Re: [discuss] Re: Klingon for is now abandoned

2005-04-30 Thread Joseph Roth
At 01:05 AM 4/30/2005, you wrote:
Peter Kupfer OOo wrote:
Daniel Carrera wrote:
Christian Einfeldt wrote:
That depends on what century you are in.  In later centuries, the 
Klingons were part of the federation.

What???  Are you sure? In which century was that? Certainly not in the 
TNG series.
Weren't they. Isn't that why Word was on the ship. Relations were still a 
little tenuous, but they were part of it. The romulan though, they were not.
Ok. Time to settle this, as OT as it is (what the hell, it's the weekend).
At one point the Klingon Empire had an outpost on a world called Khitomer. 
It was attacked by the Romulans and almost everyone was killed except for 
a young Klingon boy. The boy was rescued by an Earth (Federation) starship 
and the Romulans were driven off. The boy, whose name was Worf, was taken 
back to Earth and raised by a Russian couple. When he grew up, he joined 
Starfleet and at the time of TNG was the only Klingon in Starfleet.

Meanwhile, as a result of the Federation ship assisting the colony on 
Khitomer, the Federation and the Empire entered diplomatic relations which 
resulted in a peace treaty called, appropriately enough, the Khitomer accords.
Forgive me for stretching this a bit but, an important incident happened 
prior to that when the Enterprise C (predecessor to the TNG Enterprise D) 
went to the defence of a Klingon outpost Narendra III, the Enterprise was 
destroyed while fighting against three Romulan warbirds. This act of 
bravery in battle was what eventually helped bring peace between the two 
races or at least averted the war. See Yesterday's Enterprise.

(I'll go back to lurking again)
So during the era of TNG (and DS9) the Federation and Klingon Empire were 
on good diplomatic terms and often had common enemies, particularly the 
Romulans, whom the Klingons despise, and in DS9, the Dominion, who 
attacked from the other side of the Bajoran wormhole from the Gamma quadrant...

Christ, I know *way* too much about this stuff.
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Re: [discuss] Another MS XML patent

2005-05-30 Thread Joseph Roth
What a joke the patent office is. I think I'll try for a patent that 
covers when some object strikes another object causing signals to be 
sent down a wire that produces an object on a screen.

Ha! then I'll own the keyboard! Pay up suckers!!

Graham Lauder wrote:

Approved!  Unbelievable!,39024650,39190121,00.htm


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Re: [discuss] Another MS XML patent

2005-05-30 Thread Joseph Roth

I wonder if it cost money to apply for patents?

What's frustrating is I've look at a couple of articles regarding this 
and the general stance of the patent office is let the courts decide. 
Total B.S. its their job to review the patents for clear innovation, not 
to hand them out for ever 'different' idea that comes out. What a bunch 
of morons.


Eric Hines wrote:

If you generalize this just a bit--and it would still most likely 
remain within the required specificity of patent offices--to simply 
have a triggering event to cause the signal... and don't mandate a 
wire, then you'll own TVs, telephones, cell telephones, kids' 
can-and-string toys, etc.  You'll be in Fat City

Eric Hines

At 05/30/05 09:59, you wrote:

What a joke the patent office is. I think I'll try for a patent that 
covers when some object strikes another object causing signals to be 
sent down a wire that produces an object on a screen.

Ha! then I'll own the keyboard! Pay up suckers!!

Graham Lauder wrote:

Approved!  Unbelievable!,39024650,39190121,00.htm


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Government programs provide enough to keep you alive, but they don't 
offer any hope of living your dreams.


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Re: [discuss] Ten Things That Still "Bug" Me About OpenOffice

2005-05-31 Thread Joseph Roth

Peter Reaper wrote:

Some things that still "bug" me about OpenOffice:

1. The page ZOOM toolbar button needs to be a dropdown selection, 
instead of the more cumbersome separate dialog window.

Some things are different but to zoom quickly I just hold the control 
key down and scroll the mouse button.

2. The document page should be CENTERED on the screen instead of on 
the left edge, which is visually "unbalanced".

I have this problem when I'm on my laptop and the screen is more 
'letterbox' then a regular monitor. That would be nice.

3. It is too cumbersome to add toolbar buttons that are not in the 
standard set. The user should be able to just select a category on the 
left (which BTW should mirror the MENU items) and then on the right 
have a list of ALL functions in that category which he can drag to the 

This would be personal preference, I'm comfortable with what it does.

4. Need shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+V = paste without formatting.

Submit a feature request for this one, seems like a good idea.

5. Context menus in tables should offer many (all) table-specific 
operations. This could be fine-tuned to adjust to how the table is 
selected (cell, row,...)

That could be a big list, maybe too cumbersome.

6. Double click should select a sentence; tripple click should select 
a paragraph. (it might already do this)

I've always been used to double click for a word with extra click for 
sentence. How do you select a single word then?

7. Context menus need to be much more powerful (more items) and 

I'm wondering how difficult it would be to make them customizable in a 
way similar to the toolbars. That way you can satisfy everyone, those 
that don't need everything there and those that do.

8. Draw doesn't offer a sensible default line color/width and form 
fill color; and worse, it doesn't remember what I had previously 
selected (goes back to idiotic defaults).

9. Writer's UI needs to be MUCH more like WordPerfect's UI (context 
menus, paste-without-formatting, tables handling, tabs handling, 
indenting paragraph AFTER some text (F7), ...)

Sorry that's a matter of preference as well, I've never used WP.

10. The installer should NOT install the pre-loader by default. That 
is just invasive, rude, and shows that the programmer couldn't 
properly optimize the program. What if EVERY program did that? Our 
PC's would come to a crawl from the load.

Lots of programs do that including Office. Sheesh, I just installed 
software for my new HP printer. Almost 800 MB of crap and it has a quick 

There's more, but you can see that all this hype about OOo being 
nearly as good as Word or even WordPerfect is just that: hype and 
wishful thinking.

OOo 2.0 beta is a HUGE improvement over OOo 1.1.x :-)

Everyone has different ways of doing things, getting it right enough to 
please everyone is impossible. I think they've done an outstanding job 
on a very difficult task.


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Re: [discuss] Re: Ten Things That Still "Bug" Me About OpenOffice

2005-05-31 Thread Joseph Roth

Peter Reaper wrote:

3. It is too cumbersome to add toolbar buttons that are not in the 
standard set. The user should be able to just select a category on 
the left (which BTW should mirror the MENU items) and then on the 
right have a list of ALL functions in that category which he can 
drag to the toolbar.

This would be personal preference, I'm comfortable with what it does.

No, it's a *measurable* decrease in efficiency, and therefore should 
be fixed.

Sorry but that makes no sense. How often do you change your toolbar, 
once? Twice?


7. Context menus need to be much more powerful (more items) and 

I'm wondering how difficult it would be to make them customizable in 
a way similar to the toolbars. That way you can satisfy everyone, 
those that don't need everything there and those that do.

That would be bloat. Make sensible defaults and don't try to make OOo 
into a swiss army knife. At most have a *universal* option: "Simple 
UI" and "Advanced UI". Offering convoluted options is often a co-out 
for not thinking hard about UI issues.

Yes, but in a possible user field of millions who defines 'sensible 
defaults'. Now your UI options, in my opinion, would be bloat, I'm 
asking to customize context menus, you want a whole 'nother UI.

9. Writer's UI needs to be MUCH more like WordPerfect's UI (context 
menus, paste-without-formatting, tables handling, tabs handling, 
indenting paragraph AFTER some text (F7), ...)

Sorry that's a matter of preference as well, I've never used WP.

No, it's a matter of measurable performance improvement. You should 
try WP. ;-)

Lol, I'm not a really heavy user of word processors. A text editor is 
almost enough for me.


There's more, but you can see that all this hype about OOo being 
nearly as good as Word or even WordPerfect is just that: hype and 
wishful thinking.

OOo 2.0 beta is a HUGE improvement over OOo 1.1.x :-)

Everyone has different ways of doing things, getting it right enough 
to please everyone is impossible. I think they've done an outstanding 
job on a very difficult task.

Let's just all be satisfied with mediocrity then, because it's just a 
"different way of doing things". No, every aspect of OOo must be 
evaluated on its merits. The *last* resort should be deciding on what 
most users apparently want, after an objective analysis has failed

I've mentioned that I'm satisfied with what they've done cause it easily 
gets the job done for me, yet you call it mediocrity, so who's right? 
Chances are, if they incorporate your ideas I can get used to that as 
well. I'm willing to adjust my work habits for some freedom, how about 
you? :)


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Re: [discuss] Re: Ten Things That Still "Bug" Me About OpenOffice

2005-05-31 Thread Joseph Roth

Peter Reaper wrote:

Joseph Roth on 31.05.2005 17:54 wrote:

Peter Reaper wrote:

3. It is too cumbersome to add toolbar buttons that are not in the 
standard set. The user should be able to just select a category on 
the left (which BTW should mirror the MENU items) and then on the 
right have a list of ALL functions in that category which he can 
drag to the toolbar.

This would be personal preference, I'm comfortable with what it does.

No, it's a *measurable* decrease in efficiency, and therefore should 
be fixed.

Sorry but that makes no sense. How often do you change your toolbar, 
once? Twice?

So if you do a thousand things once or twice, is it stil lOK to have 
these tasks be cumbersome and unintuitive? What if you really wanted 
to do something, and couldn't figure out how, because the complexity 
is beyond your capabilities. You'd go back to the other program you're 
more familiar with...

Now let's be fair here. We're talking about toolbars and how their 
handled not everything else that I might have to do once or twice in my 
life. I have customized the toolbars and can get what I want up there 
and remove what I want quickly and easily. If I don't want it up I can 
either I click and drag if off or remove it by highlighting and clicking 
the 'remove' button from the customize window that pops up. There is 
nothing cumbersome or unintuitive about the 'add' and 'remove' buttons

7. Context menus need to be much more powerful (more items) and 

I'm wondering how difficult it would be to make them customizable 
in a way similar to the toolbars. That way you can satisfy 
everyone, those that don't need everything there and those that do.

That would be bloat. Make sensible defaults and don't try to make 
OOo into a swiss army knife. At most have a *universal* option: 
"Simple UI" and "Advanced UI". Offering convoluted options is often 
a co-out for not thinking hard about UI issues.

Yes, but in a possible user field of millions who defines 'sensible 

That's what (hopefully competent) *leaders* are for.

Yes but what if they don't choose your way?

Now your UI options, in my opinion, would be bloat,

What "options" exactly are you refering to?

The 'Advanced' or 'Simple' UI options you mentioned above.

I'm asking to customize context menus, you want a whole 'nother UI.

Not just "'nother", *better*. ;-)

Lol, we all want that.

Let's just all be satisfied with mediocrity then, because it's just 
a "different way of doing things". No, every aspect of OOo must be 
evaluated on its merits. The *last* resort should be deciding on 
what most users apparently want, after an objective analysis has failed

I've mentioned that I'm satisfied with what they've done cause it 
easily gets the job done for me, yet you call it mediocrity,

No, I was pointing out that your method of justification justifies and 
encourages mediocrity. I was not calling OOo mediocre.

Ouch, just because someone is satisfied with a product doesn't mean they 
settle for mediocrity or encourage it. There are some things worth 
changing and then there are others that aren't. I have said I don't use 
it constantly but when I do use it I can get done what I want without 
wasting alot of time.

so who's right? 

Me, of course. :-P

Lol, How'd I know you were going to say that.


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