[e-gold-list] Google Scam must stop!!!

2002-03-18 Thread Admin GOLD LISTS

When is e-gold going to do something about the e-qold.com scammers
advertising on google? Its getting out of hand. There is now two scammers on

There latest ad is going to result in a lot of people losing their e-gold!
It reads:

Enter Your E-GOLD Account to WIN!
FROM $100 to $500 Instantly!

This website is actually e-qold.com

The other site which has been on google for over a week now reads.

Click here to log in.
Send  Recieve GOLD

It points to another scam site

If you put in your account number and password with this site it sends the
details via a form from hacknow.org

   925 NE 38th Ave
   Portland, OR 97212

   Domain Name: HACKNOW.ORG

   Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
  Amy Earhart
  925 NE 38th Ave
  Portland, OR 97212


James Kennedy


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[e-gold-list] Re: Spam

2002-03-18 Thread Phil Stevens

I would like to know what the deal is with Spam. I plan to use
some email addresses that I bought online and I want to make
sure its legal. Can somebody please tell me what the law is?

I was told that if I gave the reader the option to unsubscribe
it would not be considered Spam, is there any truth to this?

Does anyone know what happends if you are accused of spaming?

you can't expect to be taken seriously in business if you resort to 
spamming. Spamming has a very bad reputation. You generally need to email 
millions of people to make 0.1% in sales, annoying countless amounts of 
people in the process. Sure you can make money, but at the expense of losing 
your soul ;)


of course all of this is irrelevant if the people on the list have 
specifically given permission for their email addresses to be added. There 
are some genuine lists out there, however they tend to be small in size 
(10,000) and are generally targeted to a specific topic. Does your email 
list contain 1,000 addresses or 1,000,000 addresses? Were you given any 
do's and don'ts of what you can and cannot email them?


Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. 

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Availability

2002-03-18 Thread Ken Hagler

on 3/17/2002 8:39 PM, Michael Moore wrote:

 (i) send a check
 (ii) get your e-gold

Except that it's more like:

1. Send check.
2. Wait 13 days.
3. Get e-gold.

Except that I'm actually still waiting, so step 3 is speculation.  :-)

The process of buying e-gold _is_ way to hard. I'm willing to live with it
because I really like the idea, but even so I find it highly inconvenient. I
very much doubt that an ordinary person would go to so much trouble.

I'm sure this problem can be overcome, but just denying that it exists won't
accomplish anything...
  Ken Hagler

|  ICQ#: 34591293 |   For PGP key send mail with  |
|   http://www.orange-road.com/   |subject Send PGP Key.|
|   And tho' we are not now that strength which in old days   |
|   Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are --Tennyson  |

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Availability

2002-03-18 Thread SnowDog

 Except that it's more like:

 1. Send check.
 2. Wait 13 days.
 3. Get e-gold.

 Except that I'm actually still waiting, so step 3 is speculation.  :-)

Shop around. Many exchange services will honor a US Postal Money Order, on
receipt. People sit on personal checks for a while, due to the high
incidence of charge-backs, but well known money orders are honored quicker.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Availability

2002-03-18 Thread jpm

on 3/17/2002 8:39 PM, Michael Moore wrote:

  (i) send a check
  (ii) get your e-gold

Except that it's more like:

1. Send check.
2. Wait 13 days.
3. Get e-gold.

Except that I'm actually still waiting, so step 3 is speculation.  :-)

which MM did you use ( / are you using!) Ken!?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Spam

2002-03-18 Thread James M. Ray

Since we're on the subject, here's a message regarding Spam and
ecommerce from the Hettingalists. A number of the factoids below
seem wrong, as Spam typically has a very *low* response-rate, and
I can't believe that only 15% of bank  brokerage customers choose
to have their personal information kept secret when given an option
to do so (but who knows?).


  Is Spam Choking E-Commerce?


Is Spam Choking E-Commerce?
Keith Regan
March 14, 2002Financial institutions stand to gain or lose about $60
billion worth of business in the next two years based on privacy concerns,
Forrester's Clemmer said. To most online consumers, receiving unwanted
e-mail marketing messages is just part of being online. Like offline junk
mail, it is something people do not like but have learned to live with.

But analysts say there is a price to pay for too much spam, and e-commerce
may have to foot some of the bill.

Privacy continues to be something that consumers say is holding them
back, Forrester analyst Christopher Kelley told the E-Commerce Times.
It's always one of the first answers to the question of why more people
aren't online.

And to many consumers, Kelley noted, the spam clogging their inbox is proof
positive that their personal information can easily fall into the wrong

Growth Industry

No one disputes that spam has exploded and that even more is coming.
According to GartnerG2 analyst Denise Garcia, the US$200 billion-a-year
direct mail marketing industry is looking closely at e-mail because of the
low cost and high response rates of e-mail ads.

Many new users of direct marketing services will be retailers and others
hoping to use the Web to improve customer retention and brand loyalty,
Garcia said, setting up a dangerous tightrope walk for e-commerce: Use
e-mail effectively without pushing customers away.

In Case of Emergency

E-commerce heavyweights may have set an example by sending e-mail to
customers only when it contains something the recipient will deem to be of
value. For instance, most e-mail from Amazon.com (Nasdaq: AMZN) contains a
discount coupon or other special offer.

Auction giant EBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) uses e-mail even more sparingly, relying
instead on its network of bulletin boards to post updates for members.
E-mail is reserved for more important notices, such as changes in the
company's privacy policy.

In fact, EBay has fought hard in favor of anti-spam measures, as its
members often have had their addresses hijacked through the site.

Name Your E-Mail

Priceline.com spokesman Brian Ek told the E-Commerce Times that the
name-your-price travel site tries to make sure visitors are not bombarded
with e-mail after they register.

Our use of e-mail is on a special-situation basis, Ek said. We use such
communication to let customers know about added-savings offers that are not
available to the general public. You might even think of it as our version
of a loyalty program.

In that way, analysts said, the Priceline program may be a model for
e-commerce companies to follow: Limit e-mail messages to essential
communications, and make sure they contain something of value.

Holding Back

Some industries are being held back by spam and the reluctance it causes
among consumers about giving out personal information. For instance,
Forrester analyst Kenneth Clemmer told the E-Commerce Times, financial
institutions stand to gain or lose about $60 billion worth of business in
the next two years based on privacy concerns.

Consumers still worry about privacy, Clemmer said. He noted that 15
percent of bank and brokerage customers chose to have their personal
information kept secret when given the option to do so.

Financial institutions have to be able to assure customers of their
privacy, Clemmer added. That's hard to do if the consumer thinks they're
getting spam that's in any way related to their online banking.

Making that distinction may be the hardest job of all for e-commerce,
analysts said. Whether or not spam originates from a person's online
shopping experiences, just the possibility may be enough to put a damper on
future e-commerce growth.

Perception matters as much as reality, Kelley said. People want to feel
confident in where their information is going.

- --
- -
R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Availability

2002-03-18 Thread Michael Moore

on 3/17/2002 8:39 PM, Michael Moore wrote:

 (i) send a check
 (ii) get your e-gold

Except that it's more like:

1. Send check.
2. Wait 13 days.
3. Get e-gold.

Except that I'm actually still waiting, so step 3 is speculation.  :-)

In the first place  I did NOT say the above,   you have quoted someone else
as me.  I don't even spell cheques that way.

Secondly,  as many people will probably tell you, most transactions are
completed  within 24-48 hours.

I do not speak with regard to cheques as do not accept them due to the high
fraud rate with counterfeit and bounced cheques.

Gold-today only accepts wired and online transaction funds.  We fund within
24-48 hours of the funds clearing in the bank.  I am sure that applies to
most of the market makers.

If you are waiting 13 days I recommend you get onto your market maker pretty
smarty and find out why.

Kind regards,

A Member of the Gaithman Group of Companies
An Accredited Founding Member of the
eCurrency Trade Association Inc

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed,
that's all who ever have.
- Margaret Mead

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[e-gold-list] http://radomain.net/

2002-03-18 Thread Michael Moore

The above website  is up and running and will gladly take your money to
register a domain name.


The emails do not work,  They bounce.  there is no follow up or confirmatory
email.  I rang the phone number and it went to a message bank,  no answer.

Best of all, the site does not actually register the domain name and you
lose your gold. I know,  I have done so. I had to complete my registrations
with another domain registrar.

Their e-gold account number is:   243626 Radomain.net Domain Registration
Their osgold account number is:  10021634  Radomain.net

These have been recorded.

Contact details are given as:

Mailing Address
Ecommerce Exchange Inc.
7199 Beach Drive SW #3
Ocean Isle, NC  28469
PH: 910-579-5615
FAX:  910-579-5867

Email Us
Support [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bounces.

domain details:
 Ecommerce Exchange Inc.
 7199 Beach Drive SW
 Ocean ISLE, North Carolina 28469
 Domain Name: RADOMAIN.NET
 Administrative Contact:
7199 Beach Drive SW
Ocean ISLE, North Carolina 28469
 Technical Contact:
7199 Beach Drive SW
Ocean ISLE, North Carolina 28469

 Billing Contact:
7199 Beach Drive SW
Ocean ISLE, North Carolina 28469

 Registration Service Provider:
Ecommerce Exchange inc, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Record last updated on 15-Mar-2002.
 Record expires on 05-Dec-2002.
 Record Created on 05-Dec-2000.
 Domain servers in listed order:

If the owner of the site is genuine  I would appreciate a response and the
return of the gold spent  with  batch number 5621195

Kind regards,

A Member of the Gaithman Group of Companies
An Accredited Founding Member of the
eCurrency Trade Association Inc

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed,
that's all who ever have.
- Margaret Mead

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[e-gold-list] Re: Thwate

2002-03-18 Thread David Beroff

 David, where the heck's just the page for buying a Thwate cert these days??!
 Thanks, JP!


-- David Beroff [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Founder/CEO, LeadFactory.com
P.O. Box 234, Jenkintown, PA 19046-0234 (USA)   http://LeadFactory.com
Voice: +1 (215) 576-6800   Fax: +1 (215) 576-6853   ICQ: 3652887
Toll-free: 1.800.668.3163   Home page: http://David.Beroff.com

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[e-gold-list] Re: Planet Gold Interview with Parker Bradley!!!

2002-03-18 Thread James M. Ray

Ohmygosh. Parker worked at Rome lab?? I'm having an ancient-web
flashback, proving just how old I really am. OK, 2 grams of e-gold to
the first person (even Parker!) to tell us of a pioneering silly-but-very-
popular web-site (once mentioned by Dave Barry!) which was hosted
at the Rome lab long, long ago...

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[e-gold-list] Re: Planet Gold Interview with Parker Bradley!!!

2002-03-18 Thread Privacy



- Original Message -
From: James M. Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 10:00 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Planet Gold Interview with Parker Bradley!!!

 Ohmygosh. Parker worked at Rome lab?? I'm having an ancient-web
 flashback, proving just how old I really am. OK, 2 grams of e-gold to
 the first person (even Parker!) to tell us of a pioneering silly-but-very-
 popular web-site (once mentioned by Dave Barry!) which was hosted
 at the Rome lab long, long ago...

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account(s) via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke
loggers and common viruses.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] REMINDER: Gold Economy World Symposium early-bird deadline next Monday

2002-03-18 Thread Matthew Chancey

Greetings everyone,

This is just a reminder to all you who have written me about our symposium
in Atlanta on April 19th and 20th that the deadline for the early bird rate
($150) is March 25th (next Monday).  Also, if you want to stay at the Grand
Hyatt, the registration deadline for our special conference room rate ($149)
is March 22nd. I have also inserted our conference agenda below for your
information. We have a great speaker line-up.

You DON'T want to miss the Gold Bug Ball. The hotel is beautiful and the
string band is excellent. You will not regret coming.

Hope to see you in Atlanta!

 Kind regards,

 Matt Chancey
 The Gold Economy

 The Gold Economy
Atlanta Conference
April 19th and 20th, 2002
Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead


 Friday, April 19th, 2002

 5:00-7:00pm   Registration, Peachtree Room

 6:00-7:00pm   Reception in front of Peachtree Room

 7:00-9:30pm Opening Banquet. Featured Speaker: Doug Jackson, founder and
of E-Gold


 Saturday, April 20th, 2002

 7:00-8:00am   Registration.

 8:00-8:10am   Opening remarks: Matt Chancey, Editor of The Gold Economy

 8:10-9:10am Introduction of sponsors (E-Bullion, e-gold, Pecunix)

 9:10-10:00am   Topic:  Gold as a Transport Currency Speaker:  Ken Griffith

 10:00-10:15am  Coffee Break.

 10:15-11:10am:  Topic: Announcing E-Gold 2.0  Speaker: Doug Jackson

 11:15am-12:10pm:  Topic: ECTA Speaker: Eric Gaithman

 12:15-1:45pm:  Lunch on your own

 1:45-2:45pm: Topic: Introducing the Digital Gold Currency Standards
Consortium  Speaker: Simon Davis

 2:45-3:45pm:   Topic: Developing a Common Payment Protocol Speaker: Jim

3:45-4:00pm:   Coffee Break

 4:00-5:30pm:   Rump Session moderated by Jim Ray

 5:30pm:   Adjourn/ dinner on your own.

 7:00-10:00pm The First Annual Gold Bug Ball. Featured theme: A Night in
the Old South. Cash bar. Music provided by the Antebellum string band

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] RE: REMINDER: Gold Economy World Symposium early-bird deadline next Monday

2002-03-18 Thread Gaithman


How about a separate (but equal!) dance floor with some House or Rave
music for some of us non-string band types??

*Sigh*the younger crowd is always forgotten...  *smile*


 -Original Message-
From:   Matthew Chancey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, March 18, 2002 9:57 AM
To: e-gold Discussion
Subject:[e-gold-list] REMINDER: Gold Economy World Symposium early-bird
deadline next Monday

Greetings everyone,

This is just a reminder to all you who have written me about our symposium
in Atlanta on April 19th and 20th that the deadline for the early bird rate
($150) is March 25th (next Monday).  Also, if you want to stay at the Grand
Hyatt, the registration deadline for our special conference room rate ($149)
is March 22nd. I have also inserted our conference agenda below for your
information. We have a great speaker line-up.

You DON'T want to miss the Gold Bug Ball. The hotel is beautiful and the
string band is excellent. You will not regret coming.

Hope to see you in Atlanta!

 Kind regards,

 Matt Chancey
 The Gold Economy

 The Gold Economy
Atlanta Conference
April 19th and 20th, 2002
Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead


 Friday, April 19th, 2002

 5:00-7:00pm   Registration, Peachtree Room

 6:00-7:00pm   Reception in front of Peachtree Room

 7:00-9:30pm Opening Banquet. Featured Speaker: Doug Jackson, founder and
of E-Gold


 Saturday, April 20th, 2002

 7:00-8:00am   Registration.

 8:00-8:10am   Opening remarks: Matt Chancey, Editor of The Gold Economy

 8:10-9:10am Introduction of sponsors (E-Bullion, e-gold, Pecunix)

 9:10-10:00am   Topic:  Gold as a Transport Currency Speaker:  Ken Griffith

 10:00-10:15am  Coffee Break.

 10:15-11:10am:  Topic: Announcing E-Gold 2.0  Speaker: Doug Jackson

 11:15am-12:10pm:  Topic: ECTA Speaker: Eric Gaithman

 12:15-1:45pm:  Lunch on your own

 1:45-2:45pm: Topic: Introducing the Digital Gold Currency Standards
Consortium  Speaker: Simon Davis

 2:45-3:45pm:   Topic: Developing a Common Payment Protocol Speaker: Jim

3:45-4:00pm:   Coffee Break

 4:00-5:30pm:   Rump Session moderated by Jim Ray

 5:30pm:   Adjourn/ dinner on your own.

 7:00-10:00pm The First Annual Gold Bug Ball. Featured theme: A Night in
the Old South. Cash bar. Music provided by the Antebellum string band

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loggers and common viruses.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Planet Gold Interview with Parker Bradley!!!

2002-03-18 Thread James M. Ray

On Monday, March 18, 2002, at 10:58 AM, Privacy wrote:




Mike wins! It was the snowball cam (and I had NO idea his article
was still around). Believe it or not, I tossed a few of the first 1000
snowballs - that site was hugely popular,  and back then a 14.4
modem was fast! Finally, the US Airforce took it down, IIRC. I
did score a few hits before they did, though, so now I wonder if
I ever nailed Parker!?!

I also used to brew my own beer...I had lots more time back then!

PS Please send e-gold acct. # and I'll click you the 2 grams of gold.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Availability

2002-03-18 Thread jeff fitzmyers

 1. Send check.
 2. Wait 13 days.
 3. Get e-gold.

Surely you drive by a Wells Fargo or Bank of America if you live in the 
usa? Next time you have errands drop by:
http://www.gaithmans.com/ first and fill out a form. Then drop by the 
bank and deposit CASH. You should have gold pretty fast.

The longest wait is trying to get cash out of your bank. Last time I 
withdrew $9,000 from  Wells Fargo they said it would have been 
'preferable' if I called ahead. I said, Great! I broke the bank! and 
they stopped complaining :)


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Availability

2002-03-18 Thread shupperd1

Madison Elaine Shupperd our new baby was born feb 3rd , 2002  at 9:13 PM
7lbs 8 oz  20 1/2 long

 Surely you drive by a Wells Fargo or Bank of America if you live in the
 usa? Next time you have errands drop by:
 http://www.gaithmans.com/ first and fill out a form. Then drop by the
 bank and deposit CASH. You should have gold pretty fast.

 The longest wait is trying to get cash out of your bank. Last time I
 withdrew $9,000 from  Wells Fargo they said it would have been
 'preferable' if I called ahead. I said, Great! I broke the bank! and
 they stopped complaining :)


Yes we run into the same problem at our banks.  Why not drop by one of those
banks and use www.fastgold.net   the fee is just 4% , with no added fees,
and we fund you within an hour, most clients are funded in minutes.

James Shupperd

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[e-gold-list] RE: Spam

2002-03-18 Thread American eCurrency Connection

 I would like to know what the deal is with Spam. I plan to use
 some email addresses that I bought online and I want to make
 sure its legal. Can somebody please tell me what the law is?
 I was told that if I gave the reader the option to unsubscribe
 it would not be considered Spam, is there any truth to this?
 Does anyone know what happends if you are accused of spaming?
 Is it your hosting company that follows throught with it?

Hello Henry,

What you are considering is actually legal. States in the US have the right
to take the law a bit further, like Washington State. In WA, if you are
found to be guilty of SPAMming someone, you could be responsible for $500.00
fines PER ILLEGAL TRANSMISSION. I believe that Washington, Virginia, and
California are the hardest on UCE.

What is an illegal transmission? Any email that you send to a recipient that
did not request it first, such as purchasing a list of names and emailing
them all with your content. If the recipient did not first subscribe or ask
you for the information, and you send email to them; that is considered a

Whether the sender provides removal options or not, it is still SPAM if I
didn't request it. Who can press charges? Well, again, as for WA residents
it is us that can prosecute. We have what is called our Right of Action.
That means I can press charges against anyone sending me illegal email... of
course, if I can locate them to bring them to court.

Your ISP can and will shut down any and all services to you if you break
their policies. You may get a warning or two, but you will eventually be
shut down. How do they find out? Your recipients, other ISPs, etc...

My advice to you is that you should not perform the bulk-email process you
are considering. It is just not worth it. Ya'see, this is one of the
problems on the Internet. People want to get something going online and they
find the wrong people that tell them that all they need to do is setup a
simple website, buy and email list with some expensive bulk-email software
and they are going to be rich. This is the most incorrect methodology. A
good solid business on the Internet today takes time, effort, dedication,
patience, hard work, market analysis, proper hardware and software... etc.
Do it right! Don't waste your time with purchased email lists. Heck, I would
be willing to wager that over 35% of those lists you bought are invalid
addresses... could possibly be 75% or more by months end. Why? Because you
and, GOD knows how many others, bought this list.

What happens to me if I am caught spamming? You could lose your ISP, your
webhost, your new reputation, your old reputation, loss of dollars for
software and lists... URL blacklisting, server blocks... the list is

Sure, you could easily do it, but you better have some money in the bank to
purchase new ISP and webhost services for the numerous times you are going
to be shut down. You better know the terms and meanings for; cloaking,
routing, bouncing, forging... etc.

Before you consider doing this sir, consider the other end... the recipient.

Suggestion: DON'T DO IT AT ALL!

Kind Regards,

RJ LeVeque

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[e-gold-list] Anonymous Debit Card cash funding

2002-03-18 Thread Graham Kelly


Due to popular request, we are now accepting wired (cash) funds for all
your GoldNow issued anonymous debit card's. We obviously accept GBC and
(most) DC's, as well.

To order, here is the link...


Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
US FreeFax +1(866)302-5775
US Phone +1(817)238-9955
Direct Dial +371 781-4090 (Latvia), ask for GoldNow Admin.

Apply for your GoldNow anonymous debit card, now! This will let you transfer
your gold into cash! See my site for details.

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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] Planet Gold Interview with Parker Bradley!!!

2002-03-18 Thread jpm


What a cliff hanger

How much do I have to pay to see part 2 ahead of time?!?!?!?!?!?

Good grief...

What an interview!

Hear ye, hear ye, read all about it. . .

Exciting news.  Read the new interview at Planet Gold!!


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] Planet Gold Interview with Parker Bradley!!!

2002-03-18 Thread James M. Ray

On Monday, March 18, 2002, at 03:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 What a cliff hanger

 How much do I have to pay to see part 2 ahead of time?!?!?!?!?!?

 Good grief...

 What an interview!


Indeed. Perhaps Planetgold should show Salon.com* how to do premium
content the right way, by offering it! I'd pay a gram to see it today. Joe?

* Motto: We'll fire our entire staff before we'd even try that stuff! 
believe me, I've been watching and they're well on their way to doing it)
Salon can be thankful for some VERY tolerant shareholders, IMO.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Availability

2002-03-18 Thread mcffoster

CONGRATULATIONS to James and his wife and family on the addition of a
baby daughter to their family.  A very pretty name!


Marvin C.
On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 10:32:08 -0600 shupperd1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Madison Elaine Shupperd our new baby was born feb 3rd , 2002  at 
 9:13 PM
 7lbs 8 oz  20 1/2 long

 James Shupperd


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Availability

2002-03-18 Thread jpm


  Madison Elaine Shupperd our new baby was born feb 3rd , 2002  at
  9:13 PM
  7lbs 8 oz  20 1/2 long
  James Shupperd

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