Re: [discuss] New Purchaser

2007-06-04 Thread Jonathon Blake

Catherine wrote:

I purchased this product Saturday.  It never downloaded.  The set up 
downloaded, but the product itself never downloaded.  I have been trying to get 
in touch with ANYONE!!!.

You reached a volunteer run support list of

The best we can do, is point you to where you can download for free.

In terms of your dispute with whoever sold you the copy of OOo, you
will have to contact them.  In theory, they have a page that lists
their street adress, along with their phone number.  [If they don't
they are prohibited from transacting any business with anybody who is
a citizen of the state of California, a resident of the state of
California, or a guest within the state of California, at the time the
transaction occured.]

I was sent an e-mail that said to go on: http://wwwOfficeBest to download etc, etc.  I attempted to so and was unable to 
get onto this website.  I feel that this is a rip off.

Remember to file a police report stating that you were a victim of
online fraud; [At least two major credit card issuers in the US have a
working policy that unless criminal charges have been filed, all
claims about credit card fraud are lies fabricated by the user to
avoid paying their credit card debt.]

I am now going to purchase word and excel because I need them for my new 

If you do decide to purchase Microsoft Office, bear in mind that
roughly 10% of brick and mortar retail sales of that product are
counterfeit/pirated/unauthorized versions of MSO.   If you purchase it
online, the percentage is much higher.  (To the point that you can
safely assume that all online only vendors of MSO are selling pirated
copies of MSO.)

I will be contacting my credit card company and letting them know about this 

Contact them in _writing_.  Do _not_ discuss your dispute over the
phone.  Send all correspondence certified mail, return receipt
requested, of FedEx next Day delivery, signature required.  If you
send anything by fax, follow it up with snail mail.
Keep track of _everything_ you have done related to this dispute.
That includes printing out all email you send and receive.  Also
include printout of the web pages that you attempted to download the
item from, and screenshots showing how the item failed to download.
( If you suspect you might be going to court, run the website through
the various WC3, and a11y validators.  Keep a printout of the report.)


OOo can not correct for incompetence in creating documents from MSO.
Furthermore,OOo can not compensate for the defective and flawed
security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
will not be unjustly penalized for the incompetence of the organization
that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
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Re: [discuss] Suggestion

2007-03-28 Thread Jonathon Blake

Dale wrote:

It would be nice if a complete contact manager were added to the OpenOffice 

That functionality is currently available.
Depending upon what is meant by complete contact manager it may or
may not be implemented.

IOW, it all depends upon what,and how you define complete contact manager.


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Furthermore,OOo can not compensate for the defective and flawed
security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
will not be unjustly penalized for the incompetence of the organization
that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
defective, bug-ridden, and fails to meet ISO file format standards.

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Re: [discuss] OpenOffice

2007-03-16 Thread Jonathon Blake

André wrote:

No, i do not want to create graphics via CLI or write them in the shape
of an XML file.)

a) It is/was easier to create RIP graphics using a text editor, than
any of the supplied graphical editors.

b) Try doing something that should be simple, like changing the
background colour from grey to black using a graphical editor.  Then
do the same thing with a tool that has a CLI.

- A GUI is easily discoverable, a CLI is not.

easilly discoverable depends upon
* What the images are of, if there  is no menu;
* Menu layout, if there is a menu;
* What tools will interact with either the menu, or images;

Try this
* Throw away your mouse;
* Throw away your keyboard;
* Throw away your monitor;

Use _any_ program that has a GU.
Now explain the easilly discoverable part of a GUI.

- A GUI is attractive (if done right), a CLI is not. Attractiveness

Attractiveness counts for nothing when it detracts from functionality.

Benjamin wrote:

memorize everything as is needed to run a command line program for

everything...without taking months of solid training for each one.

a) Appropriate names for the functions;
b) Batch files/shell scripts/whatever they are called on your OS;
c) Part of using software efficiently requires learning, and
memorizing  every function within the program.
d) That because of the inherent user hostility of GUIs, for even
tolerable use, there are groups of people that have to spend 1,6000
hours tolearn the basic interface ---knowing that they will never be
able to be anything more than a novice-intermediate user, because the
GUI is designed to maximize inefficient, unproductive performance.

Ian wrote:

a GUI will for the most part slow you down. If you are a 20

wpm typist and don't know the commands you have a massive barrier to

A GUI also slows down the 20 word per minute typist.



Re: [discuss] OpenOffice

2007-03-16 Thread Jonathon Blake

Chris wrote:

please, read that again, anything strike you as perhaps, odd?

That is the starting point, when testing for Section 508 compliance.

PPS: although when it comes to system recovery, there's nothing quite
like bash to be able to fall back on :D

Or using VI to stabilize a system that has become unstable.



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Re: [discuss] OpenOffice

2007-03-14 Thread Jonathon Blake

Jacek  wrote:

But GUI -- is awful.

A GUI interface is intrinsically user hostile,and best avoided.
Any GUI is going to be awful: and dysfunctional. The only question
is how dysfunctional it is going to be.

Second thing is that it doesn't support automatic language recognition-

Work on that started a year or so ago.  I'm not sure when it will be
included in OOo.

There are a couple of major issues with automatic language
recognition.Letter frequency analysis is not reliable, except on very
large sets of writing.


OOo can not correct for incompetence in creating documents from MSO.
Furthermore,OOo can not compensate for the defective and flawed
security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
will not be unjustly penalized for the incompetence of the organization
that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
defective, bug-ridden, and fails to meet ISO file format standards.

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Re: [discuss] Search files

2007-03-14 Thread Jonathon Blake

Adrian wrote:

I think that this job is better done by the operating system or by a
program that searches across all of your data.
- Copernic Desktop Search ( or
- Google Desktop Search (

Can either of those be used on a computer  that does not know what a
network  connection  is,much less uses one?



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Re: [discuss] New Feature Request

2007-03-14 Thread Jonathon Blake

Florencio wrote:

a) The Wikipedia Connection
marked text and OO will open Wikipedia with the definition (if any) for
the selection.
has the macro for the Wikipedia article.

I do not know what happened to the Wictionary macro--- which sounds
more like what you are looking for. [My guess is that it was/is a
simple modification of the Wikipedia macro.]

b) The Google Connection (or ie, if you want)

I have no idea what happened to that macro.
describes how to modify the Wikipedia macro for Google,or any other
search engine.

c) The Image Connection
 Add to Insert Image option, the alternative to browse the web

I am not aware of a macro that does that.

Doing an image search with Google, or other Search Engine, would be a
simple modification of the Search Engine macro. I don't know whether
it could be further modified  to insert the image. The Wikipedia,
Wictionary,and Search Engine macros opened  a new page with the
default browser.



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Re: [discuss] On a Wikipedia plugin, was: New Feature Request

2007-03-14 Thread Jonathon Blake

Marco wrote:

Note that a M-W plugin for OO.o had already been requested last year:
without (so far) any result. For such a plugin, yes, you'd also have

How about modifying the Wikipedia macro for MW?

And while I am about it, are there any other encyclopaedia,
dictionary,or similar sites that somebody wants an OOo macro for?



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Re: [discuss] OpenOffice

2007-03-14 Thread Jonathon Blake

Chris wrote:

I'm afraid that the GUI is the way forward, while computers can talk

GUIs were a step backwards, and have done nothing but ensure that
accessibility issues maximize a loss of productivity for not only
those with a11y issues, but the general population.

beginning, a gui can actually do so much more than any CLI, which

For a naive user, a GUI is marginally more productive than a CLI.
For a power user, a CLI is about 1000 times more efficient than a GUI.

The initial learning  curve for a CLI is slightly steeper than a GUI.
In either instance,most of that learning curve is nothing more than
rote memorization.

but it's not nearly as 'intiuitive as what MS are currently putting out there'.

Microsoft's UI is intuitive only because people are familiar with it.
[ I don't remember the cites,but there are several journal articles on
the unintuitive nature of MS Windows versus the  Unix command line
with naive users.]

hopefully the User eXperience project at is a good starting 

Their priority should be to make OOo fully a11y compliant.
Then add the eye candy that minimizes productivity, and maximizes
system resources that accomplish nothing.


OOo can not correct for incompetence in creating documents from MSO.
Furthermore,OOo can not compensate for the defective and flawed
security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
will not be unjustly penalized for the incompetence of the organization
that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
defective, bug-ridden, and fails to meet ISO file format standards.

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Re: [discuss] OpenOffice

2007-03-14 Thread Jonathon Blake

Chris wrote:

A GUI interface is intrinsically user hostile,and best avoided.
Any GUI is going to be awful: and dysfunctional. The only question
is how dysfunctional it is going to be.

with that kind of attitude a lot of the stuff i see in the openoffice
'user experience' makes a lot more sense

I forgot to include the trivial example.
Add 1 000 colours to the colour palette of OOo, using the GUI.
Add 1 000 colours to the colour palette of OOo, by editing the raw file.

Which one takes less time?
Which one is easier to do?

I know which option I use, when I create new OOo colour palettes.
To create my 16^8 colour palette for OOo, I cheated, by writing a
python script to generate it for me.

As I said, that is the trivial example, that clearly demonstrates the
unproductive nature of a GUI.



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Re: [discuss] Suggestion about page numbering

2007-03-12 Thread Jonathon Blake

João Magalhães wrote:

I'd suggest the following about page numbering:
1. Suppress page number / header / footer on first page

Create a page style for that.

2. Start numbering at...

Create a page style, and then selecting the number by using Insert

New page and changing the style,along with the page number.


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security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
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that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
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Re: [discuss] Vote for more pretty default colors in charts

2007-03-02 Thread Jonathon Blake

Ingrid wrote:

 What about to increase the current colour of chart from 12 to 24 or 36?
Where do you expect that to be used? I would rate charts with 12

I often do bar charts with 18 different fields. Duplicating six fields
does confuse some clients.

Then you would be free to create your own default color set with as many
colors as you usually need. Would that make sense for you?




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2007-02-24 Thread Jonathon Blake

Adrian wrote:

I think a good idea will be to include a open source project management
tool. Maybe something similar to gantt project.

Have a look at this page: also points to the GANTT chart macro for
using CALC as a project management tool.

A PERT chart macro can be found at
points to FLOSS alternatives to use until the OOo Project Management
project creates a viable tool set.


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Furthermore,OOo can not compensate for the defective and flawed
security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
will not be unjustly penalized for the incompetence of the organization
that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
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[discuss] Home for colour palettes, hatching palettes and the like

2007-02-24 Thread Jonathon Blake


Is there a current home for alternative colour palettes, hatching
grids,and the rest of the things in /user/config?

I currently am putting the ones I have found, or created, into my
esnips folder:

If there isn't a current home, what objections would there be, for
setting up a home on  sourceforge?


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that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
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2007-02-24 Thread Jonathon Blake

Robert wrote:

As of this time, OOo does not have anything like Outlook.

There used to be a contact manager database for OOo, that hooked in
with a calender database.  Not group shareable (though I guess you
could email the database around), but it was barely adequate for an
individual. With a little bit of work it _might_ have been usable by a

I _think_ that the features that Outlook users are wanting, are  the
calender/contact manager functions..

For group scheduling,and calenders, a LAMP solution makes more sense.
That can also be more easily integrated into Thunderbird, than
OOo.[Use the Lightning extension as the scheduling/calender function.
Export personal calendar to the LAMP database. Import group calendar
from the LAMP database.]

For group contact management, a LAMP solution should work.  A macro
for Calc (to send out snail mail) and possibly a custom UI, for
adding/editing the contact database would be required. OH, and a way
to impor tthe email addresses into Thunderbird.


OOo can not correct for incompetence in creating documents from MSO.
Furthermore,OOo can not compensate for the defective and flawed
security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
will not be unjustly penalized for the incompetence of the organization
that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
defective, bug-ridden, and fails to meet ISO file format standards.

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Re: [discuss] Open Office sold on ebay!!

2007-02-19 Thread Jonathon Blake

Paolo wrote:

I'm writing to let you know that Open Office is sold on Ebay:

It is legal/acceptable for people to sell on eBay, or
any other venue that they choose to sell it on, for whatever price
they choose to attempt to sell it at. [I  have seen OOo with a buy it
now price of US$5 000.]

Whilst the OOo project would like OOo vendors to contribute a
percentage of their revenue to the project, that is not mandatory.

but I cannot tolerate that disonest people earn money with other people work.

There are legitimate reasons for wanting to buy OOo on a CD, rather
than downloading it.
* One example being that it is cheaper to buy the CD, than pay for the
* A second example would be that the CD includes  paid support.  [
IOW, a phone number you can call 24/7 to solve problems you have in
using the program.]
* A third example would be that the CD includes macros, templates, and
other things that are not part of OOo.
* A fourth example would be the  CD that is customized for corporate
use.  [Dictionaries do not contain words that are vulgar, obscene, or
otherwise inappropriate for a business letter.]


OOo can not correct for incompetence in creating documents from MSO.
Furthermore,OOo can not compensate for the defective and flawed
security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
will not be unjustly penalized for the incompetence of the organization
that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
defective, bug-ridden, and fails to meet ISO file format standards.

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Re: [discuss] dates [OT] Easter

2006-10-25 Thread Jonathon Blake

Michael wrote:

What feast of the apostles? Easter is pagan based. It is the first
Sunday following the full moon, following the autumn equinox. If OO.o
can calculate full moons, please tell me how.

Answered on social, since it is completely off topic for this list.


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Re: [discuss] dates [OT] Easter

2006-10-25 Thread Jonathon Blake

Lars wrote:

Calculating holidays (e.g. Easter, Passover, Ramadan, J-dagen) would be a
useful function to have in Calc.  Maybe CPAN's Date::calc could be used as

OOo 1.1.5 can calculate Easter correctly for the Gegorian Calender
using the rule set of the Anglican Church.  That formula is incorrect
when the Julian calender is used, or when one uses one of the ten or
so other rule sets for calculating Easter.

The formula for calculating Passover, using the rule set for
Rabbinical Judaism is relatively simple.  {Once you get the monads
correct.]  Calculating Passover using either the Karaite Rule set or
Samaritan Rule set is going to be, at best, a rough guestimate.

There are two different rule sets for calculating when Ramadan occurs.
Only one of them can be reduced to a formula that will work in OOo.
[There is no known formula that can have the visible new moon sighted,
before the astronomical new  moon occurs.  Yet that is what the rule
set used by a very influential Muslim country permits.]

It would be time consuming, but fairly simple to write a macro for
each of the rule sets for Easter, Passover, and the rest of the
religious Holy Days that change dates every year.
[Do one macro for each rule set, for each event, or one macro per
event, with the user having to select which rule set to use.]


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Re: [discuss] dates are never autoformatted correctly

2006-10-24 Thread jonathon . blake

Kyle wrote:

personally like to write my dates .mm.dd however, as you may know 
Open Office Calc is VERY picky about them being one way and ONLY one 

That pickyness is because OOo is style dependent.  Everything in OOo 
revolves around styles, and if you don't grok styles, you wont' be able 
to use OOo successfully. OTOH, once you grok styles, you'll wonder how 
you survived without them.

Even Microsoft Office has more date options that really do work.  

 Whenever I happen to write a date, I have my date changed, to the format
mm/dd/yy not only is this one of the worst, most illogical ways for a 

That happens because you:
* Selected the default locale to be English(USA)
* Did not change the default date format in your cell styles to 
something more logical.

Go into your default calc template, and change the default date format 
to the one that you want.

who use different formats everywhere, open your options to include all 
the date types windows supports.  

The last time I counted, OOo supported five different calender systems, 
and about 35 different formats for entering dates in those calender 
systems. IOW, it covers the same date formats, and calender systems as 
windows covers.

Everytime it's changed is another time 

There are two known time issues with OOo  calenders.
It does not correctly calculate the start of the day for either the 
Jewish Calender, or the traditional African (Swahili) calender.

Other than miscalculating the date of Easter, it works correctly with 
both the standard Julian Calender, and standard Gregorian Calender.
[I'd file an issue here, but it gets into theology, and the feast of the 

and its a big problem if I can't easily insert it.  And if I'm having 

Spend a couple of hours learning about styles, and how to use them.  The 
issue here is that you configured styles for one date format, and want 
to use a different date format.



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Re: [discuss] MS Office plugin?

2006-10-21 Thread Jonathon Blake

Robin wrote:

Maybe MS is trying hard to find a way to make the conversion not work as

That pretty much is what one can conclude, after reading the groklaw
article on the Microsoft plugin.


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[discuss] ally writing systems languages for Stylist

2006-09-08 Thread Jonathon Blake


The convention in Styles  Formatting is for writing systems to be a
sub-division of the languge.  EG: Turkish (Arabic), Turkish (Latin),
Turkish (Cyrrilic).

For writing systems that are used mainly/exclusivly for accessibility
reasons, there are two possible options:
a) * language (Braile)
* language (Moon)
* Languge (usual writing system
* Moon
* Braille Grade 1
* Braille Grade 1.5
* Braille Grade 2.0
* Braille Grade 2.5
* Braille Grade 3
* Nemeth Code
* Music Code

The advantage of the first option -- language (Braille) --- is that
Braille (or Moon) dictionaries can be used for each languge. The
disadvantage is that the number of languages/writing systems
automatically triples, if not more. The disadvantage of the second
option is that it requires Braille, or Moon to either be monolingual,
or no spellchecking/grammar checking be done for the second, and
subsequent languages in a document.

A third option would be to increase the number of user languages to
10, or more.


On a related note, should ASL be assigned as a languge without locale
(as Interlingua and Esperanto), or remain totally ignored?


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Re: [discuss] Issue 69041 - ruled invalid on no known grounds

2006-09-05 Thread Jonathon Blake

Joe wrote:

I wish the problem was #$!# nonexistent or invalid, I seriously considering

It ws closed as invalid since there was no report describing what
the problem/issue is.


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Re: [discuss] Idea: Email program

2006-08-29 Thread Jonathon Blake

Thomas wrote:

10 apps, which are needed in the office to write calculate and communicate aand 

I'm trying to figure out what the ten applications are:

Text Editor
Audio Editor
Music Editor
Graphics Editor
Video Editor
CAD/CAM Editor
Presentation Program
Database Program
Accounting Program
Project Mananger
Instant Messenger
Web Browser
Email client
VOIP client

Comes to fifteen, all of which are used for either internal, or
external communication.
I'm not sure if there are multi-platform FLOSS programs for all of
those functions.

I could always add specialized functions within those, for more
components.  [Document Processing, Investment Tracking, Inventory
Management, etc.]



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Re: [discuss] Page numbering

2006-05-26 Thread Jonathon Blake

Rick wrote:

Are there plans to simply page numbering, footers, and headers?

I'm not sure how they could be simplified, without turning it into
something which is non-functional for anything longer than one page.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
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Re: [discuss] software patents

2006-04-18 Thread Jonathon Blake
Odec wrote:

 How software patents might affect the development of open source applications 
 such as OpenOffice.

At their best, patents prevent innovation.
At their worst, they merely stifle competition.

One factor to bear in mind:

Every software patent that has ever been issued, hs been issued
despite it being both obvious, and based upon prior art.  That prior
art can range from being merely a year old, to being several millenia

For example, the RSA patent is based upon material in a medieval
manuscript.  I've forgotten which patent is taken from  Vinca text.

Or maybe I should just point out that the business methods of the
Akkadians are being patented today.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
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Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Email Tool

2006-04-17 Thread Jonathon Blake
Andrew wrote:

 Because it appears that a project hasn't been started.

a)  You do realize that email integration was removed from OOo, don't you?

b) You do realize that LAMP + OOo + Thunderbird + Firefox + the FLOSS
version of Outlook (which is no longer being developed, because
contrary to the claims of the people that say they will switch from
Outlook to FLOSS, when the rubber hits the rod, they people who claim
they will switch from Outlook, would rather stick with Outlook, than
change.) can _currently_  be deployed,


Ethical conduct is a vice.
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Re: [discuss] Email Tool

2006-04-17 Thread Jonathon Blake
Alexandro wrote:

 What? I didnt get that at all. Can you clear your point.

I'll rewrite that.

a) There is a FLOSS equivalent to Outlook --- with all of the
functions of outlook --- that is no longer being developed, because
people were not using it;

b) That OOo + several other currently existing tools can be deployed
_today_ that will give you more power and functionality than MSoffice
with Outlook currently has;

c) People that claim they will switch if a FLOSS equivalent exists are
saying that to be polite.  They are not sincere, because the
equivalent currently exists;  [ Other than the virri, and security
problems.  Both of those can be arranged, for those who really want

 So is a priority to distinguish the need vs the attachment to a tool.

I am saying that people/companies are attached to the tool.  The
presence or absence of the specific tool is what moves them.  IOW, 
they want an exact clone, with all of the malfunctions of the

or is it the integration they get with Exchange

A FLOSS equivalent to Exchange currently exists;

 And this db is very fast (sqlite I think).

SQLite could be Incorporated into OOo.  A new UI would be needed.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
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Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] About Writer

2006-04-15 Thread Jonathon Blake
Charles wrote:

 Good morning, I wonder if the new release of Open Office includes grammar 
 checking in

Available as an add on utility.

OR should I say Add on utilities .

There are roughly ten grammar checkers, which provide grammar checking
for roughly fifteen different languages.

However, the quality of that grammar checking range is almost able to
validate first person singular nominative present pluperfect
subjunctive active  voice.  OTOH, that is about the quality of
Microsoft's grammar checking.

Which is a round about way of saying that if you want a grammar
checker in English, you are better off using _The King's English ---
for British English, or _The elements of Style _ for American English,
The Lumko Institute Work book for IsiXhosa, and the equivalents in
other languages.


For a list of which grammar checker works for which languages, hunt
thru OOoForums.
There is a slightly different list on the OOo website.  However, the
last time I looked at it, it omitted at least five grammar checkers
for OOo  including the commercial ones.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Suggestion

2006-04-05 Thread Jonathon Blake
On 4/5/06, Sviatoslav Feshchenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 similar to Microsoft Front Page for web page creation.

Allready part of OOo, albeit with a different set of bugs, and
annoyances thn Front Page.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Loading localization strings at runtime

2006-03-23 Thread Jonathon Blake
Tony wrote:

  Is that something worth adding to a wish list for some future revision?

 If you want to swap language you need enough understanding of the current 
 language to go through the following longwinded process:

Does anybody know why the code used in OOo 1.1.3-ZA to switch
languages was not included in OOo 2.x? [Or, for that matter, the code
in Pallido Office. (?sp --- the division of Sun that made StarOffice
in Thai, and English.)

For those that did have that OOo 1.1.3-ZA, the way to change lnguges
in Windows was:
Start Program Files OOo 1.1.3 Select language
At this point a screen pops up --- In English --- and you select the
language you want.
If OOo is running, you do have to close it, for the language change to
take effect

 So I would want to go further and have 00o automatically configure the 
 interface where multiple language packs are installed.

Since that was possible --- and done ---  using OOo 1.x and 1.1.x, it
should have been possible with 2.x.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Re: OPENOFFICE CALC

2006-03-21 Thread Jonathon Blake
Liberty wrote:

 Every Calculator, Spreadsheet, Compiler, and Interperter, that I've seen 
 defines 0^0 as 1.

My Texas Instruments BAII Plus calculator says that 0 * 0 = 0.
MY PDA says 0 * 0 = 0.
My cell phone says 0 * 0 = 0.
Gnumeric says 0 * 0 = 0, and gives a page full of error messages.
Excel says 0 * 0 = 0.
QuatroPro says 0 * 0 = 0.
Lotus 123 sys 0 * 0 = 0


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Google Acquires Writerly

2006-03-17 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chad wrote:

 I marginallized his pet project of ODF

What you fail to understand is that Microsoft has lost:
i) The office suite war;
ii) The server war;
iii) The desktop war.
iv) The file format war;


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Google Acquires Writerly

2006-03-17 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chad wrote:

 What you don't seem to understand is that it's not over.

What you don't understand is that a war can be _lost_ before the first
bullet is fired.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] supporting Engineering Notation in Calc (was: Upping a Priority )

2006-03-17 Thread Jonathon Blake
Andrew wrote:

 Have that large community of users vote for it; this should raise the 
 priority. :)

I was going to show the correlation between priority and votes, but
all my vote search inquiries are coming back Your query returned no

Aargh.  All of my searches are coming back with that result.


I was going to show you the issue that at one time had the most votes,
and a developer sttement that won't fix,. works for me and this
issue affects very few, if any people.

Of course that developer is both geographically, and linguistically


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Re: [users] Re: Reveal Codes

2006-03-16 Thread Jonathon Blake
Robin wrote:

 I have tried to create styles (which was easy in WP) but I keep getting lost.

How does can one get lost doing [for OOo 1.1.x]

Format styles Catalog select style type Select style New/modify  ?

 where I go to change something into BOLD or underline and find that it 
 doesn't show up as expected.  Multiple
 attempts later I finally get it.  This has happened in WP, Word and

 This is below the level of a style but with RC,

You desperately need to take the ten hours it needs, to learn what
styles are,. and another 30+ hours to unlearn all of the junk that WP
claims are styles, but is not, and never will.  [At best, it can be
described as an imitation of the drunk looking for a quarter in the
light of the streetlamp, even thou he lost the money in the creek,
which is twenty blocks away.]


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Great idea for Open Office

2006-03-15 Thread Jonathon Blake
Benjamin wrote:

 the first to introduce a financial accounting/payroll program that would

a) Office suites and accounting packages are two different things.
b) There is a macro that lets OOo open QuickBook files. [Or at least
some QuickBook file formats.]

Why I haven't seen this concept come become a reality

What would you like to add/include that can not currently be done
using OOo SQL- and Ledger.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Will Calc Match This?

2006-03-09 Thread Jonathon Blake
Dave wrote:

 1 million rows and up to 16 000 columns

A fully populated worksheet of that size would require 96 768 GB RAM,
just to load.

 1. Assuming Calc will be able to handle M$'s perverted form of XML, will it 
 be able to handle sheets of this size?

The more pertinent question is if Excel will be able to handle a sheet
that is that big.

15 625 vertical sheets
63 horizontal sheets.

Total of  984 375 sheets.   Calc _might_ not be able to handle it.  Do
you have enough RAM?  Do you have a large enough hard drive?   Are you
using very fast chips?

These are requirements that were/are the purview of supercomputers,
before Beowulf clusters took center stage.

 2. If not, the users list will probably be flooded with posts saying in 
 Excel I can have this many ... blah, blah, blah.

That might happen.  If so, then either educate people in how to use
databases, and how to use spreadsheets, or go to Plan B.

 Does anyone here know if any development is under way to add this capacity to 

This might be an interesting problem

Write a function/plugin/macro that makes the user think that they are
using Calc, but in fact are using the dBase clone.  [Circa 1994, there
was a spreadsheet for Dos, that could have an infinite number of rows,
columns, and pages.  The limiting factor was the amount of disk space
on your system. ]

Plan B

Record: Cell
Field zero:  Cell Number
Field one: Page Number
Field two:  Column Number
Field three:  Row Number
Field four: Cell Value
field five: Cell Value Type
Field six: Cell Formula
Field seven:  Cell Links From.
Field eight: Cell Links To.

Create records as needed.  Keep an index of all fields.

Whilst slower than Excel, it provides for more pages, columns, and
rows than Excel proposes.  [And suffers from the same issue: How much
RAM, and disk space does your system have.]

Wondering if being able to advertise a spreadsheet that can handle 1
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 pages, with 1 000 000 000 000 000  000 000
rows, and 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 columns is going to win any
brownie points anywhere?


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Why no Outline support in write?

2006-03-06 Thread Jonathon Blake
Michael wrote:

 The navigator seems to need the use of standard styles, my enterprise use his 
 own styles, so we continue to use Word!

Navigator can be configured to use custom styles. [Note: It is limited
to ten styles.]



Re: [discuss] people selling OpenOffice on ebay

2006-02-20 Thread Jonathon Blake
Ray wrote:

and sell them at a reasonable price.

Quoting  Joel Rosenberg

Me, I've got a standing offer to sell copies for $1.75 million.  No
takers yet, but I only need one . . .

Quoting Chad Smith

I sold about 6 at $100 - $150 and another 4 or 5 at $30 - $60.

What I did was I put it up on eBay, and instead of starting the bidding
at $.99 or $5 like most people do who sell OOo on eBay, I started the
biddind at $29.99 and then I put a Buy it Now! option at $150 -
several sold that way.

[Chad is quoting US dollars.   Joel is quoting New Zealand dollars.]

I thought somebody had posted a message saying that they had sold OOo
for $1500, but I can't find it.  :(


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Telugu Language Support

2006-02-20 Thread Jonathon Blake
Sree wrote:

Telugu is one of the major languages,

I'm not sure what you want in the way of support.

Teluga can be selected as the default language, _if_ CTL language is enabled.
There are two IME's that can be used for Teluga input

*  Indic Transliterator
This macro was written by the BharateyaOOo Team with CDAC, Bangalore,
India.  It can be obtained from

It supports Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Gujarati,Telugu, and Malayalam.
Text is written in the Latin writing system.  It converts that to the
correct language.

* Aksharamala
Indic Language IME created by Aksharamala  LTD.
Download from
ITRAN support.

This has support for the following languages:
Assamese, Bengali, Gujurati, Gurumukhi, Hindi, Kannada,
Malayalam, Marathi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Teluga, Urdu

I _think_ I saw spell checkers for some of the Indus Valley languages,
but I don't remember which ones.  :(

I don't remember if it supports Teluga numbering.   If not, that can
be filed as an issue.  [This would be trivial to add.]

There is not a Teluga user interface yet.
For a Teluga language user interface, a l10n team will have to be
created. You'll have to talk with the Indic OOo team about that.

Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Exporting OpenOffice to IRAN

2006-02-14 Thread Jonathon Blake
YoYo wrote:

 Is OpenOffice american? or is it 'countryfree'?

It is developed and run by an American corporation. [Sun.]

 Does it really have to abide by american laws?

Only in the us.

 Is exporting OpenOffice (or other opensource software) to IRAN restricted in 
 any way?

In theory, OOo may not be distributed to, exported to, or used by
nationals of countries which are on the embargoed list.

In practice, OOo has been distributed to countries on the embargoed
list, and used by nationals of those countries. [Their contributions
to OOo have had a mixed history.]


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Re: Short list with Pro's Cons

2006-01-20 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chuck wrote:

 I think you guys may want to run some hardware diagnostics on whatever

If it happened on one or two machines, you might have a point.

But when it happens on machines at different Kinko's locations, half a
dozen of their competitors, and assorted machines at places where I
have worked, the only conclusion I can draw, is that MSO was designed
for somebody who never needs to create, or edit a document.

It doesn't matter what version of MSO I use, or where I use it,. I can
count on corruption occurring every time I hit the 10 000 word mark.


In my experience, the most reliable things about MSo are:
i) Creating document that  re corrupt;
ii) Giving me the Blue Screen of Death;

FWIW, it doesn't matter which version of Microsoft windows, or which
version of MSO I use, the results are the same.  Corrupt documents,
and the Blue Screen of Death.

 or zip software was as unreliable

Did you understand what I wrote:

About once a week for compressed files.  Usually because of
transmission glitches.

The issue is _transmission_ glitches.  Data that is garbled when it is
transmitted from one point as binary data to another point.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Re: Short list with Pro's Cons

2006-01-18 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chuck wrote:

 In all seriousness, when was the last time you experienced corruption in a 
 compressed document?

About once a week for compressed files.  Usually because of
transmission glitches.

As far as documents go, anytime I create a document with MSo, that
contains 10 000 words, I can be assured that it will be corrupt, the
next time I try to open it.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: [discuss] Re: Official request for rectification of Mr. Andrew Brown's article

2005-12-13 Thread Jonathon Blake
Jacqueleine wrote:

 Please remember that we are all *real* people on the other end of these

It would be really nice if the people responding to things filed in
Issuezilla acted the same way.  [The comments in the comma as decimal
separator issues are just one example.]


This is our sandbox and if we want to throw sand we can

Re: [discuss] Re: Official request for rectification of Mr. Andrew Brown's article

2005-12-10 Thread Jonathon Blake
Enrique wrote:

 Currently, my impression is that the only channel to OOo developers is 
 isuezilla reporting and votes.

I came to the conclusion that votes for issues don't count about two years ago.
The issue with the second or third highest number of votes had several
comments from developers to the effect that they were not going to
bother implementing this feature, because it was required by so few
people. [I don't remember which feature it was for, but it was one
which only a linguistically challenged person would not see as an


This is our sandbox and if we want to throw sand we can

Re: [discuss] Re: Re: Re: Email vital for Desktop Linux adoption, prime role available for OOo

2005-12-08 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chadf wrote:

 Care to give any evidence at all that this happened?

Personal experience.



Re: [discuss] Re: Re: Re: Email vital for Desktop Linux adoption, prime role available for OOo

2005-12-07 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chad wrote:

 This is not, however, anything close to what MS did.

What Microsoft did do, was go to second, third, and fourth tier
vendors and say: Pay us $100 for every system you sell that does
_NOT_) contain an operating system.  Pay us $200 for every system you
sell that contains the operating system of a competitor.

If a vendor failed to adhere to that, then the vendor was shut down,
and all assets went to Microsoft.

Want to explain the difference between that, and paying protection
money to the local mafioso?


This is our sandbox and if we want to throw sand we can

Re: [discuss] Google jamming open and office ?

2005-11-25 Thread Jonathon Blake
Lars wrote:

 I get the distinct feeling that its marketing or lobbying team is trying to 
 dilute or confuse the phrase open office in the same way they tried with 
 the initials RMS

For people on Gmail, take  look at the sponsored links (right hand
side of the page)  for the OOo lists. [I've got two adds offering MSO
for free, one suggesting that OOo is bloatware, and to use MSO
instead.  One for weboffice.  Related pages --- which are not paid for
--- are Microsoft press releases.)


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Re: a more complete office suite

2005-11-13 Thread Jonathon Blake
Rod wrote:

 Without an email/pim component many will do just that. It's called MSO.
 Is that what you really want?

Just what functionality does MSO + Outlook offer, that can not be
replicated by using OOo + FireFox + ThunderBird + SunBird + the
appropriate templates?

I have yet to hear a call for a Tetris component, music composition,
or audio editing, for instance.

I've seen requests for all three of those on various OOo lists.
Somebody did write a macro to play Tetris within OOo.  [Now wondering
what would happen if somebody were to toss the python audio editing
modules into OOo source code.]

 A good case could be made that open-source development is the most unfocused,

Since there is no centralized location of closed source projects, you
don't see all the junk that they don't produce.

so *suggesting* that OOo should somehow integrate an
email/calendar/pim, preferably by cooperating with the Mozilla
project, is actually quite conservative.

Probably the simplest in the short/medium term.


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Re: a more complete office suite

2005-11-12 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chad wrote:

(5) OOo can already do it if you write this macro, hack this code,
download this patch, compile  this completely unrelated program, build
this bridge in Perl, and it only works on Linux -- plus it's not gonna
work exactly like you think it should.. (NOTE: #5 is an exaggeration
to prove a point,

That is _not_ an exaggeration, if you want to edit PDFs in OOo.

Kinda like what happened with Base.

The argument against Base was slightly different.  For starters, OOo
1.x included a dBase clone, and had (some) hooks for SQL
interactivity.  The big issue was which SQL database implementation
was going to be Incorporated into OOo.


_If_ the hooks for an email client are included in OOo, then the questions are:
i) Can a bridge to an existing email client be written?
ii) is it better to compile an existing email client into OOo?

However, if what people mean by outlook is _not_ an email client,
but a calendar function, or a PIM, then solution is much different: 
To wit:
i)  Find/replace/update the dBase templates, and document how to use them.
ii) Document how to read/write/edit data in _thisPIM_ using OOo. 
[Where thisPIM is a PIM.  Write one document for every known PIM.]
iii) Document how to read/write/edit data in _thisCalenderFunction_
using OOo.  [Where ThisCalenderFunction is a Calendar.  Write one
document for every known Calendar.]


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] a more complete office suite

2005-11-09 Thread Jonathon Blake
Rigel wrote:

  An office suite typicaly includes e-mail, an address book, and schedule, as 
 well as a project management application, which hasn't been mentioned.

The only one of those items that can not be done within OOo 1.0.3 is email.

Unfortuntly, the templates for project mangement and scheduling for
OOo seem to have disappeared.  :(


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Re: a more complete office suite

2005-11-08 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chad wrote:

Google has, from the beginning, stated their goal is to Don't be
evil. And to this point, they aren't.

When you have a chance, start apply Forensic Lingusitic Analysis to
Google's statements.
Doing so will make it patently obvious that they re doing some
nefarious things.

Providing links into Thunderbird would be different than, say,
providing links into AOL's email.

You are right here.

 [I'm not sure that's a real place, but you get my point.]

It used to be.

 The It takes away choice argument is pretty old with me.

Depending upon how an email is incorproted into OOo, it may, or may
not limit choice.
With the way Base is integrated, one can still use MySQL SQLite, etc.

 Adding hooks into Thunderbird (which, to me, seems to be the easiest route) 
 or creating an ODF based OOo email client with calendaring and address book, 
 would only enhance, and not detract from it.

It probably is better to configure Thunderbird/SunBird to read/write
ODF than create a new OOo mail client.   [Especially if the email
hooks are allredy prt of the OOo base code.]


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] a more complete office suite

2005-11-07 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chad wrote:

 Why? - WHY?
 Because it makes *SENSE* to, that's why.

It makes absolutely no sense to include an email client in an office suite.

spell-checker should draw from the same list of words.

That is what elm is for.

 It makes sense that since email is mostly words, and text documents are 
 mostly words, the interface should be similiar, if not identical.

But email and docuemtns are two completly different crittters. They
might have words in common, but that is _all_ they have in common.

It makes much more sense for OOo to be functionally equivalent to a
Dekstop Publishing Program, than to be functinally equivalent to an
email client.

contact information (Names, emails, addresses, phone numbers,
birthdays, relationships,

Those datapoints belong in a databse.   How many email client can
reaed a _true_ database --- something thaty can be created and edited
using SQL?

 For these, and I am sure dozens of other reasons,

How many email clients can read MySQL, Oracle, FireBird, SQLite or
similar databases?

 it makes sense to have an email client as a part of your office suite, 
 whether that suite is

How can it make sense to include something, which is incapable of
using the tools it _needs_ to perform its function?


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] thanks, quick question

2005-10-29 Thread Jonathon Blake
Timothy wrote:

whether or not this is completely legal.

It is legal to use.
You can also sell, or give away as many copies as you want to.


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Request to unsusbscribe (or at least ignore) Chad

2005-10-29 Thread Jonathon Blake
Marco wrote:

 objective data, with a determination that can only be explained by:
  1) serious mental disability, or
  2) deliberate trolling

3) He still hopes to become a stand up comic.


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] japanese input

2005-10-28 Thread Jonathon Blake
Pble wrote:

 1) I believe it would be relatively simple to add a function that 
 automatically fills in the

This is one of those functions that is much more difficult than it looks.

 2) Japanese companies often use a single or a few kanji..ncased in a circle,

Use Draw to create the appropriate graphic.  Toss the graphic into
your OOoClipArt Gallery, for future use.

 3) have writer integrated with an online open source English-Japanese 
 Japanese-English diction nay such as that of Jim Breen's of Monash University.

That is merely grunt work.
Option # 1: Convert the source data into OOoVocabulary format.
Option # 2:  Write a new translation macro;

 4)Add japanese to supported languages using complex text layout

You can currently create Japanese documents with the writing direction
either vertical, or horizontal.  [Both L2R  R2L.]


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Re: Mixed language text spellchecking question

2005-10-28 Thread Jonathon Blake
Cono wrote:

 No, you just need ONE extra style for each extra language. Read my previous 

What you recommend in that message works only if the document hs _one_
pragraph style.   The moment you need two or more paragraph styles,
that hve multi-lingual text in them, you need a chrcter style for each
language. [Not to mention paragraph, numbering and maybe even page
styles that are language specific.]

chnge color for on the screen, if you like.

That is a good arguement in fvor of using styles.  But it has
virtually zero applicability on the practical world.


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Re: Mixed language text spellchecking question

2005-10-28 Thread Jonathon Blake
Shoshannah wrote:

should be able to handle mixed language documents transparently,

Set the default Western language to English, and default CTL language
to Hebrew. I don't remember if different fonts re required. [I use
different fonts, purely becuase I think that David looks better than
Lucida Sans Unicode for Hebrew.]

That _usually_ automtically switches languages for me.


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Re: Mixed language text spellchecking question

2005-10-28 Thread Jonathon Blake
Nicolas wrote:

 - and I may be wrong there, but can you apply multiple character styles to 
 the same word

Each character in a word can have a different character style.  A
character may only have one character style and one paragraph style,

 Separating language from styles would permit :
 - syncing the language with input method (what this user asked)

 - displaying the current language so users can actually know what

I had a macro that did that.[I don't remember if it just showed the
western language, or if it showed the CTL OR CKJ language if either of
the latter was being used.]

 - and a lot of other cool language-management enhancements
 (language-specific word count, highlighting of a specific language when you 
 want a native speaker to check these parts, etc), which are not possible 
 right now when language is hidden in styles

Those are currently doable, if somebody spends the time writing the
appropriate macros.

If you don't create a very simple style that only specifies language,
there is bound to be bad juju interaction with formatting.

Create a parallel style for every language.  This ends up with a
number of styles, but it keeps the formatting straight.  [Just don't
save your document in RTF.]

Also if you go through styles that means users will have to set up what
style to apply with what input every time they change documents

That is what templates are for.
Or just add all 10 000 styles you have created to your default template.

 Nicolas wrote:
 From a pure UI POW what most users expect is a dropdown control with a 
 language list in the toolbar (like for styles, but strictly limited to 
 language), and a key accel to quickly switch between the languages

Andrew Brown wrote:

 This could surely be cludged around with an addin.

Your proposed kludge is fairly simple:
i) Duplicate the current cell/paragraph/character style.
ii) Change the language to the new language;
iii) Save new character style.

and iv) Hope that the user remembers that they have already created a
character style with the language that they want to use.  [If they
don't their style sheet will be littered with styles that they created
as one shot uses.  Search/Replace can't search for character styles,
to clean that mess up.]

Nicolas wrote:

 but I don't feel we are making any sense to the styling camp.

Essentially, the choices are:
i) Include language as a style attribute;
ii) Include style as a language attribute;

Both approaches have their good points, and their bad points.


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Multiple character styles (was: Re: Mixed language text spellchecking question)

2005-10-28 Thread Jonathon Blake
Giuseppe wrote:

  you can't have multiple character styles for the same text

 Is this really?

Depends upon what is meant by can't have multiple character styles in
the same text.

I've written documents where I liberally tossed Greek, Hebrew, Latin,
Chinese, and Afrikaans together into the same sentence.   I've also
had each letter in a word in a different color by using  different
character style for each letter.

Now if you want pink Russian, followed by a purple Russian chracter,
you can do that, but have to create a pink Russian character style and
a purple Russian character style.

 Coming from WordPerfect,

WordPerfect is based on text streaming, so style effects can be
cumulative.  OOo is based on objects, so style effects are not


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Re: 2.0 - How to install multiple UI-Languages?

2005-10-28 Thread Jonathon Blake
GRS wrote:

 With 2.0 you can install language packs for those languages you need. This 
 assumes that they exist, of cource.

They don't appear to exist for windows.

Please check the various native language pages to see what they have.

And that ignores the l10n projects that do not hve native lnguage
pages on


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Re: Re: Re: re: Massachussetts registered voters

2005-10-28 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chad wrote:

What he said was a functional sentence, but it just didn't make sense
in context.

What he wrote makes perfect sense. What it means is not congruent with
what he thought it meant.

doesn't mean I should try to translate his English emails into English!

I realize that you lack the ability to translate English into English.
 But that is a fairly easy skill to acquire --- but only if the
individual who desires to acquire that skill spends time in libraries
--- a function that you have admitted you have no intention of ever


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Re: Re: Re: re: Massachussetts registered voters

2005-10-28 Thread Jonathon Blake
Daniel wrote:

Jonathon and I inmediately realized that there was an error

I didn't realize that what he wrote was not what he meant, until he rewrote it.

Though it did cross my mind to wonder why anybody would mention
psychosocial dynamics and applied philosophy to Chad, when he has
demonstrated a marked inability to grasp rudimentary logic.


Does your Office Suite conform to ISO Standards?

Re: [discuss] Re: re: Massachussetts registered voters

2005-10-27 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chad wrote:

I never had a single problem other than fonts transfer files from one to

The only time I successfully transfer documents between MSOffice97,
MSOffice2K and MSOfficeXP, is when I rewrite the entire 500 page
document either from scratch, or transcribing the printout.

In every case MSOffice has failed to correctly read the file that was
created using a different version of MSOffice. Font issues were the
least of them.  Entire markup formating gets demolished in the switch.


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Re: [discuss] Re: re: Massachussetts registered voters

2005-10-27 Thread Jonathon Blake
Nicols wrote:

 Home users like Chad do not realise the budgets corporations are ready to 
 extend on standardisation, because even if the sums are pharaonic

At times I think Chad does mortgage closings, where the idea of
uniform file formats is an alien, and strange thing.


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Re: [discuss] Feature in Lotus WordPro

2005-10-21 Thread Jonathon Blake
Mark wrote:

in essence, an underline function that is only as long as the text.

Sounds like you want:CTRLF12 Paragraph styles Underlining
Then check the check box Individual Words.


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Re: [discuss] Google - no thanks

2005-10-13 Thread Jonathon Blake
Laurent wrote:

 i already did it using OOoWikipedia
 Well it is not Google completeness,

It wouldn't take much to changer the OOoWikipedia macro to a G-OOogle macro.
IIRC, all it requires is a simple change of the URL that is called.

Off topic question:  Are there _any_ search engines that provide
_relevent_ results within the first 30 pages of a search?  [The way
Google did, circa 1998]

Chad wrote:

You conspiracy theory nutjobs need to get a life - seriously.

Google supplies surveillance data to a number of illegitimate regimes,
who perpetuate rape, pillage, and death on the inhabitants of the
territory who oppose those regimes.


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Re: [discuss] Google - no thanks

2005-10-13 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chad wrote:

Google does not do those things.

That is very wishful thinking on your part.


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Re: [discuss] Google - no thanks

2005-10-13 Thread Jonathon Blake
Justin wrote:

 How about a button for integration with Wikipedia's sister project a dictionary wiki which seems a natural fit

Once upon a time, a wikionary macro for OOo was available.

However, I couldn't find it when I went hunting for  it two or so
months ago, and a request on one of the OOo lists failed to provide
any leads as to where in cyberspace it was hidden.


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Re: [discuss] Office 12 interview

2005-10-04 Thread Jonathon Blake
Daniel wrote:

 Incidentally, he doesn't really enter into a lot of detail about why it 
 whould be so difficult. He just says it's very difficult.

It is difficult for microsoft, becuase they would have to implement it
correctly.  And that means that they have to fix all of the bugs that
cause documents created in MSO 2003 to be incompatible with MSO 2003.


Another quote from the rticle:

#It used to be that the format was something that you changed every
single release and nobody thought about it. Now, what people are
saying is, We don't mind change, we like change, but we want it to
have very specific value propositions.

I do not know _any_ business that likes to change their file formats,
simply because the software programmer made a whimsical decision to
change file formats.


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Re: [discuss] English GUI (not American)

2005-09-30 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chris wrote:

 There does not appear to be a English English version of OO,

Look for the English (UK) version.
I have  both OOo 1.1.4 English (UK) and OOo 1.9.130 English (UK)
installed on my system.   [What I'd really like is English (ZA)]

 it would be a major 'selling' point for OO (as it is for Linux) if it had a 
 proper English interface. (It is a major issue educationally.) I

At least one Linux distribution also comes in an English (UK) flavour.
 [Now wondering why,za doesn't provide an English (ZA)
flavour of Linux, or OOo.]

 would be willing to 'translate' a list of American words if it were a simple 

Pootle makes it fairly easy to do the translations.  The downside is
that you either need a good Internet connection, or have it installed
locally on  high powered system.  [Minimum RAM requirements: 1 GB. 
Minimum hard disk requirements:  5 GB.  Athalon (or better) Chip rated
at 2.5+GHrz. (Celeron chips are totally inadequate for the job.)


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Re: [discuss] Re: Beyond 2.0

2005-09-21 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chad wrote:

 To stay current (read *AHEAD* of Microsoft) we need a functional, working, 
 easy-to-use, standards-compliant, WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Upgraading the HTML output to HTML 4.01 + CSS 1.0 would be a good start.

 But we could get rid of the useless ones like ` and ~ .

The tilde is significant for modem connections, and some websites on a
LAMP platform.

 soon (and it's already started happening) you'll be able to make up your own 
 keyboard layout.

On Linux, that ability hs been around since around 1990.  I don't
remember when that ability first became available on Windows.

If you are refering to programable keyboards with 128 keys, those have
been available for at least a decade.


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Re: [discuss] Grammar Checker missing

2005-09-20 Thread Jonathon Blake
On 9/16/05, Mr susserj  wrote:

 Without a grammar checker similar to WordPerfect or Word it is not useful to 

Is there any reason why you haven't installed a grammar checker for
OOo, since you think one is needed?


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Re: [discuss] Office Writer

2005-09-19 Thread Jonathon Blake
On 9/19/05, Sweet Coffee  wrote:

 Are there any add-ons available that will do grammer checking in OOo.

Grammar Checking

The end user must download and install the grammar checker.

An Gramadóir
An Gramadóir is a Perl based grammar checker.  More information is
obtainable from

CoGrOO  is being rewritten in Python.  The prior version worked, but
could not be integrated into the OOo API.  This is still pre-alpha. 
More information can be obtained from

Cymraeg is a commercial grammar checker for Welsh. A demo of it can be
obtained from

Language Tool
Language Tool is a Java based grammar checker. More information is
obtainable from and

I'm missing at least one grammar checker for OOo.   
[I'll list it in the updated version of _OOo in a Multi-Lingual
Environment_, which I hope to put by the end of the month.]


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Re: [discuss] selling open office

2005-09-11 Thread Jonathon Blake
On 9/10/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 Why is this ok? 

The LPGL does not prohibit commercial distribution.
Which means tht anybody who desires to, can sell OOo, at whtever price
s/he obtain for it.


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Re: [discuss] grammar

2005-09-11 Thread Jonathon Blake
CP Hennessy wrote:

  open the same document as OOo 1.9.128.
 Well I hope that you've open a bug report with a sample document.

I haven't had the time to create a non-proprietary document that has
the same characteristics.

I'll probably run into doing a rewrite of _OOo in Multi-Lingual Environment_.


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Re: [discuss] Office Writer

2005-09-11 Thread Jonathon Blake
Amy wrote:

it does not recognize numerals in the spell check. 

User configurable option.

It also does not detect repeated words, punctuation marks 

The grammar checker usually picks that up.

or extra spaces.

User configurable option.

 Also, there is not a grammar checker or at least there is not in the English 

You have to add that yourself.

 It may be a good place to start for developing a grammar check.

I'm not sure what the advantage of having five different grammar
checkers for OOo is.


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Re: [discuss] grammar

2005-09-10 Thread Jonathon Blake
On 9/10/05, CPHennessy  wrote:

 You should find that OOo2.0 will be much faster. You can now download and 
 test a beta of version 2 from

With the doucments I work with, OOo 1.1.5 takes about an hour less to
open the same document as OOo 1.9.128.

I'm still trying to figure out in wht respect OOo 2Beta is faster than
OOo 1.1.x.


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Re: [discuss] Text Direction Suggestions Questions

2005-09-10 Thread Jonathon Blake
Ranger Lacy wrote:

 make ANY text or language or font bi-directional. 

OOo 1.1.3
Use _Draw_ with FontWorks as your text editor.

 Boustrophedon capabilities. 

The current workaround is to setup a L2R and R2L styles.  At the end
of each line, hit enter, and it _should_ wrap correctly. 
Adding/deleting/editing text on a line is a major PITA.

Note:  This does not work, if you use Rongo-Rongo, or languages with
the same boustrophedon qualities.

 I desire to help put this language into the environment.

Last time I checked there were 10 000+ conlangs, of which, maybe ten,
were spoken by more than a hundred people.


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Re: [discuss] Online usage?

2005-09-06 Thread Jonathon Blake
Daniel wrote:

 unusual. OpenOffice takes up 268 MB on my system.

My OOo 1.1.5 English (UK) directory:  164 MB / 2 181 Files / 133 Folders
My OOo 1.1.4 English(UK) directory:  333 MB / 2 316 Files / 128 Folders
My OOo 1.1.3-ZA directory: 453 MB / 4 395 Files / 258 Folders
My OOo 1.9.125 English(US) directory:  355 MB / 3 277 Files / 323 Folders

In theory, they all contain the same dictionaries, and other customizations.

I _think_ it my OOo 1.1.2 (Japanese) directory, which after I added my
normal customizations, was 600+ MB in size.


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Re: [discuss] Open Office Question

2005-08-25 Thread Jonathon Blake
James wrote:

 1.  Will Open Office save a .pdf file and/or does it work in conjunction

Saves/creates a PDF on your own.  No need for acrobat.   

 called Solver that allows and creates various fitting parameters.

Data Dataplot is the function I think youa re looking for.


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Re: [discuss] Re: To Close for Comfort?

2005-08-16 Thread Jonathon Blake
Bruce wrote:

 If you're going to use autocomplete successfully, you have to train it.

The only way to train it, is to turn it off.


For a couple of examples where autocomplete wants to use the wrong word.


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Re: [discuss] Re: Peter, and other volunteers, please stop duplicate messages, was: Greetings

2005-07-24 Thread Jonathon Blake
Mrco wrote:

 Yes. I am seriously proposing to look, or at least put a request on the web 
 pages, for somebody who can do it.

 I suggested something based on subject and sender, so it would work in
 i), iv), v) and vi).

You conveniently ignored the critical thing in my message.

Post the procmail recipe that you think does what you claim can be done.

 I have also already answered about how the subject-less messages should be 
 treated. It's much easier: just discard all of them,

Ah, so you go for the let us prove that we are a big faceless
corporation who does not care about you, because we have more money in
the bank the the gross national product of the country you live in

At some point you have to be realistic about how meaningful some
effort is and draw the line.

High touch solutions are not easy high tech solutions.

The _correct_ way to win hearts and minds, is to use High Touch methods.

 In other words, there are humans who check all messages from
 unsubscribed addresses to block spam?

 But a lot of spam comes without subject, just like a lot of real questions 
 from unsubscribed users.

a)  Less than 1% of the spam I get t this account has no subject line.
I'm guessing that more than 1% of the messages on the various OOo
lists I am subscribed to have no subject line.

b) I suspect that a Bayes f(?sp) filter could detect/eliminate more
spam than relying on the lack of a subject line.

So, what do the moderators do?

I am not a moderator on any OOo list.  
I have run mailing lists in the past, and currently moderate a couple
on yahoogroups.

I don't have to open and read the messages on the lists I currently
moderate, or used to run, to know if they were spam or not.  [When I
open them, my only question is how much editing I will have to do.]

 So, summing up, probably procmail *could* work even with (some)

Could is not the same as does.

So post those procmail recipes.  I, for one, am waiting to see your
alleged solution.


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Re: [discuss] Re: Peter, and other volunteers, please stop duplicate messages, was: Greetings

2005-07-24 Thread Jonathon Blake
Marco wrote:

  You conveniently ignored the critical thing in my message.
 which would be, if I may ask?

The procmail recipes.

Without them, your entire thesis is invalid.

With them, it probably is still invalid.


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Re: [discuss] Eurasian Native-Lang Groupe

2005-07-21 Thread Jonathon Blake
Peter wrote:

 There is no such thing as Eurasian Language Group. It does not exist.

a)  Would Variant Cyrillic writing systems group be meaningful to
anybody but grammatologists?   It is slightly more accurate, since all
of the language groups that are currently part of that project, do, or
did at one point in time, use the Cyrillic writing system, or a
variant thereof.

b) All language group creations are artificial. 


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Re: [discuss] Text Color Changing in Writer

2005-07-16 Thread Jonathon Blake
Zachery wrote:

 However, I have been unable to make the modified template (i.e. _textRed) 
 reappear in the Stylist character menu after saving the template,

File Templates Save
File Templates Organize  Find the file you just saved, then select
it to be the default template.


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Re: [discuss] 1.15rc v 2 beta

2005-07-14 Thread Jonathon Blake
Andrew wrote:

 why is it still being developed with 2 so near completion?

a) It is a bug fix of 1.1.4.
b) It looks like the 2.0 beta has been knocked back another month or two;
c) 1.1.5 was originally scheduled for release in April, or May. [It
was also going to be simultaneous with, or after the 2.0 release.]


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Re: [discuss] Re: Why I had to switch back to MS Word

2005-07-07 Thread Jonathon Blake
Bruce wrote: 1.1 gives you everything you'd expect in office software.

So what do you expect in an Office Suite:

i) Database functionality;
ii) Spreadsheet functionality;;
iii) Word Processing functionality;
iv) Graphics functionality;
v) Contact Management functionality;
vi) Project Management functionality.
vii) Presentation creation/editing;

Some have also argued for inclusion of the following:

viii) Email read/write/send
ix) Accounting functionality;
x) Scheduling functionality

Look at MSOffice Small Business Edition:
i) Database: Neither included, nor kludges available.  Must buy and
install Access or other database program;
ii) Spreadsheet:  included;
iii) Word Processing: Included;
iv) Graphics functionality: Included
v) Contact management: Requires Outlook to be installed. 
vi) Project management:  Neither included, nor kludges available. 
Must buy and install Project Manager or other software
vii) Presentation:  Neither included, nor kludges available.  Must buy
and install Presentation Manager or other software.
viii) Email: Requires installation of Outlook.
ix) Accounting:  Neither included, nor kludges available.  Requires
installation of Money, or other accounting program.
x) Scheduling: Neither included, nor kludges available. 

Can somebody explain why MSoffice Small Business Edition qualifies as
an office suite, since it leaves out so many things that an office
suite is expected to have.

OOo 1.1.x

i) Database functionality;  Included
ii) Spreadsheet functionality;; Included
iii) Word Processing functionality;  Included
iv) Graphics functionality;  Included
v) Contact Management functionality;  Template used to be available. 
Recommendation is to use SunBird.
vi) Project Management functionality. Template used to be available. 
Recommendation is to use another program for project management.
vii) Presentation creation/editing; Included
viii) Email read/write/send.   Neither included, nor kludges
available.Install Thunderbird
ix) Accounting functionality; Templates are available. Recommendation
is to use SQL Ledger.
x) Scheduling: Templates used to be available. Recommendation to use
project management software.

Of those, the only one that OOo can not do is email. Three other
programs are recommended, instead of using OOo.

OOo 2.0 is in the same situation as OOo 1.1.x.

 If you're used to using other office suites - such as Microsoft Office - 
 you'll be completely at home with 1.1.

This refers to ease of use.  If one knows how to use one office suite,
one can easilly learn to use another office suite --- in this instance

 could be taken as a statement that OOo is a clone of MSO.  

Following that logic, MSoffice is a clone of GeoWorks, and Lotus
SmartSuite is a clone of AppleWorks.

we don't have all the features and we're not thinking of implement them

You are confusing functionality with specific features.

 it's bug for bug compatible*, it's not going to be a wholly viable product.

In taht case MSOffice doesn't fit your needs either.

Or did you not know that different versions of MSOfficeXP  have different bugs?
[The same thing is also true of MSoffice97, MSOffice, and MSOffice98.]


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Re: [discuss] Re: translation option on OpenOffice 2.0

2005-07-07 Thread Jonathon Blake
Lisa wrote:
 purchased the software and I have a paper that was written for grad

Email it to me,.

Do you just want the text in an emai, or a PDF?


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Re: [discuss] Re: Re: Thinking OOo - Work efficient with text

2005-07-05 Thread Jonathon Blake
Robin wrote:

 reveal codes is much more useful. 

a)  There is a reveal codes macro for the Write and Calc components of
OOo 1.1.x.
I haven't tested to see if they also work with the beta version of OOo 2.0.

b) It is not as useful for OOo as for WP, because of fundamental
differences in how styles are defined, and used.


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Re: [discuss] translation option on OpenOffice 2.0

2005-07-04 Thread Jonathon Blake
Steph wrote:

 the ability to convert or translate document from one Language to Another . 

i) Which of the translation addons did you install?
ii) Which of the glossaries for that translation addon did you install?

I have to go too the web.

That sounds like you installed a CAT, instead of a MAT.

Did you want a  CAT or a MAT?

 make the translation feature better.

If you have suggestions,  the author of the tools that you installed
would like to know what they are.  AFAIK, _none_ of them subscribe to
either of the lists that you sent this message to.


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Re: [discuss] Lingua Latina

2005-06-20 Thread Jonathon Blake
Graham wrote:

 Cool, perhaps you could explain how, for Stardocks benefit.

The OP didn't give their operating system.
Without that, odds are that the instructions I write won't apply.


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Re: [discuss] Lingua Latina

2005-06-19 Thread Jonathon Blake
Stardock wrote:

create an easier way to put macrons over vowels?

Easier than what?

I can type them directly from my keyboard.


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Re: [discuss] Open Office Binder

2005-06-13 Thread Jonathon Blake
Craig wrote:

 One of the most powerful features of Microsoft Office was the Binder.

I never saw the point of Binder , and apparently many people don't,
since Microsoft dropped support of it a couple of versions ago.

 This allowed multiple documents to be stored in a single container for easy 
 swapping, storage and organization. 

a) put all of the documents in the same folder;
b) zipping the folder up;
c) Exchanging that zip archive

 With one application open on my task bar, I had quick access to dozens of 

Do you want all of those documents:
a) Open at the same time?
b) Just listed in the history button?
or Something else?


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Re: [discuss] Tedious?

2005-06-13 Thread Jonathon Blake
Marq wrote:

  I just started using Open Office two weeks ago, but since it hasn't got 
 Dutch spelling I had to reassign these files to Word.

a) Install the Dutch dictionary. [Use DictOOo for 1.1.x.  For 1.9.x,
it is a selection off of Files.

b) Change, or create language specific styles [ paragraph, numbering,
character, and maybe page. ]


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Re: [discuss] Grammar Checker

2005-06-11 Thread Jonathon Blake
Bill wrote:

 Is there a grammar checker that will work with OO? 

Four of them:
One considers itself to be alpha/pre-alpha;
One considers itself to be beta;
One considers itself to be commercially viable;
One considers itself to be pre-alpha
One considers that calling it pre-alpha gives it a degree of stability
that it lacks;

 Is there a plan for it to be in future versions?

What language --- some languages currently have grammar checkers in
alpha, or beta, that are better than microsoft's.


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Re: [discuss] Odd...

2005-06-11 Thread Jonathon Blake
Daniel wrote:

 What's g17n? 

Proof that I can't spell four letter words.

It should be G11N -- Globalization.

what's v17n?

v11n : Versification


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Re: [discuss] Re: HBS WK: Who will win Microsoft or Linux?

2005-06-09 Thread Jonathon Blake
Wesley wrote:

 And BIND is a niche product? 

Ever tried to buy BIND, or equivalant at Frye's?


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Re: [discuss] Re: HBS WK: Who will win Microsoft or Linux?

2005-06-08 Thread Jonathon Blake
Chuck wrote:

 My point is that OSS will never be more than a small niche compared to 
 commercial software.

It is such a small niche that microsoft has announced that they have
lost, and will continue to lose market share in the desktop, and
office suite, due to FLOSS products.

free = piece of crap, expensive equals great software with great support.

Perceptions rule.
Microsoft has admitted that without FUD, they will lose market share
faster than they have been.

 OSS has been available for years to fill many needs and yet it never garners 
 more than 1-2% of the market.

Market share measurements of FLOSS have never been reliable.

I haven't looked at any market share data recently, but the last time
I did, Linux  BSD were the OS of choice for servers. Linux had a 20%
market share on desktops.  OOo had a 10% market share in office
suites.  Firefox/Thunderbird/Mozilla had between a 5% and 10% market

You would do well to remember what the most popular and most used
browser, and email client at One Microsoft Way is.

They are all superior to their commercial counterparts but are no
where near replacing them in the market.

a)  FLOSS is barely past the stage of being just good enough.

EG:  Calc is nowhere near the equal of Excel, for heavy number
crunchers.  [The people who spend $1K+ for a spreadsheet template.]

For most people, OOo is just good enough.

b) FLOSS suffers from a distinct lack of good, effective marketing.

Firefox is better than MIE, but it (Firefox) suffers from an extreme
lack of marketing to Joe Sixpack.


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Re: [discuss] Spreadsheet feature

2005-06-06 Thread Jonathon Blake
Jan wrote:

the lack of an ability to select a range of cells to be used for
error bars when graphing results.

Can you provide a more comprehensive explanation of what you want?
And maybe put up a webpge that shows a couple of examples of it.


A Fork requires: 
   Seven systems with:
   1+ GHz Processors
   2+ GB RAM
   0.25 TB Hard drive space

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