[DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-16 Thread Steve Lawrence
The DXCC listings in the yearly book and Honor Roll should be in order 
of "current" entities with a slash to show totals with those deleted. 
So if W1AW has worked them all plus 20 deleted, the call would appear 
under 335 as W1AW/355. You could then quickly see how you stack up 
against the competition. And if you are interested in the absolute 
number, it's there. The "current" total is the only meaningful 
competitive measure. Listing calls with high totals that are also not 
on the honor roll because they haven't been active in years is a silly 
curiosity. The notion of "working them all" went out the window when 
the first deleted entity was "created." Absolute totals are a testimony 
to age and not current competitive activity.

One long time DXer's opinion.

73, Steve WB6RSE

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[DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-17 Thread John and Mari Minke
All this all-time DXCC listings (deleted and "gone forever") has
created much discussion. I made a comment with that honor to senior
DXers, but this could apply to all.

Many DXers work hard to work a new one. They are not blessed with
super stations with super antennas. And, many do not use the aid
of computer programs that do everything but activate your 

So, if a country was deleted at least all their effort was for
nothing. But, with the present DXCC standards it is just that. So,
the guy who has everything won't miss it.

There was a comment regarding DXCC listings with both all-time and
current shown. Does it matter? My listing is high but it doesn't
include that little asterisk like everyone else at my level. I
know my current level. And, anyone else who looks at the listing
will know that N6JM ain't honor roll. But, so what. When I finally
get around to making the honor roll it will be without the aid of
a super station and/or super antenna. Hard work!

73 de John N6JM

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[DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-17 Thread K0LUZ

It appears to be a case of whose ox is being gored.  For those of us who
have been long time active dxers and want to be recognized for what we have
accomplished over the years,  the overall total including currently deleted,
but not deleted at the time we worked them, is valid.  We have looked for
years longingly at the numbers represented by gentlemen far beyond our years
who have worked stations that we had no opportunity to work,  with the
understanding that at some point in the future,  we too will have this
opportunity to be recognized.

Now, the newly licensed and those who didn't have the ambition or desire to
work for the long term want it NOW NOW NOW.  If you want to use stupid
analogies like the Yankees, I'll present one just as stupid.  Let's assume
you want to be a doctor but dislike the thought of it having to spend all
those years of preparation.  Your solution would be to just give the
certification to anyone who can pass the test or has the money to pay anyone
who has a friend who took the test and has a copy that you can study.
Fortunately it doesn't work that way...yet.  When it does,  it is my
hope that people who want it NOW NOW NOW have the opportunity to have these
people for their physician.

Since it is my ox that is being gored,  I waited and didn't scream NOW NOW
NOW for all these years,  and my NOW is finally becoming reality.  Let us
who have spent the years working at our count enjoy our DXCC count including
deleted while we can just as those in the past have.


-Original Message-
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

A current total for everyone one on the DXCC lists has to be known
otherwise the asterisk could not be printed. The data is the all there.
It's a matter of which way it's cut. One is a deference to longevity
(absolute total), the other to competition with recognition of long
term accomplishment (current total sort with a slash absolute #).
Neither cut says anything about a super station, QRP, or whether you
worked a bunch of tough ones on 160 from one side of the country and
then moved to the other side and worked a bunch more. Or whether or not
you've even had a station for the last ten years but your buddy throws
your call into all the pile ups and that keeps you on the Honor Roll.
Only you know that and to first order, no one cares. I'm certain that
there are DXers out there who have Honor Roll achievement but who've
never submitted cards. They really don't care! They do it strictly for
themselves. My point is simple: If there is a listing, it should be
useful and not primarily a celebration of age.

The present listing scheme is antiquated. It would be like listing
baseball standings after the World Series with the Yankees always at
the top because they've won more than any other team. Come to think of
it, wouldn't that be a great enticement for youngsters to get

73, Steve WB6RSE

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-16 Thread N4KG
In a message dated 6/16/03 10:02:41 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< The DXCC listings in the yearly book and Honor Roll should be in order 
 of "current" entities with a slash to show totals with those deleted. 
 So if W1AW has worked them all plus 20 deleted, the call would appear 
 under 335 as W1AW/355. You could then quickly see how you stack up 
 against the competition. And if you are interested in the absolute 
 number, it's there. The "current" total is the only meaningful 
 competitive measure. Listing calls with high totals that are also not 
 on the honor roll because they haven't been active in years is a silly 
 curiosity. The notion of "working them all" went out the window when 
 the first deleted entity was "created." Absolute totals are a testimony 
 to age and not current competitive activity.
 One long time DXer's opinion.
 73, Steve WB6RSE

AMEN Steve !

I would especially like to see the Single Band Awards listed by Current 
'Countries' so that I could know how many each of the Top Guns need on each band.  
I would have no qualms about adding /355 etc to show LifeTime Totals.  IMHO, 
it's time we gave up using Life Time Totals as the measuring stick for ALL DXCC 
Awards (and yes, I have confirmed MANY Deleted Countries in my 48 years of 

I've been waiting for over a decade for ARRL to revise the DXCC Listing 
requirement for making a submission in the previous 12 months which GUARANTEES that 
your call will be DROPPED from the Single Band Lists once you have 'worked 
them all' or all of the available countries.  Hopefully this policy will be 
eliminated when the new computer program is completed.

Tom  N4KG  (active since 1955)
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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-17 Thread Steve Lawrence
A current total for everyone one on the DXCC lists has to be known 
otherwise the asterisk could not be printed. The data is the all there. 
It's a matter of which way it's cut. One is a deference to longevity 
(absolute total), the other to competition with recognition of long 
term accomplishment (current total sort with a slash absolute #). 
Neither cut says anything about a super station, QRP, or whether you 
worked a bunch of tough ones on 160 from one side of the country and 
then moved to the other side and worked a bunch more. Or whether or not 
you've even had a station for the last ten years but your buddy throws 
your call into all the pile ups and that keeps you on the Honor Roll. 
Only you know that and to first order, no one cares. I'm certain that 
there are DXers out there who have Honor Roll achievement but who've 
never submitted cards. They really don't care! They do it strictly for 
themselves. My point is simple: If there is a listing, it should be 
useful and not primarily a celebration of age.

The present listing scheme is antiquated. It would be like listing 
baseball standings after the World Series with the Yankees always at 
the top because they've won more than any other team. Come to think of 
it, wouldn't that be a great enticement for youngsters to get 

73, Steve WB6RSE

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-17 Thread Paul Playford
You seem to be inferring that building/obtaining a super station is NOT hard
work.  I am not 'blessed' with a super station, I obtained it with a lot of
hard work.  I design and build my own antennas, top loaded ground plane on
160m, 4sqs on 80m & 40m, long boom yagi's on 20, 15 & 10.  All built with
material that was discarded by other hams.  I transported and erected my
towers by myself using knowledge that I gained from helping others.  I
repair my own equipment and if/when it does not operate to my expectations I
modify it.

A couple of my friends have what I call super stations and they work hard at
it too.  We have found that these antennas and towers do not continue to
function without assistance.  And maintaining the rest of the station
equipment is an ongoing issue also.  We do not go into the local goody
store, plunk down $10K to $1M, wait a couple of weeks and walk into a
functioning super station.

If you have only one radio and you admire the super station that has two,
just remember that it requires twice as much work for him to get and keep
the two radios as it is for your one.  Same with antennas.  If you are
working with one tribander, the ham with 3 monobanders expends 3 times as
much effort, etc.

Yes, I am on the honor roll, and it WAS done by hard work.

de Paul, W8AEF


- Original Message - 
From: "John and Mari Minke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:25 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

> All this all-time DXCC listings (deleted and "gone forever") has
> created much discussion. I made a comment with that honor to senior
> DXers, but this could apply to all.
> Many DXers work hard to work a new one. They are not blessed with
> super stations with super antennas. And, many do not use the aid
> of computer programs that do everything but activate your
> transmitter.
> So, if a country was deleted at least all their effort was for
> nothing. But, with the present DXCC standards it is just that. So,
> the guy who has everything won't miss it.
> There was a comment regarding DXCC listings with both all-time and
> current shown. Does it matter? My listing is high but it doesn't
> include that little asterisk like everyone else at my level. I
> know my current level. And, anyone else who looks at the listing
> will know that N6JM ain't honor roll. But, so what. When I finally
> get around to making the honor roll it will be without the aid of
> a super station and/or super antenna. Hard work!
> 73 de John N6JM

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-17 Thread Steve Lawrence
Red - Call what you will "stupid" but it's MY opinion just as yours is 
yours. When I see an unachievable number with an asterisk next to it, 
I'm not inclined to think of anything much more than "OT."  When I see 
335 as a "current" number I wonder on what band that op snagged the P5.

A listing sorted by the current totals slash absolute serves both 
purposes - current competition and a tip of the hat to longevity. The 
yearly QST Honor Roll listing is shown this way. The year book should 
be the same but isn't. I'll guess that's the League's compromise.

73, Steve WB6RSE

(I'll have to get back to you on that Physician's analogy after I check 
with the DXCC desk on why my personal doctor isn't listed.)

On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 09:48  AM, K0LUZ wrote:

It appears to be a case of whose ox is being gored.  For those of us 
have been long time active dxers and want to be recognized for what we 
accomplished over the years,  the overall total including currently 
but not deleted at the time we worked them, is valid.  We have looked 
years longingly at the numbers represented by gentlemen far beyond our 
who have worked stations that we had no opportunity to work,  with the
understanding that at some point in the future,  we too will have this
opportunity to be recognized.

Now, the newly licensed and those who didn't have the ambition or 
desire to
work for the long term want it NOW NOW NOW.  If you want to use stupid
analogies like the Yankees, I'll present one just as stupid.  Let's 
you want to be a doctor but dislike the thought of it having to spend 
those years of preparation.  Your solution would be to just give the
certification to anyone who can pass the test or has the money to pay 
who has a friend who took the test and has a copy that you can study.
Fortunately it doesn't work that way...yet.  When it does,  it 
is my
hope that people who want it NOW NOW NOW have the opportunity to have 
people for their physician.

Since it is my ox that is being gored,  I waited and didn't scream NOW 
NOW for all these years,  and my NOW is finally becoming reality.  Let 
who have spent the years working at our count enjoy our DXCC count 
deleted while we can just as those in the past have.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-17 Thread John and Mari Minke
I've been around the block enough to know that owners of some of these super
stations don't necessarily put hard work into it. Only hard cash. They hire
professionals to design and install their stations and antennas. Now don't 
jump and down - I did not say owners of all stations. However, there are a lot
of wealthy DXers out there and this is no problem. And, when you get along in
years it is a smart thing to do and leave the antenna stuff to professionals.

73 de John N6JM

Paul Playford wrote:
> You seem to be inferring that building/obtaining a super station is NOT hard
> work.  I am not 'blessed' with a super station, I obtained it with a lot of
> hard work.  I design and build my own antennas, top loaded ground plane on
> 160m, 4sqs on 80m & 40m, long boom yagi's on 20, 15 & 10.  All built with
> material that was discarded by other hams.  I transported and erected my
> towers by myself using knowledge that I gained from helping others.  I
> repair my own equipment and if/when it does not operate to my expectations I
> modify it.
> A couple of my friends have what I call super stations and they work hard at
> it too.  We have found that these antennas and towers do not continue to
> function without assistance.  And maintaining the rest of the station
> equipment is an ongoing issue also.  We do not go into the local goody
> store, plunk down $10K to $1M, wait a couple of weeks and walk into a
> functioning super station.
> If you have only one radio and you admire the super station that has two,
> just remember that it requires twice as much work for him to get and keep
> the two radios as it is for your one.  Same with antennas.  If you are
> working with one tribander, the ham with 3 monobanders expends 3 times as
> much effort, etc.
> Yes, I am on the honor roll, and it WAS done by hard work.
> de Paul, W8AEF
> --
> --
> - Original Message -----
> From: "John and Mari Minke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:25 PM
> Subject: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings
> > All this all-time DXCC listings (deleted and "gone forever") has
> > created much discussion. I made a comment with that honor to senior
> > DXers, but this could apply to all.
> >
> > Many DXers work hard to work a new one. They are not blessed with
> > super stations with super antennas. And, many do not use the aid
> > of computer programs that do everything but activate your
> > transmitter.
> >
> > So, if a country was deleted at least all their effort was for
> > nothing. But, with the present DXCC standards it is just that. So,
> > the guy who has everything won't miss it.
> >
> > There was a comment regarding DXCC listings with both all-time and
> > current shown. Does it matter? My listing is high but it doesn't
> > include that little asterisk like everyone else at my level. I
> > know my current level. And, anyone else who looks at the listing
> > will know that N6JM ain't honor roll. But, so what. When I finally
> > get around to making the honor roll it will be without the aid of
> > a super station and/or super antenna. Hard work!
> >
> > 73 de John N6JM
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> http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
> To post a message, DX related items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA
> http://njdxa.org

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-17 Thread Howard Klein
Beautifully stated. Anyone with a super station will know the amount of 
effort required. I  do not count myself among those but I do know that even 
a moderately successful station takes a lot of work.This does not even take 
into account the operator's skill which is another important ingredient. 
Plunking down the big bucks alone does not assure success and a moderate 
station does not preclude it.

365/334 confirmed
Original Message Follows
From: Paul Playford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 17:50:23 +
You seem to be inferring that building/obtaining a super station is NOT hard
work.  I am not 'blessed' with a super station, I obtained it with a lot of
hard work.  I design and build my own antennas, top loaded ground plane on
160m, 4sqs on 80m & 40m, long boom yagi's on 20, 15 & 10.  All built with
material that was discarded by other hams.  I transported and erected my
towers by myself using knowledge that I gained from helping others.  I
repair my own equipment and if/when it does not operate to my expectations I
modify it.
A couple of my friends have what I call super stations and they work hard at
it too.  We have found that these antennas and towers do not continue to
function without assistance.  And maintaining the rest of the station
equipment is an ongoing issue also.  We do not go into the local goody
store, plunk down $10K to $1M, wait a couple of weeks and walk into a
functioning super station.
If you have only one radio and you admire the super station that has two,
just remember that it requires twice as much work for him to get and keep
the two radios as it is for your one.  Same with antennas.  If you are
working with one tribander, the ham with 3 monobanders expends 3 times as
much effort, etc.
Yes, I am on the honor roll, and it WAS done by hard work.

de Paul, W8AEF

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RE: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-17 Thread Tony Martin
Steve, Red, et al,

I've been reading this thread (for the most part) and sometimes when I feel
rushed, I've just hit the delete key.  For some reason I read these two and
wanted to add my 2 cents worth which will become "delete fodder" for many,
but others might have a slight interest.

I am an OT...not as much of an OT as many, but I've been at it for nearly 50
years.  Only the past 25 or so have I been even close to what one could call
"competetive in the pileups".  But through dumb and good luck and good
fortune, I've done OK.  All that said, I really wanted to add what the
CURRENT DX country total/total DX country including DELETED total means to

First of all, it certainly does not make me want to belittle the
accomplishments of many nor does it make me jealous of the recognition of
the accomplishments of the real OT's but rather tickles my memory of when I
first got into ham radio and looked thru the loaned copies of CQ and QST
magazines from the 30's and 40's and saw the black and white fotos, small
and grainy, of the native ham on some obscure island in the Pacific or
Indian Ocean who was running a 6L6 (that's a tube for the young folk) at 10
watts to a wire strung between two coconut trees, giving contacts to those
who had antennas and receivers and transmitters capable of establishing such
a contact.  Some of those islands and locations have turned out to be hot
tourist spots now, with many DXpeditions handing out QSO's by the thousands
but SOME of those little obscure hams and their stations were operating from
places that no longer exist, due to political or other reasons. Names like
Goa, Rio de Oro, Ifni, French West Africa, Equitorial Africa, Inini, Straits
Settlements, Federated Malay States, Non-federated Malay States, British
North Borneo, etc. come to mind.  These guys with the "deleted" totals were
fortunate enough to have worked these placesmy reaction is WOW!
Congratulations on your accomplishments under conditions that we probably
can't or don't understand. And finally, rather than spend my time and effort
debating whether those "deleted totals" should now be shown, I would much
rather have the opportunity to sit down and hear the stories from these OT's
on how they managed to work these "far away places with strange sounding
names".  How long has it been since you took the time or had the opportunity
to hear any of these stories?  I guess my favorites were those told by the
GI's in WW2 who were on the air from these dots in the Pacific, using hand
cranked generators, etcMaybe you real OT's could share a story now and
then with us?  Huh?  Some of us would be interested and intent listeners.

Best to all...Good DXing...see you in the pileups.

Tony, W4FOA
Chickamauga, GA

PS: I don't have a clue what my totals are but I do know I only need VU4 and

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
 -Frank Outlaw

-Original Message-
Of Steve Lawrence
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

Red - Call what you will "stupid" but it's MY opinion just as yours is
yours. When I see an unachievable number with an asterisk next to it,
I'm not inclined to think of anything much more than "OT."  When I see
335 as a "current" number I wonder on what band that op snagged the P5.

A listing sorted by the current totals slash absolute serves both
purposes - current competition and a tip of the hat to longevity. The
yearly QST Honor Roll listing is shown this way. The year book should
be the same but isn't. I'll guess that's the League's compromise.

73, Steve WB6RSE

(I'll have to get back to you on that Physician's analogy after I check
with the DXCC desk on why my personal doctor isn't listed.)

On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 09:48  AM, K0LUZ wrote:

> It appears to be a case of whose ox is being gored.  For those of us
> who
> have been long time active dxers and want to be recognized for what we
> have
> accomplished over the years,  the overall total including currently
> deleted,
> but not deleted at the time we worked them, is valid.  We have looked
> for
> years longingly at the numbers represented by gentlemen far beyond our
> years
> who have worked stations that we had no opportunity to work,  with the
> understanding that at some point in the future,  we too will have this
> opportunity to be recognized.
> Now, the newly licensed and those who didn't have the ambition or
> desire to
> work

Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-18 Thread Ron Notarius WN3VAW
The recent interest in whether or not the original (ie UNAET) East Timor
entity will be removed has, finally, brought some attention to the one part
of the "DXCC 2000" rules update that I (for one) was never comfortable with.

I've had it explained to me a few times, including once or twice by some
senior ARRL staffers at Dayton, and while I think I understand the rational,
I never -- and still do not -- agree with it.

Consider that Deleted Entities only "count" in two places, at present (that
I know of) -- your DXCC application & updates (be it mixed, mode specific,
band specific, or 5 Band), and personal bragging rights.  They do NOT count
towards Honor Roll -- a good thing, considering the number of Deleted
Entities that so many recent DX'ers will never have an opportunity to work
(some deleted long before said DX'ers were even born!), else HR would
eventually be a SK listing and nothing more.

Now, I would (grudgingly) agree with the reasoning that a Deleted Entity
remains a Deleted one forever.  Which (again, as was explained to me at
Dayton as noted above) is why 4W/East Timor is not a "reactivated"
CR8/Portugese Timor.  But does it ultimately matter, if you reactivate an
entity or create a "new" one?  Only in the sense that reactivating an entity
means that DX'ers who have had that deleted one on file for however long
doesn't have to worry about working it after reactivation... ie, those who
still had a CR8/PT card wouldn't have had to work a 4W/UNAET station to get
the "credit" for HR, just resubmit or whatever.  Whether or not that is
desireable would be an interesting discussion, if it weren't a moot point
right now.

[And... before someone says "Western Sahara," I should again mention that I
was told that that reactivation was an error -- it should have been
considered a new entity, not a reactivation of the old EA9/Rio de Oro.I
must agree on this point with that individual, who pointed out that just
because an error happened once does not obligate them to repeat it]

Now:  I suspect that the discussion may remain academic, as (based on what I
have read and researched on my own) I do not believe that the WA2MOE/JA1BK
petition to have the original 4W/UNAET entity removed has merit, nor do I
believe it will suceed.  As some of you are not doubt already aware, the
petition is in part based on the original UN mandate to oversee East Timor,
but subsequent documents expanded the UN's authority over & above the
original mandate & superseeded it.  Additionally, the unnamed (in the
petition) ARRL official who supposedly admitted to an "error" or "mistake"
has since stated that he merely acknowledged that the 4W prefix had been
rescinded (and after all, wasn't it a temporary allocation to the UN
anyway?)  Therefore, I strongly doubt that the former UNAET, now
Timor-Leste, entity will be removed & replaced with a "new" one.  But that's
my opinon, I could be wrong.

(Besides, I'm MUCH more irritated to find out that 4W6MM's authorization to
operate expired in March '02, but he wasn't told until months later, which
invalidates my one & only QSO with him in the '02 IARU contest!  Ah, nutz!
Oh well, just have to try again...)

73, ron wn3vaw

AJ:  "Did you ever hear of Evel Kneival?"
Lev:  "I never saw Star Wars"

-- Armageddon

- Original Message -
From: "John and Mari Minke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:25 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

All this all-time DXCC listings (deleted and "gone forever") has
created much discussion. I made a comment with that honor to senior
DXers, but this could apply to all.

Many DXers work hard to work a new one. They are not blessed with
super stations with super antennas. And, many do not use the aid
of computer programs that do everything but activate your

So, if a country was deleted at least all their effort was for
nothing. But, with the present DXCC standards it is just that. So,
the guy who has everything won't miss it.

There was a comment regarding DXCC listings with both all-time and
current shown. Does it matter? My listing is high but it doesn't
include that little asterisk like everyone else at my level. I
know my current level. And, anyone else who looks at the listing
will know that N6JM ain't honor roll. But, so what. When I finally
get around to making the honor roll it will be without the aid of
a super station and/or super antenna. Hard work!

73 de John N6JM

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To post a message, DX related items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-19 Thread Jose E. Ribeiro Sa
Hi Ron and the group
Like mine (4W6EB) Thor's authorization for 4W6MM expired May 20, 2002,
not March 20, 2002, so you gain two more months !


Jose  CT1EEB

"Besides, I'm MUCH more irritated to find out that 4W6MM's authorization to
operate expired in March '02, but he wasn't told until months later, which
invalidates my one & only QSO with him in the '02 IARU contest!  Ah, nutz!
Oh well, just have to try again"

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This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-19 Thread Charles Harpole
BTW, the person who decides that a brand new entity is ok for DXCC should 
not also be in the first group to activate that entity.  If a person wants 
to operate and activate, he/she should pass the final decision of ok/ no-ok 
on to others, or a committee, maybe, uh?   Maybe that is already the way it 
is done.  73,

Charles Harpole
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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-19 Thread John and Mari Minke
Charles Harpole wrote:
> BTW, the person who decides that a brand new entity is ok for DXCC should
> not also be in the first group to activate that entity.  If a person wants
> to operate and activate, he/she should pass the final decision of ok/ no-ok
> on to others, or a committee, maybe, uh?   Maybe that is already the way it
> is done.  73,
> Charles Harpole


You know the disadvantage of being the first to activate a new one is that he,
unlike IOTA, does not get credit in his DXCC standings.

73 de John N6JM

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-19 Thread Ron Notarius WN3VAW
I stand corrected, but  *sigh* it still doesn't make my (July 02) IARU 'test
QSO any more valid for DXCC.

73, ron wn3vaw

AJ:  "Did you ever hear of Evel Kneival?"
Lev:  "I never saw Star Wars"

-- Armageddon

- Original Message -
From: "Jose E. Ribeiro Sa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

Hi Ron and the group
Like mine (4W6EB) Thor's authorization for 4W6MM expired May 20, 2002,
not March 20, 2002, so you gain two more months !


Jose  CT1EEB

"Besides, I'm MUCH more irritated to find out that 4W6MM's authorization to
operate expired in March '02, but he wasn't told until months later, which
invalidates my one & only QSO with him in the '02 IARU contest!  Ah, nutz!
Oh well, just have to try again"

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