Re: [expert] Slow Copy WinXX - Linux/Samba :-(

2001-04-22 Thread Randy Kramer

I'm sorry I can't be very helpful, but I am curious:

David Rankin wrote:
> Trying to copy an 8 meg file from Win95 to my Linux/Samba box (named
> "Nemesis" - for good reason), the transfer speed slows to a crawl. The
> Win95 copy dialog box starts out by saying 25 seconds remaining , then
> 60 seconds remaining, then 2 minutes, then 5 minutes, and so on.  I HAVE

Are you executing the commands from the Linux box or the Windows box (or
does the "from" imply the box you are executing from)?

> When I set up my server, I copied all of my firm's data from the Win95
> machine to "Nemesis" with no problem. Approximately 355 Meg copied in ~
> 20 sec. (don't quote me on this, but it was less than a minute - after
> not having to reboot the Linux machine since 1/19, my memory fades -
> stupid human falability)

355 MB in 20 seconds is very fast -- are you sure that initial copy was
successful?  (I'd expect at best, on a 100 mhz Ethernet, closer to 40
seconds, and then I'd be impressed.  Are the 5 PCs connected to a hub or
a switch?  On larger networks connected by hub, it's common to get 40%
or less of the 100 mbps Ethernet as real "thruput".  If the initial copy
wasn't successful, maybe that's part of the problem.  (But, if you made
the initial copy back on 1/19/01, you would have recognized the problem
before now.))

Good luck,
Randy Kramer

Re: [expert] problem upgrading to 2.2.19?

2001-04-22 Thread Dan Swartzendruber

At 11:17 PM 4/21/2001 -0600, Vincent Danen wrote:
>On Sat Apr 21, 2001 at 09:14:04PM -0400, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
> > I've been running 7.2 for a couple of months now (2.2.17).  Yesterday,
> > while doing the MandrakeUpdate, it told me 2.2.19 was available and
> > recommended, due to a number of security issues.  I did the update of the
> > kernel, sources, etc.  Now, several hours later, I've finally managed to
> > restore my system to usability (back on 2.2.17).  Issues that came up:
> >
> > 1. The kernel source tree was unusable.  Attempts to do menuconfig failed
> >due to tk segv'ing.  Attempts to do xconfig failed due to a number of
> >(apparently) missing config files pertaining to ipsec and other
> >security things.
>I'm not sure what this is about.  I've asked the fellow (Matthias) who
>did most of the build work for the kernel about it but, considering
>it's the weekend, we might have to wait a bit to find out if something
>is missing or something was included wrong.

I did finally get a build by doing 'make config' and scrolling through 
manually.  ugh :)

> > 2. I've been running 100% reiserfs since the 2nd day on 2.2.17, and was
> >chagrined to discover that the 2.2.19 package apparently didn't
> >include a 2.2.19 initrd image, and attempting to use the 2.2.17
> >image didn't work, since the reiserfs module wouldn't load under
> >the 2.2.19 kernel, so the root FS couldn't load.  I managed to get
> >around this by uncompressing the 2.2.17 image, loopback mounting
> >it, copying in a 2.2.19 reiserfs module, etc...
>You didn't follow instructions then.  You need to execute:
>mkinitrd --ifneeded /boot/initrd-2.2.19-4.1mdk.img 2.2.19-4.1mdk

What instructions?  I did the upgrade via MandrakeUpdate, which didn't show 
me anything about special instructions.  If I'm not supposed to do kernel 
updates via MandrakeUpdate, I didn't know that yesterday.  Live and learn I 

>Now you have your initrd image.
> > 3. Apparently as part of the rpm "upgrade", my 2.2.17 kernel source
> >tree was rendered unusable.  i.e. makefiles, etc were removed so
> >that I couldn't even build a new 2.2.17 kernel or modules.
>If you upgraded the kernel-source package, then yes, the 2.2.17
>sources would have been removed.  If you *installed* the 2.2.19
>kernel-source package, then you would have both installed.

But it didn't just remove them - it left the linux-2.2.17 source tree, but 
it was all munged up.  As far as upgrading vs installing, I wasn't aware I 
had an option (vis-a-vis MandrakeUpdate).  I just checked the update again, 
and now I'm seeing a warning at the front of the description for the 2.2.19 
kernel stuff about not using MandrakeUpdate.  I don't remember seeing that 
yesterday, was that added since then?  It certainly seems like a good idea, 
given what can happen...

> > 4. One of my older IDE drives started having odd messages printed
> >out (about timeouts and such) - never a problem under 2.2.17.
>No idea what this is, but I get some extraneous messages under 2.2.19
>as well (such as messages regarding parallel ports, etc.).

Well, these were kind of scary, since this is the drive /home is mounted on.

> > #4 may be a random (harmless?) bug.  #3 might have conceivably have
> >been something I did wrong (don't see how, though, as all of the
> >2.2.17 /lib/modules stuff was also deleted as part of the "upgrade".
>Right.  Because you *upgraded*.  Upgrades do not keep things from
>older packages.  When you upgrade kernel-sources-2.2.17 to
>kernel-sources-2.2.19 you are in essence uninstalling 2.2.17 and
>installing 2.2.19.

sorry if i was unclear.  obviously i didn't expect the /lib/modules stuff 
to still be around - i mentioned it as evidence that i had done the upgrade 
as i had thought.  again, i didn't understand why the source tree was 
partly still there.

> > #2 sounds like a build booboo (if you're upgrading a system from
> >2.2.17 to 2.2.19, most likely the modules in the old initrd
> >image won't be usable by the new kernel, no?)
>No, and they're not supposed to be.  You're supposed to read
>instructions or know enough to check for the presence of a valid
>initrd.img and build it if it doesn't exist.  FYI, you only need the
>initrd if you use reiserfs on your / partition.  Otherwise you will
>not need it.

I *did* check for its presence.  When I saw there wasn't one, I assumed 
there were no problems (obviously wrong on my part).  What you are missing 
is this: there is a chicken&egg problem in doing this as you describe.  As 
soon as I do the download of the 2.2.19 kernel stuff, the 2.2.17 modules 
are gone, including the loopback.o module, which I need to create the new 
initrd image.  At this point, I'm still running on the 2.2.17 kernel, so 
the 2.2.19 loopback.o module won't do me any good.  If I try to boot from 
the new 2.2.19 kernel, I can't mount the root filesystem.

> > #1 is just plain bogu

[expert] Partition Magic and Mandrake 8

2001-04-22 Thread Tycho Bizot


I am having trouble installing Mandrake 8. I have a system with PQ Magic 6
installed and 2 windows systems. When the install gets to the point of
Configuring Lilo he gives a partition table error and says it can't install
lilo (not even on a floppy disk).  Whatever I try i can't boot Linux. I
think it has a problem with hidden partitions,
Does  anyone have some suggestions of what to try?

Thanx in advance

[expert] Intranet Mirroring of Mandrake Updates?

2001-04-22 Thread Tony K.Olsen

Hi Everyone,

I work in an intranet area where we do not have connectivity to any 
internet servers.  As such I am curious as to how to leverage the nice 
Mandrake update features available for use within this environment.

What I want to be able to do is to grab the latest .rpm files (same as 
those in use for the Update feature) that are available and burn them onto a 
CD-ROM which I will then copy onto a server somewhere on the intranet.  I 
then want my intranet Mandrake to be able to pick the appropriate "intranet 
location" and get the updates from there.  

Any ideas/suggestions/recommendations greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.  Cheers.
 ~(@ @)~
| "I played before the greatest fans in baseball, the Boston|
| fans, and I know what you're going to say about that: Old |
| Teddy Ballgame loved those fans, all right." --- Ted Williams |
| Tony K. Olsen  |   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Re: [expert] kernel-2.2.19 and no ReiserFS support!

2001-04-22 Thread Mark Weaver

I checked for that 'fudge swirl' kernel and/or patch and wasn't sure, so I
grabbed the file named 'patch-2.2.19.gz'. however, when i started to
compile it I noticed that there wasn't anything there for ReiserFS.

I've started trying to get 2.4.0 to compile because it supports Reiser,
however I keep running into trouble getting it do the modules when it gets
to the part with PCMCIA. thats just a matter of getting it configured
correctly. just takes patience. does anyone know if the security problems
found with 2.2.17 exist with 2.4.0?



"what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)"
On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, A V Flinsch wrote:

> On Saturday 21 April 2001 07:44, Mark Weaver wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > Has anyone else noticed this missing from this kernel or am "I" missing
> > something. The other day it didn't dawn on me to check for this until
> > "after" I had begun the installation of the packages for kernel-2.2.19
> > per the security advisory from mandrake. Much to my shagrin(sp) the
> > kernel paniced when I attempted to restart the machine to use the new
> > kernel. I am running the ReiserFS on my system. I'll never run any
> > other.
> >
> > I've since gotten that mess cleaned up and downloaded the kernel
> > source, but I'm not seeing any support for Reiser while configuring the
> > kernel for compile.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> Since Reiser is still considered experimental (for the 2.2.x kernels)
> code maturity option/prompt for development drivers (should be the first
> button on xconfig)
> then check under the filesystems button.
> Of course this will not work unless the reiserfs pacth has been applied
> to the kernel source, if you are using the plain vanilla kernel source
> from, then you need to apply the patch. If you are using the
> triple fudge swirl kernel source from mandrake, this should work...

[expert] Test

2001-04-22 Thread OOzy Pal

Hello Guys

Just I want to make sure that I am subscribed to this
mailing list


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Re: [expert] Test

2001-04-22 Thread Mark Weaver

i know what you appears that the "reply-to" is still broken. not
to mention that the usual volume of mail seems to have dropped to half of
what it has been in the past.



"what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)"
On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, OOzy Pal wrote:

> Hello Guys
> Just I want to make sure that I am subscribed to this
> mailing list
> OOzy
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

[expert] Sound Only One Side

2001-04-22 Thread Eric Chun

I'm trying to use a program called mpegrec 1.0 by Andrew Sandoval.
The problem I'm having is that after I record something and try playing
it back using xmms, sound only comes out of the right side of my

When I try recording something by typing, cat /dev/dsp > myvoice, I
get a recording that comes out of both sides of my speakers.  I know
it's not lame because I tried converting a wav file into mp3 format and
playing it back with sound coming out perfectly.  I've also tried
recording using sox and piping the stdout to lame, but I get the same
one-sided audio output.  I've tried real-time mp3 recording with the
cdrom as my input and that works perfectly also.

I tried adjusting the balance in kmix and I got some interesting
results.  When I set the balance all the way to the left (the side that
isn't getting recorded), I get no sound at all from the microphone.
When I set the balance all the way to the right, all the sound comes out
of the right side of the speakers.

I've tried looking in xload to see if my system is being overloaded
or not.  xload doesn't give me a load of 100% so that's good.  I've also
tried unplugging my speakers from the sound card while recording but it
did not change anything.

Here is my computer setup:
Pentium II 266
Sound Blaster PCI128 (ES1370)
Shuttle HOT637 mobo
Linux Mandrake 7.1
Maxtor Diamondplus HDD 7.5 Gigs
Altec Lansing ACS48

Any suggestions into what may be wrong will be greatly appreciated.

Re: [newbie] HELP:8.0 kernel panic

2001-04-22 Thread Mark Weaver


it's asking you "where" the "/" root partition is located so it knows
where to look for the kernel. tell Mandrake the second OS on your
drive and do you have only one drive?



"what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)"
On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Dale Kosan wrote:

> L could sure use some help here.I downloaded and installed 8.0 final and when
> it rebooted I received the following message:
> VFS:cannot open root device "2106" or 21:06
> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> kernel panic : VFS : unable to mount root fs on 21:06
> I tried to boot with rescue floppies that the install made and low and behold
> there is nothing on the disks! I think the problem could be either the
> Western Digital drive or the add on pci card Pomise ATA 100 card.7.2 did not
> have a problem with the card so I am not sure what is up.I also installed 8.0
> on my Toshiba laptop and same thing as with 7.2, seems to not like my Linksys
> PCMP 200 nic.Could someone please help a newbie in distress.Thanks for your
> time.

[expert] 8.0 final --brakes MANY applications

2001-04-22 Thread Nima S. Panahi

Its driving me crazy! Everysince upgrading from 8.0 final from 8.0 beta3,
many applications segmet out where before worked. Its seems that almost
all programs that did not come with 8.0 final segment fault. I have tried
recompiling the ones that I could with kgcc, kg++ and the such. However, I
still get most of them crashing. The binary only packages, such as vmware
(workstation or gsx) are hopeless.
My system is a AMD T-bird 1.2 GHz. I basically installed 99% of 8.0 final.
PLEASE HELP!! Its driving me crazy... TIA

Re: [expert] ping, ping, doesn't ping

2001-04-22 Thread mwinold

ok well im an et in the navy so i might be able to help, now you have ip addresses and 
hub and new cables however you must also check access rights now usually with a unix 
based system there are host databases which contain ip address host name and security 
access(may or may not be included) if one computer has a host name of jack the other 
computer on the lan must have that exact host name along with the exact ip address,
also new cables do not gaurantee good quality, it is possible that the cable was 
defective before you ever bought it, or the hub may seem to work properly but could 
also be defective, also what type of lan cable are you using are you using T cable 
which is like an oversized phone jack or some other type that requires a hub.
another factor that kills an lan connection is the ethernet card does it work with 
linux check the paper work, and check your proc files, also the ethernet card could be 
damged as well or  maybe has a bad jumper setting we use cards that use cable rg-58 
and aui cable which also contains a fuse any number of things will cause the lan card 
to use the wrong connector therefore no connection. thats all i can think of at the 
moment if you have any other questions just ask me i do this all the time as a network 
administrator on my ship
> i am tryint o reconnect my home LAN but I can't getmy machines to ping
> each
> other. Everything is fine. IP configuration is right, HUB is working,
> cables
> are new and connected. Don;t know what the problem may be

Re: [expert] 8.0 final --brakes MANY applications

2001-04-22 Thread Eric Krout

On Sunday 22 April 2001 17:23, you wrote:
> Its driving me crazy! Everysince upgrading from 8.0 final from 8.0 beta3,
> many applications segmet out where before worked. Its seems that almost
> all programs that did not come with 8.0 final segment fault. I have tried
> recompiling the ones that I could with kgcc, kg++ and the such. However, I
> still get most of them crashing. The binary only packages, such as vmware
> (workstation or gsx) are hopeless.
> My system is a AMD T-bird 1.2 GHz. I basically installed 99% of 8.0 final.
> PLEASE HELP!! Its driving me crazy... TIA


I'm not very impressed with what people are reporting about their experience 
with the new stable release of Mandrake, version 8.0.  Does anyone have 
anything *good* to say about it?  I might end up just sticking with my 7.2 
version, which I've updated with KDE 2.1.1 already.  No sense dealing with 
unnecessary hassle.

 Eric Krout
   Web: (Soon,
Bucknell Computer Science & Engineering '03
 Chairman, Bucknell's Assoc. for Computing Machinery (ACM)

[expert] alsa rpm for my version of mandrake

2001-04-22 Thread mwinold

ok i need alsa 0.5.10 because its the only one compatible for my sound card however 
the only rpms i find are made for a slightly newer kernel 2.2.19 i am running 2.2.17 
and i cannot upgrade do to bandwidth constrictions,

can anyone help find or make

Re: [expert] kernel-2.2.19 and no ReiserFS support!

2001-04-22 Thread Haim Ashkenazi


go to:

they are explaining how to install 2.2.19 with reiserfs support.

On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 07:44:24AM -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:
> Hello list,
> Has anyone else noticed this missing from this kernel or am "I" missing
> something. The other day it didn't dawn on me to check for this until
> "after" I had begun the installation of the packages for kernel-2.2.19 per
> the security advisory from mandrake. Much to my shagrin(sp) the kernel
> paniced when I attempted to restart the machine to use the new kernel. I
> am running the ReiserFS on my system. I'll never run any other.
> I've since gotten that mess cleaned up and downloaded the kernel source,
> but I'm not seeing any support for Reiser while configuring the kernel for
> compile.
> Any thoughts?
> -- 
> Mark
> *
> "what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
> at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
> emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)"


Re: [expert] OT, but hopefully humorous

2001-04-22 Thread rjp

On 20,Apr/01 20:19, you wrote:
> And you're using Netscape 4.x because...???
> At least use Opera or Konq, my friend.

but some sites use https:// ---  Konq does not appear to know about that
( not bothered to follow this up of course ) - I just botch the awkward
sites using Netscape  :-(  

Regards, RJP


Re: [expert] 8.0 final --brakes MANY applications

2001-04-22 Thread s

I did a clean install and all went well except that many of the apps I 
selected didn't load during install, like sndconfig- I *think* anything from 
the ext-iso.  But I installed from hdd, so I kinda happy  it 
worked at all.  I just downloaded anything I noticed I needed and installed 
afterwards-like kdegames.  I think a fresh install is the key.

All my hardward was automagically configured and worked right out of the box! 
(Except I did need to load nvidia drivers-and had to use rpms, the tar.gz 
wouldn't load.)  But I get lots more framerate than ever before.  Like 
2000fps testing with gears, 400 at full screen.  (That's about 33% better).  
And gnome actually looks great now.  I'm tempted to use it.

No crashes, everything working.  Easy, painless.  Don't worry about it unless 
you have some of exotic hardware.  I recommend it.  Can hardly wait for the 
retail package.


On Sunday 22 April 2001 05:17 pm, you wrote:
> On Sunday 22 April 2001 17:23, you wrote:
> > Its driving me crazy! Everysince upgrading from 8.0 final from 8.0 beta3,
> > many applications segmet out where before worked. Its seems that almost
> > all programs that did not come with 8.0 final segment fault. I have tried
> > recompiling the ones that I could with kgcc, kg++ and the such. However,
> > I still get most of them crashing. The binary only packages, such as
> > vmware (workstation or gsx) are hopeless.
> > My system is a AMD T-bird 1.2 GHz. I basically installed 99% of 8.0
> > final. PLEASE HELP!! Its driving me crazy... TIA


> I'm not very impressed with what people are reporting about their
> experience 
> with the new stable release of Mandrake, version 8.0.  Does anyone have 
> anything *good* to say about it?  I might end up just sticking with my 7.2 
> version, which I've updated with KDE 2.1.1 already.  No sense dealing with 
> unnecessary hassle.

> Thanks,
>  Eric

[expert] 8.0 and PCMCIA Ovislink card

2001-04-22 Thread Francisco Alcaraz

Hello folks, 
Under 7.2, the only wall that stop my laptop to definitively migrate to linux 
was my PCMCIA Fast Ethernet Ovislink card; It was impossible for me to 
install it.
Now under 8.0 in the installation the card seems to be recognized, but after 
that it gives me an error about module can't be charged and a grave sound 
that means "not recognized card".
Yesterday I was very happy because I reached to conect my laptop, runin 
windows :-(, to my main linux box using IP masquering and in that way I can 
use my cable modem conexion for both.

I think the installation of this PCMCIA card couldn't be so difficult, but I 
have not idea about what to do; It is not a rare card (Ovislink) could 
anybody help me, Please.

Thanks a lot for your help, 

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

[expert] VMware 2.0 and Mandrake 8.0.

2001-04-22 Thread Lars Roland Kristiansen

Hi i am trying to make win2k to run inside VMware in mdk8.0 - i have an 13
gb ibm drive with wintendo on the first 4gb (/dev/hda1) and mandrake on
the rest. When i try starting VMware it all goes fine, but when coming to
the lilo point it just hangs (i think it may be the grafical lilo-thing
that is messing it up)

Please help

Mvh./Yours sincerely


Lars Roland Kristiansen | Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Stud. Scient. Mathematics   | TLF(home):39699914 - 116 
Copenhagen University - | Home address: Bispebjerg parkalle 
Institute for Mathematical Sciences | 22 - 2400 københavn NV - room 116. 
Url: |

   "Politics is for the moment, equations are forever"
- Albert Einstein

[expert] Interesting problem

2001-04-22 Thread email


I have just installed Mandrake 8.0 release and have decided to use it to
replace my NT4 server.  That server's previous job was as an internet
server, and file server.

I installed Mandrake 8.0 with a few problems.  The biggest of which was
that it would _NOT_ under any circumstances, see any SCSI hard disc at
address 0.  I had to reset my Adaptec 2940 UW to boot at address 1 and
have all drives with addresses of 1 or higher.  Right now it works this
way, so fine, no big deal (7.2, 7.1, and 7.0 had no problems with this
same configuration).

The second problem, which is why I am writing this to you, is that while
using Mandrake's Internet connection sharing, I am able to share the
connection with no problems until i reboot...  Then, when I reboot, the
machine with not obtain an IP address from my ISP.  The only way I can get
it to reobtain that IP address is to actually disable to internet
connection sharing, disable the little firewall, and reboot the computer.
Then it will obtain an IP, and I can turn on the internet sharing again.

That just seems bizarre to me.

My NT4 server had no problems running this job, and I just decided to
combine machines to quite down the room.  I would rather not have to begin
using that old server again, but I can't have this machine dying every
time i reboot for whatever reason.  It's also my Linux workstation, so
occasionally I make a mistake and have to reboot.

If anyone has any insight to this, or requires any log files, config
files, or any further information in order to assist me, I would greatly
appreciate it.  After six hours of toiling, I seem to have only gotten to
a workaround, rather then a fix...



Re: [expert] 8.0 final --brakes MANY applications

2001-04-22 Thread Will

Upgrading to 8.0 broke all my fullscreen OpenGL apps.  All my hardware worked 
without any trouble, and windowed OpenGL works without a hitch, but going to 
fullscreen crashes the X-server.  I'm running the default XFree 4.0.3 on a voodoo3 AGP.
Any ideas? I want to try tuxracer!

On Monday 23 April 2001 19:50, you wrote:
> I did a clean install and all went well except that many of the apps I
> selected didn't load during install, like sndconfig- I *think* anything
> from the ext-iso.  But I installed from hdd, so I kinda happy  surprized> it worked at all.  I just downloaded anything I noticed I needed
> and installed afterwards-like kdegames.  I think a fresh install is the
> key.
> All my hardward was automagically configured and worked right out of the
> box! (Except I did need to load nvidia drivers-and had to use rpms, the
> tar.gz wouldn't load.)  But I get lots more framerate than ever before. 
> Like 2000fps testing with gears, 400 at full screen.  (That's about 33%
> better). And gnome actually looks great now.  I'm tempted to use it.
> No crashes, everything working.  Easy, painless.  Don't worry about it
> unless you have some of exotic hardware.  I recommend it.  Can hardly wait
> for the retail package.
> -s
> On Sunday 22 April 2001 05:17 pm, you wrote:
> > On Sunday 22 April 2001 17:23, you wrote:
> > > Its driving me crazy! Everysince upgrading from 8.0 final from 8.0
> > > beta3, many applications segmet out where before worked. Its seems that
> > > almost all programs that did not come with 8.0 final segment fault. I
> > > have tried recompiling the ones that I could with kgcc, kg++ and the
> > > such. However, I still get most of them crashing. The binary only
> > > packages, such as vmware (workstation or gsx) are hopeless.
> > > My system is a AMD T-bird 1.2 GHz. I basically installed 99% of 8.0
> > > final. PLEASE HELP!! Its driving me crazy... TIA
> >
> >--
> >
> > I'm not very impressed with what people are reporting about their
> > experience
> > with the new stable release of Mandrake, version 8.0.  Does anyone have
> > anything *good* to say about it?  I might end up just sticking with my
> > 7.2 version, which I've updated with KDE 2.1.1 already.  No sense dealing
> > with unnecessary hassle.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >  Eric

Madness takes its toll; please have exact change

Will Reinhart

RE: [expert] Serial port/mouse problems - need debugging suggestions (solved)

2001-04-22 Thread Aaron deRozario

Thanks for the various suggestions.  I have finally managed to solve the

As usual when something sounds like a hardware problem - it probably is a
hardware problem.  Whether the problem was dodgy serial ports on the
motherboard, conflicts between the ISA i/o card and the sound card I don't
know.  What I do know is that after a day of messing around I got the mouse
working (disabled on bord serial and floppy controllers) and used the ISA
card.  The ISA card had a floppy controller on it that may was causing
problems with the on board controller.  While this was giving certainly
giving Floppy Device errors on bootup, it might also have been interfering
with the serial ports (I have no idea as to why though)

It took me another couple of hours to get the machine working as an
X-terminal.  I did spent several hours working out why the performance was
unusably bad and eventually found a resource conflict between the network
card and a sound card.  Why did I put a sound card in a machine that will be
used solely as an X-terminal?  Buggered if i know.  I do know this though...

Human stupidity (mine) and computer hardware can waste your time.


Re: [expert] Is that sshd process really serving ssh?

2001-04-22 Thread John Wolford

Thanks Rusty, Mark & Karl.

Well to be honest, i first wanted to solve this so that i could keep (me) from locking 
myself out
of my box, which i did in a fit of stupidity awhile ago. So i wrote a simple script 
that has been
doing the job, until a friend pointed out the issue that i just brought up. It seemed 
like an
interesting problem, so i decided to persue it.

And the point is taken, that if someone could kill the sshd process that let him/her 
in, then he
could also kill the watchdog that keeps it up.

I like the netstat -l solution, it's simple and it works. Another suggestion was to 
try to telnet
to port 22 (or whatever port i have it running on) and check for a signature response. 
Another way
would be to keep track of the PID that the orginal server had. Oh, another is to have 
do the deed. A final one that i'll add is to start sshd with something like "daemon" 
or another
such program that starts applications in daemon mode and makes sure they stay running.

Anyway, thanks again for your help. I will play it with a bit more, and in the 
meantime i have
adjusted the logic (logistics) that let me lock myself out. Plus the simpleton 
watchdog that works
well, except that it doesn't make that distinction between "server" and "doer".


--- Mark Rafn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, John Wolford wrote:
> > I have a question that might be off-topic for this list, but then
> > again maybe not.
> Probably mildly so.  Comp.unix.programmer is a good spot for questions
> like this.
> > How can i tell if a given sshd process is serving
> > ssh? Other than trying to connect to it, that is.
> sshd is always serving ssh, in some sense.  The main daemon is listening
> for new ssh connections, and the spawned daemons are servicing existing
> connections.
> It sounds like you're trying to make sure that there is an sshd actually
> listening, regardless of whether there are sshds servicing connections.
> > running on a box, and there is a script watching to make sure that
> > it's running. But if someone logs in via ssh, another sshd process
> > gets spawned for that connection. If that person were to somehow kill
> > the sshd server process (the parent of the spawned sshd) then s/he
> > could continue on with the connection but nobody else would be able to
> > get in. The watchdog would not know this because it would see a sshd
> > in the process list, which is all it is checking for. But i would like
> There are a number of ways to approach this.
> The first thing I usually think when anyone talks about a watchdog process
> is "why not use init"?  For something this simple, a respawn entry in
> inittab may be all you need.
> If your watchdog script needs to do something more complicated than that
> (logging, e-mailing if something goes wrong, etc.), then you should
> basically do what init does - spawn sshd and wait() for it.  You'll want
> to use something other than a shell script for this - perl, python, or C
> can all do this easily.
> If you're really stuck on pure shell scripting, you can either keep track
> of the listener-sshd's PID and check for that, or you can grep the output
> of netstat -l and make sure something is listening for ssh.  There are
> probably other ways to check, but these seem easiest.
> Now on to the harder question.  Why do you need to do this?  Sshd is
> quite stable, and shouldn't need more of a watchdog than any other server.
> Are you experiencing problems with sshd dieing?  If so, those should be
> tracked down and stomped.  Users, of course, can't kill the listener
> process unless they're root, in which case they can kill the watchdog too.
> Generally, adding a layer of complexity without having a specific reason
> is likely to cause more problems than it solves.
> --

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Re: [expert] VMware 2.0 and Mandrake 8.0.

2001-04-22 Thread Gary

On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 03:15:26AM +0200 or thereabouts, Lars Roland Kristiansen wrote:
> Hi i am trying to make win2k to run inside VMware in mdk8.0 - i have an 13
> gb ibm drive with wintendo on the first 4gb (/dev/hda1) and mandrake on
> the rest. When i try starting VMware it all goes fine, but when coming to
> the lilo point it just hangs (i think it may be the grafical lilo-thing
> that is messing it up)

Lars, I am somewhat confused.  It sounds like you are using mdk as your
host, and W2K as your guest OS inside of Vmare, inside of mdk.  I have not
used mdk v8 yet, but given your above remarks, something is wrong.  VMWare
does not start by using lilo at all.  it is started, once it is installed
in mdk, inside of VMware,  from the command line in your personal dir.
Lilo has nothing to do with Vmware, and is just used for your host OS, to
get Linux and whatever other OS you use started.  If you installed W2K
inside of VMware as a guest, open VMware from the command line, then open
W2K from within VMware.  Also, I do not know if it works with the 2.4
kernel yet.  I use it with 2.17 in mdk 7.2.  
Best regards,

Today's thought: Before you criticize someone walk a mile in his shoes.
That way if he gets angry he'll be a mile away -- and barefoot. 

Re: [expert] 8.0 final --brakes MANY applications

2001-04-22 Thread Chubby Vic

I agree, I can't even burn the dang iso image, this sucks, Beavis uhh huh huh.
both xcdroast and eroaster said:

Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660.
Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
scsidev: '1,0,0'
scsibus: 1 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 2.1.39
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
atapi: 1
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info: 'PLEXTOR '
Identifikation : 'CD-R   PX-W8432T'
Revision   : '1.07'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
Drive buf size : 4194304 = 4096 KB
FIFO size  : 4194304 = 4096 KB
mkisofs 1.13 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu)
cdrecord: WARNING: Track size unknown. Data may not fit on disk.
Track 01: data  unknown length padsize:  30 KB
Total size:   0 MB (00:00.00) = 0 sectors
Lout start:   0 MB (00:02/00) = 0 sectors
Current Secsize: 2048
ATIP info from disk:
Indicated writing power: 5
Reference speed: 0
Is not unrestricted
Is erasable
ATIP start of lead in:  -11635 (97:26/65)
ATIP start of lead out: 337350 (75:00/00)
speed low: 0 speed high: 4
power mult factor: 4 6
recommended erase/write power: 3
A2 values: 00 00 00
Disk type:Phase change
Manuf. index: 3
Manufacturer: CMC Magnetics Corporation
Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in write mode for single session.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
Performing OPC...
Starting new track at sector: 0
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
CDB:  2A 00 00 00 27 1D 00 00 1F 00
Sense Bytes: F0 00 03 00 00 27 B5 0A 00 00 00 00 0C 09 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x09 (write error - loss of streaming) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 10165 (valid)
write track data: error after 20506624 bytes
Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Writing  time:   52.766s
cdrecord: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: retryable 
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
CDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Sense Bytes: F0 00 03 00 00 4B 4A 0A 00 00 00 00 0C 07 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x07 (write error - recovery needed) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 19274 (valid)
cmd finished after 70.773s timeout 480s
Fixating time:   70.788s
cdrecord: Input/output error. mode select g1: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
CDB:  55 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x26 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in parameter list) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 40s
cdrecord: fifo had 387 puts and 324 gets.
cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 297 times full, min fill was 95%.
mkisofs: Broken pipe. cannot fwrite 32768*1

On Sunday 22 April 2001 05:17 pm, so spoke Eric Krout:
>I'm not very impressed with what people are reporting about their experience 
>with the new stable release of Mandrake, version 8.0.  Does anyone have 
>anything *good* to say about it?  I might end up just sticking with my 7.2 
>version, which I've updated with KDE 2.1.1 already.  No sense dealing with 
>unnecessary hassle.


[expert] Mandrake 8.0 and "VIA686a" Chipsets: Gotta Big Problem, Houston....

2001-04-22 Thread Tom Snell

Install of 8.0 went well, and this version is really beautiful! But we
do have some anomalies, perhaps with the new kernel 2.4.3, that did not
show up in 2.4.1 or 2.4.2.

>From the time I first rebooted after install, stderr is sending the
following lines to syslog (from dmesg):

Apr 20 20:25:00 localhost kernel: Calibrating delay loop... <4>probable
hardware bug: 
clock timer configuration lost - probably a VIA686a motherboard.
Apr 20 20:25:00 localhost kernel: probable hardware bug: restoring chip

This message repeats through the boot and into syslog during the
sessionsyslog and /var/log/messages were up to 15MB in two days.

At the same time, the CPU is getting creamed by the "kapm-idled" process
(pid 3 on boot), anywhere from 51-85% of the cycles are being grabbed by
this process.  I don't know what this process is, but it looks like it
has something to do with power management.

At this point, if I confirm that the 2.4.3 kernel is having a problem
with power management on motherboards with certain Athlon-class
chipsets, I might recompile the kernel and take out APM, but I hope
Mandrake can check this out and patch the kernel.

FYI, I did not get these messages/CPU overload problem with kernels
2.2.18, 2.4.0 or 2.4.1.

System Info:

Athlon 650 MHz
MSI-6195 mobo (AMD 756 chipset) [note: I had similar problems with
FreeBSD 4.2 on this board)
Corsair PC100 CAS2 SDRAM

Appreciate if any Mandrake developers on the list check this out.

Tom Snell

Re: [expert] VMware 2.0 and Mandrake 8.0.

2001-04-22 Thread Nima S. Panahi

I am have same problem. I cannot, for the life of me, install a new vmware
machine because of the lilo problem. I have not tried grub or to see what
exactly the problem is, since I just kept using the old ones. Oh yeh, the
problem started when I got 8.0beta2 and was there for beta3. Now, with 8.0
final, vmware segments and does not run anyways. This 8.0 final release is
not as half as stable as Mandrake's other final releases. It feels like a
beta or maybe even an alpha.

 On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Lars
Roland Kristiansen wrote:

> Hi i am trying to make win2k to run inside VMware in mdk8.0 - i have an 13
> gb ibm drive with wintendo on the first 4gb (/dev/hda1) and mandrake on
> the rest. When i try starting VMware it all goes fine, but when coming to
> the lilo point it just hangs (i think it may be the grafical lilo-thing
> that is messing it up)
> Please help
> ___
> Mvh./Yours sincerely
> Lars
> Lars Roland Kristiansen | Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Stud. Scient. Mathematics   | TLF(home):39699914 - 116
> Copenhagen University - | Home address: Bispebjerg parkalle
> Institute for Mathematical Sciences | 22 - 2400 københavn NV - room 116.
> Url: |
>"Politics is for the moment, equations are forever"
> - Albert Einstein

Re: [expert] VMware 2.0 and Mandrake 8.0.

2001-04-22 Thread Nima S. Panahi

Um, I am sorry, I miss read the question. My problem is still the same
though, I cannot install any linux guests under linux host. It hangs at

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Nima S. Panahi wrote:

> I am have same problem. I cannot, for the life of me, install a new vmware
> machine because of the lilo problem. I have not tried grub or to see what
> exactly the problem is, since I just kept using the old ones. Oh yeh, the
> problem started when I got 8.0beta2 and was there for beta3. Now, with 8.0
> final, vmware segments and does not run anyways. This 8.0 final release is
> not as half as stable as Mandrake's other final releases. It feels like a
> beta or maybe even an alpha.
>  On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Lars
> Roland Kristiansen wrote:
> > Hi i am trying to make win2k to run inside VMware in mdk8.0 - i have an 13
> > gb ibm drive with wintendo on the first 4gb (/dev/hda1) and mandrake on
> > the rest. When i try starting VMware it all goes fine, but when coming to
> > the lilo point it just hangs (i think it may be the grafical lilo-thing
> > that is messing it up)
> >
> > Please help
> >
> > ___
> > Mvh./Yours sincerely
> >
> > Lars
> >
> > 
> > Lars Roland Kristiansen | Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Stud. Scient. Mathematics   | TLF(home):39699914 - 116
> > Copenhagen University - | Home address: Bispebjerg parkalle
> > Institute for Mathematical Sciences | 22 - 2400 københavn NV - room 116.
> > Url: |
> > 
> >
> >"Politics is for the moment, equations are forever"
> > - Albert Einstein
> >
> >
> >

[expert] Software Manager

2001-04-22 Thread Digital Wokan

Okay, I've got Mandrake 8.0 installed, and now there's this Samba update
out.  Since MandrakeSoft seemed to think MandrakeUpdate was such a bad
thing, I'm trying to figure out this Software Manager they include.  I
got it set for security updates and picked a mirror, but I can't for the
life of me figure out how to install the Samba update without resorting
to ftp and the command line.
This is not a new problem to me.  I tried figuring this out before beta2
even hit the streets.  I had to resort to rpm -Fvh and rpm -Uvh more
often than not.
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

[expert] xinetd

2001-04-22 Thread richard

Hi all,
A while ago I asked some questions about xinetd and got some usefull pointers.
But, still having a few probs which I need to get sorted before going to 8.0

2 pc's both runing 7.2 with the dist kernel 2.2.17-mdk.
1 runs ok with the script files in /etc/xinet.d/ sutably altered to point 
telnet to another app, and the real telnet to another port as listed in 

the other pc is behaving a little oddly to say the least !
same config but telneting to port 23 goes straight to the front end login..

So I stoped xinetd made the needed addtions to inetd.conf and ran inetd
both port 23 and 17200 both point to the frontend    ! :(

so next  step chmod 0 /etc/xinet.d/* so all files in that dir are unuseable
resated inetd ,and the same occurred again.

chmod 0 /etc/services & chmod 0 /etc/xinetd.conf

no telnet fuction working as it should now be :)

stopped inetd and started xinetd

telnet to port 23 goes where it should and to port 17200

strange ?

took out the line in xinetd.confincludedir=/etc/xinetd.d/

restarted xinetd

no telnet fuctions :)

put the line back in and restarted xinetd  telnet functions again

BUT /etc/services  & /etc/xinetd.conf & the contents of /etc/xinetd.d/  have  
nil attributes, ie no rwx or anything

So the question is does the xinet deamon tottally ignore any file attributes 
including its own config file ???
or is there something sneaky Mandrake have done to mirror the config files 
somewhere else as part of their security measures , rthis machine is set at 
msec 3.

Just a bit confussed with this  

any ideas ?


Best Regards & 73
Richard Bown
Tlf. +44 1952 502550
mobile +44 7850 876224

[newbie] HELP:8.0 kernel panic

2001-04-22 Thread Dale Kosan

L could sure use some help here.I downloaded and installed 8.0 final and when 
it rebooted I received the following message:

VFS:cannot open root device "2106" or 21:06
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
kernel panic : VFS : unable to mount root fs on 21:06

I tried to boot with rescue floppies that the install made and low and behold 
there is nothing on the disks! I think the problem could be either the 
Western Digital drive or the add on pci card Pomise ATA 100 card.7.2 did not 
have a problem with the card so I am not sure what is up.I also installed 8.0 
on my Toshiba laptop and same thing as with 7.2, seems to not like my Linksys 
PCMP 200 nic.Could someone please help a newbie in distress.Thanks for your 