[e-gold-list] Re: Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-30 Thread Jeff Fitzmyers

 General reputation trackers/sellers are going to have a hard time
 coming up with a method that works for most needs.

"Any week now" there will be a general one available. Most will be
willing to participate at least a little. The bad news is you need a
funded e-gold account (although I just got an idea to minimize this :),
the good news is an exchange provider (or anyone) can have a field on
their website that says:

To help us serve you faster and cheaper, enter your reputation service
Or send your reputation to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have designed a flexible and open format so that anyone can send and
receive a digitally signed reputation (to some degree or another - its
version 1).

Not perfect of course, but one can convieniently get a good feel about a
person in a short time AND (maybe) have a public way to say the
individual was a bum while alerting others to this.

Will generating this reputation be a lot of work? No. It is a byproduct
of a normal activity we all do.

ps. I really respect the way SR has handled the recent questions. I am
sure if we had the option of privacy friendly services we all would use
them. Instead we need to do a lot of research or create them along with
the business we are creating too.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-30 Thread James M. Ray

At 6:06 AM -0800 12/30/00, Jeff Fitzmyers wrote:
 General reputation trackers/sellers are going to have a hard time
 coming up with a method that works for most needs.

"Any week now" there will be a general one available. Most will be
willing to participate at least a little. The bad news is you need a
funded e-gold account (although I just got an idea to minimize this :),
the good news is an exchange provider (or anyone) can have a field on
their website that says:

Disclaimer: I'm somewhat-peripherally involved in Jeff's project,
and I'm a big fan of it also. I'm speaking (as usual) only for myself 

Will generating this reputation be a lot of work? No. It is a byproduct
of a normal activity we all do.

Actually, one business (MetalSavings) appears to have operated by
the owner's individual opinion of (among other things) postings to
this list. Once, long ago, on the basis of my writings, a very interesting
person snailed me a few thousand dollars worth of really cool stuff.* I
think that I'd trust a number of list members with gold, some of whom
I've never seen/met. I suspect others feel the same way.

ps. I really respect the way SR has handled the recent questions. I am
sure if we had the option of privacy friendly services we all would use
them. Instead we need to do a lot of research or create them along with
the business we are creating too.

I think/hope that a variety of services may spring up. Some may be
cheaper, for example, in exchange for giving up your SSN or letting
others email you once in a while. I personally don't like the use of
SSNs for identification, either, but in spite of the law itself, they are
used primarily for that, and a service that's large and available and
using them now is likely to be less expensive than a new, possibly-
ideal-for-privacy-fans, service. 

Sellers of privacy on the 'net have, in the past, seen disappointing
results (see ZKS) compared to expectations, and therefore buyers
of privacy should probably remember the TANSTAAFL principle.

* What was shipped to me were Comsec 3DES (now Starium.com)
telephone encryption devices. I've been testing it out, and they work
ok (but not perfectly). Needless to say, someday soon I hope these
neat little devices will be available for e-gold from someone. IMNSHO
widespread usage of these devices could solve a lot of  the privacy
problems mentioned by others recently here.

I'm still not sure on the price for these, but they won't be $99 like I'd
hoped, for the near term. I plan to buy the device I'm testing, if they
let me.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-30 Thread Craig Haynie

 He had just been scammed by five individuals utilizing
 PayPal.  So much for trusting those you do not know

If the light was turned-on, you'd probably find that those 5 individuals
sending payments through PayPal are, in fact, the same person.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-30 Thread Jeff Fitzmyers

  "Any week now" there will be a general one available. Most will be
  willing to participate at least a little. The bad news is you need a
  funded e-gold account (although I just got an idea to minimize this :),

 I have no problem with spending metal. For this to work in the long
 run, a profit has to be made. I'm not worried about getting my
 money's worth.

I meant as in lowering barriers for initial use. It's no fun to go to a
site and have to do a bunch of stuff before you can participate. I am
thinking of giving a small local loan of ~ 50-100 mg so people can
participate immediately. (If this is confusing, just wait a week :)

BTW, exchange providers can easily generate a reputation too.
Participation  should be very low cost and hopefully really fun too.

 I don't believe it can to be perfect in the beginning. It's
 probably impossible. It can be refined/improved/changed as
 feedback comes in. Great going, Jeff.

Thanks! I am so excited to get this project out the door. Although very
interesting to design, it has been quite a challenge.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Indentity Theft vs. Anonymous services

2000-12-30 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 11:21 AM 12/30/2000 -0600, Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange wrote:

. I really respect the way SR has handled the recent questions. I am
  sure if we had the option of privacy friendly services we all would use
  them. Instead we need to do a lot of research or create them along with
  the business we are creating too.

 I could not agree more!  Does anyone from E-gold or GSR ever post on
these *e-gold* discussion lists?

Maybe they are afraid of getting beaten up eh? ;-)

Actually, while many have slammed Standard Reserve, I personally 
want to thank everyone for their opinions.  It is the only way we 
will improve.  One of our staff was taken aback with one of the 
comments, and thought we should  discuss the issue privately.  I 
disagree wholeheartedly.  Your comments, both pro and con are 
invaluable to us.  Right now we are investigating using other 
means to track identities rather than SS#.  As I stated before, I 
am a list junkie, and really understand the value.

Thanks again

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018  Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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