Re: UDA query

2010-01-14 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/14 Brent Meeker


Yes, I can see that.  By aggregating the brain into one computation do you
mean replacing it with a synchronous digital computer whose program would
not only reproduce the I/O of individual neurons, but also the instantaneous
state on signals which were traveling between them (since presumably timing
is important to the neurons function)?  Or do you mean replacing it with a
synchronous digital computer which produces the same I/O at the afferent and
efferent nerves?  In the former case, it seems that thoughts would be
distributed over many, not necessarily sequential, computational steps.  In
the later it would not be possible to map the the computational steps to
brain states at all since they are only required to be the same at the I/O;
and hence difficult to say what constituted a thought.
Given these to two possible models of functionalism, I'm not clear on what
the same computation means.  Are these two doing the same computation
because they have the same I/O?  Over what range of I does the O have to be
the same - all possible?  all actually experienced?  those experienced in
the last 2minutes?

I think it would be enough for the AI to reproduce the I/O of the
whole brain in aggregate. That would involve computing a function
controlling each efferent nerve, accepting as data input from the
afferent nerves. The behaviour would have to be the same as the brain
for all possible inputs, otherwise the AI might fail the Turing test.

To have the same output for all possible inputs is a very strong 
condition and seems to go beyond functionalism.  Suppose (as seems 
likely) there are inputs that crash the brain (e.g. induce epileptic 
seizures).  Would the AI brain be less conscious because it didn't 
experience these seizures?  Passing or failing the Turing test is a 
rather crude measure - after all interlocutor might simply guess right.

It's not clear if the modelling would have to be at the molecular,
cellular or some higher level in order to achieve this, but in any
case I expect that there would be many different programs that could
do the job even if the hardware and operating system are kept the
same. It could therefore be a case of multiple computations leading to
the same experience. Pinning down a thought to a location in time and
space would pose no more of a problem for the AI than for the brain.
Then among those AI brains with different computations but the same I/O, 
you would have to find the same OMs constituted by different sequences 
of computational steps.

My intuition is that having the same O for most (some very large set 
of ) I would be enough to instantiate consciousness - just not the same 
consciousness.  I think there may be different kinds of consciousness, 
so a look-up-table (like Searle's Chinese Room) may be conscious but in 
a different way.

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 14-janv.-10, à 09:01, Brent Meeker a écrit :

I think there may be different kinds of consciousness, so a 
look-up-table (like Searle's Chinese Room) may be conscious but in a 
different way.

In a way distinguishable by the person? From its own (first person) 


I don't think it makes sense to attribute consciousness to anything 
which do the computation, but only to the (abstract or immaterial) 
person supervening on the logical and arithmetical relations defining 
those computations, (infinitely many exist).

Persons need to be self-referentially correct relatively to their most 
probable computations, only.

Persons are conscious, not machine, nor computation, nor states, nor 
numbers, except in a metaphorical way.

A universal machine, or number inherits a notion of first person 
plausibly when the machine can, qua computatio, infer its own ignorance 
(G-G* gap), that is when the machine is Löbian (like Peano Arithmetic). 
Then a physics can be associated too. (8 hypostases appear, or 6 + 2 
* infinity, actually).

Is Peano Arithmetic conscious? No! That would be the same mistake. But 
by Lobianity it defines a natural (Theaetetical) first person view, 
and its physics and metaphysics. (or then it is a metaphor or a short 


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-14 Thread Brent Meeker

Bruno Marchal wrote:

Le 14-janv.-10, à 09:01, Brent Meeker a écrit :

I think there may be different kinds of consciousness, so a 
look-up-table (like Searle's Chinese Room) may be conscious but in a 
different way.

In a way distinguishable by the person? From its own (first person) 


I don't think it makes sense to attribute consciousness to anything 
which do the computation, but only to the (abstract or immaterial) 
person supervening on the logical and arithmetical relations defining 
those computations, (infinitely many exist).

Persons need to be self-referentially correct relatively to their most 
probable computations, only.

I don't understand what self-referentially correct means nor in what
sense computations can be theirs?

Persons are conscious, not machine, nor computation, nor states, nor 
numbers, except in a metaphorical way.

So you take person as well as arithmetic to be fundamental.


A universal machine, or number inherits a notion of first person 
plausibly when the machine can, qua computatio, infer its own 
ignorance (G-G* gap), that is when the machine is Löbian (like Peano 
Arithmetic). Then a physics can be associated too. (8 hypostases 
appear, or 6 + 2 * infinity, actually).

Is Peano Arithmetic conscious? No! That would be the same mistake. But 
by Lobianity it defines a natural (Theaetetical) first person view, 
and its physics and metaphysics. (or then it is a metaphor or a short 


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-13 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/13 Brent Meeker

 You're asserting that neuron I/O replication is the appropriate level to
 make brain behavior the same; and I tend to agree that would be sufficient
 (though perhaps not necessary).  But that's preserving a particular
 algorithm; one more specific than the Platonic computation of its
 equivalence class.

Any algorithm would do, implemented on any hardware, as long as it did
the job. Ten engineers working independently on the problem would
probably come up with ten different solutions, even if they worked
with the same theoretical model of a neuron.

 I suppose a Turing machine could perform the same
 computation, but it would perform it very differently.  And I wonder how the
 Turing machine would manage perception.  The organs of perception would have
 their responses digitized into bit strings and these would be written to the
 TM on different tapes?  I think this illustrates my point that, while
 preservation of consciousness under the digital neuron substitution seems
 plausible, there is still another leap in substituting an abstract
 computation for the digital neurons.

There is a leap involved in eliminating the hardware but the first
step is establishing computationalism: that in principal you could
replace the brain with a digital computer and preserve the mind. If
the artificial neurons work as described then doesn't that prove this?

The level of the neuron is an arbitrary one. We could instead consider
replacing volumes of brain tissue with a computer-controlled device
that replicates the I/O behaviour at the surface of the volume, where
it interfaces with normal brain tissue, and expand the size of the
volume until the whole brain is replaced. One linear processor could
then do all the work, and it wouldn't matter what processor it was (as
long as it was fast enough and had enough memory), what language the
program was written in, or even what program it was. Multiple
realisability is a basic feature of functionalism.

 Also, such an AI brain would not permit slicing the computations into
 arbitrarily short time periods because there is communication time involved
 and neurons run asynchronously.

The whole brain could be aggregated into one computation, and a
virtual environment could run as a subroutine.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-13 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/13 Brent Meeker


You're asserting that neuron I/O replication is the appropriate level to
make brain behavior the same; and I tend to agree that would be sufficient
(though perhaps not necessary).  But that's preserving a particular
algorithm; one more specific than the Platonic computation of its
equivalence class.

Any algorithm would do, implemented on any hardware, as long as it did
the job. Ten engineers working independently on the problem would
probably come up with ten different solutions, even if they worked
with the same theoretical model of a neuron.


I suppose a Turing machine could perform the same
computation, but it would perform it very differently.  And I wonder how the
Turing machine would manage perception.  The organs of perception would have
their responses digitized into bit strings and these would be written to the
TM on different tapes?  I think this illustrates my point that, while
preservation of consciousness under the digital neuron substitution seems
plausible, there is still another leap in substituting an abstract
computation for the digital neurons.

There is a leap involved in eliminating the hardware but the first
step is establishing computationalism: that in principal you could
replace the brain with a digital computer and preserve the mind. If
the artificial neurons work as described then doesn't that prove this?

The level of the neuron is an arbitrary one. We could instead consider
replacing volumes of brain tissue with a computer-controlled device
that replicates the I/O behaviour at the surface of the volume, where
it interfaces with normal brain tissue, and expand the size of the
volume until the whole brain is replaced. One linear processor could
then do all the work, and it wouldn't matter what processor it was (as
long as it was fast enough and had enough memory), what language the
program was written in, or even what program it was. Multiple
realisability is a basic feature of functionalism.


Also, such an AI brain would not permit slicing the computations into
arbitrarily short time periods because there is communication time involved
and neurons run asynchronously.

The whole brain could be aggregated into one computation, and a
virtual environment could run as a subroutine.

Yes, I can see that.  By aggregating the brain into one computation do 
you mean replacing it with a synchronous digital computer whose program 
would not only reproduce the I/O of individual neurons, but also the 
instantaneous state on signals which were traveling between them (since 
presumably timing is important to the neurons function)?  Or do you mean 
replacing it with a synchronous digital computer which produces the same 
I/O at the afferent and efferent nerves?  In the former case, it seems 
that thoughts would be distributed over many, not necessarily 
sequential, computational steps.  In the later it would not be possible 
to map the the computational steps to brain states at all since they are 
only required to be the same at the I/O; and hence difficult to say what 
constituted a thought. 

Given these to two possible models of functionalism, I'm not clear on 
what the same computation means.  Are these two doing the same 
computation because they have the same I/O?  Over what range of I does 
the O have to be the same - all possible?  all actually experienced?  
those experienced in the last 2minutes?

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-13 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/14 Brent Meeker

 Yes, I can see that.  By aggregating the brain into one computation do you
 mean replacing it with a synchronous digital computer whose program would
 not only reproduce the I/O of individual neurons, but also the instantaneous
 state on signals which were traveling between them (since presumably timing
 is important to the neurons function)?  Or do you mean replacing it with a
 synchronous digital computer which produces the same I/O at the afferent and
 efferent nerves?  In the former case, it seems that thoughts would be
 distributed over many, not necessarily sequential, computational steps.  In
 the later it would not be possible to map the the computational steps to
 brain states at all since they are only required to be the same at the I/O;
 and hence difficult to say what constituted a thought.
 Given these to two possible models of functionalism, I'm not clear on what
 the same computation means.  Are these two doing the same computation
 because they have the same I/O?  Over what range of I does the O have to be
 the same - all possible?  all actually experienced?  those experienced in
 the last 2minutes?

I think it would be enough for the AI to reproduce the I/O of the
whole brain in aggregate. That would involve computing a function
controlling each efferent nerve, accepting as data input from the
afferent nerves. The behaviour would have to be the same as the brain
for all possible inputs, otherwise the AI might fail the Turing test.
It's not clear if the modelling would have to be at the molecular,
cellular or some higher level in order to achieve this, but in any
case I expect that there would be many different programs that could
do the job even if the hardware and operating system are kept the
same. It could therefore be a case of multiple computations leading to
the same experience. Pinning down a thought to a location in time and
space would pose no more of a problem for the AI than for the brain.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-12 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

 I know.  I'm trying to see what exactly is being assumed about the
 computation being the same.  Is it the same Platonic algorithm?   Is it
 one that has the same steps as described in FORTRAN, but not those in LISP?
  Is it just one that has the same input-output?  I think these are questions
 that have been bypassed in the yes doctor scenario.  Saying yes to the
 doctor seems unproblematic when you think of replacing a few neurons with
 artificial ones - all you care about is the input-output.  But then when you
 jump to replacing a whole brain maybe you care about the FORTRAN/LISP
 differences. Yet on this list there seems to be an assumption that you can
 just jump to the Platonic algorithm or even a Platonic computation that's
 independent of the algorithm.   Bruno pushes all this aside by referring to
 at the appropriate level and by doing all possible algorithms.  But I'm
 more interested in the question of what would I have to do to make a
 conscious AI.  Also, it is the assumption of a Platonic computation that
 allows one to slice it discretely into OMs.

Start by replacing neurons with artificial neurons which are driven by
a computer program and whose defining characteristic is that they copy
the I/O behaviour of biological neurons. The program has to model the
internal workings of a neuron down to a certain level. It may be that
the position and configuration of every molecule needs to be modelled,
or it may be that shortcuts such as a single parameter for the
permeability of ion channels in the cell membrane make no difference
to the final result. In any case, there are many possible programs
even if the same physical model of a neuron is used, and the same
basic program can be written in any language and implemented on any
computer: all that matters is that the artificial neuron works
properly. (As an aside, we don't need to worry about whether these
artificial neurons are zombies, since that would lead to absurd
conclusions about the nature of consciousness.) From the single neuron
we can progress to replacing the whole brain, the end result being a
computer program interacting with the outside world through sensors
and effectors. The program can be implemented in any way - any
language, any hardware - and the consciousness of the subject will
remain the same as long as the brain behaviour remains the same.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-12 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/12 Brent Meeker


I know.  I'm trying to see what exactly is being assumed about the
computation being the same.  Is it the same Platonic algorithm?   Is it
one that has the same steps as described in FORTRAN, but not those in LISP?
 Is it just one that has the same input-output?  I think these are questions
that have been bypassed in the yes doctor scenario.  Saying yes to the
doctor seems unproblematic when you think of replacing a few neurons with
artificial ones - all you care about is the input-output.  But then when you
jump to replacing a whole brain maybe you care about the FORTRAN/LISP
differences. Yet on this list there seems to be an assumption that you can
just jump to the Platonic algorithm or even a Platonic computation that's
independent of the algorithm.   Bruno pushes all this aside by referring to
at the appropriate level and by doing all possible algorithms.  But I'm
more interested in the question of what would I have to do to make a
conscious AI.  Also, it is the assumption of a Platonic computation that
allows one to slice it discretely into OMs.

Start by replacing neurons with artificial neurons which are driven by
a computer program and whose defining characteristic is that they copy
the I/O behaviour of biological neurons. The program has to model the
internal workings of a neuron down to a certain level. It may be that
the position and configuration of every molecule needs to be modelled,
or it may be that shortcuts such as a single parameter for the
permeability of ion channels in the cell membrane make no difference
to the final result. In any case, there are many possible programs
even if the same physical model of a neuron is used, and the same
basic program can be written in any language and implemented on any
computer: all that matters is that the artificial neuron works
properly. (As an aside, we don't need to worry about whether these
artificial neurons are zombies, since that would lead to absurd
conclusions about the nature of consciousness.) From the single neuron
we can progress to replacing the whole brain, the end result being a
computer program interacting with the outside world through sensors
and effectors. The program can be implemented in any way - any
language, any hardware - and the consciousness of the subject will
remain the same as long as the brain behaviour remains the same.

You're asserting that neuron I/O replication is the appropriate level 
to make brain behavior the same; and I tend to agree that would be 
sufficient (though perhaps not necessary).  But that's preserving a 
particular algorithm; one more specific than the Platonic computation of 
its equivalence class.  I suppose a Turing machine could perform the 
same computation, but it would perform it very differently.  And I 
wonder how the Turing machine would manage perception.  The organs of 
perception would have their responses digitized into bit strings and 
these would be written to the TM on different tapes?  I think this 
illustrates my point that, while preservation of consciousness under the 
digital neuron substitution seems plausible, there is still another leap 
in substituting an abstract computation for the digital neurons.

Also, such an AI brain would not permit slicing the computations into 
arbitrarily short time periods because there is communication time 
involved and neurons run asynchronously.

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-12 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

 Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

 2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

 I know.  I'm trying to see what exactly is being assumed about the
 computation being the same.  Is it the same Platonic algorithm?   Is it
 one that has the same steps as described in FORTRAN, but not those in
  Is it just one that has the same input-output?  I think these are
 that have been bypassed in the yes doctor scenario.  Saying yes to
 doctor seems unproblematic when you think of replacing a few neurons with
 artificial ones - all you care about is the input-output.  But then when
 jump to replacing a whole brain maybe you care about the FORTRAN/LISP
 differences. Yet on this list there seems to be an assumption that you
 just jump to the Platonic algorithm or even a Platonic computation that's
 independent of the algorithm.   Bruno pushes all this aside by referring
 at the appropriate level and by doing all possible algorithms.  But I'm
 more interested in the question of what would I have to do to make a
 conscious AI.  Also, it is the assumption of a Platonic computation that
 allows one to slice it discretely into OMs.

 Start by replacing neurons with artificial neurons which are driven by
 a computer program and whose defining characteristic is that they copy
 the I/O behaviour of biological neurons. The program has to model the
 internal workings of a neuron down to a certain level. It may be that
 the position and configuration of every molecule needs to be modelled,
 or it may be that shortcuts such as a single parameter for the
 permeability of ion channels in the cell membrane make no difference
 to the final result. In any case, there are many possible programs
 even if the same physical model of a neuron is used, and the same
 basic program can be written in any language and implemented on any
 computer: all that matters is that the artificial neuron works
 properly. (As an aside, we don't need to worry about whether these
 artificial neurons are zombies, since that would lead to absurd
 conclusions about the nature of consciousness.) From the single neuron
 we can progress to replacing the whole brain, the end result being a
 computer program interacting with the outside world through sensors
 and effectors. The program can be implemented in any way - any
 language, any hardware - and the consciousness of the subject will
 remain the same as long as the brain behaviour remains the same.

 You're asserting that neuron I/O replication is the appropriate level to
 make brain behavior the same; and I tend to agree that would be sufficient
 (though perhaps not necessary).  But that's preserving a particular
 algorithm; one more specific than the Platonic computation of its
 equivalence class.  I suppose a Turing machine could perform the same
 computation, but it would perform it very differently.  And I wonder how the
 Turing machine would manage perception.  The organs of perception would have
 their responses digitized into bit strings and these would be written to the
 TM on different tapes?  I think this illustrates my point that, while
 preservation of consciousness under the digital neuron substitution seems
 plausible, there is still another leap in substituting an abstract
 computation for the digital neurons.

 Also, such an AI brain would not permit slicing the computations into
 arbitrarily short time periods because there is communication time involved
 and neurons run asynchronously.

Yes you can, freeze the computation, dump memory... then load memory back,
and defreeze. If the time inside the computation is an internal feature (a
counter inside the program), the AI associated to the computation cannot
notice anything if on the other hand the time inside of the computation is
an input parameter from some external then it can notice... but I always can
englobe the whole thing and feed that external time from another program or

The fact that you can disrupt a computation and restart it with some
different parameters doesn't mean you can't restart it with *exactly* the
same parameters as when you froze it.



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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-12 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

 Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2010/1/12 Brent Meeker mailto:

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

I know.  I'm trying to see what exactly is being assumed
about the
computation being the same.  Is it the same Platonic
algorithm?   Is it
one that has the same steps as described in FORTRAN, but
not those in LISP?
 Is it just one that has the same input-output?  I think
these are questions
that have been bypassed in the yes doctor scenario.
 Saying yes to the
doctor seems unproblematic when you think of replacing a
few neurons with
artificial ones - all you care about is the input-output.
 But then when you
jump to replacing a whole brain maybe you care about the
differences. Yet on this list there seems to be an
assumption that you can
just jump to the Platonic algorithm or even a Platonic
computation that's
independent of the algorithm.   Bruno pushes all this
aside by referring to
at the appropriate level and by doing all possible
algorithms.  But I'm
more interested in the question of what would I have to do
to make a
conscious AI.  Also, it is the assumption of a Platonic
computation that
allows one to slice it discretely into OMs.

Start by replacing neurons with artificial neurons which are
driven by
a computer program and whose defining characteristic is that
they copy
the I/O behaviour of biological neurons. The program has to
model the
internal workings of a neuron down to a certain level. It may
be that
the position and configuration of every molecule needs to be
or it may be that shortcuts such as a single parameter for the
permeability of ion channels in the cell membrane make no
to the final result. In any case, there are many possible programs
even if the same physical model of a neuron is used, and the same
basic program can be written in any language and implemented
on any
computer: all that matters is that the artificial neuron works
properly. (As an aside, we don't need to worry about whether these
artificial neurons are zombies, since that would lead to absurd
conclusions about the nature of consciousness.) From the
single neuron
we can progress to replacing the whole brain, the end result
being a
computer program interacting with the outside world through
and effectors. The program can be implemented in any way - any
language, any hardware - and the consciousness of the subject will
remain the same as long as the brain behaviour remains the same.

You're asserting that neuron I/O replication is the appropriate
level to make brain behavior the same; and I tend to agree that
would be sufficient (though perhaps not necessary).  But that's
preserving a particular algorithm; one more specific than the
Platonic computation of its equivalence class.  I suppose a Turing
machine could perform the same computation, but it would perform
it very differently.  And I wonder how the Turing machine would
manage perception.  The organs of perception would have their
responses digitized into bit strings and these would be written to
the TM on different tapes?  I think this illustrates my point
that, while preservation of consciousness under the digital neuron
substitution seems plausible, there is still another leap in
substituting an abstract computation for the digital neurons.

Also, such an AI brain would not permit slicing the computations
into arbitrarily short time periods because there is communication
time involved and neurons run asynchronously.

 Yes you can, freeze the computation, dump memory... then load memory back,
 and defreeze. If the time inside the computation is an internal feature (a
 counter inside the program), the AI associated to the computation cannot
 notice anything if on the other hand the time inside of the computation is
 an input parameter from some external then it can notice... but I always can
 englobe the whole thing and feed that external time from another program or

 That assumes that the AI brain is running synchronously, i.e. at a clock
 rate small compared to c/R where R is the radius of the brain.  But I think
 the real brain runs asynchronously, so if the AI brain must do the

Re: UDA query

2010-01-12 Thread Brent Meeker

Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

   Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

   2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

   I know.  I'm trying to see what exactly is being

   about the
   computation being the same.  Is it the same Platonic
   algorithm?   Is it
   one that has the same steps as described in
   not those in LISP?
Is it just one that has the same input-output?  I
   these are questions
   that have been bypassed in the yes doctor scenario.
Saying yes to the
   doctor seems unproblematic when you think of
replacing a
   few neurons with
   artificial ones - all you care about is the
But then when you
   jump to replacing a whole brain maybe you care
about the
   differences. Yet on this list there seems to be an
   assumption that you can
   just jump to the Platonic algorithm or even a Platonic
   computation that's
   independent of the algorithm.   Bruno pushes all this
   aside by referring to
   at the appropriate level and by doing all possible
   algorithms.  But I'm
   more interested in the question of what would I
have to do
   to make a
   conscious AI.  Also, it is the assumption of a Platonic
   computation that
   allows one to slice it discretely into OMs.

   Start by replacing neurons with artificial neurons
which are
   driven by
   a computer program and whose defining characteristic is
   they copy
   the I/O behaviour of biological neurons. The program has to
   model the
   internal workings of a neuron down to a certain level.
It may
   be that
   the position and configuration of every molecule needs
to be
   or it may be that shortcuts such as a single parameter
for the
   permeability of ion channels in the cell membrane make no
   to the final result. In any case, there are many
possible programs
   even if the same physical model of a neuron is used,
and the same
   basic program can be written in any language and
   on any
   computer: all that matters is that the artificial
neuron works
   properly. (As an aside, we don't need to worry about
whether these
   artificial neurons are zombies, since that would lead
to absurd
   conclusions about the nature of consciousness.) From the
   single neuron
   we can progress to replacing the whole brain, the end
   being a
   computer program interacting with the outside world through
   and effectors. The program can be implemented in any
way - any
   language, any hardware - and the consciousness of the
subject will
   remain the same as long as the brain behaviour remains
the same.

   You're asserting that neuron I/O replication is the

   level to make brain behavior the same; and I tend to
agree that
   would be sufficient (though perhaps not necessary).  But that's
   preserving a particular algorithm; one more specific than the
   Platonic computation of its equivalence class.  I suppose a
   machine could perform the same computation, but it would
   it very differently.  And I wonder how the Turing machine would
   manage perception.  The organs of perception would have their
   responses digitized into bit strings and these would be
written to
   the TM on different tapes?  I think this illustrates my point
   that, while preservation of consciousness under the digital

Re: UDA query

2010-01-12 Thread Brent Meeker

Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

   Quentin Anciaux wrote:

   2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

  Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

  2010/1/12 Brent Meeker

I know.  I'm trying to see
what exactly is being
  about the
  computation being the same.  Is it the
same Platonic
  algorithm?   Is it
  one that has the same steps as described in
   FORTRAN, but
  not those in LISP?
   Is it just one that has the same
input-output?  I
  these are questions
  that have been bypassed in the yes doctor
   Saying yes to the
  doctor seems unproblematic when you think of
   replacing a
  few neurons with
  artificial ones - all you care about is the
   But then when you
  jump to replacing a whole brain maybe you care
   about the
  differences. Yet on this list there seems to
be an
  assumption that you can
  just jump to the Platonic algorithm or even
a Platonic
  computation that's
  independent of the algorithm.   Bruno pushes
all this
  aside by referring to
  at the appropriate level and by doing all
  algorithms.  But I'm
  more interested in the question of what would I
   have to do
  to make a
  conscious AI.  Also, it is the assumption of
a Platonic
  computation that
  allows one to slice it discretely into OMs.
  Start by replacing neurons with artificial neurons

   which are
  driven by
  a computer program and whose defining
characteristic is
  they copy
  the I/O behaviour of biological neurons. The
program has to
  model the
  internal workings of a neuron down to a certain
   It may
  be that
  the position and configuration of every molecule
   to be
  or it may be that shortcuts such as a single
   for the
  permeability of ion channels in the cell
membrane make no
  to the final result. In any case, there are many
   possible programs
  even if the same physical model of a neuron is used,
   and the same
  basic program can be written in any language and
  on any
  computer: all that matters is that the artificial
   neuron works
  properly. (As an aside, we don't need to worry about
   whether these
  artificial neurons are zombies, since that would
   to absurd
  conclusions about the nature of consciousness.)
From the
  single neuron
  we can progress to replacing the whole brain,
the end
  being a
  computer program 

Re: UDA query

2010-01-12 Thread m.a.
Interesting how the repeated copying and recopying of emails ends up 
resembling the typography of modern poetry. m.a.

I know.  I'm trying to see
what exactly is being
  about the
  computation being the same.  Is it the
same Platonic
  algorithm?   Is it
  one that has the same steps as described in
   FORTRAN, but
  not those in LISP?
   Is it just one that has the same
input-output?  I
  these are questions
  that have been bypassed in the yes doctor
   Saying yes to the
  doctor seems unproblematic when you think of
   replacing a
  few neurons with
  artificial ones - all you care about is the
   But then when you
  jump to replacing a whole brain maybe you care
   about the
  differences. Yet on this list there seems to
be an
  assumption that you can
  just jump to the Platonic algorithm or even
a Platonic
  computation that's
  independent of the algorithm.   Bruno pushes
all this
  aside by referring to
  at the appropriate level and by doing all
  algorithms.  But I'm
  more interested in the question of what would I
   have to do
  to make a
  conscious AI.  Also, it is the assumption of
a Platonic
  computation that
  allows one to slice it discretely into OMs.

  Start by replacing neurons with artificial neurons
   which are
  driven by
  a computer program and whose defining
characteristic is
  they copy
  the I/O behaviour of biological neurons. The
program has to
  model the
  internal workings of a neuron down to a certain
   It may
  be that
  the position and configuration of every molecule
   to be
  or it may be that shortcuts such as a single
   for the
  permeability of ion channels in the cell
membrane make no
  to the final result. In any case, there are many
   possible programs
  even if the same physical model of a neuron is 

   and the same
  basic program can be written in any language and
  on any
  computer: all that matters is that the artificial
   neuron works
  properly. (As an aside, we don't need to worry 

   whether these
  artificial neurons are zombies, since that would
   to absurd
  conclusions about the nature of consciousness.)
From the
  single neuron
  we can progress to replacing the whole brain,
the end
  being a
  computer program interacting with the outside
world through
  and effectors. The program can be implemented in 

   way - any
  language, any hardware - and the consciousness
of the
   subject will
  remain the same as long as the brain behaviour
   the same.

You're asserting that neuron I/O
replication is the
  level to make brain behavior the same; and I tend to
   agree that
  would be sufficient (though perhaps not necessary).
 But that's
  preserving a particular algorithm; one more specific
than the
  Platonic computation of its equivalence class.  I
suppose a
  machine could perform the same computation, but it 


Re: UDA query

2010-01-11 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2010/1/11 Brent Meeker

 Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

 2010/1/11 Brent Meeker

 But aren't you assuming that consciousness is produced by the abstract
 Platonic computation - rather than by the actual physical process (which
 not the same) - in other words assuming the thing being argued?

 No, I'm at this point assuming only that consciousness is produced by
 the physical process. We can assume for simplicity that the two
 machines M1 and M2 have similar architecture and similar operating
 systems. Once the program is loaded into M2 from the disc, S2 proceeds
 exactly the same as it would have had the computation been allowed to
 continue running on M1. Therefore, at least after the first few
 milliseconds, the subjective content of S2 must be the same as it
 would have been on the one machine. Could the subjective content be
 different at the transition between S1 and S2 if the computation is
 split up? If there is a subjective difference it won't be something
 the subject can notice because, later in the course of S2, he can have
 no memory of it.

 But if you're only assuming that consciousness is produced by the physical
 process then the process of downloading and uploading the microstates and
 shifting the data into registers in the CPU and memory could produce a
 difference in consciousness.  These are all computations too, done by the
 operating system.  And why can't there be memory of it in the sense that it
 effects some later conscious state?  There are traces of the transfer
 process left on the original computer, the disc, and the second computer.
 Some subsequent program could retrieve these traces, as is done in forensic
 cases.  If physical processes instantiate consciousness, why shouldn't these
 make a difference.

Because those states are not part of the computation you sliced on the two
computers. And also assuming computationalism... Any implementation that
does the job... effectively does the job. That means while it's true there
are additionnal steps in the two case computer... it's just another *valid*
implementation of the same computation on one computer, assuming
computationalism that change *nothing*, arguing otherwise is denying
computationalism (maybe it's right and computationalism is false).

  It also can't be a difference that would disrupt the
 completion of a task or thought that requires continuity of
 consciousness spanning S1-S2, since again the subject cannot have any
 evidence that such a disruption occurred.

 Unless we have a theory of how consciousness is related to the physical
 computation I don't think we can conclude that.  We already know that
 subliminal perceptions can affect conscious thoughts - so why not subliminal

 We don't, but what Bruno is showing is the consequences *if* we are turing
emulable. If we are turing emulable, all your above objections are not valid
because your objections are a level way too high (they are completely valid
objections at the level you describe, but assuming comp, those are *still*
computed at a lower level and hence are *part* of a computation that
generate consciousness, see the generalized brain argument of Bruno).



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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-11 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/11 Brent Meeker


No, I'm at this point assuming only that consciousness is produced by
the physical process. We can assume for simplicity that the two
machines M1 and M2 have similar architecture and similar operating
systems. Once the program is loaded into M2 from the disc, S2 proceeds
exactly the same as it would have had the computation been allowed to
continue running on M1. Therefore, at least after the first few
milliseconds, the subjective content of S2 must be the same as it
would have been on the one machine. Could the subjective content be
different at the transition between S1 and S2 if the computation is
split up? If there is a subjective difference it won't be something
the subject can notice because, later in the course of S2, he can have
no memory of it.

But if you're only assuming that consciousness is produced by the physical
process then the process of downloading and uploading the microstates and
shifting the data into registers in the CPU and memory could produce a
difference in consciousness.  These are all computations too, done by the
operating system.  And why can't there be memory of it in the sense that it
effects some later conscious state?  There are traces of the transfer
process left on the original computer, the disc, and the second computer.
Some subsequent program could retrieve these traces, as is done in forensic
cases.  If physical processes instantiate consciousness, why shouldn't these
make a difference.

It's taken for granted even by unsophisticated end users of computers
that the hardware won't affect the computation. A calculator
application wouldn't be much use if it gave a different answer
depending on what brand of machine it was running on. It wouldn't be
difficult to write a program that takes input from the environment,
including information on what sort of hardware it's running on, and in
that case there could be a difference between running S1 and S2 on the
one machine and running them on separate machines. A real time clock,
for example, would alert the subject to the fact that there had been a
discontinuity, and S2 would then *not* proceed the same in both cases.
However, this would not happen automatically: it would have to be
specifically programmed, and the hardware would have to be capable of
feeding the appropriate input into the program.


It also can't be a difference that would disrupt the
completion of a task or thought that requires continuity of
consciousness spanning S1-S2, since again the subject cannot have any
evidence that such a disruption occurred.


Unless we have a theory of how consciousness is related to the physical
computation I don't think we can conclude that.  We already know that
subliminal perceptions can affect conscious thoughts - so why not subliminal

The theory is that if the computation is the same then the
consciousness is the same, regardless of what hardware it is being
implemented on. 
I know.  I'm trying to see what exactly is being assumed about the 
computation being the same.  Is it the same Platonic algorithm?   Is 
it one that has the same steps as described in FORTRAN, but not those in 
LISP?  Is it just one that has the same input-output?  I think these are 
questions that have been bypassed in the yes doctor scenario.  Saying 
yes to the doctor seems unproblematic when you think of replacing a 
few neurons with artificial ones - all you care about is the 
input-output.  But then when you jump to replacing a whole brain maybe 
you care about the FORTRAN/LISP differences. Yet on this list there 
seems to be an assumption that you can just jump to the Platonic 
algorithm or even a Platonic computation that's independent of the 
algorithm.   Bruno pushes all this aside by referring to at the 
appropriate level and by doing all possible algorithms.  But I'm more 
interested in the question of what would I have to do to make a 
conscious AI.  Also, it is the assumption of a Platonic computation that 
allows one to slice it discretely into OMs.

If you don't accept this then you don't accept

I don't accept it.  I only entertain it.


for it is difficult to imagine a more drastic
hardware change than that involved in going from a biological brain to
a digital computer.


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-10 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/11 Brent Meeker

 It seems that you're saying the observer would notice that something
 odd had happened if his program were paused and restarted in the way
 described, but how is that possible when S1 and S2 are identical
 whether generated continuously or discontinuously?

 I think you're assuming what is to be proven, i.e. that S1 and S2 are a)
 states of consciousness, i.e. thoughts or observer moments and b) are
 successive and contiguous without overlap.  Suppose that states of
 consciousness have durations of 10msec (or 1e8 microstates of computation at
 the appropriate level - I don't want to assume a transcendent continuous
 time) and successive states overlap by 3msec.  Then identifying some 10msec
 period as state S2 is arbitrary and generating it will only be identical
 with what the brain did for the middle 4msec (where there was no overlap
 with) S1 or S3.  But, ex hypothesi, 4msec isn't enough to constitute a OM.

S1 and S2 can be precisely delimited as machine states but only more
loosely as mental states. This is because, as you say, there may be a
thought that spans S1 and S2, and is therefore partly generated by M1
and partly by M2. I don't see this as an issue since even if the
computer was just doing arithmetic it could be broken up and
distributed across two machines and the final answer would still be
the same. Similarly, if the subject in the virtual environment was
doing mental arithmetic he would still get the right answer despite
the physical discontinuity introduced mid-calculation, and how would
that be possible if the discontinuity caused a disruption in

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-10 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/11 Brent Meeker


It seems that you're saying the observer would notice that something
odd had happened if his program were paused and restarted in the way
described, but how is that possible when S1 and S2 are identical
whether generated continuously or discontinuously?


I think you're assuming what is to be proven, i.e. that S1 and S2 are a)
states of consciousness, i.e. thoughts or observer moments and b) are
successive and contiguous without overlap.  Suppose that states of
consciousness have durations of 10msec (or 1e8 microstates of computation at
the appropriate level - I don't want to assume a transcendent continuous
time) and successive states overlap by 3msec.  Then identifying some 10msec
period as state S2 is arbitrary and generating it will only be identical
with what the brain did for the middle 4msec (where there was no overlap
with) S1 or S3.  But, ex hypothesi, 4msec isn't enough to constitute a OM.

S1 and S2 can be precisely delimited as machine states but only more
loosely as mental states. This is because, as you say, there may be a
thought that spans S1 and S2, and is therefore partly generated by M1
and partly by M2. I don't see this as an issue since even if the
computer was just doing arithmetic it could be broken up and
distributed across two machines and the final answer would still be
the same. 

The answer would be the same, but the computation would not.  So the 
person with the AI brain might add up numbers the same, but have a 
different conscious experience.  Consider for example your conscious 
experience at age six when asked to add 120 and 280 as compared to how 
you do it now.

Similarly, if the subject in the virtual environment was
doing mental arithmetic he would still get the right answer despite
the physical discontinuity introduced mid-calculation, and how would
that be possible if the discontinuity caused a disruption in

Because addition, like most thought, is mostly unconscious?

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-10 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/11 Brent Meeker


S1 and S2 can be precisely delimited as machine states but only more
loosely as mental states. This is because, as you say, there may be a
thought that spans S1 and S2, and is therefore partly generated by M1
and partly by M2. I don't see this as an issue since even if the
computer was just doing arithmetic it could be broken up and
distributed across two machines and the final answer would still be
the same.

The answer would be the same, but the computation would not.  So the person
with the AI brain might add up numbers the same, but have a different
conscious experience.  Consider for example your conscious experience at age
six when asked to add 120 and 280 as compared to how you do it now.

I was initially considering the case of a computer doing the
calculation directly, not generating a mind that does the calculation.
The computation would have to span the two machines, and it would
still be the same computation.

I suppose it could be the same computation in the Platonic sense that 
adding 2+2 is a computation, but as realized on two computers it 
couldn't be the same as realized on a single computer.  At a minimum it 
would take some extra steps to transfer data in the registers.

Similarly, if the subject in the virtual environment was
doing mental arithmetic he would still get the right answer despite
the physical discontinuity introduced mid-calculation, and how would
that be possible if the discontinuity caused a disruption in

Because addition, like most thought, is mostly unconscious?

I certainly have to think about it consciously. In the example you
gave I look at the 20 and the 80 and notice that they add to 100, 

How do you notice that?  Is it not an unconscious fact recalled into 

the 100 and 200 add to 300, so the answer is 120 + 280 = 100 + 300 =
400. If this thought was interrupted I might get the wrong answer, or
at the very least I would know it was interrupted. But the subject in
the proposed experiment by definition does not notice any
interruption, since S2 proceeds deterministically whether the
computation is on the one machine or spread over two machines

But aren't you assuming that consciousness is produced by the abstract 
Platonic computation - rather than by the actual physical process (which 
is not the same) - in other words assuming the thing being argued?

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-10 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/11 Brent Meeker

 But aren't you assuming that consciousness is produced by the abstract
 Platonic computation - rather than by the actual physical process (which is
 not the same) - in other words assuming the thing being argued?

No, I'm at this point assuming only that consciousness is produced by
the physical process. We can assume for simplicity that the two
machines M1 and M2 have similar architecture and similar operating
systems. Once the program is loaded into M2 from the disc, S2 proceeds
exactly the same as it would have had the computation been allowed to
continue running on M1. Therefore, at least after the first few
milliseconds, the subjective content of S2 must be the same as it
would have been on the one machine. Could the subjective content be
different at the transition between S1 and S2 if the computation is
split up? If there is a subjective difference it won't be something
the subject can notice because, later in the course of S2, he can have
no memory of it. It also can't be a difference that would disrupt the
completion of a task or thought that requires continuity of
consciousness spanning S1-S2, since again the subject cannot have any
evidence that such a disruption occurred.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-10 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/11 Brent Meeker


But aren't you assuming that consciousness is produced by the abstract
Platonic computation - rather than by the actual physical process (which is
not the same) - in other words assuming the thing being argued?

No, I'm at this point assuming only that consciousness is produced by
the physical process. We can assume for simplicity that the two
machines M1 and M2 have similar architecture and similar operating
systems. Once the program is loaded into M2 from the disc, S2 proceeds
exactly the same as it would have had the computation been allowed to
continue running on M1. Therefore, at least after the first few
milliseconds, the subjective content of S2 must be the same as it
would have been on the one machine. Could the subjective content be
different at the transition between S1 and S2 if the computation is
split up? If there is a subjective difference it won't be something
the subject can notice because, later in the course of S2, he can have
no memory of it. 

But if you're only assuming that consciousness is produced by the 
physical process then the process of downloading and uploading the 
microstates and shifting the data into registers in the CPU and memory 
could produce a difference in consciousness.  These are all computations 
too, done by the operating system.  And why can't there be memory of it 
in the sense that it effects some later conscious state?  There are 
traces of the transfer process left on the original computer, the disc, 
and the second computer. Some subsequent program could retrieve these 
traces, as is done in forensic cases.  If physical processes instantiate 
consciousness, why shouldn't these make a difference.

It also can't be a difference that would disrupt the
completion of a task or thought that requires continuity of
consciousness spanning S1-S2, since again the subject cannot have any
evidence that such a disruption occurred.

Unless we have a theory of how consciousness is related to the physical 
computation I don't think we can conclude that.  We already know that 
subliminal perceptions can affect conscious thoughts - so why not 
subliminal memories.


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-10 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/11 Brent Meeker

 No, I'm at this point assuming only that consciousness is produced by
 the physical process. We can assume for simplicity that the two
 machines M1 and M2 have similar architecture and similar operating
 systems. Once the program is loaded into M2 from the disc, S2 proceeds
 exactly the same as it would have had the computation been allowed to
 continue running on M1. Therefore, at least after the first few
 milliseconds, the subjective content of S2 must be the same as it
 would have been on the one machine. Could the subjective content be
 different at the transition between S1 and S2 if the computation is
 split up? If there is a subjective difference it won't be something
 the subject can notice because, later in the course of S2, he can have
 no memory of it.

 But if you're only assuming that consciousness is produced by the physical
 process then the process of downloading and uploading the microstates and
 shifting the data into registers in the CPU and memory could produce a
 difference in consciousness.  These are all computations too, done by the
 operating system.  And why can't there be memory of it in the sense that it
 effects some later conscious state?  There are traces of the transfer
 process left on the original computer, the disc, and the second computer.
 Some subsequent program could retrieve these traces, as is done in forensic
 cases.  If physical processes instantiate consciousness, why shouldn't these
 make a difference.

It's taken for granted even by unsophisticated end users of computers
that the hardware won't affect the computation. A calculator
application wouldn't be much use if it gave a different answer
depending on what brand of machine it was running on. It wouldn't be
difficult to write a program that takes input from the environment,
including information on what sort of hardware it's running on, and in
that case there could be a difference between running S1 and S2 on the
one machine and running them on separate machines. A real time clock,
for example, would alert the subject to the fact that there had been a
discontinuity, and S2 would then *not* proceed the same in both cases.
However, this would not happen automatically: it would have to be
specifically programmed, and the hardware would have to be capable of
feeding the appropriate input into the program.

 It also can't be a difference that would disrupt the
 completion of a task or thought that requires continuity of
 consciousness spanning S1-S2, since again the subject cannot have any
 evidence that such a disruption occurred.

 Unless we have a theory of how consciousness is related to the physical
 computation I don't think we can conclude that.  We already know that
 subliminal perceptions can affect conscious thoughts - so why not subliminal

The theory is that if the computation is the same then the
consciousness is the same, regardless of what hardware it is being
implemented on. If you don't accept this then you don't accept
computationalism, for it is difficult to imagine a more drastic
hardware change than that involved in going from a biological brain to
a digital computer.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-09 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/8 Brent Meeker


You've made this point in the past but I still don't understand it. If
S1 and S2 are periods of experience generated consecutively in your
brain in the usual manner, do you agree that you would still be
experience them as consecutive if they were generated by chance by
causally disconnected processes?

No, I don't.  Of course if they had durations of seconds or minutes, I
would experience much the same thing.  But it is not at all convincing
to me that the experience at the beginning and end of the period would
be identical - and hence in the limit of infinitesimal duration, discrete
states I'm not sure what the experience would be, if any at all.

We should consider experiences of long duration, say a minute, before
going on to infinitesimals. I think you are saying that there is a
problem with the connection between S1 and S2 if they are generated by
causally disconnected processes, but not if they are generated in the
usual manner by causally connected processes. Is that right?

No.  I'm not sure that causal connection is enough - and in any case 
causality is hard to define in physics at a fundamental level where it 
seems to be time-symmetric and QM is unitary (one of the motivations for 
everything explanations).  I think the connection can be that S1 and 
S2 overlap, since at the level of substitution each one consists of many 
thousands of computation states.

Suppose S1 is being generated by a virtual reality program on machine
M1, then after a minute the human operator saves the program and data
to disc and shuts down M1, walks over to machine M2, loads the data
from the disc and runs the program, which then generates S2. There is
a clear causal connection here even though M1 and M2 are separate
machines. Do you think there would be normal continuity of
consciousness in this case?

No, at least I can see reasons to doubt it.  Of course if the start-up 
of the program on M2 were very fast it might not be very noticeable and 
a rational person might still say yes to the doctor.  But that 
wouldn't generalize to the infinitesimal observer moment.

In a second experiment the operator finds when he gets to M2 that the
data on the disc is completely corrupted. The only information he can
be sure of is that the data comprised a maximum of n bits, this being
the capacity of the disc. Worried that he might be responsible for the
death of a conscious being, the operator decides to systematically
load into M2 all 2^n possible sets of data that the disc could have
contained. Do you think that this time there will be a discontinuity
between S1 and S2 when S2 is eventually generated?


I think there will be difference except in the case where he has loaded 
S1 and S2 is generated from it.

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-08 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2010/1/8 Brent Meeker

 Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2010/1/8 Brent Meeker mailto:

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/7 Brent Meeker

A program that generates S2 as it were out of nowhere,
with false
memories of an S1 that has not yet happened or may
never happen, is a
perfectly legitimate program and the UD will generate
it along with
all the others. If the UD is allowed to run forever,
this program will
be a lower measure contributor to S2 than the program
that generates
it sequentially;

How do you know this?

Why S2 is unlikely to appear out of nowhere is equivalent to
the White
Rabbit problem in ensemble theories, which has been often
over the years on this list. Russell's Theory of Nothing book
provides a summary. The general idea is that structures
generated by
simpler algorithms have higher measure, and it is simpler to
write a
program that computes a series of mental states iteratively
than one
that computes a set of disconnected mental states from ad hoc

and similarly in any physicalist theory. But although
S2 may guess from such considerations that he is more
likely to have
been generated sequentially, the point remains that
there is nothing
in the nature of his experience to indicate this. That
is, the fact
that S2 remembers S1 as being in the past and
remembers a smooth
transition from S1 to S2 is no guarantee that S1
really did happen in
the past, or even at all.

We're assuming that thought is a kind of computation, a
processing of
information.  And we're also assuming that this processing
can consist of
static states placed in order.  So given two static
states, what is the
relation  that makes their ordering into a computational
process?  One
answer would be that they are successive states generated
by some program.
But you seem to reject that.  To say that S2 remembers S1
doesn't seem to
answer the question because remembering is itself a
process, not a static
state.  I tried to phrase it in terms of the entropy, or
content, of S1 and S2 which would be a static property -
as for example, if
S2 simply contained S1.  But that hardly seems a proper
representation of
states of consciousness - I'm certainly not conscious of
my memories most of
the time.  Even as I type this I obviously remember how to
type (though
maybe not how to spell :-) ) but I'm not conscious of it.

You've made this point in the past but I still don't
understand it. If
S1 and S2 are periods of experience generated consecutively in
brain in the usual manner, do you agree that you would still be
experience them as consecutive if they were generated by chance by
causally disconnected processes?

No, I don't.  Of course if they had durations of seconds or minutes, I
would experience much the same thing.  But it is not at all convincing
to me that the experience at the beginning and end of the period would
be identical - and hence in the limit of infinitesimal duration,
discrete states I'm not sure what the experience would be, if any
at all.

The requirement would be only that
the respective experiences have the same subjective content in
cases. Memory is only one aspect of subjective content, if an
important one. If S1-S2 spans the typing of a sentence, then
both S1
and S2 have to remember how to type and what the sentence they are
typing is.

But here you have allowed S1 and S2 to be processes with significant
duration and even overlap.  They are no longer discrete, static

It may seem to be unconscious but obviously it can't be
completely unconscious, otherwise it could be left out without
any difference. Your digestion is an example of a completely
unconscious process that need not be taken into account in a
simulation of your mind. Another example is your name: you may
have no
awareness at all of your name during S1-S2 so it 

Re: UDA query

2010-01-08 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2010/1/8 Brent Meeker

  Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2010/1/8 Brent Meeker

 Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2010/1/8 Brent Meeker mailto:

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/7 Brent Meeker

A program that generates S2 as it were out of nowhere,
with false
memories of an S1 that has not yet happened or may
never happen, is a
perfectly legitimate program and the UD will generate
it along with
all the others. If the UD is allowed to run forever,
this program will
be a lower measure contributor to S2 than the program
that generates
it sequentially;

How do you know this?

Why S2 is unlikely to appear out of nowhere is equivalent to
the White
Rabbit problem in ensemble theories, which has been often
over the years on this list. Russell's Theory of Nothing book
provides a summary. The general idea is that structures
generated by
simpler algorithms have higher measure, and it is simpler to
write a
program that computes a series of mental states iteratively
than one
that computes a set of disconnected mental states from ad hoc

and similarly in any physicalist theory. But although
S2 may guess from such considerations that he is more
likely to have
been generated sequentially, the point remains that
there is nothing
in the nature of his experience to indicate this. That
is, the fact
that S2 remembers S1 as being in the past and
remembers a smooth
transition from S1 to S2 is no guarantee that S1
really did happen in
the past, or even at all.

We're assuming that thought is a kind of computation, a
processing of
information.  And we're also assuming that this processing
can consist of
static states placed in order.  So given two static
states, what is the
relation  that makes their ordering into a computational
process?  One
answer would be that they are successive states generated
by some program.
But you seem to reject that.  To say that S2 remembers S1
doesn't seem to
answer the question because remembering is itself a
process, not a static
state.  I tried to phrase it in terms of the entropy, or
content, of S1 and S2 which would be a static property -
as for example, if
S2 simply contained S1.  But that hardly seems a proper
representation of
states of consciousness - I'm certainly not conscious of
my memories most of
the time.  Even as I type this I obviously remember how to
type (though
maybe not how to spell :-) ) but I'm not conscious of it.

You've made this point in the past but I still don't
understand it. If
S1 and S2 are periods of experience generated consecutively in
brain in the usual manner, do you agree that you would still be
experience them as consecutive if they were generated by chance by
causally disconnected processes?

No, I don't.  Of course if they had durations of seconds or minutes, I
would experience much the same thing.  But it is not at all convincing
to me that the experience at the beginning and end of the period would
be identical - and hence in the limit of infinitesimal duration,
discrete states I'm not sure what the experience would be, if any
at all.

The requirement would be only that
the respective experiences have the same subjective content in
cases. Memory is only one aspect of subjective content, if an
important one. If S1-S2 spans the typing of a sentence, then
both S1
and S2 have to remember how to type and what the sentence they are
typing is.

But here you have allowed S1 and S2 to be processes with significant
duration and even overlap.  They are no longer discrete, static

It may seem to be unconscious but obviously it can't be
completely unconscious, otherwise it could be left out without
any difference. Your digestion is an example of a completely
unconscious process that need not be taken into account in a
simulation of your mind. Another example is your name: you 

Re: UDA query

2010-01-08 Thread Johnathan Corgan
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Brent Meeker wrote:

 Isn't it?  Bruno presents comp as equivalent to betting that replacing
 your brain with a digitial device at the appropriate level of substitution
 will leave your stream of consciousness unaffected.  From this people are
 inferring that the discrete states of this digital brain instantiate
 observer moments.  But suppose (which I consider likely) the digital brain
 would have to have a cycle time of a billionth of a second or less.  I don't
 think you believe you have a different conscious thought every billionth of
 a second.  What it means is that a state of your consciousness corresponds
 to a million or so successive states of the digitial computation.  These
 sets of a million states can then of course overlap.  So the idea of
 discrete observer moments doesn't follow from yes doctor.

It's plausible that observer moments correspond to what are called
chaotic attractors in complex systems theory.

The brain passes through a complex, dynamic trajectory of states.  A
stable attractor is a cycle of discrete states that repeats exactly,
in the case of a limit cycle, or more often, retraces a similar but
not exact trajectory, in the case of a chaotic attractor.  Chaotic
attractors are robust to perturbation, up to a point, and many complex
systems can be characterized by a succession of chaotic attractors
separated by rapid transitions driven by external perturbations
exceeding some threshold.  I use the term meta-state as a synonym
for chaotic attractor in this context.

My working hypothesis is that nervous systems developed into complex
systems capable of generating quasi-stable meta-states which were
evolutionarily advantageous, and over (evolutionary) time, were able
to reach a level of organization which eventually produced

In this model, brains are continuously cycling through patterns of
firing, which, absent external stimuli, are self-sustaining in some
sort quasi-stable chaotic fashion, or meta-state.  Sensory input of
various types may be ignored if it doesn't reach a threshold of
activation which tips the brain into a new meta-state.  Or, novel
sensations may drive the system into a new meta-state (dynamic cycle)
that corresponds to some classification of that input in the context
of whatever the current meta-state is.

Observer moments, then, correspond to some subset of meta-states in
the brain.  They aren't discrete states of zero duration, but
trajectories of states in a chaotic cycle.  A succession of these
meta-states would then make up a stream-of-consciousness.

As an aside, I strongly suspect that in practice, our sensory input
serves to constrain the brain into a (relatively) small set of
meta-states that has allowed us to survive in a harsh evolutionary
context, and produces what may be called consensus reality (I think
Bruno calls this 1st-person plural.)  Other chaotic systems do spend
most of their time in a small subset of possible states.  Yet there is
evidence that perturbing the brain in a variety of ways (fasting,
breathing exercises, meditation, religious contemplation, drugs,
disease, injury, etc.) can allow it to wander off into meta-states
that are quite subjectively different from the typical states
associated with normal functioning.

All of the above speculation could still hold true in a
non-physicalist, computationalism-based view of consciousness, where
one would replace brain with computational substrate at appropriate
level of substitution.

Johnathan Corgan
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-08 Thread Brent Meeker

Quentin Anciaux wrote:

  2010/1/8 Brent Meeker

Quentin Anciaux wrote:

  2010/1/8 Brent Meeker
Anciaux wrote:

2010/1/8 Brent Meeker
 Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
   2010/1/7 Brent Meeker

   A program that generates S2 as it were out of nowhere,
   with false
   memories of an S1 that has not yet happened or may
   never happen, is a
   perfectly legitimate program and the UD will generate
   it along with
   all the others. If the UD is allowed to run forever,
   this program will
   be a lower measure contributor to S2 than the program
   that generates
   it sequentially;
 How do you know this?
   Why S2 is unlikely to appear out of nowhere is equivalent to
   the White
   Rabbit problem in ensemble theories, which has been often
   over the years on this list. Russell's "Theory of Nothing" book
   provides a summary. The general idea is that structures
   generated by
   simpler algorithms have higher measure, and it is simpler to
   write a
   program that computes a series of mental states iteratively
   than one
   that computes a set of disconnected mental states from ad hoc

   and similarly in any physicalist theory. But although
   S2 may guess from such considerations that he is more
   likely to have
   been generated sequentially, the point remains that
   there is nothing
   in the nature of his experience to indicate this. That
   is, the fact
   that S2 remembers S1 as being in the past and
   remembers a smooth
   transition from S1 to S2 is no guarantee that S1
   really did happen in
   the past, or even at all.
 We're assuming that thought is a kind of computation, a
 processing of
 information. And we're also assuming that this processing
 can consist of
 static states placed in order. So given two static
 states, what is the
 relation that makes their ordering into a computational
 process? One
 answer would be that they are successive states generated
 by some program.
 But you seem to reject that. To say that S2 remembers S1
 doesn't seem to
 answer the question because "remembering" is itself a
 process, not a static
 state. I tried to phrase it in terms of the entropy, or
 content, of S1 and S2 which would be a static property -
 as for example, if
 S2 simply contained S1. But that hardly seems a proper
 representation of
 states of consciousness - I'm certainly not conscious of
 my memories most of
 the time. Even as I type this I obviously remember how to
 type (though
 maybe not how to spell :-) ) but I'm not conscious of it.
   You've made this point in the past but I still don't
   understand it. If
   S1 and S2 are periods of experience generated consecutively in
   brain in the usual manner, do you agree that you would still be
   experience them as consecutive if they were generated by chance
   causally disconnected processes?
 No, I don't. Of course if they had durations of seconds or minutes,
 would experience much the same thing. But it is not at all
 to me that the experience at the beginning and end of the period
 be identical - and hence in the limit of infinitesimal duration,
 discrete states I'm not sure what the experience would be, if any
 at all.
   The requirement would be only that
   the respective experiences have the same subjective content in
   cases. Memory is only one aspect of subjective content, if an
   important one. If S1-S2 spans the typing of a sentence, then
   both S1
   and S2 have to remember how to type and what the sentence they
   typing is.
 But here you have allowed S1 and S2 to be processes with significant
 duration and even overlap. They are no longer discrete, static
   It may seem to be unconscious but obviously it can't be
   completely unconscious, otherwise it could be left out without
   any difference. Your digestion is an example of a completely
   unconscious process that need not be taken into account in a
   simulation of your mind. Another example is your name: you may
   have no
   awareness at all of your name during S1-S2 so it could safely
   be left
   out of the simulation, although at S3 when you reach the end
   of your
   post and you need to sign it you need to remember what it is.

 You are relying on the idea of a 

Re: UDA query

2010-01-08 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2010/1/8 Brent Meeker

  Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2010/1/8 Brent Meeker

  Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2010/1/8 Brent Meeker

 Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2010/1/8 Brent Meeker mailto:

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/7 Brent Meeker

A program that generates S2 as it were out of nowhere,
with false
memories of an S1 that has not yet happened or may
never happen, is a
perfectly legitimate program and the UD will generate
it along with
all the others. If the UD is allowed to run forever,
this program will
be a lower measure contributor to S2 than the program
that generates
it sequentially;

How do you know this?

Why S2 is unlikely to appear out of nowhere is equivalent to
the White
Rabbit problem in ensemble theories, which has been often
over the years on this list. Russell's Theory of Nothing book
provides a summary. The general idea is that structures
generated by
simpler algorithms have higher measure, and it is simpler to
write a
program that computes a series of mental states iteratively
than one
that computes a set of disconnected mental states from ad hoc

and similarly in any physicalist theory. But although
S2 may guess from such considerations that he is more
likely to have
been generated sequentially, the point remains that
there is nothing
in the nature of his experience to indicate this. That
is, the fact
that S2 remembers S1 as being in the past and
remembers a smooth
transition from S1 to S2 is no guarantee that S1
really did happen in
the past, or even at all.

We're assuming that thought is a kind of computation, a
processing of
information.  And we're also assuming that this processing
can consist of
static states placed in order.  So given two static
states, what is the
relation  that makes their ordering into a computational
process?  One
answer would be that they are successive states generated
by some program.
But you seem to reject that.  To say that S2 remembers S1
doesn't seem to
answer the question because remembering is itself a
process, not a static
state.  I tried to phrase it in terms of the entropy, or
content, of S1 and S2 which would be a static property -
as for example, if
S2 simply contained S1.  But that hardly seems a proper
representation of
states of consciousness - I'm certainly not conscious of
my memories most of
the time.  Even as I type this I obviously remember how to
type (though
maybe not how to spell :-) ) but I'm not conscious of it.

You've made this point in the past but I still don't
understand it. If
S1 and S2 are periods of experience generated consecutively in
brain in the usual manner, do you agree that you would still be
experience them as consecutive if they were generated by chance
causally disconnected processes?

No, I don't.  Of course if they had durations of seconds or minutes,
would experience much the same thing.  But it is not at all
to me that the experience at the beginning and end of the period
be identical - and hence in the limit of infinitesimal duration,
discrete states I'm not sure what the experience would be, if any
at all.

The requirement would be only that
the respective experiences have the same subjective content in
cases. Memory is only one aspect of subjective content, if an
important one. If S1-S2 spans the typing of a sentence, then
both S1
and S2 have to remember how to type and what the sentence they
typing is.

But here you have allowed S1 and S2 to be processes with significant
duration and even overlap.  They are no longer discrete, static

It may seem to be unconscious but obviously it can't be
completely unconscious, otherwise it could be left out without
any difference. Your digestion is an example of a completely
unconscious process that need not be taken into 

Re: UDA query

2010-01-08 Thread Brent Meeker

Johnathan Corgan wrote:

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Brent Meeker wrote:


Isn't it?  Bruno presents comp as equivalent to betting that replacing
your brain with a digitial device at the appropriate level of substitution
will leave your stream of consciousness unaffected.  From this people are
inferring that the discrete states of this digital brain instantiate
observer moments.  But suppose (which I consider likely) the digital brain
would have to have a cycle time of a billionth of a second or less.  I don't
think you believe you have a different conscious thought every billionth of
a second.  What it means is that a state of your consciousness corresponds
to a million or so successive states of the digitial computation.  These
sets of a million states can then of course overlap.  So the idea of
discrete observer moments doesn't follow from yes doctor.

It's plausible that observer moments correspond to what are called
chaotic attractors in complex systems theory.

The brain passes through a complex, dynamic trajectory of states.  A
stable attractor is a cycle of discrete states that repeats exactly,
in the case of a limit cycle, or more often, retraces a similar but
not exact trajectory, in the case of a chaotic attractor.  Chaotic
attractors are robust to perturbation, up to a point, and many complex
systems can be characterized by a succession of chaotic attractors
separated by rapid transitions driven by external perturbations
exceeding some threshold.  I use the term meta-state as a synonym
for chaotic attractor in this context.

My working hypothesis is that nervous systems developed into complex
systems capable of generating quasi-stable meta-states which were
evolutionarily advantageous, and over (evolutionary) time, were able
to reach a level of organization which eventually produced

In this model, brains are continuously cycling through patterns of
firing, which, absent external stimuli, are self-sustaining in some
sort quasi-stable chaotic fashion, or meta-state.  Sensory input of
various types may be ignored if it doesn't reach a threshold of
activation which tips the brain into a new meta-state.  Or, novel
sensations may drive the system into a new meta-state (dynamic cycle)
that corresponds to some classification of that input in the context
of whatever the current meta-state is.

Observer moments, then, correspond to some subset of meta-states in
the brain.  They aren't discrete states of zero duration, but
trajectories of states in a chaotic cycle.  A succession of these
meta-states would then make up a stream-of-consciousness.

As an aside, I strongly suspect that in practice, our sensory input
serves to constrain the brain into a (relatively) small set of
meta-states that has allowed us to survive in a harsh evolutionary
context, and produces what may be called consensus reality (I think
Bruno calls this 1st-person plural.)  Other chaotic systems do spend
most of their time in a small subset of possible states.  Yet there is
evidence that perturbing the brain in a variety of ways (fasting,
breathing exercises, meditation, religious contemplation, drugs,
disease, injury, etc.) can allow it to wander off into meta-states
that are quite subjectively different from the typical states
associated with normal functioning.

All of the above speculation could still hold true in a
non-physicalist, computationalism-based view of consciousness, where
one would replace brain with computational substrate at appropriate
level of substitution.

Johnathan Corgan

That would correspond to my intuition about consciousness.  I remember 
reading in the '60s, when sensory deprivation experiments were the fad, 
that if one remained long enough in a sensory deprivation tank (more 
than about 45min) one's mind went into a loop.  I've not been able to 
find a reference to this, but that's what I remember.

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-08 Thread russell standish
On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 11:00:19AM -0800, Johnathan Corgan wrote:
 It's plausible that observer moments correspond to what are called
 chaotic attractors in complex systems theory.

Well attractors in general - they don't have to be chaotic (or strange
as the terminology actually is). More likely the attractors are point or
limit cycles, but are only metastable (they will be pushed out of
their basic of attraction by longer range coupling within the brain).



Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-07 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 06 Jan 2010, at 19:57, Brent Meeker wrote:

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/6 Brent Meeker

I can understand that view, but in that case why consider them
computations?  Why not just suppose all states of your  
consciousness (and
even other parts of the world) exist.  If they can be glued  
together by
inherent features or simply experienced without even an implicit  
then computation seems irrelevant.  Of course that leaves the  
lawfulness of physics even further from possible explanation than  
the UD


We start off with what we observe: apparently there is a physical
world, and some parts of this physical world, called brains, seem to
give rise to consciousness. There is reason to think that computers
running a program can also give rise to consciousness. Taking this
hypothesis of computationalism seriously then leads to interesting
questions, such as whether there is a reason to suppose that
consciousness happens only when the computations are physically
instantiated (and what exactly that means), or whether their status  

platonic objects is enough to generate the associated consciousness.
In other words, there is a series of rational steps starting from  

we observe, and if any step is faulted the whole edifice falls;
whereas imply assuming idealism from the start is ad hoc and

I think what I asked about is different from simply assuming  
idealism.  It is carrying your thread of reasoning a few steps  
further. Suppose Platonic objects exist.  Suppose computations, as  
Platonic objects, are enough to instantiate consciousness.  Suppose  
consciousness consists of discrete states of this computation.

I will insist that consciousness cannot consists of discrete states of  
computation. It may be associated to, attached to, etc. Consciousness  
is a first person notion, and computational state are third person  
notions. We cannot identify them. It is the same mistake than  
identifying mind and brain. Brain are assembly of molecules, minds are  
memories, informations, logical and pragmatical dispositions, etc.
In some thread this can be just an irrelevant  detail, but as we are  
going to the crux of the reasoning, we will have to be very careful.  
The devil is in the detail ...

Suppose the fact that the states are connected by the computation is  
irrelevant to their instantiation of consciousness.  The states are  
themselves Platonic objects.  So if we assume Platonic objects exist  
we will already have assumed these states to exist and consciousness  
to have been instantiated by them - with no reference to computation.


I think Bruno avoids this by saying consciousness consists of  
computationally connected sequences thru a given state - not the  
state itself - but I'm not sure why that should be.

Assuming digital mechanism, we can associate consciousness to a  
computation. This computation makes sense only with respect to a  
number or a machine which do (platonically) that computation. If  
not, all number can be said to code a computational state, and all  
sequence of states could define a computations, and the computations  
would be non enumerable, but the computations (without oracle), and  
considered in the third person way are enumerable: it is always  
generated by a precise phi_i(j).

Now, to associate a consciousness to a computation is not enough. The  
association has to be 1-person statistically stable. We have to take  
into account the global first person indeterminacy, which involved all  

I will come back on this in my comment to Nick's last post.



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Re: UDA query

2010-01-07 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/7 Brent Meeker

 A program that generates S2 as it were out of nowhere, with false
 memories of an S1 that has not yet happened or may never happen, is a
 perfectly legitimate program and the UD will generate it along with
 all the others. If the UD is allowed to run forever, this program will
 be a lower measure contributor to S2 than the program that generates
 it sequentially;

 How do you know this?

Why S2 is unlikely to appear out of nowhere is equivalent to the White
Rabbit problem in ensemble theories, which has been often discussed
over the years on this list. Russell's Theory of Nothing book
provides a summary. The general idea is that structures generated by
simpler algorithms have higher measure, and it is simpler to write a
program that computes a series of mental states iteratively than one
that computes a set of disconnected mental states from ad hoc data.

 and similarly in any physicalist theory. But although
 S2 may guess from such considerations that he is more likely to have
 been generated sequentially, the point remains that there is nothing
 in the nature of his experience to indicate this. That is, the fact
 that S2 remembers S1 as being in the past and remembers a smooth
 transition from S1 to S2 is no guarantee that S1 really did happen in
 the past, or even at all.

 We're assuming that thought is a kind of computation, a processing of
 information.  And we're also assuming that this processing can consist of
 static states placed in order.  So given two static states, what is the
 relation  that makes their ordering into a computational process?  One
 answer would be that they are successive states generated by some program.
 But you seem to reject that.  To say that S2 remembers S1 doesn't seem to
 answer the question because remembering is itself a process, not a static
 state.  I tried to phrase it in terms of the entropy, or information
 content, of S1 and S2 which would be a static property - as for example, if
 S2 simply contained S1.  But that hardly seems a proper representation of
 states of consciousness - I'm certainly not conscious of my memories most of
 the time.  Even as I type this I obviously remember how to type (though
 maybe not how to spell :-) ) but I'm not conscious of it.

You've made this point in the past but I still don't understand it. If
S1 and S2 are periods of experience generated consecutively in your
brain in the usual manner, do you agree that you would still be
experience them as consecutive if they were generated by chance by
causally disconnected processes? The requirement would be only that
the respective experiences have the same subjective content in both
cases. Memory is only one aspect of subjective content, if an
important one. If S1-S2 spans the typing of a sentence, then both S1
and S2 have to remember how to type and what the sentence they are
typing is. It may seem to be unconscious but obviously it can't be
completely unconscious, otherwise it could be left out without making
any difference. Your digestion is an example of a completely
unconscious process that need not be taken into account in a
simulation of your mind. Another example is your name: you may have no
awareness at all of your name during S1-S2 so it could safely be left
out of the simulation, although at S3 when you reach the end of your
post and you need to sign it you need to remember what it is.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-07 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/7 Brent Meeker

 I think what I asked about is different from simply assuming idealism.  It
 is carrying your thread of reasoning a few steps further. Suppose Platonic
 objects exist.  Suppose computations, as Platonic objects, are enough to
 instantiate consciousness.  Suppose consciousness consists of discrete
 states of this computation.  Suppose the fact that the states are connected
 by the computation is irrelevant to their instantiation of consciousness.
 The states are themselves Platonic objects.  So if we assume Platonic
 objects exist we will already have assumed these states to exist and
 consciousness to have been instantiated by them - with no reference to

That could be and in fact it is probably closer to what Plato himself
meant. But mathematical objects seem to have a special status in that
they necessarily exist, whereas everything else (including God) exists
only contingently. You can't imagine the number 7 not existing or not
being prime. The special sense in which mathematical objects and
relationships exist (maybe not the right word) independently of any
material world is their Platonic realm, but it doesn't follow having
accepted this that other objects also exist in a separate Platonic
realm. However, if consciousness supervenes on computation and it does
not require actual physical implementation of the computation, then
consciousness piggybacks on the Platonic existence of computation.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-07 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/7 Brent Meeker


A program that generates S2 as it were out of nowhere, with false
memories of an S1 that has not yet happened or may never happen, is a
perfectly legitimate program and the UD will generate it along with
all the others. If the UD is allowed to run forever, this program will
be a lower measure contributor to S2 than the program that generates
it sequentially;

How do you know this?

Why S2 is unlikely to appear out of nowhere is equivalent to the White
Rabbit problem in ensemble theories, which has been often discussed
over the years on this list. Russell's Theory of Nothing book
provides a summary. The general idea is that structures generated by
simpler algorithms have higher measure, and it is simpler to write a
program that computes a series of mental states iteratively than one
that computes a set of disconnected mental states from ad hoc data.


and similarly in any physicalist theory. But although
S2 may guess from such considerations that he is more likely to have
been generated sequentially, the point remains that there is nothing
in the nature of his experience to indicate this. That is, the fact
that S2 remembers S1 as being in the past and remembers a smooth
transition from S1 to S2 is no guarantee that S1 really did happen in
the past, or even at all.

We're assuming that thought is a kind of computation, a processing of
information.  And we're also assuming that this processing can consist of
static states placed in order.  So given two static states, what is the
relation  that makes their ordering into a computational process?  One
answer would be that they are successive states generated by some program.
But you seem to reject that.  To say that S2 remembers S1 doesn't seem to
answer the question because remembering is itself a process, not a static
state.  I tried to phrase it in terms of the entropy, or information
content, of S1 and S2 which would be a static property - as for example, if
S2 simply contained S1.  But that hardly seems a proper representation of
states of consciousness - I'm certainly not conscious of my memories most of
the time.  Even as I type this I obviously remember how to type (though
maybe not how to spell :-) ) but I'm not conscious of it.

You've made this point in the past but I still don't understand it. If
S1 and S2 are periods of experience generated consecutively in your
brain in the usual manner, do you agree that you would still be
experience them as consecutive if they were generated by chance by
causally disconnected processes? 

No, I don't.  Of course if they had durations of seconds or minutes, I
would experience much the same thing.  But it is not at all convincing
to me that the experience at the beginning and end of the period would
be identical - and hence in the limit of infinitesimal duration, 
discrete states I'm not sure what the experience would be, if any at all.

The requirement would be only that
the respective experiences have the same subjective content in both
cases. Memory is only one aspect of subjective content, if an
important one. If S1-S2 spans the typing of a sentence, then both S1
and S2 have to remember how to type and what the sentence they are
typing is. 

But here you have allowed S1 and S2 to be processes with significant
duration and even overlap.  They are no longer discrete, static states.

It may seem to be unconscious but obviously it can't be
completely unconscious, otherwise it could be left out without making
any difference. Your digestion is an example of a completely
unconscious process that need not be taken into account in a
simulation of your mind. Another example is your name: you may have no
awareness at all of your name during S1-S2 so it could safely be left
out of the simulation, although at S3 when you reach the end of your
post and you need to sign it you need to remember what it is.


You are relying on the idea of a digital simulation which is described
by a sequence of discrete states.  But in an actual realization of such
a simulation the discrete states are realized by causal sequences in
time which are not of infinitesimal duration and overlap.


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-07 Thread Brent Meeker

Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2010/1/8 Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/7 Brent Meeker


A program that generates S2 as it were out of nowhere,
with false
memories of an S1 that has not yet happened or may
never happen, is a
perfectly legitimate program and the UD will generate
it along with
all the others. If the UD is allowed to run forever,
this program will
be a lower measure contributor to S2 than the program
that generates
it sequentially;

How do you know this?

Why S2 is unlikely to appear out of nowhere is equivalent to
the White
Rabbit problem in ensemble theories, which has been often
over the years on this list. Russell's Theory of Nothing book
provides a summary. The general idea is that structures
generated by
simpler algorithms have higher measure, and it is simpler to
write a
program that computes a series of mental states iteratively
than one
that computes a set of disconnected mental states from ad hoc


and similarly in any physicalist theory. But although
S2 may guess from such considerations that he is more
likely to have
been generated sequentially, the point remains that
there is nothing
in the nature of his experience to indicate this. That
is, the fact
that S2 remembers S1 as being in the past and
remembers a smooth
transition from S1 to S2 is no guarantee that S1
really did happen in
the past, or even at all.

We're assuming that thought is a kind of computation, a
processing of
information.  And we're also assuming that this processing
can consist of
static states placed in order.  So given two static
states, what is the
relation  that makes their ordering into a computational
process?  One
answer would be that they are successive states generated
by some program.
But you seem to reject that.  To say that S2 remembers S1
doesn't seem to
answer the question because remembering is itself a
process, not a static
state.  I tried to phrase it in terms of the entropy, or
content, of S1 and S2 which would be a static property -
as for example, if
S2 simply contained S1.  But that hardly seems a proper
representation of
states of consciousness - I'm certainly not conscious of
my memories most of
the time.  Even as I type this I obviously remember how to
type (though
maybe not how to spell :-) ) but I'm not conscious of it.

You've made this point in the past but I still don't
understand it. If
S1 and S2 are periods of experience generated consecutively in
brain in the usual manner, do you agree that you would still be
experience them as consecutive if they were generated by chance by
causally disconnected processes?

No, I don't.  Of course if they had durations of seconds or minutes, I
would experience much the same thing.  But it is not at all convincing
to me that the experience at the beginning and end of the period would
be identical - and hence in the limit of infinitesimal duration,
discrete states I'm not sure what the experience would be, if any
at all.

The requirement would be only that
the respective experiences have the same subjective content in
cases. Memory is only one aspect of subjective content, if an
important one. If S1-S2 spans the typing of a sentence, then
both S1
and S2 have to remember how to type and what the sentence they are
typing is.

But here you have allowed S1 and S2 to be processes with significant
duration and even overlap.  They are no longer discrete, static

It may seem to be unconscious but obviously it can't be
completely unconscious, otherwise it could be left out without
any difference. Your digestion is an example of a completely
unconscious process that need not be taken into account in a
simulation of your mind. Another example is your name: you may
have no

Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/6 Nick Prince
 As I understand it the UD generates all possible programs and as it
 generates each one it runs one step of it before generating the next.
 Does that not mean that eventually it will generate the program which
 is generating what we understand to be some observer moments for us at
 this particular time. This is where I was thinking of the foliation
 bit - each hypersurface is a snapshot in time of the universe as
 experienced by me.  This being said would that not mean they would
 necessarily be in order or are you thinking that some other program.
 could generate by chance a perfectly good observer moment that was out
 of sync?

A program that generates S2 as it were out of nowhere, with false
memories of an S1 that has not yet happened or may never happen, is a
perfectly legitimate program and the UD will generate it along with
all the others. If the UD is allowed to run forever, this program will
be a lower measure contributor to S2 than the program that generates
it sequentially; and similarly in any physicalist theory. But although
S2 may guess from such considerations that he is more likely to have
been generated sequentially, the point remains that there is nothing
in the nature of his experience to indicate this. That is, the fact
that S2 remembers S1 as being in the past and remembers a smooth
transition from S1 to S2 is no guarantee that S1 really did happen in
the past, or even at all.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/6 Brent Meeker

 I can understand that view, but in that case why consider them
 computations?  Why not just suppose all states of your consciousness (and
 even other parts of the world) exist.  If they can be glued together by
 inherent features or simply experienced without even an implicit order,
 then computation seems irrelevant.  Of course that leaves the apparent
 lawfulness of physics even further from possible explanation than the UD

We start off with what we observe: apparently there is a physical
world, and some parts of this physical world, called brains, seem to
give rise to consciousness. There is reason to think that computers
running a program can also give rise to consciousness. Taking this
hypothesis of computationalism seriously then leads to interesting
questions, such as whether there is a reason to suppose that
consciousness happens only when the computations are physically
instantiated (and what exactly that means), or whether their status as
platonic objects is enough to generate the associated consciousness.
In other words, there is a series of rational steps starting from what
we observe, and if any step is faulted the whole edifice falls;
whereas imply assuming idealism from the start is ad hoc and

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 Jan 2010, at 19:57, Brent Meeker wrote:

Yes but the UD will generate infinitely more often the in order S1/ 

than out of order... with what you are saying I don't even understand
what is a computation if not a rules ordered sequential state order.


It seems strange that we start with the hypothesis that  
consciousness is a kind of computation - a sequential processing of  
information - and then arrive at picture in which there is no  
processing and sequence is just inferred.  On the one hand  
consciousness is a process, on the other hand it is static state.  I  
suspect there is something wrong with the slicing of the stream of  
consciousness into zero-duration, non-overlapping states.

But that problem occurs also with physics, as illustrated by the  
debate on time and block universe.
Also, we have to be careful: no where it has been said that  
consciousness is a kind of computation. Obviously consciousness is  
not a kind of computation. It is a property of (first) person, which,  
assuming mechanism, is invariant for a set of functional substitution.
Then a reasoning shows that we cannot distinguish a physical  
computation from a mathematical one, and that we have to take this  
into account for justifying the (conscious) appearance of the physical  

Slicing the stream of consciousness, or just the stream of time like  
the physicists do a lot, into zero-length interval is a critics of the  
use of real number, and somehow comp escapes it, given that real  
numbers does not (necessarily) exists at the ontological level. They  
exist necessarily at the epistemological level though.

I can see that states can encode information that, when coarse  
grained, define a sequence of increasing entropy, but is it  
legitimate to identify having the information in memory with  

In my opinion, time is far less problematical in comp than in physics,  
given that we assume a form of primitive time, first by the number  
order, then by the length of computations or of proofs.
Arithmletic and provability logic are so antisymmetrical that I was  
afraid the comp physics would contradict the very symmetry of nature  
(laws of physics are reversible, most computations are not).
But the intelligible and sensible comp matter (the probability one  
defined by Bp  Dt ( p), luckily enough seems able to restaure the  
symmetry, or at least some symmetry. Enough? Open problem.



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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 Jan 2010, at 19:59, Brent Meeker wrote:

Nick Prince wrote:

Is this because you think of your stream of consciousness as somehow
like a reel of film?  All the individual pictures could be cut from
the reel and laid out any which way but the implicit order is always
there.  I can understand this because all the spatio temporal
relationships for the actors in the film remain normal i.e obey the
laws of physics.

But there's the rub.  Why the laws of physics?  That's what somehow
needs to be explained.  Is there something about the UD that  

generates law like sequences of states with high probability?

By definition, the UD generates all and only the (computable) law  
like sequences.
The problem is that the physical law like sequence have to be  
justified, indeed.
This is what is interesting in comp. It gives a solid theory of mind  
(computer science, mathematical logic, machine self-reference, etc.),  
and it transforms the mind body problem into a body problem.

The laws of physics have a reason, an origin.

it generate just those laws we seem to find - that would be a great

The UD generates all the laws.
It may or not generate the laws we seem to find.
In any case, those laws have to be a sum on all the (computable) laws.  
(ud argument).

Or does it generate all possible non-self-contradictory
multiverses - in which case nothing has been explained.

The UD executes all programs. It generates all the possible  
computations, those which terminate and those which don't terminate.
It is well defined mathematically, with respect to many equivalence  
results, closure results, Church thesis, etc.

A notion like consistent extension makes sense only for the  
persons relatively appearing in deeper computations, so the  
precise relation between consistent extensions and the UD needs the  
use of the Gödel Löb provability logics.


Deutsch argues similarly in the Fabric of reality.
In my work I often come across the idea of a foliation of
hypersurfaces which is really a set of 3D pictures stuck together  

stacked in the direction of the time coordinate of the world at a
given instant of time.

But that's starting with the physics given, so the hypersurfaces and
their relation is already defined.


In MW interpretation though I guess that the
stacking is less certain as in the block universe idea but that's
another issue.  Is this analogy similar to how you feel  the  

experience of time being normal?



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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 Jan 2010, at 21:18, Nick Prince wrote:

It feels a bit lie a chicken and egg situation - do we pick out the
laws or do they pick us?. But I am still working my way through this
and  and loads of other stuff, so I don't understand it yet.

The computable laws (definable in elementary arithmetic) pick us,  
and we pick the physical law.

Number = consciousness = matter.

But this makes sense only if you mean by us, us, the universal  

It is pretty ridiculous, if you meant it by us the humans.

It is tricky to understand. Comp *is* counterintuitive. It is related  
to a gap between the fist and third person point of view, which came  
from the gap between 'true' and 'provable', (and 'true and provable',  

The possibility of this reversal comes from programming, or Gödel  
numbering. It comes from the fact that a part of the mathematical  
reasoning can be translated into arithmetic, and so does the  
Auda comes from the fact, already well seen by Gödel in 1931, that  
machines, or axiomatizable set of beliefs (theorie), can prove their  
own Gödel's incompleteness result (the so called formalized second  
incompleteness theorem). (~Bf - ~B ~Bf).

Good book: Boolos 1979. (assume Mendelson's book or alike). No need  
for uda, although it helps to de-trivialize uda, it makes the mind  
body problem a problem in pure math/computer science.


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 Jan 2010, at 23:44, Brent Meeker wrote:

Nick Prince wrote:

OOps sorry I sent an empty post by accident.

I agree with you here.  But I am new to this field so I am uncertain
about so many things.  However, I don't understand why it is that  a
UD would know how to generate these law like sequences of states. It
may well generate all possible programs that generate all possible
universes (with different values for the physical constants say -
maybe even different laws) but I wonder why our conciousness defines
itself by selecting only those consistent extension among all the
states available that obey a certain set of  laws of physics.

I thought that a TOE should explain the laws of physics and Bruno
states in his SANE paper

 Conclusion: Physics is given by a measure on the consistent
computational histories, or
maximal consistent extensions as seen from some first person point of

But consistent in what sense?  We can't say consistent with the  
laws of physics because that's what we're trying to explain.

Laws of physics,
in particular, should be inferable from the true verifiable ‘‘atomic
sentences’’. Those are the
verifiable arithmetical sentences.

I understand true arithmetical sentences, but I'm not sure what  
'verifiable' means?  Does it mean computable, or provable?  What's  
an atomic sentence?  Is it just a finite statement, like 17 is  
prime; so it excludes infinite statements like Goldbach's conjecture?

p is verifiable means that if p is true then p is provable.

 p - Bp is true for those sentences p.

All statements of the shape It exist a machine x which will access  
state y are of that nature. We may run all machines, and never access  
state y, so that we remain ignorant, in case the statement is false,  
but if the statement is true we will know it, soon or later (in  
principle, or in platonia).

Typically, the Sigma_1 sentences. Those can be put in the shape  
ExP(x), with P decidable. If ExP(x)' is true, we can find it by  
testing P(0), P(1), P(2) ... up to the P(k) witnessing the truth of  
ExP(x). If ExP(x) is false, we may never know, and this procedure  
will not decide the sentence.

The DU, implemented in arithmetic, flows through all true Sigma_1  
sentences, but also on all proofs of the false one, this change the  
internal measure of the true one. Enough for a successful arithmetical  
renormalization? Open problem.


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 06 Jan 2010, at 01:21, Nick Prince wrote:

Hi Brent

Perhaps Bruno could give some clarification  here. Just prior to his
conclusion on the sane paper I quoted from was this:

So if we keep comp at this stage, we are forced to relate the inner
experience only to
the type of computation involved. The reason is that only those types
are univocally related to
all their possible counterfactuals. This entails that, from a first
person point of view, not only
the physical cannot be distinguished from the virtual, but the virtual
can no more be
distinguished from the arithmetical. Now DU is emulated
platonistically by the verifiable
propositions of arithmetic. They are equivalent to sentences of the
form ‘‘it exists n such that
P(n)’’ with P(n) decidable. Their truth entails their provability, and
they are known under the
name of Sigma1 sentence.
If comp is correct, the appearance of physics must be recovered from
some point of
views emerging from those propositions. Indeed, taking into account
the seven steps once
more, we arrive at the conclusion that the physical atomic (in the
Boolean logician sense)
invariant proposition must be given by a probability measure on those
propositions. A
physical certainty must be true in all maximal extensions, true in at
least one maximal extension (we will see later why the second
condition does not follow from the first) and
accessible by the UD, that is arithmetically verifiable. Figure 8
illustrates our main
conclusion, where the number 1 is put for the so called Sigma1
sentences of arithmetic.

It sounds as if Bruno thinks that the computations of the UD invoke
our inner experiences and also our understanding of  physics.  Both
come from arithmetical platonicism ( because thats what the UD is all
about).  So the pictures in the film are stiched together by the
arithmetical (computation necessity) rather than the laws of of
physics... Hmm not what I thought and said earlier!!

So according to Bruno the laws of physics come from something
intrinsic in the computation?  Not quite sure how.  I just can't
figure out any more at the moment and hope Bruno will give me a hint

But the quote you give is the conclusion of step 7 and 8. Except that  
I use a bit the vocabulary which will help to understand the  
interview of the Löbian machine.

Normally at step seven you understand that COMP + concrete UD = I am  
already in UD* and the physical laws have to result from a sum on my  
first person (hopefully plural) indeterminacy in UD*. (step 1 -6 + 7)

Then step 8, MGA,  shows (is supposed to show) that COMP makes any  
concrete running of the UD irrelevant.
(but the MGA thread in this list is better, I may send a new version  
of MGA). MGA = Movie Graph Argument.

This is not *just* because UD* is represented, remarkably enough,  in  
the elementary consequences of addition and multiplication, but mainly  
because, by MGA, comp together with the physical supervenience thesis  
makes it necessary to confuse a computation and a description of a  
computation. The computation has to consist in the logical relations,  
not in this or that implementation, (which, btw, can only be a  
reduction to a particular universal machine).

Do you see that COMP + concrete UD leads to an Everett-DeWitt shock?   
We am multiplied by 10^100+ at each instant. COMP leads, naively, to  
Aleph_zero + multiplication, or even 2^aleph_zero (in a sense)?

Then MGA is the next and last difficulty.  (before the machine  
interview, if interested).


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 06 Jan 2010, at 03:34, Brent Meeker wrote:

Nick Prince wrote:

Hi Brent

Perhaps Bruno could give some clarification  here. Just prior to his
conclusion on the sane paper I quoted from was this:

So if we keep comp at this stage, we are forced to relate the inner
experience only to
the type of computation involved. The reason is that only those types
are univocally related to
all their possible counterfactuals. This entails that, from a first
person point of view, not only
the physical cannot be distinguished from the virtual, but the  

can no more be
distinguished from the arithmetical. Now DU is emulated
platonistically by the verifiable
propositions of arithmetic. They are equivalent to sentences of the
form ‘‘it exists n such that
P(n)’’ with P(n) decidable. Their truth entails their provability,  

they are known under the
name of Sigma1 sentence.
If comp is correct, the appearance of physics must be recovered from
some point of
views emerging from those propositions.

Why only the atomic sentences?  Why not all true sentences?  How is  
appearance recovered?

The atomic propositions p, q, r of the modal logic (G) are interpreted  
by the Sigma_1 sentences of Arithmetic (with shape ExP(x), P  
decidable). Dovetailing on their (infinitely many) proofs can be shown  
equivalent with a universal dovetailing (and thus truly universal with  
Church thesis).  Limiting the arithmetical interpretation on that tiny  
Sigma_1 complete part is the way to interview the *computationalist  
The formula p - Bp characterizes such Sigma_1 arithmetical formula,  
provably so, by the Löbian machine.

So G + p - Bp is used in the final.

Indeed, taking into account
the seven steps once
more, we arrive at the conclusion that the physical atomic (in the
Boolean logician sense)
invariant proposition must be given by a probability measure on those
But what gives the probability measure?  Is it just the relative  
frequency of occurrence of the atomic sentences in the UD output up  
to a given step?

The 'measure one' will have a logic related to the logic of Bp  Dt  
(and variants).  The measure itself may follow, or not.

Incompleteness; being self-discoverable, provides a geometry on the  
common ignorance of all universal machines, from which the 'physical  
laws should emerge.

Hmm... I guess you miss something in the MGA, or with computational  
supervenience. Computational supervenience is really step 7, but in  
front of arithmetical realism, which contains UD* in some way.

Not easy stuff ...


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/6 Nick Prince

As I understand it the UD generates all possible programs and as it
generates each one it runs one step of it before generating the next.
Does that not mean that eventually it will generate the program which
is generating what we understand to be some observer moments for us at
this particular time. This is where I was thinking of the foliation
bit - each hypersurface is a snapshot in time of the universe as
experienced by me.  

But of course relativity tells us there is no canonical way to foliate 
the universe; your experience is local and is determined by your past 
light cone, not by the now hypersurface.

This being said would that not mean they would
necessarily be in order or are you thinking that some other program.
could generate by chance a perfectly good observer moment that was out
of sync?

A program that generates S2 as it were out of nowhere, with false
memories of an S1 that has not yet happened or may never happen, is a
perfectly legitimate program and the UD will generate it along with
all the others. If the UD is allowed to run forever, this program will
be a lower measure contributor to S2 than the program that generates
it sequentially; 

How do you know this?

and similarly in any physicalist theory. But although
S2 may guess from such considerations that he is more likely to have
been generated sequentially, the point remains that there is nothing
in the nature of his experience to indicate this. That is, the fact
that S2 remembers S1 as being in the past and remembers a smooth
transition from S1 to S2 is no guarantee that S1 really did happen in
the past, or even at all.

We're assuming that thought is a kind of computation, a processing of 
information.  And we're also assuming that this processing can consist 
of static states placed in order.  So given two static states, what is 
the relation  that makes their ordering into a computational process?  
One answer would be that they are successive states generated by some 
program. But you seem to reject that.  To say that S2 remembers S1 
doesn't seem to answer the question because remembering is itself a 
process, not a static state.  I tried to phrase it in terms of the 
entropy, or information content, of S1 and S2 which would be a static 
property - as for example, if S2 simply contained S1.  But that hardly 
seems a proper representation of states of consciousness - I'm certainly 
not conscious of my memories most of the time.  Even as I type this I 
obviously remember how to type (though maybe not how to spell :-) ) but 
I'm not conscious of it.

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

  2010/1/6 Brent Meeker

I can understand that view, but in that case why consider them
computations?  Why not just suppose all states of your consciousness (and
even other parts of the world) exist.  If they can be glued together by
inherent features or simply experienced without even an implicit order,
then computation seems irrelevant.  Of course that leaves the apparent
lawfulness of physics even further from possible explanation than the UD

We start off with what we observe: apparently there is a physical
world, and some parts of this physical world, called brains, seem to
give rise to consciousness. There is reason to think that computers
running a program can also give rise to consciousness. Taking this
hypothesis of computationalism seriously then leads to interesting
questions, such as whether there is a reason to suppose that
consciousness happens only when the computations are physically
instantiated (and what exactly that means), or whether their status as
platonic objects is enough to generate the associated consciousness.
In other words, there is a series of rational steps starting from what
we observe, and if any step is faulted the whole edifice falls;
whereas imply assuming idealism from the start is ad hoc and


I think what I asked about is different from simply assuming idealism. 
It is carrying your thread of reasoning a few steps further. Suppose
Platonic objects exist.  Suppose computations, as Platonic objects, are
enough to instantiate consciousness.  Suppose consciousness consists of
discrete states of this computation.  Suppose the fact that the states
are connected by the computation is irrelevant to their instantiation
of consciousness.  The states are themselves Platonic objects.  So if
we assume Platonic objects exist we will already have assumed these
states to exist and consciousness to have been instantiated by them -
with no reference to computation.

I think Bruno avoids this by saying consciousness consists of
computationally connected sequences thru a given state - not the state
itself - but I'm not sure why that should be.



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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Brent Meeker

Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 05 Jan 2010, at 19:57, Brent Meeker wrote:

Yes but the UD will generate infinitely more often the in order S1/S2/S3
than out of order... with what you are saying I don't even understand
what is a computation if not a rules ordered sequential state order.


It seems strange that we start with the hypothesis that consciousness 
is a kind of computation - a sequential processing of information - 
and then arrive at picture in which there is no processing and 
sequence is just inferred.  On the one hand consciousness is a 
process, on the other hand it is static state.  I suspect there is 
something wrong with the slicing of the stream of consciousness into 
zero-duration, non-overlapping states.  

But that problem occurs also with physics, as illustrated by the 
debate on time and block universe. 
Also, we have to be careful: no where it has been said that 
consciousness is a kind of computation.

It's been said on this list several times (at least by me :-) ).

Obviously consciousness is not a kind of computation.
It's not obvious to me.  If the doctor says to me, This 
artificial-hypothalmus I'm going to substitute for yours, does exactly 
the same input-output computations that your original does., then I'll 
be much more inclined to say yes than if he says it doesn't do any 

It is a property of (first) person, which, assuming mechanism, is 
invariant for a set of functional substitution.

What is invariant under the functional substitution if not the computations?


Then a reasoning shows that we cannot distinguish a physical 
computation from a mathematical one, and that we have to take this 
into account for justifying the (conscious) appearance of the physical 

Slicing the stream of consciousness, or just the stream of time like 
the physicists do a lot, into zero-length interval is a critics of the 
use of real number, and somehow comp escapes it, given that real 
numbers does not (necessarily) exists at the ontological level. They 
exist necessarily at the epistemological level though.

I can see that states can encode information that, when coarse 
grained, define a sequence of increasing entropy, but is it 
legitimate to identify having the information in memory with 

In my opinion, time is far less problematical in comp than in physics, 
given that we assume a form of primitive time, first by the number 
order, then by the length of computations or of proofs.
Arithmletic and provability logic are so antisymmetrical that I was 
afraid the comp physics would contradict the very symmetry of nature 
(laws of physics are reversible, most computations are not).
But the intelligible and sensible comp matter (the probability one 
defined by Bp  Dt ( p), luckily enough seems able to restaure the 
symmetry, or at least some symmetry. Enough? Open problem.


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Brent Meeker

Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 05 Jan 2010, at 19:59, Brent Meeker wrote:

Nick Prince wrote:

Is this because you think of your stream of consciousness as somehow
like a reel of film?  All the individual pictures could be cut from
the reel and laid out any which way but the implicit order is always
there.  I can understand this because all the spatio temporal
relationships for the actors in the film remain normal i.e obey the
laws of physics.

But there's the rub.  Why the laws of physics?  That's what somehow
needs to be explained.  Is there something about the UD that necessarily
generates law like sequences of states with high probability?

By definition, the UD generates all and only the (computable) law 
like sequences.

But only law like in the sense of being computable.  Not necessarily 
law like in conserving momentum in a 4-space with Lorentzian signature.

The problem is that the physical law like sequence have to be 
justified, indeed.
This is what is interesting in comp. It gives a solid theory of mind 
(computer science, mathematical logic, machine self-reference, etc.), 
and it transforms the mind body problem into a body problem.

The laws of physics have a reason, an origin.

it generate just those laws we seem to find - that would be a great

The UD generates all the laws.
It may or not generate the laws we seem to find.
In any case, those laws have to be a sum on all the (computable) laws. 
(ud argument).

Or does it generate all possible non-self-contradictory
multiverses - in which case nothing has been explained.

The UD executes all programs. It generates all the possible 
computations, those which terminate and those which don't terminate.
It is well defined mathematically, with respect to many equivalence 
results, closure results, Church thesis, etc.

Yes, I understand that.

A notion like consistent extension makes sense only for the 
persons relatively appearing in deeper computations, so the 
precise relation between consistent extensions and the UD needs the 
use of the Gödel Löb provability logics.

So do they allow a definition of consistent extensions such that 
persons can be identified with sequences of consistent extensions and 
those persons will define one or more universes in terms of 
intersubjective agreement?  That's where you lose me - I don't see how 
this is to be done.



Deutsch argues similarly in the Fabric of reality.
In my work I often come across the idea of a foliation of
hypersurfaces which is really a set of 3D pictures stuck together and
stacked in the direction of the time coordinate of the world at a
given instant of time.

But that's starting with the physics given, so the hypersurfaces and
their relation is already defined.


In MW interpretation though I guess that the
stacking is less certain as in the block universe idea but that's
another issue.  Is this analogy similar to how you feel  the obvious
experience of time being normal?



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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Brent Meeker

Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 06 Jan 2010, at 01:21, Nick Prince wrote:

Hi Brent

Perhaps Bruno could give some clarification  here. Just prior to his
conclusion on the sane paper I quoted from was this:

So if we keep comp at this stage, we are forced to relate the inner
experience only to
the type of computation involved. The reason is that only those types
are univocally related to
all their possible counterfactuals. This entails that, from a first
person point of view, not only
the physical cannot be distinguished from the virtual, but the virtual
can no more be
distinguished from the arithmetical. Now DU is emulated
platonistically by the verifiable
propositions of arithmetic. They are equivalent to sentences of the
form ‘‘it exists n such that
P(n)’’ with P(n) decidable. Their truth entails their provability, and
they are known under the
name of Sigma1 sentence.
If comp is correct, the appearance of physics must be recovered from
some point of
views emerging from those propositions. Indeed, taking into account
the seven steps once
more, we arrive at the conclusion that the physical atomic (in the
Boolean logician sense)
invariant proposition must be given by a probability measure on those
propositions. A
physical certainty must be true in all maximal extensions, true in at
least one maximal extension (we will see later why the second
condition does not follow from the first) and
accessible by the UD, that is arithmetically verifiable. Figure 8
illustrates our main
conclusion, where the number 1 is put for the so called Sigma1
sentences of arithmetic.

It sounds as if Bruno thinks that the computations of the UD invoke
our inner experiences and also our understanding of  physics.  Both
come from arithmetical platonicism ( because thats what the UD is all
about).  So the pictures in the film are stiched together by the
arithmetical (computation necessity) rather than the laws of of
physics... Hmm not what I thought and said earlier!!

So according to Bruno the laws of physics come from something
intrinsic in the computation?  Not quite sure how.  I just can't
figure out any more at the moment and hope Bruno will give me a hint

But the quote you give is the conclusion of step 7 and 8. Except that 
I use a bit the vocabulary which will help to understand the 
interview of the Löbian machine.

Normally at step seven you understand that COMP + concrete UD = I am 
already in UD* and the physical laws have to result from a sum on my 
first person (hopefully plural) indeterminacy in UD*. (step 1 -6 + 7)

Then step 8, MGA,  shows (is supposed to show) that COMP makes any 
concrete running of the UD irrelevant.
(but the MGA thread in this list is better, I may send a new version 
of MGA). MGA = Movie Graph Argument.

This is not *just* because UD* is represented, remarkably enough,  in 
the elementary consequences of addition and multiplication, but mainly 
because, by MGA, comp together with the physical supervenience thesis 
makes it necessary to confuse a computation and a description of a 

I think you need to carefully explicate your teminology here.  Logicians 
and mathematicians tend to use description like model to mean 
exactly the opposite of what engineers and physicists mean by the 
terms.  The physicists thinks of the physical computer running as the 
computation and the program as a description of what it is (supposed to 
be) doing.  But I don't think that's what you mean.


The computation has to consist in the logical relations, not in this 
or that implementation, (which, btw, can only be a reduction to a 
particular universal machine).

Do you see that COMP + concrete UD leads to an Everett-DeWitt shock?  
We am multiplied by 10^100+ at each instant. COMP leads, naively, to 
Aleph_zero + multiplication, or even 2^aleph_zero (in a sense)?

Then MGA is the next and last difficulty.  (before the machine 
interview, if interested).


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-06 Thread Nick Prince

Hi Bruno
OK so there is a good deal of the technical stuff that I've got to
catch up on yet before I can interpret what you are saying  (although
I think I can understand why the everettian imperative based on comp +
UDA is there).  However if I could for the moment get an intuitive
understanding of what you mean by a consistent extension then perhaps
that would help with what Brent brought up.  From what I gather you
are saying our next observer moment is based not on the laws of
physics but on what possibilities the UD brings up in UD*.  As an
analogy, in conways game of life, the next screen output display (=OM
for the little inhabitants) depends on the rules put into the cellular
automata (I know this only accounts for a single little universe here
and there would be an infinity of universal numbers for the real
universe etc, but lets try to keep it simple for the sake of clarity).
So in this game any (little) laws of physics (regularities in the
game) are emergent and would become evident to a conscious entity that
arose in the game.  So here is a case where physics (regularities in
the little world) arise from a program.  Is there any simple way
this analogy or example  can be adapted to demonstrate how the
consistent extensions we experience come about.  Does it have
something to do with the prescription of the UD.  If not then how does
my existence pick its next consistent extension.  It's all to do with
what makes extensions consistent. If it's not physics then it must
be something and is there  a simple analogy that can help me to grasp
it?  I find I can always work out the technicalities better if I have
a road map or analogy to help.

Best wishes


On Jan 6, 5:12 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 06 Jan 2010, at 01:21, Nick Prince wrote:

  Hi Brent

  Perhaps Bruno could give some clarification  here. Just prior to his
  conclusion on the sane paper I quoted from was this:

  So if we keep comp at this stage, we are forced to relate the inner
  experience only to
  the type of computation involved. The reason is that only those types
  are univocally related to
  all their possible counterfactuals. This entails that, from a first
  person point of view, not only
  the physical cannot be distinguished from the virtual, but the virtual
  can no more be
  distinguished from the arithmetical. Now DU is emulated
  platonistically by the verifiable
  propositions of arithmetic. They are equivalent to sentences of the
  form ‘‘it exists n such that
  P(n)’’ with P(n) decidable. Their truth entails their provability, and
  they are known under the
  name of Sigma1 sentence.
  If comp is correct, the appearance of physics must be recovered from
  some point of
  views emerging from those propositions. Indeed, taking into account
  the seven steps once
  more, we arrive at the conclusion that the physical atomic (in the
  Boolean logician sense)
  invariant proposition must be given by a probability measure on those
  propositions. A
  physical certainty must be true in all maximal extensions, true in at
  least one maximal extension (we will see later why the second
  condition does not follow from the first) and
  accessible by the UD, that is arithmetically verifiable. Figure 8
  illustrates our main
  conclusion, where the number 1 is put for the so called Sigma1
  sentences of arithmetic.

  It sounds as if Bruno thinks that the computations of the UD invoke
  our inner experiences and also our understanding of  physics.  Both
  come from arithmetical platonicism ( because thats what the UD is all
  about).  So the pictures in the film are stiched together by the
  arithmetical (computation necessity) rather than the laws of of
  physics... Hmm not what I thought and said earlier!!

  So according to Bruno the laws of physics come from something
  intrinsic in the computation?  Not quite sure how.  I just can't
  figure out any more at the moment and hope Bruno will give me a hint

 But the quote you give is the conclusion of step 7 and 8. Except that  
 I use a bit the vocabulary which will help to understand the  
 interview of the Löbian machine.

 Normally at step seven you understand that COMP + concrete UD = I am  
 already in UD* and the physical laws have to result from a sum on my  
 first person (hopefully plural) indeterminacy in UD*. (step 1 -6 + 7)

 Then step 8, MGA,  shows (is supposed to show) that COMP makes any  
 concrete running of the UD irrelevant.
 (but the MGA thread in this list is better, I may send a new version  
 of MGA). MGA = Movie Graph Argument.

 This is not *just* because UD* is represented, remarkably enough,  in  
 the elementary consequences of addition and multiplication, but mainly  
 because, by MGA, comp together with the physical supervenience thesis  
 makes it necessary to confuse a computation and a description of a  
 computation. The computation has to consist in the logical relations,  
 not in this or that 

Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/5 Nick Prince
 Is this because you think of your stream of consciousness as somehow
 like a reel of film?  All the individual pictures could be cut from
 the reel and laid out any which way but the implicit order is always
 there.  I can understand this because all the spatio temporal
 relationships for the actors in the film remain normal i.e obey the
 laws of physics.  Deutsch argues similarly in the Fabric of reality.
 In my work I often come across the idea of a foliation of
 hypersurfaces which is really a set of 3D pictures stuck together and
 stacked in the direction of the time coordinate of the world at a
 given instant of time.  In MW interpretation though I guess that the
 stacking is less certain as in the block universe idea but that's
 another issue.  Is this analogy similar to how you feel  the obvious
 experience of time being normal?

(I'm afraid the idea of a foliation of hypersurfaces is wasted on me
as an explanatory aid!)

It's like a reel of film in which the characters are conscious. For an
outside observer rearranging the frames out of sequence and playing
the film would be totally confusing, but for the characters in the
film it would make no difference. because the ordering is implicit in
the information contained in each frame.

Consider a set of three one minute intervals of experience, {S1, S2,
S3}, which belong to a person S. S2 remembers S1 and remembers no gap
or intervening experiences between S2 and S1; S3 remembers S1 and S2
and remembers that S1 preceded S2; and S3 also remembers no gap or
intervening experiences between S2 and S1 or between S3 and S2. In
other words, they are subjectively three consecutive minutes in the
life of S. S is aware that his experiences are generated on a
computer, and he is also aware that they are being generated in one of
two ways: in sequence as S1, S2, S3 or out of sequence as S2, S1, S3.
Does S have any basis for deciding that it is more likely that his
experiences are being generated in sequence?

Stathis Papaioannou


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2010/1/5 Stathis Papaioannou

 2010/1/5 Nick Prince
  Is this because you think of your stream of consciousness as somehow
  like a reel of film?  All the individual pictures could be cut from
  the reel and laid out any which way but the implicit order is always
  there.  I can understand this because all the spatio temporal
  relationships for the actors in the film remain normal i.e obey the
  laws of physics.  Deutsch argues similarly in the Fabric of reality.
  In my work I often come across the idea of a foliation of
  hypersurfaces which is really a set of 3D pictures stuck together and
  stacked in the direction of the time coordinate of the world at a
  given instant of time.  In MW interpretation though I guess that the
  stacking is less certain as in the block universe idea but that's
  another issue.  Is this analogy similar to how you feel  the obvious
  experience of time being normal?

 (I'm afraid the idea of a foliation of hypersurfaces is wasted on me
 as an explanatory aid!)

 It's like a reel of film in which the characters are conscious. For an
 outside observer rearranging the frames out of sequence and playing
 the film would be totally confusing, but for the characters in the
 film it would make no difference. because the ordering is implicit in
 the information contained in each frame.

 Consider a set of three one minute intervals of experience, {S1, S2,
 S3}, which belong to a person S. S2 remembers S1 and remembers no gap
 or intervening experiences between S2 and S1; S3 remembers S1 and S2
 and remembers that S1 preceded S2; and S3 also remembers no gap or
 intervening experiences between S2 and S1 or between S3 and S2. In
 other words, they are subjectively three consecutive minutes in the
 life of S. S is aware that his experiences are generated on a
 computer, and he is also aware that they are being generated in one of
 two ways: in sequence as S1, S2, S3 or out of sequence as S2, S1, S3.
 Does S have any basis for deciding that it is more likely that his
 experiences are being generated in sequence?

It seems to me that it depends if the computation is iterative or not... in
other words, to compute step N you must have computed step N-1 before that.

If you can directly compute step N without computing prior step, S2/S1/S3 is
possible. If not you had necessarily computed step S1 before S2, only by
doing a replay of a previously done computation you could do it :

- first generate S1/S2/S3 in order and save each intermediate result, then
you can do
- S2 (taking the previously intermediate result of S1), S1 then S3 (taking
S2 result).

But running the same thing more times add a priori nothing. If the process
is iterative then in order computation win the measure battle (because any
out of order one require a genuine in order computation before).


 Stathis Papaioannou


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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/5 Quentin Anciaux

 Consider a set of three one minute intervals of experience, {S1, S2,
 S3}, which belong to a person S. S2 remembers S1 and remembers no gap
 or intervening experiences between S2 and S1; S3 remembers S1 and S2
 and remembers that S1 preceded S2; and S3 also remembers no gap or
 intervening experiences between S2 and S1 or between S3 and S2. In
 other words, they are subjectively three consecutive minutes in the
 life of S. S is aware that his experiences are generated on a
 computer, and he is also aware that they are being generated in one of
 two ways: in sequence as S1, S2, S3 or out of sequence as S2, S1, S3.
 Does S have any basis for deciding that it is more likely that his
 experiences are being generated in sequence?

 It seems to me that it depends if the computation is iterative or not... in
 other words, to compute step N you must have computed step N-1 before that.

 If you can directly compute step N without computing prior step, S2/S1/S3 is
 possible. If not you had necessarily computed step S1 before S2, only by
 doing a replay of a previously done computation you could do it :

 - first generate S1/S2/S3 in order and save each intermediate result, then
 you can do
 - S2 (taking the previously intermediate result of S1), S1 then S3 (taking
 S2 result).

 But running the same thing more times add a priori nothing. If the process
 is iterative then in order computation win the measure battle (because any
 out of order one require a genuine in order computation before).

Another way to compute S2 without using S1 would be to run the UD.

Stathis Papaioannou


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Quentin Anciaux
Le mercredi 06 janvier 2010 à 00:29 +1100, Stathis Papaioannou a écrit :
 2010/1/5 Quentin Anciaux
  Consider a set of three one minute intervals of experience, {S1, S2,
  S3}, which belong to a person S. S2 remembers S1 and remembers no gap
  or intervening experiences between S2 and S1; S3 remembers S1 and S2
  and remembers that S1 preceded S2; and S3 also remembers no gap or
  intervening experiences between S2 and S1 or between S3 and S2. In
  other words, they are subjectively three consecutive minutes in the
  life of S. S is aware that his experiences are generated on a
  computer, and he is also aware that they are being generated in one of
  two ways: in sequence as S1, S2, S3 or out of sequence as S2, S1, S3.
  Does S have any basis for deciding that it is more likely that his
  experiences are being generated in sequence?
  It seems to me that it depends if the computation is iterative or not... in
  other words, to compute step N you must have computed step N-1 before that.
  If you can directly compute step N without computing prior step, S2/S1/S3 is
  possible. If not you had necessarily computed step S1 before S2, only by
  doing a replay of a previously done computation you could do it :
  - first generate S1/S2/S3 in order and save each intermediate result, then
  you can do
  - S2 (taking the previously intermediate result of S1), S1 then S3 (taking
  S2 result).
  But running the same thing more times add a priori nothing. If the process
  is iterative then in order computation win the measure battle (because any
  out of order one require a genuine in order computation before).
 Another way to compute S2 without using S1 would be to run the UD.

Yes but the UD will generate infinitely more often the in order S1/S2/S3
than out of order... with what you are saying I don't even understand
what is a computation if not a rules ordered sequential state order.


All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/6 Quentin Anciaux

  It seems to me that it depends if the computation is iterative or not... in
  other words, to compute step N you must have computed step N-1 before that.
  If you can directly compute step N without computing prior step, S2/S1/S3 
  possible. If not you had necessarily computed step S1 before S2, only by
  doing a replay of a previously done computation you could do it :
  - first generate S1/S2/S3 in order and save each intermediate result, then
  you can do
  - S2 (taking the previously intermediate result of S1), S1 then S3 (taking
  S2 result).
  But running the same thing more times add a priori nothing. If the process
  is iterative then in order computation win the measure battle (because 
  out of order one require a genuine in order computation before).

 Another way to compute S2 without using S1 would be to run the UD.

 Yes but the UD will generate infinitely more often the in order S1/S2/S3
 than out of order... with what you are saying I don't even understand
 what is a computation if not a rules ordered sequential state order.

A UD running on an actual computer for a finite time *could* generate
S2 before S1. There is nothing in the experience of S to indicate
which was generated first, even though if he had to guess with no
other information he is more likely to be right if he guesses he is
being generated sequentially.

Stathis Papaioannou


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Nick Prince
Thank you Stathis,  That does make sense to me.

On Jan 5, 12:22 pm, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
 2010/1/5 Nick Prince

  Is this because you think of your stream of consciousness as somehow
  like a reel of film?  All the individual pictures could be cut from
  the reel and laid out any which way but the implicit order is always
  there.  I can understand this because all the spatio temporal
  relationships for the actors in the film remain normal i.e obey the
  laws of physics.  Deutsch argues similarly in the Fabric of reality.
  In my work I often come across the idea of a foliation of
  hypersurfaces which is really a set of 3D pictures stuck together and
  stacked in the direction of the time coordinate of the world at a
  given instant of time.  In MW interpretation though I guess that the
  stacking is less certain as in the block universe idea but that's
  another issue.  Is this analogy similar to how you feel  the obvious
  experience of time being normal?

 (I'm afraid the idea of a foliation of hypersurfaces is wasted on me
 as an explanatory aid!)

 It's like a reel of film in which the characters are conscious. For an
 outside observer rearranging the frames out of sequence and playing
 the film would be totally confusing, but for the characters in the
 film it would make no difference. because the ordering is implicit in
 the information contained in each frame.

 Consider a set of three one minute intervals of experience, {S1, S2,
 S3}, which belong to a person S. S2 remembers S1 and remembers no gap
 or intervening experiences between S2 and S1; S3 remembers S1 and S2
 and remembers that S1 preceded S2; and S3 also remembers no gap or
 intervening experiences between S2 and S1 or between S3 and S2. In
 other words, they are subjectively three consecutive minutes in the
 life of S. S is aware that his experiences are generated on a
 computer, and he is also aware that they are being generated in one of
 two ways: in sequence as S1, S2, S3 or out of sequence as S2, S1, S3.
 Does S have any basis for deciding that it is more likely that his
 experiences are being generated in sequence?

 Stathis Papaioannou


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Nick Prince
As I understand it the UD generates all possible programs and as it
generates each one it runs one step of it before generating the next.
Does that not mean that eventually it will generate the program which
is generating what we understand to be some observer moments for us at
this particular time. This is where I was thinking of the foliation
bit - each hypersurface is a snapshot in time of the universe as
experienced by me.  This being said would that not mean they would
necessarily be in order or are you thinking that some other program.
could generate by chance a perfectly good observer moment that was out
of sync?



On Jan 5, 2:09 pm, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
 2010/1/6 Quentin Anciaux

   It seems to me that it depends if the computation is iterative or not... 
   other words, to compute step N you must have computed step N-1 before 

   If you can directly compute step N without computing prior step, 
   S2/S1/S3 is
   possible. If not you had necessarily computed step S1 before S2, only by
   doing a replay of a previously done computation you could do it :

   - first generate S1/S2/S3 in order and save each intermediate result, 
   you can do
   - S2 (taking the previously intermediate result of S1), S1 then S3 
   S2 result).

   But running the same thing more times add a priori nothing. If the 
   is iterative then in order computation win the measure battle (because 
   out of order one require a genuine in order computation before).

  Another way to compute S2 without using S1 would be to run the UD.

  Yes but the UD will generate infinitely more often the in order S1/S2/S3
  than out of order... with what you are saying I don't even understand
  what is a computation if not a rules ordered sequential state order.

 A UD running on an actual computer for a finite time *could* generate
 S2 before S1. There is nothing in the experience of S to indicate
 which was generated first, even though if he had to guess with no
 other information he is more likely to be right if he guesses he is
 being generated sequentially.

 Stathis Papaioannou- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 Jan 2010, at 15:09, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/6 Quentin Anciaux

It seems to me that it depends if the computation is iterative or  
not... in
other words, to compute step N you must have computed step N-1  
before that.

If you can directly compute step N without computing prior step,  
S2/S1/S3 is
possible. If not you had necessarily computed step S1 before S2,  
only by

doing a replay of a previously done computation you could do it :

- first generate S1/S2/S3 in order and save each intermediate  
result, then

you can do
- S2 (taking the previously intermediate result of S1), S1 then  
S3 (taking

S2 result).

But running the same thing more times add a priori nothing. If  
the process
is iterative then in order computation win the measure battle  
(because any

out of order one require a genuine in order computation before).

Another way to compute S2 without using S1 would be to run the UD.

Yes but the UD will generate infinitely more often the in order S1/ 

than out of order... with what you are saying I don't even understand
what is a computation if not a rules ordered sequential state order.

A UD running on an actual computer for a finite time *could* generate
S2 before S1.

The UD will generate all the computations going through S1 and S2.

From the first point of view, if S1 correspond to a possible comp  
state of mind, the next probable states depends on the infinitely many  
computations going through S1.

There is nothing in the experience of S to indicate
which was generated first, even though if he had to guess with no
other information he is more likely to be right if he guesses he is
being generated sequentially.

Note that universal computation can be made reversible. Quantum  
computer are reversible, up to the measurement, which is an internal  
event (in the MWI) happening. A priori, the average UD will be non  
reversible, and most computations evolves in more and more complex  
type of events (like a zoom on the Mandelbrot set: it is not just self- 
similar, it is more and more locally complex).

If the sequence S1 S2 S3 belongs to a computation, it means there is a  
universal number U such that U compute S1 into S2 and then S3.
Automatically the UD will generate later (in the UD time) another  
universal number W which will compute U:  (U S1) = (U S2) = (U S3),  
(this is a different, probably longer computation, generating again  
the computation S1, S2, S3) and then another universal J, etc.

So if the order S1, S2, S3 has some logic, it will reoccurs an  
infinite of times in deeper and deeper computations, some leading to  
rare object (object having a necessary long computations), that may  
explain some cosmic aspect.

The UD will also generate infinitely many description of S1, S2, and  
S3, in many order, but without relating them to logical histories  
(computations). This is due to the fact that the UD dovetails also on  
the bigger and bigger inputs, using bigger and bigger part of oracles  
(real numbers), which may describe computations. But such description  
of computations are NOT computations. They are not linked through a  
universal machine.

If you take arbitrary sequence of state S1, S2, S3, S4, ..., you will  
have 2^aleph_zero sequences. The computations are (third person)  
enumerable, because defined by universal number, which are enumerable.

So, of course, we have to choose an initial universal machine. It  
defines the base of the phi_i. The UDA shows that ANY choice will do.  
In particular we can chose elementary arithmetic, or the combinators,  
or the universal wave function.

But choosing the universal wave function is a bad choice if we want  
to progress on the mind-body (consciousness/reality) problem, given  
that comp makes the physics defined by a measure on all computations,  
it is preferable to verify this from elementary arithmetic, or the  
combinators, than the universal wave function (where this is trivial),  
so that we can test the comp physics and better understand the comp  

The logic of self-reference makes then possible to distinguish the  
quanta (physical communication) and the qualia (physical sensations).  
It does not give explicitly the measure on the computational  
histories, but it gives the logics obeyed by the measure one, from  
each person points of view (hypostases). (That's auda).


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Brent Meeker

Quentin Anciaux wrote:

Le mercredi 06 janvier 2010 à 00:29 +1100, Stathis Papaioannou a écrit :

2010/1/5 Quentin Anciaux

Consider a set of three one minute intervals of experience, {S1, S2,
S3}, which belong to a person S. S2 remembers S1 and remembers no gap
or intervening experiences between S2 and S1; S3 remembers S1 and S2
and remembers that S1 preceded S2; and S3 also remembers no gap or
intervening experiences between S2 and S1 or between S3 and S2. In
other words, they are subjectively three consecutive minutes in the
life of S. S is aware that his experiences are generated on a
computer, and he is also aware that they are being generated in one of
two ways: in sequence as S1, S2, S3 or out of sequence as S2, S1, S3.
Does S have any basis for deciding that it is more likely that his
experiences are being generated in sequence?

It seems to me that it depends if the computation is iterative or not... in
other words, to compute step N you must have computed step N-1 before that.

If you can directly compute step N without computing prior step, S2/S1/S3 is
possible. If not you had necessarily computed step S1 before S2, only by
doing a replay of a previously done computation you could do it :

- first generate S1/S2/S3 in order and save each intermediate result, then
you can do
- S2 (taking the previously intermediate result of S1), S1 then S3 (taking
S2 result).

But running the same thing more times add a priori nothing. If the process
is iterative then in order computation win the measure battle (because any
out of order one require a genuine in order computation before).

Another way to compute S2 without using S1 would be to run the UD.

Yes but the UD will generate infinitely more often the in order S1/S2/S3
than out of order... with what you are saying I don't even understand
what is a computation if not a rules ordered sequential state order.


It seems strange that we start with the hypothesis that consciousness is 
a kind of computation - a sequential processing of information - and 
then arrive at picture in which there is no processing and sequence is 
just inferred.  On the one hand consciousness is a process, on the other 
hand it is static state.  I suspect there is something wrong with the 
slicing of the stream of consciousness into zero-duration, 
non-overlapping states.  I can see that states can encode information 
that, when coarse grained, define a sequence of increasing entropy, but 
is it legitimate to identify having the information in memory with 


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/4 Brent Meeker


I think you give an excellent explication of the problem, Stathis.  However,
one thing about it that still worries me is the role of time. You say the
mapping need not be consistent even moment to moment, and yet the mapping is
a timeless Platonic object.  To be a timeless object the the moments need
some timeless representation.  In Bruno's theory time arises from the
computational sequence.  But in the mapping, time is just a relation of
similarity (closest continuation) of states.  So three states which when
ordered by closest continuation are XYZ may have been computed in the order
XZY.  So I find myself seeing the hardwareless computer as a reductio
against consciousness=computation thesis and support for Peter's view that
ur-stuff and contingency are fundamental.

It always seemed to me obvious that I would experience time normally
if the computations or other physical processes generating my stream
of consciousness were chopped up and played out of sequence,
backwards, simultaneously or whatever. It could be happening right
now: I have no way to know if the seconds of my life are running
sequentially or all in parallel during a single second of real time.
The two problems that many seem to have with this idea is a feeling
that there needs to be some sort of mechanism for singling out the
time slice that is the now, and a feeling that the time slices lack
a causal glue to connect them together. But maybe I'm missing
something, because these objections never seemed to me to be problems.


I can understand that view, but in that case why consider them
computations?  Why not just suppose all states of your consciousness (and
even other parts of the world) exist.  If they can be glued together by
inherent features or simply experienced without even an implicit order,
then computation seems irrelevant.  Of course that leaves the apparent
lawfulness of physics even further from possible explanation than the UD


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Brent Meeker

Nick Prince wrote:

Is this because you think of your stream of consciousness as somehow
like a reel of film?  All the individual pictures could be cut from
the reel and laid out any which way but the implicit order is always
there.  I can understand this because all the spatio temporal
relationships for the actors in the film remain normal i.e obey the
laws of physics.  

But there's the rub.  Why the laws of physics?  That's what somehow
needs to be explained.  Is there something about the UD that necessarily
generates law like sequences of states with high probability?  Doesn't
it generate just those laws we seem to find - that would be a great
discovery.  Or does it generate all possible non-self-contradictory
multiverses - in which case nothing has been explained.

Deutsch argues similarly in the Fabric of reality.
In my work I often come across the idea of a foliation of
hypersurfaces which is really a set of 3D pictures stuck together and
stacked in the direction of the time coordinate of the world at a
given instant of time.  

But that's starting with the physics given, so the hypersurfaces and
their relation is already defined.


In MW interpretation though I guess that the
stacking is less certain as in the block universe idea but that's
another issue.  Is this analogy similar to how you feel  the obvious
experience of time being normal?


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Nick Prince

On Jan 5, 6:59 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:
 Nick Prince wrote:
  Is this because you think of your stream of consciousness as somehow
  like a reel of film?  All the individual pictures could be cut from
  the reel and laid out any which way but the implicit order is always
  there.  I can understand this because all the spatio temporal
  relationships for the actors in the film remain normal i.e obey the
  laws of physics.  

 But there's the rub.  Why the laws of physics?  That's what somehow
 needs to be explained.  Is there something about the UD that necessarily
 generates law like sequences of states with high probability?  Doesn't
 it generate just those laws we seem to find - that would be a great
 discovery.  Or does it generate all possible non-self-contradictory
 multiverses - in which case nothing has been explained.

  Deutsch argues similarly in the Fabric of reality.
  In my work I often come across the idea of a foliation of
  hypersurfaces which is really a set of 3D pictures stuck together and
  stacked in the direction of the time coordinate of the world at a
  given instant of time.  

 But that's starting with the physics given, so the hypersurfaces and
 their relation is already defined.


  In MW interpretation though I guess that the
  stacking is less certain as in the block universe idea but that's
  another issue.  Is this analogy similar to how you feel  the obvious
  experience of time being normal?


  Nick- Hide quoted text -

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Nick Prince
OOps sorry I sent an empty post by accident.

I agree with you here.  But I am new to this field so I am uncertain
about so many things.  However, I don't understand why it is that  a
UD would know how to generate these law like sequences of states. It
may well generate all possible programs that generate all possible
universes (with different values for the physical constants say -
maybe even different laws) but I wonder why our conciousness defines
itself by selecting only those consistent extension among all the
states available that obey a certain set of  laws of physics.

I thought that a TOE should explain the laws of physics and Bruno
states in his SANE paper

 Conclusion: Physics is given by a measure on the consistent
computational histories, or
maximal consistent extensions as seen from some first person point of
view. Laws of physics,
in particular, should be inferable from the true verifiable ‘‘atomic
sentences’’. Those are the
verifiable arithmetical sentences. They should be true everywhere (=
in all comp histories),
true somewhere (= true in at least one comp history), and inferred
from the DU-accessible
‘‘atomic’’ states.
It feels a bit lie a chicken and egg situation - do we pick out the
laws or do they pick us?. But I am still working my way through this
and  and loads of other stuff, so I don't understand it yet.



On Jan 5, 6:59 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:
 Nick Prince wrote:
  Is this because you think of your stream of consciousness as somehow
  like a reel of film?  All the individual pictures could be cut from
  the reel and laid out any which way but the implicit order is always
  there.  I can understand this because all the spatio temporal
  relationships for the actors in the film remain normal i.e obey the
  laws of physics.  

 But there's the rub.  Why the laws of physics?  That's what somehow
 needs to be explained.  Is there something about the UD that necessarily
 generates law like sequences of states with high probability?  Doesn't
 it generate just those laws we seem to find - that would be a great
 discovery.  Or does it generate all possible non-self-contradictory
 multiverses - in which case nothing has been explained.

  Deutsch argues similarly in the Fabric of reality.
  In my work I often come across the idea of a foliation of
  hypersurfaces which is really a set of 3D pictures stuck together and
  stacked in the direction of the time coordinate of the world at a
  given instant of time.  

 But that's starting with the physics given, so the hypersurfaces and
 their relation is already defined.


  In MW interpretation though I guess that the
  stacking is less certain as in the block universe idea but that's
  another issue.  Is this analogy similar to how you feel  the obvious
  experience of time being normal?


  Nick- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Brent Meeker

Nick Prince wrote:

OOps sorry I sent an empty post by accident.

I agree with you here.  But I am new to this field so I am uncertain
about so many things.  However, I don't understand why it is that  a
UD would know how to generate these law like sequences of states. It
may well generate all possible programs that generate all possible
universes (with different values for the physical constants say -
maybe even different laws) but I wonder why our conciousness defines
itself by selecting only those consistent extension among all the
states available that obey a certain set of  laws of physics.

I thought that a TOE should explain the laws of physics and Bruno
states in his SANE paper

 Conclusion: Physics is given by a measure on the consistent
computational histories, or
maximal consistent extensions as seen from some first person point of

But consistent in what sense?  We can't say consistent with the laws of 
physics because that's what we're trying to explain.

Laws of physics,
in particular, should be inferable from the true verifiable ‘‘atomic
sentences’’. Those are the
verifiable arithmetical sentences. 

I understand true arithmetical sentences, but I'm not sure what 
'verifiable' means?  Does it mean computable, or provable?  What's an 
atomic sentence?  Is it just a finite statement, like 17 is prime; so 
it excludes infinite statements like Goldbach's conjecture?


They should be true everywhere (=
in all comp histories),
true somewhere (= true in at least one comp history), and inferred
from the DU-accessible
‘‘atomic’’ states.
It feels a bit lie a chicken and egg situation - do we pick out the
laws or do they pick us?. But I am still working my way through this
and  and loads of other stuff, so I don't understand it yet.



On Jan 5, 6:59 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:

Nick Prince wrote:

Is this because you think of your stream of consciousness as somehow
like a reel of film?  All the individual pictures could be cut from
the reel and laid out any which way but the implicit order is always
there.  I can understand this because all the spatio temporal
relationships for the actors in the film remain normal i.e obey the
laws of physics.  

But there's the rub.  Why the laws of physics?  That's what somehow
needs to be explained.  Is there something about the UD that necessarily
generates law like sequences of states with high probability?  Doesn't
it generate just those laws we seem to find - that would be a great
discovery.  Or does it generate all possible non-self-contradictory
multiverses - in which case nothing has been explained.

Deutsch argues similarly in the Fabric of reality.
In my work I often come across the idea of a foliation of
hypersurfaces which is really a set of 3D pictures stuck together and
stacked in the direction of the time coordinate of the world at a
given instant of time.  

But that's starting with the physics given, so the hypersurfaces and
their relation is already defined.


In MW interpretation though I guess that the
stacking is less certain as in the block universe idea but that's
another issue.  Is this analogy similar to how you feel  the obvious
experience of time being normal?
Nick- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

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Re: UDA query

2010-01-05 Thread Brent Meeker

Nick Prince wrote:

  Hi Brent

Perhaps Bruno could give some clarification  here. Just prior to his
conclusion on the sane paper I quoted from was this:

"So if we keep comp at this stage, we are forced to relate the inner
experience only to
the type of computation involved. The reason is that only those types
are univocally related to
all their possible counterfactuals. This entails that, from a first
person point of view, not only
the physical cannot be distinguished from the virtual, but the virtual
can no more be
distinguished from the arithmetical. Now DU is emulated
platonistically by the verifiable
propositions of arithmetic. They are equivalent to sentences of the
form ‘‘it exists n such that
P(n)’’ with P(n) decidable. Their truth entails their provability, and
they are known under the
name of Sigma1 sentence.
If comp is correct, the appearance of physics must be recovered from
some point of
views emerging from those propositions. 

Why only the atomic sentences?  Why not all true sentences?  How is
"appearance" recovered?

  Indeed, taking into account
the seven steps once
more, we arrive at the conclusion that the physical atomic (in the
Boolean logician sense)
invariant proposition must be given by a probability measure on those

But what gives the probability measure?  Is it just the relative
frequency of occurrence of the atomic sentences in the UD output up to
a given step?


physical certainty must be true in all maximal extensions, true in at
least one maximal extension (we will see later why the second
condition does not follow from the first) and
accessible by the UD, that is arithmetically verifiable. Figure 8
illustrates our main
conclusion, where the number 1 is put for the so called Sigma1
sentences of arithmetic."

It sounds as if Bruno thinks that the computations of the UD invoke
our inner experiences and also our understanding of  physics.  Both
come from arithmetical platonicism ( because thats what the UD is all
about).  So the pictures in the "film" are stiched together by the
arithmetical (computation necessity) rather than the laws of of
physics... Hmm not what I thought and said earlier!!

So according to Bruno the laws of physics come from something
intrinsic in the computation?  Not quite sure how.  I just can't
figure out any more at the moment and hope Bruno will give me a hint

Enjoying the dialogue!


On Jan 5, 10:44 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:
Nick Prince wrote:

  OOps sorry I sent an empty post by accident.

  I agree with you here.  But I am new to this field so I am uncertain
about so many things.  However, I don't understand why it is that  a
UD would know how to generate these law like sequences of states. It
may well generate all possible programs that generate all possible
universes (with different values for the physical constants say -
maybe even different laws) but I wonder why our conciousness defines
itself by "selecting" only those "consistent" extension among all the
states available that obey a certain set of  laws of physics.

  I thought that a TOE should explain the laws of physics and Bruno
states in his SANE paper

  " Conclusion: Physics is given by a measure on the consistent
computational histories, or
maximal consistent extensions as seen from some first person point of

But consistent in what sense?  We can't say "consistent with the laws of
physics" because that's what we're trying to explain.

  Laws of physics,
in particular, should be inferable from the true verifiable atomic
sentences . Those are the
verifiable arithmetical sentences.

I understand true arithmetical sentences, but I'm not sure what
'verifiable' means?  Does it mean computable, or provable?  What's an
atomic sentence?  Is it just a finite statement, like "17 is prime"; so
it excludes infinite statements like Goldbach's conjecture?


  They should be true everywhere (=
in all comp histories),
true somewhere (= true in at least one comp history), and inferred
from the DU-accessible
atomic states".
It feels a bit lie a chicken and egg situation - do we pick out the
laws or do they pick us?. But I am still working my way through this
and  and loads of other stuff, so I don't understand it yet.



  On Jan 5, 6:59 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:

Nick Prince wrote:



  Is this because you think of your stream of consciousness as somehow
like a reel of film?  All the individual pictures could be cut from
the reel and laid out any which way but the implicit order is always
there.  I can understand this because all the spatio temporal
relationships for the actors in the film remain "normal" i.e 

Re: UDA query

2010-01-04 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 02 Jan 2010, at 17:06, Nick Prince wrote:

 HI Bruno
 Thank you so much for your answers to my queries so far.  I really
 need to do some more thinking about all that you have said so far and
 to understand why I am having difficulty replacing a real physical
 universal machine existing in the future (like Tipler suggests) or a
 great programmer existing now (like schmidhuber suggests) with your
 arithmetical realism.  I also need to search some previous posts to
 make use of past discussion topics that are relevant. Perhaps my
 background makes me a physicalist who can currently accept a milder
 form of comp.  However, I want to explore your position because I
 think it makes sense in so far as I think it is less vulnerable to the
 threat of infinite regressions like in  Schmidhuber’s great programmer
 (or even the greater programmer that programmed him).  Your version of
 computationalism would still be valid if either or both of the two
 options above were true. Herein lies its appeal to me (both
 fundamental and universal).

My point is that we have no choice in the matter (no pun).
Mechanism and materialism are just epistemologically incompatible.
Primitive Matter appears to be a mythic product.
What Schmidhuber and Tegmark are still a bit naive about is the mind  
body problem. They does not take the persons view into account, and  
their explanation of physics relies still on some identity thesis,  
which are shown not capable of working when we assume comp (mainly by  
the movie graph argument).

 I would like to read up on logic and computation as you suggest. I
 have read about all the books you recommend . However, can you suggest
 topic areas within these texts which I can  focus on to help me get up
 to speed with the problems I have regarding arithmetical realism with
 the UDA?

I am still not sure to understand what is your difficulty.  
Arithmetical realism is the belief that the truth of elementary  
arithmetic does not depend of my consciousness. The fact that all  
positive integers can be written as the sum of four squares (Lagranges  
theorem) is true independently of Diophantes and Lagranges (who find  
and prove the result), even if the big bang did not occur. All  
mathematicians are arithmetical realists, except a very small  
(ultrafinitist) minority.

  There is much that could perhaps be left out on a first
 reading and to my untrained eyes, it’s difficult to know what to omit
 (for example what would godels arithmetisation technique come under?
 (Googling it brings not much up).  Sorry but I haven’t ordered any
 books yet so I can’t look into them.
 Is there an English translation of your Ph.D. thesis yet?  Sorry but I
 can’t do French. My thanks and best wishes.

I feel guilty not writing a long english text, nor submitting papers,  
but there are some personal reasons for that.
Up to now, I realize that physicist have no understanding of logic at  
all, and logicians have no interest neither in physics, and still less  
in the philosophy of mind. It is hard to find the right way to  
introduce all this.

The subject is transdiciplinary, and touches very hot (taboo)  
notions, also. I got all this in the sixties/seventies, and at that  
time the work has been considered too much simple and obvious (!). I  
have been mislead. Now I know it is not simple, and that for a  
physicist, the very introductory part of logic is just impenetrable. I  
have assisted to many deaf-dialog between logicians and physicists.  
Big mathematicians like Penrose have shown that it is easy to be  
rigorous yet wrong on Gödel's theorem, and now many just don't dare to  
study the subject.

But the few who have take the time to really study the work have  
understood it, and that is why eventually I have defended it as a  
thesis in computer science in France. In Belgium the thesis has been  
rejected by literary philosophers who confuse materialism with  
marxism, and it is just a sort of blasphemy for them to even harbor  
the shadow of a doubt toward materialism. Of course my PhD thesis  
says just nothing about marxism, nor any thing political. It is just  
logic applied to ontological questions at the intersection of physics  
and cognitive science. But literary continental philosopher have a  
very long tradition of disliking the scientific attitude in their  
field. They feel like to be invaded by science, and, be them atheist  
or christians, they know such kind of attitude could make ridiculous  
the kind of crap they are teaching, and they would lose power   
(and they actually defend the idea that scientific truth does not  
exist, and that all is a question of political power, and they offer  
me a demonstration of this). At least most Christians are aware of  
this, and can react in a scientific way, unlike most atheists  
philosophers who have become more dogmatic than the pope on  
Aristotelian theology.

Freedom of thought just don't exist in some country. Humans loves  

Re: UDA query

2010-01-04 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 03 Jan 2010, at 14:55, Nick Prince wrote:

 Thank you Stathis
 This has helped move me on a bit. “The hardwareless computer” has been
 giving me some real problems.  Let me replay my understanding of what
 you said back just to check it is on the right lines.
 As a possible example of one of these “lurking computations” we could
 consider the one which begins with no-thing and think of the null set
 as made of it phi ={ } and then associating it with the number 0. Then
 imagine the set { phi} associating it with 1, then{ phi,{phi }}
 associating this with 2, then { phi, { phi} , { ,{phi }} },
 associating it with 3 etc. Hence we get an infinite sequence of
 abstract (platonic) entities which can conjure up (compute) the
 natural numbers and the implied successor function simply from the
 abstract (platonic) notion of a set and an association rule (also a
 platonic relation). More and more structure can be built up until - as
 you say - the entire structure of the computation contained in the
 mapping can be envisioned. Now although no external observers might be
 able to access these computations, the computations might just create
 conscious observers – bootstrapped into existence by the special class
 of computations which these (internal) observers (if they believed in
 comp) would naturally consider as non trivial.  As you say the entire
 structure of the mapping which describes the computation is a platonic
 object too – hence the world comes from nothing and computation.
 Have I got this roughly right? I would be grateful for any critical
 comments from you, Bruno (or anyone).
 Many thanks

 On Jan 3, 11:05 am, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
 2010/1/3 Nick Prince

 HI Bruno
 Thank you so much for your answers to my queries so far.  I really
 need to do some more thinking about all that you have said so far  
 to understand why I am having difficulty replacing a real physical
 universal machine existing in the future (like Tipler suggests) or a
 great programmer existing now (like schmidhuber suggests) with your
 arithmetical realism.  I also need to search some previous posts to
 make use of past discussion topics that are relevant. Perhaps my
 background makes me a physicalist who can currently accept a milder
 form of comp.  However, I want to explore your position because I
 think it makes sense in so far as I think it is less vulnerable to  
 threat of infinite regressions like in  Schmidhuber’s great  
 (or even the greater programmer that programmed him).  Your  
 version of
 computationalism would still be valid if either or both of the two
 options above were true. Herein lies its appeal to me (both
 fundamental and universal).
 I would like to read up on logic and computation as you suggest. I
 have read about all the books you recommend . However, can you  
 topic areas within these texts which I can  focus on to help me  
 get up
 to speed with the problems I have regarding arithmetical realism  
 the UDA?  There is much that could perhaps be left out on a first
 reading and to my untrained eyes, it’s difficult to know what to  
 (for example what would godels arithmetisation technique come under?
 (Googling it brings not much up).  Sorry but I haven’t ordered any
 books yet so I can’t look into them.
 Is there an English translation of your Ph.D. thesis yet?  Sorry  
 but I
 can’t do French. My thanks and best wishes.

 My justification for the hardwareless computer is the fact that any
 computation can be mapped onto any physical process, in the same way
 that any English sentence can be mapped onto any string of symbols.
 Such a post hoc mapping would be useless to an observer trying to
 extract meaning from the symbols or the result of a calculation from
 the computer, since he would have to figure out the mapping himself
 and he would have to know the answer he wants before doing this. With
 the right key Bruno's PhD thesis contains an account of next week's
 news, but so what? If you look at it the right way the dust swept up
 by a storm is implementing a Turing machine calculating the digits of
 pi, but what good does that do anyone? The claim that codes and
 computations lurk hidden all around us could be taken as true but
 trivial, or perhaps defined away as untrue on account of its
 triviality. However, there is a special class of computations to
 consider: computations that give rise to conscious observers in
 virtual universes that do not interact with the environment at the
 level of the substrate of implementation. If such computations are
 possible (i.e. if comp is true) then it doesn't matter that no
 external observers have access to the mapping that would allow them  
 recognise them, for these computations create their own observers,
 bootstrapping themselves into non-triviality. The physical process
 sustaining the computation need not even be as complex in 

Re: UDA query

2010-01-04 Thread Nick Prince
Thanks Bruno. I'll look this up and also I want to scan through your
seven steps series for November.  The later posts in these I think
will help me make contact with the concepts.I want to be able to
understand your Sane paper - especially the later parts.  Is there any
english translation of your thesis still underway as it says in the
pages part of the list?

On Jan 4, 1:15 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 Hi Nick,

 Oops, soory. I sent an empty answer.

 Actually I agree with all you say here, so an empty comment was a good  

 I think all this becomes simpler once you grasp that a computation, in  
 the math sense, is a very well defined object.
 If a computation exists, it can be proved to exist in elementary  

 And it exists there with a relative measure. This can not necessarily  
 prove in arithmetic (but init can be proved for arithmetic in set  
 theory). But here Stathis' intuition is correct, we don't have to  
 prove in arithmetic the existence of the measure to be able to live  
 it, and develop a first person perspective.

 An hardwareless computer is well defined mathematical notion.  
 Conceptually, it is even difficult and not yet solved problem to  
 define an hardware computer (despite its common use could give you the  
 contrary feeling).
 Without the rize of quantum computation, I am not sure I would have  
 ever believed in a notion of physical computation.
 Cf also, the Mallah implementation problem.


 On 03 Jan 2010, at 14:55, Nick Prince wrote:


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-03 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/3 Nick Prince
 HI Bruno
 Thank you so much for your answers to my queries so far.  I really
 need to do some more thinking about all that you have said so far and
 to understand why I am having difficulty replacing a real physical
 universal machine existing in the future (like Tipler suggests) or a
 great programmer existing now (like schmidhuber suggests) with your
 arithmetical realism.  I also need to search some previous posts to
 make use of past discussion topics that are relevant. Perhaps my
 background makes me a physicalist who can currently accept a milder
 form of comp.  However, I want to explore your position because I
 think it makes sense in so far as I think it is less vulnerable to the
 threat of infinite regressions like in  Schmidhuber’s great programmer
 (or even the greater programmer that programmed him).  Your version of
 computationalism would still be valid if either or both of the two
 options above were true. Herein lies its appeal to me (both
 fundamental and universal).
 I would like to read up on logic and computation as you suggest. I
 have read about all the books you recommend . However, can you suggest
 topic areas within these texts which I can  focus on to help me get up
 to speed with the problems I have regarding arithmetical realism with
 the UDA?  There is much that could perhaps be left out on a first
 reading and to my untrained eyes, it’s difficult to know what to omit
 (for example what would godels arithmetisation technique come under?
 (Googling it brings not much up).  Sorry but I haven’t ordered any
 books yet so I can’t look into them.
 Is there an English translation of your Ph.D. thesis yet?  Sorry but I
 can’t do French. My thanks and best wishes.

My justification for the hardwareless computer is the fact that any
computation can be mapped onto any physical process, in the same way
that any English sentence can be mapped onto any string of symbols.
Such a post hoc mapping would be useless to an observer trying to
extract meaning from the symbols or the result of a calculation from
the computer, since he would have to figure out the mapping himself
and he would have to know the answer he wants before doing this. With
the right key Bruno's PhD thesis contains an account of next week's
news, but so what? If you look at it the right way the dust swept up
by a storm is implementing a Turing machine calculating the digits of
pi, but what good does that do anyone? The claim that codes and
computations lurk hidden all around us could be taken as true but
trivial, or perhaps defined away as untrue on account of its
triviality. However, there is a special class of computations to
consider: computations that give rise to conscious observers in
virtual universes that do not interact with the environment at the
level of the substrate of implementation. If such computations are
possible (i.e. if comp is true) then it doesn't matter that no
external observers have access to the mapping that would allow them to
recognise them, for these computations create their own observers,
bootstrapping themselves into non-triviality. The physical process
sustaining the computation need not even be as complex in structure
as the computation: the computation could be mapped for example onto a
repetitive process, the idle passage of time, even a single instant of
time implementing the parts of the computation in parallel. And if we
get that far, it's obvious that the physical process does nothing, and
we may as well map the computation onto the null set. It is obvious
that the entire structure of the computation is contained in the
mapping, and the mapping is a platonic object, not dependent on being
written down or even understood in the mind of an external observer.

Stathis Papaioannou


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-03 Thread Nick Prince
Thank you Stathis
This has helped move me on a bit. “The hardwareless computer” has been
giving me some real problems.  Let me replay my understanding of what
you said back just to check it is on the right lines.
As a possible example of one of these “lurking computations” we could
consider the one which begins with no-thing and think of the null set
as made of it phi ={ } and then associating it with the number 0. Then
imagine the set { phi} associating it with 1, then{ phi,{phi }}
associating this with 2, then { phi, { phi} , { ,{phi }} },
associating it with 3 etc. Hence we get an infinite sequence of
abstract (platonic) entities which can conjure up (compute) the
natural numbers and the implied successor function simply from the
abstract (platonic) notion of a set and an association rule (also a
platonic relation). More and more structure can be built up until - as
you say - the entire structure of the computation contained in the
mapping can be envisioned. Now although no external observers might be
able to access these computations, the computations might just create
conscious observers – bootstrapped into existence by the special class
of computations which these (internal) observers (if they believed in
comp) would naturally consider as non trivial.  As you say the entire
structure of the mapping which describes the computation is a platonic
object too – hence the world comes from nothing and computation.
Have I got this roughly right? I would be grateful for any critical
comments from you, Bruno (or anyone).
Many thanks

On Jan 3, 11:05 am, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
 2010/1/3 Nick Prince

  HI Bruno
  Thank you so much for your answers to my queries so far.  I really
  need to do some more thinking about all that you have said so far and
  to understand why I am having difficulty replacing a real physical
  universal machine existing in the future (like Tipler suggests) or a
  great programmer existing now (like schmidhuber suggests) with your
  arithmetical realism.  I also need to search some previous posts to
  make use of past discussion topics that are relevant. Perhaps my
  background makes me a physicalist who can currently accept a milder
  form of comp.  However, I want to explore your position because I
  think it makes sense in so far as I think it is less vulnerable to the
  threat of infinite regressions like in  Schmidhuber’s great programmer
  (or even the greater programmer that programmed him).  Your version of
  computationalism would still be valid if either or both of the two
  options above were true. Herein lies its appeal to me (both
  fundamental and universal).
  I would like to read up on logic and computation as you suggest. I
  have read about all the books you recommend . However, can you suggest
  topic areas within these texts which I can  focus on to help me get up
  to speed with the problems I have regarding arithmetical realism with
  the UDA?  There is much that could perhaps be left out on a first
  reading and to my untrained eyes, it’s difficult to know what to omit
  (for example what would godels arithmetisation technique come under?
  (Googling it brings not much up).  Sorry but I haven’t ordered any
  books yet so I can’t look into them.
  Is there an English translation of your Ph.D. thesis yet?  Sorry but I
  can’t do French. My thanks and best wishes.

 My justification for the hardwareless computer is the fact that any
 computation can be mapped onto any physical process, in the same way
 that any English sentence can be mapped onto any string of symbols.
 Such a post hoc mapping would be useless to an observer trying to
 extract meaning from the symbols or the result of a calculation from
 the computer, since he would have to figure out the mapping himself
 and he would have to know the answer he wants before doing this. With
 the right key Bruno's PhD thesis contains an account of next week's
 news, but so what? If you look at it the right way the dust swept up
 by a storm is implementing a Turing machine calculating the digits of
 pi, but what good does that do anyone? The claim that codes and
 computations lurk hidden all around us could be taken as true but
 trivial, or perhaps defined away as untrue on account of its
 triviality. However, there is a special class of computations to
 consider: computations that give rise to conscious observers in
 virtual universes that do not interact with the environment at the
 level of the substrate of implementation. If such computations are
 possible (i.e. if comp is true) then it doesn't matter that no
 external observers have access to the mapping that would allow them to
 recognise them, for these computations create their own observers,
 bootstrapping themselves into non-triviality. The physical process
 sustaining the computation need not even be as complex in structure
 as the computation: the computation could be mapped for example onto a

Re: UDA query

2010-01-03 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/4 Nick Prince
 Thank you Stathis
 This has helped move me on a bit. “The hardwareless computer” has been
 giving me some real problems.  Let me replay my understanding of what
 you said back just to check it is on the right lines.
 As a possible example of one of these “lurking computations” we could
 consider the one which begins with no-thing and think of the null set
 as made of it phi ={ } and then associating it with the number 0. Then
 imagine the set { phi} associating it with 1, then    { phi,{phi }}
 associating this with 2, then { phi, { phi} , { ,{phi }} },
 associating it with 3 etc. Hence we get an infinite sequence of
 abstract (platonic) entities which can conjure up (compute) the
 natural numbers and the implied successor function simply from the
 abstract (platonic) notion of a set and an association rule (also a
 platonic relation). More and more structure can be built up until - as
 you say - the entire structure of the computation contained in the
 mapping can be envisioned. Now although no external observers might be
 able to access these computations, the computations might just create
 conscious observers – bootstrapped into existence by the special class
 of computations which these (internal) observers (if they believed in
 comp) would naturally consider as non trivial.  As you say the entire
 structure of the mapping which describes the computation is a platonic
 object too – hence the world comes from nothing and computation.
 Have I got this roughly right? I would be grateful for any critical
 comments from you, Bruno (or anyone).

Yes, but a critic could still say that no conscious observer could be
conjured up by a computation unless the computation is physically
implemented. At least at first glance that seems to be the case: the
brain is required for consciousness, since if the brain is destroyed
consciousness is destroyed. And if the mind is generated by a computer
program, it would be normal to think that if the computer is
destroyed, so is the mind, although the program in Platonia remains
unaffected even if the entire universe blows up. These are the common
sense objections. So the question is, is physical implementation
necessary for consciousness, and what does it actually mean to
physically implement a program?

Suppose we agree that it is necessary to physically implement a
program in order to get the consciousness. Physical implementation
then involves, essentially, causing a machine to go through a sequence
of causally connected configurations such that the configurations and
the state transition rules match up with the abstract program. There
is a mapping from the abstract program to the machine so that the
engineer, programmer and end user know what's going on. But write 1
and then move the head to the left could be represented in an
infinite number of ways. If a man walks down the street chewing gum,
that could represent write 1 then move the head to the left, while
if he stood still humming Jingle Bells that would have represented
write 0 then move the head to the right. Moreover the mapping does
not have to be consistent from moment to moment: chewing gum could
mean 0 on Fridays and 1 on other days. There is no reason why a
computer could not be designed to function in such an inconsistent
way, other than the practical necessity of keeping track of what's
going on, which is necessary if the computer is to be of any use to
anyone. But if we don't care about its usefulness to an outside
observer we could say that any abstract computation maps to any
physical process: a random physical process, a repetitive physical
process, or a single physical state. The man walking down the street
chewing gum over the course of a second could be seen as representing
the one thousand steps of a Turing machine adding two numbers
together, although of course it wouldn't be of any use to anyone
interested in the result of the calculation. You can see no doubt that
if you accept the argument so far the physical process is irrelevant,
and all of the computation, such as it is, consists in the abstract
machine and the mapping, which are timeless platonic objects. Arguable
the mapping is also irrelevant, since there are an infinite number of
possible mappings for an infinite number of possible physical
processes. The only thing that seems to make a difference is the
abstract machine or program itself. The program runs necessarily,
even in the absence of a physical universe, and it only need run on
physical hardware in order to interact with the environment at the
level of the hardware (and of course, this hardware may itself be part
of the virtual world generated in Platonia).

Stathis Papaioannou


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Re: UDA query

2010-01-03 Thread Nick Prince
Stathis wrote

Yes, but a critic could still say that no conscious observer could be
conjured up by a computation unless the computation is physically
implemented. At least at first glance that seems to be the case: the
brain is required for consciousness, since if the brain is destroyed
consciousness is destroyed. And if the mind is generated by a computer
program, it would be normal to think that if the computer is
destroyed, so is the mind, although the program in Platonia remains
unaffected even if the entire universe blows up. These are the common
sense objections. So the question is, is physical implementation
necessary for consciousness, and what does it actually mean to
physically implement a program?

From what I surmised and what Bruno wrote earlier in the discussion, I
thought that consciousness might supervene over all computations that
were essentially equivalent (whatever that might mean— i.e. some sort
of equivalence class?).  Anyway, this would imply that if the brain
was destroyed, then consciousness would simply be continued on by the
rest of the (competing) and remaining equivalent computations.
These would presumably be consistent extensions of the consciousness
in other worlds (MW interpretation) or in a platonic UD.

(and of course, this hardware may itself be part
of the virtual world generated in Platonia).

I thought that this would be a consequence of comp since the
probability of consciousness staying in any “concrete” universe would
seem to be essentially zero. see below from earlier in the discussion:

NP In other words every observer
 moment of his life (not just the one just before being blown up - but
 any  of them) could just as easily be followed by a suitable one in
 the virtual UD rather than one in the initial run of the universe.
Absolutely. Would a real *singular* concrete material universe exist,
the probability to stay in that universe is zero.


 I think you give an excellent explication of the problem, Stathis.
However, one thing about it that still worries me is the role of time.
You say the mapping need not be consistent even moment to moment, and
yet the mapping is a timeless Platonic object. To be a timeless
object the the moments need some timeless representation. In Bruno's
theory time arises from the computational sequence. But in the
mapping, time is just a relation of similarity (closest continuation)
of states. So three states which when ordered by closest continuation
are XYZ may have been computed in the order XZY. So I find myself
seeing the hardwareless computer as a reductio against
consciousness=computation thesis and support for Peter's view that ur-
stuff and contingency are fundamental.

The time bit confuses me too but if the UD is recursive (as I thought
it would have to be) and a successor function was implicit in the
algorithm then the timeless algorithm would give a perception of time
to the internal observers that Stathis spoke of earlier generated by
the computation.

However I am still not convinced about this myself and get this
feeling that there is a dynamic element missing from the static or
timeless representations which I am assuming to be existent in the
platonic realm


On Jan 3, 6:57 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:
 Stathis Papaioannou wrote:2010/1/4 Nick 
 you Stathis This has helped move me on a bit. The hardwareless computer has 
 been giving me some real problems. Let me replay my understanding of what you 
 said back just to check it is on the right lines. As a possible example of 
 one of these lurking computations we could consider the one which begins with 
 no-thing and think of the null set as made of it phi ={ } and then 
 associating it with the number 0. Then imagine the set { phi} associating it 
 with 1, then { phi,{phi }} associating this with 2, then { phi, { phi} , { 
 ,{phi }} }, associating it with 3 etc. Hence we get an infinite sequence of 
 abstract (platonic) entities which can conjure up (compute) the natural 
 numbers and the implied successor function simply from the abstract 
 (platonic) notion of a set and an association rule (also a platonic 
 relation). More and more structure can be built up until - as you say - the 
 entire structure of the computation contained in the mapping can be 
 envisioned. Now although no external observers might be able to access these 
 computations, the computations might just create conscious observers 
 bootstrapped into existence by the special class of computations which these 
 (internal) observers (if they believed in comp) would naturally consider as 
 non trivial. As you say the entire structure of the mapping which describes 
 the computation is a platonic object too hence the world comes from nothing 
 and computation. Have I got this roughly right? I would be grateful for any 
 critical comments from you, Bruno (or anyone).Yes, but a critic could still 
 say that no conscious observer 

Re: UDA query

2010-01-03 Thread Stephen Paul King
Hi Folks,

I would like to append a question that we all seem to circle around: Why 
do we even need to have a physical existance at all? Why isn't Platonic 
existence sufficient?



- Original Message - 
From: Nick Prince
To: Everything List
Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: UDA query

Stathis wrote

Yes, but a critic could still say that no conscious observer could be
conjured up by a computation unless the computation is physically
implemented. At least at first glance that seems to be the case: the
brain is required for consciousness, since if the brain is destroyed
consciousness is destroyed. And if the mind is generated by a computer
program, it would be normal to think that if the computer is
destroyed, so is the mind, although the program in Platonia remains
unaffected even if the entire universe blows up. These are the common
sense objections. So the question is, is physical implementation
necessary for consciousness, and what does it actually mean to
physically implement a program?

From what I surmised and what Bruno wrote earlier in the discussion, I
thought that consciousness might supervene over all computations that
were essentially equivalent (whatever that might mean— i.e. some sort
of equivalence class?).  Anyway, this would imply that if the brain
was destroyed, then consciousness would simply be continued on by the
rest of the (competing) and remaining equivalent computations.
These would presumably be consistent extensions of the consciousness
in other worlds (MW interpretation) or in a platonic UD.

(and of course, this hardware may itself be part
of the virtual world generated in Platonia).

I thought that this would be a consequence of comp since the
probability of consciousness staying in any “concrete” universe would
seem to be essentially zero. see below from earlier in the discussion:

NP In other words every observer
 moment of his life (not just the one just before being blown up - but
 any  of them) could just as easily be followed by a suitable one in
 the virtual UD rather than one in the initial run of the universe.
Absolutely. Would a real *singular* concrete material universe exist,
the probability to stay in that universe is zero.


 I think you give an excellent explication of the problem, Stathis.
However, one thing about it that still worries me is the role of time.
You say the mapping need not be consistent even moment to moment, and
yet the mapping is a timeless Platonic object. To be a timeless
object the the moments need some timeless representation. In Bruno's
theory time arises from the computational sequence. But in the
mapping, time is just a relation of similarity (closest continuation)
of states. So three states which when ordered by closest continuation
are XYZ may have been computed in the order XZY. So I find myself
seeing the hardwareless computer as a reductio against
consciousness=computation thesis and support for Peter's view that ur-
stuff and contingency are fundamental.

The time bit confuses me too but if the UD is recursive (as I thought
it would have to be) and a successor function was implicit in the
algorithm then the timeless algorithm would give a perception of time
to the internal observers that Stathis spoke of earlier generated by
the computation.

However I am still not convinced about this myself and get this
feeling that there is a dynamic element missing from the static or
timeless representations which I am assuming to be existent in the
platonic realm


On Jan 3, 6:57 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:
 Stathis Papaioannou wrote:2010/1/4 Nick 
 you Stathis This has helped move me on a bit. The hardwareless computer 
 has been giving me some real problems. Let me replay my understanding of 
 what you said back just to check it is on the right lines. As a possible 
 example of one of these lurking computations we could consider the one 
 which begins with no-thing and think of the null set as made of it phi 
 ={ } and then associating it with the number 0. Then imagine the set { 
 phi} associating it with 1, then { phi,{phi }} associating this with 2, 
 then { phi, { phi} , { ,{phi }} }, associating it with 3 etc. Hence we get 
 an infinite sequence of abstract (platonic) entities which can conjure up 
 (compute) the natural numbers and the implied successor function simply 
 from the abstract (platonic) notion of a set and an association rule (also 
 a platonic relation). More and more structure can be built up until - as 
 you say - the entire structure of the computation contained in the mapping 
 can be envisioned. Now although no external observers might be able to 
 access these computations, the computations might just create conscious 
 observers bootstrapped into existence by the special class of computations 
 which these (internal) observers

Re: UDA query

2010-01-03 Thread Brent Meeker

We're not circling around it.  Bruno asserts it.  But then we need to
explain the things that were formerly explained by physical existence -
e.g. intersubjective agreement about a physical world, the dependence
of thought on brains, etc.


Stephen Paul King wrote:

  Hi Folks,

I would like to append a question that we all seem to circle around: Why 
do we even need to have a physical existance at all? Why isn't Platonic 
existence sufficient?



- Original Message - 
From: "Nick Prince"
To: "Everything List"
Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: UDA query

Stathis wrote

Yes, but a critic could still say that no conscious observer could be
conjured up by a computation unless the computation is physically
implemented. At least at first glance that seems to be the case: the
brain is required for consciousness, since if the brain is destroyed
consciousness is destroyed. And if the mind is generated by a computer
program, it would be normal to think that if the computer is
destroyed, so is the mind, although the program in Platonia remains
unaffected even if the entire universe blows up. These are the common
sense objections. So the question is, is physical implementation
necessary for consciousness, and what does it actually mean to
physically implement a program?

From what I surmised and what Bruno wrote earlier in the discussion, I
thought that consciousness might supervene over all computations that
were essentially equivalent (whatever that might mean— i.e. some sort
of equivalence class?).  Anyway, this would imply that if the brain
was destroyed, then consciousness would simply be continued on by the
rest of the (competing) and remaining equivalent computations.
These would presumably be consistent extensions of the consciousness
in other worlds (MW interpretation) or in a platonic UD.

(and of course, this hardware may itself be part
of the virtual world generated in Platonia).

I thought that this would be a consequence of comp since the
probability of consciousness staying in any “concrete” universe would
seem to be essentially zero. see below from earlier in the discussion:

NP In other words every observer
moment of his life (not just the one just before being blown up - but
any  of them) could just as easily be followed by a suitable one in
the virtual UD rather than one in the initial run of the universe.

Absolutely. Would a real *singular* concrete material universe exist,
the probability to stay in that universe is zero.


 I think you give an excellent explication of the problem, Stathis.
However, one thing about it that still worries me is the role of time.
You say the mapping need not be consistent even moment to moment, and
yet the mapping is a timeless Platonic object. To be a timeless
object the the moments need some timeless representation. In Bruno's

  theory time arises from the computational sequence. But in the
mapping, time is just a relation of similarity (closest continuation)

  of states. So three states which when ordered by closest continuation
are XYZ may have been computed in the order XZY. So I find myself

  seeing the hardwareless computer as a reductio against
consciousness=computation thesis and support for Peter's view that ur-

  stuff and contingency are fundamental.

The time bit confuses me too but if the UD is recursive (as I thought
it would have to be) and a successor function was implicit in the
algorithm then the timeless algorithm would give a perception of time
to the internal observers that Stathis spoke of earlier generated by
the computation.

However I am still not convinced about this myself and get this
feeling that there is a dynamic element missing from the static or
timeless representations which I am assuming to be existent in the
platonic realm


On Jan 3, 6:57 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:
Stathis Papaioannou wrote:2010/1/4 Nick 
you Stathis This has helped move me on a bit. The hardwareless computer 
has been giving me some real problems. Let me replay my understanding of 
what you said back just to check it is on the right lines. As a possible 
example of one of these lurking computations we could consider the one 
which begins with no-thing and think of the null set as made of it phi 
={ } and then associating it with the number 0. Then imagine the set { 
phi} associating it with 1, then { phi,{phi }} associating this with 2, 
then { phi, { phi} , { ,{phi }} }, associating it with 3 etc. Hence we get 
an infinite sequence of abstract (platonic) entities which can conjure up 
(compute) the natural numbers and the implied successor function simply 
from the abstract (plato

Re: UDA query

2010-01-02 Thread Nick Prince
HI Bruno
Thank you so much for your answers to my queries so far.  I really
need to do some more thinking about all that you have said so far and
to understand why I am having difficulty replacing a real physical
universal machine existing in the future (like Tipler suggests) or a
great programmer existing now (like schmidhuber suggests) with your
arithmetical realism.  I also need to search some previous posts to
make use of past discussion topics that are relevant. Perhaps my
background makes me a physicalist who can currently accept a milder
form of comp.  However, I want to explore your position because I
think it makes sense in so far as I think it is less vulnerable to the
threat of infinite regressions like in  Schmidhuber’s great programmer
(or even the greater programmer that programmed him).  Your version of
computationalism would still be valid if either or both of the two
options above were true. Herein lies its appeal to me (both
fundamental and universal).
I would like to read up on logic and computation as you suggest. I
have read about all the books you recommend . However, can you suggest
topic areas within these texts which I can  focus on to help me get up
to speed with the problems I have regarding arithmetical realism with
the UDA?  There is much that could perhaps be left out on a first
reading and to my untrained eyes, it’s difficult to know what to omit
(for example what would godels arithmetisation technique come under?
(Googling it brings not much up).  Sorry but I haven’t ordered any
books yet so I can’t look into them.
Is there an English translation of your Ph.D. thesis yet?  Sorry but I
can’t do French. My thanks and best wishes.


On Dec 31 2009, 6:10 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 30 Dec 2009, at 17:51, Nick Prince wrote:

  Hi Bruno

  If the UD was a concrete one like you ran then it would start to
  generate all programs and execute them all by one step etc.  But are
  you saying that because the UD exists platonically all these  
  and  each of their steps exist also and hence, by the existence of a
  successor law they have an implicit  time order?
  Yes. The UD exist, and is even representable by a number. UD*, the
  complete running of the UD does not exist in that sense, because it  
  an infinite object, and such object does not exist in simple
  arithmetical theories. But all finite parts of the UD* exist, and  
  will be enough for first person being able to glue the  
  For example, you could, for theoretical purpose, represent all the
  running of the UD by a specific total computable function. For  
  by the function F which on n gives the (number representing the) nth
  first steps of the UD*. Then you can use the theorem which asserts
  that all total computable functions are representable in Robinson
  Arithmetic (a tiny fragment of Pean Arithmetic). That theorems is
  proved in detail, for Robinson-ile arithmetic, in Boolos and Jeffrey,
  or in Epstein and Carnielli. In Mendelson book it is done directly in
  Peano Arithmetic.

  It is because our 3-we, our bodies, or our bodies descriptions, are
  constructed within these steps. But our first person are not, and no
  finite pieces of the UD can give the real experience. This is a
  consequence of the first six steps: our next personal experience is
  determined by the whole actual infinity of all the infinitely many
  computations arrive at our current state. (+ step 8, where we abandon
  explicitly the physical supervenience thesis for the computational  
  This “glueing” idea reminds me of David Deutsch’s attempt to explain
  how time is an illusion in “The Fabric of Reality”. I never have got
  this one!
  I can follow your argument but it seems to put a very special status
  on the ist person experience.  You say that our “3-person”/ bodily
  descriptions are contained as subprograms in the (infinite) programs
  which collectively provide Observer Moments for them.

 I rephrase for myself. If you meant things differently, just tell me.
 By comp assumption, I survive if some machine goes through a  
 computation, that is, a sequence of computational states related by  
 some universal machine: s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, ...
 The bodily description are, strictly speaking defined by the doctor  
 choice of level of my description. They are third person sharable, you  
 can send them by mail attachment, in principle (a lot of giga!).
 But the computation itself is defined by the logical relation between  
 those steps, and by digitality those steps, and their sequencing (made  
 by a universal machine) are definable in arithmetic, and the existence  
 of the steps, the states, the finite piece of computations, and (in a  
 slightly different sense for technical reason) the infinite  
 computations are all described completely in the elementary relations  
 between number (or between combinators, or whatever is 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-31 Thread ronaldheld
yes that is unfortunately true.

On Dec 30, 10:25 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 30 Dec 2009, at 03:29, ronaldheld wrote:

    Is there a UD that is implemented in Fortran?

 I don't know. If you know Fortran, it should be a relatively easy task  
 to implement one.
 Note that you have still the choice between a fortran program  
 dovetailing on all computations by combinators, or on all computations  
 by LISP programs, or on all proofs of Sigma_1 complete arithmetical  
 sentences, or on all running of game of life patterns, etc.
 Of you can write a Fortran program executing all Fortran programs. All  
 this will be equivalent. All UD executes all UDs, and this an infinity  
 of times.

 Good exercise. A bit tedious though.


  On Dec 29, 4:55 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
  On 28 Dec 2009, at 21:24, Nick Prince wrote:

  Well, it is better to assume just the axiom of, say, Robinson
  arithmetic. You assume 0, the successors, s(0), s(s(0)), etc.
  You assume some laws, like s(x) = s(y) - x = y, 0 ≠ s(x), the  
  of addition, and multiplication. Then the existence of the  
  machine and the UD follows as consequences.

  Ok so the UD exists (platonically?)

  Yes. The UD exists, and its existence can be proved in or by very  
  (not yet Löbian) arithmetical theories, like Robinson Arithmetic.
  The UD exists like the number 733 exists. The proof of its existence
  is even constructive, so it exists even for an intuitionist (non
  platonist). No need of the excluded middle principle.

  Better not to conceive them as living in some place. where and
  when are not arithmetical predicate. The UD exists like PI or the
  square root of 2.
  (Assuming CT of course, to pretend the U in the UD is really
  universal, with respect to computability).

  Fine so the UD has an objective existence in spite of whatever else

  It exists in the sense that we can prove it to exist once we accept
  the statement that 0 is different from all successor (0 ≠ s(x) for
  all x), etc.
  If you accept high school elementary arithmetic, then the UD exists  
  the same sense that prime numbers exists.
  exist is used in sense of first order logic. This leads to the  
  philosophical problems in math, no new one, and the UDA reasoning  
  not depend on the alternative way to solve those philsophical  
  unless you propose a ultra-finitist solution (which I exclude in comp
  by arithmetical realism).

  There is a time order. The most basic one, after the successor  

  is the computational steps of a Universal Dovetailer.
  Then you have a (different) time order for each individual
  computations generated by the UD, like

  phi_24 (7)^1,   phi_24 (7)^2,   phi_24 (7)^3,   phi_24 (7)^4, ...
  where    phi_i (j)^s denotes the sth steps of the computation (by
  the UD) of the ith programs on input j.

  If the UD was a concrete one like you ran then it would start to
  generate all programs and execute them all by one step etc.  But are
  you saying that because the UD exists platonically all these  
  and  each of their steps exist also and hence, by the existence of a
  successor law they have an implicit  time order?

  Yes. The UD exist, and is even representable by a number. UD*, the
  complete running of the UD does not exist in that sense, because it  
  an infinite object, and such object does not exist in simple
  arithmetical theories. But all finite parts of the UD* exist, and  
  will be enough for first person being able to glue the  
  For example, you could, for theoretical purpose, represent all the
  running of the UD by a specific total computable function. For  
  by the function F which on n gives the (number representing the) nth
  first steps of the UD*. Then you can use the theorem which asserts
  that all total computable functions are representable in Robinson
  Arithmetic (a tiny fragment of Pean Arithmetic). That theorems is
  proved in detail, for Robinson-ile arithmetic, in Boolos and Jeffrey,
  or in Epstein and Carnielli. In Mendelson book it is done directly in
  Peano Arithmetic.

  Then there will be the time generated by first person learning and
  which relies eventually on a statistical view on infinities of

  Is this because we are essentially constructs within these steps?

  It is because our 3-we, our bodies, or our bodies descriptions, are
  constructed within these steps. But our first person are not, and no
  finite pieces of the UD can give the real experience. This is a
  consequence of the first six steps: our next personal experience is
  determined by the whole actual infinity of all the infinitely many
  computations arrive at our current state. (+ step 8, where we abandon
  explicitly the physical supervenience thesis for the computational  


Re: UDA query

2009-12-31 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 30 Dec 2009, at 17:51, Nick Prince wrote:

 Hi Bruno

 If the UD was a concrete one like you ran then it would start to
 generate all programs and execute them all by one step etc.  But are
 you saying that because the UD exists platonically all these  
 and  each of their steps exist also and hence, by the existence of a
 successor law they have an implicit  time order?
 Yes. The UD exist, and is even representable by a number. UD*, the
 complete running of the UD does not exist in that sense, because it  
 an infinite object, and such object does not exist in simple
 arithmetical theories. But all finite parts of the UD* exist, and  
 will be enough for first person being able to glue the  
 For example, you could, for theoretical purpose, represent all the
 running of the UD by a specific total computable function. For  
 by the function F which on n gives the (number representing the) nth
 first steps of the UD*. Then you can use the theorem which asserts
 that all total computable functions are representable in Robinson
 Arithmetic (a tiny fragment of Pean Arithmetic). That theorems is
 proved in detail, for Robinson-ile arithmetic, in Boolos and Jeffrey,
 or in Epstein and Carnielli. In Mendelson book it is done directly in
 Peano Arithmetic.

 It is because our 3-we, our bodies, or our bodies descriptions, are
 constructed within these steps. But our first person are not, and no
 finite pieces of the UD can give the real experience. This is a
 consequence of the first six steps: our next personal experience is
 determined by the whole actual infinity of all the infinitely many
 computations arrive at our current state. (+ step 8, where we abandon
 explicitly the physical supervenience thesis for the computational  
 This “glueing” idea reminds me of David Deutsch’s attempt to explain
 how time is an illusion in “The Fabric of Reality”. I never have got
 this one!
 I can follow your argument but it seems to put a very special status
 on the ist person experience.  You say that our “3-person”/ bodily
 descriptions are contained as subprograms in the (infinite) programs
 which collectively provide Observer Moments for them.

I rephrase for myself. If you meant things differently, just tell me.
By comp assumption, I survive if some machine goes through a  
computation, that is, a sequence of computational states related by  
some universal machine: s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, ...
The bodily description are, strictly speaking defined by the doctor  
choice of level of my description. They are third person sharable, you  
can send them by mail attachment, in principle (a lot of giga!).
But the computation itself is defined by the logical relation between  
those steps, and by digitality those steps, and their sequencing (made  
by a universal machine) are definable in arithmetic, and the existence  
of the steps, the states, the finite piece of computations, and (in a  
slightly different sense for technical reason) the infinite  
computations are all described completely in the elementary relations  
between number (or between combinators, or whatever is your favorite  
universal inductive structure, say). I take the number because they  
are taught in school (I think).

So, all the statements asserting that there are machines x accessing  
state i and (may be) 'outputing' j, are arithmetical true statement  
(when true), and actually, with Church thesis, they are theorems of  
any Sigma_1 complete theory.

When true, they are true independently of you and me, and when they  
are proved in a theory, that fact is true independently of me and you.  
Theories and machines are mathematical object, and the fact that a  
theory or a machine proves a theorem is a mathematical truth. That is  
independent of you, me, but also of time and space.

Up to this, we did not mention first person experiences. Just all  
machine's histories, described by numbers relations.

The problem of the first person view of the machine, is that a  
machine cannot know which machines it is, nor which computations  
emulate it. He can bet for a continuum (with the rule Y = II,  
bifurcation of futur retrospect on the path).

 But I think you
 saying that our 1-person experience (frog view) is emergent from the
 collective (infinite) computations which are consistent with this
 emergent experience which is elaborated in your steps 1-7.  It seems
 to make this ist person experience somewhat mystical as to why it is
 “experienced” at all.

I think you are right. But here the amount of mysticism needed, is the  
amount needed to say yes to the doctor. The belief in the  
possibility (in principle) of technological reincarnation.
And then, the math explain why this, which is our consciousness, has  
to seem completely mysterious at first sight.
But that mystery is no more mysterious than our awakening in the  

Consciousness is the most basic mystical state, 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-30 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 30 Dec 2009, at 03:29, ronaldheld wrote:

   Is there a UD that is implemented in Fortran?

I don't know. If you know Fortran, it should be a relatively easy task  
to implement one.
Note that you have still the choice between a fortran program  
dovetailing on all computations by combinators, or on all computations  
by LISP programs, or on all proofs of Sigma_1 complete arithmetical  
sentences, or on all running of game of life patterns, etc.
Of you can write a Fortran program executing all Fortran programs. All  
this will be equivalent. All UD executes all UDs, and this an infinity  
of times.

Good exercise. A bit tedious though.


 On Dec 29, 4:55 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 28 Dec 2009, at 21:24, Nick Prince wrote:

 Well, it is better to assume just the axiom of, say, Robinson
 arithmetic. You assume 0, the successors, s(0), s(s(0)), etc.
 You assume some laws, like s(x) = s(y) - x = y, 0 ≠ s(x), the  
 of addition, and multiplication. Then the existence of the  
 machine and the UD follows as consequences.

 Ok so the UD exists (platonically?)

 Yes. The UD exists, and its existence can be proved in or by very  
 (not yet Löbian) arithmetical theories, like Robinson Arithmetic.
 The UD exists like the number 733 exists. The proof of its existence
 is even constructive, so it exists even for an intuitionist (non
 platonist). No need of the excluded middle principle.

 Better not to conceive them as living in some place. where and
 when are not arithmetical predicate. The UD exists like PI or the
 square root of 2.
 (Assuming CT of course, to pretend the U in the UD is really
 universal, with respect to computability).

 Fine so the UD has an objective existence in spite of whatever else

 It exists in the sense that we can prove it to exist once we accept
 the statement that 0 is different from all successor (0 ≠ s(x) for
 all x), etc.
 If you accept high school elementary arithmetic, then the UD exists  
 the same sense that prime numbers exists.
 exist is used in sense of first order logic. This leads to the  
 philosophical problems in math, no new one, and the UDA reasoning  
 not depend on the alternative way to solve those philsophical  
 unless you propose a ultra-finitist solution (which I exclude in comp
 by arithmetical realism).

 There is a time order. The most basic one, after the successor  

 is the computational steps of a Universal Dovetailer.
 Then you have a (different) time order for each individual
 computations generated by the UD, like

 phi_24 (7)^1,   phi_24 (7)^2,   phi_24 (7)^3,   phi_24 (7)^4, ...
 wherephi_i (j)^s denotes the sth steps of the computation (by
 the UD) of the ith programs on input j.

 If the UD was a concrete one like you ran then it would start to
 generate all programs and execute them all by one step etc.  But are
 you saying that because the UD exists platonically all these  
 and  each of their steps exist also and hence, by the existence of a
 successor law they have an implicit  time order?

 Yes. The UD exist, and is even representable by a number. UD*, the
 complete running of the UD does not exist in that sense, because it  
 an infinite object, and such object does not exist in simple
 arithmetical theories. But all finite parts of the UD* exist, and  
 will be enough for first person being able to glue the  
 For example, you could, for theoretical purpose, represent all the
 running of the UD by a specific total computable function. For  
 by the function F which on n gives the (number representing the) nth
 first steps of the UD*. Then you can use the theorem which asserts
 that all total computable functions are representable in Robinson
 Arithmetic (a tiny fragment of Pean Arithmetic). That theorems is
 proved in detail, for Robinson-ile arithmetic, in Boolos and Jeffrey,
 or in Epstein and Carnielli. In Mendelson book it is done directly in
 Peano Arithmetic.

 Then there will be the time generated by first person learning and
 which relies eventually on a statistical view on infinities of

 Is this because we are essentially constructs within these steps?

 It is because our 3-we, our bodies, or our bodies descriptions, are
 constructed within these steps. But our first person are not, and no
 finite pieces of the UD can give the real experience. This is a
 consequence of the first six steps: our next personal experience is
 determined by the whole actual infinity of all the infinitely many
 computations arrive at our current state. (+ step 8, where we abandon
 explicitly the physical supervenience thesis for the computational  

 Time is not difficult. It is right in the successor axioms of

 Here again you confirm the invocation of the successor axioms.

 Yes. It is fundamental. I cannot extract those from logic alone. No
 more than 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-29 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Dec 2009, at 21:24, Nick Prince wrote:

 Well, it is better to assume just the axiom of, say, Robinson
 arithmetic. You assume 0, the successors, s(0), s(s(0)), etc.
 You assume some laws, like s(x) = s(y) - x = y, 0 ≠ s(x), the laws
 of addition, and multiplication. Then the existence of the universal
 machine and the UD follows as consequences.

 Ok so the UD exists (platonically?)

Yes. The UD exists, and its existence can be proved in or by very weak  
(not yet Löbian) arithmetical theories, like Robinson Arithmetic.
The UD exists like the number 733 exists. The proof of its existence  
is even constructive, so it exists even for an intuitionist (non  
platonist). No need of the excluded middle principle.

 Better not to conceive them as living in some place. where and
 when are not arithmetical predicate. The UD exists like PI or the
 square root of 2.
 (Assuming CT of course, to pretend the U in the UD is really
 universal, with respect to computability).

 Fine so the UD has an objective existence in spite of whatever else

It exists in the sense that we can prove it to exist once we accept  
the statement that 0 is different from all successor (0 ≠ s(x) for  
all x), etc.
If you accept high school elementary arithmetic, then the UD exists in  
the same sense that prime numbers exists.
exist is used in sense of first order logic. This leads to the usual  
philosophical problems in math, no new one, and the UDA reasoning does  
not depend on the alternative way to solve those philsophical problem,  
unless you propose a ultra-finitist solution (which I exclude in comp  
by arithmetical realism).

 There is a time order. The most basic one, after the successor law,

 is the computational steps of a Universal Dovetailer.
 Then you have a (different) time order for each individual
 computations generated by the UD, like

 phi_24 (7)^1,   phi_24 (7)^2,   phi_24 (7)^3,   phi_24 (7)^4, ...
 wherephi_i (j)^s denotes the sth steps of the computation (by
 the UD) of the ith programs on input j.

 If the UD was a concrete one like you ran then it would start to
 generate all programs and execute them all by one step etc.  But are
 you saying that because the UD exists platonically all these programs
 and  each of their steps exist also and hence, by the existence of a
 successor law they have an implicit  time order?

Yes. The UD exist, and is even representable by a number. UD*, the  
complete running of the UD does not exist in that sense, because it is  
an infinite object, and such object does not exist in simple  
arithmetical theories. But all finite parts of the UD* exist, and this  
will be enough for first person being able to glue the computations.  
For example, you could, for theoretical purpose, represent all the  
running of the UD by a specific total computable function. For example  
by the function F which on n gives the (number representing the) nth  
first steps of the UD*. Then you can use the theorem which asserts  
that all total computable functions are representable in Robinson  
Arithmetic (a tiny fragment of Pean Arithmetic). That theorems is  
proved in detail, for Robinson-ile arithmetic, in Boolos and Jeffrey,  
or in Epstein and Carnielli. In Mendelson book it is done directly in  
Peano Arithmetic.

 Then there will be the time generated by first person learning and
 which relies eventually on a statistical view on infinities of

 Is this because we are essentially constructs within these steps?

It is because our 3-we, our bodies, or our bodies descriptions, are  
constructed within these steps. But our first person are not, and no  
finite pieces of the UD can give the real experience. This is a  
consequence of the first six steps: our next personal experience is  
determined by the whole actual infinity of all the infinitely many  
computations arrive at our current state. (+ step 8, where we abandon  
explicitly the physical supervenience thesis for the computational one).

 Time is not difficult. It is right in the successor axioms of

 Here again you confirm the invocation of the successor axioms.

Yes. It is fundamental. I cannot extract those from logic alone. No  
more than I can define addition or multiplication without using the  
successor terms s(-) :

for all x  x + 0 = x
for all x and yx + s(y) = s(x + y)

You have to understand that all the talk on the phi_i and w_i,  
including the existence of universal number
(EuAxAy phi_u(x,y) = phi_x(y)) can be translated in pure first order  
arithmetic, using only s, + and *.

I could add some nuances. To be prime is an intrinsic property of a  
number. To be a universal number is not intrinsic. To define a  
universal number I have to arithmetize the theory. The theory uses  
variables x, y, z, ..., so I will have to represent to be a variable  
in the theory. The theory understands only numbers. I can decide to  
represent the variables by even numbers 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-29 Thread ronaldheld
   Is there a UD that is implemented in Fortran?

On Dec 29, 4:55 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 28 Dec 2009, at 21:24, Nick Prince wrote:

  Well, it is better to assume just the axiom of, say, Robinson
  arithmetic. You assume 0, the successors, s(0), s(s(0)), etc.
  You assume some laws, like s(x) = s(y) - x = y, 0 ≠ s(x), the laws
  of addition, and multiplication. Then the existence of the universal
  machine and the UD follows as consequences.

  Ok so the UD exists (platonically?)

 Yes. The UD exists, and its existence can be proved in or by very weak  
 (not yet Löbian) arithmetical theories, like Robinson Arithmetic.
 The UD exists like the number 733 exists. The proof of its existence  
 is even constructive, so it exists even for an intuitionist (non  
 platonist). No need of the excluded middle principle.

  Better not to conceive them as living in some place. where and
  when are not arithmetical predicate. The UD exists like PI or the
  square root of 2.
  (Assuming CT of course, to pretend the U in the UD is really
  universal, with respect to computability).

  Fine so the UD has an objective existence in spite of whatever else

 It exists in the sense that we can prove it to exist once we accept  
 the statement that 0 is different from all successor (0 ≠ s(x) for  
 all x), etc.
 If you accept high school elementary arithmetic, then the UD exists in  
 the same sense that prime numbers exists.
 exist is used in sense of first order logic. This leads to the usual  
 philosophical problems in math, no new one, and the UDA reasoning does  
 not depend on the alternative way to solve those philsophical problem,  
 unless you propose a ultra-finitist solution (which I exclude in comp  
 by arithmetical realism).

  There is a time order. The most basic one, after the successor law,

  is the computational steps of a Universal Dovetailer.
  Then you have a (different) time order for each individual
  computations generated by the UD, like

  phi_24 (7)^1,   phi_24 (7)^2,   phi_24 (7)^3,   phi_24 (7)^4, ...
  where    phi_i (j)^s denotes the sth steps of the computation (by
  the UD) of the ith programs on input j.

  If the UD was a concrete one like you ran then it would start to
  generate all programs and execute them all by one step etc.  But are
  you saying that because the UD exists platonically all these programs
  and  each of their steps exist also and hence, by the existence of a
  successor law they have an implicit  time order?

 Yes. The UD exist, and is even representable by a number. UD*, the  
 complete running of the UD does not exist in that sense, because it is  
 an infinite object, and such object does not exist in simple  
 arithmetical theories. But all finite parts of the UD* exist, and this  
 will be enough for first person being able to glue the computations.  
 For example, you could, for theoretical purpose, represent all the  
 running of the UD by a specific total computable function. For example  
 by the function F which on n gives the (number representing the) nth  
 first steps of the UD*. Then you can use the theorem which asserts  
 that all total computable functions are representable in Robinson  
 Arithmetic (a tiny fragment of Pean Arithmetic). That theorems is  
 proved in detail, for Robinson-ile arithmetic, in Boolos and Jeffrey,  
 or in Epstein and Carnielli. In Mendelson book it is done directly in  
 Peano Arithmetic.

  Then there will be the time generated by first person learning and
  which relies eventually on a statistical view on infinities of

  Is this because we are essentially constructs within these steps?

 It is because our 3-we, our bodies, or our bodies descriptions, are  
 constructed within these steps. But our first person are not, and no  
 finite pieces of the UD can give the real experience. This is a  
 consequence of the first six steps: our next personal experience is  
 determined by the whole actual infinity of all the infinitely many  
 computations arrive at our current state. (+ step 8, where we abandon  
 explicitly the physical supervenience thesis for the computational one).

  Time is not difficult. It is right in the successor axioms of

  Here again you confirm the invocation of the successor axioms.

 Yes. It is fundamental. I cannot extract those from logic alone. No  
 more than I can define addition or multiplication without using the  
 successor terms s(-) :

 for all x  x + 0 = x
 for all x and y    x + s(y) = s(x + y)

 You have to understand that all the talk on the phi_i and w_i,  
 including the existence of universal number
 (EuAxAy phi_u(x,y) = phi_x(y)) can be translated in pure first order  
 arithmetic, using only s, + and *.

 I could add some nuances. To be prime is an intrinsic property of a  
 number. To be a universal number is not intrinsic. To define a  
 universal number I 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 27 Dec 2009, at 18:13, Nick Prince wrote:

 Ok so I have come up with an argument to try and convince myself of
 step 8 but it still has some catches to it. If anyone sees that I am
 using incorrect thinking at any time please correct me.
 Misunderstanding means bad foundations.

 Up to step 7 all seems well and you begin step 8 by saying “but what
 if we don’t grant a concrete robust physical universe?”

 Some people have attempted to suggest the possibility of a Universe
 which is sufficiently robust.  For example in Frank Tipler “The
 physics of Immortality “ he explains how the universe could be
 utilised to act as a computational engine in order to generate
 consistent extensions of sentient beings.  His claims have been
 heavily criticised, but I do think he has made a brave and ingenious
 try at explaining how a reductionist approach along with a belief in
 strong AI can yield interesting speculations.  If he had written his
 book in a more modest and understated manner his ideas would have been
 much better received.  Incidentally, the fact that, because the
 universe has been shown to be expanding at an accelerating rate does
 not invalidate his theory because there is currently no clear
 understanding of the nature of dark energy – for example it may be a
 decaying scalar field ( we understand theoretically this type of
 mechanism because it is one of the best candidate mechanisms for
 understanding the (temporary) inflation in the early universe.  If it
 is like this, then re-collapse might provide the physics necessary for
 high computational capability.

 But let’s suppose things are as you say and that the universe is not
 robust enough in any circumstances.

Careful. If the universe contains a real UD, we don't need step 8 to  
conclude that physics is derivable from computer science. I don't  
assume that the universe is not robust enough, I was just considering  
that move as an objection to the UDA seventh first steps. The 8th step  
is an independent step showing that the physical supervenience thesis  
is incoherent with the mechanist assumption.

 I want to understand the assertion that platonic realism underpins my
 ist person reality.  If I dispense with Schmidhuber’s great  
 (and his hardware) then rather than infinite regress, I assume there
 exists a platonic UD.

Well, it is better to assume just the axiom of, say, Robinson  
arithmetic. You assume 0, the successors, s(0), s(s(0)), etc.
You assume some laws, like s(x) = s(y) - x = y, 0 ≠ s(x), the laws  
of addition, and multiplication. Then the existence of the universal  
machine and the UD follows as consequences.
I am not assuming more, with respect to math, than any mathematicians  
(on the contrary, given that the ontology is provided by a tiny part  
of arithmetic). Platonism or realism means here that we explicitly  
allow non constructive proof of existence, that is we allow the  
excluded-middle principle: we accept the idea that a closed  
arithmetical sentences is either true, or false.

 Now, since (I also assume) platonic reality is
 somehow timeless,

You don't have to assume arithmetic is timeless! To do that you have  
to first assume there is a time, and then say that arithmetic is true  
at all the times. But arithmetical proposition, by definition or  
construction are not conceive as being time dependent,  at the start.  
Theories of time will on the contrary depend on the assumption of some  
mathematical structures.

 then  the UD algorithm must surely exist  in this
 timeless “place”.

Better not to conceive them as living in some place. where and  
when are not arithmetical predicate. The UD exists like PI or the  
square root of 2.
(Assuming CT of course, to pretend the U in the UD is really  
universal, with respect to computability).

I have implemented and run a UD in 1991, for about six days. I mean, a  
UD is a very concrete object. Here is the PDF of the code and example  
of executions (but it is badly commented):

 Now it gets interesting.  I have assumed the
 algorithm is there too just like I assume that a perfect scalene
 triangle is in a more general platonia.  However this triangle is made
 of perfect line segments combined together to make it - and in turn
 the segments were made up of a sum of ideal points (lets not go into
 details about the reals and integers at this stage).  Clearly though
 the triangle does not have to be fully represented in this reality if
 everything can be made of points. As long as an algorithm exists in
 the platonic realm which enables lines and combinations of them to be
 combined as triangles.  But such an algorithm would be made up of
 numbers anyway and hence it’s all numbers.  Indeed the numbers  
 need to be grouped in an list as we are familiar with seeing programs
 in because ordering is hardly important.

 Now I’ve almost convinced myself that 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-28 Thread Nick Prince

Well, it is better to assume just the axiom of, say, Robinson
arithmetic. You assume 0, the successors, s(0), s(s(0)), etc.
You assume some laws, like s(x) = s(y) - x = y, 0 ≠ s(x), the laws
of addition, and multiplication. Then the existence of the universal
machine and the UD follows as consequences.

Ok so the UD exists (platonically?)

Better not to conceive them as living in some place. where and
when are not arithmetical predicate. The UD exists like PI or the
square root of 2.
(Assuming CT of course, to pretend the U in the UD is really
universal, with respect to computability).

Fine so the UD has an objective existence in spite of whatever else

There is a time order. The most basic one, after the successor law,

is the computational steps of a Universal Dovetailer.
Then you have a (different) time order for each individual
computations generated by the UD, like

phi_24 (7)^1,   phi_24 (7)^2,   phi_24 (7)^3,   phi_24 (7)^4, ...
wherephi_i (j)^s denotes the sth steps of the computation (by
the UD) of the ith programs on input j.

If the UD was a concrete one like you ran then it would start to
generate all programs and execute them all by one step etc.  But are
you saying that because the UD exists platonically all these programs
and  each of their steps exist also and hence, by the existence of a
successor law they have an implicit  time order?

Then there will be the time generated by first person learning and
which relies eventually on a statistical view on infinities of

Is this because we are essentially constructs within these steps?

Time is not difficult. It is right in the successor axioms of

Here again you confirm the invocation of the successor axioms.


On Dec 28, 5:48 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 27 Dec 2009, at 18:13, Nick Prince wrote:

  Ok so I have come up with an argument to try and convince myself of
  step 8 but it still has some catches to it. If anyone sees that I am
  using incorrect thinking at any time please correct me.
  Misunderstanding means bad foundations.

  Up to step 7 all seems well and you begin step 8 by saying “but what
  if we don’t grant a concrete robust physical universe?”

  Some people have attempted to suggest the possibility of a Universe
  which is sufficiently robust.  For example in Frank Tipler “The
  physics of Immortality “ he explains how the universe could be
  utilised to act as a computational engine in order to generate
  consistent extensions of sentient beings.  His claims have been
  heavily criticised, but I do think he has made a brave and ingenious
  try at explaining how a reductionist approach along with a belief in
  strong AI can yield interesting speculations.  If he had written his
  book in a more modest and understated manner his ideas would have been
  much better received.  Incidentally, the fact that, because the
  universe has been shown to be expanding at an accelerating rate does
  not invalidate his theory because there is currently no clear
  understanding of the nature of dark energy – for example it may be a
  decaying scalar field ( we understand theoretically this type of
  mechanism because it is one of the best candidate mechanisms for
  understanding the (temporary) inflation in the early universe.  If it
  is like this, then re-collapse might provide the physics necessary for
  high computational capability.

  But let’s suppose things are as you say and that the universe is not
  robust enough in any circumstances.

 Careful. If the universe contains a real UD, we don't need step 8 to  
 conclude that physics is derivable from computer science. I don't  
 assume that the universe is not robust enough, I was just considering  
 that move as an objection to the UDA seventh first steps. The 8th step  
 is an independent step showing that the physical supervenience thesis  
 is incoherent with the mechanist assumption.

  I want to understand the assertion that platonic realism underpins my
  ist person reality.  If I dispense with Schmidhuber’s great  
  (and his hardware) then rather than infinite regress, I assume there
  exists a platonic UD.

 Well, it is better to assume just the axiom of, say, Robinson  
 arithmetic. You assume 0, the successors, s(0), s(s(0)), etc.
 You assume some laws, like s(x) = s(y) - x = y, 0 ≠ s(x), the laws  
 of addition, and multiplication. Then the existence of the universal  
 machine and the UD follows as consequences.
 I am not assuming more, with respect to math, than any mathematicians  
 (on the contrary, given that the ontology is provided by a tiny part  
 of arithmetic). Platonism or realism means here that we explicitly  
 allow non constructive proof of existence, that is we allow the  
 excluded-middle principle: we accept the idea that a closed  
 arithmetical sentences is either true, or false.

  Now, since (I also assume) platonic reality is
  somehow timeless,

 You don't 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-27 Thread Nick Prince
Ok so I have come up with an argument to try and convince myself of
step 8 but it still has some catches to it. If anyone sees that I am
using incorrect thinking at any time please correct me.
Misunderstanding means bad foundations.

Up to step 7 all seems well and you begin step 8 by saying “but what
if we don’t grant a concrete robust physical universe?”

Some people have attempted to suggest the possibility of a Universe
which is sufficiently robust.  For example in Frank Tipler “The
physics of Immortality “ he explains how the universe could be
utilised to act as a computational engine in order to generate
consistent extensions of sentient beings.  His claims have been
heavily criticised, but I do think he has made a brave and ingenious
try at explaining how a reductionist approach along with a belief in
strong AI can yield interesting speculations.  If he had written his
book in a more modest and understated manner his ideas would have been
much better received.  Incidentally, the fact that, because the
universe has been shown to be expanding at an accelerating rate does
not invalidate his theory because there is currently no clear
understanding of the nature of dark energy – for example it may be a
decaying scalar field ( we understand theoretically this type of
mechanism because it is one of the best candidate mechanisms for
understanding the (temporary) inflation in the early universe.  If it
is like this, then re-collapse might provide the physics necessary for
high computational capability.

But let’s suppose things are as you say and that the universe is not
robust enough in any circumstances.
I want to understand the assertion that platonic realism underpins my
ist person reality.  If I dispense with Schmidhuber’s great programmer
(and his hardware) then rather than infinite regress, I assume there
exists a platonic UD.  Now, since (I also assume) platonic reality is
somehow timeless, then  the UD algorithm must surely exist  in this
timeless “place”.  Now it gets interesting.  I have assumed the
algorithm is there too just like I assume that a perfect scalene
triangle is in a more general platonia.  However this triangle is made
of perfect line segments combined together to make it - and in turn
the segments were made up of a sum of ideal points (lets not go into
details about the reals and integers at this stage).  Clearly though
the triangle does not have to be fully represented in this reality if
everything can be made of points. As long as an algorithm exists in
the platonic realm which enables lines and combinations of them to be
combined as triangles.  But such an algorithm would be made up of
numbers anyway and hence it’s all numbers.  Indeed the numbers hardly
need to be grouped in an list as we are familiar with seeing programs
in because ordering is hardly important.

Now I’ve almost convinced myself that I’m on the right track but then
come the niggles.   The static timeless platonic reality  has to
somehow generate my seemingly dynamic existence and we are back to the
same problem. Where is the spotlight which shines on each platonic
number in the right order to give the experience of succession?
Russell’s theory of nothing idea springs to mind here.  The
arithmetical reality I am supposing underpins my existence has no
meaning without the spotlight that some observer would have to give
to it to make it feel like our existence feels (somehow intuition
calls out for a sequential map from N to N with some notion of time/
order).  Indeed there is also the idea of an “instruction set”.  A
jumble of bit strings make up a program but the physical hardware has
to react to these numbers in a well defined way in order to know how
to shuffle other numbers around. In other words the function mapping
the numbers has to be represented in the platonic reality somehow and
I am not sure it can be done with just more numbers.



On Dec 25, 2:56 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 Hi Nick, hi Quentin,

 On 25 Dec 2009, at 04:13, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 Nick Prince wrote

  I can understand that numbers and arithmetic operations (as well as a
  whole lot of other stuff) exist as some kind of objective reality
  (called a platonic reality).  These archetypal “things” are to me
  clearly discovered by us rather than invented.  But that our dynamic
  world emerges somehow from this static ethereal repository seems very
  difficult to see.

 And Quentin commented:

  Would it be easier if I said that all of this came from bouncing  
  particle of matter (whatever that is) ?

 That is a good point, which I find rather convincing. To attribute  
 consciousness to arithmetical (static, ethereal) relations is not more  
 intriguing than to attribute it to continuous particle 4D line  
 universe in any block universe conception.

 But remember the Peter Jones type of move. He understands comp as a  
 material form of comp. He posits that to be conscious, you need a  
 physical primary 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-25 Thread Bruno Marchal
Hi Nick, hi Quentin,

On 25 Dec 2009, at 04:13, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

Nick Prince wrote

 I can understand that numbers and arithmetic operations (as well as a
 whole lot of other stuff) exist as some kind of objective reality
 (called a platonic reality).  These archetypal “things” are to me
 clearly discovered by us rather than invented.  But that our dynamic
 world emerges somehow from this static ethereal repository seems very
 difficult to see.

And Quentin commented:

 Would it be easier if I said that all of this came from bouncing  
 particle of matter (whatever that is) ?

That is a good point, which I find rather convincing. To attribute  
consciousness to arithmetical (static, ethereal) relations is not more  
intriguing than to attribute it to continuous particle 4D line  
universe in any block universe conception.

But remember the Peter Jones type of move. He understands comp as a  
material form of comp. He posits that to be conscious, you need a  
physical primary universe in which the computations are executed. Of  
course this moves seems completely ad hoc. he has to invoke some magic  
in both mind and matter, which is already against the comp idea. But  
unfortunately, with only the first seven steps, you can still believe  
in such ad hoc theory. It is enough to believe that the seven steps  
just show that we are living in a small primary physical universe  
(small = not enough big to run the UD),  and that is why the 8th step  
is needed to prevent that type of move, and to conclude the proof.

Nick Prince wrote

 This must be difficult. How can any theory be interpreted without the
 formalisms or some model.

Remember that logicians use the word model like the painters. The  
model (the naked person) is the reality. The theory (the painting) is  
the finite piece of crap trying to capture or represent that reality.

A theory is on the side of the machine. It is a finite or finitely  
representable things, like a program. It has a sort of operational  
syntactical interpretation: it generates mechanically theorems or  
numbers, and it can (and usually have) a (mathematical )meaning called  
model, and which is the thing it compute or prove statements about.

If you want, a brain is already a theory (with reality as intended  
model). The brain is supposed to interpret reality, or to implement  
some higher level interpreter (you, actually) of reality. for example:

reality = a bird flies in the sky (let us assume).
You look at it, and this makes your eyes sending a (giant) bitstring  
to your brain, which, through many (parallel) computations makes your  
self interpreting the bitstring as  (strong evidence that) a bird  
flies in the sky.
Who interpret the working of the brain itself? Well the answer is  
certainly *some reality*. Aristotelian would say it is nature, or the  
physical reality, but by the cartesian dream argument, a  
computationalist will say some universal machine, but then he will  
eventually understand that below his level of substitution an infinity  
of universal machines have to compete.

 It is often said that with the many worlds
 interpretation it is the mathematics which tends to give us the lead
 on how to interpret Quantum Mechanics.  It was this that made me tend
 to agree with the many worlders.

Then you should love comp :)
Comp forces us to do, in arithmetic, exactly what Everett has done in  
the quantum theory.

I do agree with Bryce deWitt (and Everett) that the (statistical)  
interpretation of quantum mechanics is given by the theory itself  
(QM). And this in some precise sense. By QM I mean the high  
dimensional Hilbert space, the tensor product rule, and the unitary  
evolution of states (or observables). I mean, no collapse.
Then you could define the interpretation of QM by the normal average  
talk of the memory-machine described by the wave. This makes really  
the universal wave explanatively close.

But you need comp to do that, as most Everettian accept. But then the  
uda should make understand that this has to  be done for any universal  
machine (not just the universal QM wave), and even that the  
appearance of the universal wave has to be explained by the  
competition between all universal machines below some level.

Arithmetic generates its own interpretation, exactly like Everett  
showed for the universal wave. The universal wave can justify the  
appearance of the collapse in most observer's mind, and uda shows  
that if QM and comp are correct, then the appearance of the universal  
wave can be explained by the average universal machine intepretation  
of what they observe.

Monist theories, which embed the subject in the object, have to do a  
trick of that kind, in a way or in another.

Note that this is not standard. What I am doing for arithmetic is as  
original for a logician, than what Everett has done for QM is for a  
physicist (or the layman).

To sum up roughly: an interpretation is the doing of a 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-24 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 24 Dec 2009, at 02:13, Nick Prince wrote:

 Thanks Bruno

 I want to have a good think about your answers and also the eighth
 step in your paper.  I think it is the most difficult for me and yet I
 sense its somehow. Schmidhuber assumes a great programmer runs the UD
 but you effectively dispense with him. If a universal turing machine
 necessarilly exists platonically which is capable of running UD's that
 can simulate our minds then our experience of reality follows. Yet I
 still feel that somehow this will be confusing the map of the
 territory with the reality, the equations of physics with the
 physically real.

And here there is a famous difficulty, which is that physicists and  
logicians use very different if not opposite vocabulary.
Logicians distinguish a theory (-usually a finite or recursive  
(mechanically decidable) thing, and its interpretation (usually an  
infinite mathematical structure.

In the comp frame, it is even more difficult, given that we are going  
through a metatheory, where both the theory and its interpretations  
are studied at the theory level, and then we have to consider the  
fixed point of the interpretation function.

Intuitively, you can understand that with comp, we do confuse,  
purposefully, the map and the territory. You can see a brain as a  
theory of reality. But that reality contains a brain. So, at some  
point the brain will accept (or bet)  that it is itself an object in  
that theory, and the computationalist practicers will have to bet that  
is brain-theory is well described (relatively to his neighborhood)  
by a finite thing (its own backup in such or that machine).

It is not stranger that Brouwer fixed point in geometry or topology.  
After all, we know that if the map of a territory is continuously  
embedded in the territory, a point of the map will be confused with a  
point in the territory. It is the indexical You are here point of  
the map. Likewise, in computer science, the meaning of a program can  
be described by a fixed point of some universal transformation (like  
in Scott denotational semantics, for example).

To understand this well, it is necessary to NOT confuse a theory, with  
his mathematical interpretation, and to NOT confuse a mathematical  
interpretation with an interpretation in some reality. Physicists have  
not yet this level of sophistication. They usually confuse a theory  
(the SWE for example) with the mathematical (standard) interpretation  
(the wave function).  This can lead to many misunderstanding of what  
the logicians are doing, especially in applied logic.

Concerning the existence of platonic Turing Universal Machine, it is  
equivalent with the platonic existence of the prime numbers, or the  
even numbers, etc. With Church thesis you can eliminate the Turing  



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Re: UDA query

2009-12-24 Thread Nick Prince
Hi Bruno

And here there is a famous difficulty, which is that physicists and
logicians use very different if not opposite vocabulary.
Logicians distinguish a theory (-usually a finite or recursive
(mechanically decidable) thing, and its interpretation (usually an
infinite mathematical structure.

This must be difficult. How can any theory be interpreted without the
formalisms or some model.  It is often said that with the many worlds
interpretation it is the mathematics which tends to give us the lead
on how to interpret Quantum Mechanics.  It was this that made me tend
to agree with the many worlders.  Can you give a simple example of
what you mean?

In the comp frame, it is even more difficult, given that we are going
through a metatheory, where both the theory and its interpretations
are studied at the theory level, and then we have to consider the
fixed point of the interpretation function.
Intuitively, you can understand that with comp, we do confuse,
purposefully, the map and the territory. You can see a brain as a
theory of reality. But that reality contains a brain. So, at some
point the brain will accept (or bet)  that it is itself an object in
that theory, and the computationalist practicers will have to bet that
is brain-theory is well described (relatively to his neighborhood)
by a finite thing (its own backup in such or that machine).
It is not stranger that Brouwer fixed point in geometry or topology.
After all, we know that if the map of a territory is continuously
embedded in the territory, a point of the map will be confused with a
point in the territory. It is the indexical You are here point of
the map. Likewise, in computer science, the meaning of a program can
be described by a fixed point of some universal transformation (like
in Scott denotational semantics, for example).

A map is a kind of (mathematical) model of reality so although there
is a one to one correspondence between the points on the map to
reality I still can’t see the trick of how to get through your step
8.  Sorry if I am seeming stupid.

To understand this well, it is necessary to NOT confuse a theory, with
his mathematical interpretation, and to NOT confuse a mathematical
interpretation with an interpretation in some reality. Physicists have
not yet this level of sophistication. They usually confuse a theory
(the SWE for example) with the mathematical (standard) interpretation
(the wave function).  This can lead to many misunderstanding of what
the logicians are doing, especially in applied logic.

I’m struggling with this one as stated above.

Concerning the existence of platonic Turing Universal Machine, it is
equivalent with the platonic existence of the prime numbers, or the
even numbers, etc. With Church thesis you can eliminate the Turing


I can understand that numbers and arithmetic operations (as well as a
whole lot of other stuff) exist as some kind of objective reality
(called a platonic reality).  These archetypal “things” are to me
clearly discovered by us rather than invented.  But that our dynamic
world emerges somehow from this static ethereal repository seems very
difficult to see.

I’m missing the trick here.  Maybe its some kind of insight
restructured perception that I need.
I will try to read up some more to see if I can make some more

Thank you very much for your kind replies.

Happy Christmas


On Dec 24, 9:26 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 24 Dec 2009, at 02:13, Nick Prince wrote:

  Thanks Bruno

  I want to have a good think about your answers and also the eighth
  step in your paper.  I think it is the most difficult for me and yet I
  sense its somehow. Schmidhuber assumes a great programmer runs the UD
  but you effectively dispense with him. If a universal turing machine
  necessarilly exists platonically which is capable of running UD's that
  can simulate our minds then our experience of reality follows. Yet I
  still feel that somehow this will be confusing the map of the
  territory with the reality, the equations of physics with the
  physically real.

 And here there is a famous difficulty, which is that physicists and  
 logicians use very different if not opposite vocabulary.
 Logicians distinguish a theory (-usually a finite or recursive  
 (mechanically decidable) thing, and its interpretation (usually an  
 infinite mathematical structure.

 In the comp frame, it is even more difficult, given that we are going  
 through a metatheory, where both the theory and its interpretations  
 are studied at the theory level, and then we have to consider the  
 fixed point of the interpretation function.

 Intuitively, you can understand that with comp, we do confuse,  
 purposefully, the map and the territory. You can see a brain as a  
 theory of reality. But that reality contains a brain. So, at some  
 point the brain will accept (or bet)  that it is itself an object in  
 that theory, and the computationalist practicers will 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-24 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2009/12/24 Nick Prince

 Hi Bruno

 And here there is a famous difficulty, which is that physicists and
 logicians use very different if not opposite vocabulary.
 Logicians distinguish a theory (-usually a finite or recursive
 (mechanically decidable) thing, and its interpretation (usually an
 infinite mathematical structure.

 This must be difficult. How can any theory be interpreted without the
 formalisms or some model.  It is often said that with the many worlds
 interpretation it is the mathematics which tends to give us the lead
 on how to interpret Quantum Mechanics.  It was this that made me tend
 to agree with the many worlders.  Can you give a simple example of
 what you mean?

 In the comp frame, it is even more difficult, given that we are going
 through a metatheory, where both the theory and its interpretations
 are studied at the theory level, and then we have to consider the
 fixed point of the interpretation function.
 Intuitively, you can understand that with comp, we do confuse,
 purposefully, the map and the territory. You can see a brain as a
 theory of reality. But that reality contains a brain. So, at some
 point the brain will accept (or bet)  that it is itself an object in
 that theory, and the computationalist practicers will have to bet that
 is brain-theory is well described (relatively to his neighborhood)
 by a finite thing (its own backup in such or that machine).
 It is not stranger that Brouwer fixed point in geometry or topology.
 After all, we know that if the map of a territory is continuously
 embedded in the territory, a point of the map will be confused with a
 point in the territory. It is the indexical You are here point of
 the map. Likewise, in computer science, the meaning of a program can
 be described by a fixed point of some universal transformation (like
 in Scott denotational semantics, for example).

 A map is a kind of (mathematical) model of reality so although there
 is a one to one correspondence between the points on the map to
 reality I still can’t see the trick of how to get through your step
 8.  Sorry if I am seeming stupid.

 To understand this well, it is necessary to NOT confuse a theory, with
 his mathematical interpretation, and to NOT confuse a mathematical
 interpretation with an interpretation in some reality. Physicists have
 not yet this level of sophistication. They usually confuse a theory
 (the SWE for example) with the mathematical (standard) interpretation
 (the wave function).  This can lead to many misunderstanding of what
 the logicians are doing, especially in applied logic.

 I’m struggling with this one as stated above.

 Concerning the existence of platonic Turing Universal Machine, it is
 equivalent with the platonic existence of the prime numbers, or the
 even numbers, etc. With Church thesis you can eliminate the Turing


 I can understand that numbers and arithmetic operations (as well as a
 whole lot of other stuff) exist as some kind of objective reality
 (called a platonic reality).  These archetypal “things” are to me
 clearly discovered by us rather than invented.  But that our dynamic
 world emerges somehow from this static ethereal repository seems very
 difficult to see.

Would it be easier if I said that all of this came from bouncing particle of
matter (whatever that is) ?

What is important in all of this is the view point, the observer, what as
been abstracted for too much time, what is central to the computationalist

What could you see *easily* that explain your view point ? the fact that you
see the universe being Nick Prince and not being Quentin Anciaux ?


 I’m missing the trick here.  Maybe its some kind of insight
 restructured perception that I need.
 I will try to read up some more to see if I can make some more

 Thank you very much for your kind replies.

 Happy Christmas


 On Dec 24, 9:26 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
  On 24 Dec 2009, at 02:13, Nick Prince wrote:
   Thanks Bruno
   I want to have a good think about your answers and also the eighth
   step in your paper.  I think it is the most difficult for me and yet I
   sense its somehow. Schmidhuber assumes a great programmer runs the UD
   but you effectively dispense with him. If a universal turing machine
   necessarilly exists platonically which is capable of running UD's that
   can simulate our minds then our experience of reality follows. Yet I
   still feel that somehow this will be confusing the map of the
   territory with the reality, the equations of physics with the
   physically real.
  And here there is a famous difficulty, which is that physicists and
  logicians use very different if not opposite vocabulary.
  Logicians distinguish a theory (-usually a finite or recursive
  (mechanically decidable) thing, and its interpretation (usually an
  infinite mathematical structure.
  In the comp frame, it is even 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-23 Thread Nick Prince
Sorry I accidently posted my previous message twice.  A pity because
now I think the conclusion I came to in them was wrong.  Because I
assume comp to be true and the line of reasoning implies a simulated
realityy because of comp then it doesn't make comp any less
contingent.  Oh well!,  the rest was insightful to think over.  If
anyone sees any other errors in my thinking then please do let me know
because I don't want to take anything on board that is wrong and has
been cleared up in the past.

Nick Prince

On Dec 23, 1:02 am, Nick Prince wrote:
 On Dec 23, 12:55 am, Nick Prince wrote:

  Hi Bruno

  My background is in mathematical physics but I am trying to read up a
  bit of this new stuff as I go along.  Thank you for being patient with

  However, I think you have confirmed some things - let me know if any
  of these is fundamentally wrong.

  I want to put aside the platonic arithmetical UD for the moment but
  will come back to that.

   Just supposing that there is as yet NO UD operating.  Comp says it is
  possible to build a concrete one and in step 7 of your paper you say
  that the UD could provide infinitely  many possible consistent
  extensions of me.  (I am thinking of descriptions of simulated worlds
  with me in them  as  bit strings)  I quote you from the sane paper:

  Then, it follows from the six preceding steps that it will generate
  all possible Turing machine states, infinitely often (why?), which (by
  comp) includes all your virtual reconstitutions corresponding to
  (hopefully) consistent extensions of yourself, in all possible
  (locally) emulable environments or computational histories. And this,
  with comp, even in the case you consider that your ‘‘generalised
  brain’’ (the ‘‘whatever’’ which is needed to be emulated by a  DU
  digital body/brain to survive) is the whole Milky Way galaxy. And we
  don’t need any Science Fiction like devices to make this concrete, if
  we make exception of the robust universe.

  Actually the kind of teleportation I am interested in, for reasons
  as you will see is the usual simple one which takes us from moment to
  moment.  I am being teleported into the next observer moment all the
  time ( if this is because I'm already being computed by a UD then as I
  say lets just ignore this possibility for now as you did in your
  paper).  If someone is blown to bits, then we have lost the chance to
  make a decent copy of them.  However, Once the “concrete” UD is run
  then it  computes all possible futures for all possible virtual
  extensions. Then there will be  an (infinitely many) extension(s) for
  the blown to bits person.  The blowing to bits is just the equivalent
  of the annhiallation part of your earlier steps.  So here we have the
  basic quantum immortality thing coming in again.   However, if  it
  takes the UD a long time to generate sufficient extensions then the
  delay will be considerable before the blown to bits man continues
  consciousness - although to him it will seem instantaneous. From 3d
  person, well - they see the delay.

  Now is the interesting bit.  Because this future UD creates all
  possible extensions of all possible states of the blown to bits man
  then what’s to stop him finding continuation with a consistent
  extension prior to the blowing up!  In other words every observer
  moment of his life (not just the one just before being blown up - but
  any  of them) could just as easily be followed by a suitable one in
  the virtual UD rather than one in the initial run of the universe.  In
  conclusion,  from our ist person point of view we do not know whether
  our next observer moment will occur in the “real” universe or in a
  simulated one- this is 1-indeterminacy again.  If the UD can simulate
  all possible observer moments then it will have those associated with
  our very first sense of consciousness and hence we will have very
  quickly slipped, without knowing it, into the UD’s virtual world.  We
  never noticed any delay of course but there may have been a huge time
  difference assuming Russell’s time postulate has meaning here!

  Hence if a UD is possible, then only the first observer moment(s) -or
  fraction of our conscious lives - were ever lived in a “basic/real”
  universe at all.  The rest is all simulation.  The very existence of a
  UD implies that we are in a simulation.

  If they exist platonically then it's all simulation and
  computationalism must be necessary rather than contingent.

  It's a very fumbling line of thinking but it helps me to learn about
  things as I go along.



  On Dec 22, 6:41 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:

   On 22 Dec 2009, at 18:48, Nick P wrote:

Hence by it generating all possible emulations of
stages of my life) that I could just as easily experience for my  
OM as opposed to the one i would expect to experience on the current
wetware (or 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-23 Thread Bruno Marchal
Hi Nick,

On 23 Dec 2009, at 01:55, Nick Prince wrote:

 My background is in mathematical physics but I am trying to read up a
 bit of this new stuff as I go along.  Thank you for being patient with

 However, I think you have confirmed some things - let me know if any
 of these is fundamentally wrong.

 I want to put aside the platonic arithmetical UD for the moment but
 will come back to that.

 Just supposing that there is as yet NO UD operating.  Comp says it is
 possible to build a concrete one and in step 7 of your paper you say
 that the UD could provide infinitely  many possible consistent
 extensions of me.  (I am thinking of descriptions of simulated worlds
 with me in them  as  bit strings)  I quote you from the sane paper:

 Then, it follows from the six preceding steps that it will generate
 all possible Turing machine states, infinitely often (why?), which (by
 comp) includes all your virtual reconstitutions corresponding to
 (hopefully) consistent extensions of yourself, in all possible
 (locally) emulable environments or computational histories. And this,
 with comp, even in the case you consider that your ‘‘generalised
 brain’’ (the ‘‘whatever’’ which is needed to be emulated by a  DU
 digital body/brain to survive) is the whole Milky Way galaxy. And we
 don’t need any Science Fiction like devices to make this concrete, if
 we make exception of the robust universe.

 Actually the kind of teleportation I am interested in, for reasons
 as you will see is the usual simple one which takes us from moment to
 moment.  I am being teleported into the next observer moment all the
 time ( if this is because I'm already being computed by a UD then as I
 say lets just ignore this possibility for now as you did in your
 paper).  If someone is blown to bits, then we have lost the chance to
 make a decent copy of them.  However, Once the “concrete” UD is run
 then it  computes all possible futures for all possible virtual
 extensions. Then there will be  an (infinitely many) extension(s) for
 the blown to bits person.  The blowing to bits is just the equivalent
 of the annhiallation part of your earlier steps.  So here we have the
 basic quantum immortality thing coming in again.

OK. TO be sure it is the older comp immortality, and it is an open  
problem if the quantum interference and immortality *is* a result of  
the comp interference and immortality. It looks like that, and up to  
now the math confirms formally the resemblance.

 However, if  it
 takes the UD a long time to generate sufficient extensions then the
 delay will be considerable before the blown to bits man continues
 consciousness - although to him it will seem instantaneous. From 3d
 person, well - they see the delay.

Yes. (would they live long enough)

 Now is the interesting bit.  Because this future UD creates all
 possible extensions of all possible states of the blown to bits man
 then what’s to stop him finding continuation with a consistent
 extension prior to the blowing up!

Sure. (that happens all the time, and that's why we have to justify  
the apparent stable laws from that).

 In other words every observer
 moment of his life (not just the one just before being blown up - but
 any  of them) could just as easily be followed by a suitable one in
 the virtual UD rather than one in the initial run of the universe.

Absolutely. Would a real *singular* concrete material universe exist,  
the probability to stay in that universe is zero.

 conclusion,  from our ist person point of view we do not know whether
 our next observer moment will occur in the “real” universe or in a
 simulated one- this is 1-indeterminacy again.  If the UD can simulate
 all possible observer moments then it will have those associated with
 our very first sense of consciousness and hence we will have very
 quickly slipped, without knowing it, into the UD’s virtual world.  We
 never noticed any delay of course but there may have been a huge time
 difference assuming Russell’s time postulate has meaning here!

It has meaning, because it is neither physical time nor subjective  
time, but just the natural numbers with the successor operation, or  
the number of steps taken by the UD to reach the computational states.  
And the step 8 explains why, even if a real physical time exists, it  
just cannot compete with the UD time.  It is no more than 0, 1, 2,  
3, ... or a set having a computable bijection with N.

 Hence if a UD is possible,

Well, the mathematical existence of the UD is a logical consequence of  
Church thesis + Turing's theorem in computer science.
There is number U such that for all x and y, phi_U(x, y) = phi_x(y).  
U can emulate x on y.
Once you can emulate all x, you can dovetail on all emulations  
possible, including those with oracles in some rings.

 then only the first observer moment(s) -or
 fraction of our conscious lives - were ever lived in a “basic/real”
 universe at all.  The rest is all simulation.  

Re: UDA query

2009-12-23 Thread Nick Prince
Thanks Bruno

I want to have a good think about your answers and also the eighth
step in your paper.  I think it is the most difficult for me and yet I
sense its somehow. Schmidhuber assumes a great programmer runs the UD
but you effectively dispense with him. If a universal turing machine
necessarilly exists platonically which is capable of running UD's that
can simulate our minds then our experience of reality follows. Yet I
still feel that somehow this will be confusing the map of the
territory with the reality, the equations of physics with the
physically real.

Best wishes


On Dec 23, 2:15 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 Hi Nick,

 On 23 Dec 2009, at 01:55, Nick Prince wrote:

  My background is in mathematical physics but I am trying to read up a
  bit of this new stuff as I go along.  Thank you for being patient with

  However, I think you have confirmed some things - let me know if any
  of these is fundamentally wrong.

  I want to put aside the platonic arithmetical UD for the moment but
  will come back to that.

  Just supposing that there is as yet NO UD operating.  Comp says it is
  possible to build a concrete one and in step 7 of your paper you say
  that the UD could provide infinitely  many possible consistent
  extensions of me.  (I am thinking of descriptions of simulated worlds
  with me in them  as  bit strings)  I quote you from the sane paper:

  Then, it follows from the six preceding steps that it will generate
  all possible Turing machine states, infinitely often (why?), which (by
  comp) includes all your virtual reconstitutions corresponding to
  (hopefully) consistent extensions of yourself, in all possible
  (locally) emulable environments or computational histories. And this,
  with comp, even in the case you consider that your ‘‘generalised
  brain’’ (the ‘‘whatever’’ which is needed to be emulated by a  DU
  digital body/brain to survive) is the whole Milky Way galaxy. And we
  don’t need any Science Fiction like devices to make this concrete, if
  we make exception of the robust universe.

  Actually the kind of teleportation I am interested in, for reasons
  as you will see is the usual simple one which takes us from moment to
  moment.  I am being teleported into the next observer moment all the
  time ( if this is because I'm already being computed by a UD then as I
  say lets just ignore this possibility for now as you did in your
  paper).  If someone is blown to bits, then we have lost the chance to
  make a decent copy of them.  However, Once the “concrete” UD is run
  then it  computes all possible futures for all possible virtual
  extensions. Then there will be  an (infinitely many) extension(s) for
  the blown to bits person.  The blowing to bits is just the equivalent
  of the annhiallation part of your earlier steps.  So here we have the
  basic quantum immortality thing coming in again.

 OK. TO be sure it is the older comp immortality, and it is an open  
 problem if the quantum interference and immortality *is* a result of  
 the comp interference and immortality. It looks like that, and up to  
 now the math confirms formally the resemblance.

  However, if  it
  takes the UD a long time to generate sufficient extensions then the
  delay will be considerable before the blown to bits man continues
  consciousness - although to him it will seem instantaneous. From 3d
  person, well - they see the delay.

 Yes. (would they live long enough)

  Now is the interesting bit.  Because this future UD creates all
  possible extensions of all possible states of the blown to bits man
  then what’s to stop him finding continuation with a consistent
  extension prior to the blowing up!

 Sure. (that happens all the time, and that's why we have to justify  
 the apparent stable laws from that).

  In other words every observer
  moment of his life (not just the one just before being blown up - but
  any  of them) could just as easily be followed by a suitable one in
  the virtual UD rather than one in the initial run of the universe.

 Absolutely. Would a real *singular* concrete material universe exist,  
 the probability to stay in that universe is zero.

  conclusion,  from our ist person point of view we do not know whether
  our next observer moment will occur in the “real” universe or in a
  simulated one- this is 1-indeterminacy again.  If the UD can simulate
  all possible observer moments then it will have those associated with
  our very first sense of consciousness and hence we will have very
  quickly slipped, without knowing it, into the UD’s virtual world.  We
  never noticed any delay of course but there may have been a huge time
  difference assuming Russell’s time postulate has meaning here!

 It has meaning, because it is neither physical time nor subjective  
 time, but just the natural numbers with the successor operation, or  
 the number of steps taken by the UD to reach the computational states.  
 And the 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-22 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 21 Dec 2009, at 22:33, Nick P wrote:

 Thank you quentin and Bruno...

 Right  I think I see what Quentin is saying in that we take the
 copying procedure as given for the purpose of the experiment however
 technically problematic.  I think I get part of what you say Bruno.
 What I had thought myself was that even if it was not possible to
 extract sufficient information down to the correct level by a copying
 process, there could still be an identical me generated (perhaps many
 times) by the UD.

Yes. Even if the level is given by the (rational) quantum state of the  
entire Milky Way, in term of strings and branes, the UD will generate  
an infinity of computations going through that state.

Robinson Arithmetic (very weak yet Turing universal) proves the  
existence of all those computations, and relative computation. By  
first person indeterminacy we (wetvare) belongs to an infinity of  

 Hence by it generating all possible emulations of
 me implies that their would be a consistent extension of me (at any
 stage of my life) that I could just as easily experience for my next
 OM as opposed to the one i would expect to experience on the current
 wetware (or whateverware I'm running on if we are in fact already
 software constructs in a simulation).

This is weird. From some absolute, non machine accessible view  
point, you can expect anything. Perhaps.

But from your current here and now experience, you have to expect  
the most probable relative computation(s) (among all generated in the  
UD going through your current state. You have to take into account the  
first person indeterminacy intrinsic to the UD (or elementary  
arithmetic, combinators, etc.).

That is why, if you prefer to use the simpler (and very well verified)  
quantum theory, the honest mechanist has to justify it from elementary  
arithmetic as seen from the lobian (self-aware in the Gödel-Löb- 
Smullyan sense).
The needed mathematical restriction on the ideal self-referential  
correct universal machine, makes it possible to see the shadows of the  
reason of the negative probabilities (amplitude).

We have to justify the stable appearance of the current wetware (or  
whateverware) from our being software constructs (numbers, relative  
variable numbers) executed (in the math sense) by infinitely many  
universal machines.

In a sense, below our substitution level, all universal machines  


 On Dec 21, 9:08 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 21 Dec 2009, at 08:57, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2009/12/21 Nick P
 Bruno states in his paper “The Origin of Physical Laws and  
 that  “The description encoded at Brussels after the reading-cutting
 process is just the description of a state of some Turing machine,
 given that we assume comp. So its description can be duplicated, and
 the experiencer can be reconstituted simultaneously at two different
 places, for example Washington and Moscow”.

 However to get this Turing state from the human, I suspect that this
 might result in the destruction of the original – I am not sure  
 just a
 passive reading is possible.  Bruno gives the footnote below.

  “For an example, it could be the state of a Turing machine  
 some unitary transformation in case the
 brain, whatever it is, is correctly described by quantum mechanics.
 This recall that quantum computer does not
 violate Church thesis, and comp, in its all classical and Platonist
 form, is not incompatible with the thesis that the
 brain is a quantum computer (which I doubt). Giving that machine
 Turing state, it can be recopied, without
 violating the non cloning theorem of quantum information science”.

 The unitary transformation alluded to above would need an initial
 state to operate on in order to enable evolution.  This initial  
 must be obtained from a possibly destructive “read” to obtain
 configurational data at below the substitution level, I’m not sure
 that the no clone theorem can be overcome here?

 You're anticipating how this could be done on humans. But the
 argument is done by taking for granted that we/consciousness can
 be captured by a computational process (is turing emulable). So
 let's take as a start a conscious being already running on something
 else as wetware with input/output system that permits easy access
 to the current computational state.

 The fact that we would be turing emulable does not entails that it
 is actually possible to copy our current state without destructing
 the wetware or that it is feasible at all... but if it is possible
 (even at the expense of destructing the original) then after that
 data gathering, unlimited duplication can be done... so the fact
 that the original would have been destroyed in the copying process
 doesn't matter.

 That's right. Another way to see this consists in reminding one  
 that a
 quantum computer can be emulated by a classical digital computer. 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-22 Thread Nick P
 Hence by it generating all possible emulations of
stages of my life) that I could just as easily experience for my next
 OM as opposed to the one i would expect to experience on the current
 wetware (or whateverware I'm running on if we are in fact already
 software constructs in a simulation).

This is weird. From some absolute, non machine accessible view
point, you can expect anything. Perhaps.

Assuming that comp is true, then I am not sure why you think it is
weird.  Perhaps I have not explained myself very well.  First of all
please check that my understanding of computationalism is correct. By
comp I mean (loosly)that I am assuming that any conscious being can be
simulated on some form of computer.  Currently my consciousness is
running on the substrate provided by my brain (hardware).  If the
underlying reality is a much more fundamental (unknown) substrate then
fine because this shouldn’t invalidate what I’m saying.  Now If I want
to be teleported from Brussels  to Moskow then sufficient information
must be coded for my reconstitution later on. This may or may not be
possible because it may turn out that the accessing of my final state
in Brussels  destroys my brain before the detailed brain state was
properly copied.  Worse still, suppose someone loses whatever coded
data they did have of me such that the reconstitution becomes
impossible.  What I am trying to say is that if comp is true then at
least I can be confident that some consistent extension of me could
exist in the future provided the robust physical universe you speak of
exists such that a suitable UD can actually be built.  Once built then
there would exist at least one consistent extension of me (including
the milky way if this  level of entanglement is to be necessary to
adequately ensure this is the most probable next state of my
consciousness) in the UD which will enable me to experience my next
Observer Moment (after the last one in Brussells).

But from your current here and now experience, you have to expect
the most probable relative computation(s) (among all generated in the
UD going through your current state. You have to take into account the
first person indeterminacy intrinsic to the UD (or elementary
arithmetic, combinators, etc.).

As pointed out above, somewhere in the UD there WILL be a possible
world (Obs moment) which will best provide the consistent extension
which will give me a sense of continuity with myself at Brussels – but
it will be a long way into the future.  This is like your delay
scenario in the SANE paper.

That is why, if you prefer to use the simpler (and very well verified)
quantum theory, the honest mechanist has to justify it from elementary
arithmetic as seen from the lobian (self-aware in the Gödel-Löb-
Smullyan sense).
The needed mathematical restriction on the ideal self-referential
correct universal machine, makes it possible to see the shadows of the
reason of the negative probabilities (amplitude).

Hmmm.  I’m really sorry but I’m not understanding this.

We have to justify the stable appearance of the current wetware (or
whateverware) from our being software constructs (numbers, relative
variable numbers) executed (in the math sense) by infinitely many
universal machines.
In a sense, below our substitution level, all universal machines

Yes I think I understand this bit because you are saying that that
there may be (infinitely) many UD’s (already existing for all we


I’ll wait for a response before I bring up a complication which is a
spanner in the works which probably you have already pre empted as
indicated by your last sentence.

I am very grateful for your comments.  Forgive me if I am not quick at
picking things up but I have swopped fields to some extent and I am
finding this area fascinating but difficult!

On Dec 22, 3:39 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 21 Dec 2009, at 22:33, Nick P wrote:

  Thank you quentin and Bruno...

  Right  I think I see what Quentin is saying in that we take the
  copying procedure as given for the purpose of the experiment however
  technically problematic.  I think I get part of what you say Bruno.
  What I had thought myself was that even if it was not possible to
  extract sufficient information down to the correct level by a copying
  process, there could still be an identical me generated (perhaps many
  times) by the UD.

 Yes. Even if the level is given by the (rational) quantum state of the  
 entire Milky Way, in term of strings and branes, the UD will generate  
 an infinity of computations going through that state.

 Robinson Arithmetic (very weak yet Turing universal) proves the  
 existence of all those computations, and relative computation. By  
 first person indeterminacy we (wetvare) belongs to an infinity of  

  Hence by it generating all possible emulations of
  me implies that their would be a consistent extension of me (at any
  stage of my life) that I could just as 

Re: UDA query

2009-12-22 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 22 Dec 2009, at 18:48, Nick P wrote:

 Hence by it generating all possible emulations of
 stages of my life) that I could just as easily experience for my  
 OM as opposed to the one i would expect to experience on the current
 wetware (or whateverware I'm running on if we are in fact already
 software constructs in a simulation).

 This is weird. From some absolute, non machine accessible view
 point, you can expect anything. Perhaps.

 Assuming that comp is true, then I am not sure why you think it is
 weird.  Perhaps I have not explained myself very well.  First of all
 please check that my understanding of computationalism is correct. By
 comp I mean (loosly)that I am assuming that any conscious being can be
 simulated on some form of computer.  Currently my consciousness is
 running on the substrate provided by my brain (hardware).  If the
 underlying reality is a much more fundamental (unknown) substrate then
 fine because this shouldn’t invalidate what I’m saying.  Now If I want
 to be teleported from Brussels  to Moskow then sufficient information
 must be coded for my reconstitution later on. This may or may not be
 possible because it may turn out that the accessing of my final state
 in Brussels  destroys my brain before the detailed brain state was
 properly copied.  Worse still, suppose someone loses whatever coded
 data they did have of me such that the reconstitution becomes
 impossible.  What I am trying to say is that if comp is true then at
 least I can be confident that some consistent extension of me could
 exist in the future provided the robust physical universe you speak of
 exists such that a suitable UD can actually be built.

OK. (and then step 8 explains why the initial universe is no more  
useful, the arithmetical UD is enough).
Also, it is perhaps always one next  1-observer moment, but also  
always an infinity of 3-observer moments. The UD is terribly  
redundant, and anything it does, it will repeat it infinitely often. A  
compactification of it looks really like the border of the Mandelbrot  
set. The closer you look, the more complex it appears.

 Once built then
 there would exist at least one consistent extension of me (including
 the milky way if this  level of entanglement is to be necessary to
 adequately ensure this is the most probable next state of my
 consciousness) in the UD which will enable me to experience my next
 Observer Moment (after the last one in Brussells).

Infinitely one. in the UD means third person describable (in  
principle) by an outside observers.
The probable next 1-moment is a winner among those 3-moments.

 But from your current here and now experience, you have to expect
 the most probable relative computation(s) (among all generated in the
 UD going through your current state. You have to take into account  
 first person indeterminacy intrinsic to the UD (or elementary
 arithmetic, combinators, etc.).

 As pointed out above, somewhere in the UD there WILL be a possible
 world (Obs moment) which will best provide the consistent extension
 which will give me a sense of continuity with myself at Brussels – but
 it will be a long way into the future.  This is like your delay
 scenario in the SANE paper.

Yes, and we cannot be aware of those delays. And the step 8 discharges  
the need of the robust concrete universe. A tiny part of  
arithmetical truth will play that role.

 That is why, if you prefer to use the simpler (and very well  
 quantum theory, the honest mechanist has to justify it from  
 arithmetic as seen from the lobian (self-aware in the Gödel-Löb-
 Smullyan sense).
 The needed mathematical restriction on the ideal self-referential
 correct universal machine, makes it possible to see the shadows of  
 reason of the negative probabilities (amplitude).

 Hmmm.  I’m really sorry but I’m not understanding this.

It is normal. You need to read Gödel 1931, Löb, 1955, Solovay 1976, +  
Everett 1957. (and the needed books or courses). It is why I separate  
UDA from AUDA. UDA needs some amount of familiarity with computers,  
but AUDA needs mathematical logics (which is not very well known).

 We have to justify the stable appearance of the current wetware (or
 whateverware) from our being software constructs (numbers, relative
 variable numbers) executed (in the math sense) by infinitely many
 universal machines.
 In a sense, below our substitution level, all universal machines

 Yes I think I understand this bit because you are saying that that
 there may be (infinitely) many UD’s (already existing for all we

Any UD generates all other UDs, infinitely often.
It is really like the mandelbrot set.

 I’ll wait for a response before I bring up a complication which is a
 spanner in the works which probably you have already pre empted as
 indicated by your last sentence.

 I am very grateful for your comments.  

Re: UDA query

2009-12-22 Thread Nick Prince
Hi Bruno

My background is in mathematical physics but I am trying to read up a
bit of this new stuff as I go along.  Thank you for being patient with

However, I think you have confirmed some things - let me know if any
of these is fundamentally wrong.

I want to put aside the platonic arithmetical UD for the moment but
will come back to that.

 Just supposing that there is as yet NO UD operating.  Comp says it is
possible to build a concrete one and in step 7 of your paper you say
that the UD could provide infinitely  many possible consistent
extensions of me.  (I am thinking of descriptions of simulated worlds
with me in them  as  bit strings)  I quote you from the sane paper:

Then, it follows from the six preceding steps that it will generate
all possible Turing machine states, infinitely often (why?), which (by
comp) includes all your virtual reconstitutions corresponding to
(hopefully) consistent extensions of yourself, in all possible
(locally) emulable environments or computational histories. And this,
with comp, even in the case you consider that your ‘‘generalised
brain’’ (the ‘‘whatever’’ which is needed to be emulated by a  DU
digital body/brain to survive) is the whole Milky Way galaxy. And we
don’t need any Science Fiction like devices to make this concrete, if
we make exception of the robust universe.

Actually the kind of teleportation I am interested in, for reasons
as you will see is the usual simple one which takes us from moment to
moment.  I am being teleported into the next observer moment all the
time ( if this is because I'm already being computed by a UD then as I
say lets just ignore this possibility for now as you did in your
paper).  If someone is blown to bits, then we have lost the chance to
make a decent copy of them.  However, Once the “concrete” UD is run
then it  computes all possible futures for all possible virtual
extensions. Then there will be  an (infinitely many) extension(s) for
the blown to bits person.  The blowing to bits is just the equivalent
of the annhiallation part of your earlier steps.  So here we have the
basic quantum immortality thing coming in again.   However, if  it
takes the UD a long time to generate sufficient extensions then the
delay will be considerable before the blown to bits man continues
consciousness - although to him it will seem instantaneous. From 3d
person, well - they see the delay.

Now is the interesting bit.  Because this future UD creates all
possible extensions of all possible states of the blown to bits man
then what’s to stop him finding continuation with a consistent
extension prior to the blowing up!  In other words every observer
moment of his life (not just the one just before being blown up - but
any  of them) could just as easily be followed by a suitable one in
the virtual UD rather than one in the initial run of the universe.  In
conclusion,  from our ist person point of view we do not know whether
our next observer moment will occur in the “real” universe or in a
simulated one- this is 1-indeterminacy again.  If the UD can simulate
all possible observer moments then it will have those associated with
our very first sense of consciousness and hence we will have very
quickly slipped, without knowing it, into the UD’s virtual world.  We
never noticed any delay of course but there may have been a huge time
difference assuming Russell’s time postulate has meaning here!

Hence if a UD is possible, then only the first observer moment(s) -or
fraction of our conscious lives - were ever lived in a “basic/real”
universe at all.  The rest is all simulation.  The very existence of a
UD implies that we are in a simulation as Nick Bostrom has suggested.

If they exist platonically then it's all simulation and
computationalism must be necessary rather than contingent.

It's a very fumbling line of thinking but it helps me to learn about
things as I go along.



On Dec 22, 6:41 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 22 Dec 2009, at 18:48, Nick P wrote:

  Hence by it generating all possible emulations of
  stages of my life) that I could just as easily experience for my  
  OM as opposed to the one i would expect to experience on the current
  wetware (or whateverware I'm running on if we are in fact already
  software constructs in a simulation).

  This is weird. From some absolute, non machine accessible view
  point, you can expect anything. Perhaps.

  Assuming that comp is true, then I am not sure why you think it is
  weird.  Perhaps I have not explained myself very well.  First of all
  please check that my understanding of computationalism is correct. By
  comp I mean (loosly)that I am assuming that any conscious being can be
  simulated on some form of computer.  Currently my consciousness is
  running on the substrate provided by my brain (hardware).  If the
  underlying reality is a much more fundamental (unknown) substrate then
  fine because this shouldn’t invalidate what I’m saying.  

Re: UDA query

2009-12-22 Thread Nick Prince

On Dec 23, 12:55 am, Nick Prince wrote:
 Hi Bruno

 My background is in mathematical physics but I am trying to read up a
 bit of this new stuff as I go along.  Thank you for being patient with

 However, I think you have confirmed some things - let me know if any
 of these is fundamentally wrong.

 I want to put aside the platonic arithmetical UD for the moment but
 will come back to that.

  Just supposing that there is as yet NO UD operating.  Comp says it is
 possible to build a concrete one and in step 7 of your paper you say
 that the UD could provide infinitely  many possible consistent
 extensions of me.  (I am thinking of descriptions of simulated worlds
 with me in them  as  bit strings)  I quote you from the sane paper:

 Then, it follows from the six preceding steps that it will generate
 all possible Turing machine states, infinitely often (why?), which (by
 comp) includes all your virtual reconstitutions corresponding to
 (hopefully) consistent extensions of yourself, in all possible
 (locally) emulable environments or computational histories. And this,
 with comp, even in the case you consider that your ‘‘generalised
 brain’’ (the ‘‘whatever’’ which is needed to be emulated by a  DU
 digital body/brain to survive) is the whole Milky Way galaxy. And we
 don’t need any Science Fiction like devices to make this concrete, if
 we make exception of the robust universe.

 Actually the kind of teleportation I am interested in, for reasons
 as you will see is the usual simple one which takes us from moment to
 moment.  I am being teleported into the next observer moment all the
 time ( if this is because I'm already being computed by a UD then as I
 say lets just ignore this possibility for now as you did in your
 paper).  If someone is blown to bits, then we have lost the chance to
 make a decent copy of them.  However, Once the “concrete” UD is run
 then it  computes all possible futures for all possible virtual
 extensions. Then there will be  an (infinitely many) extension(s) for
 the blown to bits person.  The blowing to bits is just the equivalent
 of the annhiallation part of your earlier steps.  So here we have the
 basic quantum immortality thing coming in again.   However, if  it
 takes the UD a long time to generate sufficient extensions then the
 delay will be considerable before the blown to bits man continues
 consciousness - although to him it will seem instantaneous. From 3d
 person, well - they see the delay.

 Now is the interesting bit.  Because this future UD creates all
 possible extensions of all possible states of the blown to bits man
 then what’s to stop him finding continuation with a consistent
 extension prior to the blowing up!  In other words every observer
 moment of his life (not just the one just before being blown up - but
 any  of them) could just as easily be followed by a suitable one in
 the virtual UD rather than one in the initial run of the universe.  In
 conclusion,  from our ist person point of view we do not know whether
 our next observer moment will occur in the “real” universe or in a
 simulated one- this is 1-indeterminacy again.  If the UD can simulate
 all possible observer moments then it will have those associated with
 our very first sense of consciousness and hence we will have very
 quickly slipped, without knowing it, into the UD’s virtual world.  We
 never noticed any delay of course but there may have been a huge time
 difference assuming Russell’s time postulate has meaning here!

 Hence if a UD is possible, then only the first observer moment(s) -or
 fraction of our conscious lives - were ever lived in a “basic/real”
 universe at all.  The rest is all simulation.  The very existence of a
 UD implies that we are in a simulation.

 If they exist platonically then it's all simulation and
 computationalism must be necessary rather than contingent.

 It's a very fumbling line of thinking but it helps me to learn about
 things as I go along.



 On Dec 22, 6:41 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:

  On 22 Dec 2009, at 18:48, Nick P wrote:

   Hence by it generating all possible emulations of
   stages of my life) that I could just as easily experience for my  
   OM as opposed to the one i would expect to experience on the current
   wetware (or whateverware I'm running on if we are in fact already
   software constructs in a simulation).

   This is weird. From some absolute, non machine accessible view
   point, you can expect anything. Perhaps.

   Assuming that comp is true, then I am not sure why you think it is
   weird.  Perhaps I have not explained myself very well.  First of all
   please check that my understanding of computationalism is correct. By
   comp I mean (loosly)that I am assuming that any conscious being can be
   simulated on some form of computer.  Currently my consciousness is
   running on the substrate provided by my brain (hardware).  If the

Re: UDA query

2009-12-21 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 21 Dec 2009, at 08:57, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 2009/12/21 Nick P
 Bruno states in his paper “The Origin of Physical Laws and Sensations”
 that  “The description encoded at Brussels after the reading-cutting
 process is just the description of a state of some Turing machine,
 given that we assume comp. So its description can be duplicated, and
 the experiencer can be reconstituted simultaneously at two different
 places, for example Washington and Moscow”.

 However to get this Turing state from the human, I suspect that this
 might result in the destruction of the original – I am not sure just a
 passive reading is possible.  Bruno gives the footnote below.

  “For an example, it could be the state of a Turing machine emulating
 some unitary transformation in case the
 brain, whatever it is, is correctly described by quantum mechanics.
 This recall that quantum computer does not
 violate Church thesis, and comp, in its all classical and Platonist
 form, is not incompatible with the thesis that the
 brain is a quantum computer (which I doubt). Giving that machine
 Turing state, it can be recopied, without
 violating the non cloning theorem of quantum information science”.

 The unitary transformation alluded to above would need an initial
 state to operate on in order to enable evolution.  This initial state
 must be obtained from a possibly destructive “read” to obtain
 configurational data at below the substitution level, I’m not sure
 that the no clone theorem can be overcome here?

 You're anticipating how this could be done on humans. But the  
 argument is done by taking for granted that we/consciousness can  
 be captured by a computational process (is turing emulable). So  
 let's take as a start a conscious being already running on something  
 else as wetware with input/output system that permits easy access  
 to the current computational state.

 The fact that we would be turing emulable does not entails that it  
 is actually possible to copy our current state without destructing  
 the wetware or that it is feasible at all... but if it is possible  
 (even at the expense of destructing the original) then after that  
 data gathering, unlimited duplication can be done... so the fact  
 that the original would have been destroyed in the copying process  
 doesn't matter.

That's right. Another way to see this consists in reminding one that a  
quantum computer can be emulated by a classical digital computer. So,  
despite we cannot clone arbitrary (unknown) quantum states, we can  
actually prepare them (in the quantum sense of preparation) in  
many exemplars, and, (and this is the point), the universal dovetailer  
generate those preparations infinitely often. The universal  
dovetailer, although typically classical and digital, does generate  
all rational possible quantum states.
Now, if you attach your consciousness a real (or complex, with all  
decimals) quantum state, then we may be non quantum preparable, but  
in that case we are no more Turing emulable, and it means that we are  
working in another theory than comp. (But you don't need quantum  
mechanics here, if we are analog classical machine using all the  
decimals of the reals involved, we are no more digitalizable machine  

Actually comp predicts already a non cloning phenomenon for any piece  
of observable matter, given that observation (of matter) emerges from  
an infinity of infinite computations (a priori), and that is not  
( priori) digitally emulable.



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Re: UDA query

2009-12-21 Thread Nick P
Thank you quentin and Bruno...

Right  I think I see what Quentin is saying in that we take the
copying procedure as given for the purpose of the experiment however
technically problematic.  I think I get part of what you say Bruno.
What I had thought myself was that even if it was not possible to
extract sufficient information down to the correct level by a copying
process, there could still be an identical me generated (perhaps many
times) by the UD.  Hence by it generating all possible emulations of
me implies that their would be a consistent extension of me (at any
stage of my life) that I could just as easily experience for my next
OM as opposed to the one i would expect to experience on the current
wetware (or whateverware I'm running on if we are in fact already
software constructs in a simulation).

On Dec 21, 9:08 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 21 Dec 2009, at 08:57, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

  2009/12/21 Nick P
  Bruno states in his paper “The Origin of Physical Laws and Sensations”
  that  “The description encoded at Brussels after the reading-cutting
  process is just the description of a state of some Turing machine,
  given that we assume comp. So its description can be duplicated, and
  the experiencer can be reconstituted simultaneously at two different
  places, for example Washington and Moscow”.

  However to get this Turing state from the human, I suspect that this
  might result in the destruction of the original – I am not sure just a
  passive reading is possible.  Bruno gives the footnote below.

   “For an example, it could be the state of a Turing machine emulating
  some unitary transformation in case the
  brain, whatever it is, is correctly described by quantum mechanics.
  This recall that quantum computer does not
  violate Church thesis, and comp, in its all classical and Platonist
  form, is not incompatible with the thesis that the
  brain is a quantum computer (which I doubt). Giving that machine
  Turing state, it can be recopied, without
  violating the non cloning theorem of quantum information science”.

  The unitary transformation alluded to above would need an initial
  state to operate on in order to enable evolution.  This initial state
  must be obtained from a possibly destructive “read” to obtain
  configurational data at below the substitution level, I’m not sure
  that the no clone theorem can be overcome here?

  You're anticipating how this could be done on humans. But the  
  argument is done by taking for granted that we/consciousness can  
  be captured by a computational process (is turing emulable). So  
  let's take as a start a conscious being already running on something  
  else as wetware with input/output system that permits easy access  
  to the current computational state.

  The fact that we would be turing emulable does not entails that it  
  is actually possible to copy our current state without destructing  
  the wetware or that it is feasible at all... but if it is possible  
  (even at the expense of destructing the original) then after that  
  data gathering, unlimited duplication can be done... so the fact  
  that the original would have been destroyed in the copying process  
  doesn't matter.

 That's right. Another way to see this consists in reminding one that a  
 quantum computer can be emulated by a classical digital computer. So,  
 despite we cannot clone arbitrary (unknown) quantum states, we can  
 actually prepare them (in the quantum sense of preparation) in  
 many exemplars, and, (and this is the point), the universal dovetailer  
 generate those preparations infinitely often. The universal  
 dovetailer, although typically classical and digital, does generate  
 all rational possible quantum states.
 Now, if you attach your consciousness a real (or complex, with all  
 decimals) quantum state, then we may be non quantum preparable, but  
 in that case we are no more Turing emulable, and it means that we are  
 working in another theory than comp. (But you don't need quantum  
 mechanics here, if we are analog classical machine using all the  
 decimals of the reals involved, we are no more digitalizable machine  

 Actually comp predicts already a non cloning phenomenon for any piece  
 of observable matter, given that observation (of matter) emerges from  
 an infinity of infinite computations (a priori), and that is not  
 ( priori) digitally emulable.

 Bruno Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


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Re: UDA query

2009-12-21 Thread Nick P
Sorry I should have added that I was assuming that the UD was
operating at some future time as in step 7 (fig 7) of Bruno's paper.
Is my reasoning correct in what I have said in the last post?

On Dec 21, 9:33 pm, Nick P wrote:
 Thank you quentin and Bruno...

 Right  I think I see what Quentin is saying in that we take the
 copying procedure as given for the purpose of the experiment however
 technically problematic.  I think I get part of what you say Bruno.
 What I had thought myself was that even if it was not possible to
 extract sufficient information down to the correct level by a copying
 process, there could still be an identical me generated (perhaps many
 times) by the UD.  Hence by it generating all possible emulations of
 me implies that their would be a consistent extension of me (at any
 stage of my life) that I could just as easily experience for my next
 OM as opposed to the one i would expect to experience on the current
 wetware (or whateverware I'm running on if we are in fact already
 software constructs in a simulation).

 On Dec 21, 9:08 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:

  On 21 Dec 2009, at 08:57, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

   2009/12/21 Nick P
   Bruno states in his paper “The Origin of Physical Laws and Sensations”
   that  “The description encoded at Brussels after the reading-cutting
   process is just the description of a state of some Turing machine,
   given that we assume comp. So its description can be duplicated, and
   the experiencer can be reconstituted simultaneously at two different
   places, for example Washington and Moscow”.

   However to get this Turing state from the human, I suspect that this
   might result in the destruction of the original – I am not sure just a
   passive reading is possible.  Bruno gives the footnote below.

    “For an example, it could be the state of a Turing machine emulating
   some unitary transformation in case the
   brain, whatever it is, is correctly described by quantum mechanics.
   This recall that quantum computer does not
   violate Church thesis, and comp, in its all classical and Platonist
   form, is not incompatible with the thesis that the
   brain is a quantum computer (which I doubt). Giving that machine
   Turing state, it can be recopied, without
   violating the non cloning theorem of quantum information science”.

   The unitary transformation alluded to above would need an initial
   state to operate on in order to enable evolution.  This initial state
   must be obtained from a possibly destructive “read” to obtain
   configurational data at below the substitution level, I’m not sure
   that the no clone theorem can be overcome here?

   You're anticipating how this could be done on humans. But the  
   argument is done by taking for granted that we/consciousness can  
   be captured by a computational process (is turing emulable). So  
   let's take as a start a conscious being already running on something  
   else as wetware with input/output system that permits easy access  
   to the current computational state.

   The fact that we would be turing emulable does not entails that it  
   is actually possible to copy our current state without destructing  
   the wetware or that it is feasible at all... but if it is possible  
   (even at the expense of destructing the original) then after that  
   data gathering, unlimited duplication can be done... so the fact  
   that the original would have been destroyed in the copying process  
   doesn't matter.

  That's right. Another way to see this consists in reminding one that a  
  quantum computer can be emulated by a classical digital computer. So,  
  despite we cannot clone arbitrary (unknown) quantum states, we can  
  actually prepare them (in the quantum sense of preparation) in  
  many exemplars, and, (and this is the point), the universal dovetailer  
  generate those preparations infinitely often. The universal  
  dovetailer, although typically classical and digital, does generate  
  all rational possible quantum states.
  Now, if you attach your consciousness a real (or complex, with all  
  decimals) quantum state, then we may be non quantum preparable, but  
  in that case we are no more Turing emulable, and it means that we are  
  working in another theory than comp. (But you don't need quantum  
  mechanics here, if we are analog classical machine using all the  
  decimals of the reals involved, we are no more digitalizable machine  

  Actually comp predicts already a non cloning phenomenon for any piece  
  of observable matter, given that observation (of matter) emerges from  
  an infinity of infinite computations (a priori), and that is not  
  ( priori) digitally emulable.

  Bruno quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


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UDA query

2009-12-20 Thread Nick P
Bruno states in his paper “The Origin of Physical Laws and Sensations”
that  “The description encoded at Brussels after the reading-cutting
process is just the description of a state of some Turing machine,
given that we assume comp. So its description can be duplicated, and
the experiencer can be reconstituted simultaneously at two different
places, for example Washington and Moscow”.

However to get this Turing state from the human, I suspect that this
might result in the destruction of the original – I am not sure just a
passive reading is possible.  Bruno gives the footnote below.

 “For an example, it could be the state of a Turing machine emulating
some unitary transformation in case the
brain, whatever it is, is correctly described by quantum mechanics.
This recall that quantum computer does not
violate Church thesis, and comp, in its all classical and Platonist
form, is not incompatible with the thesis that the
brain is a quantum computer (which I doubt). Giving that machine
Turing state, it can be recopied, without
violating the non cloning theorem of quantum information science”.

The unitary transformation alluded to above would need an initial
state to operate on in order to enable evolution.  This initial state
must be obtained from a possibly destructive “read” to obtain
configurational data at below the substitution level, I’m not sure
that the no clone theorem can be overcome here?


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Re: UDA query

2009-12-20 Thread Quentin Anciaux
2009/12/21 Nick P

 Bruno states in his paper “The Origin of Physical Laws and Sensations”
 that  “The description encoded at Brussels after the reading-cutting
 process is just the description of a state of some Turing machine,
 given that we assume comp. So its description can be duplicated, and
 the experiencer can be reconstituted simultaneously at two different
 places, for example Washington and Moscow”.

 However to get this Turing state from the human, I suspect that this
 might result in the destruction of the original – I am not sure just a
 passive reading is possible.  Bruno gives the footnote below.

  “For an example, it could be the state of a Turing machine emulating
 some unitary transformation in case the
 brain, whatever it is, is correctly described by quantum mechanics.
 This recall that quantum computer does not
 violate Church thesis, and comp, in its all classical and Platonist
 form, is not incompatible with the thesis that the
 brain is a quantum computer (which I doubt). Giving that machine
 Turing state, it can be recopied, without
 violating the non cloning theorem of quantum information science”.

 The unitary transformation alluded to above would need an initial
 state to operate on in order to enable evolution.  This initial state
 must be obtained from a possibly destructive “read” to obtain
 configurational data at below the substitution level, I’m not sure
 that the no clone theorem can be overcome here?

You're anticipating how this could be done on humans. But the argument is
done by taking for granted that we/consciousness can be captured by a
computational process (is turing emulable). So let's take as a start a
conscious being already running on something else as wetware with
input/output system that permits easy access to the current computational

The fact that we would be turing emulable does not entails that it is
actually possible to copy our current state without destructing the wetware
or that it is feasible at all... but if it is possible (even at the expense
of destructing the original) then after that data gathering, unlimited
duplication can be done... so the fact that the original would have been
destroyed in the copying process doesn't matter.



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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


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