Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-19 Thread Shaffin Bhanji
I have been in the open source arena for a number for years now in which 
investors come and go - some even successful based on the business plan 
and innovation. In my opinion the only way this kind of investment idea 
to make it a viable business is to fork the the project, re-brand it, 
and continue a development path by taking the kinks out and adding 
commercial viability.

Some good examples of such a business model step from companies like 
Apple, Novell, UML Vendors, etc. who have re-branded themselves, and 
also manage two brands of the software fork - commercial and open source 
- taking what is good from open source fork and implementing it in the 
commercial product.

The reason for advocating and requesting for business plans may have to 
do with who is more creative to make a viable business out of this 
venure - so soliciting business plans by venture capitalists is like 
competition of the business minds out here.

Just my 2 cents here :-)


On 12/09/2010 08:44 AM, Kent A. Reed wrote:
 On 12/9/2010 12:50 AM, Edward Bernard wrote:
 I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such a 
 could effect our beloved software.

 My comment?

 An unknown entity using an unrevealing email address makes a vague offer
 on an open mail list to finance someone to create a company to do
 something, provided the someone does all the work developing a viable
 business plan. Sorry, but I don't believe in the tooth fairy.

 I may be an incorrigible skeptic, but doesn't it seem reasonable to
 think anyone serious about forming a Red Hat of CNC would directly
 approach the core EMC2 developers instead of floating a proposal that
 has all the earmarks of a phishing expedition?

 Just my 2 cents worth.


 PS - perusal of the EMC2 mail list archives will turn up a number of
 past conversations about the possibility of commercial support of EMC2
 which I feel no need to rehash.

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Dave
Bootstrapping is not the issue.   I've already got a business.  $20 will 
start you in some businesses, but don't try and become an industrial 
contractor with that.

The issue is the ability to go after larger jobs, and for that you need 
capital and equipment.

 Anyway taking money from the government is immoral...

Seriously?   If that is the case then most of the nation is immoral.
If you accept a tax credit, then you are accepting money from the gov.

 that demand is now in Asia. If I was still young I would move to 
where the capital is.

No doubt but much of that demand is now not in the US and that is a real issue 
for those of us still trying to do business here.
Asia is a mixed bag.   Ever do work in China?  I haven't but I have friends who 
have spent months there and only go there because their jobs require it to do 

The working conditions are oftentimes very bad.  One guy I know got very sick 
while there and had to be hospitalized there and when he got back.  Bad food 
and water.

But things might be changing.  I heard the other day that GE is bringing back 
all of their appliance manufacturing to the US from abroad.

It turns out that the cost of shipping and the problems with quality control in 
3rd world countries makes manufacturing there must less attractive than they 

I've heard the same from a couple of my customers who shut down their US 
production and were buying containers worth of parts from China.  The items 
were dirt cheap but the quality was unpredictable.

Sometimes 50% of the parts would be rejects yet their chinese suppliers would 
refuse to compensate them for the bad parts arguing that they should have been 
good enough.


On 12/11/2010 4:25 PM, Karl Schmidt wrote:
 On 12/11/2010 07:00 AM, Gary Corlew wrote:

 No, but there is a program from the government where you can get a very low
 interest loan and not start paying back for five years. This is  what I have
 been told by a friend, The company I work for is trying to get in on it
 Why not figure a way to bootstrap your business - I started out with $20 of 
 capital in 1979.

 If you think you need 'other peoples money' to get it off the ground, your 
 chance of success is
 quite low.  Anyway taking money from the government is immoral... you are 
 taking the money of people
 that work at McDonald’s by force.

 If you can solve peoples problems, the money is always there.  If, on the 
 other hand, you have an
 idea, spend great sums trying to sell it - you won't go far. Listen closely- 
 your customers will
 tell you about their problems.

 There is a demand for people that can get machines to produce wealth - 
 unfortunately, by restricting
 the free trade of labor, that demand is now in Asia. If I was still young I 
 would move to where the
 capital is.

 Karl Schmidt  EMail
 Transtronics, Inc.  WEB
 3209 West 9th Street Ph (785) 841-3089
 Lawrence, KS 66049  FAX (785) 841-0434

 Even if you are on the right track,
 you'll get run over if you just sit there - Will Rogers

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Stuart Stevenson
  Heh - way OT - sorry - I just cannot resist

 Anyway taking money from the government is immoral...

 Seriously?   If that is the case then most of the nation is immoral.
 If you accept a tax credit, then you are accepting money from the gov.

   The immoral part of taking money from the government is that the
government has money to give away. The government (taxes under threat of
violence) (takes under threat of violence) (steals under threat of violence)
(synonymity here) money from each one of us and then determines what the
government thinks is the best use of it and gives it away to further the
goals of the government. THESE are the immoral/corrupt acts.
   Our government is a fraud. Our banking system is a fraud. Our legal
system is a fraud. Feel free to detect a small amount of cynicism and angst
in my position.
  Government is no longer of/by/for the people. Government (a collective
term for government,banking,industry,judiciary) is taking from/exploiting
the people. This is normal and history has seen this cycle many times. The
driving force turning us into a 'third' (and I use this term with respect
for the third world nations) is our corruption is being revealed. Now we
(the general population) will have access to the corruption because it will
be on top of the table rather than under the table as it has been in this
system. This will make the 'corruption' fair, give each individual access
AND self control it to a proper level.
The EMC2 group of individuals is one of the elite groups of the world. A
group that will work on a project or projects to better their life is
different than so many other sets of people including many manufacturers.
When an industry/group only survives or thrives because of government
subsidy that industry is not a valid use of money/time/intellect. This
includes some of the largest corporations/universities in the world.
  The sacrifice of time/money/intellect of the EMC2 group sets it apart from
most of the rest of the world. I acknowledge EMC2 uses wild/free code
released by the government but EMC2 could/would have been done anyway. It
may have just taken longer. I personally had determined I needed a
free/software machine control and was searching for just this type of
project when I found EMC/EMC2. My first attempt with EMC was an abortion. I
had determined to write my own (with help from people I paid) and release
it. I looked at EMC again and found EMC2. This group beat me to the punch.
The more I am involved with the EMC2 group the more I respect each and every
player. We (I include myself in this) are the type of foundation that will
be there to rebuild this country after TSHTF.
  What an amazing group to align yourself with. People that will get up off
their butts and go do something to better themselves and others and not
depend/wait on the government to come along and provide. I realize there
exists an esoteric/selfish side of this group and these types of groups. I
also have that attribute. Sadly, we are all human and not all perfect (I am
only speaking of myself here) :) . I still believe this type of people is
the best to associate with.
  I am sickened by the developments of our government but I also acknowledge
we (this includes everyone in these United States of America) have the
government we deserve/want. It will not change until our 'wanter' changes.
Our collective 'wanter' is about to change and it will be dramatic. The type
of people in the EMC2 group will welcome the change. MUCH of the rest will
hate it. There will not be a 'government' program to provide the basics when
times are tough. Get ready for a rough ride through the next few years.

thanks for listening

dos centavos
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Igor Chudov
Guys, I am sure that we are all intelligent people and every one of us has a
few opinions about government, economy, and perhaps even some hot button
political issues.

Another newsgroup that I participated in, Alt.machines.cnc is certifiably
dead for the sole reason of political spamming. rec.crafts.metalworking, is
on the verge of dying because of so much political stuff posted there. .

I would really hate the same to happen to this forum.

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Jon Elson
Jack Coats wrote:

 This thread has got me thinking.  I am starting to believe that selling an
 appliance, that happens to run EMC2
 might be the best way.  Linksys did it with the imfamous WRT routers that
 run Linux, so using EMC2 in a similar way
 by putting it in a 'controller box' that could be a full computer or just a
 'headless controller' that takes in SD cards with
 g-code on it.  Or go the other way and make it fully network attached with
 all the touch screens, web cams, and other
 gizmoz anyone wants to attach.  Then it is a 'product' and you aren't
 selling EMC2, or just the service of providing
 configured EMC2.  ... I wonder if this would 'sell better' than a software
 only product?

Yes, I'm certain of this.  Look at Centroid/Ajax, they have very much a 
similar business
model.  They have a box which has CPU, power supplies and servo drives.  
You pick motors
and other minor accessories from a catalog, add to the basic control box 
and send them
payment.  A big box comes, you unpack and attach to the machine, plug 
cables into
connectors and turn it on, set a few things like travel limits, and it 
is ready to accept G-code.

I seriously doubt anybody could make a real business selling EMC2 just 
as is.  Somebody definitely
COULD make a business doing EMC2-based retrofits.  They would settle on 
interface cards,
motors and drives, and have a range of these to suit the size of the 
machine.  Probably also
have something like Bob Campbell's standard boxes with the right hole 
pattern for connectors and
internal components, so he could just pick the required parts, bolt into 
box, wire up and then attach
to the machine.  Or, as in previous paragraph, selling a turnkey 
retrofit kit for anybody reasonably
experienced in industrial control gear to install on site.


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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Jon Elson
Dave wrote:
 (Somebody else wrote:)

  that demand is now in Asia. If I was still young I would move to 
 where the capital is.
There are plenty of aging CNC machines that are good retrofit candidates 
still in the US.
And, it would be QUITE ridiculous to send a machine to Asia to retrofit 
and then ship
back!  So, while a heck of a lot of manufacturing has moved to the east, 
this is one
business model that really can't be moved out of the country.  (Of 
course, the manufacturing
of the retrofit components could be moved offshore, the actual install 
of the retrofit
would still be done here.)


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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Jon Elson
Igor Chudov wrote:
 Another newsgroup that I participated in, Alt.machines.cnc is certifiably
 dead for the sole reason of political spamming. rec.crafts.metalworking, is
 on the verge of dying because of so much political stuff posted there. .

The above newsgroups are un-moderated.  THIS group IS moderated, 
however, and I
assume the moderators will take action WELL before it becomes 
detrimental.  You've
probably noticed the (welcome) lack of spam and political rants here.

alt.machines.cnc has been a wildly political, rant-filled and ad hominem 
group for
a decade, with a couple specific generators of huge amounts of venom.  
Still, it is the
hangout of the serious, production machinists, and it sometimes 
contains some really
interesting discussions of high-end machines, controls and tooling.
R.C.M has indeed gone downhill, sadly, but is still quite useful for 
those really ODD
questions that come up so often related to cars, home repairs, small 
shop machining and
tooling, and various things I can afford to tinker with.  I can't afford 
$100 diamond inserts in my shop!  And, thank God I don't make stuff out 
of Inconel.


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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Kirk Wallace
On Sun, 2010-12-12 at 11:54 -0600, Jon Elson wrote:
... snip
 Probably also have something like Bob Campbell's standard boxes with
 the right hole pattern for connectors and internal components, so he
 could just pick the required parts, bolt into box, wire up and then
 attach to the machine.  Or, as in previous paragraph, selling a
 turnkey retrofit kit for anybody reasonably experienced in industrial
 control gear to install on site.

From parts, sub-assemblies, to complete turn-key, when do the regulatory
controls kick in? Being a tree hugger, I'm all for making sure a product
is fit and safe for the environment, neighbors, customers, etcetera, but
it sure is easier to do this in-house.
Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread David Winter
Hello All,
 I would like to ask a question related to the 
commecialisation of EMC.
I work as a Service Engineer fixing CNC machinery. One of our customers has
a machine with an Acramatic A2100 control, this control has some serious
problem with it. So, the question is, if I was to retrofit this machine, 
how would
the board and all of the contributors feel about my using EMC as a 
control? I have
some reservations about this as I don't feel it's right to profit from 
people's efforts
which they have contributed for free.   Comments anyone?

David Winter.

P.S.   Keep up the amazing work with EMC2

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread eu-0001
 THIS group IS moderated, 

Yay!  Thank you moderators!

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Ries van Twisk

Ries van Twisk

Certified TYPO3 Integrator / TYPO3 Developer
TYPO3 Glassfish JasperReports JasperETL Flex Blaze-DS WebORB  
PostgreSQL DB-Architect
email: r...@vantwisk.nlweb: 
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Phone: +1 (803) 426-3350

On Dec 12, 2010, at 2:16 PM, David Winter wrote:

 Hello All,
 I would like to ask a question related to the
 commecialisation of EMC.
 I work as a Service Engineer fixing CNC machinery. One of our  
 customers has
 a machine with an Acramatic A2100 control, this control has some  
 problem with it. So, the question is, if I was to retrofit this  
 how would
 the board and all of the contributors feel about my using EMC as a
 control? I have
 some reservations about this as I don't feel it's right to profit from
 people's efforts
 which they have contributed for free.   Comments anyone?

 David Winter.

 P.S.   Keep up the amazing work with EMC2


actually, you should use EMC2 and you should not see at as '
profit from people's effort' the more EMC2 is used, the more
knowledge is gained and the more EMC2 will be spread,
better interfaces build etc...

You can in return help us by making a wiki page
describing your experiences, how you did it etc. etc and
if you made any custom panels, or you needed to
change axis (or other interface) you
can contribute this code back to the project.

This way you help the project as much as you gained from it.
I am not sure if this projects has a sponsor/support
page though, if that exists you can contribute some of your profit  
back to.


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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Karl Schmidt
 I heard the other day that GE is bringing back all of their appliance 
 manufacturing to the US from abroad.

GE, we learned just last week, is now basically owned by our government - I 
would suppose that is 
why they are making such an illogical move.  ( Further, I expect the political 
class to continue to 
make movements towards protectionism as our economy continues to unfold - which 
will trigger trade 
wars, where we lose even more manufacturing. )

Yes, China quality is not consistent - just as Japanese quality wasn't in the 
early '60s. Korean 
quality is fine, as is Taiwan and other places. If there are places where 
people can work hard and 
keep the wealth they create, they will find a way to make quality products.

My main point, as someone that sells control equipment, is Don't create a 
product in search of a 
market. (that also happens to be one reason why socialism always fails in the 
long run ).

To use EMC to create wealth, one bumps into the economic mess we are in. To 
succeed, you have to 
accept the current business reality, and it doesn’t' go away just because you 
quit looking at it. A 
lot of the people are feeling the pinch.  Transferring wealth by spending huge 
amounts of stimulus 
money won't fix the problem - it only buys votes and creates a new bubble, that 
when it bursts, will 
make the last crash look like a walk in the park. Transferring the debt of 
companies too big to 
fail to the government, only means we will learn that the US is not to big to 
fail. ( This is not a 
political thing - the bailing out happened with the support of both parties ).

Control equipment sales in the USA are dead - no sane person would risk their 
OWN money putting in a 
factory with the anti small business policies in place.

In the mean time, the capital really has moved to Asia - this is not a 
political point of view. ( I 
blame both parties for letting it happen).  The guys with the cash get to call 
the shots. More than 
half of my sales are now overseas. This is the new business reality - ignore it 
at your own risk.

In 1900 the UK was the greatest center of capital in the world. People that 
moved to the US with the 
capital did well.  The UK ended up bankrupt - bailed out by the IMF in the '70s.

Sadly, I don't think the political progression is stoppable.  The center of 
capital has once again 
shifted and if I was young and wanted to do machine manufacturing, I would be 
looking for a way to 
someplace in Asia (I would go for someplace outside of China).

Karl Schmidt  EMail
Transtronics, Inc.  WEB
3209 West 9th Street Ph (785) 841-3089
Lawrence, KS 66049  FAX (785) 841-0434

If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything. -- Mark Twain

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Stuart Stevenson

On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 1:16 PM, David Winter wrote:

 Hello All,
 I would like to ask a question related to the
 commecialisation of EMC.
 I work as a Service Engineer fixing CNC machinery. One of our customers has
 a machine with an Acramatic A2100 control, this control has some serious
 problem with it. So, the question is, if I was to retrofit this machine,
 how would
 the board and all of the contributors feel about my using EMC as a
 control? I have
 some reservations about this as I don't feel it's right to profit from
 people's efforts
 which they have contributed for free.   Comments anyone?

 I certainly profit from the use of EMC2. I have heard 0, ziltch, nada
comments in a negative fashion. I have received VERY MUCH help.
 I am looking into retrofits in a commercial manner.
 I cannot speak for anyone else. I will positively encourage/help you.

 David Winter.

 P.S.   Keep up the amazing work with EMC2

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dos centavos
Oracle to DB2 Conversion Guide: Learn learn about native support for PL/SQL,
new data types, scalar functions, improved concurrency, built-in packages, 
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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread andy pugh
On 12 December 2010 17:18, Stuart Stevenson wrote:

 Seriously?   If that is the case then most of the nation is immoral.
 If you accept a tax credit, then you are accepting money from the gov.

   The immoral part of taking money from the government

The Nation? The Government?

Can you chaps be a bit less parochical in your worldview do you think,
and stop assuming that all EMC2 users/devs are in the US?

Torque wrenches are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Stuart Stevenson

On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 2:12 PM, andy pugh wrote:

 On 12 December 2010 17:18, Stuart Stevenson wrote:

  Seriously?   If that is the case then most of the nation is immoral.
  If you accept a tax credit, then you are accepting money from the gov.
The immoral part of taking money from the government

 The Nation? The Government?

 Can you chaps be a bit less parochical in your worldview do you think,
 and stop assuming that all EMC2 users/devs are in the US?

 You are correct. The whole world system is corrupt and failing. This
conflagration will involve everybody. There will be a major realignment of
the whole system.
I think EMC/EMC2 transcends any political regime. I think EMC2 will be a
foundation to build upon when the whole world restarts the cottage industry
manufacturing we will see in the near future. Global companies/trade will
die. For the rest of my life and probably anyone on this list (from
anywhere) we will witness the death of our current society and the rebirth
of local/quality manufacturing.
  In respect for Igor's position and I also concur with Igor - this is my
last participation on this thread/topic. It has been fun and for me it is
now time for some different fun.
thanks guys

dos centavos
Oracle to DB2 Conversion Guide: Learn learn about native support for PL/SQL,
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Dave

My father is an old machine shop teacher and he lives just west of 
Detroit.   There is one auction house that he frequents and he 
periodically buys some smaller equipment from them.

He told me recently that the number of auctions in Detroit has slowed 
since most of the defunct machine shops have been closed for some time now.

He also told me that many of the machines sold at the auctions now are 
packaged into containers and shipped to China.

Apparently they are being shipped to China and used there.   Why ship 
them back?   They are making things there and shipping the things to us!


On 12/12/2010 12:59 PM, Jon Elson wrote:
 Dave wrote:

 (Somebody else wrote:)

   that demand is now in Asia. If I was still young I would move to
 where the capital is.

 There are plenty of aging CNC machines that are good retrofit candidates
 still in the US.
 And, it would be QUITE ridiculous to send a machine to Asia to retrofit
 and then ship
 back!  So, while a heck of a lot of manufacturing has moved to the east,
 this is one
 business model that really can't be moved out of the country.  (Of
 course, the manufacturing
 of the retrofit components could be moved offshore, the actual install
 of the retrofit
 would still be done here.)


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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Arnoldritercnc
It is not only for United States of America.
Many years ago I decided to leave Argentina because the corruption of 
government, and moved to Spain.
I could no be more wrong, Here in Spain corruption is everywhere, and 
politician fight to defend is own privileges.

I receive many visitors from over the word, and In everywhere is more 
less the same.
The vast amount of population are blind and I think they deserve this, 
so in this gloomy picture I found small groups like EMC that make me 
think less skeptical about humans.
I hope to make some contribution to EMC in the future, yo know the Karma!

Thanks to everybody


On 12/12/2010 06:18 PM, Stuart Stevenson wrote:
   I am sickened by the developments of our government but I also acknowledge
 we (this includes everyone in these United States of America) have the
 government we deserve/want. It will not change until our 'wanter' changes.
 Our collective 'wanter' is about to change and it will be dramatic. The type
 of people in the EMC2 group will welcome the change. MUCH of the rest will
 hate it. There will not be a 'government' program to provide the basics when
 times are tough. Get ready for a rough ride through the next few years.

 thanks for listening

Oracle to DB2 Conversion Guide: Learn learn about native support for PL/SQL,
new data types, scalar functions, improved concurrency, built-in packages, 
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread ducemailbox
Well put! This thread is not off topic at all (IMHO). 

Thanks to all for proving that I am not alone in waste land of sheeple.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Arnoldritercnc
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 23:20:37 
Reply-To:, Enhanced Machine Controller \(EMC\)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

It is not only for United States of America.
Many years ago I decided to leave Argentina because the corruption of 
government, and moved to Spain.
I could no be more wrong, Here in Spain corruption is everywhere, and 
politician fight to defend is own privileges.

I receive many visitors from over the word, and In everywhere is more 
less the same.
The vast amount of population are blind and I think they deserve this, 
so in this gloomy picture I found small groups like EMC that make me 
think less skeptical about humans.
I hope to make some contribution to EMC in the future, yo know the Karma!

Thanks to everybody


On 12/12/2010 06:18 PM, Stuart Stevenson wrote:
   I am sickened by the developments of our government but I also acknowledge
 we (this includes everyone in these United States of America) have the
 government we deserve/want. It will not change until our 'wanter' changes.
 Our collective 'wanter' is about to change and it will be dramatic. The type
 of people in the EMC2 group will welcome the change. MUCH of the rest will
 hate it. There will not be a 'government' program to provide the basics when
 times are tough. Get ready for a rough ride through the next few years.

 thanks for listening

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Jon Elson
Kirk Wallace wrote:
 From parts, sub-assemblies, to complete turn-key, when do the regulatory
 controls kick in? Being a tree hugger, I'm all for making sure a product
 is fit and safe for the environment, neighbors, customers, etcetera, but
 it sure is easier to do this in-house.
There is some grey area, as machine tools are nominally for factory use, 
which is in a
different EMI class from home or office.  Parts, boards, sub-assemblies 
are not required
to be tested in the US, unless they fit in standard enclosures like 
desktop PCs.  Otherwise,
the rule is any complete unit that is powered from the mains and uses 
digital circuitry with a clock rate
over 9 KHz must be tested.  There are some exceptions for ultra-low 
power devices like
digital wrist watches and similar devices which by design probably have 
real low radiation
potential.  Testing of boards and similar subassemblies intended to go 
into another housing
is pointless, as the housing will make a HUGE difference.  But, they do 
require testing of
any board that plugs into a PC and has an external connector, as that 
connector can release
interfering signals.  So, the way I interpret the rules, all the boards 
I make are exempt from
testing.  But, if I made anything that had a complete housing, so a user 
would just plug in
motors and connect to a computer, that WOULD require testing.  I did 
this for a standard
product I made 20 years ago that hooked an editing VCR to a PC, and it 
cost me $3K, I
think.  The rules have gotten more complex, so I understand such a test 
would be $10K now,
for the industrial-level of test.  If you want to do the home-level of 
test, it is more complicated
and more expensive.

In Europe, you can do these tests in-house, in the US it is forbidden.  
You can do your own
pre qualification tests to try to be sure your product will pass first 
time, but you are required
to have a testing lab that is registered with the FCC (or international 
test house that can perform
the tests to the current FCC rules) do the test and write the test 


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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Jon Elson
David Winter wrote:
 Hello All,
  I would like to ask a question related to the 
 commecialisation of EMC.
 I work as a Service Engineer fixing CNC machinery. One of our customers has
 a machine with an Acramatic A2100 control, this control has some serious
 problem with it. So, the question is, if I was to retrofit this machine, 
 how would
 the board and all of the contributors feel about my using EMC as a 
 control? I have
 some reservations about this as I don't feel it's right to profit from 
 people's efforts
 which they have contributed for free.   Comments anyone?
What do you THINK EMC2 was created for?  For 6 guys to run a machine in 
their garage?
I am as sure as any of the non-core developers can be that they WANT 
EMC2 to be used,
and retrofit/updates are great candidates for it.


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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-12 Thread Jack Coats
If I remember right, EMC was initially developed by the US Department of
National Institute of Standards and Technology ( to help spur
in commerce and industry (or some such).  So yes, it was made for 6 guys to
run a
machine in their garage, AND for anyone (companies included) to enhance and
products to grow the economy.

Since it was initially developed, it has had lots of continuing development,
and been put
under current licensing.  Initially is was own by the US Gov, and was
distributed free for
use (as being in the public domain, ... different than the current license).
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-11 Thread Dave
You might be able to pull it off yourself or get a loan from your local bank.

Is anyone seeing the banks loosening up with small biz loans?

I'm not.


On 12/10/2010 10:59 PM, Dean Hedin wrote:
 You guys are reading this all wrong.

 Make no mistake, Anonymous investor is looking to make some money.
 That should come as no surprise.

 Heck, I think a lot of us have been trying to come up with a business plan
 that involves EMC in one way or another. Some of us have made some money
 using EMC, right?

 What I'm trying to say is: If you have a fantastic idea involving EMC, don't
 just toss it to Anonymous investor.  You might be able to pull it off
 yourself or get a loan from your local bank.  Heck, if it's a good enough
 idea I might invest in it.

 Anonymous Investor, you give us the business plan and tell us how much
 capital is available and we'll volunteer.  OK, How's that?
 Yea, and hurry up would ya?  we only floating this offer for a few months...

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-11 Thread Gary Corlew
No, but there is a program from the government where you can get a very low
interest loan and not start paying back for five years. This is  what I have
been told by a friend, The company I work for is trying to get in on it

-Original Message-
From: Dave [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 6:18 AM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

You might be able to pull it off yourself or get a loan from your local

Is anyone seeing the banks loosening up with small biz loans?

I'm not.


On 12/10/2010 10:59 PM, Dean Hedin wrote:
 You guys are reading this all wrong.

 Make no mistake, Anonymous investor is looking to make some money.
 That should come as no surprise.

 Heck, I think a lot of us have been trying to come up with a business plan
 that involves EMC in one way or another. Some of us have made some money
 using EMC, right?

 What I'm trying to say is: If you have a fantastic idea involving EMC,
 just toss it to Anonymous investor.  You might be able to pull it off
 yourself or get a loan from your local bank.  Heck, if it's a good enough
 idea I might invest in it.

 Anonymous Investor, you give us the business plan and tell us how much
 capital is available and we'll volunteer.  OK, How's that?
 Yea, and hurry up would ya?  we only floating this offer for a few

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-11 Thread Jack Coats

 Is anyone seeing the banks loosening up with small biz loans?

 I'm not.


From what I have heard, there is plenty of money to loan, but the banks are
'risk adverse' after being stung, and not wanting to be nationalized.
So the old saw is still true, the only ones that can get loans are the ones
that don't need it.

I have also heard via news reports that many small business folks are not
getting loans because
they don't want to over-extend themselves.  And spending cash is limited to
secure high return

Those are all generalities, but macro economics is always generalities. :)
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-11 Thread Karl Schmidt
On 12/11/2010 07:00 AM, Gary Corlew wrote:
 No, but there is a program from the government where you can get a very low
 interest loan and not start paying back for five years. This is  what I have
 been told by a friend, The company I work for is trying to get in on it

Why not figure a way to bootstrap your business - I started out with $20 of 
capital in 1979.

If you think you need 'other peoples money' to get it off the ground, your 
chance of success is 
quite low.  Anyway taking money from the government is immoral... you are 
taking the money of people 
that work at McDonald’s by force.

If you can solve peoples problems, the money is always there.  If, on the other 
hand, you have an 
idea, spend great sums trying to sell it - you won't go far. Listen closely- 
your customers will 
tell you about their problems.

There is a demand for people that can get machines to produce wealth - 
unfortunately, by restricting 
the free trade of labor, that demand is now in Asia. If I was still young I 
would move to where the 
capital is.

Karl Schmidt  EMail
Transtronics, Inc.  WEB
3209 West 9th Street Ph (785) 841-3089
Lawrence, KS 66049  FAX (785) 841-0434

Even if you are on the right track,
you'll get run over if you just sit there - Will Rogers

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-11 Thread ducemailbox
NDI and security of investor credibility are obvious ground work. 

Just a bystander here but quite obviously this is an idea who's time has come.

ROI vs machine market place is the question I've asked myself often.
Ultimately the question is how to apply the technonogy via marketing and 
resources over development of code.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Edward Bernard
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 21:50:54 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller \(EMC\)
Reply-To: Enhanced Machine Controller \(EMC\)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such a venture 
could effect our beloved software.

- Original Message 
From: Anonymous Investor
Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 9:10:13 AM
Subject: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

*Business Opportunity related to EMC2*

EMC2 may be well written CNC control software, but it does not appear to be
making progress entering mainstream applications.  We believe that the
largest impediment to success is the lack of a full scope supplier.  We feel
that the mainstream machine builder community, meaning hobby, professional,
and OEM, remains outside the open source community.  Furthermore, we feel
that the solution is not to try and bring machine builders into the open
source community, but rather to bring complete solutions to machine
builders.  We propose the creation of a company which delivers EMC based
solutions, essentially the Red Hat of CNC.  To that end, we will finance
such a company.


There are quite a few hobby oriented suppliers, based on Mach3, TurboCAD,
and other solutions, which offer everything including ballscrews, motors,
drivers, and circuit boards.  These companies serve their customers well,
but they do not come up to the level of professionalism that is necessary to
attract serious commercial machine builders.

There are mid-level suppliers, such as Flashcut, CamSoft, or Centroid, which
offer reasonable value but cannot provide the security, vendor independence,
or continuity of supply, which would be available with a more open
technology.   Of course the 800 lb gorilla is Fanuc, having sold 2.2 million
control systems.  While offering the ultimate in performance, Fanuc
solutions come with minimum vendor independence and dismal ROI for those
only needed mid-level performance.

We believe a full service, professional grade supplier, offering complete
control systems solutions, can be an effective competitor and is sorely
needed by all levels of machine builders.  We are not proposing open source
hardware, but rather combining open source software with support and
conventional industrial components to develop full spectrum solutions. This
is not a matter of welcoming machine builders into the open source
community; rather it is an issue of bringing the resources and value of open
source to the market, offering attractive ROI to both customers and

*Details and How to Proceed:*

We are looking to invest in a start-up business which meets the general
goals as outlined above.  We will provide the majority of capital and
mentoring as needed.  We will not participate in, nor attempt to control,
the day to day activities of the business.  If you want this to be your
start-up business, submit a business plan to the email of Anonymous Investor
at the address [backgroundpartner at].  All submissions will
remain confidential.  There are many resources available for guidance on the
development of a business plan, Google it.   There is no specific timeline
for this venture, but we will keep it open for at least 2 months.  This is
not a contest; it’s an investment and a partnership.  A credible plan may be
reviewed with suggestions for improvement.  We have limited time for dialog
and are unlikely to answer email from those with idle curiosity.

*Anti-Spam and Scam Issues:*

The legitimacy of this opportunity should speak for itself.  This offer is
only going out to the EMC email list and at no time will we ask for money,
deposits, or personal financial information.  Our anonymity will be removed
for those whose negotiations appear credible and who sign non-disclosure


Anonymous Investor
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upgrade, or settle for being marooned without product support? Time to move
off Lotus Notes and onto the cloud with, apps are easier to build,
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Notes Migration Kit to learn more.
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-11 Thread Jack Coats
On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 9:25 PM, wrote:

 NDI and security of investor credibility are obvious ground work.

 Just a bystander here but quite obviously this is an idea who's time has

 ROI vs machine market place is the question I've asked myself often.

 Ultimately the question is how to apply the technonogy via marketing and
 resources over development of code.

 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

This thread has got me thinking.  I am starting to believe that selling an
appliance, that happens to run EMC2
might be the best way.  Linksys did it with the imfamous WRT routers that
run Linux, so using EMC2 in a similar way
by putting it in a 'controller box' that could be a full computer or just a
'headless controller' that takes in SD cards with
g-code on it.  Or go the other way and make it fully network attached with
all the touch screens, web cams, and other
gizmoz anyone wants to attach.  Then it is a 'product' and you aren't
selling EMC2, or just the service of providing
configured EMC2.  ... I wonder if this would 'sell better' than a software
only product?

Proper NC controllers can cost quite a bit.  Add in the retail cost of an
industrial computer, shop read NEMA enclosure,
Gecko drivers, etc, and it is easy to run a couple of grand without sweating
and before you have a machine to attach it to.
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Steve Blackmore
On Thu, 9 Dec 2010 21:00:33 -0600, you wrote:

On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 10:42:44PM +, Steve Blackmore wrote:
 On Thu, 9 Dec 2010 07:42:34 -0800 (PST), you wrote:
  3. The user interface needs a lot of critical thinking
  still, to bring it up
  to scratch. Have a good look at the latest FANUCs for
 but the UI is miles ahead of mach3.
 Not for touch screen lathe users !

Touchy has had lathe support for a while now, but I'm not using it
yet.  Have you tried it?

Hi Chris

No, couple of things with it.

No backplot and DRO's too small to read at distance. 

Having said that just DRO readings are pretty meaningless to see where a
job is physically up to, can't beat a good backplot :)

 It also has it's quirks - two for starters that really annoy, first is
 nasty IMO - Axis, click on spindle start, spindle races off at some
 arbitrary speed. Need to press + twice before you can control speed.

I can't reproduce this - can you give more details?  Can you
reproduce it in sim?

Don't know how I could run my machine in Sim. What happens is press
spindle start, that enables spindle and seems to enable PWM output to
VFD at 50% duty rate. Press + and PWM then drops to 0%, then you need to
press + again to control speed.

It does it even if you have previously set a speed on the MDI screen,
and ignores a speed set in RS274NGC_STARTUP_CODE

It should start at 0% PWM or S0 if you have not set a speed, or at a
speed set in startup code.

Steve Blackmore

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Mark Wendt
On 12/09/2010 02:22 PM, Igor Chudov wrote:
 I am extremely and openly critical of many open source products, but I 
 to say that EMC2 is on top as far as documentation, ease of configuration,
 etc is concerned. To add to this excellent support, and you would know why I
 am very happy. EMC2 is also very stable.

 The documentation is clear, abundant, and actually correct.

 The tasks that users try to accomplish with EMC2, such as retrofitting old
 machines or making new machines, are daunting and many of us are first
 timers, myself included. This is why using EMC2 is so difficult, not because
 EMC2 is hard to use. I had to learn everything about CNC as part of my

I for one, am extremely happy that EMC2 is out there, and all the folks 
that have participated in making this software a reality deserve a huge 
pat on the back.  Guys like Stuart and Kirk, pushing the limits out in 
the big iron world, guys that have come up with working solutions to 
pendants and MPG's, guys like Steve P, Chris, and so many others that 
seem to live on IRC and are always willing to jump in and help somebody, 
guys like John Thornton who took the bull by the horns and help out with 
the documentation, and so many others.  Without folks like you, my 
little hare-brained scheme to make a CNC machine that would cut bamboo 
strips into tapered triangles to make fly fishing rods would probably 
never have come to fruition.

You all have my utmost thanks.


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Don Stanley
To All Responders;
I think all of your responses are right on and the majority seem to be
don't fix something thats not broke.

If you want to see an example of the core group going commercial, take a
look at
Red Hat and their resulting open source Linux effort Fedora.

Those who wish to go commercial are already doing so with no disruption to
EMC2 effort (only enhances it).

I suggest anyone who wants to go commercial with EMC and sell to large
companies or manufactures, get a large capital reserve so your customer
can see how to recover if your system doesn't work.
Then advertise what you can do for their new system, or their broken

Remember you can't sell EMC, but you can sell your services, your
and your electrical/electronic and mechanical products.

People don't own companies; companies own people; and the Government owns
them both. Just look at the companies payroll Tax records.

I'm not sure if this is 1 or 2 cents.

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 9:59 PM, Jon Elson wrote:

 Igor Chudov wrote:
  On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Jon Elson
  So, that is why I supply boards, but not turnkey systems.  Some of my
  products are used by sizable aerospace shops in daily production.
  And your products are pretty good. Not the bottom of the barrel
  cheapest, but very straightforward to use and time saving.
 Yes, for any integrator, the first one takes some learning.  But, if an
 integrator wanted to standardize
 on my products, the second machine would go like clockwork!

 (I retrofitted a Series-II Boss 5 machine at Roland Freistad's shop in
 one day, including installing servo
 motors on it.  It was not a finished retrofit, just nothing to 3 axis
 movement in one day.)

 That, of course, is true with any
 of the EMC2 interface products, or probably with Mach3 as well.
 Somebody really could go into
 business making kits for some specific (Iron) platform like Bridgeport
 BOSS retrofits.   But, I never seem
 to get two requests for the same type of machine.


 Emc-users mailing list

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Neil Baylis
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Don Stanley dstanley1...@gmail.comwrote:

 To All Responders;


Remember you can't sell EMC, but you can sell your services, your
 and your electrical/electronic and mechanical products.

Why can't you sell EMC?

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Cal Grandy
It is a tough sell to get money for something one can get freely from 
another source.

Unless you are in the habit to prey on the innocent.

Can I interest you in a bottle of air?  Introductory price just for you.

All in good fun


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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Jan de Kruyf
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Don Stanley dstanley1...@gmail.comwrote:

I'd say its 3 cents with interest.

 If you want to see an example of the core group going commercial, take a
 look at
 Red Hat and their resulting open source Linux effort Fedora.

from my hart.

 Those who wish to go commercial are already doing so with no disruption to
 EMC2 effort (only enhances it).

 I suggest anyone who wants to go commercial with EMC and sell to large
 companies or manufactures, get a large capital reserve so your customer
 can see how to recover if your system doesn't work.
 Then advertise what you can do for their new system, or their broken

And this will improve EMC tremendously, since we now have to actually listen
to real live customers
The results of that discussion wiil ultimately feed back into EMC.
Everybody will happily make money, a core group of happy customers will come
in existence, software will get better, donations will be made, etc.

People don't own companies; companies own people; and the Government owns
 them both. Just look at the companies payroll Tax records.

And I would say the honourable investor that started off this thread was
uh... perhaps looking to own some people.

Commercial pressure from customers has improved a product time and again,
financial pressure from the investors rarely.


Jan de Kruyf.
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Jack Coats
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Neil Baylis wrote:

 On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Don Stanley

  To All Responders;


 Remember you can't sell EMC, but you can sell your services, your
  and your electrical/electronic and mechanical products.

 Why can't you sell EMC?



I worked for a while for a small company that sold VOIP phone systems.  One
major problem
was that customers thought it should all be free, since the software was
free.  But the hardware acquisition,
installation of wires, desksets, etc, setup of server hardware,
installation and setup time for the software,
and education time, let alone continuing support, are not free.  We didn't
charge for the open source software
we installed (Ubuntu and Asterisk plus associated utilities), but we did
charge for customization, and knowing

This is the same issue I see with EMC 'sales'.  Look at what Artsoft charges
for MACH3, a near 'competitor'.

Personally, if someone sets up an EMC based system, I think it should be of
as much or more value than
a Mach3 installation.  But customers don't want to pay for it.

Just my experience.

Also there is the little legal thing.  Read the license EMC2 is distributed
You don't 'own' EMC2, so you can't sell it.  But add a valued service
or hardware around it, and you probably have a way to 'sell EMC', just
remember you are not selling EMC,
just your value added portion.  But charge what you will.

... Jack
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Stephen Wille Padnos
Neil Baylis wrote:

 Remember you can't sell EMC, but you can sell your services, your

 and your electrical/electronic and mechanical products.
 Why can't you sell EMC?

Well, I was going to respond with something like because the GPL V2 
says you can't.  Turns out I was wrong :)

You are allowed to sell Free software in binary form.  However, you must 
make the source code available at no cost, or at a price which covers 
reasonable distribution costs.

Here's a FAQ on selling free software:

Now, after selling someone your Gee-Whiz-Bang-super-custom EMC binary, 
you may not prevent them from distributing it to all their friends, 
putting it on their website for anyone to freely download, etc.  They 
can do the same thing with the free (or almost free) source code you're 
required to offer them.

You don't have to support anyone who didn't pay you, but you can't 
prevent them from copying, using, or distributing it.

My $0.02, and IANAL.

- Steve

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Karl Schmidt
On 12/10/2010 02:47 PM, Stephen Wille Padnos wrote:
 Neil Baylis wrote:

 Remember you can't sell EMC, but you can sell your services, your

 and your electrical/electronic and mechanical products.

 Why can't you sell EMC?

 Well, I was going to respond with something like because the GPL V2
 says you can't.  Turns out I was wrong :)

Yes, but all of this violates good business sense.  Don't offer a product in 
search of a market - 
just solve customers' problems and you will have all the work you want.

( of course people today are not interested in finding work - instead looking 
for the government to 
confiscate other peoples wealth and hand it to them - some call this stealing. )

Karl Schmidt  EMail
Transtronics, Inc.  WEB
3209 West 9th Street Ph (785) 841-3089
Lawrence, KS 66049  FAX (785) 841-0434

They can print money; they cannot print wealth.
Printing money only destroys the ability of wealth
producers to produce more wealth.

Wealth is generated by people pursuing exchanges in their self interest - in a 
free market, no 
exchange takes place unless both parties think they benefit. This is called 
greed by some. kps

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Jack Coats
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Stephen Wille Padnos spad...@sover.netwrote:

 Neil Baylis wrote:
  Remember you can't sell EMC, but you can sell your services, your
  and your electrical/electronic and mechanical products.
  Why can't you sell EMC?
 Well, I was going to respond with something like because the GPL V2
 says you can't.  Turns out I was wrong :)

 You are allowed to sell Free software in binary form.  However, you must
 make the source code available at no cost, or at a price which covers
 reasonable distribution costs.

 Here's a FAQ on selling free software:

 Now, after selling someone your Gee-Whiz-Bang-super-custom EMC binary,
 you may not prevent them from distributing it to all their friends,
 putting it on their website for anyone to freely download, etc.  They
 can do the same thing with the free (or almost free) source code you're
 required to offer them.

 You don't have to support anyone who didn't pay you, but you can't
 prevent them from copying, using, or distributing it.

 My $0.02, and IANAL.

 - Steve

When you use a M$ product, you don't own the software.  You own the rights
to use it under the license agreement.
Same is true for EMC under the agreements.  And if you want to sell it, as
described before, you have responsibilities
to make the source code available. ... Now it can be argued that you don't
'owe the customer' your enhancements,
unless you published them under GPL (of some flavor) also.  In that case
your enhancements would be proprietary,
but you would still have to make the GPLed portion of the code base
available to the customers.
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Stephen Wille Padnos
Just a couple of minor clarifications below

Stephen Wille Padnos wrote:
 Jack Coats wrote:

 When you use a M$ product, you don't own the software.  You own the rights
 to use it under the license agreement.
 Same is true for EMC under the agreements.  And if you want to sell it, as
 described before, you have responsibilities
 to make the source code available. ... Now it can be argued that you don't
 'owe the customer' your enhancements,
 unless you published them under GPL (of some flavor) also.  In that case
 your enhancements would be proprietary,
 but you would still have to make the GPLed portion of the code base
 available to the customers.

 Well, that's true but possibly misleading.

 The key part there is the GPLed portion of the code base.  That's
 where a lot of people (including myself) get hung up.

 The GPL has in it a definition of what constitutes a derivative work.
 There are also legal precedents that might have bearing in a court
 case.  In a nutshell, if you use any GPL headers for your code, you link
 your code with GPL code to form a single binary (whether done at compile
 time or at run time), or you make a system that can't function without
 your code (ie, even if you figure out a way to avoid the whole linking
 thing, but the system still can't do anything without your code), then
 your code must also be licensed under the GPL.

 In the case of EMC, that means that if I wish to make a user interface
 based on e.g. Touchy, I must license the resulting program under the
 GPL, since Touchy is under the GPL and I have created a derivative of it.

This of course assumes that you want to distribute the code.  If you 
don't distribute it, then you don't have to license it.  You can still 
use it as much as you want.  It's only when you copy/distribute it 
(hence the term copyright) that you have to license under GPL.
 If I wish to write my own user interface from scratch (without looking
 at all the existing ones ...),
Here I meant looking at the source code to the existing ones.  You can 
run them and see what they look like all you want.
 then I probably have to release it under
 the GPL, since I would likely have to include the
 src/emc/nml_intf/emc.hh header file (among others), which is licensed
 under the GPL (not the LGPL).  That may not itself be enough to require
 GPL licensing for the resulting work, but since my program has to be
 linked with the NML library, which is under the GPL, my program has to
 be GPL anyway.

 See, it gets confusing :)

 It's best to read both the GPL itself  and the GPL FAQ  thoroughly,
 probably multiple times.  That's the only way to reduce the confusion.

- Steve

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Przemek Klosowski
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Don Stanley wrote:

 If you want to see an example of the core group going commercial, take a
 look at  Red Hat and their resulting open source Linux effort Fedora.

 Those who wish to go commercial are already doing so with no disruption to
 the  EMC2 effort (only enhances it).

Since I have an opinion on what makes Fedora successful, I thought I'd
comment on the similarities between EMC and Fedora/Redhat.

Simple economics says that in the long term, the sellers must control the
value of the goods  they are offering. Since EMC itself is not controllable
this way, the value must lie elsewhere: the EMC vendors must offer their
customers excellent service, or integrating expertise, or other skills.  The
EMC software is the foundation and the tooling, and it's the services that
is the real product. Similarly, the professional trades such architects and
builders aren't selling CAD software and building materials; they just use
them to construct a house for their customer.

Redhat's modus operandi is similar: they essentially offer a maintenance
contract (support, updates, assurance, etc.). The Fedora project is their
RD division: they put a lot of engineering and other resources in it, with
the expectation that the results will directly go into into their commercial
product. In that sense, everyone who uses Fedora is doing Redhat's QA---it's
a tradeoff of some possibility of breakage, justified by all the goodies
that come down to Fedora much earlier than to the safe but stolid Enterprise

The novel principle that Redhat understands is that OS software is now a
service rather than a manufacturing industry. They can't differentiate on
the software: they could maybe get more customers if they put some
proprietary enhancements and divergences in their commercial OS---but
overall they are better off by developing all the new features in the
open/free version. Any hypothetical  business offering EMC-driven machining
hardware would need to follow that model, but it's a hard psychological
argument to make to a person coming from the old, 'software as a
manufacturing industry' worldview.

The caveat is that Redhat is really putting a lot of resources into Fedora,
by contributing engineering and administrative/managerial resources, not to
mention infrastructure. Even the governance of Fedora is pretty amazing:
they actually have MEETINGS which result in concensus ACTION ITEMS that
someone FOLLOWS UP on :). Their software workflow is pretty impressive too
and quite automated: Bugzilla bug and issue tracking and Abrt automatic bug
reporting, Koji build and packaging system, and the AutoQA testing rig they
are working on.

The bottom line is that it would take humility and strength for a company to
have a successful relationship with EMC. After all, they would need EMC as
much or more than EMC would need them, so they would have to build trust and
prove their usefulness. Difficult, but doable.
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Dave
The long and short of it is that the GPL license only becomes an issue 
if you want to take EMC2 and make it entirely yours for commercial 

In reality, the license does not inhibit the general commercial 
implementation of EMC2.

The proof is in the fact that companies like Smithy and Tormach have 
implemented EMC2 on their machines and from what I can tell they have 
been at least moderately successful and no one has challenged them
on their use of EMC2 with their products.

Smithy even uses a non standard GUI on the front end of EMC2 (and they 
do treat the screen set as theirs).

I'm not sure that these companies are strictly following the GPL to the 
letter, but regardless, they continue to do business.


On 12/10/2010 6:04 PM, Przemek Klosowski wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Don  wrote:

 If you want to see an example of the core group going commercial, take a
 look at  Red Hat and their resulting open source Linux effort Fedora.

 Those who wish to go commercial are already doing so with no disruption to
 the  EMC2 effort (only enhances it).

 Since I have an opinion on what makes Fedora successful, I thought I'd
 comment on the similarities between EMC and Fedora/Redhat.

 Simple economics says that in the long term, the sellers must control the
 value of the goods  they are offering. Since EMC itself is not controllable
 this way, the value must lie elsewhere: the EMC vendors must offer their
 customers excellent service, or integrating expertise, or other skills.  The
 EMC software is the foundation and the tooling, and it's the services that
 is the real product. Similarly, the professional trades such architects and
 builders aren't selling CAD software and building materials; they just use
 them to construct a house for their customer.

 Redhat's modus operandi is similar: they essentially offer a maintenance
 contract (support, updates, assurance, etc.). The Fedora project is their
 RD division: they put a lot of engineering and other resources in it, with
 the expectation that the results will directly go into into their commercial
 product. In that sense, everyone who uses Fedora is doing Redhat's QA---it's
 a tradeoff of some possibility of breakage, justified by all the goodies
 that come down to Fedora much earlier than to the safe but stolid Enterprise

 The novel principle that Redhat understands is that OS software is now a
 service rather than a manufacturing industry. They can't differentiate on
 the software: they could maybe get more customers if they put some
 proprietary enhancements and divergences in their commercial OS---but
 overall they are better off by developing all the new features in the
 open/free version. Any hypothetical  business offering EMC-driven machining
 hardware would need to follow that model, but it's a hard psychological
 argument to make to a person coming from the old, 'software as a
 manufacturing industry' worldview.

 The caveat is that Redhat is really putting a lot of resources into Fedora,
 by contributing engineering and administrative/managerial resources, not to
 mention infrastructure. Even the governance of Fedora is pretty amazing:
 they actually have MEETINGS which result in concensus ACTION ITEMS that
 someone FOLLOWS UP on :). Their software workflow is pretty impressive too
 and quite automated: Bugzilla bug and issue tracking and Abrt automatic bug
 reporting, Koji build and packaging system, and the AutoQA testing rig they
 are working on.

 The bottom line is that it would take humility and strength for a company to
 have a successful relationship with EMC. After all, they would need EMC as
 much or more than EMC would need them, so they would have to build trust and
 prove their usefulness. Difficult, but doable.
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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-10 Thread Dean Hedin
You guys are reading this all wrong.

Make no mistake, Anonymous investor is looking to make some money.  
That should come as no surprise.

Heck, I think a lot of us have been trying to come up with a business plan 
that involves EMC in one way or another. Some of us have made some money
using EMC, right? 

What I'm trying to say is: If you have a fantastic idea involving EMC, don't
just toss it to Anonymous investor.  You might be able to pull it off
yourself or get a loan from your local bank.  Heck, if it's a good enough
idea I might invest in it. 

Anonymous Investor, you give us the business plan and tell us how much
capital is available and we'll volunteer.  OK, How's that?
Yea, and hurry up would ya?  we only floating this offer for a few months...

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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Erik Christiansen
On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 09:50:54PM -0800, Edward Bernard wrote:
 I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such a
 venture could effect our beloved software.

I was waiting to see what more active EMC2-ers think, but here's a
comment, FWIW.

It seems to be a vote of confidence in EMC2 being a robust product with
a commercial level of performance. When investors are willing to put
their money (or at least money they have to account for) into members of
our community going commercial in deploying EMC2, then they have
presumably taken some qualified advice on the merits of the product, and
the current level of development.

If, in addition to our existing hardware suppliers, there were
medium-scale commercial integrators or retrofitters, then yes, I can't
help feeling that might bias development toward more commercial
features, or even imitation of commercial products. If the worst came to
the worst, and minor incompatibilities arose, then it's not hard to have
a build option or two. But the interchangeable GUIs, and loadable
modules, not to mention HAL, make EMC2 admirably suited to pleasing many
and varied users, without interference.

But it is our active developers who make or break the viability of EMC2.
A successful venture might be able to contribute to that, to the benefit
of all?


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Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Jim Fleig
If the EMC2 GPL is honored, then EMC2 remains what it always has been  
- freely available open source software.

If I make a CNC console and retrofit a machine with my console and  
EMC2, then I can charge for the console and the retrofit service but  
not for the software.  Also, the end user must have access to the EMC2  
source code.  In most cases this is a non issue because businesses  
that employ machinging as part of their process are usually don't care  
about the details that make the machine work.  What they really care  
about is does the machine work, is it reasonably easy to use, is it  
dependable and is there support to provide troubleshooting and repair  
reasonably quickly and economically.

If a business entity owned something they created (a CNC console, a  
stand alone GUI (created from scratch - not a modification of one of  
the interfaces covered by the GPL), the service of integrating  
controls to machines, etc.) and they were able to generate a profit  
selling what they owned while giving away what they did not own (GPL  
licensed software) then that business would probably budget some of  
it's resources for EMC2 improvements and fixes.  Any improvements and  
fixes to the GPL licensed software should be posted to the EMC2  
website for anyone interested in the project to share.  EMC2 would  
potentially realize greater development in a shorter amount of time  
because programming improvements and fixes were, in some cases, being  
driven by the needs of paying customers.  Wouldn't this be a win for  
the development of EMC2?

Anonymous Investor has articulated the same thoughts that I have put  
forth for discussion in the past.  I have been working towards these  
goals and have realized some progress.  There are two software  
programmers with real world CNC experience that are involved with EMC2  
because I introduced them to the software and spent time explaining  
the software's capabilities and potential.  I provided the airfare for  
one of those programmers to attend this years EMC2 Fest.  I am in the  
process of developing a relationship with a third programmer with  
Linux experience and enthusiasm and real world electrical / electronic  
engineering capabilities.  I attended this year's EMC2 Fest and met  
with Stuart.  Stuart and I may have some business opportunities  
(unrelated to EMC2, mechanical device stuff) that we will pursue and  
hopefully realize a profit.  We already know that some of the profits  
from Stuart's business assist in the testing and development of EMC2.   
Has this hurt EMC2?  Would it hurt EMC2 if another business was  
functioning like Stuart's (making a profit and using some of the  
proceeds to advance EMC2)?

Perhaps instead of fearing an unknown difficulty resulting from the  
involvement of businesses, businesses could be coached on how to join  
the project and the community in such a way as to preserve and advance  
EMC2 as a free and open software package.  Imagine the potential  
benefit of a few or even several businesses assisting EMC2 like  
Stuart's.  I aspire to achieve that.

I would welcome any coaching that would enable me to understand how to  
participate with but not violate the EMC2 GPL.

Have a good day,

Jim Fleig

585 975-9618

On Dec 9, 2010, at 12:50 AM, Edward Bernard  

 I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such  
 a venture
 could effect our beloved software.

 - Original Message 
 From: Anonymous Investor
 Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 9:10:13 AM
 Subject: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

 *Business Opportunity related to EMC2*

 EMC2 may be well written CNC control software, but it does not  
 appear to be
 making progress entering mainstream applications.  We believe that the
 largest impediment to success is the lack of a full scope supplier.   
 We feel
 that the mainstream machine builder community, meaning hobby,  
 and OEM, remains outside the open source community.  Furthermore, we  
 that the solution is not to try and bring machine builders into the  
 source community, but rather to bring complete solutions to machine
 builders.  We propose the creation of a company which delivers EMC  
 solutions, essentially the Red Hat of CNC.  To that end, we will  
 such a company.


 There are quite a few hobby oriented suppliers, based on Mach3,  
 and other solutions, which offer everything including ballscrews,  
 drivers, and circuit boards.  These companies serve their customers  
 but they do not come up to the level of professionalism that is  
 necessary to
 attract serious commercial machine builders.

 There are mid-level suppliers, such as Flashcut, CamSoft, or  
 Centroid, which
 offer reasonable value but cannot provide the security, vendor  
 or continuity

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Kent A. Reed
On 12/9/2010 12:50 AM, Edward Bernard wrote:
 I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such a venture
 could effect our beloved software.

My comment?

An unknown entity using an unrevealing email address makes a vague offer 
on an open mail list to finance someone to create a company to do 
something, provided the someone does all the work developing a viable 
business plan. Sorry, but I don't believe in the tooth fairy.

I may be an incorrigible skeptic, but doesn't it seem reasonable to 
think anyone serious about forming a Red Hat of CNC would directly 
approach the core EMC2 developers instead of floating a proposal that 
has all the earmarks of a phishing expedition?

Just my 2 cents worth.


PS - perusal of the EMC2 mail list archives will turn up a number of 
past conversations about the possibility of commercial support of EMC2 
which I feel no need to rehash.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Igor Chudov
I feel the same way.


On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Kent A. Reed wrote:
 On 12/9/2010 12:50 AM, Edward Bernard wrote:
 I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such a 
 could effect our beloved software.

 My comment?

 An unknown entity using an unrevealing email address makes a vague offer
 on an open mail list to finance someone to create a company to do
 something, provided the someone does all the work developing a viable
 business plan. Sorry, but I don't believe in the tooth fairy.

 I may be an incorrigible skeptic, but doesn't it seem reasonable to
 think anyone serious about forming a Red Hat of CNC would directly
 approach the core EMC2 developers instead of floating a proposal that
 has all the earmarks of a phishing expedition?

 Just my 2 cents worth.


 PS - perusal of the EMC2 mail list archives will turn up a number of
 past conversations about the possibility of commercial support of EMC2
 which I feel no need to rehash.

 This SF Dev2Dev email is sponsored by:

 WikiLeaks The End of the Free Internet
 Emc-users mailing list

This SF Dev2Dev email is sponsored by:

WikiLeaks The End of the Free Internet
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Spiderdab

Il 09/12/2010 14:49, Igor Chudov ha scritto:
 I feel the same way.


 On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Kent A.  wrote:

 On 12/9/2010 12:50 AM, Edward Bernard wrote:
 I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such a 
 could effect our beloved software.

 My comment?

 An unknown entity using an unrevealing email address makes a vague offer
 on an open mail list to finance someone to create a company to do
 something, provided the someone does all the work developing a viable
 business plan. Sorry, but I don't believe in the tooth fairy.

 I may be an incorrigible skeptic, but doesn't it seem reasonable to
 think anyone serious about forming a Red Hat of CNC would directly
 approach the core EMC2 developers instead of floating a proposal that
 has all the earmarks of a phishing expedition?

 Just my 2 cents worth.


 PS - perusal of the EMC2 mail list archives will turn up a number of
 past conversations about the possibility of commercial support of EMC2
 which I feel no need to rehash.

 This SF Dev2Dev email is sponsored by:

 WikiLeaks The End of the Free Internet
 Emc-users mailing list

 This SF Dev2Dev email is sponsored by:

 WikiLeaks The End of the Free Internet
 Emc-users mailing list

This SF Dev2Dev email is sponsored by:

WikiLeaks The End of the Free Internet
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Peter Blodow
Hello gentlemen,

regardless of this offer being serious or phoney or fraud, I think 
commerce will, like in other instances, spoil the character of the EMC 
project. So far, and I have been following this mail group for about two 
years, it was a playground for addicted engineers, maybe even freaks of 
automated machine control. In those two years, and I count 3677 mail 
contributions so far, their contents have changed already from a 
harmless intellectual or mechanical game toward commercial application 

I regret this process from technical to commercial money making 
interest. I believe that the complete freedom without economic 
constraints which the developers can afford is one of the main drives 
for the progress of development of EMC. On the long run, letting any 
money oriented part gain influence to EMC means restricting this freedom 
by pressure to drirect developing with respect to economic, not 
technical growth. And restricting intellectual freedom means restricted 

This all said without looking at the question of the chances of success 
or failure for such a project.

I used to have a lot of machines, mostly electronically controlled, in 
the shop I had to care for as a facility manager for many decades 
(mills, lathes and a 80 ton sheet metal press plus a few hundred air and 
water conditioning systems and other building equipment). Now and then a 
control system (on a mechanically sound machine) would fail and the 
provider had disappeared from market or was unable or unwilling to help. 
How often did I hear the sentence buy a new machine, that's more 
economic! Being a technical addict (and a scrooge), I had the 
electronics repaired some way or other, and the machine was used on. 
(But if there had been severe economic constraints like delivery time 
etc., maybe I would have reacted differently). But from my own 
experience, I can very well imagine the feeling of some of the EMC 
delelopers, say in 2007 or 8, standing in front of a electronically 
defective, but mechanically sound machine thinking can't throw this 
machine into the junk container!

Now that this period of my life is over, for the first time, I feel free 
to develop my electronics and machines solely for my own private 
purposes. This is one of my hobbies. Therefore, I would never in my life 
produce hard- or software or even parts with my machines, because in 
this case I would lose my hobby and had to look out for a new one.

I very much appreciated the idea of EMC being a free GNU-like CNC 
system, just like the Linux-idea and other, non-commercial projects. 
Leave it at that!

Peter Blodow

Anonymous Investor schrieb:
 *Business Opportunity related to EMC2*

 EMC2 may be well written CNC control software, but it does not appear to be
 making progress entering mainstream applications.  We believe that the
 largest impediment to success is the lack of a full scope supplier.  We feel
 that the mainstream machine builder community, meaning hobby, professional,
 and OEM, remains outside the open source community.  Furthermore, we feel
 that the solution is not to try and bring machine builders into the open
 source community, but rather to bring complete solutions to machine
 builders.  We propose the creation of a company which delivers EMC based
 solutions, essentially the Red Hat of CNC.  To that end, we will finance
 such a company.


 There are quite a few hobby oriented suppliers, based on Mach3, TurboCAD,
 and other solutions, which offer everything including ballscrews, motors,
 drivers, and circuit boards.  These companies serve their customers well,
 but they do not come up to the level of professionalism that is necessary to
 attract serious commercial machine builders.

 There are mid-level suppliers, such as Flashcut, CamSoft, or Centroid, which
 offer reasonable value but cannot provide the security, vendor independence,
 or continuity of supply, which would be available with a more open
 technology.   Of course the 800 lb gorilla is Fanuc, having sold 2.2 million
 control systems.  While offering the ultimate in performance, Fanuc
 solutions come with minimum vendor independence and dismal ROI for those
 only needed mid-level performance.

 We believe a full service, professional grade supplier, offering complete
 control systems solutions, can be an effective competitor and is sorely
 needed by all levels of machine builders.  We are not proposing open source
 hardware, but rather combining open source software with support and
 conventional industrial components to develop full spectrum solutions. This
 is not a matter of welcoming machine builders into the open source
 community; rather it is an issue of bringing the resources and value of open
 source to the market, offering attractive ROI to both customers and

 *Details and How to Proceed:*

 We are looking to invest in a start-up business which meets the general
 goals as outlined above.  We 

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread For Sale Sticker
 3. The user interface needs a lot of critical thinking
 still, to bring it up
 to scratch. Have a good look at the latest FANUCs for

but the UI is miles ahead of mach3.


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Colin K
I think worrying about EMC2 becoming overly commercialized right now is a
bit like worrying that you may be killed by a falling space elevator ( Maybe it is possible but you
are probably safe for at least a few decades.

In the worst case, I think what you would see is a forking of the project,
with a commercial company maintaining a set of code that, while open-source,
over time becomes completely incompatible with the main EMC2 branch. Perhaps
this becomes much more popular than the EMC2 project.

As it happens, this describes almost exactly what happened with the original
EMC and Mach. Has Mach's popularity made the EMC2 project weaker? I don't
think so. I think it probably does more to grow the whole DIY CNC movement
(where the lines between amateur and professional can be very fuzzy) which
eventually leads more people to the EMC2 Project.

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Peter Blodow wrote:

 Hello gentlemen,

 regardless of this offer being serious or phoney or fraud, I think
 commerce will, like in other instances, spoil the character of the EMC
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Igor Chudov
Colin, I agree. While I have big reservations about the genuiness of
the offer that started this topic, I would be personally excited by a
commercial project that would use EMC2, while complying with its

The separation of control and GUI that exists in EMC means that we can
have competing UIs, some of which may be more suitable to machine
operators using them, as opposed to DIY tinkerers. As a DIY tinkerer,
I personally am happy with the existing UI, though I wish for somewhat
better integration of subroutines into wizards, along the lines of

In any case, the best hoped for outcome would be that some large
enhancements of EMC2 would make it back to us to be reused elsewhere.
Say, machine builders would contribute to EMC2 to make their machines
controllable by EMC. This is not very far fetched, since this is what
happens to the Linux kernel.


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Kirk Wallace
On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 21:50 -0800, Edward Bernard wrote:
 I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such a 
 could effect our beloved software.

I think it would be interesting to hear from Smithy and Tormach to see
how EMC2 has affected their business. It doesn't appear that their
products have affected EMC2. I'm not trying to say their use of EMC2 is
good or bad, it just may help to explore some of the issues.

As far as Anonymous goes, I think he/she is just shaking the tree to see
if any fruit falls, not plant and water any seeds. It is what is is,
nothing more (neither good, nor bad). My guess any way.
Kirk Wallace
California, USA

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread dave
Hi all, 

I can't see  commercial support as being detrimental to EMC2 in any way.
Take MPM (Stuart's shop) as an example. 
He has driven features he needed; eg. comp for an axis being out of
tram. He uses features not usually needed; encoder's and glass scales on
an axis. Not everyone has a 5 axis machine to use and his use forms an
excellent test bed. 
He has hosted several meeting of the developers to his benefit and ours.
The most recent example is the restored American robot. 

Now I admit this is not the same as someone selling support for EMC
maybe accompanied by their own UI but it provides part of the model.  



 Emc-users mailing list

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Arnoldritercnc
I could not agree more


On 12/09/2010 02:44 PM, Kent A. Reed wrote:
 On 12/9/2010 12:50 AM, Edward Bernard wrote:
 I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such a 
 could effect our beloved software.

 My comment?

 An unknown entity using an unrevealing email address makes a vague offer
 on an open mail list to finance someone to create a company to do
 something, provided the someone does all the work developing a viable
 business plan. Sorry, but I don't believe in the tooth fairy.

 I may be an incorrigible skeptic, but doesn't it seem reasonable to
 think anyone serious about forming a Red Hat of CNC would directly
 approach the core EMC2 developers instead of floating a proposal that
 has all the earmarks of a phishing expedition?

 Just my 2 cents worth.


 PS - perusal of the EMC2 mail list archives will turn up a number of
 past conversations about the possibility of commercial support of EMC2
 which I feel no need to rehash.

 This SF Dev2Dev email is sponsored by:

 WikiLeaks The End of the Free Internet
 Emc-users mailing list

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Jon Elson
Anonymous Investor wrote:
   We believe that the
 largest impediment to success is the lack of a full scope supplier.  
I made a few complete, turnkey systems for people.  One of the problems 
is that if you manufacture anything electronic, you are required by law 
to have it tested for radio frequency emissions by a registered testing 
lab.  You are also supposed, but not required, to have it tested for 
safety.  In the area of machine tools, the level of fault-tolerant 
safety gear most labs would require would double the price of the 
parts.  Just the FCC emissions testing now runs over $10K.  And, the big 
problem is every customer wants a variation, 2 through 6 axes, brush or 
brushless motors, etc.  And, EVERY different combination requires a new 
test and $10K.  Change a part on one of the boards, and you have to do 
all the testing over again.

So, that is why I supply boards, but not turnkey systems.  Some of my 
products are used by sizable aerospace shops in daily production.


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Colin K
I agree, especially on ngcgui. I want to do dome work with that once my arduino 
pendant project is done. Currently I am designing some PCBs for that and 
getting my code cleaned up. I'm thinking about selling kits but releasing the 
source openly. It's interesting from the perspective of looking at how you make 
money in an open-source environment. The bar for value add is definitely a lot 
higher. Even hardware is tricky if you factor in the Chinese eBay clones that 
will follow any successful product. 

In end user terms, EMC2 is plagued by the same crisis of abundance that Linux 
has. For everything you want to do, there are five possible options, all of 
which are somewhat incomplete, and none of which are documented. I run a  
software company I started six years ago, and there is nothing more frustrating 
than the weeks of work it takes to deal with the final 5% or so of feature 
completeness and bug fixing. I would love to ditch that and move on to building 
something new, but customers won't let me get away with that. So here we have 
HAL, classic ladder, and user modules all serving related purposes in 
controlling and configuring machines. It gives you great flexibility but it's 
not easy if you haven't done it before. 

Compare this to Mach, where almost everything boils down to menus and macros. 
The integration of the GUI and backend makes custom functionality quite easy. 
In my view the underlying core has some serious limitations but for many users 
these are probably less important than the simplicity and familiarity with 
windows. I am also impressed with the level of activity on Mach forums, not 
just raw numbers but the projects people are working on. It sometimes feels 
like EMC is for people who like building machines while Mach is for people who 
like using them. This is partly unfair but it is there. 

I think more commercial users would bring a lot more focus to improving the 
rough edges that most of us are used to living with. I don't see a Red Hat 
model for it yet though. I think you would need to offer a complete brain in a 
box, both hardware and software. The low end of the market (eg Tormach) will 
need a lot more simplicity as they don't want to deal with people who have 
problems with Ubuntu. And the high end I don't see switching without a really 
good reason. Linux rose because customers wanted to get away from expensive 
proprietary hardware. Where is the x86 of the CNC world? Will the Chinese 
figure out how to make a machine for half the price of Gene Haas? Outside of 
that, customers and vendors seem to be in equilibrium. Vendors compete in large 
part on their controls and would want to continue doing so. 

Sent from my iPhone 

On Dec 9, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Igor Chudov wrote:

 Colin, I agree. While I have big reservations about the genuiness of
 the offer that started this topic, I would be personally excited by a
 commercial project that would use EMC2, while complying with its
 The separation of control and GUI that exists in EMC means that we can
 have competing UIs, some of which may be more suitable to machine
 operators using them, as opposed to DIY tinkerers. As a DIY tinkerer,
 I personally am happy with the existing UI, though I wish for somewhat
 better integration of subroutines into wizards, along the lines of
 In any case, the best hoped for outcome would be that some large
 enhancements of EMC2 would make it back to us to be reused elsewhere.
 Say, machine builders would contribute to EMC2 to make their machines
 controllable by EMC. This is not very far fetched, since this is what
 happens to the Linux kernel.
 Emc-users mailing list

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Igor Chudov
On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Jon Elson wrote:
 So, that is why I supply boards, but not turnkey systems.  Some of my
 products are used by sizable aerospace shops in daily production.

And your products are pretty good. Not the bottom of the barrel
cheapest, but very straightforward to use and time saving.


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Igor Chudov
On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Colin K wrote:
 I agree, especially on ngcgui. I want to do dome work with that once my
arduino pendant project is done. Currently I am designing some PCBs for that
and getting my code cleaned up. I'm thinking about selling kits but
releasing the source openly. It's interesting from the perspective of
looking at how you make money in an open-source environment. The bar for
value add is definitely a lot higher. Even hardware is tricky if you factor
in the Chinese eBay clones that will follow any successful product.

 In end user terms, EMC2 is plagued by the same crisis of abundance that
Linux has. For everything you want to do, there are five possible options,
all of which are somewhat incomplete, and none of which are documented. I
run a  software company I started six years ago, and there is nothing more
frustrating than the weeks of work it takes to deal with the final 5% or so
of feature completeness and bug fixing. I would love to ditch that and move
on to building something new, but customers won't let me get away with that.
So here we have HAL, classic ladder, and user modules all serving related
purposes in controlling and configuring machines. It gives you great
flexibility but it's not easy if you haven't done it before.

I am extremely and openly critical of many open source products, but I have
to say that EMC2 is on top as far as documentation, ease of configuration,
etc is concerned. To add to this excellent support, and you would know why I
am very happy. EMC2 is also very stable.

The documentation is clear, abundant, and actually correct.

The tasks that users try to accomplish with EMC2, such as retrofitting old
machines or making new machines, are daunting and many of us are first
timers, myself included. This is why using EMC2 is so difficult, not because
EMC2 is hard to use. I had to learn everything about CNC as part of my

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Eric Keller
Well said.  The support the developers give EMC is uncommon even among
commercial software.   Mach gets a lot of support from vendors because
the user base is bigger.  But you can have a step/dir machine up and
running under EMC very quickly.  If a machine was running under Mach,
it probably would take less than an hour to get EMC running the
machine.  I know I've gotten steppers spinning in less than an hour,
and that was from the state where everything was in a box and I had to
scrounge for wire.  And I'm sure there are some industrial  users that
are quietly using EMC without telling us.

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Igor Chudov wrote:

 I am extremely and openly critical of many open source products, but I have
 to say that EMC2 is on top as far as documentation, ease of configuration,
 etc is concerned. To add to this excellent support, and you would know why I
 am very happy. EMC2 is also very stable.

 The documentation is clear, abundant, and actually correct.

 The tasks that users try to accomplish with EMC2, such as retrofitting old
 machines or making new machines, are daunting and many of us are first
 timers, myself included. This is why using EMC2 is so difficult, not because
 EMC2 is hard to use. I had to learn everything about CNC as part of my

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Colin K
Lest I give the wrong impression, I do agree that the current state of the
project is very impressive and the people who have built it up have done a
wonderful job on many fronts. Stepconf has evolved into a very solid tool
and the user community is ENORMOUSLY helpful and generous. That more than
anything has made me want to contribute something of value back.

I don't think of other products as competition so much as places to pick up
good ideas from. To me, the bigger the EMC user community, the more
interesting things will grow out of it.

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Eric Keller wrote:

 Well said.  The support the developers give EMC is uncommon even among
 commercial software.   Mach gets a lot of support from vendors because
 the user base is bigger.  But you can have a step/dir machine up and
 running under EMC very quickly.  If a machine was running under Mach,
 it probably would take less than an hour to get EMC running the
 machine.  I know I've gotten steppers spinning in less than an hour,
 and that was from the state where everything was in a box and I had to
 scrounge for wire.  And I'm sure there are some industrial  users that
 are quietly using EMC without telling us.

 On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Igor Chudov wrote:

  I am extremely and openly critical of many open source products, but I
  to say that EMC2 is on top as far as documentation, ease of
  etc is concerned. To add to this excellent support, and you would know
 why I
  am very happy. EMC2 is also very stable.
  The documentation is clear, abundant, and actually correct.
  The tasks that users try to accomplish with EMC2, such as retrofitting
  machines or making new machines, are daunting and many of us are first
  timers, myself included. This is why using EMC2 is so difficult, not
  EMC2 is hard to use. I had to learn everything about CNC as part of my

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread cogoman
On 12/09/2010 02:38 PM, Igor Chudov  wrote:
 I am extremely and openly critical of many open source products, but I have
 to say that EMC2 is on top as far as documentation, ease of configuration,
 etc is concerned. To add to this excellent support, and you would know why I
 am very happy. EMC2 is also very stable.

 The documentation is clear, abundant, and actually correct.

   Most end users are blissfully ignorant of the systems integrator who 
puts up with the headaches that end users are paying to have removed 
before they get their stuff.  I say stuff because my comments are 
about the other most successful computer operating system available.

   Years ago I bought an Ensoniq  sound card that was inexpensive, AND 
great sounding.  The trouble was, when the auto-run of the driver CD 
ran, it couldn't find the driver files, and installed a dummy hardware 
for the sound card.  I called tech support and got some weird 
instructions about renaming a whole bunch of files, and trying again.  
After weeks of headaches, I found I just had to delete the audio device, 
and when auto-run did it's thing, show it where on the CD it hid the files.

   If someone bought a PC with this sound card, some technician had 
already had his 2 week (or perhaps 3 hour) headache finding out what was 

   Years ago I bought an EMachines PC with XP on it.  The motherboard 
died after a couple of years, and when I bought a new motherboard, 
Microsoft said I needed to buy a new copy of Windows to go with it.  I 
deliberated on whether to get XP or MCE.  MCE was more expensive, but I 
figured being able to play DVDs out of the box would be worth $30 
extra.  You can imagine how steamed I was when I found out that MCE 
couldn't play any DVDs at all without about $50 worth of help from 
someone else.  MCE shipped without any non-MS CODECs.  I found out that 
the system integrator was the guy that got to bear the headaches so that 
the person buying a new PC could just use it.  That's why you get some 
other third party version of media player with a new PC, the optical 
drive/media player bundle provides the missing CODECs

   Now if one of the biggest companies on the face of the Earth needs 
system integrators to make things work, why should we expect EMC2 to 
just work out of the box?  The guy with the knowledge to make an EMC2 
machine work properly is valuable, and should get paid for his knowledge 
and labor (unless he/she is doing it for his/her own hobby, then what 
she/he can make is probably the payment sought.)  With tools like 
latency test, the stepper configurator, and comp you guys have even made 
the system integrator's job quite a bit easier (for simple 
installations), and on here you provide the help for the tougher systems.

   My hat's off to you guys who can select the right servo 
motors/drives/boards and tune a system to work with great accuracy.

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Steve Blackmore
On Thu, 9 Dec 2010 07:42:34 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

 3. The user interface needs a lot of critical thinking
 still, to bring it up
 to scratch. Have a good look at the latest FANUCs for

but the UI is miles ahead of mach3.

Not for touch screen lathe users !

It also has it's quirks - two for starters that really annoy, first is
nasty IMO - Axis, click on spindle start, spindle races off at some
arbitrary speed. Need to press + twice before you can control speed.

Other is an annoyance. Running multiple iterations of the same job,
screen should CTRL K after M30 so you can see at a glance, and from a
distance, where it's up to on subsequent runs on the backplot screen
without having to manually type it before pressing Start. 

Steve Blackmore

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Jon Elson
Igor Chudov wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Jon Elson wrote:
 So, that is why I supply boards, but not turnkey systems.  Some of my
 products are used by sizable aerospace shops in daily production.

 And your products are pretty good. Not the bottom of the barrel
 cheapest, but very straightforward to use and time saving.
Yes, for any integrator, the first one takes some learning.  But, if an 
integrator wanted to standardize
on my products, the second machine would go like clockwork!

(I retrofitted a Series-II Boss 5 machine at Roland Freistad's shop in 
one day, including installing servo
motors on it.  It was not a finished retrofit, just nothing to 3 axis 
movement in one day.)

That, of course, is true with any
of the EMC2 interface products, or probably with Mach3 as well.  
Somebody really could go into
business making kits for some specific (Iron) platform like Bridgeport 
BOSS retrofits.   But, I never seem
to get two requests for the same type of machine.


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-09 Thread Chris Radek
On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 10:42:44PM +, Steve Blackmore wrote:
 On Thu, 9 Dec 2010 07:42:34 -0800 (PST), you wrote:
  3. The user interface needs a lot of critical thinking
  still, to bring it up
  to scratch. Have a good look at the latest FANUCs for
 but the UI is miles ahead of mach3.
 Not for touch screen lathe users !

Touchy has had lathe support for a while now, but I'm not using it
yet.  Have you tried it?

 It also has it's quirks - two for starters that really annoy, first is
 nasty IMO - Axis, click on spindle start, spindle races off at some
 arbitrary speed. Need to press + twice before you can control speed.

I can't reproduce this - can you give more details?  Can you
reproduce it in sim?

 Other is an annoyance. Running multiple iterations of the same job,
 screen should CTRL K after M30 so you can see at a glance, and from a
 distance, where it's up to on subsequent runs on the backplot screen
 without having to manually type it before pressing Start. 

I agree that would be nice.


Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-08 Thread Anonymous Investor
*Business Opportunity related to EMC2*

EMC2 may be well written CNC control software, but it does not appear to be
making progress entering mainstream applications.  We believe that the
largest impediment to success is the lack of a full scope supplier.  We feel
that the mainstream machine builder community, meaning hobby, professional,
and OEM, remains outside the open source community.  Furthermore, we feel
that the solution is not to try and bring machine builders into the open
source community, but rather to bring complete solutions to machine
builders.  We propose the creation of a company which delivers EMC based
solutions, essentially the Red Hat of CNC.  To that end, we will finance
such a company.


There are quite a few hobby oriented suppliers, based on Mach3, TurboCAD,
and other solutions, which offer everything including ballscrews, motors,
drivers, and circuit boards.  These companies serve their customers well,
but they do not come up to the level of professionalism that is necessary to
attract serious commercial machine builders.

There are mid-level suppliers, such as Flashcut, CamSoft, or Centroid, which
offer reasonable value but cannot provide the security, vendor independence,
or continuity of supply, which would be available with a more open
technology.   Of course the 800 lb gorilla is Fanuc, having sold 2.2 million
control systems.  While offering the ultimate in performance, Fanuc
solutions come with minimum vendor independence and dismal ROI for those
only needed mid-level performance.

We believe a full service, professional grade supplier, offering complete
control systems solutions, can be an effective competitor and is sorely
needed by all levels of machine builders.  We are not proposing open source
hardware, but rather combining open source software with support and
conventional industrial components to develop full spectrum solutions. This
is not a matter of welcoming machine builders into the open source
community; rather it is an issue of bringing the resources and value of open
source to the market, offering attractive ROI to both customers and

*Details and How to Proceed:*

We are looking to invest in a start-up business which meets the general
goals as outlined above.  We will provide the majority of capital and
mentoring as needed.  We will not participate in, nor attempt to control,
the day to day activities of the business.  If you want this to be your
start-up business, submit a business plan to the email of Anonymous Investor
at the address [backgroundpartner at].  All submissions will
remain confidential.  There are many resources available for guidance on the
development of a business plan, Google it.   There is no specific timeline
for this venture, but we will keep it open for at least 2 months.  This is
not a contest; it’s an investment and a partnership.  A credible plan may be
reviewed with suggestions for improvement.  We have limited time for dialog
and are unlikely to answer email from those with idle curiosity.

*Anti-Spam and Scam Issues:*

The legitimacy of this opportunity should speak for itself.  This offer is
only going out to the EMC email list and at no time will we ask for money,
deposits, or personal financial information.  Our anonymity will be removed
for those whose negotiations appear credible and who sign non-disclosure


Anonymous Investor
What happens now with your Lotus Notes apps - do you make another costly 
upgrade, or settle for being marooned without product support? Time to move
off Lotus Notes and onto the cloud with, apps are easier to build,
use, and manage than apps on traditional platforms. Sign up for the Lotus 
Notes Migration Kit to learn more.
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-08 Thread Edward Bernard
I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such a venture 
could effect our beloved software.

- Original Message 
From: Anonymous Investor
Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 9:10:13 AM
Subject: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

*Business Opportunity related to EMC2*

EMC2 may be well written CNC control software, but it does not appear to be
making progress entering mainstream applications.  We believe that the
largest impediment to success is the lack of a full scope supplier.  We feel
that the mainstream machine builder community, meaning hobby, professional,
and OEM, remains outside the open source community.  Furthermore, we feel
that the solution is not to try and bring machine builders into the open
source community, but rather to bring complete solutions to machine
builders.  We propose the creation of a company which delivers EMC based
solutions, essentially the Red Hat of CNC.  To that end, we will finance
such a company.


There are quite a few hobby oriented suppliers, based on Mach3, TurboCAD,
and other solutions, which offer everything including ballscrews, motors,
drivers, and circuit boards.  These companies serve their customers well,
but they do not come up to the level of professionalism that is necessary to
attract serious commercial machine builders.

There are mid-level suppliers, such as Flashcut, CamSoft, or Centroid, which
offer reasonable value but cannot provide the security, vendor independence,
or continuity of supply, which would be available with a more open
technology.   Of course the 800 lb gorilla is Fanuc, having sold 2.2 million
control systems.  While offering the ultimate in performance, Fanuc
solutions come with minimum vendor independence and dismal ROI for those
only needed mid-level performance.

We believe a full service, professional grade supplier, offering complete
control systems solutions, can be an effective competitor and is sorely
needed by all levels of machine builders.  We are not proposing open source
hardware, but rather combining open source software with support and
conventional industrial components to develop full spectrum solutions. This
is not a matter of welcoming machine builders into the open source
community; rather it is an issue of bringing the resources and value of open
source to the market, offering attractive ROI to both customers and

*Details and How to Proceed:*

We are looking to invest in a start-up business which meets the general
goals as outlined above.  We will provide the majority of capital and
mentoring as needed.  We will not participate in, nor attempt to control,
the day to day activities of the business.  If you want this to be your
start-up business, submit a business plan to the email of Anonymous Investor
at the address [backgroundpartner at].  All submissions will
remain confidential.  There are many resources available for guidance on the
development of a business plan, Google it.   There is no specific timeline
for this venture, but we will keep it open for at least 2 months.  This is
not a contest; it’s an investment and a partnership.  A credible plan may be
reviewed with suggestions for improvement.  We have limited time for dialog
and are unlikely to answer email from those with idle curiosity.

*Anti-Spam and Scam Issues:*

The legitimacy of this opportunity should speak for itself.  This offer is
only going out to the EMC email list and at no time will we ask for money,
deposits, or personal financial information.  Our anonymity will be removed
for those whose negotiations appear credible and who sign non-disclosure


Anonymous Investor
What happens now with your Lotus Notes apps - do you make another costly 
upgrade, or settle for being marooned without product support? Time to move
off Lotus Notes and onto the cloud with, apps are easier to build,
use, and manage than apps on traditional platforms. Sign up for the Lotus 
Notes Migration Kit to learn more.
Emc-users mailing list


This SF Dev2Dev email is sponsored by:

WikiLeaks The End of the Free Internet
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

2010-12-08 Thread Jan de Kruyf

1. EMC appeals to the hobbyists. It has a good basic structure inherited
from NIST but lately lots of things have been happening that are not so well
structured and documented.

2. Here and there it gets a bit stale already.

3. The user interface needs a lot of critical thinking still, to bring it up
to scratch. Have a good look at the latest FANUCs for instance.

4. So to me it is a perfect solution for specials. But it will need a LOT of
work to make i appealing to the mass market. In fact I do heavy evangelizing
in the workplace, but the resistance is unbelievable.

5. So personally I will not invest in such a company. But your mileage may

6. Where money comes in through the frontdoor, trust leaves through the
backdoor; and the most important thing is NOT going to happen anytime real
soon, because now we are argueing.

7. So I propose we rather consentrate on enjoyment and see if we cannot
clean up a few things in the software here and there. Perhaps see if we can
make a professional version that costs a bit more in switches etc, but that
will be very presentable.


Jan de Kruyf.

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 7:50 AM, Edward Bernard yankeelena2...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I'm surprised there were no comments on this. I'm wondering how such a
 could effect our beloved software.

 - Original Message 
 From: Anonymous Investor
 Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 9:10:13 AM
 Subject: [Emc-users] Expansion of EMC

 *Business Opportunity related to EMC2*

 EMC2 may be well written CNC control software, but it does not appear to be
 making progress entering mainstream applications.  We believe that the
 largest impediment to success is the lack of a full scope supplier.  We
 that the mainstream machine builder community, meaning hobby, professional,
 and OEM, remains outside the open source community.  Furthermore, we feel
 that the solution is not to try and bring machine builders into the open
 source community, but rather to bring complete solutions to machine
 builders.  We propose the creation of a company which delivers EMC based
 solutions, essentially the Red Hat of CNC.  To that end, we will finance
 such a company.


 There are quite a few hobby oriented suppliers, based on Mach3, TurboCAD,
 and other solutions, which offer everything including ballscrews, motors,
 drivers, and circuit boards.  These companies serve their customers well,
 but they do not come up to the level of professionalism that is necessary
 attract serious commercial machine builders.

 There are mid-level suppliers, such as Flashcut, CamSoft, or Centroid,
 offer reasonable value but cannot provide the security, vendor
 or continuity of supply, which would be available with a more open
 technology.   Of course the 800 lb gorilla is Fanuc, having sold 2.2
 control systems.  While offering the ultimate in performance, Fanuc
 solutions come with minimum vendor independence and dismal ROI for those
 only needed mid-level performance.

 We believe a full service, professional grade supplier, offering complete
 control systems solutions, can be an effective competitor and is sorely
 needed by all levels of machine builders.  We are not proposing open source
 hardware, but rather combining open source software with support and
 conventional industrial components to develop full spectrum solutions. This
 is not a matter of welcoming machine builders into the open source
 community; rather it is an issue of bringing the resources and value of
 source to the market, offering attractive ROI to both customers and

 *Details and How to Proceed:*

 We are looking to invest in a start-up business which meets the general
 goals as outlined above.  We will provide the majority of capital and
 mentoring as needed.  We will not participate in, nor attempt to control,
 the day to day activities of the business.  If you want this to be your
 start-up business, submit a business plan to the email of Anonymous
 at the address [backgroundpartner at].  All submissions will
 remain confidential.  There are many resources available for guidance on
 development of a business plan, Google it.   There is no specific timeline
 for this venture, but we will keep it open for at least 2 months.  This is
 not a contest; it’s an investment and a partnership.  A credible plan may
 reviewed with suggestions for improvement.  We have limited time for dialog
 and are unlikely to answer email from those with idle curiosity.

 *Anti-Spam and Scam Issues:*

 The legitimacy of this opportunity should speak for itself.  This offer is
 only going out to the EMC email list and at no time will we ask for money,
 deposits, or personal financial information.  Our anonymity will be removed
 for those whose negotiations appear credible and who sign non-disclosure