Re: get_FOO_display and grouped data

2006-12-04 Thread Ross Burton

Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> Try::
> {% regroup feature.task_set.all|dictsortreversed:"priority" by
> get_priority_display as grouped %}
> That is, the "by" argument to {% regroup %} doesn't just have to be a field
> name; it can be anything that a variable could resolve.

Excellent, thanks.


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Saving info about viewed tags

2006-12-04 Thread zenx


I have an Objects Model and a Tags Model with a M2M relationship
between them. I want to update info about the tags of the object
visited by the user updating it everytime the user requests an Object.
Is it a crazy idea? I want to know wich tags are the most viewed by the
user and wich are the most recent he has view so that I can recommend
him Objects that have also such tags (objects that are related to the
ones he is interested in).

This is my main idea how the models should be:

class MyObject(models.Model):
   tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)

class Tag(models.Model):

class RelationModel(models.Model):
   my_object = models.ForeignKey(MyObject)
   tag = models.ForeignKey(Tag)
   times_viewed = models.PositiveIntegerField()
   latest_view= models.DateTimeField()

Problems I see:
- Lets say I have 30 tags for each object, I need to create_or_update
30 rows everytime a user requests an object. That could be a bottleneck
- The relation table can be very big: 100.000 users x 2.000 tags each
user = 200.000.000 rows in the relation table I should limit it to
lets say 50 tags per user and in each update overwrite the less viewed
and older tags with the new ones. -> more updates on every request :S
- Is this the better way to do what I want to do?

Any ideas?

Thank you for your help.

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Re: Admin 404s on users

2006-12-04 Thread Adrian Holovaty

> It doesn't give me anything to go on:
> Page not found (404)
> Request Method: GET
> Request URL:
> You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django
> settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard
> 404 page.

Try running " syncdb" to install any permissions that might
be missing. I think an ObjectDoesNotExist exception is being raised
somewhere, causing the 404. I seem to recall having a similar problem
once, where the PermissionDoesNotExist exception was causing a 404.


Adrian Holovaty |

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Re: DB Query

2006-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Found it - a custom manager:

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Re: Pagination variable problem with generic list and limited queryset

2006-12-04 Thread Silas

Thanks for the explanation Rajesh.

On Dec 4, 2:31 pm, "RajeshD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 3, 8:36 pm, "Silas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a problem with generic.list_detail.object_list, a limiting
> > queryset, and pagination variables.
> > For some reason when I use the code below, results are restricted to
> > the sliced 100, but all the pagination variables show results as if the
> > slice wasn't there.I don't have a solution, but I can explain the reason 
> > for this
> behaviour.
> - The ObjectPaginator uses the QuerySet.count() method in deriving the
> 'hits' count that is then used in all its paging calculations
> - The QuerySet.count() method does not take into account the slice
> offset and limit
> I suppose you could file this as a bug in ObjectPaginator -- if it were
> to base its hits on len(QuerySet), that would solve this problem. Not
> sure if there would be a performance issue from len() evaluating the
> QuerySet.

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DB Query

2006-12-04 Thread Bret Walker

How can one perform a database query from an overloaded admin save function?

I want to retrieve an old value, compare it to the one currently being
saved, then perform an action based on the result of the comparison.


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Re: Dynamic includes in template?

2006-12-04 Thread limodou

On 12/5/06, matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Looking at the documentation, I see that you can do "include
> template_name" or "include 'template.html'". I'd like to combine these
> - concatenating a couple of strings and a variable to make the template
> name - but it's not working (no error, but no template included).
> This template displays a survey. Each survey question has a 'type'
> attribute with several choices defined in the model
> ("multiplechoice","matrix","ranking" etc).
> I'd like to loop through the list of questions and render each question
> using the appropriate template, which is determined by the type of
> question. So for example a 'multiplechoice' question corresponds to the
> 'questions/multiplechoice.html' template.
> This is the bit that's not working (viewsurvey.html):
> {% for question in questions %}
> {% include 'questions/' + question.get_type_display() + '.html' %}
> {% endfor %}
> Why can't I concatenate the strings and variable to include the
> relevant template?
> The model looks like this:
> class Question(models.Model):
>  Types = ((0,"TrueFalse"),
>  (1,"MultipleChoice"))
>  type = models.IntegerField(choices=Types)
I'v write some custom tags you can try:


then the sample code is:

{% for question in questions %}
{% expr 'questions/' + question.get_type_display() + '.html' as tmp %}
{% include tmp %}
{% endfor %}

But I don't know if it can do the work, but you can try it.

You should save ExprTag code into some templatetags file, and use load
tag to import it. See the template_python document to get the details.

I like python!
UliPad <>:
My Blog:

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Re: get_FOO_display and grouped data

2006-12-04 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On 12/4/06 4:34 PM, Ross Burton wrote:
> In my view, I'm grouping the data on the priority:
> {% regroup feature.task_set.all|dictsortreversed:"priority" by priority
> as grouped %}
> {% for group in grouped %}
>   {{ group.grouper }}
> However, when I do this, group.grouper expands to "0" or "2", not "Low"
> or High".  How can I get the display name for this field?


{% regroup feature.task_set.all|dictsortreversed:"priority" by 
get_priority_display as grouped %}

That is, the "by" argument to {% regroup %} doesn't just have to be a field 
name; it can be anything that a variable could resolve.


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Re: Searching a ForeignKey

2006-12-04 Thread Bret Walker

On 12/4/06, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/5/06, Bret Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Is there a way to search a CharField contained in a ForeignKey?
> Yes.  You can traverse any foreign key or m2m relation in Django's query
> language. For example:
> Article.objects.filter(author__firstname='Bret')
> would retrieve all article objects that have a related author with a first
> name of 'Bret'. The double underscore notation is used to describe how you
> want to traverse relations; the underlying table joins (if required) will be
> automatically constructed by Django.
> More detail here:
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

Thanks, Russ.

I realized that I left out one important part of my question.  a
CharField contained in a ForeignKey *from the admin interface*?

I'm not quite sure how I'd use the code given in the API documentation
to achieve this.


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Re: Searching a ForeignKey

2006-12-04 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On 12/5/06, Bret Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a way to search a CharField contained in a ForeignKey?

Yes.  You can traverse any foreign key or m2m relation in Django's query
language. For example:


would retrieve all article objects that have a related author with a first
name of 'Bret'. The double underscore notation is used to describe how you
want to traverse relations; the underlying table joins (if required) will be
automatically constructed by Django.

More detail here:

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Admin 404s on users

2006-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you saying you broke your model?

Mine validate.

Or am I misunderstanding?

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Re: Admin 404s on users

2006-12-04 Thread MerMer

I had a similar problem the other day.  I had made a mistake on one of
my fields of another model, which was edited inline via the User Model.



> I just know there's a simple explanation for this, but  my brain is
> fried.
> My admin area decided today it was going to start throwing a 404 error
> for every user.
> When I go to the admin, under "Auth" and click "users" all is well. I'm
> presented with a list of users.
> When I try to click one of the users - any of the users - it 404s. Even
> if I click on my own user name.

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Re: Dynamic includes in template?

2006-12-04 Thread matthew

Will do.


On Dec 4, 9:57 pm, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/4/06, matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is the bit that's not working (viewsurvey.html):
> > {% for question in questions %}
> > {% include 'questions/' + question.get_type_display() + '.html' %}
> > {% endfor %}
> > Why can't I concatenate the strings and variable to include the
> > relevant template?The Django template language does not support arbitrary 
> > Python
> expressions; only the tags and syntax defined in the template
> documentation are allowed. Your best bet here is probably to write a
> template tag (the inclusion_tag shortcut is probably exactly the sort
> of thing you want here).
> --
> "May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
>   -- George Carlin

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get_FOO_display and grouped data

2006-12-04 Thread Ross Burton


I have a model with an integer field that uses choices for display

class Task(models.Model):
('0', 'Low'),
('1', 'Normal'),
('2', 'High')
priority = models.IntegerField(choices=PRIORITY_CHOICES)

In my view, I'm grouping the data on the priority:

{% regroup feature.task_set.all|dictsortreversed:"priority" by priority
as grouped %}
{% for group in grouped %}
  {{ group.grouper }}

However, when I do this, group.grouper expands to "0" or "2", not "Low"
or High".  How can I get the display name for this field?


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Searching a ForeignKey

2006-12-04 Thread Bret Walker

Is there a way to search a CharField contained in a ForeignKey?

If one wants to use a foreign key to prevent repetition and
duplication of data, wouldn't it only make sense that the foreign
key's fields be searchable, as well?  Otherwise, the only way to find
records based on the foreign key would be to sort or write a custom


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Re: Admin 404s on users

2006-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It doesn't give me anything to go on:

Page not found (404)
Request Method: GET
Request URL:

You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django
settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard
404 page.

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Re: Admin 404s on users

2006-12-04 Thread Adrian Holovaty

> When I go to the admin, under "Auth" and click "users" all is well. I'm
> presented with a list of users.
> When I try to click one of the users - any of the users - it 404s. Even
> if I click on my own user name.

Try setting DEBUG=True and reading the 404 error page.


Adrian Holovaty |

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Re: Dynamic includes in template?

2006-12-04 Thread James Bennett

On 12/4/06, matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the bit that's not working (viewsurvey.html):
> {% for question in questions %}
> {% include 'questions/' + question.get_type_display() + '.html' %}
> {% endfor %}
> Why can't I concatenate the strings and variable to include the
> relevant template?

The Django template language does not support arbitrary Python
expressions; only the tags and syntax defined in the template
documentation are allowed. Your best bet here is probably to write a
template tag (the inclusion_tag shortcut is probably exactly the sort
of thing you want here).

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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Dynamic includes in template?

2006-12-04 Thread matthew


Looking at the documentation, I see that you can do "include
template_name" or "include 'template.html'". I'd like to combine these
- concatenating a couple of strings and a variable to make the template
name - but it's not working (no error, but no template included).

This template displays a survey. Each survey question has a 'type'
attribute with several choices defined in the model
("multiplechoice","matrix","ranking" etc).

I'd like to loop through the list of questions and render each question
using the appropriate template, which is determined by the type of
question. So for example a 'multiplechoice' question corresponds to the
'questions/multiplechoice.html' template.

This is the bit that's not working (viewsurvey.html):
{% for question in questions %}
{% include 'questions/' + question.get_type_display() + '.html' %}
{% endfor %}

Why can't I concatenate the strings and variable to include the
relevant template?

The model looks like this:
class Question(models.Model):
 Types = ((0,"TrueFalse"),
 type = models.IntegerField(choices=Types)

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graceful shopping cart questions

2006-12-04 Thread Noah

I downloaded and looked at the django-cart code and noted the views go

cart = request.session.get('cart', None) or Cart()

how can thre session pickle the cart and be accurate if it's stored in
the database or am I confuised? is Django smart enough to know how that
should work and retrive the new information etc?

Feel free to make any comments.

Would it be possible to make a list in the session that stores lists of
items and quantities by reference to the item in the database?

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Re: Pagination variable problem with generic list and limited queryset

2006-12-04 Thread RajeshD

On Dec 3, 8:36 pm, "Silas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a problem with generic.list_detail.object_list, a limiting
> queryset, and pagination variables.
> For some reason when I use the code below, results are restricted to
> the sliced 100, but all the pagination variables show results as if the
> slice wasn't there.

I don't have a solution, but I can explain the reason for this

- The ObjectPaginator uses the QuerySet.count() method in deriving the
'hits' count that is then used in all its paging calculations
- The QuerySet.count() method does not take into account the slice
offset and limit

I suppose you could file this as a bug in ObjectPaginator -- if it were
to base its hits on len(QuerySet), that would solve this problem. Not
sure if there would be a performance issue from len() evaluating the

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Re: no-database models?

2006-12-04 Thread Bill de hOra

>  Russ,
>  Because it seems like the cleanest way of pulling together a wide
> variety of content that all pertains to a particular day, or list of
> days.

I would have used an "event" rather than a "day" to model this. You can 
still (sensibly imo) argue that these are different things that have 
time series relation and not the same thing that happens repeatedly.

>  The alternative, it seems to me, is running seperate queries on
> Concerts, Meetings, DrinkSpecials, BallGames, etc., then passing all of
> those to the template. And things get stickier still if I'm talking
> about several days. If I could employ a one-to-many relationship
> between the Day instance and all these other models, that's just one
> queryset, and it's easier to slice and sort.

   type: fk event_type
   meta : one to many


   event: fk event

or you could use a generic table. They might give you relational 
heartburn, but they're designed for applying a relation to varying types 
(or disjoint types that wouldn't naturally have a common superclass) . 
The canonical usecase in django are applying comments to any model, or 
for tagging.  If you like how the comment api works, they might be for you.


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Admin 404s on users

2006-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just know there's a simple explanation for this, but  my brain is

My admin area decided today it was going to start throwing a 404 error
for every user.

When I go to the admin, under "Auth" and click "users" all is well. I'm
presented with a list of users.

When I try to click one of the users - any of the users - it 404s. Even
if I click on my own user name.

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Re: Highload website database architecture

2006-12-04 Thread Joseph Heck
The postgres mailing list or IRC channel would generally be better, but
here's some numbers that I got from last year's OSCON in Portland, OR from
the Postgres geeks there.

For a 2Gb RAM machine, a good starting rule of thumb:
shared_buffers = 25000
work_mem = 16384
maintenance_work_mem = 16384
effective_cache_size = 82500

Those are just magic numbers I had in my notebook from that session, but
maybe they'll be useful for you.


On 12/1/06, a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am building a web app backed by database postgresql and currently the
> site is under a humongous torrent of hits. I have a question regarding
> the database backend config.
> The database folder has a file called postgresql.cons where we can
> specify no of active connections to the database -N which is currently
> 1024 and also specify the shared buffers. Is there any thumbrule in
> deciding the -N and also the no of shared buffers for my config of 4
> frontend servers and 1 database backend server. There is no global or
> memcached mechanisms in use.
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanx
> a
> >

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Global Error Handeling and Strange Authentication issues

2006-12-04 Thread Adam Patt

We have two problems that are similar, but would like handled in two
different ways.  I have been using django for a few months modifying
and adding to an existing app and have a pretty good feel for how most
of the framework fits together, but some parts still baffle me, like
error handling (even after reading some of the django source)

The first thing that I would like to do is something special when an
error comes up (all except security errors, i would like to handle
those differently, but it may fall along the same lines.)

Right now when you are in debug mode, it takes over the entire screen
with the wonderful traceback and other debugging info.  This is great,
except I loose all of my navigation framework.  How can I get that
wonderful traceback info without losing navigation?  I use no frames
for the navigation, they are part of the base templates.  If I had
access to the html of the error page, i would likely strip out the
 and  tags and put it into my
own error template that just populates the content block.

Part two of this first problems (which I will probably be able to do
more easily once i determine the first part) is to when not in debug
mode (we could even create our own unique variable to use to determine
this), but basically when we are in production mode, we want that
entire traceback page, but not in a way a user can understand it.
Something simple they can either download and save and send to use, or
copy and paste into an e-mail address to us.  I might just base64 it
would be good enough and then do the reverse on our side to see what
their problem was.  We might also include some extra debugging
information to try and tell what they were doing right before this (we
have a bread crumb system already in place we can pull from) to help us
debug the problem.

Problem two is  when clicking on some objects that should not have been
shown (We are going to fix the show/not show part that are obvious, but
there may be more subtle errors that are harder to catch).  Anyway, the
clickable link is there, but instead of raising a security traceback,
it will do one of two things.

1. Send the user back to the logon page with no reason why they were
sent there.  They are then confused because typing in their correct
username and password will send them right back here because
/?next=problem/security/page.  Oh, and they are actually still logged
in because if you click back, or go to a page they have access to, all
is good.

2. A page that just displays something like "you are not allowed to do
that" (can't remember the exact wording)  This is just about as bad
since they have no opportunity to log it, they can use the back button,
like they could above, but they also lose the navigation framework.

For these errors, I am hoping to have a spot in the base template that
can display an errors and basically send the user back to the page
where they had the ability to click/post to the problem page and
display and error on that page that doing that again will cause a
security error with as much info as I can display to help them in that

I know about the process_exception middleware method, but it only
handles view exceptions, not the selection of URLs or security
problems.  It looks like security errors are even swallowed by the URL
handling code so I don't have any control.  I could be misreading the

Anyone have any ideas how I can solve even one of these problems?


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using a global login form

2006-12-04 Thread Milan Andric


I'm having the same problem as this thread:

Where to call set_test_cookie?  Since a POST to authenticate can come
from any page, I need to call set_test_cookie on any page.  I'm using
the django.contrib.auth.views.login, a pretty basic login setup.

Where is the appropriate place for this or is there a better way?  I
figure I could stick it in one of my context processor functions but
want to avoid the hack if possible.

Thanks for your tips,


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Re: Simple CAS 1.0 authentication

2006-12-04 Thread Brian Beck

tonemcd wrote:
> Again, thanks heaps for making this available - it's done the business
> for me!


Awesome!  Glad it worked. :)


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Re: Validation 3 steep complicate form

2006-12-04 Thread MerMer

You may want to check out django.newforms which is going to be the
replacement for forms and manipulators.

According to a recent threads in the development forum it is already
being used by in some production environments.  The formal
documentation is sparse but there is alot of detail in the code base
under tests/regressiontests/forms/   


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Re: Suggestion: Aggregate/Grouping/Calculated methods in Django ORM

2006-12-04 Thread Rock

> > Talking through my hat?No, I think not -- I think that syntax 
> > (``queryset.groupby(field).max()``)
> actually looks like the best proposal for aggregates I've seen thus far...

Sounds pretty good to me. Besides the usual min, max and such, I also
which would return a tuple with (min, max, average, stddev) for the
specified field.

> I'm taking this to django-dev for more discussion; it'll get seen by more the
> right people there.
> Thoughts, anyone?

Add "improving aggregate support" to the Django Sprint planning for
PyCon. I plan to participate and am willing to coordinate a team to do
that. Hopefully that will encourage people to spend some time on the
design ahead of time. I also promise to spend a day or two over the
holidays looking over the design proposals and adding my thoughts.

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Re: Validation 3 steep complicate form

2006-12-04 Thread Jorge Gajon


On 12/3/06, GvaderTh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All. I read django documentation about forms, had seek internet
> and didn't found solution for situation like this: I have order form
> divided to 3 steeps, after every step should be validation and if
> validation is succesfull, user can fill form for next-step. Form for
> every step  doesn't map to database table, or object, I think that only
> filled succesfully 3 step, the result will be a new object. What is the
> best way to do this? At the beggining I thought that after every step,
> value after validation I will hold in session and at the end I made
> final object. But for now I don't know how to write template for this
> task, and how to do validation for this. Any help? Please
> Thanks
> G.

Since the first two forms doesn't map to a database object, you will
need to create custom forms and manipulators. Take a look at:

Although, the way to create and use custom forms is going to change
soon. Just be aware of that.

You can create three views, one for each step. In the first view,
create a custom manipulator to handle and validate the data that is
entered in that first view. If the data is correct, use sessions to
store a flag that indicates that the user has entered the information
correctly and redirect him to the next view. In the next view you
would then check in the session that the flag for the previous view is

If you will later need the supplied information then store it in the
session too, do not use hidden fields to carry it over different

Sessions documentation:


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Re: Setting checkbox to check as default value

2006-12-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Jeff,

On 12/2/06, jeffhg58 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a custom manipulator and I am trying to set the checkbox default
> to checked.
> For example, my field name is:
> forms.CheckboxField(field_name="current"),

Pass a 'checked_by_default' argument to the CheckboxField constructor,
like this:

forms.CheckboxField(field_name="current", checked_by_default=True),


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Re: Re: Video stream uploading/playing

2006-12-04 Thread Jay Parlar

On 12/4/06, Pythoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric,
> Thanks a lot.Very good tutorial for me!
> L.

Keep in mind that for larger files (I think over 10 megs), FileField
causes very high CPU usage during upload. There is a patch somewhere
in Trac that changes Django to store the file on disk during the
upload, instead of RAM, which is supposed to help quite a bit.

Jay P.

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Re: Question concerning generic views or date based views in general

2006-12-04 Thread Jay Parlar

On 12/3/06, Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently developing a small Django application for my personal use.
> Now I like to have a date based archive page, and I thought that this
> finally is a good thing to look into generic views. My requirements are,
> that I can display the actually database item on the page and in a side bar
> a list of years, which link to year based archives, and a list of months in
> the current year. From reading the documentation about generic views, I
> think I have understood, that I can have either a list of years or a list of
> months, but not both. Is this correct?

Well, the general operation of a generic view is to grab one "list" of
things. Usually this is a list of items in a month, or items in a
year, or items in a day, etc.

However, you can pass extra information to the generic view with the

Take a look at this:

Now, right now, there are no upcoming events, so it only shows all the
past events. However, if there were upcoming events, they would be in
the 'upcoming_events' variable in the context, passed to the template.

You can take a look at the template code here:

And you can take a look at the that populates the context for
the template here:

Also, if you want to have stuff in a sidebar, that's always there (no
matter what page you're using), then you'd want something like
template tags. Notice that on every page at, the right
sidebar stuff is always there, and the information there is dynamic.

Look at the "sidebar" div here:, and
notice that it does things like "{%random_thumbnail%}" and "{%
upcoming_events %}" to populate the sidebar.

> And besides generic views, I can also create the view myself. Is there a way
> to select the years with entries from the database using the ORM? I can of
> course use SQL, but I want to stick to the ORM and I want to learn a little
> more about it, besides the basics I have used so far.

Yep, the ORM can completely handle that. Check out the I
pointed out above to see how I select upcoming events from the
database, namely:

def get_upcoming():

If you don't understand what's going on there, you'll need to read the
documentation more.

Hope this helps,
Jay P.

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Re: using manipulators without defining fields again

2006-12-04 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

Milan Andric wrote:
> I have a long application form for a workshop (name, employment,
> resume, ... 65 fields).  The user logs in to the site via
> django.contrib.auth.view.login, standard django fare.  Then the user is
> allowed to apply for workshop xyz.  If the user clicks save but does
> not complete the form, errors are shown and the user gets a message
> explaining the incomplete state of the form, but the form data is also
> saved in the database, just flagged with complete = 0.  Only when the
> form validates does Application.complete field get set to 1 so
> reviewers know to look at it.

I think you don't even have to hack a manipulator... You just define all 
  needed validators and then in a view you can do this:

 # get data and errors
 data = request.POST.copy()
 errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(data)

 # save data regardless of errors
 object =

 # show results to a user
 if errors:
   object.complete = False
   return HttpResponseRedirect(...)

> What other problems might I run into by disregarding
> manipulator.get_validation_errors and saving anyway?

This approach doesn't distinct between absent data (which is ok) and 
broken data (which is not). I could think of such a hack: you get 
standard validation errors then set all fields in the manipulator as not 
required and get validation errors one more time. This way you will get 
only critical errors:

 errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(data)
 for field in manipulator.fields:
   field.is_required = False
 critical_errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(data)

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Re: Video stream uploading/playing

2006-12-04 Thread Pythoni

Thanks a lot.Very good tutorial for me!

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Re: Suggestion: Aggregate/Grouping/Calculated methods in Django ORM

2006-12-04 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On 12/4/06 5:57 AM, John Lenton wrote:
> The "max", "min" and other such functions might be a little more
> problematic, unless groupby returned, rather than a generic iterator,
> a special "queryset group" and give _it_ the max/min/etc methods. This
> way it would be clear that max() returns a tuple (value, queryset) (to
> me, at least...). Also, ...groupby('foo').max() would return the same
> result as max(...groupby('foo')), but less efficiently.
> Talking through my hat?

No, I think not -- I think that syntax (``queryset.groupby(field).max()``) 
actually looks like the best proposal for aggregates I've seen thus far...

I'm taking this to django-dev for more discussion; it'll get seen by more the 
right people there.

Thoughts, anyone?


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Re: Fast fcgi on dreamhost --> shauwn of the dead, help me shoot zombies

2006-12-04 Thread Phil

I stumbled across your post via and this came just right
at the perfect timing.

I just launched my first django app this week end (a site about online
gaming,, but beware it's in french) and I run into
some much 500 error trouble that I wasn't really confident.

But now, it runs smoothly since.

A great thanks.


On Dec 3, 4:37 pm, "Maciej Bliziński" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> coulix napisał(a):
> > Any idea on how to fix these problems on dreamhost?I'm not sure if what 
> > you're currently experiencing is the same problem
> I had few days ago. I did notice zombie processes and my Django app on
> Dreamhost was down every now and then. I've solved this problem by
> renaming django.fcgi file to dispatch.fcgi and changing corresponding
> lines in the .htaccess file. More details on my 
> blog:
> Cheers,
> Maciej

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Re: Session problems

2006-12-04 Thread Jakub Labath

No I'm using prefork MPM.

On 12/3/06, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jakub Labath wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Sorry for being quiet for a while just got back from a vacation.
> >
> > >
> > > Hi Jakub,
> > >
> > > Do you have any updates on this problem? Was it a mod_python bug?
> > >
> > > Adrian
> > >
> >
> > No the problem persists and I noticed that my coworkers have not
> > resolved this in my absence. I'm still not sure what the problem is,
> > as I mentioned to Jacob and on modpython list my next move is building
> > a tool that simulates bunch of users log-in and out of admin and
> > seeing if two different users get send the same cookie. This should
> > give me more reliable way to reproduce the problem quickly ... then
> > I'll take it from there.
> > Should I find something I will contact one of the core devs directly,
> > but so far I don't even know what is going on all I really know is
> > that it is happening.
> >
> > As for trying fcgi instead of modpython that is definitively on a to
> > do list but two weeks ago I spent ridiculous amount of time switching
> > our production server from debian to gentoo hoping to solve the
> > problem quickly by using more recent software - that did not happen.
> > At this point I really need a tool to reproduce the problem quickly
> > and then debug the hell out of everything.
> One question for you about this, are you using Apache with a
> multithreaded MPM? In other words, is Apache compiled with the 'worker'
> MPM for UNIX?
> I ask as a separate thread on the list describes pushing data into
> os.environ in order to communicate information to Django from a custom
> mod_python wrapper handler. To me though, doing such a thing could
> cause problems and makes me wander how much Django may depend on
> sourcing configuration from os.environ as doing this in a multithreaded
> MPM may not work as distinct requests could interfere with each other
> due to using what is effectively global data with no thread protection
> and no way to stop a distinct thread from changing values before the
> first thread got to use them.
> Graham
> >

Jakub Labath

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Re: Run your Django app with the CherryPy server

2006-12-04 Thread Marcus Mendes

Congrats! Very good idea!

On 12/3/06, Loïc (titoo) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> For interested people, I have wrapped the WSGI CherryPy server to be
> used with Django. With the same wrapper you can start several django
> projects (one cherrypy instance per project) with a configuration file
> for each project. You can ask it to serve the Django admin media files
> or not, it can run as daemon or not. An example of /etc/init.d start
> script is given.
> Download:
> For a small historical presentation. I wanted a low memory
> footprint/low CPU approach because my sever is a small fanless system.
> So I contacted David Pratt[1], but he saddly had not the time to
> maintain his stuff for a broad use. So I went to do it myself. When
> CherryPy announced that they had renamed their WSGI server
> implementation to be easier to use it, I motivate myself to "release"
> my script with this updated version.
> Enjoy! And of course, feedback is welcome.
> Loïc d'Anterroches
> PS: It powers behind NGINX.
> [1]
> >

Marcus Mendes
"A coragem é a forma de todas as virtudes em ponto de prova" C.S.Lewis
linuxUser #311365
phones :  55 31 3495-6403 or 55 31 8801-3304

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Re: DB Syncing Models

2006-12-04 Thread Darin Lee


This may be what you're looking for:
python reset [appname]

Which will regenerate all your application's tables with your new  
changes. Be warned, though, that command will delete all the existing  
rows in each table.

Good luck,

On Dec 3, 2006, at 2:09 PM, marksibly wrote:

> Hi,
> What's the 'right' way to update the database when you change a model?
> For example, when you add a new field?
> I initially thought ' syncdb' would detect and handle this  
> for
> you, but it doesn't appear to.
> Currently, I'm using MySql to 'DROP TABLE' and then using '
> syncdb' again, but this seems a bit cumbersome.
> Bye!
> Mark
> >

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Re: Video stream uploading/playing

2006-12-04 Thread Eric Lake

I found this. See if it is what you are looking for.

On Dec 2, 4:36 am, "Pythoni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone thought /successfully implemented video stream (or movie)
> uploading/playing feature on a website powered by Django?
> L.

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Re: Video stream or movie

2006-12-04 Thread Eric Lake

I found this. See if it is what you are looking for.

On Dec 2, 4:35 am, "Pythoni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone thought /successfully implemented video stream (or movie)
> uploading/playing feature on a website powered by Django?
> L.

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Re: no-database models?

2006-12-04 Thread DavidA

> We're driving right past each other on the information
> superhighway.
>  Thanks for your advice, Russ. It still seems to me that a
> many-to-many relationship between days and events would be desirable,
> for the same reasons that all many-to-many relationships are desirable.
>  In my case, I don't want to record minutes at a particular meeting
> (for example) -- I just want to be able to publish the fact that the
> meeting is happening tonight, as it does every third Saturday at 7 p.m.
> For my purposes, it seems very unDRY to have to put a new record in the
> database every time that third Saturday rolls around.
>  Very best,
>  Hank Sims


I'm a little confused. Your example uses a ForeignKey to relate Meeting
to MyDay but above you say you'd like a many-to-many relationship. Have
you tried:

   class MyDay:
 def __init__(self, date): = date.toordinal() = date

 class Concert(models.Model):
 title = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
 description = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
 date = models.ManyToManyField(MyDay)

 class Meeting(models.Model):
 title = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
 description = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
 date = models.ManyToManyField(MyDay)

Which *should* allow this in your templates:

   {% for concert in myday.concert_set %}
   {{ concert.title}} {{ concert.description }}
   {% endfor %}
   {% for meeting in myday.meeting_set %}
   {{ meeting.title}} {{ meeting.description }}
   {% endfor %}

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are trying to do?

BTW, here is more info on M2M's:


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Re: Apache ErrorDocument Question.

2006-12-04 Thread Paul Childs

Thanks Waylan but...

It appears that when I configure Apache to limit the request body, if a
file is uploaded that exceeds the setting, Apache doesn't seem to pass
on anything to mod_python and records an error in error.log. Thus the
view never gets called so there is no opportunity to raise the error in
the view.

It seems that mod_python interferes with the mechanism that Apache uses
when one configures the ErrorDocument setting. The user gets a message
from the browser saying that the connection was dropped.

Does anyone know how to get hold of this error message so that a *nice*
message can be sent to the user? Are there any other options?

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Re: Apache ErrorDocument Question.

2006-12-04 Thread Paul Childs

Thanks Waylan but...

It appears that when I configure Apache to limit the request body, if a
file is uploaded that exceeds the setting, Apache doesn't seem to pass
on anything to mod_python and records an error in error.log. Thus the
view never gets called so there is no opportunity to raise the error in
the view.

It seems that mod_python interferes with the mechanism that Apache uses
when one configures the ErrorDocument setting. The user gets a message
from the browser saying that the connection was dropped.

Does anyone know how to get hold of this error message so that a *nice*
message can be sent to the user? Are there any other options?

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Re: i18n & server_name

2006-12-04 Thread Alexander Solovyov

Ivan Sagalaev wrote:
> Another way is to use 'sites' app and keep domain in a table separately
> for each site.

I thought about that, but this solution is not flexible as 'HTTP_HOST'
variable - I need to add all hosts I want to use.

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Re: Re: Suggestion: Aggregate/Grouping/Calculated methods in Django ORM

2006-12-04 Thread John Lenton

On 12/1/06, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One way to think about the problem is to consider how you would write
> the documentation for it. "Django implements an object based SQL
> wrapper... except for the aggregations stuff, which you will need to
> know SQL to use properly". If the documentation sounds like it will be
> ugly, so is the implementation :-)
> So; lots to think about, but don't let that discourage you. As this
> thread has shown, there is plenty of interest in having aggregates -
> the discussion will probably be long, but if we can get something
> productive out of it, Django will be all the better for it.

Me myself, I think that the "group by" functionality isn't a problem;
if you look at how itertools.groupby works, it would be both easy and
natural (ie pythonic) to give querysets a groupby function with
similar semantics and laziness.

The "max", "min" and other such functions might be a little more
problematic, unless groupby returned, rather than a generic iterator,
a special "queryset group" and give _it_ the max/min/etc methods. This
way it would be clear that max() returns a tuple (value, queryset) (to
me, at least...). Also, ...groupby('foo').max() would return the same
result as max(...groupby('foo')), but less efficiently.

Talking through my hat?

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
The trouble with a lot of self-made men is that they worship their creator.

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Re: High Load

2006-12-04 Thread Fredrik Lundh


> We are running lighttpd with fastcgi in prefork mode. We tried using
> threaded but django spits out an error about a weakly-referenced
> object, related to sessions I believe, no longer existing.

it's not related to this, by any chance:

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Re: Singleton model instance

2006-12-04 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Phil Powell wrote:

> Perhaps I've not explained myself properly.  Here's an example:
> I have a "Homepage" which has fields such as "Page Title",
> "Introduction Text", "Footer Text" etc.  I want to be able to edit
> these fields just like I'd edit a standard model instance, but because
> there is only one instance of my "Homepage" I never want more than one
> instance of it to exist.

so make sure that the (pagename, chunkname) combination is unique.  why 
make things harder than they have to be ?

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Re: High Load

2006-12-04 Thread graham_king

 What web server are you using in development ? I suspect this might be
a lighttpd / fastcgi problem. Have you tried Apache / mod_python ?

 Just as a reference I'm managing 90,000+ hits a day on one Apache on a
UML virtual server, with the load rarely going above 2. With you setup
and Django you should be able to take on the world :-)

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Re: Re: Re: Singleton model instance

2006-12-04 Thread James Bennett

On 12/4/06, Phil Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a "Homepage" which has fields such as "Page Title",
> "Introduction Text", "Footer Text" etc.  I want to be able to edit
> these fields just like I'd edit a standard model instance, but because
> there is only one instance of my "Homepage" I never want more than one
> instance of it to exist.

So don't ever create more than one instance of it ;)

Regardless of feelings about the Singleton pattern (I'm not a fan),
though, this isn't really something that will have a clean solution in
Django, if it has a solution at all; because Django model classes map
to tables in a relational database, they carry with them the inherent
idea of being able to create multiple instances (which would then
correspond to multiple rows.

You *might* be able to hack something together using one of the
various attempts people have made at implementing Singleton in Python
[1], but I personally wouldn't recommend it.


"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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Re: Simple CAS 1.0 authentication

2006-12-04 Thread tonemcd

Just a quick note to say *thankyou very much* for making this
available. I installed it into one of my development sites over the
weekend and it works like a charm. I only tried the middleware version
(which is probably more appropriate for an authentication backend) and
found it to work just fine.

In the end, all I had to do to get CAS authentication operational on my
site was to change one line in and two in (once I'd
installed cas into django.contrib). If that doesn't show the power of
middleware then I don't know what does ;)

Again, thanks heaps for making this available - it's done the business
for me!


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Re: Re: Singleton model instance

2006-12-04 Thread Phil Powell

On 04/12/06, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure I get how a singleton would solve the "pages generated from
> multiple chunks" problem.
> why not just use a model that holds (pagename, chunkname, chunk data)
> triplets, and use a view that brings up all the chunks for a given page ?

Perhaps I've not explained myself properly.  Here's an example:

I have a "Homepage" which has fields such as "Page Title",
"Introduction Text", "Footer Text" etc.  I want to be able to edit
these fields just like I'd edit a standard model instance, but because
there is only one instance of my "Homepage" I never want more than one
instance of it to exist.


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Re: Hiding Referrer URL

2006-12-04 Thread MerMer

As this is handled by the browser - you might want to revert to
Javascript.  I think there is a plugin for JQuery which handles this.


Siah wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to hide referrer url on HttpResponseRedirect. I was expecting to
> find something like ReferrerURL in HttpResponseRedirect.headers, but
> did not. I was hopping to change the header information right before
> HttpResponseRedirect sends the user to the other server to hide the
> referrer URL, or even change it to somethings else.
> How can I accomplish that?
> Thanks,
> Sia

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Re: How to default checkboxfield in customer manipulator

2006-12-04 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

jeffhg58 wrote:
> I am trying to set the checkboxfield default value to checked but not
> sure how you do it.
> Here is my formfield for the checkbox
> forms.CheckboxField(field_name="current"),
> I tried ading checked="checked" but that did not work.

It's a bit non-obvious... The actual data to display is provided by a 
method called `flatten_data` that is then used to create a form
like this:

 data = manipulator.flatten_data()
 form = FormWrapper(manipulator, data, errors)

(This is how generic views work and how custom views should be written).

So you have to provide this method in your manipulator returning a dict 
with prefilled values:

 def flatten_data(self):
   return {
 'current': True,

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Re: Singleton model instance

2006-12-04 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Phil Powell wrote:

> I want to have a series of pages, with certain areas of content which
> are editable.  I don't want to use flatpages, as I'd like the editable
> content to be broken down into chunks, rather than one big lump of
> content.
> Is there a way to easily set a model to have one singleton instance?
> I've thought about adding some pre-save code to check and only allow
> for one instance, but wondered if there was a more graceful way to do
> this?

I'm not sure I get how a singleton would solve the "pages generated from 
multiple chunks" problem.

why not just use a model that holds (pagename, chunkname, chunk data) 
triplets, and use a view that brings up all the chunks for a given page ?

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Re: i18n & server_name

2006-12-04 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

Alexander Solovyov wrote:
> Sorry, I found answer - META['HTTP_HOST']. :) Documentation keeps
> silence about this. :(

Another way is to use 'sites' app and keep domain in a table separately 
for each site.

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Singleton model instance

2006-12-04 Thread Phil Powell

Hi all,

Apologies if this has been asked on the list before, but a search
didn't throw up anything relevant.

I want to have a series of pages, with certain areas of content which
are editable.  I don't want to use flatpages, as I'd like the editable
content to be broken down into chunks, rather than one big lump of

Is there a way to easily set a model to have one singleton instance?
I've thought about adding some pre-save code to check and only allow
for one instance, but wondered if there was a more graceful way to do


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Re: i18n & server_name

2006-12-04 Thread Alexander Solovyov

On 4 Дек., 10:47, "Alexander  Solovyov"

> But I got problem - request.META['SERVER_NAME'] always set in

Sorry, I found answer - META['HTTP_HOST']. :) Documentation keeps
silence about this. :(

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i18n & server_name

2006-12-04 Thread Alexander Solovyov

I'm writing multilanguage app, in which i18n happens when client enters
certain domain, like in wikipedia.

But I got problem - request.META['SERVER_NAME'] always set in
ServerName Apache setting, not in queried domain name (which handled in
Apache with ServerAlias *

What can I do to resolve this trouble?

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