Re: [Elecraft] K2/100 RS-232 Noise

2007-04-23 Thread David Fleming
Removing the freq counter cable had no effect. Repositioning the ribbon
cable did help some, but the noise is still there.  I tried positioning
the cable every way possible and found the most quite spot by routing it
back beneath the shield and then folding it sharply toward the front - 
right above but not touching the crystals on KSB2.  I taped the cable
to the shield at this spot.  Without an antenna, the noise is still ~S2
(2 leds) on most bands. But with an antenna attached it disappears into
the band noise.  So I suppose it's not too big a deal. But I'd still
like to get rid of the noise completely. I never noticed it with the
KIO2. I also changed the polling frequency to 1 second. That makes the
noise more or less insignificant. But now I have to look at the rig's
S-meter instead of the virtual one on the monitor. :)

Anyways, the K2 is working *great*.  It a real joy to operate and the
receiver is simply fantastic. I'll be taking it on a DX vacation to
Bermuda the last week in July.  I'm looking forward to finding out what
it's like to "BE" DX. :)


-David W4SMT   

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Re: [Elecraft] Frequency Counter

2007-04-23 Thread Matt Osborn

I can recommend the M3 FPM1 Frequency Counter and Power Meter..

It's a great kit but the calibration problem still remains.  For
calibration, M3 sells the RF Calibrator which is NOT a kit, but does
come calibrated by M3.

Both are remarkably accurate and I've found them to be very useful
additions to my bench.

Disclaimer:  I do not work for M3 Electronix, I'm just a satisfied

On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 14:30:33 -0500, "Dennis Vavra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Thanks for the info regarding the XG2/Freq Ctr. Could you recommend a 
>make/model freq ctr for kit building? Iv'e looked on the MFJ web site, but if 
>you have better ideas it would be of great help. Preferably one that is not 
>too expensive!!
>Dennis Vavra,  AD5LY
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-- kc0ukk at msosborn dot com
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RE: [Elecraft] Frequency Counter

2007-04-23 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
I have a little portable counter (ancient - late 70's technology) that uses
a 4 MHz crystal. It was nothing fancy. It didn't even have a way to adjust
the crystal frequency.  I had to add a small piston trimmer cap to the
design. I used it commercially to confirm that shipboard transmitters were
in spec before the FCC checked them during the annual inspection. I noted
that my counter was always very, very close to the FCC examiner's much more
sophisticated instrument. 

Mine used the common 4 MHz crystal. Before going out to a ship the check the
transmitters I'd set it using the 5th harmonic of the xtal to beat against
WWV. I could easily set it to with 1/2 Hz at 20 MHz. That is the S-meter on
the receiver monitoring WWV would wander every so slowly, completing a cycle
in no less than 1 second. That meant the time base error was 1/5 that for a
total error of 1/10 Hz or less. 

If I ever have to retire my little counter I'll look for a similar
capability in any design I use to replace it. As long as I can check the
calibration regularly I'll know how much a counter tends to drift and I can
quickly set it very accurately whenever I need to make an especially precise
adjustment. It's pretty rare when WWV isn't booming in here on 20 MHz on the
west coast. 

I set my K2's calibration using the procedure Wayne provided on the web
site, primarily because I wanted to see how easily it worked. It was simple,
quick and yielded results well within the 20 Hz or so possible error of the
DAC's used in the K2. So I never tried using WWV at 20 MHz to zero beat the
K2 control board oscillator, but I'd expect it to work just as well. 

After all, the K2 has a built in frequency counter. It's that built-in
counter's time base that C22 adjusts! Why not set it as accurately as
possible and use it as it was intended. 


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Re:[elecraft]Alignment and Test, part 1

2007-04-23 Thread Bryan
Hi Don,

Problem fixed, I had omitted fine now !


73 Bryan GM3AKF
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Re: [Elecraft] Problem with KPA100 - HiCurr

2007-04-23 Thread Koert Wilmink

Dear all,
Problem solved!! Bad soldering found!

73, Koert PA1KW
"HAMRADIO - when everything else fails!"

Koert Wilmink wrote:

Dear all,

After a lot of checking and checking I still have this problem. I 
removed T4 and did dubble check. I did replace the coax cable by a 
teflon coax cable. I did set R26 and R27 to 43K. Sometimes when 
turning C1 it is possible to set 1.0-1 but than it reduces the power 
to 0 watts. After switching off and on again the display is saying Hi 
Curr again.

Any other suggestions?

73, Koert PA1KW
"HAMRADIO - when everything else fails!"

Koert Wilmink wrote:
Dear all,
I just finished my KPA100. I do have the following problem with the 
first steps connecting the KPA100 to my K2 #05618.
I've connected the ribbon cable, speaker and RF connector to my K2. 
I've got audio and I also receive stations when I connect my antenna.
With my dummy load and after setting power to 5Watts on 40M I see the 
5 watts and the SWR for 1 second in the LCD screen and then the HiCur 
(High current) appears on the LCD.On 20m bands I only see the PWR in 
the LCD screen without the SWR for 1 second and than I see HiRefl. On 
10M I do see the pwr and the SWR! The latter I only get 2.1 watts when 
set to 5 watts.
Please can somebody tell me where to start? I did check the 
connections and this seems to be ok. There is no pwr to the KPA100 so 
everything is bypassed, except the bandfilters?

help is very much appreciated!.

73, Koert PA1KW
"HAMRADIO - when everything else fails!"
K2 # 05618
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Re: [Elecraft] Frequency Counter

2007-04-23 Thread Don Wilhelm


I would not recommend ANY kit frequency counter if one will be using it 
for calibration purposes - unless you have some means of calibrating it.

I can recommend a recently calibrated HP or Fluke frequency counter - 
you can sometimes find them used at auction sites, but they may not have 
recent (and tracable) calibration.  Good calibration does cost dearly at 
a calibration lab.

To be properly used as a calibration device the instrument should have a 
tracable calibration accuracy of 10 times the accuracy that you seek 
when using it.  That means if you wish to achieve 1 Hz accuracy at 10 
MHz, that instrument must be calibrated to an accuracy of 10^-7 or 
better.  That kind of accuracy just cannot be achieved with an 
over-the-air signal from WWV - syncing to WWVB might be possible, but 
that is not easy for most ham/experimenter situations.  If you can find 
a GPS synced standard, you may be able to achieve 10^-8 or with care 
even 10^-9 in some cases.

You alone must decide what kind of accuracy you wish to achieve and make 
your decisions based on the specifications for the counter and the 
accuracy of your calibration techniques.


Dennis Vavra wrote:


Thanks for the info regarding the XG2/Freq Ctr. Could you recommend a 
make/model freq ctr for kit building? Iv'e looked on the MFJ web site, but if 
you have better ideas it would be of great help. Preferably one that is not too 
Dennis Vavra,  AD5LY
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[Elecraft] Frequency Counter

2007-04-23 Thread Dennis Vavra

Thanks for the info regarding the XG2/Freq Ctr. Could you recommend a 
make/model freq ctr for kit building? Iv'e looked on the MFJ web site, but if 
you have better ideas it would be of great help. Preferably one that is not too 
Dennis Vavra,  AD5LY
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[Elecraft] frrquency counter

2007-04-23 Thread Dennis Vavra
Thanks for the info abt the XG2/freq ctr. Could you recommend a make/model freq 
ctr for kit blding that is  not
too expensive? Iv'e looked at the MFJ web site but if you could recommend 
another it would be of help.
Dennis vavra,  AD5LY
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[Elecraft] Ground isolation w/K2 serial rig control

2007-04-23 Thread Ben Hofmann K1NT
Most sound card interface designs include isolation
between computer and radio signals using transformers
for audio and optoisolators or solid state relays for
PTT.  If one wanted to have a sound card interface
connected at the same time as the KIO2 or KPA100
serial control cable, the signal ground on the serial
control cable is not isolated, and so would provides
an unwanted ground path between the radio and the
computer.  Is there a way to isolate the receive data,
transmit data and signal ground lines of the serial
control cable such that this ground path is
eliminated?  I am looking for a homebrew solution as
opposed to a pre-packaged approach, but I can't seem
to find any info on the net besides pre-packaged.

-Ben  K1NT

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Re: [elecraft] Alignment and test, part 1

2007-04-23 Thread Don Wilhelm


For some reason or another, the AUXBUS signal is not getting from the 
KIOC chip (RF BOARD U1) to the Control Board microprocessor.  That is 
indicated both by the INFO 080 message and the 255 in the display 
instead of the KIOC chip level.  Check the voltage at each of the pins 
on U1 using the DC Voltage Chart in the back of the manual.

Also check the resistance through the AUXBUS path from RF Board U1 pin 
28 to Control Board U6 pin 40 - there are 2 100 ohm resistors in that 
path plus connectors and PC board traces, so you should find a 
resistance just a bit above 200 ohms.  There should also be a high 
resistance from the AUXBUS line to ground.  If you find the resistances 
are not proper, look for the unsoldered connection or the solder bridge 
at all points along the AUXBUS path (including the Control Board to RF 
Board connectors).

Be certain RF Board U1 is seated fully into its socket and that there 
are no pins bent under the chip body.


Bryan wrote:


I have got to page 42, and I have a problem. Switching on I get the INFO 080 
message. Pushing DISPLAY gives me the message 2.04p 255 for a few secs.  Then I 
get a frequency readout. Of course I have checked my soldering several times, 
and I've changed U1, and even tried a known good Control board.  Has anyone 
seen this problem before.

73,  Bryan GM3AKF
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Key shaping (hard?)

2007-04-23 Thread Scott Holisky
I heard the "hard keying" effect on 40 meters last night. Kevin KD5ONS's K2 
sounded like he was running my old Conar transmitter. It was propagation 
related. Several stations sounded hard as I tuned across the band. With some 
signals showing a slight aura wobble. I also observed the effect coming and 
going on signals. Weird stuff. 
So don't dig into your rig quite yet! 
Scott N0AR 
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Re: [Elecraft] XG2 mini mod

2007-04-23 Thread Don Wilhelm


It can do that - IF and ONLY IF you first calibrate the XG2.  It has 
trimmers to adjust the frequency of the crystal, but you will need 
something (calibrated frequency counter is easiest) to calibrate the XG2 


Dennis Vavra wrote:

With regards to the XG2,  in addition to everything else it can do, can it also 
calibrate the main tuning control (VFO)
of tranceivers like the NorCal 40A? I am considering purchasing an XG2 for my 
toolbox. I would greatly appreciate information on this.
Dennis Vavra,  AD5LY

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Re:[elecraft] Alignment and test, part 1

2007-04-23 Thread Bryan

I have got to page 42, and I have a problem. Switching on I get the INFO 080 
message. Pushing DISPLAY gives me the message 2.04p 255 for a few secs.  Then I 
get a frequency readout. Of course I have checked my soldering several times, 
and I've changed U1, and even tried a known good Control board.  Has anyone 
seen this problem before.

73,  Bryan GM3AKF
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[Elecraft] XG2 mini mod

2007-04-23 Thread Dennis Vavra
With regards to the XG2,  in addition to everything else it can do, can it also 
calibrate the main tuning control (VFO)
of tranceivers like the NorCal 40A? I am considering purchasing an XG2 for my 
toolbox. I would greatly appreciate information on this.
Dennis Vavra,  AD5LY
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Re: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter

2007-04-23 Thread Jeff Kinzli N6GQ

Thanks Don, I'll begin looking...


On 4/23/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I was really asking if the power jumped to 160 watts regardless of the
setting of the power control so I could better suggest where the problem
might be - apparently it does not go to 160 watts if you set the power

That behavior is not normal, and right now I would strongly suspect that
there is a bad solder connection in the KPA100 wattmeter section or in
the VRFDET signal path back to the K2 microprocessor.  Do the trimmer
pots R26 and R27 look OK?  I have found some that were damaged when
soldering the transformers cores in the PA - a damaged trimmer could
have an intermittent contact at the wiper and cause the results you are
seeing.  Check the entire path for FWD power indication from the KPA100
wattmeter to the VRFDET signal output (look at the schematic to identify
the components - and don't forget about the scaling resistors and the
scaling switches Q10 and Q11).  Since this is an intermittent condition,
it will be difficult to know when it is fixed - that is what makes
intermittents so hard to deal with - try tapping on things to try to
induce a failure.


Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
> Don, thanks.
> I do have a recently-made KPA100 (~3 months) and have installed the
> upgraded C31 to combat the parasitic.
> When in QSO, I see the power jump up, and it seems to stay there until
> I enter a TUNE operation or manually drop the power level via the
> power knob.
> I spend a lot of time on 40M, so that's where I usually see the
> problem. I do believe it happens on other bands though.
> If an occasional jump to 150W is ok, then I won't worry about it. I
> can leave the power knob lower so that the maximum power reached is
> less than 130W on those transients.
> 73,
> Jeff
> On 4/23/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> If you are saying that you see an occasional jump from 120 watts power
>> to 140 or even 160, I would say that *MAY* be possible, but if it jumps
>> from 50 (or even 80) watts to 160, then you do have a problem - and my
>> first reaction is that it is an indication of a transient oscillation.
>> How long does the power stay at 160 watts?  Is this on 40 meters, or
>> does it occur on all bands?  What level is your KPA100?  If it has RFC10
>> installed and the L15 position has a toroid and L16 has a toroid with a
>> red core - you do not have the latest update - that update was designed
>> to combat a parasitic on 40 meters.  In your case, I would recommend the
>> KPA100UPKT if it is not already installed just to be rid of the
>> possibility that the 40 meter parasitic is what is causing your problem.
>> 73,
>> Don W3FPR
>> Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
>> > Thanks Don and others for the answers.
>> >
>> > In my case, I'm trying to run down a proble where the KPA100 will be
>> > fine, then all of a sudden it's output will jump up over 140W. I
>> > thought that the high output in the base K2 might be the cause. So are
>> > we saying that some variation is ok, and once in a while if the KPA100
>> > gets up over 150W then we're ok? This is not apparently an oscillation
>> > issue, as I don't see high SWRs.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Jeff
>> >
>> > On 4/23/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Jeff,
>> >>
>> >> That is normal behavior - the power will climb a bit if left in
>> TUNE for
>> >> a period of time.  It is mostly the result of heating in the PA
>> >> transistors.  In normal operation, either with CW or SSB, there is
>> not a
>> >> constant carrier being transmitted and the same conditions will not be
>> >> present.
>> >>
>> >> Do not leave the K2 in TUNE at high power for any significant
>> length of
>> >> time - remember that TUNE is transmitting at a 100% duty cycle.  OK
>> for
>> >> short bursts, but not good for longer periods.  The base K2 shoud be
>> >> limited to 5 watts or less for a 100% duty cycle transmission and
>> to 35
>> >> watts or less with the KPA100.
>> >>
>> >> 73,
>> >> Don W3FPR
>> >>
>> >> Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
>> >> > Hi Don,
>> >> >
>> >> > Thanks for the replies.
>> >> >
>> >> > To answer your questions, the problem occurs into a dummy load.
>> >> >
>> >> > I set the base K2 (without KPA100 connected) to 5.0W, and then TUNE,
>> >> > and it starts at 5.0W and heads upwards to 5.7-6.0W (read from the
>> >> > display, as well as the S-meter). After about 10 seconds in TUNE,
>> it's
>> >> > up to 5.7 or 6W and the next LED on the S-meter is starting to
>> flicker
>> >> > some.
>> >> >
>> >> > Moving the power knob will allow me to bring it back to 5.0W, but
>> the
>> >> > next TUNE will see the power climb back up again.
>> >> >
>> >> > I'm not sure if I should still be looking on the RF board at this
>> >> > point, or start focusing on the control board...?
>> >> >
>> >> > Thanks, 73,
>> >> >
>> >> > Jeff
>> >> >
>> >> > On 4/22/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> >> Jeff,
>> >> >>

Re: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter

2007-04-23 Thread Don Wilhelm


I was really asking if the power jumped to 160 watts regardless of the 
setting of the power control so I could better suggest where the problem 
might be - apparently it does not go to 160 watts if you set the power 

That behavior is not normal, and right now I would strongly suspect that 
there is a bad solder connection in the KPA100 wattmeter section or in 
the VRFDET signal path back to the K2 microprocessor.  Do the trimmer 
pots R26 and R27 look OK?  I have found some that were damaged when 
soldering the transformers cores in the PA - a damaged trimmer could 
have an intermittent contact at the wiper and cause the results you are 
seeing.  Check the entire path for FWD power indication from the KPA100 
wattmeter to the VRFDET signal output (look at the schematic to identify 
the components - and don't forget about the scaling resistors and the 
scaling switches Q10 and Q11).  Since this is an intermittent condition, 
it will be difficult to know when it is fixed - that is what makes 
intermittents so hard to deal with - try tapping on things to try to 
induce a failure.


Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:

Don, thanks.

I do have a recently-made KPA100 (~3 months) and have installed the
upgraded C31 to combat the parasitic.

When in QSO, I see the power jump up, and it seems to stay there until
I enter a TUNE operation or manually drop the power level via the
power knob.

I spend a lot of time on 40M, so that's where I usually see the
problem. I do believe it happens on other bands though.

If an occasional jump to 150W is ok, then I won't worry about it. I
can leave the power knob lower so that the maximum power reached is
less than 130W on those transients.



On 4/23/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


If you are saying that you see an occasional jump from 120 watts power
to 140 or even 160, I would say that *MAY* be possible, but if it jumps
from 50 (or even 80) watts to 160, then you do have a problem - and my
first reaction is that it is an indication of a transient oscillation.

How long does the power stay at 160 watts?  Is this on 40 meters, or
does it occur on all bands?  What level is your KPA100?  If it has RFC10
installed and the L15 position has a toroid and L16 has a toroid with a
red core - you do not have the latest update - that update was designed
to combat a parasitic on 40 meters.  In your case, I would recommend the
KPA100UPKT if it is not already installed just to be rid of the
possibility that the 40 meter parasitic is what is causing your problem.


Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
> Thanks Don and others for the answers.
> In my case, I'm trying to run down a proble where the KPA100 will be
> fine, then all of a sudden it's output will jump up over 140W. I
> thought that the high output in the base K2 might be the cause. So are
> we saying that some variation is ok, and once in a while if the KPA100
> gets up over 150W then we're ok? This is not apparently an oscillation
> issue, as I don't see high SWRs.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> On 4/23/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> That is normal behavior - the power will climb a bit if left in 
TUNE for

>> a period of time.  It is mostly the result of heating in the PA
>> transistors.  In normal operation, either with CW or SSB, there is 
not a

>> constant carrier being transmitted and the same conditions will not be
>> present.
>> Do not leave the K2 in TUNE at high power for any significant 
length of
>> time - remember that TUNE is transmitting at a 100% duty cycle.  OK 

>> short bursts, but not good for longer periods.  The base K2 shoud be
>> limited to 5 watts or less for a 100% duty cycle transmission and 
to 35

>> watts or less with the KPA100.
>> 73,
>> Don W3FPR
>> Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
>> > Hi Don,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the replies.
>> >
>> > To answer your questions, the problem occurs into a dummy load.
>> >
>> > I set the base K2 (without KPA100 connected) to 5.0W, and then TUNE,
>> > and it starts at 5.0W and heads upwards to 5.7-6.0W (read from the
>> > display, as well as the S-meter). After about 10 seconds in TUNE, 
>> > up to 5.7 or 6W and the next LED on the S-meter is starting to 

>> > some.
>> >
>> > Moving the power knob will allow me to bring it back to 5.0W, but 

>> > next TUNE will see the power climb back up again.
>> >
>> > I'm not sure if I should still be looking on the RF board at this
>> > point, or start focusing on the control board...?
>> >
>> > Thanks, 73,
>> >
>> > Jeff
>> >
>> > On 4/22/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Jeff,
>> >>
>> >> Another thought and a question - does the K2 control power properly
>> >> (check with TUNE) when the requested power is set to 5 watts?  
If you

>> >> get somewhere between 4.5 and 5.5 watts output with the requested
>> power
>> >> set to 5, then the power control circuits are working as they
>> should be.
>> >>
>> >> Setting the pow

RE: [Elecraft] K2 - Paddle & computer co-exsiatence

2007-04-23 Thread TL_Netvision

Thanks for all who advised.
Problem is now solved.
Had to use RTS and not DTR, and also changed the 1n4148 diodes to 1n5288 

73, Isaac

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RE: [Elecraft] binocular question on W1

2007-04-23 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
There's two separate windings on that binocular core, John. Each winding
goes through only ONE hole in the core and around the end of the core next
to the hole. So you count a always: each pass through the hole is one turn. 

See Figure 2 on page 6 of the manual where the text says, "...The wire
passes through the hole in the core exactly 10 times (and passes down the
side of the core 9 times), so turn 1 is when you first slip the wire through
the hole, before you wrap it around the outside." 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Shadle
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 8:20 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] binocular question on W1

Just picked up my first three Elecraft kits, the W1, W1SERKT, and the 
DL1. I finished the DL1 this past weekend and just completed the W1SERKT 
a few minutes ago after doing much of the work on the W1. I stopped 
working on the W1 when I got to winding the magnet wire on the binocular 
because I have a question.

For those of you who have built the W1, please offer some clarification 
for me.

Winding the binocular is just like winding a toroid, no? For example, 
when I make the first "loop" through one of the binocular holes I have 
actually put the wire through twice which should count as two of my ten 
times through the hole.

Just want to make sure I'm counting correctly as I don't want to built 
the kit twice.

-john W4PAH

P.S. Can't wait until the custom enclosure is finished up by W8FGU. 
Thanks also to AG4NN for passing along the PDF of his enclosure as well. 
Quite impressive.

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Re: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter

2007-04-23 Thread Jeff Kinzli N6GQ

Don, thanks.

I do have a recently-made KPA100 (~3 months) and have installed the
upgraded C31 to combat the parasitic.

When in QSO, I see the power jump up, and it seems to stay there until
I enter a TUNE operation or manually drop the power level via the
power knob.

I spend a lot of time on 40M, so that's where I usually see the
problem. I do believe it happens on other bands though.

If an occasional jump to 150W is ok, then I won't worry about it. I
can leave the power knob lower so that the maximum power reached is
less than 130W on those transients.



On 4/23/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


If you are saying that you see an occasional jump from 120 watts power
to 140 or even 160, I would say that *MAY* be possible, but if it jumps
from 50 (or even 80) watts to 160, then you do have a problem - and my
first reaction is that it is an indication of a transient oscillation.

How long does the power stay at 160 watts?  Is this on 40 meters, or
does it occur on all bands?  What level is your KPA100?  If it has RFC10
installed and the L15 position has a toroid and L16 has a toroid with a
red core - you do not have the latest update - that update was designed
to combat a parasitic on 40 meters.  In your case, I would recommend the
KPA100UPKT if it is not already installed just to be rid of the
possibility that the 40 meter parasitic is what is causing your problem.


Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
> Thanks Don and others for the answers.
> In my case, I'm trying to run down a proble where the KPA100 will be
> fine, then all of a sudden it's output will jump up over 140W. I
> thought that the high output in the base K2 might be the cause. So are
> we saying that some variation is ok, and once in a while if the KPA100
> gets up over 150W then we're ok? This is not apparently an oscillation
> issue, as I don't see high SWRs.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> On 4/23/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> That is normal behavior - the power will climb a bit if left in TUNE for
>> a period of time.  It is mostly the result of heating in the PA
>> transistors.  In normal operation, either with CW or SSB, there is not a
>> constant carrier being transmitted and the same conditions will not be
>> present.
>> Do not leave the K2 in TUNE at high power for any significant length of
>> time - remember that TUNE is transmitting at a 100% duty cycle.  OK for
>> short bursts, but not good for longer periods.  The base K2 shoud be
>> limited to 5 watts or less for a 100% duty cycle transmission and to 35
>> watts or less with the KPA100.
>> 73,
>> Don W3FPR
>> Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
>> > Hi Don,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the replies.
>> >
>> > To answer your questions, the problem occurs into a dummy load.
>> >
>> > I set the base K2 (without KPA100 connected) to 5.0W, and then TUNE,
>> > and it starts at 5.0W and heads upwards to 5.7-6.0W (read from the
>> > display, as well as the S-meter). After about 10 seconds in TUNE, it's
>> > up to 5.7 or 6W and the next LED on the S-meter is starting to flicker
>> > some.
>> >
>> > Moving the power knob will allow me to bring it back to 5.0W, but the
>> > next TUNE will see the power climb back up again.
>> >
>> > I'm not sure if I should still be looking on the RF board at this
>> > point, or start focusing on the control board...?
>> >
>> > Thanks, 73,
>> >
>> > Jeff
>> >
>> > On 4/22/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Jeff,
>> >>
>> >> Another thought and a question - does the K2 control power properly
>> >> (check with TUNE) when the requested power is set to 5 watts?  If you
>> >> get somewhere between 4.5 and 5.5 watts output with the requested
>> power
>> >> set to 5, then the power control circuits are working as they
>> should be.
>> >>
>> >> Setting the power to maximum will not readily reveal any problems with
>> >> the power control.
>> >>
>> >> OTOH, if the power output is always high then you do have a problem in
>> >> the power control (ALC) loop.
>> >>
>> >> 73,
>> >> Don W3FPR
>> >>
>> >> Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
>> >> > Don and others,
>> >> >
>> >> > A few weeks back, a user posted about an issue with low power output
>> >> > with his K2. Don said:
>> >> >
>> >> >> If you do not have either the KAT2, the KPA100, or the KAT100
>> >> >> installed, the
>> >> >> K2 does not display the actual power output on the LCD (the
>> requested
>> >> >> power
>> >> >> is displayed briefly when the power control is changed). What is
>> the
>> >> >> indication on the LED bargraph during transmit?
>> >> >
>> >> > I'm going through an issue with my K2 where it *appears* to be
>> putting
>> >> > out too much power. With the KPA100 installed, the output sometimes
>> >> > jumps up to 150+W.
>> >> >
>> >> > I removed the KPA100 from the picture and have been seeing if I can
>> >> > reproduce higher than normal output with just the base K2. So
>> far, the
>> >> > behavior is that if I enter TUNE mode, the indicated pow

[Elecraft] K2/100 RS-232 Noise

2007-04-23 Thread Pierre Desjardins
Hi Pierre.. YES, I did leave the freq counter cable. Is that the problem? 
I'm at work right now and can't test it.

Thanks.. David, W4SMT


I just wanted to know if your cable was still in place before opening my K2. 
I have the same noise problem, especially on 20 m, and guessed that the 
cable was the cause of it.

So, I just removed the counter cable.. (and changed the ribbon's position), 
but that noise is still present. So, back to square one.. ??

73 de Pierre VE2PID

K2 S/N 5170 

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Re: [Elecraft] binocular question on W1

2007-04-23 Thread Larry Phipps
Think of it as two long toroids side by side. The two sides are treated 
as two transformers and wound separately. You count turns the same way, 
ie. a pass through the hole counts as a turn. If you count turns on the 
outside edge, you will count 1 less. A "10 turn" winding will have 9 
turns on the outside and 10 turns on the inside.

Larry N8LP

John Shadle wrote:

Just picked up my first three Elecraft kits, the W1, W1SERKT, and the 
DL1. I finished the DL1 this past weekend and just completed the 
W1SERKT a few minutes ago after doing much of the work on the W1. I 
stopped working on the W1 when I got to winding the magnet wire on the 
binocular because I have a question.

For those of you who have built the W1, please offer some 
clarification for me.

Winding the binocular is just like winding a toroid, no? For example, 
when I make the first "loop" through one of the binocular holes I have 
actually put the wire through twice which should count as two of my 
ten times through the hole.

Just want to make sure I'm counting correctly as I don't want to built 
the kit twice.

-john W4PAH

P.S. Can't wait until the custom enclosure is finished up by W8FGU. 
Thanks also to AG4NN for passing along the PDF of his enclosure as 
well. Quite impressive.

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Re: [Elecraft] K2/100 RS-232 Noise

2007-04-23 Thread David Fleming
>> Did you left the frequency counter test cable connected to TP2 (BFO)?

>> 73 de Pierre VE2PID 

uhh..YES, I did leave the freq counter cable. Is that the problem? I'm
at work right now and can't test it. I'll also try repositioning the
ribbon cable as others have suggested.

Thanks to all that responded on and off list.


-David, W4SMT

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[Elecraft] K2/100 RS-232 Noise

2007-04-23 Thread Pierre Desjardins

From David W4SMT
However I'mgetting some annoying noise from the RS-232. My software polls 
the K2 every 250ms (4 times per second) and it generates noise on all bands

every time it's polled.

Hello David,
Did you left the frequency counter test cable connected to TP2 (BFO)?

73 de Pierre VE2PID 

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[Elecraft] binocular question on W1

2007-04-23 Thread John Shadle

Just picked up my first three Elecraft kits, the W1, W1SERKT, and the 
DL1. I finished the DL1 this past weekend and just completed the W1SERKT 
a few minutes ago after doing much of the work on the W1. I stopped 
working on the W1 when I got to winding the magnet wire on the binocular 
because I have a question.

For those of you who have built the W1, please offer some clarification 
for me.

Winding the binocular is just like winding a toroid, no? For example, 
when I make the first "loop" through one of the binocular holes I have 
actually put the wire through twice which should count as two of my ten 
times through the hole.

Just want to make sure I'm counting correctly as I don't want to built 
the kit twice.

-john W4PAH

P.S. Can't wait until the custom enclosure is finished up by W8FGU. 
Thanks also to AG4NN for passing along the PDF of his enclosure as well. 
Quite impressive.

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RE: [Elecraft] K2/100 RS-232 Noise

2007-04-23 Thread Gregg W6IZT
I once had this problem too. I traced the problem to the routing of the
ribbon cable from the K2 to the KPA100.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Fleming
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 10:56 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K2/100 RS-232 Noise

Hi all..

I've just completed the initial testing and alignment on the KPA100.
Everything checks out fine. All resistance and voltage measurements are
within spec and I'm getting 100+ watts out on all bands. However I'm
getting some annoying noise from the RS-232. My software polls the K2
every 250ms (4 times per second) and it generates noise on all bands
every time it's polled. It's coming through load and clear. It wasn't
there with the KIO2, so I suspect I may have a problem somewhere in the
KPA100 RS-232 circuitry. Is this a known problem, or do I have something
wrong? I can't find anything searching the archives.


-David W4SMT

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Re: [Elecraft] K2/100 RS-232 Noise

2007-04-23 Thread Vic K2VCO

David Fleming wrote:

I've just completed the initial testing and alignment on the KPA100.
Everything checks out fine. All resistance and voltage measurements are
within spec and I'm getting 100+ watts out on all bands. However I'm
getting some annoying noise from the RS-232. My software polls the K2
every 250ms (4 times per second) and it generates noise on all bands
every time it's polled. It's coming through load and clear. It wasn't
there with the KIO2, so I suspect I may have a problem somewhere in the
KPA100 RS-232 circuitry. Is this a known problem, or do I have something
wrong? I can't find anything searching the archives.

The dress of the flat ribbon cable that goes to the KPA100 can have an 
effect on noise pickup.  Try bunching it up close to the plug on the 
control board and see if this helps.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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[Elecraft] K2/100 RS-232 Noise

2007-04-23 Thread David Fleming
Hi all..

I've just completed the initial testing and alignment on the KPA100.
Everything checks out fine. All resistance and voltage measurements are
within spec and I'm getting 100+ watts out on all bands. However I'm
getting some annoying noise from the RS-232. My software polls the K2
every 250ms (4 times per second) and it generates noise on all bands
every time it's polled. It's coming through load and clear. It wasn't
there with the KIO2, so I suspect I may have a problem somewhere in the
KPA100 RS-232 circuitry. Is this a known problem, or do I have something
wrong? I can't find anything searching the archives.


-David W4SMT

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[Elecraft] Problem with KPA100 - HiCurr

2007-04-23 Thread Koert Wilmink

Dear all,

After a lot of checking and checking I still have this problem. I  
removed T4 and did dubble check. I did replace the coax cable by a  
teflon coax cable. I did set R26 and R27 to 43K. Sometimes when  
turning C1 it is possible to set 1.0-1 but than it reduces the power  
to 0 watts. After switching off and on again the display is saying Hi  
Curr again.

Any other suggestions?

73, Koert PA1KW
"HAMRADIO - when everything else fails!"

Koert Wilmink wrote:
Dear all,
I just finished my KPA100. I do have the following problem with the  
first steps connecting the KPA100 to my K2 #05618.
I've connected the ribbon cable, speaker and RF connector to my K2.  
I've got audio and I also receive stations when I connect my antenna.
With my dummy load and after setting power to 5Watts on 40M I see the  
5 watts and the SWR for 1 second in the LCD screen and then the HiCur  
(High current) appears on the LCD.On 20m bands I only see the PWR in  
the LCD screen without the SWR for 1 second and than I see HiRefl. On  
10M I do see the pwr and the SWR! The latter I only get 2.1 watts when  
set to 5 watts.
Please can somebody tell me where to start? I did check the  
connections and this seems to be ok. There is no pwr to the KPA100 so  
everything is bypassed, except the bandfilters?

help is very much appreciated!.

73, Koert PA1KW
"HAMRADIO - when everything else fails!"
K2 # 05618
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Re: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter

2007-04-23 Thread Don Wilhelm


If you are saying that you see an occasional jump from 120 watts power 
to 140 or even 160, I would say that *MAY* be possible, but if it jumps 
from 50 (or even 80) watts to 160, then you do have a problem - and my 
first reaction is that it is an indication of a transient oscillation.

How long does the power stay at 160 watts?  Is this on 40 meters, or 
does it occur on all bands?  What level is your KPA100?  If it has RFC10 
installed and the L15 position has a toroid and L16 has a toroid with a 
red core - you do not have the latest update - that update was designed 
to combat a parasitic on 40 meters.  In your case, I would recommend the 
KPA100UPKT if it is not already installed just to be rid of the 
possibility that the 40 meter parasitic is what is causing your problem.


Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:

Thanks Don and others for the answers.

In my case, I'm trying to run down a proble where the KPA100 will be
fine, then all of a sudden it's output will jump up over 140W. I
thought that the high output in the base K2 might be the cause. So are
we saying that some variation is ok, and once in a while if the KPA100
gets up over 150W then we're ok? This is not apparently an oscillation
issue, as I don't see high SWRs.



On 4/23/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


That is normal behavior - the power will climb a bit if left in TUNE for
a period of time.  It is mostly the result of heating in the PA
transistors.  In normal operation, either with CW or SSB, there is not a
constant carrier being transmitted and the same conditions will not be

Do not leave the K2 in TUNE at high power for any significant length of
time - remember that TUNE is transmitting at a 100% duty cycle.  OK for
short bursts, but not good for longer periods.  The base K2 shoud be
limited to 5 watts or less for a 100% duty cycle transmission and to 35
watts or less with the KPA100.


Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
> Hi Don,
> Thanks for the replies.
> To answer your questions, the problem occurs into a dummy load.
> I set the base K2 (without KPA100 connected) to 5.0W, and then TUNE,
> and it starts at 5.0W and heads upwards to 5.7-6.0W (read from the
> display, as well as the S-meter). After about 10 seconds in TUNE, it's
> up to 5.7 or 6W and the next LED on the S-meter is starting to flicker
> some.
> Moving the power knob will allow me to bring it back to 5.0W, but the
> next TUNE will see the power climb back up again.
> I'm not sure if I should still be looking on the RF board at this
> point, or start focusing on the control board...?
> Thanks, 73,
> Jeff
> On 4/22/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> Another thought and a question - does the K2 control power properly
>> (check with TUNE) when the requested power is set to 5 watts?  If you
>> get somewhere between 4.5 and 5.5 watts output with the requested 
>> set to 5, then the power control circuits are working as they 
should be.

>> Setting the power to maximum will not readily reveal any problems with
>> the power control.
>> OTOH, if the power output is always high then you do have a problem in
>> the power control (ALC) loop.
>> 73,
>> Don W3FPR
>> Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
>> > Don and others,
>> >
>> > A few weeks back, a user posted about an issue with low power output
>> > with his K2. Don said:
>> >
>> >> If you do not have either the KAT2, the KPA100, or the KAT100
>> >> installed, the
>> >> K2 does not display the actual power output on the LCD (the 

>> >> power
>> >> is displayed briefly when the power control is changed). What is 

>> >> indication on the LED bargraph during transmit?
>> >
>> > I'm going through an issue with my K2 where it *appears* to be 

>> > out too much power. With the KPA100 installed, the output sometimes
>> > jumps up to 150+W.
>> >
>> > I removed the KPA100 from the picture and have been seeing if I can
>> > reproduce higher than normal output with just the base K2. So 
far, the

>> > behavior is that if I enter TUNE mode, the indicated power on the
>> > display of the K2 will rise to 16-17W. My watt meter isn't accurate
>> > enough to tell me what it's *really* putting out though, although 

>> > the KPA100 it is accurate enough to see the 150W+ peaks.
>> >
>> > So I was trying to think if it's really putting out 16+W, or if the
>> > power meter is really telling me it's TRYING to put it out 
(because my
>> > external wattmeter looks like actually less, but again not 

>> >
>> > I also thought maybe it's an ALC issue, because if I rotate the 

>> > knob back then back up to max, the indicated power on the K2 will go
>> > to about 15W, but the next time I do TUNE again, it again goes 
back up

>> > to 16+W.
>> >
>> > Any thoughts on this? Should I keep chasing ALC issues? I've already
>> > gone through the base K2 RF board resoldering T1-T4, reheating
>> > anything that look

Re: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter

2007-04-23 Thread Jeff Kinzli N6GQ

Thanks Don and others for the answers.

In my case, I'm trying to run down a proble where the KPA100 will be
fine, then all of a sudden it's output will jump up over 140W. I
thought that the high output in the base K2 might be the cause. So are
we saying that some variation is ok, and once in a while if the KPA100
gets up over 150W then we're ok? This is not apparently an oscillation
issue, as I don't see high SWRs.



On 4/23/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


That is normal behavior - the power will climb a bit if left in TUNE for
a period of time.  It is mostly the result of heating in the PA
transistors.  In normal operation, either with CW or SSB, there is not a
constant carrier being transmitted and the same conditions will not be

Do not leave the K2 in TUNE at high power for any significant length of
time - remember that TUNE is transmitting at a 100% duty cycle.  OK for
short bursts, but not good for longer periods.  The base K2 shoud be
limited to 5 watts or less for a 100% duty cycle transmission and to 35
watts or less with the KPA100.


Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
> Hi Don,
> Thanks for the replies.
> To answer your questions, the problem occurs into a dummy load.
> I set the base K2 (without KPA100 connected) to 5.0W, and then TUNE,
> and it starts at 5.0W and heads upwards to 5.7-6.0W (read from the
> display, as well as the S-meter). After about 10 seconds in TUNE, it's
> up to 5.7 or 6W and the next LED on the S-meter is starting to flicker
> some.
> Moving the power knob will allow me to bring it back to 5.0W, but the
> next TUNE will see the power climb back up again.
> I'm not sure if I should still be looking on the RF board at this
> point, or start focusing on the control board...?
> Thanks, 73,
> Jeff
> On 4/22/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> Another thought and a question - does the K2 control power properly
>> (check with TUNE) when the requested power is set to 5 watts?  If you
>> get somewhere between 4.5 and 5.5 watts output with the requested power
>> set to 5, then the power control circuits are working as they should be.
>> Setting the power to maximum will not readily reveal any problems with
>> the power control.
>> OTOH, if the power output is always high then you do have a problem in
>> the power control (ALC) loop.
>> 73,
>> Don W3FPR
>> Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
>> > Don and others,
>> >
>> > A few weeks back, a user posted about an issue with low power output
>> > with his K2. Don said:
>> >
>> >> If you do not have either the KAT2, the KPA100, or the KAT100
>> >> installed, the
>> >> K2 does not display the actual power output on the LCD (the requested
>> >> power
>> >> is displayed briefly when the power control is changed). What is the
>> >> indication on the LED bargraph during transmit?
>> >
>> > I'm going through an issue with my K2 where it *appears* to be putting
>> > out too much power. With the KPA100 installed, the output sometimes
>> > jumps up to 150+W.
>> >
>> > I removed the KPA100 from the picture and have been seeing if I can
>> > reproduce higher than normal output with just the base K2. So far, the
>> > behavior is that if I enter TUNE mode, the indicated power on the
>> > display of the K2 will rise to 16-17W. My watt meter isn't accurate
>> > enough to tell me what it's *really* putting out though, although with
>> > the KPA100 it is accurate enough to see the 150W+ peaks.
>> >
>> > So I was trying to think if it's really putting out 16+W, or if the
>> > power meter is really telling me it's TRYING to put it out (because my
>> > external wattmeter looks like actually less, but again not accurate).
>> >
>> > I also thought maybe it's an ALC issue, because if I rotate the power
>> > knob back then back up to max, the indicated power on the K2 will go
>> > to about 15W, but the next time I do TUNE again, it again goes back up
>> > to 16+W.
>> >
>> > Any thoughts on this? Should I keep chasing ALC issues? I've already
>> > gone through the base K2 RF board resoldering T1-T4, reheating
>> > anything that looks suspect, etc. to no avail.
>> >
>> > I also sent something to this effect to [EMAIL PROTECTED], I'm just hoping
>> > someone might have any ideas that I could chase down.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Jeff
>> > ___
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>> >
>> ___
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[Elecraft] ultracapacitor (was hammcom power supply)

2007-04-23 Thread cloud runner
Perhaps an engineer on the list can help with this...  I am fascinated by the 
HammCom powersupply using an ultracapacitor (or supercapacitor) to deal with 
intermitten power demand of CW.  

It must be a simple task to add such a thing to, say, an Astron RS12 power 
supply so that it would handle the CW demands of a KPA-100 in CW or SSB mode.  
Used Astron RS12 are all over eBay for in the order of twenty dollars.

Exactly how might this be done???

73,  Fred kt5x
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RE: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter

2007-04-23 Thread Brett gazdzinski
Its really confusing, so I recommend ignoring the power out
of the base K2.
The rig seems to measure then correct the power out, with differences
between the tune function and regular key down modes.
The tune function seems to calibrate the regular key down power out...

The K2 measures the power output with a diode and resistor network
off the output, so its looking at only voltage.
Change the impedance or swr slightly and it changes the power out,
and its VERY sensitive to the voltage/swr.
I did some experiments with mine, changing the value of resistors
and changing the load resistance making it about 48 ohms instead of
50, and both changed the power out a lot. Lower the voltage the 
diode measures and power output goes up.

>From my tests, I would guess the rig can easily put out over 15
or 20 watts on all bands, but does not because its told not to.

After checking with a dummy load right on the antenna jack, I
found my rig would put out between 15 and 11 watts on all bands,
and the power meter would read a bit high on the higher bands, thus
giving slightly lower power out as the rig THINKS its putting out
more power then it is.

11 or 15 watts on 15 or 10 meters, its not enough to worry about.

I also think the built in antenna tuner helps things, it may be
better at measuring the actual output power or taking into account
the swr or something.

My KPA100 has no problems doing over 120 watts out on all bands 
at 13.8 volts or slightly less.

Its output power jumps around some, depending on swr, and the
rig sometimes puts out almost full power 
(with or without the KPA100) when first keyed, even if the power
knob is set to a low power.

With the KPA100, you can sometimes watch the power jump from
what its set to up 5 or 10 watts, then back to the correct
value, then down 5 or 10 watts, then back up, over and over.

That does not effect things when sending CW, but people driving amps
with the K2 can have a hard time of it.

I think power output control in the K2 could use some redesign.
I am not sure how commercial rigs do it, but they are generally 
stable and smooth in power output.



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeff 
> Kinzli N6GQ
> Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 11:51 PM
> Cc: Elecraft Mail Posting
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter
> Hi Don,
> Thanks for the replies.
> To answer your questions, the problem occurs into a dummy load.
> I set the base K2 (without KPA100 connected) to 5.0W, and then TUNE,
> and it starts at 5.0W and heads upwards to 5.7-6.0W (read from the
> display, as well as the S-meter). After about 10 seconds in TUNE, it's
> up to 5.7 or 6W and the next LED on the S-meter is starting to flicker
> some.
> Moving the power knob will allow me to bring it back to 5.0W, but the
> next TUNE will see the power climb back up again.
> I'm not sure if I should still be looking on the RF board at this
> point, or start focusing on the control board...?
> Thanks, 73,
> Jeff
> On 4/22/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jeff,
> >
> > Another thought and a question - does the K2 control power properly
> > (check with TUNE) when the requested power is set to 5 
> watts?  If you
> > get somewhere between 4.5 and 5.5 watts output with the 
> requested power
> > set to 5, then the power control circuits are working as 
> they should be.
> >
> > Setting the power to maximum will not readily reveal any 
> problems with
> > the power control.
> >
> > OTOH, if the power output is always high then you do have a 
> problem in
> > the power control (ALC) loop.
> >
> > 73,
> > Don W3FPR
> >
> > Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
> > > Don and others,
> > >
> > > A few weeks back, a user posted about an issue with low 
> power output
> > > with his K2. Don said:
> > >
> > >> If you do not have either the KAT2, the KPA100, or the KAT100
> > >> installed, the
> > >> K2 does not display the actual power output on the LCD 
> (the requested
> > >> power
> > >> is displayed briefly when the power control is changed). 
> What is the
> > >> indication on the LED bargraph during transmit?
> > >
> > > I'm going through an issue with my K2 where it *appears* 
> to be putting
> > > out too much power. With the KPA100 installed, the output 
> sometimes
> > > jumps up to 150+W.
> > >
> > > I removed the KPA100 from the picture and have been 
> seeing if I can
> > > reproduce higher than normal output with just the base 
> K2. So far, the
> > > behavior is that if I enter TUNE mode, the indicated power on the
> > > display of the K2 will rise to 16-17W. My watt meter 
> isn't accurate
> > > enough to tell me what it's *really* putting out though, 
> although with
> > > the KPA100 it is accurate enough to see the 150W+ peaks.
> > >
> > > So I was trying to think if it's really putting out 16+W, 
> or if the
> > > power meter is really telling me it's TRYING to put it

[Elecraft] Re: K2 Purchase - opinions?

2007-04-23 Thread Don Wilhelm


You are correct, I forgot about the connector for the KAT2 input coax 
(AUX RF).  You will just have to chalk that one up to a 'senior moment' .


Peter Wollan wrote:

Four of the options you list put something on the back part of the
board, so would require removing and replacing the heat sink if you
don't have the kits at hand on initial assembly.  Don Wilhelm says that
the KIO2 and KAT2 have no board headers, but he slipped here -- there's
a socket for the KAT2 that just tucks in behind the heat sink.  

The KAT2 is such a good option, maybe that socket could just be sent
along in the main kit, for people like me who don't look far enough

Peter N8MHD  

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Re: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter

2007-04-23 Thread Don Wilhelm


If your amp only requires 30 watts for full drive AND it is truly 
linear, you should be able to tune it successfully with a 5 to 10 watt 
input where the power is a bit more steady and then increase the level 
to obtain full output.  Just a suggestion.

If the variation is quite bothersome, your K2/100 may be a candidate for 
increasing the value of R98 (on the bottom of the RF Board) to slow down 
the power variation.  If you increase it too much, the power output on 
the higher bands may decrease (check that with the basic K2, not with 
the KPA100 powered).  In most cases, about 1k is the upper limit for the 
value, but if your K2 has greater gain than the average, you may find 
success with even higher values.  It is easiest to substitute a 2k pot 
for R98 when testing for the best value, then measure the pot resistance 
and put in the nearest fixed value resistor.

This procedure is listed on the Elecraft website - in Builder's 
Resources IIRC.


David Douglass wrote:


This variation in power out during tuning seems quite normal to me, and my
K2(100) does exactly the same..

It never used to bother me but I recently bought a Emtron DX-1 amp, and it
makes tuning the amp pretty tricky.. I only need about 30w to drive the amp
to full output, but during tune up the power out from K2/100 will creep up
and trip out the Overdrive on the amp. It would be nice to just dial up the
required power from the K2 you wanted and get it, but I suppose I'll just
have to live with this little quirk. I still wouldn't trade K2 for another

David, VK2NU

Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 20:50:38 -0700
From: "Jeff Kinzli N6GQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter
Cc: Elecraft Mail Posting 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Don,

Thanks for the replies.

To answer your questions, the problem occurs into a dummy load.

I set the base K2 (without KPA100 connected) to 5.0W, and then TUNE,
and it starts at 5.0W and heads upwards to 5.7-6.0W (read from the
display, as well as the S-meter). After about 10 seconds in TUNE, it's
up to 5.7 or 6W and the next LED on the S-meter is starting to flicker

Moving the power knob will allow me to bring it back to 5.0W, but the
next TUNE will see the power climb back up again.

I'm not sure if I should still be looking on the RF board at this
point, or start focusing on the control board...?

Thanks, 73,



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[Elecraft] RE: K2 Purchase - opinions?

2007-04-23 Thread Peter Wollan
Adding options to the K2 is, generally speaking, very easy, and the
order doesn't matter a whole lot.  There is one exception:  some of the
options require parts to be placed on the back portion of the board.
The power transisters use the bottom back panel as a heat sink, and they
are assembled as a stack of transistor, washer, and heat transfer pad --
the assembly is not too bad on initial assembly, but trickier to
dismantle and reassemble.  It may require replacement of the pad.

So, there is a big advantage in putting the connectors (and a few
capacitors) in place to make ready for future options.  The parts are
described in the main K2 manual, but are only supplied in the option
kits.  (The "re-work eliminators" are also available, which add jumpers
to make removing options easier.)

Four of the options you list put something on the back part of the
board, so would require removing and replacing the heat sink if you
don't have the kits at hand on initial assembly.  Don Wilhelm says that
the KIO2 and KAT2 have no board headers, but he slipped here -- there's
a socket for the KAT2 that just tucks in behind the heat sink.  

The KAT2 is such a good option, maybe that socket could just be sent
along in the main kit, for people like me who don't look far enough

Peter N8MHD  

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Re: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter

2007-04-23 Thread Don Wilhelm


That is normal behavior - the power will climb a bit if left in TUNE for 
a period of time.  It is mostly the result of heating in the PA 
transistors.  In normal operation, either with CW or SSB, there is not a 
constant carrier being transmitted and the same conditions will not be 

Do not leave the K2 in TUNE at high power for any significant length of 
time - remember that TUNE is transmitting at a 100% duty cycle.  OK for 
short bursts, but not good for longer periods.  The base K2 shoud be 
limited to 5 watts or less for a 100% duty cycle transmission and to 35 
watts or less with the KPA100.


Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:

Hi Don,

Thanks for the replies.

To answer your questions, the problem occurs into a dummy load.

I set the base K2 (without KPA100 connected) to 5.0W, and then TUNE,
and it starts at 5.0W and heads upwards to 5.7-6.0W (read from the
display, as well as the S-meter). After about 10 seconds in TUNE, it's
up to 5.7 or 6W and the next LED on the S-meter is starting to flicker

Moving the power knob will allow me to bring it back to 5.0W, but the
next TUNE will see the power climb back up again.

I'm not sure if I should still be looking on the RF board at this
point, or start focusing on the control board...?

Thanks, 73,


On 4/22/07, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Another thought and a question - does the K2 control power properly
(check with TUNE) when the requested power is set to 5 watts?  If you
get somewhere between 4.5 and 5.5 watts output with the requested power
set to 5, then the power control circuits are working as they should be.

Setting the power to maximum will not readily reveal any problems with
the power control.

OTOH, if the power output is always high then you do have a problem in
the power control (ALC) loop.


Jeff Kinzli N6GQ wrote:
> Don and others,
> A few weeks back, a user posted about an issue with low power output
> with his K2. Don said:
>> If you do not have either the KAT2, the KPA100, or the KAT100
>> installed, the
>> K2 does not display the actual power output on the LCD (the requested
>> power
>> is displayed briefly when the power control is changed). What is the
>> indication on the LED bargraph during transmit?
> I'm going through an issue with my K2 where it *appears* to be putting
> out too much power. With the KPA100 installed, the output sometimes
> jumps up to 150+W.
> I removed the KPA100 from the picture and have been seeing if I can
> reproduce higher than normal output with just the base K2. So far, the
> behavior is that if I enter TUNE mode, the indicated power on the
> display of the K2 will rise to 16-17W. My watt meter isn't accurate
> enough to tell me what it's *really* putting out though, although with
> the KPA100 it is accurate enough to see the 150W+ peaks.
> So I was trying to think if it's really putting out 16+W, or if the
> power meter is really telling me it's TRYING to put it out (because my
> external wattmeter looks like actually less, but again not accurate).
> I also thought maybe it's an ALC issue, because if I rotate the power
> knob back then back up to max, the indicated power on the K2 will go
> to about 15W, but the next time I do TUNE again, it again goes back up
> to 16+W.
> Any thoughts on this? Should I keep chasing ALC issues? I've already
> gone through the base K2 RF board resoldering T1-T4, reheating
> anything that looks suspect, etc. to no avail.
> I also sent something to this effect to [EMAIL PROTECTED], I'm just hoping
> someone might have any ideas that I could chase down.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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RE:[Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter

2007-04-23 Thread David Douglass

This variation in power out during tuning seems quite normal to me, and my
K2(100) does exactly the same..

It never used to bother me but I recently bought a Emtron DX-1 amp, and it
makes tuning the amp pretty tricky.. I only need about 30w to drive the amp
to full output, but during tune up the power out from K2/100 will creep up
and trip out the Overdrive on the amp. It would be nice to just dial up the
required power from the K2 you wanted and get it, but I suppose I'll just
have to live with this little quirk. I still wouldn't trade K2 for another

David, VK2NU

Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 20:50:38 -0700
From: "Jeff Kinzli N6GQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Question about K2 power meter
Cc: Elecraft Mail Posting 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Don,

Thanks for the replies.

To answer your questions, the problem occurs into a dummy load.

I set the base K2 (without KPA100 connected) to 5.0W, and then TUNE,
and it starts at 5.0W and heads upwards to 5.7-6.0W (read from the
display, as well as the S-meter). After about 10 seconds in TUNE, it's
up to 5.7 or 6W and the next LED on the S-meter is starting to flicker

Moving the power knob will allow me to bring it back to 5.0W, but the
next TUNE will see the power climb back up again.

I'm not sure if I should still be looking on the RF board at this
point, or start focusing on the control board...?

Thanks, 73,



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