[Elecraft] K3 Subreceiver Icom 756 Pro II comparison

2008-11-04 Thread Gil Gibbs
   I'm quite curious, just wondering if the K3 subreceiver modules are 
beginning to get out to all those whom ordered them? My little K3 rig is 
looking very pretty, now waiting for my setup of the dipole(s) I have in 
mind, so a completely rounded out rig will be the best toy to keep my 
mind focused, learn new tricks. I've been using my IC-756 Pro II rig as 
a comparison as I built my K2 originally, and the quality of both is 
incredible. The K3 is an improvement, so I'm going to have a dandy time 
driving my retired scientist of a sister out of her mind by having to 
either tell me to put on the headphones while she watches TV, or take 
off the headphones so she can talk to me!
   The next stage is to get a nice little computer set up so I can do 
the digital modes, been missing them.

Anyone with any answers about the subreceiver?

Tnx, 73's


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[Elecraft] Re: K3 microphone

2008-07-03 Thread Gil Gibbs


 I'm at those last procedures of making all the settings for my K3, and 
just added the microphone to the package. So far, I've found that I can 
make the red LED light up for the PTT line indication, but there's no 
LCD bar graph showing that my voice is causing any modulation. I'm 
finding very little of anything which can steer me in the right 
direction for a button push to activate anything else, which leads me to 
two questions - (1) do I need to double check the entire mike circuit, 
make sure no one goofed on a connection, and (2) am I barking up the 
wrong tree?
  I seem to note that there is a need for the transmitter finals and 
100 watt amplifier to be taken through a setup procedure for each 
band, thus I may be missing a step here someplace. This rig is exotic, a 
far different idea from the K2, thus the longish learning curve.
 Any ideas before I start getting frustrated and pull hair, cuss a 
little, and look for the DVM?

Thanks, 73's

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2007-12-13 Thread Gil Gibbs

Gents 'n other OMs;

  I see enough childish squabbling in other reflector lists that waste 
my download time as is, so please grow up about who gets their K3 
sooner! What I'm interested in is the really important items of 
carrying cases, how to tweak the K2 circuits, et all. Right now, I'm 
cleaning up my various operating areas, moving with arthritis that makes 
CW practice on the Hexkey difficult, and waiting for the weather to 
allow antennas to be put up. If anyone has a cure for the soft legs on 
the Hexkey, I could use a hint. I seem to recall solid plastic legs 
someplace, but that was long ago. It's going to take awhile to solve a 
lot of problems, get CW going again, but this return to the original 
mode will be worth it. I'll be looking for comments on the K3, as I 
contemplate ordering one.

Thanks for any ideas, got a lot of work to do way down south here!


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[Elecraft] Tuning knob revisit (Gil WA5YKK)

2007-11-23 Thread Gil Gibbs
To those who dare - I'm in the middle of a mess, attempting to rework my 
whole QTH shack upstairs in the big house, and in so doing, I enjoy 
firing up the Icom 756 PRO I have alongside the K2 which is now doing a 
better job of SWL than the Icom. The only real problem I run into is 
that the Icom tuning knob has some weight to it, along with a spinner 
dimple, which makes it easier to tune, and faster than the K2. I'm 
wondering  if it makes any sense to attempt to find an FT-900 knob, or 
just figure out a way to add some weight to the k2 knob? And, yes, I've 
already looked over the Yaesu website, no joy at this point.

My prime problem is that I find it to be a little disconcerting to tune 
the heater (the Icom is a room heater!), faster and sometimes easier to 
find a frequency and/or station than the K2 does, so just regard me as 
spoiled at this point. If anyone has any ideas about how to find a 
speed demon knob, let me know, since I'd really like to have the K2 
become as physically able as the Jap rig is! Presently, it's 
astounding that I've soldered together a rig that is at least equal to, 
or outperforms a commercially-made rig, with a fraction of the amperage 
consumption. (Eventually, I see the day when my whole ham rig situation 
will be dying Kachina, fading Icom, and full steam Elecraft - and 
probably go SK for good, with the K2 or K3 going strong, still!)

Tnx, 73's, enjoy Xmas coming up!

Gil WA5YKK  (50 years at this game, as of Jan. '08!)


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[Elecraft] Re: Hexkey waiting on bench, due to warning

2007-09-19 Thread Gil Gibbs
Thanks to Ken, K0PP, for the note about the wobbly Hexkey feet - since 
I've been busy with a long laundry list of things to do in the middle of 
hurricane season here in South Texas. I, too, noted that the Hexkey 
was a little difficult to adjust to, after too many years of not using a 
paddle, but I thought it was just my lack of experience. I'll take his 
hint and look for or make my own stiff feet, and find out if it cures 
the catch the lost dot or dash which I've attributed to an arthritic 



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[Elecraft] Re: KAT2 not reading ATU

2007-07-19 Thread Gil Gibbs

Don, et all;

  I'm now wandering around in the menu of ATU, attempting to make 
sure the circuits are working right in the KAT2 that I didn't prove out 
a few weeks ago. When the instruction told me Set the ATU parameter to 
AUTO and exit the menu, then Turn the power off and back on. Use the 
menu to verify that the ATU parameter is still set to AUTO.
   I found that I had to find ATU again, and noted that the parameter 
is set to AUTO, so I'm hoping that the system is doing OK. I'd hate to 
have to look at U2 on the ATU, try to sniff out yet another problem with 
a solder connection!
   Gee, this started out to be a fun project, and now I'm having to 
double check every tiny item that's in doubt. Does anyone have a 
different reading than I have?

Tnx, 73's

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[Elecraft] K2 not hearing

2007-07-17 Thread Gil Gibbs
  I was going along fine on all my preliminary checks on my K2 
revival, got the sidetone going OK, then started in on the secondary 
checks. To my dismay, I can't hear anything on any band, and I'm now 
wondering if I let the smoke out of something in the receive. Not being 
very good at tracing the schematic, I can't tell if the sidetone uses 
the same circuit to the headphone plug that the receiver does or not.
  Could I have fried a diode someplace, with that one problem of 
getting the KIO2 wires backward when I wasn't paying attention, in the 
course of setting up for the KAT100 addition?
   This is beginning to get old - I'm using dummy load more often than 
anything, and the SWL isn't a good result from all the hours. Any ideas, 
out there?

Tnx, 73's

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[Elecraft] Reversed connections from KIO2 to KAT100

2007-06-28 Thread Gil Gibbs
  I've hit a wall with one of the strangest situations, having simply 
not taken time to recheck all my connections on the DB9 connector from 
the KIO2 to the KAT100. I had the KIO2 pins reversed in color order, 
from 6 to 9, plugged it in to smoke test the circuit to the KAT100, and 
got zero results. When I checked with Gary, I was informed that some 
seven parts, on three boards, have to be replaced, and I'm wondering if 
anyone else has had this same miscue, can give me hints about what other 
problems have been caused by the miswiring? I have to do a lot of major 
surgery on the boards, and might have to realign the Control Board. Any 
hints and kinks beyond the missives I've already gotten will be 
appreciated. Murphy's Law strikes again, right at a critical time!!

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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 36, Issue 38

2007-04-30 Thread Gil Gibbs

K3 -?- Where did I miss the ad?

 Jeepers, I just got the feel of my K2, am adding items to it,  it's 
at least equal to my IC 756 PROII! If a K3 can outdo a Kachina, I'll 
have to use up the gear I have, or just add to two separate stations, 
one at my inland house! There goes the RF budget for this year...

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[Elecraft] Off topic microphone

2007-04-21 Thread Gil Gibbs


 I've been giving my old Alinco mike a jaundiced look lately, the 
remaining part of a HTX-212 rig I got from Rad Shacque many years ago. 
The prime question: does anyone have a short answer for me, if this 
little electret mike, with up/dwn buttons, keyboard, PTT switch, will 
work with my K2? I'm going to take a dare and see if that outfit will 
even provide a schematic for the aged little thing, find out what might 
or might not work, but I can also use some input from others who might 
be a tad more experienced with hybrid parts that seem to look viable.

Thanks for any input, and I'm relearning a lot that went foggy on me 
with all my projects!


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[Elecraft] Re: Hexkey

2007-04-14 Thread Gil Gibbs


 I'm in the process of relearning how to use a paddle, having only 
gotten the feel of a Vibroplex keyer three decades back from an old pal. 
I'm now stumbling around with a Bencher paddle, the first of the line 
that's of the fall apart design, and thus I have to be careful about 
how I handle it, which distracts me from training myself to use thumb 
for dashes, finger for dits, and my brain isn't as young as it used to 
be to do multitasking. Thus the question - does the Elecraft/Bencher 
Hexkey actually perform better than the original, and thus make the 
price worth adding to my gear? I'd really like to have more versatility 
in sending, not worrying about knocking the contact points off their 
mounts, which are conical points for hinges, and the darn things are an 
annoyance to have to remount.
  Any input will be appreciated, many hours to go before I can become 
fluent with my old favorite CW again, having been too lazy to get away 
from voice until now!

Tnx, 73's


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[Elecraft] Re: Sidetone not working

2007-03-29 Thread Gil Gibbs
 Has anyone had the experience of getting most things going OK, then 
gotten disgusted when the sidetone wouldn't work? My PRE/ATTN option 
works OK, but when I push the same button for more than two seconds, I 
don't get the sidetone anymore. I was using it for a little paddle key 
code practice over two weeks ago, before the flu hit me, and now it's MIA!

Any ideas, aside from replacing U2? That Front Panel board is a little 
complex to take apart regularly, and I'd like to use my K2 on the air 

Thanks, 73's

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[Elecraft] Re: BFO Alignment P. 63

2007-02-08 Thread Gil Gibbs

Hello all...

 I'm in the BFO Alignment stage of a K2, on P. 63, having been referred 
to P. 89. My problem is that, after I pushed the PRE/ATT button, I had 
little, intermittent, or no audio output from the headphones, and when 
anything did come through, it was a background hiss. That caused me to 
take a long look at the headphone jack, which revealed one connection 
that wasn't soldered - so I corrected that little problem.
 The next try, I got a solid, clear connection to hear a tone when I 
hit the PRE/ATT button again, but I was most disappointed when I 
followed the instructions on P. 88, and the tone disappeared with the 
CAL FIL options. At the bottom left of that page, there's a note about 
hearing the 'shape' of the noise change with the VFO knob. I don't 
hear anything but a change in the background noise level, and it's a 
very slight change at that.
  Thus, my question - is this a normal set of circumstances, no tone 
that changes as I vary the VFO, or should I look for a sour crystal 
someplace, perhaps a transistor gone out or anything else that might be 
awry? I'm almost at the third stage of my build on this rig, and I'd 
appreciate some input about what's going on with the circuit, since some 
of the instructions in the manual text are a bit ambiguous.

  All suggestions will be appreciated.


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