folder of the
portion of the library you want to work on and have MiP GUI refresh
songs using that m3lib (ie double click on the .m3lib file and select
refresh from within MiP GUI.  it'll eliminate the tracks it doesn't
find from that copy of the m3lib.  Once that'd done archive the
analysis.  There are no RG compatibility issues.

As a parting comment, whether or not you choose to archive the tags,
you should have a backup of your library.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-26 Thread Harry G

Robin Bowes;307685 Wrote: 
> How do I write the analysis info to the file tags?

egd;307855 Wrote: 
> Select all tracks you want to affect, right click and select Archive
> Analysis.  On the Linux GUI you may have to go through a menu to do it,
> I've not used it in a very long time

Is it safe to tag tens of thousands of flac files at the same time in
this manner? Any conflict with ReplayGain?

Any problem in doing so on an XP machine and then moving the tagged
music files to a Linux box that will from then on be my SC server?

Trying out MIP on a 2000 track subset of my library has me extremely
impressed. However, chatter elsewhere about losing tagging info from
using earlier revs of the program has me spooked. 

I've tagged over near 100,000 tracks over six years. If I had to do the
same job again, I think I'd give up on music listening. I was going to
add a ;-) to look friendly and cheerful, but honestly, the thought of
losing the thousands of hours of work leaves me feeling chilled.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-26 Thread technojunkie

I've been happily using MusicIp for a few months now but I'm still
trying to come to grips with the way the software creates a playlist. I
understand that, when using MusicIp with SqueezeCenter, it is the
settings within SqueezeCenter that dictates the outcome of the mix.
However, whatever song I base the mix on, a different song from the
same artist/album is repeated several times within the mix. In many
cases, songs from the same artists/albums are repeated within the mix
which greatly retricts the variety of the mix.

I had understood the MusicIp selects songs that are
"sonically/acoustically" similar to the seed song but, if that were the
case, why am I getting songs in mixes by the same artist/album that are
sonically/acoustically nothing like the seed song ?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-25 Thread pufnstuf

A sincere thank you to all the posters in this thread! Based on all the
information gathered here I finally have a working MusicIP/Squeeze
Centre setup with 28000+ tracks. Woohoo!

Much appreciated.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-21 Thread whatboutbob

schiegl;321682 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> Did you see the file jive_7.1_r2704.bin?
> kind regards,
> Markus

I did not. Sorry, but thank you!  Getting it now.

(I was looking in )


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-21 Thread thing-fish

pippin;320862 Wrote: 
> My little server took about 5 Weeks to analyze my library (four of which
> I was not at home, so fine...).
> I had some "esoteric" stuff there, too (own recordings, audio books)
> and it took about all of the time for 25% of the library. The other 75%
> went through within an day.

One note about that: before starting your scan, go into the MusicIP
preferences and set up some exclusions.  For instance, I tell it not to
analyze files that contain the word podcast (all my podcasts go into a
folder named /mnt/media/music/podcasts so that catches them all).  If
you have lots of audio or spoken word, I would make sure to tell
MusicIP not to analyze them.  They'll still be available in the
library, but it won't spend the analysis time.  Note you can also
exclude them from mixes.

This is only available in the GUI unfortunately, out of luck if you're
only running linux headless.  You can run the GUI to make these
changes, exit, then start the headless server though, if that's a
possibility on your box.


' Most Recent Tracks'

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-20 Thread schiegl


whatboutbob;321660 Wrote: 
> Is there a jive file for 7.1 that I'm missing?

schiegl;321587 Wrote: 
> ... SBC version from
> As your SC version is really up-to-date you should use the latest SBC
> version, too.

Did you see the file jive_7.1_r2704.bin?

kind regards,


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-20 Thread whatboutbob

whatboutbob;321648 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the reply. How does one manually update the SBC? I've seen
> the question asked in other threads but am yet to see a response.

Ok, never mind. Managed to upgrade to 7.0.1 r2502m via SD card. Hasn't
resolved the issue though. Still can't generate playlists from the SBC.

Is there a jive file for 7.1 that I'm missing?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-20 Thread whatboutbob

Thanks for the reply. How does one manually update the SBC? I've seen
the question asked in other threads but am yet to see a response.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-20 Thread schiegl

whatboutbob;321561 Wrote: 
> Now I can create musicip playlists via SC (*7.1* - 21927) but I no
> longer get the option via the duet controller (which says *v 7.0.1*
> r2448 - and software updates don't work).

I don't think mixing those two versions is supported. I'd try an
updated version for your duet controller although i don't know why the
software update doesn't work.

You could manually fetch a current SBC version from
As your SC version is really up-to-date you should use the latest SBC
version, too.

kind regards,


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-20 Thread whatboutbob

dagnammit...i had musicip working nicely and then i had some odd network
issues (

Now I can create musicip playlists via SC (7.1 - 21927) but I no longer
get the option via the duet controller (which says v 7.0.1 r2448 - and
software updates don't work).

I've tried rebuilding the MiP DB, then the SC DB. I've ensured MIP
headless is starting prior to SC.

Now I'm just going around in circles.

Can anyone think what I'm missing?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-18 Thread tamanaco

ModelCitizen;320850 Wrote: 
> Anyway, what's this got to do with MusicIP (on which I have given
> up after three weeks I'd only managed to scan half of my
> collection)?
> MC

Well, functionally speaking... nothing.  But given that MusicIP
generates different playlists, somewhat based on specific MusicIP
settings, it is nice to be able view the top artist and tracks (moods)
these setting generate over time in The bar graphs on top
artist and tracks makes this a little easy on the eyes.  Am I the only
one doing this?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-18 Thread Siduhe

egd;320867 Wrote: 
> Not AFAIK...MiP has no way of knowing whether or not you've actually
> listened to a playlist it has generated.

MusipIP does support Playcount (see get Playcount in the link above),
and you can create a filter which limits (or recipe which nudges) your
created playlist either towards or away from often played tracks.  This
may only be if you have the premium version (are Power Tools still only
in the premium version?).  You will need something to keep track of
your played tracks though and import this back to MIP.  

That said, I gave up trying to get MIP to keep up to date with my track
information (this was a few versions back, mind) because it kept double
counting plays of some but not all tracks.


Who am I on 'LAST.FM' (
"-Siduhe Loved Tracks radio got the thumbs up. Feedback included: yeah,
it's good... got the odd dodgy track tho...-" (c) 'ModelCitizen'

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-18 Thread egd

Not AFAIK...MiP has no way of knowing whether or not you've actually
listened to a playlist it has generated.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-18 Thread pippin

BTW, does MIP track how often you play something?
I'm just asking because I just had a look at my LastFM account and
found out that my library is dramatically dominate (in terms of # of
plays) by my iPEng test playlist (like 2500 listenings vs. xx
listenings for stuff I feel I listen to typically). Will have to make
sure my mac stops scrobbling...

But I don't want MIP to prefer those a lot over the rest of my library.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-18 Thread pippin

egd;320852 Wrote: 
> How big and/ or esoteric is the collection?  Hmm, just had a look, it's
> eclectic, but not what I'd call esoteric, looking at it your library
> shouldn't take that long to analyze.

My little server took about 5 Weeks to analyze my library (four of
which I was not at home, so fine...).
I had some "esoteric" stuff there, too (own recordings, audio books)
and it took about all of the time for 25% of the library. The other 75%
went through within an day.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-18 Thread egd

ModelCitizen;320850 Wrote: 
> Anyway, what's this got to do with MusicIP (on which I have given up
> after three weeks I'd only managed to scan half of my collection)?How big 
> and/ or esoteric is the collection?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-18 Thread egd

RoonieQ;320762 Wrote: 
> What's the consensus on archiving Apple lossless files once one's
> analysis is complete? I can't seem to find a clear recommendation as to
> best practice.

If MiP supports it then archive it, the rationale being the same as for
any other files.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-18 Thread ModelCitizen

tamanaco;320793 Wrote: 
> gets a new Web UI... Hmmm, is the Dashboard gone?
The last interface badly needed updting and i think the new one is
better... but it takes a bit of getting used to. It's great to be able
to see you Loved Tracks and to see the My Playlist facility expanded
but Shoutbox has been relegated riight down the bottom of a long
page... and is very missable.

Anyway, what's this got to do with MusicIP (on which I have given
up after three weeks I'd only managed to scan half of my



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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-17 Thread tamanaco gets a new Web UI... Hmmm, is the Dashboard gone?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-17 Thread RoonieQ

What's the consensus on archiving Apple lossless files once one's
analysis is complete? I can't seem to find a clear recommendation as to
best practice.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-17 Thread Brian Ritchie

egd;320703 Wrote: 
> I think this screenshot says it all...why go through two scans when one
> will do?

In my case: because every time I've tried an MIP-only scan before,
something went wrong.  In particular, all my artwork disappeared.
However, that was when I could only build mixes on playlists; perhaps
it would be better now.

But while I'm doing "scan for new/changed", it makes little difference
anyway: the directory scan is fast, the MIP scan is much slower (by an
order of magnitude). Maybe next time I want to do a complete
wipe-and-scan I'll try unchecking the music folder; but not until then,
because if it screws up, I'll end up having to do a double-scan from
fresh all over again.

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-17 Thread egd

I think this screenshot says it all...

|Filename: Screenshot.jpg   |


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-17 Thread egd

pippin;320236 Wrote: 
> OK, the long scanning of my library is through, I'm back from vacation
> so I tested this.
> Looks fine, but I've got one issue: Some of my albums (few but
> noticable) show up with a wrong cover. There don't seem to be any
> reasons I note (the albums live in different subfolders, have a
> folder.jpg, some have artwork embedded in the mp3, but that's correct
> as well).
> Does anybody else experience this?

Sorry, can't say I've come across that one Pippin.  I'll look into it.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-14 Thread egd

autopilot;319714 Wrote: 
> How does musicIP actually work, does it just scan the Genre tags, or is
> it more intelligent than that?

It carries out an acoustic analysis of the waveform to decide on the
track's attributes.  Genre is ignored in the analysis, however, you can
use Genre as an additional filter by limiting the playlist to music from
a specific genre.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-14 Thread autopilot

How does musicIP actually work, does it just scan the Genre tags, or is
it more intelligent than that?


*Server:* SC7.1b (Windows Vista 64)
*Players:* Squeezebox 3 (main room) / Squeezebox Receiver (bedroom) /
Softsqueeze (office).
*Amps:* Cambridge Audio 640a (main room) / Trends TA10.1 Class-T /
Logitech 5.1.
*Speakers:* Mission 701's (living room) / Kef Cresta 1's (bedroom) /
Logitech 5.1's.
*Remotes:* Harmony One (IR) / 1 Beta SB Controller / 1 Official SB


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-24 Thread Mushroom_3

Yes I did use that wiki entry as my start point. From there I found the
spicefly site and the relevant page on

I did not understand some of it and it took a while for the penny to
drop that most of it was for Linux (of which I know next to nothing). I
was able to get it working under Windows using that page as my main
reference. Thank you for your efforts.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-24 Thread egd

Mushroom_3;314544 Wrote: 
> As one who has just been through the struggle to integrate MusicIP with
> Squeezecenter I would like to add support to JohnnyLightOn's post.
> Slim has gone to the trouble to add MusicIP support to Squeezecenter so
> why not make it easier to actually get it to work? Letting people try,
> fail and then get frustrated doesn't seem like a good idea to me.  Amen, we 
> could do with some documentation.  I'm sure the developers
(KDF?)of the Plugin could add quite a bit of insight to what we've
collectively been able to glean through trial and error.

Can you let me know whether you used the Wiki entry @
in trying to set it up, and if so, what was lacking.  I've been lazy
about adding Windows guidance, partly because Spicefly has it covered,
partly because I'm too lazy to try to get it working on Windows, but
mostly because my desktop environment is Linux so I'm hardly ever
confronted with Windows.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-24 Thread tamanaco

JohnnyLightOn;314487 Wrote: 
> Integrating SC and MusicIP is way, WAY too complicated at present.  It's
> crazy in its complexity and difficulty.

If what you mean is "full" integration... meaning that as you install
SC the MusicIP engine is installed, configured and "all" its functions
are fully integrated and accessible via the SC Web UI, then I'd agree
with you. What I'd like is to able to interface with the MusicIP
"server" from within the SC UI (All the current Spicfly Web UI
functions within the plugin settings). This way I can add "validated"
songs to my library in couple steps without having to use two UIs.

Being able to "optionally" start the MusicIP "client" validating
process from within the SC UI before continuing to add new and changed
music to the library would be great... but I imagine this is more

I think the  purposed of the wiki is to first get users to understand
what MusicIP does within the context of SC and eventually (as details
are added) to show users how the service can be installed and
configured to work with SC. I still don't really understand how to
control the characteristics of the MusicIP mixes, and I don't think I
ever will, as MusicIP mixing is not an "exact" science. Most times I'm
positively-surprised with the resulting mixes... but sometimes I wonder
which MusicIP Gremlin mixed a seed Brazilian Samba song with
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Ouverture.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-24 Thread Mushroom_3

As one who has just been through the struggle to integrate MusicIP with
Squeezecenter I would like to add support to JohnnyLightOn's post.

Slim has gone to the trouble to add MusicIP support to Squeezecenter so
why not make it easier to actually get it to work? Letting people try,
fail and then get frustrated doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

In my case I finally cracked it by following this step:
run  net start "MusicIP Server" 
found on the MusicIP site. Either it is missing from the Spicefly guide
or I didn't spot it.

It's great when you finally get it working though.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread egd

JohnnyLightOn;314487 Wrote: 
> Integrating SC and MusicIP is way, WAY too complicated at present.  It's
> crazy in its complexity and difficulty.There's really nothing complicated 
> about it, there are just a few must
have conditions that will make or break it and they're addressed in the
Wiki entry.  If you follow them step by step you will get a working
integration, regardless of platform.  90% of what's in the Wiki is
aimed at helping explain how MiP works (eg analysis & options/how to do
it, archiving tags etc.) rather than being instructions to set it up

JohnnyLightOn;314487 Wrote: 
> These are only two changes. Neither is anything unusual. The most niche
> programs from the smallest software companies do it like this, and they
> would not survive if they didn't. (I guess there should be a third
> change: it has to work without much additional effort for most people.)SC and 
> MiP are two independent programs that were written without one
another in mind.  I agree the "integration" can be a lot tighter etc.
and I suspect (perhaps incorrectly) that over time the level of
sophistication may well increase and a lot of the "stuff" one needs to
do will just be taken care of.  For the moment though, it is what it
is, SC works fine without MiP and visa versa - if you take the trouble
to integrate them the results are worthwhile


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread JohnnyLightOn

Integrating SC and MusicIP is way, WAY too complicated at present.  It's
ridiculous in its complexity and its inelegance.

I'm an expert user, have done programming, etc., and after a couple
hours of messing around with this, still haven't been able to get it to
work.  Never mind why, I'm sure if I kept at it after another couple
hours it might work (then stop working, then miraculously start
working, etc.).

Please understand that I appreciate the effort here, but honest
feedback needs to be given.  Here is what needs to be changed for this
to be anything but one giant unprofessional, embarrassing kludge:

- However musicip is to be installed, whether it be a gui program,
headless, a service with no running program, etc., it should be
completely installed and configured for SC after running a simple
installation program.

- It should make no difference in what order SC and musicip load. 
None.  To have to figure out which one must load first is a headache
users should not have to deal with.  This can be fixed in SC, or better
in the musicip SC plugin.

These are only two changes.  None of the above is anything unusual. 
The most niche programs from the smallest software companies do it like

Sorry for the rant, but this is a big waste of peoples' time at the
moment and only the most sophisticated and determined users will use
it.  It would be so much more productive to do the work on the
developers' end.  The result would be a tenfold increase in users - and
hopefully in business to the musicip folks.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread egd

tamanaco;314365 Wrote: 
> When I get new CDs I rip them to my FLAC library, then I run the MusicIP
> Windows client to validate the new added tracks, after validation I
> start the SpiceFly Web UI (at this point "Total Songs" does not equal
> "Validated Songs") and click reload cache.  My last step is to use the
> SC Web interface settings to add new and changed music. This is the way
> I've been doing it for a while now. Maybe I'm doing it wrong or there is
> a better way of doing this.It's the same principle I've employed using 
> Genpuid.

With Genpuid you can automate the process if required.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread egd

maggior;314328 Wrote: 
> I'm using Spicefly's web interface for headless MusicIP on Linux.  On
> this webpage, I don't see a "reload cache" button.  Also, I don't see
> in the API reference an API to reload the cache
> (
> What is the actual API that is being used?  Is there an equivalent
> button that can be used on Spicefly's web interface?

FYI, Reload Cache will only appear (in Spicefly's or the default) HTTP
API page when MiP headless detects that the MiP library/ cache has
changed since it last read it.   Not sure what the API call is, the
HTML may inform you.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread egd

Nonreality;314359 Wrote: 
> I'm really looking forward to figuring out a speed up and automating of
> the SC scan.That's already addressed in the Wiki - assuming of course that 
> what
you're referring to is avoiding having SC rescan the entire library
when you edit/ add a track or album to your library and update MiP's
database/ cache?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread tamanaco

Nonreality;314359 Wrote: 
>  I'm really looking forward to figuring out a speed up and automating of
> the SC scan.

A few posts back I mentioned that maybe incorporating or adding some of
the functions of the SpiceFly Web UI in the MusicIP plugin or in the SC
basic settings page might save us a couple steps when adding new
validated tracks or when we want to change the MusicIP server settings.
Currently I have to use the MusicIP Windows client, SpiceFly's MusicIP
server Web UI and the SC Web UI.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread tamanaco

maggior;314340 Wrote: 
> OK.  I'm not validating tracks yet, I'm just using the "add tracks"
> capability.  I'm more than happy with the mixes that I am getting
> without having to do the full validation.
> Can you execute this command without having to do validation on the
> tracks?  I guess I can look at the source for the web page and see what
> the source is for the button that comes up when you perform validation.

If in the SpiceFly UI to the MusicIP server the number of "Total Songs"
equals the number of "Validated Songs" in your library, what would be
the use of reloading the cache? When I get new CDs I rip them to my
FLAC library, then I run the MusicIP Windows client to validate the new
added tracks, after validation I start the SpiceFly Web UI (at this
point "Total Songs" does not equal "Validated Songs") and click reload
cache.  My last step is to use the SC Web interface settings to add new
and changed music. This is the way I've been doing it for a while now.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong or there is a better way of doing this.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread Nonreality

maggior;314340 Wrote: 
> OK.  I'm not validating tracks yet, I'm just using the "add tracks"
> capability.  I'm more than happy with the mixes that I am getting
> without having to do the full validation.
> Can you execute this command without having to do validation on the
> tracks?  I guess I can look at the source for the web page and see what
> the source is for the button that comes up when you perform validation.Your 
> mixes will get much better once you do.  The only hassle is in the
beginning, after that even a couple of hundred track only take minutes
now on mine.  The updating the cache is about a minute of time.  Take
the time at the beginning and you won't have much to do later.  On
Spices web interface the button only shows up if it needs updating. 
I'm really looking forward to figuring out a speed up and automating of
the SC scan.




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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread maggior

tamanaco;314338 Wrote: 
> I think the "reload cache" button only appears in the Spicefly's web UI
> when you add (validate) new tracks. This is what happens in my Windows
> setup.

OK.  I'm not validating tracks yet, I'm just using the "add tracks"
capability.  I'm more than happy with the mixes that I am getting
without having to do the full validation.

Can you execute this command without having to do validation on the
tracks?  I guess I can look at the source for the web page and see what
the source is for the button that comes up when you perform validation.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread tamanaco

maggior;314328 Wrote: 
> I'm using Spicefly's web interface for headless MusicIP on Linux.  On
> this webpage, I don't see a "reload cache" button.  Rich

I think the "reload cache" button only appears in the Spicefly's web UI
when you add (validate) new tracks. This is what happens in my Windows


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread Siduhe

maggior;314328 Wrote: 
> I'm using Spicefly's web interface for headless MusicIP on Linux.  On
> this webpage, I don't see a "reload cache" button.  Also, I don't see
> in the API reference an API to reload the cache
> (
> What is the actual API that is being used?  Is there an equivalent
> button that can be used on Spicefly's web interface?
> Thanks!
> Rich

One thing to watch out for here is that you have pointed the headless
version to the right .m3lib file. I had an issue a few months back when
I upgraded to a new version of MIP and my headless set up stopped
updating.  I eventually worked out that my old "default.m3lib" in the
MIP directory had been superceded by a different "default.m3lib" in a
different user specific directory. This was on Windows, so may not be
an issue under Linux, but definitely worth checking.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-23 Thread maggior

egd;313598 Wrote: 
> When you load MiP's HTTP API you should have a fourth button appear
> along with a message next to it stating that the cache has changed - if
> I recall correctly is is the "Reload Cache" button.  You shouldn't have
> hit "Refresh Songs", which I'm guessing is what you've referred to as
> "musicIP refresh".
> I see I screwed up the Wiki instructions - my apologies...they're now
> corrected :/

I'm using Spicefly's web interface for headless MusicIP on Linux.  On
this webpage, I don't see a "reload cache" button.  Also, I don't see
in the API reference an API to reload the cache

What is the actual API that is being used?  Is there an equivalent
button that can be used on Spicefly's web interface?



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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-21 Thread ezkcdude

egd;313957 Wrote: 
> Could you elaborate on the problem you're experiencing?  Headless
> doesn't write/ modify tags at all.

Well, I determined it wasn't a problem with MusicIP, but with my
tagging program.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-21 Thread egd

ezkcdude;313954 Wrote: 
> MusicIP is screwing up my tags or something. Does anyone else run into
> this problem?Could you elaborate on the problem you're experiencing?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-21 Thread Siduhe

ezkcdude;313954 Wrote: 
> MusicIP is screwing up my tags or something. Does anyone else run into
> this problem?

In what way?  Changing them, or not recognising them?

Have you disabled the "fix tags" option in the MIP GUI (this is
windows, not sure the same option exists in Linux)?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-21 Thread ezkcdude

MusicIP is screwing up my tags or something. Does anyone else run into
this problem?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-20 Thread egd

bobkoure;313708 Wrote: 
> No apologies needed. IMHO this is one of those "incremental improvements
> until it's better" things. Ahem, if you'd not followed my incorrect 
> instructions its likely SC's
scan would have been a pretty snappy affair.

bobkoure;313708 Wrote: 
> Any notion if it's possible to get the headless MusicIP to reload its
> cache -without- the web interface?AFAIK the instruction to reload the cache 
> can only be isued via the HTTP
API, however, I saw something a while back using wget to emulate the
button press and I used to shut down my ReadyNAS (I got rid of it a
long time back) from a Linux script too, so it would be possible under
Linux, and possibly Windows too.

bobkoure;313708 Wrote: 
> There seem to be two issues being solved here:
> - when using "look for new and changed music" in SC/settings, the
> "MusicIP Import" takes just as long as when using "clear library and
> rescan everything": Even using the web interface, it looks like we
> might have a solution for that.?I'm on the other side of the world so can't 
> test it but I think this is
solved, the Wiki instructions have been updated to reflect what I did
in my earlier test.

bobkoure;313708 Wrote: 
> - automated updates: I actually care if the rescan procedure takes five
> hours, so long as it can happen from, say 2AM to 7AM. Faster would be
> better, of course, but being able to just put music in my music folders
> and have it in MusicIP and SC the next morning would be really good..?The 
> speed part should be taken care of as a result of successfully
scanning changes only rather than rebuilding the SC DB.  The automation
aspect should be pretty simple too - cron for Linux and Windows
Scheduler for Windows calling the update scripts.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-20 Thread bobkoure

No apologies needed. IMHO this is one of those "incremental improvements
until it's better" things.

Any notion if it's possible to get the headless MusicIP to reload its
cache -without- the web interface?

There seem to be two issues being solved here:
- when using "look for new and changed music" in SC/settings, the
"MusicIP Import" takes just as long as when using "clear library and
rescan everything": Even using the web interface, it looks like we
might have a solution for that.

- automated updates: I actually care if the rescan procedure takes five
hours, so long as it can happen from, say 2AM to 7AM. Faster would be
better, of course, but being able to just put music in my music folders
and have it in MusicIP and SC the next morning would be really good.

Feel free to tell me I've gotten it all wrong...(?)


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-19 Thread egd

bobkoure;313597 Wrote: 
> I've tried it, it works - but I don't see any reduction in the time
> taken for MusicIP Import.
> I ran the script above, then the musicIP refresh, then reload cache,
> then "look for new and changed music" in SC.
> Or should I have not run refresh?
> I'm pretty sure "reload cache" is necessary, or the (headless) MusicIP
> wouldn't have the new data generated by genpuid... right?When you load MiP's 
> HTTP API you should have a fourth button appear
along with a message next to it stating that the cache has changed - if
I recall correctly is is the "Reload Cache" button".  You shouldn't have
hit "Refresh Songs", which I'm guessing is what you've referred to as
"musicIP refresh".  I see I screwed up the Wiki instructions - my
apologies... :/


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-19 Thread bobkoure

Here's a first cut at a windows script


  set key=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef
  set cache="C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_NAME\Application 
Data\MusicIP\MusicIP Mixer\default.m3lib"
  set musicdir="D:\MUSIC"
  "%~dp0genpuid.exe" %key% -m3lib=%cache% -archive -r %musicdir%

save as a .bat or .cmd file in the same directory as genpuid.exe.

I've tried it, it works - but I don't see any reduction in the time
taken for MusicIP Import.

I ran the script above, then the musicIP refresh, then reload cache,
then "look for new and changed music" in SC.
Or should I have not run refresh?
I'm pretty sure "reload cache" is necessary, or the (headless) MusicIP
wouldn't have the new data generated by genpuid... right?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-19 Thread egd

bobkoure;313512 Wrote: 
> We are not worthy :)
Actually I think I'm the dumbass in this equation - when I think of how
much money has been spent on just the music, let alone the storage, I'm
hard pressed to justify it, yet I keep going back for more.  Guess it
beats gambling, drugs and prositutes, but is somewhat of an addiction
nevertheless  :)


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-19 Thread bobkoure

egd;313164 Wrote: 
> Having a 90k+ track library is enough incentive to seek to solve the
> problem :)
We are not worthy :)

More seriously, yeah, I'm only in the 40k range, it's a bit cumbrous -
and less than half what you're dealing with.

I'll take on writing the windows script(s).

Anyone have an idea as to whether genpuid can simply be passed a music
folder root when using '/r'? Guess I'll test when I get home tonight if
nobody knows...


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-19 Thread egd

Wiki has now been updated to include improved method of incorporating
new/ changed albums/ tracks etc.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-18 Thread Stuart Hickinbottom

Yep - I'll give that a go when I get a moment.


egd wrote:

  hickinbottoms;313153 Wrote: 
I started to write up some notes about GenPuid on the wiki:

It's not finished, but should be understandable from the notes. GenPuid

seems to work well from my tests, and is a good candidate for
the whole import/scan process if you're up for a bit of scripting.I must be obsessed logging in from an airport lounge whilst in transit


In any event...Stuart, you'd made a comment in the MiP integration wiki
pages to consider integrating the two entries.  It's a good idea, do you
have the time?  I'll be adding some entries on using Filters and Moods
when I've figured out a little more and find myself with an evening to
kill whilst on this trip.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-18 Thread egd

bobkoure;313125 Wrote: 
> Thanks for taking the time to both figure that one out - and to post 
> it!Having a 90k+ track library is enough incentive to seek to solve the
problem :)

I tired of SC rescan running for over an hour everytime I added or
edited anything in my library.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-18 Thread egd

hickinbottoms;313153 Wrote: 
> I started to write up some notes about GenPuid on the wiki:
> It's not finished, but should be understandable from the notes. GenPuid
> seems to work well from my tests, and is a good candidate for
> automating 
> the whole import/scan process if you're up for a bit of scripting.I must be 
> obsessed logging in from an airport lounge whilst in transit

In any event...Stuart, you'd made a comment in the MiP integration wiki
pages to consider integrating the two entries.  It's a good idea, do you
have the time?  I'll be adding some entries on using Filters and Moods
when I've figured out a little more and find myself with an evening to
kill whilst on this trip.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-18 Thread Stuart Hickinbottom
I started to write up some notes about GenPuid on the wiki:

It's not finished, but should be understandable from the notes. GenPuid 
seems to work well from my tests, and is a good candidate for automating 
the whole import/scan process if you're up for a bit of scripting.


bobkoure wrote:
> Thanks for taking the time to both figure that one out - ant to post
> it!
> I just got a copy of genpuid. 
> Getting a copy is a bit more involved than just downloading something;
> go 'here' ( for a step-by-step at
> MusicBrainz.
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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-18 Thread bobkoure

Thanks for taking the time to both figure that one out - ant to post

I just got a copy of genpuid. 
Getting a copy is a bit more involved than just downloading something;
go 'here' ( for a step-by-step at


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-17 Thread egd

chinablues;312134 Wrote: 
> Never mind the MusicIP scanner & how long that takes (never been a
> problem for me), the thing that bugs me is the SC scanner interface
> with Music IP when I'm scanning new or changed music.  Here SC scanner
> zips through the music folders mostly correctly picking up changes and
> additions in double quick time, but then it does a FULL scan of Music
> IP import.  THAT takes for ages.  I'm scanning as I write this. 
> Directory scan finished in 25 secs, Music IP import, currently at 2450
> of 20593 having taken 4 mins 50 secs already!!  Is there not a smart
> way for SC scanner to suck in only the changes/adds on Music IP?? I've run a 
> little experiment - added a single album to my test library
and then pointed genpuid to it, telling it to use the existing cache
file, i.e. that located at /home//.MusicMagic/

The upshot is that genpuid quickly ascertained there was nothing to do
but deal with the added album, did its analysis and updated the cache/
database.  Pointing my browser to localhost:10002 and telling it to
Refresh Songs demonstrated that the new tracks had been appended.  Will
run the 2nd part of the experiment shortly - have SC do a "look for
changes" scan and see whether it still does a full blown rescan or not.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-17 Thread Phil Meyer
>AFAIK it uses MiP to tell it what files are in the library, but still
>collects tag data from the files themselves.  Your 2nd para would be to
>do with the inner workings of the MiP/ SC integration plugin, of which I
>have no knowledge.

Yes, I believe the scanner always asks MiP for a list of all songs in its 
library.  It gets all tag info for those songs from MiP, and adds/updates the 
data in the SqueezeCenter DB.  This takes a long time.

Instead, for each song the SC scanner decides to process, it could make a 
single call through the MiP web api to determine if a song in the SC library is 




This returns a 0 or 1 as the mixable status (followed by the path to the song).

The only problem I can see with this is if MiP DB analysis is completed after a 
scan has been done, SC may have stored that the song is not mixable.  However, 
I think the scanner is called each time a song is played, so the would correct 
itself the first time the song is played after MiP has determined that the song 
is in fact mixable (or a full rescan is performed).
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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-17 Thread egd

Philip Meyer;312414 Wrote: 
> I consider the SC music library as my master library.  At the moment, it
> tries to read every song from MusicIP, and merge the MusicIP data into
> the SC library.
> When I do a rescan for new and changed files, I would prefer it if it
> only requested the mixable state for each file that is new or changed. 
> I'm sure the MIP API supports that.

AFAIK it uses MiP to tell it what files are in the library, but still
collects tag data from the files themselves.  Your 2nd para would be to
do with the inner workings of the MiP/ SC integration plugin, of which I
have no knowledge.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-17 Thread egd

lork;312845 Wrote: 
> FWIW, I actually did have to use sudo, despite being in the same
> directory as the file. It refused to do a plain cp, so I sudo'd it and
> it worked. Maybe has to do with the permissions on .MusicMagic ?  It must be 
> to do with permissions but I've no idea why, unless you
unpacked the tar file as root also?  Strange nevertheless.

lork;312845 Wrote: 
> Also just FYI, after I did the
> http://localhost:10002/api/flush
> command you suggest, MIP still shows that it sees all my music... I
> assume this flush should clear the cache & let me do a fresh "add
> tracks" from zero? If it's supposed to do something else, then it's
> probably working- it shows a blank screen with a "1" in the upper left
> corner. Everythign seems to be working fine, though.  It's working.  All it 
> is intended to do is force MiP to write the
cache out to file.  The "1" means it was successful.  To create a new
cache/ database you enter the root folder of your music and click on
Add Music.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-17 Thread bobkoure

trkster;312522 Wrote: 
> I can get MIP to work (& create mixes), but every time I restart my
> server I have to go though the MIP "add tracks" routine
Read 'MusicIP Headless Mode on Vista'
( at Spicefly's site - scan
down to the section labeled *How to tie Headless with the GUI*, and,
well, follow the directions.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-17 Thread lork

Hey, egd-

FWIW, I actually did have to use sudo, despite being in the same
directory as the file. It refused to do a plain cp, so I sudo'd it and
it worked. Maybe has to do with the permissions on .MusicMagic ?

Also just FYI, after I did the
command you suggest, MIP still shows that it sees all my music... I
assume this flush should clear the cache & let me do a fresh "add
tracks" from zero? If it's supposed to do something else, then it's
probably working- it shows a blank screen with a "1" in the upper left
corner. Everythign seems to be working fine, though.

Thanks again for all the help over the past few days!


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