Re: [expert] User management utility

2000-11-29 Thread Alain

Le Mercredi 29 Novembre 2000 00:06, vous avez ?rit :

> > If the spread sheet is an excel spreadsheet, then just export the column
> to a text file.
> Then an easy to write script, or simple copy/pasting would be usable to
> create the user accounts

Yes, but copy/pasting or a simple script (i am learning perl to do it) 
doesn't deal with users passwords. This why I ask.


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Re: [expert] Visual lilo

2000-11-29 Thread skidley

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Scott Tyson wrote:

> Lilo has a visual login menu when you boot but I don't think it has one for 
> On 11/29/2000 at 5:16 AM faisal scribbled:
> >Is there any visual lilo in mandrake "i mean with graphic & stuff"
> >all i get is text baised lilo & grub
> >
> >
> >
> >Keep in touch with
> >Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.
You can configure lilo graphically in Linuxconf
Chad Y.
Registered Linux User #195191

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Re: [expert] Remote printing to file.

2000-11-29 Thread Till Kamppeter

"Miguel P.C." wrote:
> El Vie 24 Nov 2000 14:11, escribiste:
> Thanks, it sounds great but ...
> I have some other unix clients w/o samba and in which I cannot install
> anything, but I'd like them to be able to print too ... so I'd like to do it
> with lpr ... any suggestions?

CUPS can emulate an LPD server, so that these boxes can print on your
server, too, go to

The emulated LPD printers have the same names as the CUPS printers.


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[expert] Kernel Options - Frame Buffer and Voodoo 3 3000 AGP

2000-11-29 Thread Tony K. Olsen

Hi Everyone,

Quick question for any MDK 7.2 users who have Voodoo 3 3000 AGP video 
cards.  If so, what options did you compile into the default kernel source to 
use the video frame buffer? 

I see support for other video cards in the kernel source but nothing for 
the Voodoo series.

TIA.  Cheers.
 ~(@ @)~
| "I played before the greatest fans in baseball, the Boston|
| fans, and I know what you're going to say about that: Old |
| Teddy Ballgame loved those fans, all right." --- Ted Williams |
| Tony K. Olsen  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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Re: [expert] ApplixWare

2000-11-29 Thread Kip Stahl

Vincent Danen wrote:

> On Tue Nov 28, 2000 at 07:22:41AM -0700, Charles Curley wrote:
> > > Does anyone have any experience with this beast?  I'm getting sick and
> > > tired of WPO2000 for Linux crashing on me all the time and am looking
> [...]
> > I've had generally excellent results with Applixware 4.4.0.
> >
> > With 5.0, I am having a problem printing. Applix support has been via
> > email. We've been emailing back and forth, and not yet solved the problem.
> Hmmm... I borrowed a copy of 4.4.1 from a friend who is willing to
> sell it to me.  I'm not *too* concerned about printing since I don't
> usually print too much unless it's on the Wintendo, but I certainly
> don't want a broken product.  If you do happen to find a fix for this
> (or they let you know what the problem is) would you mind sharing it?
> So far, I like it.  It doesn't do as nice of a job in exporting WP
> files as I would like (too many tab sets everywhere mess things up),
> but it's *much* nicer than StarOffice.  I will most likely get 5.0
> while it's half-price.  If you could keep me/us abreast of this
> printing problem, I'd appreciate it.
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
> 1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD
>  - Danen Consulting,
>  - MandrakeSoft, Inc.
> Current Linux uptime: 4 days 0 hours 22 minutes.
> Keep in touch with
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

I've been running 5.0 for awhile. I upgraded from 4.4.2 and have not had any
problems with printing. I'm running this on RedHat 7 going to an HP DeskJet

I haven't used any of the WP imports/exports but if you need WP documents have
you looked at WP for Linux?

Kip Stahl

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Re: [expert] copying bootable CD

2000-11-29 Thread Larry Marshall

> You should be able to do a cd to cd burn of the 7.1 disk and it will be bootable (as 
>long as the original is bootable).

That's what I would think too Scott.  It's unclear what I'm doing that
caused me to produce a non-bootable CD but I've done it twice and the
darn things just won't boot (I can stick the original in and it'll
boot just fine).  Any help you can offer would be appreciated.

Cheers --- Larry

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[expert] Apache /PHP4

2000-11-29 Thread Bruno Damour


I have updated my config to LM 7.2 and I am trying to recover the tools I had 
previously : Webmin and phpPgAdmin.

I had to install mod_php ans now it seems to work the apache welcome screen 
functions at http://localhost, only when I try to connect to to webmin (which 
_is_ running as says my system)at http://localhost:1, I get the message 
'connection to http://localhost is broken', and when I run the index.php of 
phpPgAdmin I only get a blank page (and a blank source).

BTW I am using Konqueror.

Any ideas of what is wrong or what might help ?

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Re: [expert] KDM -- Sawfish desktop dead!

2000-11-29 Thread EagleIce

Hello Benjamin!

No, I'm not ready to believe that your SawFish is dead, it may look dead but 
if you push the middle mouse-button you should see a menu popping up with 
most of the information you need! But it doesn't have a panel or icons or 
anything else to show, instead it seems to be just a fast spartan deskop 
alternative which can be nice too!

All the best,


On Wednesday 29 November 2000 02:11, Benjamin Sher wrote:

> > Dear friends:
> I decided, just for the fun of it, to try out all the desktops in KDM.
> Everything works fine except for Sawfish (I didn't know it was a
> desktop. I thought it was a Gnome window manager). I get a light purple
> screen when I select Sawfish. Then everything freezes. I right click and
> left click again and again. Nothing happens. The only option is a hard
> reboot, then at KDM select another desktop, in my case, KDE.
> If Sawfish is dead, is there any way I can delete it from KDM's menu
> altogether so as not to accidently have this happen again?
> Thank you so much.
> Benjamin

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; name="message.footer"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

@~~ EagleIce ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~@
@~~ Running GNU/Linux & KDE ~~@

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[expert] Alternative keyboard layout

2000-11-29 Thread EagleIce


I have problems trying to configure my keyboard layout (in KDE2, LM 7.2) to 
be able to change between two different ones (swedish and icelandic). My 
default is swedish but I also need to be able to use icelandic layout, this 
was very easy to configure in KDE1 but in KDE2 icelandic doesn't even exist 
as an alternative in KCC. So I have to log into Gnome to be able to write in 
icelandic which is OK, I like Gnome too, but I just love KDE!

Anyone who can give any advice on how to configure an extra keyboard layout 
(that's not 'visible') in KDE2?



@~~ EagleIce ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~@
@~~ Running GNU/Linux & KDE ~~@

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[expert] fsck'ing reiserfs

2000-11-29 Thread Laurent Duperval


Last week I converted one of my partitions to use reiserfs. I'm on 7.1 and
it doesn't have... e... "stadard support" for reiserfs. So I'm
wondering, besides changing the fstab to use reiserfs, what elle needs to be
done? Specifically, how to I configure the equivalent of fsck'ing on
resiser? I had crash and when I rebooted, I got a notice that my reiser
partition couldn't be fsck'd. I temporarily removed the checdks in fstab but
I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that.




Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
Netergy Networks - Java Centerand we who are here have failed it."
Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228   -Doug Camilli
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Penguin Power!

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Re: [expert] Sound Problems in Games

2000-11-29 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 29 November 2000 12:13 am, Jarabe De Palo wrote:
> I am having sound problems in games. Im running Mandrake 7.2 on a
> SB64 ISA. XMMS works perfectly in both oss mode and eSound.  But when
> I play games like Unreal Tournament or BZFlag i have no sound.  Lets
> just say that the sound doesnt work in any game. ;-)  

Try, Conrol Center | Sound | Sound Server, and check the box that 
says "Run sound server with real time priority"   That (mostly) fixed 
various sound abnormalties for me since running 7.2/KDE2. I've got the 
same sound card, but I believe it's 7.2 (2.2.17 kernels) handling of 
system resources that's the underlying problem.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

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Re: [expert] WP8 and CUPS now WORKING

2000-11-29 Thread Till Kamppeter

This will work with EVERY printer, this Tektronix driver is only for
spitting out coloured PostScript, the translation from PostScript to the
printer's own format is then done, as usual, by the CUPS RIP (Raster
Image Processor) or GhostScript.

So you can buy every printer well supported by CUPS/Mandrake 7.2. See


bill wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
> =_975463203-13289-0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> Thanks to Tills valiant extra efforts
> WP8 is now working for me with CUPS and
> LM 7.2.
> It is very strange but a Techtronix Phaser 140
> was The Only Postscript enabled Printer driver
> which was also Color able play nice with WP8,
> LM 7.2 my HP 855C, (Also other printers, Epson
> etc, have had luck) and CUPS.
> The printer was chosen from the many listings which
> WP8 has when one adds and configures a new printer.
> Anyone else having other successes should let
> us know!
> Of course nows the time to get a new printer
> so we shall see what happens next :)
> William Bouterse
> Talkeetna
> =_975463203-13289-0
> Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.footer"
> Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.footer"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Keep in touch with
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.
> =_975463203-13289-0--

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Re: [expert] Apache /PHP4

2000-11-29 Thread pgeorges

Bruno Damour a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have updated my config to LM 7.2 and I am trying to recover the tools I had
> previously : Webmin and phpPgAdmin.
> I had to install mod_php ans now it seems to work the apache welcome screen
> functions at http://localhost, only when I try to connect to to webmin (which
> _is_ running as says my system)at http://localhost:1, I get the message
> 'connection to http://localhost is broken', and when I run the index.php of
> phpPgAdmin I only get a blank page (and a blank source).


Webmin now needs the 's'.

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[expert] Security

2000-11-29 Thread bill

Since re-subscribing to this list I have noticed
an increase of un-authorized attempts to access my 
main Linux Server. It may be only a coincedence,
however perhaps sharing a few of our log files 
could be useful to see if there is a pattern.
Not everything which would overwhelm this already
VERY busy List but basic things like:

Nov: : connect from  to dump() : request from unauthorized

(That one is a denfinite No-No)

Here's another(why I use proftpd)

Nov 28 18:35:39 home in.proftpd
refused connect from cm803646-a

xtraceroute can track the footsteps of some of these attempts.
routing through seems popular.

Anyone else seen these numbers

Casual "sniffs" now and then are understandable curiosity on the 
part of some, however where does the "line get crossed"?
If an acquaintance asked to stop by my house to look around both
inside and outside I probably would be okay with that. If a stranger
drives by my house and gives a casual glance thats one thing, but 
if they come up to the doors and windows to peak in and check the
locks ...?  

William Bouterse

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Re: Re: [expert] Visual lilo

2000-11-29 Thread xylonite

try 'klilo'


At 11/29/00 6:11:00 AM, you wrote:
>On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Scott Tyson wrote:
>> Lilo has a visual login menu when you boot but I don't think it has one for 
>> On 11/29/2000 at 5:16 AM faisal scribbled:
>> >Is there any visual lilo in mandrake "i mean with graphic & stuff"
>> >all i get is text baised lilo & grub
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Keep in touch with
>> >Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.
>You can configure lilo graphically in Linuxconf
>Chad Y.
>Registered Linux User #195191
.bc # {F5131C24-E56D-51CF-B78A-88855358}
.mail main at : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
.linux project
.web mail
.icq #781787

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Re: [expert] Slow system

2000-11-29 Thread Matthew Micene

On Wednesday 29 November 2000 11:36 am, you wrote:

> hmm.. seems like that the kernel only thinks it has 64M ram, but adding
> append="mem=256M" to lilo just makes it freeze after bootup, had to
> remove this earlier because of that error.  This might be my problem,
> but still, shouldn't X with blackbox run quite smoothly on a 64M system?
>  Can it be something with the hard-drive?

Compiling programs and just running X shouldn't be touching the hard drive 
often enough for a slow or bad hd to make a difference.  I'm concerned 
about the boot freeze with the append line though.  A kernel panic or 
freeze during the boot process will result if you tell it that it has more 
memory than actually exists.  I would check again with a lower mem number 
like 128M, and I would try it as arguments to the lilo prompt for ease of 
testing, this way you don't have to drop into single user mode to rescue 
the box.  If there is 256M installed and it can't seem to find any of it, 
I would look at the amount of memory detected by another operating system 
(ie Windows, get a boot disk and run the mem command).  

As far as the minimum requirements for X and blackbox, I don't really 
know, I'm not sure of blackbox's footprint.  I have noticed that the 
footprint for X 3.3.6 and twm is about 85M, and X 4.0.1 seems to eat as 
much memory as it can get its hands on (from 118M to 240M).

Matthew Micene
Systems Development Manager
Express Search Inc.

A host is a host from coast to coast,
and no one will talk to a host too close
Unless the host that isn't close is busy, hung or dead

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Re: [expert] Kernel Options - Frame Buffer and Voodoo 3 3000 AGP

2000-11-29 Thread Anthony Russello

I just recently swapped a Voodoo3 3500TV AGP into my Linux machine (quite
a waste seeing as how there don't seem to be any TV tuner drivers for the
card, but it was a spare), what I did was follow the instructions found at I believe.

Downloaded the three RPM files they had, then ran the installs as their
website specified, worked like a charm.


> Quick question for any MDK 7.2 users who have Voodoo 3 3000 AGP video
> cards.  If so, what options did you compile into the default kernel source to
> use the video frame buffer?
> I see support for other video cards in the kernel source but nothing for
> the Voodoo series.
> TIA.  Cheers.
> --
>   (_B_)__
>  ~(@ @)~
> +-oOOo-(_)-oOOo-+
> | "I played before the greatest fans in baseball, the Boston|
> | fans, and I know what you're going to say about that: Old |
> | Teddy Ballgame loved those fans, all right." --- Ted Williams |
> ++--+
> | Tony K. Olsen  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> ++--+

There's plenty of semicolons to go around

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Re: [expert] ext3, reiserfs, and MDK 7.x?

2000-11-29 Thread Rial Juan

Is the mandrake reiser-patched kernel in some way different than the
plain vanilla kernel with patches applied? Because I can't access my
mandrake reiser partitions with a patched stock-kernel, which is due
to a different hash-function (can't seem to find the tea-hash Mandrake
uses anywhere on the www).

On Nov 23 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> You will need to patch your kernel with the reiserFS patch against the
> correct kernel source. You can get it from their home page (or search on
> freshmeat).
> Also, you should consider a few other patches if you are compiling your
> own kernel. ide (if you're running udma66 or udma100), usb if you need
> it, and at least the openwall security patches.
> It might actually be better to compile from Mandrake's source, in which
> case you don't have to worry about  patching.
> If you look at the changelog for the mandrake kernel, you will realise
> that this is not trivial.
> Buchan


Rial Juan
Belgiumtel: +3289856533
ulyssis system admininstrator   

If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would
have something to do with a shortage of flowers.
 -- Doug Larson

[Not to mention, butterfly would be flutterby. Ed.]

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Re: [expert] User management utility

2000-11-29 Thread Anthony Russello

You can create a script to create sequential passwords in hexadecimal
numbers for each person.

> > > If the spread sheet is an excel spreadsheet, then just export the column
> > to a text file.
> >
> > Then an easy to write script, or simple copy/pasting would be usable to
> > create the user accounts
> Yes, but copy/pasting or a simple script (i am learning perl to do it)
> doesn't deal with users passwords. This why I ask.
> Alain

There's plenty of semicolons to go around

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Re: [expert] Slow system

2000-11-29 Thread J.A. Magallon

Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno] said at ÒRe: [expert] Slow systemÓ.
[2000-11-29 17:36]

> On Wednesday 29 November 2000 16:02, you wrote:
> > On Wednesday 29 November 2000 10:07 am, you wrote:
> > > > Installed Mandrake 7.2 on my friends computer (AMD Duron 700 with
> 256mb
> > >
> > > ram and a 30G 7200rpm ide disk), but everything seems to be going
> > > terribly slow. Recompiling the kernel took about 8 hours, running X
> and
> > > even the light wmanager blackbox runs terribly slow.
> >
> > It sounds like the kernel isn't using all your memory.  Check the output
> > of the free command and see how much memory the kernel thinks it has to
> > work with.  If its not the full 256 try adding mem-256M to the line you
> > enter at lilo to boot the kernel.  If this works, edit lilo.conf to
> > include append="mem=256M" in the options for the image.   This is what I
> > need to do for every box I have with over 128M of memory.
> hmm.. seems like that the kernel only thinks it has 64M ram, but adding
> append="mem=256M" to lilo just makes it freeze after bootup, had to
> remove

mmm would not your mobo have an i810 or i815 (or in general, it has an
on-board integrated VGA) ?
In that case, the last 1Mb of memory has to be reserved for the on board
VGA, so try with just mem=255M.

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[expert] Problem: installing in Expert mode

2000-11-29 Thread Peteris_Krisjanis

When I'm going in Expert mode and finished making partitions and accepted
it, after formation and veryfing bad blocks I received error 'no hdlists
In Newbie mode, everything going OK. What it can be?
And in fact, as it is my first installation of Mandrake, I can say only
best - very colourful, nice and rich with features distribution. Congrats!

Peteris Krisjanis.

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Re: [expert] Slow system

2000-11-29 Thread Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]

On Wednesday 29 November 2000 17:52, J.A. Magallon wrote:
> > hmm.. seems like that the kernel only thinks it has 64M ram, but adding
> > append="mem=256M" to lilo just makes it freeze after bootup, had to
> > remove
> mmm would not your mobo have an i810 or i815 (or in general, it has an
> on-board integrated VGA) ?
> In that case, the last 1Mb of memory has to be reserved for the on board
> VGA, so try with just mem=255M.

There's no vga board on the mainboard..

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
 not by the limits of reality...

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[expert] Setting up joysticks

2000-11-29 Thread Spencer

Can anyone possibly tell me the proper procedure for setting up a
joystick. I'm running LM7.2 and want to set up a MS Sidewinder Pro.

Thanks in advance

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Re: [expert] I'VE BEEN HACKED!!! Need upgraded wu-ftp for 7.1

2000-11-29 Thread Daniel Woods


Right now the three biggest security threats to Linux are...
1/ not having wu-ftpd installed with the latest fixed version
2/ using sunrpc port 111 for NFS (stat.d exploit)
3/ using an older version of bind/named (DNS)

Check out the 7.1 *AND* 7.2 updates/ on your closest mirror site.
Be sure to update ALL packages that you have installed on your server.
Join the Mandrake security list for warnings on vulnerable packages
and then get the updates.

Email me direct with your server IP if you would like me to audit
your server or offer any other suggestions.

> Last night, my webserver machine (Mandrake 7.1) was "defaced".  The 
> hacker got root access, and uploaded a script that went into every 
> virtual host and replaced the index.htm(l) file with his own file.  His 
> "defacement" included his email, and a link to his site: 
> ... 
> So... what can a 7.1 user do to get the wu-ftp 2.6.1???

Here's what I did last week to get it installed...

> > I am trying to install 'wu-ftpd-2.6.1-7mdk.i586.rpm' which depends on
> > error: failed dependencies:
> > xinetd   is needed by wu-ftpd-2.6.1-7mdk
> > 
> > I got xinetd- from current 7.2 version.
> > When trying to install xinet*, I get ...
> > # rpm -ivh xinet*
> > error: failed dependencies:
> > /etc/init.d is needed by xinetd-
> > 
> > Why is it looking for /etc/init.d instead of /etc/rc.d/init.d
> > on my LM7.1 system ?(I see nothing relevant in the changelog).
> Because of fhs compliance you need things like this.
> Install latest filesystem /initscripts and things should be gone.
> Be careful since these are base system packate, just warning so that you don't
> screw your system ..

I got the 7.2 version of initscripts-5.27-37mdk
and updated my 7.1 system and it works.

I was then able (from 7.2) to install xinetd-
and update wu-ftpd-2.6.1-7mdk 
# rpm -ivh xinetd-
# rpm -Uvh wu-ftpd-2.6.1-7mdk

Thanks... Dan.

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Re: [expert] Slow system

2000-11-29 Thread Scott Walker

And ideally you specifiy it in K

on my laptop for example it's append mem=" 130496k"

try that.

"J.A. Magallon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 29/11/2000 11:52:31 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bcc: Scott Walker/MTL/BAM/ActiMedia)

Subject:  Re: [expert] Slow system

Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno] said at ÒRe: [expert] Slow systemÓ.
[2000-11-29 17:36]

> On Wednesday 29 November 2000 16:02, you wrote:
> > On Wednesday 29 November 2000 10:07 am, you wrote:
> > > > Installed Mandrake 7.2 on my friends computer (AMD Duron 700 with
> 256mb
> > >
> > > ram and a 30G 7200rpm ide disk), but everything seems to be going
> > > terribly slow. Recompiling the kernel took about 8 hours, running X
> and
> > > even the light wmanager blackbox runs terribly slow.
> >
> > It sounds like the kernel isn't using all your memory.  Check the output
> > of the free command and see how much memory the kernel thinks it has to
> > work with.  If its not the full 256 try adding mem-256M to the line you
> > enter at lilo to boot the kernel.  If this works, edit lilo.conf to
> > include append="mem=256M" in the options for the image.   This is what I
> > need to do for every box I have with over 128M of memory.
> hmm.. seems like that the kernel only thinks it has 64M ram, but adding
> append="mem=256M" to lilo just makes it freeze after bootup, had to
> remove

mmm would not your mobo have an i810 or i815 (or in general, it has an
on-board integrated VGA) ?
In that case, the last 1Mb of memory has to be reserved for the on board
VGA, so try with just mem=255M.

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[expert] Mandrake PC shut down

2000-11-29 Thread Vu Nguyen

Hi everyone
I have an BP6 motherboard with dual processors 500MHZ celeron.  When I tried 
to installed Mandrake 7.02 it does not automaticly shut down by software as 
it suppose to.  (With ATX motherboard, it will automaticly shutdown by 
software)  Does anyone know how to setup this.

Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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Re: [expert] Apache /PHP4

2000-11-29 Thread Vincent Danen

On Wed Nov 29, 2000 at 02:42:30PM +0100, Bruno Damour wrote:

> I had to install mod_php ans now it seems to work the apache welcome screen 
> functions at http://localhost, only when I try to connect to to webmin (which 
> _is_ running as says my system)at http://localhost:1, I get the message 
> 'connection to http://localhost is broken', and when I run the index.php of 
> phpPgAdmin I only get a blank page (and a blank source).

Try https://localhost:1 as webmin is now using SSL.

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Re: [expert] problem burning CDs with cdrecord

2000-11-29 Thread Ron Stodden

Kyle wrote:
> [kyle@nahuatl kyle]$ cdrecord -v -speed=2 dev=0,0,0 Mandrake72-ext.iso
>Note: speed should be 2

The parameter is speed=2, not -speed=2.


Ron. [AU]

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Re: [expert] Who Is List Maintainer?(time for Sympa retirement?)

2000-11-29 Thread Ron Stodden

David Mihm wrote:

> Verif y you have formail and the path is correct.  This creates a dot file
> (.msgid.cache) to hold the mail ids of mails and compares all other mails
> to them, thus removing duplicates.  You still get them shoved down your
> pipe, but at least you don't see them in your mail reader.

Huh?  This will plainly break the threading of replies to the message
you dropped!  You cannot presume anything about which of the
duplicate messages a respondent will choose to reply to.


Ron. [AU]

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Re: [expert] fsck'ing reiserfs

2000-11-29 Thread civileme

On Wednesday 29 November 2000 15:11, you wrote:

> > Hi,
> Last week I converted one of my partitions to use reiserfs. I'm on 7.1 and
> it doesn't have... e... "stadard support" for reiserfs. So I'm
> wondering, besides changing the fstab to use reiserfs, what elle needs to
> be done? Specifically, how to I configure the equivalent of fsck'ing on
> resiser? I had crash and when I rebooted, I got a notice that my reiser
> partition couldn't be fsck'd. I temporarily removed the checdks in fstab
> but I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that.
> Thanks,
> L


rpm -q reiserfs-utils

to make sure it is there

Then for the subject partition, assuming you have backed up the data,

mkfs -t reiser /dev/partition_name

where partition name is something like hda7 or sdb4 or whatever your desired 
reiser partiton should be.

As long as you have made noi changes, the chances are excellent that your 
ext2 data is still on the partition in ext2 filesystem format and you can 
still copy it off by identifying the partition as ext2 in /etc/fstab.

Yes, you must reformat the partition at this point to make the conversion, 
then restore the data.  There is no utility (nor is one likely for a while) 
to convert ext2 to reiser _in-place_.  Both filesystems scatter blocks over 
the disk space available and then fill the gaps with locator information and  
(mostly unfragmented) files, but the format of this locator information and 
the algorithms for storage are very different.  

There is a primer on ext2 and reiser on the archives to this list.  Search on 
the string "don't use defrag".

fsck of reiser is unbelievable.  It is done before you get your finger off 
the enter key.


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Re: [expert] Slow system

2000-11-29 Thread Sarang Lakare

My KDE 2.0 + XF4.0.1 system (LM 7.2 obv.) takes up just 47 MB when I start.. 
and then goes up to around 90 when I open up a lot of stuff.. thats okish i 


On Wednesday 29 November 2000 10:50, you wrote:

> > On Wednesday 29 November 2000 11:36 am, you wrote:
> > hmm.. seems like that the kernel only thinks it has 64M ram, but adding
> > append="mem=256M" to lilo just makes it freeze after bootup, had to
> > remove this earlier because of that error.  This might be my problem,
> > but still, shouldn't X with blackbox run quite smoothly on a 64M system?
> >  Can it be something with the hard-drive?
> Compiling programs and just running X shouldn't be touching the hard drive
> often enough for a slow or bad hd to make a difference.  I'm concerned
> about the boot freeze with the append line though.  A kernel panic or
> freeze during the boot process will result if you tell it that it has more
> memory than actually exists.  I would check again with a lower mem number
> like 128M, and I would try it as arguments to the lilo prompt for ease of
> testing, this way you don't have to drop into single user mode to rescue
> the box.  If there is 256M installed and it can't seem to find any of it,
> I would look at the amount of memory detected by another operating system
> (ie Windows, get a boot disk and run the mem command).
> As far as the minimum requirements for X and blackbox, I don't really
> know, I'm not sure of blackbox's footprint.  I have noticed that the
> footprint for X 3.3.6 and twm is about 85M, and X 4.0.1 seems to eat as
> much memory as it can get its hands on (from 118M to 240M).

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Sarang Lakare

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Re: [expert] copying bootable CD

2000-11-29 Thread Ron Stodden

Larry Marshall wrote:
> > You should be able to do a cd to cd burn of the 7.1 disk and it will be bootable 
>(as long as the original is bootable).
> That's what I would think too Scott.  It's unclear what I'm doing that
> caused me to produce a non-bootable CD but I've done it twice and the
> darn things just won't boot (I can stick the original in and it'll
> boot just fine).  Any help you can offer would be appreciated.

To copy a CD, you can try:

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=   (yes, this works!)

then just do a cdrecord of the iso file.

No need to use mkisofs at all.


Ron. [AU]

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Re: [expert] ApplixWare

2000-11-29 Thread Vincent Danen

On Wed Nov 29, 2000 at 06:33:12AM -0500, Kip Stahl wrote:

> > Hmmm... I borrowed a copy of 4.4.1 from a friend who is willing to
> > sell it to me.  I'm not *too* concerned about printing since I don't
> > usually print too much unless it's on the Wintendo, but I certainly
> > don't want a broken product.  If you do happen to find a fix for this
> > (or they let you know what the problem is) would you mind sharing it?
> > So far, I like it.  It doesn't do as nice of a job in exporting WP
> > files as I would like (too many tab sets everywhere mess things up),
> > but it's *much* nicer than StarOffice.  I will most likely get 5.0
> > while it's half-price.  If you could keep me/us abreast of this
> > printing problem, I'd appreciate it.

> I've been running 5.0 for awhile. I upgraded from 4.4.2 and have not had any
> problems with printing. I'm running this on RedHat 7 going to an HP DeskJet
> 880C.

That's encouraging to hear.

> I haven't used any of the WP imports/exports but if you need WP documents have
> you looked at WP for Linux?

Yes, and that's what I'm trying to avoid.  I ended up re-writing parts
of an important article a few days back a few times due to crashes
which is why I'm looking for an alternative.  I'm torn between Applix
5.0 and giving win4lin a try with the Windows version of WPO2000
(which I've had no real problems with).  The WP filters in 4.4.1 are
ok...  they make a bit of a mess when you import them into WPO2000,
but they're corrected with a little re-formatting.

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[expert] LCP error

2000-11-29 Thread Ted Wager

I cannot connect to my isp ..They tell me I have LCP extensions enabled
The problem has occurred over the last couple of weeks..I used to get a first
time connect but not anymore..I have not edited any files so am sure the
problem is not at my end.My isp uses chap authentication and it is
obviously is something wrong with that...Any ideas appreciated
..  --   Regards
  Ted Wager
   Mandrake Linux

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Re: [expert] copying bootable CD

2000-11-29 Thread Larry Marshall

> To copy a CD, you can try:
> dd if=/dev/cdrom of=   (yes, this works!)
> then just do a cdrecord of the iso file.

You bet it does...thanks for the response.  I've modified my script to
use dd rather than mkisofs.

> No need to use mkisofs at all.

You're right.  Since I've received a fair amount of email telling me
to use this or that shell program, I thought I'd state how I copy CDs
as it's infinitely easier and cleaner than dealing with all those
perl/tk shell programs.

1) load up your favorite editor and enter:

dd if=/mnt/cdrom of=cd.iso &&
cdrecord -v speed=6 dev=0,0,0 && cd.iso
rm cd.iso

2) Save that file copyCD and make it executable.

3) Attach the file to a desktop icon.

Then, when you want to copy a CD, put the source CD in /mnt/cdrom and
a blank CD in your writer and press the icon.  When the blinking stops
you've got a copy.  You could set up this code as a bash alias too if
that's the way you prefer to handle such things.

Thanks to those who responded and especially to you guys who suggested
the use of dd rather than mkisofs.

Cheers --- Larry

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[expert] Hack Kernel - which version is it?

2000-11-29 Thread Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes

Could someone tell me the exact version of the hack kernl that comes
with 7.2?  

Many thanks


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[expert] LCP error

2000-11-29 Thread Ted Wager

When I try to connect to my isp I now get LCP errors...I have not altered any 
files and I did get a first time connect but now I cannot connect at all
to uses chap authentication and I think they have made 
alterations there  but they will give no help..Anyone any ideas please ??
   Ted Wager
   Mandrake linux

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Re: [expert] Hack Kernel - which version is it?

2000-11-29 Thread pgeorges

"Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes" a écrit :
> Hello
> Could someone tell me the exact version of the hack kernl that comes
> with 7.2?


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[expert] 7.2 upgrade problems

2000-11-29 Thread Svante Signell

Upgrading from 7.1 to 7.2 (.iso files) goes well until the
configuration of X. Probing is OK and everything is well, but
finishing gives the following error message:

not a directory

and a hang here. Well we all know that dev files are not directories
:( Something wrong with the Perl script for the installer?  I had to
kill the install process and manually reboot.

7.2 seems to run, but in first attempt the boot hangs on NFS (no
network at boot time), solved by uninstalling nfs-utils-*.
Also complaints on char-major-4 not found and default.png also not
found for gnome to start. More to come... 

BTW: The upgrade of .rpms (500 MB) took 5.5 hours!! Even if my first
hard disk is very slow, should it take that long? Going from 7.0 to
7.1 did not.


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[expert] Using the route utility..

2000-11-29 Thread Stefan Srdic

I've been reading through a book of mine which describes many, if not
all, of the basic commands for the Linux platform.

While reading through the administration section I noticed quiet a few
goodies about the route comman.

As it appears, you can set your own MSS and RWIN to a given route by
using the "window W" and "mss M" options. I have tried this several
times and always get an error message.

I want to set my TCP receive window to 65535 (64KB) to all paths, or my
internet gateway, how could I acomplish this?

I've tried using: route -A inet -add "ip" target "netmask" window 65535
dev eth0

with no sucess...

Does anybody have any sugestions?


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[expert] Aurora

2000-11-29 Thread David M. Kufta

I have installed aurora on a 7.2 system and can get it to boot fine to init
runlevel 3, however when issuing the command to startx  display is lost I
obviously have neglected somehow to export display variables to X can anyone
offer direction as to what may be the problem here ? I have looked through the
doc's and can't seem to find any speciics for this problem.. any help from the
list would be appreciated.


David M. Kufta
  Konsult. Ltd.

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Re: [expert] Mandrake PC shut down

2000-11-29 Thread Don

For some reason I find this in the dmesg file on my system, and with APM 
disabled on the BP6 mainboard I can not get a full shutdown in Linux-Mandrake 
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x07 (Driver version 1.13) 
apm: disabled - APM is not SMP safe. 


On Wednesday 29 November 2000 10:22, you wrote:

> > Hi everyone
> I have an BP6 motherboard with dual processors 500MHZ celeron.  When I
> tried to installed Mandrake 7.02 it does not automaticly shut down by
> software as it suppose to.  (With ATX motherboard, it will automaticly
> shutdown by software)  Does anyone know how to setup this.
> Thank
> ___
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73 de KK6WJ

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[expert] KDE Konsole: Linux Console setting?

2000-11-29 Thread Ronnie Whipp

I generally use Konsole for a terminal, even when there is a choice.
Originally, with RedHat(6.2) or LM7.0 the Linux console setting gave you
a special font which was very useful (chrs 120+) for doing graphics on
text windows, etc. 

Upgrading to LM7.1, this font is missing - it should be present,
according to the manual - and when I first tried that option the window
disappeared, segment violation + core dump. 

Redoing the installation (7.0 + upgrade) I saved the fonts before
upgrading, and reinstalled them in accordance with the instructions in
the (RedHat) SRPM.

The font are definitely there - you can see them in the file manager -
but Konsole still objects that it can't find them! Although at least now
I don't get segment violation + core dump.

Note that although I sometimes use curses, most of my programming is not
in C, so I don't think I could just specify an alternative font.

Any suggestions, please?

Ronnie Whipp.

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Re: [expert] I'VE BEEN HACKED!!! Need upgraded wu-ftp for 7.1

2000-11-29 Thread Tom Berkley

Get rid of wu-ftpd and install proftpd. Works great in 7.1.

Tom Berkley

"Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:
> Hi gang,
> Last night, my webserver machine (Mandrake 7.1) was "defaced".  The
> hacker got root access, and uploaded a script that went into every
> virtual host and replaced the index.htm(l) file with his own file.  His
> "defacement" included his email, and a link to his site:
> I sent the guy an email saying "thanks a lot pal... how did you do
> that?"  He replied:
> > Yeah, I'm really sorry about wiping out your index files, there were quite
> > a few sites, and I didn't want to do it all by hand, so I made a script
> > for it, and I guess I coded it wrong, and it didn't copy the index's like
> > it was suppose to. Please except my apologies. Well, I got in using a big
> > hole in wuftpd 2.6.0(1), you should never use that, it's been a known vulnerability
> > since 1999. Again, I'm sorry. Take it easy,
> > Scurvy.
> I did the Mandrake-update thing, and updated wu-ftp, but it still is
> version 2.6.0(1).  I see there is a 2.6.1 rpm, I believe for version
> 7.2.   I tried installing it, but it says it depends on XINTED.  I
> snagged that, but it says:
>  /etc/init.d is needed by xinetd-
> rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 is needed by xinetd-
> is needed by xinetd-
> rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 is needed by xinetd-
> I tried installing INITSCRIPTS (the /etc/init.d), but it says:
>  /etc/init.d is needed by xinetd-
> rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 is needed by xinetd-
> -4mdk
> is needed by xinetd-
> rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 is needed by xinetd-
> [root@main /tmp]# rpm -ihv initscripts-5.27-38mdk.i586.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
> rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 is needed by initscripts-5.27-38mdk
> rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 is needed by initscripts-5.27-38mdk
> So... what can a 7.1 user do to get the wu-ftp 2.6.1???
> Please CC your reply directly to me: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> THanks!
> Bob
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Re: [expert] Kernel Options - Frame Buffer and Voodoo 3 3000 AGP

2000-11-29 Thread Anthony Russello

I used the mandrake XFree86 4.0.1

> Are you using the 3dfx.o kernel module with XFree 4.0.1? or with the custom
> X server on the website?
> Anthony Russello wrote:
> >
> > I just recently swapped a Voodoo3 3500TV AGP into my Linux machine (quite
> > a waste seeing as how there don't seem to be any TV tuner drivers for the
> > card, but it was a spare), what I did was follow the instructions found at
> > I believe.
> >
> > Downloaded the three RPM files they had, then ran the installs as their
> > website specified, worked like a charm.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > > Quick question for any MDK 7.2 users who have Voodoo 3 3000 AGP video
> > > cards.  If so, what options did you compile into the default kernel source to
> > > use the video frame buffer?
> > >
> > > I see support for other video cards in the kernel source but nothing for
> > > the Voodoo series.
> > >
> > > TIA.  Cheers.
> > > --
> > >___
> > >   (_B_)__
> > >  ~(@ @)~
> > > +-oOOo-(_)-oOOo-+
> > > | "I played before the greatest fans in baseball, the Boston|
> > > | fans, and I know what you're going to say about that: Old |
> > > | Teddy Ballgame loved those fans, all right." --- Ted Williams |
> > > ++--+
> > > | Tony K. Olsen  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> > > ++--+
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > There's plenty of semicolons to go around
> >
> >   
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> >
> >   
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> --
> ===
> "... all thoughts of selfish desire, ill-will, hatred and
>  violence are the result of a lack of wisdom ... "
>  - Buddha
> For an awsome fantasy role playing game checkout:
> ===

There's plenty of semicolons to go around

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Re: [expert] linux on dell

2000-11-29 Thread Tom Berkley

I have 7.1 on my inspiron 7000 and it works fine. If the sound is the
same in the 3800 then its the Maestro 2 and the kernel has a sound
driver for it that can be compiled in or used as module. Both work. For
a good nic use the 3Com 3CCFE575BT 10/100 works perfectly. Beware the
3CCFEM656, the nic works fine but the modem is a winmodem. Using a
winmodem is still iffy with linux.

Tom Berkley

Laurent Duperval wrote:
> On 28 Nov, Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SWS wrote:
> > I have just ordered a Dell Inspiron 3800 laptop, and was curious if anyone
> > knew what problems
> > (if any) I will run into installing Mandrake 7.1 or .2 on it. This laptop
> > has the external floppy drive
> > (parallel port), will that be a problem with linux? I opted not to order the
> > network card from dell so
> > am also wandering what card any of you would recommend. This network card
> > will only be used on
> > my home network which right now all machines have 10/100 cards.
> >
> > Any info appreciated,
> >
> I used 7.0 on a 3500 and it worked fine. My network card was somem 3com
> 10/100 ethernet card. I don't remember ever getting sound to work, tho'.
> L
> --
> Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
> Netergy Networks - Java Centerand we who are here have failed it."
> Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228   -Doug Camilli
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Penguin Power!
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Re: [expert] problem burning CDs with cdrecord

2000-11-29 Thread Kyle

On Wednesday 29 November 2000 10:59, you wrote:

> > Kyle wrote:
> > [kyle@nahuatl kyle]$ cdrecord -v -speed=2 dev=0,0,0 Mandrake72-ext.iso
> >
> >Note: speed should be 2
> The parameter is speed=2, not -speed=2.

Yep, tried that too.  Still no luck.


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Re: [expert] problem burning CDs with cdrecord

2000-11-29 Thread Kyle

Another problem I note is that during a large part of the fixation process, 
my X Windows seems to hang.  I can move the mouse and the Netscape logo will 
do its little animation and the clock continues to blink, but I can't move 
any windows.  Hmm, time to look at interrupts??


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Re: [expert] LM7.2 Macmillain Beta -- details

2000-11-29 Thread stephen

who keeps the box and manuals ? 


On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 03:29:33PM -0600, Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear friends:
> Here are the details of the 4-CD Macmillain version that contains KDE
> Beta 1.99 instead of the promised KDE 2.0 Final:
> ISBN: 1-57595-452-4
> @2001 Macmillain USA
> The User's Manual gives the date of publication as November, 2000.

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Re: [expert] khotkeys in Mandrake 7.2?

2000-11-29 Thread Tom Berkley

type this

locate hotkey

you will get some interesting stuff
one of which is /usr/bin/khotkeys
which belongs to the package ...

use the command rpm -qf /usr/bin/khotkeys

and you will get:


Tom Berkley

Hope these clues inspire your curiosity to look in a few new places. 

There is no sarcasm here at least not coming from my end, I was just
going back to when I did not know any of this stuff either. Bom Viagem.

PBone wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get keyboard shortcuts to launch programes in KDE2.0
> in Mandrake 7.2. Apparently a process "khotkeys" is running but while in KDE
> 1.2 there was a module in kcontrol to control it there is no such module in
> KDE2. On the KDE Users list it was mentioned that you can configure them via
> kmenu editor but in Mandrake this appears tohave been replaced by menudrake.
> Someone else mentioned a khotkeysrc but this doesn't even exist on my
> computer
> --
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Re: [expert] WordPerfect won't print to CUPS

2000-11-29 Thread Till Kamppeter

bill wrote:
> I keep wanting to try out a new printer one of these days.
> I hear Lexmark released drivers for its Z52 ? in
> the city of Anchorage I notice a Epson 900 for 179$.
> Would either of these be likely candidates?

The driver of the Z52 is proprietary (no free/open source software) and
so it will not be on the downloadable Mandrake CDs. A free high-quality
Lexmark driver (I don't know whether for the Z51 or Z52) for GIMP-Print
is under development. The driver issued by Lexmark does not support
CUPS, so I do not recommend to buy the Z52 or any other Lexmark inkjet.


Buy the Epson Stylus Color 900. It is perfectly supported up to its
highest resolution of 1440x720 dpi:

Make sure that you DO NOT buy the 900N (ethernet model). This version
does not work.

I have an Epson Stylus Color 440 (with only 720x720 dpi) here. Already
this model prints excellent under Linux.


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Re: [expert] ApplixWare

2000-11-29 Thread Till Kamppeter

Charles Curley wrote:
> I've encountered the problem with 5.0 on Red Hat 7.0, so you may not see
> it at all. On the other tentacle, I don't know if they support CUPS. You
> can change the command line at will, so if they don't, you can probably fi
> that quickly. they spit out postscript or HP PCL (your choice), you take
> it from there.

In this case printing should not be a problem. Choose PostScript as
output format and enter either "xpp" or "qtcups" as printing command.
Now you will get the xpp or qtcups dialog when you want to print and you
can choose the printer and the printing options easily. See also

Please tell me whether it worked for you.


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[expert] How to get contents of 7.1 deluxe CDs in rpmdrake of 7.2

2000-11-29 Thread Buchan Milne

I bought LM Deluxe 7.1 a while back, and a lot of my machines are now 
running 7.2. Is it possible to get the contents of the rest of the CDs 
that come with 7.1 available from rpmdrake and urpmi in 7.2 ?


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Re: [expert] Apache /PHP4

2000-11-29 Thread Buchan Milne

Bruno Damour wrote:

> Hello,
> I have updated my config to LM 7.2 and I am trying to recover the tools I had 
> previously : Webmin and phpPgAdmin.
> I had to install mod_php ans now it seems to work the apache welcome screen 
> functions at http://localhost, only when I try to connect to to webmin (which 
> _is_ running as says my system)at http://localhost:1, I get the message 
> 'connection to http://localhost is broken', and when I run the index.php of 
> phpPgAdmin I only get a blank page (and a blank source).
> BTW I am using Konqueror.
> Any ideas of what is wrong or what might help ?

Webmin: connect to https://localhost:1 (webmin ships ssl'ed by 
default in LM 7.2 - this used to be a mission to set up)


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Re: [expert] Printer problem (want A4 but get Letter)

2000-11-29 Thread Till Kamppeter

What version of Linux Mandrake are you using? In Mandrake 7.2 there is a
particular driver (even more than one) for your printer (when the
cups-drivers package is installed) and one can set the paper size easily
even without KLJet.


Bertil Wergelius wrote:
> I have configured to print via SMB successfully. I have have used the HP
> laserjet tool KLJet tool 1.1. To be sure I have also in all the programs I'm
> printing from configured to use A4. Yet, when I print the printer tell me it
> can't find letter (that is it can't find the paper format "letter").
> The printer is a HP Laserjet 5N, and there are no drivers for this particular
> model, but it hasn't been a problem to print from my linux box before, and
> especially no problems from kde before

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Re: [expert] Kernel Options - Frame Buffer and Voodoo 3 3000 AGP

2000-11-29 Thread Sheldon Lee Wen

Are you using the 3dfx.o kernel module with XFree 4.0.1? or with the custom
X server on the website?

Anthony Russello wrote:
> I just recently swapped a Voodoo3 3500TV AGP into my Linux machine (quite
> a waste seeing as how there don't seem to be any TV tuner drivers for the
> card, but it was a spare), what I did was follow the instructions found at
> I believe.
> Downloaded the three RPM files they had, then ran the installs as their
> website specified, worked like a charm.
> Thanks
> > Quick question for any MDK 7.2 users who have Voodoo 3 3000 AGP video
> > cards.  If so, what options did you compile into the default kernel source to
> > use the video frame buffer?
> >
> > I see support for other video cards in the kernel source but nothing for
> > the Voodoo series.
> >
> > TIA.  Cheers.
> > --
> >___
> >   (_B_)__
> >  ~(@ @)~
> > +-oOOo-(_)-oOOo-+
> > | "I played before the greatest fans in baseball, the Boston|
> > | fans, and I know what you're going to say about that: Old |
> > | Teddy Ballgame loved those fans, all right." --- Ted Williams |
> > ++--+
> > | Tony K. Olsen  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> > ++--+
> >
> >
> >
> There's plenty of semicolons to go around
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RE: [expert] Can't get VMware to configure on my system.

2000-11-29 Thread Sheldon Lee Wen


 I've found in the past that Mandrake has shipped the kernel source and
configured for the uni-processor kernel. Then, when you go to use vmware on
smp system you get errors installing it about mismatched headers. What you
to do is get the .config from /usr/share/doc/kernel-smpxx/ somewhere in
is the config file. Copy it to /usr/src/linux/.config and then do a "make
dep clean; make "

>Could someone who is running an SMP kernel under mandrake 7.1 please
>email me a copy of your unmodified   .config file from you
>/usr/src/linux directory. I am gonna try one more time to rebuild the
>dependancies and C header files to match my SMP kernel. I have still had
>no luck getting the VMware to configure on my system still.


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[expert] Compile Help.....

2000-11-29 Thread ATL Oledog

Trying to compile kernel.  What could this mean?  And how do i fix

[root@trinity linux]# make bzImage
make: *** No rule to make target `include/linux/autoconf.h', needed by
`include/config/MARKER'.  Stop.
[root@trinity linux]#
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Re: [expert] Mandrake PC shut down

2000-11-29 Thread Tom Berkley

the apm is what shuts down the machine. apm is not safe with smp and is
diabled automatically. i do not know any of the details, however, you
get to turn the power off manually on your bp6 just like i do with mine.

as long as you use smp, you get to shut off the machine manually. if you
boot the uniprocessor, it will shut the power off automatically. i have
never tested this since i only used the uniprocessor to solve some
problems with 7.2 and never used it for a shutdown.

Tom Berkley

Vu Nguyen wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I have an BP6 motherboard with dual processors 500MHZ celeron.  When I tried
> to installed Mandrake 7.02 it does not automaticly shut down by software as
> it suppose to.  (With ATX motherboard, it will automaticly shutdown by
> software)  Does anyone know how to setup this.
> Thank
> _
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[expert] Multiple attempted unauthorized accesses

2000-11-29 Thread gene

There is an ip number that started showing up in my postfix logs
as trying to access my smtp server (and access was apparently
denied each time).  I assumed that someone was trying to use
my machine as a relay.  To make sure that they can't get through,
I blocked the ip address using ipchains.  In one day, I now
see over 600 failed attempts to access my computer.  Should I
just ignore this now that ipchains is blocking them, or is this
something that should worry me.

More details:
ipchains message (my ip # x-ed out to protect the innocent):
Nov 28 23:59:07 duck kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=60 S=0x00 I=6793 F=0x T=114 (#1)

nslookup for gives nothing.
traceroute ends at (


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Re: [expert] Printerdrake can't deal with not CUPS

2000-11-29 Thread Tom Berkley

printerdrake -lpd

its undocumented, but Till mentioned it in a detailed e-mail to the list
regarding problems that I was having with cups to a usb printer. (fwiw,
the problem disappeared when I removed the usb connection to the printer
and use the slower parallel connection). also you will want to run
ntsysv and turn off the cups demon on startup. you can use chkconfig too
but I'm not certain of the syntax.

tom berkley

praedor wrote:
> I got fed up with the problems of getting CUPS working and
> have dumped it and gone back to LPRng.  I then tried to
> setup my printer by running printerdrake, but when it starts,
> it tries to start CUPS.
> Surely it isn't dependent upon CUPS being installed?  Please
> tell me it wasn't re-written to only work with CUPS?
> How do I get it to forget about CUPS?
> praedor
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[expert] Bash While Loop Error

2000-11-29 Thread SoloCDM

I don't know why, but information piped into a while loop is processed
v-e-r-y v-e-r-y slowly.  The following is a simple test bash script
and it took a day to complete one pass through 2.9Gbs of files:


find / -xdev -fstype ext2 -type f -printf %h/%f?n | sed 's/\?n/\
/g' | (
while read MLINE
  echo "${MLINE}" | sed '/[Gg][Aa][Mm][Ee]/!d'

The find and sed commands on their own produce the information out to
the screen in no time at all.

I'm using kernel 2.2.14 with bash 2.03.

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  the mailing list and my email address.


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Re: [expert] Multiple attempted unauthorized accesses

2000-11-29 Thread bill

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, gene wrote:

> There is an ip number that started showing up in my postfix logs
> as trying to access my smtp server (and access was apparently
> denied each time).  I assumed that someone was trying to use
> my machine as a relay.  To make sure that they can't get through,
> I blocked the ip address using ipchains.  In one day, I now
> see over 600 failed attempts to access my computer.  Should I
> just ignore this now that ipchains is blocking them, or is this
> something that should worry me.
> More details:
> ipchains message (my ip # x-ed out to protect the innocent):
> Nov 28 23:59:07 duck kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 
> L=60 S=0x00 I=6793 F=0x T=114 (#1)
> nslookup for gives nothing.
> traceroute ends at (

You may want to ask Civileme at mandrakeuser forum if you dont get a
response from this list concerning how to get it touch with the culprits
ISP.He is quite knowledgable about those kinds of issues, an=mong other
things.  The RED Hat List used to have all kinds of hacked notices and
several of their authorities were very helpful as well. 

Perhaps the Mandrake Folks could have a place to input problems like
some of us have.  I know there is a Mandrake Security Group or List out
there but I think it mostly deals with things like that wuftpd flaw.
Why they still use it as a default ftp server on their CD's I am 
somewhat puzzled !?

Wish I actually had a concrete answer

William Bouterse

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[expert] Login security flaw or setup problem

2000-11-29 Thread lasaltech1

I have noticed something very disturbing.  I have just installed MDK 7.2
on my notebook and whenever I reboot my machine, everything comes up
nicely -- so nicely that I don't even have to login!
Yes my default account has a passwd and all but I somehow seem to bypass
that stage.
Am I missing something here or has anyone else seen the same problems?


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Re: [expert] Multiple attempted unauthorized accesses

2000-11-29 Thread Pj

I have a personal firewall set up on my Winbloze box. As soon as I made
it active I noticed I was being scanned constantly from a machine with
the same DNS. After four hours, I used ARIN to find the DNS and Netblock
owners and sent appropriate messages. I haven't been bothered over much
since. The next day I checked my system for open ports at to
verify I was running in a secure "stealth" mode.  

The good news is that this free firewall fouls scanner attempts and
allows me to secure the most common open ports. The bad news is that
ports in the much higher numbers remain open, and is the reason I am
building a box specifically for a Linux firewall. 

I previously contacted the folks at ALTER net and sent logs. They were
most helpful as they don't like hackers and spammers either. 


bill wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, gene wrote:
> > There is an ip number that started showing up in my postfix logs
> > as trying to access my smtp server (and access was apparently
> > denied each time).  I assumed that someone was trying to use
> > my machine as a relay.  To make sure that they can't get through,
> > I blocked the ip address using ipchains.  In one day, I now
> > see over 600 failed attempts to access my computer.  Should I
> > just ignore this now that ipchains is blocking them, or is this
> > something that should worry me.
> >
> > More details:
> > ipchains message (my ip # x-ed out to protect the innocent):
> > Nov 28 23:59:07 duck kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1
> > L=60 S=0x00 I=6793 F=0x T=114 (#1)
> >
> > nslookup for gives nothing.
> > traceroute ends at (
> >
> You may want to ask Civileme at mandrakeuser forum if you dont get a
> response from this list concerning how to get it touch with the culprits
> ISP.He is quite knowledgable about those kinds of issues, an=mong other
> things.  The RED Hat List used to have all kinds of hacked notices and
> several of their authorities were very helpful as well.
> Perhaps the Mandrake Folks could have a place to input problems like
> some of us have.  I know there is a Mandrake Security Group or List out
> there but I think it mostly deals with things like that wuftpd flaw.
> Why they still use it as a default ftp server on their CD's I am
> somewhat puzzled !?
> Wish I actually had a concrete answer
> William Bouterse
> Talkeetna
> ---
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Re: [expert] Multiple attempted unauthorized accesses

2000-11-29 Thread Ace Frehley

You are not alone, I've also been attacked by someone from this site. Do a google search for and you should find
more information. 

From my searches, is a small? ISP in BC canada...

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 22:17:42 -0800, you wrote:

>There is an ip number that started showing up in my postfix logs
>as trying to access my smtp server (and access was apparently
>denied each time).  I assumed that someone was trying to use
>my machine as a relay.  To make sure that they can't get through,
>I blocked the ip address using ipchains.  In one day, I now
>see over 600 failed attempts to access my computer.  Should I
>just ignore this now that ipchains is blocking them, or is this
>something that should worry me.
>More details:
>ipchains message (my ip # x-ed out to protect the innocent):
>Nov 28 23:59:07 duck kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 
> L=60 S=0x00 I=6793 F=0x T=114 (#1)
>nslookup for gives nothing.
>traceroute ends at (

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[expert] System lockup with Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-29 Thread Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]

I've had a lot of problems installin Linux Mandrake 7.2 at my friends 
computer.  Sent a mail earlier about a problem with the system being terribly 
slow, and got a lot of good help on this, but encountered another problem 
(with might be related?) afterwards.  I'll try to get this as specific as I 
possibly can.  Please read on.

The first problem I had was that the system was terribly slow, especially 
when starting X and other stuff that takes up more memory than just bash.  I 
got two suggestions on how to deal with this;  the first being to add 
"append="mem=128M"" in lilo, something that helped cause the kernel seemed to 
only see 64M.  The second was that I should run hdparm to get the disk in 
32bit mode and to use dma, I checked and the disk was running in 16bit and 
with dma turned off.  So I fixed both of these problems and everything seemed 
to run a lot faster(16/no-dma=64M in 17seconds, 32/dma=64M in 3seconds).

Then when I tried to install a big rpm from disk2 (hadn't started X yet) the 
system freezed.  I could not do anything at all and the harddisk-light light 
constantly without the harddisk doing anything (it spinned down and got 
quiet).  After rebooting the disk wasn't detected in the bios, I had to turn 
off again and then it was detected. I booted up again and tried to start X 
and kde2, but halfway into starting kde2 it locked again.  It seemed after 
more tests that when there was a lot of activitiy on the disk it locked.  I 
now shut off 32bit and dma on the disk believing that this was the problem, 
after more tests I found out it wasn't.  To make sure this wasn't a hardware 
problem we afterwards installed first Windows2k (yuck, yeah I know) and then 
Windows98(even more yuck) and ran extencive tests on both, without getting 
the same problem.

After these tests I decided to try again and installed linux once more but 
still get the same problem.

The specifications on the machine is(it's 2 weeks old btw.):
Mainboard: MSI K7T-Pro 
Processor:  AMD Duron 700 MHz
Display adapter:  ATI Xpert 2000 32MB AGP
Memory:  128MB original SDRAM pc100
Harddrive: Fujitsu 20.5GB UDMA/66

I also noticed just before I left that the kernel told me that the bus-speed 
was set to 33, and that I could override it with idebus= in lilo, could this 
have anything to do with this?

I really appreciate any help that I could get on this, and if you feel that 
you need some more info, just let me know and I will email it...

Ps. when installing mandrake it always gives me the text-install, never the 
fancy graphical one, is there some problem with the chipset on the display 

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
 not by the limits of reality...

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[expert] Slow system

2000-11-29 Thread Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]

Installed Mandrake 7.2 on my friends computer (AMD Duron 700 with 256mb ram 
and a 30G 7200rpm ide disk), but everything seems to be going terribly slow.  
Recompiling the kernel took about 8 hours, running X and even the light 
wmanager blackbox runs terribly slow.

Anybody have any clue what might be wrong?  (btw. installed twice, same thing 
both times)

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
 not by the limits of reality...

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[expert] LM7.2 Macmillain Beta -- details

2000-11-29 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Here are the details of the 4-CD Macmillain version that contains KDE
Beta 1.99 instead of the promised KDE 2.0 Final:

ISBN: 1-57595-452-4
@2001 Macmillain USA

The User's Manual gives the date of publication as November, 2000.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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Re: [expert] Slow system

2000-11-29 Thread Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]

On Wednesday 29 November 2000 16:02, you wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 November 2000 10:07 am, you wrote:
> > > Installed Mandrake 7.2 on my friends computer (AMD Duron 700 with 256mb
> >
> > ram and a 30G 7200rpm ide disk), but everything seems to be going
> > terribly slow. Recompiling the kernel took about 8 hours, running X and
> > even the light wmanager blackbox runs terribly slow.
> It sounds like the kernel isn't using all your memory.  Check the output
> of the free command and see how much memory the kernel thinks it has to
> work with.  If its not the full 256 try adding mem-256M to the line you
> enter at lilo to boot the kernel.  If this works, edit lilo.conf to
> include append="mem=256M" in the options for the image.   This is what I
> need to do for every box I have with over 128M of memory.

hmm.. seems like that the kernel only thinks it has 64M ram, but adding 
append="mem=256M" to lilo just makes it freeze after bootup, had to remove 
this earlier because of that error.  This might be my problem, but still, 
shouldn't X with blackbox run quite smoothly on a 64M system?  Can it be 
something with the hard-drive?

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
 not by the limits of reality...

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[expert] LM7.2 Macmillain Beta -- details

2000-11-29 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Here are the details of the 4-CD Macmillain Linux-Mandrake Complete
version that contains KDE Beta 1.99 instead of the promised KDE 2.0

ISBN: 1-57595-452-4
@2001 Macmillain USA

The User's Manual gives the date of publication as November, 2000.

I spent $40 (including second day shipping) on this lemon. I wonder if
the Delux version ($70 plus shipping) also has the defective KDE 1.99

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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[newbie] 3c509 not operative

2000-11-29 Thread Tim Faehnle

Hi, I have a problem:

My 3c509b ISA does not work with 7.2, nor did it it work with 7.1.

I selected the correct module at install, but it hasn't ever worked.  I've
gotten it to work before with RedHat 6 and dhcpcd, but I'm having trouble
with it now.  I'm connecting to the internet through a cable modem with my
NIC through RoadRunner in Austin, TX.

-I've tried "modprobe 3c509" and then "insmod 3c509" but it tells me that it
is already installed.
-I try "ifconfig" and I only get "lo" stats.
-Windows tells me that it's using interrupt 9 at I/O range 210.  HardDrake
tells me that Linux is using I 3 and I/O 200, but it gives me an error when
I change it.
-I tried changing the Interrupt and I/O in linuxconf (the "optional"
fields), but still nothing.
-I tried installing the dhcp client
-I tried using dhcpcd.

Nothing is working. I suspect that it's a faulty configuration or a hardware
caveat I haven't exposed.  I haven't yet tried disabling PnP on the card,
but I'll try that next and reply to my post if it did or did not work.  I
don't understand isapnp very well, so I haven't fooled with it, but I get
sound through my ISA AWE64, so I don't suspect it anyway.

Thanks for your help.  If you need more information, let me know.
