[Embedded_C_VC] I Will Drink it New -- Mark 14:24-26

2009-02-22 Thread Bible Verse
I Will Drink it New

   Then Jesus said, "This wine is my blood. My blood (death)
   begins the new agreement {from God to his people}. This blood
   is given for many people. I tell you the truth. I will not
   drink this wine again until that day when I drink it in the
   kingdom of God and the wine is new." All the followers sang a
   song. Then they went out to the Mount of Olives.

   -- Mark 14:24-26 (ERV)

Some debate what Jesus means when he says, "I will drink it new in the
Kingdom of God." Some believe he is referring to sharing in the Lord's
Supper with those who believe in him -- in other words, when we share
in the Lord's Supper as his Church, he joins us in this meal. Others
think he is referring to the great reunion meal in heaven. I personally
believe that his reference is all encompassing because the Lord's
Supper meal we celebrate as his Church is anticipatory: we remember his
death until he comes. He joins us in that meal just as he joined his
followers on the road to Emmaus and shared that meal with them (Luke
24). However, we realize that as we celebrate the Lord's Supper here on
earth, we do so in anticipation of the great meal in heaven with all of
God's redeemed. What a great reminder! What a great way to anticipate
the future! What a great way to pledge ourselves to each other and
commit to help one another see that glorious day of victorious
celebration with our Lord!

Almighty God and eternal LORD, thank you for the presence of your Son
as we share in the Lord's Supper. Thank you even more for the promise
that we will share the victorious meal with our Savior when he returns
and takes us home to you. In Jesus' name I thank you for all of your
blessings. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] The Gift of My Blood -- Mark 14:23-24

2009-02-19 Thread Bible Verse
The Gift of My Blood

   Then Jesus took a cup of wine. He thanked God for it and gave
   it to the followers. All the followers drank from the cup.
   Then Jesus said, "This wine is my blood. My blood (death)
   begins the new agreement {from God to his people}. This blood
   is given for many people."

   -- Mark 14:23-24 (ERV)

Jesus' blood, remembered in this last supper with his followers and
continually celebrated by his followers today, seals a new covenant
between God and Jesus' followers. This is a covenant of grace, love,
and life brought about by the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. This new
covenant is our way of life as Jesus' followers and is a better and
eternal covenant provided to us by the blood of Jesus.

Father in heaven, thank you for the price that was paid to bring us
into a new covenant relationship with you. May my life be lived to
honor that price and to fulfill that covenant. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] My Body -- Mark 14:22

2009-02-18 Thread Bible Verse
My Body

   While they were eating, Jesus took some bread. Jesus thanked
   God for the bread and divided it. He gave the bread to his
   followers. Jesus said, "Take this bread {and eat it}. This
   bread is my body."

   -- Mark 14:22 (ERV)

For Jesus and his followers, bread was the "staff of life" -- the
essence of food and nourishment to people in Jesus' culture in Jesus'
day. Jesus had already taught his closest followers that he was the
bread of life (John 6). Now, Jesus was providing these followers with a
way to remember him, his life-giving place in their lives, and the
sacrifice he was about to make for them. In addition, he was providing
his followers with a way of understanding their role in the world --
they were to be his bodily presence. When we take of the Lord's Supper
on Sunday like the early followers of Jesus did, we do so to remember
him and to commit to keep alive his ministry to the world as we pledge
to be his Body. We must never take this meal for granted.

O Father, thank you for leaving us a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice, his
life-giving grace, and our responsibility to keep his memory and
ministry alive as his Body, the Church. In Jesus name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] The Human Tragedy of the Divine Grace -- Mark 14:21

2009-02-18 Thread Bible Verse
The Human Tragedy of the Divine Grace

   "The Son of Man will go {and die}. The Scriptures say this
   will happen. But it will be very bad for the person who gives
   the Son of Man {to be killed}. It would be better for that
   person if he were never born."

   -- Mark 14:21 (ERV)

While God planned for Jesus' death to be the atoning sacrifice for sin
and while it was God's will that Jesus go to the Cross, this does not
mitigate the sin of those who orchestrated his murder. Both God's plan
and the plot of evil men placed Jesus on the Cross. The one betraying
Jesus will have to face judgment for what he has done.

Father, may I never, ever outlive my love and loyalty to you and your
Son. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] One of You! -- Mark 14:20

2009-02-16 Thread Bible Verse
One of You!

   Jesus answered, "The man who is against me is one of you
   twelve. He is the one who dips his bread into the same bowl
   with me.

   -- Mark 14:20 (ERV)

How sad Jesus' words must have been to the apostles when they first
heard them. How sad these words must have been as they remembered them.
What a powerful reminder to us of our ability to falter and to let our
Lord down. Our church, our fellowship of believing friends, will always
have a "Judas" in our midst. In fact, most of us have let the Lord down
and betrayed him at some point in our lives. Thank God that he is
forgiving. Thank the Lord Jesus that he paid the price to ransom us
back from our weakness, hypocrisy, betrayal, and failure. Let's use our
time at the Lord's Table each week to remind us of the price of our
forgiveness, of our vulnerability to letting the Lord down, and of the
opportunity we have to live passionately for him. Most of all, let's
remember that we can begin again, fresh and forgiven, and must not let
Satan win the battle when we falter. Let's get back up, ask for the
Lord's forgiveness, receive his cleansing, and faithfully live for his
glory in the future.

LORD of all heaven and earth, my Abba Father, please help me to trust
in your forgiveness and the Holy Spirit's power so that I will not be
crushed by my failures and sins. Instead, as you cleanse me, please
empower me to live vibrantly and faithfully for you. This is my heart's
desire. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] I'm Not the One, Am I? -- Mark 14:19

2009-02-15 Thread Bible Verse
 I'm Not the One, Am I?

   The followers were very sad to hear this. Each follower said
   to Jesus, "Surely I will not be against you!"

   -- Mark 14:19 (ERV)

This is exactly the question we need to ask ourselves. "I'm not the
one, am I?" Pride should never be a part of our spiritual character,
because we will fail and fall. Instead, we need to examine ourselves
and put ourselves to the test, but then take those results back to the
Lord and pray for his power and grace.

O Father, I know that I cannot be the person I want to be without your
help, power, and presence. Fill me and empower me with your Holy

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[Embedded_C_VC] Anticipating the Sacrifice -- Mark 14:12

2009-02-10 Thread Bible Verse
Anticipating the Sacrifice

   It was now the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread.
   This was the day when the Jews killed the lambs for the
   Passover. Jesus' followers came to him. They said, "We will
   go and prepare everything for you to eat the Passover meal.
   Where do you want us to have the meal?"

   -- Mark 14:12 (ERV)

Jesus is our Passover Lamb. Mark wants us to know that Jesus will go to
his death in the context of the Jewish Passover and God's great
deliverance of his people from Egypt. Jesus brings us deliverance in
the events that lie ahead. That deliverance, however, will require a
sacrifice. Jesus chooses to be that perfect sacrifice for our sins.

Righteous and holy Father, the God Almighty, thank you for my
deliverance from sin. Thank you for the sacrifice that Jesus made in
his body to deliver me from sin and death. And thank you Lord Jesus, in
whose name I pray, for the incredible price you paid to cleanse me.

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[Embedded_C_VC] The Wrong Thing at the Right Time -- Mark 14:10-11

2009-02-09 Thread Bible Verse
The Wrong Thing at the Right Time

   Then one of the twelve apostles went to talk to the leading
   priests. This was the follower named Judas Iscariot. Judas
   wanted to give Jesus to them. The leading priests were very
   happy about this. They promised to pay Judas for doing this.
   So Judas waited for the best time to give Jesus to them.

   -- Mark 14:10-11 (ERV)

This section of Mark began (in 14:1) with the enemies of Jesus plotting
his death. It now ends with one of Jesus' own close followers offering
to betray him to death. How sad! Rather than looking closely at Jesus'
ministry and hearing what he had to say, his enemies were looking for
the right time and place to kill him while Judas was looking for a way
to betray Jesus. Jealousy and hate blind us to the truth about other
people. That is why Jesus is so critical of the religious leaders.
Let's remember that hate always blinds us to the truth about others and
closes down our hearts about their true identities and value.

O Father, forgive me when I've judged the actions of others' actions
negatively because of my ill feelings toward them. Lead me gently to
love them more generously and fully. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Wherever -- Mark 14:9

2009-02-08 Thread Bible Verse

   I tell you the truth. The Good News will be told to people in
   all the world. And in every place where the Good News is
   told, the story of what this woman did will also be told. The
   thing she has done will be told and people will remember

   -- Mark 14:9 (ERV)

Some events are too precious to forget. Jesus wanted the sacrificial
love shown by this woman to be wedded to the story of his gospel. They
fit together. Wouldn't it be great if when we die our lives have been
lived in such a way that they fit naturally with the story of the

Lord God Almighty, my Abba Father, help me live my life in such a way
that it is consistent and complementary to the Gospel. In Jesus' name I
pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Only For a Little While! -- Mark 14:7-8

2009-02-05 Thread Bible Verse
Only For a Little While!

   You will always have poor people with you. You can help them
   any time you want. But you will not always have me. This
   woman did the only thing she could do for me. She poured
   perfume on my body. She did this before I die to prepare me
   for burial.

   -- Mark 14:7-8 (ERV)

So often we have people we love dearly and greatly respect that we
never praise, honor, or thank until after they are dead. This story of
the woman's expensive gift to Jesus should be a reminder that we
shouldn't wait till people are dead to give them the thanks they
deserve. Let's thank others and honor them in ways that are appropriate
for their service.

Father, I know there are many people in my life who have blessed me.
Please forgive me for not being more affirming and appreciative to
them. Help me see the opportunities I have to thank and honor people,
always to your glory, before their time on earth is ended. In Jesus'
name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Why, If It Is For Me? -- Mark 14:6

2009-02-04 Thread Bible Verse
 Why, If It Is For Me?

   Jesus said, "Don't bother the woman. Why are you troubling
   her? She did a very good thing for me.

   -- Mark 14:6 (ERV)

Like Jesus does so often in his earthly ministry, he protects a
vulnerable person from criticism and attack and also finds a way to
affirm and bless that person. He emphasizes the good this woman has
done. May we be willing to do the same to others who are generous,
kind, and loving to the Lord Jesus!

Gracious Father, open my eyes and help me see those who are doing good
things in the name of Jesus. Use me to affirm their work and bring them
a blessing. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Scolded for Love -- Mark 14:4-5

2009-02-03 Thread Bible Verse
Scolded for Love

   Some of the followers there saw this. They became upset and
   complained to each other. They said, "Why waste that perfume?
   That perfume was worth a full year's work. It could be sold
   and the money could be given to poor people." And they
   criticized the woman strongly.

   -- Mark 14:4-5 (ERV)

Isn't it sadly strange that people so often criticize the gifts others
make? I'm not sure if it is jealousy, greed, or pure pettiness that
makes humans so quick to be critical of other's generosity. However,
God loves a cheerful and generous giver. Part of the reason is that we
are most like God when we give generously and joyously. If only we were
as generous with our giving as we are with our criticism!

Loving God and Almighty Father in heaven, please use me as a conduit of
your love, mercy, and grace. I want to have a heart that is generous
with others even if those around me cannot understand that generosity.
Thank you for being so generous with me. May I never hoard your
blessings, but always be quick to share them in ways that bring you
joy. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Beauty in the Broken Things -- Mark 14:3

2009-02-02 Thread Bible Verse
Beauty in the Broken Things

   Jesus was in Bethany. He was eating in the house of Simon the
   leper. While Jesus was there a woman came to him. The woman
   had an alabaster jar filled with very expensive perfume. This
   perfume was made of pure nard. The woman opened the jar and
   poured the perfume on Jesus' head.

   -- Mark 14:3 (ERV)

Mark moves us from a scene of some of the worst of human motivations
against Jesus (verses 1-2) to this scene -- one of the most precious
stories of love and appreciation for Jesus we find in the Gospels. This
woman's expensive sacrifice prepares both Jesus and us for his
sacrifice which lies ahead.

O Father, may my life be a fragrant sacrifice of praise to you. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Premeditation -- Mark 14:1-2

2009-02-02 Thread Bible Verse

   It was now only two days before the Passover and the Festival
   of Unleavened Bread. The leading priests and teachers of the
   law were trying to find a way to arrest Jesus without the
   people seeing it. Then they could kill him. They said, "But
   we cannot arrest Jesus during the festival. We don't want the
   people to become angry and cause a riot."

   -- Mark 14:1-2 (ERV)

Jesus' enemies were determined to kill him. However, they knew that
Jesus was popular with the people. With Jerusalem flooded with yearly
visitors for Passover, a time that was very volatile, they worried that
to go after Jesus during this time could backfire. Mark wants us to see
that their murder of Jesus on the Cross was calculated and
premeditated. They were not looking for justice or truth; they were out
for blood. Little did they know that the blood they shed would be the
atoning blood of the new covenant that would bring our salvation. What
they meant for the worst kind of harm, God used for unbelievable good
-- our good!

O Father, I cannot understand how you withheld your power and allowed
the schemes of wicked men to murder your Son, especially wicked men who
claimed to honor you. I am sorry that we can be so misguided and wrong
as people. Please forgive us. Please forgive me. I want to believe that
I would have followed Jesus and welcomed him, but part of me fears that
I might have been as misguided as they were. Purify my heart and give
me wisdom to know and follow your truth always. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Watch for His Return! -- Mark 13:37

2009-01-30 Thread Bible Verse
Watch for His Return!

   "I tell you this, and I say this to every person: 'Be

   -- Mark 13:37 (ERV)

As Jesus tells this as a story (see the preceding story), he is in
effect saying, "Watch for my return!" Throughout his ministry, he
emphasized that he, the Son of Man, would return in glory and with the
angels of heaven. His return would usher in the ultimate victory of God
and bring complete and eternal salvation for his followers. However, we
must be watching and prepared for his return. His voice, his words, his
earnest pleading reaches out to us through the centuries and beckons us
to be waiting and longing for his return.

O Father, thank you for the assurance that your Son will return and
usher your children into your presence and eternal glory. Thank you in
Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Don't Get Caught Sleeping -- Mark 13:34-36

2009-01-28 Thread Bible Verse
Don't Get Caught Sleeping

   "This is like a man that goes on a trip and leaves his house.
   The man lets his servants take care of the house. He gives
   each servant a special job to do. One servant has the work of
   guarding the door. The man tells this servant to always be
   ready. This is the same as I am now telling you. So you must
   always be ready. You don't know when the owner of the house
   will come back. He might come in the afternoon, or at
   midnight, or in the early morning, or when the sun rises. The
   owner might come back quickly. If you are always ready, then
   he will not find you sleeping."

   -- Mark 13:34-36 (ERV)

Jesus' preferred title for himself is the "Son of Man." Taken from both
Ezekiel and Daniel, Jesus plays on the human emphasis (Ezekiel) and
messianic emphasis (Daniel) of this title to link his two "comings"
together. His first coming, the incarnation, involved his earthly
ministry as a human being who was God living among us. The second
coming will be when he comes in his glory with the angels of heaven.
The real issue is not if or when he will return; the issue is whether
or not his followers will be ready for his return. Will we be doing his
work in the world? Will we be found faithful at his return? Will we be
longing and expecting his return? When Jesus left earth, he gave his
followers a mission -- they were to be his representatives, his bodily
presence, in the world until his return. Let's be vigilantly living out
our mission until the day of his return.

O Father, wake us up and stir us to action. I confess that I sometimes
get lethargic in my service to the Kingdom. There are times when I get
discouraged and don't long for Jesus' return like I should. Encourage,
convict, and motivate me through the power of the Holy Spirit. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Stay Alert -- Mark 13:33

2009-01-27 Thread Bible Verse
Stay Alert

   "Be careful! Always be ready! You don't know when that time
   will be."

   -- Mark 13:33 (ERV)

Since we cannot know for sure the exact time of the Lord's return, our
approach should be clear and without distraction. We are to stay alert
and keep watch so that we are ready for the Lord's return -- ready with
constant vigilance ... constant anticipation ... and constant moral

O Father, I want to be ready when Jesus comes. Keep my eyes open, my
heart pure, and my hands ready to do your will as I expect the glorious
arrival of my victorious Lord. In his name, the mighty name of Jesus
Christ, I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] No One Knows -- Mark 13:32

2009-01-27 Thread Bible Verse
No One Knows

   "No person knows when that day or time will be. The Son and
   the angels in heaven don't know when that day or time will
   be. Only the Father knows."

   -- Mark 13:32 (ERV)

The greatest secret of all time is the exact day and hour of the Lord's
return. So if no one knows, what should our response be to this
knowledge? Doubt? Frustration? Disappointment? No! We know the heart of
God because we have seen his heart revealed to us by Jesus. We know he
desires us to be saved and come to him through Jesus. We know that he
spared no expense to redeem and adopt us into his family. So knowing
what we know about God, we can be sure that his promises can always be
trusted and that our future is secure. Our task is to live for God and
be ready for his Son's return.

Father, please bless me and help me remain diligent in my faith and
welcome Jesus when he returns. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Right at the Door -- Mark 13:28-29

2009-01-22 Thread Bible Verse
Right at the Door

   "The fig tree teaches us a lesson: When the fig tree's
   branches become green and soft, and new leaves begin to grow,
   then you know that summer is near. It is the same with these
   things that I told you would happen. When you see all these
   things happening, then you will know that the time is near,
   ready to come."

   -- Mark 13:28-29 (ERV)

Jesus does stand right at the door and awaits to enter into our world
and bring us home. While we cannot know the exact time of his arrival,
the events that have been mentioned have been occurring since the days
of that first Pentecost and that first generation of Christians. Jesus
is near. The barrier that separates him from our world and the next is
paper thin. Our call is to be ready ... always ... living in
expectation of his imminent coming.

Father, make me ready -- ready in heart, soul, mind, and strength --
for the return of your Son. Please use me to help prepare others for
this day so that they can join in the victorious celebration of your
people. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Gathering the Chosen -- Mark 13:27

2009-01-22 Thread Bible Verse
Gathering the Chosen

   "The Son of Man will send his angels all around the earth.
   The angels will gather his chosen people from every part of
   the earth."

   -- Mark 13:27 (ERV)

Those that belong to the Lord will be gathered to meet him. Those who
belong to the Lord will join this celebration whether they are
physically alive or dead. All that belong to him will be gathered
together for the great reunion of the children of God. What a day of
celebration and joy for those who love the Lord. No wonder God's
children have looked forward to this day with great anticipation and

O Father, I can only imagine how glorious the day of Jesus' return will
actually be. I look forward to being reunited with those who have gone
on before me to be with Christ. I look forward to being with those
whose language I cannot now speak, but with whom I will enjoy the
praise and celebration of heaven. Thank you for such a great hope that
rests in my future with Jesus! In his name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Everyone Will See -- Mark 13:24-26

2009-01-20 Thread Bible Verse
Everyone Will See

   "During the days after this trouble happens, 'The sun will
   become dark, and the moon will not give light. The stars will
   fall from the sky, and everything in the sky will be
   changed.' Then people will see the Son of Man coming in the
   clouds with power and great glory."

   -- Mark 13:24-26 (ERV)

When Jesus returns in glory, no one will doubt his arrival. His return
will be triumphant, glorious, and universally acknowledged. Won't that
day be fantastic for those of us who eagerly await his return?

O Father all glorious, we look forward to the return of our Lord and
Savior when your reign will be universally recognized and the faithful
endurance of your spiritual children will be rewarded. In Jesus' name I
await this day with the joy of anticipation and praise. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] False Messiahs -- Mark 13:21-23

2009-01-20 Thread Bible Verse
False Messiahs

   "At that time, some person might say to you, 'Look, there is
   the Christ!' Or another person might say, 'There he is!' But
   don't believe them. False Christs and false prophets will
   come and do great things and miracles. They will do these
   things to the people God has chosen. They will do these
   things to try to fool his people, if that is possible. So be
   careful. Now I have warned you about all this before it

   -- Mark 13:21-23 (ERV)

Since Jesus' return to heaven, many false messiahs have come and tried
to present themselves as the one true Messiah of God's people. Jesus
warned his followers this would be true. When he returns in the future,
there will be no doubt. We must not let fakes, no matter how
well-intentioned or how deeply deluded, deceive us.

O Father in heaven, please keep our eyes open to your truth and our
spiritual discernment sharp so that we will not be deceived by anyone
or anything regarding your Son's will for our lives or his glorious
return. In the name of Jesus, my returning Lord, I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Shortening the Days -- Mark 13:14-20

2009-01-18 Thread Bible Verse
Shortening the Days

   "You will see 'the terrible thing that causes destruction.'
   You will see this thing standing in the place where it should
   not be." (You that read this should understand what it
   means.) "At that time, the people in Judea should run away to
   the mountains. People should run away without wasting time to
   stop for anything. If a person is on the roof of his house,
   he must not go down to take things out of his house. If a
   person is in the field, he must not go back to get his coat.
   At that time, it will be bad for women that are pregnant or
   have small babies. Pray that these things will not happen in
   winter. Why? Because those days will be full of much trouble.
   There will be more trouble than has ever happened since the
   beginning, when God made the world. And nothing as bad as
   that will ever happen again. But God has decided to make that
   terrible time short. If that time were not made short, then
   no person could continue living. But God will make that time
   short to help his special people that he has chosen."

   -- Mark 13:14-20 (ERV)

The troubles and tumult of the end time will be great. Yet despite all
outward appearances, God will remain in control and will protect and
bring deliverance for his people during these distressing times. As
God's children, those whose allegiance is to the Lord Jesus and whose
lives are focused on his Kingdom, our triumph is secure. It cannot be
taken from us -- not by Satan's power, not by evil times, and not by
death itself. Our God is in control and our Lord is on the horizon to
usher us into his eternal presence. Our task is to remain faithful and
be ready for his deliverance.

O Father, empower me to remain faithful to you no matter the times or
my current circumstance. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Salvation In Spite of Hate -- Mark 13:13

2009-01-16 Thread Bible Verse
Salvation In Spite of Hate

   "All people will hate you because you follow me. But the
   person that continues strong until the end will be saved."

   -- Mark 13:13 (ERV)

Even when our situation makes us feel like everyone is against us, we
can endure ... we must endure ... we will endure. When we are faithful,
when we endure, we can be certain that our future is with the Savior
and great things await us at his return!

Give me strength, O LORD God Almighty, to endure to the end and find
your glorious welcome into your eternal Kingdom of mercy, grace, and
joy. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Family Betrayal -- Mark 13:12

2009-01-15 Thread Bible Verse
Family Betrayal

   "Brothers will turn against their own brothers and give them
   to be killed. Fathers will turn against their own children
   and give them to be killed. Children will fight against their
   own parents and find ways for their parents to be killed."

   -- Mark 13:12 (ERV)

Jesus had warned that his ministry and those loyal to him, could find
themselves having to choose between their family and their faith, their
circle of friends and their faith. As the hostility of living in a
fallen world breaks upon us, betrayal will strike very close to the
hearts of believers just as it did to the Savior. We shouldn't be
surprised that some in our own family would betray us if one of Jesus'
handpicked apostles did the same to him.

O Master and God, please help me to be strong enough to withstand the
betrayal of those close to me. Please let me never outlive my love for
your Son. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Don't Worry What to Say - Mark 13:10, 11

2009-01-13 Thread Bible Verse
To Every Nation

   "Before these things happen, the Good News must be told to
   all people." "You will be arrested and judged. But don't worry about what
   you should say. Say the things God gives you to say at that
   time. It will not really be you speaking. It will be the Holy
   Spirit speaking."

   -- Mark 13:10, 11 (ERV)

Before the return of Jesus, the Gospel -- the Good News about Jesus and
his Kingdom -- will be preached to every nation. We can do that better
today than ever before. So let's make sure we are sharing that Gospel
with others around the world.  Our witness will not be our wisdom,
but our courage. Our ultimate testimony will not be of our own making,
but from the Spirit's inspiration.

Father, may your message of hope in Jesus be shared with every nation
in my generation. please make me courageously bold by the power of your Holy
Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Using Misfortune for Good News -- Mark 13:9

2009-01-12 Thread Bible Verse
Using Misfortune for Good News

   "You must be careful. People will arrest you and take you to
   be judged. They will beat you in their synagogues. You will
   be forced to stand before kings and governors. You will tell
   them about me. This will happen to you because you follow

   -- Mark 13:9 (ERV)

Another part of the believer's future is harsh -- in addition to the
natural disasters and wars mentioned in previous verses. Not everyone
will like Christians. Just as Jesus was hated, so also will his
followers be hated. Some will be persecuted and even martyred for the
sake of the faith. These are not only to be expected, they are also
events that are promised before the return of Jesus. How many years the
persecution will continue, we don't know. But, they are an expected
evil that we will endure before the end. However, in the process of
facing these hardships, we will have the opportunity to share our faith
in places we might otherwise be denied a voice -- like the apostle Paul
(Acts 9, 22, 26) and others like him. So we should tell folks about
Jesus whether our audience is favorable or hostile. This is a part of
the plan. This is our opportunity to demonstrate our faith and share
our hope with a fallen world.

O God my Heavenly Father, please give me the courage to stand my ground
for my faith and never compromise. Please strengthen me through the
power of the Holy Spirit to give my testimony to those who doubt,
persecute, or hate me. Use me to share the hope of your Son with those
in darkness. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Wars, Earthquakes, and Famines -- Mark 13:8

2009-01-12 Thread Bible Verse
Wars, Earthquakes, and Famines

   "Nations will fight against other nations. Kingdoms will
   fight against other kingdoms. There will be times when there
   is no food for people to eat. And there will be earthquakes
   in different places. These things are like the first pains
   when something new is born."

   -- Mark 13:8 (ERV)

The sad reality of our fallen world and our sinful state is that our
world will always be full of war and human strife as well as natural
disasters and the human suffering that accompanies them. We must endure
these difficult struggles as part of our human lives in a temporal
world. However, when Jesus does return in glory, we will be blessed and
our fallen world will be redeemed. Glory awaits beyond the gloom of
suffering, brutality, and disaster.

O Father, please keep hope alive in those whose lives are overwhelmed
with suffering and fear. Help me see beyond the gloom of my own
challenges and problems to realize that these are part of a world that
is passing away. Help me hold on in faith, trusting that the dawn is
coming and that your glory awaits all those who love your Son and look
expectantly for his coming! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] The End Is Not Near -- Mark 13:7

2009-01-08 Thread Bible Verse
The End Is Not Near

   "You will hear about wars that are being fought. And you will
   hear stories about other wars beginning. But don't be afraid.
   These things must happen before the end comes."

   -- Mark 13:7 (ERV)

When war occurs, people panic. That has always been true and it was
certainly true in Jesus' day. However, just because numerous wars are
occurring simultaneously does not signal that the end of the world is
near. These things will happen in our world throughout our fallen
history. Unfortunately war is a very prevalent problem with the human
condition. As sad and horrific as war is, we must know that it is not
the cause or determinant of the end of the world.

O Father, I confess that I am upset that people are killed, maimed,
destroyed, and separated from each other by wars and the destruction
they cause. I want to stop these problems, but I know I cannot. Help me
not become overly distraught at what I cannot change and help me trust
you to be at work in our world. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Misleading Times -- Mark 13:5-6

2009-01-08 Thread Bible Verse
Misleading Times

   Jesus said to the followers: "Be careful! Don't let any
   person fool you. Many people will come and use my name. They
   will say, 'I am the One.' And they will fool many people."

   -- Mark 13:5-6 (ERV)

False messiahs will be plentiful! That's Jesus' message. Even more
frightening than counterfeit messiahs, many people will be hoodwinked
by them and led away from the true faith. Unfortunately Jesus' words
have been profoundly true through the ages. Good people have been led
astray by evil or deluded leaders. Jesus doesn't want us to focus our
eyes on anyone but him. All others are false.

Righteous Father, please help me see through the deception and charisma
of false religious leaders. Keep my heart reserved only for your Son as
my Lord. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] When? -- Mark 13:3-4

2009-01-06 Thread Bible Verse

   Later, Jesus was sitting at a place on the Mount of Olives.
   He was alone with Peter, James, John, and Andrew. They could
   all see the temple. Those followers asked Jesus, "Tell us,
   when will these things happen? And what will show us it is
   time for these things to happen?"

   -- Mark 13:3-4 (ERV)

We like the "Why?" and "When?" questions, don't we? We want to either
be in control or in the know. So naturally the closest followers of
Jesus want to know when this great disaster is going to take place. It
is not easy to just take the words of anyone, even the Lord of the
universe, at face value as a promise that can be trusted. Yet, Jesus
says it; and they are challenged to believe it is so. What promises
(including those with dire consequences) do you have trouble trusting
to be true? Why not share that doubt, that concern, or that worry with
the Lord.

O LORD God Almighty, I trust you in so many areas of my life. Yet I
confess that there are other things that are difficult for me to
release fully to you and take you at your word. Please bless me as I
seek to increase my faith and my trust in your promises even when I
don't have answers to my "Why?" and "When?" questions. In Jesus' name I
pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] No Not One -- Mark 13:1-2

2009-01-05 Thread Bible Verse
No Not One

   Jesus was leaving the temple area. One of his followers said
   to him, "Look, Teacher! This temple has very beautiful
   buildings with very big stones." Jesus said, "Are you looking
   at these great buildings? They will all be destroyed. Every
   stone will be thrown down to the ground. Not one stone will
   be left on another."

   -- Mark 13:1-2 (ERV)

Many of us today cannot imagine the splendor, the majesty, and the size
of the Temple in Jesus' day. Herod the Great, a ruthless man but a
master builder, had seen to it that the Temple was rebuilt in
Jerusalem. Coming from small villages or crowded cities with small
houses, the Temple was a massive building to those who saw it and
entered its gates. In addition, it was considered a holy place,
protected by God himself. It symbolized all that the Jewish people held
dear. Yet Jesus is clear in his prophecy to his closest followers. The
Temple was going to be destroyed. Not only were these words treasonous,
but they were also bewildering and confusing to those who heard Jesus
say them. Who would destroy it? Rome was the great power and they
surely wouldn't destroy Jerusalem, would they? Why would God let it
fall into the hands of an enemy and be destroyed? But, it does happen.
The strength of God's people has never been their wealth, the armies,
or their buildings; it has always been the faithfulness of their God
and their faithfulness to him. In a world of economic, religious,
racial, and geopolitical tumult, we must invest our lives in eternal
things -- spiritual things that cannot be destroyed. Buildings can be

O Father, help me not glory in the externals of my life, but in you,
the Father and sustainer of all things. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] More Than All the Rest -- Mark 12:41-44

2009-01-04 Thread Bible Verse
More Than All the Rest

   Jesus sat near the temple money box where people put their
   gifts. He watched the people put money in the box. Many rich
   people gave much money. Then a poor widow came and gave two
   very small copper coins. These coins were not even worth a
   penny. Jesus called his followers to him. Jesus said, "I tell
   you the truth. This poor widow gave only two small coins. But
   she really gave more than all the rich people. Those people
   have plenty; they gave only what they did not need. This
   woman is very poor. But she gave all she had. And she needed
   that money to help her live."

   -- Mark 12:41-44 (ERV)

Jesus sees into the hearts of people and knows their situations. He
sees through the facades. That's why he will do the judging. On the
surface, the rich who gave large amounts of money as their offerings
appear to be making huge gifts. This can sometimes gain them notoriety
and applause. However, the folks who give small amounts may actually be
giving a lot more because it costs them so much more to give the
smaller amount. God doesn't judge the gift by its size, but its
sincerity and generosity of heart.

O Father in heaven, you have graciously given me everything in Jesus.
Please help me as I seek to be a responsible and generous steward of
the gracious gifts you have lavished upon me. In Jesus' name I pray.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Loving the Limelight -- Mark 12:38-39

2009-01-01 Thread Bible Verse
Loving the Limelight

   Jesus continued teaching. Jesus said, "Be careful of the
   teachers of the law. They like to walk around wearing clothes
   that look important. And they love for people to show respect
   to them in the market places. They love to get the most
   important seats in the synagogues. And they love to get the
   most important seats at the feasts."

   -- Mark 12:38-39 (ERV)

Being a teacher of the Bible and Christian living is not about
prestige, position, or applause. Nearly every great teacher of God has
had to endure ridicule, rejection, and possibly even suffering at one
time or another. However, weaker souls are lured into a rotten mode of
ministry because they desire the attention, attire, and adulation. This
is not God's plan for a leader. This is not God's will for a faithful
servant. In fact, these folks are to be avoided and their example is to
be rejected. Those who follow Jesus are not about being "showy," but
about being servants.

Father, make my soul blanch at the thought of egotistically seizing the
limelight for myself and parading around like I'm something important.
Make me into a useful servant in your Kingdom who cares more about
helping the broken than I do about being recognized. In Jesus' name I
pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] David's Lord? -- Mark 12:35-37

2008-12-31 Thread Bible Verse
David's Lord?

   Jesus was teaching in the temple area. Jesus asked, "Why do
   the teachers of the law say that the Christ is the son of
   David? With the help of the Holy Spirit, David himself says:
   'The Lord (God) said to my Lord (Christ): Sit by me at my
   right side, and I will put your enemies under your control.'
   David himself calls the Christ 'Lord.' So how can the Christ
   be David's son?" Many people listened to Jesus and were very

   -- Mark 12:35-37 (ERV)

The religious scholars of the day liked to play little games with each
other to test the Bible knowledge of one another. This ancient version
of "stump the Rabbi" was sometimes done with a good spirit. Other
times, like those shown in the preceding verses, the questions were
offered from a bitter spirit with no intention at getting to the truth.
Jesus' opponents were trying to belittle him and make him look dumb,
silly, ignorant, and blasphemous. Not only were they incapable of
stumping Jesus with their questions, they were left embarrassed by
Jesus' answers. So Jesus turns the tables around on them and asks a
question that lies at the heart of the issue -- is Jesus really the
Messiah, the descendant of David, and Lord? He asks the question in a
fashion to fit their usual method of trying to stump the Rabbi. While
they could not catch Jesus with a mistake or a bad answer to their
questions, Jesus completely stumped them with his. The clear
implication in the process was this: Jesus is master of the Scriptures
because he is not only a great teacher, but also because he is the
Messiah, Son of David, and Lord.

Father in heaven, I find Jesus' use of the Rabbi's own methods
fascinating. I love the way Jesus successfully answered every one of
their questions, and then he turns things around and asks them a
question they cannot answer. I believe that Jesus teaches,
demonstrates, and embodies your truth. Help me as I seek to live that
truth. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Not Far from the Kingdom -- Mark 12:34

2008-12-30 Thread Bible Verse
Not Far from the Kingdom

   Jesus saw that the man answered him wisely. So Jesus said to
   the man, "You are close to the kingdom of God." And after
   that time, no person was brave enough to ask Jesus any more

   -- Mark 12:34 (ERV)

Despite the hostile environment in which Jesus faced the tough
questions put to him, he appreciated the honest seeking heart of this
expert in the Jewish law. In an atmosphere where most were trying to
trap Jesus, Jesus still had time to offer a great compliment to this
truth-seeker. While most of Jesus' questioners left embarrassed and
afraid to ask him any more questions, this questioner left with an
affirmation. We need to realize that Jesus is always happy to receive
us with our honest questions. He longs for us to seek him. However, as
we honestly seek to understand Jesus and his will, we must be certain
that we are living in obedience to that will. As we seek to obey our
Lord, our hearts are opened to understand his instruction so that his
will becomes clearer. So let's begin our honest questioning of the
Savior by first submitting our lives to his lordship.

Gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus to share with us
and to show us your truth. Be with me and grant me wisdom as I seek to
live for you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] I Agree! -- Mark 12:32-33

2008-12-29 Thread Bible Verse
I Agree!

   The man answered, "That was a good answer, Teacher. You were
   right when you said these things. God is the only Lord, and
   there is no other God. And a person must love God with all
   his heart, all his mind, and all his strength. And a person
   must love other people the same as he loves himself. These
   commands are more important than all the animals and
   sacrifices we offer to God."

   -- Mark 12:32-33 (ERV)

While the agreement of the teacher of religious law is nice, it says
more about him than it does about Jesus. Our judgements on Jesus'
teachings are not the issue. Our obedience of Jesus' teachings is the
issue. Spiritual arguments that are about fine points of interpretation
can become excuses for pride or division. Jesus' concern is that we
honor the will of God by obeying what he says. This obedience must be
obedience of the heart and not just obedience in behavior. While I hope
and trust that everyone who reads this devotional today appreciates,
agrees, and applauds the teaching of Jesus, we must realize that it is
not our place to sit in judgement on the merit of Jesus' teaching.
Instead, you and I are called to obey him as our Lord and thus honor
the Father who sent him.

O Father, may my search for truth never end with just admiration for
the teachings your Son gave to us. Help me in my resolve to not only
know the truth, but to also live it. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Love Your Neighbor -- Mark 12:31

2008-12-28 Thread Bible Verse
Love Your Neighbor

   "The second most important command is this: 'You must love
   other people the same as you love yourself.' These two
   commands are the most important."

   -- Mark 12:31 (ERV)

The second great commandment also deals with love. This time, however,
Jesus focuses our attention on our love for other people -- our
neighbors. In giving these two commandments -- love God and love
neighbor -- Jesus has summed up the heart of the Ten Commandments
(Exodus 20), God's blueprint for morality. The first four commandments
focus on honoring God. The remaining six focus upon treating our
neighbors fairly. However, Jesus takes them a step deeper and makes
them simpler to remember. More than honoring God and treating others
honorably, we are called to love them. Our motivation and passion are
suddenly at issue and not just our behavior. God made us for
relationship with him and with others. Our relationships are to all be
marked by our love.

Father in Heaven, I do love you and I want that love to be shown
through all that I am. I confess, dear God, that loving my neighbor can
often be much harder than loving you -- of course I also know that I
can't really love you without loving my neighbor. Please fill my heart
with your love as I seek to love my neighbors -- those whom I like and
those whom are my enemies. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Love the Lord -- Mark 12:29-30

2008-12-26 Thread Bible Verse
Love the Lord

  Jesus answered, "The most important command is this: 'People
  of Israel, listen! The Lord our God is the only Lord. You
  must love the Lord your God. You must love him with all your
  heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.'"

  -- Mark 12:29-30 (ERV)

The essence of our response of faith is pretty straightforward. Love
God. It can be said in a number of different ways. Love God above all
things. Love God more than all things. Love God with all you are. Love
God for as long as you have life. Essentially, however, the bottom line
of the command is still the same: love God.

O Father, may my every word, my every action, my every thought, and my
every emotion be brought under your influence and offered to your
glory. While I know such surrender will always be a life-long battle, I
do pray that you know that this is what I want to do. In Jesus' name I
pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] An Honest Seeker -- Mark 12:28

2008-12-25 Thread Bible Verse
An Honest Seeker

One of the teachers of the law came to Jesus. He heard Jesus
arguing with the Sadducees and the Pharisees. He saw that
Jesus gave good answers to their questions. So he asked
Jesus, "Which of the commands is most important?"

-- Mark 12:28 (ERV)

  An honest seeker overhears all the questions intended to trap Jesus and
  is impressed with Jesus' answers. He asks an honest question: "What is
  the greatest of the commandments?" When Scripture says something is
  most important, we should pay attention! When Jesus says it, we had
  better offer obedience! Don't you think we would be better served in
  our Christian communities if we stopped the arguments over all the
  peripheral things that divide us and focused on the things that
  Scripture says are most important? So let's join this teacher each day
  as we approach Scripture and ask, "O Lord, what is most important?"
  Then let's commit to be obedient to what the Lord tells us and reveals
  to us!

  Father in heaven, I do love you. Help me show that love through a life
  of obedience that is focused on the things that you value as most
  important! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] God of the Living -- Mark 12:26-27

2008-12-23 Thread Bible Verse
God of the Living

"Surely you have read what God said about people rising from
death. In the book where Moses wrote about the {burning}
bush, it says that God told Moses this: 'I am the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' {If God
said he is their God, then} these men are not really dead. He
is the God only of living people. You Sadducees are wrong!"

-- Mark 12:26-27 (ERV)

  Jesus uses skill, wit, and cunning to argue with the religious leaders
  using their own form of logic. "God is the God of the living," Jesus
  asserts. So if God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (a truth
  that these people professed every day). Jesus is saying then there has
  to be a resurrection. At a deeper level, we know that God is God of
  both the living and the dead. We believe that he will judge all people
  and their eternal destinies hang in that evaluation. We also believe
  that he will judge with grace, mercy, and justice. However, God does
  not see time as we do. Years are insignificant in their passing to him.
  A thousand years can be no more than one little day to God. Yet because
  God is, we will continue to exist just as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
  did. God is the God of the living. Death does not have control on us
  any longer.

  Father, thank you for ensuring that life is eternal and is found in
  you. In Jesus' name I pray to you O eternal Father. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] You Just Don't Know! -- Mark 12:19-24

2008-12-21 Thread Bible Verse
You Just Don't Know!

They said, "Teacher, Moses wrote that if a married man dies
and he had no children, then his brother must marry the
woman. Then they will have children for the dead brother.
There were seven brothers. The first brother married but
died. He had no children. So the second brother married the
woman. But he also died and had no children. The same thing
happened with the third brother. All seven brothers married
the woman and died. None of the brothers had any children
with the woman. The woman was last to die. But all seven
brothers had married her. So at the time when people rise
from death, whose wife will the woman be?" Jesus answered,
"Why did you make this mistake? Is it because you don't know
what the Scriptures say? Or because you don't know about
God's power?"

-- Mark 12:19-24 (ERV)

  Isn't it refreshing to hear Jesus tell the simple truth to these
  manipulative schemers? "You don't know the Scriptures, and you don't
  know the power of God." So often today, we sit in circles and ask
  different folks what they think about a passage from God's Word. It's
  almost like we're leaving it up to the faulty and error-prone judges of
  an Olympic boxing, skating, or gymnastics event. They hold their signs
  to suggest what score the Scripture deserves. Instead, shouldn't we be
  asking other questions like ... What do I need to do to apply this
  Scripture in my life? What do I need to do to live in obedience to
  God's Word? How is this truth going to change my behavior? Rather than
  sitting in judgement over God's Word, shouldn't we in humility confess
  that we don't know enough to critique it and we don't understand God's
  power fully enough to grasp how it can be fully accomplished? Even
  more, when someone pontificates on a subject trying to sound religious
  and yet espouses something counter to biblical truth, shouldn't we
  gently remind them of Jesus' warning? Perhaps we're a little too
  infatuated with our opinions and not familiar enough with God's truth?
  Perhaps we're all a little afraid of the dissenting opinion of the
  conventional wisdom and not committed to obeying God's heavenly wisdom

  O Father, forgive me when I live with an inflated view of my own
  understanding of your Word and find ways to rationalize away the sharp
  edges of your truth. Gently humble me and lead me to a deeper
  understanding and appreciation for your will. In Jesus' name I pray.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Sad You See! -- Mark 12:18

2008-12-18 Thread Bible Verse
Sad You See!

Then some Sadducees came to Jesus. (Sadducees believe that no
person will rise from death.) The Sadducees asked Jesus a

-- Mark 12:18 (ERV)

  Clearly, this period of Jesus' ministry is filled with the carefully
  crafted questions of his enemies. Pharisees, supporters of Herod
  and Sadducees were not good friends normally. They all had their
  political, religious, and social agendas. However, Jesus' popularity
  with the common people, his willingness to speak the truth of God
  boldly without relying on the support of other religious leaders, and
  his acceptance of the titles of Son of God, Son of David, and King of
  the Jews as he entered Jerusalem scared them to death. They were going
  to do their best to trap him with their questions. The Sadducees would
  have very deep differences with Jesus because they did not believe in
  angels or the resurrection. They were wedded to the world as they found
  it and survived with their faith by accommodating it to the political
  winds of the time. As we read the following verses, Jesus will not use
  polite or politically correct speech. Like the apostle Paul does in 1
  Corinthians 15, Jesus directly rebukes the wrong-headed lie that denies
  the resurrection. Of course, Jesus' greatest exclamation mark on the
  truth of the resurrection will be his own empty tomb and his
  appearances to his disciples after his death.

  Father in heaven, you are the eternal God. From everlasting to
  everlasting you have been, will be, and are God. I confess that I
  cannot completely fathom the truth of this. However, dear Father, I do
  trust it with all my heart. Father, I believe in your Son and I have
  shared with him in his death, burial, and resurrection through baptism.
  By the power of your Holy Spirit, I live to honor you each day. I
  believe that the Holy Spirit will bring me safely into your presence
  for eternity. Thank you for such great hope. May I never compromise my
  faith in this glorious truth. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Give God What Is His -- Mark 12:17

2008-12-17 Thread Bible Verse
Give God What Is His

Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar the things that are
Caesar's. And give to God the things that are God's." The men
were amazed at what Jesus said.

-- Mark 12:17 (ERV)

  Jesus' answer was as simple as it was profound. Jesus refused to get
  caught in their debate, but instead placed the responsibility on each
  of us to decide what is "Caesar's" and what is God's. Jesus spoke with
  a convicting simplicity that challenged men and women to take
  responsibility for honoring God, for living responsibly with others,
  and for honoring our earthly citizenship in holy and honorable ways.
  Jesus' words still speak to us. What are they challenging you to do

  O Father, the responsibilities of my earthly citizenship and my
  heavenly one sometimes pull me in different directions. Please help me
  know what is "Caesar's" and what is yours! I want to live honorably in
  my earthly homeland and show myself a good citizen. However, dear
  Father, I never want to do anything that would compromise my clear
  allegiance to you. Give me wisdom as I seek to live as an example of
  your grace, your holy character, and your holy wisdom before others. In
  Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Seeing Right Through Their Ways -- Mark 12:14-15

2008-12-16 Thread Bible Verse
Seeing Right Through Their Ways

The Pharisees and Herodians went to Jesus and said, "Teacher,
we know that you are an honest man. You are not afraid of
what other people think about you. All men are the same to
you. And you teach the truth about God's way. Tell us: Is it
right to pay taxes to Caesar? Yes or no? Should we pay taxes,
or should we not pay taxes?" But Jesus knew that these men
were really trying to trick him. Jesus said, "Why are you
trying to catch me saying something wrong? Bring me a silver
coin. Let me see it."

-- Mark 12:14-15 (ERV)

  Jesus saw through the scheme behind the question of the Pharisees and
  supporters of Herod. He knew their question wasn't an honest one. They
  weren't looking for God's answer to that question; they were looking
  for a way to trap him. The followers of Herod would have demanded that
  they pay tax to keep the Romans appeased. The Pharisees would deeply
  resent having to pay tax to anyone, especially the Romans. By teaming
  up, they thought they had Jesus trapped into an answer that would
  alienate one or the other. Instead, Jesus confronted them with the
  truth of their deception and then challenged them with the truth.
  (Jesus' truth, his answer, comes in the following verses.)

  O Father, please give me discernment so that I can recognize the intent
  of people's words when they speak to me. I want to respond to people
  fairly and honestly. Yet, dear Father, I don't want to get bogged down
  in meaningless and spiteful arguments about words. Help give me wisdom
  in the use of words and in my ability to hear the true messages that
  are spoken to me. In Jesus name I ask this. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Striking the Mark -- Mark 12:12

2008-12-15 Thread Bible Verse
Striking the Mark

These Jewish leaders heard this story that Jesus told. They
knew that this story was about them. So they wanted to find a
way to arrest Jesus. But they were afraid of the people. So
the Jewish leaders left Jesus and went away.

-- Mark 12:12 (ERV)

  Sadly, rather than repenting when they heard Jesus' story, the leaders
  resolved more intently to kill Jesus. Their problem, however, was that
  Jesus was incredibly well liked among the people. So they left Jesus
  and went away. How sad! Salvation, redemption, love, grace, and power
  were within their grasp and they turned away. Unfortunately many people
  do the same thing today.

  God, my Abba Father, please help me to never leave Jesus. Please help
  me to never move away from him because I don't want to change my
  lifestyle, my basic beliefs, or my comforts to follow him. Give me a
  heart that seeks after you and your truth no matter the costs. In
  Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Killing the Killers -- Mark 12:9

2008-12-13 Thread Bible Verse
Killing the Killers

"So what will the man that owns the vineyard do? He will go
to the vineyard and kill those farmers. Then he will lease
the land to other farmers."

-- Mark 12:9 (ERV)

  There are consequences for rejecting the Son of God. In this case, the
  leaders who put the Son to death would find themselves -- and their
  positions -- absolutely powerless and defeated. Some of them would die
  because of their rejection of the Son when Jesus' prediction of
  destruction came true in 40 years. We need to know that those who
  reject the Son of God today also face dire consequences. While God is
  supremely about grace, the consequences of rejecting that grace and
  having to face the full fury of the evil one's desire are horrific.

  Father, please use me to reach out to those who have rejected your Son.
  I know that you want all people to come to repentance and to come to
  you. Use me as an instrument of your grace and help those around me
  come to know your Son as their Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name I pray.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Killing the Son -- Mark 12:7-8

2008-12-10 Thread Bible Verse
Killing the Son

"But the farmers said to each other, 'This is the owner's
son. This vineyard will be his. If we kill him, then it will
be ours.' So the farmers took the son, threw him out of the
vineyard, and killed him."

-- Mark 12:7-8 (ERV)

  "We want it for ourselves!" That's in essence what the farmers in the
  vineyard were saying. It's also what so many others -- including most
  of us at one time or another -- have said. We don't want to have to
  live by God's standards, God's plans, and God's values. We want the
  blessings of God for ourselves while doing things the way we want to do
  them. But, God sent his Son and our place in God's family depends upon
  what we do with the Son.

  Father, thank you for sending your Son. It gives me great pain to see
  how he was treated. I pray the way that I live shows that he is welcome
  in my life as the Lord of my heart. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Finally the Son -- Mark 12:4-6

2008-12-10 Thread Bible Verse
Finally the Son

"Then the man sent another servant to the farmers. The
farmers hit this servant on the head. They showed no respect
for him. So the man sent another servant. The farmers killed
this servant. The man sent many other servants to the
farmers. The farmers beat some of the servants and killed the
others. The man had one person left to send to the farmers.
This person was his son. The man loved his son. But he
decided to send the son to the farmers. The son was the last
person he could send. The man said, 'The farmers will respect
my son.'"

-- Mark 12:4-6 (ERV)

  As this story of Jesus unfolds, we begin to get the picture. God (the
  owner of the vineyard) had sent servant after servant (all God's
  prophets) and they had been abused, battered, and even killed. So
  surely, if the owner (God) sent his dearly loved Son, he would be
  respected and loved by the farmers. But we know the way this story
  ends, don't we. The Son is killed by those who want to maintain control
  of the vineyard. The Son wasn't respected, but rejected. Suddenly, this
  story of Jesus is filled with emotion and with warning. For those of us
  who know the end of the story, we can only stand in awe of the love of
  God and fall on our knees aghast at the short-sided brutality of petty
  religious leaders. God spare us from such as these.

  O Father, my heart breaks at the thought of your gift of love being so
  rejected and abused. Forgive us for our petty, selfish, and brutal ways
  and use the sacrifice of your Son to touch hearts around the world. In
  Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Beating the Servant -- Mark 12:1-3

2008-12-08 Thread Bible Verse
Beating the Servant

Jesus used stories to teach the people. Jesus said, "A man
planted a vineyard. He put a wall around the field and dug a
hole for a wine press. Then the man built a tower. He leased
the land to some farmers. Then he left for a trip. Later, it
was time for the grapes to be picked. So the man sent a
servant to the farmers to get his share of the grapes. But
the farmers grabbed the servant and beat him. They sent the
servant away with nothing."

-- Mark 12:1-3 (ERV)

  The symbols in this story were familiar for Jesus' audience. The
  vineyard would instantly be recognized as the nation of Israel, also
  known as God's chosen people. The tenants would be recognized as the
  leaders of the Israelites. They were given a beautiful and good
  vineyard in which to work. But, these leaders began to feel the
  vineyard was their own. They forgot it belonged to someone else and so
  they abused the vineyard owner's servants. These servants would be
  recognized from the Old Testament as God's messengers, the prophets.
  There were bad times in Israel's past when the prophets came with God's
  message and they were abused, mistreated, and even killed. Now this
  message had a clear historical connection, but we can carry away a
  powerful reminder for ourselves today from the implications of the
  first part of the story. So often, we begin to view God's Kingdom,
  God's people, God's gifts, as our own. We forget that all we have is
  "on loan" from God and to be used for him and his purposes. It is not
  ours by right, but by grace. We must never forget it.

  O Father, you have blessed me so incredibly. My physical blessings are
  wonderful. My spiritual blessings in Christ are beyond description.
  Thank you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] No Way! -- Mark 11:31-33

2008-12-07 Thread Bible Verse
No Way!

These Jewish leaders talked about Jesus' question. They said
to each other, "If we answer, 'John's baptism was from God,'
then Jesus will say, 'Then why didn't you believe John?' But
we can't say that John's baptism was from someone else."
(These leaders were afraid of the people, because the people
believed that John was a prophet.) So the leaders answered
Jesus, "We don't know the answer." Jesus said, "Then I will
not tell you what authority I use to do these things."

-- Mark 11:31-33 (ERV)

  Jesus refused to give the Jewish religious leaders an answer because
  they wouldn't answer him. In fact, they weren't looking for the truth;
  they just wanted an answer to their question so they could trap Jesus
  in his words. But, they failed -- just as they failed at stopping his
  teaching by killing him and failed at stopping his early followers by
  persecuting his church. Jesus is THE authority. They couldn't stop him
  anymore than they could stop the world from turning. What is scary,
  however, is that there is no real answer to life's problems for those
  who look at Jesus and his story simply for ammunition to discredit him.
  Like the opponents of Jesus of old, opponents of Jesus today are not
  given an answer because they aren't seeking one. We need to ask
  ourselves, what -- or better yet, who -- do we seek?

  Father, please help me find my answers in Jesus. I confess that my own
  wisdom is flawed. Without your help, your guidance, and your grace I
  would not find your wisdom which the world holds foolish but which
  gives life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Heavenly or Human? -- Mark 11:29-30

2008-12-04 Thread Bible Verse
Heavenly or Human?

Jesus answered, "I will ask you a question. You answer my
question. Then I will tell you whose authority I use to do
these things. Tell me: When John baptized people, did that
come from God or was it only from other people? Answer me!"

-- Mark 11:29-30 (ERV)

  Jesus didn't try to defend his authority. It would be amply
  demonstrated. In fact, he had already demonstrated it throughout his
  ministry by casting out demons, healing diseases, and speaking with the
  power and wisdom of God himself. If his opponents refused to believe,
  there was nothing he could do or say to change that ... except maybe
  die and be raised again. But, he still didn't back down at their petty
  little displays of their token authority. Rather than argue with them
  about authority, he challenged them back with a question that would
  stump them. His question demonstrated what they refused to believe.
  Jesus knew authority. Jesus spoke with authority. Jesus was authority,
  so he them to answer him. They couldn't. They were left with only the
  bitterest of plans ... they must kill him! Even then, as we know today,
  they didn't have the authority or power to pull off their mission!
  Praise God; Jesus is the one authority over us all!

  Father, I cannot tell you how comforting it is to know that the one to
  whom you have given authority over my life is also the one who died to
  save it. Thank you for grace. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for
  placing all authority in him. In Jesus' name, and to his glory as Lord,
  I offer this prayer. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] By Whose Authority? -- Mark 11:27-28

2008-12-03 Thread Bible Verse
By Whose Authority?

Jesus and his followers went again to Jerusalem. Jesus was
walking in the temple area. The leading priests, the teachers
of the law, and the older Jewish leaders came to Jesus. They
said to Jesus, "Tell us! What authority (power) do you have
to do these things? Who gave you this authority?"

-- Mark 11:27-28 (ERV)

  The apparent religious leaders demanded Jesus, the true spiritual
  leader, to answer their questions about his authority! Before Jesus'
  crucifixion and resurrection, this was a natural thing to have happen.
  The Temple and all things religious were their domain. They were the
  respected authorities. They supposedly were motivated by the best
  interests of Israel and the preservation of their religious
  institutions. In light of their rejection of Jesus, the crucifixion of
  Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus, their question about Jesus'
  authority becomes silly. How dare they challenge the one who has the
  power over life and death? How dare they doubt the religious authority
  of the one for whom God demonstrated his approval and love? So the real
  question for you and me today is this: "On which side of the cross and
  resurrection do I view Jesus?" Hopefully we view him on the side on
  which we not only see Jesus' authority, but we also have responded to
  that authority with appreciation, admiration, and obedience.

  O Father, forgive my foolish ways and my foolish pride. I believe that
  Jesus died and rose again. I believe he has the authority over life and
  death. Help me base my choices on that conviction and live for him. In
  Jesus' name I ask this. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Get Rid of the Grudges -- Mark 11:24-26

2008-12-02 Thread Bible Verse
Get Rid of the Grudges

So I tell you to ask for things in prayer. And if you believe
that you have received those things, then they will be yours.
When you are praying, and you remember that you are angry
with another person about something, then forgive that
person. Forgive them so that your Father in heaven will also
forgive your sins."

-- Mark 11:24-26 (ERV)

  God is lavish with his forgiveness! Aren't we glad? However, just as
  God is lavish with forgiveness, he is also adamant about our
  forgiveness. What Jesus says should chill us to our soul. We will be
  forgiven the way we forgive others. (See also Matthew 6:14-15 to have
  this point reinforced!) Holding grudges blocks the Lord's graciousness
  from our lives. Let's be children of our Father -- lavish in
  forgiveness, quick to love, and slow to condemn.

  O Father, I trust in your forgiveness and grace. I ask that your Spirit
  work in my heart to release any grudges that I may have against anyone.
  I also ask that the Holy Spirit will help me to forgive those with whom
  I have held grudges in a new and more loving light. In Jesus' name I
  pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Believe It! -- Mark 11:22-23

2008-12-01 Thread Bible Verse
Believe It!

Jesus answered, "Have faith in God. I tell you the truth. You
can say to this mountain, 'Go, mountain, fall into the sea.'
And if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that the
thing you say will happen, then God will do it for you."

-- Mark 11:22-23 (ERV)

  Jesus had done a spectacular nature miracle in withering the fig tree
  with his command (Mark 11:12-21). Jesus wants his closest followers to
  understand that they can do amazing things too, if they will truly
  believe. Bottom line: Jesus wants us to pursue his will without thought
  of limitations and without fear of asking too much. "Have faith!" our
  Lord tells us, "and ask without doubt." Let's do these things!

  O Father, today I want to ask you for something that does not seem
  possible. I know this cannot be accomplished without your power and
  blessing. So I ask this of you in the name of Jesus my Lord ... (Please
  share with the Father your personal faith request.) Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] The Power of His Word -- Mark 11:20-21

2008-12-01 Thread Bible Verse
The Power of His Word

   The next morning, Jesus was walking with his followers. They
   saw the fig tree {that Jesus spoke to the day before}. The
   fig tree was dry and dead, even the roots. Peter remembered
   the tree and said to Jesus, "Teacher, look! Yesterday, you
   told that fig tree to die. Now it is dry and dead!"

   -- Mark 11:20-21 (ERV)

God spoke and the world was created. There is great power in the words
of God! Jesus comes as God's presence among us. His words have great
power. He speaks and the demons are cast out, the leprosy is healed,
the storm is stilled ... and the fruitless are cursed and wither. What
is the difference between fearing the words of Jesus and embracing
them? The answer is in who we believe Jesus is and how much influence
we let him have over our lives. Jesus' power to condemn is often
forgotten in our desire to have a soft and winsome Savior to offer a
hostile and lost world. However, the Cross -- the awful and hideous
cost to God -- is not only a symbol of grace, but also a demand for
decision. The voice we hear when Jesus speaks will be largely
determined by what we do with his words in our lives today. Which voice
of Jesus will you hear?

O Father, thank you for the confidence I have in Jesus. I am confident
that the Lord to whom I have yielded my life will keep and honor all
that I have entrusted to his grace. I long to hear his voice of welcome
and to see him face to face. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Fear of the Challenger -- Mark 11:18-19

2008-11-26 Thread Bible Verse
Fear of the Challenger

   The leading priests and the teachers of the law heard these
   things. They began trying to find a way to kill Jesus. They
   were afraid of Jesus because all the people were amazed at
   his teaching. That night, Jesus and his followers left the

   -- Mark 11:18-19 (ERV)

We are brought to the great irony of the story that will continue to
unfold: those who hate and want to murder Jesus are afraid of him. They
won't believe, but they will fear. Are their fears well founded? If
they are trying to preserve the status quo, then their fears are well
founded. If they are choosing the preservation of their own religious
understanding, then their fears are well founded. If they are trying to
maintain the facade of self-determination and control, then their fears
are well founded. They will not kill Jesus for being a nice guy, a
friend to outcasts, a helper to the weak, and a lover of children. They
will kill Jesus because he comes to challenge everything they hold
dear. What will we do with such a Jesus?

Almighty God and gracious Father, while I sometimes fear change in my
life, your grace and mercy have taught me not to fear Jesus. However,
dear Father, I do find that in my heart there are areas of reluctance
that I do not want to relinquish to his control. This shames me when I
am courageous enough to be honest about it. Please help me relinquish
control of these areas of my life to your Son. Please use your Spirit
to comfort and calm me as I must learn to walk by faith in areas of my
life where I have tried to maintain control. In Jesus' name I ask this.

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[Embedded_C_VC] No More Den of Thieves -- Mark 11:15-17

2008-11-25 Thread Bible Verse
No More Den of Thieves

Jesus went to Jerusalem. He went into the temple area. Jesus
began to throw out the people that were buying and selling
things there. Jesus turned over the tables that belonged to
the people that were exchanging different kinds of money. And
Jesus turned over the benches of those people that were
selling doves. Jesus refused to allow any person to carry
things through the temple area. Then Jesus taught the people.
He said, "It is written in the Scriptures, 'My house will be
called a house for prayer for all people.' But you are
changing God's house into a 'hiding place for thieves.'"

-- Mark 11:15-17 (ERV)

  Jesus invades the Temple to restore it to its purpose. This was to be a
  place of prayer. This place was to be open to all the nations. This
  place wasn't about making a profit off people seeking God. This place
  wasn't about merchandising the grace of God. While Jesus' actions were
  bold and shocking to those of his day, we have a tendency to let the
  distance in both time and culture soften the implications. If Jesus
  invades our hearts, our worship, our religious places and times, what
  sacred cows will he drive away? Are we open to other nations and
  cultures? Are we about being a place and people of prayer? How have we
  sold out our Savior and our worship of him to our over-commercialized
  culture? How have we let religious charlatans fleece God-seeking
  people? And if our bodies are God's temple, then what does this all
  mean for us?

  O God, my heavenly Father, help me see my sacred cows and let Jesus
  drive them out of my life. Humble me gently as you lovingly, but
  completely, remove the idols and vestiges of false religion that
  inhabit my heart. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] The Fig Tree -- Mark 11:12-14

2008-11-24 Thread Bible Verse
The Fig Tree

  The next day, Jesus was leaving Bethany. He was hungry. Jesus
  saw a fig tree with leaves. So Jesus went to the tree to see
  if it had any figs growing on it. But Jesus found no figs on
  the tree. There were only leaves. It was not the right time
  for figs to grow. So Jesus said to the tree, "People will
  never eat fruit from you again." Jesus' followers heard him
  say this.

  -- Mark 11:12-14 (ERV)

What? What in the world is this about? ... Yeah, that's most people's
response to this story. Jesus uses his miraculous powers to curse the
fig tree. Our human viewpoint looks on this as capricious and unfair.
It's not even the season for figs and yet Jesus curses it because it is
fruitless. Clearly, Jesus is trying to teach his close followers -- and
us in the process -- something very important. As in some other stories
and events in the New Testament, it is important that we focus on the
one key point of the story. As this story unfolds, it is possible to
see that the lack of fruit on the fig tree foreshadows Jerusalem and
all that it symbolizes with the Temple -- the central religious place
for God's people. Jesus will die there. He will die for the people
there ... and people all over the world. He will come looking to see if
there is fruit as a result of his life, sacrifice, and resurrection.
There will be choices to make. There will be a season of decision and
fruit-bearing. Jerusalem had its time. Now it is our own time of
decision and continuous fruit-bearing. What will our future be?

O Father in heaven, I choose to honor Jesus and trust him to be my
Savior. I believe he is the Christ, the Messiah your prophets promised
would come. I want him to reign as Lord in my life. I open my life for
the Holy Spirit to do his work of transformation in me ... conforming
me into the character of your Son and transforming me into a temple
where you live. My prayer is that your holy fruit be formed in me. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Worship and Honor in the Real World -- Mark 11:7-8

2008-11-23 Thread Bible Verse
Worship and Honor in the Real World

  The followers brought the donkey to Jesus. The followers put
  their coats on the donkey, and Jesus sat on it. Many people
  spread their coats on the road for Jesus. Other people cut
  branches in the fields and spread the branches on the road.

  -- Mark 11:7-8 (ERV)

While an unknown owner supplied the colt on which Jesus rode (See the
previous verses), many in the crowd offered their coats to welcome and
honor Jesus as he came into town. Others spread branches showing their
honor and respect for the Christ. It is a great moment of worship,
celebration, and joy. However, the real test of the crowd's loyalty
will come in the days that lie ahead for Jesus. Like Christians who
celebrate God's grace, Jesus' love, and the Spirit's power on Sunday,
the real heart of worship will not be found in the crowds who share the
same faith and look on Jesus with joyous admiration. No, the real test
will come in the dark hours of trial when our faith is confronted by
another, more hostile, crowd. Should we share in the joy of Jesus'
glory with those that share our faith? Absolutely! However, we must
realize the real test of that faith and the authenticity of our worship
will be determined by what we do when confronted by the darkness and
the hostile crowd!

O LORD God Almighty, may my life during the week match my worship words
on Sunday. Help me in my heart to realize that what I do each day is an
integral part of my worship. I want to honor you with my heart, soul,
mind, and strength every day of my life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Permitted -- Mark 11:4-6

2008-11-20 Thread Bible Verse

  The followers went into the town. They found a young donkey
  tied in the street near the door of a house. The followers
  untied the donkey. Some people were standing there and saw
  this. The people asked, "What are you doing? Why are you
  untying that donkey?" The followers answered the way Jesus
  told them to answer. The people let the followers take the

  -- Mark 11:4-6 (ERV)

"The Lord needs it and will return it soon." That's what Jesus'
followers told the owners of the colt. (See verse 3.) They were
permitted to take it when they gave these words. What about us? What in
our lives does the Lord need to use? Is it our talent, treasure, or
time? Is it our family, friends, or future? What in our lives -- and
yes, I will ask this of myself as well -- is hardest for us to
relinquish to the Lordship of Jesus? Is it some secret place in our
heart where we have let sin take root? Is it some cherished goal? Is it
some lazy habit ... personal possession ... cherished accomplishment?
Like the owner of this colt, the Lord relays his message: "The Lord has
need of it." So will we release our grip and let him have these things?
The transformational power of Jesus' sacrifice is often blocked in our
lives because we will not let him march into our hearts with cries of
"Hosanna!" because we will not permit him to have what we grasp. If he
can let go of heaven for us, then why would we cling to our temporal
toys and block his path to the throne of our hearts?

O God, the loving Almighty, I ask for help in opening every area of my
heart, every avenue in my life, to your Son. Help me permit him to be
Lord of all of me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Embracing the Future -- Mark 11:1-3

2008-11-19 Thread Bible Verse
Embracing the Future

   Jesus and his followers were coming closer to Jerusalem. They
   came to the towns of Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of
   Olives. There Jesus sent two of his followers to do
   something. Jesus said to the followers, "Go to the town you
   can see there. When you enter it, you will find a young
   donkey tied there. No person has ever ridden this donkey.
   Untie the donkey and bring it here to me. If any person asks
   you why you are taking the donkey, tell that person, 'The
   Master needs this donkey. He will send it back soon.'"

   -- Mark 11:1-3 (ERV)

Jesus knows the flow of events that will follow. He knows what awaits
him in Jerusalem: reception, rejection, and resurrection. He goes to
face this future trusting that his father is in control. He has warned
his followers at least three specific times that he will go to
Jerusalem and be rejected and crucified. Now, he sets the plan in
motion. He sends his followers to get the colt that begins his journey
of sacrifice and salvation. He embraces that future knowing the cost.
Along the way, he will have opportunities to turn away from that future
-- he can not ride into Jerusalem on the donkey's colt, he can avoid
confrontations with the powers that be in Jerusalem, he can opt out of
the sacrifice in the Garden of Gethsemane, he can call down angels to
save him, he can refuse to go to the Cross, and he can come down from
the Cross to prove his identity. Yet in each case and at every
crossroad of decision, Jesus embraces the will of God, accepts his role
as sacrificial Son, and fulfills the prophets' words. The Cross will be
no accident. His sacrifice will not be something forced upon him. His
rejection and humiliation will not be some awful surprise over which he
has no control. Jesus has come to "serve and give his life as a ransom"
for sinners ... even the very sinners who will mock, abuse, and murder
him. This is the future Jesus embraces as he sends his followers for
the colt. He has need of this colt to begin this final part of the
journey that will ultimately take him to the Cross and bring his grace
to us.

O Father, I am overwhelmed with the love that Jesus has for me. I know
that as he sends for the donkey's colt, he knows the journey to the
Cross has begun in earnest. He knows he will pay for my sins with his
life, his dignity, his agony, and his blood. All I can do is bow in
humble appreciation, adoration, and awe. As the old hymn reminds me,
"Love so amazing, so divine, demands my life, my soul, my all." These I
offer to you with all my heart. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] What Do You Want Me To Do? -- Mark 10:51-52

2008-11-18 Thread Bible Verse
What Do You Want Me To Do?

Jesus asked the man, "What do you want me to do for you?" The
blind man answered, "Teacher, I want to see again." Jesus
said, "Go. You are healed because you believed." Then the man
was able to see again. He followed Jesus on the road.

-- Mark 10:51-52 (ERV)

  Isn't that such a simple question? Wouldn't we better serve others if
  we asked them questions, listened to their answers, honored their
  request, and then affirmed their commitment and faith? Unfortunately we
  often think we know best how to help people, so we do what we think
  best rather than asking them what they need. While we can't honor every
  wish and sometimes people's needs seem self-evident and
  straightforward, asking them for input gives them the opportunity to
  share what's on their hearts, and to express their needs while at the
  same time it affirms their dignity at a time when they may feel like
  they have lost every shred of dignity.

  O Father, help me to patiently wait and look for ways to help and serve
  others in your name. Give me the wisdom to do what they need, the
  patience to listen to them as they express that need, and the
  tenderness to invite them to let me share their burden. In Jesus' name
  I ask for this help. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Shouting Louder -- Mark 10:48

2008-11-17 Thread Bible Verse
Shouting Louder

Many people criticized the blind man. They told him not to
speak. But the blind man shouted more and more, "Son of
David, please help me!"

-- Mark 10:48 (ERV)

  While we are not told to be quiet as Jesus physically passes by us,
  peer pressure and social agendas antagonistic to faith work to keep us
  away from Jesus. Sometimes, people claiming to be Christians who act
  dishonorably push us away from finding Jesus. Let's learn from the
  blind man to not give up in our quest to find and know Jesus so that we
  can receive his blessings and his grace. Jesus is near. Let's not let
  anyone silence our voices or push us away from boldly seeking the Lord.

  O Father in heaven, help me never give up in my pursuit of your Son and
  my Lord. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Have Mercy on Me! -- Mark 10:46-47

2008-11-16 Thread Bible Verse
Have Mercy on Me!

Then they came to the town of Jericho. Jesus was leaving that
town with his followers and many other people. A blind man
named Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) was sitting by the road.
This man was always begging for money. The blind man heard
that Jesus from Nazareth was walking by. The blind man
shouted, "Jesus, Son of David, please help me!"

-- Mark 10:46-47 (ERV)

  So often we let pride and social convention keep us from asking from
  God what we most need from him and what he is often most willing to
  give us -- mercy. Let's not be shamed into silence. When we realize we
  need mercy, grace, and forgiveness, let's not be shy about humbly
  asking for it from our generous and loving Father.

  O Father, without your mercy and grace I would surely fail to find my
  way into your holiness presence. Thank you for lavishing your gifts of
  grace and the Holy Spirit upon me. Let me never forget your mercy,
  love, and grace. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] I Came to Serve and to Give -- Mark 10:45

2008-11-13 Thread Bible Verse
I Came to Serve and to Give

"In the same way, the Son of Man did not come for other
people to serve him. But the Son of Man came to serve other
people. The Son of Man came to give his life to save many

-- Mark 10:45 (ERV)

  Here is the heart of our Hero given in one simple statement. We are to
  serve and sacrifice for others. It is our legacy. It is our life. It is
  our Lord's example. We were bought and brought to freedom by the ransom
  price he paid. We are now called to follow his example and live his
  life in our world.

  O Father in heaven, use my life to your glory and to the blessing of
  others. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Among You, It Should Be Quite Different -- Mark 10:42-44

2008-11-12 Thread Bible Verse
Among You, It Should Be Quite Different

Jesus called all the followers together. Jesus said, "The
non-Jewish people have men they call rulers. You know that
those rulers love to show their power over the people. And
their important leaders love to use all their authority over
the people. But it should not be that way with you. If one of
you wants to become great, then he must serve you like a
servant. If one of you wants to become the most important,
then he must serve all of you like a slave."

-- Mark 10:42-44 (ERV)

  Jesus' followers have heard a different tune than the world hears. They
  have a different reason to live in this world. So naturally -- or
  should we say, supernaturally -- we are to live very differently in the
  world. One of the places this must show up is in those in whom we place
  value. Our ultimate hero was a servant who washed his followers' feet
  and then gave up his life for them. Shouldn't our everyday heroes
  follow that same example? The greatest in Jesus' Kingdom IS a servant.
  We mustn't wait until we are in heaven to recognize this value system;
  we must display it in our communities today.

  O Father, help us -- help me -- to be quite different in what we value,
  honor, and hold dear. In the name of Jesus, the greatest human who ever
  lived, I ask this. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Only God Decides -- Mark 10:39-40

2008-11-12 Thread Bible Verse
Only God Decides

The sons answered, "Yes, we can!" Jesus said to the sons,
"You will suffer the same things that I will suffer. And you
will be baptized with the same baptism that I must have. But
I cannot choose the person that will sit at my right or my
left. There are some people that will have those places.
Those places are prepared for them."

-- Mark 10:39-40 (ERV)

  God the Father holds some things in his hands alone. The Son, in his
  earthly ministry, will not decide the importance or place of his
  followers before their lives are done. Only God will. The point from
  this seems to be that we are not to live for the place of honor, but
  for the person of honor -- Jesus, the Son of God.

  God, calm my restless and selfish spirit of striving. To be loved,
  honored, and welcomed by you and to know that you will dry every tear
  from my eyes and give me a home with you are far more than I can
  rightfully ask. Calm me, O Lord, and help me trust that your place for
  me will be far more glorious than I have a right to expect because your
  grace is more than sufficient for me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] You Will Share My Cup! -- Mark 10:39

2008-11-11 Thread Bible Verse
You Will Share My Cup!

The sons answered, "Yes, we can!" Jesus said to the sons,
"You will suffer the same things that I will suffer. And you
will be baptized with the same baptism that I must have."

-- Mark 10:39 (ERV)

  James and John both paid huge prices for their faith in Jesus. James
  was martyred early in the history of the church. John, on the other
  hand, was exiled to the Island of Patmos where he saw visions of what
  lay ahead for the church in Asia Minor -- a time of persecution,
  apostasy, and challenge. Each gave his life in a different way to
  follow the Master who saw greatness in sacrifice and not in human
  success. O that we might have the courage to do as they both did,
  faithfully serving the Lord no matter what challenges face us in our

  O God, you are worthy of my life. You gave it to me at my conception. I
  pray that you will use it to your glory. And I trust, dear Father, that
  you will keep it for eternity. In Jesus' name I confess my trust in
  you. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Are You Able! -- Mark 10:37-38

2008-11-10 Thread Bible Verse
Are You Able!

The sons answered, "You will have glory {in your kingdom}.
Let one of us sit at your right, and let one of us sit at
your left." Jesus said, "You don't understand what you are
asking. Can you accept the kind of suffering that I must
have? Can you be baptized with the same kind of baptism that
I must have?"

-- Mark 10:37-38 (ERV)

  Before we overestimate what we would actually do to serve the Lord, we
  had better look at some who failed him miserably. This is not to
  discourage us, but to humble us and remind us of how difficult it is to
  let faith triumph over fear and trust win over trial. We will not make
  it on our own, but with the help of the Lord and the encouragement of
  each other, by God's grace we can remain faithful even unto the point
  of death.

  O God, I confess that I cannot do it alone. My strength is not
  sufficient. Even looking at the great heroes of faith who have paid the
  ultimate price before me, I'm sure that I don't have the strength to
  pay the ultimate price on my own. So, dear Father, I turn to you and
  the power of the Holy Spirit to sustain me. I ask that the
  encouragement and support of your people can uphold me. I promise to do
  my best, but I also know that without your grace, my best is not
  sufficient. So please strengthen my courage and inspire my strength. In
  Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] A Favor Please -- Mark 10:35-37

2008-11-07 Thread Bible Verse
A Favor Please

Then James and John, sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus. They
said, "Teacher, we want to ask you to do something for us."
Jesus asked, "What do you want me to do for you?" The sons
answered, "You will have glory {in your kingdom}. Let one of
us sit at your right, and let one of us sit at your left."

-- Mark 10:35-37 (ERV)

  Sometimes the Scriptures are just too honest. I'm being a little
  sarcastic ... but just a little. The people we see, even those that are
  potentially our heroes, are so much like us. Their feet of clay help
  make the grace of Jesus real and accessible. Jesus' closest followers
  reveal that they don't really understand what he has just said to them
  and what his life, ministry, and purpose are supposed to be. They've
  told Jesus a few verses earlier what they gave up to follow him. They
  seem to ignore what he has just told them in the previous verse that he
  will pay a horrible price for them. They can only think of glory. So
  while they courageously overcome their fear and dread to follow him to
  Jerusalem, they also have a great desire to get the big pay off from
  their association with him. Of course, the real question is whether or
  not they follow him just because he is Lord and worthy of their
  allegiance. But then, their lack of understanding and their greed
  become the opportunity for us to ask ourselves the same question. Will
  we follow Jesus even if the costs are high and the appearances suggest
  that there is no earthly pay off? Hmm? Ouch! God help me.

  O glorious Father, please forgive my selfishness. I confess that I want
  to be treated favorably and be blessed for following you. Please give
  me the courage to follow no matter the cost in this life as I reach in
  faith for what is life indeed! In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Terrors Ahead -- Mark 10:33-34

2008-11-06 Thread Bible Verse
Terrors Ahead

Jesus said, "We are going to Jerusalem. The Son of Man will
be given to the leading priests and teachers of the law. The
priests and the teachers of the law will say that the Son of
Man must die. They will give the Son of Man to the non-Jewish
people. Those people will laugh at him and spit on him. They
will beat him with whips and kill him. But on the third day
after his death, he will rise to life again."

-- Mark 10:33-34 (ERV)

  Jesus knew what lay ahead. While he warned his followers, he was also
  emphasizing his own awareness of the horrible price his gift of love
  would cost him personally. Yet he did this for you and me. He did it
  knowingly. He did it sacrificially; he deliberately held back his own
  power to stop what was going to happen to him. The Cross that awaited
  him, the mockery that lay in waiting, and the ugliness that would be
  heaped upon him by those who hated him was known and accepted ... even
  to a certain extent, embraced. Why? Because a ransom had to be paid and
  sin had to be atoned. By his wounds, the very wounds he was
  anticipating, we were healed.

  O God, what thanks can I offer? What words, dear Father, are adequate
  to say thanks for the price that was paid for my sins? While my words
  are inadequate, I trust that the Holy Spirit will present the yearnings
  of my thankful heart to you with my deepest appreciation for your
  sacrifice and the personal cost to your Son. In Jesus' name I thank
  you. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Fearful Following -- Mark 10:32

2008-11-05 Thread Bible Verse
Fearful Following

Jesus and the people with him were going to Jerusalem. Jesus
was leading the people. Jesus' followers were amazed. But
those people that followed behind them were afraid. Jesus
gathered the twelve apostles again and talked with them
alone. Jesus told them what would happen in Jerusalem.

-- Mark 10:32 (ERV)

  Two things strike me powerfully about these verses and the people they
  describe. First, despite their great fear, Jesus' followers still
  followed him even though they knew danger awaited them. This is a great
  reminder that faith can help lead us on to face life's biggest
  challenges even when we can't understand exactly what is going on and
  when we're not really ready for the challenges. Second, Jesus knew what
  lay ahead for himself, but rather than looking after his own needs, he
  was busy trying to prepare his followers for what lay ahead. Jesus was
  a servant to his followers even to the very end when he displayed the
  ultimate act of service and gave his life for them and also for us.

  O God, give those of us who follow Jesus faith that can inspire our
  courage and keep us following even when we can't understand. To face
  life's biggest challenges with question marks and confusion is very
  difficult for us, but we do trust that you will lead us through. We
  only ask that our faith not fail us! In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Least and Greatest -- Mark 10:31

2008-11-04 Thread Bible Verse
Least and Greatest

"Many people that have the highest place now will have the
lowest place in the future. And the people that have the
lowest place now will have the highest place in the future."

-- Mark 10:31 (ERV)

  God evaluates people differently than most earthly judges, critics, and
  cultures do. Those who appear to be lowly, unimportant, backward,
  impoverished, broken, and meek will be valued as precious by God. Is it
  because he favors the poor and the weak over the strong and the rich?
  Not necessarily. However, God does cherish the person who serves others
  regardless of his or her station in life. He does care deeply for the
  person who recognized her or his need for God's love, mercy, and grace.
  God does recognize the genuine humility of a person who has suffered
  because he or she would not compromise on integrity issues. So those
  who have cheated their way to the top and thereby gained fame and
  recognition will not be the ones God honors. No, it will be the people
  they stepped on who refused to give up on faith, morality, integrity,
  honesty, and Christian values. It will be the people who served others
  -- even those who abused them -- in the name of Christ.

  O Father, help me value others by your standards. Help me see the value
  of others through your eyes. Confound my intentions when I choose the
  wrong path and go the way of fame and fortune rather than faith and
  service. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] God Won't Forget -- Mark 10:28-30

2008-11-03 Thread Bible Verse
God Won't Forget

Peter said to Jesus, "We left everything to follow you!"
Jesus said, "I tell you the truth. Every person that has left
his home, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, or
farm for me and for the Good News will get a hundred times
more than he left. Here in this world that person will get
more homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and farms.
And with those things, that person will have persecutions.
But he will also have a reward in the world that is coming.
That reward is life forever."

-- Mark 10:28-30 (ERV)

  Jesus is basically promising three things in this Scripture. First, he
  is saying that the disciples -- and we who follow Jesus today -- can't
  out give God. God will bless them and us far more than we could ever
  give up for him. Second, that doesn't mean that followers of Jesus will
  have easy lives on this side of eternity -- there will be persecutions.
  Finally, he promises eternal life. In other words, their sacrifices for
  their faith will be far overshadowed by the blessings they will receive
  from their Father in heaven.

  O Father, thank you for being so generous. I know that I will be
  blessed far more than I can imagine as one of your children. Help me
  not to lose that hope in the face of hardship, discouragement, and
  persecution. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Everything Is Possible -- Mark 10:26-27

2008-10-31 Thread Bible Verse
Everything Is Possible

The followers were more amazed and said to each other, "Then
who can be saved?" Jesus looked at the followers and said,
"This is something that people cannot do themselves. It must
come from God. God can do all things."

-- Mark 10:26-27 (ERV)

  This is true or our faith is really in vain. We have strength beyond
  human will power, knowledge, or ability. Even more importantly, God
  through Jesus has covered all of the shortcomings and sins that we
  have. God is ... and was ... and will be ... God. Nothing is impossible
  with him!

  O Father, please make this truth self-evident to those who lead in your
  churches. I trust that everything is possible with you! In Jesus' name.

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[Embedded_C_VC] So Hard -- Mark 10:23-25

2008-10-30 Thread Bible Verse
So Hard

Then Jesus looked at his followers and said to them, "It will
be very hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God!"
The followers were amazed at what Jesus said. But Jesus said
again, "My children, it is very hard to enter the kingdom of
God! And it will be very hard for rich people to enter the
kingdom of God! It would be easier for a camel to go through
the eye of a needle!"

-- Mark 10:23-25 (ERV)

  As the disciples processed the information they had seen and heard in
  Jesus' interchange with the young man who went away sorrowfully (see
  the previous verses), they were shocked. Being on the poorer end of the
  economic scale, they assumed that the richer folks would have a better
  chance of making it into heaven. Jesus told them the exact opposite was
  true -- it would be harder for those who were rich to enter the Kingdom
  of God. This must be a sober warning to us. Most of us with access to a
  computer are so much better off financially than the majority of the
  world's population. Yet we often focus on what we lack rather than what
  God has given us to use to bless others and honor him. We must not let
  ourselves become possessed by our possessions and our desire for them.
  They turn our hearts away from God and become idols which replace God
  in our lives.

  O Father, bless me with wisdom, generosity, and a passion for your work
  as I seek to use "my" financial and material blessings to honor you and
  bring others closer to you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Sadly Away -- Mark 10:21-22

2008-10-29 Thread Bible Verse
Sadly Away

Jesus looked at the man. Jesus felt love for him. Jesus said,
"There is still one more thing you need to do. Go and sell
everything you have. Give the money to the poor people. You
will have a reward in heaven. Then come and follow me." The
man was very sorry to hear Jesus say this, and he left. The
man was sad because he was very rich {and wanted to keep his

-- Mark 10:21-22 (ERV)

  The Bible has heart-wrenching stories of men and women who came to know
  the will of the Lord and yet were not willing to respond because
  something was holding them back. I'm sure you know someone -- that
  someone may even be you -- who has something holding him or her back
  from totally surrendering to the will and grace of God. Please pray for
  them today. While we cannot ensure these people will ever respond to
  God's offer of grace, at least we can pray that they will be lovingly
  confronted with the decision to accept or reject the will of the Lord.

  O LORD God Almighty, I confess that there are times when I want you to
  more forcefully reveal yourself to friends of mine who will not
  surrender to your grace. I know that you will not overpower their
  wills. I know that you want our hearts and not a forced, coerced, or
  manipulated and shallow response to your offer of salvation in Jesus.
  So please use me and my influence to be a helpful, tender, and clear
  example to my friends who have not decided to follow your Son. In
  Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Then Come! -- Mark 10:21

2008-10-28 Thread Bible Verse
Then Come!

Jesus looked at the man. Jesus felt love for him. Jesus said,
"There is still one more thing you need to do. Go and sell
everything you have. Give the money to the poor people. You
will have a reward in heaven. Then come and follow me."

-- Mark 10:21 (ERV)

  Jesus had genuine love and compassion for this man. He was so close. He
  was headed in the right direction. But, Jesus wanted his heart to yield
  and not just his actions. So he called him to do what is hardest -- the
  "one thing" he lacked. Could you do this? What is the one thing you

  O Father, please don't let greed, love for money, or my desire for
  things block me from totally surrendering my heart to you. I want to be
  yours -- heart, soul, mind, and strength. I want to be like you --
  holy, righteous, compassionate, and generous. Humble me gently and
  conform me completely so that my stubborn will is completely yielded to
  your will. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] I'm Perfect! -- Mark 10:19-20

2008-10-27 Thread Bible Verse
I'm Perfect!

"{But I will answer your question.} You know the commands:
'You must not murder anyone, you must not do the sin of
adultery, you must not steal, you must not lie, you must not
cheat, you must honor (respect) your father and mother ...'"
The man said, "Teacher, I have obeyed all these commands
since I was a boy."

-- Mark 10:19-20 (ERV)

Here's a guy pretty sure that he has mastered it all ... and he even
began as a child. Oops! This is where his spiritual "heart problems"
begin to show through his veneer of legalistic righteousness. Instead
of keeping the Law to honor God, this fellow was using his law-keeping
as leverage to exalt his status before God. That misses the point. The
pride of law-keeping becomes the false god that shatters the whole

Father in heaven, you are holy and majestic. I know that my attempts to
be holy are going to be met with failure. I commit to work at being a
holy person, but I know that my own efforts, even on my best days, are
going to fall short. I thank you for giving me a righteousness beyond
my abilities, works, and efforts. Thank you for Jesus, whose sacrifice
for me makes me righteous and thank you for the Holy Spirit whose power
works on transforming me into your character and holiness. In Jesus'
name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] You Know the Commandments! -- Mark 10:19

2008-10-24 Thread Bible Verse
You Know the Commandments!

"{But I will answer your question.} You know the commands:
'You must not murder anyone, you must not do the sin of
adultery, you must not steal, you must not lie, you must not
cheat, you must honor (respect) your father and mother ...'"

-- Mark 10:19 (ERV)

Do you know the commandments? Do you know the core teachings of God's
morality? If not, why not review them today. They can be found in
Exodus 20. While we are not under law, but under grace, we are reminded
that grace and the power of the Holy Spirit helps us to be what we
could never be under law -- people who live morally pleasing lives to

O holy and righteous Father, conform me to your character and write
your moral will on my heart so that I can display it in my daily life.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Only God Is Good -- Mark 10:18

2008-10-23 Thread Bible Verse
Only God Is Good

Jesus answered, "Why do you call me good? No person is good.
Only God is good.

-- Mark 10:18 (ERV)

Yes, only God is good. But then that is the point, isn't it? Jesus is
God with us and we must put our faith in him and listen to him and obey
just as we must with God. If the man who asked the question in the
previous verse can't see that Jesus has God's authority as well as
God's goodness, he will never relinquish complete control of his heart,
his life, and his future. Come to think of it, neither will we. Only
God is good! So then, Lord Jesus, you have our attention as God
speaking to us!

O Father in heaven, hallowed is your mighty name. I recognize that your
Son, Jesus, is God come in the flesh -- your very presence with us.
Thank you for becoming one of us. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Entrance Requirements? -- Mark 10:17

2008-10-22 Thread Bible Verse
Entrance Requirements?

Jesus started to leave, but a man ran to him and bowed on his
knees before Jesus. The man asked, "Good teacher, what must I
do to get the life that never ends?"

-- Mark 10:17 (ERV)

This is a great question if it comes from a genuine heart. You will
have to read for yourself and decide if this man's heart was genuine.
Better yet, why not look at your own heart and ask the Lord Jesus this
same question. I bet if you listen this week, he will make that clear
to you if he has not already done so.

O God, please help me be confident of my future with you. May that
confidence be based on my obedient response to your gracious gift of
salvation. I trust that by the power the Holy Spirit, you will empower
me to be and to do what pleases you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] A Child Kind of Faith -- Mark 10:14b-15

2008-10-21 Thread Bible Verse
A Child Kind of Faith

"Don't stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to
people that are like these little children. I tell you the
truth. You must accept the kingdom of God like a little child
accepts things, or you will never enter it."

-- Mark 10:14b-15 (ERV)

We must have child-like faith to be a part of God's Kingdom. So many
things about the Kingdom require of us a "dangerous innocence" and
genuine humility. Yet Jesus demonstrated these child-like qualities. He
wants us to travel along our religious journey as trusting children of
God, not as worldly wise theologically astute scholars. Now don't take
me wrong on this; we are not told to throw away our brains to become
Christians. However, we are taught to live in a way that is often
upside down to the world and its conventional wisdom. To do that, we
need to go back and experience the gift of salvation, the magnificence
of God, and the wonders of grace as wide-eyed, excitable children who
trust in God's ways, God's love, and God's care.

O God, make my heart child-like and my faith fresh and new each day. In
Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Let Them Come to Me! -- Mark 10:14

2008-10-18 Thread Bible Verse
Let Them Come to Me!

Jesus saw what happened. He did not like his followers
telling the children not to come. Jesus said to them, "Let
the little children come to me. Don't stop them, because the
kingdom of God belongs to people that are like these little

-- Mark 10:14 (ERV)

We must not do anything to keep "little ones" -- whether that means new
baby followers of Jesus or young children -- from knowing the grace and
power of Jesus! Even more than that, we must actively encourage and
help the Lord's "little ones" find their place in Jesus' family, have
their needs fulfilled by Jesus' grace, and use their gifts as part of
Jesus' Body.

O Father, please help me to never put off a child who needs to know
your love. Help me and use me, O God, to show them your love and help
them serve to your glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Please Bless Them -- Mark 10:13

2008-10-16 Thread Bible Verse
Please Bless Them

People brought their small children to Jesus, so that Jesus
could touch them. But the followers told the people to stop
bringing their children to Jesus.

-- Mark 10:13 (ERV)

We can never seem to find enough time to do the things we need to do.
So who gets left out in the "busy-ness" of life? Children tend to be
forgotten, neglected, ignored, put off, or left out when schedules get
crunched -- and this is true even in our child-dominated cultures. Even
when children are a key part of adult schedules, this time is often
centered on their performing or competing against other children. We
take such little amounts of time to just be with children and let them
just be with us -- nothing to do, to win, or to perform, just be with
us. This reality is nothing new. Children often have been left out,
pushed to the periphery of life, or simply neglected. Jesus had many
important things to do. The disciples just didn't realize children
should be viewed as very important. Jesus did. Now so should we!

O Father in heaven, thank you. Thank you for the gift of children.
Thank you for the gift of future. Thank you for the gift of wild-eyed
wonder. Help me to show the children around me that they are special
and important -- not only to me, but also to you.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Divorce and Adultery -- Mark 10:10-12

2008-10-15 Thread Bible Verse
Divorce and Adultery

Later, the followers and Jesus were in the house. The
followers asked Jesus again about the question of divorce.
Jesus answered, "Any person that divorces his wife and
marries another woman is guilty of sin against his wife. He
is guilty of the sin of adultery. And the woman that divorces
her husband and marries another man is also guilty of

-- Mark 10:10-12 (ERV)

In a world which takes divorce lightly despite the carnage left in the
lives of children, God reminds his people that he takes seriously the
sin of divorce when it does not have a basis in your will. He views it
as adultery -- betrayal of the marriage covenant that was made with
him. He hates it and doesn't want it to happen among his people. Why?
Is it because he wants to limit or punish or harm them? No! Is it
because of the damage done to children and their faith? Can this be
overcome? Yes. As far as it is possible with us, divorce must be
prevented and Christian men and women must learn to make homes full of
love, joy, and peace through the power of the Holy Spirit.

O Father, forgive us and help us. So many people in our time feel the
pain of abandonment and loss because a spouse has left them. Others
have grown up wondering what they did wrong because a parent abandoned
them and their family. Heal our wounds. Heal our land. Pour out your
Spirit and restore our love for each other in our homes. Help us, O
Lord, find the way back to your grace and power so that we can be a
people of solid marriages, loving families, and compassionate ministry.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] God Joined -- Mark 10:9

2008-10-14 Thread Bible Verse
God Joined

"God has joined those two people together. So no person
should separate them."

-- Mark 10:9 (ERV)

God has the power to make two people one. Marriage is not about a
wedding, but about a man and a woman entering into a covenant
relationship with God. God is the greater party in the covenant. The
man and the woman give their highest allegiance and commitment to God
when they marry. There will be times when their spouse will
unfortunately disappoint them or let them down. But, God wants them to
remember that their highest priority is not treating their spouse as he
or she deserves, but as God would have them be treated. Honoring God in
the way they treat each other is the key to marriage as God sees it.
God wants husbands and wives to understand that breaking a marriage
apart is an offense against God -- he is the one who makes couples one
and the one with whom they enter into covenant relationship. God hates
covenants made with him to be broken.

O God, please give your people a deeper appreciation of what it means
to enter into covenant with you when they marry. I worry about all the
money we spend on wedding ceremonies when there is so little
appreciation for the covenant relationship that begins when a couple is
married. Help me, O God, to be a covenant-keeper and a person who
encourages others to be loyal to you and the covenants they make with
you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] United into One -- Mark 10:8

2008-10-13 Thread Bible Verse
United into One

"'And the two people will become one.' So the people are not
two, but one."

-- Mark 10:8 (ERV)

Marriage is about two people becoming one entity. Jesus makes this
powerfully clear by emphasizing "oneness" four times in the whole
passage -- vs. 5 - "joined"; vs. 5 - "two united into one"; vs. 6 - "no
longer two but one"; and, "God has joined them." The sexual union
between a husband and wife is clearly in view with this context. This
is a good and glorious union that is to be enjoyed and celebrated in

Father, thank you for your plan about the proper place for sexual
intimacy within the security and protection of marriage. May I always
honor you in handling my sexuality in holiness, righteousness, and
love. In Jesus name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Leaving the Nest -- Mark 10:7

2008-10-10 Thread Bible Verse
Leaving the Nest

   "'That is why a man will leave his father and mother and be
   joined to his wife.'"

   -- Mark 10:7 (ERV)

One of the key elements of marriage as God designed it is the transfer
of dependence from one's parents to one's marriage partner. In the vast
majority of cultures, it is assumed that the woman will leave her
parents to begin her new family with her husband. Jesus makes clear
that the man must leave his parents for his wife as well. They must
learn to rely on one another and not their parents. In their
differences as male and female, they must learn that the other
completes what is lacking as they serve each other and depend upon God.

Father, I pray that I will live to see a deeper appreciation for your
plan for marriage in my culture. Until that day, I pray that those in
my family will embody your will in our marriage and family
relationships. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] God's Plan -- Mark 10:6

2008-10-09 Thread Bible Verse
God's Plan

   "But when God made the world, 'he made people male and

   -- Mark 10:6 (ERV)

God's plan, rooted in the creation story of Genesis 2, is that one
woman and one man be married for life. As male and female, they are
different, yet each one is created in the image of God. They are
different -- not just because of the difference in their two lives,
with different experiences and different tastes, but also because they
are made fundamentally different. Learning to blend these differences
through mutual love and submission reflects the mystery of God himself,
who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

O Father in heaven, help the marriages among your people today more
fully reflect your divine intention. Teach us to submit to each other
out of love and respect -- not just love and respect for our marriage
partner, but also love and respect for Jesus as our Lord. In his name I
pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Hard-Heartedness -- Mark 10:5

2008-10-08 Thread Bible Verse

   Jesus said, "Moses wrote that command for you because you
   refused to accept God's teaching."

   -- Mark 10:5 (ERV)

What Moses did in allowing the children of Israel a legal means of
divorce (see verses 1-4 or yesterday's WJD!) was done only as a
concession. It was not God's original plan. It was not what was best
for the people involved. It was allowed only because of the hard hearts
of the people who wouldn't honor their vows to each other and to God.
In a world where people continue to break their vows, refuse to be
faithful to each other, and wound their children, the focus shouldn't
become the legality of the concession, but should become a focus on
prevention of divorce through healthy and loving marriages and
restoration of those broken by divorce.

God, I ask first that you help me be a faithful, loyal, and loving
person who lives up the vows, promises, and pledges that I make.
Second, dear Father, I pray that you use me to encourage others to do
the same. Finally, Righteous Father, I ask that you show me the best
ways to help restore and encourage those who have been wounded by
divorce. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Moses -- Mark 10:3-4

2008-10-07 Thread Bible Verse

   Jesus answered, "What did Moses command you to do?" The
   Pharisees said, "Moses allowed a man to divorce his wife by
   writing a certificate of divorce."

   -- Mark 10:3-4 (ERV)

In this Scripture, the Pharisees are able to correctly tell Jesus what
Moses said about divorce. In the subsequent verses, Jesus confronts the
Pharisees with the truth revealed in their question; they were missing
God's central principle about marriage. It is easy to quote Scripture:
living God's truth revealed in that Scripture is much more challenging!
Let's not just seek to know the Scriptures, but let's also commit to
know the heart and will of God who lies behind the Scriptures.

O God, teach me your way, instruct me in your will, and lead me so that
I can walk with you each day. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] The Question Trap -- Mark 10:2

2008-10-06 Thread Bible Verse
The Question Trap

   Some Pharisees came to Jesus. They tried to make Jesus say
   something wrong. They asked Jesus, "Is it right for a man to
   divorce his wife?"

   -- Mark 10:2 (ERV)

Isn't it amazing how religious people can resort to trickery and
legalistic debate to try to prove their superiority? Shouldn't we focus
on the real issues of God's heart like justice, mercy, and righteous
living? Words are important, but religious words become righteous only
when they truly come to life in people who are living to honor God.

O Righteous Father, may the words of my mouth, the thoughts of my mind,
the motivation of my heart, and the actions of my life be pleasing to
you. In the name of Jesus my Lord. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Teaching the Crowds -- Mark 10:1

2008-10-03 Thread Bible Verse
Teaching the Crowds

   Then Jesus left that place. He went into the area of Judea
   and across the Jordan River. Again, many people came to him.
   And Jesus taught the people like he always did.

   -- Mark 10:1 (ERV)

Two characteristics marked Jesus' ministry at this stage of his life.
First, he was very popular and crowds accompanied him everywhere he
went. Second, he taught them God's will. Jesus' goal in attracting
people was not to gain an earthly following, but to teach and to train
a group of people who would change the world. He saw teaching as his
task -- not his only task, but his primary task.

Father God, I thank you for those who have so wonderfully taught me. I
realize, dear Father, that these people gave me one of the most
wonderful gifts anyone could give. May I never forget their sacrifices.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] A Salty Peace -- Mark 9:50

2008-10-02 Thread Bible Verse
A Salty Peace

   "Salt is good. But if the salt loses its salty taste, then
   you can't make it salty again. So, be full of goodness. And
   have peace with each other."

   -- Mark 9:50 (ERV)

Jesus wants us to be people of character -- people who are holy,
righteous, pure and redemptive in a world that is none of those things.
Jesus wants us to live in peace with each other in our local
congregations as well as with other believers even if we do not
recognize them as being in "our group." Two clear commands -- to be at
peace and to have a godly influence on those around us -- are made
without equivocation. Obedience to these two important commands is
needed so very much in the divided and worldly state in which believers
in Jesus now find themselves.

Holy Father, please help me exemplify the desires Jesus has for me -- I
want to be holy and redemptive as I live before my neighbors and I want
to be at peace with those who share faith in Jesus as Lord. In Jesus'
name I ask for your help in being fully obedient to you in these
matters. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] Purified -- Mark 9:49

2008-10-01 Thread Bible Verse

   "Every person will be punished with fire."

   -- Mark 9:49 (ERV)

The real character of our lives will not be left in doubt. Facades will
fall. Hidden secrets will be revealed. Well-camouflaged sins will be
brought out in the open. Every action will be made clear. Nothing can
be hidden from the purifier's fire. All that is dross will be removed.
Only what is pure will remain.

O LORD God Almighty, the judge of all people, I pray that the defects,
impurities, and dross in my life will be purified in my life now so
that you will be glorified in my life both now and in the day of
judgement. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] The Greater Priority -- Mark 9:43-48

2008-09-30 Thread Bible Verse
The Greater Priority

   "If your hand makes you sin, cut it off. It is better for you
   to lose part of your body but have life forever. That is much
   better than to have two hands and go to hell. In that place
   the fire never stops. If your foot makes you sin, cut it off.
   It is better for you to lose part of your body but have life
   forever. That is much better than to have two feet and be
   thrown into hell. If your eye makes you sin, take it out. It
   is better for you to have only one eye but have life forever.
   That is much better than to have two eyes and be thrown into
   hell. The worms that eat the people in hell never die. In
   hell the fire is never stopped."

   -- Mark 9:43-48 (ERV)

Sin, and leading others to sin, should be avoided at all costs. Being
God's pure people is vitally important. So Jesus uses very powerful
words and imagery to forcefully drive home his point. Sin and causing
others to sin must matter tremendously to us.

Father in heaven, I confess that the lack of concern the world around
me has about sin sometimes infiltrates my own thinking. Please dear
Father, not only forgive me, but also stir my heart to yearn for
holiness. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] No Stumbling Blocks Accepted -- Mark 9:42

2008-09-29 Thread Bible Verse
No Stumbling Blocks Accepted

   "If one of these little children believes in me, and another
   person causes that child to sin, then it will be very bad for
   that person. It would be better for that person to have a
   millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the sea."

   -- Mark 9:42 (ERV)

So often in our passion to preserve the purity of the faith, we begin
to exclude others. While purity in our faith is important, Jesus
reminds us of the other side of the equation: woe to us if we exclude
someone who Jesus sees as belonging or do anything to cause another to
lose faith. New Christians, weak believers, and children are all
precious to God. He doesn't want a single one to lose faith because of
the hard-headedness, hard-heartedness, or arrogance of another

God, please help me be more careful in what I say and how I act. I
don't want to discourage a single believer from following you. Help my
life and my actions be an encouragement rather than a discouragement to
your people. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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[Embedded_C_VC] A Cup of Water -- Mark 9:41

2008-09-26 Thread Bible Verse
A Cup of Water

  "I tell you the truth. If a person helps you by giving you a
  drink of water because you belong to the Christ, then that
  person will truly get his reward."

  -- Mark 9:41 (ERV)

The kindness Jesus expects and rewards in his followers is very simple.
God doesn't forget kindness that is demonstrated with actions that are
simple and real. When we are kind to other believers or they are kind
to us, God sees, remembers, and rewards! Of course Jesus didn't want us
to limit our kindness to other believers and he also wanted his
followers to give unbelievers an opportunity to share their kindness
with them as well. Simple acts of kindness by Jesus' followers may be
simple, but they are also a genuine reflection of their Lord's kindness
and compassion that were shared with all sorts of people.

Father, thank you for sending Jesus who makes your way of life so
simple and clear. Thank you for remembering acts of kindness. Thank you
for those who have demonstrated that kindness to me and to your Son
through their kindness to me. Please bless them. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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