Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-29 Thread Simon Kelley

On 27/07/13 19:11, Uwe Schindler wrote:

I want to try and avoid making every parameter changable, like Radv
does. Who can tell what the parameters should be. A flag which says
stay in fast retransmit mode to fix buggy android seems much more

That is perfectly fine! So a boolean option to work around the
android bug (and for other power-saving devices, which ignore ICMPv6
messages in sleep mode) would be enough! Ideally we could detect
android devices and automatically switch to that mode once an android
device is in the WLAN, but that’s not really possible without a large
database of MAC address prefixes of broken WIFI chips/manufacturers.
:-) Maybe Broadcom fixes the bug at some time and later Samsung
devices does not have this problem (the HTC Desire here is completely
responsible - with the backside that the ongoing ICMP requests drain
battery faster, because kernel has to wake up to process the RA).

git repo now has --force-fast-ra. I'm currently hacking on a tiny 
netbook without access to my normal test harness, so this is untested. 
It's simple enough that I probably haven't broken it :)

Finally I found one more small thing in addition to the deprecated
prefixes: radvd sends shortly before exiting one or two last router
advertisements to deprecate all prefixes it has given out before
(this is also part of the DeprecatePrefix option of radvd). I found
out that in the fact of a reboot of the router, when it comes back
again there is no chance to deprecate the leases altogether.

Another option would be to save the deprecated/used prefixes in the
lease file, so it survives reboots of the router. In that case when
somebody switches off the router by removing power coord or rebooting
it through the web interface, it would announce the old prefixes as
deprecated (for max 2 hours as we do currently). In my opinion, this
would be nice to have, but its not urgent. At least it should send
one or 2 RAs on shut down with preferred_lifetime=0 and maximum 2 hrs
valid_ lifetime (but not greater than the current lifetime). Radvd
does this if requested, so shutdown takes approx. 1 second.

Hmm, deprecate prefixes when dnsmasq goes down but the router doesn't, 
but don't deprecate prefixes when the router goes down. That sounds 
exactly backwards. I know I probably restart dnsmasq more often than 
most (here at dnsmasq central, we eat our own dogfood) but the idea 
that stopping dnsmasq would kill all IPv6 connectivity on the network 
sounds like a bad one to me.

Oone small thing with your new code - maybe a bug, because the
comment says something else: Although the valid_lifetime of the
prefix is now lower (30 mins on my machine), after deprecation it
raises the valid_lifetime again up to 2 hrs. This is unneeded. It
should use the lower of the current valid_lifetime or 2 hrs (this is
what it explains in the RFC):  then the IPv6 CE router MUST
immediately advertise the old prefix with a Preferred Lifetime of
zero and a Valid Lifetime of the lower of the current Valid Lifetime
and 2 hours (which must be decremented in real time). BTW: The 2
hours are a special number: it is the minimum time a router can use
to reannounce the valid lifetime if it is currently higher. Otherwise
a client would ignore this message - this is to prevent malicious
clients from spoofing a router. This is why it must use a minimum of
the current lifetime but never more than 2 hours to deprecate the
prefix. The code should look like: Once a prefix is deprecated, use
the current lifetime in the last RA and decrement it from now on.

Fixed now, see previous message.




___ Dnsmasq-discuss
mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-29 Thread Uwe Schindler
Hi Simon,

I did a git pull yesterday evening and problem was already fixed. Many thanks!


Uwe Schindler
H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen

 -Original Message-
 From: Simon Kelley []
 Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 4:55 PM
 To: Uwe Schindler
 Subject: Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable?
 Deprecate old prefixes?
 On 27/07/13 19:21, Uwe Schindler wrote:
  I found the reason for this bug:
  One small thing with your new code - maybe a bug, because the comment
  says something else: Although the configured (in my config)
  valid_lifetime of the prefix is now lower (30 mins on my machine),
  after deprecation it raises the valid_lifetime again up to 2 hrs.
  It misses to apply this code also to context-saved_lifetime in
  radv.c, approx. line 484:
  /* configured time is ceiling */ if (!constructed || valid  time)
  valid = time;
  So this 3 lines should be moved up, before the part where valid is
  copied to saved_valid. Or the same code should also be applied to
  saved_lifetime, if set.
 Got it. That's fixed in the git repo now.

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-29 Thread Uwe Schindler
Hi Simon,

  I want to try and avoid making every parameter changable, like Radv
  does. Who can tell what the parameters should be. A flag which says
  stay in fast retransmit mode to fix buggy android seems much more
  That is perfectly fine! So a boolean option to work around the android
  bug (and for other power-saving devices, which ignore ICMPv6 messages
  in sleep mode) would be enough! Ideally we could detect
  android devices and automatically switch to that mode once an android
  device is in the WLAN, but that’s not really possible without a large
  database of MAC address prefixes of broken WIFI chips/manufacturers.
  :-) Maybe Broadcom fixes the bug at some time and later Samsung
  devices does not have this problem (the HTC Desire here is completely
  responsible - with the backside that the ongoing ICMP requests drain
  battery faster, because kernel has to wake up to process the RA).
 git repo now has --force-fast-ra. I'm currently hacking on a tiny netbook
 without access to my normal test harness, so this is untested.
 It's simple enough that I probably haven't broken it :)

I did a git pull and rebuilt debian package. Works like a charm!

  Finally I found one more small thing in addition to the deprecated
  prefixes: radvd sends shortly before exiting one or two last router
  advertisements to deprecate all prefixes it has given out before (this
  is also part of the DeprecatePrefix option of radvd). I found out
  that in the fact of a reboot of the router, when it comes back again
  there is no chance to deprecate the leases altogether.
  Another option would be to save the deprecated/used prefixes in the
  lease file, so it survives reboots of the router. In that case when
  somebody switches off the router by removing power coord or rebooting
  it through the web interface, it would announce the old prefixes as
  deprecated (for max 2 hours as we do currently). In my opinion, this
  would be nice to have, but its not urgent. At least it should send one
  or 2 RAs on shut down with preferred_lifetime=0 and maximum 2 hrs
  valid_ lifetime (but not greater than the current lifetime). Radvd
  does this if requested, so shutdown takes approx. 1 second.
 Hmm, deprecate prefixes when dnsmasq goes down but the router doesn't,
 but don't deprecate prefixes when the router goes down. That sounds
 exactly backwards. I know I probably restart dnsmasq more often than most
 (here at dnsmasq central, we eat our own dogfood) but the idea that
 stopping dnsmasq would kill all IPv6 connectivity on the network sounds like
 a bad one to me.

I think this is the reason why it is optional in radvd. You have to explicitely 
enable DeprecatePrefix:

DeprecatePrefix on|off

  Upon  shutdown,  this  option  will cause radvd to deprecate the
  prefix by announcing it in the radvd shutdown  RA  with  a  zero
  preferred  lifetime and a valid lifetime slightly greater than 2
  hours. This  will  encourage  end-nodes  using  this  prefix  to
  deprecate  any  associated addresses immediately. Note that this
  option should only be used when only one  router  is  announcing
  the  prefix  onto  the  link, otherwise end-nodes will deprecate
  associated addresses despite the prefix still  being  valid  for
  preferred use.

  See  RFC4862, section 5.5.3., Router Advertisement Processing,
  part (e).

  Default: off

I agree this has pros and cons. The problem with Linux machines is: On 
shutdown, dnsmasq is killed first and after that the network links are going 
down. When you shutdown/reboot your router, the old prefix of your ppp 
connection stays alive for very long time, because nothing deprecates it. So 
the deprecate on shutdown was just a easy to implement idea.

I think the most correct impl would be:
- dnsmasq writes all prefixes it announces to a file (at a similar persistent 
place like the dnsmasq.leases file). Maybe use the lease file for this.
- After a restart it reads this file and for every prefix from this file which 
is no longer available it would do the same announcement like implemented 

Just make the list of prefixes persistent, on restart reload them and after 
restart do the same cleanup and mark for deprecation on them like implemented 
before if they disappeared.

This is just a nice idea for future development, as I assume it's more 
complicated to do. As a workaround I will reorder the router's init.d scripts, 
so my PPP connection is shut down before dnsmasq, so dnsmasq has a short time 
to announce the deprecation.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-27 Thread Simon Kelley

On 26/07/13 22:19, Uwe Schindler wrote:


After some testing and reconnecting PPP connection several times: All
works fine. It also recognizes multiple old prefixes and sends all of
them as deprecated.

Regarding the Android-Bug: I found out that I still have to enable
the fast mode (which is only done in the first minute after a
config change). The reason is: Although the prefix has a lifetime of
86400 on my dhcp-range, in contrast, the router itself gets a
lifetime of 1800 secs (3 times RA_INTERVAL), the RDNS got a lifetime
of 1200 secs (2 times RA_INTERVAL). To me this looks a bit
inconsequent. The router itself is in my opinion the most stable
thing of all, because its link-local-adress is used by clients. The
DNS server should in my opinion have the same lifetime as the prefix
/ dhcp-range - or best would be to use this value:
dhcp-option=option6:information-refresh-time (maybe you should send
the dhcp's range's lease time as information-refresh-time on every
dhcp request).

The 3 times RA_INTERVAL comes from the default given in RFC 4861, 
section 6.2.1 which also specifies an absolute maximum value of 9000 
seconds. I don't know if it's sensible to violate this RFC.

I was able to fix the android bug again by reducing the re-transmit
time by patcing the code, this time a bit more easy: I changed, as
suggested by you, the if-statement in the function
new_timeout(struct dhcp_context *context, time_t now), to always
use the short interval of 5 - 20 secs. This solved the problem. I
think if you add a config option to enable the fast retransmit if you
have buggy android phones, we are fine.

In addition, maybe have a separate config option to change the fast
retransmit time (but different from RA_INTERVAL) and RA_INTERVAL
itself (as you can do with radvd).

I want to try and avoid making every parameter changable, like Radv 
does. Who can tell what the parameters should be. A flag which says 
stay in fast retransmit mode to fix buggy android seems much more 



P.S.: FYI, my DNS server address is a private IPv6 address which is
assigned to the LAN interface in addition to the global prefix, see
my other mail for explanation. So the DNS is stable here, stable as
the link-local router address. I would recommend this setup also for
router manufacturers. If the DNS server is not stable, the
information-refresh-time in the DHCP packets should in any case be
specified, otherwise the client never ever asks again for the DNS
server. I checked this on windows computer.

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-27 Thread Uwe Schindler

I send in my config:

Otherwise, Windows Clients never try to renew information from DHCPv6 (it looks 
like that to me, in reality its 86400 secs, which is the default if not 
specified). confirms 

   This document describes a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for
   IPv6 (DHCPv6) option for specifying an upper bound for how long a
   client should wait before refreshing information retrieved from
   DHCPv6.  It is used with stateless DHCPv6 as there are no addresses
   or other entities with lifetimes that can tell the client when to
   contact the DHCPv6 server to refresh its configuration.

Further details:

3.1.  Constants

   We define two constants for use by the protocol.  How they are used
   is specified in the sections below.

 In some cases the client uses a default refresh time
 IRT_DEFAULT.  The recommended value for IRT_DEFAULT is 86400
 (24 hours).  The client implementation SHOULD allow for this
 value to be configurable.

 This defines a minimum value for the refresh time.

3.2.  Client Behaviour

   A client MUST request this option in the Option Request Option (ORO)
   when sending Information-Request messages to the DHCPv6 server.  A
   client MUST NOT request this option in the ORO in any other messages.

   If the Reply to an Information-Request message does not contain this
   option, the client MUST behave as if the option with value
   IRT_DEFAULT was provided.

In my opinion, dnsmasq should by default (like for stateful  IPv4 leases) use 
the lifetime specified in the dhcp-range to request the clients to refresh this 
information. If it is explicitely given, of course use the information from 
option6:information-refresh-time setting.


Uwe Schindler
H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen

 -Original Message-
 From: Simon Kelley []
 Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2013 3:04 PM
 To: Uwe Schindler
 Subject: Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable?
 Deprecate old prefixes?
 On 26/07/13 17:50, Uwe Schindler wrote:
  One thing I found in my investigations: The lifetime given in the 
  dhcp-range for IPv6 oly affects the RAs, but not the time for 
  refreshing the DHCP information request. I had to set it explicitely 
  as dhcp-option6.
 What option are you sending?

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-27 Thread Uwe Schindler

  Regarding the Android-Bug: I found out that I still have to enable 
  the fast mode (which is only done in the first minute after a 
  config change). The reason is: Although the prefix has a lifetime of
  86400 on my dhcp-range, in contrast, the router itself gets a 
  lifetime of 1800 secs (3 times RA_INTERVAL), the RDNS got a lifetime 
  of 1200 secs (2 times RA_INTERVAL). To me this looks a bit 
  inconsequent. The router itself is in my opinion the most stable 
  thing of all, because its link-local-adress is used by clients. The 
  DNS server should in my opinion have the same lifetime as the prefix 
  / dhcp-range - or best would be to use this value:
  dhcp-option=option6:information-refresh-time (maybe you should 
  send the dhcp's range's lease time as information-refresh-time on 
  every dhcp request).
 The 3 times RA_INTERVAL comes from the default given in RFC 4861, 
 6.2.1 which also specifies an absolute maximum value of 9000 seconds. 
 I don't know if it's sensible to violate this RFC.

OK that's fine. If the RFC says that, we should not violate! In general this 
means that the lifetime of the prefix does not need to be longer than that 
time, too. Because when the android phone does not get the RAs, its default 
gateway (router) will go away and so the IPv6 address is dead altogether.

In my opinion, if the DNS server information is not limited, it should be set 
to the time of the prefix, too.

  I was able to fix the android bug again by reducing the re-transmit 
  time by patcing the code, this time a bit more easy: I changed, as 
  suggested by you, the if-statement in the function 
  new_timeout(struct dhcp_context *context, time_t now), to always 
  use the short interval of 5 - 20 secs. This solved the problem. I 
  think if you add a config option to enable the fast retransmit if 
  you have buggy android phones, we are fine.
  In addition, maybe have a separate config option to change the fast 
  retransmit time (but different from RA_INTERVAL) and RA_INTERVAL 
  itself (as you can do with radvd).
 I want to try and avoid making every parameter changable, like Radv does.
 Who can tell what the parameters should be. A flag which says stay in 
 fast retransmit mode to fix buggy android seems much more sensible.

That is perfectly fine! So a boolean option to work around the android bug (and 
for other power-saving devices, which ignore ICMPv6 messages in sleep mode) 
would be enough! Ideally we could detect android devices and automatically 
switch to that mode once an android device is in the WLAN, but that’s not 
really possible without a large database of MAC address prefixes of broken WIFI 
chips/manufacturers. :-) Maybe Broadcom fixes the bug at some time and later 
Samsung devices does not have this problem (the HTC Desire here is completely 
responsible - with the backside that the ongoing ICMP requests drain battery 
faster, because kernel has to wake up to process the RA).

Finally I found one more small thing in addition to the deprecated prefixes: 
radvd sends shortly before exiting one or two last router advertisements to 
deprecate all prefixes it has given out before (this is also part of the 
DeprecatePrefix option of radvd). I found out that in the fact of a reboot of 
the router, when it comes back again there is no chance to deprecate the leases 

Another option would be to save the deprecated/used prefixes in the lease 
file, so it survives reboots of the router. In that case when somebody 
switches off the router by removing power coord or rebooting it through the web 
interface, it would announce the old prefixes as deprecated (for max 2 hours as 
we do currently). In my opinion, this would be nice to have, but its not 
urgent. At least it should send one or 2 RAs on shut down with 
preferred_lifetime=0 and maximum 2 hrs valid_ lifetime (but not greater than 
the current lifetime). Radvd does this if requested, so shutdown takes approx. 
1 second.

Oone small thing with your new code - maybe a bug, because the comment says 
something else: Although the valid_lifetime of the prefix is now lower (30 mins 
on my machine), after deprecation it raises the valid_lifetime again up to 2 
hrs. This is unneeded. It should use the lower of the current valid_lifetime or 
2 hrs (this is what it explains in the RFC):  then the IPv6 CE router MUST 
immediately advertise the old prefix with a Preferred Lifetime of zero and a 
Valid Lifetime of the lower of the current Valid Lifetime and 2 hours (which 
must be decremented in real time). BTW: The 2 hours are a special number: it 
is the minimum time a router can use to reannounce the valid lifetime if it is 
currently higher. Otherwise a client would ignore this message - this is to 
prevent malicious clients from spoofing a router. This is why it must use a 
minimum of the current lifetime but never more than 2 hours to deprecate the 
prefix. The code should look like: Once a prefix is 

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-27 Thread Uwe Schindler


I found the reason for this bug:

 One small thing with your new code - maybe a bug, because the comment
 says something else: Although the configured (in my config) valid_lifetime of 
 the prefix is now lower
 (30 mins on my machine), after deprecation it raises the valid_lifetime again
 up to 2 hrs. 

It misses to apply this code also to context-saved_lifetime in radv.c, approx. 
line 484:

   /* configured time is ceiling */
if (!constructed || valid  time) 
 valid = time;

So this 3 lines should be moved up, before the part where valid is copied to 
saved_valid. Or the same code should also be applied to saved_lifetime, if set.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-27 Thread Simon Kelley

On 27/07/13 19:11, Uwe Schindler wrote:

In my opinion, dnsmasq should by default (like for stateful  IPv4
leases) use the lifetime specified in the dhcp-range to request the
clients to refresh this information. If it is explicitely given, of
course use the information from option6:information-refresh-time

I agree. My keyboard is clattering as we speak.

There's a bit of a complication, which is that DHCPv6 
information-requests don't include the IP address of the client, so if 
an information-request arrives on an interface which has more than one 
address and more than one corresponding dhcp-range, then it's ambiguous 
which one to use. I propose that in such a case, the range with the 
smallest time will be used.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-26 Thread Simon Kelley

On 25/07/13 22:32, Uwe Schindler wrote:


reading, the
requirements for home routers are listed here:

L-13:  If the delegated prefix changes, i.e., the current prefix is
replaced with a new prefix without any overlapping time period, then
the IPv6 CE router MUST immediately advertise the old prefix with a
Preferred Lifetime of zero and a Valid Lifetime of the lower of the
current Valid Lifetime and 2 hours (which must be decremented in real
time) in a Router Advertisement message as described in Section
5.5.3, (e) of [RFC4862].

This was my original proposal. I agree that this should be done by
the PPP/WAN interface and the DHCPv6 cleint on the WAN interface, so
the old prefix gets deprecated, but with current software available
(ISC dhcpd does not work on PPP interfaces but would support that
using a shell script applying the prefix delegation - and wide-dhcpc
supports PPP interfaces, but it allows not to configure prefix
delegation, so in deprecates addresses after PPP reconnect or a
change of the prefix).

So I would be very happy, if dnsmasq (as router advertisement daemon
would provide support for this). Radvd does it - see DeprecatePrefix
options in radvd.


Good find. It's not clear to me if this is a one-off advertisement, or 
if the advertisements need to be repeated, though the 2 hours stuff 
implies that it should be repeated. I'll have a think about how to 
implement this withing the existing code. A one-off advertisement should 
be quite simple, but repeated ones are more difficult.



Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-26 Thread Simon Kelley

On 25/07/13 22:32, Uwe Schindler wrote:


reading, the
requirements for home routers are listed here:

L-13:  If the delegated prefix changes, i.e., the current prefix is
replaced with a new prefix without any overlapping time period, then
the IPv6 CE router MUST immediately advertise the old prefix with a
Preferred Lifetime of zero and a Valid Lifetime of the lower of the
current Valid Lifetime and 2 hours (which must be decremented in real
time) in a Router Advertisement message as described in Section
5.5.3, (e) of [RFC4862].

This was my original proposal. I agree that this should be done by
the PPP/WAN interface and the DHCPv6 cleint on the WAN interface, so
the old prefix gets deprecated, but with current software available
(ISC dhcpd does not work on PPP interfaces but would support that
using a shell script applying the prefix delegation - and wide-dhcpc
supports PPP interfaces, but it allows not to configure prefix
delegation, so in deprecates addresses after PPP reconnect or a
change of the prefix).

So I would be very happy, if dnsmasq (as router advertisement daemon
would provide support for this). Radvd does it - see DeprecatePrefix
options in radvd.

Try 2.67test8 - on the server now. No extra configuration needed.



Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-26 Thread Uwe Schindler
Hi Simon,

Perfect!  I will rebuild the debian package from the snapshot and try out. As 
far as I see, you have not yet made the RA_INTERVAL configurable (only for the 
unsolicited advertisements), so I will patch this, too. But in any case, I can 
raise the lifetimes now, so the problem will appear later.


Uwe Schindler
H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen

 -Original Message-
 From: Simon Kelley []
 Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 3:03 PM
 To: Uwe Schindler
 Subject: Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable?
 Deprecate old prefixes?
 On 25/07/13 22:32, Uwe Schindler wrote:
  reading, the
  requirements for home routers are listed here:
  L-13:  If the delegated prefix changes, i.e., the current prefix is
  replaced with a new prefix without any overlapping time period, then
  the IPv6 CE router MUST immediately advertise the old prefix with a
  Preferred Lifetime of zero and a Valid Lifetime of the lower of the
  current Valid Lifetime and 2 hours (which must be decremented in real
  time) in a Router Advertisement message as described in Section 5.5.3,
  (e) of [RFC4862].
  This was my original proposal. I agree that this should be done by the
  PPP/WAN interface and the DHCPv6 cleint on the WAN interface, so the
  old prefix gets deprecated, but with current software available (ISC
  dhcpd does not work on PPP interfaces but would support that using a
  shell script applying the prefix delegation - and wide-dhcpc supports
  PPP interfaces, but it allows not to configure prefix delegation, so
  in deprecates addresses after PPP reconnect or a change of the
  So I would be very happy, if dnsmasq (as router advertisement daemon
  would provide support for this). Radvd does it - see DeprecatePrefix
  options in radvd.
 Try 2.67test8 - on the server now. No extra configuration needed.

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-26 Thread Uwe Schindler
Have fun in Berlin! But the new code makes it possible to me to set the 
lifetime of the dhcp-lease to good old pre-IPv6 times (86400s) so it is 
very unlikely that the android problem reappears. I have tested it, all is 
fine now.

The Android bug can be worked around by raising the lifetime/lease time in the 
DHCP/RA - I raised it now back to 86400 like my already existing IPv4 
dhcp-range. It is very unlikely that the mobile phone is switched off to 
standby for longer than one day! So when it wakes up, the prefix is still 
valid. If the prefix changes from the provider, its correctly deprecated, so 
all is fine now.

One thing I found in my investigations: The lifetime given in the dhcp-range 
for IPv6 oly affects the RAs, but not the time for refreshing the DHCP 
information request. I had to set it explicitely as dhcp-option6.


Uwe Schindler
H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen

 -Original Message-
 From: Simon Kelley []
 Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 5:45 PM
 To: Uwe Schindler
 Subject: Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable?
 Deprecate old prefixes?
 On 26/07/13 16:24, Uwe Schindler wrote:
  Hi Simon,
  Perfect!  I will rebuild the debian package from the snapshot and try
  out. As far as I see, you have not yet made the RA_INTERVAL
  configurable (only for the unsolicited advertisements),
 Not yet, but I did split the calculation out into its own function in 
 Off to Berlin for IETF now. I should have some time to keep working on this
 during the conference.

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-26 Thread Uwe Schindler

After some testing and reconnecting PPP connection several times: All works 
fine. It also recognizes multiple old prefixes and sends all of them as 

Regarding the Android-Bug: I found out that I still have to enable the fast 
mode (which is only done in the first minute after a config change). The reason 
is: Although the prefix has a lifetime of 86400 on my dhcp-range, in contrast, 
the router itself gets a lifetime of 1800 secs (3 times RA_INTERVAL), the RDNS 
got a lifetime of 1200 secs (2 times RA_INTERVAL). To me this looks a bit 
inconsequent. The router itself is in my opinion the most stable thing of all, 
because its link-local-adress is used by clients. The DNS server should in my 
opinion have the same lifetime as the prefix / dhcp-range - or best would be to 
use this value: dhcp-option=option6:information-refresh-time (maybe you 
should send the dhcp's range's lease time as information-refresh-time on every 
dhcp request).

I was able to fix the android bug again by reducing the re-transmit time by 
patcing the code, this time a bit more easy: I changed, as suggested by you, 
the if-statement in the function new_timeout(struct dhcp_context *context, 
time_t now), to always use the short interval of 5 - 20 secs. This solved the 
problem. I think if you add a config option to enable the fast retransmit if 
you have buggy android phones, we are fine.

In addition, maybe have a separate config option to change the fast retransmit 
time (but different from RA_INTERVAL) and RA_INTERVAL itself (as you can do 
with radvd).


P.S.: FYI, my DNS server address is a private IPv6 address which is assigned to 
the LAN interface in addition to the global prefix, see my other mail for 
explanation. So the DNS is stable here, stable as the link-local router 
address. I would recommend this setup also for router manufacturers. If the DNS 
server is not stable, the information-refresh-time in the DHCP packets should 
in any case be specified, otherwise the client never ever asks again for the 
DNS server. I checked this on windows computer.

Uwe Schindler
H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:dnsmasq-] On Behalf Of Uwe Schindler
 Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 6:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable?
 Deprecate old prefixes?
 Have fun in Berlin! But the new code makes it possible to me to set the
 lifetime of the dhcp-lease to good old pre-IPv6 times (86400s) so it is
 very unlikely that the android problem reappears. I have tested it, all is
 fine now.
 The Android bug can be worked around by raising the lifetime/lease time in
 the DHCP/RA - I raised it now back to 86400 like my already existing IPv4
 dhcp-range. It is very unlikely that the mobile phone is switched off to
 standby for longer than one day! So when it wakes up, the prefix is still 
 If the prefix changes from the provider, its correctly deprecated, so all is 
 One thing I found in my investigations: The lifetime given in the dhcp-range
 for IPv6 oly affects the RAs, but not the time for refreshing the DHCP
 information request. I had to set it explicitely as dhcp-option6.
 Uwe Schindler
 H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen
  -Original Message-
  From: Simon Kelley []
  Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 5:45 PM
  To: Uwe Schindler
  Subject: Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable?
  Deprecate old prefixes?
  On 26/07/13 16:24, Uwe Schindler wrote:
   Hi Simon,
   Perfect!  I will rebuild the debian package from the snapshot and
   try out. As far as I see, you have not yet made the RA_INTERVAL
   configurable (only for the unsolicited advertisements),
  Not yet, but I did split the calculation out into its own function in
  Off to Berlin for IETF now. I should have some time to keep working on
  this during the conference.
 Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-25 Thread Uwe Schindler
 On 24/07/13 19:16, Uwe Schindler wrote:
  RA's are not the same as DHCP, there's no such thing as a lease 
  time. What there is, is preferred and valid lifetimes. What should 
  happen is that when old address is about to go away, the address 
  for that prefix on the network adaptor should have its preferred 
  lifetime set to zero, and dnsmasq will then notice that and send 
  RA's with the preferred lifetime also set to zero.
  I meant the life time, it was just a typo somehow :-) The idea here 
  was to send preferred_lifetime=0 in RAs for prefixes that 
  disappeared from the interface to inform the clients that they are 
  no longer useable (my provider does not route old prefixes after a 
  reconnect with PPP). Currently you have to set the lifetime very low 
  (which produces more traffic on the wire) or manually delete or 
  switch on/off the network adaptors once the router reconnects or the 
  prefix changes for some reason.
  My proposal is to keep a list of previous prefixes from the 
  constructor:ethX code and also send those prefixes, but with
  lifetime=0 to inform all client to no longer use that address. Those 
  0-lifetime RAs should be sent at least for the length of the 
  original lifetime. Radvd has code to handle this (although it’s a bit 
 My understanding of this is that it's something that should happen in 
 the DHCP client and/or ISP DHCP server.
 Ie, when the prefix has to change, the ISP's DHCP server renews the 
 existing prefix delegation, but with the preferred lifetime==0. It 
 also offers a new prefix delegation. The old and new prefixes get 
 installed in the network adaptor with the preferred lifetime values. 
 Dnsmasq starts to advertise the new prefix and continues to advertise 
 the old prefix, but with the pref- lifetime at zero taken from the value in 
 the adaptor.

The problem is different in most cases: When you have a dhcp client waiting on 
an PPPoE connection (e.g. wide-dhcpc, like most consumer routers use - ISC dhcp 
cannot listen on ppp interfaces unfortunately) and the PPPoE connection gets 
reconnected/disconnected, the ppp interface is disappears and is later 
recreated. When its disappearing, the whole set of IP addresses gets lost and 
they are not deprecated, so dnsmasq will not recognize any deprecation. I have 
seen your code that propagates the deprecation of existing interfaces in the 
RAs, but this only works if the prefix/IP address is still existing on the 
interface, just with preferred lifetime==0. With PPP interfaces disappearing 
and being recreated, this does not help, because the address is gone (it’s a 
new instance of the network interface, just with same name). As dnsmasq is 
mainly for consumer routers which are mostly working with PPP connections, it 
would be nice to have.

 Again, this is new territory, I'm not saying has to be done like that, 
 but that's the process I was thinking of when I wrote the existing code.

That's fine!

See also:

DeprecatePrefix on|off

  Upon  shutdown,  this  option  will cause radvd to deprecate the
  prefix by announcing it in the radvd shutdown  RA  with  a  zero
  preferred  lifetime and a valid lifetime slightly greater than 2
  hours. This  will  encourage  end-nodes  using  this  prefix  to
  deprecate  any  associated addresses immediately. Note that this
  option should only be used when only one  router  is  announcing
  the  prefix  onto  the  link, otherwise end-nodes will deprecate
  associated addresses despite the prefix still  being  valid  for
  preferred use.

  See  RFC4862, section 5.5.3., Router Advertisement Processing,
  part (e).

  Default: off

Shutdown means in that case shutdown of interface, too. At least this is how it 
works for radvd.


 Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-25 Thread Uwe Schindler
Hi again,

In addition, I found a relic from the time when the RA_INTERVAL value was 
hardcoded into radv.c. There is still one:

Line 294: 
  put_opt6_long(1800); /* lifetime - twice RA retransmit */

Should be:
  put_opt6_long(RA_INTERVAL * 2); /* lifetime - twice RA retransmit */

I am currently looking into the code to find an easy way how to make the 
RA_INTERVAL configureable, maybe I can provide a patch. But if it's easy for 
you, it would be really nice to have this in future versions. So the 
deprecation of addresses no longer used on the network interface is not my 
primary concern, more I would prefer to work around the bugs in certain android 
phones not receiving ICMPv6 messages in standby mode, so the RA_INTERVAL should 
be configureable (I want to set it to much lower values than 600s, I have a 
patched version with 6s retransmit running on my debian testing box).


Uwe Schindler
H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:dnsmasq-] On Behalf Of Uwe Schindler
 Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 8:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable?
 Deprecate old prefixes?
  RA's are not the same as DHCP, there's no such thing as a lease time.
  What there is, is preferred and valid lifetimes. What should happen 
  is that when old address is about to go away, the address for that 
  prefix on the network adaptor should have its preferred lifetime set 
  to zero, and dnsmasq will then notice that and send RA's with the 
  preferred lifetime also set to zero.
 I meant the life time, it was just a typo somehow :-) The idea here 
 was to send preferred_lifetime=0 in RAs for prefixes that disappeared 
 from the interface to inform the clients that they are no longer 
 useable (my provider does not route old prefixes after a reconnect 
 with PPP). Currently you have to set the lifetime very low (which 
 produces more traffic on the wire) or manually delete or switch on/off 
 the network adaptors once the router reconnects or the prefix changes for 
 some reason.
 My proposal is to keep a list of previous prefixes from the 
 constructor:ethX code and also send those prefixes, but with 
 lifetime=0 to inform all client to no longer use that address. Those 
 0-lifetime RAs should be sent at least for the length of the original 
 lifetime. Radvd has code to handle this (although it’s a bit buggy).
 Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-25 Thread Simon Kelley

On 25/07/13 11:59, Uwe Schindler wrote:

Hi again,

In addition, I found a relic from the time when the RA_INTERVAL value
was hardcoded into radv.c. There is still one:

Line 294: put_opt6_long(1800); /* lifetime - twice RA retransmit */

Should be: put_opt6_long(RA_INTERVAL * 2); /* lifetime - twice RA
retransmit */

Yes, that's a bug.

I am currently looking into the code to find an easy way how to make
the RA_INTERVAL configureable, maybe I can provide a patch. But if
it's easy for you, it would be really nice to have this in future
versions. So the deprecation of addresses no longer used on the
network interface is not my primary concern, more I would prefer to
work around the bugs in certain android phones not receiving ICMPv6
messages in standby mode, so the RA_INTERVAL should be configureable
(I want to set it to much lower values than 600s, I have a patched
version with 6s retransmit running on my debian testing box).

Note that RA_INTERVAL is used in the code for two related things.

1) It sets the lifetime values for parameters being sent. At the moment, 
the router advertisement is set to three times RA_INTERVAL, the DNS 
server and domain-search params are twice RA_INTERVAL, and prefixes are 
set to (at least RA_INTERVAL)

2) It sets how often unsolicited RA's are sent.

Clearly these are related, the lifetime of parameters must be at least 
until they can be renewed by another RA, and preferably longer, to allow 
for packet loss.

You probably don't want to reduce the lifetimes, that would be 
counter-productive for the Android bug. you do want to send RAs more often.

The relevant code for that is here:

if (difftime(param-now, context-ra_short_period_start)  60.0)
  /* range 5 - 20 */
  context-ra_time = param-now + 5 + (rand16()/4400);
  /* range 3/4 - 1 times RA_INTERVAL */
  context-ra_time = param-now + (3 * RA_INTERVAL)/4 + 
((RA_INTERVAL * (unsigned int)rand16())  18);

Which says that for the first minute after an configuration change, we 
send RAs every 5- 20 seconds, the actual delay is random. Once the first 
minute is up, we wait 3/4 of RA_INTERVAL to RA_INTERVAL.

It seems to me that the simplest solution might be lock the fast RA 
mode, and never drop back to the full RA_INTERVAL delay. on a config 
flag as Android workaround mode

Another solution might be to derive the RA retransmit rate from the RA 
lifetimes, At the moment if you declare a RA prefix with a short 
lifetime, the lifetime gets extended to be as long as RA_INTERVAL, 
instead, we could reduce RA_INTERVAL to be the shortest configure 
lifetime (or actually half of that to allow for lost packets).




- Uwe Schindler H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen eMail:

-Original Message- From: [mailto:dnsmasq-] On Behalf Of Uwe
Schindler Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 8:17 PM To: Subject: Re:
[Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old


RA's are not the same as DHCP, there's no such thing as a lease
time. What there is, is preferred and valid lifetimes. What
should happen is that when old address is about to go away, the
address for that prefix on the network adaptor should have its
preferred lifetime set to zero, and dnsmasq will then notice that
and send RA's with the preferred lifetime also set to zero.

I meant the life time, it was just a typo somehow :-) The idea
here was to send preferred_lifetime=0 in RAs for prefixes that
disappeared from the interface to inform the clients that they
are no longer useable (my provider does not route old prefixes
after a reconnect with PPP). Currently you have to set the lifetime
very low (which produces more traffic on the wire) or manually
delete or switch on/off the network adaptors once the router
reconnects or the prefix changes for some reason.

My proposal is to keep a list of previous prefixes from the
constructor:ethX code and also send those prefixes, but with
lifetime=0 to inform all client to no longer use that address.
Those 0-lifetime RAs should be sent at least for the length of the
original lifetime. Radvd has code to handle this (although it’s a
bit buggy).


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mailing list

___ Dnsmasq-discuss
mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-25 Thread Simon Kelley

On 25/07/13 12:36, Uwe Schindler wrote:

Hi again,

one addition, because its too hot here... The reality is again
different (very complicated with IPv6):

Hot there too? Reply at the end.

On 24/07/13 19:16, Uwe Schindler wrote:


RA's are not the same as DHCP, there's no such thing as a
lease time. What there is, is preferred and valid
lifetimes. What should happen is that when old address is
about to go away, the address for that prefix on the network
adaptor should have its preferred lifetime set to zero, and
dnsmasq will then notice that and send RA's with the
preferred lifetime also set to zero.

I meant the life time, it was just a typo somehow :-) The idea
here was to send preferred_lifetime=0 in RAs for prefixes that
disappeared from the interface to inform the clients that
they are no longer useable (my provider does not route old
prefixes after a reconnect with PPP). Currently you have to set
the lifetime very low (which produces more traffic on the wire)
or manually delete or switch on/off the network adaptors once
the router reconnects or the prefix changes for some reason.

My proposal is to keep a list of previous prefixes from the
constructor:ethX code and also send those prefixes, but with
lifetime=0 to inform all client to no longer use that address.
Those 0-lifetime RAs should be sent at least for the length of
the original lifetime. Radvd has code to handle this (although
it’s a bit buggy).

My understanding of this is that it's something that should
happen in the DHCP client and/or ISP DHCP server.

Ie, when the prefix has to change, the ISP's DHCP server renews
the existing prefix delegation, but with the preferred
lifetime==0. It also offers a new prefix delegation. The old and
new prefixes get installed in the network adaptor with the
preferred lifetime values. Dnsmasq starts to advertise the new
prefix and continues to advertise the old prefix, but with the
pref- lifetime at zero taken from the value in

the adaptor.

The problem is different in most cases: When you have a dhcp client
waiting on an PPPoE connection (e.g. wide-dhcpc, like most consumer
routers use - ISC dhcp cannot listen on ppp interfaces
unfortunately) and the PPPoE connection gets
reconnected/disconnected, the ppp interface is disappears and is
later recreated. When its disappearing, the whole set of IP
addresses gets lost and they are not deprecated, so dnsmasq will
not recognize any deprecation. I have seen your code that
propagates the deprecation of existing interfaces in the RAs, but
this only works if the prefix/IP address is still existing on the
interface, just with preferred lifetime==0. With PPP interfaces
disappearing and being recreated, this does not help, because the
address is gone (it’s a new instance of the network interface, just
with same name). As dnsmasq is mainly for consumer routers which
are mostly working with PPP connections, it would be nice to have.

Indeed ist more complicated but effect ist he same: For DSL lines you
ahev in most cases the following setup: - PPP connection (PPPoE),
creating network adaptor ppp0 - this adaptor is coming on going
when connections are created/released - LAN interface (on which
dnsmasq is listening), eth0, with a static IPv4 address and a
dynamic IPv6 address prefix - wide-dhcpc client listening on the ppp0
interface and requesting prefix delegation. The delegated prefix is
assigned as new address with given suffix (::1 or from mac address)
to the eth0 interface.

In fact, as you say: When ppp0 disconnects or reconnects, the
wide-dhcp client should not actually remove the delegated prefix from
the eth0 interface, but unfortunately it does. The reason for this is
the following: the dhcp client stops when the ppp0 interface
disappears, so it is restarted in the ifup scripts after the ppp
connection was reconnected. When the wide-dhcpc client exits, it will
clean up so it removes all addresses assigned -  that's the

I think this is even more broken than that. Surely, what should happen 
if the PPPoE link goes down and then comes up again is that the DHCP 
client should attempt to renew existing DHCP leases, including prefix 
delegations. Any sensible DHCP server at the ISP should give back the 
same prefix delegations, so not only should the prefixes not be removed 
from eth0 just because ppp0 goes down, they will probably not even be 
deprecated once the PPP link is back. Using dnsmasq to deprecate them 
once the PPP link goes is the last thing you should do.

Maybe this is different with ISC dhcp (because you can script the
whole prefix delegation), but ISC dhcp is never used, because current
versions of isc-dhcp cannot listen on ppp interfaces (refuses to
start). There is no reason for this, on the mailing list they say
it’s a relic from earlier IPv4 days. There is nothing against
listening for DHCP on a ppp interface. Because of this most consumer
routers (like the Fritzbox) use wide-dhcpc as client for prefix
delegation on 

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-25 Thread Uwe Schindler

  On 24/07/13 19:16, Uwe Schindler wrote:
  RA's are not the same as DHCP, there's no such thing as a lease
  time. What there is, is preferred and valid lifetimes. What
  should happen is that when old address is about to go away, the
  address for that prefix on the network adaptor should have its
  preferred lifetime set to zero, and dnsmasq will then notice that
  and send RA's with the preferred lifetime also set to zero.
  I meant the life time, it was just a typo somehow :-) The idea here
  was to send preferred_lifetime=0 in RAs for prefixes that
  disappeared from the interface to inform the clients that they
  are no longer useable (my provider does not route old prefixes
  after a reconnect with PPP). Currently you have to set the lifetime
  very low (which produces more traffic on the wire) or manually
  delete or switch on/off the network adaptors once the router
  reconnects or the prefix changes for some reason.
  My proposal is to keep a list of previous prefixes from the
  constructor:ethX code and also send those prefixes, but with
  lifetime=0 to inform all client to no longer use that address.
  Those 0-lifetime RAs should be sent at least for the length of the
  original lifetime. Radvd has code to handle this (although it’s a
  bit buggy).
  My understanding of this is that it's something that should happen
  in the DHCP client and/or ISP DHCP server.
  Ie, when the prefix has to change, the ISP's DHCP server renews the
  existing prefix delegation, but with the preferred lifetime==0. It
  also offers a new prefix delegation. The old and new prefixes get
  installed in the network adaptor with the preferred lifetime values.
  Dnsmasq starts to advertise the new prefix and continues to
  advertise the old prefix, but with the
  pref- lifetime at zero taken from the value in
  the adaptor.
  The problem is different in most cases: When you have a dhcp client
  waiting on an PPPoE connection (e.g. wide-dhcpc, like most consumer
  routers use - ISC dhcp cannot listen on ppp interfaces
  unfortunately) and the PPPoE connection gets
  reconnected/disconnected, the ppp interface is disappears and is
  later recreated. When its disappearing, the whole set of IP addresses
  gets lost and they are not deprecated, so dnsmasq will not recognize
  any deprecation. I have seen your code that propagates the
  deprecation of existing interfaces in the RAs, but this only works if
  the prefix/IP address is still existing on the interface, just with
  preferred lifetime==0. With PPP interfaces disappearing and being
  recreated, this does not help, because the address is gone (it’s a
  new instance of the network interface, just with same name). As
  dnsmasq is mainly for consumer routers which are mostly working with
  PPP connections, it would be nice to have.
  Indeed ist more complicated but effect ist he same: For DSL lines you
  ahev in most cases the following setup: - PPP connection (PPPoE),
  creating network adaptor ppp0 - this adaptor is coming on going when
  connections are created/released - LAN interface (on which dnsmasq is
  listening), eth0, with a static IPv4 address and a dynamic IPv6
  address prefix - wide-dhcpc client listening on the ppp0 interface and
  requesting prefix delegation. The delegated prefix is assigned as new
  address with given suffix (::1 or from mac address) to the eth0
  In fact, as you say: When ppp0 disconnects or reconnects, the
  wide-dhcp client should not actually remove the delegated prefix from
  the eth0 interface, but unfortunately it does. The reason for this is
  the following: the dhcp client stops when the ppp0 interface
  disappears, so it is restarted in the ifup scripts after the ppp
  connection was reconnected. When the wide-dhcpc client exits, it will
  clean up so it removes all addresses assigned -  that's the
 I think this is even more broken than that. Surely, what should happen if the
 PPPoE link goes down and then comes up again is that the DHCP client should
 attempt to renew existing DHCP leases, including prefix delegations. Any
 sensible DHCP server at the ISP should give back the same prefix delegations,
 so not only should the prefixes not be removed from eth0 just because ppp0
 goes down, they will probably not even be deprecated once the PPP link is
 back. Using dnsmasq to deprecate them once the PPP link goes is the last
 thing you should do.

Indeed! From my feeling the use of DHCP on a PPP interface is a horrible idea. 
Not even ISC's client supports it, but the providers seem to use it all, see - So a fix in ISC's dhcp is long 
overdue to work with PPP - but e.g., is open since years! In 
contrast, wide-DHCP is dead, so no updates since 2008!

To me this looks wrong altogether. The prefix should be assigned through the 
PPP protocol, like nameservers and addresses on IPv4. 

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-25 Thread Uwe Schindler

 On 25/07/13 11:59, Uwe Schindler wrote:
  Hi again,
  In addition, I found a relic from the time when the RA_INTERVAL value
  was hardcoded into radv.c. There is still one:
  Line 294: put_opt6_long(1800); /* lifetime - twice RA retransmit */
  Should be: put_opt6_long(RA_INTERVAL * 2); /* lifetime - twice RA
  retransmit */
 Yes, that's a bug.
  I am currently looking into the code to find an easy way how to make
  the RA_INTERVAL configureable, maybe I can provide a patch. But if
  it's easy for you, it would be really nice to have this in future
  versions. So the deprecation of addresses no longer used on the
  network interface is not my primary concern, more I would prefer to
  work around the bugs in certain android phones not receiving ICMPv6
  messages in standby mode, so the RA_INTERVAL should be configureable
  (I want to set it to much lower values than 600s, I have a patched
  version with 6s retransmit running on my debian testing box).
 Note that RA_INTERVAL is used in the code for two related things.
 1) It sets the lifetime values for parameters being sent. At the moment, the
 router advertisement is set to three times RA_INTERVAL, the DNS server and
 domain-search params are twice RA_INTERVAL, and prefixes are set to (at
 2) It sets how often unsolicited RA's are sent.
 Clearly these are related, the lifetime of parameters must be at least until
 they can be renewed by another RA, and preferably longer, to allow for
 packet loss.
 You probably don't want to reduce the lifetimes, that would be counter-
 productive for the Android bug. you do want to send RAs more often.
 The relevant code for that is here:
 if (difftime(param-now, context-ra_short_period_start)  60.0)
 /* range 5 - 20 */
 context-ra_time = param-now + 5 + (rand16()/4400);
 /* range 3/4 - 1 times RA_INTERVAL */
context-ra_time = param-now + (3 * RA_INTERVAL)/4 +
 ((RA_INTERVAL * (unsigned int)rand16())  18);
 Which says that for the first minute after an configuration change, we
 send RAs every 5- 20 seconds, the actual delay is random. Once the first
 minute is up, we wait 3/4 of RA_INTERVAL to RA_INTERVAL.
 It seems to me that the simplest solution might be lock the fast RA
 mode, and never drop back to the full RA_INTERVAL delay. on a config
 flag as Android workaround mode

This is a good idea, it is also easy to implement as a config flag?

 Another solution might be to derive the RA retransmit rate from the RA
 lifetimes, At the moment if you declare a RA prefix with a short
 lifetime, the lifetime gets extended to be as long as RA_INTERVAL,
 instead, we could reduce RA_INTERVAL to be the shortest configure
 lifetime (or actually half of that to allow for lost packets).

In general I like the fast RA mode to be enabled with a config flag, but 
nevertheless, the constant RA_INTERVAL should be configureable, so you can 
customize it. I agree that lowering RA_INTERVAL currently also makes the 
lifetimes shorter, which is bad for the android bug. So I would decouple the 
RDNS, router and prefix lifetimes from RA_INTERVAL and make RA_INTERVAL 
configureable. In my opinion, the RDNS should have the dhcp--range's lease time 
as lifetime (minimum RA_INTERVAL). The prefix already has the lease time of the 
corresponding dhcp-range. The router itself could be in the same lifetime or 
even longer, especially as the router's link-local address is fixed and never 


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-25 Thread Uwe Schindler

reading, the 
requirements for home routers are listed here:

   L-13:  If the delegated prefix changes, i.e., the current prefix is
  replaced with a new prefix without any overlapping time
  period, then the IPv6 CE router MUST immediately advertise the
  old prefix with a Preferred Lifetime of zero and a Valid
  Lifetime of the lower of the current Valid Lifetime and 2
  hours (which must be decremented in real time) in a Router
  Advertisement message as described in Section 5.5.3, (e) of

This was my original proposal. I agree that this should be done by the PPP/WAN 
interface and the DHCPv6 cleint on the WAN interface, so the old prefix gets 
deprecated, but with current software available (ISC dhcpd does not work on PPP 
interfaces but would support that using a shell script applying the prefix 
delegation - and wide-dhcpc supports PPP interfaces, but it allows not to 
configure prefix delegation, so in deprecates addresses after PPP reconnect or 
a change of the prefix).

So I would be very happy, if dnsmasq (as router advertisement daemon would 
provide support for this). Radvd does it - see DeprecatePrefix options in radvd.


   On 24/07/13 19:16, Uwe Schindler wrote:
   RA's are not the same as DHCP, there's no such thing as a lease
   time. What there is, is preferred and valid lifetimes. What
   should happen is that when old address is about to go away, the
   address for that prefix on the network adaptor should have its
   preferred lifetime set to zero, and dnsmasq will then notice
   that and send RA's with the preferred lifetime also set to zero.
   I meant the life time, it was just a typo somehow :-) The idea
   here was to send preferred_lifetime=0 in RAs for prefixes that
   disappeared from the interface to inform the clients that they
   are no longer useable (my provider does not route old prefixes
   after a reconnect with PPP). Currently you have to set the
   lifetime very low (which produces more traffic on the wire) or
   manually delete or switch on/off the network adaptors once the
   router reconnects or the prefix changes for some reason.
   My proposal is to keep a list of previous prefixes from the
   constructor:ethX code and also send those prefixes, but with
   lifetime=0 to inform all client to no longer use that address.
   Those 0-lifetime RAs should be sent at least for the length of
   the original lifetime. Radvd has code to handle this (although
   it’s a bit buggy).
   My understanding of this is that it's something that should happen
   in the DHCP client and/or ISP DHCP server.
   Ie, when the prefix has to change, the ISP's DHCP server renews
   the existing prefix delegation, but with the preferred
   lifetime==0. It also offers a new prefix delegation. The old and
   new prefixes get installed in the network adaptor with the preferred
 lifetime values.
   Dnsmasq starts to advertise the new prefix and continues to
   advertise the old prefix, but with the
   pref- lifetime at zero taken from the value in
   the adaptor.
   The problem is different in most cases: When you have a dhcp client
   waiting on an PPPoE connection (e.g. wide-dhcpc, like most consumer
   routers use - ISC dhcp cannot listen on ppp interfaces
   unfortunately) and the PPPoE connection gets
   reconnected/disconnected, the ppp interface is disappears and is
   later recreated. When its disappearing, the whole set of IP
   addresses gets lost and they are not deprecated, so dnsmasq will
   not recognize any deprecation. I have seen your code that
   propagates the deprecation of existing interfaces in the RAs, but
   this only works if the prefix/IP address is still existing on the
   interface, just with preferred lifetime==0. With PPP interfaces
   disappearing and being recreated, this does not help, because the
   address is gone (it’s a new instance of the network interface, just
   with same name). As dnsmasq is mainly for consumer routers which
   are mostly working with PPP connections, it would be nice to have.
   Indeed ist more complicated but effect ist he same: For DSL lines
   you ahev in most cases the following setup: - PPP connection
   (PPPoE), creating network adaptor ppp0 - this adaptor is coming on
   going when connections are created/released - LAN interface (on
   which dnsmasq is listening), eth0, with a static IPv4 address and
   a dynamic IPv6 address prefix - wide-dhcpc client listening on the
   ppp0 interface and requesting prefix delegation. The delegated
   prefix is assigned as new address with given suffix (::1 or from mac
   address) to the eth0 interface.
   In fact, as you say: When ppp0 disconnects or reconnects, the
   wide-dhcp client should not actually remove the delegated prefix
   from the eth0 interface, but unfortunately it does. The reason for
   this is the 

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-24 Thread Uwe Schindler

 RA's are not the same as DHCP, there's no such thing as a lease time.
 What there is, is preferred and valid lifetimes. What should happen is 
 that when old address is about to go away, the address for that prefix 
 on the network adaptor should have its preferred lifetime set to zero, 
 and dnsmasq will then notice that and send RA's with the preferred 
 lifetime also set to zero.

I meant the life time, it was just a typo somehow :-) The idea here was to send 
preferred_lifetime=0 in RAs for prefixes that disappeared from the interface to 
inform the clients that they are no longer useable (my provider does not 
route old prefixes after a reconnect with PPP). Currently you have to set the 
lifetime very low (which produces more traffic on the wire) or manually delete 
or switch on/off the network adaptors once the router reconnects or the prefix 
changes for some reason.

My proposal is to keep a list of previous prefixes from the constructor:ethX 
code and also send those prefixes, but with lifetime=0 to inform all client to 
no longer use that address. Those 0-lifetime RAs should be sent at least for 
the length of the original lifetime. Radvd has code to handle this (although 
it’s a bit buggy).


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-16 Thread Albert ARIBAUD


Le 16/07/2013 10:38, Uwe Schindler a écrit :


I really like the dnsmasq implementation as replacement to my
previous installation with radvd, because it closely integrates with
DHCP. It also sends instant RA when a client requests DHCP, so it
does not have to wait until the RA is sent out automatically.

But I found a problem, especially happening with mobile phones
(Android, Galaxy S3 in my case). When those go into sleep mode, they
no longer listen to router advertisements, so after waking up, their
address was already deprecated by the network stack and they have to
wait for a new RA coming in. Unfortunately this happens too seldom
(RA_INTERVAL is 600, means 10 minutes). They don't send any DHCP
requests anymore, because the IPv4 DHCP lease is still fine (I have a
lease time of 24 hrs for IPv4 leases, but 20 minutes for IPv6
lifetime - because those are not really static - see below).

Would it be possible to make the RA_INTERVAL configureable so I can
send RAs in a periodic manner like with radvd? I would like to send
RAs every 3 or 10 seconds like I had with radvd configured. This is
not possible without patching dnsmasq.

Regardless of the interest of making the RA period configurable, why 
doesn't the mobile phone send out a Router Solicitation when it wakes up 
from sleep mode?

A second thing related to RAs: I am living in Germany, where the
assigned prefix to local networks is not really static (for privacy
reasons), so it changes quite often (every 24hrs, enforced by DHCP
prefix delegation on the PPPoE interface). When the prefix changes,
dnsmasq should send (like radvd is doing) a zero lease time RA for
the old prefix. I found out that dnsmasq.conf can set deprecated as
life-time in the dhcp-range, but that would make all RAs going out
have a time of 0s. It would be good if dnsmasq would send active
prefixes with the given non-zero lifetime, but once a prefix
disappears from the network adaptor, send extra RAs do deprecate the
old prefix (using the old prefix with time=0) for a number of times.



Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable? Deprecate old prefixes?

2013-07-16 Thread Uwe Schindler
I think this is related to this Android problem:

As you see, android devices sometimes ignore some packaets of the router 
advertisements, so if one is sent only once per 10 minutes, it hard for the 
phone to get them. This is why my previous radvd installation uses:

MinRtrAdvInterval 3;
MaxRtrAdvInterval 10;

I just wanted to have a similar setup on dnsmasq, which was only possible by 
patching the header file and recompiling dnsmasq.


Uwe Schindler
H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:dnsmasq-] On Behalf Of Uwe Schindler
 Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 11:15 AM
 To: 'Albert ARIBAUD';
 Subject: Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Make RA_INTERVAL configureable?
 Deprecate old prefixes?
   But I found a problem, especially happening with mobile phones
   (Android, Galaxy S3 in my case). When those go into sleep mode, they
   no longer listen to router advertisements, so after waking up, their
   address was already deprecated by the network stack and they have to
   wait for a new RA coming in. Unfortunately this happens too seldom
   (RA_INTERVAL is 600, means 10 minutes). They don't send any DHCP
   requests anymore, because the IPv4 DHCP lease is still fine (I have
   a lease time of 24 hrs for IPv4 leases, but 20 minutes for IPv6
   - because those are not really static - see below).
   Would it be possible to make the RA_INTERVAL configureable so I can
   send RAs in a periodic manner like with radvd? I would like to send
   RAs every 3 or 10 seconds like I had with radvd configured. This is
   not possible without patching dnsmasq.
  Regardless of the interest of making the RA period configurable, why
  doesn't the mobile phone send out a Router Solicitation when it wakes
  up from sleep mode?
 That is a good question but for actually 2 android phones this is not done:
 A Galaxy S3 (Android 4.1) and an older HTC Desire (Android 2.3) don't send
 Router Solicitations - those do not appear in logs.
 I think the reason why this happens has to do with the power management. I
 am not sure if this is 100% correct: When you switch off the screen of an
 Android phone, the WIFI goes to some kind of power saving mode so it only
 wakes up sometimes to listen for something going in. Most of the time it is
 sleeping. Maybe it does not get the Router Adverts in this state, because its
 just not awake when the router send adverts. When you wake it up, the
 timeout of the lease (which needs to be short on my networks, for the
 reasons of updated prefix delegations by the provider) is already reached, so
 the IPv6 address ist lost. The phone have to wait until a new advert comes in
 - I have no idea why it does not send router solicitations in this case, but I
 don't expect this to be fixed, so reconfiguring dnsmasq to send adverts every
 6 seconds works perfectly fine here - it only floods the logs, but maybe this
 can be prevented by syslog to filter duplicate message.
 I patched the header file to have have RA_INTERVAL = 6 (was previously 600)
 and rebuilt the debian package. Now it works as expected. So my request
 here is just to make this configureable (maybe as param to enable-ra).
 Maybe also don't log *every* RA sent :-)
 If the following would be fixed, too, I could raise the DHCPv6 lease times to
 much larger values, because the automatic deprecation of prefix change
 would help here):
   A second thing related to RAs: I am living in Germany, where the
   assigned prefix to local networks is not really static (for privacy
   reasons), so it changes quite often (every 24hrs, enforced by DHCP
   prefix delegation on the PPPoE interface). When the prefix changes,
   dnsmasq should send (like radvd is doing) a zero lease time RA for
   the old prefix. I found out that dnsmasq.conf can set deprecated
   as life-time in the dhcp-range, but that would make all RAs going
   out have a time of 0s. It would be good if dnsmasq would send active
   prefixes with the given non-zero lifetime, but once a prefix
   disappears from the network adaptor, send extra RAs do deprecate the
   old prefix (using the old prefix with time=0) for a number of times.
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