[Emc-users] VFD Noise

2013-01-21 Thread Mike Cinquino

I have 3 axis machine I am working on that has a Teco FM50-202-C drive to
control the spindle. The drive is a 220V drive. I am using single phase
into the drive. 2 HP 3 phase spindle motor. My plan is to use an arduino to
control a few accessories on the machine. Noise from the drive is locking
the arduino up. I am using a 12v switching power supply to power the
arduino. The drive and arduino are in the same electrical box right now. I
am thinking of removing the drive and placing it in it's own box. I have
checked all my grounds and they seem ok. Has anyone seen this before? I
know VFD's are noisy devices. Looking for any advice to quickly eliminate
the problem.

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Re: [Emc-users] VFD Noise

2013-01-21 Thread Mike Cinquino
Thank you, all the suggestions are good advice. I will attempt as many as I
can to get the problem solved starting with a enclosure just for the VFD.
This will also allow me to isolate the 220v. The main control box can all
be powered with 110v.

Are VFD's less noisy if they are fed 3 phase? I would think they might be
because of the switching needed to generate the 3rd phase if only fed
single phase?

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

2012-04-21 Thread Mike Cinquino
The cuttoff slide was air over hydrolic to make it move smoother, just?get
rid of it
and use a cut off for a lathe that way you can put a little chamfer on the
OD before you part off.

I will do that.

Collet closer is air.Hope you have the solenoids for it because they keep
the collet closed after the air is released.There is alot of o-rings
inside the
closer so if the machine has been sitting for a while start putting a few
of air tool oil down the tubes on the closer every day till you are done
the rest of the machine.

Also good advice. I have not tested the closer yet so I will start getting
oil in it today.

My spindle motor is 5 hp but 3 would be ok if your diameters dont get too
and feedrates stay conservative.

I don't have a motor yet so I will go with a 5HP... definitely rules out my

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[Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

2012-04-19 Thread Mike Cinquino

If anyone is interested I posted some picture of my HCNC project machine. I
have started the retro rebuild process.

Warning: the pictures my be disturbing to some machine lovers because of
all the missing parts...:)


Because of the parts I am missing I am going to try to use a DC motor (as
suggest by someone on the IRC) or a stepper motor in place of the missing
air motor on the tool changer.

I am going to start there. I have the axis motors but not sure if I will
use them yet. I can just as easily replace them. I am leaning toward Gecko
servo drives so if I go that way I will probably replace them because of
the voltage limit on those drives.

I need a spindle motor. I have a PacSci AC servo motor (1.35KW) and drive.
I have not run the numbers to see if it would be a good choice. My gut
feeling is that it might be on the small side. If it is I will probably go
to a 3phase 3HP with VFD? Not sure what HP it came with.

Will build a custom enclosure similar to the mill enclosures I make.

I also have the coolant tank and pump and one of the pictures shows a
hydraulic panel? I have the over spindle mounted cut off slide? Was that
hydraulic? It looks like the collet closer was pneumatic?

I will update the blog as I make progress.

I appreciate the feedback and help I have gotten so far and hopefully
something from this project will benefit others in the future.

Oh and of course it will be controlled by LinuxCNC...

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[Emc-users] live backplot clear from G code?

2011-11-25 Thread Mike Cinquino

Is it possible to clear the live backplot at the start of part program from
the part program? I am using Axis.

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Re: [Emc-users] live backplot clear from G code?

2011-11-25 Thread Mike Cinquino
OK, just tried it on a real machine, and it worked fine.

So, in the directory referenced by PROGRAM_PREFIX in your INI file,
(probably home/emc2/nc_files) create a text file containing the
following lines.

axis-remote --clear
exit 0

Then save that file with the filename M101 (no suffix)
Then give that file execute properties (in the file browser,
right-click, properties, permissions flag, tick the execute tickbox)
You probably need to restart EMC2 if it is open.

Then, any time your Gcode contains M101, that file will be called, and
will clear the screen.
I checked it, and it worked.

Andy thanks for the quick response. I tried this but it did not work on my
system. I am running Axis ver 2.3.5 could that have anything to do with it?
I did not get any faults, it just executed the code but did not clear.
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Re: [Emc-users] live backplot clear from G code?

2011-11-25 Thread Mike Cinquino
Andy thanks for the quick response. I tried this but it did not work on my
system. I am running Axis ver 2.3.5 could that have anything to do with it?
I did not get any faults, it just executed the code but did not clear.

I think that is the problem. I ran the lines individually from a
terminal window and the --clear is not available. Then ran --help and
that verified it. I will update Axis then I am sure it will work work.
Thanks again.

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[Emc-users] Charge Pump on PMDX-131

2011-05-21 Thread Mike Cinquino

I am attempting to get the charge pump on a PMDX-131 working. I have had
this board for years and am just getting around to trying to get this

I have a charge pump output setup on pin 17 as described in the PMDX-131
manual. Because I was unable to get this to work I also attempted to use a
CNC4PC external charge pump board through a PMDX-131 output (Pin 16). This
did not work either.

I used Halscope to watch the output pin signal and I am getting a signal
from EMC2 as expected (at least internally). I then hooked an oscilliscope
to the output and did not get a matching signal. I have no signal at all. I
connected the CNC4PC charge pump to a signal generator and it worked
as advertised. I also have a spindle motor working through PMDX output 1
relay K1.

Has anyone used the charge pump on the PMDX-131 with EMC2 successfully?

Is there anything obvious that I am missing?

My thought is that maybe the buffer on the PMDX can't handle the HZ. I am
basing the signal off my servo thread and have manipulated that up and down
to but see no output. I changed parallel port cables also.

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Re: [Emc-users] Charge Pump on PMDX-131

2011-05-21 Thread Mike Cinquino
If you cannot see the signal on pin 17 of your
parallel port using an real oscilloscope, then
you may have issues with your HAL file bringing
the signal to the actual output pin.

If I can see a signal on halscope what in my hal file would prevent it from
occurring on the physical I/O? My axis work perfectly. The only difference I
can see is in hardware.

My i/o pin through the hal file is linked to the servo thread not the base
thread. Also based on the halscope scaling I believe my pulses are within
the 100 to 10kHz range. I have tried multiple thread rates to manipulate
that value with no luck.

Coincidentally I don't see a upper limit on PMDX-131 in the manual. They do
however specify the 100 Hz low end. I have used the published values from
the CNC4PC board and tried values from 100Hz (low end of PMDX) to 15500Hz
high end of CNC4PC.

My next test will be to see if that output pin works at all.static
on/off. I know Pin 1 works to control my spindle through the on board relay.
Have not used the others...until now.

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[Emc-users] key press link to pyvcp

2010-12-26 Thread Mike Cinquino

I have a pyvcp button I have created to manually open and close a collet. Is
it possible to get this button to also be triggered by a specific key on the

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Parport questions

2010-10-05 Thread Mike Cinquino

I got the bash script working just in time to move on to using classic
ladder... :) It turned out to be the parport.1.pin-2-out vs
parport.1.pin-02-out 02 fixed it.

I got a ladder program in but not working yet. I am not sure what is going
on. I think it is something I am missing in the hal file. I am able to get
my I/O pins assigned but I am having a weird result. If I go into hal meter
I can locate the pins and in the case of the iocontrol.0.tool-prep-number =
classicladder.0.s32in-00  I am able to view the data change on both when I
issue a T gcode as I expected.  I am not having any luck getting the watch
window to work however in CL. I believe I should be seeing the integer on
%IW0 but when I enter that in the watch window I get nothing... I am
thinking I have something wrong in in my assignment. I had to break away
from it for a while and I won't be able to look at it again until this
evening. I will let you know how I make out.

The wsum method you described looks clean and to the point. I was originally
hoping that was possible but did not see the wsum I will probably give that
a try as well.

Thanks again for all your help,

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[Emc-users] Parport questions

2010-10-04 Thread Mike Cinquino

I have had no luck getting a C executable to run from a M101 - M199 command
so I have decided to take a different approach. I think that approach will
be problematic with the need for root to get access to the port anyway and
that may be causing the problem I am having. My goal is to apply a signal to
pins 2, 3, and 4 of an additional parallel port. I am thinking a bash script
with the appropriate pins turned high or low would do it..

So I found the parallel port tester .hal file from the wiki

I installed it and picked the appropriate port. (I actually have 3 ports
total, 1 port is controlling the milling machine 0x0B800, and the other 2
ports are 0x378 and 0x0B000)

I have verified that each of these ports work with the Parallel Port Tester
program and I get the expected results.

I can not get my bash script to execute correctly from calling a M102 as an

This is my bash script:


# M101 in your G code program will run the Linux commands in this
# shell script batch file, passing the P and Q variables as command
# line arguments.

# give the command line arguments descriptive names

halcmd setp parport.1.pin-2-out True

echo M101 P$P Q$Q: put your code here

exit 0
I have modified my .hal file to this:

# Generated by stepconf at Sat Sep 11 14:26:27 2010
# If you make changes to this file, they will be
# overwritten when you run stepconf again
loadrt trivkins
loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT base_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]BASE_PERIOD
servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD num_joints=[TRAJ]AXES
loadrt probe_parport
loadrt hal_parport cfg=0x0B800 0x0B000
setp parport.0.reset-time 3500
loadrt stepgen step_type=0,0,0
loadrt abs count=1
addf parport.1.read base-thread
addf parport.1.write base-thread

setp parport.1.pin-2-out TRUE

addf parport.0.read base-thread
addf stepgen.make-pulses base-thread
addf parport.0.write base-thread
addf parport.0.reset base-thread

I have played with the order of my port placement in line : loadrt
hal_parport cfg=0x0B800 0x0B000 changing the order of the port call out?

So one question I have that I could not find in any of the reading I did is
does the the order of the port in this command dictate the parport number?

So is this the case?

loadrt hal_parport cfg= 0 1 2 . or is it the order seen in the results
of the lspci -v .
I think I know the answer to this because my original configuration used
port 0x0B800 and it was set to parport.0.
So I am assuming that based on my .hal file parport.0 is 0x0B800 and
parport.1 is 0x0B000. I am also assuming these ports are out type because
that is said to be the default.

You will note that I have added a line setp parport.1.pin-2-out TRUE to my
.hal file. This is basically the same command I am trying to run from the
M102 code. I figured adding it here would require less steps in testing. I
get the same error in either case.

This is my error:

parameter or pin 'parport.1.pin-2-out' not found.

I get this error when I attempt to start EMC with the setp
parport.1.pin-2-out TRUE in my .hal file as shown above or when I remove
the line from the .hal file, launch EMC, then go to a terminal and execute
the bash script manually. When I attempt to run the bash file from the M101
I get no error and no result.

What am I missing?

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Re: [Emc-users] Parport questions

2010-10-04 Thread Mike Cinquino

Thanks for your response. I am not getting copies of my posts or the
responses in my email so I cut and pasted into a new email. I made
some changes to my settings so hopefully I will start to get reply's.

I was not aware of comp! I just took a look at it and it looks good. I
will give that a try. I would love for the system to work from a T?
command. Also good point on the 02 vs the 2. I will try that as soon
as I get in front of my machine.

Is there a specific link to info on tool changes in HAL?



Mike Cinquino wrote:

 I have had no luck getting a C executable to run from a M101 - M199 command
 so I have decided to take a different approach. I think that approach will
 be problematic with the need for root to get access to the port anyway and
 that may be causing the problem I am having. My goal is to apply a signal to
 pins 2, 3, and 4 of an additional parallel port. I am thinking a bash script
 with the appropriate pins turned high or low would do it..

Why not use the parallel port in HAL, and just output the bits as HAL pins?

I don't think there's a binary-BCD converter component, but it should
be very easy to write one (use comp, it's a lot easier).  It may also be
possible to do it entirely with classicladder.  If you need a strobe
signal to the Arduino, that can also be done with classicladder or HAL

That would also eliminate the need to make custom G-code that has the
M1xx commands for every tool change - T6M1 would just work.

Take a look at how tool changes are done in HAL, you may find it a lot
easier to use than custom M codes.
 So I found the parallel port tester .hal file from the wiki

 I installed it and picked the appropriate port. (I actually have 3 ports
 total, 1 port is controlling the milling machine 0x0B800, and the other 2
 ports are 0x378 and 0x0B000)

 I have verified that each of these ports work with the Parallel Port Tester
 program and I get the expected results.

 I can not get my bash script to execute correctly from calling a M102 as an

 This is my bash script:


 # M101 in your G code program will run the Linux commands in this
 # shell script batch file, passing the P and Q variables as command
 # line arguments.

 # give the command line arguments descriptive names

 halcmd setp parport.1.pin-2-out True

 echo M101 P$P Q$Q: put your code here

 exit 0
 I have modified my .hal file to this:

 # Generated by stepconf at Sat Sep 11 14:26:27 2010
 # If you make changes to this file, they will be
 # overwritten when you run stepconf again
 loadrt trivkins
 loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT base_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]BASE_PERIOD
 servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD num_joints=[TRAJ]AXES
 loadrt probe_parport
 loadrt hal_parport cfg=0x0B800 0x0B000
 setp parport.0.reset-time 3500
 loadrt stepgen step_type=0,0,0
 loadrt abs count=1
 addf parport.1.read base-thread
 addf parport.1.write base-thread

 setp parport.1.pin-2-out TRUE

 addf parport.0.read base-thread
 addf stepgen.make-pulses base-thread
 addf parport.0.write base-thread
 addf parport.0.reset base-thread

 I have played with the order of my port placement in line : loadrt
 hal_parport cfg=0x0B800 0x0B000 changing the order of the port call out?

 So one question I have that I could not find in any of the reading I did is
 does the the order of the port in this command dictate the parport number?

 So is this the case?

Yes.  Parport.0 will be the first one you give the address (or number)
for, parport.1 will be next, etc.
 loadrt hal_parport cfg= 0 1 2 . or is it the order seen in the results
 of the lspci -v .

Using numbers below 16 will depend on the order the kernel finds the
ports.  You should be able to do cfg=2 0 1 to make the third Linux
port parport.0, the first parport.1, and the second parport.2.  I
haven't tried this though.
 I think I know the answer to this because my original configuration used
 port 0x0B800 and it was set to parport.0.
 So I am assuming that based on my .hal file parport.0 is 0x0B800 and
 parport.1 is 0x0B000. I am also assuming these ports are out type because
 that is said to be the default.

 You will note that I have added a line setp parport.1.pin-2-out TRUE to my
 .hal file. This is basically the same command I am trying to run from the
 M102 code. I figured adding it here would require less steps in testing. I
 get the same error in either case.

 This is my error:

 parameter or pin 'parport.1.pin-2-out' not found.

Try parport.1.pin-02-out instead.  Looking at the driver source, it

Re: [Emc-users] Parport questions

2010-10-04 Thread Mike Cinquino

Thanks, I a am now leaning toward classic ladder. I know ladder logic
so it should be my quickest path to getting something working. My
understanding is fuzzy on how to get a T? command to cause a bit or
bits to react in classic ladder but once I have that mastered I should
be set. I have been doing a lot of reading and going back and forth
with different options and it's starting to get a little overwhelming.
EMC is very powerful and flexible but there is a lot to learn.

So it looks like I could use halui.tool.number or
iocontrol.0.tool-number to give me the correct tool number.

It also looks like when M6 is run iocontrol.0.tool-change is set high
until iocontrol.0.tool-change is driven high?

My hal file will have this added to it.

net tool-prepare-loopback iocontrol.0.tool-prepare =
iocontrol.0.tool-prepared (not sure what this does exactly)

net tool-change-start iocontrol.0.tool-change = parport.1.pin-?-out
(to send a signal to arduino to start cycle gets turned on when M6 is

System is paused at M6 untilbelow

net tool-change-done parport.1.pin-?-in = iocontrol.0.tool-changed
(to send signal from arduino to emc that cycle is complete) EMC

net tnum-current iocontrol.0.tool-number = classicladder.0.s32in-00
(Ladder will get tool number from this)

My ladder will look something like this:

--[compare %IWO = 1]---(%Q1)-  N.O. Coil linked to
parport pin

 |-(/%Q2)- N.C. Coil linked to
parport pin

 |-(/%Q3)- N.C. Could linked
to parport pin

--[compare %IWO = 2]---(%/Q1)-  N.C. Coil linked
to parport pin

 |-(%Q2)- N.O. Coil linked to
parport pin

 |-(/%Q3)- N.C. Could linked
to parport pin


Does this make sense?



On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 12:18 -0400, Mike Cinquino wrote:
... snip
 Is there a specific link to info on tool changes in HAL?



Just in case it might be helpful, here is what I have done with my lathe
turret using a custom comp:http://www.wallacecompany.com/cnc_lathe/HNC/emc2/

The comp needs to get a Park sensor feature as well as some time-outs
added for each state, but it there is enough here to make my turret

If you already know the Ladder language, that may be the way to go.
Either way, you end up with HAL pins for invoking your tool changer and
then signaling that your changer finished. Just connect these in
your .hal file.
California, USA
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[Emc-users] M101 - M199 problem

2010-10-02 Thread Mike Cinquino
Hello, I am having a problem getting a custom M101 to work. I building a
custom tool changer and I am controlling it with an arduino board. I need to
send a BCD signal over a spare parallel port. I have a C program that
accomplishes this and I can make it work by running it from a terminal. I do
however need to run it with sudo. Because of this I also tried a bash script
that called the C program and got the same result (no response). Both work
from the command line.  I get no errors from EMC2. The spare port is not
used by EMC2. It is actually the port on the mother board. My machine is
running off a PCI parallel port card. The files are also in the appropriate

I have entered a echo command in the bash script that is shown when I run it
from the command prompt. When run from EMC2 should it appear in a terminal

I realize I could use classic ladder to accomplish this as well but I don't
see why this is not working?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Interactive machining

2007-08-20 Thread Mike Cinquino

What I have been playing with is using Gambas (a VB like language for
linux)  http://gambas.sourceforge.net/   to generate a .nc file. My
Gamabs code creates a Conversational application that can run right
with EMC running. I can then append or over write the .nc file depending
on what I want to do. When I have a completed .nc file I simply browse
for the file. This file could be the default file that gets loaded when
EMC starts. If I make changes to the file I can just refresh it from
AXIS. This method eliminates the need for direct hooks into EMC. 

Gambas is much easier to create GUI's for me than Python because I have
a VB background. I only have a couple crude pocket routines written at
this point. I will share that code with anyone that is interested in


On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 10:29 -0400, Ron Ginger wrote:
  What I do find disturbing is the attempt to bypass the interpreter
  entirely.  My thoughts here will be old hat to many readers.  I'm really
  bothered by some scripting language telling to machine to go to x3000m
  without testing that command to the limits of the device as recorded in
  a configuration file somewhere.  At the same time there is no regular
  error feedback to tell the operator to f*6k off.
 For my use I don't see bypassing the interpreter. I would be happy to 
 issue simple G code commands from the Script language. I don't mean to 
 keep pushing the Mach model, but all VB can do from Mach is issue g code 
 commands to the interpreter. With that dozens of 'wizard' screens have 
 been written to do a wide range of tasks, from simple facing, to text 
 engraving, pocketing, and hole arrays.
 I'm going off to read my new Python book, and follow some of the 
 references Jeff offered. Maybe someday I will have an example of what 
 I'm talking about.
 ron ginger
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Re: [Emc-users] Abort messes up position

2007-03-30 Thread Mike Cinquino
One thing I have noticed about AXIS is that the shortcuts are case
sensitive. Not a big deal once you realize it. 

On Fri, 2007-03-30 at 13:49 -0500, Jeff Epler wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 01:26:50PM -0500, Andy Holcomb wrote:
  Are the key short cuts in AXIS? like c,i,r and p?
 Keyboard Controls
 Almost all actions in AXIS can be accomplished with the keyboard. A full
 list of keyboard shortcuts can be found in the AXIS Quick Reference,
 which can be displayed by choosing HELP  QUICK REFERENCE. Many of the
 shortcuts are unavailable when in Code Entry mode. 
 Table: Most Common Keyboard Shortcuts
 Keystroke   Action Taken
 F1  Toggle Emergency Stop
 F2  Turn machine on/off
 `, 1 .. 9, 0Set feed override from 0% to 100%
 X, `Activate first axis
 Y, 1Activate second axis
 Z, 2Activate third axis
 A, 3Activate fourth axis
 I   Select jog increment
 C   Continuous jog
 Control-HomePerform homing sequence
 End Touch off: Set G54 offset for active axis
 Left, Right Jog first axis
 Up, DownJog second axis
 Pg Up, Pg DnJog third axis
 [, ]Jog fourth axis
 O   Open File
 Control-R   Reload File
 R   Run file
 P   Pause execution
 S   Resume Execution
 ESC Stop execution
 Control-K   Clear backplot
 V   Cycle among preset views
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Re: [Emc-users] adding 2nd parallel port

2007-01-10 Thread Mike Cinquino

I was hoping I could do that.  Do you have a link to a diagram that
shows a match8. I understand that it is a 8 bit binary match detector
but I am not sure how one of those work?


On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 15:24 +0200, Anders Wallin wrote:
  I agree on the jogwheel. Because I currently don't have a jogwheel I am
  making due w/ the arrow keys on the AXIS GUI and it is working, my
  biggest problem is proximity to the work.
   I am still stuck at trying to figure out how to make a selection of the
  correct axis to jog w/o having a hardwired line for each selection? I
  will probably have to just try some things. If I have a momentary switch
  connected to halui.jog.selected are you thinking that it will index to a
  new axis as I press and release? Also looking in the Hal document I am
  not seeing halui.jog.selected, should i be looking somewhere? I do see
  halui.jog-wheel.axis but this is a u8 data type. I think the key to
  figuring this out is an understanding of the available blocks/functions
  and how to use them to create a program. 
 if you have 4 or less axes/modes to choose from, you could encode the 
 position of a rotary switch into 2 bits. That way you save a bit of I/O.
 Saving would be even more with an 8-position switch, which can be 
 represented with 3 bits.
 For jogging, it is best to connect the jogwheel count directly to emc's 
 motioncontroller, as in my example:
 you see that the jogwheel count is wired to
 this is a connection directly to emc's motioncontroller, and does not 
 require halui. I think people tried physical jogwheels through halui and 
   found that jogging was jerky, that's why jog-counts pins were added to 
 the motioncontroller.
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Re: [Emc-users] adding 2nd parallel port

2007-01-10 Thread Mike Cinquino

Thanks... wow I some how missed that entire area of documentation. It
looks like most of the things I am looking for are in that area.

Thanks again,

On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 19:15 +0200, Anders Wallin wrote:
 Mike Cinquino wrote:
  I was hoping I could do that.  Do you have a link to a diagram that
  shows a match8. I understand that it is a 8 bit binary match detector
  but I am not sure how one of those work?
 the manual page for match8 is here:
 there are 8 A inputs and 8 B inputs. If all A inputs match all B inputs, 
 the output will go high.
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Re: [Emc-users] Using Program Filters with EMC2 and Axis.

2007-01-10 Thread Mike Cinquino

From what I have read Axis needs to be installed. Use: sudo apt-get
build-dep emc2-axis 

Here is the link to the wiki page that shows this.

Look under item 3.1 about in the middle between 3.1. and 3.2. 

Hope this helps.


On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 20:49 +, Manfredi Leto wrote:
 I would like to use the emc2 program filter feature...
 I've read the axis documentations here: 
 In the program filter section there is an example with a script 
 (holecircle.py) that should create g-code for drilling a series of holes 
 along the circumference of a circle. I've downloaded the script 
 holecircle.py, I've added the following lines to my .ini file:
 PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .py Python Script
 py = python
 At this point I tried to open the script using Axis, but nothing worked, the 
 script was simply displayed in the Axis text area.
 So I wrote to Jeff Epler who told me that it doesn't work because this 
 program filter feature will came with the new version of EMC, the 2.1. So,  
 thank to Jeff who really helped me I've downloaded and compiled the beta 
 version of EMC2.1 (called pre-2.1).
 I tried it, I was able to start all GUIs like mini, tkemc etc...but not 
 Axis. It seems like Axis is not present in the /bin directory. So I think 
 I've to download and compile it separately. So I can't try the Filter 
 Anyone could help me?
 Anyway, now I've read in the EMC user manual chapter 8 (USING THE AXIS 
 GRAPHICAL INTERFACE) precisely in 8.8.1 that program filters can be used, so 
 I just added to the .ini file the lines (different form those in the Axis 
 PROGRAM_EXTENSION = *.py Python Script
 I tried to start the EMC (thr official version 2.0.5) and I tried to open 
 the holecircle.py script with Axis. This time something different happened, 
 the script was not displayed in the text area, but after few seconds a small 
 window opened and it says Exit code 256...closed it and nothing more 
 Anyone knows where is the problem?
 Every suggestion is welcomed!
 Thank you,
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Re: [Emc-users] adding 2nd parallel port

2007-01-09 Thread Mike Cinquino

Thanks, that's good info. 

After looking at the HAL_Documentation again... The answer to my
question on adding a second port jumped out at me. I don't know how I
missed it many times before. 

It looks like I want to do this: (add this to my standard_pinout.hal

loadrt hal_parport cfg=myport#_0 myport#_1 in

My first port will be defaulted to an output type because I did not
specify in. My second port will be an in type because I used in after
the port number. Does this look right?

Can I start using this port after I have done this?


On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 23:30 +0200, Anders Wallin wrote:
 I'm sure someone else will answer your parport question, I think you 
 need to load two parport drivers, and tell them which parport to connect 
 to. you will get HAL pins parport.0.xxx and parport.1.xxx
  I am assuming the best way to integrate the pendant functions will be
  through HALUI. 
 you might be interested in my notes from a while back:
 the connections to halui and emc would be similar for a parport based 
 jogwheel/pendant, but the hardware pins would of course be named 
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Re: [Emc-users] adding 2nd parallel port

2007-01-09 Thread Mike Cinquino


My next step is to create a .hal file (I believe) that makes the
connections to hal and halui. I have a couple questions about this.
Looking at Anders work, it looks like he has a single file w/ both
regular hal and halui connections, that get called from the .ini file
using Halfile = XXX.hal. I would like to do the same. 

I have a decision to make on what features I want to include on my
pendant because I only have 13 inputs to work w/. Well I actually have
one more unused port that I could use to give me 26 inputs. I will have
to come up w/ a clean way of breaking out to 2 individual parallel ports
from one pendant to do this. Anyway, I think I have a handle on the
normal bit type i/o. For jogging an axis I think I see a couple ways to
do it:

With out a jog wheel: I could have buttons that would jog in the plus or
minus direction. I would have a multi-position switch to select X,Y,Z,A
axis. I see in halui that i could use halui.jog.channel aka axis.minus
and halui.jog.channel aka axis.plus . Because I am limited on inputs I
don't want to dedicate a input for each axis + and each axis -. I would
like to have a way to use the already selected axis/channel (0-3). It
looks like match8 might do this but I am not completely following how it
works in Anders .hal file. 

Also how does halui.jog.channel.plus and minus work. Does it jog
continuous when halui.jog.channel.plus is true?

I am used to if then else type programming. It looks like some of the
available blocks can be used to reproduce this type of structure?


On Tue, 2007-01-09 at 13:25 -0500, Stephen Wille Padnos wrote:
 Mike Cinquino wrote:
 Thanks, that's good info. 
 After looking at the HAL_Documentation again... The answer to my
 question on adding a second port jumped out at me. I don't know how I
 missed it many times before. 
 It looks like I want to do this: (add this to my standard_pinout.hal
 loadrt hal_parport cfg=myport#_0 myport#_1 in
 I'm glad you found it, that should work.  You may want to use 
 underscores instead of spaces though.  Apparently insmod on some systems 
 cuts off string parameters at the first space.  The modified line looks 
 like this:
 loadrt hal_parport cfg=port0addr_port1addr_in
 My first port will be defaulted to an output type because I did not
 specify in. My second port will be an in type because I used in after
 the port number. Does this look right?
 It's safer in general to specify things instead of using defaults - that 
 way it keep working even if the default changes:
 loadrt hal_parport cfg=port0addr_out_port1addr_in
 Can I start using this port after I have done this?
 Yes.  It will be parport.1.xxx, as you originally thought.
 - Steve
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[Emc-users] HAL and a Keyboard

2006-11-30 Thread Mike Cinquino
Does anyone know if HAL can read keys from a Keyboard like inputs? 

If so, can you show an example line in HAL.


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