[e-gold-list] www.brightpay.com - a wannabe osgold??

2003-03-25 Thread marco
Anybody who has funds tied in BrightPay and is tired of their promises
(lies?) please register at


to coordinate legal (any) action to recover OUR funds, we cannot let these
guys run away with our money like that!


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[e-gold-list] Re: Larisa Ancuta is a romanian name, and IncrementalGold were the only on es who recognized that this name is from their scamming country. The I P address of Incremental Gold: astral.ro is also VERY romanian.

2003-03-21 Thread marco
Well, I am Roman, not Romanian (lol) yet for people living in Europe (like
you , judging by your language) the name Larisa definitively has an Eastern
I do not want to dfend IncrementalGold, and I do think that Prominence Bank
has all the signs of a scam (including fabricating false posts from supposed
clients who praise their services...) but I think your comments are quite
racist, are you implying that people from Romania are not allowed to conduct
Larisa Ancuta did in fact post 3 or 4 times to this list about a month ago,
posing as a woman, and one who had benn laredy for some time in the egold
ecnomy, now you are claiming to be a guy, and to be fresh to the
Looks like there are some people out there orchestrating campaigns against
others ..
If yu have good reasons for this, you are most welcome to do it, but please
post facts and not insults.
On the otehr hand, if the guys from Incremental Gold are indeed from Romania
and are honest, I bleive they should not hide it. Maybe they will lose
clients like you, but could get business from Eastern Europe or other

just my 2 cents


- Original Message -
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 2:55 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Larisa Ancuta is a romanian name, and IncrementalGold
were the only on es who recognized that this name is from their scamming
country. The I P address of Incremental Gold: astral.ro is also VERY


 Lol, the only ones that realized that indeed Larisa Ancuta is a romanian
name were ONLY INCREMENTAL GOLD. How can they recognize romanian names,
other way than being indeed romanians ?

 THAT WAS A TRAP for you sh_t IGold scammers from Romania ! And you falled
for it !

 Well, next time, Incrementagold scammers, try to hide your SCAMMER MAFIA

 Because your IP address shows again  astral.ro

 Oh my God, people, Jay, SnowDog, tell me honestly, why the f__k are these
romanians sh_ts still tolerated on e-gold economy ?
 How many individuals do they have to rip before they are thrown out ?

 Timo Ray

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[e-gold-list] re: Funding

2003-03-17 Thread marco
domain name registered on Feb 19,2003..!


- Original Message -
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 6:29 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] re: Funding

  I have found their service to be very good and without flaw. They are
  professional and I have never had a problem within their network.

 How did you find them, since they are new to the internet?


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[e-gold-list] Re: anonymous virtual credit card

2003-03-16 Thread marco

we offer no name online Visa Cards that can be funded via egold, pls see 




- Original Message - 

 Where can I get anonymous virtual credit card? 

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[e-gold-list] Fw: U.S. Diplomat John Brady Kiesling Letter of Resignation

2003-03-03 Thread marco

Sent: Monday, 3 March 2003 1:48 pm
Subject: U.S. Diplomat John Brady Kiesling Letter of Resignation

EDITOR'S NOTE: What follows is a letter of resignation written by John
Brady Kiesling, a member of Bush's Foreign Service Corps and Political
Counselor to
the American embassy in Greece.  Kiesling has been a diplomat for twenty
years, a civil servant to four Presidents.  The letter below, delivered to
Secretary of State Colin Powell, is quite possibly the most eloquent
statement of dissent thus far put forth regarding the issue of Iraq. The New
York Times story which reports on this remarkable event can be found after
Kiesling's letter.  - wrp

  t r u t h o u t | Letter
  U.S. Diplomat John Brady Kiesling
  Letter of Resignation, to:
  Secretary of State Colin L. Powell

  ATHENS | Thursday 27 February 2003

  Dear Mr. Secretary:

  I am writing you to submit my resignation from the Foreign Service of
the United States and from my position as Political Counselor in U.S.
Embassy Athens, effective March 7.  I do so with a heavy heart.  The baggage
of my  upbringing included a felt obligation to give something back to my
country.  Service as a U.S. diplomat was a dream job.  I was paid to
understand foreign  languages and cultures, to seek out diplomats,
politicians, scholars and journalists, and to persuade them that U.S.
interests and theirs  fundamentally coincided.  My faith in my country and
its values was the most powerful weapon in my diplomatic arsenal.

  It is inevitable that during twenty years with the State Department I
would become more sophisticated and cynical about the narrow and selfish
bureaucratic motives that sometimes shaped our policies.  Human nature is
what it is, and I was rewarded and promoted for understanding human nature.
But until this Administration it had been possible to believe that by
upholding the policies of my president I was also upholding the interests of
the American people and the world.  I believe it no longer.

  The policies we are now asked to advance are incompatible not only
with American values but also with American interests.  Our fervent pursuit
of war with Iraq is driving us to squander the international legitimacy that
has been America's most potent weapon of both offense and defense since the
days  of Woodrow Wilson.  We have begun to dismantle the largest and most
effective web of international relationships the world has ever known.  Our
current course will bring instability and danger, not security.

  The sacrifice of global interests to domestic politics and to
bureaucratic self-interest is nothing new, and it is certainly not a
uniquely American problem.  Still, we have not seen such systematic
distortion of intelligence, such systematic manipulation of American
opinion, since the war in Vietnam.  The September 11 tragedy left us
stronger than before, rallying around us a vast international coalition to
cooperate for the first time in a systematic way against the threat of
terrorism.  But rather than take credit for those successes and build on
them, this Administration has chosen to make terrorism a domestic political
tool, enlisting a scattered and largely
defeated Al Qaeda as its bureaucratic ally.  We spread disproportionate
terror and confusion in the public mind, arbitrarily linking the unrelated
problems of terrorism and Iraq.  The result, and perhaps the motive, is to
justify a vast misallocation of shrinking public wealth to the militar and
to weaken the safeguards that protect American citizens from the heavy hand
of government.  September 11 did not do as much damage to the fabric of
American society as we seem determined to so to ourselves.  Is the Russia of
the late Romanovs really our model, a selfish, superstitious empire
thrashing toward self-destruction in the name of a doomed status quo?

  We should ask ourselves why we have failed to persuade more of the
world that a war with Iraq is necessary.  We have over the past two years
done too much to assert to our world partners that narrow and mercenary U.S.
interests  override the cherished values of our partners.  Even where our
aims were not in question, our consistency is at issue.  The model of
Afghanistan is little comfort to allies wondering on what basis we plan to
rebuild the Middle East, and in whose image and interests.  Have we indeed
become blind, as Russia is blind in Chechnya, as Israel is blind in the
Occupied Territories, to our own  advice, that overwhelming military power
is not the answer to terrorism?

After the shambles of post-war Iraq joins the shambles in Grozny and
Ramallah, it will be a brave foreigner who forms ranks with Micronesia to
follow where we lead.

  We have a coalition still, a good one.  The loyalty of many of our
friends is impressive, a tribute to American moral capital built up over a
century.  But our closest allies 

[e-gold-list] Re: PayPal flaws

2003-03-02 Thread marco

  2.  There is an easier way for folks to enter the system.

 Anybody who demands the ability to sit at a computer and fund an e-gold
 account cheaply with a mere credit card payment is going to be
 disappointed, and this is not going to change.  Credit cards are trash
 for this purpose.

 It is very easy to purchase a money order at the post office or grocery
 store and mail it to an exchange provider.

Is it? You mean I can walk into a grocery store in Spain, or in Greece, or
in India and buy a USD money order?
Come on, you are still making the same mistake I see so often on this list,
the US is NOT the world (despite mr Bush's attempts)


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[e-gold-list] Re: PayPal flaws

2003-03-02 Thread marco
 First of all, peseta is no longer there, remember the Euro??? (even though
 most Americans keep calling it the EuroDollar..LOL)
 Second, there is no such thing as money orders in Spain, nor in Italy, and
 suspect the same applies to most of the rest of the world.
 finally, I thought we were talking about developing e-gold as a GLOBAL
 currency, or did I miss something?



  On Sunday, March 2, 2003, at 12:23 PM, marco wrote:
   Is it? You mean I can walk into a grocery store in Spain, or in
   Greece, or
   in India and buy a USD money order?
  Are you saying there are no exchange providers dealing in pesetas,
  drachmae, or rupees?  Well, that sounds like a market opportunity for
  Spaniards, Greeks, and Indians.
 Come on, you are still making the same mistake I see so often on this
   the US is NOT the world (despite mr Bush's attempts)
  The US is where I live, and I am talking about conditions where I live.
If you care to discuss the complete absence of Spanish grocery stores
  selling peseta money orders and the absence of exchange providers
  taking them, then please do so.  I am interested even though it does
  not affect me one whit.

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[e-gold-list] Re: NOONE Cares

2003-02-01 Thread marco
Looks like this guy has embarked on a personal campaign against a few
Exchangers. (Maybe they refused to let him cash out some 'dirty gold'?) Only
5 days ago he was NEW to the e-gold economy (post from Jan 27) , now he
feels such a veteran he can give advice to newcomers... (boy, he is a fast
Funny also how his posts are usually folowed by similar posts by this 'Saul'
person who also appeared on this list at about the same time, making the
same (unfounded) statements.
He uses incremental gold to purchase a Belize corp at $3500, then sends them
$2263, EForex Gold (says he) took $800 of his hard earned (LOL) money, then
he has another $6500 he would like to cash out, then he also runs into
problems with cashcards...


 I was around the e-gold economy for w ahile and I have some hard truths to
 Noone listens though, because noone cares.

 But for newcomers, they should keep in mind this:

 1.e-gold and eCurrencies were great ideas. But people are not correct. All
the Exchange Providers are mostly scams. this is how they work:

 They advertise 0%-3% fees and the fools (all of us) fall for their (fake
and lying) advertising.
 They e-mail you and beg you to see how serious they are (oh Yeah!).
 After you send them the money or the e-gold or whatever you do
(in-exchange, out-exchange, whatever), because all the transactions cannot
be chargebacked as it is with credit cards, they don't reply to none of your
e-mails, or they ask you things THEY KNOW YOU WILL NOT ACCEPT (like sending
them your photo ID, utility bills, SSN, everything about you which is
ILLEGAL to ask, but what the heck, we are in the scammers' paradise,
 And they are happy because they thought of these proofs that take away
completely your identity... so you have to choose between having all your
money stolen by the Exchange Provider and Blocked (well, the truth is they
use your money for their own happiness, but they will fool you with the
money were freezed by our Anti-Fraud deprtment bullshits) or having your
identity stolen (and your money, because they rarely deliver what they

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[e-gold-list] LOW LIFE SCAMSTER

2003-01-29 Thread marco
Please be aware that www.advita.info who has been very active lately
contacting several market makers, list owners etc in an attempt to raise
funds for a noble cause, i.e helping sick Russian children, is a disgusting
SCAM. The real non profit organization is located at http://www.advita.org
and http://www.advita.ru  and egold is just ONE payment method for them,
while the scamster stresses the fact that they can ONLY accept egold!
The scammer egold account is 711898, please make sure NOBODY sends any money
to this despicable individual and nobody exchanges any funds for him!! The
right egold account can be located on the above mentioned websites
If anybody on this list has any contact with US lawyers or enforcement
agencies please contct me privately, I can provide additional info on this

Please make sure you forward this info to all your contacts!


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[e-gold-list] Re: US President Bush opens E-gold account!

2003-01-09 Thread marco

- Original Message -
From: John Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 8:30 PM
Subject: US President Bush opens E-gold account!

 US President Bush has openned an e-gold account. See what the President
had to say about the future of digital currency and the world. Remember, you
heard it from us first!http://hft.hypermart.net/ecurrency-news/

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[e-gold-list] Re: Don't go there

2003-01-09 Thread marco
quite frankly I have no idea...
Maybe Bryan or some other tech head here could shed some light on this? All
I know is it is a dangerous trick..!


 At 03:28 PM 1/9/2003 -0500, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:

 At 09:00 PM 1/9/2003 +0100, marco wrote:

   US President Bush has openned an e-gold account. See what the
 had to say about the future of digital currency and the world. Remember,
 heard it from us first!http://  hft.hypermart.net/ecurrency-news/
 Marco, do you know if this page is exploiting one of those unbelievably
 obscure IE flaws we occasionally hear about, installing a trojan just by
 visiting it?  If so, is it addressed by any of the Microsoft patches?  I
 didn't click it or anything, I was just wondering if this link is

 -- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] Re: I saw Gold Dinar and e-dinar mentioned in

2003-01-08 Thread marco
I think the account numbers are the same as e-gold, in that the 2 dbases
seem integrated with each other. I just opened an e-dinar account, 709426,
from the edinar website, now if you try and make a spend to that account
from egold, you will see it is there as well (feel free to spend if you
wish.. LOL)
You can actually even LOGIN from egold to the same account. The same does
not seem to hold true for accounts created on e-godl website, as they do not
seem to be accessible from the edinar website


- Original Message -
From: George Matyjewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 12:02 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: I saw Gold Dinar and e-dinar mentioned in

 At 03:36 PM 1/8/2003 -0500, you wrote:

 Wow is right -- much better than the Euro idea.  Interesting that they
 have 600,000 accounts and that's about how many e-gold has too.  How the
 heck could they grow that fast?

 I'm actually surprised that they only have 600,000.

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[e-gold-list] PayByGold

2003-01-03 Thread marco
Hello everybody

Just a reminder about the services offered by PayByGold

ECurrency Exchange between EGold GoldMoney EBullion NetPay and Evocash
Funding and redemption to and from all of the above ECurrencies
Multicurrency deposits and payouts (so far we have EUR, USD, CAD , AUD and
Many deposit and redemption options : checks, money orders, wires to our
bank accounts in the US, Spain, Latvia and Cyprus, BrightPay , HyperWallet,
Western Union and Money Gram
We are still sending checks for free to any US destination.
Great online interface to check the status of your transactions anytime.
Options to save recurring payees and pay several bills /send several
checks/wires with just one spend from your egold (Goldmoney Ebullion NetPay
Evocash..) account

See for yourself at www.paybygold.com



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[e-gold-list] fraud alert

2002-12-31 Thread marco

one of our accounts has been cleaned , all egold (USD 703) transferred to
account 489370 - Norrin Radd's egold account
Pls contact me if you are exchanging for this individual or have any info on
And, this is no trojan or anything like that, as there are  a ton of other
accounts managed from the same pc that have not been touched, only his
specific egold account


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[e-gold-list] Heppy New Year From PayByGold

2002-12-30 Thread marco
Hello everybody out there!

We would like to wish everybody a prosperous year 2003, and take this
opportunity to share with you some news about our services that are being
implemented during this holiday season.

CAD wires accepted

We are now accepting and sending wires in Canadian Dollars

BrightPay new funding option.

BrightPay can be a valid alternative to PayPal, we have been in contact with
their management and we expect this option to quickly become a very popular
one. To open an account go to www.brightpay.com

Hyperwallet funding available

We are also adding Hyperwallet as a funding option for all our Canadian
clients. Instructions are being added to the website in the next few hours.

We would like to remind you of our VIRTUAL ONLINE VISA CARD, no ID, no
application, issued by a European Bank. The setup fee has now been reduced
to ?30. For further details see

Last, but definitively NOT LEAST, we are now accepting orders for NO NAME,
Cards will be shipping during second half of January. We are now taking
orders for the first stock of cards at $49.95. Further details are being
posted on the website in the next few hours.
Resellers can contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Once again,

Best Wishes for a Happy 2003!!!



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[e-gold-list] Fw: CONGRATULATIONS !!!

2002-12-21 Thread marco

These guys are really desperate! And still can't get a spell checker!

- Original Message -
From: Jackpot Staff
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 2:14 PM

Dear Sir/Madam,
Congratulations !!!
You have won a large of Lottery Jacpot Money.
For your security we can not tell the size of your prize money in this email
What you have to do now, please make a spend to e-gold acc no 546665 at
least one dollar And write in the memo :
1. Your full name.
2. Your phone no, include city and country code (It's very important).
After we've got your personal data, Lottery Jacpot Director (he handle all
winners data and payment) will call you and explain :
- The amount of your Lottery Jackpot prize.
- and explain how or why you can be the winner of Lottery Jackpot.
And asking, how you want the fund send to you.
You can choose from these three types :

1. E-Gold, recommended by us, no fee, no tax, we've paid the tax for you.
2. Bank Transfer, you must contact your bank first, some of banks at some of
countries was denied our transfer (because it's very big amount), and they
must follow a strict policy about money laundry and lottery fund.
3. Cash, Our bodyguards will come to your place with your money, until you
got it right on your hands.
If you have a questions, please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
please include the bacth no of your spend, you will not got response without
it, and please DO NOT write any thing about your personal data in your email
Once again Congratulations !!!
Have a nice day,
Lottery Jackpot Staff
Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com

Meet Singles

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[e-gold-list] Gold at 3% at PayByGold

2002-12-19 Thread marco

Hello everybody

just to remind you that PayByGold http://www.paybygold.com is selling E-Gold
and GoldMoney at 3% only.

We are also still buying gold at spot and sending out USD checks for free.

At PayByGold you can keep track of all your transactions, save recurring
payees for both checks and wires and buy/sell your digital currencies in a
variety of currencies and payment methods

Pls visit our website and see for yourself



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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: US Business Checking Account

2002-12-17 Thread marco

 I think David meant www.valisinternational.com ?
I have a feeling I know why this happened though!

  Hello again,
  I love these questions :-)
   International sets up US bank accounts for non-US residents. See
  http://www2.international.com for details.  We accept many forms of
  payment including e-gold.
  Thanks again,
  David Gendron

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[e-gold-list] Re: OmniPay Transitional Phase

2002-12-13 Thread marco
Hello everybody,

www.paybygold.com already offers full tracking of your transactions, as well
as saved payees both for checks and wires.

As well, our users have to validate their email addresses, and verify their
personal info at different levels depending on the kind of transaction they
want to perform.

Last, but not least..Our OutExchanges are 2% cheaper than OmniPay's...;o))


New OmniPay Features

(deployment early 2003)

We are presently in transition to a feature packed, User based system

 - Discounted Exchange Rates
 - Memorized Payees
 - Reports of your exchange activity normalized to the currency of your

 Our new system will require e-mail, postal and e-gold account validation
 as a prerequisite to access our full complement of exchange services.

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[e-gold-list] Fw: I need help with egold exchange - another rip

2002-12-12 Thread marco
watch out for this scamster!
Of course it will not be a problem to pay upfront.. since he is using stolen
funds anyway!!!

- Original Message -

Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 8:13 PM
Subject: I need help with egold exchange

 goldinvestor has sent you this email from

 Hi,I'm new with e-gold, I found this HYIP games and I want to try them. I
tryed to find some exchangers that will accept Paypal but I found only few
like gold-trader, they need like 24 hours to fund my egold, but I need
instant funding. So if you have egold for selling I would pay 25%, and i
will pay upfront that will not be a problem at all.Please email me if you
are interested [EMAIL PROTECTED] .Thank you for your time.Best regards

 Please note that IBForums has no control over the
 contents of this message.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: spacegold.com

2002-12-09 Thread marco
Hello there

PayPal will let your account grow to what they feel is a nice amount to be
seized, then decide it is time to implement their 'fine print'
My advice is ..'stay away'


 Dear SpaceGold,

 Hello.  Glad to see that there are new exchange providers
 cropping up.

 May I suggest that you reconsider your choice of using
 PayPal?  I think the folks at PaybyGold have an interesting
 tale of woe to share with you on that score.

 Do what you will, but be careful.



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[e-gold-list] Re: Press Release ..New auction site might take e-gold if demand is there.

2002-12-09 Thread marco
Well, at least ebay is not spamming to addresses obviously collected from
below is what I received to a mailbox that I use at one of our websites
accepting egold!
This specific email is NOT subscribed to any list, safelist, group, opt-in
Bidcow.com , behave!




This site is sure to be the death of EBay


They are set up like ebay except for the
fact that they charge NO LISTING FEES,


click now to visit them, they are the next big
Auction site on the internet.


Your online auction alternative!

- Original Message -
From: chris hogan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 10:57 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Press Release ..New auction site might take e-gold if
demand is there.

 We at bidcow.com just might consider taking e-gold as a form of payment if
 the e-gold membership warrants it...here is a copy of Bidcow.com's inital
 press release, you make the decision , and email [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you
 would like to sign up for their auction services using e-gold payments
 that beat ebay hands down.

 Chris Hogan

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[e-gold-list] Re: spacegold.com

2002-12-09 Thread marco
That is not enough!
We had no fraudulent orders, yet PayPal closed our account, based on THE
BUSINESS WE ARE IN, i.e. exchanging egold!



- Original Message -
From: Space Gold LLC Support [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 12:11 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: spacegold.com

  I'm curious, though, why you are going to accept PayPal payments? Do you
  believe that your security checks will be adequate to prevent any
  from sending you bad money, or do you simply disagree when we say that
  PayPal is run by Beelzebub incarnate?

 I just believe there won't be any fraudulent orders.


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[e-gold-list] Urgent PayPal Update from PayByGold.com

2002-12-07 Thread marco
We had been warned by friends and exchange providers, but we did not listen
to them.
Unfortunately all the horros stories we have been hearing about PayPal were
Despite our careful client verification procedures, despite the fact that
not one single transaction was fraudulent, yesterday afternoon, we received
the following email from PayPal, WITHOUT any prior warning.!

Dear PayPal Merchant:

As you know, the PayPal User Agreement (Section V.3) states that PayPal, at
its sole discretion, reserves the right to close an account at any time for
any reason.  We write to inform you that, after a review of your site, and
in accordance with this section of the User Agreement, your account has been
closed.  Your funds will be held for 180 days from the date of the last
transaction on the account.  After 180 days have expired, we will refund
your funds by mailing a check to the address linked to your account.
Very truly yours,
The PayPal Team

Note the key words PayPal, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to
close an account at any time for any reason!!! This means they could freeze
YOUR account at any time, for ANY reason, and just keep YOUR money for SIX
In a phone call with an account manager later yesterday, we learned that
PayPal does not intend to deal with sites or organizations exchanging egold
or other digital currencies, so be careful there!

We apologize for this situation, even though none of our clients has been
damaged by PayPal's decision, and despite their holding our funds, all
PayPal orders have been processed and completed.
We wish to remind you that we can offer credit card funding at the same % we
were offering PayPal transfers, i.e.12.5% and we are currently in
negotiation with another credit card processor to further reduce this fee



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[e-gold-list] More services from PayByGold!

2002-12-02 Thread marco
Hello everybody!

First of all I wish to thank you all for the AMAZING response to our
addition of the PayPal deposit option!

Now on to some more positive news

PayPal is now available as a redemption option as well, and at NO CHARGE!
Just spend your egold goldmoney evocash netpay or ebullion to our respective
accounts, and the exact same amount, no fees, no costs, will be transferred
to your PayPal account!
Hint: No more need to go through the painful PayPal verification procedures,
submitting your credit card or bank account details! This is also a great
way to use your various online accounts to pay somebody whomay be accepting
PayPal as the only payment method! Just spend your gold to us, and we will
settle your PayPal bill! No matter where you live, even in a country not
serviced by PayPal, now you can pay PayPal merchants easily and at NO COST!
System is being integrated into the website, but you can already start using
the service, just drop me a quick email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PayByGold now funding international Visa cards!
Effective immediately we are now able to fund NON US Visa cards from your
ecurrency accounts. We have an arrangement with our bank whereby funds can
be transferred to any NON US issued Visa card holder via the Visa network.
Maximum amount is $500 per card per day. Please check the news section of
the website for additional info.

And finally, we are completing the much requested affiliate program. We will
be offering everybody an opportunity to earn some serious profits by
promoting our services to their friends, family or business associates!

Check the website often for updates!

have  a great day!


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2002-11-30 Thread marco
You would always be surprised at how many people place bogus orders, or are
just trying to find out your banking details, western union details and God
knows what else. Therefore it makes a TON of sense to verify only ACTUAL
orders, which happen to be the ones where the funds are in your hands. And a
WU transaction CAN be reversed, you just have to go back where you sent it,
and you will receive your money back, except for the send fee...
And Omnipay only takes wires, so there you go...

- Original Message -
From: Mariman Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 HD HE REFUSED TO SEND MY MONEY BACK until I provide him with my PHOTO
 HD ID and utility bill.

 I  am  always  surprised to see some MM claiming to verify the ID of a
 custommer, AFTER they get the money !

 THE  correct way would be (in case they feel necessary to request some
 documents)  to NOT pick up the money (By WU it is easy to wait...), to
 ask  the  documents and to decide after IF they accept the transaction
 or not.
 If it is written on their website that they can verify the ID, etc, so
 they have to ask the document copy BEFORE picking-up the money.

 Anyway  this  list  is  a  good  place to learn which MM seem more ...
 should  I say honest ? Better to stay politically correct and say ..
 which MM is more interesting to work with :-)

 That's  true that if I remove the MM whose accounts are blocked by the
 banks,  plus  those who don't fund the accounts, plus those who ask an
 ID (to check what ???), maybe only OMNIPAY is a good MM ? lOl !!

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[e-gold-list] Fw: Monthly Interest Payments

2002-11-28 Thread marco
another attempt to scam people

- Original Message -
To: **
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 1:17 PM
Subject: Monthly Interest Payments

 E-gold Announcement

Recently we sent you an email regarding monthly interest payments based on
your E-gold account balance.

We received several emails from account holders who could not complete the
form below due to an absent Turning Number. This seems to have primarily
effected those who have free web based email accounts like Hotmail and Yahoo
etc. If you cannot view the Turning Number below then enter 591824 into the
box provided.
You only have until November 30 to activate your account. Your interested is
calculated daily and will be paid into your account at the end of each
E-gold Management

  Please activate my interest payments

Account Number:

Turing Number:

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[e-gold-list] Happy Thanksgiving from PayByGold

2002-11-28 Thread marco
Let's celebrate ThanksGiving,

we have just completed our 2nd full month online and we are very excited
about the results of this initial period, as well as about the potential for
our future growth.

We have therefore decided to thank our existing clients with yet more
options and some great deals!

1) All our funding fees have now been reduced. EGold and GoldMoney are now
at just 3%! How is that for a bargain???
Check out our fees page for a full breakdown of fees.

2) We have added PayPal funding! Starting today, you can fund your online
currencies accounts at PayByGold using your PayPal account! The introductory
rate is an amazing 12.5%! Certain restrictions do apply, so please check our
Support section on the website for further details. NePay clients benefit
from a special arrangememnt and only pay 10% fee on PayPal funding!

3) We continue to offer credit card funding at 12.5%, one of the lowest fees
in the industry.

4) EURO Western Union funding for NetPay clients is now FREE of charge! As
mentioned above, we have negotiated a special arrangement with NetPay, so
that all NetPay clients funding their accounts via PayPal at PayByGold will
enjoy a reduced fee of ONLY 10%!

5) A fee calculator is being added to the site for those of you who still
get a bit confused by the USD-GoldGrams conversions and viceversa!

6) The registered clients area is constantly being upgraded: you can now
delete pending orders from your history of transactions, in case you make a
mistake or simply change your mind.

7) Finally, you can now wire funds to us via our offshore account with Parex
Bank, where many of you do have accounts, which will make it even less
expensive (and faster!) to fund your ecurrency accounts via PayByGold. This
also means we will now be  able to fund your Parex bank cards from any
online currency at a nominal fee of just 2USD. !!

Have a great day!


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[e-gold-list] Omnipay

2002-11-25 Thread marco
has anybody looked at the new price structure from OmniPay?


Any comments?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Goldnow you want to make an answer to me or no?

2002-11-22 Thread marco

 Incedently 'mimox', if you can't use english properly, it would be better
in my oppinion to send your message in your native language.  There is
nothing wrong with not knowing english well, but trying to use english in a
forum like this without really knowing english just makes your message
incredibly hard to understand.  I think I probably would have had better
success with your message if it had been run through an automated translator
from your native language.

 E-G: 377469

There we go again

well, matthew, 'incedently' it is my 'oppinion' that you should APPRECIATE
the effort this person is making in trying to communicate in a language that
is not his own! (and get yourself a spell checker in the meantime!) From his
email address I gather he is Italian like me. I would have no problem in
communicating with this list inItalian, but I wonder if I would reach the
same audience that I do reach with my 'unproper English'!


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[e-gold-list] Credit Cards at PayBYGold

2002-11-20 Thread marco
Dear Friends,

I am pleased to inform eveybody that,  as requested by many clients,
PayByGold is now able to fund your EGold/GoldMoney/Ebullion/NetPay or
EvoCash accounts by means of credit card deposits, at the lowest fees
available on the market!

Pls visit www.paybygold.com and see for yourself

As usual

Have a great day

marco lavanna

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[e-gold-list] The Gold Casino

2002-11-19 Thread marco
Does anybody know what is going on at www.thegoldcasino.com ?
Their egold account seems to have a balance limit imposed


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[e-gold-list] Fw: Welcome to Gold Directory The online E-Currency Games And Investment Directory

2002-11-16 Thread marco
Another clone of a well established site?
Notice how they are offering email addresses. 100,000 every week!


 Dear Members, 
 Welcome to Gold Directory! The on-line E-Currency Games And Investment
 You can add your program at our free listing and let your members know
 where to vote for your program.
 Sign up is free !!!  you can change your account info, add listing, add
 banner, forum and add rating system logo to your site.
 All can done automatically at gold directory.

 As a golddirectory members you will get 100,000 fresh biz opportunity
 target addresses 
 at the download section every week. These email addresses are exclusive
 from us to our members
 and we will start active this section on 11/20/2002.

 Please visit http://www.golddirectory.net
 Best Regards
 Gold Directory

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[e-gold-list] Re: EGold online casino for sale

2002-11-14 Thread marco

- Original Message -
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 12:24 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: EGold online casino for sale


 On the contrary, ISL is one of the cheap shitty providers!  We're
 like a second tier provider. Anything less than a few million is
 peanuts.  If you want a serious full-scale casino call up Wager
 Logic, boss media or whoever.
Does not seem you have the right info here (again?)
Few millions? BossMedia charges a $300,000 licensing fee, CryptoLogic is in
the same price range, MicroGaming as well...
and that is for a TURNKEY casino, AND then for 30% or less of monthly
NetWins they also provide FULL customer service,  Financial procesing,
hosting, tech support, game upgrades..So in fact you could start a top class
casino with NO staff on YOUR payrollAnd yes that includes hardware as

 The figures you quote are unreal, $10Million buys you an operating casino
 with PROPRIETARY software and profits in the region of 2.5 million per

 Your experience is utterly different from mine in the industry

 (And what do you mean by PROPRIETARY?)  T begin with, before
Proprietary meaning  you OWN the software as oppsed to licenisng it,
therefore you do not pay an ongoing fee to the likes of Boss Media etc , I
thought you knew this terminology?
 anything else, any half-serious OC or group of OCs has numerous
 (dozens -- like a large department, a large office block full) of
 programmers and sysadmins just to keep everything ticking over.

 But one can purchase a casino for much much less


 lol - hilarious
Hilarious? The RiverCityGroup happens to be the largest and most reputable
consulting firm in the online gaming industry.. even though they do not use
your services...

 Hundreds of support staff?

 Well - of course.  The top twenty online casinos all have 100s of
 support staff.

 For god's sake, The Gold Casino, as far as I know, has one or two
 full time staff just to run the help desk, and it's miniscule (it's
 100th or 1000th the size of a small normal online casino)

 You do know that THE ENTIRE dollar volume of internet commerce is
 either porno or casinos - you're talking billions upon billions upon
 billions of dollars.   Obviously, self-evidently you're talking huge,
 huge organizations with indeed 100s and 100s of staff.
Yes I do, as a matter of fact, this year, for the first time, gambling is
expected to be bigger than adult , in terms of internet revenue...

 It's big business!

Big business on the internet does not necessarily mean 100's of staff...


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[e-gold-list] Western Union at PBG!

2002-11-13 Thread marco


Hello everybody!

We are pleased to bring you more positive news from PayByGold, YOUR currency
As of today, you can fund your digital currencies accounts via Western
Union, BOTH in EURO and USD. Western Union is a fast efficient method of
transferring money around the world in real time.
For our European clients this is especially beneficial as they are not hit
by the extremely HIGH exchange fees charged by Western Union to convert from

We are also finalizing our arrangements to be able to start accepting CREDIT
CARDS by the end of next week, possibly earlier!

Always working to offer you the best possible service!

Have a great day!



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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] Re: www.fraudwarning.net

2002-10-29 Thread marco
add www.citywideescrow.com to the list as well



 Great link!

 You should add premier-escrow.com to the list of scam sites.  That domain
was first registered only two weeks ago.

 Ever since we set up the following warning page for our customers last

 ...we've received a number of inquiries about questionable escrow sites.
It seems the people behind the escrow frauds finally found out about the
above page because they recently have stopped displaying GoldMoney's logo on
their websites.


 Hi !
 We are an exchanger (www.anytrans.com) currently facing a
 large amount of so called fake escrow scam orders.
 To prevent more fraud we now ask all our customers to
include www.fraudwarning.net in the memo of their
 payment (if possible).
 On www.fraudwarning.net the fake escrow scam is explained.
 Anyone is asked to populate this page.
 Anyone is welcome to use this page in the above manner or
 by linking to this page.
 Market makers or other businesses thant referr / link to
 this page will be included on the page with their logo.
 This scam is making our lifes miserable, let's fight it !

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[e-gold-list] US Bank assistance

2002-10-27 Thread marco
Can anybody on this list suggest a 'decent' US bank that has  REAL online
banking or that accepts wires by fax?

We need to be able to fully manage an account remotely, any chance?



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[e-gold-list] Re: Van den Berghe payment system

2002-10-24 Thread marco
I believe webmoney has implemented something SIMILAR to what you are
discussing here?


Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Van den Berghe payment system



www.paybygold.com .

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[e-gold-list] Fw: PayPal Policy Update

2002-10-24 Thread marco
One more opportunity for DGC's!



 Dear PayPal (Europe) Ltd. Customer:

 In keeping with a policy decision first announced at the inception of
 PayPal's acquisition by eBay, payments for Internet gaming transactions
 no longer be processed via the PayPal system as of November 25, 2002.  It
 our expectation that this notice will allow for an orderly transition of
 your payment processing off of the PayPal platform.

 As of November 25th your account will no longer be able to send or receive
 payments via the PayPal system.  Your transaction history will still be
 viewable online, and the withdrawal of funds in your account will be
 to prior guidelines, with all funds released 180 days from the final
 received.  Once the final balance has been released, we will close out


 Please contact us in order to set up withdrawal processes, if you have not
 already done so.

 If you have any questions, please contact your account manager.

 Very truly yours,
 The PayPal Team

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[e-gold-list] Fw: 19899- Help request from evocash website

2002-10-22 Thread marco
This money was transferred from us onto egold 291618 which shows the name
www.webmoney.ee , can anybody assist?



- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 8:58 PM
Subject: Fwd: 19899- Help request from evocash website

 Dear Marco,

 You have received the transfer shown below from account# 15717. As you can
 from the email from the account holder they are claiming that the funds
 stolen. Can you please hold these funds until we find out what the problem
 Will you please tell us where these funds were instructed to go to from

 Transaction ID: 1184878

 Account No.  Date  Time
 100691  Tue, October 22, 2002  10:10:18 GMT
 Amount  Transaction Fee  Balance
 966.00 evos  0.00 evos  1,257.26 evos
 Transaction  Transaction Description  Transfer From
 Credit  Internal Transfer Credit  15717 Mr D Lyden
 Transaction Done By  Username
 Mr Dewey Lyden (ARH,Inc - Auditing Department)  alamoana1

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[e-gold-list] advertising to the gold community

2002-10-16 Thread marco

Does anybody know of any media/ad agency that targets specifically the
community of users of the various digital gold currencies?



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[e-gold-list] PayByGold now protected by SSL

2002-10-14 Thread marco

We are pleased to announce that we have now upgraded our security measures.
All pages that have sensitive data and or personal information, including
the internal messaging system are now secured using 128-bit Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) technology

have a great day



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[e-gold-list] ebullion needed

2002-10-14 Thread marco

Hello, we need just a few grams (like 2 or 3) of ebullion for testing
purposes, I can swap it with Egold or GoldMoney
Pls contact me



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[e-gold-list] Re: firepay to e-gold

2002-10-04 Thread marco

FirePay is a HUGE credit card processor, mostly active in the gambling biz.
They have been in operations for several years, but I am not sure they allow
person to person transfers, just to and from merchants



 Does anybody knows any e-gold exchanger who accepts firepay?

 That's the first time I've ever heard of them. Are we going to go through
 all of the PayPal troubles with them?

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[e-gold-list] new credit card restrictions. good news for gold currencies?

2002-10-03 Thread marco

This is being sent to all ccbill.com / ibill.com/ EPOCH merchants!


 Important Notice

Dear Webmasters,
CCBill, EPOCH / Paycom and iBill would like to jointly inform and update you
on several new Visa regulations that will affect the way we, as Internet
Payment Service Providers (IPSP's) and our clients conduct business. Visa
has mandated that a new, unique set of operating guidelines will be
implemented by November 1st. These rules are worldwide, not just in the USA.
Under the new Visa rules, iBill, CCBill, and EPOCH / Paycom along with other
providers in our market space will be considered IPSP's. An IPSP is a
company that provides a broad array of services and has financial
responsibility and liability for merchant accounts whereby you, our clients
(Sponsored Merchants) are allowed to process and settle Internet
It is our mutual responsibility to ensure that we fully comply with all
regulations implemented by the card associations. We are committed to
seamlessly implementing the new regulations while retaining a business model
that is good for the industry. Below is a summary of the requirements for
Visa that we must implement by November 1st:

Each Sponsored Merchant must complete a registration form that we will
submit to Visa on your behalf. A form will be provided to you by each of us,
electronically, as soon as possible. Some of the data elements required are:
company name, address, transaction counts, dollar volumes, URL's, etc.
An initial registration fee of $750.00 per company (not per url) will be
charged to register each Sponsored Merchant. $500.00 of this fee is payable
by the Acquiring Banks to Visa, the balance are administrative fees to the
banks and processors. These fees are due November 15th.
An ongoing annual registration fee of $375.00 will be charged. $250.00 of
this fee is payable by the Acquiring Banks to Visa, the balance are
administrative fees to the banks and processors.
Sponsored Merchants must be approved by Visa for processing Visa
transactions under the new rules, and will be checked against Visa's TMF
list (Terminated Merchant File) and the MATCH File, a joint Visa /
MasterCard database. You are obviously processing now, so that service will
not be interrupted if you have paid your registration fee and completed your
registration form.
IPSP's can only register Sponsored Merchants in the country where the
Sponsored Merchant has a presence.
IPSP's are required to provide Visa with monthly sales, chargeback and
credit data for their review, by Sponsored Merchant and down to the URL of
each Sponsored Merchant site. Sponsored Merchants who are out of compliance
on chargeback and / or credit ratios may be terminated at Visa's discretion.
Please Note: Your ratios at all IPSP's will be evaluated by Visa.
The credit card descriptor on the cardholder's statement must be the IPSP's
name, as well as the Sponsored Merchant's identifier, such as your company
The IPSP's Join Form must disclose the IPSP's name and the fact that the
billing descriptor will be the name of the IPSP and the Sponsored Merchant's
IPSP's will display, on the Join Form, their Privacy Policy along with Terms
and Conditions.
The MasterCard logo cannot be displayed on the client's sites.
Several other rules will be changed and we will advise you as soon as these
are solidified.

October is the month to implement these changes. We expect the transition
should be a relatively smooth process. The following is a timetable for
preparing for the November 1st deadline:
By October 8th, we will begin the Visa registration process. We will email
you a form, which must be completed immediately.
By October 15th, we will have a Privacy Policy up on our Join Pages.
By October 15th you must have all MasterCard logos removed from your sites
We will provide you with additional updates on these initiatives throughout
the month. Thank you in advance for helping us to ensure the successful
implementation of these new regulations. Please be assured that we, as IPSP'
s are working together to provide a more robust industry environment and to
attempt to have our client's voices heard at the card associations. We have
many common goals and interests. Maintaining the viability of the adult
Webmaster business model, by keeping you informed, is our primary focus.
iBill, CCBill, and EPOCH / Paycom

In an effort to address some questions regarding these VISA IPSP Compliancy
Issues, CCBill.com has constructed an IPSP-FAQ for your information and
assistance. If you have additional questions and or concerns on this subject
matter, please feel free to contact your Sales Representative directly.

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[e-gold-list] credit card processing

2002-10-02 Thread marco

Hi everybody
We are looking at adding credit card acceptance to our payment methods
Can any of you who has had any experience suggest a reliable processor?
Or do you do process cc orders yourselves?
Any comments/suggestions are welcome



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[e-gold-list] princess card

2002-10-01 Thread marco

has anybody seen this new currency(??) http://www.princesscard.com ?

Hosted in Romania...
whois info has phone # 0123456789 (!)
  fax# 123 123 1234
contact emails are [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Funny enough I received a spam about http://www.goldline-merchants.tk right
after the promo about princesscard...notice the nice princess card banner
right at the top of the page..and then the button..

Any comments anybody?

Some fools will probably spend their gold there!


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] www.paybygold.com

2002-09-30 Thread marco

Guys, our ecurrency to ecurrency exchange is now operational!

check it out


comments are welcome!


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: SWISS BANK

2002-09-25 Thread marco

Swiss banks do NOT accept cash via courier..
They do take cash, they have their own systems, and then only from existing

I may be able to assist you, if you wish you can contact me off list


- Original Message -
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 6:21 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] SWISS BANK

 Anyone can recomend me a safe SWISS BANK?
 I need to make a depozit of  80K USD but want to send cash to the bank in
 few UPS envelopes.

 Any help will be appreciated
 Thank you

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loggers and common viruses.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] No ID MC from PayBygold

2002-09-24 Thread marco

Guys, we have a limited quantiy of ONLINE ONLY,( i.e NO PHYSICAL CARD
ISSUED), rechargeable debit cards


SAME DAY FUNDING  - including weekends

more details at


have a great day



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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Egold Excess

2002-09-23 Thread marco

In the last few days I have noticed several posts from exchangers that seem
to have excess of egold or other digital currencies. Does that mean users
are 'cashing out' in large numbers and no 'fresh cash'(or bullion) is coming
into the system, is it just a coincidence, or what?



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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Fw: E-gold Departament ANOTHER SCAM

2002-09-18 Thread marco

e-gold page not foundA brand new scam...
Too bad hte list manager doesn't allow HTML, you should see it..a nice egold
login page popping up right in front of you...
It got me confused for a few seconds..!

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 6:05 PM
Subject: E-gold Departament

E-gold details update ...
The administration of payment system E-Gold informs: That you have not
correctly entered the personal information on / the companies Please, go on
the account in E-Gold and correct the personal data .
   Account Number:Store my account number on my computer. (more info...)

Turing Number:
Enter sequence of numbers displayed in grid directly above. (Audible Turing

Start at the e-gold Home Page
http:\\www.e-gold.com\member.log Yours faithfully, Department E-Gold

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Checks for free

2002-09-18 Thread marco


We are sending out FREE checks for egold or goldmoney redemptions, any
...and this is on top of a 1% premium! So for every $100 you sent us, you
will get a nice FREE check for $101!


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] www.paybygold.com

2002-09-17 Thread marco

We are pleased to announce that http://www.paybygold.com is now operational
and ready to fullfill orders.
Dealing in E-Gold, GoldMoney, Evocash, Ebullion and NetPay. Several national
currencies accepted.
Online interface to check the status of your transactions.
CrossCurrency Exchange and Debit/Credit cards coming soon!

Your comments are welcome... as well as your business, of course! ;o))

Have a great day


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] www.paybygold.com

2002-09-17 Thread marco

We are pleased to announce that http://www.paybygold.com is now operational
and ready to fullfill orders.
Dealing in E-Gold, GoldMoney, Evocash, Ebullion and NetPay.
Several national currencies accepted.
Online interface to check the status of your transactions. Save payees for
faster payments.
CrossCurrency Exchange and Debit/Credit cards coming soon!

 Your comments are welcome... as well as your business, of course! ;o))

 Have a great day


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] 1% premium for egold

2002-09-17 Thread marco

Exchange your egold and goldmoney for a 1% premium at



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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: 1% premium for egold

2002-09-17 Thread marco

I meant exchange egold or goldmoney for fiat money.. not egold for
 and this transaction has a 0% FEE on your website, I think?
 And anyway 1% premium still beats 01.% (which appears to be a FEE, not a
 premium??), doesn't it? ;o)
 And I meant PREMIUM, meaning you send me 100 I give you 101
  : Exchange your egold and goldmoney for a 1% premium at
  : http://www.paybygold.com

  Here's a challenge for you...
  Exchange your egold and goldmoney for a 0.1% premium at
  And it's instant!

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Latvian Anon Debit Cards

2002-09-12 Thread marco

 Just received this email from one of the Latvian banks that has been
 most of the Anon Debit Cards funded by egold


 Actually we will freeze all existing card accounts until they provide us


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] problems connecting to egold servers

2002-08-20 Thread marco

I hope this list can help us solve the problem we are encountering in
setting up egold as a payment method on several sites.
I have copied below the correspondence between our developers and the ISP we
are using.
Any comments from the list would be GREATLY appreciated



I'm writing to you as we have encountered a strange problem with the server
we are administering for **  The very popular e-gold payment
site ( cannot access the server at all, however I am unable to
find any restrictions in the server configuration - below is a message we
received from the e-gold tech support which shows even ping packets from the
e-gold network are completely lost before reaching our servers at both the
domain name and IP address levels.

 both methods yield something like:
  12   109 ms   125 ms   125 ms  ip- []
  13   109 ms   125 ms   125 ms
  14   110 ms   125 ms   125 ms
  15   156 ms   187 ms   219 ms  atm34-fr.seeweb.it []
  16 *** Request timed out.
  17 *** Request timed out.
  18 * ^C

 both are trying to get to which seems to be the next hop

 if i had to guess, i'd say that the box knows something
 about the e-gold IP address/range at the operating system/networking level
 is treating it differently than other IP addresses.


Reply from our ISP:

Hello, i have tested our backbone feeds and all appears regular.

I have tried to trace IP address from any locations around
the net, the result is: no traceable. You see traceroute results later.

The possibilities are:

1)node is down ... i don't think :-)
2)in upstream router there is a very strict access list
3)on only one tcp port service is open and no icmo ping or
udp traceroute are allowed.
4)a very bizzarre routing problem that require further investigations

wait for your considerations.

Antonio Baldassarra

-- test

 from ATT canada (telnet route-server.west.attcanada.com)

Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to

  1 atm7-2-720.core1-van.bb.attcanada.ca ( 4 msec 0 msec 4
  2 srp2-0.gwy1-van.bb.attcanada.ca ( 0 msec 4 msec 0 msec
  3 [AS 7018] 56 msec 56 msec 56 msec
  4 gbr1-p60.st6wa.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 56 msec 60 msec 56
  5 gbr3-p70.st6wa.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 56 msec 56 msec 56
  6 gbr4-p10.sffca.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 60 msec 60 msec 64
  7 gbr3-p10.la2ca.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 72 msec 72 msec 68
  8 gbr3-p30.dlstx.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 72 msec 72 msec 72
  9 gbr4-p20.attga.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 88 msec 88 msec 92
 10 gbr5-p70.attga.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 92 msec 88 msec 92
 11 gar2-p360.attga.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 88 msec 88 msec 88
 12 mdf1-gsr12-2-pos-7-0.orl1.attens.net ( [AS 7018] 100
msec 100 msec 100 msec
 13 mdf1-bi8k-2-gig-1-1.orl1.attens.net ( [AS 17230] 104
msec 100 msec 100 msec
 14  *  *  *
 15  *  *  *

 from ATT US core  (telnet route-server.ip.att.net)

Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to

  1 white_dwarf.cbbtier3.att.net ( [AS 7018] 4 msec 0 msec 0 msec
  2 ar3.n54ny.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 4 msec 4 msec 4 msec
  3 gbr1-a30s10.n54ny.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 4 msec 8 msec 8
  4 tbr1-p013201.n54ny.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 12 msec 4 msec 4
  5 tbr1-p013701.wswdc.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 8 msec 12 msec
12 msec
  6 tbr2-p013601.wswdc.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 36 msec 32 msec
12 msec
  7 tbr2-p012401.attga.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 40 msec 20 msec
24 msec
  8 gbr6-p40.attga.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 20 msec 20 msec 20
  9 gar2-p370.attga.ip.att.net ( [AS 7018] 20 msec 20 msec 24
 10 mdf1-gsr12-2-pos-7-0.orl1.attens.net ( [AS 7018] 32
msec 32 msec 32 msec
 11 mdf1-bi8k-2-gig-1-1.orl1.attens.net ( [AS 17230] 32
msec 36 msec 32 msec
 12  *  *  *
 13  *  *  *

 from our core (


Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to

  1 atm34-milano.seeweb.it ( 20 msec 28 msec 20 msec
  2 [AS 3302] 16 msec 20 msec 16 msec
  3 UBNIta-gw-2.int.netscalibur.it ( [AS 3302] 16 msec 20 msec
20 mse
  4 sl-gw2-mil-5-0-0.sprintlink.net ( [AS 1239] 20 msec 28
msec 2
8 msec
  5 sl-bb20-mil-0-0.sprintlink.net (

[e-gold-list] Help Needed

2002-08-19 Thread marco

Any market maker or anybody with info on egold account 105956 (Foxcinations)
or an individual by the name of Deen Foxx, pls contact me ASAP



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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] gold domains for sale

2002-08-14 Thread marco

Hello everybody, I have a few gold/egold related domain names that I would
like to sell


Please send your offer off list



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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Another one bites the dust?

2002-08-13 Thread marco

Please somebody tell me this is not another demise...
crownegold website down for a few days already...!
both http://www.3pgold.com and http://www.crownegold.com are unreachable
Anybody has any info??


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[e-gold-list] Re: Service Update

2002-08-02 Thread marco

 First effects of the ebay deal...

 Dear PayPal (Europe) Ltd. Customer:
 We regret to inform you that, as a result of recent developments in
 the legal and regulatory environment relating to online
 sportsbook/sports-betting transactions, PayPal has decided to
 discontinue processing payments for any sportsbook transactions. We
 wanted to provide you with sufficient notice so that, if you run an
 online sportsbook, you can make arrangements to transition to other
 payment processors.
 We hope you continue to use PayPal to process other transactions.
 However, as part of our decision to cease processing sportsbook
 transactions, you will be required to execute the attached
 declaration, which states that you agree not to use the PayPal
 system to process payments of any type for sportsbook transactions.
 In order for your business to continue using PayPal to process
 payments we must receive your fully-executed declaration no later
 than August 15, 2002.  If you do not provide an executed
 declaration, your ability to accept payments through PayPal will be
 disallowed on August 28.  
 The declaration must be filled out and signed by the primary contact
 on the PayPal account whether you are involved with sportsbook
 transactions or not.  And it must be notarized and sent back to us
 both by fax and by mail.  We must receive the fax copy no later than
 5 pm PDT on August 15, 2002.  The original hard copy must be
 received by mail the following week.  Please note that PayPal will
 conduct reviews of your Web site after August 28 to ensure
 compliance with the declaration.  Any violations of the declaration
 will result in immediate restriction of your PayPal account.
 We are hopeful that over the next four weeks, if you have been
 handling sportsbook transactions, you will be able to transition
 your payment processing efficiently.
 If you have any questions, please contact your account manager.
 Very truly yours,
 The PayPal Team

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[e-gold-list] Re: what a joke ..

2002-06-16 Thread marco

They are also operating other websites related to e-gold, or so it seems:

Paradot Investments Limited, LLC
   3481 Lakeside Drive #2902
   Atlanta, GA 30326


   Administrative Contact:
Paradot Investments Limited, LLC
3481 Lakeside Drive #2902
Atlanta, GA 30326
Phone: 404 219 2252
Fax: 404 816 8372
   Technical Contact:
Bryan Allerdice  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Paradot Investments Limited, LLC
3481 Lakeside Drive
Atlanta, GA 30326
Phone: 678 294 1404

   Record updated on 2000-08-30 00:00:00.
   Record created on 2000-08-30.
   Record expires on 2002-08-30.
   Database last updated on 2002-06-16 03:17:14 EST.

   Domain servers in listed order:


- Original Message -
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 4:00 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] what a joke ..

 Is this crap


 gonna affect e-gold badly?

 Can e-gold make some sort of press release that they're at an arms
 length from Standard Reserve and totally disown them?

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loggers and common viruses.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold for sale THIS IS A HUGE SCAM ASSISTANCE NEEDED

2002-06-07 Thread marco

PLEASE anybody can assist in recovering funds and/or stopping these
I asked to purchase gold by paying in osgold, and they said they could do
it. And they could do it right away. After I transferred the money they
first said that there was a spending limit on my account (NOT TRUE) , then,
get this, he said he was sleepy and transferred to the wrong e-gold account.
Then he just disappeared (we were on ICQ and is not even answering phone
Any help will be appreciated!
The owner of www.fastgold.net said I could ABSOLUTELY trust them! And they
gave me his name as reference! HELP!


marco lavanna
- Original Message -
From: GoldSpender [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 10:24 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] e-gold for sale


 We have $68k of excess e-gold.
 You can buy e-gold from us at 1.5% above the spot.
 We accept wires. Please e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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loggers and common viruses.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold for sale THIS IS A HUGE SCAM ASSISTANCE NEEDED

2002-06-07 Thread marco

Money still not in my account, the minute it shows up I will send a public
apology to the list!

- Original Message -
From: GoldSpender [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 12:47 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: e-gold for sale THIS IS A HUGE SCAM ASSISTANCE

 What the hell are you writing here?
 Noone was going to cheat you!!! If I disappeared for a minute, it doesn't
 mean my company is cheating!


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loggers and common viruses.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold for sale THIS IS A HUGE SCAM ASSISTANCE NEEDED

2002-06-07 Thread marco

Your real name is Pavel Zarva, as indicated by you in your emails with your
banking details.
I do find it hilarious though, that a Montenegro bank has a derogatory
attitude towards 'post-communistic' stuff..;o))

- Original Message -
From: GoldSpender [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 2:53 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: e-gold for sale THIS IS A HUGE SCAM ASSISTANCE

 Sure man, but Paul is my real name, not a moniker. I also have accounts
 opened for names like Elizabeth. Does Elizabeth point to post-communistic

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loggers and common viruses.

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