Re: redirect after post caches anchor?

2009-09-12 Thread Tiago Serafim
Hi Margie,

I misunderstood you first post. What I said is valid, but it doesn't relate
to your problem.

Now that I get it: FF scrolls back to the same position after a reload.

I don't know how to work around this issue unless you return a anchor
"#top"(like you did with the another one) and add an attribute id="top" on
your "body" tag.


On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 1:55 AM, Margie  wrote:

> Hi Tiago,
> Thanks very much for your response.  So is there a way I can tell the
> client that I don't want to retain the same anchor?  IE, tell the
> client to act as it would act if the client had initiated a new GET?
> Where would I find documentation on this?  Or not necessarily doc but
> just something that discusses this problem.  My googling didn't turn
> up much of anything but it seems like it would be a problem that
> others have as well.
> Margie

Tiago Serafim

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Re: redirect after post caches anchor?

2009-09-12 Thread Margie

Hi Tiago,

Thanks very much for your response.  So is there a way I can tell the
client that I don't want to retain the same anchor?  IE, tell the
client to act as it would act if the client had initiated a new GET?

Where would I find documentation on this?  Or not necessarily doc but
just something that discusses this problem.  My googling didn't turn
up much of anything but it seems like it would be a problem that
others have as well.


On Sep 12, 7:26 pm, Tiago Serafim  wrote:
> Hi,
> This is the expected, as HTTP clients doesn't pass the #anchors to the
> server.
> On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 10:20 PM, Margie Roginski
> wrote:
> > I'm seeing some strange behavior related to anchors that I can't
> > really explain.  I'm going to give an example of what I'm seeing and
> > I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.
> > Let's say I do a post and my code that services the post
> > returns like this:
> >      return HttpResponseRedirect('/taskmanager/edit_task/12/
> > #comment_101')
> > (I am of course not hardcoding the redirect address - but have shown
> > it explictly here for clarity)
> > This correctly displays my /taskmanager/edit_task/12 page, taking me
> > part way down the page due to the #comment_101 anchor.
> > From this url I do a second post.  The code associated with
> > this second post returns like this:
> >    return HttpResponseRedirect('/taskmanager/edit_task/12')  # note
> > no comment_101 anchor
> > I thought this should take me to the top of my /taskmanager/edit_task/
> > 12 page, but instead it takes me to /taskmanager/edit_task/12/
> > #comment_101.  It's like the #comment_101 anchor is cached in some
> > way.
> > My runserver printouts from the second post and the get associated
> > with its redirect show this:
> > [12/Sep/2009 18:16:51] "POST /taskmanager/edit_task/12/ HTTP/1.1" 302
> > 0
> > [12/Sep/2009 18:16:52] "GET /taskmanager/edit_task/12/ HTTP/1.1" 200
> > 50904
> > So the #comment_101 is not there, yet it still appears in my firefox
> > browser.   Anyone know why this is?
> > Thanks,
> > Margie
> --
> Tiago Serafim
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Re: docstring format documentation for the admin doc contrib?

2009-09-12 Thread Andrew R

Thanks, that is what I was looking for.

I also found this:


On Sep 12, 9:26 pm, Tiago Serafim  wrote:
> Hi,
> These docs are in ReST (ReStructured Text) format, and each text file
> > corresponds to a Web page on the official Django site.
> source:
> On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Andrew R 
> wrote:
> > The built in templates and filters have formatted docstrings (``,
> > ===, etc.). I don't see anywhere where this syntax is documented.
> > Where can I find information on this.
> > Example docstring:
> > def yesno(value, arg=None):
> >    """
> >    Given a string mapping values for true, false and (optionally)
> > None,
> >    returns one of those strings accoding to the value:
> >    ==  ==
> > ==
> >    Value       Argument                Outputs
> >    ==  ==
> > ==
> >    ``True``    ``"yeah,no,maybe"``     ``yeah``
> >    ``False``   ``"yeah,no,maybe"``     ``no``
> >    ``None``    ``"yeah,no,maybe"``     ``maybe``
> >    ``None``    ``"yeah,no"``           ``"no"`` (converts None to
> > False
> >                                        if no mapping for None is
> > given.
> >    ==  ==
> > ==
> >    """
> > I would like to document my own filters and would like to understand
> > the available syntax. Thanks.
> --
> Tiago Serafim
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Re: docstring format documentation for the admin doc contrib?

2009-09-12 Thread Tiago Serafim

These docs are in ReST (ReStructured Text) format, and each text file
> corresponds to a Web page on the official Django site.


On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Andrew R wrote:

> The built in templates and filters have formatted docstrings (``,
> ===, etc.). I don't see anywhere where this syntax is documented.
> Where can I find information on this.
> Example docstring:
> def yesno(value, arg=None):
>Given a string mapping values for true, false and (optionally)
> None,
>returns one of those strings accoding to the value:
>==  ==
> ==
>Value   ArgumentOutputs
>==  ==
> ==
>``True````"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``yeah``
>``False``   ``"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``no``
>``None````"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``maybe``
>``None````"yeah,no"``   ``"no"`` (converts None to
> False
>if no mapping for None is
> given.
>==  ==
> ==
> I would like to document my own filters and would like to understand
> the available syntax. Thanks.
> >

Tiago Serafim

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docstring format documentation for the admin doc contrib?

2009-09-12 Thread Andrew R

The built in templates and filters have formatted docstrings (``,
===, etc.). I don't see anywhere where this syntax is documented.
Where can I find information on this.

Example docstring:
def yesno(value, arg=None):
Given a string mapping values for true, false and (optionally)
returns one of those strings accoding to the value:

==  ==
Value   ArgumentOutputs
==  ==
``True````"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``yeah``
``False``   ``"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``no``
``None````"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``maybe``
``None````"yeah,no"``   ``"no"`` (converts None to
if no mapping for None is
==  ==

I would like to document my own filters and would like to understand
the available syntax. Thanks.

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Re: ImageField anti-duplication

2009-09-12 Thread A. Rossi

I had not considered writing a custom Storage class. I may try that if
there are no other alternatives.

Any other ideas/solutions?

On Sep 12, 5:31 am, vinilios  wrote:
> Have you read this ?
> haven't used any custom file storage yet but maybe using a custom file-
> storage with a dummy save method when file exists is what you need.
> On Sep 12, 1:43 pm, "A. Rossi"  wrote:
> > I have an application where users can upload images, then the image is
> > renamed to a SHA256 hash of the file's contents.
> > Here is the relevant snippet of the model
> > class ImagePost(Post):
> >     def imgurl(self, filename):
> >         import hashlib, os.path
> >         extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
> >
> >         return "images/%s%s" % (hashlib.sha256(
> > (self.image.size)).hexdigest(), extension[1])
> >     image = models.ImageField(upload_to=imgurl, blank=True)
> > what I am attempting to do is, if a user uploads an image that already
> > exists (i.e. the two files have the exact same SHA256 hash) I want to
> > have the ImageField point to the already existing file, rather than
> > save the newly uploaded one. I have tried a couple things that didn't
> > work, and the default behavior when dealing with files of the same
> > name is to append an extra _ to the end of the name, before the
> > extension.
> > I feel like I'm on the cusp of figuring this out, but I'm stuck. Also,
> > would I put the code for this into the imgurl() function, create a
> > custom storage object, in the view(s) directly?
> > Thank you for your help.
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Re: redirect after post caches anchor?

2009-09-12 Thread Tiago Serafim

This is the expected, as HTTP clients doesn't pass the #anchors to the

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 10:20 PM, Margie Roginski

> I'm seeing some strange behavior related to anchors that I can't
> really explain.  I'm going to give an example of what I'm seeing and
> I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.
> Let's say I do a post and my code that services the post
> returns like this:
>  return HttpResponseRedirect('/taskmanager/edit_task/12/
> #comment_101')
> (I am of course not hardcoding the redirect address - but have shown
> it explictly here for clarity)
> This correctly displays my /taskmanager/edit_task/12 page, taking me
> part way down the page due to the #comment_101 anchor.
> From this url I do a second post.  The code associated with
> this second post returns like this:
>return HttpResponseRedirect('/taskmanager/edit_task/12')  # note
> no comment_101 anchor
> I thought this should take me to the top of my /taskmanager/edit_task/
> 12 page, but instead it takes me to /taskmanager/edit_task/12/
> #comment_101.  It's like the #comment_101 anchor is cached in some
> way.
> My runserver printouts from the second post and the get associated
> with its redirect show this:
> [12/Sep/2009 18:16:51] "POST /taskmanager/edit_task/12/ HTTP/1.1" 302
> 0
> [12/Sep/2009 18:16:52] "GET /taskmanager/edit_task/12/ HTTP/1.1" 200
> 50904
> So the #comment_101 is not there, yet it still appears in my firefox
> browser.   Anyone know why this is?
> Thanks,
> Margie
> >

Tiago Serafim

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Re: Query with left join?

2009-09-12 Thread Joshua Russo
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Daniel Roseman wrote:

> On Sep 12, 9:53 pm, tom  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > i want to produce a left-join query with the django orm. Can anybody
> > help howto do the following query?
> >
> > SELECT S.value, D.value from data as S left join data as D on
> > S.entry_id=D.entry_id;
> >
> > Cheers tom
> What's the point of this query? What are you trying to achieve?
> I believe Django will automatically do a left-join query if your
> ForeignKey has null=False. But your question doesn't seem to be about
> left join queries in general, it's about the specific case where you
> join a table to itself. But without understanding why you'd want to do
> what you're doing here, I can't answer.

I believe the general reason for performing a query like this is to minimize
the number of queries that have to be performed.

What I think you want is select_related(). The docs don't mention ManyToMany
fields but for ForeignKey fields it looks like it does what you are looking
for. It's documented here:

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Updating request.POST

2009-09-12 Thread koranthala

   I have the following scenario.
   I am creating a custom admin page for one of the models. I am
adding few extra fields. If the extra fields are set, then the user
does not need to set the model fields. An example is given below:

Model A:
val1 models.ForeignKey(A1)
val2 models.ForeignKey(A2)
val3 models.CharField()

Form F:
val_x_1 forms.CharField()

Now, on the add/change page for Model A, I am giving an option. It
would look like the following:

Add A:
val2:   []


val1:   []
val2:   []
val3:   []

[Save] [Save and Add Another]

The user can either type in val1, val2 and val3 or he can put in
values in val_x_1 and val2 only, and my custom add_view should take
care of everything.

Now, the whole page is working fine. But, I am unable to update
request.POST to set up values for val1, val2 and val3 based on the
values val_x_1 and val2. I created a mutable copy and tried putting
that copy back to request.POST, but everytime I am getting the 'cant
adapt' error. The backend is PostgreSQL.

If I dont update request.POST, the form.validate would fail inside the
proper add_view. I cannot make it as blank=True straightaway because
if the val_x_1 and val2 is not updated by the user, he needs to update
mandatorily val1, val2 and val3.

Can anyone help me on this?

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redirect after post caches anchor?

2009-09-12 Thread Margie Roginski

I'm seeing some strange behavior related to anchors that I can't
really explain.  I'm going to give an example of what I'm seeing and
I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.

Let's say I do a post and my code that services the post
returns like this:

  return HttpResponseRedirect('/taskmanager/edit_task/12/

(I am of course not hardcoding the redirect address - but have shown
it explictly here for clarity)

This correctly displays my /taskmanager/edit_task/12 page, taking me
part way down the page due to the #comment_101 anchor.

>From this url I do a second post.  The code associated with
this second post returns like this:

return HttpResponseRedirect('/taskmanager/edit_task/12')  # note
no comment_101 anchor

I thought this should take me to the top of my /taskmanager/edit_task/
12 page, but instead it takes me to /taskmanager/edit_task/12/
#comment_101.  It's like the #comment_101 anchor is cached in some

My runserver printouts from the second post and the get associated
with its redirect show this:

[12/Sep/2009 18:16:51] "POST /taskmanager/edit_task/12/ HTTP/1.1" 302
[12/Sep/2009 18:16:52] "GET /taskmanager/edit_task/12/ HTTP/1.1" 200

So the #comment_101 is not there, yet it still appears in my firefox
browser.   Anyone know why this is?


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Re: html template usage

2009-09-12 Thread aftalavera

I mean like one HTML template like the ones you download from

On Sat, 2009-09-12 at 13:59 -0700, tom wrote:
> What do you mean with "existing HTML template" ?
> On 12 Sep., 21:19, aftalavera  wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > All I need is a sample (if available) or a working example on how to use
> > an existing HTML template into the Django template system. Am I on the
> > wrong track integrating both?
> >
> > Thanks
> > 

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Re: How to server static media secured by Django authentication

2009-09-12 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Sep 13, 2:30 am, Jim Myers  wrote:
> I had looked at that page before, but had thought it only applied to
> mod_python.
> Does it also apply to mod_wsgi?  If so, the page could be made
> clearer.

It doesn't. Read instead:

This still will not help if wanting to secure pages using form/session
based login. Use the X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile/Location response
headers instead as described elsewhere related to that future Django


> On Sep 11, 10:49 pm, Gabriel Gunderson  wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Jim Myers  wrote:
> > > I have a requirement to serve static files only to users authenticated
> > > through Django secure login.
> >
> > Gabe
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Re: Load Templates from outside TEMPLATE_DIRS

2009-09-12 Thread mviamari

The template in question is to format my test results, and I didn't
want to have lump it in with the production templates, or have the
template directory permanently attached to the TEMPLATE_DIR

So instead I've just loaded a new settings file with a modified
TEMPLATE_DIR before I do my tests.  Works pretty well.


On Sep 11, 8:58 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves  wrote:
> On Saturday 12 Sep 2009 9:26:15 ammviamariwrote:
> > I'm trying to load a template file from outside of TEMPLATE_DIRS, i.e.
> > the template file does not reside in any of the template directories
> > specified in TEMPLATE_DIRS.
> > Does anyone know if this is possible? I tried just specifying a path:
> > i.e.'../../new_dir/template.html' but that doesn't seem to be working.
> > Any suggestions?
> what is the problem in specifying the directory in TEMPLATE_DIRS?
> --
> regards
> kg
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Complex Query Optimization

2009-09-12 Thread Phil

I am trying to minimize the database hits. Take this example...

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class Group(models.Model):
# a bunch of fields here
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="groups")

class Member(models.Model):
# a bunch of fields here
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="members")
groups= models.ForeignKey(Invitation, related_name="members")

Basically the idea of the above is that given a user, you can fetch a
list of members. Or, given a group, you can fetch a list of members
belonging to that group.

In one of my templates, I would like to paginate based on the groups,
lets say 10 groups per page. But for each group displayed, I want to
also display each member. The groups will be small enough so this
won't be ridiculous. I feel confident than this can be done _without_
having to perform 11 queries per page (one for the groups, and then 1
for getting the members of each group). Am I correct? If so, how?

Mildly off topic, I am trying to figure out what exactly happens when
using MyModel.objects.all(). I understand that it is just an iterable
but, using the example of pagination, when you do Paginator
(MyModel.objects.all(), 10), is there no database hit until you get a
specific page, where it will only fetch the 10 for the page it needs?

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Re: Query with left join?

2009-09-12 Thread Daniel Roseman

On Sep 12, 9:53 pm, tom  wrote:
> Hi,
> i want to produce a left-join query with the django orm. Can anybody
> help howto do the following query?
> SELECT S.value, D.value from data as S left join data as D on
> S.entry_id=D.entry_id;
> Cheers tom

What's the point of this query? What are you trying to achieve?

I believe Django will automatically do a left-join query if your
ForeignKey has null=False. But your question doesn't seem to be about
left join queries in general, it's about the specific case where you
join a table to itself. But without understanding why you'd want to do
what you're doing here, I can't answer.
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Re: Return something specific on 404's on a particular path

2009-09-12 Thread Wiiboy

> If they upload the image, you likely have the name of the file in your
> database.  Put a little IF statement in your templates.  If you find
> the name of the image in the db/context, serve it up.  If you don't
> find it, server up your default/placeholder image.  Does that not
> work?

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Re: Can I dereference a field in the output of a filter?

2009-09-12 Thread W.P. McNeill

The with tag worked.  Thanks.

On Sep 12, 12:10 pm, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Sep 12, 8:08 pm, "W.P. McNeill"  wrote:
> > I have a view that renders a table.  The "table" object is a list
> > rows, which are themselves lists of model objects.  These objects have
> > a parameter called label.
> > Inside the template
> > {{ object.label }}
> > render's an objects label and
> > {{ row|first }}
> > renders the first object in the row.
> > I want to be able to render the label of the first object in the row.
> > I want to write something like this
> > {{ row|first.label }}
> > but that doesn't work.  Is there equivalent syntax that does work
> > within the template markup language?
> You might be able to use the {% with %} tag to assign the first row to
> another variable, and use that. Untested:
> {% with row|first as first_row %}
> {{ first_row.label }}
> {% endwith %}
> Otherwise, you'll need a custom template tag - luckily these are very
> easy to write.
> --
> DR.
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Re: html template usage

2009-09-12 Thread tom

What do you mean with "existing HTML template" ?

On 12 Sep., 21:19, aftalavera  wrote:
> Hi there,
> All I need is a sample (if available) or a working example on how to use
> an existing HTML template into the Django template system. Am I on the
> wrong track integrating both?
> Thanks
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Query with left join?

2009-09-12 Thread tom


i want to produce a left-join query with the django orm. Can anybody
help howto do the following query?

SELECT S.value, D.value from data as S left join data as D on

Cheers tom
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html template usage

2009-09-12 Thread aftalavera

Hi there, 

All I need is a sample (if available) or a working example on how to use
an existing HTML template into the Django template system. Am I on the
wrong track integrating both? 


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Re: Can I dereference a field in the output of a filter?

2009-09-12 Thread Daniel Roseman

On Sep 12, 8:08 pm, "W.P. McNeill"  wrote:
> I have a view that renders a table.  The "table" object is a list
> rows, which are themselves lists of model objects.  These objects have
> a parameter called label.
> Inside the template
> {{ object.label }}
> render's an objects label and
> {{ row|first }}
> renders the first object in the row.
> I want to be able to render the label of the first object in the row.
> I want to write something like this
> {{ row|first.label }}
> but that doesn't work.  Is there equivalent syntax that does work
> within the template markup language?

You might be able to use the {% with %} tag to assign the first row to
another variable, and use that. Untested:

{% with row|first as first_row %}
{{ first_row.label }}
{% endwith %}

Otherwise, you'll need a custom template tag - luckily these are very
easy to write.
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Re: How to invoke hasNoProfanities?

2009-09-12 Thread Daniel Roseman

On Sep 12, 5:26 pm, Angel Cruz  wrote:
> I use the contribs.comments module, and in its clean_comment method:
> if settings.COMMENTS_ALLOW_PROFANITIES == False:
>             bad_words = [w for w in settings.PROFANITIES_LIST if w in
> comment.lower()]
>             if bad_words:
> The file is in:
> Python25\Lib\site-packages\django\contrib\comment\
> It came for free, so I never stepped through this code.

My mistake, you're right it's used in the comments framework. Brandon,
if you're using the built-in comments form, then set
COMMENTS_ALLOW_PROFANITIES to False and it should work.
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Can I dereference a field in the output of a filter?

2009-09-12 Thread W.P. McNeill

I have a view that renders a table.  The "table" object is a list
rows, which are themselves lists of model objects.  These objects have
a parameter called label.

Inside the template

{{ object.label }}

render's an objects label and

{{ row|first }}

renders the first object in the row.

I want to be able to render the label of the first object in the row.
I want to write something like this

{{ row|first.label }}

but that doesn't work.  Is there equivalent syntax that does work
within the template markup language?
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Re: Editors of choice

2009-09-12 Thread Haroldo Stenger
I, like Nicolay, am using emacs too, with some nice packages that I've found
along the way. Rope is installed in my ubuntu, but I don't know how to
really use it yet. I hope I do. Learning Emacs pays a lot , especially since
Emacs 23.1 ... , some of my packages are new versions of CEDET, etc.



2009/9/10 Nikolay Panov 

> Emacs + ropemacs.
> Have a nice day,
> >

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Re: Make a bold row in a table

2009-09-12 Thread Daniel Roseman

On Sep 12, 3:12 pm, adelaide_mike  wrote:
> Django 1.0.2   In the following template I intend to make rows that
> have an empty second column bold.  Hence trying 2 in row.  My syntax
> is wrong due to inexperience with Python, and possibly my methodology
> also.
> {% extends "base.html" %}
> {% block content %}
> Agent summary report
>  The most recent listing for each property listed within the past
> 12 weeks
>                Address
>                Date
>                Price
>                Method
>                Agent
>                Mobile
>            {% for row in listings %}
>                              endifequal %}
>                             {% for item in row %}
>                         {{ item }}
>                     {% endfor %}
>            {% endfor %}
> {% endblock %}
> Is there a way to do this?
> Mike

Your methodology seems to be "guess the syntax". Looking in the
documentation would be more fruitful. Or, do a search of this group,
as this question comes up regularly.

There are two ways of doing it - either use the {% cycle %} tag or use
{% if forloop.counter|divisible_by:2 %}
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app for user statistics of submissions/ activity/ etc ? app for geotagging?

2009-09-12 Thread pcrutch

is there an app out there that keeps track of user submissions /
activity related to your models ?

we want some sort of way of giving user feedback.

whats the status of geotagging ?
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Re: How to server static media secured by Django authentication

2009-09-12 Thread Jim Myers

I had looked at that page before, but had thought it only applied to
Does it also apply to mod_wsgi?  If so, the page could be made

On Sep 11, 10:49 pm, Gabriel Gunderson  wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Jim Myers  wrote:
> > I have a requirement to serve static files only to users authenticated
> > through Django secure login.
> Gabe
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Re: How to invoke hasNoProfanities?

2009-09-12 Thread Angel Cruz
I use the contribs.comments module, and in its clean_comment method:

bad_words = [w for w in settings.PROFANITIES_LIST if w in
if bad_words:

The file is in:

It came for free, so I never stepped through this code.

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Daniel Roseman wrote:

> On Sep 11, 10:40 pm, Brandon  wrote:
> > Uh, where? I see the definition in, but I can certainly
> > enter any of the words on the profanities list in:
> > into a text field and it will not throw
> > an exception.
> >
> I actually think that this is a left-over setting from old code that
> has since been removed. The profanities checker was one of the
> oldforms validators, which were removed before version 1.0. So the
> setting is probably deprecated.
> --
> DR.
> >

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Re: Make a bold row in a table

2009-09-12 Thread Maksymus007
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 4:12 PM, adelaide_mike
> Django 1.0.2   In the following template I intend to make rows that
> have an empty second column bold.  Hence trying 2 in row.  My syntax
> is wrong due to inexperience with Python, and possibly my methodology
> also.
> {% extends "base.html" %}
> {% block content %}
> Agent summary report
>  The most recent listing for each property listed within the past
> 12 weeks
>               Address
>               Date
>               Price
>               Method
>               Agent
>               Mobile
>           {% for row in listings %}
>                             endifequal %}
>                            {% for item in row %}
>                        {{ item }}
>                    {% endfor %}
>           {% endfor %}
> {% endblock %}
> Is there a way to do this?
> Mike

add method to your model like should_be_bold which return boolean and
use it in template like
{% if row.should_be_bold %}class="bold"{%endif %}

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Make a bold row in a table

2009-09-12 Thread adelaide_mike

Django 1.0.2   In the following template I intend to make rows that
have an empty second column bold.  Hence trying 2 in row.  My syntax
is wrong due to inexperience with Python, and possibly my methodology

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}

Agent summary report
 The most recent listing for each property listed within the past
12 weeks

   {% for row in listings %}

{% for item in row %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}

   {% endfor %}

{% endblock %}

Is there a way to do this?

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Re: Editors of choice

2009-09-12 Thread Mark Freeman

Mostly Netbeans for me, however I do tend to use VIM quite a bit.

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Re: Couple of basic Django questions

2009-09-12 Thread Mark Freeman

Dan, this link helped me a lot for using my stylesheet and images on
the test server.


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Re: Django and CouchDB

2009-09-12 Thread Suno Ano

Hi folks,

I am too very fond of non-SQL databases (no fixed schema, built-in
replication, built-in webserver, RESTful API, etc.). So far, in order to
use Django with CouchDB here is what I have come across so far


>From my pov, having native support for non-SQL databases with Django
would totally rock!

Initially I was very skeptical too (I have been using
MySQL/PostgreSQL/Oracle for more than five years now) but after I got to
know CouchDB, I am convinced that using a non-SQL database is often a
lot better (save me lot of time, easier data modeling, way better for
web apps than SQL databases, etc.).

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Re: ImageField anti-duplication

2009-09-12 Thread vinilios

Have you read this ?

haven't used any custom file storage yet but maybe using a custom file-
storage with a dummy save method when file exists is what you need.

On Sep 12, 1:43 pm, "A. Rossi"  wrote:
> I have an application where users can upload images, then the image is
> renamed to a SHA256 hash of the file's contents.
> Here is the relevant snippet of the model
> class ImagePost(Post):
>     def imgurl(self, filename):
>         import hashlib, os.path
>         extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
>         return "images/%s%s" % (hashlib.sha256(
> (self.image.size)).hexdigest(), extension[1])
>     image = models.ImageField(upload_to=imgurl, blank=True)
> what I am attempting to do is, if a user uploads an image that already
> exists (i.e. the two files have the exact same SHA256 hash) I want to
> have the ImageField point to the already existing file, rather than
> save the newly uploaded one. I have tried a couple things that didn't
> work, and the default behavior when dealing with files of the same
> name is to append an extra _ to the end of the name, before the
> extension.
> I feel like I'm on the cusp of figuring this out, but I'm stuck. Also,
> would I put the code for this into the imgurl() function, create a
> custom storage object, in the view(s) directly?
> Thank you for your help.
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Re: Generic view 'archive_year' not working

2009-09-12 Thread Matthew

See thread

On Aug 9, 1:31 pm, Matthew  wrote:
> I am using Django's generic views to create a blog site.  The
> templates I created, entry_archive_day, entry_archive_month,
> entry_archive, and entry_detail all work perfectly, but
> entry_archive_year does not.
> Instead, it is simply a blank page.  It looks like it sees no objects
> in 'object_list'.
> Details are included below:
> entry_info_dict = {
>                    'queryset': Entry.objects.all(),
>                    'date_field': 'pub_date',
>                    }
> ...
> (r'^weblog/$',
>      'django.views.generic.date_based.archive_index', # works with
> 'latest', not 'object_list'
>      entry_info_dict),
>     # Weblog by year
>     (r'^weblog/(?P\d{4})/$',
>      'django.views.generic.date_based.archive_year', # doesn't work
>      entry_info_dict),
>     # Weblog by month
>     (r'^weblog/(?P\d{4})/(?P\w{3})/$',
>      'django.views.generic.date_based.archive_month',
>      entry_info_dict),
>     # Weblog by day
>     (r'^weblog/(?P\d{4})/(?P\w{3})/(?P\d{2})/$',
>      'django.views.generic.date_based.archive_day',
> ...
> entry_archive_year:
>         Entry Archive {{ year }}
>         {% for object in object_list %}
>             {{ object.title }}
>                 Published on {{ object.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}
>             {% if object.excerpt_html %}
>                {{ object.excerpt_html|safe }}
>             {% else %}
>                {{ object.body_html|truncatewords_html:"50"|safe }}
>             {% endif %}
>                 Read full
> entry
>         {% endfor %}
> ==
> Output forhttp://localhost:8000/weblog/2009/aug/(notice 3 entries
> for August):
> ==
> Latest!
> Published on August 9, 2009
> Specific areas for enhancement:
> * Adding related objects should be easier. Now you have to "save and
> continue" to get an extra set of fields to add a new related object.
> You should be able to click "add new object" to add another set of
> blank fields inline on the page ...
> Read full Entry
> Practical Django Projects
> Published on August 9, 2009
> It also will keep track of open tags and close them if it cuts off the
> text before a closing tag. (A sep- arate filter, truncatewords, simply
> cuts off at the specified number of words and pays no attention to
> HTML.)
> Read full Entry
> Star Wars
> Published on August 6, 2009
> Star Wars used to be a great movie series.
> Read full Entry
> ===
> Output forhttp://localhost:8000/weblog/2009/is a blank page (no
> errors).  There should be at least 3 entries, demonstrated by
> August.
> ===
> Thanks,
> Matthew
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Re: Generic view 'archive_year' produces blank HTML page

2009-09-12 Thread Matthew

Here is more information:

On Aug 10, 8:35 pm, Alasdair  wrote:
> archive_year doesn't add a list of objects to the context by default.
> Instead, it adds date_list, a list of months that have objects
> available in the given year.
> To add object_list to the context, use the optional argument
> make_object_list=True when calling archive_year.
> For more info, look at the docs 
> at
> Alasdair
> On Aug 11, 1:27 am, Matthew  wrote:
> > I am using Django's generic views to create a blog site.  The
> > templates I created, entry_archive_day, entry_archive_month,
> > entry_archive, and entry_detail all work perfectly, but
> > entry_archive_year does not.
> > Instead, it is simply a blank page.  It looks like it sees no objects
> > in 'object_list'.
> > I know that 'archive' uses a 'latest' list instead of 'object_list',
> > but that's not the case with 'archive_year', correct?
> > Thanks,
> > Matthew
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ImageField anti-duplication

2009-09-12 Thread A. Rossi

I have an application where users can upload images, then the image is
renamed to a SHA256 hash of the file's contents.
Here is the relevant snippet of the model

class ImagePost(Post):
def imgurl(self, filename):
import hashlib, os.path
extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
return "images/%s%s" % (hashlib.sha256(
(self.image.size)).hexdigest(), extension[1])

image = models.ImageField(upload_to=imgurl, blank=True)

what I am attempting to do is, if a user uploads an image that already
exists (i.e. the two files have the exact same SHA256 hash) I want to
have the ImageField point to the already existing file, rather than
save the newly uploaded one. I have tried a couple things that didn't
work, and the default behavior when dealing with files of the same
name is to append an extra _ to the end of the name, before the

I feel like I'm on the cusp of figuring this out, but I'm stuck. Also,
would I put the code for this into the imgurl() function, create a
custom storage object, in the view(s) directly?

Thank you for your help.
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Re: How to invoke hasNoProfanities?

2009-09-12 Thread Daniel Roseman

On Sep 11, 10:40 pm, Brandon  wrote:
> Uh, where? I see the definition in, but I can certainly
> enter any of the words on the profanities list in:
> into a text field and it will not throw
> an exception.

I actually think that this is a left-over setting from old code that
has since been removed. The profanities checker was one of the
oldforms validators, which were removed before version 1.0. So the
setting is probably deprecated.
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