Re: [Dspace-tech] Using the METS behavior section

2015-08-15 Thread emilio lorenzo

Something similar,
we made a prototype that used (in XMLUI)   the mets.xml (included in the 
METS bundle) to alter the visualization of a complex object from a flat 
view to a hierachical one. We used the   part 
of the mets to show the volume-chapter structure of the distinct pages 
of the object

IMHO, perhaps not very practical (answering your second question),

Best regards

Emilio Lorenzo

El 13/08/2015 a las 20:53, Evgeni Dimitrov escribió:
Has anybody used or has anybody considered using the METS behavior 
section in order to say "I want this object displayed by that viewer"? 
Do you think that this will be practical/impractical with DSpace?

Best regards


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Re: [Dspace-tech] Hide fields from Full Item Record

2015-08-12 Thread emilio lorenzo

Try using the following parameter in dspace.cfg

# Hide Item Metadata Fields  #
metadata.hide.dc.description.provenance = true = true

just add the fields you would like to hide( to any user except 

best luck

El 12/08/2015 a las 8:44, Layale Bassil escribió:


I am using DSpace 5.2, and I would like to hide some fields from the 
Full Item Record view. How can I accomplish this? What page should I edit?



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Re: [Dspace-tech] Nested Metadata

2015-07-29 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi Peter,
 The new SOLR core for authority indexes supports  that kind of JSON 
structure, although has to be linked, via an autorithy key, with a 
metadata field...
We are using it for storing name variations, Authors ids, bio and some 
others fields

best luck


El 29/07/2015 a las 22:06, Peter Dietz escribió:

Hi All,

Has anyone stored nested / rich metadata in DSpace?

An example I'm thinking of is for storing richer amounts of metadata 
for an object. For example:

  * Author
  o first-name: Peter
  o last-name: Dietz
  o name-as-it-appears: Peter Dietz
  o institution: Longsight
  o date-of-birth: ...
  o ...
  * Author
  o first-name: Sam
  o last-name: Ottenhoff
  o ...

The Authority Control system of DSpace looks like it approaches this, 
but the documentation isn't clear, and I'm not sure if it requires 
that your data values reside in some Library of Congress registry.

The hack-job I have in mind would be to serialize the information... 
to json... and then store that into a metadata field.

So. = {first-name: "Peter", last-name: "Dietz", 
"name-as-it-appears" : "Peter Dietz", "institution": "Longsight", ... }

However, I'm tempted to think that DSpace should either have the 
ability to plug into any registry (hopefully there are registries you 
can populate and maintain with your own local data), or to extend 
DSpace's metadata data model to support nested/rich data.


Peter Dietz
Longsight <> <>
p: 740-599-5005 x809


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Re: [Dspace-tech] about handles/purl

2015-06-04 Thread emilio lorenzo
Your organization do not need registration for the handle service 
(CNRI)  nor starting the handle server packaged with Dspace

Perhaps this helps 
apologies, it is in spanish, but Google translator offers a not-so-bad 

Good luck

El 29/05/2015 a las 8:53, Code 2 dogears escribió:
> Hello everyone. I have installed dspace in my organistaion. Here
> dspace will be used only by organisation members. So is it necessary
> to install handle server (or register for handle service) or use purl?
> Can't I just use dspace without installing  them. I am new to dspace.
> Please reply soon.
> --
> ___
> DSpace-tech mailing list
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[Dspace-tech] DSpace in high availability configuration

2015-06-01 Thread emilio lorenzo
Hello everyone,
Regarding the configuration of  Dspace to improve its recovery and 
avaliability features, and besides this page,  , it does not seem 
to have much information about experiences and practices.

Any others clues or pointers?  (specifically I was trying to figure out 
how to configure a hot or warm stand-by)

Emilio Lorenzo


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Re: [Dspace-tech] REST Based Integrations with Moodle / LMS / CMS / LTI

2015-05-19 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi Peter

we have a live integration between Moodle and Dspace,  see 
The integration was made in 2013 extending an unofficial REST (to allow 
CRUD operations)  and extending an small Moodle module already avaliable 
somewhere  The module allows to deposit learning materials from 
Moodle to Dspace and also for searching-retrieving from dspace.
Of course we had to extend the (Hedtek code?, i must check this) REST 
with some additional endpoints. Later we checked it against the new REST 
interface available in V5, and we did not miss any important 

Best regards


El 20/05/2015 a las 1:05, Peter Dietz escribió:

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone is aware of any integrations between DSpace 
and other systems out there. I've heard from various groups wanting to 
integrate their CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal), or LMS (Canvas, 
Sakai, Moodle, BlackBoard, D2L) with DSpace, to re-use content 
archived in DSpace and publish it in a course, or in a guide, or on 
their website. Or even to search their DSpace from their site. I've 
seen various plugins or modules for various platforms, but I'm not 
aware if current/official DSpace is off-the-shelf compatible with 
other systems. While the "unofficial" REST API's for DSpace have been 
used for integrations past, present, and future they haven't been 
included in the official release of DSpace, posing an additional 
hurdle to a campus that has DSpace + some other system.

I'd be curious if anyone has first hand experience, or is aware of a 
list of missing endpoints for the current API (workflow, users, etc) 
that is limiting their ability to successfully integrate.

For Reference, the current DSpace REST API docs are located at:

Peter Dietz
Longsight <> <>
p: 740-599-5005 x809

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Re: [Dspace-tech] CC API not working?

2015-05-06 Thread Emilio Lorenzo
yes, the api is intermittently down since yesterday midday and affecting
all the deposit processes.


> Hi,
> We have been experiencing problems connecting to the Creative Commons API
> from our DSpace 4.x installations (XMLUI), has anyone else been
> experiencing the same problems?
> Cheers, Robin.
> Robin Taylor
> Main Library
> University of Edinburgh
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
> --
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Emilio  Lorenzo
Arvo Consultores


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Re: [Dspace-tech] Moving a community

2015-04-30 Thread emilio lorenzo
Yes, It´s working without (known) faults in version 4. We used it in a 
couple of proyects last year.

The procedure (after backing up and/or doing some testing) for moving   
X subcommunity down into the hierarchy,  from A---> X to   A--> 
B---X  is as follows

You first have to break the filiation between community A and 
subcommunity "X" . Use -r (remove) parameter of community-filiator.   
Check that the "X" subcommunity appears now as "X" Community (first 
level), that is, orphan or top-level 
Nest step,  move  "X" Community  as sub-sub-community  on A---B 
hierarchy is acomplished with -s parameter of community filiator command

A long explanation (sorry is in spanish)   in

best luck


El 29/04/2015 a las 5:02, Andrea Schweer escribió:

Hi Mary,

On 29/04/15 12:15, Mary Weppler-Selear wrote:
I want to move a community within a hierarchy, and I’m wondering if 
anyone has information as to whether it’s best to use the community 
for doing this?  I’m using 4.x currently.  In this instance I need to 
move a sub community and its corresponding collections and items 
further down the hierarchy and within another parent sub community. 
 If anyone has had success doing this and can share their experience 
that would be helpful. 

This sounds like the exact use case for the community filiator. It's 
been a long time since I last used that tool, but there are no open 
bug reports for it, so why don't you give it a go and let us know what 
happens :) (You might like to do this on a test instance first if you 
have one, and/or back up your database first.)

Dr Andrea Schweer
IRR Technical Specialist, ITS Information Systems
The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

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Re: [Dspace-tech] OAI error - no matches for the query

2015-04-07 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi Lewatle
a  “no matches for the query”  is not an error message. It just says 
that you oai index is empty. Since DSPACE v3 thers is a new OAI engine, 
and the index, an SOLR index, must be populated periodically  (a nigth 
cron could be suited to most installations) with a command   oai import


best regards

El 07/04/2015 a las 11:53, Lewatle Phaladi escribió:

Hi All,

I got error message on my OAI testing, when I click on Identify tab on 
OAI link, I get no error, when I click on SETS, no error, when I click 
on records I get “no matches for the query” error message even when I 
click on Identifiers tab I get error message, I then edited oai.cfg 
file as follows: still to restart Tomcat




# These configs are used by the XOAI#


# Storage: solr | database


# Base solr index


# OAI persistent identifier prefix.

# Format - oai:PREFIX:HANDLE

identifier.prefix = localhost

# Base url for bitstreams

bitstream.baseUrl =

# Base Configuration Directory

config.dir = /dspace-install/config/crosswalks/oai

# Description

description.file = /dspace-install/config/crosswalks/oai/description.xml

# Cache enabled?

cache.enabled = true

# Base Cache Directory

cache.dir = /dspace/install/dspace3.2/var/oai




# These configs are only used by the OAI-ORE related functions  #


### Harvester settings

# Crosswalk settings; the {name} value must correspond to a declated 
ingestion crosswalk

# harvester.oai.metadataformats.{name} = {namespace},{optional display 

# The display name is only used in the xmlui for the jspui there are 
entries in the

# in the form{name}

harvester.oai.metadataformats.dc =, Simple Dublin Core

harvester.oai.metadataformats.qdc =, 
Qualified Dublin Core

harvester.oai.metadataformats.dim =, DSpace Intermediate Metadata

# This field works in much the same way as 

# The {name} must correspond to a declared ingestion crosswalk, while the

# {namespace} must be supported by the target OAI-PMH provider when 
harvesting content.

# harvester.oai.oreSerializationFormat.{name} = {namespace}

# Determines whether the harvester scheduling process should be started

# automatically when the DSpace webapp is deployed.

# default: false


# Amount of time subtracted from the from argument of the PMH request 
to account

# for the time taken to negotiate a connection. Measured in seconds. 
Default value is 120.

#harvester.timePadding = 120

# How frequently the harvest scheduler checks the remote provider for 

# messured in minutes. The default vaule is 12 hours (or 720 minutes)

#harvester.harvestFrequency = 720

"oai.cfg" 106 lines, 5125 characters



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Re: [Dspace-tech] Get uploaders information gathered

2015-03-10 Thread emilio lorenzo

Not sure about what you are trying to do, but
in the data-schema, (independent from UI and version)  the table item 
(key  submitter_id)  is related with the table eperson (key eperson_id), 
in this case the user who submited the item, hence you can get (with 
some SQL stuff) that table

Best luck

El 10/03/2015 a las 11:05, escribió:


We are using XMLUI over version 4.2 . We would like to have a table or 
a file where we can see the uploaders and the items they have upload 
all together to process it and create statistics, do you know where we 
could get that information on our DSpace instance?

Thank you very much

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Statistics missing in dspace 4.2

2015-02-25 Thread emilio lorenzo

some remarks:

The copy of SOLR indexes must be made with Tomcat stopped
the version of SOLR cores must be compatible  (near versions are OK)
Moving SOLR statistics from one instance to another is the same 
procedure that the one described to migrate dspace versions (except that 
you actually don´t convert them)
Yes, you can merge SOLR statistics. Try some tools as LUKE to merge, 
convert and operate indexes

Best luck

El 25/02/2015 a las 21:59, RICARDO EITO BRUN escribió:

I am having a problem with the Solr statistics. I moved the 
statistics/data/index files from one dspace instance to another. Now 
it is not possible to see any data, even when I recover the original 
statistics/data/index files.

Is there any choice to import statistics from one dspace to another 
(of course, both having the same content)

Is there any way to regenerate or merge the statistics indexes from 
two dspace installations?

thanks in advance,


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Not All of my records are being exported via OIA

2015-02-19 Thread emilio lorenzo

Ther is no problem,

a package of OAI-pMH records is 100 records. You must reissue the 
request making use of the resumption-token sent by DSpace  to get the 
next 100 records and so on

The resumption-token can be found at the end of the response, you´ll 
find something like:


If you use that token in a new request you´ll get records 101-200 and so on.

you must code the requests to get the complete set indicated by  


El 19/02/2015 a las 16:07, Admire Mutsikiwa escribió:


I have a number of records in our repository . I 
have been checking the number of records being exported using   Perl 
script that makes use of the  Net::OAI::Harvester. It appears only 100 
records are being exported and yet we have over a thousand records. 
What could be the problem.

Kind Regards,

Admire Mutsikiwa (Mr)

ICT Manager


University of Zimbabwe



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Re: [Dspace-tech] Is XMLUI the "default" interface for dspace [Was: dc.rights and dc.rights.uri not populated]

2015-02-11 Thread emilio lorenzo

No,  don´t misunderstand me:-) ,
 I just mean, that in this paragraph, I interpreted that "By default" 
is continuing that previous phrase, regarding XMLUI

Emilio :-D

El 11/02/2015 a las 15:53, Chris Gray escribió:

Thanks to Emilio for the clarification.

Is Emilio correct that in the documentation "by default" frequently 
means XMLUI and not jspui?


On 15-02-10 02:00 PM, emilio lorenzo wrote:
Hi, Chris, I think this paragraph 

/For the JSP UI, Creative Commons licensing is effected by opening an 
Iframe to the Creative Commons site and capturing the selection 
result in several bitstreams, but the XML UI utilizes a more flexible 
web service. By default, when a license is selected in the interface, 
the URI for the license is stored in the 'dc.rights.uri' metadata 
field for the Item, and a representation of the license text is 
stored in a license bundle. In addition, the following properties in 
//|[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg|//may be customized for use:/

Must be interpreted as:
for JSPUI, only the bitstreams (in bundle CC_license) get filled with 
Creative commons files.
for  XMLUI  the metadata fields indicated in parameters 
cc.license.uri and  are also populated. I interpret 
(abd correct me If I am wrong)   that   "By default"  referes to 


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Re: [Dspace-tech] dc.rights and dc.rights.uri not populated

2015-02-10 Thread emilio lorenzo
Hi, Chris, I think this paragraph 

/For the JSP UI, Creative Commons licensing is effected by opening an 
Iframe to the Creative Commons site and capturing the selection result 
in several bitstreams, but the XML UI utilizes a more flexible web 
service. By default, when a license is selected in the interface, the 
URI for the license is stored in the 'dc.rights.uri' metadata field for 
the Item, and a representation of the license text is stored in a 
license bundle. In addition, the following properties in 
//|[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg|//may be customized for use:/

Must be interpreted as:
for JSPUI, only the bitstreams (in bundle CC_license) get filled with 
Creative commons files.
for  XMLUI  the metadata fields indicated in parameters cc.license.uri 
and  are also populated. I interpret (abd correct me If 
I am wrong)   that   "By default"  referes to XMLUI


El 10/02/2015 a las 17:19, Chris Gray escribió:

We are working with 4.2 right now and are experimenting with the CC
License in the jspui submission forms.

Although the CC datastreams are correctly populated, the metadata fields
dc.rights and dc.rights.uri are not created or populated upon submission.

My reading of the documentations suggests that this should happen
automatically once dspace.cfg and item-submission.xml are properly

Does anyone have any ideas on what might be going wrong and what we can
do to diagnose and correct the problem?

Chris Gray
Systems Analyst
519-888-4567, ext. 35764
University of Waterloo

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Placement of metadata, data and submission policies for OAI-PMH

2015-02-10 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi Admire,

the OAI-PMH response to an/Identify query/ is the recomended place to 
include these policies, according the OAI-PMH v2 protocol guidelines


   /|description|//: an extensible mechanism for communities to
   describe their repositories. For example, the
   //|description|//container could be used to include collection-level
   metadata in the response to the Identify request. //Implementation
   Guidelines <>//are
   available to give directions with this respect. Each
   //|description|//container //*must*//be accompanied by the URL of an
   XML schema describing the structure of the description container. 
   (verbatim) //


In fact, OPENDOAR has a tool to help e-prints systems to create this 

Unfortunately this section of Identify response has been hardcoded since 
DSpace v3?
There is an Jira issue related with this;

Could be a good improvement for next release.
Best regards


El 10/02/2015 a las 15:15, Admire Mutsikiwa escribió:

The submission policy could be out of place. However, when I visited I was impressed with the 
presence of the Metadata Policy and the data policy which I intent to 
also include in my repository.

*From:*Hilton Gibson []
*Sent:* Tuesday, 10 February 2015 3:09 PM
*To:* Admire Mutsikiwa
*Cc:* dspace-tech
*Subject:* Re: [Dspace-tech] Placement of metadata, data and 
submission policies for OAI-PMH

Hi Admire

OAI-PMH is meant for harvesting by remote servers, not for submissions.

Can you explain in more detail the use case you are trying to solve.



*Hilton Gibson*

Ubuntu Linux Systems Administrator

JS Gericke Library

Room 1025C

Stellenbosch University

Private Bag X5036



South Africa

Tel: +27 21 808 4100 | Cell: +27 84 646 4758

On 10 February 2015 at 15:01, Admire Mutsikiwa>> wrote:


I would like to know where in dspace configuration files should I
place text for metadata, data and submission policies for OAI-PMH
Service providers.

Kind Regards,

Admire Mutsikiwa (Mr)

ICT Manager


University of Zimbabwe



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Re: [Dspace-tech] Error occurred while clicking on Feedback link (XMLUI)

2015-02-09 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi,   check  in dspace.cfg the parameter  mail.allowed.referrers

The feedback requests aret checked against it In order to prevent spam



El 10/02/2015 a las 5:32, Vinay Kumar Sharma escribió:

Dear Professionals,

We have implemented Dspace 4.2, Everything is running file except one 

While clicking on feedback link in XMLUI, it showing me following 
error. The detail error is attached in text file.

  An error has occurred

Go to DSpace home

org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException: The feedback mail page may 
only be invoked from another DSpace page

Cocoon stacktrace [show]

Java stacktrace [show]

Java full stacktrace [show]

You can also view the live error on following URL:

Please help me to rectify this error.

thanks & regards
Vinay Kumar Sharma
Sarath Engineering and Technology
N.H. - 08, Nr. Chiloda

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Re: [Dspace-tech] list Items in a Collection

2015-02-04 Thread emilio lorenzo
In versión 4  (I´m not sure if applies to both interfaces) dspace.cfg   
can be configured to show RecentCollection and/or CollectionItemList = \

Just comment or uncomment the needed plugin. I think they are all the 
needed steps


El 05/02/2015 a las 4:48, Fernando Casas Osorio escribió:


Thanks for your help but I cant do that it works for me, I need this:

1 - No "Recent Submissions" in home, communities and collections, i 
dont want this.
2 - In the collection home page the list of all items in it displayed 
per page.

Is it possible?, Can you tell me the steps one by one with exact 
indications ?

I thank you very much if you can assist me.

Fernando Casas Osorio

> From:
> Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 23:34:38 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] list Items in a Collection
> To:
> CC:;
> Hi Fernando,
> please see
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
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Re: [Dspace-tech] list Items in a Collection

2015-02-04 Thread emilio lorenzo

Perhaps this URL would give you such results:


being /yyy  the collection handle...


El 04/02/2015 a las 16:22, Fernando Casas Osorio escribió:


How can I list all items in a collection when I access to it?, I want 
list all items without requiring any search.

Thanks for your Help.

Fernando Casas Osorio

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[Dspace-tech] Linked Open Data

2015-02-04 Thread emilio lorenzo
Is there any repository or testing machine where I can test the sparql 
endpoint of Dspace V5 ?




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Re: [Dspace-tech] Importing authority keys

2015-01-24 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi,  Pablo
I consider   BME as Batch Metadata Editing or Editor

and BTE stands for Bibliographic Transformation Engine

I was refering to BME or batch import or CSV import
The  BME  configuration is made in /config/modules/bulkedit.cfg
 I copy:

# Configuration properties used solely by the Batch Metadata#
# Editing System#
### Bulk metadata editor settings ###
# The delimiter used to separate values within a single field (defaults to a 
double pipe ||)
# valueseparator = ||

# The delimiter used to separate fields (defaults to a comma for CSV)
# fieldseparator = ,

# The delimiter used to serarate authority data (defaults to a double colon ::)
*# authorityseparator = ::***

It is included since Version 3 and it seems that is not documented in 
dspace wiki or documentation and there is only some references in the 
mailing lists. I´ll try to update the dspace wiki with some use notes as 
soon as possible.
Anyway,  as you can see,  the feature works for exporting items, and 
I´ve tested for V3-XMLUI and V4_XMLUI, and it works for importing items also


El 23/01/2015 a las 19:38, Pablo Buenaposada escribió:

I have check that, when I import an item by csv with that author syntax the
import procedure doesn't recognizes this syntax so it ends taking all the
string as the author name.

I don't know what's BME and where can be configured, probably you want to
say BTE??

It's strange because when I export items, they return me the authors with
that syntax so seems that is already configured, or at least for the export

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Importing authority keys

2015-01-23 Thread emilio lorenzo

the authority key can be provided in the csv , just happen that it is  
not  documented in the wiki (at least  i couldnt find it)

something similar asIglesias-Cubells, M.C. (María Cruz)::373::60

sintax (for authors) name::authority-key::confidence-value

(the :: is configured in BME configuration, but I could find exactly 
where, sorry)

Best luck

El 23/01/2015 a las 11:54, Pablo Buenaposada escribió:
> Thanks anyway.
> In my case I need to import around 50.000 items frequently, and now using
> the import option of the dspace binary with a .csv containing all items it's
> a bit slow... I would like to import them faster...
> I have seen that the import is slow because for every author, the import
> needs to query solr about that author in order to get his authority key, I
> think that I can get all the authority keys faster (querying postgres
> database directly), so, giving also the authority key in the .csv file the
> import should be faster.
> It's strange you cannot give the authority key in the import, now I'm
> thinking about make a postgres script to import all items directly to
> postgres, what's a really pain in the ass and not really the way of doing
> things. Also I would make a quick look if redoing the java files relationed
> with the import I could pass the authority key by csv.
> --
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Multiple metadata fields in one facet in DSpace 1.6

2014-11-21 Thread emilio lorenzo
Hi, Ruben

probably it is possible.
I would use something similar to  the process described in the following 
blog post by  Kim Shepherd (thanks). It´s an old entry, but dspace 1.6.2 
is quite old also

tell us if it works
best luck

Emilio Lorenzo

El 21/11/2014 10:19, Ruben escribió:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on DSpace 1.6.2 XMLUI and I have a question about Solr
> config. Solr/Discovery config is very different from 3.0> versions and I
> don't know if it's allowed to include multiple metadata fields into one
> facet. For example in 3.2 we have discovery.cfg to configure what
> metadata fields are included in each facet, and in 1.6 in
> dspace-solr-search.cfg the way to specify facets is:
> But there the mapping is one field=one facet.
> Anyone knows if it's possible the config that I want, and in this case,
> how to do it?
> Thanks in advance

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DSpace-tech mailing list
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Problema con el handle

2014-11-18 Thread emilio lorenzo
Buenos días,
Si lo que quiere es cambiar la parte fija del handle--->  p-ej la parte 
fija de   /123456789/   que es 123456789  cambiarla p.ej a 10234 , 
debiera usar el comando
/bin/dspace-handle-prefix  12345678910234


El 18/11/2014 20:51, Yelena Islen San Juan escribió:
> Hola
> Yo tengo un repositorio en el cual configure el handle y comencé a 
> introducirle datos, pero ahora cambie la url del repositorio y ahora sale la 
> referencia del handle viejo, como puedo hacer para que los registros viejos 
> tomen la dirección nueva.
> Saludos. Espero atentamente su ayuda
> --
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DSpace-tech mailing list
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Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace 4.2 - CC license automaticaly add to dc.rights and dc.rights.uri

2014-11-18 Thread emilio lorenzo
check in dspace.cfg,  the attributes



El 18/11/2014 12:35, escribió:
> Hello,
> I working on DSpace 4.2 JSPUI interface. In the submission process i have
> Creative Commons license STEP, if i accept this step i can't see fields
> dc.rights and dc.rights.uri for example, in this repository:
> can see this
> fields with contains:
> dc.rights.uri
> dc.rightsCreative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 Polska
> Is any chance to automaticaly add  fields dc.rights.uri and dc.rights when i
> accepted CC license step? Best regards,
> Karol
> --
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Re: [Dspace-tech] How to display two different metadata fields in the same row on full display (JSPUI)

2014-11-11 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi Michelangelo,
The solution we are using in that precise case (citation) is use a 
curation task (linked to editing any metadata value of the item) that 
creates a new metadata field with that "logic". Furthermore, the 
curation can handle the different citation logics depending the type of 
object, format that field, etc....

Emilio Lorenzo
Arco Consultores

El 11/11/2014 16:32, Michelangelo M M Viana escribió:

Hi friends,

We are using Dspace 4.1 - 

and have a question:

- is it possible display two (or more) different fields in the same 
table row on full display of JSPUI, instead of in separate lines?

In dspace.cfg the configuration webui.itemdisplay.default allows one 
to define what fields display, eg our setup:

webui.itemdisplay.default = dc.type, dc.title, dc.title.alternative,, dc.contributor.advisor, \

dc.publisher, dc.relation.ispartof, dc.subject, \

dc.jtitle,, dc.volume, dc.issue, dc.spage, 
dc.epage, dc.description.abstract, \

dc.identifier.uri(link), dc.relation.uri(link), \

dc.identifier.doi, dc.identifier.pmid, dc.identifier.isbn, 
dc.identifier.issn, \


Today each of these fields is displayed on a different line:

Source Journal: Revista Odonto Ciência

Issue Date: 2010

Volume:  25

Issue: 3

First Page: 282

Last Page: 287

What we need is display all values (from different metadata fields) 
together/merged in the same line, eg:

Source:Revista Odonto Ciência. 2010, v.25, n. 3, 282-87


Source: dc.jtitle,, dc.volume, dc.issue, 
dc.spage, dc.epage

We know that ispartof metadata field could be used for that when 
author/cataloger enter this as a text, but what we want to know is how 
to combine/merge different metadata fields in "one" for display, 
reusing different metadata values.

Thanks in advance,


*Michelangelo Mazzardo Marques Viana*| Support and Development

/Coordinator of Libraries Systems/. Librarian CRB-10/1306

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS

Ir.  Jose Otao Central Library | Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Integrating controlled vocabulary

2014-10-15 Thread emilio lorenzo
Using the Dspace-standard controlled-vocabulary connector with such a 
big vocabulary doesn´t yield good results

Two options:
Use a pre-assembled DSPACE with Agrovoc & ASFA vocabularies already 
integrated,  as AOD (AgriOcean Dspace). If you already have  a running 
DSpace installation, this is not an option, probably
Use a vocabulary server as ASKOSI to serve Agrovoc terms. There are 
already some installations with this vocabulary server...


Emilio Lorenzo


El 15/10/2014 22:47, cbeltran escribió:
> Good Morning,
> Dear Friend
> Can you help me, I can do to integrate AGROVOC Terms with my installation
> DSpace 4.2?
> Some guidance?
> Thank you
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Re: [Dspace-tech] jspui

2014-10-11 Thread emilio lorenzo


Yes, you can remove it (and also the other webapps if you dont use it: 
LNI, SWORD, ...) It is a good security practice.

Some alternatives
a) remove it from pom.xml manifest
b) remove the directory after the buld (porbably this is the easiest option)

best luck

El 11/10/2014 7:23, Koh Kim Boon escribió:

Hi All,

Can I know if I can remove jspui as I am using only xmlui?

I am using Dspace 1.8 with Tomcat 7.053, and postgres 9.1

Pls advise.

/Koh Kim Boon/

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Running 2 different Dspace instances on 1 server

2014-10-08 Thread emilio lorenzo
Hi, Thomas
Some time ago, we wrote a post (unfortunately 
in spanish, but since it has figures and with google translator you 
could have an idea about it)   about different possibilities of running 
several dspace instances of dspace


best luck

Emilio Lorenzo

El 08/10/2014 14:25, helix84 escribió:
> Hi Thomas,
> it's probably easiest to install two separate servlet containers.
> I haven't tried running two instances within a single servlet
> container. It probably can be done, but there might be caveats.
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
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Re: [Dspace-tech] OAI Harvesting Problem in 3.1

2014-10-04 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi, Renton
anyway I think (if i´m wrong, please correct me)  that oai import must 
be issued periodically (we do it daily via a cron job)


El 03/10/2014 14:54, RENTON Scott escribió:
Thanks Emilio- that's exactly what it was. I was sure that I had run 
this recently- perhaps something else cleared out the index.

Thanks also Hilton, for replying. I can do a GetRecord in oai_dc as 
well now.

Cheers everyone

Scott Renton
Systems Developer, Library & University Collections
24 Buccleuch Place, 2nd Floor Right
tel: 515219

From: emilio lorenzo>>
Date: Friday, 3 October 2014 13:02
To: Scott RENTON <>>, dspace-tech 

Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] OAI Harvesting Problem in 3.1

can you re-issue the /bin/dpace oai import command
and checkif  it is importing your  3576 records...
It seems the oai index is completely empty...


El 03/10/2014 13:26, RENTON Scott escribió:

Hi folks

I'm quite familiar with the set-up for OAI crosswalks in 1.x, but 
have hit upon some problems with 3.1. If you look at this repo you'll 
see "no matches for query" for oai_dc, marc or uketd_dc, but 
everything else works.

I've done nothing to configure oai_dc, presuming that it would all be 
there by default.

However, as with the changes, there is no longer an 
file, where I would expect to see this:

# List the supported metadataPrefixes along with the class that 
performs the associated crosswalk

...and I see the DC stuff is now in
org.dspace.content.crosswalk.SimpleDCDisseminationCrosswalk = DC, \
org.dspace.content.crosswalk.SimpleDCDisseminationCrosswalk = dc, \

I assume that it uses the 
config/crosswalks/metadataformats/oai_dc.xsl coming from xoai.xml, 
which mentions oaidc, not oai_dc at the top, but I don't see how 
xoai.xml gets called.

Overall, I suppose what I am not understanding is how it knows  what 
to do when called with oai_dc, which (picked 
up from xoai.xml?) definitely suggests we should be passing in.

Just wondering if there are any known issues with using OAI out of 
the box for oai_dc in 3.1, and if there are any changes or patches I 
need to make it work?

Thanks very much

Scott Renton
Systems Developer, Library & University Collections
24 Buccleuch Place, 2nd Floor Right
tel: 515219

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Re: [Dspace-tech] OAI Harvesting Problem in 3.1

2014-10-03 Thread emilio lorenzo

can you re-issue the /bin/dpace oai import command
and checkif  it is importing your  3576 records...
It seems the oai index is completely empty...


El 03/10/2014 13:26, RENTON Scott escribió:

Hi folks

I'm quite familiar with the set-up for OAI crosswalks in 1.x, but have 
hit upon some problems with 3.1. If you look at this repo you'll see 
"no matches for query" for oai_dc, marc or uketd_dc, but everything 
else works.

I've done nothing to configure oai_dc, presuming that it would all be 
there by default.

However, as with the changes, there is no longer an 
file, where I would expect to see this:

# List the supported metadataPrefixes along with the class that 
performs the associated crosswalk

...and I see the DC stuff is now in
org.dspace.content.crosswalk.SimpleDCDisseminationCrosswalk = DC, \
org.dspace.content.crosswalk.SimpleDCDisseminationCrosswalk = dc, \

I assume that it uses the config/crosswalks/metadataformats/oai_dc.xsl 
coming from xoai.xml, which mentions oaidc, not oai_dc at the top, but 
I don't see how xoai.xml gets called.

Overall, I suppose what I am not understanding is how it knows  what 
to do when called with oai_dc, which (picked 
up from xoai.xml?) definitely suggests we should be passing in.

Just wondering if there are any known issues with using OAI out of the 
box for oai_dc in 3.1, and if there are any changes or patches I need 
to make it work?

Thanks very much

Scott Renton
Systems Developer, Library & University Collections
24 Buccleuch Place, 2nd Floor Right
tel: 515219

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Reconverting PDF's in assetstore to PDF/A

2014-09-17 Thread emilio lorenzo

Subscribing Peter´s opinion, you should never loss the original
For the controversy, I rather move the original PDF to another bundle 
and the converted PDF/A would left at the ORIGINAL Bundle

And add the needed metadata to document the change,  at least add some 
lines into a new dc.description.provenance (I know, there are better 
solutions, but this is simpler). They would serve as a pseudo 

Emilio Lorenzo

El 17/09/2014 16:39, Peter Dietz escribió:
I wouldn't recommend altering/damaging your existing PDF's. That just 
sounds like its inviting risk.

A better route would be to build a DSpace curation task, that is 
capable of doing the automated PDF conversion, leaving the old PDF's 
in the ORIGINAL bundle, and the PDF/A's going into a bundle such as 

Also, what conversion tools are you looking at? i.e. a Java library / 
remote web service? Also, I'd take a look at the license, hopefully a 
compatible license with DSpace (i.e. non GPL, non AGPL).

Peter Dietz
Longsight <> <>
p: 740-599-5005 x809

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:56 AM, helix84 <>> wrote:

I forgot - you'd also need to update the "size_bytes" column.


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Re: [Dspace-tech] Compare repositories

2014-09-15 Thread emilio lorenzo

Another reference:

It is recent (april 2014) but I personally don´t like this: because 
although  is edited by UNESCO, it is made by one of the parties, 
bepress,  (sounds strange)


El 15/09/2014 7:48, Hilton Gibson escribió:


Here is the beginning of a draft:

Help with info and suggestions would be welcome.



*Hilton Gibson*
Ubuntu Linux Systems Administrator
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On 15 September 2014 07:30, P.Hadadan (NW) <>> wrote:

Dear All,

Please compare dspace, vivo, fedora, alfresco and more as repository.


*P.Hadadan | *Senior Software Developer

NotionWave | Toronto, Canada

P.Hadadan [at] notionwave [dot] com

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Handle link

2014-09-09 Thread Emilio Lorenzo
Hi Robert,
perhaps you are finding this problem (one week ago in the lists):

Best luck
Emilio Lorenzo

Bodnar Robert
> Thank you very much for your answer!
> We finally managed to resolve this problem.
> I still searching for a solution for this:
> The OAI page works when using
>> dspacelink/oai/request?verb=Identify
>> but every link on that page points to the inner network ip not the
>> hostname. Tried modifying the oai.cfg, but nothing changed.
>> Any ideas?
>> Can it be possible that Dspace does not use the settings from dspace.cfg
>> but from somewhere else?
> Any ideea would be greatly appreciated!
> Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Bodnár Róbert
> On Wednesday, August 27, 2014 4:28 PM, euler 
> wrote:
> Dear Bodnar,
> Did you change the dspace.url in your dspace.cfg to http://yourdspaceurl
> and
> not http://yourdspaceurl/jspui?
> Bodnar Robert wrote
>> Hello,
>> could someone please help me with a problem with the identifier links?
>> We just upgraded from 1.7 version Dspace to 4.1.
>> In the old one we had identifiers like this:
>> dspaceurl/handle/12345/123
>> Now they include also the ui name in the link:
>> dspaceurl/jspui/handle/12345/123
>> Tried every combination, set the handle canonical prefix, even deleted
>> the
>> /jspui part from the base.url but nothing worked.
>> +1  The OAI page works when using
>> dspacelink/oai/request?verb=Identify
>> but every link on that page points to the inner network ip not the
>> hostname. Tried modifying the oai.cfg, but nothing changed.
>> Any ideas?
>> Can it be possible that Dspace does not use the settings from dspace.cfg
>> but from somewhere else?
>> Thank you very much for your help!
>> Robert
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Emilio  Lorenzo
Arvo Consultores


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Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace Request Copy Add-on

2014-09-04 Thread emilio lorenzo
Hi, Lewatle,  yes  (the page perhaps it´s a bit 
outdated but has the following last paragraph:

XMLUI version
There is a  "translation" to XMLUI of this request copy add-on tested in 
3.1 (must work in 1.8 changing installation directories). Documented and 
available to download in JIRA issue DS-1585)

We developed the code (adapted from University of Minho-JSPUI code) for 
3.*. And the code was later  included in 4.* core
see  We have a couple of 
installations running 3.x with that code.
Contact Adan Roman ( for a direct access to 3.1 version 
of the add-on  in git

best regards

El 04/09/2014 9:50, Lewatle Phaladi escribió:

Hi Emilio,

I am using dspace version 3.2 the theme I am using is Mirage XMLUI are 
you saying the addon works on dspace 3.* ?



*From:*emilio lorenzo []
*Sent:* 04 September 2014 09:41 AM
*To:*; Lewatle Phaladi
*Subject:* Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace Request Copy Add-on

Hi Lewatle
JSPUI or XMLUI ?  (XMLUI runs on dspace 1.8, 3 & 4)


El 04/09/2014 8:33, Lewatle Phaladi escribió:

Dear Team,

I would like to run DSpace Request Copy Add-on module on DSpace
3.2 version, I have read on DSpace Request Copy Add-on online
page( that
the module is currently running on the following dspace versions :
dspace 1.6.2,  1.7.2 & 1.8.2

If there is anyone on who has configured the module to run on
dspace 3.2 or dspace 4.2 please share with me possible steps.



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Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace Request Copy Add-on

2014-09-04 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi Lewatle
JSPUI or XMLUI ?  (XMLUI runs on dspace 1.8, 3 & 4)


El 04/09/2014 8:33, Lewatle Phaladi escribió:

Dear Team,

I would like to run DSpace Request Copy Add-on module on DSpace 3.2 
version, I have read on DSpace Request Copy Add-on online 
page( that the 
module is currently running on the following dspace versions : dspace 
1.6.2,  1.7.2 & 1.8.2

If there is anyone on who has configured the module to run on dspace 
3.2 or dspace 4.2 please share with me possible steps.



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Re: [Dspace-tech] Dspace 3.2 browse by author bug?

2014-08-11 Thread emilio lorenzo

Bom dia, Alcides

which database are you using ?  oracle?
Do you always have the same behaviour in your repository´s browsing  or 
is it something new?

Emilio Lorenzo

El 12/08/2014 1:18, Alcides Carlos de Moraes Neto escribió:


We have a running 3.2 dspace instance. It is showing abnormal behavior 
on the browse by author page. More specifically, when there is some 
input in the startsWith field.

If you type something, like "Santos", the first author name shown is 
"Santi", not "Santos".
There is no "Santos" author in the first page of results, only in the 

Anyone knows what can cause this?


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Re: [Dspace-tech] OAI diacritics problem

2014-08-07 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi, we  faced (more or less) frequently that problem.
The probable cause is the edition of configuration files (dspace.cfg, 
oai.cfg or with some windows program and that has 
broken/changed the codification of that file. Try to check that 
codifications and do the editing in linux (vi/nano/)

Normally a new oai index is required to revert the situation of the OAI 
index after that(/dspace oai clean-cache and /dspace oai import -c)

Luck   & best regards

Emilio Lorenzo

El 07/08/2014 23:26, bender escribió:


In our Dspace 3.2 Repository, we've enabled OAI.
Our metadata is in spanish, where a lot of words have chars with 

The visualization of the metadata in XMULI interface is fine, there's 
no problem with the accented words or special chars.

But when we visit de OAI interface, the metadata show two 
interrogation signs "??", in place where there should be an accented 
char, like "í" "é", etc.

Here is an example:

The OAI metadata record, actually is showing this in the web browser:

Publicaci??n biling??e

But the correct words we should be looking like this:

Publicación bilingüe

I don't know if there is any configuration that I've missed in the 
process of enabling OAI. I followed the oficial documentation on this 

Or may be there is a problem with the OAI Web intreface.

The database, web explorer are setted to use UTF-8.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [Dspace-tech] Dspace 4.1 - http status 404 error

2014-08-01 Thread emilio lorenzo


The probable cause of this error is that the XMLUI webapp is  not well 
deployed under  Tomcat, that is, Tomcat doesnt point to the xmlui webapp 

please, double check that step of your installation: 
(9, *Deploy Web Applications)*


best luck

Emilio Lorenzo

El 01/08/2014 15:32, Jaco Lins (UEL) escribió:

Hi All,

I installed dspace 4.1, but it does not work.

The following message appears:

"http status 404 - /xmlui

type status report

message /xmlui

description The requested resource is not available.

Apache Tomcat/8.0.9"



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Re: [Dspace-tech] Conditional displaying of meta information when submitting content

2014-07-09 Thread emilio lorenzo

I´m not very sure about your question,   but from DSpace 3, there is 
aType-based submissions 
(show or hide submission fields based on type of content). Depending on 
the content-type (book, article, etc...)  you can control wich metadata 
fields appear in the submission forms


El 08/07/2014 22:52, Andy Kirkyla escribió:


 I trust all is well.

 We are implementing Dspace 4.1 and we would like to display 
different meta field for different content types. For example, 
Comprehension Level if the content type is a Book.

 Is there a way to add constitutionality to the inputs-form.xml; 
or do I need to do it elsewhere.

  Thanks in advance for any assistance.


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2014-07-09 Thread emilio lorenzo
I think primo from ex-libris supports OAI-PMH harvesting (at least 
recent versions, there are some examples of primo integration with 
repositories, on google)
The important thing is to know wich schema is expecting Primo for 
harvesting and adapt the exposed metadata from Dspace to that 
specification. That adaption usually can be acomplished modifyng Dspace 

As Helix says, Don't give up


El 09/07/2014 10:36, Marco Tomassini escribió:

Many thanks to Hilton, Emilio and helix84 for their valuable informations.
We have now the correct qdb crosswalk process from our dspace 
installation but unfortunately it seems the platform (Primo by Ex 
Libris) doesnt't support it.

Best regards


Il 08/07/2014 09:47, helix84 ha scritto:

Hi Marco,

as Emilio said, oai_dc (unqualified DC) is mandatory, but any number
of other formats can be made available at the same time. DSpace also
has support for qdc (qualified DC). Here's how you can activate it in
your DSpace version:

Then you'll request qdc by adding the "metadataPrefix=qdc" parameter
to the ListRecords or GetRecord verbs.


Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette

Marco Tomassini
Centro Biblioteca della Scuola Normale Superiore
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7 - 56100 - PISA
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email: <>
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2014-07-08 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi Marco

Your repository can work with any qualified set of dublincore, there are 
no limitations (except some intrincsic to Dspace data model.., that´s 
another thing).

OAI specification says that, at least, simple Dublin Core must be 
supported, but doesn´t put any limits to support another metadata 
schemas. In fact, the Dspace version 4 support  12 formats in an 
standard way (uketd_dc, dim, oai_dc, marc, etdms, xoai, qdc, rdf, ore, 
mods,  and didl)being oai_dc, the simple DublinCore  and qdc  the 
qualified Dublin Core.

The way OAI expose your metadata from your internal representation ( 
qualified dc set-library application profile) to the external 
representations is via CROSSWALKS that sets the transformations rules 
between schemas (and values and...)

You can see (and play with) an example of this multiplicity at


Emilio Lorenzo

El 07/07/2014 19:08, Marco Tomassini escribió:

We should need a help by someone of the list.
We have installed the overdated Dspace version 1.5.2 to manage our 
institutional repository, non publicly evailable (it's unfortunately 
hidden by a firewall).

We use a qualified dc set (library application profile).
We need to harvest the repository data in a qualified way (elements + 
attributes., eg /dc.description.abstract= [value]/) towards another 
But we've read in the OAI documentation at URL the 
following: "For purposes of interoperability, repositories *must* 
disseminate Dublin Core 
<>, without any 
<> "

Do you know  if there's a solution to this, please?

best regards

Marco Tomassini and Paola Mancini
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy

Marco Tomassini
Centro Biblioteca della Scuola Normale Superiore
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7 - 56100 - PISA
sito web:
email: <>
tel: +39 (0)50 509 352
Skype: tomassinisns

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Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Dspace 4 JSPUI with Old classic interface

2014-06-26 Thread emilio lorenzo

For the record, there is a new parameter in dspace.cfg = legacy

(This parameter is not documented in Dspace  wiki)


El 20/06/2014 8:25, emilio lorenzo escribió:

Hi all,
I am wondering the possibility of activating the "old classic" JSPUI 
aspect instead of the "new adaptative" interface in Dspace 4

Is it possible? Any ideas?


Emilio Lorenzo


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[Dspace-tech] Dspace 4 JSPUI with Old classic interface

2014-06-19 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi all,
I am wondering the possibility of activating the "old classic" JSPUI 
aspect instead of the "new adaptative" interface in Dspace 4

Is it possible? Any ideas?


Emilio Lorenzo


HPCC Systems Open Source Big Data Platform from LexisNexis Risk Solutions
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Security vulnerability - Blind SQL injection

2014-05-30 Thread emilio lorenzo

a couple of weeks ago, we asked about this kind of vulnerabilities  in 
this messge

We were notified by our gubernamental IT security agency about the 
recurrence of this attack (apparently without success) to one of the 
DSPace installation that our company supports.
We asked for an update  of, 
but we didn´t consider to fill a JIRA report since the attacks were 


El 30/05/2014 13:01, Pottinger, Hardy J. escribió:

Hi, before this conversation goes any further, we have a system to deal with 
bug reports, and we take them very seriously. Please submit a detailed bug 
report, including steps to reproduce the error, to


PS, I would be very surprised if any JDBC-based webapp ever contained an SQL 
injection error, as there is very good protection from that in those libraries.

Sent from my NOOK

Koh Kim Boon  wrote:


As we are a government related agency, our IT agency does a regular 
security scan to check for weakness or vulnerabilities.

*/Koh Kim Boon/*

*Department of Information and Digital Technology (Library Solutions)*

500 Dover Road, Singapore 139651

_DID: 67721129_

Tel: 67721160

Fax: 61121969


*From:*Hilton Gibson []
*Sent:* Friday, 30 May 2014 4:10 PM
*To:* Koh Kim Boon
*Subject:* Re: [Dspace-tech] Security vulnerability - Blind SQL injection

On 30 May 2014 03:32, Koh Kim Boon > wrote:

Recent my dspace server had a security scan and one of the 
vulnerabilities listed in blind sql injection.

Hi Koh

Can you tell us exactly the nature of the "security scan"


*Hilton Gibson*

Ubuntu Linux Systems Administrator

JS Gericke Library

Room 1025D

Stellenbosch University

Private Bag X5036



South Africa

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Time is money. Stop wasting it! Get your web API in 5 minutes.
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Workflow question - DSpace XML 1.8.2

2014-05-12 Thread emilio lorenzo

what about the Ian Smith proposed solution, but  with a curation task  
to move the items from this collection to the original one? You have 
to intervene just one time..

Emilio Lorenzo

El 12/05/2014 13:27, Cadmus, Mail Account escribió:

Dear Ina,

Thank you very much for your reply and suggestion.

Submitting to a new (other) collection would still mean that you need 
to intervene twice on a submission.

Anyone else has found a solution to avoid the  step of approving the 
administrator's submissions ?

Many thanks

Paolo and Lotta

Lotta Svantesson
EUI Repository Manager

European University Institute (EUI)
Via dei Roccettini, 9
50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (Florence) -- Italy

Office phone: +39 055 4685 368 - Fax: +39 055 4685 283
e-mail: _lotta.svantesson@eui.eu_- _cadmus@eui.eu_
web: <>- _cadmus.eui.eu___

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*From:*Smith, Ina  []
*Sent:* venerdì 9 maggio 2014 17:26
*To:* Cadmus, Mail Account
*Cc:* Baglioni, Paolo
*Subject:* RE: Workflow question - DSpace XML 1.8.2

Dear Paolo

I would suggest that you create a Collection without any workflows 
attached, to which only the Admin can submit. Once submitted it can be 
moved to another collection, but at least it will already be visible 
with a persistent URL assigned? Don't know whether this might help, 
but I can't think of a quicker way.

Kind regards


*Ina Smith*

Open Scholarship Manager | Stellenbosch University | Private Bag 
X5036, 7599 | South Africa
Open Access | *SUNScholar <>*| *SUNJournals 
E-mail: * <>***|**Tel:  +27 21 
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| *E-pos: * <>***| Tel:  +27 21 
808 9139 | *Skype: smith.ina**| *Kantoorure: Ma-Vr: 08h00-16h30

*/Description: cid:image004.jpg@01C9FFC1.4A20BBC0/*

*From:*Cadmus, Mail Account []
*Sent:* 09 May 2014 05:15 PM

*Cc:* Baglioni, Paolo
*Subject:* [Dspace-tech] Workflow question - DSpace XML 1.8.2


Is there a way to - once enabled workflow steps to one collection in 
DSpace 182 xml - skip all workflow steps in the case where a manual 
submission is performed by an administrator? We would like to avoid 
the task of approving your own submissions.

Many thanks in advance

Paolo Baglioni

European University Institute Library

Lotta Svantesson
EUI Repository Manager

European University Institute (EUI)
Via dei Roccettini, 9
50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (Florence) -- Italy

Office phone: +39 055 4685 368 - Fax: +39 055 4685 283
e-mail: <>_ - <>_

web: <>- _

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[Dspace-tech] SQL injection attacks

2014-05-12 Thread emilio lorenzo
We have detected some requests to one of our customer´s system (dspace 
1.8.2 + xmlui+ oracle)   in form of


since it can be a kind of sql injection attack,   we wonder if someone 
has made any further investigation after  the described in

Any additional precautions that  we must care?
Thanks for all you support

Emilio Lorenzo


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Re: [Dspace-tech] Question about importing CSV files in dspace

2014-04-09 Thread emilio lorenzo
We had a similar problem due to "null"   values in the database in some 
records...  (Dspace 1.8) . The bulk  import failed without any messge...
We use a fragmentation aproach to identify which record(s) was causing 
the problem, just divide the csv into chunks...   Fragment the  csv into 
pieces to detect the exact row (an the original item).
Once detected the problem we had to rewrite the item-update  to cope 
with the null values.

saudações e boa sorte

Emilio Lorenzo

El 09/04/2014 14:11, Anisio Monteiro (IPEN/GDS-Informática) escribió:


Please, someone could help on a problem that I am having to import CSV 
files into dspace. The CSV file has over 4,000 lines and when I import 
via the command line, the dspace imports only 2,260 lines.

How do I fix this?

Thanks for the help!

Carlos ANISIO Monteiro>>>> <>>
IPEN/CNEN-SP - Av. Lineu Prestes, 2242 - Cidade Universitária, São 
Paulo, Brasil

CEP 05508-000 Tel.(55)(11) 3133-8876 LINUX USER # 364622

"Aquele que recebe de mim uma idéia tem aumentada a sua instrução sem 
que eu tenha diminuída a minha. Como aquele que acende sua vela na 
minha recebe luz sem apagar a minha. Que as idéias passem livremente 
de uns aos outros no planeta, para a instrução moral e mútua dos 
homens e a melhoria de sua condição...Invenções, portanto, não podem, 
na natureza, ser sujeitas à propriedade." (Thomas Jefferson)

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Organise item's files

2014-03-19 Thread Emilio Lorenzo

> Hi, All,
> Suppose one item has MANY files, one or two of them are of the primary
> importance, others are of the secondary or tertiary importance (e.g.
> professional and non-professional reviews of the primary content).
> I need to organize these files in bundles and show each group when user
> requests it.
> «Bundle» category in DSpace seems the correct thing to use, however
> there is (AFAIK) no user interface to add new bundle names, nor there
> are means to associate a file with a bundle at the «download file» step.
> Questions:
> 1. Is it a good practice to add new bundle names?

Well,not exactly a good practice, since it is unusual, but we do that
sometimes, when business requirements dictate so.

> 2. I'll have to write my own version of the
> org.dspace.submit.step.UploadStep to allow the selection of the bundle,
> correct?

Yes, right
> Finally I'll have to tune the theme, but it's not a question %-)

ja, ja
> 3. Am I missing anything?

I would check the behaviour of package exporters, media extractors,
checksum calculator and statistics (not an small list and probably i
missed something)

Thanks and best luck

> Thank you!
> Andrei.
> PS. DSpace 3.2.
> --
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Re: [Dspace-tech] [Dspace-general] Database Migration Postgresql--> Oracle

2014-02-20 Thread emilio lorenzo

I supposed something as complicated as you description:-)

Anyone has attempted this "migration" ?


El 20/02/2014 13:50, helix84 escribió:
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 1:31 PM, emilio lorenzo <>> wrote:

 1. Change JDBC connectors on dspace.cfg
 2. Migrate the database  (any tips or advices on this point?)
 3. Recompile ?

No need to rebuild. You "only" need to change the configuration 
<>, db.url, db.driver, db.username, db.password, db.schema) 
and transfer the data. Migrating the data will be where all the fun is 
at. I'm not aware on any notes that document this mostly manual 
process completely, but see below for some notes and opinions. I 
ranked them from the most to least useful.

In general I would attempt the process this way:
1) pg_dump the data
2) create a fresh DSpace DB in Oracle
3) it might be necessary to drop some constraints in Oracle
4) the fun step - attempt to import each table, correcting the data 
for difference in column types as you go

5) attempt to reinstate constraints
6) if all looks well, run update-sequences.sql
7) point DSpace to Oracle and restart it
8) test, test, test

Keep in mind that I have never attempted this.


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[Dspace-tech] Database Migration Postgresql--> Oracle

2014-02-20 Thread emilio lorenzo

(Sorry, I sent this message to the wrong list (Dspace-General))

Which aspects or steps have to be taken into account if  I need to 
migrate the Dspace Database from PostgreSQL to Oracle

1. Change JDBC connectors on dspace.cfg
2. Migrate the database  (any tips or advices on this point?)
3. Recompile ?

Is that all?
Emilio Lorenzo


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Re: [Dspace-tech] oai_dc metadata format [Dspace 1.7.2]

2014-02-19 Thread Emilio Lorenzo
Hello David,
I think oai_dc was standard in oai for version 1.7.2. From the 1.7 manual:
"DSpace comes with an unqualified DC Crosswalk used in the default OAI-PMH
data provider. There are also other Crosswalks bundled with the DSpace
distribution which can be activated by editing one or more configuration
files. How to do this for each available Crosswalk is described below. The
DSpace source includes the following crosswalk plugins available for use
with OAI-PMH"

If it doesn´t exists perhaps you could check the presence of  file


David Abeijón
> Hello,
> We are having a problem with some harvesters because  our dspace
> repository
> is not supporting "oai_dc" format:
> _dc&set=hdl_10498_10155
> You can check in the metadata formats list that "oai_dc" element is not
> present:
> How can I activate this metadata format? Dspace version is 1.7.2.
> Thank you,
> - David -
> --
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Re: [Dspace-tech] {Disarmed} OAI: sets through metadata?

2014-01-30 Thread Emilio Lorenzo
humm, did you mention  OAI-ORE?
Not so sure about the solution...   second opinion? Sure Joao Melo can
give us a better diagnosis.


"M. Àngels Pulido"
> Hello,
> I work with Dspace 1.7.2.
> In my repository I have some items that are closed access. This means
> that they have the metadata dc.rights.accesRights = info:
> eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess.
> The institution that collect our data through OAI-ORE (harvesting) just
> needs collect our open access items (dc.rights.accesRights = info:
> eu-repo/semantics/openAccess).
> What changes should I make in my OAI settingsto ensure that these items
> (closedAccess) will not be exported by my OAI ?Is this possible?How I
> can do this? What files do I need to modify?
> I've been reading about this topic and I suppose the solution is:
> "Offer sets through metadata"
> but it'sdifficult for me to know how to begin work on this problem...
> Can someone help me?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> *M. Àngels Pulido Medina*
> Biblioteca - Servei de Recursos Informàtics
> Logo UVic
> *Universitat de Vic*
> C. Sagrada Família, 7
> 08500 Vic
> Tel. 938 816 170 (8333)
> * <>*
> --
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Re: [Dspace-tech] {Disarmed} OAI: sets through metadata?

2014-01-30 Thread Emilio Lorenzo
Hello Angels
in 1.7.2 the best option is with OAI-Extended addon   (allows the creation
of virtual sets) probably you need some changes to take care of

In 3+   this functionality is standard with xOAI

Best Regards


"M. Àngels Pulido"
> Hello,
> I work with Dspace 1.7.2.
> In my repository I have some items that are closed access. This means
> that they have the metadata dc.rights.accesRights = info:
> eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess.
> The institution that collect our data through OAI-ORE (harvesting) just
> needs collect our open access items (dc.rights.accesRights = info:
> eu-repo/semantics/openAccess).
> What changes should I make in my OAI settingsto ensure that these items
> (closedAccess) will not be exported by my OAI ?Is this possible?How I
> can do this? What files do I need to modify?
> I've been reading about this topic and I suppose the solution is:
> "Offer sets through metadata"
> but it'sdifficult for me to know how to begin work on this problem...
> Can someone help me?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> *M. Àngels Pulido Medina*
> Biblioteca - Servei de Recursos Informàtics
> Logo UVic
> *Universitat de Vic*
> C. Sagrada Família, 7
> 08500 Vic
> Tel. 938 816 170 (8333)
> * <>*
> --
> WatchGuard Dimension instantly turns raw network data into actionable
> security intelligence. It gives you real-time visual feedback on key
> security issues and trends.  Skip the complicated setup - simply import
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Arvo Consultores


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Re: [Dspace-tech] Internal error system

2014-01-14 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi Jimena
 Error interno del sistema is a general message issued by dspace. 
You must provide the log to  further determine the problem. Please refer 
to the dspace wiki or manual for information about the differentes logs.


El 14/01/2014 22:14, Jimena Quiroga escribió:
Hi everybody, last days I found the message "Error interno del 
sistema". I dont understand what is happening. Everything was function 
correctly, but suddendly i found that message.  Can somebody help me? 
I´ll appreciate a lot.


(Dspace 3.1, windows 8, postgres)

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Request a document copy

2014-01-03 Thread Emilio Lorenzo

which interface are you using   JSPUI or XMLUI?


Nguyen Hung Thanh
> Hello all,
> In dspace 4.0, when using "Request a document copy"
> When i use: *all files (of this document) in restricted access*
> Files:
>  all files (of this document) in restricted access
>  the file(s) you requested
> After send Email, Submitter accept request, but files cannot attach in
> email.
> But, when use: *the file(s) you requested*, file always attach in email.
> Can someone help explain.
> Thank you.
> --
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Cannot change the default browse index fields in Discovery

2013-12-04 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi Ioannis

El 04/12/2013 17:45, Ioannis Damastianos Panagis escribió:

Hello everyone,

First of all I am pretty new to DSpace so please show tolerance ;).  I 
'm using version 3.2 and I am trying to customize the Browse index to 
use Solr and my own custom metadata. Following the manual I am setting 
in dspace.cfg something like:

webui.browse.index.2 = 

The reason why I put '.*' after is because the 
metadata for some of the files I uploaded have a language qualifier 
which is en-US

That is strange and probably wrong. The language qualifier does not 
belong to the schema hierachy, so the codification  is just 
schema.field.qualifierI Think it does not support another *. You 
probably do not need  the .*  (and probably is wrong)

I am updating the Solr index and restarting Tomcat but browsing 
displays no results, even though I have 3 files. Do I need perhaps to 
**rebuild** Dspace as required when customizing the Lucene index?

As you said,  the  browse index in the 3.2 version is taken from Lucene 
instead of SOLR (because you modify the dspace.cfg   instead of 
/solr/schema.xml). you´d better try to do a  dspace index-update   
(tomcat stopped)  (lucene index)   instead of   dspace 
update-discovey-index  (update the solr index)

Best luck
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Import ítems+file from a CVS into DSpace

2013-11-14 Thread emilio lorenzo
Sorry , I missed "Biblio Transformation Engine"


El 13/11/2013 15:24, Ruben escribió:
> Hi,
> Now I'm trying to import items from a CSV to DSpace 3.2 using
> Biblio-Transformation-Engine (BTE), and works fine with dc metadata, but
> I didn't find how to upload items with an associate file like an image.
> It's possible to import a CSV with items that contains files into DSpace
> 3.2?
> Thanks in advance

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Import ítems+file from a CVS into DSpace

2013-11-13 Thread emilio lorenzo
Hi Rubén
CSV is just metadata, imported via Batch Metadata Editing or similar
Content files can be only imported via some of the importer packages 
available in Dspace: SIP, AIP, PDF, etc.( or sword ingesting or)   
Refer to the dspace documentation about how to create such packages

Having said that,   there are many utilities, developed by the Dspace 
community, that deals with the problem of importing metadata&files.
In OR2013, The Georgetown University  presents a nice & complex
framework? utility? tool?   about this issue
see the presentation: Focus on Your Content, Not on Ingesting Your 
Content   from Terry Brady, Applications Programmer Analyst at 
Georgetown University Library

Emilio Lorenzo

El 13/11/2013 15:24, Ruben escribió:
> Hi,
> Now I'm trying to import items from a CSV to DSpace 3.2 using
> Biblio-Transformation-Engine (BTE), and works fine with dc metadata, but
> I didn't find how to upload items with an associate file like an image.
> It's possible to import a CSV with items that contains files into DSpace
> 3.2?
> Thanks in advance

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[Dspace-tech] Use of Solr-DISMAX query parser

2013-11-06 Thread emilio lorenzo
Dspace 1.8, XMLUI, Mirage theme

is there any  problems,  limitations or advicesto use dismax request 
handler as the default query handler in Discover-SOLR?

we have activated that handler  and although the SOLR-log  shows 
responses (and the facets menu),  the mirage theme do not show any response



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DSpace-tech mailing list
List Etiquette:

Re: [Dspace-tech] Batch Moving All Items in a Collection

2013-10-14 Thread emilio lorenzo

export the collection: (export metadata from collection administration 
menu) . You will get a csv file...
Edit the csv file,  changing the value of the column "collection" to the 
handle value of the destination collection

Import the csv

Some more details in the Dspace administration manual and the wiki

El 14/10/2013 16:04, Matthew Sherman escribió:
I am wondering if there is a way to batch move items from one 
collection to another.  We are do a major restructuring of our 
repository and are looking for a way to move items rather than having 
to re upload everything.  Any suggestions would massively help.  
Thanks for your time and advice.

Matt Sherman
Digital Content Librarian
University of Bridgeport

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Addthis for dsapce

2013-10-03 Thread emilio lorenzo
Follow this indications:
Perhaps some changes are required depending your theme, and page layout 
(please double check)

Our apologies but the post is not translated. If you have any doubts, 
please contact us

Emilio Lorenzo

El 03/10/2013 15:01, Webshet, Sisay (ILRI) escribió:

Hi All,we are using dspace3.1,xmlui version

How can I add addthis buttons which is shown on the page below



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Re: [Dspace-tech] Export entire site manually

2013-08-27 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi miguel,   sure there is...
Just follow any of the procedures of migrating a version to another (of 
course... skipping the steps of code  upgrading)


1. Export the BBDD (normal database procedures..)
2. copy the assetstore
3. copy the log files and the solr/statistics/data  files (useful to
   keep/rebuid statistics...)
4. reinstall Dspace
5. import the BBDD
6. import the assetstore and  other files
7. rebuild indexes.etc
8. rebuild statisitics (several procedures depending  you version)

best luck

Emilio Lorenzo

El 27/08/2013 10:41, Alumno Etsii escribió:

Hi guys,

I have a serious problem with the machine where I had my DSpace 
installation. And I say 'had' because a few days that machine 
physically died... I had a lot of DSpace data here, so now I have this 
question: Assuming I have access to all the files of DSpace, and also 
to the postgresql database, is there a way to manually export the 
whole site so I can move all the data to a new machine where I 
fresh-installed DSpace? Commands like "./dspace ..." doesn't work at 
all because the system is corrupted.

Thanks again, I hope there's a way...



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Re: [Dspace-tech] migrate from Windows to Linux

2013-08-22 Thread emilio lorenzo
Perhaps I will add some more steps to preserve the statistics. Since it 
is a 1.5 install, reading the Dspace documentation, it seems you will 
have to convert (stats-log-converter) and import (stats.-log-importer) 
the existing log files (i must confess, never did that) But at least, 
have a backup of the log directory

well, it was just an idea.
Best Luck
Emilio Lorenzo

El 20/08/2013 21:29, Eileen Brouddus escribió:

Hilton and Bram,

Thank you for the information.  If I understand correctly, I can build 
the new Linux server and install 3.2 version with dependencies. Then, 
I need to install all upgrades on the old version and then export the 
data (HOW?) and move it to the old version.


On 8/20/2013 8:57 AM, Hilton Gibson wrote:

Hi Eileen

I was waiting for Bram to reply.
I have more details about using Linux for DSpace here:
As far as upgrading AND changing platforms, the answer would be that 
you export all the contents from the old version and simply import 
them to the new platform.
However the facility to export a whole archive does not exist with 
DSpace 1.5.2 as far as I know.

Somebody on the list may be able to help you or @mire.

But you can go ahead with the guide to build the new platform, ready 
to receive content.
As far as automated tasks go, see: for more 



On 20 August 2013 15:15, Bram Luyten <>> wrote:

Dear Eileen,

it's quite challenging to give a comprehensive answer because of
the many different aspects involved. I will try to start with a
few pointers, feel free to follow up with more specific questions.

*General information about DSpace upgrades*

The general documentation for upgrading a DSpace installation can
be found here:

An upgrade from 1.5.2 to the most recent version, 3.2 will entail
that you need to run the database update scripts for each
intermediate version.

*Migrating from a Windows based installation to Linux*

A major area of work associated with your migration will be the
installation and configuration of the dependencies DSpace needs
in order to be installed and operated.

The installation documentation at gives a
good overview of the installation of these dependencies.

One other area that I can think of, which is definitely different
in Linux compared to Windows, is how scheduled tasks are
configured. Information about these "cron" jobs is also covered
in the installation documentation:'cron'Jobs


I realize this was rather vague and general, but I still hope
this helps to put you in the right direction! In case you are
considering outsourcing the actual upgrade work, @mire could
provide you with such services.

with kindest regards,

Bram Luyten


*Bram Luyten*/@mire/
/2888 Loker Avenue East, Suite 315, Carlsbad, CA. 92010/
/Esperantolaan 4, Heverlee 3001, Belgium/


On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Eileen Brouddus>> wrote:

We have a DSpace instance installed on Windows at version
1.5.2 and we
want to migrate that to a Redhat Linux platform and upgrade
to the
current version. Can anyone give me a basic idea of how to
approach that?

Eileen Brouddus
Application System Administrator
Systems and Network Services
Washburn University

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Re: [Dspace-tech] How to export a community metadata in CSV in batch mode?

2013-08-01 Thread emilio lorenzo

hello Rodrigo,

(install_directory) /bin/dspace metadata-export -f name_of_export.csv -i 

x/xx substitute with the handle of the specific community
The comman has another options. Type   dspace metadata-export --help to 
view them

Emilio Lorenzo

El 01/08/2013 16:12, Calloni, Rodrigo escribió:


We are using DSpace 1.8 XMLUI.

I need to schedule a daily export of the metadata in CSV format from a 
specific community.

Is this a procedure that can be run in a batch mode? If so, does 
anyone has a batch file that can share with us with the appropriate 

Thanks in advance


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[Dspace-tech] OAI configuration Properties

2013-07-18 Thread emilio lorenzo
in Dspace pre 3.x version  these variables were configured in 


Where can i find similar variables in Dspace 3 (xOAI) (i cant find any in this version)

Emilio Lorenzo


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Re: [Dspace-tech] Question on "new feature" in DSpace version 3.1 - Type-based submissions (show or hide submission fields based on type of content)

2013-07-05 Thread emilio lorenzo

the difference is that now you can use
  only a  for several input types (or whatever metadata
  you use to control the behaviour). In pre-3.1 versions you defined
  N  for each variation of the form and then assign
  that individual form to a single collection, The consequence: you
  need to defined n collection for n Types ot forms... (i.e. one for
  articles, other for conferenceObjects, other for Thesis). Now you
  only define one collection and control the form with a set of
  initial questions...
  It´s useful in some circumstances
  best regards
  Emilio Lorenzo

  El 05/07/2013 21:29, Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]

 I have a question about one of the
  “New features and Improvements” listed for DSpace version 3.1:
submissions (show or hide submission fields based on
  type of content)
    Way back in at least version 1.5, we
  had the capability to customize input screens in the online
  submission process (which we did) based on the collection to
  which the Item was being added.  Can someone tell me what the
  difference is between the old capability and this new one?
Thanks in advance,
Best regards,
Inc. ~ LITES Contract
Langley Research Center
Research Drive, Hampton, VA.  23666
(757) 224-4130  Mobile: (757) 506-9903  Fax: (757) 224-4001
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Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace 3.x configuration questions

2013-06-26 Thread emilio lorenzo
Do most DSpace installations use DSpace with standalone Tomcat or Apache 
webserver with a connector to Tomcat?

I think that Most installations use standalone Tomcat, but because most 
installations are small and medium repositories (¿less than 50,000 
items?) as you can view in opendoar b.e.   As the size grows, more 
probably you will find  Apache connected to Tomcat. I think it´s a 
matter of avaliability of highly trained technical people, maturity of 
the installation, functionality provided by apache...etc.

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Request a copy and v3.1?

2013-06-25 Thread emilio lorenzo
Hi Michael, I ignore if it is useful for you, but  we have ready the 3.1 
version for XMLUI,  Jira DS-1585. We expect to push to the git  system 
ending this week  The jira Issue DS 1585 is the "translation" to 
XMLUI of the request copy add-on of the University of Minho (for JSPUI) 
. It is related to DS-830 <> and 
also has some of the functionality described in DS-824 


Emilio Lorenzo

El 25/06/2013 16:04, Michael White escribió:


I'm in the process of implementing a DSpace v3.1 DEV system with a view to 
migrating our live service from v1.6.2 once all our local customisations etc 
are complete in v3.1.

The next task on my list is to re-implement the "Request a copy" add-on 
( which we've been using 
successfully in our live system since its earliest days.

When we moved to v1.6.2 there wasn't a version of the add-on available for that version 
of DSpace, so I just "mucked about" with the original version of the add-on 
until I got it working in v1.6.2.

Now I'm moving to v3.1 I note that on the Wiki page for the Addon it says:

Available soon for DSpace 3.

- so first question is, is anyone actively working on this, and, if so, is 
there an ETA for it (days, weeks, months)? If there is work on-going, it goes 
without saying that I'd be happy to help if I can (although I probably know 
just about enough to be dangerous ;-) )

If it is not on the immediate horizon, I'm happy to have a go at getting one of the earlier 
versions working in v3 - my first thought is just to try and get "my" current version of 
the add-on (originally for DSpace v1.3, then reworked locally for v1.6.2) working in v3.1 as it 
includes a number of minor tweaks to the original behaviour, but perhaps I should be "starting 
from scratch" with v3 of the Addon (intended for DSpace v1.8.2) . . . . (?)

Does anyone have any experience implementing this Addon in DSpace v3(.1)? If 
so, did you migrate from an existing implementation or start from scratch with 
the latest version of the add-on?

Anyone know of any good reason not to simply re-implement the version I have 
working in v1.6.2 in v3.1 (e.g. it won't work because of database change X that 
came in v1.7/8; the latest version is much better because it includes feature 
X, etc) . . .

Just thought I'd ask before heading down a road that might take me nowhere, 
especially if others have already blazed a trail elsewhere that I can follow :-)



Michael White
eLearning Liaison and Development (eLD)
Information Services
S8, Library
University of Stirling
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Anonymous feedback (contact administrator)

2013-06-25 Thread emilio lorenzo

El 25/06/2013 21:03, hblancoca escribió:
> Hi,
> anyone knows the way to enable for that any visitor can contact to
> repository administrator  without login in feedback link?
The feedback link   ../base_dspace_url/feedback   can be used without 
any kind of authentication.

If you are having problems with that link  (perhaps an 
org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException)  the cause must be a missing 
configuration in dspace.cfg  (mail.allowed.referrers parameter), and  
not the need to authenticate...

Emilio Lorenzo

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Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace & Sherpa/Romeo & Google Scholar

2013-06-25 Thread emilio lorenzo

El 24/06/2013 23:51, remi asare escribió:

Hi people,

I have two little questions:

1.) In dspace.cfg file there is this line for Sherpa/Romeo

## configure SHERPA/RoMEO authority plugin
#sherpa.romeo.url =

What does it do actually? Does it somehow link DSpace with Sherpa Romeo?
This is an authority control  connection (well, the lookup feature )  to 
search & validate Journal or publisher titles against the Sherpa-Romeo 
database using the api  provided by them:

2.) There is also this line about google scholar in the same file. Am 
I right to think that it enables google scholar harvesting?

# Google Scholar Metadata Configuration #
google-metadata.config = 

google-metadata.enable = true

I think the indexing (not harvesting, Google dont use OAI-PMH) is always 
made ( please validate that). But that configuration(  helps google in mapping the expected 
metadata to the rigth google scholar values. For installations with low 
dublin-core customization, the values provided usually are OK.


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Re: [Dspace-tech] item breaks

2013-06-16 Thread emilio lorenzo

Probably you miss the last recommendation of that wiki page:

*Note*: Because this method uses  tags to generate paragraph breaks, 
the first paragraph of the abstract will be differently formatted to the 
rest if a  is not inserted before the first call to 'break'.

Emilio Lorenzo

El 17/06/2013 7:43, Webshet, Sisay (ILRI) escribió:

Hi All,

Dspace 3.1 /xmlui version

I used this page for line breaks in paragraphs.

The first paragraph of the abstract formatted differently than the others

Can anybody has a hint


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Re: [Dspace-tech] Settin a document type for a particular collection

2013-05-28 Thread emilio lorenzo
Use a collection Template.  On the Edit collection menu (administrator 
only)  the last option--> item template-- > define wich metadata,  "dc. 
type", by example and wich value must have by default , "Thesis"

Emilio Lorenzo

El 28/05/2013 11:10, rémi Asare escribió:

Hi everybody,

I'm using Dspace 3.1 and i was wondering if there is any possibility 
to set a document type for a particular collection. For instance i 
have a "Thesis" collection in which i often put thesis, and it is kind 
of bothersome and time consuming to choose for every submission 
"Thesis" as document type. Thanks in advance.

Rémi Asare.

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Using ftp to upload files into DSpace

2013-04-29 Thread Emilio Lorenzo
Hi Pascal-Nicolas
With that aproach you will have to cope with the file Layer of Dspace,
That is not obvious
My suggestion is that you better try import via SIP or AIP. There are a
number of small utilities (even based on excel) built around Dspace batch
import function.

Best Luck

Becker, Pascal-Nicolas
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a possibility to  load a lot of (>50) small files or just
> some big (>1 GB) files into an Item of DSpace. Loading them using a HTML
> form is not a good solution for both cases. Does one had the same problem
> already? Does anyone knows a solution for this?
> The best idea I had yet is to setup an ftp server on the same* server
> DSpace is running. When a user wants to publish data into DSpace he/she
> can either upload files using the web interface or may choose files out of
> his/her user folder on the ftp server. DSpace then uses these files as if
> they had been uploaded by the web interface. Before I start to write code
> I would like to know if anyone else has done something similarly or has a
> better idea for the problem mentioned above?
> Of course I won't use unencrypted ftp, but for the DSpace part it is not
> important if the files where uploaded using sftp or ftp-ssl. We are still
> setting up our DSpace repository, currently we are running tests using
> DSpace 3.1 and XMLUI.
> Regards,
>   Pascal Becker
> *Either the ftp server and DSpace runs on the same machine or both uses
> the same network storage so that DSpace can read the files uploaded using
> the ftp server.
> --
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Problem to deploy dspace application

2013-04-17 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi Luis, 
 a basic test list

  From a browser, check ttah the other applications are up and
running (jspui, solr, oai) in case they are not active, 
there is a problem of general application deployment
  Check that the directory webapps/xmlui   has contents and is
configured in server.xml ... Depending your deployment method,
there must be a line similar to 
  Connect to the Tomcat console and see if you can restart the
xmlui application.Sometimes a restart can suffice

Emilio Lorenzo


El 17/04/2013 16:33, Luis Rojas C. (CATIE) escribió:

Hi again, after

allthe instalation steps, i get the folloing error when
trying to access dspace in apache tom cat:
  Status 404 - /xmlui

type Status report
message /xmlui
description The requested resource is not

Apache Tomcat/7.0.37
Thanks again
Mag. Luis A. Rojas Calderón
Ing. de Sistemas (Analista Programador)
Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton IICA/CATIE
CATIE 7170 Turrialba, Costa Rica
Tel. (506) 2558-2639 
Fax (506) 2556-0757

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Re: [Dspace-tech] OAI: xoai.cfg & OAI manager

2013-03-26 Thread emilio lorenzo

Ok, I got it...:-)

El 26/03/2013 18:21, João Melo escribió:

Hi Emilio,

you'll need to change the datasource first (at the configuration file).

On 26 March 2013 17:17, emilio lorenzo <>> wrote:

Hi João,
Sorry, I didn´t explain well the problem with the command.
The oai command exists, but I cant find the actions:

* compile-items /
* erase-compiled-items //

it just has/import/ and /clean-cache/ options


El 26/03/2013 18:07, João Melo escribió:

Hi Emilio,

the documentation was incorrect (it's now corrected). The file is
in [dspace]/config/modules/oai.cfg.
About the command, have you tried bin/dspace oai ?

On 26 March 2013 16:54, emilio lorenzo>> wrote:

In the 3.x documentation ( 
there are some references to xoai.cfg and some others to the

oai/xoai CLI command

  Using Database

OAI 2.0 could also work using the database for querying. To
configure that one must change
the|[dspace]/config/modules/xoai.cfg| file, specifically the
"|storage"| parameter, setting it to "|database"|. This
decreases performance significantly and likely has no other
benefits than leaving out Solr as a dependency.

OAI Manager (Database Data Source)

OAI manager is a utility that allows one to do some
administrative operations with OAI. You can call it from the
command line using the dspace launcher:

I can´t find the command neither the xoai.cfg...  I suppose
these features aren´t included in 3.1 code, are they?



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Thanks, João Melo (My Portfolio <>)
DSpace Department
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Thanks, João Melo (My Portfolio <>)
DSpace Department
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Re: [Dspace-tech] OAI: xoai.cfg & OAI manager

2013-03-26 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi João,
Sorry, I didn´t explain well the problem with the command.
The oai command exists, but I cant find the actions:

   * compile-items /
   * erase-compiled-items //

it just has/import/ and /clean-cache/ options


El 26/03/2013 18:07, João Melo escribió:

Hi Emilio,

the documentation was incorrect (it's now corrected). The file is in 

About the command, have you tried bin/dspace oai ?

On 26 March 2013 16:54, emilio lorenzo <>> wrote:

In the 3.x documentation (  there
are some references to xoai.cfg and some others to the oai/xoai
CLI command

  Using Database

OAI 2.0 could also work using the database for querying. To
configure that one must change
the|[dspace]/config/modules/xoai.cfg| file, specifically the
"|storage"| parameter, setting it to "|database"|. This decreases
performance significantly and likely has no other benefits than
leaving out Solr as a dependency.

OAI Manager (Database Data Source)

OAI manager is a utility that allows one to do some
administrative operations with OAI. You can call it from the
command line using the dspace launcher:

I can´t find the command neither the xoai.cfg...  I suppose these
features aren´t included in 3.1 code, are they?



Own the Future-Intel® Level Up Game Demo Contest 2013
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Thanks, João Melo (My Portfolio <>)
DSpace Department
*Lyncode*: Official website 

Follow us on Facebook 


Own the Future-Intel® Level Up Game Demo Contest 2013
Rise to greatness in Intel's independent game demo contest.
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Submit your demo by 6/6/13.
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[Dspace-tech] OAI: xoai.cfg & OAI manager

2013-03-26 Thread emilio lorenzo

In the 3.x documentation (  there are 
some references to xoai.cfg and some others to the oai/xoai CLI command

  Using Database

OAI 2.0 could also work using the database for querying. To configure 
that one must change the|[dspace]/config/modules/xoai.cfg| file, 
specifically the "|storage"| parameter, setting it to "|database"|. 
This decreases performance significantly and likely has no other 
benefits than leaving out Solr as a dependency.

OAI Manager (Database Data Source)

OAI manager is a utility that allows one to do some administrative 
operations with OAI. You can call it from the command line using the 
dspace launcher:

I can´t find the command neither the xoai.cfg...  I suppose these 
features aren´t included in 3.1 code, are they?



Own the Future-Intel® Level Up Game Demo Contest 2013
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Re: [Dspace-tech] How to expand DSpace metadata into PDF file preferences?

2013-02-22 Thread emilio lorenzo
Curation tasks are available since 1.7. There were some tasks additions 
and some refurbishments  on 1.8.  I haven´t detected changes in version 3


El 22/02/2013 21:16, helix84 escribió:

I believe curation tasks have been there since 1.7. There might have 
been some improvements to them in 1.8.

On Feb 22, 2013 9:08 PM, "Calloni, Rodrigo" <>> wrote:

Just one question: Is this only available to DSpace 3 and ahead?
We are migrating to 1.8.2 next month.


-Original Message-
From: <>
[ <>] On
Behalf Of helix84
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 3:47 AM
    To: Calloni, Rodrigo
Cc: emilio lorenzo;
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] How to expand DSpace metadata into PDF
file preferences?

Emilio's suggestion is very good, because you can also configure a
curation task to run as part of the submission process:


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Re: [Dspace-tech] How to expand DSpace metadata into PDF file preferences?

2013-02-21 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hello Rodrigo. 

Andrea Schweer wrote some time ago a curation task that did the
reverse task, extract Pdf metadata and populate the Dspace metadata

probably it´s a good starting point for the task you are looking
for   (Although Dspace 1.6 doesn´t support curation tasks ..I




El 21/02/2013 20:14, Calloni, Rodrigo escribió:

We are using DSpace 1.6.2 XMLUI.
After submitting several files to our
  DSpace we found out that the metadata of the DSpace item is
  not expanded into the PDF preferences.
Is it possible via a plugin/API to expand
  the DSpace metadata into these PDF preferences (see attached
  file for the Preference screen where Title, Author, Subject,
  Keywords are available)?
Thanks in advance
Rodrigo Calloni
System Librarian
Herrera Library
Knowledge and Learning Sector
Tel: 202-623-2952

1300 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20577
"Knowledge for Development
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Access bitstream information from search results

2013-02-18 Thread emilio lorenzo
Hi, our tests are a bit more confusing... (1.8.2 and Mirage theme)

in  we are using 
this syntax:

   (NOTE:  The Grp Type  is ORIGINAL, not CONTENT)

But in the template item-summary-list-DIM  we need to specify 

Anyway, it works. Thanks


El 14/02/2013 21:52, Andrea Schweer escribió:
> Hi again,
> On 15/02/13 09:47, Andrea Schweer wrote:
>> Look at the comment in the generated HTML page. It will be something
>> like this:
>>   External Metadata URL: 
>> cocoon://metadata/handle/123456789/1234/mets.xml?sections=dmdSec,fileSec&fileGrpTypes=THUMBNAIL
>> I can't find right now where that is generated, but the result is
>> exactly what you say: you won't be able to access non-THUMNAIL files
>> from where you are. So I guess the next step is to find where those
>> options are appended and change it to include CONTENT.
> Typically, the moment I had hit 'send', I found it... Look at
> dri2xhtml-alt/aspect/artifactbrowser/common.xsl and in particular the
> template:
> ?sections=dmdSec,fileSec&fileGrpTypes=THUMBNAIL
> So just change that template (or override in your theme) to exchange
> THUMBNAIL for CONTENT or add the CONTENT bundle (I assume the syntax
> will be fileGrpTypes=THUMBNAIL,CONTENT but I haven't tried it).
> I like this much better than my approach of adding mimetype annotations
> to the item metadata :)
> cheers,
> Andrea

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Lucene & Solr

2013-02-07 Thread emilio lorenzo
Thanks Helix.

El 07/02/2013 12:43, helix84 escribió:
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 12:34 PM, emilio lorenzo  wrote:
>>From the documentation, I haven´t got a clear idea about the use  of
>> Lucene searching and indexiing  in installations with SOLR enabled.
>> In wich way the activation of Discovery superseed, replaces or conflicts
>> with  Lucene searching and indexing capabilities?
> Hi Emilio,
> in JSPUI, enabling Discovery renders Lucene completely redundant.
> In XMLUI, even if you enable Discovery, the browse indexes (e.g.
> /browse?type=dateissued) are still handled by Lucene. The rest is
> handled by Solr.

I had the hope that some more of the Lucene implementation were saved 
:-) ...  (I suspected  that answer)

The plan for 4.0 is to get rid of Lucene completely (DS-1272).

Good news
>> and  also How to replicate some local modifications made in Lucene
>> configuration (mainly included in to have
>> the same behaviour in SOLR?
> I don't know much about that area, but you can use standard Solr tools for 
> that:
Well, my problem with that page was that it refers also to the lucene 
documentation. I was confused by that.. But it deserves a second 
reading,   Thanks again

> If there's something that you could do with DSAnalyzer and can't do
> with Solr, please file a Jira issue.

> Regards,
> ~~helix84
> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette

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DSpace-tech mailing list
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[Dspace-tech] Lucene & Solr

2013-02-07 Thread emilio lorenzo
 From the documentation, I haven´t got a clear idea about the use  of 
Lucene searching and indexiing  in installations with SOLR enabled.
In wich way the activation of Discovery superseed, replaces or conflicts 
with  Lucene searching and indexing capabilities?
and  also How to replicate some local modifications made in Lucene 
configuration (mainly included in to have 
the same behaviour in SOLR?


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Re: [Dspace-tech] dspace instance copy/mirror

2013-02-03 Thread emilio lorenzo

El 03/02/2013 15:32, Lighton Phiri escribió:
>> But there's here's just the tool for the job: 
> I have tried using structure-builder before and had no luck figuring
> out how to export my archive structure, is this even possible?

Since there are no structure_copy_ command or similar, It ´s not 
possible to export your structure...   IMHO, the use of 
structure-builder  is mainly a first-time-definition of your collections 
and communities. Nevertheless, with a huge number of communitits and 
collections perhaps it is easier to write a nice xml than defining it 
via the UI.

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DSpace-tech mailing list
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Re: [Dspace-tech] dspace stat cron

2013-01-26 Thread emilio lorenzo

Some tips:

and some other people has made advances:

best luck

El 26/01/2013 17:11, revskill escribió:
Hi Helix84, do you know which queries are common to query SOLR (that 
are equivalent to those queries using old statistics) ? For examples, 
how to generate the most downloaded items in the repository , and 
display it inside a facet discovery block ?

2013/1/25 helix84>>

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Miguel Angel Robledo>> wrote:
> I come from old versions of dspace and now i have 1.8.2 in a
> environment and 3.0 in a development environment. I have the
> cron jobs but i don know if it is necessary
> 0 1 *** [dspace]/ bin / dspace stat-general
> 0 1 *** [dspace]/ bin / dspace stat-monthly
> 0 2 *** [dspace]/ bin / dspace stat-report-general
> 0 2 *** [dspace]/ bin / dspace stat-report-monthly

Those are the old statistics generated from log files. These commands
just generate reports (HTML, I think) from logfiles. If you're using
Solr statistics (available since 1.6), you don't need to use the old

You might want to verify that all your old statistics are present in
Solr and if they aren't you can use stats-log-converter /
stats-log-importer [1]. Then you won't need to keep old log files
around anymore, but you have to keep backups of your Solr statistics

Also available since 3.0 are the alternative ElasticSearch-based
statistics, but I don't recommend using them just yet (but good to
keep in mind for 4.0).



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Re: [Dspace-tech] Urgtent set Metadata in Step

2013-01-24 Thread emilio lorenzo

Always keep the dspace-tech list in copy, thanks.

El 24/01/2013 19:34, Ghislain Bienvenu MAMAT escribió:

Hi Emilio,

Thanks for your reply!

We plan to use DSpace 3.

1. We  want  to use our Cryptographic API  to valide  signed files and 
Certificate and  set  automaticaly  the result metadata in the new 
task. It's possible with DSpace 3 (JSPUI)?
Perhaps the better approach is to develop (yes,  some java development 
is needed) a curation task with this functionality. Later on, you can 
attach the task to a) a submission worflow   b) the administrative user 
interface  c) The Command line interface

a good introduction to curation tasks:
the develpoment guide:

2. We want  add UI  to manage  documents  archiving duration(5 , 6, 
10, 20, 50 years) by  categories  it's possible  with DSpace3?

Could you elaborate your definition of "manage documents" ?
There are some developments in Dspace regarding dates,  the most visible 
is the embargo system that manage the authorization and permissions 
system to allow or impede the access to digital objects depending  the 
dates.  Probably you´ll need to extend od change somehow the base 





2013/1/24 emilio lorenzo>>

Hi, Ghislain,   if I understand some of your questions:

> how can I set metadata on submit processor step class?
You can set  certain fix metadata in the collection definition.
You can
determine a fixed value to be included every time an item is ingested
(via UI or batch ingester) .  Collection Template is called this
feature. Please refer to the release documentation for detailed info

> To validate PDF signed  document, we need  create new custom
step or no?
You can attach a curation task to the submission workflow   to
make such
validation  (You don´t specify dspace release, I assume is 1.8 or

> We need  manage physical archiving and  numerique archiving with
> DSpace --> required  dynamique  JSPUI   two checkBox (physical and
> numeric)   when user  check  physical  the system redirect to
> physical archiving  metadata form else  it redirect to numeric
> archiving  metadata form. Can we  make these use cases  with DSpace?
> Thank your to help us.
> Regards,

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Urgtent set Metadata in Step

2013-01-24 Thread emilio lorenzo
Hi, Ghislain,   if I understand some of your questions:

> how can I set metadata on submit processor step class?
You can set  certain fix metadata in the collection definition. You can 
determine a fixed value to be included every time an item is ingested 
(via UI or batch ingester) .  Collection Template is called this 
feature. Please refer to the release documentation for detailed info

> To validate PDF signed  document, we need  create new custom step or no?
You can attach a curation task to the submission workflow   to make such 
validation  (You don´t specify dspace release, I assume is 1.8 or 3.0).

> We need  manage physical archiving and  numerique archiving with same  
> DSpace --> required  dynamique  JSPUI   two checkBox (physical and 
> numeric)   when user  check  physical  the system redirect to  
> physical archiving  metadata form else  it redirect to numeric 
> archiving  metadata form. Can we  make these use cases  with DSpace?
> Thank your to help us.
> Regards,

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Item Preview fields

2013-01-15 Thread Emilio Lorenzo

I think the  relevant info is in page 201 of the DSPACE 1.8 documentation

6.2.36 JSP Web Interface (JSPUI) Settings
Property: webui.itemdisplay.default

regards, Emilio

> Thanks for the Reply.
> Also kindly suggest how to customize the following:
> The default preview fields are: Issue date , Title , Author
> How can I remove the Issue date and add new metadata fields like Volume ,
> Edition ...
> I had gone through the previous mail but not able to resolve this.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> DSPace: 1.8.2
> Operating System :  Windows
> Regards
> Parul Dubey
> ITSL Limited
> --
> Master SQL Server Development, Administration, T-SQL, SSAS, SSIS, SSRS
> and more. Get SQL Server skills now (including 2012) with LearnDevNow -
> 200+ hours of step-by-step video tutorials by Microsoft MVPs and experts.
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> DSpace-tech mailing list
> List Etiquette:

Emilio  Lorenzo
Arvo Consultores


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DSpace-tech mailing list
List Etiquette:

Re: [Dspace-tech] [Dspace-general] Item submission customisation and thumbnail

2013-01-15 Thread Emilio Lorenzo

Melisa Ong
> Hi all,

> 1. I would like to check is it possible to amend the upload section to add
> field to upload thumbnail in item submission form?
> Currently, we are using Mirage. There is an option to select thumbnail
> bitstream to upload after the item is submitted to the system(under
> Context-> Edit this item->Item bitstreams ->Upload a new bitstream) I
> would like it to be added into the initial item submission. I can't find
> the file to edit upload section in item submission form. Also, I'm not
> able to identify the exact field for the form to post to.

It´s not possible without coding.
you must modify (i think) the class UploadStep

> 2. Currently we are using the filter-media function to generate the
> thumbnail of image files(jpeg,png, bmp etc). The image looks rather fuzzy
> even after I tweak the image size in dspace.cfg. Is there any other files
> to amend in order to enhance the resolution or clarity of the generated
> thumbnail?
The low quality of thumbnails has been noticed before by other users in
this list I ignore any aproach to enhance it, but other people are
giving a try to integration with multivio  ( We
have tested it and the results looks excellent.

Best  Luck


> Thanks and Regards,
> Melisa
> SP Library
> -Original Message-
> From: Melisa Ong
> Sent: 26 December 2012 12:48
> To: ''
> Subject: DSpace 1.8.2 - thumbnail upload in item submission form and
> generated thumbnail clarity
> Hi all,
> The DSpace repository version we are using is DSpace 1.8.2.
> I have 2 issues that I require assistance:
> 1. I would like to check is it possible to amend the upload section to add
> field to upload thumbnail in item submission form?
> Currently, we are using Mirage. There is an option to select thumbnail
> bitstream to upload after the item is submitted to the system(under
> Context-> Edit this item->Item bitstreams ->Upload a new bitstream) I
> would like it to be added into the initial item submission. I can't find
> the file to edit upload section in item submission form. Also, I'm not
> able to identify the exact field for the form to post to.
> 2. Currently we are using the filter-media function to generate the
> thumbnail of image files(jpeg,png, bmp etc). The image looks rather fuzzy
> even after I tweak the image size in dspace.cfg. Is there any other files
> to amend in order to enhance the resolution or clarity of the generated
> thumbnail?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Melisa
> SP Library
> --
> Master SQL Server Development, Administration, T-SQL, SSAS, SSIS, SSRS
> and more. Get SQL Server skills now (including 2012) with LearnDevNow -
> 200+ hours of step-by-step video tutorials by Microsoft MVPs and experts.
> SALE $99.99 this month only - learn more at:
> ___
> Dspace-general mailing list

Emilio  Lorenzo
Arvo Consultores


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[Dspace-tech] Delete non-wanted months from the systems statistics page

2013-01-11 Thread emilio lorenzo

Any ideas on this topic?


 Mensaje original 
Asunto: 	[Dspace-tech] delete non-wanted months from the systems 
statistics page

Fecha:  Tue, 18 Dec 2012 16:30:39 +0100
De: emilio lorenzo 

Dsapace 1.7 or 1.8 and XMLUI

How to remove the old monthly reports from the statistics page?

I initially generated the reports (running stat-initial and stat-report-initial 
and...) with

start.year = 2011
start.month = 01
in dstat.cfg

Later, I changed  to 01/2012, deleted from /reports directory all the files, 
clear caches an rerun  the stat-*-initial scripts, but the old months doesn´t 
go away.  All the months are there,  by example /statistics?date=2011-9  
exists, although the file /reports/report-2011-9.html  is deleted

Am I missing something? Any idea?


Emilio Lorenzo


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DSpace-tech mailing list
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[Dspace-tech] delete non-wanted months from the systems statistics page

2012-12-18 Thread emilio lorenzo
Dsapace 1.7 or 1.8 and XMLUI

How to remove the old monthly reports from the statistics page?

I initially generated the reports (running stat-initial and stat-report-initial 
and...) with

start.year = 2011
start.month = 01 
in dstat.cfg

Later, I changed  to 01/2012, deleted from /reports directory all the files, 
clear caches an rerun  the stat-*-initial scripts, but the old months doesn´t 
go away.  All the months are there,  by example /statistics?date=2011-9  
exists, although the file /reports/report-2011-9.html  is deleted

Am I missing something? Any idea?


Emilio Lorenzo


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DSpace-tech mailing list
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[Dspace-tech] including code in Browse-author

2012-12-02 Thread emilio lorenzo

In dspace1.8 XMLUI   AND Mirage Theme
In the list generated when browsing an index, b.e. 
xmlui/browse?type=author,  I would like to include an html tags  
(class="authority author")  in some of the authors (those with authority 
key) ...changing those lines from

Author´s nameto

I assume the code is in the 
/aspect/artifatcbrowser/ConfigurableBrowse.javabut I cant find the 
exact place.

Any help would be  apreciated



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DSpace-tech mailing list
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[Dspace-tech] including code in Browse-author

2012-12-02 Thread emilio lorenzo

In dspace1.8 XMLUI
In the list generated when browsing an index, b.e.    
xmlui/browse?type=author,  I would like to include an html tags  (class="authority
author")  in some of the authors (those with
authority key) ...changing those lines from  
Author´s name   to 

I assume the code is in the   /aspect/artifatcbrowser/   
but I cant find the exact place.   
Any help would be  apreciated 



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[Dspace-tech] DSpaceMETSSIPProfile: Problem with mods validation

2012-11-27 Thread emilio lorenzo
Dspace 1.6 and  1.8  and..
I was trying  to validate   the Mets.xml file generated with the mets 
packager   packager -e  xxx -d -i   -t METS  Cetc...

The validation gives the following error:
cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'mods:relatedItem' cannot 
have character [children], because the type's content type is 
(validation tried with jhove 1.7 and, the same error)

That (in my interpretation) says that the referenced line in the 
mets.xml file:
Disponible también la reproducción 

following the schema  MODS 3.1   in  
  must say?

Any suggestion?


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[Dspace-tech] Control Panel: recording bots activity

2012-11-21 Thread emilio lorenzo

In the Control Panel (dspace 1.8 and before) there are a couple of 
options to "stop and start recording bot activity"  Are they related 
with enabling/disabling logging of spiders in solr statistics or are 
they something totally different?



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Re: [Dspace-tech] Dspace 1.8 - Item Submission Metadata

2012-11-20 Thread emilio lorenzo

Hi George

El 21/11/2012 7:07, George Rokkas escribió:

Hey Everyone,

I've been looking around but didn't find much regarding the questions 
below, what do you think?

I'm wanting to know

1.if its possible to add extra metadata fields to the item submission 

Yes, just change input-forms.xml to reflect the desired changes
(located at  .. dspace-installation-dir/config/..)

2.How to make certain metadata fields mandatory during item submission?

in that file (input-forms.xml), decler as mandatory the metadata fields 
you like  (some restrictions apply to certain data-types)


refer to   
for detailed and precise information




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Re: [Dspace-tech] anonmous uers

2012-11-13 Thread emilio lorenzo
one possible approach would be anonymous users using some 
sword-application (as easydeposit)  without any configured 
authentication. The  application would authenticate in behalf of users 
and be able to deposit items in any pre-configured collection.  The 
drawback is that you loose the capabilities of the ingest-Interface of 
Dspace (i mean the configuration of input-forms and so on,) having to 
replicate such behaviour in the app


El 13/11/2012 12:36, Webshet, Sisay (ILRI) escribió:


Is there a possiblity for anonmous users to submit to a give 
collection without login to dspace.

we need Anonymous users  that does not require login to submit an item.

Is thers someone who tried it.


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Re: [Dspace-tech] checksums

2012-11-09 Thread emilio lorenzo
You must have in dspace.cfg, something similar to..  
metadata.hide.dc.description.provenance = true

commenting the line must suffice...(and clear the caches :-) )
BUT the whole metadata field will appear.
To get the checksum only (with XMLUI) you must add some XSL 
transformation . Not sure if it´s the best approach. If *this* is the 
case, I personally would try helix´s approach

I just realized there's an even simpler way, just access the attribute
from the template rendering the file list. That template is processing
METS anyway. It's the same thing like getting the bistream size.


El 09/11/2012 10:21, Hilton Gibson escribió:

Hi Emilio

How do we enable view of the checksum using the XMLUI when we click on 
"Show full item record"?



On 9 November 2012 10:46, emilio lorenzo <>> wrote:

Depending on the method of ingest, Checksums COULD be stored on

Submitted by xxx x on 2011-07-09T16:25:55Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
benchmarking del e_gobierno Local.pdf: 4197752 bytes, checksum:
4ff1d1fb534662d9e3fad95e9a23db15 (MD5)||Made available in DSpace
on 2011-07-09T16:25:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
benchmarking del e_gobierno Local.pdf: 4197752 bytes, checksum:
4ff1d1fb534662d9e3fad95e9a23db15 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-05

Since this metadata field contains sensitive information (emails,
names & Checksums)  by default is Hidden in normal dspace
configurations, so, it is not exposed in item-full-view (only
visible to adminitrators)

see dspace.cfg... and/or other   .cfgs, There are plenty of
references about this "hiding"

metadata.hide.dc.description.provenance = true
oai.mets.hide-provenance = true
bulkedit.ignore-on-export = dc.description.provenance

And (Perhaps) a way to acomplish what you want, would be to
transform dc.description.provenance,
Best luck


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*Hilton Gibson*
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Tel: +27 21 808 4100 | Cell: +27 84 646 4758

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Re: [Dspace-tech] checksums

2012-11-09 Thread emilio lorenzo

Depending on the method of ingest, Checksums COULD be stored on 


Submitted by xxx x on 2011-07-09T16:25:55Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
benchmarking del e_gobierno Local.pdf: 4197752 bytes, checksum: 
4ff1d1fb534662d9e3fad95e9a23db15 (MD5)||Made available in DSpace on 
2011-07-09T16:25:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
benchmarking del e_gobierno Local.pdf: 4197752 bytes, checksum: 
4ff1d1fb534662d9e3fad95e9a23db15 (MD5)

Previous issue date: 2011-05

Since this metadata field contains sensitive information (emails, names 
& Checksums)  by default is Hidden in normal dspace configurations, so, 
it is not exposed in item-full-view (only visible to adminitrators)

see dspace.cfg... and/or other   .cfgs, There are plenty of references 
about this "hiding"

metadata.hide.dc.description.provenance = true
oai.mets.hide-provenance = true
bulkedit.ignore-on-export = dc.description.provenance

And (Perhaps) a way to acomplish what you want, would be to transform 

Best luck

Everyone hates slow websites. So do we.
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Date of last change in DSpace item

2012-11-07 Thread emilio lorenzo
for dspace 1.6   the database schema is:

and also I found

I think the Table is "item" and the row is "Last_modified" I Ignore 
the accuracy of the diagram for other versions, but you can usually find 
the "right" schema for your installation at  

Best luck

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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Date of last change in DSpace item

2012-11-07 Thread emilio lorenzo
Roberto, I am not very sure about what are you looking for with your 
to my understanding   dc.description.provenance  has information about 
the date of ingest processes (submitted, made avaliable, and so on).   
But If you edit (via the UI) the item  this metadata is not updated. I´m 
not familiar with the Dspace data model  but last-modified field in item 
Table, seems aplicable (i Think this field   was used by the harverster 
to evaluated wich records needd to be harversted again)

Hope that helps


El 07/11/2012 0:20, helix84 escribió:
> On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 12:13 AM, Calloni, Rodrigo  wrote:
>> Quick question: which field in DSpace does hold the date the item metadata
>> was last changed?
> Hi Rodrigo,
> it's dc.description.provenance, which is visible only to
> administrators by default.
> As a sidenote - technically it's administrative metadata, so it
> shouldn't be stored among other public metadata, but that's how it is
> currently in DSpace.
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette
> --
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> Stay in control, update software, and manage PCs from one command center
> Diagnose problems and improve visibility into emerging IT issues
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LogMeIn Central: Instant, anywhere, Remote PC access and management.
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