Re: Allow for async/await to use global.Promise and not builtin Promise

2020-05-05 Thread medikoo
Jordan Harband wrote
> Anything "more efficient" would likely not be spec compliant

Promises (also those specified in ES) are quite opinionated, and I believe
we should have right to practice our own opinions in our own apps.

On these grounds thenable objects (so not necessarily promise instances) are
supported, and work seamlessly in promise chains.

Unfortunately async/await breaks that support, it'll be great if we can
recover from that.

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Re: Allow for async/await to use global.Promise and not builtin Promise

2020-05-05 Thread medikoo

This would allow injecting more efficient promise alternatives without
transpilation of async/await

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Re: Promise.resolve

2019-02-06 Thread medikoo
You'll find a solid explanantion here:

Array.from, Array.of were designed in very early stage of ES2015, and fact
that they work that way (while e.g. Promise.resolve does not), is now
considered a mistake that was too late to revert at some point.

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Re: Multi-index assignment.

2017-12-05 Thread medikoo
Just do:

Object.assign(array, [0, 1]);

You can also omit some indexes (and they won't be overwritten with
undefined). e.g. fill just index 3 and 5:

Object.assign(array, [,,,3,,5]);

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Re: Add timezone data to Date

2017-06-21 Thread medikoo
Timezone data is already *indirectly* accessible via native
Intl.DateTimeFormat (I've also once published an util that allows to work
that: ).

Still it would be way better if there's some direct access provided, whether
it should be directly on Date or on Intl.DateTimeFormat is to be discussed
(I would possibly vote for Intl.DateTimeFormat)

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Re: Async functions not friendly to promise extensions

2017-04-14 Thread medikoo
> var k = (async function() {await window.setTimeout(1000); return

Assuming that setTmeout(1000) returns a promise, this code is equivalent to:

async function() {
return setTimeout(1000).then(function () {
return randomPromiseSubtype;

I definitely would not expect that k in such case resolves with promise of
type of  randomPromiseSubtype, same as you never expect that
`setTimeout(1000).then()`may resolve with different promise types.

However if it's:

async function() {
return randomPromiseSubtypeTimeout(1000).then(function () {
return whateverPromise;

It'll be great if k resolves with promise that shares the constructor with
promise returned by randomPromiseSubtypeTimeout(1000).then(...). That's my

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Re: Async functions not friendly to promise extensions

2017-04-14 Thread medikoo
> You seem to misunderstand what async functions do to be async, Your
function has the same product as the following:

> new Promise((acc, rej) => acc(extendedPromise))

Yes, I totally understand that, and it's clear to me that it's that way. In
my post I question that design, as it seems to me that way nicer would be if
it's as follows:

If (isThenable(result)) return result;
else return new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(result));

Or if above seems too liberal, then at least:

if (isPromise(result)) return new result.constructor((resolve, reject) =>
else return new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(result));

> By no means do async functions use the returned values as their way of
> determining what type of promise 
they are: that'd break when using multiple returns with different types.

> I hope this explains it a bit for you.

Sorry, but it didn't explain much. What to you mean by "that'd break when
using multiple returns with different types" ? Can you throw some simple

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Async functions not friendly to promise extensions

2017-04-14 Thread medikoo
While Promise methods and functions are friendly for it's extensions (or even
not direct extensions but just thenables), the async function will always
normalize it's result to instance of Promise, even it's ExtendedPromise,
e.g.:class ExtendedPromise extends Promise {};var extendedPromise = new
ExtendedPromise(function (resolve) { resolve();
});extendedPromise.then().constructor === ExtendedPromise // truevar asyncFn
= async function () { return extendedPromise; };asyncFn().constructor ===
ExtendedPromise // falseasyncFn().constructor === Promise // trueThat makes
it cumbersome if we work with promise extensions. What was the reasoning
behind such design?If not thenables in general, the promise extensions I
believe should be passed through (or copied via its constructor.resolve).

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Re: Power operator, why does -2**3 throws?

2016-10-20 Thread medikoo
ES is already not free from such cases, e.g. `!'property' in object` will
also not resolve as most will expect.

I understand and agree that case is ambigous and is problematic. It just
feels very controversial to me that it was decided that this case will be
handled differently than others that share exactly same problem.

For those who are not aware of all such quirks/inconsistences it leaves
feeling that language is unpredictable in its behaviors.

On 10/18/2016 01:05 AM, medikoo wrote:
> There are many other cases when with no parens involved, people have
> different expectations on the outcome.
> If expression looks ambigous the actual result always depends on operators
> precedence, it's how language worked for years, and I don't remember any
> big
> problems due to that.
> Jordan Harband wrote
>> It's quite simple (as has already been stated): some people expect `-x **
>> y` to be `-(x ** y)`. Some expect it to be `(-x) ** y`.
>> The early SyntaxError ensures that nobody is confused - programmers will
>> immediately add parens to disambiguate.
>> Avoiding a potential footgun for the next 50 years, at the insignificant
>> cost of adding two characters so that it parses seems like a very cheap
>> price to pay.
>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 12:20 AM, medikoo <
>> >
>> wrote:
>>> I must say throwing here, instead of relying on math dictated operators
>>> precedence looks really bad.
>>> It's very surprising to those well experienced with the language, and
>>> totally inconsistent with how operators worked so far (there is no
>>> previous
>>> case where one will throw for similar reason).
>>> Also argument that it's inconsistent with Math.pow(-2, 2), is total miss
>>> in
>>> my eyes.
>>> I believe to most programmers `Math.pow(-2, 2)`, translates to
>>> `(-2)**(2)`
>>> and not to `-2**2`,
>>> same as `Math.pow(a ? b : c, 2)` intuitively translates to `(a ? b :
>>> c)**(2)` and not to `a ? b : c**2`
>>> --
>>> View this message in context: http://mozilla.6506.n7.nabble.
>>> com/Power-operator-why-does-2-3-throws-tp359609p359731.html
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>>> ___
>>> es-discuss mailing list
>> es-discuss@
>> ___
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>> es-discuss@
> --
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Re: Power operator, why does -2**3 throws?

2016-10-18 Thread medikoo
There are many other cases when with no parens involved, people have
different expectations on the outcome.
If expression looks ambigous the actual result always depends on operators
precedence, it's how language worked for years, and I don't remember any big
problems due to that.

Jordan Harband wrote
> It's quite simple (as has already been stated): some people expect `-x **
> y` to be `-(x ** y)`. Some expect it to be `(-x) ** y`.
> The early SyntaxError ensures that nobody is confused - programmers will
> immediately add parens to disambiguate.
> Avoiding a potential footgun for the next 50 years, at the insignificant
> cost of adding two characters so that it parses seems like a very cheap
> price to pay.
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 12:20 AM, medikoo <


> >
> wrote:
>> I must say throwing here, instead of relying on math dictated operators
>> precedence looks really bad.
>> It's very surprising to those well experienced with the language, and
>> totally inconsistent with how operators worked so far (there is no
>> previous
>> case where one will throw for similar reason).
>> Also argument that it's inconsistent with Math.pow(-2, 2), is total miss
>> in
>> my eyes.
>> I believe to most programmers `Math.pow(-2, 2)`, translates to
>> `(-2)**(2)`
>> and not to `-2**2`,
>> same as `Math.pow(a ? b : c, 2)` intuitively translates to `(a ? b :
>> c)**(2)` and not to `a ? b : c**2`
>> --
>> View this message in context: http://mozilla.6506.n7.nabble.
>> com/Power-operator-why-does-2-3-throws-tp359609p359731.html
>> Sent from the Mozilla - ECMAScript 4 discussion mailing list archive at
>> ___
>> es-discuss mailing list

> es-discuss@

> ___
> es-discuss mailing list

> es-discuss@


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Re: Power operator, why does -2**3 throws?

2016-10-18 Thread medikoo
I must say throwing here, instead of relying on math dictated operators
precedence looks really bad.
It's very surprising to those well experienced with the language, and 
totally inconsistent with how operators worked so far (there is no previous
case where one will throw for similar reason).

Also argument that it's inconsistent with Math.pow(-2, 2), is total miss in
my eyes.
I believe to most programmers `Math.pow(-2, 2)`, translates to `(-2)**(2)`
and not to `-2**2`, 
same as `Math.pow(a ? b : c, 2)` intuitively translates to `(a ? b :
c)**(2)` and not to `a ? b : c**2`

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Re: Why Number(symbol) crashes?

2016-10-15 Thread medikoo
Allen, thanks for comprehensive answer, it's clear now.

Still, I must agree with MichaƂ, that introducing such inconsistency to
language doesn't give good impression. It's like we try to build other
language on top of language which we can't change.

It's now even more difficult to explain language behaviors to newcomers.

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Why Number(symbol) crashes?

2016-10-11 Thread medikoo
I was searching the archived but wasn't able to find the answer.

What's the reasoning behind having Number(symbol) crash instead of returning
NaN (as it's in case all other non-coercible values?). It feels not

If someone can point me to some discussion that provided the reasoning I'd
be grateful

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Re: The `super` keyword doesn't work as it should?

2016-07-20 Thread medikoo
/#!/JoePea wrote
> Is there any hard evidence of the performance cost of a dynamic super? So
> far I've read in various places (for example the thread linked to by
> @medikoo, Axel's 2ality article on super) about there being "overhead",
> but
> the articles haven't quantified or put into perspective the actual
> performance cost. Is it really that bad?

Adding any additional internal property for function that needs to be
updated depending on circumstances, definitely will bring noticeable
performance regression, and no-one would want to agree for that.

Still, for me (at least now) it's not clear why it actually implies any cost
(?) If /dynamic/, the super should bring not cost, as in clear thinking it's
just pure keyword which forces no action/calculation from
compiler/interpreter until the moment it's evaluated. It'll be great if
someone clarifies that.

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Re: The `super` keyword doesn't work as it should?

2016-07-20 Thread medikoo
Joe, see this post:

There are some explanations there on  why super was implemented as something
/static/ and not /dynamic/

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RE: Are ES6 modules in browsers going to get loaded level-by-level?

2015-04-16 Thread medikoo
Thanks for clarifications,

Still after reading your comments I have a feeling that providing ES6
modules to browsers (efficient way) will be much more cumbersome and tricky
than it is to provide CJS ones now.
This may lead to scenario when most of us (for easy serve of bundle), will
prefer to transpile them into something else, but I hope that won't be the

Another question raises about server support. People are relying on shared
(or in cloud) hosting solutions. Do all popular servers (Apache, nginx, or
http server in node.js) support HTTP/2 already? Is it easy to configure them
to serve es6 modules efficient way?

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Re: Are ES6 modules in browsers going to get loaded level-by-level?

2015-04-16 Thread medikoo
It'll be great to have some more insight on this.

To my knowledge when using ES6 modules as currently specified there's no way
to introduce more than one module with one file.
So technically, the only way to use them natively in browsers, would be to
serve them separately. 
This raises the question. Is there any mean in sight, that will allow us to
serve them as fast as we can serve hundreds of bundled and minimized CJS
modules now?

Because if not, then landscape looks troubling. As it means that to have
same performance, we will need to transpile ES6 modules for browser into
something else, even though browsers may support them natively.

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Re: classes and enumerability

2015-01-08 Thread medikoo
Rick, I don't think this kind of analysis while promising, will expose "real"

I think most developers which took the step to use descriptors on everyday
basis, uses factory tools like that one:

e.g. alone in my packages you'll find hundreds (if not thousands) of
properties defined on prototypes as "enumerable: false", but no single
definition would be picked by your script.

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RE: Array.prototype.contains

2014-03-07 Thread medikoo
Domenic Denicola-2 wrote
> Personally I think the more useful model to follow than
> `String.prototype.contains` is `Set.prototype.has`.

API wise, arrays have much more in common with strings than with sets.

Thinking ES5, they're both array-likes, set isn't. They share `length`
property,  their values can be accessed through indexes arr[0], str[0], they
share few method names (`indexOf`, `lastIndexOf`), and all non destructive
array methods can be successfully executed on strings, while they won't work
with sets.

I think it would be more appropriate to stick with `arr.contains` especially
that we already have `arr.indexOf` and `str.indexOf`, and both `indexOf` and
`contains` share same signature.

`arr.has` could be fine, if we also rename `str.contains` to `str.has`.

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Re: Object.assign with several source objects

2014-02-25 Thread medikoo

It's very common use case. Recently I switched to Object.assign in my utils
lib, and needed to replace one function with two: `assign` and
`assignMultiple`. It doesn't look as nice now.

There are a lot of use cases for that, also one to do non-destructive merge
(via @pornelski):

Object.assign({}, foo, bar);

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Re: Array.from and sparse arrays

2014-02-21 Thread medikoo
Brendan Eich-3 wrote
> Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> Do you have any real world use cases in mind that are driving the desire
>> for 
>> Array.from to preserve sparseness?
> Use-cases for sparse arrays + copying them would be really helpful.

It was more call for a consistency, as all other methods are gentle to
sparse arrays, this one suddenly isn't and I was wondering what's the reason
for that.

It also brings confusion. I try to follow same patterns designing methods
that are not part of a standard, and now it's hard to decide how to handle
sparse arrays case, as it's in `map` or as in `from` (?)

However if you ask me for real world cases for sparse arrays, none comes to
my mind now. Personally I don't really use them (I think), but it'll be good
to hear from others.

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Array.from and sparse arrays

2014-02-21 Thread medikoo
Currently per spec Array.from doesn't produce perfect copies of sparse

Array.from([1,,2]); // [1, undefined, 2]

I know it's been discussed [1] but there's not much feedback.

It doesn't seem right for a few reasons:

1. Array.from already produces sparse arrays from array-likes:

Array.from({ 0: 1, 2: 2, length: 3 }); // [1,,2]

So why it doesn't from sparse arrays?

2. Array.from can't be used as generic plain array copy producer.

In ES5 this can be achieved, with `arr.slice()`. However as in ES6 `slice`
will return object of same type as one on which it is called, so it is no
longer that straightforward, especially if we're strongly after plain array.

The only 100% bulletproof solutions we have in ES6 are either:

var plainCopy = new Array(arr.length)
arr.forEach(function (v, i) { plainCopy[i] = v; });

or other quite dirty way:

Array.from(Object.assign({ length: arr.length}, arr));

Other related question:

Why do array iterators go through not defined indexes? It seems not
consistent with other iteration methods we have since ES5, are there any
plans to use sparse iteration kinds [2] or are they defined just to reserve
eventual future use?


-- Mariusz


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Re: Object.mixin, why just for enumerables (?)

2013-10-03 Thread medikoo
> It's a copy-paste error in the draft: 

Great news. Thanks!

Sorry for noise.


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Object.mixin, why just for enumerables (?)

2013-10-03 Thread medikoo
Object.mixin, why just for enumerables (?)

This is related to:

In a spec we have both Object.assign and Object.mixin.

Object.assign is for copying properties ES3 way, which even in ES5 world is
what you want in most cases (btw. I don't agree with
For 3 years I work strictly with ES5, and I never had a case in which I
wanted to just copy enumerables and preserve getters, it's highly unwanted
in all cases I had).

Object.mixin is for copying definitions, which I find as rare but also valid
use case, e.g. to mimic multiple inheritance by copying properties from one
prototype to other. However this cannot work as intended if it's limited
just for enumerables. All properties in native prototypes are already
defined as not enumerable, and this is also what I follow in my code when I
define models.

So as specified currently I find Object.mixin as a function that I don't
find valid use case for, and I strongly miss something like
Object.assignDefinitions, which will copy properties by descriptors, no
matter whether they're enumerable or not.


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Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-05 Thread medikoo
While I can agree that "monitor" feature (that's proposed instead of `done`)
has some benefits, I see it only as an aid for developers that are
inexperienced with promises, or as a fallback for those experienced.
It looks more as a smart add-on, which to be complete can't be implemented
in plain JavaScript, is implementation specific and should be treated as

What's more important it still doesn't provide developer with full control
of error handling on JavaScript level and that can be achieved only with

I have problems understanding why such complex and not natural feature is
favored over something so simple and straightforward.

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Callable objects

2013-09-04 Thread medikoo
Once there was a thread that discussed ability to configure any object as

Although it was then warmly welcomed, I don't see such possibility specified
in latest draft

I think it'll be really useful and we already deal with callable (and not
functions) objects in some native interfaces.

Is there any chance to bring @@call symbol or some other solution that would
make that possible?

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Re: Creating and consuming custom iterators

2013-08-28 Thread medikoo
> There will be a public symbol (that you can import from a system module)
that will allow you to do both things.

There's no problem then. Thanks

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Creating and consuming custom iterators

2013-08-28 Thread medikoo
In ES5 there is a concept of array-like, which while probably too relaxed is
really friendly for developers, as we can easily create custom array-like
abstractions and make it consumable to any generic functions, methods that
process array-likes.

In ES6 there's more advanced (and definitely better) iterators concept,
while I'm pretty excited by it, If read spec correctly I see it's quite
limited and not that usable.

1 There's no way I can create custom iterator abstraction (How can I can
define MyCustomIterator.prototype[@@iterator] method?).

2. There's no straightforward way to consume iterators in generic way, e.g.
I want to write function that works in similar way as Set constructor, and
accepts any iterator implementation. I don't have a means to call
iterator[@@iterator] method.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if it's the case, I think it's really
important to open that.

Maybe there should be Reflect.getIterator(obj) and
Reflect.defineIterator(obj, getIterator) for that?

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Re: Where'd Promise#done go?

2013-06-20 Thread medikoo
Stating `then()` is something more advanced than `done()` doesn't make much
sense to me.
They're different methods, that serve different purpose, I think they should
be valued on a similar level.

Key thing is that *`then()` is conceptually a `map()`*, and there's
something wrong if just to access the value we have to use `map()`. Second
issue, mentioned already numerous times is not desired (in case of "just
access") error suppression.

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Re: Where'd Promise#done go?

2013-06-19 Thread medikoo
I use promises a lot, and (for all valid points stated above) I see `done` as
a must have for implementation to be practically usable. 

Also it needs to be provided natively, as it's not possible to shim it just
with `then`.

Proposed log/un-log in background mechanism doesn't solve the issue, as
you're still left with overhead of `then` and it complicates error handling
which with `done` is straightforward. I hope it won't land in any spec.

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Re: Is __proto__ ready needed?

2013-06-10 Thread medikoo
Object.setPrototypeOf is really needed.

Use cases for that are as rare as for eval, but exist and are valid.

Currently I work on database engine written in JavaScript, and rely quite
heavily on __proto__.
Once I was asked By David Herman to explain my use cases. I prepared
following gist then:

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RE: Promise/Future: asynchrony in 'then'

2013-05-02 Thread medikoo
I think eventual synchronicity of `then` is just theoretical problem and in
practice we face much bigger issues when we force asynchronicity.

If we want to have "fast" asynchronicity, then we enter the problem of
overloaded recurrence of next tick calls. It was already exposed by popular

If we do it with setTimeout or setImmediate, then performance is
significantly affected, and that diminishes the benefit of why we're
actually using asynchronous calls.

Promises while being aid for asynchronicity should not introduce any extra
asynchronicity on it's own.
Any optional next-tick resolution should be decided by user of library and
not by library itself.
If library forces it by design then we enter the world of issues like that

I'm using promise library which few versions back moved away from forced
next-tick resolution (mainly for performance reasons), and I didn't register
any issues caused by that change. It actually confirmed me, that it's the
way it should be.

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Re: A case for removing the seal/freeze/isSealed/isFrozen traps

2013-02-15 Thread medikoo
David, that's great clarification, and indeed it looks a bit different from
that perspective.

Still the only use case I see for freezing/sealing whole object (the way it
works now) is when we expose some constant dictionary object on which each
property counts, and that's very rare use case.
I don't see much good in disallowing extensions to prototypes we expose.
it's not JS way. We can prevent accidental modifications of *existing* API's
but disallowing custom extensions is too restrictive and not friendly in my

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