[e-gold-list] About one hour remaining on Rational Review ad auction

2002-12-15 Thread thomaslknapp
E-Gold list members:

As advertised, the auction of Rational Review's ad will end in about 
an hour, at midnight CDT.

The present top bid is 12 grams; there was a 20-gram bid 
contingent upon some questions being answered, but unless that 
bid is confirmed by midnight, or unless I receive other bids that 
appear to have been sent prior to midnight, the 12-gram bidder will 
be getting one year of banner advertising, at the top of Rational 
Review's front page.

My computer says that it is 23:05 right now; I look forward to any 
other bids.

Tom Knapp

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[e-gold-list] Auction closed

2002-12-15 Thread thomaslknapp

The last bid which I received prior to midnight in the Rational 
Review ad auction was for 12 grams of gold. Sold American.

Thank you for your participation!

Tom Knapp

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] (Fwd) Current bids on Rational Review ad auction

2002-12-14 Thread thomaslknapp

Update on the auction of one full year of front-page, top-
position banner advertising on Rational Review (original terms 
below my signature for your reference):

As of this writing (approximately 3:40 p.m. CDT, December 14) I have 
received two bids on the ad,  the top bid being in the amount of 10.5 grams of gold.
Since the current high bidder did not indicate that I have permission 
to identify him or her, I won't.

I will post at least one more update on the bidding between now 
and midnight tomorrow night; since all bids have been in excess of 
the 10 gram reserve price, someone _is_ going to get this ad 

As I mentioned, details below my sig.

Tom Knapp
Rational Review

With bids closing at midnight on the night of  December 15th, I am 
accepting bids (to be paid in e-gold) for an ad to run at the top of 
Rational Review's front page for one full year -- January 1-December 
31, 2003 inclusive. 


The reserve price is 10 grams of e-gold; the winner will be notified 
by email on December 15th, and payment must be received prior to 
the ad beginning to run. 

Advertiser will provide the ad graphic and the URL to which the ad 
links; the ad is to be 468*60 pixels and of a file size no larger than 
10K. The advertiser may submit up to one new banner and/or URL 
per month, and I may take up to three days from receipt to make 
the change.

I reserve the right to reject any bid from an advertiser that I do not 
believe meets the credibility standards of Rational Review -- in 
other words, market makers and legitimate merchants are 
welcome, but no HYIPs or scams, please.

Bids may be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I will post, on this 
list, some time on the 13th, 14th and 15th, the amount of the 
current top bid, although not the identity of the bidder making it 
unless I have that bidder's permission to do so.

Some details to help inform your bid:

The site is located at www.rationalreview.com. The placement of 
the ad will match that currently occupied by a LifeSharers banner 
(that may be replaced by a Libertarians for Life banner between 
now and the 15th).

Rational Review appears to have about 6,000 unique users per 
month at this time, having ramped up from 1,500 or so at January's 
launch. I expect that circulation to continue to rise, and will do 
everything in my power to cause it to do so. RIght now, the front 
page appears to be getting between 2,000 and 2,500 hits per 

Note: I say appears because the stat engine that comes with my 
hosting isn't the best in the world. I intend to upgrade it in the near 
future. It only goes back seven days transparently and 15 days 
overall, which means that I have to do a lot of manual figuring. For 
what it's worth, the site has averaged 248 views per day, from 142 
unique users per day, for the last 7 days (including the incomplete 
current day). That would normalize to 7,440 views per month from  
4,260 unique users -- but this period is a slow one for the month . 
Views/users are much higher at the beginning and middle of the 
month when new content tends to be posted. This month also 
appears to be running a bit slower than the last two months -- but 
new content will be going up later in the month, and I expect an 
attendant surge in traffic.

Rational Review's audience is a tightly focused demographic: 
libertarian readers. That demographic, of course, tends to be 
friendlier to digital currencies than some others. We also accept e-
gold for donations and product payments, an activity that will be 
expanding and that we expect to result in a larger proportion of 
interested readers visiting the site.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Current bids on Rational Review ad auction

2002-12-13 Thread thomaslknapp
Hello, everyone!

A quick update on the auction of one full year of front-page, top-
position banner advertising on Rational Review (original terms 
below my signature for your reference):

As of this writing (approximately 10 p.m. CDT, December 13) I have 
received one bid on the ad, in the amount of 10 grams of gold (that 
being the reserve price).

I guess there are two ways of looking at this ... either that bidder 
stands to get a heck of a deal because others are timid, or the ad 
isn't worth even ten grams of gold and he's the only one to make a 
bad business decision. Obviously, I lean toward the former theory.

Side note: I mentioned that I would announce the highest bid some 
time on the 13th, 14th and 15th, but not announce who had placed 
that bid. Looking back, I'm not sure that was wise -- after all, I 
could just make up a bid and there would be no way for anyone to 
call me on it. So, on any further bids, I _will_ announce the top 
bidder's identity _if_ I have that bidder's permission to do so. If not, 
I won't.

As I mentioned, details below my sig.

Tom Knapp
Rational Review

With bids closing at midnight on the night of 
December 15th, I am accepting bids (to be paid in e-gold) for an ad 
to run at the top of Rational Review's front page for one full year -- 
January 1-December 31, 2003 inclusive. 


The reserve price is 10 grams of e-gold; the winner will be notified 
by email on December 15th, and payment must be received prior to 
the ad beginning to run. 

Advertiser will provide the ad graphic and the URL to which the ad 
links; the ad is to be 468*60 pixels and of a file size no larger than 
10K. The advertiser may submit up to one new banner and/or URL 
per month, and I may take up to three days from receipt to make 
the change.

I reserve the right to reject any bid from an advertiser that I do not 
believe meets the credibility standards of Rational Review -- in 
other words, market makers and legitimate merchants are 
welcome, but no HYIPs or scams, please.

Bids may be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I will post, on this 
list, some time on the 13th, 14th and 15th, the amount of the 
current top bid, although not the identity of the bidder making it 
unless I have that bidder's permission to do so.

Some details to help inform your bid:

The site is located at www.rationalreview.com. The placement of 
the ad will match that currently occupied by a LifeSharers banner 
(that may be replaced by a Libertarians for Life banner between 
now and the 15th).

Rational Review appears to have about 6,000 unique users per 
month at this time, having ramped up from 1,500 or so at January's 
launch. I expect that circulation to continue to rise, and will do 
everything in my power to cause it to do so. RIght now, the front 
page appears to be getting between 2,000 and 2,500 hits per 

Note: I say appears because the stat engine that comes with my 
hosting isn't the best in the world. I intend to upgrade it in the near 
future. It only goes back seven days transparently and 15 days 
overall, which means that I have to do a lot of manual figuring. For 
what it's worth, the site has averaged 248 views per day, from 142 
unique users per day, for the last 7 days (including the incomplete 
current day). That would normalize to 7,440 views per month from  
4,260 unique users -- but this period is a slow one for the month . 
Views/users are much higher at the beginning and middle of the 
month when new content tends to be posted. This month also 
appears to be running a bit slower than the last two months -- but 
new content will be going up later in the month, and I expect an 
attendant surge in traffic.

Rational Review's audience is a tightly focused demographic: 
libertarian readers. That demographic, of course, tends to be 
friendlier to digital currencies than some others. We also accept e-
gold for donations and product payments, an activity that will be 
expanding and that we expect to result in a larger proportion of 
interested readers visiting the site.

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Advertising auction

2002-12-12 Thread thomaslknapp
To whom it may concern,

I have communicated with several market makers and e-gold 
merchants regarding advertising on Rational Review. After some 
thought, it is my intention to just see what the market will bear.

Effective immediately, and closing at midnight on the night of 
December 15th, I am accepting bids (to be paid in e-gold) for an ad 
to run at the top of Rational Review's front page for one full year -- 
January 1-December 31, 2003 inclusive. 


The reserve price is 10 grams of e-gold; the winner will be notified 
by email on December 15th, and payment must be received prior to 
the ad beginning to run. 

Advertiser will provide the ad graphic and the URL to which the ad 
links; the ad is to be 468*60 pixels and of a file size no larger than 
10K. The advertiser may submit up to one new banner and/or URL 
per month, and I may take up to three days from receipt to make 
the change.

I reserve the right to reject any bid from an advertiser that I do not 
believe meets the credibility standards of Rational Review -- in 
other words, market makers and legitimate merchants are 
welcome, but no HYIPs or scams, please.

Bids may be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I will post, on this 
list, some time on the 13th, 14th and 15th, the amount of the 
current top bid, although not the identity of the bidder making it.

Some details to help inform your bid:

The site is located at www.rationalreview.com. The placement of 
the ad will match that currently occupied by a LifeSharers banner 
(that may be replaced by a Libertarians for Life banner between 
now and the 15th).

Rational Review appears to have about 6,000 unique users per 
month at this time, having ramped up from 1,500 or so at January's 
launch. I expect that circulation to continue to rise, and will do 
everything in my power to cause it to do so. RIght now, the front 
page appears to be getting between 2,000 and 2,500 hits per 

Note: I say appears because the stat engine that comes with my 
hosting isn't the best in the world. I intend to upgrade it in the near 
future. It only goes back seven days transparently and 15 days 
overall, which means that I have to do a lot of manual figuring. For 
what it's worth, the site has averaged 248 views per day, from 142 
unique users per day, for the last 7 days (including the incomplete 
current day). That would normalize to 7,440 views per month from  
4,260 unique users -- but this period is a slow one for the month . 
Views/users are much higher at the beginning and middle of the 
month when new content tends to be posted. This month also 
appears to be running a bit slower than the last two months -- but 
new content will be going up later in the month, and I expect an 
attendant surge in traffic.

Rational Review's audience is a tightly focused demographic: 
libertarian readers. That demographic, of course, tends to be 
friendlier to digital currencies than some others. We also accept e-
gold for donations and product payments, an activity that will be 
expanding and that we expect to result in a larger proportion of 
interested readers visiting the site.

Tom Knapp

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[e-gold-list] Okay, this is getting ridiculous ...

2002-12-06 Thread thomaslknapp
The situation still exists wherein e-gold spends work sometimes 
and don't work sometimes. How long has this been going on? 
Somewhere between 24 and 48 hours, I think.

For reasons that everyone here knows (how many businesses that 
accept e-gold have lost sales, and maybe even customers, over the 
last 24 hours because those customers put products in a virtual 
cart, went to a virtual checkout, and were told come back later?), 
that dog just won't hunt.

System down for a few minutes occasionally? Shit happens.

System down for a few minutes every few minutes? Shit will stop 
happening, quick. Shit like people funding their e-gold accounts if 
they can't rely on being able to spend from or out-exchange from 

Fix this. It is consequential, even (maybe especially) to small 
account holders who just want to be able to conduct their 
transactions using e-gold.

Tom Knapp

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Okay, this is getting ridiculous ...

2002-12-06 Thread thomaslknapp
On 7 Dec 2002, at 10:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Furthermore, my tests more and more suggest that it is more likely to 
 happen on LARGE (over 2 or 3 kilos) spends. That suggests all sorts 
 of horrible things.

For what it's worth (and I see that the fine folks at e-gold/GSR 
have heard our pleas), none of the spends I had problems with were 
more than a gram or so. I suspect that the correlation in your own 
tests was anomalous.

Tom Knapp

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Trouble making spends

2002-12-05 Thread thomaslknapp
On 4 Jan 2003, at 17:27, Dan@SydneyGoldSales wrote:

 Is anyone else having trouble making spends using e-Gold at the moment?
 I keep getting the Try again in a few minutes message and a lot of minutes
 have gone by.

Is it with regard to a particular account that you are spending to?

I've had problems making spends today to TheGoldCasino, but 
eventually was successful. There did not seem to be a reciprocal 
problem -- when I took my winnings home, everything went 

Tom Knapp

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: this is fucking insane

2002-12-05 Thread thomaslknapp
On 6 Dec 2002, at 10:05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When will egold be working again, does anyone know?

It appears to be working, just intermittently.

Since I'm not a frequent user, i.e. gazillions of transactions a day, 
it's only an annoyance to me. To people who rely on e-gold for 
substantial commerce, I suspect it is getting very old very quickly.

Today, it seemed to work the opposite as well, in as well as out. 
Funded my TheGoldCasino account, after several tries (try again 
in a few minutes), but they couldn't get my winnings (yes, Jim, I 
won again -- didn't double my stake this time, though, I TRIPLED it) 
back to my e-gold account. I'll be trying again shortly.

Not that I don't trust TheGoldCasino, mind you (I've never had a bad 
experience there, even on the rare occasions when I've lost), but I 
like my gold all in one place, preferably GSR's vaults, when I'm 
not using it. Especially my casino winnings. I might get tempted to 
break my own rule about  not breaking into the original stake once 
I've doubled it.

This suggests that the problem may not centered on particular 
accounts, since the spends were problematic in BOTH directions.

And now, I think I'll plug MY TheGoldCasino referral link (they pay 
out gold when people come and play through referral links -- not 
based on win or loss, either, but on number of hands played):


For what it's worth, they also give away a monthly door prize. 
You generate drawing entries by playing (once again, based on 
how much you play, not how much you win or lose or the amount 
of your bets). This month, the prize is 50 DVDs of your choice and 
a player.

I never thought I liked online casinos until I played at 
TheGoldCasino, but it's a ripping good time. Especially when I win.

Tom Knapp

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Where do I register domains with e-gold?

2002-12-04 Thread thomaslknapp
On 4 Dec 2002, at 19:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know where I can register domain names with e-gold?

I registered one awhile back with Van Rein:


Fast, efficient service, reasonable price.

Tom Knapp

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] RATIONAL REVIEW: December Content now available

2002-12-03 Thread thomaslknapp
The December issue of Rational Review is shaping up at:


This, our fourteenth issue, will put Rational Review's first year 
behind it. Thank you for reading!

Available now:


Steve Trinward: Reality Check

After thirty years of Libertarian Party politics, there are still far too 
many folks who seem to think this game is played like some sort 
of multi-level marketing scam.



Thomas L. Knapp: A Year of the Long March

When George Orwell wrote _1984_, he wasn't really departing 
from humanity's previous experience in any great way. Mankind's 
history is a sea of slavery punctuated by waves of liberty that have 
crested and then descended back into the vast pool below.



Coming soon: new articles from R. Lee Wrights and L. Neil Smith 
and a new cartoon from Scott Bieser.

Also available now:

Why you should support Rational Review:


_How_ you _can_ support Rational Review:


Tom Knapp
Rational Review

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Got the Capulin coffee

2002-12-02 Thread thomaslknapp
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I got my package of Capulin 
coffee in the mail on Friday (I've been traveling, so I didn't have time 
to settle in and brew some up until last night).

Two reasons for letting you know this:

1) Mr. Fourwinds is obviously a prompt and honest payor -- he 
didn't _have_ to send the coffee unless he liked my work and 
wanted to use it. He not only sent it, but sent it quickly. I suspect 
his customers get the same kind of service; and

2) This is some GOOD coffee! I can't claim to be a gourmet or 
anything, but I know a good cuppa joe when I taste one. Everyone 
in my household remarked favorably on its rich, full flavor and its 
deeper coloration and aroma.

We're drinking the French Roast right now; Mr. Fourwinds also 
included a smaller package of the Continental Roast, which I'll be 
trying this week. I also plan to take a few cups' worth of each over 
to my favorite non-chain coffeehouse to let the proprietor try it.

I plan to be a Capulin customer from here on out. If you drink 
coffee, I suggest you give Capulin a try. Good coffee is one of the 
great pleasures of life, after all.

Tom Knapp

Thomas L. Knapp  It would be strange indeed if so
Director of Partner Services  celestial an article as FREEDOM
The Freedom Network   should not be highly rated.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Tom Paine

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[e-gold-list] Price Cut -- Buy Roulette for the Leisure Gambler with E-Gold

2002-12-02 Thread thomaslknapp
He who does not toot his own horn, the same shall not be tooted.
-- apocryphally attributed to H.L. Mencken

Several months ago, I released Roulette for the Leisure Gambler* 
at the rock-bottom price of $2.00.

I've made a little money on the e-booklet, although I made more 
from the freelance gig that it got me writing help files for an online 
casino (thanks to a member of this list who liked the booklet and 
pointed me in their direction). Being a cost versus benefit kind of 
guy, I've put off writing the Leisure Gambler* e-booklets on 
blackjack and craps until I believe that doing so is worth my time ...

I'd like to make more money, and sometimes that means making 
less per transaction. So I've cut the price of Roulette for the 
Leisure Gambler* in half.

That's right: For $1.00 -- Amazon Honor System, PayPal or, very 
preferably, E-Gold -- you can have my 22-page e-booklet that 
explains everything the leisure gambler* needs to know about the 
game of roulette.

For half the price of your first minimum bet on a quarter roulette 
table, you get:

A brief history of roulette
A readable guide to how the game is played
An analyses of popular betting systems and why they don't work
My Four Rules for Leisure Gamblers*, applicable to _any_ game
A system for maximizing your roulette experience

If you're a leisure gambler*, your $1.00 purchase is bound to save 
you money -- perhaps _make_ you money -- on your next trip to 
Vegas or Tunica.

Get your copy of Roulette for the Leisure Gambler* at:


Tom Knapp

* Leisure gambler refers to the non-professional: someone who 
doesn't rely on gambling for his or her livelihood. If you're a 
professional gambler, you probably don't need this e-booklet 
(unless you're not very good at your job).

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: PressHog: WoW Thomas

2002-11-27 Thread thomaslknapp
On 26 Nov 2002, at 14:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sounds like your pretty clear on it to me Tom! and fact is..  I was
 sending French Roast because it is what most folks are accuctomed to if
 you're going to flash around, you wanna try a little of the (dare I say),
 Arabian Wine the original light roast we call Continental. Jim and
 E-gold's favorite?

No, thanks  -- gotta have French Roast. My significant other prefers 
it, and it's always good to keep one's significant other happy. If she 
becomes unhappy,  the coffee pot might get broken over my head 
and then it wouldn't matter what kind of coffee we had, I wouldn't be 
able to brew a pot up ;-) 


Thomas L. Knapp  It would be strange indeed if so
Director of Partner Services  celestial an article as FREEDOM
The Freedom Network   should not be highly rated.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Tom Paine

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: PressHog: WoW Thomas

2002-11-26 Thread thomaslknapp
On 26 Nov 2002, at 7:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 get that out to a few of your friends, please!

I've distributed it via PRWeb, but to be honest I am not exactly 
sanguine as to their effectiveness.

I've also posted the release to IndyMedia, Alternet and Mother 
Jones, publications that tend to emphasize fair trade coffees, 
indigenous preservation efforts, etc.

I have George Matyjewicz's Automated Press Release service on 
my radar screen (and did before I got your message, George!), but, 
while the prices are eminently reasonable, I can't very well write a 
press release and distribute it for $25 if I have to pay a minimum 
$50 for distribution ... which means that I will probably be re-
examining my own rate structure for  industry and extra-regional 
business releases.

My service is geared toward local and state libertarian political 
organizations, and I am building my own personal mailing 
databases by region, as I go.

Business releases will definitely be a secondary possibility, but 
probably on a smaller scale. Those higher prices that you find on 
the professional submission sites aren't just arbitrary; it _costs_ to 
develop a good database of press contacts.

I will  be working to develop a good database of media that cover 
alternative currencies and e-currencies (but, to any of the 
monitoring spammers, I'm not interested in x-thousand addresses --
 I will be targeting actual content to actual purveyors who might be 
interested, not filling individuals' mailboxes with stuff).

Tom Knapp

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: PressHog: WoW Thomas

2002-11-26 Thread thomaslknapp
On 26 Nov 2002, at 10:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lest ye continue to promote Corporate BS!

Whoa! What makes you think I promote Fair Trade per se?

Recognizing that you have the same target audience and 
promoting your competition are two different things.

 'Fair Trade' is a corporate catch
 word and provides the same washed coffees as the other multi nationals
 exploiting the people. their gimmick is they establish a minimum
 standard like a minimum wage AND while better than un-fair
 trade. minimum wage is like. Whoopy Ding! No Big Thing! They do not
 address the principal CAUSE of village destitution, forest destruction and
 consumer misunderstanding!!

You know that. I know that (now).

Most people don't know that -- and one target audience both for 
Capulin Coffee and for your particular project in Papalitas, is the 
same crowd that buys fair trade coffee because:

1) They _think_ it's better coffee.
2) They _think_ buying it benefits the indigenous people.
3) They _think_ buying it helps the environment.

Or, as you say:

 IMO, the REAL PROBLEM continues because money making scams like 'Fair Trade'
 'catch words', make Good People (who look for good things to do, think they
 are doing something good) so they stop looking for something good to do or
 trying to do something good, believing that they have done something
 good! They ONLY legitimize the water process, which is the REAL CULPRIT.
 And OH and WHOA, those 'Good Folks don't want someone to tell them that they
 have been duped so a guy like me, (with a different view and PRODUCT)
 has a WAY harder time swimming against everyone's current!

I sent the release out to some of the publications which Fair 
Trade consumers could be expected to read because that 
audience wants to get good coffee while doing good things, and 
you are offering that opportunity.

I might be interested, in the near future, in doing a story, as 
opposed to a press release, on Capulin v. Fair Trade, for 
submission to one of the paying markets that hits that audience. 
That would be on my dime, as I'd expect the publication, not 
Capulin, to fork over.

I also plan to take part of my Capulin delivery down to my favorite 
little coffeehouse and get the proprietor to taste it (he runs it as a 
church outreach). He doesn't just do Fair Trade coffees; he uses 
various sources for good coffees, but I don't know if he uses 
Capulin. Hopefully he will start.


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[e-gold-list] Re: OsGold Legal Rort Competition

2002-11-25 Thread thomaslknapp
On 25 Nov 2002, at 22:16, Graham Kelly wrote:

 The accusers need to get a life... stupid propeller-heads. NO, sorry,
 that's degrading to the techies! 1 gram of e-gold, who comes up with the
 best worst name for these dills/idiots/morons.

Need it be original, or would historical do?

Might as well do both.


Aautheist, n. ay*ow*thee*ist  A person who does not believe there 
is any gold.


Augnostic, n. ow*nos*tik A person who claims to know that there 
is no gold.


Austrich, n. aw--strich A person whose head is buried, er, 
somewhere, and who is therefore unable to tell the difference 
between scams like OSGold and legitimate e-currency providers 
and market makers.


Nattering Nabobs of Negativism.

Provenance: Former U.S. vice president Spiro Agnew, 
characterizing the press.

Tom Knapp
E-Gold Acct: 240944

Thomas L. Knapp  It would be strange indeed if so
Director of Partner Services  celestial an article as FREEDOM
The Freedom Network   should not be highly rated.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Tom Paine

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[e-gold-list] PressHog: Accepting E-Gold for Press Release Services

2002-11-25 Thread thomaslknapp
To users of E-Gold:

My latest project is so new that the web site isn't even up yet, but 
enough of you have seen my work that I expect word of mouth to 
help me get things started right away.

I am an experienced writer of press releases for Libertarian 
candidates, campaigns and organizations. My press releases get 
attention and result in media coverage.

PressHog is my attempt to turn my skill into revenue -- and to save 
you, your organization or your firm money on its media 
communication needs.

For $25 -- $10 to the first ten customers -- I will craft a press 
release of up to 500 words, re-write it to meet your needs, and 
distribute it to selected media organizations in your area via email. 
PressHog clients retain all rights to their releases.

PressHog also offers freelance and ghost writing, as well as 
editorial and consulting, services at negotiable rates. E-Gold, 
PayPal and Amazon Honor System accepted, with a money-back 
guarantee less any irrevocable transaction fees levied by the 
payment processors.

Please address inquiries to [EMAIL PROTECTED], attn: 

Thomas L. Knapp

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[e-gold-list] Re: PressHog: Accepting E-Gold for Press Release Services

2002-11-25 Thread thomaslknapp
daniel fourwinds wrote:

 My question is can you do anything to help with this and how much
 CAPULIN will you do it for??

Thanks for the opportunity to strut my stuff, as it were.

The one thing I probably can't help much with is distribution -- you 
know your target audience better than I do.  I would suggest getting 
a release out to a) coffee-oriented publications and b) socially 
conscious publications that cater to the fair trade coffee market. 

Please find below my rough draft, describing your company and 
your effort from the information you provided. If you like it and want 
to use it, is yours, and I am willing to follow up with corrections and 
changes as needed.

If you _really_ want to pay, any quantity of Capulin's French Roast, 
either in whole bean form or in the best grind for a standard home 
filter coffee maker, will be quite satisfactory. Either way, I suspect 
that I'll be ordering some soon. It's hard to get decent coffee 

Tom Knapp

November 26, 2002
P.O.C. Daniel Fourwinds


Are you drinking away the world's mountain jungles? If you bought 
your coffee at the grocery store, odds are it's not only an inferior 
blend, but one grown using environmentally damaging farm 

For centuries, coffee was shade grown beneath the canopies of 
jungles like that surrounding Tecuitata, a village in Mexico's Nayarit 
state, producing the superior flavor that made a cup one of life's 
great pleasures.

In recent years, however, demand has moved large coffee 
producers to develop less flavorful hybrids that can be intensively 
farmed under the open sun -- and that, in turn, has moved smaller 
native producers to ravage their own locales in an attempt to keep 
production up and prices down.

Enter Daniel Fourwinds and Capulin Coffee.

I'll put my coffee up against the major brands any time, says 
Fourwinds. Capulin is shade grown and sun dried. That's the most 
environmentally responsible way to produce a good coffee -- and it 
also results in a drink that is superior in every way.

Additionally, says Fourwinds, Capulin's methods put money 
directly into the pockets of native growers, encouraging them to 
steward the jungle that makes their livelihood possible.

Capulin provides a natural, shade grown, chemical free, fully ripe  
traditionally sun dried and hand processed Arabica coffee, while 
more than doubling the income of the peasant farmers -- a claim 
that no other coffee company in America can make.

At present Fourwinds, through the Tree of Life Ministries 
Association, is raising funds to purchase facilities in the village of 
Palapitas, bringing economic hope to the peasant population at a 
time when corporate dominance and an infestation of the coffee 
boring beetle have brought Tecuitata and other area villages close 
to economic and environmental collapse.

This is a village of folks who do not want to find themselves in the 
same dire straits as the people of Tecuitata, a situation which 
appears imminent should we fail, says Fourwinds. It is a paradise 
for birds and the best of Nature's diversity, and it's home to villagers 
who are desperately attempting to avoid falling into the grips of 
forest clearing for chemical-dependent mangos and bananas.

Your donation -- or your purchase of Capulin's products, which are 
surprisingly inexpensive -- isn't just environmentally responsible. It's 
also one of the last ways to get a really good cup of coffee. Capulin 
is located on the web at www.capulin.com. More information on 
how to help with the Palapitas project is available at 

410 words

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[e-gold-list] Liberty Dollar -- automation?

2002-11-22 Thread thomaslknapp
Automation good. Waiting for turnaround bad.

It's possible that I'm just not looking in the right place ... but does 
there yet exist anything for Liberty Dollar analogous to E-Gold's 
Shopping Cart Interface or other form code for accepting their 
Digital Warehouse Receipts via a web site?

From what I can tell, it would all have to be manually done right 
now: I want to buy your thing. Okay, send me the DWR's and I'll 
get back to you.

Either that, or an automation form that would require the user to 
type in their ID/passphrase on a site other than Liberty Dollar's. 
Bad juju.

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Tom Knapp

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[e-gold-list] Re: Tax protest labelled extremist

2002-11-18 Thread thomaslknapp
On 18 Nov 2002, at 14:48, Ragnar wrote:

 --- Ben Legume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It's also a movement that has been linked strongly to
  violence; to 
  attacks on IRS agents; to blowing up IRS offices, as well as
  other crimes, he said. There's a great deal of criminal
  associated with the movement.
  Do they take e-gold donations?
 I'm going to ask them that question.  They agreed to be
 interviewed on Planet Gold.

While you're at it, could you ask them if they know of any IRS 
office ever being blown up? Seems like that would have made the 
news, but I've never heard of it happening, more's the pity.

I think someone must have read Bill Brannon's _Let Us Prey_ and 
mistaken it for non-fiction. I don't think anyone has yet _made_ it 

Tom Knapp

Thomas L. Knapp  It would be strange indeed if so
Director of Partner Services  celestial an article as FREEDOM
The Freedom Network   should not be highly rated.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Tom Paine

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[e-gold-list] E-Gold directory page and other questions

2002-11-16 Thread thomaslknapp
To anyone who knows:

How does one go about getting one's enterprise listed on E-Gold's 
director page of Merchants and Organizations?

I work with an organization (Free-Market.Net/the Henry Hazlitt 
Foundation) which accepts e-gold donations, and operate a 
webzine/e-press (Rational Review) that also accepts e-gold (and 
which will be marketing a lot more offerings in 2003).

Also, does anyone know if any of the e-gold e-commerce providers 
have a user-friendly recurring payment system to automatically e-
invoice donors/subscribers who want to pay periodically instead of 
in a lump sum? I'd like to set up some systems like this for a paid-
subscription newsletter that will be launching in 2003.

Tom Knapp
Thomas L. Knapp  It would be strange indeed if so
Director of Partner Services  celestial an article as FREEDOM
The Freedom Network   should not be highly rated.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Tom Paine

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] New e-booklet available -- writing the Libertarian Op-Ed

2002-11-11 Thread thomaslknapp
Hello, everyone!

Rational Review accepts donations of, and sells products in return 
for, e-gold. The first in our new series on Practivism (practical 
activism) is Writing the Libertarian Op-Ed: How to Create an 
Effective Op-Ed or Letter to the Editor -- And Get it Published.

$2.00, payable with E-Gold or via PayPal or Amazon Honor 
System, at:


Tom Knapp

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: warning, Free-market.net forum message contains suspect code

2002-11-11 Thread thomaslknapp
On 11 Nov 2002, at 14:01, Jim Davidson wrote:

 I've contacted the folks at Free-market.net 

And we'll take care of it ASAP -- it shouldn't be too difficult to shut 
down the ability to perpetrate such things.

Tom Knapp
Managing Editor

Thomas L. Knapp  It would be strange indeed if so
Director of Partner Services  celestial an article as FREEDOM
The Freedom Network   should not be highly rated.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Tom Paine

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[e-gold-list] Re: Hey, where's the beef. (or gold in this case)

2002-05-17 Thread thomaslknapp

On 17 May 2002, at 5:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree with Michael's post. Unless e-gold's gold reserve is PROPERLY
 audited and not just some screen on a web page that says, yeah we've
 got x ammount of gold bars stored without specifying their EXACT
 individual weight (after all, gold bullions never weigh exactly the
 same), location and a name and phone number of a respectable trusted
 3rd party e-gold might as well be a scam. I do not say it is but I
 find it very hard to convince others it is not a scam as I can not
 show them any proof...

A lot of that seems to me to be the new nature of the service.

Do you call the auditors of charities you donate to or banks you 
maintain accounts in, or do you substantially simply trust their 

I don't go around trying to convince people that e-gold is not a 
scam because I have no reason to believe that it _is_ a scam. I 
have purchased goods and services using e-gold, I've accepted e-
gold as payment, and I've used Omnipay to convert balances to 
cash. The checks have never bounced.

The Enron case established that an audit is not necessarily a valid 
clean bill of health. Ultimately, I have to trust e-gold/Nevis/the 
escrow company/the trust to fulfill their contractual obligations, and 
my recourse is to take them to court for fraud if I believe they 
haven't done so. That's the case with _any_ good or service.

Of course, in response to this thread, I did decide to do a little 
looking around.  Something referring to itself as Central Escrow 
Agency Limited reported on a February 2001 inspection of 
reserves as noted here:


Any idea what Central Escrow Agency Limited is? I find no 
references to it other than in relation to e-gold, so I don't know if it's 
a third party or not.
 This is what is lacking in the e-gold system. Who tells me the gold is
 really there and not evaporated into thin air or consumed by the
 owners of e-gold.

E-Gold does. You either trust/expect them to fulfill their contractual 
obligations or you don't. If you don't, you shouldn't be dealing with 
them. If you do, you can still get screwed. Just as you can by the 
mechanic who tells you that he replaced the fuel pump, etc. This is 
known as life. You have recourse to the courts in case of fraud.
 In my perspective. E-gold is not a valid payment method for anything
 more than say $20 in gold until it is clear WHERE the gold is. The
 EXACT ammount, WHO audited it (a proper BIG company like KPMG, or
 similar) and a telephone number from the auditors that we can call to
 verify e-gold's claims.

Just like people could call up Arthur Andersen and be told that 
Enron was sound?

 It is not that I am paranoid but a simple 'trust us, your gold is
 safe' really does not cut it for a payment system. :-) I think any 12
 year old will agree on that.

It's been the basis for deposit/transaction systems since they were 

 Another point that really worries me is that e-gold's servers are
 stored in the US of A. and not in a proper 'international'
 juristriction like the Channel islands or whatever. We can be sure
 anything e-gold is monitored by Echelon and that it is not as
 anonymous as we might think it is. :-(

That's a valid criticism. Of course, if you want true anonymity, the 
thing to do would be to set up an alternate, offshore, totally 
encrypted network for transacting e-gold balances outside of the e-
gold system itself ... but you'd then be trusting the other 
transactors, since an audit would be effectively impossible (you 
might not even know who they ARE).
 I hope someone is listening to this as the previous times I saw
 similar postings here the discussion died out very fast without a
 proper solution in sight.

I think it might be _worthwhile_ for e-gold to commission an outside 
audit by a reputable company; I'm not especially concerned about 
it, though. My greater concern would be some government 
descending upon the depository and confiscating the metal.

Anarchism is founded on the observation that
since few men are wise enough to rule themselves,
even fewer are wise enough to rule others.

-- Edward Abbey

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Hey, where's the beef. (or gold in this case)

2002-05-17 Thread thomaslknapp

On 17 May 2002, at 15:20, SnowDog wrote:

  Any idea what Central Escrow Agency Limited is? I find no
  references to it other than in relation to e-gold, so I don't know
  if it's a third party or not.
 Yes, they are the same group operating the Centrul Fund of Canada, for
 the past 40 years. This is is a gold and silver fund which trades on
 the AMEX, under the symbol CEF. Their website is
 http://www.centralfund.com/ . Last year they performed as E-Gold's
 Escrow Agent, counter-signing when bars of gold were taken out of the
 E-Gold System.

Thanks for the information. I find that reassuring, to the extent that I 
needed reassurance (although that is obviously not as much as 
some of e-gold's account holders -- part of my comfort level may be 
that I don't have a great deal of money in the system).
  E-Gold does. You either trust/expect them to fulfill their
  contractual obligations or you don't. If you don't, you shouldn't be
  dealing with them. If you do, you can still get screwed. Just as you
  can by the mechanic who tells you that he replaced the fuel pump,
  etc. This is known as life. You have recourse to the courts in
  case of fraud.
 It seems to me that you're thinking of E-Gold more as a payment
 system, than as an internet money. As a money, I would expect a higher
 confidence level, than a payment system. I have complete confidence in
 the owners of E-Gold. I have been convinced. However, it's certainly
 understandable that others may not wish to keep a large amount of
 e-gold, without more confidence in the system.

I, too, have been convinced. However, I _do_ think of e-gold as 
money -- I just think of it as money in the same sense that 
most people do. Ever since the introduction of fiat currency, people 
have generally regarded money _as_ a payment system, backed 
by nothing more than the full faith and credit of a group of liars 
jotting down numbers in the ledgers of a central bank that is either 
controlled by, or granted a monopoly by, government.

To the extent that e-gold _offers_ itself as a higher standard -- a 
real, gold-backed currency -- I suppose that they should be _held_ 
to a higher standard of verification; but an escrow report is enough 
for me to place more faith and credit in them than a bureaucrat's 
assurance that yep, our meaningless numbers add up.

The bottom line for me is that I try not to do business with people I 
don't trust, at least not more than once (then I _decide_ whether to 
trust them or not). I watched e-gold for awhile before putting any of 
my assets into it, and I found no reason to believe that they were 
engaged in anything but honest enterprise. Since coming on board, 
I've used e-gold in various ways, with nary a problem (well, actually 
I had a problem with a third party, but it wasn't a trust problem it 
was that my previous computer, an old Mac, couldn't seem to work 
with BananaGold's Java stuff -- now that I'm on a PC, guess how I'll 
be paying for my Amazon purchases?)

I suppose it is _possible_ that some day I'll receive an email from 
someone telling me try to log in! They're gone! They took the 
money and moved to Lima! But I seriously doubt it. I figure I'm 
more likely to get stiffed for change on a twenty at the local 
department store.

Tom Knapp

Anarchism is founded on the observation that
since few men are wise enough to rule themselves,
even fewer are wise enough to rule others.

-- Edward Abbey

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