[e-gold-list] Defense Fund

2001-03-29 Thread Ben Legume

Perhaps E-Gold might want to reconsider hosting it's servers in the 
US in the light of this raid. All it will take is a US Attorney or 
two hopped up on cocaine who decides he wants a big publicity case 
with little possible backlash. They can them say (and probably quite 
truthfully) that E-gold is used by Russian gangsters, Caribbean drug-
dealers, Libyan terrorists etc. to move money around, declare it a 
RICO case and win or lose don't count on getting your servers back 
for 5-10 years. At least the gold is stored (I believe) in Canada, 
but I'm sure the US could have them sieze it with a bit of diplomacy.

What I'd recommend if I were running a fiat currency is to divide the 
physical metal between say 10 stable, reasonably lawful countries 
like Holland, the UK, France, Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Taiwan, 
Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand (you get the idea). Then if one 
government does decide to boost their coffers by siezing the gold, 
while it is a disaster it isn't a total disaster and the operators 
can try and start repurchasing metal with their profits to bring the 
levels back to established levels (or maybe reduce everyone's 
holdings by 10%).

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[e-gold-list] Re: Toronto Gold?

2001-03-29 Thread Viking Coder

 On 28 Mar 2001, at 21:51, Bob wrote:
  I don't see that there is anything particularly safer about storing
  gold in Canada or the UK vs the UAE.
 Bob, you  are right. I didn't want to imply that it was safer in one 
 palce than in another. I don't really know at this point in time. Also 
 risks change with time. All I wanted to say is that this creates a 
 new risk dimension.

I would think that this move would ameliorate risk instead of create new
risk. Now instead of storing all of our eggs in one basket, we have them
spread out. I remember hearing plans to do this a long time ago, as well
as complaints that they didn't do this. There might a marginally larger
possibility of losing a fraction of the metal, however the possibility of
losing it all should be much smaller.

Viking Coder

Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] - PECUNIX INCORPORATED - Share Offer

2001-03-29 Thread Graham Kelly

Danny, from Gocreative, has asked me to forward this to you guys! He
apparantly has a problem with his email program!! His contact email address


Dear List Members

Gocreative Ltd New Zealand are brokers of opportunity, and we would like
to offer to to all e-gold market makers, and e-gold users on this list;


The world's first serious competition to e-gold, a "100% Gold Backed
Internet Currency".

It has been fully researched, full legal structures based offshore in
the Panama, and software and technology to deliver the world's best service.

Deloitte  Touche - Panama will act as Auditors and as Custodian for
Pecunix Inc and Pecunix Venture Holdings Inc.


PECUNIX is the provider of a 100% Gold Backed Internet Currency (GBIC)
and payment solution, offering companies and individuals the ability
make and receive payments electronically. PECUNIX's mission is to become
the leading provider of Gold Backed Internet Currency (GBIC) services
for all business-to-business, consumer-to-business and consumer-to-consumer
transactions on the Internet.

PECUNIX's "P-AUG" (One P-AUG has a value of one gram of gold) currency
solution enables online merchants to accept secure payments from their
customers on their web site, and allows "users" the ability to make
secure person-to-person payments on the Internet.

All payments made in "P-AUG" clear instantly. Payments can be settled
instantly between globally remote parties. The payer cannot repudiate
(reverse) a payment once payment is made. The system protects the
parties' privacy and personal details by policy and law. The cost of
transactions is very low.


They also offer one of the world's first private 24-hour online
Internet Share Trading Facilities to facilitate the sale of Shares between
existing shareholders and new subscribers.

It is called: Private Venture Capital Stock Exchange or PVCSE.

The first share offering at this Stock Exchange is for PECUNIX Venture
Holdings Inc which is offering THIRTEEN MILLION (13,000,000) Shares at
US$0.50 per Share payable in full on application to raise between
US$5,000,000.00  and US$6,500,000. PECUNIX Venture Holdings Inc will
Negotiate the acquisition of 51% the Shares of PECUNIX INCORPORATED.

The PVCSE Website has a FULL business plan, prospectus and an online

I know the Directors personally; if you have any concerns you are
welcome to e-mail me with questions. We hope you will seriously consider
this exciting investment opportunity.  There is a one level referral
commission of 5% for brokers that wish to promote the offer.


Danny N. Mallinder
Gocreative Ltd

Click here: http://www.pvcse.com/id.cfm?ref=xep989


The Board has approved, in principle, the appointment of a further
key Director on the Board. The gentleman concerned is an economist and
policy analyst, lecturer to the business world, universities globally
and to many governments, a lawyer, three-time Nobel Peace Prize
nominee and an outstanding negotiator. Although this key appointment
is yet to be finalised, we are very excited at the prospect.
(from a notice to early investors)


Investment Opportunity

Private Placement offer: PECUNIX Venture Holdings Inc is offering
THIRTEEN MILLION (13,000,000) Shares at US$0.50 per Share payable in
full on application to raise a total of US$6,500,000.00

The Company will contract to provide a 24-hour online Internet Share
Trading Facility to facilitate the sale of Shares between existing
shareholders and new subscribers.

The Directors have identified the acquisition of 51% the Shares of
PECUNIX INCORPORATED, a Panama based company as a potential Key Transaction.
(see Appendix 3 - PANAMA - PRIVACY, PROTECTION AND PROFIT for more
information about Panama)

PECUNIX INCORPORATED is currently developing the software and business
structure for a "100% Gold Backed Internet Currency" and intends to
launch its web site facility in the second quarter of 2001.

A full description of the business model, motivation and consolidated
income statement for PECUNIX INCORPORATED can be found in "BUSINESS PLAN
FOR PECUNIX INCORPORATED" on a separate document.

The Company intends to enter into the Key Transaction to acquire a 51%
holding in the Shares of PECUNIX INCORPORATED, giving the Company a
strong voting position in the future of PECUNIX INCORPORATED and the
potential to earn substantial profit.

A Prospectus and an Investment statement is available to download.
Click here for full details: http://www.pvcse.com/id.cfm?ref=xep989



Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
Phone/Fax +44 (0)709-233-7612
USA Phone/Fax +1(312)777-4270

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[e-gold-list] List response

2001-03-29 Thread Steve Renner

Hi Paul,You 
are correct, you can transfer your funds from your E-Gold account to =your 
Cash Card account FREE and have access to them at 400,000+ ATMs =worldwide 
in any currency. And with our Reseller Program. you can earn =Cash from 
referring other Cash Card Members.--I'm very surprised how 
Cash Cards International which re-sellsStandard Reserve debit cards 
advertises themselves:The worlds First Real-Time Global eCommerce 
TransactionSystem backed by Gold!The Cash Card gives you access to 
your funds instantly atover 400,000 *ATMs worldwide, and in any 
currency.Access funds directly from your E-Gold Account through 
yourCash Card at any ATM*. ( E-Gold Transfers are FREE! 
)--I do agree that this is an oversimplified explaination of 
the process. =Thank you for your astute observation. We will be making a 
slight change =in the wording to more accurately describe the 
process.We now have over 20,000 members. Many of these are E-Gold 
account =holders who are now able to transfer their E-Gold FREE to their 
Cash =Card account and spend it through the worldwide ATM 
Network.Yours In Success,Steve Renner, FounderCash Cards 
International, LLC250 Second Ave S #110Minneapolis, MN 55401Phone: 
(612) 333-3893Fax: (612) 
332-3834~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~http://www.cashcards.netmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
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[e-gold-list] Yada yada yada

2001-03-29 Thread hkkid

It's funny how every new gold currency company on 
the block touts themselves as revolutionizing global commerce by providing 
instantly-clearing currency transactions. This claim of having something 
new and earthshaking is made by Standard Reserve, GoldMoney, and Pecunix, to 
name three. 

But really, anybody with a database and a 
web-server can do that. All you have to do to do international transfers 
of value is get everyone to sign up on OUR system!

It's funny that the companies thatmake this 
claim to be the first, weren't. E-gold beat them to it. The 
existence of these new companies DOES bring up the point that e-gold needs 
competition for its own good. Competition will force e-gold to provide 
even better services to stay number one. The gold currency market will be 
much stronger if there are a number of companies with a stake in 

But this brings up a problem. The more 
digital currencies that come on the market, the more fragmented the market will 
become. Merchants are not going to put multiple shopping carts on their 
web sites.

The gold currency companies need to get together 
and come up with a system that allows one shopping cart to work for all the 
digital currencies. There is a system that would allow this. It is 
Vince Cate's SAXAS software. (The same software that Vince and Sean were 
arguing about the patents to last week.)

No one wants to tie their company down to a 
proprietary software system like that either, though.We needa 
working group to form an API so that third party vendors, like Vince Cates, 
could create software to fit the specs. It would work the same way as HTML 
and browser companies. Anyone could make a financial transaction software 
that would meet the requirements of the API. This way we all have a 

The gold currency companies need to realize that 
they would all benefit by doing this, even e-gold. Here's why: In a 
fragmented market, say of 500,000 users, e-gold might have 250,000 users, 
GoldMoney 40,000, Standard Reserve 50,000 and so on. Each currency 
is limited by this to its own niche market.

By creating a system that allows all of these 
currencies to be compatible with each other all of the currencies now have a 
market of 500,000 and the users now have a selection of currencies. More 
choices give more freedom to the users. A larger market gives each 
currency provider a better opportunity to carve out a market niche. 
Everyone benefits.

Of course, the largest currency provider, 
e-gold,has the least to gain from this; and the smallest new guys on the 
block, like Pecunix or GoldMoneygain the most. But the additional 
credibility that this type of market would lend to digital gold currencies would 
bolster consumer confidence and help to entice more merchants to switch over to 
gold currency. So even e-gold, the market leader, stands to benefit 
significantly and will get more business from this kind of 

Any thoughts?


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[e-gold-list] GoldAge meets SS

2001-03-29 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 17:48:50 -0800
From: Somebody
Subject: GoldAge meets SS


"The Secret Service is also responsible for the enforcement of
 laws relating to counterfeiting of obligations and securities of the
 United States, investigation of financial crimes including, but not
 limited to access device fraud, financial institution fraud, financial
 identity theft, computer fraud, and computer based attacks
 against aspects of our nation's financial, banking, and
 telecommunications infrastructure."

"While most people
 associate the Secret Service with
 Presidential protection, our original
 mandate was to investigate the
 counterfeiting of U.S.
 currency--which we still do. Today
 our primary investigative mission is
 to safeguard the payment and
 financial systems of the United
 States. This has been historically
 accomplished through the enforcement of the counterfeiting
 statutes to preserve the integrity of United States currency, coin
 and financial obligations. Since 1984, our investigative
 responsibilities have expanded to include crimes that involve
 financial institution fraud, computer and telecommunications
 fraud, false identification documents, access device fraud,
 advance fee fraud, electronic funds transfers, and money
 laundering as it relates to our core violations.

 "The Secret Service believes that its primary enforcement
 jurisdictions will only increase in significance in the 21st Century.
 For this reason, the Secret Service has adopted a proactive
 approach to monitor the development of technology and continue
 to use it in the interest of federal, state, and local law
 enforcement. "

"The Financial Crimes Division (FCD) plans, reviews, and
 coordinates criminal investigations involving Financial Systems
 Crimes, including bank fraud; access device fraud; telemarketing;
 telecommunications fraud (cellular and hard wire); computer
 fraud; automated payment systems and teller machines; direct
 deposit; investigations of forgery, uttering, alteration, false
 personation, or false claims involving U.S. Treasury Checks, U.S.
 Savings Bonds, U.S. Treasury Notes, bonds, and bills; electronic
 funds transfer (EFT) including Treasury disbursements and fraud
 within Treasury payment systems; fraud involving U.S.
 Department of Agriculture Food Coupons and Authority to
 Participate (ATP) cards; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
 investigations; Farm Credit Administration violations; fraud and
 related activity in connection with identification documents and
 fraudulent commercial, fictitious instruments,foreign securities.
 The Division also coordinates the activities of the U.S. Secret
 Service Organized Crimes Program, and oversees money
 laundering investigations."

There you go.  If there was alleged financial fraud or money-
laundering involving Gold-Age (whether or not they are alleged to
have participated or only been a conduit), then the SS would be
the enforcement and investigation arm involved.

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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[e-gold-list] Re: Yada yada yada

2001-03-29 Thread hkkid

George M of SR writes: "You are assuming there are only 500,000 potential

The assumption was only for the purpose of illustration.  It doesn't matter
if there are 500,000 users, or 500,000,000 users.  If all of the gold
currencies are compatible with each other, they all have access to the total
market.  If they are not compatible, as is the case today, and each try to
build their own global market, none of them will be as successful because
the market will be fragmented.

It's the same principle as the telephone or any other network.  The utility
of the network is directly propertional to the number of users on the
network squared.  If e-gold held half the market, and all of the competitors
held the other half, by consolidating e-gold would double their available
market.  But the company would realize a fourfold increase (2 squared) in
the utility of the total system to users.  It doesn't matter who the market
leader is, suppose Standard Reserve becomes number one.  By making the
currencies compatible with each other to the end users, the market leader
will realize a tremendous increase in the worth of their service, as will
everyone else in the market.

George M of SR writes: "As of  this writing, we have surpassed that number
of committed accounts, and should have more than that in funded accounts
before the year is out."

George, I believe you.  However, I do have a question.  SR is 100% backed by
e-gold right?  So, if SR sells 40 thousand oz worth of Standard Gold, then
e-gold's total reserve should rise by 40 thousand oz right?

From October 2000 - December 2000 e-gold's reserve increased from 28,800 oz
to 41,600 oz.  That is a 12,800 oz increase (44%) over two months.

From January 2001 - March 2001 the reserve increased by only 3,200 oz. (7%
over two months).

Standard Reserve launched the Instant Anywhere Card in January.  If you have
already sold 500,000 accounts, where is the money?

"Bird in the hand worth two in the bush."


- Original Message -
From: "George Matyjewicz" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:04 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Yada yada yada

 At 05:03 PM 3/29/2001 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The gold currency companies need to realize that they would all
 benefit by doing this, even e-gold.  Here's why:  In a
 fragmented market, say of 500,000 users, e-gold might have
 250,000 users, GoldMoney 40,000, Standard Reserve 50,000 and so
 on.   Each currency is limited by this to its own niche market.

 You are assuming there are only 500,000 potential users.  As of
 this writing, we have surpassed that number of committed
 accounts, and should have more than that in funded accounts
 before the year is out.

 Keep in mind there is a VERY LARGE non-gold economy out there.

 Stay tuned for some upcoming announcements.


 George Matyjewicz,  President
 Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
 World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Re: New E-gold Exchange Service

2001-03-29 Thread Chandra

  Aren't there a few MMs still taking credit cards from new customers -
  surviving? Like GoldPouchExpress (as mentioned previously).
  They must have their own methods to avoid losing $25K in two months.
 It's amazing what you can do when you call people on the phone. I believe
 GoldPouch calls all of their customers, and requires all of their
 to be in North America.

 ha!  damn clever!!

Yes, they verify by call back but they are not restricted to just North
They funded a new customer (me) immediately after calling long-distance to


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[e-gold-list] Re: Yada yada yada

2001-03-29 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 10:25 PM 3/29/2001 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

George M of SR writes: "As of  this writing, we have surpassed that number
of committed accounts, and should have more than that in funded accounts
before the year is out."

Standard Reserve launched the Instant Anywhere Card in January.  If you have
already sold 500,000 accounts, where is the money?

"Bird in the hand worth two in the bush."

Read my statement above once again.  They are committed, but not 
yet funded.  With large mass purchases, funding takes time.  Some 
of our agents are now feeling the thrust of this, as we get calls 
as a new country is opened.  Today some of our agents wanted to 
know what was going on in Japan, as they started getting a lot of 
orders.  New customer acquisition agent there - part of Cash 
Cards International.  I suspect it will take three months to fund 
these accounts.

And the card was officially delivered in mid February.


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Re: Yada yada yada

2001-03-29 Thread Dagny Taggart

George, please clarify for me:

Are you saying that SR has more than 500,000 accounts?
What does committed account mean??
Where are your statistics?

The only way that a system that is backed by e-gold
can have twice as many accounts as e-gold
is if those accounts have about 1 atom of gold each in

Tell the truth George, have you been creating accounts
when no one is looking? :-)


--- George Matyjewicz
 At 05:03 PM 3/29/2001 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The gold currency companies need to realize that
 they would all 
 benefit by doing this, even e-gold.  Here's why: 
 In a 
 fragmented market, say of 500,000 users, e-gold
 might have 
 250,000 users, GoldMoney 40,000, Standard Reserve
 50,000 and so 
 on.   Each currency is limited by this to its own
 niche market.
 You are assuming there are only 500,000 potential
 users.  As of 
 this writing, we have surpassed that number of
 accounts, and should have more than that in funded
 before the year is out.
 Keep in mind there is a VERY LARGE non-gold economy
 out there.
 Stay tuned for some upcoming announcements.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

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[e-gold-list] Re: Metal Savings

2001-03-29 Thread jpm

I note with interest that MS's public ballance is down from 16g to 10g,
yet their website is still inactive.

Is anyone able to access their gold in MS?

Yes, absolutely no problem!  I have moved kilograms in and out!

Erich sent the direct IP number to get to the current site, to this 
list, it is working normally

He is waiting for his server to be installed in some foreign country.

I've lost the damn IP number as my email client recntly crashed (and 
I'm not even a HYIP scheme!!! :) )

I've also lost Erich temp. email, but again he posted it here..


If transactions are happening on a manual basis, could someone from MS
please keep the list updated.

If your still in business it would be re-assuring to know, if you are
running off with the gold (or lost a lot somehow) then it would at least
be polite to let people know if they have lost out or not.

cya, Andrew...

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"Intel is a photo printing company. Microsoft makes a text
editor. Amazon or eBay can be programmed in a day with Perl
or Basic and run on a $500 machine. The whole of 'IT'
(banking, finance, markets, etc.) is no more complicated
than a $10 Casio name and address organizer. We are in the
low-tech age."

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[e-gold-list] Re: List response

2001-03-29 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

On 29 Mar 2001, at 9:24, Steve Renner wrote:

 Hi Paul,
 You are correct, you can transfer your funds from your E-Gold account to =
 your Cash Card account FREE and have access to them at 400,000+ ATMs =
 worldwide in any currency. And with our Reseller Program. you can earn =
 Cash from referring other Cash Card Members.

Do you mean that the gold is  transfered into the local currency at 
the exchange rate prevailing at the time of the transfer ?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Yada yada yada

2001-03-29 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

On 29 Mar 2001, at 23:04, George Matyjewicz wrote:

 Read my statement above once again.  They are committed, but not 
 yet funded. 

George, most of these committments are for SR-USD if I read well 
what you have said over tha past many weeks. And this currency 
is not part of the Gold Economy.


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[e-gold-list] Re: What flaws does egold have? Seriously?

2001-03-29 Thread Suzanna

I don't know. I 
know one may have been a trojan virus situation, but the other two were password 
retrieval hacking jobs. Egold is aware of this problem and are doing NOTHING 
about it. Nor will they even help the victims get their funds 

If they had just 
responded immediatly to the calls, emails and faxes of these people, the funds 
could have been traced and retrieved before leaving the system. But 
No... it took days for egold to respond.

If you guys have 
any inside clout with egold, perhaps you could get them to do something about 
this problem.

Here are two of the 
account numbers that funds were siphoned off into:

To: Cees Huisman NL 


1,762.312402 g
To: MetalSavings deposit 
  accountMerchant Reference #: 
Memo: credit to 

Any ideas?

  - Original Message - 
  To: e-gold Discussion 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 9:01 
  Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: What flaws 
  does egold have? Seriously?
   Yes, it should be addressed... for some reason it hasn't 
  been and it happens all the time!  Do you mean 
  people are hacking into e-gold's server and, without any foreknowledge of 
  the passphrase, extracting money out of somebody's account?This is a 
  very serious charge/matter and should be attended 
  toimmeadiately.ORDo you mean people are sending out 
  harvester viruses, like a version ofthe ILOVEYOU virus, that ask people 
  for their e-gold acct#  passphrase invarious  assundry ways? 
  These viruses could even take the form ofkeystroke loggers that get 
  inserted into the system's Startup calls whenthe unknown executable is 
  run, or when somebody is using MS Outlook andreceives (a simple preview 
  without even opening the mail is sometimesenough) said virus-ladden 
  email.Using MS Outlook without turning off several of it's 
  'conveniences' issomewhat similar to having the 'convenience' of having a 
  house that willautomatically open it's doors whenever somebody approaches 
  the house. Thisis great for your wanted visitors. However, when a thief 
  approaches yourhouse...There is nothing that e-gold can do this. 
  You are warned that you shouldnever disclose your passphrase to anybody 
  but e-gold. You are cautioned tonever run executables from 
  unknown/untrusted sources. If you do, er,well...Viking 
  CoderWorth Two Cents?http://www.2cw.org/VikingCoder---You 
  are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To unsubscribe 
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[e-gold-list] Re: PGP question

2001-03-29 Thread Edwin Woudt


 PGP private keys are stored in a keyring file on the hard disk.  If an
 intruder were able to steal the private key ring, can he use the private
 key without the passphrase?


 Is it significantly easier to brute-force
 the passphrase if one has the private key ring?

It depends on the quality of the passphrase. You don't have to worry if 
your passphrase is strong enough. (Beware that a strong passphrase is much 
longer than your average 8 char password).


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