DOCBOOK: Re: is docbook appropriate for resumes?

2002-06-16 Thread Norman Walsh

/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I only use a few formatting elements:  3 different font sizes, 2 font
| sets, bold face, and one section uses 2 columns.
| Would docbook be the right way to go?

I use it. You'll find an example with HTML and FO stylesheets in the contrib
section of the DocBook project at SourceForge.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | I'm not tense, I'm just terribly, | terribly alert.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

Announce: Simplified DocBook: The Definitive Guide

2002-06-13 Thread Norman Walsh

In response to several requests, this morning I built a custom version
of DocBook: TDG for Simplified DocBook. At the moment, only the element
reference is really available, but you can see the results at:

Comments, etc., most welcome.

Also updated: I added (fairly crude) PDFs of TDG proper and Jirka
Kosek's compiled HTML Help version at:

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The main difference between living | people and fictitious characters
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | is that the writer takes great
   | pains to give the characters
   | coherence and inner unity, whereas
   | living people may go to extremes
   | of incoherence because their
   | physical existence holds them
   | together.--Hugo Von Hofmannsthal

DOCBOOK: Re: affiliation changes that were supposed to be in 4.0

2002-06-13 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Mike Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| The TDG reference page for affiliation says
|   In DocBook V4.0, Affiliation will be removed from some of the places in 
|   which it now occurs. Instead of appearing inside Author, for example, a new 
|   wrapper element will be created to hold Author, AuthorBlurb, and 
|   Affiliation.
| It looks to me like affiliation and authorblurb are still part of the
| content model of author. Are there still plans to change this?

The TC backed off that change at the last minute because we really
hadn't worked out the details of the wrapper. I don't think we've
evaluated the issue again since we added personname and personblurb.

In short: I think some changes are still likely, but it's not clear
what they'll be. And the probably can't occur before 6.0 now.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | More men become good through | practice than through
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | nature.--Democritus of Abdera

DOCBOOK: Re: Announce again: Updated The Definitive Guide published

2002-06-13 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Yann Dirson [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 02:55:18PM -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:
| I've published version 2.0.6 of DocBook: The Definitive Guide at
| Hm, the CVS is still not usable as-is, this version still uses SYSTEM
| ../../docbook/ebnf/ebnf-4.2CR1.dtd, and this file is not in CVS...
| It may be worth checkin in an ebnf-4.2CR.dtd, and cvs rm it when 4.2
| gets released ?

Sigh. Maybe. I'll do something.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | One's never alone with a rubber | duck.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Simplifying info wrappers

2002-06-13 Thread Norman Walsh

DocBook currently has different info wrappers for metadata at (most)
different levels: ArticleInfo, BookInfo, ChapterInfo, Sect1Info, etc.

The original motivation for this scheme was to allow customizers to
change metadata on an element-by-element basis. An organization might
decide to simplify section-level metadata so that, for example, ISBN
numbers were not allowed.

Occasionally, users suggest that it would be simpler and better if
there was just one info element.

What do you think?

Has anyone out there ever actually customized the info wrappers so
that the were different in different contexts?

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Life does not cease to be funny | when people die anymore than it
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | ceases to be serious when people
   | laugh.--George Bernard Shaw

DOCBOOK: Placement of info wrappers

2002-06-13 Thread Norman Walsh

It has been observed that the relative placement of info-wrappers and
titles is inconsistent:





This could be fixed, but it would be a backwards incompatible change.
Is it worth the effort?

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | First time surrealists are often | confused by the similarities
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | between fish and telephones.

DOCBOOK: Re: XML Character Entities Version 0.2

2002-06-13 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Greg Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| There are a handful of descriptions in the DocBook entity files that
| appear to be incorrect, and are therefore a bit confusing.

Thanks. Fixed in CVS.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The shoe that fits one person | pinches another; there is no
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | recipe for living that suits all
   | cases.--Jung

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Newbie trouble with output of 'section'-separatedHTML-files

2002-06-13 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Joachim Liedtke [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| book
|   chapter
| sect1.../sect1
| sect2.../sect2
| sectn.../sectn
|   /chapter
| /book

That's not legal. Either you meant:




| Now I would rather like to transform the file into separate HTML-files, each
| file representing a section (sec1 - sectn).

Set chunk.section.depth=5 (or however deep you want to go).

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Nothing hath an uglier look to us | than reason, when it is not on our
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | own side.--Marquess of Halifax

DOCBOOK: Announce: Simplified DocBook V1.0 Candidate Release 2

2002-06-12 Thread Norman Walsh

The CR1 release had a really stupid typo. That's fixed. And I updated
the comments. Please try CR2:

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | More imagination would indeed be a | mere trifling; only no imagination
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | is *mere*.--C. S. Peirce

DOCBOOK: Announce again: Updated The Definitive Guide published

2002-06-12 Thread Norman Walsh

I've published version 2.0.6 of DocBook: The Definitive Guide at

This version isn't broken like yesterday's 2.0.5. Baaad norm, no

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Never contend with a man who has | nothing to lose.--Graci\'an
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

Announce: Updated DocBook: The Definitive Guide published

2002-06-11 Thread Norman Walsh

I've published version 2.0.5 of DocBook: The Definitive Guide at

This version is built off the CR3 document type.

Also: updated the reference pages for imageobject, tweaked navigation,
rebuilt the example see-also lists, added refentryinfo to all the
reference pages, and incorporated a number of other small fixes.

I'm building (rough and not necessarily pretty) PDF files now.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Someone has changed your life. | Save? (y/n)
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Re: Announce: Updated The Definitive Guide published

2002-06-11 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Togan Muftuoglu [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Shall I add a tracker for the updates of Languages supported or you have
| that already in your agenda.

Trackers for all bugs, please. My memory is overflowing.

| Will you be adding the derivates of Docbook ie Slides, Website.  Thanks

I hadn't committed to doing that, but it sounds like a good idea. A tracker
for each, please :-)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | On the other hand, you have | different fingers.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Re: Announce: Updated The Definitive Guide published

2002-06-11 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I've published version 2.0.5 of DocBook: The Definitive Guide at

V2.0.5 is broken. Expect 2.0.6, er, soon.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | A man who is 'of sound mind' is | one who keeps the inner madman
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | under lock and key.--Val\'ery

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Announce: DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.51.0

2002-06-10 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Eric Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Any news on the XPATH length, array out of bounds error Xalan problem?
| Do we need to switch to saxon or xsltproc? I see some others on the
| list hitting this problem.

No solution yet. Last I heard the bug was fixed but the fix had
introduced some problems in the regression test.

WRT the changes I made to chunking, they improved the situation, but
it sometimes crashes anyway (with some odd message about n = n for
some value of n).

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | As a general rule, the most | successful man in life is the man
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | who has the best
   | information.--Benjamin Disraeli

DOCBOOK: Re: Announce: Simplified DocBook V1.0 Candidate Release 1

2002-06-09 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Mike Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| sdocbook.dtd has a typo:
| !ENTITY % xref.char.class footnotref|xref %local.xref.char.class;
| ^^
| (should be footnoteref)
| It also still says v1.0b2 in the comments.

Sigh. Right you are. Everyone, all together now, CR2!

Later today, probably.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Life is an irritation--Tucker Case | (Christopher Moore)
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Re: Announce: Simplified DocBook V1.0 Candidate Release 1

2002-06-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Bob Stayton [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I can just edit my copy of the catalog file.

But don't you already have a catalog file containing these entries?
These are, after all, just the standard ISO and DocBook DTD entries.

| --
| PUBLIC ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML ../../xmlcharent/iso-la
| t1.ent
| PUBLIC ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML ../../xml
| charent/iso-num.ent
| PUBLIC ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN//XML ../../xmlcharent/iso-pub.e
| nt
| PUBLIC -//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN ../xml/docbookx.dtd

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Some disguised deceits counterfeit | truth so perfectly that not to be
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | taken in by them would be an error
   | of judgment.--La Rochefoucauld

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Treatment of links in print

2002-06-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Thomas Colby [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I'm currently using the docbook DSSSL stylesheets 1.72
| with openjade and tex to produce pdf and postscript documents.
| Any suggestions on rendering links on paper would be welcome,
| Thanks in advance,

It can be done, but you'll probably have to do a little customization.
Basically, you need to change the xref generating text to output

(element-page-number-sosofo target)

where target is the element pointed to by the linkend.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The hour which gives us life | begins to take it away.--Seneca
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: HTML meta description tags

2002-06-06 Thread Norman Walsh

[ Follow-ups to docbook-apps, please ]

/ Aaron Isotton [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Sorry, I don't understand. I just grepped through the docbook
| documentation for user. but didn't find anything like that. Could
| you give me a pointer please?

Use this template in your customization layer. This will be part of
the next release. :-)

xsl:param name=generate.meta.abstract select=1/

xsl:template name=head.content
  xsl:param name=node select=./

xsl:apply-templates select=$node mode=object.title.markup.textonly/

  xsl:if test=$html.stylesheet
link rel=stylesheet

  xsl:if test=$link.mailto.url != ''
link rev=made

  xsl:if test=$html.base != ''
base href={$html.base}/

  meta name=generator content=DocBook XSL Stylesheets V{$VERSION}/

  xsl:if test=$generate.meta.abstract != 0
xsl:variable name=info select=(articleinfo
xsl:if test=$info and $info/abstract
  meta name=description
xsl:attribute name=content
  xsl:for-each select=$info/abstract[1]/*
xsl:value-of select=./
xsl:if test=position() lt; last()
  xsl:text /xsl:text

  xsl:if test=ancestor-or-self::*[@status][1]/@status = 'draft'
and $draft.watermark.image != ''
style type=text/cssxsl:text
body { background-image: url(/xsl:text
xsl:value-of select=$draft.watermark.image/xsl:text);
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
   background-position: top left;
   /* The following properties make the watermark fixed on the page. */
   /* I think that's just a bit too distracting for the reader... */
   /* background-attachment: fixed; */
   /* background-position: center center; */
  xsl:apply-templates select=. mode=head.keywords.content/

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Our life gets as complicated as a | comedy as it goes on, but the
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | complications get gradually
   | resolved: see that the curtain
   | comes down on a good
   | denouement.--Graci\'an

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Problem with Next/Prev links when usinghtml/chunk.xml

2002-06-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Vincent Hikida [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I'm having a problem in the html created using chunk.xml.
|  Basically, the next and prev links are often wrong. An example is that 
| the next link may be ch03s02.htmlch04.htmlch04s02.html when it should be 
| ch03s02.html
| I've documented my problem at
| Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

This turned out to be a bug in 1.50.0. It's fixed in 1.51.x. (I introduced
the bug trying to work around the Xalan problem. Grr)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | To others we are not ourselves but | a performer in their lives cast
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | for a part we do not even know we
   | are playing.--Elizabeth Bibesco

DOCBOOK: Re: HTML meta description tags

2002-06-05 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Aaron Isotton [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Is there any way to make docbook (using the XSL stylesheets) output
| HTML meta description tags? I have searched the mailing lists, and
| seen that this was last discussed here in 1999 (subject: DOCBOOK:
| Stylesheet RFC -- description meta tag in html). Is there something
| like that now?

I don't recall the discussion. What goes in a 'description' tag?

You can certainly add it your self using user.head.content, but...

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The hour which gives us life | begins to take it away.--Seneca
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Announce: Simplified DocBook V1.0 Candidate Release 1

2002-06-05 Thread Norman Walsh

A few bugs were reported against 1.0b2, I've fixed them and pulled
together the pieces for a candidate release. Please give it a whirl.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Sarchasm: The gulf between the | author of sarcastic wit and the
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | person who doesn't get it.

DOCBOOK-APPS: Mozilla Site Navigation toolbar hack

2002-06-05 Thread Norman Walsh


Since the Mozilla folks have removed the site navigation bar in recent
releases, I dug around until I figured out how to put it back.

I've also published a more DocBook-specific toolbar there. I don't
know if it's a good thing or not, but I like it :-)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Not everyone can live upstream. | 
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Announce: DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.51.1

2002-06-03 Thread Norman Walsh

Sigh. There's a small glitch in common/en.xml in 1.51.0. So I'm
releasing 1.51.1. Hey, at least it gave me an opportunity to try out
the new three part numbering system, right?

/ Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
|DocBook XSL Stylesheets Release Notes
| DocBook Open Repository Team
|  $Id: RELEASE-NOTES.xml,v 1.4 2002/06/02 21:17:15 nwalsh Exp $
|  02 Jun 2002
|  These are the release notes for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets. This file
|  documents (mostly) changes to the public APIs. What, exactly, counts as a
|  public API is still somewhat in question, but it includes at least the
|  global parameters.
|  Release 1.51.0
|o Added an extension function to determine the intrinsic size of an
|  image. Works for the image formats supported by the Java Image class
|  and or PostScript-derived formats.
|o Added callout bullets 11-15.
|o Removed obsolete using.chunker parameter.
|o Added points.per.em parameter.
|o Added generate.manifest parameter.
|o Added manifest parameter.
|o Added compact.list.item.spacing parameter.
|o Added html.extra.head.links parameter.
|o Added use.svg parameter; support SVG in HTML.
|o Convert the library code to a literate programming style with xweb.
|o Support xref to any element that has a title (at least when it has a
|  title).
|o Pass MathML through unchanged.
|o Completely reworked support for graphic attributes in HTML.
|o Add additional LINK elements to the HTML HEAD (for site navigation as
|  in Mozilla---note, however, that Mozilla has disabled this recently
|  for the 1.0 release).
|o Support shade.verbatim parameter in FO.
|o Support compact list spacing in FO.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | We cannot put off living until we | are ready. The most salient
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | characteristic of life is its
   | coerciveness: it is always urgent,
   | 'here and now' without any
   | possible postponement. Life is
   | fired at us point blank.--Jos\'e
   | Ortega Y Gasset

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Announce: DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.51.1

2002-06-03 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Alex Lancaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| There's a problem with the generated docs in both the distribution and
| the website: they are not in sync with current docsrc.  In particular
| the recent changes to the section on XSLT processors (in
| docsrc/publishing.xml) are not included.  I've filed this under the
| Documentation Request tracker at SourceForge (not sure if this is
| the appropriate tracker or not):

Thanks, Alex. I fixed the documentation online, and I've fixed the
Makefile so this won't happen again. If no one reports any other
errors in the next couple of days, I'll go ahead and make a 1.51.2

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Any sufficiently advanced | technology is indistinguishable
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | from a rigged demo.

DOCBOOK-APPS: Announce: DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.51.0

2002-06-02 Thread Norman Walsh

   DocBook XSL Stylesheets Release Notes

DocBook Open Repository Team

 $Id: RELEASE-NOTES.xml,v 1.4 2002/06/02 21:17:15 nwalsh Exp $

 02 Jun 2002


 These are the release notes for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets. This file
 documents (mostly) changes to the public APIs. What, exactly, counts as a
 public API is still somewhat in question, but it includes at least the
 global parameters.

 Release 1.51.0

   o Added an extension function to determine the intrinsic size of an
 image. Works for the image formats supported by the Java Image class
 and or PostScript-derived formats.

   o Added callout bullets 11-15.

   o Removed obsolete using.chunker parameter.

   o Added points.per.em parameter.

   o Added generate.manifest parameter.

   o Added manifest parameter.

   o Added compact.list.item.spacing parameter.

   o Added html.extra.head.links parameter.

   o Added use.svg parameter; support SVG in HTML.

   o Convert the library code to a literate programming style with xweb.

   o Support xref to any element that has a title (at least when it has a

   o Pass MathML through unchanged.

   o Completely reworked support for graphic attributes in HTML.

   o Add additional LINK elements to the HTML HEAD (for site navigation as
 in Mozilla---note, however, that Mozilla has disabled this recently
 for the 1.0 release).

   o Support shade.verbatim parameter in FO.

   o Support compact list spacing in FO.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | All the good maxims already exist | in the world; we just fail to
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | apply them.--Pascal

DOCBOOK: Simplified DocBook is simply broken

2002-05-31 Thread Norman Walsh

The following report arrived a day or two ago.

| Hello,
| The document below validates against the Simplified DocBook XML DTD
| version 1.0b2, but has multiple errors when validated against the
| DocBook XML DTD version 4.1.2.
| article
|   figure id = foo
| title/title
| xref linkend=foo/xref
| footnoteref linkend=foo/footnoteref
|   /figure
|   programlisting
| systemitemsystemitem/systemitem/systemitem/programlisting
|   informaltable
| tgroup cols=bar
|colspec lang=/colspec
| /tgroup
|   /informaltable
| /article

And it's true. Simplified DocBook is seriously broken in a couple of
ways. I'll put out a beta 3 next week that fixes these errors.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | One may be driven to commit murder | by love or hatred, but one can
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | only advocate murder out of sheer
   | wickedness.--Italo Svevo

DOCBOOK: Announce: Slides doctype V2.1 beta 1

2002-05-30 Thread Norman Walsh

This morning I released version 2.1b1 of the Slides doctype. This
release is a fairly significant retooling of the stylesheets (the
doctype is unchanged).

The parameters are now more sensible and documented:

In addition, the JavaScript should be considerably more portable. I've
tested all of the features in Mozilla RC3 on Linux and IE6 on Windows.
With the exception of hide/show ToC which is broken in Mozilla because
of a Mozilla bug, all the features work in both browsers.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | This mortal life is a little | thing, lived in a little corner of
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | the earth; and little, too, is the
   | longest fame to come--dependent as
   | it is on a succession of
   | fast-perishing little men who have
   | no knowledge even of their own
   | selves, much less of one dead and
   | gone.--Marcus Aurelius

DOCBOOK: Re: Macromedia Flash file in docbook

2002-05-29 Thread Norman Walsh

[ Follow-ups to DocBook apps, I think ]

/ Ming Fai [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I use docbook as the format to store content for my website. Now, there is a
| new page that need to use Macromedia Flash (.swf) file. After looked at the
| reference of mediaobject, it seems none of them is for holding this kind of
| web animation file. And obviously, the docbook xsl doesn't support the
| transformation of flash movie.

It's either an imageobject or a videoobject, I think.

| ( Am I correct? So, could
| anybody give me an advice on the preferred way to store and transform
| docbook with flash?

What do you need the transformation to be? (What HTML output do you need?)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | I have animal magnetism. When I go | outside, squirrels stick to my
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | clothes.

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Bibliography abstracts are suppressed in output

2002-05-29 Thread Norman Walsh

/ John Levon [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| It would be good if the stylesheets could render abstract
| in bib entries. Or is there some other method I should be using ?

No, you'll just need a small stylesheet tweak to render them. XSL or DSSSL?

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | If you imagine that once you have | accomplished your ambitions you
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | will have time to turn to the Way,
   | you will discover that your
   | ambitions never come to an
   | end.--Yoshida Kenko

DOCBOOK: Re: comments on docbook-xml CR2: refers to itself as CR1

2002-05-28 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Adam Di Carlo [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I found numerous references in docbook-xml 4.2 cr2 referring to itself
| as CR1.  Instances of the problem can be found easily with grep and
| are included below.

Yes, my bad. I had hoped to get away without a CR3 to fix this, but
now I'm thinking this is causing confusion.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | If someone tells you he is going | to make 'a realistic decision',
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | you immediately understand that he
   | has resolved to do something
   | bad.--Mary McCarthy

DOCBOOK: Re: slides reference

2002-05-28 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Johannes Zellner [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| is there a reference or any other documentation for docbook slides?

By funny coincidence, I was working on that this weekend. And on
cleaning up the code. Expect a new, better documented release sometime

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | When you can measure what you are | speaking about, and express it in
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | numbers, you know something about
   | it; but when you cannot measure
   | it, when you cannot express it in
   | numbers, your knowledge is of a
   | meager and unsatisfactory kind: it
   | may be the beginning of knowledge,
   | but you have scarcely, in your
   | thoughts, advanced to the stage of
   | science.--William Thompson, Lord
   | Kelvin

DOCBOOK: Re: Announce: DocBook V4.2 Candidate Release 2

2002-05-28 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Peter Ring [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| The DTD itself is not changed frm CR1, does not contain the
| changes described in [2], and differs from what's tagged V42CR2
| in the CVS repository.

Oh, expletive censored=yes/!

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | One of the great misfortunes of | mankind is that even his good
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | qualities are sometimes useless to
   | him, and that the art of employing
   | and well directing them is often
   | the latest fruit of his
   | experience.--Chamfort

DOCBOOK: Announce: DocBook V4.2 Candidate Release 3

2002-05-28 Thread Norman Walsh

The DocBook TC announces the third Candidate Release of DocBook V4.2.
Please give it a try and report the results of your efforts. If no
errors are reported in the next 30 days, the TC will be able to vote
to move it to Committee Specification status.

The 4.2CR2 release was just totally botched by the brainless

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Before doing someone a favour, | make sure that he isn't a
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | madman.--Eug\'ene Labiche

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Fwd: French error message

2002-05-28 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dave Pawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| If Mike Kay can't locate them, I'd be surprised if Xerces can.
| I often found its the last bit of text I inserted into the file,

Oh, I dunno. I've given up on the default parser in Saxon (AElfred).
I've just stumbled over bugs in it too many times. I recommend Xerces.
And a proper Java VM so that you can run Saxon instead of InstantSaxon
if necessary :-)

| In desperation I've often resorted to cutting out great swathes of text
| to try and localise it in a big file.

Try running your sources through a simple parser, like the xread app
in the resolver distribution. That should choke on the bad encoding
and provide an approximate location. I think. Should, anyway.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Nothing will ever be attempted, if | all possible objections must be
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | first overcome.--Dr. Johnson

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Problem with symbol section of index in HTML output

2002-05-26 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Kraa de Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Which looks ok but has missing indexterms. I have numerous other symbols
| between 00250 and 11000 that are in the XML file but not in the HTML output.
| Any of you know what could be wrong?

No, and without a test document that demonstrates the problem, I can't
even begin to speculate. Please construct the smallest document you
can that demonstrates the problem and send it along. (Or better yet,
file a bug report at SourceForge and attach the document to that.)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Nothing is more depressing than | consolations based on the
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | necessity of evil, the uselessness
   | of remedies, the inevitability of
   | fate, the order of Providence, or
   | the misery of the human condition.
   | It is ridiculous to try to
   | alleviate misfortune by observing
   | that we are born to be
   | miserable.--Montesquieu

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: blockquotes/attribution

2002-05-26 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Mark Derricutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Just installed the dsssl's from CVS, looks good, although, should
| there be a space/gap between the -- and the attribution?  Or is flush
| together ok?

Flush together looks ok to me, but I could be persuaded otherwise.

| To get it working, I changed my /etc/sgml/
| (the last one) to reference the dsssl catalog I checked out, instead
| of the standard one shipped with RH.  and this works fine, but I get
| lots of messages like this:
| jade:/usr/share/sgml/docbook-cvs/dsssl/print/../common/../common/dbl1zhtw.d
| sl:423:39:E: general entity SeeAlso not defined and no default entity

Well, if you replaced all your DSSSLs with the ones from CVS, it could
certainly be the case that the build process for releases patches some

Uhm, I'll try to build a DSSSL test release this week and we'll see if
the problem goes away.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | It is seldom that any liberty is | lost all at once.--David Hume
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Announce: Website 2.2 released

2002-05-24 Thread Norman Walsh

Yeah, that really says 2.2. 2.1 was released, but if you blinked, you
missed it.

This release includes some nice patches from Tony Graham and a few
miscellaneous bug fixes.

Changes since version 2.1b1 (2002-01-07)

Changes to website/*

  | 2002-05-24  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * Makefile: Fix typo
  | * README, autolayout.dtd, extensions.mod, forms.mod,
  |   namespaces.mod, rddl.mod, website-custom.dtd,
  |   website-full.dtd, website.mod: Changed version numbers
  | * VERSION: Version 2.2 released.
  | * VERSION: Version 2.1 released
  | * autolayout.dtd, layout.dtd: Updated comments
  | * extensions.mod: Whitespace
  | * website.mod: Added additional ATTLIST declarations for role
  |   attributes on table elements.
  | 2002-05-23  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * autolayout.dtd: Make id attributes IDs so that duplicate IDs
  |   can be flagged by the parser
  | * layout.dtd: Added revisionflag to tocentry

Changes to website/example/*

  | 2002-05-24  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * example.css: Make the navigation bar prettier
  | * layout.xml: Fixed doctype line
  | * layout.xml, revflag.xml, wslayout.xml: Updates
  | * revflag.xml: Added meaningless table test
  | 2002-05-23  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * layout.xml: Added revisionflags
  | * test1b.xml: Whitespace

Changes to website/xsl/*

  | 2002-05-24  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * autolayout.xsl: Output correct doctype public and system
  |   identifiers
  | * xbel.xsl: Website tracker #518864: make sure lists are valid
  |   HTML
  | 2002-05-23  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * autolayout.xsl: Copy the revisionflag attribute
  | * chunk-common.xsl, tabular.xsl: Remove dup. definition of
  |   autolayout-file
  | * toc-tabular.xsl: Support revisionflag attribute
  | 2002-05-12  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * head.xsl, website-common.xsl: Output LINK elements in the
  |   HEAD for prev/next/up/first/last/etc. (works great in
  |   Mozilla 1.0CR1)
  | 2002-04-26  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * head.xsl: Call user.head.content so stylesheets can put
  |   things in page headers
  | 2002-03-20  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * param.xsl: Deprecated body.attributes attribute-set (in
  |   favor of body.attributes named template)
  | * tabular.xsl: Use body.attributes named template; support
  |   navtocwidth and navbgcolor as a page parameters
  | * toc-tabular.xsl: Support toc.expand.depth a
  |   page-configurable parameter
  | * website-common.xsl: Allow footlink in config of individual
  |   pages
  | * website.xsl: Use body.attributes named template instead of
  |   attribute-set

Changes to website/example/graphics/navicons/arrow/*

  | 2002-05-23  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * added.gif, changed.gif: New file.

Changes to website/example/graphics/navicons/folder/*

  | 2002-05-23  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * added.gif, changed.gif: New file.

Changes to website/example/graphics/navicons/folder16/*

  | 2002-05-23  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * added.gif, changed.gif: New file.

Changes to website/example/graphics/navicons/plusminus/*

  | 2002-05-23  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * added.gif, changed.gif: New file.

Changes to website/example/graphics/navicons/triangle/*

  | 2002-05-23  Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | * added.gif, changed.gif: New file.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Life is an irritation--Tucker Case | (Christopher Moore)
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Re: Announce: Website 2.2 released

2002-05-24 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Jirka Kosek [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh wrote:
|   | * head.xsl, website-common.xsl: Output LINK elements in the
|   |   HEAD for prev/next/up/first/last/etc. (works great in
|   |   Mozilla 1.0CR1)
| I can't find nothing about this in Mozilla users guide. Does Mozilla
| maps these links to some shortcut keys or something like that? It would
| be very cool.

They took this feature out of Mozilla CR2 (I haven't looked at CR3
yet). Apparently that was easier than fixing some performance issue.
But it's easy to put them back; see

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Anything more than the truth would | be too much.--Robert Frost
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Disappointment about Sun's policy

2002-05-24 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Togan Muftuoglu [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I am completely disappointed about Sun, Sun Turkey and my apologies from
| the list for an off topic mail but to be honest I am frustrated.

What's the Apache policy? The resolver is now part of the xml-commons
project and I expect you can get it from there.

Be seeing you,

P.S. I'm sorry, if that helps. It's probably unnecessary for me to say
that I have *nothing* to do with these sorts of policies.

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The fundamental delusion of | humanity is to suppose that I am
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | here and you are out
   | there.--Yasutani Roshi

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Producing fontified C on HTML otuput

2002-05-23 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Jaime Irving Dávila Latorre [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I'm not sure if I got right this idea, because if I put some sort of
| markup on the source code, it will be presented verbatim (because the
| programlisting will be around the pre-processed code) on the html
| output. Do I need to twist my personal stylesheets so that the output of
| programlisting won't be processed verbatim?

Perhaps. If you just want to make keywords (for example) italic, but
you don't mind the verbatim font, you can use things like this:

some emphasiskeyword/emphasis in this line

If you want a non-verbatim font, you've got a much harder task ahead
of you because it'll be very difficult to get the horizontal alignment
right with a proportional font. In fact, I think you'll have to
use...ugh...tables to do it.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The things we have most longed for | do not happen; or if they do, it
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | is never at the time nor under the
   | circumstances when they could have
   | made us happiest.--La Bruy\`ere

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Inserting pagebreaks in pdf output using FOP

2002-05-22 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Martin Stemplinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I have a document with an appendix containing some large tables and graphics and
| I'd prefer to see them on a separate page each.
| Is there a simple way to customize the fo-stylsheets to insert a pagebreak
| before or after an element?
| Any hints appreciated!

Something like...

xsl:import href=...docbook.xsl

xsl:template match=appendix/table
  fo:block break-before=page


Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Oh well, no matter what happens, | there's always death.--Napoleon
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: SVG in HTML output, XSLT stylesheets

2002-05-22 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Steve Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Dave Pawson wrote:
| At 22:57 21/05/2002 +1000, Steve Ball wrote:
| Perhaps suggest for inclusion in mediaobject?
| I treat them exactly the same way as images, ie. use
| imageobject inside a mediaobject.  I note that DocBook
| 4.1.2+ has provision for SVG.
| Do the html stylesheets do the right thing?
| (just wait till we get inline SVG!)
| No.  I've had to customise the stylesheets.
| When handling an SVG document (identified by the
| file extension '.svg') they use an EMBED element
| instead of IMG.

Can someone point me to a description of what needs to be generated for SVG?

| Not sure at this stage how Mozilla will change this:-
| it will be very difficult to produce portable Web pages
| if Mozilla requires IMG and Adobe requires EMBED :-(

I expected that both would support inline SVG. I'm mistaken?

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | There has never been a perfect | government, because men have
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | passions; and if they did not have
   | passions, there would be no need
   | for government.--Voltaire

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: blockquotes/attribution

2002-05-22 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Mark Derricutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| This is using SGML and DSSSL 1.76
| / Mark Derricutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
|| I notice when using blockquote and the attribution tag to identify the
|| quote source, in the HTML rendered version, the attribution is below
|| the quote, to the right, with a proceeding --, but in the
|| printed/pdf version, the attribution is flush left with the quote,
|| above.  Is it possible to get a similar look for the attribution in
|| the printed version?

Fixed in CVS.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The finest amusements are the most | pointless ones.--Jacques Chardonne
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Re: imagedata: entityref vs fileref

2002-05-21 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Patrick Eisenacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I'm new to the list and I have a question regarding the use of the
| entityref and fileref attributes when including an image via the
| imagedata element. When do I use which attribute? Is it merely personal
| preference? What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks? What is the
| preferred way?

It is, to a large extent, personal preference. The use of entities
provides a degree of indirection that is sometimes useful. It was more
common, perhaps, in the pre-XML (and pre-web) days before URIs were a
widespread concept.

In order to use entityref, you must setup a more complex document structure:

!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC ... ... [
!ENTITY graphic PUBLIC ... ... NDATA PNG
imagedata entityref=graphic/

When the document is processed, the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers are
used to resolve the actual location of the 'graphic'. This means that
a catalog or other resolver mechanism can make dynamic selections.

It's also possible to put the entity declarations in an external file
and switch between them wholesale. For DocBook: TDG, there are several
hundred 'unicode character' graphics. For the HTML version of the
book, these are all PNGs; for the print version, they're all EPSes. I
switch between the two by selecting different sets of entities.

| The processing expectations say:
| There are two ways to provide content for ImageData: EntityRef or FileRef. It is 
|best to use only one of these methods, however, if multiple sources are provided, 
|EntityRef will be used in favor of FileRef.
| How do I have to understand 'if multiple sources are provided' - if I
| specify a fileref and an entityref attribute for the same imagedata
| element?


Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Extinction, n. The raw material | out of which theology created the
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | future state.--Ambrose Bierce

DOCBOOK: DocBook TC Meeting Minutes: 21 May 2002

2002-05-21 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda: 21 May 2002
| ===

The DocBook Technical Committee met on Tuesday, 21 May 2002 at
01:00p EDT (10:00a PDT, 17:00GMT, 18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+)
for 90 minutes.

| Agenda
| 1. Roll call

  Dennis Evans [-2:10]
  Dick Hamilton
  Nancy Harrison [:30]
  Mike Smith
  Bob Stayton
  Tim Teebken (Provisional)
  Norman Walsh


  Paul Grosso
  Sabine Ocker

Called to order at 13:06 EDT.

| 2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous meeting


| 3. Review of the agenda

Added 9b.

| 4. Review of open action items {5 min}
|a. Norm to write a concrete proposal for linking in DocBook 5.0
|   Continued.
|b. Dick to compare his internal customizations to the last HelpSet proposal[2]
|c. Nancy to review DITA for help authoring and summarize.
|d. Norm to consider scheduling for 4.3, 5.0, 6.0 etc.
|   Continued.
|e. Norm and Paul to take up offline the particular issues of how
|   to do the HTML/Table customization.
|   Continued.
|f. Mike to provide a list of use cases to motivate discussion of annotations
|   Completed[3][4]
|g. Norm to float 'optionalparamdef'/'optionalmethodparam' on the list and
|   see if other people are having similar problems.
|   Completed[5]
|h. Norm to ask the submitter of RFE #495853 if they really want introductory
|   text? If not, how do they imagine this would be rendered?
|   Completed[6]
|i. Paul to report what the XHTML and XSL FO specs actually say
|   about nested links.
|   Completed[7]
|ACTION: Norm to follow-up on g. for the June meeting
|ACTION: Norm to follow-up on h. for the June meeting
| 5. Release DocBook V4.2CR2? {5 min}

Fix two PEs. Fix the error condition for xml.features and sgml.features.

Proposed: Release CR2 and restart the 30 day counter. Accepted.

| 7. Discuss options to control per-instance generated text on xref {15 min}

Bob: Right now there's one redering for each xref (per element). For a
reference to a chapter, for example, should it say Chapter 5, Chapter
Title. Sometimes it will have the page number, etc. There are some
cases where always using the same style doesn't work very well from a
writing perspective.

PIs could be used, but will the PIs surive?

See e.g., Feature Req #451011[8]

There seems to be general agreement that this is a problem that would
benefit from a common solution.

ACTION: Bob to write an RFE.

| 9. Discuss Annotations {15 min}

Paul had strong opinions on this issue, it would be a shame to discuss
it at length in his absence.

Proposed: postpone for June. Accepted.

9b. XML Character entities

Mike: Looking at some Linux distributions and a distribution for the
CygWin system, I noticed that they are distributing another version of
the character entity files. Nobody should be tampering with those
files, they should just be using the standard versions distributed at
the OASIS DocBook site.

We should come up with some mechanism for clearly identifying the
files (internally) and indicate that they should not be changed.

ACTION: Mike to file an bug report against the character entities.

ACTION: Norm to review the status of the XML Character Entities document.

ACTION: Norm to identify the questionable mappings and fix outstanding bugs.

| 8. Discuss Help Authoring {10 min}

Dick: comparing HP's internal work to the HelpSet proposal, they're
very similar in the core. The things that are different may not be
appropriate for DocBook:

  - Markup optimizations to simplify the stylesheets
(An element that says where a pointer to the glossary goes, for example)

  - We provide an explicit hierarchy; rather than a single HelpSet with an
automatically generated TOC; we have independent items and an explicit,
hand-generated TOC.

ACTION: Tim to contact a representative from Microsoft to discuss help authoring

Nancy: Still working on understanding DITA, in particular
specialization. Specialization is the way that they point data at a
particular domain. So a command reference page or programming or
business applications could all be specializations.

There's a lot that does correspond. I can't think of any particular structure
that I couldn't find some place in DITA. The very strong difference is the way
that they modularize things.

DocBook has a few modules (hierarchy, pool, notations); DITA creates a
few different hierarchies and breaks up the pool of data considerably.
Rather than have a single pool, they have one set of elements that's
more for an API Ref and another that's for books. They also have one
set that's all about formatting. They have about a dozen DTDs.

They have topics, but then they have more specialized things (like books) in 
other places.

Somewhat orthogonally, they have the concept of information types

DOCBOOK: Announce: DocBook V4.2 Candidate Release 2

2002-05-21 Thread Norman Walsh

The DocBook TC announces the second Candidate Release of DocBook V4.2.
Please give it a try and report the results of your efforts. If no
errors are reported in the next 30 days, the TC will be able to vote
to move it to Committee Specification status.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Life is pain...anyone who tells | you differently is selling
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | something.--Wesley (The Princess
   | Bride)

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: FOP 0.20.3 with 1.50.0 SS problem.

2002-05-21 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Eric Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh wrote:
| / Eric Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| | For xhtml/docbook.xsl.
| | [java]
| | file:/home/maxwell/pws/jdocbook/docbook-xsl-1.50.0/common/common.xsl;
| | Line 1385; Column 35; XSLT Error
| | (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException): 5 = 1
| The Xalan folks have some sort of bug.
| I ran the xalan -ttc option on the command line and the end of the
| trace has the following. It seems to go over and over this lookup.key
| template.

Yes, that rings a bell. I think Scott said it was key-related.

| I could take this up with the xalan folks but don't really know enough
| to proceed.

| BTW, Does the resolver 1.1 have a practical range of verbosity? 0 off,
| to the highest ??

It has a range, I don't know if you'll find the steps practical.
0=off, 1=show a few things, 2=show more, 3=show most, 4=show all.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | A life, admirable at first sight, | may have cost so much in imposed
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | liabilities, chores and
   | self-abasement, that, brilliant
   | though it appears, it cannot be
   | considered other than a failure.
   | Another, which seems to have
   | misfired, is in reality a
   | triumphant success, because it has
   | cost so little.--Henry De
   | Montherlant

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Subtitle

2002-05-21 Thread Norman Walsh

/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Bjørndal) was heard to say:
| 1. The Title and Subtitle-texts are placed on the same line if I use
|lynx as the browser. The line looks like:
|How can I solve this problem? Is it a lynx- or a db-problem?

Lynx. Try links.

| 2. I can not get the email-address as a link. What can I do here?
|Please see above.


| 3. I don't like that the ending greater than sign of the tags are
|placed on a new line, such as:
|Is there a way around that problem?

Run the result through tidy. Or switch to XSLT?

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | A language is a dialect that has | an army and a navy.--Max Weinreich
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: numbered lines

2002-05-21 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dennis Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I have a developer who wants to print, from a DocBook SGML document, PDFs
| with numbered lines so that reviewers can respond with comments by line
| number. Anyone know how to do this in the DSSSLs?

I don't think you can. Nor do I think you can do it with XSL. The best
you could do, probably, would be tweak the stylesheet(s) so that
paragraphs are numbered or something like that.

Be seeing you,

P.S. Feel free to prove me wrong, somebody, anybody :-)

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Extinction, n. The raw material | out of which theology created the
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | future state.--Ambrose Bierce

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Producing fontified C on HTML otuput

2002-05-21 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Jaime Irving Dávila Latorre [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Is there a way to tweak the stylesheets to produce this kind of html
| output? Is there another way to accomplish this?

Tweak the sourcecode. Run it through some sort of pre-processor that
marks up the things you want highlighted.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | All along the untrodden paths of | the future, I can see the
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | footprints of an unseen hand.--Sir
   | Boyle Roche

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Producing fontified C on HTML otuput

2002-05-21 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Vladimir G. Ivanovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| `cat -n' works (on Linux).

I thought more than line-numbers was desired. If all you want is line numbers,
you can just turn on linenumbering on the programlisting in question.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Some people can stay longer in an | hour than others can in a week
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Administrivia: lists posting policy change

2002-05-21 Thread Norman Walsh

Effective immediately, the DocBook and DocBook-Apps lists only accept
messages sent in plain text (using MIME type text/plain). Messages
sent as text/html will be rejected.

In point of fact, I don't think a single legitimate message has ever
been sent to the list in text/html, but I get a dozen spams a day to
each list encoded that way. Or I did. Now I won't. Goodness.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | One's never alone with a rubber | duck.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: blockquotes/attribution

2002-05-20 Thread Norman Walsh

[Follow-ups moved to docbook-apps]

/ Mark Derricutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I notice when using blockquote and the attribution tag to identify the
| quote source, in the HTML rendered version, the attribution is below
| the quote, to the right, with a proceeding --, but in the
| printed/pdf version, the attribution is flush left with the quote,
| above.  Is it possible to get a similar look for the attribution in
| the printed version?

Which stylesheets (and what version) are you using?

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Greatness of soul is never | apparent, for it conceals itself;
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | a little originality is usually
   | all that shows. Greatness of soul
   | is more frequent than one would
   | suppose.--Stendhal

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: FOP 0.20.3 with 1.50.0 SS problem.

2002-05-20 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Eric Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Hi,
| I hope this hasn't been covered before but I'm having problems with a
| FAQ and FOP 0.20.3 and the 1.50.0 stylesheets as follows:
| [java] [INFO]: FOP 0.20.3
|   [java] [INFO]: building formatting object tree
|   [java] [WARN]: property - linefeed-treatment is not implemented yet.
|   [java] [ERROR]: 'master-reference' for 'fo:page-sequence'matches
| no 'simple-page-master' or 'page-sequence-master'

What stylesheet produced this? I thought I'd fixed all the master-reference
problems long ago. Do you have a customization layer?

| For xhtml/docbook.xsl.
| [java]
| file:/home/maxwell/pws/jdocbook/docbook-xsl-1.50.0/common/common.xsl;
| Line 1385; Column 35; XSLT Error
| (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException): 5 = 1

The Xalan folks have some sort of bug.

| But for fo/docbook.xsl the result is different. The xml to fo seems to
| occur okay but the fo to pdf gives the following.
| [java] [INFO]: FOP 0.20.3
|   [java] [INFO]: building formatting object tree
|   [java] [WARN]: property - linefeed-treatment is not implemented yet.
|   [java] [INFO]: [1]
|   [java] [INFO]: [2]
|   [java] [ERROR]: The id N1003D already exists in this document
| Funny thing is that I only see this id once in the fo document.

Right. FOP doesn't like IDs on the page-sequences, it wants them on
some inner block. That'd be hard to do (reliably) in the stylesheets,
and I think the page sequence is the right place for an ID for the,
uh, page sequence, so I'm hoping the FOP guys will fix this one.

| p.s. the doc is a more than one qandaset inside an article. Any small
| working qandaset doc would be appreciated as an example.

See the testdocs distribution.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The man with ten children is | better off than the one with ten
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | thousand fonts of type, because
   | the man with ten children doesn't
   | want any more.

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DocBook XSL slow to process due to l10n.xml, keys

2002-05-20 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Mike Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| In 4XSLT, the preparation of the indices for these keys takes a very long time
| because they are computed for every source document, including those obtained   
| via document(). It takes a long time to generate the indices for l10n.xml, 
| even though these keys don't end up being needed for any but the main source
| tree.

Perhaps 4XSLT should be modified to do lazy index generation?

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | I have often wondered why I [keep] | going...There [can] be no hope and
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | no reward. I always recognized
   | that bitter truth. But I am a man,
   | and a man is responsible for
   | himself.--Sam Magruder (George
   | Gaylord Simpson)

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DocBook XSL slow to process due to l10n.xml, keys

2002-05-20 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Mike Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| But, in my opinion, failing to be lazy about xsl:key index preparation is not
| really a shortcoming in a processor. The XSLT spec is at fault for not
| providing a way to specify to which documents keys should apply. A stylesheet
| could potentially use a key on any of the source trees provided.

I don't recall seeing this on the spec comments list. Nor do I recall
seeing it addressed in the XSLT 2.0 draft I'm reading. I'll try to
remember to bring this up.

| some clever xsl:importing or document() calls to include wrappers for only the
| subset of l10n entities that you need.

There's no facility for dynamic imports. I suppose the l10n code could
be rewritten to load languages on demand, I'll have to think about

In the meantime, if you only write in English, you can edit your copy
of l10n.xml so that it doesn't refer to any of the other languages.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The things we have most longed for | do not happen; or if they do, it
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | is never at the time nor under the
   | circumstances when they could have
   | made us happiest.--La Bruy\`ere

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: FOP 0.20.3 with 1.50.0 SS problem.

2002-05-20 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Eric Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| How can I get around this one or is this a result of specifying an id
| on a qandaentry?

Oh, uhm, maybe this isn't the bug I thought. Can you send me a short
test doc?

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Impatient people always arrive too | late.--Jean Dutourd
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Re: newbie Q's about Simplified DocBook 1.0b2

2002-05-17 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Mike Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| 1. shows an example wherein a
| para contains an itemizedlist. Simplified DocBook doesn't seem to allow
| this. I just want to make sure this was a deliberate change. Is the correct
| approach in Simplified DocBook to keep lists as blocks separate from
| paragraphs?

Yes. One of the factors that contributed to the design of Simplified
was the design of HTML which forbids blocks in paragraphs.

| 2. In my document, I want to provide some examples of command-line input and
| program output. I was just going to use screen, but that's not available in
| Simplified DocBook. Instead of screen, I am using
| literallayout class=monospaced format=linespecific
| and mixing computeroutput and userinput within it, as necessary.
| For example,

You could just use programlisting. (I wonder if Simplified should have contained
screen instead of programlisting...)

| Does this sound like the right way to go about marking up the kind of text I'm 
| dealing with?

It sounds like your markup goals may be in excess of what Simplified provides.
It might be worth considering full DocBook.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | A wonder is often expressed that | the greatest criminals look like
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | other men. The reason is that
   | *they are like other men in many
   | respects.*--Hazlitt

DOCBOOK: Re: newbie Q's about Simplified DocBook 1.0b2

2002-05-17 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Mike Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh wrote:
| Yes. One of the factors that contributed to the design of Simplified
| was the design of HTML which forbids blocks in paragraphs.
| Good. Although, by the same reasoning, you shouldn't be doing things like
| listitempara.../para/listitem :)

No, that's not the same thing at all. The content model of listitem in
DocBook is required to be block content. You can't not put the para in

| I'm guessing that the latter example is achieved in the usual way:
| listitem
|   parapara 1/para
|   parapara 2/para
| /listitem
| etc.
| So is there a preferred way to achieve the former example?

I consider it a browser bug that

  ol compact=compact
  lippara 1/p/li
  lippara 2/p/li

does not render the way you want. If you want to work around that bug,
I suggest a stylesheet tweak, driving off the spacing=compact
attribute on the DocBook orderedlist, perhaps.

| | 2. In my document, I want to provide some examples of command-line input and
| | program output.
| You could just use programlisting.
| I thought of that, but I hate to use what is semantically the wrong markup, 
| just to achieve a desired rendering effect. I guess that's never stopped me
| and everyone else from abusing blockquote and numerous other elements in 
| HTML, though. But still, I don't want to make the same mistakes with DocBook.

Right, and with full DocBook, I'd never encourage you to do so. But if
you want to stick with Simplified, you're going to be forced to make
much more coarse-grained semantic choices.

| It sounds like your markup goals may be in excess of what Simplified provides.
| It might be worth considering full DocBook.
| Thanks for the advice. Sadly, the full DocBook XSLT stylesheets are too
| cumbersome for this project. We (Fourthought) had been using our own, fairly

Ahem. Maybe you'd like to start a thread about this on the
docbook-apps list? :-) I'm not sure what you mean by cumbersome,
except perhaps that they're a bit, uhm, large.

| I note that the Simplified DocBook .zip doesn't come with any XSLT. 
| Are simplified XSLT stylesheets a goal of the project? Did I miss them
| somewhere?

Nope. Simplified DocBook is a proper subset of DocBook, therefore the
standard DocBook stylesheets process them without any trouble.

I've occasionally toyed with (and at least once started to build) a
tool that would analyze the full DocBook stylesheets and automagically
produce a stylesheet that was equivalent but included only the
templates that might be relevant to Simplified. Turns out to be a
fairly tedious undertaking, and in the end given the use of
apply-imports and the like, probably not worth the effort. (IMHO,

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | As a general rule, the most | successful man in life is the man
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | who has the best
   | information.--Benjamin Disraeli

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: javahelp.xsl questions

2002-05-17 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Vincent Hikida [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Norm,
| Thank you for your responses. I've cut down on my test documents and I 
| posted my latest test on the web. It is at 
| Let me know if you need anything more.

Fixed. The ancillary files are now written to $base.dir. The problem you're
having with labels is caused by the fact that you're putting the IDs in the
wrong place. Put the ID on the container, not its title:

Yes: section id=footitlexxx/title...
No: sectiontitle id=fooxxx/title...

I haven't looked into the ToC problem.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | He that will not apply new | remedies must expect new evils;
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | for time is the great
   | innovator.--Sir Francis Bacon

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Onechunk problem

2002-05-17 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dennis Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Well, almost. The EXP2 version of onechunk.xsl gives me a single file
| output, and it includes every section, chapter, and appendix without
| generating error messages. Unfortunately, it set up the TOC links for a
| chunked output. So, for a multisection article, each section entry in the
| TOC links to a non-existent document.
| You're closing in, though. :-)

Grab onechunk.xsl from CVS and see if that's fixed. I think it is.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | If you cannot find the truth right | where you are, where else do you
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | expect to find it?--Dogen

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Onechunk problem

2002-05-17 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Martin Perina [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| 1) All extensions jars consist only of empty directories,
|no classes.
| 2) manifest.xsl is missing in XHTML stylesheets.

Fixed and fixed, respectively.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | In a universe of electrons and | selfish genes, blind physical
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | forces and genetic replication,
   | some people are going to get hurt,
   | other people are going to get
   | lucky, and you won't find any
   | rhyme or reason in it, nor any
   | justice.--Richard Dawkins

DOCBOOK: Re: tables in fo / pdf output: sizing of columns

2002-05-16 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dominik Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| 1) If  i declare the size of the column in the colspec-tag like
| colspec colwidth=4cm / i got a column with that width. So far so
| good. But I'd rather like not to specifiy the column-width and let the
| renderer (fo or tex?) choose the appropriate column-width in a
| HTML-Table-like manner. Is this possible? If yes: does someone know
| how?

If you don't specify any widths, implementations are free to choose
widths in the manner that you describe. Some do, some don't. Some do
better than others.

Rather than use explicit units of measure, you can use relative widths:
In a two column table,

  colspec colwidth=3*/
  colspec colwidth=2*/

the implementation is free to choose the width, but the ratio of the width
of the first column to the second will be 3/2.

| 2) Borders: Following table should (in my opinion) turn up grid-like
| with a frame around it:
|   table colsep=1 frame=all rowsep=1
| titleUmgebungsvariablen/title
| tgroup cols=3
|   colspec colwidth=4cm /
|   colspec colwidth=8cm /
|   colspec colwidth=5cm /
|   thead
| row
|   entryCol1Head/entry
|   entryCol2Head/entry
|   entryCol3Head/entry
| /row
|   /thead
|   tbody
| row
|   entryCol1/entry
|   entryCol2/entry
|   entryCol3/entry
| /row
|   /tbody
| /tgroup
|   /table
| This table turns up with inner borders but without a frame around it.
| I wonder what's wrong. Does someone know ho to do it? Or is it a bug,
| somewhere?

It's a bug. It will be fixed in 1.50.1, when it's released. I believe that
it's fixed in 1.50.1-EXP2. But that's an experimental release.

| 3) I tried to change the padding of the columns in a driver-file the
| following way:
| xsl:attribute-set name=table.cell.padding
|   xsl:attribute name=padding-left12pt/xsl:attribute
|   xsl:attribute name=padding-right12pt/xsl:attribute
|   xsl:attribute name=padding-top12pt/xsl:attribute
|   xsl:attribute name=padding-bottom12pt/xsl:attribute
| /xsl:attribute-set
| nor
| xsl:param name=table.entry.padding select='12pt'/
| worked. The enlarged padding (default is 2pt) never showed up. The
| parameter all show up in the fo/param.xsl file. Is it possible, that
| they  aren't used at all? Has someone an idea what's wrong?

Look in the FO file. If they show up there, you're seeing a formatter
bug. If they don't, it's a stylesheet bug. I believe it's the former,
but I've been wrong before :-)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Through space the universe grasps | me and swallows me up like a
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | speck; through thought I grasp
   | it.--Pascal

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: javahelp.xsl questions

2002-05-16 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Vincent Hikida [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Actually I forgot that I actually do use id=x in the sections. I 
| think that after being processed through javahelp.xls. I think that the 
| resulting html should specify target=x but instead I get something 
| like target=N40025F. Is there a way that I can control the target label?

It's been a while (a long while) since I looked at the JavaHelp stuff.
Can you send a small sample document that demonstrates the problem?

And to save bandwidth, the base.dir problem sounds like a bug. I'll
look into that too.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Someone has changed your life. | Save? (y/n)
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: imagelib examples?

2002-05-16 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Sasha Zucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I'm trying to find the examples for usage of the imagelib.dtd that are
| referred to at the end of:
| but I can't seem to find them. Can someone help me find these examples?

There'll be some in testdocs in the next testdocs week,

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Be indiscrete. Do it continuously. | 
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Onechunk problem

2002-05-16 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dennis Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Okay, so now, what exactly does this new version of onechunk do? It looks
| like it just passes everything off to chunk.xsl. What is the onechunk param
| supposed to do?

Sorry, you need to get the new chunk.xsl as well. The onechunk
parameter is really all that matters now. The chunk.xsl stylesheet
makes sure that if onechunk is set, only the root chunk gets written
to a separate file.

My attempt to use apply-imports from onechunk.xsl wasn't working
because ultimately it was calling the code in chunk.xsl even when what
I really wanted to do was call the code *imported* by chunk.xsl.
Hence, I moved the parameter logic up a level.

| Another thing that confuses me: I wasn't having this problem with 1.49. I
| had, admittedly, made a slight modification to the 1.49 onechunk.xsl file
| sheet. I had changed the include from chunk-common.xsl to chunk.xsl.  I
| notice that in the transition from 1.49 to 1.50.0, you changed the includes
| and imports from
|   xsl:import href=autoidx.xsl/
|   xsl:include href=chunk.xsl/
|   xsl:include href=chunker.xsl/
| to
|   xsl:import href=chunk.xsl/

Hmm. Yes, the old way avoids the nasty double-apply-imports problem.

| So, being a stubborn old ex-Navy tech, I fell back on old troubleshooting
| methods. I swapped back to the earlier version (1.5) of onechunk.xsl and
| replaced the import with the includes and imports as they were in version
| 1.1 (with the exception, as shown above, of including chunk.xsl vice
| chunk-common.xsl). That worked.
| Any idea why that worked? Why were the include and import statements
| changed?

Because chunker got percolated up the stack, it's now included by
docbook.xsl. And chunk.xsl now imports docbook.xsl. Overall, this
simplifies things for many other customization layers, I just blew it
and failed to regression test onechunk.xsl, I guess. Mea culpa.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | When you can measure what you are | speaking about, and express it in
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | numbers, you know something about
   | it; but when you cannot measure
   | it, when you cannot express it in
   | numbers, your knowledge is of a
   | meager and unsatisfactory kind: it
   | may be the beginning of knowledge,
   | but you have scarcely, in your
   | thoughts, advanced to the stage of
   | science.--William Thompson, Lord
   | Kelvin

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Onechunk problem

2002-05-16 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dennis Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Yeah, I figured I was missing something. I downloaded the latest version of
| chunk common and tried it, but I got an error because the new chunk.xsl
| contains an include:
|   xsl:include href=manifest.xsl/

Can you say 1.50.1-EXP2? Wait a few minutes... :-/

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | A man who is 'of sound mind' is | one who keeps the inner madman
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | under lock and key.--Val\'ery

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Onechunk problem

2002-05-16 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| / Dennis Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| | Yeah, I figured I was missing something. I downloaded the latest version of
| | chunk common and tried it, but I got an error because the new chunk.xsl
| | contains an include:
| |
| |   xsl:include href=manifest.xsl/
| Can you say 1.50.1-EXP2? Wait a few minutes... :-/

Done. Try 1.50.1-EXP2. It should, at least, be internally consistent.
And it may even work :-)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Why shouldn't things be largely | absurd, futile, and transitory?
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | They are so, and we are so, and
   | they and we go very well
   | together.--Santayana

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Onechunk problem

2002-05-15 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dennis Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Okay, all of this information about the refname is fascinating, but I'm
| still confused by the problem with onechunk.xsl.
| Norm put a fix in CVS for the bug I reported, thinking the problem was in
| DocBook. That fix adds the line
|   xsl:param name=onechunk select=1/
| to onechunk.xsl. I installed the fix, but I still get the same errors.

Send me a test document, please.

| Apparently, I cannot use chapters in books or appendices in articles. I
| have no refnames with spaces in either of these cases. The filename is
| supposed to by taken from the root id, and that contains no spaces or odd
| characters. I still keep getting the error that chapter is not a chunk!
| or appendix is not a chunk! as well as the runtime error pointing to line
| 79 in chunker.xsl. This is the template from chunker that contains the
| offending line:
| xsl:when test=element-available('exsl:document')
|exsl:document href={$filename}
|   method={$method}
|   encoding={$encoding}
|  79--indent={$indent}

That's a little bizarre.

|  Now, am I just misreading the exslt page, or is it noteworthy that this
|  particular type of exsl expression is the one listed on
| as not considered stable and not part
|  of the core of EXSLT-Common? If this is the source of trouble, is there
|  an available alternative to exslt?

As of a few days ago, you'll wind up using the Saxon document extension to work
around, ahem, bugs in Daniel's implementation of exsl:document.

|  Is there any way to make this work?

I thought I made it work. I'll try again :-/

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | A man may fulfill the object of | his existence by asking a question
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | he cannot answer, and attempting a
   | task he cannot achieve.--Oliver
   | Wendell Holmes

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Onechunk problem

2002-05-15 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dennis Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Okay, all of this information about the refname is fascinating, but I'm
| still confused by the problem with onechunk.xsl.

It was botched. Fixed now in CVS. Er, I think :-)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The years teach us much which the | days never knew.--Emerson
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: No sqarebrackets in FO footnotes

2002-05-14 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Jens Stavnstrup [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| FOP (maybee better with XEP ?). Would that be something you would consider 
| including again ? or maybe parameterize ?

I've added a named template, format.footnote.mark, to control how the
footnote mark is rendered. You can redefine this in your customization
layer to get any presentation you'd like.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | If we lived alone in a featureless | desert we should learn to place
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | the individual grains of sand in a
   | moral or aesthetic
   | hierarchy.--Michael Frayn

DOCBOOK: Re: storage info

2002-05-09 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Martin Stemplinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| But bookinfo seems to include no appropriate tags.
| Any hints?

Yeah, I've been feeling this pain myself recently. I've used
revhistory sometimes and most recently releaseinfo and roles.

I'm starting to think we need to add markup for this...

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Taste ripens at the expense of | happiness.--Jules Renard
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Comments on 1.50.1-EXP, please!

2002-05-09 Thread Norman Walsh

Has anyone tried 1.50.1-EXP? Can you comment on the relative filenames
issues (if there are any)?

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Consistency requires you to be as | ignorant today as you were a year
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | ago.--Bernard Berenson

DOCBOOK: Re: Chapter needs a author element

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Christopher J. Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I would like to request that the author element be placed in the chapter. If
| there is a way to do this, let me know. Seems strange to have a authorblub
| but not the author.

If you're trying to indicate authorship of the chapter, chapterinfo as Bob
suggested, is the way to go. If you want to have an inline reference to the
author of another document, DocBook V4.2 provides 'personname' as an inline.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Our years, our debts, and our | enemies are always more numerous
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | than we imagine.--Charles Nodier

DOCBOOK: Re: namespace

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ joel amoussou [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Is there any namespace for DocBook?

No, DocBook does not have a namespace. The primary reasons are
historical. DocBook predates XML and namespaces by at least five years
and there is significant legacy built on SGML DocBook in which a
namespace would be inconvenient at best.

Even in the XML world, adding a namespace would break just about every
DocBook tool out there.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Not everyone can live upstream. | 
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Re: possible issue with fo XSLT

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Vincent Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| file, this resulted in FOP (version 0.20.3) giving an error:
| [ERROR]: The id toc...book1_chapter_2 already exists in this document
| I examine the FO file and sure enough the id is indeed duplicated...

Yes. I'm working on that. It's definitely a stylesheet bug. Actually,
I think it's fixed release next week.

Be seeing you,

P.S. Follow-ups to the -apps list, please.

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The follies which a man regrets | most are those which he didn't
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | commit when he had the
   | opportunity.--Helen Rowland

DOCBOOK: Re: Building Where is the bibliography ?

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dave Pawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
|Normall people are not forced to build stylesheet. Even if they want to
|apply some patch before official release, they can usually get one or
|few modifed files from CVS and copy them over existing files. Build is
|neccessary only if new parameters are added.
| OK, we are using a different definition of 'make' Jirka :-)
| I withdraw my comments.

Well, I was a little confused on this point too.

One definition of make that I thought we were talking about was how
to build a distribution from the raw CVS sources. Yes, I'd like to
make that easier, but I don't think that has a very broad impact.

Another definition is how to build a result document from some
sources. I'd like to make that easier too, but there are a lot of
variables given the variety of platforms and distributions out there
and the number of customizations and stylesheet processors, etc.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Time wounds all heels. | 
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |


2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Jens Emmerich [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| most elements don't support XREFs, mostly it just doesn't make much
| sense, there's nothing to display as xref-text.

Yeah, but xref to refnamediv seems reasonable. Fixed for the next release...

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | How is the world ruled and how do | wars start? Diplomats tell lies to
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | journalists and then believe what
   | they read.--Karl Kraus

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Can I use a CSS stylesheet?

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Kraa de Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Just a quick question... Newbie to CSS...
| Is it possible to change the layout/presentation using CSS? (for example of
| a table)


| I enabled table.borders.with.css.

I just fixed a bunch of bugs in that code and added a bunch of test
cases to show how to use it. New release next week, I hope.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | My fate cannot be mastered; it can | only be collaborated with and
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | thereby, to some extent, directed.
   | Nor am I the captain of my soul; I
   | am only its noisiest
   | passenger.--Aldous Huxley

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Imagedata/entityref and full pathname problem

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Jens Emmerich [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Does anybody know *why* the XSL standard mandates the resolution of
| relative URLs?

Because relative URIs in entity declarations are relative to the base
URI of the document in which the declaration occurs. The parser is
really the only component of the system that can correctly do that

| Does that mean that transformed documents can only be
| used in-place?

No, but it does mean that if you use entityref, you may have to be
prepared to mangle the names a bit in your stylesheet.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Blessed is he who expects nothing, | for he shall never be
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | disappointed.--Pope

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: encoding XML

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Christopher J. Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I am trying to encode an XML example as a programlisting entity.i am getting
| the following errors. It works without the ?xml version=1.0?

What parser is giving you an error? I think that's a parser bug. You can't put
the XML declaration anywhere except at the beginning of a document, but inside a
CDATA section, it should not be recognized as markup.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Man, whatever he may think, is a | very limited being; the world is a
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | narrow circle drawn about him; the
   | horizon limits our immediate view;
   | immortality means a century or
   | two.--Hazlitt

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: website and subdirs problem

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Jakob Voß [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| the layout file should be something like this:
| layout
|   toc page=subdir.xml dir=subdir file=index.html
| tocentry page=subdir\foo.xml file=foo.html/

Try subdir/foo.xml. (/ not \)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Sarchasm: The gulf between the | author of sarcastic wit and the
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | person who doesn't get it.

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Saxon bug?

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I was trying various vrsions of SAXON, but it's same.
| Is only way rewriting templates in my XSL, or I haven't something 
| set?

The latest Saxon fixes this bug. 6.5.2, I think, but maybe it's 6.5.3.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | An ill-humoured man is a prisoner | at the mercy of an enemy from whom
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | he can never escape.--Sa'di

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Slightky OT: XHTML script tag

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Rory Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| For the script tag, HTML 4 specifies that an end tag is required.
| For external script files, obviously there is no content to the tags.
| Thus, when using XHTML I can legally shorten this to script
| blah=blah ... /, can I not?

Yes, you can.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The worst enemy of life, freedom | and the common decencies is total
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | anarchy; their second worst enemy
   | is total efficiency.--Aldous Huxley

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Formatting segmentedlist element as a table

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Trevor Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| With a name like that I think I would have found  it. :-) I'm using the
| DSSSL versions. And there doesn't seem to be anything equivalent.

True. I apparently haven't implemented the table formatting for
segmented lists. If you file a feature request, that'll make sure we
don't forget about it :-)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | On the other hand, you have | different fingers.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: xsl-fo driver problems

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dennis Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I'm using XSL 1.50.0 and XML-dtd-4.2 and trying to set up a driver file for
| FO. My PDFs show some of the section titles on one page with the actual
| section appearing on the following page. Isn't the
| keep-with-next.withing-column attribute being set to always supposed to
| prevent that? This is what's set in the param.xsl:

Yes. What processor are you using?

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Nothing will ever be attempted, if | all possible objections must be
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | first overcome.--Dr. Johnson

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: pernicious mixed content

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Baurjan Ismagulov [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I use para within listitem. What I can't understand is, why white space
| in para is significant within listitem, and not significant otherwise.
| In other words, why the following construction produces leading space
| on the first line:

For HTML output, my guess is that the browser is interpreting the
space in one place and ignoring it in the other. If you're seeing
differences in print output, I'm not sure what's going on.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | If you are losing your leisure, | look out! You may be losing your
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | soul.--Logan Pearshall Smith

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: figure comment

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Baurjan Ismagulov [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Hello,
| I want to use an additional text in figures (besides the title). It
| shouldn't be listed in the LOF. For example:

You can put a para inside the figure.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Be indiscrete. Do it continuously. | 
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: line breaks not reproduced in literallayout when usesaxon textinsert extension

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Matthew Hobbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I want to include the contents of an external text file within my
| DocBook XML document without making the font monospaced, and retaining
| all linebreaks and whitespace within the file.  I've been trying this
| using saxon 6.5 (with textinsert extension) and the 1.49 XSL stylesheets
| to insert into a literallayout element.
| If I have a line like this in my document
| literallayoutinlinegraphic format=linespecific
| fileref=test.txt//literallayout
| saxon inserts the file contents without changing font (good!) but loses
| linebreaks (bad!)  i.e. if the contents of test.txt is


Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The great man is he who has not | lost the heart of a child.--Mencius
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: programlisting in a table cell

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Steinar Bang [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I've tried putting in a 
|   colspec colnum=1 colwidth=85%/
| at the start of the tgroup, but that didn't seem to have any
| effect. 

I think that should have worked. If the result wasn't a first column
that was 85% of the width of the page, I think that's a FOP bug.

You might try 'colwidth=4in' or something like that.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Debugging is 99% complete most of | the time--Fred Brooks, jr.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: wiki wiki wiki

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dave Pawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| So where's the newbie guide to wiki's, i.e.
| syntax to use, etc.

There's a link from the DocBook Wiki to
where there are some instructions.

| Is it as simple as it says on the edit sheets?
| No docbook submissions or anything?


| Can it be indexed?

I'm not sure what you mean.

| Can I correct it if I screw it up?

Yep, just edit the page again. And try the preview button before
saving your changes.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | On the other hand, you have | different fingers.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DocBook and Cocoon

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Michael Cortez [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Oh, you'll love this one.
| -
| java.lang.RuntimeException: 2 = 2

I think this is related to the 'array out of bounds' error with Xalan
that has been discussed before. I'm trying to get it resolved by the
Xalan folks as fast as I can.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | If you understand: things are as | they are. If you do not
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | understand: things are as they are.

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: window= attribute for ulink?

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dennis Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Back in November Bob and Norm briefly discussed the addition of a window
| attribute to ULink to allow opening a new browser window from a link. Are
| we still waiting on XLink? Has anything been done with this? Can I just
| specify the window attribute in my customization layer?

I think I'd do this with a role attribute and a stylesheet customization.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Science is like sex: sometimes | something useful comes out, but
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | that is not the reason we are
   | doing it.--Richard Feynman

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Notes on graphics and HTML

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Ed Nixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Notes below:
| At 02:44 PM 02/05/2002 -0500, Paul Grosso wrote:
|At 12:41 2002 05 01 -0700, Norman Walsh wrote:
|1. If only the content-area is specified, everything is fine.
|   (If you ask for a three inch image, that's what you'll get.)
|Yep (as long as the XSL-HTML stylesheets convert 3in to pixels, since
|the value of an html::img.{width,height} attribute has to be a unitless
|number of pixels).
| I don't see how this could work given the variability of pixels/inch
| in screen resolutions and settings. Can you explain?

The stylesheets assume a default pixel/inch value. It's a parameter
you can set.

|3. If both the content-area and the viewport-area is specified
|   on a graphic element, ignore the viewport-area.
|   (If you ask for a three inch image in a five inch area,
| we'll assume
|it's better to give you a three inch image in an unspecified area
|than a five inch image in a five inch area.
|This is reasonable.  I assume one could wrap the 3in image in a 5in block,
|but I suspect what you suggest above is more likely to make the user happy.

Actually, I decided to do what you suggest. Make a 5in area and put
the 3in image inside it. But if you turn that off, you get a 3in image.

|Relative units also cause problems. As a general rule, the
| stylesheets
|are operating too early and too loosely coupled with the
| rendering engine
|to know things like the current font size or the actual dimensions of
|an image. Therefore:
|1. We use a fixed size for pixels, $pixels.per.inch
|2. We use a fixed size for ems, $points.per.em
| Ok, that answers my question above but how portable is this solution
| across platforms and workstation configurations, e.g. for people who,
| of visual necessity, run their machines a low res.

Well, you can provide images at different resolutions. And if you're
concerned about accessibility, you should provide text descriptions

| In general, perhaps this is an decision -- CSS versus XSL parameter --
| that should be near the beginning of each update revision cycle?

CSS support is still spotty enough that I'm uncomfortable relying on
it for things that don't degrade usefully.

| I know this post is predominantly about image size and scale but I'd
| like to ask a question about how we would initialize the ALT and TITLE
| attributes in an image from within the DocBook XML source. Sure a more
| or less straightforward customization can be done on the XSL style
| sheets, but shouldn't we be keeping the accessibility issues in view
| (pardon the pun) at the source, editing level?

Use textobject.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | There is a great difference | between seeking how to raise a
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | laugh from everything, and seeking
   | in everything what may justly be
   | laughed at.--Lord Shaftesbury

DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Experiment for Notes on Graphics in HTML

2002-05-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Ed Nixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| To try to increase my own understanding of what I was trying to say,
| I've put together a very quick and dirty and, perhaps, superficial
| page with some illustrations of cascading styles and image handling.
| You can find it here:

Nicely done. I've done a few similar experiments.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | To the man who is afraid | everything rustles.--Sophocles
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Re: xref not working

2002-05-05 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Zack Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I'm using RedHat Linux 7.1, and docbook2pdf doesn't seem to process
| xref elements properly. it gives the following error:
| ---
| jade:/usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-1.59/print/dblink.dsl:179:1:E:
| XRef LinkEnd to missing ID 'chapter1'
| ---

I can't reproduce this bug, but I do notice several odd things about your file:

| ---
| ?xml version=1.0?

It claims to be XML.

| !DOCTYPE book PUBLIC -//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN[]

Then points to an SGML DTD. You probably want ...DocBook XML V4.1.2... here.

| Does anyone know how I can get this working?

What does nsgmls say?

Be seeing you,

P.S. You can get more recent stylesheets from

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Endurance is frequently a form of | indecision.--Elizabeth Bibesco
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

DOCBOOK: Re: Possible bug in DOCBOOKX dtd

2002-05-05 Thread Norman Walsh

/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Hi,
| I was trying to open the DOCBOOKX.dtd in IE 5.5 and received the following
| error:

That's an IE bug or something. There's nothing wrong with that declaration
in the DTD.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The firmest line that can be drawn | upon the smoothest paper is still
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | jagged edges if seen through a
   | microscope. This does not matter
   | until important deductions are
   | made on the supposition that there
   | are no jagged edges.--Samuel
   | Butler (II)

DOCBOOK: Re: Anonymous block of para, control first line indented?

2002-05-05 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Christopher R. Maden [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| At 03:35 24/4/02, Peter Ring wrote:
|   Now the first para (or similar body text block) in a section (or
|similar structural division) is easy to catch, but how about the anonymous
|thematical subdivision of the body text within a section? I've tried to
|find something obviously suitable in DocBook without luck; so far I have
|been able to come up with the following not-really-obvious hacks:
| It sounds like you have multiple sections here.  I would probably redefine 
| simplesect to make %sect.title.content; optional, and then use that.

I agree that it sounds like some sort of sectioning would be
appropriate. But if you really don't want to do that, I'd go with a
role attribute on the para.

(I think the empty bridgehead trick is asking for trouble. Stylesheets might,
for example, slap in extra space around the empty head.)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Why shouldn't things be largely | absurd, futile, and transitory?
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | They are so, and we are so, and
   | they and we go very well
   | together.--Santayana

DOCBOOK: Re: docbook-xsl: has.ext doesn't work with relative paths...

2002-05-05 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Lorenzo Delana [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| see at common.xsl of docbook-xsl
|  xsl:variable name=has.ext select=contains($filename, '.') != ''/
| this doesn't work when filename=../test suppose test.png is the file...


| suggest: exists functions that strips beginning relative paths or strips out 
| all characters until last slash /, and then apply to this the contains, 
| function ?


Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Sometimes in life situations | develop that only the half-crazy
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | can get out of.--La Rochefoucauld

DOCBOOK: Re: mathml and docbook

2002-05-05 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Lorenzo Delana [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| equation
|   informalequation
| mml:math
|   1 +
|   mml:infinity/
|   mml:pi/
| /mml:math
|   /informalequation
| /equation

This isn't valid MathML 1.0. I suppose I need to make a V2.0 module...

| 1)  xml - html
| alpha ~/mathml $ saxon book.xml book-html.xsl
| No template matches mml:math.
| No template matches mml:infinity.
| No template matches mml:pi.

Fixed by just passing the mml through unchanged.

| alpha ~/mathml $ book.pdf
| [INFO]: FOP 0.20.3
| [INFO]: building formatting object tree
| [ERROR]: Unknown formatting object^bookmark
| org.w3c.dom.DOMException: DOM003 Namespace error
| at org.apache.xerces.dom.AttrNSImpl.init(
| at 

I can't explain FOP's error.

| [ERROR]: no handler defined for foreign xml

You should probably turn off passivetex.extensions if you're going to use FOP.
And you probably want to turn on fop.extensions.

| [ERROR]: Unknown formatting object^infinity
| [ERROR]: Unknown formatting object^pi
| [INFO]: [1]
| [ERROR]: no handler defined for foreign xml
| [ERROR]: no handler defined for 
| foreign xml
| [INFO]: Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
| why all of these?

Looks like FOP doesn't support MathML.

| 3) try to process with passivetex with mathml2.xmt in current dir I got this 
| in .log file
| 5:block  
|   xmlns:mml = 3
|   3:math (./mathml2.xmt
|   xmlns:m = 3)
|   0:overflow = scroll  
|3:infinity Undefined
|0:encoding = 
|0:definitionURL =   
|3:pi Undefined
|0:encoding = 
|0:definitionURL =   
|   /3:math
|  /5:block

mml:infinity and mml:pi aren't in MathML 1.0.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | For the mental patient's family | and society, mental illness is a
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | 'problem'; for the patient himself
   | it is a 'solution'.--Thomas Szasz

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