[e-gold-list] Re: Punter

2003-02-19 Thread E. Barnes

At 12:00 AM -0500 2/20/03, e-gold Discussion digest wrote:

I sent something worth FAR more (family bar be que recipe!).
Good luck!

Also, I hate to admit to being this disorganized, but does anyone
have a more-or-less comprehensive list of casinos/sportsbooks
which accept e-gold? And, can someone explain for me what a
punters' club is? Are punters like a USA office football pool?

*A punter is Brit slang for a gambler.




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[e-gold-list] Re: Shooting Cops other matters - to Todd Boyle

2003-01-14 Thread E. Barnes
At 12:00 AM -0500 1/15/03, e-gold Discussion digest wrote:


   O.  OK.  Then you are one of these Armed Revolution
   nut cases?

*When you have no facts, the easiest thing is to attack the enemy
by calling names.  It's always easy to see whether a man is using
reason: he has no need to derogate his opponent with name calling.

I'm not sure what you mean by that.  Are you attempting to lump
me into some sort of category?  If so, speak more about the
nature of this category.

*That would call for rational thinking and I've found that those
opposed to personal freedom, and the right to directly defend and
take resposibility for it, do little rational thinking.  The entire
pitch is one of emotions, similar to 2 year old tantrums.  Because I
say so, seems to be the rationale.

   Let's get it out in plain english, Ragnar.  This thread is
   about whether citizens should carry guns to shoot the police,

*Now *there's* a piece of rationality.  Note how citizens carrying
weapons are automatically lumped in with criminals who want to shoot
police, thereby assuming all citizens are potential murderers.  What
weird thinking.

Citizens should, if they like, carry guns to defend themselves
against the initiation of force.

*For what it's worth, a blue uniform and 9mm pistol do not
automatically make the wearer just, rational or anything else.  This
country, and virtually all others, is rife if examples of police who
have consistently abused their authority, committed crimes.  Let's
not make the assumption that all authorities are doing right.  We
all know better, especially on this list.

If the law calls for the initiation of force for no good reason,
then I see no moral reason why people should not defend
themselves.  Do you?

Some people have a very low tolerance for subjugation.  Others
tolerate it well.  Some welcome it.  Which category are you in?

*Excellent questions.

especially if

chances are good that you would prevail in court, or at least
receive a light punishment for whatever it is that the cop is
arresting you for.

*I'd agree here.  My sister, an attorney, told me that in the many
years she'd been in the court system, one infallible rule she
discovered was that every police officer is willing to lie in order
to get a conviction.  Repeatedly, when dealing with a criminal, the
cops involved would walk into her office and ask, What do you want
me to say?  Don't bet that a court is going to be any more just
than a cop might be.  Yes, there are many good judges who truly care
about the law.  There are, too, many corrupt ones who will throw an
innocent man in jail because he's the wrong color, the wrong race,
and justify himself when he looks in a mirror.  Remember, if you
will, that in many places in this country, judges are elected in the
political system.  'Nuff said.

... the Jews in Germany in 1939 should have shot every Nazi that
came into their gun sights.  I, for one, would not have called that
immoral.  Apparently, you would?

*The Jews in Poland didn't do too bad a job of doing just that.
Armed with only a few pistols, they held off an entire German Army
for over six months.

*My experience with these folks is that none of them have read
history.  Not even recent history.  The entire history of the human
race is one of the uses of violence, most often by the authorities
who held the most weapons.  There  wasn't much of it that was very



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[e-gold-list] Re: Nigerian

2002-03-06 Thread E. Barnes

At 12:00 AM -0500 3/7/02, e-gold Discussion digest wrote:

  The Nigerian thing is a classic:

Year in year out I receive this letter probably 3-4 times/yr as SPAM. The
only difference I see in this one is that they took the time to update it
for recent world events. But it is always the death of an husband, the
husband is always a prominent figure and it's always in the $20M+, and
always in Nigeria

The 1st time I saw that letter goes back AT LEAST 10 years... no kidding.

*I manage to get them about 3-4 times/MONTH as SPAM.  Amazing how 
similar they are.  I engaged one guy, from Sierra Leone or somewhere 
like that, in conversation.  Claimed to be a lawyer named Charles 
Colson.  Had numerous emails back and forth, but he really came up 
with nothing in the way of information.  All sorts of claims, though, 
especially that since he wasn't from Nigeria, it couldn't be a 
Nigerian scam! G

The brother of a friend of mine was actually at Heathrow, $25K in 
cash, going down to Nigeria to consummate the deal.  We were able to 
intercept him about an hour before he boarded.  He was not unpleased 
after being fully educated. :))

And ten years doesn't even come close.  I used to get them via snail 
mail in the early 80s, as I recall, about once a month.  As someone 
said, you've gotta be truly stupid and/or greedy to get taken on one 
of these deals.


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[e-gold-list] Re: NWO

2001-09-23 Thread E. Barnes

At 12:00 AM -0400 9/24/01, e-gold Discussion digest wrote:

Subject: NWO
From: markab23 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 00:34:01 +1000
X-Message-Number: 3

I found this on the http://oneworldorder.org/primedirectives.html  site.
This is the site for the illuminati and New World Order proponents.

*Yes, I recall hearing almost all of this stuff once before.  Those 
speaking it wore swastikas on their arms and hats, did away with 
Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, Protestants, homosexuals and anyone else 
they didn't feel should continue existence.  They were elitists, too, 
and knew more than anyone else.  Lovely bunch.  Seems they've been 


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Did you know that you can spend e-gold to help the victims of terror at:  

[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold-list digest: May 20, 2001

2001-05-20 Thread E. Barnes

At 12:00 AM -0400 5/21/01, e-gold Discussion digest wrote:
Subject: Re: Nasty new windows virus that infected my friend'  computer
From: Julian Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 02:36:47 +0100
X-Message-Number: 9

James M. Ray wrote:


  Read all about it at the URL above. Take care, this friend was expecting an
  attachment and made the mistake of opening this thing instead!

There's this nice little antivirus program I recommend as a solution,
goes by the name of Linux.

*I'll go you one better, far easier to use, faster and more stable. 
It's called Mac. G


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold-list digest: February 28, 2001

2001-02-28 Thread E. Barnes

At 12:00 AM -0500 3/1/01, e-gold Discussion digest wrote:
Subject: Re: and wouldn't TWC be to die for!
From: "Michael Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 17:11:56 +1100
X-Message-Number: 2

This just doesn't work.  While MM's may be able to attract small mom and
pop shops and individuals, they can not attract large business.
Coming from a MM, is sounds like a sales pitch.  "Hey I sell this stuff,
so can you accept it"  Coming from the company that issues the stuff can be
a little different then the everyday telemarketing sales pitch.

  Khurram Khan

Essentially correct.  But to do this corrctly e-gold would need  to take on
a top flight marketing guru, preferrable one who is recognised in the
marketing and retail industries.

They do not cost pennies  so it depends just how far e-gold are prepared to
go to promote to the larger retailers and merchants.

A couple of emails here or there will not cut it.

A concerted effort  to create:


2.Percieved need

3.Economical application

is required.

Kind regards,


*It will take far more than this.  Most of us are involved with 
e-gold for philosophical reasons.  Some for ease of use.  But if you 
believe that John Consumer is going to pay anywhere from 5-10% to 
convert his money into gold, something he doesn't begin to 
understand, just for the convenience of paying his electricity or 
cable bill, you're living in a dream world.  Conversion makes a nice 
living for the MMs; it's highly expensive for the users.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Omnipay Non-Response and Delay Problem

2001-02-25 Thread E. Barnes


The delay in the check turned out to be the USPS...by a huge margin.

When I posted this originally on the list, Jim Ray responded 
immediately.  He tracked it down and told me it had gone out the same 
day it was ordered.  As it turned out, the postmark totally bore that 
out.  Where is was in the meantime is anyone's guess.  So my thanks 
to Jim for following up.

I also just got a response today from Corina Savela offering to 
personally track it down, too.

My only consideration, if you remember my original post, is a more 
timely response to emails and/or phone calls by Omnipay.  The actual 
service I've gotten from them has been consistently good.  Response 
to communication could use some extra work.

I hope this clears things up.  Thanks, too, to the various posters 
who gave me their points of view and offered services.


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[e-gold-list] Omnipay Non-Response and Delay Problem

2001-02-22 Thread E. Barnes

I recent transferred gold to Omnipay's account and ordered a check. 
THIRTEEN days later, the check was processed.  I've queried Omnipay 
via email as to the ridiculous wait and have had no response.  I long 
ago quit bothering with their 800 number as no one ever answers nor 
do they ever call back.  Has anyone else been having this problem?

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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold-list digest: December 09, 2000

2000-12-09 Thread E. Barnes

At 12:00 AM -0500 12/10/00, e-gold Discussion digest wrote:
Subject: Wire transfer
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 15:59:11 -0500
X-Message-Number: 3

Can anyone tell me how long it is taking to get funds applied to your
account through a wire transfer.  I have been waiting days and still
nothing.  Unable to get a response from ANYONE at Omni-Pay or E-Gold!

*This seems to be the norm for these folks.  Jim Ray, of their sales, 
no longer has a "sales" email address.  He was the most responsive, 
though not always.

I've had problems with their site a number of times, have followed 
their instructions about contacting them...and have NEVER had a 
response.  Much like IBM, who had the only game in town at the time, 
arrogance or neglect seems to be the order of the day.  It's not a 
good way to build friends or long term clients...as IBM found out. 
Great idea but, as someone noted on the list fairly recently, poor 
execution at times.

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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold-list digest: November 30, 2000

2000-12-01 Thread E. Barnes

At 7:18 PM +1100 12/1/00, Michael Moore wrote:

*Yes, I know they're taken.  The point is, when you first submit an 
application for a domain name, make sure the name you choose has all 
3 possibilities available...and get them all.  Saves having to expose 
them at all.


gitgold.net and gitgold.org are already taken.

No matter...there is more than one way of exposing a feline domesticus

Kind regards,

Michael Moore
Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.

- Original Message -
From: "E. Barnes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Michael Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 3:51 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: e-gold-list digest: November 30, 2000

  Subject: Re: gitgold.net - SCAM
  From: "Michael Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:57:52 +1100
  X-Message-Number: 1
  gitgold.net and gitgold.org  are a scam by a ignorant small time piker.
  gitgold.com  is the bona fide site run by the very fine and upstanding
  Andersons and has nothing to do with the  small time piker who porports
  run gitgold net or org.
  Kind regards,
  Michael Moore

  *A very good lesson here is to spend the money to lock in the .net
  and .org domain names if you have a business domain.  Cheap insurance
  against jerks like this.

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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold-list digest: November 30, 2000

2000-11-30 Thread E. Barnes

Subject: Re: gitgold.net - SCAM
From: "Michael Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:57:52 +1100
X-Message-Number: 1


gitgold.net and gitgold.org  are a scam by a ignorant small time piker.

gitgold.com  is the bona fide site run by the very fine and upstanding
Andersons and has nothing to do with the  small time piker who porports to
run gitgold net or org.

Kind regards,

Michael Moore

*A very good lesson here is to spend the money to lock in the .net 
and .org domain names if you have a business domain.  Cheap insurance 
against jerks like this.

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[e-gold-list] OmniPay still in business?

2000-10-25 Thread E. Barnes

I've probably missed some stuff, but is Omnipay still in business?  I 
was unable to get their website to work, being constantly cut off and 
told I'd timed out - after less than 3 minutes!

Have written and called them.  No answers.  Also wrote to Jim Ray. 
No response.

Are they still around?

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