Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-31 Thread ziggyb63

..sorry for the delayed reply. Coincindentally, have bought a laptop for
one of the kids for his birthday, now I can have his desktop which I can
connect using a wired connection, and test that out. It will take a few
weeks, his birthday is in late June.

A second dedicated WAP is also an interesting option. Don't see why I
can't try this either if the wired server connectivity does not work.
Will report back in a month or so


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-25 Thread ziggyb63

...I'm in a mixed b\g environment as I have some clients (Sony PSPs)
which can handle B only - in fact I use them with the Handheld
slimserver interface as remote controls. Any way to tell the SB3 to use
g only?

Simultaneous wireless clients - probably 4 at the time of test; max
wireless clients (if the kids power up all their PCs and PSPs) is 12.
Then we have a whole heap of wired clients (VoIP etc.). Like I said, in
the semi-controlled environment of testing, there were only 4 wireless
clients, no wired ones.

Interesting, most of the cordless phones are 5.8Ghz, but there is one
cordless phone close to the SB3 with the issue that is still 2.4GHz.

Wireless Channel is 6. I use WEP 128bit and also have a MAC address
filter set up. 

OS is WinXP Pro SP2 Slimserver is Version: 6.5.2 - 12043 (Have not
upgraded to the officially release 6.5.2 yet, this was one of the
nighly compiles I downloaded to see if it would fix my problem)

Hardware specs - well it's an old Dell Inspiron laptop I am afraid,
2GHz 1GB connected via a wireless ethernet bridge (one of the Linksys

If it was the slimserver doing powersaving, wouldn't the original SB3
also cut out? The original keeps on playing, only the sync-ing SB3 cuts
out. And similarly, if it was the neighbors wireless channel cutting

The 2.4GHZ phone is a good thought


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-25 Thread ziggyb63

...the thing is so old it is actually a 900Mhz phone!


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-25 Thread CatBus

I think at some level, it's wireless for both ziggyb63 and nptohc.  Just
something that's irregular enough to not show up on a test reliably.

Okay, first ziggyb63:

I'm going to estimate mixed b/g real-world network speed as 9Mbps.  The
fact that your server is connected wirelessly is a very big deal--this
will increase the number of collisions and slow everything down more
than just another wireless client.  G-only operation is a function of
the access point.  You have to cut off your PSP's, or set up a separate
802.11b WLAN, to go G-only for your SB3.  9Mbps divided by 4-12 =
750kbps - 2.2Mbps per client, if everything shared the spectrum equally
and there were no collisions, which is not the way things really work. 
I'm not positive on SlimServer's settings, but FLAC's bitrate is in the
neighborhood of 800kbps per stream.  So even though the numbers are
inexact, I can tell you are working with very narrow margins on your
wireless network.  And we don't yet know if you have interference from
the neighbors.

Recommendations?  Step 1: connect your server to your home network with
a wired connection.  Step 2: consider a second wireless access point. 
This second access point can be specially designated for SB3s, operate
at G-only speeds, and work on a non-overlapping channel (1 or 12).  To
test this before laying down the cash, you should REALLY connect your
server via a wired connection anyway, then turn off every wireless
client in the house except the SB3's, then test sync.  I would also
recommend installing NetStumbler to find out what channels your
neighbors may be using too.  The only non-overlapping channels are 1, 6
and 12.  8 overlaps 6 and 12, etc.  6 is the default for most access
points, so 1 and 12 tend to be safer.  For the record, WEP and MAC
filtering is trivial security (but I understand you're limited by the
PSP's).  If you set up this second G-only network, you should use
WPA2/AES.  If spending more cash is absolutely out of the question, and
the server CAN'T be connected via a real ethernet cable for some reason,
the next best thing is to transcode to MP3, preferably at bitrates under

Now for nptohc:

Wireless access points on the same network can interfere with each
other just as badly as neighboring access points.  The fact that your
public network and your private network operate on non-overlapping
channels doesn't help when multiple access points on the same network
share the same channel and have overlapping ranges.  In particular, I'm
wondering if the two wireless routers on either side of the stone wall
are clobbering each other.  It's also worth checking if those cordless
phones operate in the 2.4GHz spectrum.

My testing recommendation here is: Unless you verify the phones are not
2.4 GHz, unplug them and remove the batteries.  Turn off every WAP on
channel 13 except one.  Move the squeezeboxes within range of this one
WAP, and test sync.  If the problem goes away, the solution is to
unclutter your wireless spectrum.  I'm not even sure transcoding to a
low bitrate would help here, depending on how badly your two access
points are clobbering each other.

Hope that helps.  I could obviously be wrong, but given the information
I have, I think it's a reasonable assessment.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-24 Thread discocarp

I don't think its the wireless. 

1. Multiple people with the problem
2. One of them runs only wired.
3. I run wireless, but never have this particular problem except when
running synced. I mean not even once.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-24 Thread ziggyb63

swhite58;204177 Wrote: 
 From your subject line I thought you were having trouble with your Aston
 Martin! Perhaps you have an ignition problem :)

If I had an Aston Martin I'd be attempting to sync my Transporters :)

Running wired is not an option, fishing CAT5 everywhere would not go
down well in the household, so even if wireless was the issue I can't
do anything about it.

Like I said, running two SB3s wireless non-synced, simultaneously,
gives no issues. That points me to only one conclusion


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-24 Thread CatBus

ziggyb63;204256 Wrote: 
 Like I said, running two SB3s wireless non-synced, simultaneously, gives
 no issues. That points me to only one conclusion

So we've narrowed the field but have not figured out the cause.

The follow-up question is, why does sync work perfectly for everyone
else and not you?  I'd start with: What encoding/bitrate is your music?
What did you use to encode it?  Are you transcoding it at the server or
using native playback on the SB3s?  That sort of thing.  With enough
info, I'm confident your sync can work as well as everyone else's.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-24 Thread ziggyb63

CatBus, thanks for giving me the impetus to try to debug this issue

Encoding is Apple Lossles, sample size 16 bit, sample rate 44.1kHz via
iTunes (iPod is still used in the household), bit rate varies per track
from ~200-1000kbps+ CBR, as reported by slimserver.

Various version of iTunes used to encode, over the years. Have had to
tweak the COMPOSER tag to get slimserver to display properly (as per
other threads in this forum) and have had to not let iTunes get it's
own coverart (as those don't get diplayed propely in slimserver I have

AFAIK SqueezeBox can't handle ALAC so set slimserver options to
transcode to FLAC. Have to admit, have not tried ALAC\MP3 or ALAC\WAV


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-24 Thread nptohc

I have often had this problem - basically ever since 6.5.x

The previous version seemed to be a lot better - but the issues I have
had so far this year:

1) 1 Squeezebox out of the crowd that are synced up will randomly stop
outputting audio (but the device and display indicate it is playing). 
This will ONLY happen at the start of a new song - I had wondered for a
long time if it was a crossfading issue.

2) The squeezeboxes will occasionaly go out of sync (audio wise) and
then when a squeezebox finishes playing the song it is on and moves
onto the next one - the other squeezebox (which always seems to be the
one designated as master) will change to the new song and restart both
squeezeboxes off playing the same song again - it's as if the software
is attempting to resync the players - however this is NOT reflected in
the Web interface which is generally at this point one song behind what
is ACTUALLY being played.

3) The latest issues I have been having - when playing just the one
squeezebox - it will happily play non-stop for days and then all of a
sudden for no apparent reason it suddenly dies and comes up with Slim
Devices on the screen before going through the whole conneting to
network process etc again.  At this point the web interface will report
that I have no players - and the player will say connecting to
slimserver but never does.  I have to press the power button several
times on the remote and go through the waking up slimserver messages
before it finally reconnects - and of course I then have to start my
dynamic playlist all over again.  The slimserver has been moved to a
new computer (the old one every morning has a message on the screen
saying slim.exe this program has encountered an error and needs to
close etc.. neither of the two computers have ever had any sort of
standby feature enabled - as they are often doing other things. 
Slimserver is now on a dedicated computer - but the computer is on 24/7
- so my dynamic playlists have a chance to play right through (so
customers returning don't hear the same music that was on the day

Thats all for now



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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-24 Thread CatBus

Transcoding to FLAC is a good thing.  This means that the SB3 is always
playing files that used the same encoder, and any decoding bugs are
less likely due to so many users sharing the same encoder.  I was
thinking your bug could be caused by the SB3 not knowing how to decode
for an oddball MP3 encoder--that sort of thing.  Clearly that's not it.
I also use transcoded-to-FLAC (with 6.5.1), so that's kinda

So it's definitely not the encoding, and it's likely not wireless (it
would help to do a wired test just to put that possibility more solidly
to rest though).  So you're basically syncing with the exact same setup
as me, but something's happening for you that isn't for me.

So let's get more details on the wireless, to get a handle on
transient, non-repeatable problems:
- 802.11B or G?
- How many simultaneous clients total?
- Cordless phones using the 2.4 GHz range?
- What channel is your wireless network using?  What channels are your
neighbors using?

Then there's the SlimServer itself:
- What's the O/S and SlimServer version?
- Hardware specs?  Is it attached via ethernet or wireless?
- Have you checked your slimserver.log for strange events around the
time your sync cuts out?

I'm thinking if it truly isn't the wireless in general, then it's
something inconsistent and harder to test, such as your neighbor's
access point operating on an overlapping channel, or even your
SlimServer doing some sort of powersaving thing when it shouldn't.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-23 Thread upstatemike

byKnight;203718 Wrote: 
 If at all possible, run the problematic SB3 wired for a while and
 determine whether or not you can still reproduce the problem.
 If you can't reproduce it when the SB3 is wired, that suggests you are
 having some kind of wireless-related issue.

I have reported the same problem in other threads. I only run wired
players and have no problems when players are not synced. They only
seem to get stuck at the beginning of a new song. The problem started
with the latest release version of Slimserver.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-23 Thread JJZolx

upstatemike;204107 Wrote: 
 I have reported the same problem in other threads. I only run wired
 players and have no problems when players are not synced. They only
 seem to get stuck at the beginning of a new song. The problem started
 with the latest release version of Slimserver.

More socketwrapper headaches, perhaps?



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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-23 Thread CatBus

byKnight;203718 Wrote: 
 If at all possible, run the problematic SB3 wired for a while and
 determine whether or not you can still reproduce the problem.
 If you can't reproduce it when the SB3 is wired, that suggests you are
 having some kind of wireless-related issue.

Agree wholeheartedly.  When you're syncing multiple players wirelessly,
there are any one of a zillion things that could go wrong, most of which
are easily fixed once you identify them.  So remove one of the bigger
variables (the wireless link).  If the problem continues, great--now
you know it's not the wireless.  If the problem disappears, that's also
good news--you know it's the wireless.

You could also remove another big variable (synchronization), by having
both players play different things independently.  If you still get
periodic dropouts, then it's not the synchronization code doing it
(it's likely the wireless).

If it's not wireless or sync, there are some other less-likely
candidates like weird encoding/decoding issues, etc.

For what it's worth, except for gapless playback, synchronized playback
works great for me.  So it CAN work, we just need to figure out how your
setup is different than mine.

It's also worth noting for troubleshooting purposes whether you're
using 802.11B or G, how many total wireless devices you have on that
access point, what frequency any nearby cordless phones operate at,
etc, etc.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-23 Thread swhite58

From your subject line I thought you were having trouble with your Aston
Martin! Perhaps you have an ignition problem :)


Clark Connect Linux file server-SB3-Luxman L4-Gale
speakers/Sennheiser headphones

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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-22 Thread ziggyb63

Hmm, this only happens to me when I sync the 2nd SB3 with another one -
if this was a network issue, I would have expected to have these issues
when playing un-synced, that is, playing normally. But I don't, I can
play quite sucessfully for hours on end un-synced on this SB3 (well,
both actually) with no stutters or stops.

I guess I will play with the network test plugin some more to see if it
shows me anything, as well as checking out buffer fullness to see if I
can figure out what's happening. 

I never checked the time duration to see if it is still moving on the
SB3 - I did have the VU meter screensaver on, and the needles drop to
zero when my 'stop' happens, so I assumed the SB3 actually stoped
playing - maybe it still thinks it's playing but as far as the time
duration indicator. I will check. I do know it still thinks it's
sync-ed, and unsyncing and resyncing fix things again for another 10-15

Thanks for your replies.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-22 Thread discocarp

 Hrrm... it's flaky?

Yep. Very. I have the same problems the original poster described
(although not quite as frequent) along with the typical almost in sync
but not quite problem. 

On the bright side, someone is working on improving the sync on the
developers forum! Hurray!


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-22 Thread ziggyb63

For what it's worth, using the network test plugin on the SB3 that
'stops', I can get up to 3000Kbps at an average 'quality' of 100% - it
starts dropping off at higher speeds, but it's still an average of 
90% at 4000Kbps. Would have thought that was adequate.

I'm just going to wait, see what the future brings; this is a 'nice to
have' for me, but not essential. Nice to see the developers working on
improving sync, hopefully whatever they come up with will address my


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-22 Thread byKnight

If at all possible, run the problematic SB3 wired for a while and
determine whether or not you can still reproduce the problem.

If you can't reproduce it when the SB3 is wired, that suggests you are
having some kind of wireless-related issue.


Really, it was like that when I got here.

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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-22 Thread JJZolx

snarlydwarf;203594 Wrote: 
 I'm listening to music here at work (transcoded to save bandwidth) and
 synced to the SB2 in the living room at home...  It works fine except
 when Softsqueeze crashes.

Why in the world would you sync a player at work with one at home?



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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-22 Thread snarlydwarf

JJZolx;203884 Wrote: 
 Why in the world would you sync a player at work with one at home?

Um, so it sounds like I am home when I am not.

(And sync'd to not mess with my counts.)

And in general.. because I Can.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-22 Thread JJZolx

snarlydwarf;203888 Wrote: 
 Um, so it sounds like I am home when I am not.
 (And sync'd to not mess with my counts.)
 And in general.. because I Can.

Ok.  Three really bad reasons.  I understand now.



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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-22 Thread snarlydwarf

JJZolx;203889 Wrote: 
 Ok.  Three really bad reasons.  I understand now.

Oh, I forgot you are the wise man that can tell me how to run my own
life.  How dare I do what I feel like when you disapprove.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-22 Thread JJZolx

snarlydwarf;203891 Wrote: 
 Oh, I forgot you are the wise man that can tell me how to run my own
 life.  How dare I do what I feel like when you disapprove.

I was kidding.  But you gotta admit, it does seem pretty silly.



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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-22 Thread snarlydwarf

Sure, and it is completely pointless... Sort of.

A couple basic assumptions:
1) I will have -something- making some noise at home -- radio, tv,
etc.  Radio or SB are cheaper than TV.   My only radio is my
receiver... which doesn't have an antenna...  so SB at home will play.
2) I -love- and insist on scrobbling what I play.
3) I want music at work.  Because this place is nuts enough as it is
with quiet.  I even put on headphones some days...
4) whines if I submit from two players at once: since I can't
really be listening to both, some of my tracks will be dropped.
5) I am lazy and hate futzing around turning scrobbling on an off. 
Easier to leave it on.


By syncing work/home, I solve the problem: I can have be
accurate, have music at home and work, and not have to remember to turn
scrobbling off and on.

The only real leap is in why have something playing at home when you
arent there.. .but lots of people leave a radio or TV on all day just
in case a burglar hears it and thinks someone is home.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-21 Thread ziggyb63

...just did a few searches, and noted lots of posts indicating
synchronizaton is flaky. A shame.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-21 Thread snarlydwarf

Hrrm... it's flaky?

I'm listening to music here at work (transcoded to save bandwidth) and
synced to the SB2 in the living room at home...  It works fine except
when Softsqueeze crashes.

What you are describing shouldn't happen.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-21 Thread aubuti

ziggyb63;203587 Wrote: 
 ...just did a few searches, and noted lots of posts indicating
 synchronizaton is flaky. A shame.
I've posted before that I have found synchronization to be unreliable,
but it has only been tracks getting out of sync by a noticeable amount.
What you are describing is something else entirely, and I dare say not a
common problem. You should probably try the network health tests that
come with slimserver.


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Re: [slim] Synchronized DB3 suddenly stops.

2007-05-21 Thread Club1820

aubuti;203615 Wrote: 
 I've posted before that I have found synchronization to be unreliable,
 but it has only been tracks getting out of sync by a noticeable amount.
 What you are describing is something else entirely, and I dare say not a
 common problem. You should probably try the network health tests that
 come with slimserver.

Where are these network health tests located you are referring to?

I also am having problems with sync.  The same issues the original
poster described.  Although I am syncing the squeezebox (wireless) with
a wired laptop running softsqueeze.  Sync works fine for 10-15 mins,
then either the laptop produces no sound and/or both dont. This is even
though both players may still say that they are playing and the time
duration is still moving.

In other words, everything still looks like its playing but just no
sound comes out.  

Also sometimes it will play about 10 secs of a song then move on to the
next one.  It will do this until I press stop.

I've noticed that sync. works for a longer period of time if I dont
enter a command such as skip to the next song.  If I do, then it goes
out of wack.  I thought it was because I was using softsqueeze as one
player but I guess someone had the problem using two boxes.


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