Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-10-24 Thread
I have seem a number of class 1 AC/DC switching power supply adapters for
electronic apparatus.  From outlook, it looks similar to class 2 adapter -
plastic case.  The obvious difference is that there is a grounding pcb
containing a large area of copper track soldered on the solder side of master
pcb.  The side facing to the solder side has no copper track at all.  The
grounding pcb is connected to the earth terminal of the mains female connector
on one end and to the earth of the DC output plug on the other end.  I have
following queries and seeking advice. 

1.   Function of the grounding plate 

The primary and the secondary is reinforced insulation and withstands over
3000Vac.  Is this plate to change the whole safety protection system from
class 2 to class 1?  Or the plate is primarily for EMC suppression? 

2.   Earth continuity test 

After the unit is completely assembled, should we conduct the test between the
earth terminal of the mains plug and the earth of DC output plug? 

3.  Hipot test 

As the unit is classified as class 1, 1,500 Vac is applied between the earth
terminal of the mains female connector and the earth of the DC output plug. 
Actually, the primary and secondary can withstand 3000 Vac.  Is it correct
test voltage to apply after the unit is completely assembled? 

Thanks and regards, 

Raymond Li 


RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread Peter L. Tarver

John -

IEC60950-1, §2.6.2 deals with Functional Earthing.  If the
earthing is functional only, it does need to be separated by
Double or Reinforced Insulation, or by earthed screening and
Basic Insulation, from parts at hazardous voltage.

Just as for Pluggable Equipment/Class I Equipment, when an
earth is brought into the equipment in a power supply cord,
even if only to facilitate Functional Earthing, the double
insulated symbol (IEC60417-1, Symbol 5172) can not be used.

§ defines Class I equipment as relying on both Basic
Insulation *and* Protective Earthing.  The Note to §
states that Class I Equipment may also contain Double or
Insulation and this appears to be the nod that Rich was
referring to.

No where does the standard state that by simply providing a
Functional Earth, even through an appliance inlet (implying
use of a power supply cord), the equipment is not considered
Class II.  One is simply limited to not marking with the
aforementioned symbol.

I'd appreciate hearing more from you on this Rich.


Peter L. Tarver, PE

> From: Tyra, John
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 6:30 AM
> Great answers Rich!
> I do have one question for the group just for my
> own knowledge...back in my
> TUV days I worked almost exclusively with
> IEC60950 and seem to remember that
> a class II product can have a functional earth
> connection provided Primary
> and other hazardous voltages are insulated from
> earth by reinforced
> insulation. In this scenario even thought the
> product has an earth
> connection would it still be considered class II
> with regards to the
> IEC60950 standard and have to be marked as such?
> Maybe it is semantics as you reference
> "protective earth" so it must be
> class I as opposed to functional earth which is
> not relied upon for
> safety.
> Regards,
> John Tyra

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RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread Tyra, John

Great answers Rich!

I do have one question for the group just for my own knowledge...back in my
TUV days I worked almost exclusively with IEC60950 and seem to remember that
a class II product can have a functional earth connection provided Primary
and other hazardous voltages are insulated from earth by reinforced
insulation. In this scenario even thought the product has an earth
connection would it still be considered class II with regards to the
IEC60950 standard and have to be marked as such?
Maybe it is semantics as you reference "protective earth" so it must be
class I as opposed to functional earth which is not relied upon for

I have not worked with IEC60950 for some 5 years now and do not have a copy
on hand as our products are UL/IEC60065 based so I apologize for the waste
of bandwidth if this is an easy lookup in 950

Look forward to all answers...


John Tyra
Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance Manager

Bose Corporation
The Mountain, MS-450
Framingham, MA 01701-9168
Phone: 508-766-1502
Fax: 508-766-1145

From: Rich Nute [] 
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Hi Raymond:

Any product with a PE (ground) connection is, by
definition, a Class I product.  The common adapters
you describe, despite being encased in plastic, are
Class I products.

>   1.   Function of the grounding plate
>   The primary and the secondary is reinforced insulation and withstands
>   3000Vac.  Is this plate to change the whole safety protection system
>   class 2 to class 1?  Or the plate is primarily for EMC suppression?

The single-sided ground-plane PCB you describe is
used to control EMC emissions.  It may also be used,
as you describe, to electrically ground the dc output.  
The ground plane has no safety function, per se.

While the safety standards require a product to be
Class I or Class II, it is physically impossible to
build a purely Class I product.  Every Class I product necessarily includes
Class II construction.  You have accurately described the adapter Class II
construction (reinforced insulation, primary-to-secondary).

In other words, the adapter has both Class I construction
and Class II construction.  

Safety standards ignore this physical true-ism.  Any
product with a PE is Class I, and is evaluated only to
the Class I requirements.

>   2.   Earth continuity test
>   After the unit is completely assembled, should we conduct the test
>   the earth terminal of the mains plug and the earth of DC output 
> plug?


The earth continuity test is required for any accessible
metal part that is susceptible of becoming live in the
event of a fault of basic insulation.

Within the adapter, the Class I part of the construction
has basic insulation between the mains and grounded 
conductors.  Such grounded conductors must be subject to
the earth continuity test.  

Because the dc output is connected to the grounded 
conductor, the dc output could become live in the event 
of a fault of basic insulation.

So, an earth continuity test must be conducted between 
the dc ground and the PE terminal of the mains connector (because the unit
is sealed, the test cannot be made directly to the conductors where the
fault would occur).

>   3.  Hipot test
>   As the unit is classified as class 1, 1,500 Vac is applied between the 
>   earth terminal of the mains female connector and the earth of the DC 
>   output plug.  Actually, the primary and secondary can withstand 3000
>   Is it correct test voltage to apply after the unit is completely 
>   assembled?

Because the unit is Class I, the hi-pot test voltage is 
1500 V rms.

The hi-pot test is always performed on a fully-assembled

You are correct that the primary-secondary reinforced insulation must
withstand 3000 V rms.  Note also that the primary-foil (wrapped about the
outside of the
adapter) must also withstand 3000 V rms (because the
plastic comprises reinforced insulation to accessible surfaces).

While the unit will probably withstand 3000 V rms, you
should not production-line test to 3000 V rms because 
this may overstress the primary-ground insulation.

Best regards,

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Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread

Many thanks for your clear explanation. 

I have two practical issues in below in-line message and look forward to
hearing your comments. 



Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

>If the dc output is connected to the PE terminal, 
>then the dc output could become live in the event 
>of a fault in the basic insulation between mains 
>and the PE terminal. 

I think it may not be the case in practice.  Even the dc output is connected
to the PE, if the basic insulation in the earth terminal should fail, the dc
output still safe. It is because the leakage current will go to the earth path
(low impedance) rather than the dc output + human body path where has much
higher impedance.

>If the adapter is sealed, then the only way to
>test for earth continuity is to check from the
>dc output side to the appliance coupler earth

There is a comment from the supplier that the secondary components are not
supposed to handle 25A current and unforeseen damage (early failure) may
happen.  Any comments? 

Thanks and regards, 

Raymond Li 

Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-03 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Raymond:

>   1.  Earth continuity test
>   As the class 1 is due to the additional earthing plate, how can I ignore 
>   the earth continuity test?

Class I is due to the adapter having an appliance
coupler with a PE terminal.

>   Without this earthing plate, the unit is in fact a class 2 construction. 


If the unit has a PE terminal, then the unit is 
Class I.

The unit may be Class II construction, but if it
has a PE terminal then it is a Class I product.

>   Thus, I am a bit confused with such construction and should I follow the 
>   required safety tests for class 1 or class 2.

For the purposes of testing for compliance to a
safety standard, the test for Class I apply.

For the purposes of true safety, then the primary-
secondary insulation should be tested for Class II.

>   I have another thought that actually, the earthing plate and the DC output 
>   plug earthing are functional earthing, not safety earthing, so electrical 
>   continuity test using multitester is sufficient and earth continuity test 
>   using low voltage and 25A current is not applicable.

Yes, the earthing plate and dc output earthing are
indeed functional earthing.

However, they are connected to the PE, which is 
insulated from the mains be basic insulation.  If
the basic insulation should fail, then the PE 
becomes live.  If the dc output is connected to the
PE, then the dc output will become live in the event
of a fault in basic insulation.

In a sealed unit, the only way to test the PE portion 
is via the functional earthing plate and dc output 
terminal.  So, a 25-ampere current is required to be
applied between the dc functional earth terminal and
the PE terminal.

>   2.   Hi-pot test
>   The unit passes the hi-pot test at 3,000Vac if the grounding plate and the 
>   bridging capacitor are removed.  If only the bridging capacitor is 
>   removed, the test voltage goes upto about 2,100Vac max.  I note that there 
>   is breakdown around the grounding plate and the pcd side of mains female 
>   connector at the max. voltage.

If the unit fails the hi-pot test between the mains
and the grounding plate, then the insulation between 
the mains and the grounding plate is basic insulation.

Therefore, the grounding plate (because it is connected
to an accessible part, i.e., the dc output terminal) 
must be connected to the PE and must pass the 25-ampere 

>   It seems once the production of the converter is completed, proper earth 
>   continuity test and hipot test are unable to be done at IQC of receiving 
>   warehouse.  Any suggestion to do some extend of safety test without 
>   destruction of the finished goods is appreciated.

The construction you describe will easily pass the tests
for Class I construction, i.e., 1500-V hi-pot, and 25-
ampere earthing continuity.

Unfortunately, you cannot test the double insulation 
between mains and the dc output.

Best regards,

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Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-03 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Chengwee Lai:

>   2. Earth Continuity or ground bond testing with 25A or higher is not
>   applicable with plastic case and not applicable at the DC output side. It
>   was meant to check the earth protection continuity of a metal chassis. 

Protective earthing is required for any conductive
part that is susceptible of becoming live in the
event of a fault.  The fault is that of basic 

At the mains appliance coupler, the insulation 
between the mains and the PE terminal is basic
insulation.  Depending on the individual unit
construction, there may be other points within the
unit that comprise basic insulation between the
mains and the PE terminal.

If the dc output is connected to the PE terminal, 
then the dc output could become live in the event 
of a fault in the basic insulation between mains 
and the PE terminal.

If the adapter is sealed, then the only way to
test for earth continuity is to check from the
dc output side to the appliance coupler earth

>   3. I believe you will have to use 3000Vac or 4242Vdc between primary and
>   secondary side, unless you have a failure, then there are steps to go
>   through to isolate the failure. 

The adapter has basic insulation between mains
and the PE terminal, and reinforced insulation
between mains and the dc output.  

If 3000 V rms is applied between mains and the
dc output (which is grounded), then 3000 V rms is
also applied between mains and the PE terminal.
This may lead to early failure of the basic

For this reason, Class I equipment is subject to
only 1500 V rms hi-pot.

(If care is taken in the design such that the
basic insulation has an electric strength 
exceeding 3000 V rms, then the 3000-V test can
be applied.)

Best regards,

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Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-03 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Raymond:

Any product with a PE (ground) connection is, by
definition, a Class I product.  The common adapters
you describe, despite being encased in plastic, are
Class I products.

>   1.   Function of the grounding plate
>   The primary and the secondary is reinforced insulation and withstands over 
>   3000Vac.  Is this plate to change the whole safety protection system from 
>   class 2 to class 1?  Or the plate is primarily for EMC suppression?

The single-sided ground-plane PCB you describe is
used to control EMC emissions.  It may also be used,
as you describe, to electrically ground the dc output.  
The ground plane has no safety function, per se.

While the safety standards require a product to be
Class I or Class II, it is physically impossible to
build a purely Class I product.  Every Class I product
necessarily includes Class II construction.  You have
accurately described the adapter Class II construction
(reinforced insulation, primary-to-secondary).

In other words, the adapter has both Class I construction
and Class II construction.  

Safety standards ignore this physical true-ism.  Any
product with a PE is Class I, and is evaluated only to
the Class I requirements.

>   2.   Earth continuity test
>   After the unit is completely assembled, should we conduct the test between 
>   the earth terminal of the mains plug and the earth of DC output plug?


The earth continuity test is required for any accessible
metal part that is susceptible of becoming live in the
event of a fault of basic insulation.

Within the adapter, the Class I part of the construction
has basic insulation between the mains and grounded 
conductors.  Such grounded conductors must be subject to
the earth continuity test.  

Because the dc output is connected to the grounded 
conductor, the dc output could become live in the event 
of a fault of basic insulation.

So, an earth continuity test must be conducted between 
the dc ground and the PE terminal of the mains connector
(because the unit is sealed, the test cannot be made
directly to the conductors where the fault would occur).

>   3.  Hipot test
>   As the unit is classified as class 1, 1,500 Vac is applied between the 
>   earth terminal of the mains female connector and the earth of the DC 
>   output plug.  Actually, the primary and secondary can withstand 3000 Vac. 
>   Is it correct test voltage to apply after the unit is completely 
>   assembled?

Because the unit is Class I, the hi-pot test voltage is 
1500 V rms.

The hi-pot test is always performed on a fully-assembled

You are correct that the primary-secondary reinforced
insulation must withstand 3000 V rms.  Note also that
the primary-foil (wrapped about the outside of the
adapter) must also withstand 3000 V rms (because the
plastic comprises reinforced insulation to accessible

While the unit will probably withstand 3000 V rms, you
should not production-line test to 3000 V rms because 
this may overstress the primary-ground insulation.

Best regards,

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RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-01 Thread

Hi Changwee, 

Many thanks for your good suggestions and comments. 

Current difficulties in changing the design to reinforced insulation is the AC
inlet which is class 1 design on the market (clearance insufficient).  Is
earth continuity test recommended by any safety standard in production? 


Raymond Li 

ChengWee Lai  
Sent by: 

30/10/03 02:50 AM 

Please respond to
ChengWee Lai 



RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Hello Raymond, 
First I don't think the EMC earthing plate should be treat as reliable
earthing. (require good ground continuity as welll as mechanical secure) 
What I will do are 
1. use double insulating Bridging cap, like Y1 cap (for example Panasonic
2. find a way to prevent the break down at the PCB location you mentioned. 
This in fact will make your ground plate reinforced insulated, here are some
advantage from my past experience. 
1. Will allow you to have a simpler production testing. 
2. You don't need to explain to every customer why their system can't pass
reinforce Hipot test with your power adaptor. That in return will make your
adaptor hard to sell. 
Good luck, 
Chengwee Lai 
Netscreen Technologies, Inc 
Tel: +1-408-543-4126 

Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 9:59 AM
To: ChengWee Lai
Subject: RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Dear CW Lai, 

Many thanks for your reply & useful information.  I still have some queries
and look forward to your further explanation. 

1.  Earth continuity test 

As the class 1 is due to the additional earthing plate, how can I ignore the
earth continuity test? 

Without this earthing plate, the unit is in fact a class 2 construction. 
Thus, I am a bit confused with such construction and should I follow the
required safety tests for class 1 or class 2. 

I have another thought that actually, the earthing plate and the DC output
plug earthing are functional earthing, not safety earthing, so electrical
continuity test using multitester is sufficient and earth continuity test
using low voltage and 25A current is not applicable. 

2.   Hi-pot test 

The unit passes the hi-pot test at 3,000Vac if the grounding plate and the
bridging capacitor are removed.  If only the bridging capacitor is removed,
the test voltage goes upto about 2,100Vac max.  I note that there is breakdown
around the grounding plate and the pcd side of mains female connector at the
max. voltage. 

It seems once the production of the converter is completed, proper earth
continuity test and hipot test are unable to be done at IQC of receiving
warehouse.  Any suggestion to do some extend of safety test without
destruction of the finished goods is appreciated. 

Thanks and regards, 

Raymond Li 



ChengWee Lai  
Sent by: 

25/10/03 02:03 AM 

Please respond to
ChengWee Lai 

"''" , EMC


RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

In regards to your question, 
1. I am guessing what you meant is a seperate PCB, about the size of the power
supply main PCB, either on top or on the bottom side. Copper plate on one side
If that is the case, it was designed to lower the emission. I am not sure how
effective it is, but I see people doing it. As long as there are ground
connection, it would considered as class I. The plate can't be view as one of
the protection in your case. 
2. Earth Continuity or ground bond testing with 25A or higher is not
applicable with plastic case and not applicable at the DC output side. It was
meant to check the earth protection continuity of a metal chassis. 
3. I believe you will have to use 3000Vac or 4242Vdc between primary and
secondary side, unless you have a failure, then there are steps to go through
to isolate the failure. 
Here is a page I made during my years in power supply industry, it should
answer to many of your question. Standard reference might be old, but
principle is still the same. 
Take care, 

Chengwee Lai 
Netscreen Technologies, Inc 
Tel: +1-408-543-4126 

Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:05 AM
Subject: Class 1 AC/DC adapter 

I have seem a number of class 1 AC/DC switching power supply adapters for
electronic apparatus.  From outlook, it looks similar to class 2 adapter -
plastic case.  The obvious difference is that there is a grounding pcb
containing a large area of coppe

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-10-29 Thread Brian O'Connell
Mr Lai 

You make a very important point about not depending on a device for ground
continuity that is designed only for EMI suppression.

But if the power supply is failing hi-pot, the unit has a serious spacing
and/or materials issue. Many power supply mfrs perform Type Tests at higher
test levels than is required by the standard (to verify design margin and/or
to determine actual dielectric breakdown levels). So if the unit fails a
production hi-pot test, either the unit has not been installed according to
the Conditions of Acceptability, or the mfr has poor QC.


-Original Message- 
From: ChengWee Lai [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 10:50 AM 
To: '' 
Subject: RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter 

Hello Raymond, 

First I don't think the EMC earthing plate should be treat as reliable
earthing. (require good ground continuity as welll as mechanical secure)

What I will do are 
1. use double insulating Bridging cap, like Y1 cap (for example Panasonic
2. find a way to prevent the break down at the PCB location you mentioned. 

This in fact will make your ground plate reinforced insulated, here are some
advantage from my past experience. 
1. Will allow you to have a simpler production testing. 
2. You don't need to explain to every customer why their system can't pass
reinforce Hipot test with your power adaptor. That in return will make your
adaptor hard to sell.

Good luck, 
Chengwee Lai 
Netscreen Technologies, Inc 
Tel: +1-408-543-4126 

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-10-29 Thread ChengWee Lai
Hello Raymond,
First I don't think the EMC earthing plate should be treat as reliable
earthing. (require good ground continuity as welll as mechanical secure)
What I will do are
1. use double insulating Bridging cap, like Y1 cap (for example Panasonic NS-A)
2. find a way to prevent the break down at the PCB location you mentioned.
This in fact will make your ground plate reinforced insulated, here are some
advantage from my past experience.
1. Will allow you to have a simpler production testing. 
2. You don't need to explain to every customer why their system can't pass
reinforce Hipot test with your power adaptor. That in return will make your
adaptor hard to sell.
Good luck,
Chengwee Lai 
Netscreen Technologies, Inc 
Tel: +1-408-543-4126 

Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 9:59 AM
To: ChengWee Lai
Subject: RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Dear CW Lai, 

Many thanks for your reply & useful information.  I still have some queries
and look forward to your further explanation. 

1.  Earth continuity test 

As the class 1 is due to the additional earthing plate, how can I ignore the
earth continuity test? 

Without this earthing plate, the unit is in fact a class 2 construction. 
Thus, I am a bit confused with such construction and should I follow the
required safety tests for class 1 or class 2. 

I have another thought that actually, the earthing plate and the DC output
plug earthing are functional earthing, not safety earthing, so electrical
continuity test using multitester is sufficient and earth continuity test
using low voltage and 25A current is not applicable. 

2.   Hi-pot test 

The unit passes the hi-pot test at 3,000Vac if the grounding plate and the
bridging capacitor are removed.  If only the bridging capacitor is removed,
the test voltage goes upto about 2,100Vac max.  I note that there is breakdown
around the grounding plate and the pcd side of mains female connector at the
max. voltage. 

It seems once the production of the converter is completed, proper earth
continuity test and hipot test are unable to be done at IQC of receiving
warehouse.  Any suggestion to do some extend of safety test without
destruction of the finished goods is appreciated. 

Thanks and regards, 

Raymond Li 



ChengWee Lai  
Sent by: 

25/10/03 02:03 AM 

Please respond to
ChengWee Lai 

"''" , EMC


RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

In regards to your question, 
1. I am guessing what you meant is a seperate PCB, about the size of the power
supply main PCB, either on top or on the bottom side. Copper plate on one side
If that is the case, it was designed to lower the emission. I am not sure how
effective it is, but I see people doing it. As long as there are ground
connection, it would considered as class I. The plate can't be view as one of
the protection in your case. 
2. Earth Continuity or ground bond testing with 25A or higher is not
applicable with plastic case and not applicable at the DC output side. It was
meant to check the earth protection continuity of a metal chassis. 
3. I believe you will have to use 3000Vac or 4242Vdc between primary and
secondary side, unless you have a failure, then there are steps to go through
to isolate the failure. 
Here is a page I made during my years in power supply industry, it should
answer to many of your question. Standard reference might be old, but
principle is still the same. 
Take care, 

Chengwee Lai 
Netscreen Technologies, Inc 
Tel: +1-408-543-4126 

Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:05 AM
Subject: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

I have seem a number of class 1 AC/DC switching power supply adapters for
electronic apparatus.  From outlook, it looks similar to class 2 adapter -
plastic case.  The obvious difference is that there is a grounding pcb
containing a large area of copper track soldered on the solder side of master
pcb.  The side facing to the solder side has no copper track at all.  The
grounding pcb is connected to the earth terminal of the mains female connector
on one end and to the earth of the DC output plug on the other end.  I have
following queries and seeking advice. 

1.   Function of the grounding plate 

The primary and the secondary is reinforced insulation and withstands over
3000Vac.  Is this plate to change the whole safety protection system from
class 2 to class 1?  Or the plate is primarily for EMC suppression? 

2.   Earth continuity test 

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-10-27 Thread Peter L. Tarver

Raymond -

Again, assuming 60950 applies to the power supply; also
assuming that by 'power adaptor,' you mean an enclosed
plug-in power supply unit:

If the 'earthing plate' is not required for safety reasons
and provides only a functional earth, whether for EMC or
other purposes, the earthing continuity or impedances tests
are not required.

However, if the secondaries are earthed, even for functional
reasons, the product would be required to meet either
electric strength testing for Reinforced Insulation or the
earthing impedance test on the production line.

Since you have stated the 'earthing plate' can not comply
with an electric strength testing for Reinforced Insulation,
the earthing impedance test would be necessary.  On the
basis of practical testing, it is not necessary that this
test be performed after the enclosure is sealed.

You should be able to negotiate with the safety
certification houses to allow the earthing impedance test to
be performed with the power supply unsealed, between the
earthing pin, if a direct plug-in or permanently connected
power supply cord, and the point of earthing in the


Peter L. Tarver, PE
Product Safety Manager
Homologation Services
Sanmina-SCI Corp.
San Jose, CA

Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 9:59 AM

Dear CW Lai,
Many thanks for your reply & useful information.  I still
have some queries and look forward to your further

1.  Earth continuity test

As the class 1 is due to the additional earthing plate, how
can I ignore the earth continuity test?

Without this earthing plate, the unit is in fact a class 2
construction.  Thus, I am a bit confused with such
construction and should I follow the required safety tests
for class 1 or class 2.

I have another thought that actually, the earthing plate and
the DC output plug earthing are functional earthing, not
safety earthing, so electrical continuity test using
multitester is sufficient and earth continuity test using
low voltage and 25A current is not applicable.

2.   Hi-pot test

The unit passes the hi-pot test at 3,000Vac if the grounding
plate and the bridging capacitor are removed.  If only the
bridging capacitor is removed, the test voltage goes upto
about 2,100Vac max.  I note that there is breakdown around
the grounding plate and the pcd side of mains female
connector at the max. voltage.

It seems once the production of the converter is completed,
proper earth continuity test and hipot test are unable to be
done at IQC of receiving warehouse.  Any suggestion to do
some extend of safety test without destruction of the
finished goods is appreciated.

Thanks and regards,
Raymond Li

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

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with the single line:
 unsubscribe emc-pstc

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 Richard Nute:
 Jim Bacher:

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All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-10-26 Thread

Dear CW Lai, 

In addition, the existing earthing structure (PCB mounted mains female
connector -> soldered on master PCB->soldered on a earthing PCB->soldered to
the earth of secondary circuits, no earth symbol and preventive measure to
prevent accidental loosening the conductor) is acceptable or not if that is a
safety earthing. 

Thanks and regards, 

Raymond Li 

Raymond Li/Omni 

26/10/03 12:58 AM 

ChengWee Lai  


RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter Link  

Dear CW Lai, 

Many thanks for your reply & useful information.  I still have some queries
and look forward to your further explanation. 

1.  Earth continuity test 

As the class 1 is due to the additional earthing plate, how can I ignore the
earth continuity test? 

Without this earthing plate, the unit is in fact a class 2 construction. 
Thus, I am a bit confused with such construction and should I follow the
required safety tests for class 1 or class 2. 

I have another thought that actually, the earthing plate and the DC output
plug earthing are functional earthing, not safety earthing, so electrical
continuity test using multitester is sufficient and earth continuity test
using low voltage and 25A current is not applicable. 

2.   Hi-pot test 

The unit passes the hi-pot test at 3,000Vac if the grounding plate and the
bridging capacitor are removed.  If only the bridging capacitor is removed,
the test voltage goes upto about 2,100Vac max.  I note that there is breakdown
around the grounding plate and the pcd side of mains female connector at the
max. voltage. 

It seems once the production of the converter is completed, proper earth
continuity test and hipot test are unable to be done at IQC of receiving
warehouse.  Any suggestion to do some extend of safety test without
destruction of the finished goods is appreciated. 

Thanks and regards, 

Raymond Li 



ChengWee Lai  
Sent by: 

25/10/03 02:03 AM 

Please respond to
ChengWee Lai 

"''" , EMC


RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

In regards to your question, 
1. I am guessing what you meant is a seperate PCB, about the size of the power
supply main PCB, either on top or on the bottom side. Copper plate on one side
If that is the case, it was designed to lower the emission. I am not sure how
effective it is, but I see people doing it. As long as there are ground
connection, it would considered as class I. The plate can't be view as one of
the protection in your case. 
2. Earth Continuity or ground bond testing with 25A or higher is not
applicable with plastic case and not applicable at the DC output side. It was
meant to check the earth protection continuity of a metal chassis. 
3. I believe you will have to use 3000Vac or 4242Vdc between primary and
secondary side, unless you have a failure, then there are steps to go through
to isolate the failure. 
Here is a page I made during my years in power supply industry, it should
answer to many of your question. Standard reference might be old, but
principle is still the same. 
Take care, 

Chengwee Lai 
Netscreen Technologies, Inc 
Tel: +1-408-543-4126 

Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:05 AM
Subject: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

I have seem a number of class 1 AC/DC switching power supply adapters for
electronic apparatus.  From outlook, it looks similar to class 2 adapter -
plastic case.  The obvious difference is that there is a grounding pcb
containing a large area of copper track soldered on the solder side of master
pcb.  The side facing to the solder side has no copper track at all.  The
grounding pcb is connected to the earth terminal of the mains female connector
on one end and to the earth of the DC output plug on the other end.  I have
following queries and seeking advice. 

1.   Function of the grounding plate 

The primary and the secondary is reinforced insulation and withstands over
3000Vac.  Is this plate to change the whole safety protection system from
class 2 to class 1?  Or the plate is primarily for EMC suppression? 

2.   Earth continuity test 

After the unit is completely assembled, should we conduct the test between the
earth terminal of the mains plug and the earth of DC output plug? 

3.  Hipot test 

As the unit is classified as class 1, 1,500 Vac is applied between the earth
terminal of the mains female connector and the earth of the DC output plug. 
Actually, the primary and secondary can withstand 3000 Vac.  Is it correct
test voltage to apply after the unit is completely assembled? 

Thanks and regards, 

Raymond Li 


RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-10-25 Thread
Dear CW Lai, 

Many thanks for your reply & useful information.  I still have some queries
and look forward to your further explanation. 

1.  Earth continuity test 

As the class 1 is due to the additional earthing plate, how can I ignore the
earth continuity test? 

Without this earthing plate, the unit is in fact a class 2 construction. 
Thus, I am a bit confused with such construction and should I follow the
required safety tests for class 1 or class 2. 

I have another thought that actually, the earthing plate and the DC output
plug earthing are functional earthing, not safety earthing, so electrical
continuity test using multitester is sufficient and earth continuity test
using low voltage and 25A current is not applicable. 

2.   Hi-pot test 

The unit passes the hi-pot test at 3,000Vac if the grounding plate and the
bridging capacitor are removed.  If only the bridging capacitor is removed,
the test voltage goes upto about 2,100Vac max.  I note that there is breakdown
around the grounding plate and the pcd side of mains female connector at the
max. voltage. 

It seems once the production of the converter is completed, proper earth
continuity test and hipot test are unable to be done at IQC of receiving
warehouse.  Any suggestion to do some extend of safety test without
destruction of the finished goods is appreciated. 

Thanks and regards, 

Raymond Li 



ChengWee Lai  
Sent by: 

25/10/03 02:03 AM 

Please respond to
ChengWee Lai 

"''" , EMC


RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

In regards to your question, 
1. I am guessing what you meant is a seperate PCB, about the size of the power
supply main PCB, either on top or on the bottom side. Copper plate on one side
If that is the case, it was designed to lower the emission. I am not sure how
effective it is, but I see people doing it. As long as there are ground
connection, it would considered as class I. The plate can't be view as one of
the protection in your case. 
2. Earth Continuity or ground bond testing with 25A or higher is not
applicable with plastic case and not applicable at the DC output side. It was
meant to check the earth protection continuity of a metal chassis. 
3. I believe you will have to use 3000Vac or 4242Vdc between primary and
secondary side, unless you have a failure, then there are steps to go through
to isolate the failure. 
Here is a page I made during my years in power supply industry, it should
answer to many of your question. Standard reference might be old, but
principle is still the same. 
Take care, 

Chengwee Lai 
Netscreen Technologies, Inc 
Tel: +1-408-543-4126 

Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:05 AM
Subject: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

I have seem a number of class 1 AC/DC switching power supply adapters for
electronic apparatus.  From outlook, it looks similar to class 2 adapter -
plastic case.  The obvious difference is that there is a grounding pcb
containing a large area of copper track soldered on the solder side of master
pcb.  The side facing to the solder side has no copper track at all.  The
grounding pcb is connected to the earth terminal of the mains female connector
on one end and to the earth of the DC output plug on the other end.  I have
following queries and seeking advice. 

1.   Function of the grounding plate 

The primary and the secondary is reinforced insulation and withstands over
3000Vac.  Is this plate to change the whole safety protection system from
class 2 to class 1?  Or the plate is primarily for EMC suppression? 

2.   Earth continuity test 

After the unit is completely assembled, should we conduct the test between the
earth terminal of the mains plug and the earth of DC output plug? 

3.  Hipot test 

As the unit is classified as class 1, 1,500 Vac is applied between the earth
terminal of the mains female connector and the earth of the DC output plug. 
Actually, the primary and secondary can withstand 3000 Vac.  Is it correct
test voltage to apply after the unit is completely assembled? 

Thanks and regards, 

Raymond Li 


RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-10-24 Thread ChengWee Lai

In event of single fault condition, the accessible conductive parts become
hazardous, and the protection is provided by Earth ground. Then yes, ground
bond test to confirm the continuity of protection by earth ground. 

On the other hand if single fault harzadous voltage accessible conductive
part not protect by earth ground, it will be considered as a failure.


From: []
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:45 PM
To: ChengWee Lai
Subject: RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

> Earth Continuity or ground bond testing with 25A or higher is not
applicable with plastic case and not applicable at the DC output side. It
was meant to check the earth protection continuity of a metal chassis.

The bond test is applicable to any accessible conductive parts that might
assume a HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE in the event of a single fault, not only to

John Radomski
Principal Engineer
Schneider Electric


  ChengWee Lai

"''" , EMC

  Sent by:   PSTC

  owner-emc-pstc@majordocc:       Subject:  RE: Class 1
AC/DC adapter 


  10/24/2003 02:03 PM

  Please respond to

  ChengWee Lai




In regards to your question,
1. I am guessing what you meant is a seperate PCB, about the size of the
power supply main PCB, either on top or on the bottom side. Copper plate on
one side only.

If that is the case, it was designed to lower the emission. I am not sure
how effective it is, but I see people doing it. As long as there are ground
connection, it would considered as class I. The plate can't be view as one
of the protection in your case.

2. Earth Continuity or ground bond testing with 25A or higher is not
applicable with plastic case and not applicable at the DC output side. It
was meant to check the earth protection continuity of a metal chassis.

3. I believe you will have to use 3000Vac or 4242Vdc between primary and
secondary side, unless you have a failure, then there are steps to go
through to isolate the failure.

Here is a page I made during my years in power supply industry, it should
answer to many of your question. Standard reference might be old, but
principle is still the same.

Take care,

Chengwee Lai
Netscreen Technologies, Inc
Tel: +1-408-543-4126

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:05 AM
  Subject: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

  I have seem a number of class 1 AC/DC switching power supply adapters
  for electronic apparatus.  From outlook, it looks similar to class 2
  adapter - plastic case.  The obvious difference is that there is a
  grounding pcb containing a large area of copper track soldered on the
  solder side of master pcb.  The side facing to the solder side has no
  copper track at all.  The grounding pcb is connected to the earth
  terminal of the mains female connector on one end and to the earth of
  the DC output plug on the other end.  I have following queries and
  seeking advice.

  1.   Function of the grounding plate

  The primary and the secondary is reinforced insulation and withstands
  over 3000Vac.  Is this plate to change the whole safety protection
  system from class 2 to class 1?  Or the plate is primarily for EMC

  2.   Earth continuity test

  After the unit is completely assembled, should we conduct the test
  between the earth terminal of the mains plug and the earth of DC
  output plug?

  3.  Hipot test

  As the unit is classified as class 1, 1,500 Vac is applied between
  the earth terminal of the mains female connector and the earth of the
  DC output plug.  Actually, the primary and secondary can withstand
  3000 Vac.  Is it correct test voltage to apply after the unit is
  completely assembled?

  Thanks and regards,

  Raymond Li


This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
with the single line:
 unsubscribe emc-pstc

For help, send mail to the list administrators:
 Ron Pickard:
 Dave Heald:

For policy questions, send mail to:
 Richard Nute:
 Jim Bacher: j

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-10-24 Thread

> Earth Continuity or ground bond testing with 25A or higher is not
applicable with plastic case and not applicable at the DC output side. It
was meant to check the earth protection continuity of a metal chassis.

The bond test is applicable to any accessible conductive parts that might
assume a HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE in the event of a single fault, not only to

John Radomski
Principal Engineer
Schneider Electric

  ChengWee Lai
"''" , EMC  
  Sent by:   PSTC  
  owner-emc-pstc@majordocc:       Subject:  RE: Class 1
AC/DC adapter 
  10/24/2003 02:03 PM 
  Please respond to   
  ChengWee Lai


In regards to your question,
1. I am guessing what you meant is a seperate PCB, about the size of the
power supply main PCB, either on top or on the bottom side. Copper plate on
one side only.

If that is the case, it was designed to lower the emission. I am not sure
how effective it is, but I see people doing it. As long as there are ground
connection, it would considered as class I. The plate can't be view as one
of the protection in your case.

2. Earth Continuity or ground bond testing with 25A or higher is not
applicable with plastic case and not applicable at the DC output side. It
was meant to check the earth protection continuity of a metal chassis.

3. I believe you will have to use 3000Vac or 4242Vdc between primary and
secondary side, unless you have a failure, then there are steps to go
through to isolate the failure.

Here is a page I made during my years in power supply industry, it should
answer to many of your question. Standard reference might be old, but
principle is still the same.

Take care,

Chengwee Lai
Netscreen Technologies, Inc
Tel: +1-408-543-4126

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:05 AM
  Subject: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

  I have seem a number of class 1 AC/DC switching power supply adapters
  for electronic apparatus.  From outlook, it looks similar to class 2
  adapter - plastic case.  The obvious difference is that there is a
  grounding pcb containing a large area of copper track soldered on the
  solder side of master pcb.  The side facing to the solder side has no
  copper track at all.  The grounding pcb is connected to the earth
  terminal of the mains female connector on one end and to the earth of
  the DC output plug on the other end.  I have following queries and
  seeking advice.

  1.   Function of the grounding plate

  The primary and the secondary is reinforced insulation and withstands
  over 3000Vac.  Is this plate to change the whole safety protection
  system from class 2 to class 1?  Or the plate is primarily for EMC

  2.   Earth continuity test

  After the unit is completely assembled, should we conduct the test
  between the earth terminal of the mains plug and the earth of DC
  output plug?

  3.  Hipot test

  As the unit is classified as class 1, 1,500 Vac is applied between
  the earth terminal of the mains female connector and the earth of the
  DC output plug.  Actually, the primary and secondary can withstand

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-10-24 Thread Brian O'Connell
I am assuming that you are attempting to comply with 60950... 

First, please observe the Conditions of Acceptibility stated in the
manufacurer's installation instructions. If the mfr says the p.s. is a Class 1
device, the end-installation must be conform to Class 1, or you must provide
an enclosure and limiting circuits that allow Class 2 use.

Di-electric withstand Type Test levels for the p.s. are determined by class of
required insulation and measured Working Voltage. Routine test levels for the
p.s. may not be reduced in magnitude, only in time.

60950 "infers" the requirement to perform di-electric withstand for Routine
Test in note 1 of clause 5.2.2, for all Type Tests required by the standard.
So you do need to do hi-pot from input to output, and from input to chassis
and/or enclosure.


-Original Message- 
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:05 AM 
Subject: Class 1 AC/DC adapter 

I have seem a number of class 1 AC/DC switching power supply adapters for
electronic apparatus.  From outlook, it looks similar to class 2 adapter -
plastic case.  The obvious difference is that there is a grounding pcb
containing a large area of copper track soldered on the solder side of master
pcb.  The side facing to the solder side has no copper track at all.  The
grounding pcb is connected to the earth terminal of the mains female connector
on one end and to the earth of the DC output plug on the other end.  I have
following queries and seeking advice. 

1.   Function of the grounding plate 
The primary and the secondary is reinforced insulation and withstands over
3000Vac.  Is this plate to change the whole safety protection system from
class 2 to class 1?  Or the plate is primarily for EMC suppression? 

2.   Earth continuity test 
After the unit is completely assembled, should we conduct the test between the
earth terminal of the mains plug and the earth of DC output plug? 

3.  Hipot test 
As the unit is classified as class 1, 1,500 Vac is applied between the earth
terminal of the mains female connector and the earth of the DC output plug. 
Actually, the primary and secondary can withstand 3000 Vac.  Is it correct
test voltage to apply after the unit is completely assembled? 

Thanks and regards, 
Raymond Li 

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-10-24 Thread ChengWee Lai
In regards to your question,
1. I am guessing what you meant is a seperate PCB, about the size of the power
supply main PCB, either on top or on the bottom side. Copper plate on one side
If that is the case, it was designed to lower the emission. I am not sure how
effective it is, but I see people doing it. As long as there are ground
connection, it would considered as class I. The plate can't be view as one of
the protection in your case.
2. Earth Continuity or ground bond testing with 25A or higher is not
applicable with plastic case and not applicable at the DC output side. It was
meant to check the earth protection continuity of a metal chassis. 
3. I believe you will have to use 3000Vac or 4242Vdc between primary and
secondary side, unless you have a failure, then there are steps to go through
to isolate the failure. 
Here is a page I made during my years in power supply industry, it should
answer to many of your question. Standard reference might be old, but
principle is still the same.
Take care,
Chengwee Lai 
Netscreen Technologies, Inc 
Tel: +1-408-543-4126 

Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:05 AM
Subject: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

I have seem a number of class 1 AC/DC switching power supply adapters for
electronic apparatus.  From outlook, it looks similar to class 2 adapter -
plastic case.  The obvious difference is that there is a grounding pcb
containing a large area of copper track soldered on the solder side of master
pcb.  The side facing to the solder side has no copper track at all.  The
grounding pcb is connected to the earth terminal of the mains female connector
on one end and to the earth of the DC output plug on the other end.  I have
following queries and seeking advice. 

1.   Function of the grounding plate 

The primary and the secondary is reinforced insulation and withstands over
3000Vac.  Is this plate to change the whole safety protection system from
class 2 to class 1?  Or the plate is primarily for EMC suppression? 

2.   Earth continuity test 

After the unit is completely assembled, should we conduct the test between the
earth terminal of the mains plug and the earth of DC output plug? 

3.  Hipot test 

As the unit is classified as class 1, 1,500 Vac is applied between the earth
terminal of the mains female connector and the earth of the DC output plug. 
Actually, the primary and secondary can withstand 3000 Vac.  Is it correct
test voltage to apply after the unit is completely assembled? 

Thanks and regards, 

Raymond Li 


Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-08 Thread

Rich Nute  
Sent by: 

07/11/03 06:57 AM 

Please respond to
Rich Nute 



Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Hi Peter and Raymond:

>   To verify the veracity of my memory, I went to my lab and
>   took two manufacturer's C14 appliance inlets and applied
>   5kVac from both poles to the earthing terminal for 7 mins.
>   each, with the instrument sensitivity adjusted to its
>   maximum (eg, minimum current flow tripping the indicating
>   circuit).  Both showed no signs of breakdown, except for a
>   misapplied lead on one of the EUTs (which was corrected as
>   soon as DB was noted as the test potential approached 4.8kV;
>   reapplying the leads more carefully and retesting proved
>   very successful).
>   No typographical error: 5kVac for 7 mins.

The C14 inlet has 5 mm between mains and PE.  This
is a constructional requirement based on the location
of the pins relative to each other.

As a stand-alone, and having something better than
a purely inhomegeneous field, the C14 inlet should
readily withstand 5 kV -- forever.

However, when wires are attached to the terminals,
the clearances are necessarily reduced.

Likewise, when the appliance inlet is soldered to 
a PWB, the traces on the PWB will reduce the 
spacings to less than 4 mm, and we can expect 
breakdown in the neighborhood of 5 kV.

You are quite right that is the case applied to our ps. 

Best regards,

Thanks and regards, 
Raymond Li 

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

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Archive is being moved, we will announce when it is back on-line.
All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:

Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-06 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Peter:

>   The body shape and dimensions, the pin sizes shapes,
>   dimensions and orientations where they interface with an
>   appliance coupler I know are defined.  I don't have copies
>   of all of the IEC60320 documents and am unaware that the
>   product interior side of the appliance inlet is defined in
>   those standards.

The IEC 60320 does not specify the interior side of
the inlet.  However, IEC 60320 does specify a minimum
spacing of 4 mm between mains and the PE anywhere on
the inlet.

In the best case, the interior would also meet the
same spacings, 5 mm, as the mating face.  Some 
manufacturers include a ridge between all terminals 
so as to guarantee the spacing is at least 5 mm.

>   Do these standards also control the form-factors so that
>   that one SMD has the same foot print as another?  Same for
>   through-hole devices?  How the conductors are routed  and
>   the other shapes not addressed by a standard could
>   conceivable contribute to DB at a finite potential greater
>   than 2kVac specified in IEC60320-1.

No, the form factor and foot print are not specified 
in IEC 60320.

The distance and the conductor shape determine the
electric strength of any pair of conductors or 
conductive parts.

The greater the distance, the greater the electric

The more homogenous the electric field (created by 
the shape of the conductors), the greater the 
electric strength.

Best regards,

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

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with the single line:
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 Jim Bacher:

Archive is being moved, we will announce when it is back on-line.
All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-06 Thread Peter L. Tarver

Rich -

The body shape and dimensions, the pin sizes shapes,
dimensions and orientations where they interface with an
appliance coupler I know are defined.  I don't have copies
of all of the IEC60320 documents and am unaware that the
product interior side of the appliance inlet is defined in
those standards.

Do these standards also control the form-factors so that
that one SMD has the same foot print as another?  Same for
through-hole devices?  How the conductors are routed  and
the other shapes not addressed by a standard could
conceivable contribute to DB at a finite potential greater
than 2kVac specified in IEC60320-1.


Peter L. Tarver, PE

> From: Rich Nute
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 3:07 PM
> Hi Peter and Raymond:
> Raymond doesn't have to do this.
> The dimensions of the standard C14 specify 5 mm
> between mains and PE.  The dimensions of the pins
> determine the field shape.  These two sets of
> dimensions set the withstand/breakdown of the
> C14.
> Therefore, each and every C14 will withstand 5 kV.
> The breakdown in Raymond's unit is not the C14 itself,
> but probably on the back of the main PWB, either
> where the C14 is soldered to the board or where the
> Y-caps are soldered to the board.

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

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 Jim Bacher:

Archive is being moved, we will announce when it is back on-line.
All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:

Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-06 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Peter and Raymond:

>   To verify the veracity of my memory, I went to my lab and
>   took two manufacturer's C14 appliance inlets and applied
>   5kVac from both poles to the earthing terminal for 7 mins.
>   each, with the instrument sensitivity adjusted to its
>   maximum (eg, minimum current flow tripping the indicating
>   circuit).  Both showed no signs of breakdown, except for a
>   misapplied lead on one of the EUTs (which was corrected as
>   soon as DB was noted as the test potential approached 4.8kV;
>   reapplying the leads more carefully and retesting proved
>   very successful).
>   No typographical error: 5kVac for 7 mins.

The C14 inlet has 5 mm between mains and PE.  This
is a constructional requirement based on the location
of the pins relative to each other.

As a stand-alone, and having something better than
a purely inhomegeneous field, the C14 inlet should
readily withstand 5 kV -- forever.

However, when wires are attached to the terminals,
the clearances are necessarily reduced.

Likewise, when the appliance inlet is soldered to 
a PWB, the traces on the PWB will reduce the 
spacings to less than 4 mm, and we can expect 
breakdown in the neighborhood of 5 kV.

Best regards,

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

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All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:

Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-06 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Peter and Raymond:

>   In the sake of fairness, it should be noted that both of my
>   EUTs had solder loops and were not intended for surface or
>   through-hole mounting to a PWB.  For the sake of our mutual
>   edification, it would be interesting to see how the
>   appliance inlet in Raymond's customer's power supply might
>   perform, desoldered from the board and tested to determine
>   its ultimate breakdown potential outside the power supply.
>   This would be a good exercise for Raymond to also provide
>   his customer with the best possible advice.

Raymond doesn't have to do this.

The dimensions of the standard C14 specify 5 mm
between mains and PE.  The dimensions of the pins
determine the field shape.  These two sets of
dimensions set the withstand/breakdown of the

Therefore, each and every C14 will withstand 5 kV.

The breakdown in Raymond's unit is not the C14 itself,
but probably on the back of the main PWB, either
where the C14 is soldered to the board or where the
Y-caps are soldered to the board.

Best regards,

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

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For help, send mail to the list administrators:
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 Richard Nute:
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All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-06 Thread Peter L. Tarver

Raymond - Please see the below.


Peter L. Tarver, PE

> From: Raymond Li
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 9:18 AM
> Peter,
> I am pleased to give you greater details below as
> required.
> > What we don't know (or I've lost track of):
>  DK2) what mains connected part(s)
> are involved in the
> dielectric breaking down (transformer winding
> terminations,
> leads or bodies of filtering, surge suppression or other
> components and how they are mounted)
> According to Rich's suggestion, the PCB mounted
> AC receptacle contributes the breakdown.  From
> the signs of breakdown, there were two places of
> breakdown between the mains copper tracks and
> earth copper track of the receptacle where have
> less than 5 mm spacing.

Also per Rich Nute's other posts, it was stated that the
electrical spacings in IEC60950 are conservative, inferring
breakdown might not occur, even at significantly smaller
creepages for the same applied potential.  I agree with this
statement and must suggest that the spacings must be much
closer to 2.5mm (for Basic Insulation, up to 250Vac) than
your earlier e-mails led me to believe.  This is no doubt a
problem with my interpretation of your problem statement.

> DK4) if the supply uses an
> appliance inlet, has a
> nondetachable power supply cord or if it a direct plug-in
> type and how the mains circuit is brought to the power
> conversion element(s) of the primary circuit
> The power is brought in via a detachable power cordset.
> As explained by Rich, the class 1 AC receptacle
> is designed for the hi-pot of 1,500 Vac.  It
> cannot withstand 3,000 Vac together with
> associated pcb tracks.  Probably why the designer
> has to design it in that way.  Such design gives
> challenge at final stage testing in production
> and incoming QC.

I think you may have misread or misinterpreted Rich's
statement.  Rich did not state the receptacle was at the
probable root of the breakdown, but rather related to Basic
Insulation used in Class I Equipment for which this style
appliance inlet is used.

I know from direct experience that an IEC320 C14 appliance
inlet (assuming this is what's used) can withstand 3000Vac
>from both poles to ground.  If the problem location is at
the appliance inlet, it must be due to the particular
implementation of the inlet, or at the board it's mounted

To verify the veracity of my memory, I went to my lab and
took two manufacturer's C14 appliance inlets and applied
5kVac from both poles to the earthing terminal for 7 mins.
each, with the instrument sensitivity adjusted to its
maximum (eg, minimum current flow tripping the indicating
circuit).  Both showed no signs of breakdown, except for a
misapplied lead on one of the EUTs (which was corrected as
soon as DB was noted as the test potential approached 4.8kV;
reapplying the leads more carefully and retesting proved
very successful).

No typographical error: 5kVac for 7 mins.

I note that IEC60320-1, §15.3, only requires 2kVac from both
poles to the earthing terminal.  This suggests to me that,
if the appliance inlet was responsible for the DB, the
implementation of the C14 design would have to be

In the sake of fairness, it should be noted that both of my
EUTs had solder loops and were not intended for surface or
through-hole mounting to a PWB.  For the sake of our mutual
edification, it would be interesting to see how the
appliance inlet in Raymond's customer's power supply might
perform, desoldered from the board and tested to determine
its ultimate breakdown potential outside the power supply.
This would be a good exercise for Raymond to also provide
his customer with the best possible advice.

If you do this, Raymond, I'm certain the group would
appreciate knowing the test results.


Peter L. Tarver, PE

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

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with the single line:
 unsubscribe emc-pstc

For help, send mail to the list administrators:
 Ron Pickard:
 Dave Heald:

For policy questions, send mail to:
 Richard Nute:
 Jim Bacher:

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All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-06 Thread
Dear Guys, 

Many thanks for who responded to my queries.  The information and suggestion
given are very useful and informative.  At the end of day, the ps is subjected
to 1,500 Vac hi-pot test and, as a compromise, a 10A earth continuity test as
suggested in routine tests of EN 60065. 

Raymond Li 


ChengWee Lai  

06/11/03 08:54 AM 

"''" , 

cc, ChengWee Lai , "'Rich

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Hello Guys,

Apologies for getting into many IF's. Yes, our discussion is based on
assumption and description provided. There are many unknown for us on his

I believe the fundamental of the safety concept, which have been discussed
should be look in depth by Raymond.

Maybe it is time for Raymond to give us some input over the different area
we discussed.

Best Regards,

From: Peter L. Tarver []
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 7:40 AM
Cc:;; 'Rich Nute'
Subject: RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Let's look at these what ifs.

> From: ChengWee Lai
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 4:38 PM
> Raymond might be able to convince Safety agency
> to accept PE continuity test
> with 1500Vac Hipot at the production line.
> However in the Scenerio with end
> customer, it could mean business or no business.
> Question regarding:
> Whether customer can accept his adaptor with only
> 1500Vac hipot tested where
> other power supplies can withstand 3000Vac?

The only clear answer is some form of redesign is necessary.
Simple solutions work best.  For any reasoned advice, there
are too many unknowns about the physical construction of the
power supply.  See the below for more on this.

> Would that affect his customer Safety testing,
> because his customer unit
> with his power supply only meet 1500Vac hipot
> after heating test?

Only Raymond and his customers can answer this.

> Or what if Safety agency require his customer
> unit to do grounding test to
> accessible metal part?

OK, but why?  The discussions have centered around an SELV
output, making the end product Class III.  There would have
to be some specific about the final application to justify
this.  We have no information to base such an assumption on.

> Regards,
> Chengwee

As with many discussions on the list, practical issue
discussions often get side tracked by the hypothetical and

More to the point, Raymond hasn't given us specifics on the
physical orientation of parts in the power supply to any
great degree.  Proprietary information aside, we know:

K1) the insulation between earthed parts and mains
connected parts is somewhat better than Basic, but not

K2) the EST potential where breakdown occurs (though I've
discarded the e-mail with the identified potential)

K3) the breakdown is suspected (or possibly confirmed) to
occur to the earthed board that is used as an EMC shield and
which also electrically connects to an SELV output

What we don't know (or I've lost track of):

DK1) if the power supply is a linear or switched mode type
(we can assume it's a SMPS, since EMC shielding was
mentioned, but it would be nice to have confirmation)

DK2) what mains connected part(s) are involved in the
dielectric breaking down (transformer winding terminations,
leads or bodies of filtering, surge suppression or other
components and how they are mounted)

DK3) what area or specific portion of the earthed parts are
involved in breaking down (at solder connection points for
lead wires, the copper on the shielding board)

DK4) if the supply uses an appliance inlet, has a
nondetachable power supply cord or if it a direct plug-in
type and how the mains circuit is brought to the power
conversion element(s) of the primary circuit

With some of this additional information, a more practical
solution may be possible, rather than talking around the

A WAG or two:

One issue that hasn't come up is whether or not the copper
on the shielding board is facing the mains/primary circuitry
or not.  Based on the application and the general
discussion, this board appears to be separate and
independent of the mains/primary circuit board.  If this is
true, it seems logical that the board is single-sided.  If
the board is single-sided and the copper is facing the
mains/primary circuit, has anyone considered flipping the
board over and relying on the base laminate to provide
Supplementary insulation to a clearance?

If the first WAG is unusable, why not add a 0.4mm thick
insulating sheet between the earthed board and the portion

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-06 Thread

I am pleased to give you greater details below as required. 

"Peter L. Tarver"  

05/11/03 11:40 PM 

Please respond to


, , "'Rich Nute'"

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Let's look at these what ifs.

> From: ChengWee Lai
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 4:38 PM
> Raymond might be able to convince Safety agency
> to accept PE continuity test
> with 1500Vac Hipot at the production line.
> However in the Scenerio with end
> customer, it could mean business or no business.
> Question regarding:
> Whether customer can accept his adaptor with only
> 1500Vac hipot tested where
> other power supplies can withstand 3000Vac?

The only clear answer is some form of redesign is necessary.
Simple solutions work best.  For any reasoned advice, there
are too many unknowns about the physical construction of the
power supply.  See the below for more on this.

> Would that affect his customer Safety testing,
> because his customer unit
> with his power supply only meet 1500Vac hipot
> after heating test?

Only Raymond and his customers can answer this.

> Or what if Safety agency require his customer
> unit to do grounding test to
> accessible metal part?

OK, but why?  The discussions have centered around an SELV
output, making the end product Class III.  There would have
to be some specific about the final application to justify
this.  We have no information to base such an assumption on.

> Regards,
> Chengwee

As with many discussions on the list, practical issue
discussions often get side tracked by the hypothetical and

More to the point, Raymond hasn't given us specifics on the
physical orientation of parts in the power supply to any
great degree.  Proprietary information aside, we know:

K1) the insulation between earthed parts and mains
connected parts is somewhat better than Basic, but not

K2) the EST potential where breakdown occurs (though I've
discarded the e-mail with the identified potential)

K3) the breakdown is suspected (or possibly confirmed) to
occur to the earthed board that is used as an EMC shield and
which also electrically connects to an SELV output

What we don't know (or I've lost track of):

DK1) if the power supply is a linear or switched mode type
(we can assume it's a SMPS, since EMC shielding was
mentioned, but it would be nice to have confirmation) 

Your assumption is correct - it is a SMPS that is commonly for digital and
electronics products.

DK2) what mains connected part(s) are involved in the
dielectric breaking down (transformer winding terminations,
leads or bodies of filtering, surge suppression or other
components and how they are mounted) 

According to Rich's suggestion, the PCB mounted AC receptacle contributes the
breakdown.  From the signs of breakdown, there were two places of breakdown
between the mains copper tracks and earth copper track of the receptacle where
have less than 5 mm spacing.

DK3) what area or specific portion of the earthed parts are
involved in breaking down (at solder connection points for
lead wires, the copper on the shielding board)

DK4) if the supply uses an appliance inlet, has a
nondetachable power supply cord or if it a direct plug-in
type and how the mains circuit is brought to the power
conversion element(s) of the primary circuit 

The power is brought in via a detachable power cordset.

With some of this additional information, a more practical
solution may be possible, rather than talking around the

A WAG or two:

One issue that hasn't come up is whether or not the copper
on the shielding board is facing the mains/primary circuitry
or not.  Based on the application and the general
discussion, this board appears to be separate and
independent of the mains/primary circuit board.  If this is
true, it seems logical that the board is single-sided.  If
the board is single-sided and the copper is facing the
mains/primary circuit, has anyone considered flipping the
board over and relying on the base laminate to provide
Supplementary insulation to a clearance? 

The earthing plane is a separate single-sided fibre glass pcb.  The copper
side is not facing to the mains circuitry.

If the first WAG is unusable, why not add a 0.4mm thick
insulating sheet between the earthed board and the portion
of the primary circuit involved in breaking down?  This will
effect margins and pricing, but sometimes one must bite the
bullet to get into the market or meet a customer's time

As explained by Rich, the class 1 AC receptacle is designed for the hi-pot of
1,500 Vac.  It cannot withstand 3,000 Vac together with associated pcb tracks.
 Probably why the designer has to design it in that way.  Such design gives
challenge at final stage testing in production and incoming QC.


Peter L. Tarver, PE

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-06 Thread

I am pleased to give you greater details below as required. 

"Peter L. Tarver"  

05/11/03 11:40 PM 

Please respond to


, , "'Rich Nute'"

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Let's look at these what ifs.

> From: ChengWee Lai
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 4:38 PM
> Raymond might be able to convince Safety agency
> to accept PE continuity test
> with 1500Vac Hipot at the production line.
> However in the Scenerio with end
> customer, it could mean business or no business.
> Question regarding:
> Whether customer can accept his adaptor with only
> 1500Vac hipot tested where
> other power supplies can withstand 3000Vac?

The only clear answer is some form of redesign is necessary.
Simple solutions work best.  For any reasoned advice, there
are too many unknowns about the physical construction of the
power supply.  See the below for more on this.

> Would that affect his customer Safety testing,
> because his customer unit
> with his power supply only meet 1500Vac hipot
> after heating test?

Only Raymond and his customers can answer this.

> Or what if Safety agency require his customer
> unit to do grounding test to
> accessible metal part?

OK, but why?  The discussions have centered around an SELV
output, making the end product Class III.  There would have
to be some specific about the final application to justify
this.  We have no information to base such an assumption on.

> Regards,
> Chengwee

As with many discussions on the list, practical issue
discussions often get side tracked by the hypothetical and

More to the point, Raymond hasn't given us specifics on the
physical orientation of parts in the power supply to any
great degree.  Proprietary information aside, we know:

K1) the insulation between earthed parts and mains
connected parts is somewhat better than Basic, but not

K2) the EST potential where breakdown occurs (though I've
discarded the e-mail with the identified potential)

K3) the breakdown is suspected (or possibly confirmed) to
occur to the earthed board that is used as an EMC shield and
which also electrically connects to an SELV output

What we don't know (or I've lost track of):

DK1) if the power supply is a linear or switched mode type
(we can assume it's a SMPS, since EMC shielding was
mentioned, but it would be nice to have confirmation) 

Your assumption is correct - it is a SMPS that is commonly for digital and
electronics products.

DK2) what mains connected part(s) are involved in the
dielectric breaking down (transformer winding terminations,
leads or bodies of filtering, surge suppression or other
components and how they are mounted) 

According to Rich's suggestion, the PCB mounted AC receptacle contributes the
breakdown.  From the signs of breakdown, there were two places of breakdown
between the mains copper tracks and earth copper track of the receptacle where
have less than 5 mm spacing.

DK3) what area or specific portion of the earthed parts are
involved in breaking down (at solder connection points for
lead wires, the copper on the shielding board)

DK4) if the supply uses an appliance inlet, has a
nondetachable power supply cord or if it a direct plug-in
type and how the mains circuit is brought to the power
conversion element(s) of the primary circuit 

The power is brought in via a detachable power cordset.

With some of this additional information, a more practical
solution may be possible, rather than talking around the

A WAG or two:

One issue that hasn't come up is whether or not the copper
on the shielding board is facing the mains/primary circuitry
or not.  Based on the application and the general
discussion, this board appears to be separate and
independent of the mains/primary circuit board.  If this is
true, it seems logical that the board is single-sided.  If
the board is single-sided and the copper is facing the
mains/primary circuit, has anyone considered flipping the
board over and relying on the base laminate to provide
Supplementary insulation to a clearance? 

The earthing plane is a separate single-sided fibre glass pcb.  The copper
side is not facing to the mains circuitry.

If the first WAG is unusable, why not add a 0.4mm thick
insulating sheet between the earthed board and the portion
of the primary circuit involved in breaking down?  This will
effect margins and pricing, but sometimes one must bite the
bullet to get into the market or meet a customer's time

As explained by Rich, the class 1 AC receptacle is designed for the hi-pot of
1,500 Vac.  It cannot withstand 3,000 Vac together with associated pcb tracks.
 Probably why the designer has to design it in that way.  Such design gives
challenge at final stage testing in production and incoming QC.


Peter L. Tarver, PE

Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-06 Thread
Dear Rich, 

Many thanks for your detail explanation that is useful to me. 

Raymond Li 


Rich Nute  
Sent by: 

05/11/03 02:58 AM 

Please respond to
Rich Nute 



Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Hi Raymond:

>   >If the dc output is connected to the PE terminal, 
>   >then the dc output could become live in the event 
>   >of a fault in the basic insulation between mains 
>   >and the PE terminal.
>   I think it may not be the case in practice.  Even the dc output is 
>   connected to the PE, if the basic insulation in the earth terminal should 
>   fail, the dc output still safe. It is because the leakage current will go 
>   to the earth path (low impedance) rather than the dc output + human body 
>   path where has much higher impedance.


The situation is that the PE must be able to carry the
fault current in the event of a failure of basic
insulation.  Consequently, the PE circuit from the
furthest point where a failure of basic insulation may
occur must be capable of carrying the fault current --
up to 25 amperes (according to the standard) until the
mains circuit overcurrent device operates.

If the PE is connected to earth, then the dc output will
not rise to the mains voltage.  This is the principle of
protection in the event of a fault.  

My reference to "live in the event of a fault" is the
principle behind the determination of what conductors 
must be connected to the PE terminal and must be 
capable of carrying 25 amperes for 1 minute.

>   >If the adapter is sealed, then the only way to
>   >test for earth continuity is to check from the
>   >dc output side to the appliance coupler earth
>   >terminal.
>   There is a comment from the supplier that the secondary components are not 
>   supposed to handle 25A current and unforeseen damage (early failure) may 
>   happen.  Any comments?

The supplier is correct.  

However, the issue is that of testing the PE circuit
after the unit is assembled.  This can only be done by
testing between the dc output and the PE terminal.

This means that the secondary circuit path must be
capable of 25-amperes for 1 minute in order to test the
PE circuit.

In practice, the construction you describe can indeed
pass this test.  The single-sided PWB earth plane has
sufficient cross-sectional area to carry the 25-ampere 
current.  The leads to the PWB from the dc output to
the PWB and from the PWB to the PE terminal must be
reasonably robust (e.g., 22 AWG) and short length.  
This prevents these conductors form overheating during 
the test.

I've dealt with a number of these adapters and have had
no problems with the 25-amp test, dc output to PE

Best regards,

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
with the single line:
unsubscribe emc-pstc

For help, send mail to the list administrators:
Ron Pickard:
Dave Heald:

For policy questions, send mail to:
Richard Nute:
Jim Bacher:

Archive is being moved, we will announce when it is back on-line.
All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:

RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-05 Thread ChengWee Lai

Hello Guys,

Apologies for getting into many IF's. Yes, our discussion is based on
assumption and description provided. There are many unknown for us on his

I believe the fundamental of the safety concept, which have been discussed
should be look in depth by Raymond.

Maybe it is time for Raymond to give us some input over the different area
we discussed.

Best Regards,

From: Peter L. Tarver []
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 7:40 AM
Cc:;; 'Rich Nute'
Subject: RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Let's look at these what ifs.

> From: ChengWee Lai
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 4:38 PM
> Raymond might be able to convince Safety agency
> to accept PE continuity test
> with 1500Vac Hipot at the production line.
> However in the Scenerio with end
> customer, it could mean business or no business.
> Question regarding:
> Whether customer can accept his adaptor with only
> 1500Vac hipot tested where
> other power supplies can withstand 3000Vac?

The only clear answer is some form of redesign is necessary.
Simple solutions work best.  For any reasoned advice, there
are too many unknowns about the physical construction of the
power supply.  See the below for more on this.

> Would that affect his customer Safety testing,
> because his customer unit
> with his power supply only meet 1500Vac hipot
> after heating test?

Only Raymond and his customers can answer this.

> Or what if Safety agency require his customer
> unit to do grounding test to
> accessible metal part?

OK, but why?  The discussions have centered around an SELV
output, making the end product Class III.  There would have
to be some specific about the final application to justify
this.  We have no information to base such an assumption on.

> Regards,
> Chengwee

As with many discussions on the list, practical issue
discussions often get side tracked by the hypothetical and

More to the point, Raymond hasn't given us specifics on the
physical orientation of parts in the power supply to any
great degree.  Proprietary information aside, we know:

K1) the insulation between earthed parts and mains
connected parts is somewhat better than Basic, but not

K2) the EST potential where breakdown occurs (though I've
discarded the e-mail with the identified potential)

K3) the breakdown is suspected (or possibly confirmed) to
occur to the earthed board that is used as an EMC shield and
which also electrically connects to an SELV output

What we don't know (or I've lost track of):

DK1) if the power supply is a linear or switched mode type
(we can assume it's a SMPS, since EMC shielding was
mentioned, but it would be nice to have confirmation)

DK2) what mains connected part(s) are involved in the
dielectric breaking down (transformer winding terminations,
leads or bodies of filtering, surge suppression or other
components and how they are mounted)

DK3) what area or specific portion of the earthed parts are
involved in breaking down (at solder connection points for
lead wires, the copper on the shielding board)

DK4) if the supply uses an appliance inlet, has a
nondetachable power supply cord or if it a direct plug-in
type and how the mains circuit is brought to the power
conversion element(s) of the primary circuit

With some of this additional information, a more practical
solution may be possible, rather than talking around the

A WAG or two:

One issue that hasn't come up is whether or not the copper
on the shielding board is facing the mains/primary circuitry
or not.  Based on the application and the general
discussion, this board appears to be separate and
independent of the mains/primary circuit board.  If this is
true, it seems logical that the board is single-sided.  If
the board is single-sided and the copper is facing the
mains/primary circuit, has anyone considered flipping the
board over and relying on the base laminate to provide
Supplementary insulation to a clearance?

If the first WAG is unusable, why not add a 0.4mm thick
insulating sheet between the earthed board and the portion
of the primary circuit involved in breaking down?  This will
effect margins and pricing, but sometimes one must bite the
bullet to get into the market or meet a customer's time


Peter L. Tarver, PE

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
with the single line:
 unsubscribe emc-pstc

For help, send mail to the list administrators:
 Ron Pickard:  emc-p...@hypercom

Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-05 Thread Rich Nute

Hello Chengwee:

>   Whether customer can accept his adaptor with only 1500Vac hipot tested
>   other power supplies can withstand 3000Vac?

This is an interesting question as it implies 
that the higher the withstand voltage the better
the unit.  The statement may even imply that a
double-insulation scheme provides a better
safeguard against electric shock than does a PE

In fact, the two schemes provide equal protection
against electric shock.  There is no *inherent*
advantage of one over the other.

The 1500-volt withstand value is derived from 
the normally-occuring mains-to-earth overvoltages 
plus margin.  In other words, the 1500-volt test
represents an acceptable insulation that will not
fail when subjected to mains-to-earth overvoltage.

The 3000-volt withstand value is derived from 
testing two 1500-volt insulations in series.  The
3000-volt test tells us that the two insulations,
as a system, are acceptable, assuming that the 
voltage divides equally across each insulation.  
(The two insulations will never see overvoltages 
as high as 1500 volts.)

There is no inherent advantage to a unit that
passes a 3000-volt withstand test versus a unit
that passes a 1500-volt withstand test.  The only
thing that the 3000-volt withstand test tells us
is that the double-insulation system is intact.

If I recall correctly, Raymond Li said that the
unit in question passes 3000 volts primary-to-
secondary, fails 3000 volts primary-to-earth, 
but passes 1500-volts primary-to-earth.

This tells us that both the basic insulation and
the double insulation are acceptable.

>   Would that affect his customer Safety testing, because his customer unit
>   with his power supply only meet 1500Vac hipot after heating test? 

If the customer wants double-insulation throughout
the unit, then the adapter is unacceptable.

If the customer wants a unit that is certified to
a safety standard, then the adapter is acceptable.

>   Or what if Safety agency require his customer unit to do grounding test to
>   accessible metal part?

Based on Raymond Li's description and on my own
experience, I believe there should be no problem
passing the production-line grounding test at 


Despite the preceding comments, such an adapter 
should easily pass double-insulation requirements
between primary and ground, and between primary 
and secondary.  In my experience, adapters designed
to IEC 60950 can easily achieve more than 4500 V 
rms withstand.  And, they can easily achieve 25
amperes dc-to-PE.

So, I am a bit disturbed that the unit does not
pass 3000 V rms to earth.  This says to me that 
there is a clearance within the unit that does not
meet the IEC 60950 requirements.  I would further
guess that the clearance is likely to be an 
operator-dependent clearance that is determined
during the assembly of the unit.  (The IEC 60950
clearance dimensions are quite conservative, and
should not break down below about 5000 V rms.)

Best regards,

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Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-05 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Peter:

>   > I have and continue to advocate (in IEC TC 108)
>   > that such classes should apply to CIRCUITS, not
>   > to products.
>   If this is endemic in IEC (as your statement implies), it
>   may require a elephantine effort.  Good luck.

Yes.  And thank you.

The IEC Class I and Class II is an attempt to 
categorize products according to the supplemental 
safeguard, i.e., earthing or supplemental 
insulation, respectively, against electric shock.

The IEC Committee that developed the class
definitions is an electrical installation 
committee, not a product committee.  I would guess
that they had electrical installations, not 
products, in mind when they developed the 
definitions.  Its fairly easy to encase an outlet
box in metal or plastic and thereby get *pure*
Class I or Class II "products."

With the advent of TC 108, supplemental safeguards
will be treated as independent supplemental
safeguards without reference to the IEC classes.  
I believe this will demonstrate that the IEC class
designations actually confuse product design and
evaluation rather than help.  (This string is an
example of how we get tied up with the issue of
IEC Class versus actual construction!)

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RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-05 Thread Peter L. Tarver

Let's look at these what ifs.

> From: ChengWee Lai
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 4:38 PM
> Raymond might be able to convince Safety agency
> to accept PE continuity test
> with 1500Vac Hipot at the production line.
> However in the Scenerio with end
> customer, it could mean business or no business.
> Question regarding:
> Whether customer can accept his adaptor with only
> 1500Vac hipot tested where
> other power supplies can withstand 3000Vac?

The only clear answer is some form of redesign is necessary.
Simple solutions work best.  For any reasoned advice, there
are too many unknowns about the physical construction of the
power supply.  See the below for more on this.

> Would that affect his customer Safety testing,
> because his customer unit
> with his power supply only meet 1500Vac hipot
> after heating test?

Only Raymond and his customers can answer this.

> Or what if Safety agency require his customer
> unit to do grounding test to
> accessible metal part?

OK, but why?  The discussions have centered around an SELV
output, making the end product Class III.  There would have
to be some specific about the final application to justify
this.  We have no information to base such an assumption on.

> Regards,
> Chengwee

As with many discussions on the list, practical issue
discussions often get side tracked by the hypothetical and

More to the point, Raymond hasn't given us specifics on the
physical orientation of parts in the power supply to any
great degree.  Proprietary information aside, we know:

K1) the insulation between earthed parts and mains
connected parts is somewhat better than Basic, but not

K2) the EST potential where breakdown occurs (though I've
discarded the e-mail with the identified potential)

K3) the breakdown is suspected (or possibly confirmed) to
occur to the earthed board that is used as an EMC shield and
which also electrically connects to an SELV output

What we don't know (or I've lost track of):

DK1) if the power supply is a linear or switched mode type
(we can assume it's a SMPS, since EMC shielding was
mentioned, but it would be nice to have confirmation)

DK2) what mains connected part(s) are involved in the
dielectric breaking down (transformer winding terminations,
leads or bodies of filtering, surge suppression or other
components and how they are mounted)

DK3) what area or specific portion of the earthed parts are
involved in breaking down (at solder connection points for
lead wires, the copper on the shielding board)

DK4) if the supply uses an appliance inlet, has a
nondetachable power supply cord or if it a direct plug-in
type and how the mains circuit is brought to the power
conversion element(s) of the primary circuit

With some of this additional information, a more practical
solution may be possible, rather than talking around the

A WAG or two:

One issue that hasn't come up is whether or not the copper
on the shielding board is facing the mains/primary circuitry
or not.  Based on the application and the general
discussion, this board appears to be separate and
independent of the mains/primary circuit board.  If this is
true, it seems logical that the board is single-sided.  If
the board is single-sided and the copper is facing the
mains/primary circuit, has anyone considered flipping the
board over and relying on the base laminate to provide
Supplementary insulation to a clearance?

If the first WAG is unusable, why not add a 0.4mm thick
insulating sheet between the earthed board and the portion
of the primary circuit involved in breaking down?  This will
effect margins and pricing, but sometimes one must bite the
bullet to get into the market or meet a customer's time


Peter L. Tarver, PE

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RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread ChengWee Lai

Hello Rich,

>>   3. I believe you will have to use 3000Vac or 4242Vdc 
>>   between primary and
>>   secondary side, unless you have a failure, then there 
>>   are steps to go
>>   through to isolate the failure. 

>The adapter has basic insulation between mains
>and the PE terminal, and reinforced insulation
>between mains and the dc output.  
>If 3000 V rms is applied between mains and the
>dc output (which is grounded), then 3000 V rms is
>also applied between mains and the PE terminal.
>This may lead to early failure of the basic
>For this reason, Class I equipment is subject to
>only 1500 V rms hi-pot.
>(If care is taken in the design such that the
>basic insulation has an electric strength 
>exceeding 3000 V rms, then the 3000-V test can
>be applied.)

Yes, it can be argue to require only basic insulation Hipot test of 1500Vac,
for Class 1 unit. You and Peter have discuss in quite a lot detail on this
issue, regarding the definition of PE plus countinuity test and reinforce

Raymond might be able to convince Safety agency to accept PE continuity test
with 1500Vac Hipot at the production line. However in the Scenerio with end
customer, it could mean business or no business.

Question regarding:

Whether customer can accept his adaptor with only 1500Vac hipot tested where
other power supplies can withstand 3000Vac?

Would that affect his customer Safety testing, because his customer unit
with his power supply only meet 1500Vac hipot after heating test? 

Or what if Safety agency require his customer unit to do grounding test to
accessible metal part?


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RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread Peter L. Tarver

Howdy, Rich.

> From: Rich Nute
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 2:25 PM
> Hi Peter:
> > No where does the standard state that by
> > simply providing a
> > Functional Earth, even through an appliance
> > inlet (implying
> > use of a power supply cord), the equipment is
> > not considered
> > Class II.
> Unfortunately, the IEC scheme of safety, Class I,
> Class II, and Class III, applies to products, not
> to circuits.
> I have and continue to advocate (in IEC TC 108)
> that such classes should apply to CIRCUITS, not
> to products.

If this is endemic in IEC (as your statement implies), it
may require a elephantine effort.  Good luck.

> The IEC 60950-1 standard recognizes that Class I
> equipment may include some Class II construction.
> Indeed, the standard expressly states that SELV
> circuits may be separated from other circuits by
> double or reinforced insulation and tested
> accordingly (although the standard does not
> provide guidance on segregating Class I and Class
> II circuits for such testing).

The circuit definition approach is, at least, widely used in
IEC60950-1.  I suspect the equipment classes.

To illustrate my point consider a simple, real world example
of a Pluggable Equipment Type A, telephone key system that
complies with Class II requirements throughout, but out of
necessity for market requirements, must support ground start
or some other telecommunications circuit where an earth is
required for operation.  For convenience, the earth is
derived from a power supply cord at the appliance inlet.

Granted, the Functional Earth would now also have to employ
Reinforced or Double Insulation from Hazardous Voltage
Circuits (such as Primary Circuits, a bulk ring generator's
output, etc).  However, for this product to necessarily be
considered as Class I because the earth is derived from an
earth provided through an appliance inlet is harsh, at best.
The standard does not support make such a claim.

> With regard to testing the complete product that
> includes both Class I and Class II construction,
> i.e., hi-pot and grounding continuity, the applied
> tests are for Class I, not Class II.  This is the
> point I was trying to express to Raymond Li.

I agree, in general, with your EST assessment of Raymond
Li's product; I only take exception to a portion of how you
arrived at your conclusion.  We differ primarily in the
practical method for the production line earthing impedance


Peter L. Tarver, PE
feeling a little like AA Milne and William Goldman.

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Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Chengwee:

>   In my years working in power supply industry, I have never done the ground
>   continuity test between Earth terminal to the DC output for adaptor.
>   Normally I wouldn't trust the PE path with anything less than 18AWG or
>   equivalent. 

There are two kinds of tests that I have in mind.
First is the type test which is done during the
evaluation of the unit.  Second is the production-
line test.

For the type test, the test point can be at the 
site where basic insulation is interposed between
the mains and the earthed conductor or part on an
unassembled unit.  This test does not subject the 
functional earth to the high current.

Many cert houses require production-line ground
continuity tests; some require the test current to
be 25 amps.  So, this test must be performed on 
the assembled unit and necessarily subjects the
functional earth circuit to the same current as
the PE circuit.  

>   In addition to that, agency such as UL have ramp up the test current to
>   for 2 min according to the standard
>   for 20A circuit in U.S.

As previously mentioned, as a type test, 40 A can be
applied only at sites where basic insulation exists
between mains and the earthed conductor or part.


The ability of the circuit to withstand high current
is a function of the various resistances.  The
resistances, in turn, are a function of the heating
that results from the current.  When small conductors
are used, the conductors must be short (to reduce the
resistance) and heat-sunk.  

The construction described by Raymond Li likely uses 
short lengths of 18 AWG between the main board and 
the EMC shield.  The EMC shield provides a good heat-
sink for the wire.  The main board also proveds heat-
sinking.  So, for a circuit that comprises a 
functional earth circuit, it can easily withstand the
25-amp production-line test.

Clearly, a PE circuit requires 18 AWG or bigger wire.

Best regards,

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Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Peter:

>   No where does the standard state that by simply providing a
>   Functional Earth, even through an appliance inlet (implying
>   use of a power supply cord), the equipment is not considered
>   Class II.  One is simply limited to not marking with the
>   aforementioned symbol.
>   I'd appreciate hearing more from you on this Rich.

Unfortunately, the IEC scheme of safety, Class I,
Class II, and Class III, applies to products, not
to circuits.

I have and continue to advocate (in IEC TC 108) 
that such classes should apply to CIRCUITS, not 
to products.

The IEC 60950-1 standard recognizes that Class I 
equipment may include some Class II construction.
Indeed, the standard expressly states that SELV 
circuits may be separated from other circuits by 
double or reinforced insulation and tested 
accordingly (although the standard does not
provide guidance on segregrating Class I and Class
II circuits for such testing).  

With regard to testing the complete product that
includes both Class I and Class II construction, 
i.e., hi-pot and grounding continuity, the applied 
tests are for Class I, not Class II.  This is the
point I was trying to express to Raymond Li.

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RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread ChengWee Lai

Hello Rich,

Agree to the compliance thought process for PE according to the 60950

In my years working in power supply industry, I have never done the ground
continuity test between Earth terminal to the DC output for adaptor.
Normally I wouldn't trust the PE path with anything less than 18AWG or

In addition to that, agency such as UL have ramp up the test current to 40A,
for 2 min according to the standard
for 20A circuit in U.S.


From: Rich Nute []
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

Hi Raymond:

>   >If the dc output is connected to the PE terminal, 
>   >then the dc output could become live in the event 
>   >of a fault in the basic insulation between mains 
>   >and the PE terminal.
>   I think it may not be the case in practice.  Even the dc output is 
>   connected to the PE, if the basic insulation in the earth terminal
>   fail, the dc output still safe. It is because the leakage current will
>   to the earth path (low impedance) rather than the dc output + human body

>   path where has much higher impedance.


The situation is that the PE must be able to carry the
fault current in the event of a failure of basic
insulation.  Consequently, the PE circuit from the
furthest point where a failure of basic insulation may
occur must be capable of carrying the fault current --
up to 25 amperes (according to the standard) until the
mains circuit overcurrent device operates.

If the PE is connected to earth, then the dc output will
not rise to the mains voltage.  This is the principle of
protection in the event of a fault.  

My reference to "live in the event of a fault" is the
principle behind the determination of what conductors 
must be connected to the PE terminal and must be 
capable of carrying 25 amperes for 1 minute.

>   >If the adapter is sealed, then the only way to
>   >test for earth continuity is to check from the
>   >dc output side to the appliance coupler earth
>   >terminal.
>   There is a comment from the supplier that the secondary components are
>   supposed to handle 25A current and unforeseen damage (early failure) may

>   happen.  Any comments?

The supplier is correct.  

However, the issue is that of testing the PE circuit
after the unit is assembled.  This can only be done by
testing between the dc output and the PE terminal.

This means that the secondary circuit path must be
capable of 25-amperes for 1 minute in order to test the
PE circuit.

In practice, the construction you describe can indeed
pass this test.  The single-sided PWB earth plane has
sufficient cross-sectional area to carry the 25-ampere 
current.  The leads to the PWB from the dc output to
the PWB and from the PWB to the PE terminal must be
reasonably robust (e.g., 22 AWG) and short length.  
This prevents these conductors form overheating during 
the test.

I've dealt with a number of these adapters and have had
no problems with the 25-amp test, dc output to PE

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Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread Rich Nute

Hi John:

>   I do have one question for the group just for my own knowledge...back in my
>   TUV days I worked almost exclusively with IEC60950 and seem to remember
>   a class II product can have a functional earth connection provided Primary
>   and other hazardous voltages are insulated from earth by reinforced
>   insulation. In this scenario even thought the product has an earth
>   connection would it still be considered class II with regards to the
>   IEC60950 standard and have to be marked as such?
>   Maybe it is semantics as you reference "protective earth" so it must be
>   class I as opposed to functional earth which is not relied upon for
>   safety.

Yes, a Class II product may have a functional earth.

However, the standard does not define whether that
functional earth may be by means of the PE in the
power cord.

I have always presumed that the functional earth of
a Class II product is by means of signal (functional)
interconnections to other products that have their
functional earth connected to their PE terminal.

We don't have functional earthing through a power
cord and appliance coupler.  These are always built
as PE conductors.  The appliance coupler has basic
insulation between the mains and the PE terminal.
So, the use of an appliance coupler REQUIRES that
the earthing circuit at the appliance coupler be a
PE circuit.  (Reference IEC 60950-1, sub-clause 
2.6.2, last dashed paragraph.)

If the product has an earthing connection via the
power cord, then how do we tell the user that the 
earthing scheme is functional, not PE?  We cannot
mark the unit with the double-insulation mark.
(Reference IEC 60950-1, sub-clause 2.6.2, last 
dashed paragraph.)

My conclusion is that any product with a PE 
conductor or terminal (i.e., 2-wire + earth) is a 
Class I product.  

Any product without a PE conductor or terminal 
(i.e., 2-wire) is a Class II product.

Best regards,

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RE: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread Peter L. Tarver

Raymond -

I'm not Rich, but see the below.

> From:
> Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 10:18 PM
> Rich,
> >If the dc output is connected to the PE terminal,
> >then the dc output could become live in the event
> >of a fault in the basic insulation between mains
> >and the PE terminal.
> I think it may not be the case in practice.  Even
> the dc output is connected to the PE, if the
> basic insulation in the earth terminal should
> fail, the dc output still safe. It is because the
> leakage current will go to the earth path (low
> impedance) rather than the dc output + human body
> path where has much higher impedance.

You need to be careful not to mix requirements.  The
requirements for leakage current, which rely on the human
body model, are not the same as those in §2.2.3, addressing
maintaining SELV under fault conditions, which is the case
under consideration.

An accessible SELV circuit is limited to 71Vpk under any
single fault condition.  Unless the internal or in-building
overcurrent (or other) protection can react undetectably
fast (faster than a modern oscilloscope), a risk of shock
would be considered to exist at the output for a mains to
earth fault.

Beyond compliance with the standard, one would also need to
consider a fault that is not 'solid' or 'bolted.'  Most real
world faults have some finite impedance above those of a
solid fault.  In such cases, the excessive voltage might
remain on the otherwise SELV circuit indefinitely.

> >If the adapter is sealed, then the only way to
> >test for earth continuity is to check from the
> >dc output side to the appliance coupler earth
> >terminal.
> There is a comment from the supplier that the
> secondary components are not supposed to handle
> 25A current and unforeseen damage (early failure)
> may happen.  Any comments?

In an earlier e-mail, I identified a possible method of
performing the production line earthing tests on unsealed
units.  The act of sealing a power supply case should not
have a deleterious effect on the earthing path from the
Protective Earthing Terminal to the point of earthing in the
SELV circuit.

In this case, only the path from the protective earthing
terminal to the point on the earthing transit board where it
electrically connects to the SELV circuit needs to be
evaluated.  Testing would not need to include the output
cord or other secondary circuit components.

I recommend you explore this option with the safety
certifier as a practical means of complying with the
production line testing requirements.


Peter L. Tarver, PE

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Re: Class 1 AC/DC adapter

2003-11-04 Thread Rich Nute

Hi Raymond:

>   >If the dc output is connected to the PE terminal, 
>   >then the dc output could become live in the event 
>   >of a fault in the basic insulation between mains 
>   >and the PE terminal.
>   I think it may not be the case in practice.  Even the dc output is 
>   connected to the PE, if the basic insulation in the earth terminal should 
>   fail, the dc output still safe. It is because the leakage current will go 
>   to the earth path (low impedance) rather than the dc output + human body 
>   path where has much higher impedance.


The situation is that the PE must be able to carry the
fault current in the event of a failure of basic
insulation.  Consequently, the PE circuit from the
furthest point where a failure of basic insulation may
occur must be capable of carrying the fault current --
up to 25 amperes (according to the standard) until the
mains circuit overcurrent device operates.

If the PE is connected to earth, then the dc output will
not rise to the mains voltage.  This is the principle of
protection in the event of a fault.  

My reference to "live in the event of a fault" is the
principle behind the determination of what conductors 
must be connected to the PE terminal and must be 
capable of carrying 25 amperes for 1 minute.

>   >If the adapter is sealed, then the only way to
>   >test for earth continuity is to check from the
>   >dc output side to the appliance coupler earth
>   >terminal.
>   There is a comment from the supplier that the secondary components are not 
>   supposed to handle 25A current and unforeseen damage (early failure) may 
>   happen.  Any comments?

The supplier is correct.  

However, the issue is that of testing the PE circuit
after the unit is assembled.  This can only be done by
testing between the dc output and the PE terminal.

This means that the secondary circuit path must be
capable of 25-amperes for 1 minute in order to test the
PE circuit.

In practice, the construction you describe can indeed
pass this test.  The single-sided PWB earth plane has
sufficient cross-sectional area to carry the 25-ampere 
current.  The leads to the PWB from the dc output to
the PWB and from the PWB to the PE terminal must be
reasonably robust (e.g., 22 AWG) and short length.  
This prevents these conductors form overheating during 
the test.

I've dealt with a number of these adapters and have had
no problems with the 25-amp test, dc output to PE

Best regards,

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