Re: [Elecraft] Re: Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

2008-09-09 Thread Berni G0IDA
I've been sharing my findings with M1PAF and we have now both put a RC 
Low Pass Filter across the headphone transducer of our Heil headsets but 
only in the right headphone so that the left one can still hear the 
artifacts for comparison.
I have chosen a LPF with values of R=260 Ohms & C=0.2uF This has a 3dB 
point at 3060KHz.

The Impedance of the Heil Headset is 200 Ohms per transducer.

There is no doubt that the RC filter works. I can hear a nice clean CW 
note in my right ear and artifacts in the left. This is almost true for SSB.
I do have to adjust my volume to a higher level, if the volume knob was 
originally at 9 o'clock position for normal use with the RC filter 
fitted I turn it up to 10 o'clock position. not a lot of difference.

Although these tests are none scientific and don't involve expensive 
test gear, one is for sure I can't hear the artifacts anymore on CW and 
less so on SSB and my test set are my ears, which I'm afraid, won't give 
you any fancy dB signal levels or a spectrum analysis !!

Perhaps someone out there with test equipment might like to look into a 
Low Pass Filter design which could be incorporated into the K3 as 
standard or an improvement over my simple RC LPF in a headset?

All the best,


Dave G4AON wrote:
Using Spectrum Lab with my "on motherboard" sound card shows a 
persistent artefact at 12 KHz with sometimes one either side of it. 
This doesn't appear when listening to typical speech on SSB but tuning 
to CW shows it, the signals either side of the 12 KHz one are +/- the 
tone of the CW signal, i.e. typically +/- 700 Hz.

Audibly, there is more hiss and high frequency "roughness" when 
listening to CW signals with the K3 than listening to the same signal 
on a parallel connected K2 with it's AF DSP filtering, I would have 
hoped the RX equaliser would cut the high frequency signals but it 

Looking at the circuit tends to suggest the place for a low pass 
filter would be the output of the DAC prior to the audio amplfier at 
"LHPOUT/RHPOUT" on the K3 DSP IF: DAC Audio board. Looking at the 
audio spectrum from my K3 (without FM) shows nothing above 4 KHz, so a 
low pass filter to cut everything above perhaps 5 KHz would do no 
harm. I am reluctant to modify my K3 unless it's an official Elecraft 
modification, but there is certainly some high frequency audio present 
that could do with removing.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

It suggests that perhaps you were hearing the artifacts > 4 KHz, such
as the 12 KHz with modulation sidebands or the one at 3.9 KHz. Maybe you
were not hearing the artifacts directly but beats amongst them?

Jack K8ZOA

Paul Fletcher wrote:
>/ In order to try and eliminate the objectionable "noise" (careful 
avoidance of
/>/ distortion, harmonics etc deliberate) in my headset I've fitted an 
LC filter
/>/ with a 4kHz cut off. This would still pass odd order harmonics for 
/>/ audio frequencies. This filter has totally eliminated the annoying 
"noise" I
/>/ was hearing with the downside that I have to run more AF gain to 

/>/ This kind of backs up previous measurements made by others that the
/>/ harmonics are well down, and not noticeable. It's a bit 
disappointing that I

/>/ had to do this but the headphone audio is now very nice indeed.
/>/ /
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Digital audio out ?

2008-09-09 Thread DH2SE

Hi Julian et al.,

I might have found a cheap and easy solution providing a full remote access
to the K3 via a local network and/or via the internet. I tested a wireless
LAN router from Asus (WL500g Premium) at the last weekend. Using a new OS
(Open-WRT with X-WRT) at that router will allow you to set up a virtual
serial connection to the K3. That works already e.g. with HRD. The router
provides two USB-Ports that can be used e.g. for that issue. At the second
USB-Port you can use a simple USB-soundcard to stream the audio into the LAN
/ Internet and vice versa. That's not really tested until now but the
Open-WRT OS supports such USB-soundcards. We tested that support already.
Now the only problem to solve is how to get the audio back for in-/output
e.g. at a notebook-computer (depending on the OS that works at the
notebook-computer). We're working on it... Hope to provide exact information
within this week (now I got one week off from QRL) :-)

73 de Sascha, DH2SE  
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Digital audio out ?

2008-09-09 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)

Hi Sascha,

For audio there's SKYPE and IP-Sound. Take a look at for a lot of remote radio 

I'm currently working on a remote EME system with a nice 10m dish (not 
mine), the whole station will be controlled using HRD and my new satellite 
software. I may even write a remote audio 
solution for radio use - not sure yet.

We will be able to power up / down all components remotely, can hear own 
signals about 12dB above the noise on 23cms using EME and that's when we 
don't even shout! 41dB gain on 23 cms, 30dB (I think) on 70 cms. We have a 
complex rotator system and with so much 'stuff' at the remote shack a PC is 

Not a single Elecraft product in sight (yet) but once it's all working I may 
well put my K3 there with a vertical for 20m or something...

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

- Original Message - 

I might have found a cheap and easy solution providing a full remote 

to the K3 via a local network and/or via the internet.

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

2008-09-09 Thread Jack Smith
The 12 KHz artifact appears to be the audio output DAC clock, with the 
demodulated audio forming upper and lower sidebands with it. It's down 
considerably, but still is apparently causing issues with those who have 
good high frequency hearing response.

The K3's audio seems to have way too much high frequency response, with 
white noise visible up to 20 KHz and beyond in the headphone and speaker 
output ports. Most communications receivers roll off the audio response 
at a few KHz.

A bit of roll off in the K3 would be beneficial, I  think, either RC or LC.

Jack K8ZOA

Dave G4AON wrote:
Using Spectrum Lab with my "on motherboard" sound card shows a 
persistent artefact at 12 KHz with sometimes one either side of it. 
This doesn't appear when listening to typical speech on SSB but tuning 
to CW shows it, the signals either side of the 12 KHz one are +/- the 
tone of the CW signal, i.e. typically +/- 700 Hz.

Audibly, there is more hiss and high frequency "roughness" when 
listening to CW signals with the K3 than listening to the same signal 
on a parallel connected K2 with it's AF DSP filtering, I would have 
hoped the RX equaliser would cut the high frequency signals but it 

Looking at the circuit tends to suggest the place for a low pass 
filter would be the output of the DAC prior to the audio amplfier at 
"LHPOUT/RHPOUT" on the K3 DSP IF: DAC Audio board. Looking at the 
audio spectrum from my K3 (without FM) shows nothing above 4 KHz, so a 
low pass filter to cut everything above perhaps 5 KHz would do no 
harm. I am reluctant to modify my K3 unless it's an official Elecraft 
modification, but there is certainly some high frequency audio present 
that could do with removing.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

It suggests that perhaps you were hearing the artifacts > 4 KHz, such
as the 12 KHz with modulation sidebands or the one at 3.9 KHz. Maybe you
were not hearing the artifacts directly but beats amongst them?

Jack K8ZOA

Paul Fletcher wrote:
>/ In order to try and eliminate the objectionable "noise" (careful 
avoidance of
/>/ distortion, harmonics etc deliberate) in my headset I've fitted an 
LC filter
/>/ with a 4kHz cut off. This would still pass odd order harmonics for 
/>/ audio frequencies. This filter has totally eliminated the annoying 
"noise" I
/>/ was hearing with the downside that I have to run more AF gain to 

/>/ This kind of backs up previous measurements made by others that the
/>/ harmonics are well down, and not noticeable. It's a bit 
disappointing that I

/>/ had to do this but the headphone audio is now very nice indeed.
/>/ /
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Re: [Elecraft] K-3 Contest agc settings

2008-09-09 Thread David Wilburn
Actually the AGC works quite well, and it is post AGC mod model.  I am 
merely taking advantage of the fact that the AGC is configurable.  I 
do not "have" to make the changes, but due to the radio's flexibility, 
I am able to make the changes, and that helps with weak signals.

On the other hand, if there are strong signals near the weak, then I 
can turn the AGC back towards "normal" or "tolerable" levels.  At this 
point signals have the same audio levels regardless of RF levels.

By reading Jacks articles, a better understanding of the various 
settings can be obtained, and the various settings can be implemented 
to tackle various "obstacles".  Making the rig more configurable and 
useful to the operator.

David Wilburn

Charles Harpole wrote:

Get Elecraft to fix ur radio so that the AGC works

better, early versions out of the box necessitated

turning off AGC and riding RF Gain, like the first

DXpeditioners did.  Those who say K3 AGC is ok

either got a good one or got it fixed later.


Charles Harpole


Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 09:35:39 -0400
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K-3 Contest agc settings

I have found that I tailor the AGC to the types of signals I am
working with. Jacks articles were a big help with understanding what
is going on ( cliffton labs ).

If I am play with weak DX signals, I tend to keep the AGC levels a bit
hard, meaning louder. Low signals low, high signals high. I have
also used this, and RF gain together in a contest, to dig weaker
signals out between the big guns.

When in the midst of lots of big guns, I have to flatten the signals
out so that my ears are not shorted out by the big signals coming in.

David Wilburn

H Kohl wrote:


If I understand what I think you said, the agc settings are
dependant on:
Pre-amp on/off and / or Attenuator on/off
The DSP filter width
Which 1st IF filter is active

and .
the AGC SLP and THR settings are, for the most part a
well kept secret and not to be shared.

However mine are SLP= 8 and THR= 4 and, to me, it
sounds pretty close to the K2. I don't use NR much on
CW because of what it appears to do to the received CW
This is with MCU 2.34 and DSP 1.81, which may affect
how those two settings are set.

If SLP= 8 and THR= 4 are bad settings, please tell me

73 Hank K8DD

- Original Message - From: "Ed Muns" 
To: "'Mike Kasrich'" 
Cc: "'Elecraft'" 
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 11:51 AM

Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K-3 Contest agc settings

If you are a contester please respond off list.

I chose to reply to the list because this is a topic of interest to many,
whether contesting or not.

What AGC
settings are you using? In sprint last night I used the K-3
(first real contest) and I was less than thrilled with rx
performance. Close by stations seemed to overload the rx.
Something I didnt have with my MKV with the inrad mods and
filters. Been fiddling with the settings but obviously dont
have it right.

All my operating is contesting and I've used two K3s for a year now. At
home, there are several local contesters just a few miles
line-of-sight off
the back lobes of my Yagis. At 1.5 KW they saturate my S-meters. Still,
they are unnoticeable when outside my filters and I'm usually run the
default AGC settings. Most people have reported just the opposite
comparison between the MKV and K3, i.e., they prefer the K3 RX in
contest or
crowded band conditions with strong signals nearby.

The PREamp has more impact on RX overload than the AGC in most cases. On
the low bands, you may even need to engage the ATTenuator. Don't make
AGC do all the work by slamming it with too much signal strength.
Certainly, you can optimize the AGC for different conditions by
changing the
threshold and slope. For many it is a matter of personal preference more
than an absolute "correct" setting. You will probably want higher
thresholds on the lower bands due to the noise level. The slope is a
trade-off between reducing gain for strong signals and still having
discrimination between different signal strengths. If you keep the
front-end tamed down with appropriate PRE and ATT engagements, then
you will
find the AGC gives you fine control over the range of signal strengths
rather than relying on it alone for dealing with the very strong signals.

filters in rig 2.8, 1.8 and 250

Remember your "250" filter is really 370 Hz at the -6 dB points, so you
might have it engage at DSP bandwidth of 350 or 300 Hz. But even at 350,
the cascade effect will produce an overall bandwidth of less than 300 Hz,
which is a bit narrow for CW contesting, IMO. At DSP WIDTHs of
400-500 Hz,
your roofing filter will be the 1.8 kHz, if you have it configured
"normally", so that doesn't give you IMD protection for the DSP with very
strong signals located between your DSP and crystal filter widths.

(I should point out that some K3 ops don't subscribe to the K3 desig

[Elecraft] K3 Topics

2008-09-09 Thread Monty Shultes
I get the daily digest.  I am switching to individual posts because I find 
myself reading fewer posts.  The ones I skip are:

a) Ones that should go to Elecraft Support/Sales/Parts
b) Ones that relate to a topic fully covered in the manual
c) Ones that are covered on the Elecraft website
d) Details of measurements.  I would like to have access to these via the web
e) Ones that are primarily a discussion of third party equipment/software.  
Websites for such are usually very good.

I do not mind skipping these posts, but the risk of missing something 
interesting grows as the volume of uninteresting things grows.  
Monty, K2DLJ
K3 #699
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[Elecraft] Fix the list

2008-09-09 Thread Robert Klein
I agree.  One thing that would help in the digest version would be to number
the messages, as many other listserve's do, so that you can quickly go to
the ones you may be interested in instead of having to go through the whole
darn 30+ pages of irrelevant stuff (including the repetitions of previous
posts that are included in messages over and over again).

> This list is quickly becoming somewhat of a waste of time to read. There are
> those who would like to redesign the K3 or critique various aspects of it,
> such as distortion or keying, to those who would like it personalized for
> themselves. 

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Re: [Elecraft] K3: Synchronous AM Receive

2008-09-09 Thread shanewh

Hi Elecraft,

I have a K3 on order so I'd like to know whether you've been able to
schedule work to begin on Synchronous AM yet please? Just curious and keen
to see this feature implemented.

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[Elecraft] K3 and T32

2008-09-09 Thread Jim Cundiff

Hey All,
   If someone has successfully used a T-32 mic with a K3, please 
contact me off list. I have one and just can't seem to get it going. I 
am not that technical but this should not be that hard to do. For those 
that don't know, a T-32 is a WWII vintage candlestick mic with three 
wires. It probably is just a setting type thing. I thought the combo of 
very old and very new would be a hoot! 73.

In His service,
Jim Cundiff KB3GFC
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[Elecraft] Re: K3 Topics

2008-09-09 Thread Robert C.Abell

I certainly agree. 

The Elecraft list is often 50 plus topics, most of which are absolute nonsense. 
I for one wish it could be limited to dealing with operation problems with use 
of the Elecraft products and not ancilliary equipment usage or hookups, i.e. 
bandscopes, linear amps.,etc.

Bob, VE3XM
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RE: [Elecraft] Re: Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

2008-09-09 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

> The 12 KHz artifact appears to be the audio output DAC clock, 
> with the demodulated audio forming upper and lower sidebands 
> with it.  It's down considerably, but still is apparently 
> causing issues with those who have good high frequency hearing 
> response.

I'm confused ... my measurements show the "12 KHz artifact" is 
more than 70 dB below a 1V peak signal.  The artifact is not 
measurable when the headphone level is below -30 dBV.  This 
level is comparable to the in band receiver noise floor with a 
-73 dBm RF signal and below the in band noise level with -100 
dBM (1 uV) or -130 dBm sources.  I do not understand why an 
out of band signal some 70 dB down should be an issue. 

The only reason the 12 KHz artifact can even be noticed with 
test equipment is that the K3's out of band noise floor (noise 
above the DSP and IF cut-off) is so exceptional.  Even with AF 
gain, the audio noise outside the passband is no more than -100 
to -110 dBV (I can't measure it).  

To complete the record, the 12 KHz artifact is also present 
on the Line Out DAC about 70 dB below the desired signal.


   ... Joe, W4TV 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jack Smith
> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 6:09 AM
> To: Dave G4AON
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.
> The 12 KHz artifact appears to be the audio output DAC clock, 
> with the 
> demodulated audio forming upper and lower sidebands with it. 
> It's down 
> considerably, but still is apparently causing issues with 
> those who have 
> good high frequency hearing response.
> The K3's audio seems to have way too much high frequency 
> response, with 
> white noise visible up to 20 KHz and beyond in the headphone 
> and speaker 
> output ports. Most communications receivers roll off the 
> audio response 
> at a few KHz.
> A bit of roll off in the K3 would be beneficial, I  think, 
> either RC or LC.
> Jack K8ZOA
> Dave G4AON wrote:
> > Using Spectrum Lab with my "on motherboard" sound card shows a
> > persistent artefact at 12 KHz with sometimes one either side of it. 
> > This doesn't appear when listening to typical speech on SSB 
> but tuning 
> > to CW shows it, the signals either side of the 12 KHz one 
> are +/- the 
> > tone of the CW signal, i.e. typically +/- 700 Hz.
> >
> > Audibly, there is more hiss and high frequency "roughness" when
> > listening to CW signals with the K3 than listening to the 
> same signal 
> > on a parallel connected K2 with it's AF DSP filtering, I would have 
> > hoped the RX equaliser would cut the high frequency signals but it 
> > doesn't.
> >
> > Looking at the circuit tends to suggest the place for a low pass
> > filter would be the output of the DAC prior to the audio 
> amplfier at 
> > "LHPOUT/RHPOUT" on the K3 DSP IF: DAC Audio board. Looking at the 
> > audio spectrum from my K3 (without FM) shows nothing above 
> 4 KHz, so a 
> > low pass filter to cut everything above perhaps 5 KHz would do no 
> > harm. I am reluctant to modify my K3 unless it's an 
> official Elecraft 
> > modification, but there is certainly some high frequency 
> audio present 
> > that could do with removing.
> >
> > 73 Dave, G4AON
> > K3/100 #80
> > 
> > It suggests that perhaps you were hearing the artifacts > 4 
> KHz, such 
> > as the 12 KHz with modulation sidebands or the one at 3.9 
> KHz. Maybe 
> > you were not hearing the artifacts directly but beats amongst them?
> >
> > Jack K8ZOA
> >
> > Paul Fletcher wrote:
> > >/ In order to try and eliminate the objectionable "noise" (careful
> > avoidance of
> > />/ distortion, harmonics etc deliberate) in my headset 
> I've fitted an
> > LC filter
> > />/ with a 4kHz cut off. This would still pass odd order 
> harmonics for 
> > lower
> > />/ audio frequencies. This filter has totally eliminated 
> the annoying 
> > "noise" I
> > />/ was hearing with the downside that I have to run more 
> AF gain to 
> > compensate.
> > />/ This kind of backs up previous measurements made by 
> others that the
> > />/ harmonics are well down, and not noticeable. It's a bit 
> > disappointing that I
> > />/ had to do this but the headphone audio is now very nice indeed.
> > />/ /
> > ___
> > Elecraft mailing list
> > Post to:
> > You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> > Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> >   
> > Help:
> > Elecraft web page:
> >
> ___
> Elecraft mailing list
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> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

2008-09-09 Thread Jack Smith

I agree that it's around 70 dB below the normal signal level.

The original poster believes it is the source of his problem.

My ears are not good enough to hear 12 KHz.

Jack K8ZOA

Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
The 12 KHz artifact appears to be the audio output DAC clock, 
with the demodulated audio forming upper and lower sidebands 
with it.  It's down considerably, but still is apparently 
causing issues with those who have good high frequency hearing 

I'm confused ... my measurements show the "12 KHz artifact" is 
more than 70 dB below a 1V peak signal.  The artifact is not 
measurable when the headphone level is below -30 dBV.  This 
level is comparable to the in band receiver noise floor with a 
-73 dBm RF signal and below the in band noise level with -100 
dBM (1 uV) or -130 dBm sources.  I do not understand why an 
out of band signal some 70 dB down should be an issue. 

The only reason the 12 KHz artifact can even be noticed with 
test equipment is that the K3's out of band noise floor (noise 
above the DSP and IF cut-off) is so exceptional.  Even with AF 
gain, the audio noise outside the passband is no more than -100 
to -110 dBV (I can't measure it).  

To complete the record, the 12 KHz artifact is also present 
on the Line Out DAC about 70 dB below the desired signal.


   ... Joe, W4TV 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jack Smith

Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 6:09 AM
To: Dave G4AON
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

The 12 KHz artifact appears to be the audio output DAC clock, 
with the 
demodulated audio forming upper and lower sidebands with it. 
It's down 
considerably, but still is apparently causing issues with 
those who have 
good high frequency hearing response.

The K3's audio seems to have way too much high frequency 
response, with 
white noise visible up to 20 KHz and beyond in the headphone 
and speaker 
output ports. Most communications receivers roll off the 
audio response 
at a few KHz.

A bit of roll off in the K3 would be beneficial, I  think, 
either RC or LC.

Jack K8ZOA

Dave G4AON wrote:

Using Spectrum Lab with my "on motherboard" sound card shows a
persistent artefact at 12 KHz with sometimes one either side of it. 
This doesn't appear when listening to typical speech on SSB 
but tuning 

to CW shows it, the signals either side of the 12 KHz one 
are +/- the 

tone of the CW signal, i.e. typically +/- 700 Hz.

Audibly, there is more hiss and high frequency "roughness" when
listening to CW signals with the K3 than listening to the 
same signal 

on a parallel connected K2 with it's AF DSP filtering, I would have 
hoped the RX equaliser would cut the high frequency signals but it 

Looking at the circuit tends to suggest the place for a low pass
filter would be the output of the DAC prior to the audio 
amplfier at 

"LHPOUT/RHPOUT" on the K3 DSP IF: DAC Audio board. Looking at the 
audio spectrum from my K3 (without FM) shows nothing above 
4 KHz, so a 

low pass filter to cut everything above perhaps 5 KHz would do no 
harm. I am reluctant to modify my K3 unless it's an 
official Elecraft 

modification, but there is certainly some high frequency 
audio present 

that could do with removing.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

It suggests that perhaps you were hearing the artifacts > 4 
KHz, such 

as the 12 KHz with modulation sidebands or the one at 3.9 
KHz. Maybe 

you were not hearing the artifacts directly but beats amongst them?

Jack K8ZOA

Paul Fletcher wrote:

/ In order to try and eliminate the objectionable "noise" (careful

avoidance of
/>/ distortion, harmonics etc deliberate) in my headset 

I've fitted an

LC filter
/>/ with a 4kHz cut off. This would still pass odd order 
harmonics for 

/>/ audio frequencies. This filter has totally eliminated 
the annoying 

"noise" I
/>/ was hearing with the downside that I have to run more 
AF gain to 

/>/ This kind of backs up previous measurements made by 

others that the

/>/ harmonics are well down, and not noticeable. It's a bit 
disappointing that I

/>/ had to do this but the headphone audio is now very nice indeed.
/>/ /
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[Elecraft] K2 ALC problem

2008-09-09 Thread Gary D Krause


I've noticed that my power output on 40 meters LSB is a lot higher than 
expected.  I get four to five bars or more on the peaks in the ALC mode.  I 
even got a high current reading last night and I then turned the power back 
from 12 watts to 10.  I get 4 to five bars even at five watts.  It didn't make 
much difference and I've found that I need to hold the mic further away. I 
switched to USB on 40 meters and it looks fine.  It looks good on the higher 
USB frequencies also.  I've noticed that it is around 2 to three bars on 80 
meters LSB which is normal according to the manual.

I'm wondering if it could be a carrier balance adjustment?  Any ideas would be 
greatly appreciated.  Everything else appears normal.  I've checked all solder 
connections on the SSB board several times and re-flowed the connections I 
considered suspect.

Gary, N7HTS

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: K3 Topics

2008-09-09 Thread Ralph Tyrrell
Most of these add ons I have no interest in. 
BUT I am glad to know that there are there.
Some day I may want to know how to hook up one.
These add ons are an extention of ELECRAFT.
The delete key is used often.

73, Ty, W1TF, K3 $696

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Re: Re: [Elecraft] Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

2008-09-09 Thread Barry N1EU

Jack Smith-6 wrote:
> I agree that it's around 70 dB below the normal signal level.
> The original poster believes it is the source of his problem.
> My ears are not good enough to hear 12 KHz.
My hearing is good to 18Khz and I don't hear it on my K3.  I see it clearly
on the spectrum analyzer, but I don't hear it.

How about a WAV recording from someone who hears it?

Barry N1EU

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: K3 Topics

2008-09-09 Thread Bill NY9H

subject lines could be " standardized" or "grouped" .  K3  or K2X

ie:   K3  wish list , ( includes redesigning the K3 because it 
works fine now )

   K3   filters
   K3  alc

that would help those who can only see the subject line


At 09:42 AM 9/9/2008, Ralph Tyrrell wrote:

Most of these add ons I have no interest in.
BUT I am glad to know that there are there.
Some day I may want to know how to hook up one.
These add ons are an extention of ELECRAFT.
The delete key is used often.

73, Ty, W1TF, K3 $696

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Re: [Elecraft] Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

2008-09-09 Thread AD6XY

I think this plot explains why. capt0809091710.jpg 

It is a sequence from my GB3RAL 70MHz beacon sending JT65B. The high
frequency alias is quite clear. It is inverted which might be why it sounds
so strange. So for example 900Hz is aliasing to 11.1kHz. It is a long way
down, 80-100 dB. You might not think it to be a problem but perhaps if the
headphones are more sensitive at HF it could be.

Here is another where I moved the VFO to show the effect of different
frequencies over the passband. capt0809091717.jpg 

The amplitude appears fairly consistent. I think a simple low pass filter is
all that is needed and a cut off of maybe 7 kHz would be appropriate. Maybe
even lower as this 4kHz ESSB plot with the FM filter shows, the audio
response is limited above 2.5kHz. capt0809091722.jpg 


Paul Fletcher wrote:
> In order to try and eliminate the objectionable "noise" (careful avoidance
> of distortion, harmonics etc deliberate) in my headset I've fitted an LC
> filter with a 4kHz cut off. This would still pass odd order harmonics for
> lower audio frequencies. This filter has totally eliminated the annoying
> "noise" I was hearing with the downside that I have to run more AF gain to
> compensate. This kind of backs up previous measurements made by others
> that the harmonics are well down, and not noticeable. It's a bit
> disappointing that I had to do this but the headphone audio is now very
> nice indeed.
> 73 Paul.

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Re: [Elecraft] Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

2008-09-09 Thread Paul Christensen
The amplitude appears fairly consistent. I think a simple low pass filter 
all that is needed and a cut off of maybe 7 kHz would be appropriate. 

even lower as this 4kHz ESSB plot with the FM filter shows, the audio
response is limited above 2.5kHz.


You may want to revisit that last measurement.  My measured data closely 
mirrors that shown on N1EU's website with the 6 kHz filter engaged:

See chart entitled " Elecraft K3 SSB Receive Passband..."

Paul, W9AC

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 and T32

2008-09-09 Thread Jim Cundiff

Hey All,
   Thank you to those that replied. It seems that I will have to 
replace the carbon element with an electret. I got a bag of these from 
Mouser to redo some D-104's so I'll give one of them a try. Thanks 
again. 73.

In His service,
Jim Cundiff KB3GFC
K3 1264
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Re: [Elecraft] Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

2008-09-09 Thread AD6XY

You are right, I had set the width as high as I could, which was 4kHz. I
didn't move the centre frequency to 2kHz.  I have just done it again but
this time with the centre frequency set to 2kHz and I see 4kHz width. The
highest I can get it up to is 300Hz-4.2kHz.

But, I found something else. I managed to have LO at 0 and HI not go above
3.4kHz. I found out that LO was actually negative, but read as zero as a
result of switching mode from Shift/Width to Lo/Hi. It really was negative
too, the other sideband came through.

I don't understand the display logic here. Surely if LO is negative, which
is quite legitimate, it should read so? If negative LO is not really
intended if the bandwidth is not really 4 kHz because of Fc, why will it
display it as 4kHz?


P.B. Christensen wrote:
>> The amplitude appears fairly consistent. I think a simple low pass filter 
>> is
>> all that is needed and a cut off of maybe 7 kHz would be appropriate. 
>> Maybe
>> even lower as this 4kHz ESSB plot with the FM filter shows, the audio
>> response is limited above 2.5kHz.
> Mike:
> You may want to revisit that last measurement.  My measured data closely 
> mirrors that shown on N1EU's website with the 6 kHz filter engaged:
> See chart entitled " Elecraft K3 SSB Receive Passband..."
> Paul, W9AC
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] More changeable items during transmit

2008-09-09 Thread Jim Brown
On Mon, 8 Sep 2008 15:30:35 -0400, hank  k8dd wrote:

>It would be good to be able to adjust WIDTH during transmit, too. 

YES!  And the RX Antenna switch. 


Jim K9YC

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Re: [Elecraft] More changeable items during transmit

2008-09-09 Thread Leigh L. Klotz, Jr. WA5ZNU
And speakers (via PF keys):

> On Mon, 8 Sep 2008 15:30:35 -0400, hank  k8dd wrote:
>>It would be good to be able to adjust WIDTH during transmit, too.
> YES!  And the RX Antenna switch.
> 73,
> Jim K9YC

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

2008-09-09 Thread Berni G0IDA
What I do believe is that there is an artifact or artifacts and I 
can hear them.
I put the LC filter as mentioned before on my headset and the so called 
"artifacts" are gone.
It's very simple, I can't hear them with my ears if i have the LC filter 
in irrespective of expensive equipment dB levels and measurements and 
perhaps they are 70dB down but there is something there and I'm not the 
only one to hear it.

My hearing is good up and beyond 12KHz, perhaps that is part of my problem.

There is also no filtering on the circuit from the DAC to the audio amp 
as far as I can seeso everything coming out from the DAC is amplified.



Jack Smith wrote:

I agree that it's around 70 dB below the normal signal level.

The original poster believes it is the source of his problem.

My ears are not good enough to hear 12 KHz.

Jack K8ZOA

Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
The 12 KHz artifact appears to be the audio output DAC clock, with 
the demodulated audio forming upper and lower sidebands with it.  
It's down considerably, but still is apparently causing issues with 
those who have good high frequency hearing response.

I'm confused ... my measurements show the "12 KHz artifact" is more 
than 70 dB below a 1V peak signal.  The artifact is not measurable 
when the headphone level is below -30 dBV.  This level is comparable 
to the in band receiver noise floor with a -73 dBm RF signal and 
below the in band noise level with -100 dBM (1 uV) or -130 dBm 
sources.  I do not understand why an out of band signal some 70 dB 
down should be an issue.
The only reason the 12 KHz artifact can even be noticed with test 
equipment is that the K3's out of band noise floor (noise above the 
DSP and IF cut-off) is so exceptional.  Even with AF gain, the audio 
noise outside the passband is no more than -100 to -110 dBV (I can't 
measure it). 
To complete the record, the 12 KHz artifact is also present on the 
Line Out DAC about 70 dB below the desired signal.   
   ... Joe, W4TV  


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jack Smith

Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 6:09 AM
To: Dave G4AON
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

The 12 KHz artifact appears to be the audio output DAC clock, with 
the demodulated audio forming upper and lower sidebands with it. 
It's down considerably, but still is apparently causing issues with 
those who have good high frequency hearing response.

The K3's audio seems to have way too much high frequency response, 
with white noise visible up to 20 KHz and beyond in the headphone 
and speaker output ports. Most communications receivers roll off the 
audio response at a few KHz.

A bit of roll off in the K3 would be beneficial, I  think, either RC 
or LC.

Jack K8ZOA

Dave G4AON wrote:

Using Spectrum Lab with my "on motherboard" sound card shows a
persistent artefact at 12 KHz with sometimes one either side of it. 
This doesn't appear when listening to typical speech on SSB   
but tuning
to CW shows it, the signals either side of the 12 KHz one   
are +/- the

tone of the CW signal, i.e. typically +/- 700 Hz.

Audibly, there is more hiss and high frequency "roughness" when
listening to CW signals with the K3 than listening to the   
same signal
on a parallel connected K2 with it's AF DSP filtering, I would have 
hoped the RX equaliser would cut the high frequency signals but it 

Looking at the circuit tends to suggest the place for a low pass
filter would be the output of the DAC prior to the audio   
amplfier at
"LHPOUT/RHPOUT" on the K3 DSP IF: DAC Audio board. Looking at the 
audio spectrum from my K3 (without FM) shows nothing above   
4 KHz, so a
low pass filter to cut everything above perhaps 5 KHz would do no 
harm. I am reluctant to modify my K3 unless it's an   
official Elecraft
modification, but there is certainly some high frequency   
audio present

that could do with removing.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

It suggests that perhaps you were hearing the artifacts > 4   
KHz, such
as the 12 KHz with modulation sidebands or the one at 3.9   
KHz. Maybe

you were not hearing the artifacts directly but beats amongst them?

Jack K8ZOA

Paul Fletcher wrote:

/ In order to try and eliminate the objectionable "noise" (careful

avoidance of
/>/ distortion, harmonics etc deliberate) in my headset   

I've fitted an

LC filter
/>/ with a 4kHz cut off. This would still pass odd order   
harmonics for

/>/ audio frequencies. This filter has totally eliminated   
the annoying

"noise" I
/>/ was hearing with the downside that I have to run more   
AF gain to

/>/ This kind of backs up previous measurements made by   

others that the
/>/ harmonics are well down, and not notice

Re: [Elecraft] Re: Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.

2008-09-09 Thread Brendan Minish
I fixed this in my headphones with an LC filter that takes the 12Khz
trash down an additional 12dB 
I can easily hear the 12Khz stuff on good headphones at normal operating
levels, even though it's at 60 to 70dB down on the desired audio.
Because it's non-harmonically related it's impact on the perceived audio
quality is much greater than harmonically related distortion.

I have very good hearing and worked for a few years as a professional
sound engineer specialising in recording acoustic music. 

If you can't hear past 10Khz or your headphones have a restricted
frequency range then this will be a non-issue. For me it was an irritant
but by no means a show stopper, the K3 is a fine radio that sounds much
nicer than my Icom's did 
However I am glad I invested the time to add LC filtering to my head set
as the improvement is worthwhile. 

Brendan EI6IZ   

On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 10:27 -0400, Jack Smith wrote:
> I agree that it's around 70 dB below the normal signal level.
> The original poster believes it is the source of his problem.
> My ears are not good enough to hear 12 KHz.
> Jack K8ZOA
> Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> >> The 12 KHz artifact appears to be the audio output DAC clock, 
> >> with the demodulated audio forming upper and lower sidebands 
> >> with it.  It's down considerably, but still is apparently 
> >> causing issues with those who have good high frequency hearing 
> >> response.
> >> 
> >
> > I'm confused ... my measurements show the "12 KHz artifact" is 
> > more than 70 dB below a 1V peak signal.  The artifact is not 
> > measurable when the headphone level is below -30 dBV.  This 
> > level is comparable to the in band receiver noise floor with a 
> > -73 dBm RF signal and below the in band noise level with -100 
> > dBM (1 uV) or -130 dBm sources.  I do not understand why an 
> > out of band signal some 70 dB down should be an issue. 
> >
> > The only reason the 12 KHz artifact can even be noticed with 
> > test equipment is that the K3's out of band noise floor (noise 
> > above the DSP and IF cut-off) is so exceptional.  Even with AF 
> > gain, the audio noise outside the passband is no more than -100 
> > to -110 dBV (I can't measure it).  
> >
> > To complete the record, the 12 KHz artifact is also present 
> > on the Line Out DAC about 70 dB below the desired signal.
> >
> > 73, 
> >
> >... Joe, W4TV 
> >  
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   
> >> -Original Message-
> >> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jack Smith
> >> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 6:09 AM
> >> To: Dave G4AON
> >> Cc:
> >> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: Heil Proset & K3 Audio fixed, sort of.
> >>
> >>
> >> The 12 KHz artifact appears to be the audio output DAC clock, 
> >> with the 
> >> demodulated audio forming upper and lower sidebands with it. 
> >> It's down 
> >> considerably, but still is apparently causing issues with 
> >> those who have 
> >> good high frequency hearing response.
> >>
> >> The K3's audio seems to have way too much high frequency 
> >> response, with 
> >> white noise visible up to 20 KHz and beyond in the headphone 
> >> and speaker 
> >> output ports. Most communications receivers roll off the 
> >> audio response 
> >> at a few KHz.
> >>
> >> A bit of roll off in the K3 would be beneficial, I  think, 
> >> either RC or LC.
> >>
> >> Jack K8ZOA
> >>
> >>
> >> Dave G4AON wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Using Spectrum Lab with my "on motherboard" sound card shows a
> >>> persistent artefact at 12 KHz with sometimes one either side of it. 
> >>> This doesn't appear when listening to typical speech on SSB 
> >>>   
> >> but tuning 
> >> 
> >>> to CW shows it, the signals either side of the 12 KHz one 
> >>>   
> >> are +/- the 
> >> 
> >>> tone of the CW signal, i.e. typically +/- 700 Hz.
> >>>
> >>> Audibly, there is more hiss and high frequency "roughness" when
> >>> listening to CW signals with the K3 than listening to the 
> >>>   
> >> same signal 
> >> 
> >>> on a parallel connected K2 with it's AF DSP filtering, I would have 
> >>> hoped the RX equaliser would cut the high frequency signals but it 
> >>> doesn't.
> >>>
> >>> Looking at the circuit tends to suggest the place for a low pass
> >>> filter would be the output of the DAC prior to the audio 
> >>>   
> >> amplfier at 
> >> 
> >>> "LHPOUT/RHPOUT" on the K3 DSP IF: DAC Audio board. Looking at the 
> >>> audio spectrum from my K3 (without FM) shows nothing above 
> >>>   
> >> 4 KHz, so a 
> >> 
> >>> low pass filter to cut everything above perhaps 5 KHz would do no 
> >>> harm. I am reluctant to modify my K3 unless it's an 
> >>>   
> >> official Elecraft 
> >> 
> >>> modification, but there is certainly some high frequency 
> >>>   
> >> audio present 
> >> 
> >>> that could do with removing.
> >>>
> >>> 73 Dave, G4AON
> >>> K3/100 #80
> >>> 
> >>> It suggests that 

Re: [Elecraft] Ultimatic

2008-09-09 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF

Just for those that are following this thread, Wayne said
"This is on my firmware list, but I can't put a date on it. Quite a  
list of requests/improvements now!"

So he's aware of our wish and has sad he will do it sometime. I think  
we all understand about his priorities. I don't see the point of us  
continually harping on, we just have to wait, Wayne said "Morse don't  
come easy, it's just a game of give and take !"

73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
-Carl Sagan, astronomer and author (1934-1996)

On 9 Sep 2008, at 04:34, Brett Howard wrote:

I'd be interested to give it a try...  I'm more of a slap keyer type  

guy.  I can do the squeeze keying but I need to slow down from where I
can comfortably slap key in order to get my head around it.  I think a
bit more practice and I might be able to make better use of iambic but
ultimatic may be what I prefer.  Not sure.

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Re: [Elecraft] Ultimatic

2008-09-09 Thread David Wilburn
Awesome.  That is good enough for me.  It will get here, when it gets 
here.  Thanks.

David Wilburn

David Ferrington, M0XDF wrote:

Just for those that are following this thread, Wayne said
"This is on my firmware list, but I can't put a date on it. Quite a list 
of requests/improvements now!"

So he's aware of our wish and has sad he will do it sometime. I think we 
all understand about his priorities. I don't see the point of us 
continually harping on, we just have to wait, Wayne said "Morse don't 
come easy, it's just a game of give and take !"

73 de M0XDF, K3 #174

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[Elecraft] K3 bug mode there (sort of)?

2008-09-09 Thread alsopb

Those who absolutely want to use the K3 in a "bug" mode for CW might try
this-- at your own risk.  

Single lever paddles only.
1) connect paddle dit side to the keyer jack dit side
2) connect paddle dash side to key jack 
3) ground to paddle common.

Dual lever paddles can short 1) and 2) together and shouldn't be used
without some kind of isolation.

73 de K3KO

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 bug mode there (sort of)?

2008-09-09 Thread WILLIS COOKE
For those who want the bug mode, plug your bug into the key jack, select the cw 
mode and get with it.  It works for me!

Willis 'Cookie' Cooke 

--- On Tue, 9/9/08, alsopb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: alsopb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Elecraft] K3 bug mode there (sort of)?
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 3:08 PM
> Those who absolutely want to use the K3 in a "bug"
> mode for CW might try
> this-- at your own risk.  

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[Elecraft] Where have all the K2s Gone?

2008-09-09 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
And the K1s and KX1s? 

I agree with those who advocate keeping threads "on list", since there are
always more interested people out there with the same question or who may
not have thought to ask but for whom the answer is of interest. 

Toward that end, there are a lot of on-going threads here, mostly about
features for competitive DX-ing or contesting with a K3. 

Frankly, I miss the solder-jockeys who were poking around inside their K1s,
K2s, KX1s and the intrepid souls trying out VHF/UHF with an XV. Often they
were concerned with peripheral questions such as stringing up an antenna,
soldering, or wondering how to modify their rig to provide some wanted
feature, or restoring operation after making a cloud of smoke.

Sure, there was the occasional contest thread, usually about the QRP
sprints, fox hunts and other low-key events. 

Have they all bought K3s? I doubt it. 

If not, where are they? If we were to subtract the current K3 threads, it
seems like the list activity for all other products must have dropped by at
least 90% over that of a year or so ago. 


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[Elecraft] K3 DSP Problem

2008-09-09 Thread Richard Thorne
I have a factory built K3.  I have been downloading firmware updates 
when ever a new one comes out, mostly without issues.  Occasionally I 
would have to do the upload again to get the DSP1 upload to work.

Recently after uploading MCU 2.38, FPF .02 and DSP1 1.9 I have a problem.

When I bring up the K3 Utility program it shows DSP1 having version 
00.00 installed.  I have attempted several times to upload 2.38 as well 
as uploading prior versions such as 2.37, 2.34 ect.

However, the installed version of DSP1 continues to show 00.00 and I 
have no audio.

I also get errors E000202 and ERR DSE.

Any ideas what may be going on?

Thanks in advance.

Rich - N5ZC
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 DSP Problem

2008-09-09 Thread Richard Thorne

I solved my problem.

I kept uploading until the DSP1 took, must have taken 10 times to get it 
done, weird.

Rich - N5ZC

Richard Thorne wrote:
I have a factory built K3.  I have been downloading firmware updates 
when ever a new one comes out, mostly without issues.  Occasionally I 
would have to do the upload again to get the DSP1 upload to work.

Recently after uploading MCU 2.38, FPF .02 and DSP1 1.9 I have a problem.

When I bring up the K3 Utility program it shows DSP1 having version 
00.00 installed.  I have attempted several times to upload 2.38 as 
well as uploading prior versions such as 2.37, 2.34 ect.

However, the installed version of DSP1 continues to show 00.00 and I 
have no audio.

I also get errors E000202 and ERR DSE.

Any ideas what may be going on?

Thanks in advance.

Rich - N5ZC
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Re: [Elecraft] Where have all the K2s Gone?

2008-09-09 Thread Stephen W. Kercel


Ok, here's a K2 question.

My K2 tuning knob intermittently thumps, both as an audible sound, 
and as a mechanical bump that I can feel in my fingertips as I rotate 
the knob. It does not always do it at the same knob position. It is 
nearly impossible to replicate with consistency, but it happens often 
enough to be annoying.

I had the encoder replaced, and there is no felt washer in the new 
installation.  There are no felt shreds to get in the works.

Any thoughts?


Steve Kercel

At 07:29 PM 9/9/2008, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

And the K1s and KX1s?

I agree with those who advocate keeping threads "on list", since there are
always more interested people out there with the same question or who may
not have thought to ask but for whom the answer is of interest.

Toward that end, there are a lot of on-going threads here, mostly about
features for competitive DX-ing or contesting with a K3.

Frankly, I miss the solder-jockeys who were poking around inside their K1s,
K2s, KX1s and the intrepid souls trying out VHF/UHF with an XV. Often they
were concerned with peripheral questions such as stringing up an antenna,
soldering, or wondering how to modify their rig to provide some wanted
feature, or restoring operation after making a cloud of smoke.

Sure, there was the occasional contest thread, usually about the QRP
sprints, fox hunts and other low-key events.

Have they all bought K3s? I doubt it.

If not, where are they? If we were to subtract the current K3 threads, it
seems like the list activity for all other products must have dropped by at
least 90% over that of a year or so ago.


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Re: [Elecraft] Re: K3 Topics

2008-09-09 Thread Tom Childers, N5GE
On Tue, 09 Sep 2008 10:37:53 -0500, Bill NY9H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>subject lines could be " standardized" or "grouped" .  K3  or K2X
>ie:   K3  wish list , ( includes redesigning the K3 because it 
>works fine now )
>K3   filters
>K3  alc
>that would help those who can only see the subject line

And to program our kill filters :O)

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

"Those who would give up 
Essential Liberty to 
purchase a little Temporary 
Safety deserve neither 
Liberty nor Safety" 

An excerpt from a letter 
written in 1755 from the 
Assembly to the Governor 
of Pennsylvania.

Support the entire Constitution, not 
just the parts you like.

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[Elecraft] K3 Production Firmware Release, Revision 2.38

2008-09-09 Thread wayne burdick
K3 MCU firmware rev. 2.38 (and DSP firmware rev 1.90) is now officially 
a regular production release. We encourage all K3 owners to download 
this revision.

Many important changes and additions have been made since the last 
production release (2.02). Here are some highlights:

   * Complete sub receiver support, including new DIVERSITY mode
   * ESSB (Extended Single Sideband) transmit
   * 10 HZ CW sidetone increments
   * More accurate transmit power control and LSB/USB equalization
   * Many changes to the user interface to simplify or clarify operation
   * Signal processing improvements (DSP filter centering, etc.)
   * Power-up KEY/PTT lockout for safer interoperation with other gear
   * Many new or improved commands for computer-control applications
   * Simplified firmware load process

Be sure to use revision or later of our K3 Utility application 
to download the firmware. For instructions, see:

Please send any problem reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED] We'll 
respond very quickly (as in tonight :) if anything comes up.

73 from the entire K3 firmware/software development team:

  Brian, W6FVI (manufacturing test)
  Dick, K6KR (PC applications)
  David, W4SMT (Mac & Linux applications)
  Lyle, KK7P (DSP)
  Wayne, N6KR (MCU)


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Re [Elecraft] Where have all the K2s Gone?

2008-09-09 Thread Bob Waddell


Of course, the K3 is the latest "rave".  Be assured that those KX1ers are still 
alive and well.  The challenge for me is to deploy the best and most efficient 
antenna for portable (or near portable) work with the best operating techniques 
I can devise.  The KX1 is about as good as it gets for its size.  

Would like to see a variation on the theme with a 10W transmitter, Of course 
the package would need to be a little thicker to accommodate that and perhaps 
digi modes.  It's ok to dream I suppose.


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Topics

2008-09-09 Thread Leigh L. Klotz, Jr WA5ZNU

You might also like reading via Nabble, on the web.

Or visit that page and click on "Forum Feeds" at the bottom and drag the 
"Topics" one to your Live Bookmarks in Firefox 3 or Internet Explorer 7 
and get one-click access to the list of active topics.


I get the daily digest.  I am switching to individual posts because I find 
myself reading fewer posts.  The ones I skip are:

I do not mind skipping these posts, but the risk of missing something interesting grows as the volume of uninteresting things grows.  
Monty, K2DLJ

K3 #699

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Topics

2008-09-09 Thread David Wilburn
During my short time with the list (K2 5982 / K3 766) it has been a 
technical list.  These folks are not your average hams.  They will dig 
into a piece of equipment and understand what makes it tick.  It is an 
amazing think tank of information that I enjoy reading everyday.

That being said, I do have separate folders for K3, K2, Elecraft (each 
with a Keepers sub folder).  All Elecraft email ends up in one of 
those folders.

I use Thunderbird, and it has a search function in the corner much 
like google.  I plug in a keyword in the subject line of a thread that 
I want to read, and boom.  I have all the emails, sorted by date.  And 
only that thread.  I may read some of it, all of it, or throw the 
whole thing away (in my case, anything about microphones or SSB).  I 
clear the search function, all of the threads are back.

But that is just me.  And that is what is so special about this list. 
 Lots of great info, and a delete key too.  What more can you ask 
for?  Ok, they got the Mojo too!

David Wilburn

Monty Shultes wrote:

I get the daily digest.  I am switching to individual posts because I find 
myself reading fewer posts.  The ones I skip are:

a) Ones that should go to Elecraft Support/Sales/Parts
b) Ones that relate to a topic fully covered in the manual
c) Ones that are covered on the Elecraft website
d) Details of measurements.  I would like to have access to these via the web
e) Ones that are primarily a discussion of third party equipment/software.  
Websites for such are usually very good.

I do not mind skipping these posts, but the risk of missing something interesting grows as the volume of uninteresting things grows.  
Monty, K2DLJ

K3 #699
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Re: [Elecraft] Where have all the K2s Gone?

2008-09-09 Thread David Wilburn
Still have K2, 5982 on the table.  Need to get back and play with it. 
 I want to setup a vertical loop as a second antenna, so I can run 
both the K2 and K3 at the same time.  But first I need to build a new 
launcher.  Wrist-rocket bit the dust.

Picked up a o'scope earlier in the summer, and want to go back and do 
some poking and prodding with the K2.  But it has been at least 20 
years since I had RF and o'scopes connected, and the equipment used to 
do that was real expensive.  I need to sort out how I am going to do 
that.  But all in due time.

David Wilburn

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
And the K1s and KX1s? 

I agree with those who advocate keeping threads "on list", since there are
always more interested people out there with the same question or who may
not have thought to ask but for whom the answer is of interest. 

Toward that end, there are a lot of on-going threads here, mostly about
features for competitive DX-ing or contesting with a K3. 

Frankly, I miss the solder-jockeys who were poking around inside their K1s,
K2s, KX1s and the intrepid souls trying out VHF/UHF with an XV. Often they
were concerned with peripheral questions such as stringing up an antenna,
soldering, or wondering how to modify their rig to provide some wanted
feature, or restoring operation after making a cloud of smoke.

Sure, there was the occasional contest thread, usually about the QRP
sprints, fox hunts and other low-key events. 

Have they all bought K3s? I doubt it. 

If not, where are they? If we were to subtract the current K3 threads, it
seems like the list activity for all other products must have dropped by at
least 90% over that of a year or so ago. 


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[Elecraft] K2: thumping knob.

2008-09-09 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Wow. Interesting! You can hear it and  feel it. Have you tried a different
knob? The Elecraft supplied knob has large brass weight built in. I wonder
if the weight is loose and moving somehow.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen W. Kercel
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 4:59 PM
To: Elecraft e-mail list
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Where have all the K2s Gone?


Ok, here's a K2 question.

My K2 tuning knob intermittently thumps, both as an audible sound, 
and as a mechanical bump that I can feel in my fingertips as I rotate 
the knob. It does not always do it at the same knob position. It is 
nearly impossible to replicate with consistency, but it happens often 
enough to be annoying.

I had the encoder replaced, and there is no felt washer in the new 
installation.  There are no felt shreds to get in the works.

Any thoughts?


Steve Kercel

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[Elecraft] K3 Topics is bad subject line

2008-09-09 Thread Charles Harpole

This is great procedure, but the huge failing comes from

the significantly poor use of the subject line, very often

too vague and even misleading about the actual content of 

the message FOR EXAMPLE:  "K3 Topics" but at least

that sez "K3".  Until the engineers among us learn to use

the English language, the subject lines now in use are mostly useless.


Charles Harpole


> Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 22:42:41 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 Topics
> To:
> During my short time with the list (K2 5982 / K3 766) it has been a
> technical list. These folks are not your average hams. They will dig
> into a piece of equipment and understand what makes it tick. It is an
> amazing think tank of information that I enjoy reading everyday.
> That being said, I do have separate folders for K3, K2, Elecraft (each
> with a Keepers sub folder). All Elecraft email ends up in one of
> those folders.
> I use Thunderbird, and it has a search function in the corner much
> like google. I plug in a keyword in the subject line of a thread that
> I want to read, and boom. I have all the emails, sorted by date. And
> only that thread. I may read some of it, all of it, or throw the
> whole thing away (in my case, anything about microphones or SSB). I
> clear the search function, all of the threads are back.
> But that is just me. And that is what is so special about this list.
> Lots of great info, and a delete key too. What more can you ask
> for? Ok, they got the Mojo too!
> David Wilburn
> Monty Shultes wrote:
>> I get the daily digest. I am switching to individual posts because I find 
>> myself reading fewer posts. The ones I skip are:
>> a) Ones that should go to Elecraft Support/Sales/Parts
>> b) Ones that relate to a topic fully covered in the manual
>> c) Ones that are covered on the Elecraft website
>> d) Details of measurements. I would like to have access to these via the web
>> e) Ones that are primarily a discussion of third party equipment/software. 
>> Websites for such are usually very good.
>> I do not mind skipping these posts, but the risk of missing something 
>> interesting grows as the volume of uninteresting things grows.
>> Monty, K2DLJ
>> K3 #699
>> ___
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>> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>> Help:
>> Elecraft web page:
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Topics is bad subject line

2008-09-09 Thread Don Wilhelm


Sorry, but engineers and good, clear, concise writing do not typically 
run together.
Way back in engineering school, I had a 'Western Civilization" class 
professor who was bold enough to tell his sophomore class of EE students 
that *his* class was the most important in the curriculum.  That 
statement generated a lot of snickers and side comments.  Then over my 
years of real world engineering experience, I found that writing and a 
knowledge of history were indeed the major  required assets of any good 
engineer - one must be able to communicate effectively with 
non-engineering types.
Unfortunately, that fact is usually learned "too little, too late" and 
only in the 'school of hard knocks'.


Charles Harpole wrote:

...  Until the engineers among us learn to use

the English language, the subject lines now in use are mostly useless.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 bug mode there (sort of)?

2008-09-09 Thread Alan Bloom
When I've tried this in the past I found that it has a very different
feel than a mechanical semi-automatic key paddle (bug).  I found it
basically impossible to send good-sounding code.  YMMV


On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 15:08, alsopb wrote:
> Those who absolutely want to use the K3 in a "bug" mode for CW might try
> this-- at your own risk.  
> Single lever paddles only.
> 1) connect paddle dit side to the keyer jack dit side
> 2) connect paddle dash side to key jack 
> 3) ground to paddle common.
> Dual lever paddles can short 1) and 2) together and shouldn't be used
> without some kind of isolation.
> 73 de K3KO

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[Elecraft] K3 - IF out

2008-09-09 Thread Jim Miller
Next stupid question,

What is the output level of the IF out on the transverter?
Do I have to turn on something to get it to activate?

I am trying to connect a K3 Softrock V6.2 to use as a panadapter and cannot see 
any output on my scope (techtronics 475) from the IF output connector on the K3.

Thanks es 73, de Jim KG0KP
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[Elecraft] K3 - IF out - again

2008-09-09 Thread Jim Miller
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 - IF out

Next stupid question,

What is the output level of the IF out on the transverter KXV3 option?
Do I have to turn on something to get it to activate?

I am trying to connect a K3 Softrock V6.2 to use as a panadapter and cannot
see any output on my scope (techtronics 475) from the IF output connector on
the K3.

Thanks es 73, de Jim KG0KP
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[Elecraft] K3 and XV144 strange behaviour

2008-09-09 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
I noticed a strange behaviour during the last IARU VHF Contest last 
With our team we managed to have a first field test of the rig 
coming for our experience with the K2/xv144 MHz combination the 
expectations were high.
The setup was composed by the K3 and a XV144 transverter, plus a Power 
amplifier, a preamplifier at the antenna (with some 30 mt of 1/2" 
cellflex line) and two stacked 19 elements Log Loop Yagis.
The switching sequence was controled by an external sequencer drived by 
a foot pedal.
On the receiving side the combo was wonderful, the dynamic range allowed 
us to manage very well in the pretty crowded 2 mt band.

But we had some troubles mainly on TX.
Let say that our P.A. needs to be drived with circa 7/10 Watts at 
maximum (depending on the mode, SSB or CW). It's made from 2 x 4CX250B 
in push-pull configuration.
So I tuned the transverter to go from a range of 1 W (with -10 dBm drive 
from the KXV3 module) to a mazimum of 10 W (with 0 dBm of drive).
Things have worked pretty smoothly most of the time, but on a few 
occasions, we noticed a sudden loss of output power from the transverter 
(and from the P.A. of course).
Turning the K3 off and on again the transverter didn't power up. The 
XV144 label on the front panel flashed for a brief moment and then 
stayed off.
Changing band to HF and back again on 144 MHz (TRV1) and the XV144 
module powered up again. Not always on the first try.
Once powered up most of the times the output power was correct, but 
occasionally we had to do the procedure three or four times before 
coming back to normal functioning.

Any clues of the reasons of this behaviour???

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

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[Elecraft] Re: K3 - IF out - again

2008-09-09 Thread Dave G4AON


The level is very low, you are unlikely to see it on a scope, it can be 
seen on a spectrum analyser.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80
What is the output level of the IF out on the transverter KXV3 option?
Do I have to turn on something to get it to activate?

I am trying to connect a K3 Softrock V6.2 to use as a panadapter and cannot
see any output on my scope (techtronics 475) from the IF output connector on
the K3.

Thanks es 73, de Jim KG0KP
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 and XV144 strange behaviour

2008-09-09 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB

Before you ask...
Firmware Revisions: MCU 2.34; DSP 1.89.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Digital audio out ?

2008-09-09 Thread David Woolley (E.L)

Simon (HB9DRV) wrote:

For audio there's SKYPE and IP-Sound. Take a look at for a lot of remote 
radio discussions.

SKYPE uses a proprietary voice only codec.  Being proprietary means that 
its exact limitations will be unknown, but it is unlikely to perform 
well for data modes when operating close to the noise floor and it may 
well not work well for very noisy speech.

David Woolley
"The Elecraft list is a forum for the discussion of topics related to 
Elecraft products and more general topics related ham radio"

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Digital audio out ?

2008-09-09 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)
For noisy speech it's not at all bad. For data modes - write your own seems 
to be the best option, this is what I plan to do for DM780 sometime. Sending 
data around at 8kHz with (estimated) 25% overhead is not a big problem, it's 
a trivial programming task, just takes some time to design and the implement 
it properly.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

- Original Message - 
From: "David Woolley (E.L)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SKYPE uses a proprietary voice only codec.  Being proprietary means that 
its exact limitations will be unknown, but it is unlikely to perform well 
for data modes when operating close to the noise floor and it may well not 
work well for very noisy speech.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 and XV144 strange behaviour

2008-09-09 Thread AD6XY

On receive we had persistent problems with people using lesser receivers and
similar transmit power not being able to copy us because of QRM. DLs
especially. We heard many very strong signals but none excessively wide. 

We also had system problems though not the same, or at least the same but
partly fixed.  In our case the 9-way D connector was at fault, unless fully
screwed in it was found to not be making a good contact. Fully screwing it
in fixed that of course, nothing to do with the K3. 

Our main K3 related problem was the inconsistent power output. We were also
using a pair of 4CX250Bs, parallel rather than push pull. To avoid over
drive splatter, the amplifier trips out if any significant grid current
occurs. The power spikes I have noted before made tuning up the drive with
the PA on impossible. The correct drive was set, in incremental steps with
the spike dealt with by keying with the PA off for the first transmission,
then enabling the PA and seeing if the drive was sufficient. Once set the
power would not stay fixed, it would sometimes drop by maybe 2-3 dB. Just
adjusting the power one step up or down brought it back but with the usual
initial spike that would on occasion trip the amplifier protection. After a
couple of overs the power would drop back again.

While setting up we also did some transmit cleanliness checks with local
stations. The K3 + XV144 at about 7W output driving the pair of 4CX250Bs was
reported to be exceptionally clean with very good audio.

Considering this, the K3 plus XV144 while probably the best combination I
have ever come across on receive is not ready for use on transmit just yet
because of the ALC issue if you use a sensitive amplifier.

One other minor point, with large chunky VHF coaxial relays, the 20mS TX
delay is not quite long enough, but still much better than those rigs with
no TX delay at all! You probably still need a sequencer.


Giulio Pico wrote:
> Before you ask...
> Firmware Revisions: MCU 2.34; DSP 1.89.
> 73 de Giulio IW3HVB.
> ___
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