Re: [expert] setiathome

2000-02-29 Thread ArMiSiS AiEoLn


setiathome --help

to determine which switches you need..

then run it with those switches.

On Wed, 01 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> I have downloaded the vertion you said how do you get it to run?? here sorry>
> - Original Message -
> From: "Alex V Flinsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 7:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] setiathome
> > On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> > > Hello Group,
> > > Was wondering if anyone out there is running setiathome on thier
> Mandrake
> > > system?
> > > If so which file do I need to download and how do you set it up. Oh I'm
> > > running
> >
> > If you have a real Intel processor use i686-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1 or
> > i686-pc-linux-gnulibc1-static. If you are using an AMD processor then you
> will
> > need to use i386-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1 or
> i386-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1-static,
> > as the i686 versions will not correctly run on the K6 processors.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Mandrake 7.0-2. I found a way to clear rewriteable cd's also cange
> window
> > > managers
> > > to blackbox and run genome toaster from there works great for me.
> >
> > I really don't want my genome toasted :)
> >
> > --
> > Alex
> > 315 Seti WU's processed.
> > (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)
> >

LINUX - Why?
Cause I dont do windows

Re: [expert] Auto Log On ... is it possible?

2000-02-29 Thread Sang Y. Yum

> | Question
> | 
> | Is it possible so that after boot, it logs on
> itself as some user (not root!) 
> | then goes into X and KDE then starts the
> application programs running without 
> | someone having to log it in with a username and
> password.
> | 

If the application to be executed without user
intervention is text-based, not X application, you
could achieve something similar with crontab. Do "man


Sang Y. Yum
San Diego, CA
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [expert] Network Question:

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Louis Debert

> I have 2 computers .
> 1: A mandrake 7.0 new install, 256 meg ram  Ethernet Card  ( System at
> Work)  (T-1 Line)
> 2: A  windows 2000 box at home  which also has 256 meg ram 600 Mhz
> (Modem Line For Kids)
> Is it possible  that system 1 be connected to system 2 . So system 2
> can  benifuit from the work T1 Line.

Well, it's possible to connect system 2 to system 1 (will need some
modem line on system 1, or its network, too...) but obviously
you _cannot_ benefit fully of the T1 speed, because everything
will be limited by your modem line's speed ...

Now if your aim is only to avoid the ISP charging you for the 
modem connection, that's okay ... and if by chance you have
a toll free number to your workplace, you may even avoid
the phone line charge ...

Jean-Louis Debert[EMAIL PROTECTED]
74 Annemasse  France
old Linux fan

Re: [expert] One more question and a thanx too

2000-02-29 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

I'm not sure how clear this is yet, so I hope this clarifies:

First, the reason that you aren't supposed to run as root is because
root has all the priviliges necessary to completely destroy your
system.  Even if you could grant another user those same privileges
(and you can't; that's fundamental to the Unix security model), there
would be no purpose to it: if the user "bob" had all the power of root,
it would be just as wrong to run as "bob" as it currently is to run as

If you want to give bob the ability to run certain services, then you
must do two things:

1. Add bob to the root group; and
2. Ensure that the service in question has group access.

For example,

chmod g+r /var/log/messages
chmod g+rx /sbin/linuxconf

In order to actually do linuxconf sort of "stuff", though, you'll have
to make all of those services available to bob as well, or you'll have
to actually 

chmod u+s /sbin/linuxconf

The latter isn't so bad as long as /sbin/linuxconf denies "o" (world)
rx privileges.

If the above was greek you might want to consider studying up a bit. 
(And perhaps it's the newbie list that you want.)

On the other hand, "su" is the usual way to deal with this.  I always
personally just keep up a shell that is su'ed to root and when I need
to do something priviliged to change into my "root" workspace and have
at it.

  - B U T -

Please keep in mind that it is, as you've heard, a very, very bad,
dangerous idea to always run as root under Linux, 
It's no *worse* than runing Windows 3.1/95/98.  As anybody.

The only thing that root has is the privilege to change any file or
modify any service.  Under the Microsoft consumer-oriented operating
systems (and under Macintosh for that matter), you *always* have the
ability to change any file or modify any service.

If you are happy with having abolute power and you don't want to learn
to live in a more constrained environment; if you don't really care
that much about the risk of viruses and trojan horses; if security
isn't a priority for you . . .

Then just keep on running as root and don't sweat it.

Increased security always implies decreased covenience, and as long as
you aren't on a dedicated line (cable modem or DSL), and you aren't
running any network servers, you are basically only risking your own
system.  And even so it's still safer than running Windows, just becuase
most Linux users are being more secure than this, and this "community
health" effect protects you even if you don't follow such secure
practices, by discouraging virus writers from even trying, and by
making them spread much less efficiently.

(Sort of like how if everybody else gets innoculated it helps you.)

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
| Thanx for everybody for the answers regarding the hosts.allow and hosts.deny
| files... I got them rectified...
| However, I have one more simple (?) question in regards to users privledges.
| As per the instructions during installation I create a different or new user
| other than root.  However, I've been using root all this time for my
| configuration and learning of this system.  I've been told time and time
| again that I shouldn't be using the root, so I went into linuxconf to change
| the permissions of the one user I did create.  I wanted to give that user
| SuperUser access, the ability to run linuxconf, and view the system logs.
| However, after setting these options, and loggin in as that user, I'm still
| restricted.  I cannot run linuxconf, nor can I peruse the /var/log
| directory.  I've gone back into linuxconf as root and the changes I made for
| that user still exist as I set them, but none of them are in effect.
| I even made the user of the root group to no avail...  could somebody help
| me out either by telling me what I'm missing, or at least direct me in the
| correct direction for solving this little mystery?
| thanx
| Joseph E. Sheble
| a.k.a. Wizaerd
| Wizaerd's Realm
| Featuring 3D, Canvas, and ColdFusion
| CF Developer for
| Build Your WebSite Today!
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support & .
I boycott  See .

Re: [expert] cdrecord problem with Mdk 7.0

2000-02-29 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

Check out the howto (which unfortunately doesn't seem to be in the
Mandrake 7.0 installation).

And the ansser is yes, that burns it.

To copy, you can just extract the bits with 
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image-file

and then re-burn them with

cdrecord dev=0,0 speed=4 image-file

[In theory; haven't had a reason to do this yet myself.]

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, you wrote:
| Alex,
| You sound knowledgeable about CD burning...maybe you could lend some advice.
| I recently got a CD-RW drive, but I haven't yet burned a CD in Linux.
| Does the command "mkisofs -J -r  | cdrecord -v fs=8m ..." make an ISO 
| filesystem on the CD-R and then burn the contents of  onto the newly 
| formatted CD?
| What is the best way to make an "exact" copy of a CD in Linux (including the 
| CD boot sector, etc.)?  I only have one CD drive (my CD-RW drive), and I'm 
| trying to avoid the graphical frontends for now.
| Thanks,
| Matt
| >Subject: [expert] cdrecord problem with Mdk 7.0
| >Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 09:20:43 -0500
| >
| >I upgraded from Mdk 6.1 to 7.0 this weekend, and ran into a rather odd
| >problem with cdrecord. I have a script that burns data CDs by piping
| >stdout of mkisofs straight into cdrecord, like
| >
| >mkisofs -J -r  | cdrecord -v fs=8m ...
| >
| >However, with the Mdk7 rpm for cdrecord, this produces a corrupt CD!
| >It works fine if you create an image explicitly, but using a pipe like
| >this results in binary corruption of the individual files. The
| >file/dir structure looks OK though.
| >
| >I uninstalled the Mdk7 rpm and installed the latest cdrecord tarball
| >(cdrecord-1.8.1a01.tar.gz), and now things work fine again.
| >
| >Has anybody else seen this?
| >
| >-- Alex
| __
| Get Your Private, Free Email at
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support & .
I boycott  See .

Re: [expert] Auto Log On ... is it possible?

2000-02-29 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

You would probably have more luck if you set your run-level down to 3
to inhibit kdm/xdm.  Then you should be able to just "su" to whomever
at the end of rc.local and "startx" . . . . or, perhaps better, set up
a "startuser" script that is SUID to the desired user and have *that*
do a startx.

This is theory, of course.  I've never done such a thing myself.

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
| When my Linux box boots up I have it go directly into X, I then have to log 
| on to get a KDE desktop, and run any application programs in the autostart 
| folder ( which display status information on the VDU ). 
| Question
| Is it possible so that after boot, it logs on itself as some user (not root!) 
| then goes into X and KDE then starts the application programs running without 
| someone having to log it in with a username and password.
| regards
| Melvyn Pearce
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support & .
I boycott  See .

Re: [expert] LM 7.0 SCSI Install

2000-02-29 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
| Ron,
| Just install as follows. (you can vary it after the swap
| and / partitions.)
| sda1 - swap, 110M.
| sda2 - / (root) 400M
| sda3 - /usr 3000M
| sda4 - extended partion for remainder of hd
| sda5 - /home (whatever amount)
| sda6 - /opt (same as above)
| -- etc, you might want a seperate /var, etc.

.. . . and if you have separate /var and /tmp partitions, then 64M is
more than generous as a size for /.

.. . . and it's a Really Good Idea to put /usr and /usr/local on
seperate partiions; that way, when you upgrade you can let it blap all
over /usr with impunity without trashing /usr/local.

| Basically, it depends on what your going to
| do with the system. (workstation, server, etc.)
| The key is the first 2 partitions, notice how
| they reside within the hd limit. ;)
| Regards,
| Dana
| "Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
| > 
| > Hello All!!
| > 
| > I have don tons and tons and tons of linux installs (from Slackware to
| > RH and now LM) on local IDE drives (hda/hdb etc..)
| > I am currently seeking info on how to get LM installed on a 9gb SCSI
| > drive.
| > I am able to boot the cdrom, load my scsi drive, see my scsi disks
| > install the os
| > to the scsi disk, install lilo.
| > when I reboot I get the infamous "LI" and wham it hangs, nothing more
| > and nothing less. What am I missing here? could this be the 1024
| > cylinder problem? if so, resolutions? ( I know, go ahead and flame me
| > with read the HOW-TO's etc..)
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support & .
I boycott  See .

Re: [expert] LM 7.0 SCSI Install

2000-02-29 Thread wazulu

It would help if you posted your LILO script and your maching specs. 
Try starting the partition from a floppy [load lilo unto a floppy your
next "upteenth" install :)].

> I have don tons and tons and tons of linux installs (from Slackware to
> RH and now LM) on local IDE drives (hda/hdb etc..)
> I am currently seeking info on how to get LM installed on a 9gb SCSI
> drive.
> I am able to boot the cdrom, load my scsi drive, see my scsi disks
> install the os
> to the scsi disk, install lilo.
> when I reboot I get the infamous "LI" and wham it hangs, nothing more
> and nothing less. What am I missing here? could this be the 1024
> cylinder problem? if so, resolutions? ( I know, go ahead and flame me
> with read the HOW-TO's etc..)

Re: [expert] LM 7.0 SCSI Install

2000-02-29 Thread Dana J. Laude


Just install as follows. (you can vary it after the swap
and / partitions.)

sda1 - swap, 110M.
sda2 - / (root) 400M
sda3 - /usr 3000M
sda4 - extended partion for remainder of hd
sda5 - /home (whatever amount)
sda6 - /opt (same as above)
-- etc, you might want a seperate /var, etc.

Basically, it depends on what your going to
do with the system. (workstation, server, etc.)

The key is the first 2 partitions, notice how
they reside within the hd limit. ;)



"Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
> Hello All!!
> I have don tons and tons and tons of linux installs (from Slackware to
> RH and now LM) on local IDE drives (hda/hdb etc..)
> I am currently seeking info on how to get LM installed on a 9gb SCSI
> drive.
> I am able to boot the cdrom, load my scsi drive, see my scsi disks
> install the os
> to the scsi disk, install lilo.
> when I reboot I get the infamous "LI" and wham it hangs, nothing more
> and nothing less. What am I missing here? could this be the 1024
> cylinder problem? if so, resolutions? ( I know, go ahead and flame me
> with read the HOW-TO's etc..)

Re: [expert] cdrecord problem with Mdk 7.0

2000-02-29 Thread Alex ZIJDENBOS

On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 05:44:35PM +, M Thompson wrote:
| Alex,
| You sound knowledgeable about CD burning...maybe you could lend some advice.
| I recently got a CD-RW drive, but I haven't yet burned a CD in Linux.
| Does the command "mkisofs -J -r  | cdrecord -v fs=8m ..." make an ISO 
| filesystem on the CD-R and then burn the contents of  onto the newly 
| formatted CD?

Correct. Works really nicely, except when you (as I wrote) use the
Mdk7 rpm for cdrecord. I'm attaching, a perl script that I
wrote specifically to do command-line CD burning operations, which I
thought might be of general interest. One catch: you'll need Greg
Ward's MNI perl libary and Getopt::Tabular module, both of which you
can get from

If anything, may provide you with examples on how to use
mkisofs/cdrecord. Note that it has a few hacks that are

| What is the best way to make an "exact" copy of a CD in Linux (including the 
| CD boot sector, etc.)?  I only have one CD drive (my CD-RW drive), and I'm 
| trying to avoid the graphical frontends for now.

You can find all this info in the CD-Writing HOWTO:

-- Alex

Re: [expert] Floppy install???

2000-02-29 Thread Sean Armstrong

>Be aware Slackware is BSD-flavored Linux and not Sys-V
>flavored Linux like RedHat/Mandrake/SuSE.  If you do
>not know what I am talking about, you will soon find
>out...  hehehehehehe. :-)
Bare with my ignorance for a minute, what is the difference?
Get Your Private, Free Email at

[Cooker] #Linux-Mandrake IRC Channel

2000-02-29 Thread Nitin Raja Bhatia

I started a new channel on openprojects called #Linux-Mandrake.
A channel were all us Linux-Mandrake enthusiasts can chat about the
latest cooker or how kernel 2.4 is going to "sweet" and xfree86
4.0 will make use of that ge force card you got, and so we can help out
some new people into Linux-Mandrake.
Please don't get discourages if you only see a few people on. The
channel is new, so please park there to show your support.

I already wrote an irc bot for the channel (database is postgresql, web
interface is php3/pgsql).

We are looking for ops, so send me an e-mail if you are worthy

Happy IRCing,
Nitin Bhatia
-==Where I want to go today is Linux.=--

Nitin Raja Bhatia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#Linux-Mandrake on

[expert] LM 7.0 SCSI Install

2000-02-29 Thread Ronald J. Yacketta

Hello All!!

I have don tons and tons and tons of linux installs (from Slackware to
RH and now LM) on local IDE drives (hda/hdb etc..)
I am currently seeking info on how to get LM installed on a 9gb SCSI
I am able to boot the cdrom, load my scsi drive, see my scsi disks
install the os 
to the scsi disk, install lilo.
when I reboot I get the infamous "LI" and wham it hangs, nothing more
and nothing less. What am I missing here? could this be the 1024
cylinder problem? if so, resolutions? ( I know, go ahead and flame me
with read the HOW-TO's etc..)


No Subject

2000-02-29 Thread Ivan Trail

> Mandrake 7.0-2. I found a way to clear rewriteable cd's also cange window
> managers
> to blackbox and run genome toaster from there works great for me.

I really don't want my genome toasted :)

funny very funny!

[expert] printing with Ghostscript 6.0

2000-02-29 Thread Chunnuan Chen

I downloaded and installed ghostscipt 6.0 wiht ML7.02 and tried to set up my Epson 
Stylus 860 color printer. I checked the printer database by G. Taylor and found both 
stc2 and stc2_h are working for
this printer. I did make the printer print postscript files by using PDQ (and xpdq). 
However, I couldn't o make it print the same files through lpd. I checked  the 
ps-to-printer.fpi. It seems to me that
the gs command did not write anything to the tmp file. But when took the same command 
out of ps-to-printer.fpi and ran it as  shell command or script, it could convert the 
ps file and write it to the tmp
file.  Is there any file-writing permission involved here or the  ps-to-printer.fpi  
needs to be modified? Thanks.

Re: [expert] resetting hosts.allow and deny files

2000-02-29 Thread Ramon Gandia

> iTOOL wrote:
> >
> > If I make changes to the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files, do I have to
> > rebbot for these changes to take effect or is there a service (such as
> > INETD) that I need to kill and re-start?

> Myles Vredenburg answered:
> No need to restart any daemons or reboot for the changes to take effect.

You do not have to restart inetd, but you have to force it
to reread the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files.  Send it
a hangup signal.

prompt# killall -HUP inetd

will do it.  Of course, restarting the inetd daemon or
rebooting the computer will also do it, but it's overkill.

Ramon Gandia  ---Sysadmin  ---
285 West 1st Avenue  ISP for Western Alaska
P.O. Box 970  tel. 907-443-7575
Nome, Alaska 99762fax. 907-443-2487

Re: [expert] setiathome

2000-02-29 Thread Ralph | byte-runner |

I have downloaded the vertion you said how do you get it to run??

- Original Message -
From: "Alex V Flinsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] setiathome

> On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> > Hello Group,
> > Was wondering if anyone out there is running setiathome on thier
> > system?
> > If so which file do I need to download and how do you set it up. Oh I'm
> > running
> If you have a real Intel processor use i686-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1 or
> i686-pc-linux-gnulibc1-static. If you are using an AMD processor then you
> need to use i386-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1 or
> as the i686 versions will not correctly run on the K6 processors.
> > Mandrake 7.0-2. I found a way to clear rewriteable cd's also cange
> > managers
> > to blackbox and run genome toaster from there works great for me.
> I really don't want my genome toasted :)
> --
> Alex
> 315 Seti WU's processed.
> (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Re: [expert] Floppy install???

2000-02-29 Thread Ramon Gandia

I believe that Slackware is distributed in "Disk Sets".
The newer one comes on CD, but is or should still be
broken down into individual disk sets comprised of
a stack of 1.44's.

Example, the base system including the kernel, login
etc. is disk set A, and used to be about 4 floppies.
You load those in, then disk set C, E, N whatever you
want.  Just keep feeding it floppies.  :-)

Slackware, like all other distros, can be obtained on 
$1.99 CD from Cheapbytes and their ilk.  I'd spend the
bucks and investigate this.

I used to use Slackware back in 1994.  I do not think
anything has changed in this regards.  It actually is
a good system that has stood the test of time.

Be aware Slackware is BSD-flavored Linux and not Sys-V
flavored Linux like RedHat/Mandrake/SuSE.  If you do 
not know what I am talking about, you will soon find
out...  hehehehehehe. :-)

The home of Slackware is   It is
also the home of FreeBSD.  Nice site.

Ramon Gandia  ---Sysadmin  ---
285 West 1st Avenue  ISP for Western Alaska
P.O. Box 970  tel. 907-443-7575
Nome, Alaska 99762fax. 907-443-2487

Re: [expert] setiathome

2000-02-29 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message - 
From: Ralph | byte-runner | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 6:35 PM
Subject: [expert] setiathome

> Hello Group,
> Was wondering if anyone out there is running setiathome on thier Mandrake
> system?
> If so which file do I need to download and how do you set it up. Oh I'm
> running
> Mandrake 7.0-2. has a seti@home howto article in German in issue #3. I just 
finished editing the English version, so that should be up soon. Until then, you could 
use babelfish or


NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [expert] setiathome

2000-02-29 Thread Alex V Flinsch

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Hello Group,
> Was wondering if anyone out there is running setiathome on thier Mandrake
> system?
> If so which file do I need to download and how do you set it up. Oh I'm
> running

If you have a real Intel processor use i686-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1 or 
i686-pc-linux-gnulibc1-static. If you are using an AMD processor then you will
need to use i386-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1 or i386-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1-static,  
as the i686 versions will not correctly run on the K6 processors.

> Mandrake 7.0-2. I found a way to clear rewriteable cd's also cange window
> managers
> to blackbox and run genome toaster from there works great for me.

I really don't want my genome toasted :)

315 Seti WU's processed.
(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

RE: [expert] setiathome

2000-02-29 Thread Lyle

I have used the glibc_2.x and it works well.  I have two linux boxes running


-Original Message-
From: Ralph | byte-runner | [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 5:36 PM
Subject: [expert] setiathome

Hello Group,
Was wondering if anyone out there is running setiathome on thier Mandrake
If so which file do I need to download and how do you set it up. Oh I'm
Mandrake 7.0-2. I found a way to clear rewriteable cd's also cange window
to blackbox and run genome toaster from there works great for me.


Re: [expert] setiathome

2000-02-29 Thread ArMiSiS AiEoLn

I downloaded the linux glib version and installed in my home directory and
pointed a startup script to it within that diectory upon system startup...


Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote: > Hello Group,
> Was wondering if anyone out there is running setiathome on thier Mandrake
> system?
> If so which file do I need to download and how do you set it up. Oh I'm
> running
> Mandrake 7.0-2. I found a way to clear rewriteable cd's also cange window
> managers
> to blackbox and run genome toaster from there works great for me.
> Ralph

LINUX - Why?
Cause I dont do windows

Re: [expert] Netscape and java

2000-02-29 Thread Myles Vredenburg

Kevin Venkiteswaran wrote:
> > I know, I know, Java on Netscape for Unix bites.  BUT, say I wanted to
> > test it out.  I've uninstalled the 4.70 NS files (both common and
> > communicator) from my system and installed the tarball from Netscape of
> > the 128-bit version.  Call me silly, but if I'm entitle to good crypto,
> > I'm gonna use it.
> >
> > All is normal, or as normal as NS gets.  Then, I turn on Java and go to
> > a site with an applet.  I get the error that java40.jar is not in the
> > CLASSPATH.  Where is the CLASSPATH located and how can I change it to
> > point to my directory of java classes?  I would have thought the
> > supposedly automatic ns-install shell script would do that for me, but
> > apparently not.
> >
> > Any help?  Am I missing something obvious here?
>  You shouldnt have to set it to get netscape to work.  Im running 4.7
> (and have run numerous other versions) and never had to use the
> variable.  However, you can set it (in your shell initialization script,
> for example) to point to the java40.jar located somewhere beneath the
> netscape lib directory (/usr/lib/netscape/java/classes/ on my machine).
> Good luck,
> Kevin.

Set MOZILLA_HOME to the directory where the netscape binary lives.  For

export MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/netscape
exec /usr/lib/netscape/netscape $@

Re: [expert] resetting hosts.allow and deny files

2000-02-29 Thread Myles Vredenburg

iTOOL wrote:
> If I make changes to the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files, do I have to
> rebbot for these changes to take effect or is there a service (such as
> INETD) that I need to kill and re-start?
> thanx
> Joseph E. Sheble
> a.k.a. Wizaerd
> Wizaerd's Realm
> Featuring 3D, Canvas, and ColdFusion
> CF Developer for
> Build Your WebSite Today!

No need to restart any daemons or reboot for the changes to take effect.


Re: [expert] One more question and a thanx too

2000-02-29 Thread Ron Stodden

Joe Sheble wrote:
> I have used su during some of my configuration, so I'm familiar with it.
> However, it doesn't really answer my question on how to change (and have
> them take effect) user permissions for a user, to grant him the SuperUser
> access.

I am aghast.   What you set out is exactly the only purpose of su (when
used without any argument).   That is why it exists!

What is your concept of the function of su?

If you are using KDE, try K, System, File Manager (super-user access). 
>From that you can generate new windows and New terminals ad infinitum.  
In this mode, right click on any KFM icon, select Properties,
Permissions tab, and a normal user as super-user can permanently change
any permissions in the whole system.  It helps to have a very distintive
theme set up for user "root", because then these super-user windows and
terminals will use the root theme.



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

Re: [expert] Floppy install???

2000-02-29 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message - 
From: Sergio P. Korlowsky 
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Floppy install???

Sean Armstrong wrote:

Sorry if this message is off topic. I was wondering if it was possible to  
install the bare minimum onto a laptop with floppies, since this is the only  
drive I have to use on an install. If this is possible, what files do I need  
for this and if there is a good info page to explain this I would like to  
know where to find it. I really appreciate this. 

Given that criteria, I would use muLinux 

However, too many commands are emulated for me to feel comfortable with, so I might 
"unpack" the files from the PeanutLinux boot/rescue set onto the drive and try to get 
it to run from the hard drive.

But muLinux will be your best bet.



NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [expert] ghostscript-5.50-4mdk

2000-02-29 Thread Civileme

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> How do you get ghostscript to work?  I've been trying to print with my 600c
> for weeks.  I don't know how to set my printer up to use ghostscript when I
> go to print in an application.
An intelligent filter chooser script sets up the exact path of filtration used
to send data to printers.  Your part in this is to run


as root and choose the appropriate filter for your printer.  Out of printtool
you should see a driver for the HP 6xxC printers among others.  If that doesn't
work, then try reloading your printer packages and ghostscript rpms.


> - Original Message -
> From: WH Bouterse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 1:29 PM
> Subject: [expert] ghostscript-5.50-4mdk
> > I recently installed the cooker ghostscriptmdk rpms
> >
> > They seem to have working support for even more
> > printers including my HP855C. This time for real!
> >
> > Thought some of you might want to verify this who have not
> > had much luck with the "enhanced" drivers.
> >
> > The rpms installed fine on my LM7.0/cooker and LM 6.1 machines.
> >
> > It would be nice to finally start getting some of the capabilities
> > out of these older but decent printers that show up in M$ with
> > better printing than in Linux.
> >
> > Mine appears to be working better now in Linux
> > than before anyway unless its my imagination.
> >
> > William Bouterse
> > Presently in Juneau Alaska
> >

Re: [expert] cdrecord problem with Mdk 7.0

2000-02-29 Thread Ron Stodden

Trevor Farrell wrote:
> At risk of prolonging this agony further, I too have been unable to get a
> cd burn with my new Ver 7.0-2 install.  I have an LG CED 8042B 4x4x24 IDE
> cd rw, which the install correctly identified. The install also faked some
> sort of IDE-SCSI translation so the system "thinks" this is a SCSI drive.

ALL CD writers use the SCSI command set.  Fact.   If it is an ATAPI
(IDE) CD writer, that only means that the SCSI command set is
transmitted to the device through an IDE interface, and a SCSI adapter
is not needed.   This is what the ide-scsi module sets up for you.  
While it then behaves like a SCSI device (try cdrecord -scanbus) it
really is not!   

But ATAPI does represent a step towards industry-wide convergence of



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

[expert] setiathome

2000-02-29 Thread Ralph | byte-runner |

Hello Group,
Was wondering if anyone out there is running setiathome on thier Mandrake
If so which file do I need to download and how do you set it up. Oh I'm
Mandrake 7.0-2. I found a way to clear rewriteable cd's also cange window
to blackbox and run genome toaster from there works great for me.


[expert] Auto Log On ... is it possible?

2000-02-29 Thread MJPEARCE

When my Linux box boots up I have it go directly into X, I then have to log 
on to get a KDE desktop, and run any application programs in the autostart 
folder ( which display status information on the VDU ). 


Is it possible so that after boot, it logs on itself as some user (not root!) 
then goes into X and KDE then starts the application programs running without 
someone having to log it in with a username and password.

Melvyn Pearce


[expert] Setting up FTP server

2000-02-29 Thread Michael D. Seymour
Title: Setting up FTP server

I am a newbie to the linux world and would like to set up Linux Mandrake 7.02 as an FTP server.  I would like to allow anonymous and user logins.  

I had the built in FTP server running last night but it would not allow for the anonymous logins and when I logged in as a user it would give me access to everything (including root).  What I would like is to have a directory with a few subdirectories that can be accessed via FTP with the rest of my partitions being secure.  I can set aside an entire partition if necessary.  (If I set aside a partition do I use /home /user /temp?) I wouldn't mind even setting up a mirror for the .iso for Linux-Mandrake if I can get it running securely.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Michael Seynour
(I know how to do this in Windows NT IIS but I'm trying to get away from paying homage to the alter of the Gates)

Re: [expert] ghostscript-5.50-4mdk

2000-02-29 Thread Brent Timmer

How do you get ghostscript to work?  I've been trying to print with my 600c
for weeks.  I don't know how to set my printer up to use ghostscript when I
go to print in an application.

- Original Message -
From: WH Bouterse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 1:29 PM
Subject: [expert] ghostscript-5.50-4mdk

> I recently installed the cooker ghostscriptmdk rpms
> They seem to have working support for even more
> printers including my HP855C. This time for real!
> Thought some of you might want to verify this who have not
> had much luck with the "enhanced" drivers.
> The rpms installed fine on my LM7.0/cooker and LM 6.1 machines.
> It would be nice to finally start getting some of the capabilities
> out of these older but decent printers that show up in M$ with
> better printing than in Linux.
> Mine appears to be working better now in Linux
> than before anyway unless its my imagination.
> William Bouterse
> Presently in Juneau Alaska

[expert] Using Ipfoward

2000-02-29 Thread lee binkley

I have an Hp-Envizex xterminal , whih is connected to our network.
The Xtermina  is used to nfs  to my linux box.

Since nfs is so slow.

could I install anothe nic into my linux box , and ipfowar to my

Re: [expert] Floppy install???

2000-02-29 Thread Sergio P. Korlowsky

Sean Armstrong wrote:
Sorry if this message is off topic. I was wondering if it was possible to   install the bare minimum onto a laptop with floppies, since this is the only   drive I have to use on an install. If this is possible, what files do I need   for this and if there is a good info page to explain this I would like to   know where to find it. I really appreciate this.  Thanx,  SA  __  Get Your Private, Free Email at 

I think you better try one of the tiny linux distributions.thete are available several that fit in a floppy or two.good luckSergio Korlowsky

Re: [expert] Network Question:

2000-02-29 Thread lee binkley

Al Smith wrote:

> Yes it is possible if you use IP masquarding and such.
> -Al

I will nedd 2 nic .
so in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local
ipchains -P foward DENY
ipcaahains -A foward -i eth1 -j MASQ
echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_foward

Re: [expert] Floppy install???

2000-02-29 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message - 
From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Floppy install???

> On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> > Try the following URL:
> >
> > 
> > You could also plug your laptop into a network and run the installation from 
> > a network.
> > 
> I ran into a situation this weekend where Tom's root/boot
> disk might have helped... IF it supports SCSI. DOES Tom's
> Root/Boot disk support SCSI drives? I had some problems
> booting my system last weekend and wanted to run e2fsck on
> the SCSI drive, but didn't have my system boot floppy which
> has a kernel with SCSI support on it, and the RedHat boot &
> rescue disks don't support SCSI, so I was in trouble.

You can modify your boot disk to act as a rescue disk. Essentially, you want the 
appropriate tools on the floppy and need to modify init.rd to make the floppy mount as 
/ rather than /dev/hdx.


"Preparation for a disaster is 110% of it."

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [expert] ghostscript-5.50-4mdk

2000-02-29 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message - 
From: WH Bouterse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 1:29 PM
Subject: [expert] ghostscript-5.50-4mdk

> I recently installed the cooker ghostscriptmdk rpms
> They seem to have working support for even more
> printers including my HP855C. This time for real!

And now, cooker has ghostscript 6.0 rpms.


NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [expert] Network Question:

2000-02-29 Thread Ramon Gandia

> > I have 2 computers .
> >
> > 1: A mandrake 7.0 new install, 256 meg ram  Ethernet Card  ( System at
> > Work)  (T-1 Line)
> > 2: A  windows 2000 box at home  which also has 256 meg ram 600 Mhz
> > (Modem Line For Kids)
> >
> > Is it possible  that system 1 be connected to system 2 . So system 2
> > can  benifuit from the work T1 Line.

You can do a mini-ISP thing.  Get a Web Ramp.  The model with
external modems is fine, like the 300e or 310e.  use a single
modem.  Your home computer then dials into the webramp via
its regular modem/phone line.  The webramp answers and puts
you on the ethernet at the office.  How you go from there is
up to you.

Its a small box, size of a paperback or cigar box.  It has
3 serial ports for up to three modems.  Other end has a small
ethernet hub.  It is a complete dial in/dial out and IP Masquerade
solution in a small box with no moving parts.  About $300, far
cheaper than a computer.  From the ethernet side it is managed
via a built-in web server interface.  Out of the box it is, but that can be changed easily.  There are several
models; be sure you get one that allows dial-in.  

You can do the same thing with an older 486 or Pentium box
running IPMasquerade, Coyote Linux, Linux Router Project  or
FreeSCO (Linux based) or IPRoute (MSDOS based).  Of those, it
Coyote has its act put together the best.  I am playing with one
right now.  Coyote does ether-ether and does not do PPP, but the
others all do ether-ether, ether-PPP or PPP-PPP.

In my experience, using a dedicated box like the WebRamp is
a better solution if it fits your requirements. Cisco, Bay,
Ascend and others make similar equipment.

Ramon Gandia = Sysadmin == Nook Net[EMAIL PROTECTED]
285 West First Avenue tel. 907-443-7575
P.O. Box 970  fax. 907-443-2487
Nome, Alaska 99762-0970  Alaska Toll Free. 888-443-7525

Re: [expert] Floppy install???

2000-02-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Try the following URL:
> You could also plug your laptop into a network and run the installation from 
> a network.
I ran into a situation this weekend where Tom's root/boot
disk might have helped... IF it supports SCSI. DOES Tom's
Root/Boot disk support SCSI drives? I had some problems
booting my system last weekend and wanted to run e2fsck on
the SCSI drive, but didn't have my system boot floppy which
has a kernel with SCSI support on it, and the RedHat boot &
rescue disks don't support SCSI, so I was in trouble.

Re: [expert] Monitor config Problems

2000-02-29 Thread Richard Kilgore

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 08:20:24PM +1100, Ron Stodden wrote:
> Ivan Trail wrote:
> > More bpp means more memory
> > needed right?  If you put pencil to paper you get 2,621,440 megabytes for the
> > 1280x1024 resolution in 16bpp definition.  Well within the 4M memory capacity.
> You need to read the Video-Timings HOWTO to get the real formula.  The
> real one allows for the overscans and sync pulses that are necessary and
> will soon show you how inadequate 4Mb is, for very good reason.   The
> scanned raster is much bigger than what you see on the screen.

4 meg should really be enough for 1280x1024 x 16bpp.  I ran this
configuration on a 4 meg card for a few years before upgrading.

  - rick

Richard Kilgore |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Developer  |
Graduate Student in Computer Engineering

[expert] ghostscript-5.50-4mdk

2000-02-29 Thread WH Bouterse

I recently installed the cooker ghostscriptmdk rpms

They seem to have working support for even more
printers including my HP855C. This time for real!

Thought some of you might want to verify this who have not
had much luck with the "enhanced" drivers.

The rpms installed fine on my LM7.0/cooker and LM 6.1 machines.

It would be nice to finally start getting some of the capabilities
out of these older but decent printers that show up in M$ with
better printing than in Linux.

Mine appears to be working better now in Linux
than before anyway unless its my imagination.

William Bouterse
Presently in Juneau Alaska

[expert] Network Question:

2000-02-29 Thread Al Smith

let me correct what I just sent.

if the 2 machines aren't at the same location you might have a problem and it
could be costly with having to purchasing routers and such.


> I have 2 computers .
> 1: A mandrake 7.0 new install, 256 meg ram  Ethernet Card  ( System at
> Work)  (T-1 Line)
> 2: A  windows 2000 box at home  which also has 256 meg ram 600 Mhz
> (Modem Line For Kids)
> Is it possible  that system 1 be connected to system 2 . So system 2
> can  benifuit from the work T1 Line.

[expert] Network Question:

2000-02-29 Thread Al Smith

Yes it is possible if you use IP masquarding and such. 


Re: [expert] Linux Mail Server Synchronisation

2000-02-29 Thread William Ahern

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> > 2)  Worst case scenario is that our public facing linux box gets hacked, and 
> > taken down completely - what's the best way of backing this up to ensure 
> > minimum downtime - we'd ideally like to have a 'backup' linux box that 
> > mirrors itself from the main one, and will allow us to switch to it in the 
> > case of the main box going down.. is this possible? What are the implications?

I'm new to NFS, but I have always entertianed the idea of keeping mailboxes on
NFS, then using round-robin DNS to keep several smtp and pop/imap servers
available, though I'd like to hear what people have to say about locking
issues. A friend and I suggested this to a Solaris team administering a medium
sized university mail-server. They declined, and instead seem content shutting
down a huge Sun server every week or so to add memory and disk space.

This way, you can offer very scalable and redundant mail services
(pop/imap/smtp) and have the shared disk space on a dedicated machine(s) that
can have robust disk services. Actually, you can probably do this quite easily
w/ 2 machines to start. One machine that the clients access and which really
only needs a moderate cpu and decent memory. The 2nd can be a tower w/ a nice
RAID card doing various levels of RAID on some reliable hot-swappable IBM
disks. A few grand, or less maybe, could easily get you off of the ground
running and ready for what comes your way 24/7 and room for growth on
commodity hardware... ;)

William Ahern

JINSA Online

Re: [expert] Adding ttf fonts

2000-02-29 Thread Andrea Celli

"Istvan B." wrote:
> I hev just signed up to this list, although I've been using
> Mandrake for about 8 months now (RedHat before), so I'm not
> really sure if this is an already over-discussed issue (I could
> imagine it to be). I've also sent this message to both expert and
> newbie, because I haven't receive enough mails yet to find out
> which is more useful.
> I have downloaded ttf fonts from the web,

You can use the ttf-package on Mandrake's CD and then 
run "mkttfdir".

The mkttfdir command is into a strange package: perlftlib.

bye, Andrea

Re: [expert] One more question and a thanx too

2000-02-29 Thread wazulu

iTOOL wrote:
> However, I have one more simple (?) question in regards to users privledges.
> As per the instructions during installation I create a different or new user
> other than root.  However, I've been using root all this time for my
> configuration and learning of this system.  I've been told time and time
> again that I shouldn't be using the root, so I went into linuxconf to change
> the permissions of the one user I did create.  I wanted to give that user
> SuperUser access, the ability to run linuxconf, and view the system logs.
> However, after setting these options, and loggin in as that user, I'm still
> restricted.  I cannot run linuxconf, nor can I peruse the /var/log
> directory.  I've gone back into linuxconf as root and the changes I made for
> that user still exist as I set them, but none of them are in effect.

Welcome to the inconsistent world of linuxconf tool.  It is crappy even
though RedHat and Co. seem to have a different opinion.  I abandoned it
for direct/manual script file configuration,and then that too for SuSE,
and YAST - simply amazing/versatile config. powers

[expert] Network Question:

2000-02-29 Thread lee binkley

I have 2 computers .

1: A mandrake 7.0 new install, 256 meg ram  Ethernet Card  ( System at
Work)  (T-1 Line)
2: A  windows 2000 box at home  which also has 256 meg ram 600 Mhz
(Modem Line For Kids)

Is it possible  that system 1 be connected to system 2 . So system 2
can  benifuit from the work T1 Line.

Re: [expert] Linux Mail Server Synchronisation

2000-02-29 Thread MikeK

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> We're thinking of moving the majority of our customers' mail to linux, and 
> a few issues have come up:

This email comes to you from a mandrake box's sendmail :)

> 1)How secure is sendmail 8.6.9 ? What are the main things we need to do to 
> secure our public facing linux mail server?

Make sure that spammers can't use your mail server as a relay. Make sure the
box runs a minimal set of services (if your not using a daemon, kill it and
take it out of your init). Use SSH instead of telnet.

> 2)Worst case scenario is that our public facing linux box gets hacked, and 
> taken down completely - what's the best way of backing this up to ensure 
> minimum downtime - we'd ideally like to have a 'backup' linux box that 
> mirrors itself from the main one, and will allow us to switch to it in the 
> case of the main box going down.. is this possible? What are the implications?

You could use tripwire to ensure that if you are forced to bring a compromised
box back online, that at least the 'system' files are OK. Three things you don't
wanna lose on a mail server: sendmail configuration (the m4 files - hard to
rebuild from memory after you've tweaked 'em), your users mailboxes (they scream
when they can't get the joke of the day), and your password files (/etc/passwd
/etc/group /etc/shadow). With just those three things, you can recreate your
mail server on a new/spare box.

Syncing the 'live' and 'spare' boxes is either a really good idea or a complete
waste of time, depending on your POV. I'm siding with the latter.

> 3)If our main linux box got hacked, is a switched hub enough to protect us 
> from a potential hacker being able to packet sniff our entire network?

Not really. What you want to do is isolate your mail server from your local
network. Here's kinda how we did it here:

(best viewed in courier)

--- <- the internet
--- <- intermediate
 |   |
firewall   mail
--- <- localnet

Note: The 'intermediate' network is still 100% live routable IPs. We know these
boxes might be compromised, so we keep 'em off the local network. The firewall
is another linux box doing masquerading with ipchains. Good stuff.

> Any input much appreciated
> JL

If anyone knows better than I, I'm all ears.


"This above all, to thine own self be true."

Re: [expert] Looking for more detailed information on installing Linux Mandrakewith Promise Ultra 66 card.

2000-02-29 Thread M Thompson

Please check out the following URL:  It is a SxS that I wrote.  Axalon, when 
will Mandrake incorporate the Andre Hedrick patch into the default MDK 
kernel and the default MDK kernel source?

Some other good links are:


>Subject: [expert] Looking for more detailed information on installing Linux 
>Mandrake with Promise Ultra 66 card.
>Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 19:21:19 -0500 (EST)
>I don't have linux previously installed, and all I have is a Linux Mandrake 
>7 CD, what parameters can I use or what boot disk will work with it, to get 
>it to see the Ultra66 card?
>Peter DeSimone
>Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Web Address:   Http://
>ICQ:   20177836
>AOL Instant Messenger: Peterdesi1
>Get free personalized email at

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [expert] Floppy install???

2000-02-29 Thread M Thompson

Try the following URL:

You could also plug your laptop into a network and run the installation from 
a network.


>From: Cajus Pollmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [expert] Floppy install???
>Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 11:00:06 +0100
>On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Sean Armstrong wrote:
> >Sorry if this message is off topic. I was wondering if it was possible to
> >install the bare minimum onto a laptop with floppies, since this is the 
> >drive I have to use on an install. If this is possible, what files do I 
> >for this and if there is a good info page to explain this I would like to
> >know where to find it. I really appreciate this.
> >Thanx,
> >SA
>Try i.e. "mulinux" or "tinylinux" You can install a minimum Linux system 
>mulinux. It supports a compiler/XFree disk, too.
>But this has nothing to do with mandrake, so maybe this answer doesn't help 

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [expert] cdrecord problem with Mdk 7.0

2000-02-29 Thread Alex ZIJDENBOS

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 11:50:55PM +1100, Trevor Farrell wrote:
| At risk of prolonging this agony further, I too have been unable to get a
| cd burn with my new Ver 7.0-2 install.  I have an LG CED 8042B 4x4x24 IDE
| cd rw, which the install correctly identified. The install also faked some
| sort of IDE-SCSI translation so the system "thinks" this is a SCSI drive.
| The install was partly broken, but using a fix I found on this list (thank
| you), I linked the cd-rw to /dev/scd0 and all worked well as far as reading
| cds.
| I haven't had time to really look into this yet, but my first attempts with
| xcdroast have resulted in an error something to the effect of the reported
| page file size being wrong. xcdroast identifies the cd-rw as a scsi
| device.  Is this necessary, or can the cd burning software write directly
| to an IDE device? Should I remove the IDE-SCSI translation & let the system
| address the cd-rw directly??

No. I don't know the answer to your problem (I never use xcdroast),
but removing the SCSI emulation won't help. To my knowledge, the only
way you can currently burn CDs under linux is to a SCSI device. I.e.,
either using a real SCSI drive, or using SCSI emulation by loading the
ide-scsi kernel module.

-- Alex

Re: [expert] Floppy install???

2000-02-29 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message - 
From: Cajus Pollmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 5:00 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Floppy install???

> On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Sean Armstrong wrote:
> >Sorry if this message is off topic. I was wondering if it was possible to 
> >install the bare minimum onto a laptop with floppies, since this is the only 
> >drive I have to use on an install. If this is possible, what files do I need 
> >for this and if there is a good info page to explain this I would like to 
> >know where to find it. I really appreciate this.
> >Thanx,
> >SA
> Try i.e. "mulinux" or "tinylinux" You can install a minimum Linux system with
> mulinux. It supports a compiler/XFree disk, too.

Very nice distro. If you have a pp Zip, you might consider Peanut Linux.

You could do a minimal install of Mandrake on another computer, delete everything that 
you won't need, then use dd to make an image of the install, using the option that 
creates multiple floppy-sized images. Then, using a single floppy distro like 
tomsrtbt, use dd to put the images on the drive of the new computer, adjust 
/etc/lilo.conf and run lilo on the new drive. A lot of work. You could also use 
mkisofs/cdrecord to make an image of the minimal install, then temporarily connect a 
CD to the new computer and use cp -a (this is what I do , BTW - it makes for a very 
fast install, but I use RedHat 'cause Mandrake doesn't support 486's and this is what 
I usually install this stuff on)


NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [expert] One more question and a thanx too

2000-02-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Thanx for everybody for the answers regarding the hosts.allow and hosts.deny
> files... I got them rectified...
> However, I have one more simple (?) question in regards to users privledges.
> As per the instructions during installation I create a different or new user
> other than root.  However, I've been using root all this time for my
> configuration and learning of this system.  I've been told time and time
> again that I shouldn't be using the root, so I went into linuxconf to change
> the permissions of the one user I did create.  I wanted to give that user
> SuperUser access, the ability to run linuxconf, and view the system logs.
> However, after setting these options, and loggin in as that user, I'm still
> restricted.  I cannot run linuxconf, nor can I peruse the /var/log
> directory.  I've gone back into linuxconf as root and the changes I made for
> that user still exist as I set them, but none of them are in effect.
> I even made the user of the root group to no avail...  could somebody help
> me out either by telling me what I'm missing, or at least direct me in the
> correct direction for solving this little mystery?
The reason you use a different user is defeated if you give
him the same access as "root." You should ONLY log in as
"root" or SuperUser when configuring. You should NOT
surf/post as root.

Re: [expert] Adding ttf fonts

2000-02-29 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message - 
From: Istvan B. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 7:06 AM
Subject: [expert] Adding ttf fonts

> I hev just signed up to this list, although I've been using
> Mandrake for about 8 months now (RedHat before), so I'm not
> really sure if this is an already over-discussed issue (I could
> imagine it to be). I've also sent this message to both expert and
> newbie, because I haven't receive enough mails yet to find out
> which is more useful.
> I have downloaded ttf fonts from the web, but the way I used to
> add them to the system in RedHat (ie. using ttmkfdir, etc) seems
> not to work. Is there a (working) way that I could get the system
> to recognise them?
> Thanks in advance.

The best source for this kind of info is


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Re: [expert] Monitor config Problems

2000-02-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Hello,
> I have recently attained a MAG 570FD monitor to use with my laptop.  I can't
> seem to use the highest definition for the monitor.  For instance, I can get
> the 1280x1024 resolution to work on 8 bits-per-pixel (bpp) but it will only do
> 1024x768 with16bpp and even less with 24bpp.  My question is,  is this a
> vodeochip problem?  I only have 4M of video memory.  More bpp means more memory
> needed right?  If you put pencil to paper you get 2,621,440 megabytes for the
> 1280x1024 resolution in 16bpp definition.  Well within the 4M memory capacity.
> Here are the stats:
> Videochipset is Chips and Technologies 64.
> 4M video memory.
It may be a chipset limitation. Check with C&T and find out
what it's maximum color depth/resolution is. Typically as
resolution goes up, color depth goes down. Thus, 1280x1024
may only be available at 8bpp. It's generally (in my
experience) an inverse relationship between color depth and

Re: [expert] resetting hosts.allow and deny files

2000-02-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> > If I make changes to the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files, do I have to
> > rebbot for these changes to take effect or is there a service (such as
> > INETD) that I need to kill and re-start?
> > 
> cd /etc/sysconfig/
> network restart
BTW, I had the wrong location for this. It's
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart

Although "killall -HUP inetd" should also work. :-)

Re: [expert] Adding ttf fonts

2000-02-29 Thread Sam

I saw this page offered to someone else asking the same question. Hope
it helps.

God Bless,

NOT an IE friendly site!

"Istvan B." wrote:
> I hev just signed up to this list, although I've been using
> Mandrake for about 8 months now (RedHat before), so I'm not
> really sure if this is an already over-discussed issue (I could
> imagine it to be). I've also sent this message to both expert and
> newbie, because I haven't receive enough mails yet to find out
> which is more useful.
> I have downloaded ttf fonts from the web, but the way I used to
> add them to the system in RedHat (ie. using ttmkfdir, etc) seems
> not to work. Is there a (working) way that I could get the system
> to recognise them?
> Thanks in advance.
> Istvan
> --
> =  |  ===
> Istvan Bronowiecki - Melbourne, Australia  |  Powered by Linux 2.2.14
> =  |  ===
> Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends (G. Bernard Shaw)

Re: [expert] cdrecord problem with Mdk 7.0

2000-02-29 Thread M Thompson

>From: Trevor Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [expert] cdrecord problem with Mdk 7.0
>Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 23:50:55 +1100
>page file size being wrong. xcdroast identifies the cd-rw as a scsi
>device.  Is this necessary, or can the cd burning software write directly
>to an IDE device? Should I remove the IDE-SCSI translation & let the system
>address the cd-rw directly??

ATAPI drives use the SCSI interface for access.  Don't remove the IDE-SCSI 
translation.  cdrecord can only write to the SCSI interface.  If you remove 
the IDE-SCSI translation, you will no longer be able to burn CD's in Linux.  
(If you also run NT4, you will see that NT also identifies the drive as a 
SCSI drive.  Go to control panel and click on the SCSI icon.  You will see 
the ATAPI device driver and your CD-RW drive listed below it.)

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[expert] Linux Mail Server Synchronisation

2000-02-29 Thread James Lewis

We're thinking of moving the majority of our customers' mail to linux, and 
a few issues have come up:

1)  How secure is sendmail 8.6.9 ? What are the main things we need to do to 
secure our public facing linux mail server?

2)  Worst case scenario is that our public facing linux box gets hacked, and 
taken down completely - what's the best way of backing this up to ensure 
minimum downtime - we'd ideally like to have a 'backup' linux box that 
mirrors itself from the main one, and will allow us to switch to it in the 
case of the main box going down.. is this possible? What are the implications?

3)  If our main linux box got hacked, is a switched hub enough to protect us 
from a potential hacker being able to packet sniff our entire network?

Any input much appreciated


RE: [expert] One more question and a thanx too

2000-02-29 Thread Joe Sheble

I have used su during some of my configuration, so I'm familiar with it.
However, it doesn't really answer my question on how to change (and have
them take effect) user permissions for a user, to grant him the SuperUser

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ron Stodden
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 2:27 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] One more question and a thanx too


Look up the su and kdesu commands.  It's a good idea to set up a
characteristic theme for user root.  Then when you, as a normal user, su
and become root, the windows will come up in those colours to remind

iTOOL wrote:

> I cannot run linuxconf, nor can I peruse the /var/log
> directory.  I've gone back into linuxconf as root and the changes I made
> that user still exist as I set them, but none of them are in effect.



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

Re: [expert] cdrecord problem with Mdk 7.0

2000-02-29 Thread Trevor Farrell

At risk of prolonging this agony further, I too have been unable to get a
cd burn with my new Ver 7.0-2 install.  I have an LG CED 8042B 4x4x24 IDE
cd rw, which the install correctly identified. The install also faked some
sort of IDE-SCSI translation so the system "thinks" this is a SCSI drive.
The install was partly broken, but using a fix I found on this list (thank
you), I linked the cd-rw to /dev/scd0 and all worked well as far as reading

I haven't had time to really look into this yet, but my first attempts with
xcdroast have resulted in an error something to the effect of the reported
page file size being wrong. xcdroast identifies the cd-rw as a scsi
device.  Is this necessary, or can the cd burning software write directly
to an IDE device? Should I remove the IDE-SCSI translation & let the system
address the cd-rw directly??

I have been hoping that some of the stuff posted here might save me some
research and give me a quick fix.

If anyone has any hints, I would appreciate them!



Re: [expert] Floppy install???

2000-02-29 Thread Cajus Pollmeier

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Sean Armstrong wrote:
>Sorry if this message is off topic. I was wondering if it was possible to 
>install the bare minimum onto a laptop with floppies, since this is the only 
>drive I have to use on an install. If this is possible, what files do I need 
>for this and if there is a good info page to explain this I would like to 
>know where to find it. I really appreciate this.

Try i.e. "mulinux" or "tinylinux" You can install a minimum Linux system with
mulinux. It supports a compiler/XFree disk, too.

But this has nothing to do with mandrake, so maybe this answer doesn't help you.


Re: [expert] One more question and a thanx too

2000-02-29 Thread Ron Stodden


Look up the su and kdesu commands.  It's a good idea to set up a
characteristic theme for user root.  Then when you, as a normal user, su
and become root, the windows will come up in those colours to remind

iTOOL wrote:

> I cannot run linuxconf, nor can I peruse the /var/log
> directory.  I've gone back into linuxconf as root and the changes I made for
> that user still exist as I set them, but none of them are in effect.



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

Re: [expert] Monitor config Problems

2000-02-29 Thread Ron Stodden

Ivan Trail wrote:
> Hello,

> More bpp means more memory
> needed right?  If you put pencil to paper you get 2,621,440 megabytes for the
> 1280x1024 resolution in 16bpp definition.  Well within the 4M memory capacity.

You need to read the Video-Timings HOWTO to get the real formula.  The
real one allows for the overscans and sync pulses that are necessary and
will soon show you how inadequate 4Mb is, for very good reaon.   The
scanned raster is much bigger than what you see on the screen.



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.