[Dspace-tech] Single sign on with other application through OpenLdap

2011-02-10 Thread Palash Kumar Nandi


In our scenario, we are using Dspace and another open source product
'Moodle' together (In the master page, having two different link to
Dspace & Moodle). Both are needed separate login with OPENLDAP. It is
happening perfectly.

But my requirement is once I logged in to Moodle through OPENLDAP
authentication, Dspace should not ask for login credential again or vice
versa. Dspace should automatically logged in using the credential
provided in Moodle. Can I do it and how?


Thanks in advance for any tips.


Palash Nandi

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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] modifying config dspace.cfg

2011-02-10 Thread helix84
On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 21:13, Glenn Little  wrote:
> Wow.. okay... complex but makes sense given the whole
> dspace/java/tomcat context I guess.  The thing that seems weird to me
> now is the "mvn package" command, which takes a while to run and seems
> to rebuild all the apps.  Is that really necessary, just to make a
> quick change in a config file?  (I'm trying to stay with the program
> and not just edit the runtime file by hand).  Does it actually do
> something different in the build based on the new config values, and
> should I actually reinstall all the applications ("ant fresh_install")
> not just the config files?   I think I need a new supply of advil...
> :-)

I understand your concern completely. I'm using a different workflow
to avoid that useless rebuild. I still make changes to the source
files - the reason is, if I instead made a change to live config and
forget to make the change in source, next time I run ant I would lose
that change.

1. vim [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg
2. cp [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg
3. /etc/init.d/tomcat restart

Thus - no need to rebuild and no fear of losing changes. One thing to
be aware of is to back up your old config. Ant does that for you but
here I skip that step. I do the same with theme files (it will work if
you want to change any but the .java files, then you should use

Just my 2 cents, choose a workflow that works best for you.


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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] urls, dspace.hostname, dspace.url, apache, etc

2011-02-10 Thread helix84
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 00:09, Glenn Little  wrote:
> Okay, I think I have this working for now (time will tell, as I dig
> further in).  One difference is I was unable to get a Context
> container working with 'path="/"'... instead I needed 'path=""'  Maybe
> something changed between 5.5 and 6.  But the "" path seems to work
> fine such that I can point to mysite.edu and get the xmlui interface
> transparently.

In my tomcat6 instance, where I use Debian's packaged Tomcat, path="/"
continues to work for me. I didn't try the vanilla upstream Tomcat.

> I didn't really see ajp as a problem per-se, rather I come from a
> different world (apache, ruby/rails, php) and my "hammer" is the
> apache config hierarchy.  I had zero experience with tomcat, so I
> wanted to try to see as many of the config problems as
> apache-hammerable nails and stay away from the tomcat config as much
> as possible.

I was in the same position a few months ago. But there's nothing to
fear if you do things the proper Tomcat way and you'll pick it up very
quickly. It's all documented in DSpace docs and different approaches
are taken in different DSpace tutorials.

> In addition, I'm trying to build this in an environment that is as
> immune to individual component updates/reinstalls as possible.  So we
> are heavily hooked into cfengine central config management, and it
> works well with apache where the local configs can all be put into
> self-contained files, leaving the initially-installed files alone.  An
> apache reinstall or upgrade is thus trivial, and in general no apps
> break, no fiddly old-vs-new config file reconciliation is needed, etc.
>  It allows us to be much more fleet of foot in general.  Polluting an
> rpm-installed config file with our own customization is a bit of a fly
> in that ointment.
> So for all these reasons, I wanted to centralize as much of the
> configuration as possible into just apache.  I didn't want to do
> post-install changes to dspace (except for its dspace.cfg, a process
> which is confusing in itself), nor to tomcat.  But I was unable to
> really figure out how to do that, so I went ahead and went with the
> flow.  I've got the ajp connector enabled in tomcat now.  Also have
> got my localhost "appBase" pointing the the dspace install (at least
> that saves me having to stuff app content into the system tomcat
> directory).  Have set up a few  containers to get at the
> various dspace subapps, and one for root that points to xmlui.  Got
> the proxying working in apache.

My tomcat in Debian has the ability to have one config file per context in

So I have a few files like this:



Note that the file for root context *must* be named ROOT.xml.

I think leveraging this would help you. That way you don't have to
change your server.xml, only add/remove contexts as needed.
But I don't know if this is a Debian-specific change or a standard
vanilla Tomcat feature.


The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] allowCDATA

2011-02-10 Thread helix84
On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 00:13, stuart yeates  wrote:
> On 09/02/11 08:36, helix84 wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 16:43, Wendy J Bossons  wrote:
>>> The 10,000 dollar question - Is it possible to allow CDATA output in the
>>> head of a DSpace document? I want to add some javascript that contains an&
>>> and cannot get the source output to include CDATA tags. I am writing it in
>>> the structural.xsl this way . . . Everytime I view the html source, all I
>>> get are the //, no cdata tags. They have been stripped.

[Dspace-tech] Status of the DSpace RESTful API

2011-02-10 Thread Steve Swinsburg
Hi all,

I'm interested in knowing the status of the RESTful API. We are looking at 
providing integration points to DSpace from external applications and using 
EntityBus would be our preferred approach.


The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
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Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle.
Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Moving data from Dsapce 1.4.2(postgres 7.4.19) old server to DSpace 1.7 (postgres 8.4.4) new server

2011-02-10 Thread इन्‍दु भूषण Indu Bhushan
>  Dear Sir
> I want to move data from Dsapce 1.4.2(postgres 7.4.19)  old server to
> DSpace 1.7 (postgres 8.4.4) new server . Please let me know the the
> following steps are right?
> Please Reply.
> With regards
> Indu Bhushan, RRCAT Library, Indore
> 1.  [dspace@library-1 dspace]$ mvn -Pxpdf-mediafilter-support package
> 2. Backup of (postgres 7.4.19)  old server and restore in (postgres 8.4.4)
> new server .
> Su postgres
> [postgres@library data]$ pg_dump dspace > dspace.sql   BACKUP from
> Postgres 7.4.19 and Dspace 1.4.2
> [postgres@localhost root]$ psql -f dspace.sql dspaceRESTORE in
> Postgres   8.4.4 and Dspace 1.7
>( following steps shown error when i tried with dsapce 1.6.2, error
> attached)
> psql -U dspace -f
> /dspace1.7/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_14-15.sql dspace
> psql -U dspace -f
> /dspace1.7/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_15-16.sql dspace
> psql -U dspace -f
> /dspace1.7/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_16_17.sql dspace
> 3. [dspace@library-1 dspace]$ cd
> [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-[version]-build.dir
>  [dspace@library-1 dspace]$ ant fresh_install
>  [dspace@library-1 dspace]$ /bin/dspace registry-loader -bitstream
> [dspace]/etc/upgrades/14-15/new-bitstream-formats.xml
>  [dspace@library-1 dspace]$ /bin/dspace registry-loader -bitstream
> [dspace]/etc/upgrades/15-16/new-bitstream-formats.xml
>  [dspace@library-1 dspace]$ /bin/dspace registry-loader -bitstream
> [dspace]/etc/upgrades/16-17/new-bitstream-formats.xml
> 4. Copy assestore dirctory from Dsapce 1.4.2 old server to  DSpace 1.7  new
> server
> 5   cp -r [dspace]/webapps/* [tomcat]/webapps   and starting tomcat 
> /etc/init.d/tomcat
> start
> 6. I think *no need to create admin* as it will come with backup files
> [dspace]/bin/dspace create-administrator
> Error of database_schema update when i tried with dsapce 1.6.2, error
> ERROR:  column "admin" of relation "community" already exists
> ( eperson_group_id );
> psql:/diglib/dspace/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_15-16.sql:49:
> ERROR:  column "admin" of relation "community" already exists
> ERROR:  relation "community_admin_fk_idx" already exists
> STATEMENT:  CREATE INDEX community_admin_fk_idx ON Community(admin);
> psql:/diglib/dspace/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_15-16.sql:50:
> ERROR:  relation "community_admin_fk_idx" already exists
> ERROR:  column "authority" of relation "metadatavalue" already exists
> STATEMENT:  ALTER TABLE MetadataValue ADD  authority VARCHAR(100);
> psql:/diglib/dspace/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_15-16.sql:55:
> ERROR:  column "authority" of relation "metadatavalue" already exists
> ERROR:  column "confidence" of relation "metadatavalue" already exists
> psql:/diglib/dspace/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_15-16.sql:56:
> ERROR:  column "confidence" of relation "metadatavalue" already exists
> ERROR:  relation "harvested_collection_seq" already exists
> STATEMENT:  CREATE SEQUENCE harvested_collection_seq;
> psql:/diglib/dspace/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_15-16.sql:61:
> ERROR:  relation "harvested_collection_seq" already exists
> ERROR:  relation "harvested_item_seq" already exists
> STATEMENT:  CREATE SEQUENCE harvested_item_seq;
> psql:/diglib/dspace/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_15-16.sql:62:
> ERROR:  relation "harvested_item_seq" already exists
> ERROR:  relation "harvested_collection" already exists
> STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE harvested_collection
> (
> collection_id INTEGER REFERENCES collection(collection_id) ON
> harvest_type INTEGER,
> oai_source VARCHAR,
> oai_set_id VARCHAR,
> harvest_message VARCHAR,
> metadata_config_id VARCHAR,
> harvest_status INTEGER,
> harvest_start_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
> last_harvested TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
> );
> psql:/diglib/dspace/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_15-16.sql:82:
> ERROR:  relation "harvested_collection" already exists
> ERROR:  relation "harvested_collection_fk_idx" already exists
> STATEMENT:  CREATE INDEX harvested_collection_fk_idx ON
> harvested_collection(collection_id);
> psql:/diglib/dspace/dspace/etc/postgres/database_schema_15-16.sql:84:
> ERROR:  relation "harvested_collection_fk_idx" already exists
> ERROR:  relation "harvested_item" already exists
> STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE harvested_item
> (
> last_harvested TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
> oai_id VARCHAR,
> );
> psql:/diglib/

Re: [Dspace-tech] urls, dspace.hostname, dspace.url, apache, etc

2011-02-10 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 10:27:12AM +0100, helix84 wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 00:09, Glenn Little  wrote:
> > I didn't really see ajp as a problem per-se, rather I come from a
> > different world (apache, ruby/rails, php) and my "hammer" is the
> > apache config hierarchy.  I had zero experience with tomcat, so I
> > wanted to try to see as many of the config problems as
> > apache-hammerable nails and stay away from the tomcat config as much
> > as possible.
> I was in the same position a few months ago. But there's nothing to
> fear if you do things the proper Tomcat way and you'll pick it up very
> quickly. It's all documented in DSpace docs and different approaches
> are taken in different DSpace tutorials.

I'll add my experience that trying to make Tomcat do things your way
rarely works well; figuring out how to do what you want in the Tomcat
way almost always goes more quickly and smoothly.

> > In addition, I'm trying to build this in an environment that is as
> > immune to individual component updates/reinstalls as possible.  So we
> > are heavily hooked into cfengine central config management, and it
> > works well with apache where the local configs can all be put into
> > self-contained files, leaving the initially-installed files alone.  An
> > apache reinstall or upgrade is thus trivial, and in general no apps
> > break, no fiddly old-vs-new config file reconciliation is needed, etc.
> >  It allows us to be much more fleet of foot in general.  Polluting an
> > rpm-installed config file with our own customization is a bit of a fly
> > in that ointment.
> >
> > So for all these reasons, I wanted to centralize as much of the
> > configuration as possible into just apache.  I didn't want to do
> > post-install changes to dspace (except for its dspace.cfg, a process
> > which is confusing in itself), nor to tomcat.  But I was unable to
> > really figure out how to do that, so I went ahead and went with the
> > flow.  I've got the ajp connector enabled in tomcat now.  Also have
> > got my localhost "appBase" pointing the the dspace install (at least
> > that saves me having to stuff app content into the system tomcat
> > directory).  Have set up a few  containers to get at the
> > various dspace subapps, and one for root that points to xmlui.  Got
> > the proxying working in apache.


> My tomcat in Debian has the ability to have one config file per context in
> /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost/
> So I have a few files like this:
> /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml
>  reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false"
> allowLinking="true"/>
> /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost/jspui.xml
>  reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false"
> allowLinking="true"/>
> etc.

That's stock Tomcat behavior.  I make extensive use of these (dunno
the official term; I call them "Context fragments") in testing and

Adding Context elements to server.xml was The Way in Tomcat 4 but is
now discouraged.

> Note that the file for root context *must* be named ROOT.xml.
> I think leveraging this would help you. That way you don't have to
> change your server.xml, only add/remove contexts as needed.
> But I don't know if this is a Debian-specific change or a standard
> vanilla Tomcat feature.

It's a stock feature, documented in the Tomcat guides and regularly
noted on the Tomcat ML.  And you (helix84) have given the main reason
for it:  leaving server.xml alone as app.s come and go and mutate.
Another handy thing about the fragments is that you can just 'touch
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost/foo.xml' and Tomcat will notice
and unload/reload the 'foo' app.  (Beware of memory leaks when you do
this.  DSpace 1.7 is much improved in that respect.)

One tricky thing I've found: if you drop your app.s any Host's appBase
then Tomcat assumes *it* created their Context fragments and will
happily destroy those fragments when it is pleased to do so.  You need
to make sure that your fragment-controlled app.s are outside of any
appBase to avoid this power struggle.

BTW you should *not* specify path= in an external Context fragment.
The path is generated from the fragment's name:  jspui.xml is mounted
at /jspui, foo#bar.xml at /foo/bar and so on.  Tomcat is supposed to
ignore the path attribute in this case, but apparently it can be
confused and on the Tomcat ML you'll be told to take the path out if
you want help.  Within server.xml a Context element needs a path
because it has no other way of being named.

IIRC all this is *not* part of the Servlet spec., so if you switch to
another servlet container you may have to do things differently.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

Description: PGP signature
The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio X

Re: [Dspace-tech] urls, dspace.hostname, dspace.url, apache, etc

2011-02-10 Thread helix84
Mark, thanks for providing the useful details.

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 15:05, Mark H. Wood  wrote:
> if you drop your app.s any Host's appBase

I didn't understand this part. Can you rephrase?

> then Tomcat assumes *it* created their Context fragments and will

I have question here. How can I make Tomcat create a Context fragment?
If I use Tomcat manager, will it take care of that?

> happily destroy those fragments when it is pleased to do so.  You need
> to make sure that your fragment-controlled app.s are outside of any
> appBase to avoid this power struggle.

So what's in  shouldn't be on disk under the
directory specified in , but in a separate
directory, did I get that right? (it is so in my config) If my apps we
under webapps, tomcat could delete my app's directory and context
fragment (during undeploy?), but not the .war file, is that right?

> BTW you should *not* specify path= in an external Context fragment.

I'll adjust my config.


The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Single sign on with other application through OpenLdap

2011-02-10 Thread helix84
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 09:50, Palash Kumar Nandi  wrote:
> In our scenario, we are using Dspace and another open source product
> ‘Moodle’ together (In the master page, having two different link to Dspace &
> Moodle). Both are needed separate login with OPENLDAP. It is happening
> perfectly.
> But my requirement is once I logged in to Moodle through OPENLDAP
> authentication, Dspace should not ask for login credential again or vice
> versa. Dspace should automatically logged in using the credential provided
> in Moodle. Can I do it and how?

One way you could do this is using Shibboleth. I plan do something
similiar. Of course, there may be other ways, depending on which SSO
system you want to use (but it should be supported by both DSpace and

First, you'll set up a Shibboleth's identity provider (IdP) to use
your LDAP server as a backend.
Then, you'll switch from LDAP authentication in both DSpace and Moodle
to Shibboleth, i.e. DSpace and Moodle will become Content providers in
Shibboleth terminology.


The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Status of the DSpace RESTful API

2011-02-10 Thread Bojan Suzic
Hello Steve, and thanks for your interest!

Current status of REST API for DSpace is the following: the most of the 
described functionality on the web page is implemented. Several 
functions/points (marked with dot in the first column) are currently 

Other issues currently active are:

1) Authorization: it is done on the DSpace API level. However, some 
functions exposed in the REST API are not deeply covered by DSpace API 
authorization system so the authorization in this case should be handled 
by REST API. I had idea to implement it as a particular configuration 
section in the main configuration file. This affects only *some* minor 
PUT/POST/DELETE operations, not all of them.
Also several parties requested additional authorization methods to be 
supported - it is on TODO list.

2) Performance issues: in some cases, e.g. in the big collections, the 
way it is currently handled in DSpace API cannot be easily translated to 
REST in terms of optimal performances. This is the reason I filled 
DS-659 issue in JIRA. Currently I am looking to implement this locally 
in REST API as it affects some other functions. This issue is visible 
only for big collections, say tens of thousands of items.

3) Testing in real environments, catching bugs, 
polishing/optimizing/refactoring the software, improving the documentation.

So this is the current status of the REST API. I am periodically working 
on particular improvements. I expected that everything could be finished 
earlier but everyday work/engagement did not left me much time, so sorry 
for this misestimation. However I am working in particular aspects and 
now I have more time to invest there.


 > Hi all,
 > I'm interested in knowing the status of the RESTful API. We are 
looking at providing integration points to DSpace from external 
applications and using EntityBus would be our preferred approach.
 > https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/REST+API
 > cheers,
 > Steve

The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
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Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle.
Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] allowCDATA

2011-02-10 Thread Wendy J Bossons
My experience with the ampersand was that it needed the   entity to work. 
Otherwise, & translates the & to & and then the parser complains about 
the "amp" part.

Finally, I used the above entity, but also enclosed each line of javascript 
with  paired tags.

Wendy Bossons
Senior Software Engineer
MIT Libraries
Software Analysis & Development
Building E25-131
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02141-4307
Phone 617-253-0770
Fax 617-253-4462

On Feb 10, 2011, at 4:32 AM, helix84 wrote:

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 00:13, stuart yeates 
mailto:stuart.yea...@vuw.ac.nz>> wrote:
On 09/02/11 08:36, helix84 wrote:
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 16:43, Wendy J 
Bossonsmailto:wboss...@mit.edu>>  wrote:
The 10,000 dollar question - Is it possible to allow CDATA output in the
head of a DSpace document? I want to add some javascript that contains an&
and cannot get the source output to include CDATA tags. I am writing it in
the structural.xsl this way . . . Everytime I view the html source, all I
get are the //, no cdata tags. They have been stripped.

[Dspace-tech] More info re index-init fails.

2011-02-10 Thread Jizba, Richard
We had to abandon our attempted to upgrade from 1.6.2 to 1.7.0 because
of the index-init problem. We reverted to 1.6.2 and ran index-init.
Index-init worked, but this is interesting: the dspace log file had many
entries like the error we saw yesterday. But v1.6.2 records the error
and then continues to the next file to index. V1.7.0 records the error
and stops. I wonder if the indexing code needs to accommodate some
difference in the behavior of indexer with a PostgreSQL back-end vice an
Oracle back-end.

Richard Jizba
Creighton University


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 11:53:29 -0600
From: "Jizba, Richard" 
Subject: [Dspace-tech] index-init fails - help!
To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

We are upgrading from 1.6.2 to 1.7.0.
Things went well until we ran index-init. (we are using Oracle)

Here's the error message:
[dspace@DSpace bin]$ dspace index-init
Started: 1297273130922
Ended: 1297273137465
Elapsed time: 6 secs (6543 msecs)
Exception: Value for item_id is not an integer
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Value for item_id is not an integer
   at org.dspace.storage.rdbms.TableRow.getIntColumn(TableRow.java:153)
   at org.dspace.browse.IndexBrowse.createIndex(IndexBrowse.java:1116)
   at org.dspace.browse.IndexBrowse.initBrowse(IndexBrowse.java:1073)
   at org.dspace.browse.IndexBrowse.main(IndexBrowse.java:715)
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)

Richard Jizba
Health Sciences Library
Creighton University
(402) 280-5142

The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
Pinpoint memory and threading errors before they happen.
Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle.
Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] allowCDATA

2011-02-10 Thread helix84
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 16:40, Wendy J Bossons  wrote:
> My experience with the ampersand was that it needed the   entity to
> work. Otherwise, & translates the & to & and then the parser
> complains about the "amp" part.
> Finally, I used the above entity, but also enclosed each line of javascript
> with  paired tags.

So what would your original snippet look like? I didn't manage to get
it to work.


The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
Pinpoint memory and threading errors before they happen.
Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle.
Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] modifying config dspace.cfg

2011-02-10 Thread Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]
I'm attaching a little script, entitled "c", I wrote that does both the Maven 
assemble and the ant compile.  I execute this every time I make a change to a 
"source" object - that is, any object that resides under the {dspace-source} 
directory.  This includes .jsp  .java  messages.properties, etc - any object 
that lives in the {dspace-source} directory.  I also have another script, 
entitled "cc" that does the exact same thing as this one, except that it does a 
"mvn clean package" instead of "mvn package".  The purpose of these scripts is 
just to save me some typing, i.e., I only have to type "c" instead of the mvn 
and ant commands, and it does the directory changing so I can just execute this 
script from under {dspace-source}.

Every time I execute this script, I then have to restart my web server (we use 
Sun Webserver7) in order to have my changes picked up by the web application.

Note:  Any time I change dspace.cfg (or any other object in my /dspace 
installation directory), I do NOT have to execute this little script - I only 
have to restart my web server for my changes to be picked up.

Hope this helps,


Sue Walker-Thornton

Software Developer/Database Administrator

NASA Langley Research Center|LITES Contract

(757) 224-4074

-Original Message-
From: glit...@eng.ucsd.edu [mailto:glit...@eng.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of Glenn 
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 1:46 PM
To: Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]; dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: amutsikiwa
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] modifying config dspace.cfg

Okay, I'm really confused now.  These two replies are *both* different

from the (itself confusing) description at:


The above page does not mention running mvn at all.  Where does that

come from?  The above page also explicitly recommends not just editing

the runtime config file.

What's confusing about that page itself is that it first says,

essentially, to edit [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg, then cd

to the target/dspace--build.dir and run "ant update_configs.

But then it goes on with to suggest running either (or both?) of "ant

-Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg", and "ant init_configs".  I'm

having trouble really understand the conditions under which you would

run one or the other of those, and how those tie in with the initial

"ant update_configs".  Let alone how those all tie in with the two

suggestions given previously in this thread.

Can anyone help unconfuse me?



On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]


> Here is the process I follow and never have any problems.


> During the initial install/implementation of your DSpace instance, you will 
> make your changes to dspace.cfg in {dspace-source}/dspace/config.  Then once 
> you do a "fresh-install", your /dspace directory is populated with all other 
> sub-directories like /bin  /config   /etc   /lib  /webapps, etc.


> From this point on, the place to make your changes to dspace.cfg is in your 
> dspace installation directory, NOT the source directory.  If you do not make 
> your changes in /dspace/config/dspace.cfg, your changes will not be picked 
> up.  Also remember that you have to stop and start your web server before 
> these changes will be picked up too.


> Hope this helps,

> Sue




> Sue Walker-Thornton

> Software Developer/Database Administrator

> NASA Langley Research Center|LITES Contract

> (757) 224-4074




> -Original Message-

> From: amutsikiwa [mailto:amutsik...@uzlib.uz.ac.zw]

> Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 7:25 AM

> To: 'Glenn Little'; dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net

> Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] modifying config dspace.cfg


> After making changes  to [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg, change

> directory to [dspace-source]/dspace/ and  then run

> mvn -e -o packages

> Then  change directory to

>  [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-1.7.0-build.dir

>  And run

>  ant -Doverwrite=true update clean_backups



> The changes should be effected.



> Regards,


> Admire Mutsikiwa

> University of Zimbabwe


> -Original Message-

> From: Glenn Little [mailto:lit...@cs.ucsd.edu]

> Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 2:00 AM

> To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net

> Subject: [Dspace-tech] modifying config dspace.cfg


> I've got an install of dspace and am now trying to modify the

> dspace.cfg file.  But I'm confused as to which file to edit.  I

> thought I was supposed to do this:


> + edit [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg


> + change dir to [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-1.7.0-build.dir


> + ant update_configs


> The problem is that this does not do anything with my new changes.

> Instead it puts an old copy of my dspace.cfg file over into

> [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg.new.  As far as I

Re: [Dspace-tech] modifying config dspace.cfg

2011-02-10 Thread Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]
-Original Message-
From: Glenn Little [mailto:lit...@cs.ucsd.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 3:13 PM
To: Brian Freels-Stendel
Cc: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] modifying config dspace.cfg

Wow.. okay... complex but makes sense given the whole

dspace/java/tomcat context I guess.  The thing that seems weird to me

now is the "mvn package" command, which takes a while to run and seems

to rebuild all the apps.  Is that really necessary, just to make a

quick change in a config file?

Glenn - this is why, if I’m just making a change to the dspace.cfg file, I edit 
the one under /dspace/config (my installation directory) because I then don’t 
have to rebuild the app (with mvn package) - I only have to restart my web 
server.  In fact, once I do the “ant fresh_install” during the initial dspace 
implementation, I *never* touch {dspace-source}/dspace/config/dspace.cfg again. 
 I will occasionally refer back to it if I need to look at how I initially set 
a property or something.


(I'm trying to stay with the program

and not just edit the runtime file by hand).  Does it actually do

something different in the build based on the new config values, and

should I actually reinstall all the applications ("ant fresh_install")

not just the config files?   I think I need a new supply of advil...



On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Brian Freels-Stendel  wrote:

> Morning,


> I'll give it a try, since I had the same conceptual problems with the process.


> Editing the [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg file has the benefit of 
> keeping everything in sync:  you'll never make the mistake of moving the 
> source to a new machine and leaving behind customizations that you've made to 
> the other copies.


> Assuming you only edit [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg, then you 
> have to run 'mvn package' to get the updated dspace.cfg into the 
> .../target/build-dir/... tree, which is the place ant works.


> running 'ant update_configs' puts copies of any updated config files into the 
> [dspace] (live) directory; but if you want to be able to use them with a 
> simple Tomcat reboot, you need to tell ant to make the new copies the ones 
> Tomcat will use.  You do that with the -Doverwrite=true option, so:  'ant 
> -Doverwrite=true update_configs'.  (At the same time, ant will copy the old 
> config files with a '.[date]' extension (in the [dspace]/config directory.)  
> Otherwise, ant writes those new config files to the [dspace]/config directory 
> with (I believe) a '.new' extension and you have to manually remove that 
> extension (and rename the old config files -- the ones you want retired) to 
> something else, or delete them.


> 'ant -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg' =>  You'd need to have an actual 
> command, such as update_configs or update_code for it to do anything.  It 
> would be of use if you were editing other code (perhaps a .java file) in the 
> source, but do not use the source dspace.cfg file.  In this case, you'd still 
> need to use maven to get the altered code into the ...target... directory so 
> that ant  can put it where it belongs.


> I hope this helps, and that I haven't misrepresented anything


> B--


 On 2/9/2011 at 11:46 AM, in message

> , Glenn Little

>  wrote:

>> Okay, I'm really confused now.  These two replies are *both* different

>> from the (itself confusing) description at:


>> https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC/Configuration#Configuration-UpdateRe

>> minder


>> The above page does not mention running mvn at all.  Where does that

>> come from?  The above page also explicitly recommends not just editing

>> the runtime config file.


>> What's confusing about that page itself is that it first says,

>> essentially, to edit [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg, then cd

>> to the target/dspace--build.dir and run "ant update_configs.


>> But then it goes on with to suggest running either (or both?) of "ant

>> -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg", and "ant init_configs".  I'm

>> having trouble really understand the conditions under which you would

>> run one or the other of those, and how those tie in with the initial

>> "ant update_configs".  Let alone how those all tie in with the two

>> suggestions given previously in this thread.


>> Can anyone help unconfuse me?


>> Thanks!


>> -glenn



>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]

>>  wrote:

>>> Here is the process I follow and never have any problems.


>>> During the initial install/implementation of your DSpace instance, you will

>> make your changes to dspace.cfg in {dspace-source}/dspace/config.  Then once

>> you do a "fresh-install", your /dspace directory is populated with all other

>> sub-directories like /bin  /config   /etc   /lib  /webapps, etc.


>>> From this point on, the place to make your changes to dspace.cf

Re: [Dspace-tech] dropdown on input-forms.xml

2011-02-10 Thread Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]
Is there a fixed number of values it can load into the drop-down and then it 
stops, or does it just not work at all?

Sue Walker-Thornton
Software Developer/Database Administrator
NASA Langley Research Center|LITES Contract
(757) 224-4074

From: Webshet, Sisay (ILRI) [mailto:s.webs...@cgiar.org]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 12:31 AM
To: Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]; dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: dropdown on input-forms.xml

Hi sue,

Thanks but this is not my first time. Of course it works for small no of values.
But for long list like countries of the world (1-155 values) Dspace has a 

From: Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES] [mailto:susan.m.thorn...@nasa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 7:56 PM
To: Webshet, Sisay (ILRI); dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: dropdown on input-forms.xml

I don’t see anything obviously incorrect about your code.  I’m not sure if this 
is a result of extra spaces in the email, and it’s really just an idea, but I 
would try removing any blank lines between your  
entries.  Here is an example of some customizing we did in input-forms.xml that 
works great:


 Document Type
 Please enter the document type.




Hope this helps.

Sue Walker-Thornton
Software Developer/Database Administrator
NASA Langley Research Center|LITES Contract
(757) 224-4074

From: Webshet, Sisay (ILRI) [mailto:s.webs...@cgiar.org]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 1:13 AM
To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Dspace-tech] dropdown on input-forms.xml

Hi everyone,

I'm using dspace 1.6.2 with jspui and I'm trying to use the input-type

drop down_value in input-forms.xml, but it works for some fields with

Small no of values how ever when I try to make a long list for countries of the 

It doesn’t work. Internal system error.I checked several times to make sure 
there exist syntax error

in the code. Does dspace has a limit on the dropdown values.

I wonder if someone assists me

ØDspace.cfg dc.cplace.country at webui.itemdisplay.default

Ømetadata.dc.cplace.country  at Messages.properties file

ØI just add the  field to the metadata registry 

Here is my entry in input-forms.xml:






 ILRI Country Focus


 Enter a country or Countries


















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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] urls, dspace.hostname, dspace.url, apache, etc

2011-02-10 Thread Glenn Little
Aaaah "Context Fragments"... that's exactly what I needed.  Not
sure how I missed that whole organizational thing, I remember reading
that phrase but for whatever reason it didn't strike me as what I
needed.  But yes, that works well and allows me to simply distribute
my custom context files from cfengine over to the dspace server.

One last thing I'm puzzled about.  Is there a way to do something
similar with  definitions?  The Ubuntu/tomcat6 install
comes with the AJP connector line commented out.  I can get cfengine
to edit the file and put that line in the right place, but it's fiddly
and not particularly robust.  Much better would be if I could do
something similar to the context fragments and just plop a
"local_connectors.xml" file somewhere.

One last question... I may have missed a source of docs, but in the
dspace documentation I've been reading (mostly wiki.duraspace.org and
random googled blogs and pages) I have not yet run across the
information we've covered above.  Is there another location I should
be looking at?

Thanks again... this really helped me get up and running.


The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
Pinpoint memory and threading errors before they happen.
Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle.
Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Dspace results table not showing all titles

2011-02-10 Thread Shilpa Allimatti
When I do a search for items by title, the results only display the first
title encountered. If i have two titles (one in thai and one in english) I
want both to display. Is there any simple way to do that?
I'm new to Dspace!


Shilpa Allimatti
The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
Pinpoint memory and threading errors before they happen.
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] urls, dspace.hostname, dspace.url, apache, etc

2011-02-10 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 03:26:45PM +0100, helix84 wrote:
> Mark, thanks for providing the useful details.
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 15:05, Mark H. Wood  wrote:
> > if you drop your app.s any Host's appBase
> I didn't understand this part. Can you rephrase?

Oops.  If you drop your app.s *into* any Host's appBase

> > then Tomcat assumes *it* created their Context fragments and will
> I have question here. How can I make Tomcat create a Context fragment?
> If I use Tomcat manager, will it take care of that?

Sorry, I always build mine by hand.  I don't recall what year it was, the
last time I touched Manager.

I think that any time an app. is automagically deployed from an
appBase, a fragment will be created for it. [reads] The v6
documentation is still not as explicit as I'd like, but it's clearer
than v5 and yes, this seems to be the case.  (I'm reading Automatic
Application Deployment in the page "The Host Container" from the 6.0
Apache Tomcat Configuration Reference.)  That's probably the source of
the old contest between Tomcat and me for control of the fragments.
Hmmm, it looks like the Official Term is "Context file".

When a webapp is outside of any appBase, its pre-existing Context file
is the only way Tomcat would know of its existence, so Tomcat doesn't
need to create a Context file and thus has no need to destroy it

> > happily destroy those fragments when it is pleased to do so.  You need
> > to make sure that your fragment-controlled app.s are outside of any
> > appBase to avoid this power struggle.
> So what's in  shouldn't be on disk under the
> directory specified in , but in a separate
> directory, did I get that right? (it is so in my config) If my apps we

Right.  In the test environment I have a bunch of [DSpace]s under
/home/mwood/dspaces; in production we put them in /opt.  Then the
fragment points to e.g. '/home/mwood/dspaces/trunk-1.7/webapps/xmlui'.

Ah, it's documented now!

When using automatic deployment, the docBase defined by an XML
Context file should be outside of the appBase directory.  If this
is not the case difficulties may be experienced deploying the web
application or the application may be deployed twice.

Not to mention trashing your handmade Context file should Tomcat take
it into its head to redeploy.

> under webapps, tomcat could delete my app's directory and context
> fragment (during undeploy?), but not the .war file, is that right?

I've only ever seen it delete the Context fragment file.  Mmm, there's
an explicit recommendation to delete the unpacked WAR contents when
redeploying a .war with unpackWARs left true.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

Description: PGP signature
The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
Pinpoint memory and threading errors before they happen.
Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle.
Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] urls, dspace.hostname, dspace.url, apache, etc

2011-02-10 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:46:21PM -0800, Glenn Little wrote:
> One last thing I'm puzzled about.  Is there a way to do something
> similar with  definitions?  The Ubuntu/tomcat6 install
> comes with the AJP connector line commented out.  I can get cfengine
> to edit the file and put that line in the right place, but it's fiddly
> and not particularly robust.  Much better would be if I could do
> something similar to the context fragments and just plop a
> "local_connectors.xml" file somewhere.

I've never come across such a feature.  I just looked again.  It looks
to me as though it should be a feature of the Service object, if it
existed, but alas no such feature is mentioned.

> One last question... I may have missed a source of docs, but in the
> dspace documentation I've been reading (mostly wiki.duraspace.org and
> random googled blogs and pages) I have not yet run across the
> information we've covered above.  Is there another location I should
> be looking at?

The Tomcat documentation.  DSpace doc.s really shouldn't go into a lot
of deep detail about Tomcat (let alone Jetty, Resin, etc.) and tend to
concentrate on the simplest setup that works.  Possibly they could
make a stronger point that "there is much more you can do if you have
special needs -- see the Tomcat project _here_ for full details."

I should trawl the wiki and see if there's a page on "fancier Tomcat
setups".  If not, I should start one.  Doing these things for DSpace
is more in the nature of lore than formal documentation, and IMHO
ought to be separate.

> Thanks again... this really helped me get up and running.

Great news!

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

Description: PGP signature
The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
Pinpoint memory and threading errors before they happen.
Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle.
Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] allowCDATA

2011-02-10 Thread Wendy J Bossons
I meant to say & .
Wendy Bossons
Senior Software Engineer
MIT Libraries
Software Analysis & Development
Building E25-131
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02141-4307
Phone 617-253-0770
Fax 617-253-4462

On Feb 10, 2011, at 11:57 AM, helix84 wrote:

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 16:40, Wendy J Bossons 
mailto:wboss...@mit.edu>> wrote:
My experience with the ampersand was that it needed the   entity to
work. Otherwise, & translates the & to & and then the parser
complains about the "amp" part.
Finally, I used the above entity, but also enclosed each line of javascript
with  paired tags.

So what would your original snippet look like? I didn't manage to get
it to work.


The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
Pinpoint memory and threading errors before they happen.
Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle.
Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Problem while installing Dspace1.0.1 & Dspace 1.1.1

2011-02-10 Thread Anupriya
Hello Everyone,

As part of a Dspace upgrade activity, I have to install the oldest version
of dSpace and do an upgrade to the latest version. While installing of
Dspace1.0.1 (downloaded from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/dspace/files/DSpace%20Stable/), I am stuck
with a problem.

The ant fresh_install command is always leading to the below error.

 [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
 [java] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
 [java] at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202)
 [java] at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native
 [java] at
 [java] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
 [java] at
 [java] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:248)
 [java] Could not find the main class:
org.dspace.storage.rdbms.InitializeDatabase.  Program will exit.

I rechecked my database setting many times. The username, password, url and
the driver configurations are alright. The java version installed is 1.6 and
the postgresql version is 8.3. The related jdbc driver ie:
postgresql-8.3-606.jdbc4.jar is present in the [dspace ]/lib directory. And
the postgresql service is up and running. Could anyone help me to resolve
this problem?

Dspace1.1.1 is also having the same problem. But with the same settings,
Dspace 1.2.1 and the above versions are getting installed.

Thanks in advance!

The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
Pinpoint memory and threading errors before they happen.
Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle.
Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] modifying config dspace.cfg

2011-02-10 Thread Glenn Little
Okay, one of the things I was concerned about was if the ant of maven
processes were doing something else important with the info in
dspace.cfg, like processing some other file somewhere with that info.
It sounds like the consensus on that one is that it is not happening.

Regarding whether or not to keep dspace.cfg in the source and install
dirs in sync with each other or not appears to just be a matter of
taste at this point.


On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 11:44 AM, Thornton, Susan M.
(LARC-B702)[LITES]  wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: Glenn Little [mailto:lit...@cs.ucsd.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 3:13 PM
> To: Brian Freels-Stendel
> Cc: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] modifying config dspace.cfg
> Wow.. okay... complex but makes sense given the whole
> dspace/java/tomcat context I guess.  The thing that seems weird to me
> now is the "mvn package" command, which takes a while to run and seems
> to rebuild all the apps.  Is that really necessary, just to make a
> quick change in a config file?
> Glenn - this is why, if I’m just making a change to the dspace.cfg file, I
> edit the one under /dspace/config (my installation directory) because I then
> don’t have to rebuild the app (with mvn package) - I only have to restart my
> web server.  In fact, once I do the “ant fresh_install” during the initial
> dspace implementation, I *never* touch
> {dspace-source}/dspace/config/dspace.cfg again.  I will occasionally refer
> back to it if I need to look at how I initially set a property or something.
> Sue
> (I'm trying to stay with the program
> and not just edit the runtime file by hand).  Does it actually do
> something different in the build based on the new config values, and
> should I actually reinstall all the applications ("ant fresh_install")
> not just the config files?   I think I need a new supply of advil...
> :-)
> -glenn
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Brian Freels-Stendel 
> wrote:
>> Morning,
>> I'll give it a try, since I had the same conceptual problems with the
>> process.
>> Editing the [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg file has the benefit
>> of keeping everything in sync:  you'll never make the mistake of moving the
>> source to a new machine and leaving behind customizations that you've made
>> to the other copies.
>> Assuming you only edit [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg, then you
>> have to run 'mvn package' to get the updated dspace.cfg into the
>> .../target/build-dir/... tree, which is the place ant works.
>> running 'ant update_configs' puts copies of any updated config files into
>> the [dspace] (live) directory; but if you want to be able to use them with a
>> simple Tomcat reboot, you need to tell ant to make the new copies the ones
>> Tomcat will use.  You do that with the -Doverwrite=true option, so:  'ant
>> -Doverwrite=true update_configs'.  (At the same time, ant will copy the old
>> config files with a '.[date]' extension (in the [dspace]/config directory.)
>>  Otherwise, ant writes those new config files to the [dspace]/config
>> directory with (I believe) a '.new' extension and you have to manually
>> remove that extension (and rename the old config files -- the ones you want
>> retired) to something else, or delete them.
>> 'ant -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg' =>  You'd need to have an actual
>> command, such as update_configs or update_code for it to do anything.  It
>> would be of use if you were editing other code (perhaps a .java file) in the
>> source, but do not use the source dspace.cfg file.  In this case, you'd
>> still need to use maven to get the altered code into the ...target...
>> directory so that ant  can put it where it belongs.
>> I hope this helps, and that I haven't misrepresented anything
>> B--
> On 2/9/2011 at 11:46 AM, in message
>> , Glenn
>> Little
>>  wrote:
>>> Okay, I'm really confused now.  These two replies are *both* different
>>> from the (itself confusing) description at:
>>> https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC/Configuration#Configuration-UpdateRe
>>> minder
>>> The above page does not mention running mvn at all.  Where does that
>>> come from?  The above page also explicitly recommends not just editing
>>> the runtime config file.
>>> What's confusing about that page itself is that it first says,
>>> essentially, to edit [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg, then cd
>>> to the target/dspace--build.dir and run "ant update_configs.
>>> But then it goes on with to suggest running either (or both?) of "ant
>>> -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg", and "ant init_configs".  I'm
>>> having trouble really understand the conditions under which you would
>>> run one or the other of those, and how those tie in with the initial
>>> "ant update_configs".  Let alone how those all tie

Re: [Dspace-tech] dropdown on input-forms.xml

2011-02-10 Thread Webshet, Sisay (ILRI)


For small No of values it works fine but when you add the no values in
the dropdown list let if you have 20 drop down list

and want to make it 100 it brings internal system error.



From: Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 10:46 PM
To: Webshet, Sisay (ILRI); dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: dropdown on input-forms.xml


Is there a fixed number of values it can load into the drop-down and
then it stops, or does it just not work at all?




Sue Walker-Thornton

Software Developer/Database Administrator

NASA Langley Research Center|LITES Contract

(757) 224-4074



From: Webshet, Sisay (ILRI) [mailto:s.webs...@cgiar.org] 
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 12:31 AM
To: Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES];
Subject: RE: dropdown on input-forms.xml


Hi sue,


Thanks but this is not my first time. Of course it works for small no of

But for long list like countries of the world (1-155 values) Dspace has
a problem.  



From: Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 7:56 PM
To: Webshet, Sisay (ILRI); dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: dropdown on input-forms.xml


I don't see anything obviously incorrect about your code.  I'm not sure
if this is a result of extra spaces in the email, and it's really just
an idea, but I would try removing any blank lines between your
 entries.  Here is an example of some
customizing we did in input-forms.xml that works great:









 Document Type


 Please enter the document type.

















































Hope this helps.




Sue Walker-Thornton

Software Developer/Database Administrator

NASA Langley Research Center|LITES Contract

(757) 224-4074



From: Webshet, Sisay (ILRI) [mailto:s.webs...@cgiar.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 1:13 AM
To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Dspace-tech] dropdown on input-forms.xml



Hi everyone,
I'm using dspace 1.6.2 with jspui and I'm trying to use the input-type
drop down_value in input-forms.xml, but it works for some fields with 
Small no of values how ever when I try to make a long list for countries
of the world 
It doesn't work. Internal system error.I checked several times to make
sure there exist syntax error 
in the code. Does dspace has a limit on the dropdown values.
I wonder if someone assists me
*Dspace.cfg dc.cplace.country at webui.itemdisplay.default
*metadata.dc.cplace.country  at Messages.properties file
*I just add the  field to the metadata registry
Here is my entry in input-forms.xml:
 ILRI Country Focus
 Enter a country or Countries



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