[ECOLOG-L] Ecological Genetics Field Study Abroad in China

2009-08-27 Thread Rodney Mauricio
Please distribute to any undergraduates who might be interested:

Unique (and Low-Cost) Opportunity for Ten Undergraduates
2010 Ecological Genetics Field Study Abroad in China

*Learn Chinese and Ecological Genetics at the Unversity of Georgia*

With funding from NSF's Partnerships for International Research and Education 
(PIRE) program, we 
are offering 10 undergraduates (U.S. citizens or permanent residents only) the 
opportunity to 
participate in a unique study abroad opportunity in China during the spring and 
summer of 2010. 
This is the 3rd year of the program and students have found it to be enormously 

The research focus of our PIRE grant is a forensic biogeographic study of 
species that are native to 
China and invasive in the southeastern U.S. as well as a growing number of 
species native to the 
southeastern U.S. and invasive in China.

Each summer, we run an 8 week field course where we visit biological 
communities throughout 
China. After the field course, students can elect to continue in short-term 
(3-week) research 
internships in our partner labs in China.

Students will need to be prepared to take full advantage of this experience. 
Therefore, during the 
spring semester, students must enroll at the University of Georgia (UGA) and 
take 3 courses; two 
in intensive elementary Mandarin Chinese and a laboratory course in genetics. 
No prior experience 
with Chinese language is required, although students should have had at least a 
course in 
introductory biology and preferably courses in ecology and evolutionary biology.

The cost to the student of the summer program is minimal:  the grant covers 
travel to and within 
China, lodging and most meals. The student is responsible for health insurance, 
visa costs and 
personal expenses. Students are also responsible for the costs of enrolling at 
the University of 
Georgia for all required courses (12 credit hours) (all students are charged at 
the in-state tuition 
rate of ~$250 per credit hour plus fees).

The deadline for applications is October 16, 2009. Applications for the 2010 
program are available 
on our website: 
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/undergrad.html. We encourage any interested 
students to 
contact Dr. Mauricio for more information (mauri...@uga.edu).

Rodney Mauricio
Program Director, UGA-China PIRE


Rodney Mauricio, Ph.D.  
Department of Genetics  Phone: (706) 542-1417   
University of Georgia   FAX: (706) 542-3910 
Athens, GA  30602-7223  e-mail: mauri...@uga.edu

Lab Web Page: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/mauriciolab
PIRE Grant Web Page: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire

[ECOLOG-L] University of Georgia Asst Prof Job

2009-11-15 Thread Rodney Mauricio
Plant ecological geneticists are encouraged to apply for this position.


The University of Georgia has long maintained strengths in plant biology. As 
part of a long-term effort to build on these strengths, the Department of 
Genetics invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in any area 
plant genetics at the Assistant Professor level. The candidate will be expected 
maintain a rigorous, externally-funded, research program and to contribute to 
undergraduate and graduate teaching. For information about the breadth of the 
department, see http://www.genetics.uga.edu. 

Applications should be sent by email as a single PDF file (filename format: 
yourlastname.pdf) that includes a cover letter, CV, and brief statements of 
research and teaching interests to: “genet...@uga.edu”. Three letters of 
recommendation should also be sent, either as a PDF to the above e-mail 
address (filename format: applicantlastname_refereelastname.pdf), or in hard 
copy, to the Plant Genetics Search Committee, Department of Genetics, Davison 
Life Sciences Building, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7223. The 
closing date for applications is January 8, 2010. 

The University of Georgia is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer 
and is committed to having a diverse faculty. 

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Fellowships, Invasive Species in China, Unioversity of Georgia

2009-12-09 Thread Rodney Mauricio


Graduate Student Fellowships are available starting in Fall 2010 to study the 
ecological genetics of 
invasive species, including plant pathogens. Fellowships offer a highly 
competitive stipend as well 
as funds for research and travel.

The University of Georgia has received a Partnerships for International 
Research and Education 
(PIRE) grant from the National Science Foundation to support research on the 
genetics and ecology 
of invasive plant and pathogen species exchanged between the southeastern US 
and China, 
Taiwan and Hong Kong. Successful applicants will develop research projects that 
will study the 
population genetics, ecology and/or demography of invasive species that are 
native to the 
southeastern US and to China. A significant proportion of each student's 
research project will be 
conducted in China in collaboration with Chinese research scientists.  Students 
will receive 
training in Chinese language and culture as well as appropriate biology courses.

Students can work with any senior personnel on the UGA-PIRE program (see list 
below and at 
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/people_senior_US.html). Students should 
contact a prospective 
major adviser directly and apply through that department. For additional 
information concerning 
the application process, interested students should refer to our web site 
(http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire) and contact Dr. Rodney Mauricio, UGA-PIRE 
Program Director, 
via email (mauri...@uga.edu). General inquiries can be directed at Dr. Mauricio 
as well.

Current List of Senior Personnel on the UGA PIRE:

Michael Arnold (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Jeff Bennetzen (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
John Burke (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Jeb Byers (Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia)
Donald Champagne (Department of Entomology, University of Georgia)
Shu-Mei Chang (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
John Drake (Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia)
Travis Glenn (School of Public Health, University of Georgia)
James Hamrick (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Paul Hendrix (Professor of Ecology, University of Georgia)
John Maerz (Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia)
Rodney Mauricio (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Richard Meagher (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Andrew Paterson (Departments of Crop and Soil Sciences, Plant Biology, and 
Genetics, University 
of Georgia)
Harald Scherm (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia)
William Vencill (Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, University of Georgia)
Ronald Walcott (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia)
John Wares (Assistant Professor of Genetics, University of Georgia)

[ECOLOG-L] 2011 Ecological Genetics Field Study Abroad in China

2010-03-09 Thread Rodney Mauricio
Please distribute to any undergraduates who might be interested:


Unique (and Low-Cost) Opportunity for Ten Undergraduates
2011 Ecological Genetics Field Study Abroad in China

*Learn Chinese and Ecological Genetics at the Unversity of Georgia*

With funding from NSF's Partnerships for International Research and Education 
(PIRE) program, we 
are offering 10 undergraduates (U.S. citizens or permanent residents only) the 
opportunity to 
participate in a unique study abroad opportunity in China during the spring and 
summer of 2011. 
This will be the 4th year of the program and students have found it to be 
enormously rewarding.

The research focus of our PIRE grant is a forensic phylogeographic study of 
species that are native 
to China and invasive in the southeastern U.S. as well as a growing number of 
species native to 
the southeastern U.S. and invasive in China.

Each summer, we run an 8 week field course where we visit biological 
communities throughout 
China. Students can elect to continue in short-term research internships in our 
partner labs in 

Students will need to be prepared to take full advantage of this experience. 
Therefore, during the 
spring semester, students must enroll at the University of Georgia (UGA) and 
take 3 courses; two 
in intensive elementary Mandarin Chinese and a laboratory course in genetics. 
No prior experience 
with Chinese language is required, although students should have had at least a 
course in 
introductory biology and preferably courses in ecology and evolutionary biology.

The cost to the student of the summer program is minimal:  the grant covers 
travel to and within 
China, lodging and most meals. The student is responsible for health insurance, 
visa costs and 
personal expenses. Students are also responsible for the costs of enrolling at 
the University of 
Georgia for all required courses (12 credit hours) (all students are charged 
in-state tuition rate 
plus fees).

Applications for the 2011 program are available on our website: 
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/undergrad.html. We encourage any interested 
students to 
contact Dr. Mauricio for more information (mauri...@uga.edu).

Rodney Mauricio
Program Director, UGA-China PIRE

[ECOLOG-L] Unique undergraduate opportunity in China

2011-03-13 Thread Rodney Mauricio
Please distribute to any undergraduates who might be interested:

Unique (and Low-Cost) Opportunity for Ten Undergraduates
2012 Ecological Genetics Field Study Abroad in China

*Learn Chinese and Ecological Genetics at the University of Georgia*

With funding from NSF's Partnerships for International Research and Education 
(PIRE) program, we 
are offering 10 undergraduates (U.S. citizens or permanent residents only) the 
opportunity to 
participate in a unique research abroad opportunity in China during the spring 
and summer of 
2012. This is the 4th year of the program and students have found it to be 
enormously rewarding. 
This is likely to be the penultimate offering of this course.

The research focus of our PIRE grant is a forensic biogeographic study of 
species that are native to 
China and invasive in the southeastern U.S. as well as a growing number of 
species native to the 
southeastern U.S. and invasive in China.

Each summer, we run a 6 week field course where we visit biological communities 
China. After the field course, students continue in short-term (3-4-week) 
internships in our partner labs in China.

Students will need to be prepared to take full advantage of this experience. 
Therefore, during the 
spring semester, students must enroll at the University of Georgia (UGA) and 
take 3 courses; two 
in intensive elementary Mandarin Chinese and a laboratory course in genetics. 
No prior experience 
with Chinese language is required, although students should have had at least a 
course in 
introductory biology and preferably courses in ecology and evolutionary biology.

After 1 semester of Chinese, most of our students can operate quite well in 

The cost to the student of the summer program is minimal:  the grant covers 
travel to and within 
China, lodging and most meals. The student is responsible for health insurance, 
visa costs and 
personal expenses. Students are also responsible for the costs of enrolling at 
the University of 
Georgia for all required courses (12 credit hours) (all students are charged at 
the in-state tuition 
rate of ~$300 per credit hour plus fees).

The deadline for applications is April 29, 2011. Applications for the 2012 
program are available 
on our website: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/undergrad.html. We encourage 
any interested 
students to contact Dr. Mauricio for more information (mauri...@uga.edu).

Rodney Mauricio
Program Director, UGA-China PIRE

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc: UGA invasive species phylogeography

2011-03-13 Thread Rodney Mauricio


A postdoctoral position is available in my lab. Although I am particularly 
interested in an individual 
with skills in phylogeography, I would also consider an individual more broadly 
interested in the 
ecological genetics of invasive species (see 
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/mauriciolab/ and 
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/ for more details).

I am interested in hiring someone with some background in evolutionary or 
ecological genetics 
and with excellent bench skills. The ideal candidate will be organized, pay 
close attention to detail, 
and be able to work both independently and in collaboration with others. In 
particular, the 
candidate may work closely with Dr. Travis Glenn on next-gen approaches. 
Independent side 
projects on the part of the postdoc are encouraged and will be supported 
intellectually and 
financially if feasible. A Ph.D. is required.

There also may be an opportunity for this postdoc to gain independent teaching 
experience (for 
extra pay) by teaching a small, 1-credit, discussion section for our 
undergraduate evolutionary 
biology course each semester.

The start date is late summer/early fall 2011, although there is some 
flexibility in start dates. The 
initial appointment is for one year, with an additional year of funding 
available conditional on 
satisfactory performance.  The annual salary for this position will be 
commensurate with 
experience, and includes benefits. The University of Georgia is an Equal 
Opportunity Employer and I 
encourage applications from candidates from groups underrepresented in the life 

Please send me an e-mail (mauri...@uga.edu) with the following information:  a 
detailing your interest and qualifications for the position, a CV, a statement 
of your research 
interests, and the names and contact information for 2 people who could write 
on your behalf.

Rodney Mauricio
Department of Genetics
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-7223

[ECOLOG-L] University of Georgia, Lab Tech, Ecological Genetics

2013-05-15 Thread Rodney Mauricio

I anticipate hiring a research technician with
an immediate start date.  My laboratory conducts
research in evolutionary and ecological genetics of invasive species.

Qualifications are an undergraduate degree in Biology or related
field with 1 or more undergraduate or graduate courses in
genetics, and some research experience.  Experience with
PCR and molecular biology protocols is necessary.
Salary will be commensurate with experience.

I would prefer to hire a recently graduated undergraduate
who is interested in working in an academic setting for at
least a year before starting graduate school.

The working conditions, intellectual atmosphere, and facilities
in Genetics at Georgia are excellent.  Athens is a lovely and
inexpensive place in which to live with all of the advantages of
and culture of a 200 year-old university town.  You may wish
to look at the Department of Genetics’ web site at:

Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found.

For more information, please contact me by e-mail at:

Interested persons should send by e-mail a letter of
application, a CV and the name, phone number and e-mail
address of 2 references.


Rodney Mauricio, Ph.D.
Department of Genetics
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-7223

Lab Web Page: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/mauriciolab
PIRE Grant Web Page: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire

[ECOLOG-L] Research Technician University of Georgia, Athens

2012-09-20 Thread Rodney Mauricio
I anticipate hiring a research technician with
an immediate start date.  My laboratory conducts 
research in evolutionary and ecological genetics of invasive species.

Qualifications are an undergraduate degree in Biology or related
field with 1 or more undergraduate or graduate courses in
genetics, and some research experience.  Experience with
PCR and molecular biology protocols is desirable.  
Salary will be commensurate with experience.

I would prefer to hire a recently graduated undergraduate
who is interested in working in an academic setting for at
least a year before starting graduate school.

The working conditions, intellectual atmosphere, and facilities 
in Genetics at Georgia are excellent.  Athens is a lovely and 
inexpensive place in which to live with all of the advantages of 
and culture of a 200 year-old university town.  You may wish
to look at the Department of Genetics' web site at:

Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found.
For more information, please contact me by e-mail at:

Interested persons should send by e-mail a letter of 
application, a CV and the name, phone number and e-mail 
address of 2 references.


Rodney Mauricio, Ph.D.
Department of Genetics
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-7223

Lab Web Page: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/mauriciolab
PIRE Grant Web Page: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire

[ECOLOG-L] Postdocs in Ecological Genetics

2012-09-20 Thread Rodney Mauricio


A have 2 postdoctoral positions available in my lab. Although I am particularly 
interested in an 
individual with skills in phylogeography, I would also consider an individual 
more broadly 
interested in the ecological genetics of invasive species (see 
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/mauriciolab/ and http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/ 
for more 

I am interested in hiring someone with background in evolutionary or ecological 
genetics and with 
excellent bench skills. The ideal candidate will be organized, pay close 
attention to detail, and be 
able to work both independently and in collaboration with others. In 
particular, the candidate may 
work closely with Dr. Travis Glenn on next-gen approaches. Independent side 
projects on the part 
of the postdoc are encouraged and will be supported intellectually and 
financially if feasible. A 
Ph.D. is required.

There also may be an opportunity for this postdoc to gain independent teaching 
experience (for 
extra pay) by teaching a small, 1-credit, discussion section for our 
undergraduate evolutionary 
biology course each semester.

There is some flexibility in start date, but preference will be given to 
individuals who can start 
immediately. The initial appointment is for one year, with an additional year 
of funding available 
conditional on satisfactory performance.  The annual salary for this position 
will be commensurate 
with experience, and includes benefits. The University of Georgia is an Equal 
Opportunity Employer 
and I encourage applications from candidates from groups underrepresented in 
the life sciences.

Please send me an e-mail (mauri...@uga.edu) with the following information:  a 
detailing your interest and qualifications for the position, a proposed start 
date, a CV, and the 
names and contact information for 2 people who could write on your behalf.


Rodney Mauricio, Ph.D.
Department of Genetics
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-7223

Lab Web Page: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/mauriciolab
PIRE Grant Web Page: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire

[ECOLOG-L] Low-cost Undergraduate Opportunity in China

2012-09-20 Thread Rodney Mauricio
Please distribute to any undergraduates who might be interested:

Unique (and Low-Cost) Opportunity for Ten Undergraduates
2013 Ecological Genetics Field Study Abroad in China


*Learn Chinese and Ecological Genetics at the University of Georgia*

With funding from NSF's Partnerships for International Research and Education 
(PIRE) program, we
are offering 10 undergraduates (U.S. citizens or permanent residents only) the 
opportunity to
participate in a unique research abroad opportunity in China during the spring 
and summer of 

This is the 5th year of the program and students have found it to be enormously 
rewarding. This 
will likely to be the last offering of this opportunity.

The research focus of our PIRE grant is a forensic biogeographic study of 
species that are native to
China and invasive in the southeastern U.S. as well as a growing number of 
species native to the
southeastern U.S. and invasive in China.

Each summer, we run a 6 week field course where we visit biological communities 
China. After the field course, students continue in short-term research 
internships in our partner 
labs in China.

Students will need to be prepared to take full advantage of this experience. 
Therefore, during the
spring semester, students must enroll at the University of Georgia (UGA) and 
take 3 courses; two
in intensive elementary Mandarin Chinese and a laboratory course in genetics. 
No prior experience
with Chinese language is required, although students should have had at least a 
course in
introductory biology and preferably courses in ecology and evolutionary biology.

After 1 semester of Chinese, most of our students can operate quite well in 

The cost to the student of the summer program is minimal:  the grant covers 
travel to and within
China, lodging and most meals. The student is responsible for health insurance, 
visa costs and
personal expenses. However, all students are responsible for the costs of 
enrolling at the 
University of Georgia for all required courses (12 credit hours per semester) 
(all students are 
charged at the in-state tuition rate plus fees).

The deadline for applications is October 15, 2012. Applications for the 2013 
program are available
on our website: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/undergrad.html. We encourage 
any interested 
students tocontact Dr. Mauricio for more information (mauri...@uga.edu).

Rodney Mauricio
Program Director, UGA-China PIRE


Rodney Mauricio, Ph.D.
Department of Genetics
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-7223

Lab Web Page: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/mauriciolab
PIRE Grant Web Page: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire

[ECOLOG-L] Assistant Professor Position in Evolutionary Genetics at the University of Georgia

2013-09-16 Thread Rodney Mauricio
The Department of Genetics at the University of Georgia invites applications at 
the Assistant 
Professor level for a tenure-track faculty position in evolutionary genetics. 
We welcome 
applications from any area of evolution research, from pattern to process, and 
we are particularly 
interested in candidates whose research uses established or emerging model 
animal systems. The 
UGA Department of Genetics has strengths in evolution, molecular genetics, and 
genomics, and we 
are looking for a colleague who will both strengthen and diversify our core 

The successful candidate will hold a Ph.D. or equivalent in biology or any 
relevant field, and have 
postdoctoral experience and a strong record of scientific productivity. The 
candidate will be 
expected to maintain a rigorous, externally funded research program, will teach 
in one of our 
undergraduate core courses, and will contribute to graduate training. For 
information about the 
department, see http://www.genetics.uga.edu, and for information on 
evolutionary biology 
research across UGA see: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/evolutionary/.

To apply, candidates should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of 
their three best 
publications, and statements of research interests and teaching philosophy (no 
more than 4 pages 
total) as a single PDF file to https://www.franklin.uga.edu/jobs/. Three 
letters of recommendation 
should be uploaded separately to the same web site. The committee will begin 
applications on November 15, 2013, and continue until the position has been 
The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, its many units, and the University 
of Georgia are 
committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty and students, and 
sustaining a work and 
learning environment that is inclusive.  Women, minorities and people with 
disabilities are 
encouraged to apply. The University is an EEO/AA institution. Georgia is well 
known for its quality 
of life in regard to both outdoor and urban activities. The University of 
Georgia, the oldest state-
chartered university in the United States, is a land/sea grant institution 
located in the city of 
Athens, 90 miles northeast of Atlanta.

Inquiries about this position can be directed to Kelly Dyer at kd...@uga.edu.

Kelly Dyer
Assistant Professor
Department of Genetics
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-7223
email: kd...@uga.edu
phone: 706 542 3154

[ECOLOG-L] Ecological Genetics Field Study Abroad in China

2008-04-18 Thread Rodney Mauricio
Please distribute to any undergraduates who might be interested:

Unique Opportunity for Ten Undergraduates
2009 Ecological Genetics Field Study Abroad in China

With funding from NSF's Partnerships for International Research and Education 
(PIRE) program, we 
are offering 10 undergraduates (U.S. citizens or permanent residents only) the 
opportunity to 
participate in a unique study abroad opportunity in China during the summer of 
2009 (mid-May 
through mid-July).

The research focus of our PIRE grant is a forensic biogeographic study of 
species that are native to 
China and invasive in the southeastern U.S. as well as a growing number of 
species native to the 
southeastern U.S. and invasive in China. Each summer, we will run an 8 week 
OTS-style field 
course where we will visit biological communities throughout China. After the 
field course, 
students can elect to continue in short-term research internships in our 
partner labs in China.

Students will need to be prepared to take full advantage of this experience. 
Each spring semester, 
students will enroll at the University of Georgia (UGA) and take 3 courses; two 
in intensive 
elementary Mandarin Chinese and a laboratory course in genetics. No prior 
experience with 
Chinese language is required, although students should have had at least a 
course in introductory 
biology and preferably courses in ecology and evolutionary biology.

The cost to the student of the summer program is minimal:  the grant covers 
travel to and within 
China, lodging and most meals. The student is responsible for insurance, visa 
costs and personal 
expenses. Students are also responsible for the costs of enrolling at the 
University of Georgia for 
all required courses (all students are charged at the in-state tuition rate of 
~$200 per credit 

Applications for the 2009 program will be available online late this summer and 
the deadline for 
application is in the early fall. We encourage any interested students to 
contact us. For more 
information, please see the program web site: 
“http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire” or e-mail us at 

Rodney Mauricio
Program Director, UGA-China PIRE
Department of Genetics
University of Georgia

[ECOLOG-L] Course: Ecological Genetics Field Study Abroad in China

2008-09-23 Thread Rodney Mauricio
Please distribute to any undergraduates who might be interested:

Unique Opportunity for Ten Undergraduates
2009 Ecological Genetics Field Study Abroad in China

With funding from NSF's Partnerships for International Research and Education 
(PIRE) program, we 
are offering 10 undergraduates (U.S. citizens or permanent residents only) the 
opportunity to 
participate in a unique study abroad opportunity in China during the summer of 
2009 (mid-May 
through mid-July).

The research focus of our PIRE grant is a forensic biogeographic study of 
species that are native to 
China and invasive in the southeastern U.S. as well as a growing number of 
species native to the 
southeastern U.S. and invasive in China. Each summer, we will run an 8 week 
field course where 
we will visit biological communities throughout China. After the field course, 
students can elect to 
continue in short-term research internships in our partner labs in China.

Students will need to be prepared to take full advantage of this experience. 
Each spring semester, 
students will enroll at the University of Georgia (UGA) and take 3 courses; two 
in intensive 
elementary Mandarin Chinese and a laboratory course in genetics. No prior 
experience with 
Chinese language is required, although students should have had at least a 
course in introductory 
biology and preferably courses in ecology and evolutionary biology.

The cost to the student of the summer program is minimal:  the grant covers 
travel to and within 
China, lodging and most meals. The student is responsible for insurance, visa 
costs and personal 
expenses. Students are also responsible for the costs of enrolling at the 
University of Georgia for 
all required courses (all students are charged at the in-state tuition rate of 
~$200 per credit 

Applications for the 2009 program are available on our website: 
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire. The deadline for application is fast 
approaching, although we 
can extend it if a highly motivated student contacts us showing interest and 
needing some 
additional time to get together the application materials. We encourage any 
interested students to 
contact us for more information. Or, see the web site: 
“http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/undergrad.html” or e-mail us at [EMAIL 

Rodney Mauricio
Program Director, UGA-China PIRE
Department of Genetics
University of Georgia

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Fellowships, Invasive Species, University of Georgia

2008-11-04 Thread Rodney Mauricio


Graduate Student Fellowships are available starting in Fall 2008 to study the 
ecological genetics of 
invasive species, including plant pathogens. Fellowships offer a highly 
competitive stipend as well 
as funds for research and travel.

The University of Georgia has received a Partnerships for International 
Research and Education 
(PIRE) grant from the National Science Foundation to support research on the 
genetics and ecology 
of invasive plant and pathogen species exchanged between the southeastern US 
and China, 
Taiwan and Hong Kong. Successful applicants will develop research projects that 
will study the 
population genetics, ecology and/or demography of invasive species that are 
native to the 
southeastern US and to China. A significant proportion of each student's 
research project must be 
conducted in China in collaboration with Chinese research scientists.  Students 
will receive 
training in Chinese language and culture as well as appropriate biology courses.

Students can work with any senior personnel on the UGA-PIRE program (see list 
below and at 
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/people_senior_US.html). Students should 
contact a prospective 
major adviser directly and apply through that department. For additional 
information concerning 
the application process, interested students should refer to our website 

Questions? Contact Dr. Rodney Mauricio, UGA-PIRE Program Director, via email 

Current List of Senior Personnel on the UGA PIRE:

Michael Arnold (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Jeff Bennetzen (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
John Burke (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Donald Champagne (Department of Entomology, University of Georgia)
Shu-Mei Chang (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
G. Keith Douce (Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Tifton)
John Drake (Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia)
Qinfeng Guo (Research Ecologist, USDA-Southern Research Station)
James Hamrick (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Paul Hendrix (Professor of Ecology, University of Georgia)
Lissa Leege (Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University)
John Maerz (Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia)
Rodney Mauricio (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Richard Meagher (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Karin Myhre (Department of Comparative Literature, University of Georgia)
Andrew Paterson (Departments of Crop and Soil Sciences, Plant Biology, and 
Genetics, University 
of Georgia)
Harald Scherm (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia)
William Vencill (Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, University of Georgia)
Ronald Walcott (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia)
John Wares (Assistant Professor of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Susan Wessler (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Lorne Wolfe (Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University)

[ECOLOG-L] correction: 2009 UGA Invasive Species PhD Opportunities

2008-11-05 Thread Rodney Mauricio


Graduate Student Fellowships are available starting in Fall 2009 to study the 
ecological genetics of
invasive species, including plant pathogens. Fellowships offer a highly 
competitive stipend as well
as funds for research and travel.

The University of Georgia has received a Partnerships for International 
Research and Education
(PIRE) grant from the National Science Foundation to support research on the 
genetics and ecology
of invasive plant and pathogen species exchanged between the southeastern US 
and China,
Taiwan and Hong Kong. Successful applicants will develop research projects that 
will study the
population genetics, ecology and/or demography of invasive species that are 
native to the
southeastern US and to China. A significant proportion of each student's 
research project must be
conducted in China in collaboration with Chinese research scientists.  Students 
will receive
training in Chinese language and culture as well as appropriate biology courses.

Students can work with any senior personnel on the UGA-PIRE program (see list 
below and at
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/people_senior_US.html). Students should 
contact a prospective
major adviser directly and apply through that department. For additional 
information concerning
the application process, interested students should refer to our website

Questions? Contact Dr. Rodney Mauricio, UGA-PIRE Program Director, via email

Current List of Senior Personnel on the UGA PIRE:

Michael Arnold (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Jeff Bennetzen (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
John Burke (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Donald Champagne (Department of Entomology, University of Georgia)
Shu-Mei Chang (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
G. Keith Douce (Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Tifton)
John Drake (Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia)
Qinfeng Guo (Research Ecologist, USDA-Southern Research Station)
James Hamrick (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Paul Hendrix (Professor of Ecology, University of Georgia)
Lissa Leege (Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University)
John Maerz (Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia)
Rodney Mauricio (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Richard Meagher (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Karin Myhre (Department of Comparative Literature, University of Georgia)
Andrew Paterson (Departments of Crop and Soil Sciences, Plant Biology, and 
Genetics, University
of Georgia)
Harald Scherm (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia)
William Vencill (Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, University of Georgia)
Ronald Walcott (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia)
John Wares (Assistant Professor of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Susan Wessler (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Lorne Wolfe (Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University)

Job: Ecological Genetics at the University of Georgia

2006-10-23 Thread Rodney Mauricio

As part of a long-term effort to build on strengths in evolutionary biology, 
the Department of 
Genetics at the University of Georgia has committed to hiring five new faculty 
in evolutionary 
biology over a three year period. Last year, we added two faculty in the areas 
of molecular 
evolution and theory. This year, we invite applications for a tenure-track 
position in evolutionary 
biology at the Assistant Professor level. We are seeking a scientist using an 
experimental approach 
to study fundamental questions at the interface of genetics and ecology. Future 
faculty lines will 
be in the areas of evolutionary genomics, and evolution & development. For 
information about the 
department, see http://www.genetics.uga.edu.

Applications should be sent by email as a single PDF file that includes a cover 
letter, CV, and brief 
statements of research and teaching interests to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Three 
letters of 
recommendation should also be sent, either as a PDF to the above e-mail 
address, or in hard 
copy, to the Ecological Genetics Search Committee, Department of Genetics, 
Davison Life Sciences 
Building, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7223. Review of applications 
will begin on 
November 20, 2006.

The University of Georgia is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer 
and is committed to 
having a diverse faculty.

Graduate Fellowships, Invasive Species, University of Georgia

2007-12-11 Thread Rodney Mauricio


Graduate Student Fellowships are available starting in Fall 2008 to study the 
ecological genetics of 
invasive species, including plant pathogens. Fellowships offer a highly 
competitive stipend as well 
as funds for research and travel.

The University of Georgia has received a Partnerships for International 
Research and Education 
(PIRE) grant from the National Science Foundation to support research on the 
genetics and ecology 
of invasive plant and pathogen species exchanged between the southeastern US 
and China, 
Taiwan and Hong Kong. Successful applicants will develop research projects that 
will study the 
population genetics, ecology and/or demography of invasive species that are 
native to the 
southeastern US and to China. A significant proportion of each student's 
research project must be 
conducted in China in collaboration with Chinese research scientists.  Students 
will receive 
training in Chinese language and culture as well as appropriate biology courses.

Students can work with any senior personnel on the UGA-PIRE program (see list 
below and at 
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/people_senior_US.html). Students should 
contact a prospective 
major adviser directly and apply through that department. For additional 
information concerning 
the application process, interested students should refer to our website 

Questions? Contact Dr. Rodney Mauricio, UGA-PIRE Program Director, via email 

Current List of Senior Personnel on the UGA PIRE:

Michael Arnold (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Jeff Bennetzen (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
John Burke (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Donald Champagne (Department of Entomology, University of Georgia)
Shu-Mei Chang (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
G. Keith Douce (Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Tifton)
John Drake (Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia)
Qinfeng Guo (Research Ecologist, USDA-Southern Research Station)
James Hamrick (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Paul Hendrix (Professor of Ecology, University of Georgia)
Lissa Leege (Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University)
John Maerz (Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia)
Rodney Mauricio (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Richard Meagher (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Karin Myhre (Department of Comparative Literature, University of Georgia)
Andrew Paterson (Departments of Crop and Soil Sciences, Plant Biology, and 
Genetics, University 
of Georgia)
Harald Scherm (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia)
William Vencill (Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, University of Georgia)
Ronald Walcott (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia)
John Wares (Assistant Professor of Genetics, University of Georgia)
Susan Wessler (Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia)
Lorne Wolfe (Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University)

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc: Plant Ecological Genetics, University of Georgia

2008-04-04 Thread Rodney Mauricio


A postdoctoral position is available in my lab. Although I am particularly 
interested in an individual 
with skills in QTL mapping, specifically genetic marker development in 
non-model species, I 
would also consider an individual more broadly interested in the ecological 
genetics of adaptation 
in plants or in the ecological genetics of invasive species (see 
http://www.genetics.uga.edu/mauriciolab/ and http://www.genetics.uga.edu/pire/ 
for more 

I am interested in hiring someone with some background in evolutionary or 
ecological genetics 
and with excellent bench skills. The ideal candidate will be organized, pay 
close attention to 
detail, and be able to work both independently and in collaboration with 
others. Independent side 
projects on the part of the postdoc are encouraged and will be supported 
intellectually and 
financially if feasible. A Ph.D. is required and this post-doc is only 
available to U.S. citizens or 
permanent residents.

There is also an opportunity for this postdoc to gain independent teaching 
experience (for extra 
pay) by teaching a small, 1-credit, discussion section for our undergraduate 
evolutionary biology 
course each semester.

The start date is late summer/early fall 2008. The initial appointment is for 
one year, with an 
additional two years' funding available conditional on satisfactory 
performance.  The annual salary 
for this position will be commensurate with experience, and includes benefits. 
The University of 
Georgia is an Equal Opportunity Employer and I encourage applications from 
candidates from 
groups underrepresented in the life sciences.

Please send me an e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with the following information:  a 
detailing your interest and qualifications for the position, a CV, a statement 
of your research 
interests, and the names and contact information for 3 people who could write 
on your behalf.

The Mauricio lab is a part of the diverse and interactive UGA Department of 
Genetics, for which 
more information can be found at http://www.genetics.uga.edu/.

Rodney Mauricio
Department of Genetics
Davison Life Sciences Building
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-7223