Re: [Elecraft] KPA100 Power Malfunction

2007-06-18 Thread eKotz


You were spot on.   The SWR Bridge diodes D16 and D17 had failed.   The 
diodes arrived today in the mail, I replaced them and my K2 is up.   
Thank you very much for your help.

Ed  -  AD7GR
K2 #6050

Don Wilhelm wrote:
Lack of power control with the KPA100 installed normally points to a 
failure of the KPA100 wattmeter circuit.

Start with replacing the 1N5711 diodes D16 and D17...

If your KPA100 was working at one time and there is *any* possibility 
that you encountered a lightning surge, then D16 and D17 are the most 
likely suspects.

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[Elecraft] KPA100 Power Malfunction

2007-06-09 Thread eKotz
When the KPA100 is not installed, my K2/QRP operates normally.   
However, with KPA100 installed I have no incremental power control and 
no lit LEDs on the K2 S/RF meter.

The SWR is indicated to be 1:1 into an OHR RFL 100 Dummy Load.   HiCur 
does flash on momentarily after switching to the 80  40 meter bands.

I am using my straight key to key the K2... not TUNE.

First test on 40Mtr band:
Both Hi Current and Lo Current Power Supplies on:
   Requested power = .1 to 10w, power to dummy load = 20w
   Requested power = 11 to 110w, power to load = 110w
With only Lo Current Power Supply on:
   Requested power = .1 to 15w, power to load = 10w
I cycled DC power off/on:
   Requested power = .1, power to load = .3w
   Requested power = 10, power to load = 10
I backed off requested power:
   Requested power = .1, power to load = 10w
I turned Hi Current Power Supply on:
And raised requested power:
   Requested power = 20w, power to load = 110w
Then backed off again:
   Requested power = 9.5w, power to load = 10w

Band   Initial Power readings after I 

(Mtr)   Power   requested pwr past about 1w.
(With Hi and Lo Current Power Supplies on:)
160-15 0  20, 110
12, 10  03, 25
(With only the Lo Current Power Supply on:)
160-15 0  10, 10
12, 10  0 3, 3
(The lower power readings read when = 10W requested, the higher power 
readings read when   10W requested and  the Initial Power is what I 
read just after switching bands)

HiCur does flash on momentarily after switching bands.
There are no INFO ### messages.

My equipment for this test: OHR WM-2 (QRP) and Heathkit HM-2140 (QRO) 
watt meters and OHR RFL 100 and Heathkit Cantenna dummy loads.

The testing steps during the KPA100 build checked out properly.   I have 
double checked the solder joints and reworked those that I thought might 
have been questionable with no change in the (mis)behavior.   I don't 
know if these findings are of any help to you... I would be glad to 
supply whatever readings as I may be able.

Troubleshooting suggestions appreciated!

Ed - AD7GR
K2 #6050

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[Elecraft] T-Shirt Slogans

2007-04-30 Thread eKotz

   Elecraft - Raising the bar, again - K3
   Elecraft K3 - The bar is raised.
   Elecraft K3 - The standard.

   Ed  -  AD7GR
   K2 #6050
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[Elecraft] K2 6050 Built!

2007-04-06 Thread eKotz
K2 #6050 with KDSP, KNB2, KSB2, K160RX AND KPA100 options is now up and 
running.   I took my time in the build and it was great fun, however, as 
always, over far too soon.

I had wanted to use Rework Eliminators boards ( and 
although I came close to not installing them I did decide to go ahead 
with the build including the RE boards as part of the process.   I am 
very glad that I did.   I found the RE manual's instructions very easy 
to follow in conjunction with the K2 manuals.   When I had a question 
regarding a RE component value they were quick to respond and help me... 
even though it turned out to be a problem with my measuring instruments. 
 They have gone far out of their way to help.   I especially thanked 
them ... for the definite sense of the fellowship of ham radio that I 
learned to love back in the 70's when I was first licensed.   Nice 
fellows to work with.

I also had a couple of difficulties with the K2 kit and needed to 
receive a replacement Tilt Bail and a length of speaker wire and they 
had the needed items in the mail to me immediately.   Absolutely great 

My thanks to the friendly folks at Elecraft for a great kit and 
service... to Ron, AC7AC, for the Builder's Alert on Installing Trimmer 
Capacitors, to Gary, AB7MY, for the KPA100 Errata E-2 and to Scott, 
AH6KL, for sending the need parts out so quickly.   With the exception 
of the tilt bail, speaker wire and the two files previously mentioned, I 
found that the difficulties I had with the kits were of my own 
misinterpretation of the instructions and very easily and quickly corrected.

With the addition of the Reflector and the various K2 supporting 
websites one may not go wrong in choosing to build an Elecraft kit.

I believe that the marriage of Elecraft K2 and Rework Eliminator boards 
is an excellent one.   The RE boards have saved me time and eliminated 
unnecessary rework during the k2 assembly.   What a great feeling to 
just unplug the RE board, plug in the Elecraft Option and have it work 
correctly the first time, every time... that really made it worthwhile. 
 The only RE board still plugged in is the one for the K60XV option 
which I have not bought as yet.In using the RE boards the K2 
definitely is Option Ready.

Now to get this tired 62 year old mind wrapped around all those menu 
selections.  g.I am sure I will have questions sometime.

Great job everyone!   Excellent products!   I would do it again... and 

Ed  - AD7GR
K2 #6050

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Re: [Elecraft] N4PY

2007-04-06 Thread eKotz

snip Wow, $55 initial, and $30/year? Ouch!

Ham Radio Deluxe seems to run well and it's free for the download.   Web 

Ed - AD7GR
K2 #6050

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[Elecraft] K2 6050 is alive and well

2007-03-21 Thread eKotz

   Hi all,
   Since  I  posted  its  arrival  I  thought  I'd follow it up with this
   announcement that another K2 is alive and well.   I had no issues with
   the  build  except  those of my own doing... i.e. not interpreting the
   instructions correctly.   We just process things a bit differently and
   I  had  no difficulty bailing myself out.   After I familiarize myself
   with  the  K2's operation I'll start working on the option kits I have
   Thanks  to  Ron,  AC7AC,  for  the  emailed Builder's Alert Installing
   Trimmer  Capacitors.My wife guessed it's orientation rightly but I
   didn't.BTW...  I  still  do  not see it on the Builder's Alert web
   This  is a lot of fun... this is a great kit.   Thank you Elecraft for
   making it possible.
   Ed -AD7GR-
   K2 6050
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[Elecraft] K2 Trimmers - Which flat side?

2007-03-19 Thread eKotz


I have successfully reached my K2 Assembly, Part III, pg. 65, trimmer 
installation step.   The red marked trimmers were no problem identifying 
the orientation.   It looks like the 30 pF trimmers are different than 
were in the older kits and there is my difficulty: The 30pF trimmer caps 
(C32, C34, C44  C46) have two flat sides... a large flat and an 
opposing small flat and my question is... which is the correct flat for 
proper orientation?   --I did not find this in the archive... I may not 
be phrasing my search properly.--

Ed - AD7GR
K2 6050

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[Elecraft] K2 #6050 Arrived

2007-03-08 Thread eKotz
My K2 and options arrived in yesterdays mail just three business days 
after having ordered it... very fast service... my thanks to Elecraft.   
I have updated the manuals with the Errata and am reading them cover to 
cover.   Today to check in the parts.   I love the kit process... to 
slowly savor every step.   Even the S/N, 6050, has a nice ring to it.

I also ordered and built the Rework Eliminators kit for the K2... 
ordered on Friday, here the following Monday!   I had questions for them 
and they were very gracious and patient with me.   As I told them, they 
went the extra mile and gave me the gift of the fellowship of ham radio 
that I learned to love back in the 70's when I was first licensed... I 
have confidence that their product will add to the pleasure of this build.

It is very nice to be part of this at last!

Ed - AD7GR
K2 5060

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[Elecraft] First Elecraft Kit

2007-03-02 Thread eKotz

Greetings all.
I have placed my first Elecraft kit order... a K2 plus lots of 
trimmings.   The old heathkit-er in me rejoices and I look forward to 
joining you.

Ed   AD7GR

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