Re: [expert] Loading appropiate LIRC modules in LM 9.0.

2003-02-18 Thread Fabian Pena-Arellano
Hi James,

Thank you for answering. I just did what you proposed and
everything seems to be working very good. But I still have a question.
What do you have in your script placed in /etc/init.d/ to execute
the daemon lircd at boot time?
Thank you in advance.


On 17 Feb 2003, James Sparenberg wrote:

> On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 09:08, Fabian Pena-Arellano wrote:
> > Hello:
> > 
> > I want to use the remote control I got with my TV card, but I can 
> > only load into the kernel the modules I compiled myself with insmod. I
> > would like them to be loaded at boot time, but appending
> > 
> > alias char-major-61  lirc_driver
> > 
> > in the /etc/modules.conf seems to load the modules included with LM 9.0 
> > which do not work. These broken modules are in /lib/modules/2.4.19-16md
> > k/kernel/3rdparty/lirc/.
> > How can I tell the kernel the path of the working modules? Thank you
> > in advance for reading this e-mail.
> > 
> > Fabian.
> > 
> Fabian,
>Don't know for sure the "correct" answer for this but I can tell you
> what I've done and it worked for me.  cd  to the 3rdparty directory in
> your modules directory.  mv lirc to lirc.old  (this way you can role
> back if needed.) mkdir lirc and move the modules you have created into
> this directory and then rmmod the old ones and ismod the new.  This
> should also correct the problem over a reboot.
> James

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Re: [expert] Stand-alone Firewall

2003-02-18 Thread Lorne
On Monday 17 February 2003 09:49 am, Jim C wrote:
> Can anyone point me towards a HOWTO that will allow me to set up a box
> without a hard drive as a stand-alone firewall for my home network?
> I have an old K6-III box I want to use for this.  I figure I'll create
> an OS and firewall on a cdrom and leave it at that.
> Jim C,

You will get a dozen answers I'm sure. Here it is:

I've used it for years. Pretty much fool proof.

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[expert] Odd network behavior - HELP!!!

2003-02-18 Thread Ron Bouwhuis

Using MDK 9.0 and trying to get internet connection
going through an ADSL USB modem.  Using eciadsl
package and seems to work OK - to a point.  Something
very screwy is happening.  I can ping, but only sort

For example, I seem to be ablt to ping to xx.yy.zz.aa
type addresses, though sometimes get .  However, with
written addresses, it SOMETIMES works, but often not. 
Here's an example:

[root@Auckland etc]# ping
ping: unknown host
[root@Auckland etc]# ping
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from (
icmp_seq=1 ttl=239 time=266 ms
64 bytes from (
icmp_seq=2 ttl=239 time=260 ms
64 bytes from (
icmp_seq=3 ttl=239 time=259 ms
64 bytes from (
icmp_seq=4 ttl=239 time=259 ms
64 bytes from (
icmp_seq=5 ttl=239 time=259 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% loss, time
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 259.161/260.746/266.239/2.511

You can see the first two times I got unknown host,
but the third time it worked.  Nothing was done
between attempts other than up arrow and enter in
bash!  All three attempts within 1 minute.  Why work
the third time???

Here's the contents of host.conf and resolv.conf:

[root@Auckland etc]# cat host.conf
order hosts,bind
multi on
[root@Auckland etc]# cat resolv.conf
# ppp temp entry
nameserver # ppp temp entry
nameserver # ppp temp entry

I don't know if they are right, but I do know that the
entries in resolv.conf are the DNS servers supplied by
my ISP through DHCP.

My route table looked odd at first, until I figured
that the hyphenated IP address was probably just the
name.  Here are two views of the route table that show
what I mean:

[root@Auckland etc]# route -e
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags 
 MSS Window  irtt Iface
203-173-243-254 * UH
  40 0  0 ppp0 *   U 
  40 0  0 eth0   *   U 
  40 0  0 lo
default 203-173-243-254 UG
  40 0  0 ppp0
[root@Auckland etc]# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags
Metric RefUse Iface UH   
0  00 ppp0   U
0  00 eth0   U
0  00 lo UG   
0  00 ppp0

Not sure what the UH and UG flags mean.  Actually,
don't know much about routing at all, so if anything
looks odd, please tell me.

Finally, here's the output from ifconfig.  Not sure if
the netmask is correct for ppp0, but
that's what set up by DHCP from the ISP.  It's the
same in Windows that that seems to work OK.  

[root@Auckland etc]# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
  inet addr:  Bcast: 
  RX packets:32926 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:38633 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:29 txqueuelen:100
  RX bytes:16790046 (16.0 Mb)  TX
bytes:6766294 (6.4 Mb)
  Interrupt:3 Base address:0x300

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:5910 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:5910 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:1949959 (1.8 Mb)  TX bytes:1949959
(1.8 Mb)

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr: 
P-t-P:  Mask:
MTU:1500  Metric:1
  RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  TX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
  RX bytes:54 (54.0 b)  TX bytes:54 (54.0 b)

Please help - this is driving me crazy and I can't
figure out why ping and DNS lookup SOMETIMES work.  Of
course, from a web browser I can't connect to anything
at all - just get a host timeout error.  I've been
forced to use W2K as my internet connection sharing
box - and I'm convinced I've already been subject to
attack from the big bad web the very first day!!!

Regards and sorry for the long post,

Do you Yahoo!?
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[expert] voice chat

2003-02-18 Thread mohammad soroushian
Hi all,
Is it possible to have voice chat in Mandrake 9.0 (as
a server with Windows clients, and as a workstation)?
Will anybody help me?
Thanks a lot

Do you Yahoo!?
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[expert] Shared memory on low-mem machines

2003-02-18 Thread maxxik
  Hi !

  I installed MDK 9.0 on P133/32 machine ... all right but there was
  one trouble :

  i connect to that machine thru ssh ... i installed gkrellm from
  distributive on it

  when i try  to run gkrellm first (after reboot) i see :

Gdk-ERROR **: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)
  serial 177 error_code 10 request_code 146 minor_code 1
Gdk-ERROR **: BadShmSeg (invalid shared segment parameter)
  serial 178 error_code 167 request_code 146 minor_code 5
  when i run second gkrellm - all ok - gkrellm run successfully...

  where is trouble ?


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Re: [expert] voice chat

2003-02-18 Thread Pierre Fortin
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 21:45:39 -0800 (PST) mohammad soroushian

> Hi all,
> Is it possible to have voice chat in Mandrake 9.0 (as
> a server with Windows clients, and as a workstation)?
> Will anybody help me?
> Thanks a lot

It was (not sure about Windows part though) in previous releases (see; but NOT in 9.0 because Mdk blew the
build and has so far refused to fix it.

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Re: [expert] Odd network behavior - HELP!!!

2003-02-18 Thread Pierre Fortin
On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 01:42:49 -0800 (PST) Ron Bouwhuis

> All,
> Using MDK 9.0 and trying to get internet connection
> going through an ADSL USB modem.  Using eciadsl
> package and seems to work OK - to a point.  Something
> very screwy is happening.  I can ping, but only sort
> of.  
> For example, I seem to be ablt to ping to xx.yy.zz.aa
> type addresses, though sometimes get .  However, with
> written addresses, it SOMETIMES works, but often not. 
> Here's an example:
> [root@Auckland etc]# ping
> ping: unknown host
> [root@Auckland etc]# ping
> PING ( from
> : 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from (
> icmp_seq=1 ttl=239 time=266 ms
> 64 bytes from (
> icmp_seq=2 ttl=239 time=260 ms
> 64 bytes from (
> icmp_seq=3 ttl=239 time=259 ms
> 64 bytes from (
> icmp_seq=4 ttl=239 time=259 ms
> 64 bytes from (
> icmp_seq=5 ttl=239 time=259 ms
> --- ping statistics ---
> 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% loss, time
> 5056ms
> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 259.161/260.746/266.239/2.511
> ms
> You can see the first two times I got unknown host,
> but the third time it worked.  Nothing was done
> between attempts other than up arrow and enter in
> bash!  All three attempts within 1 minute.  Why work
> the third time???
> Here's the contents of host.conf and resolv.conf:
> [root@Auckland etc]# cat host.conf
> order hosts,bind
> multi on
> [root@Auckland etc]# cat resolv.conf
> # ppp temp entry
> nameserver # ppp temp entry
> nameserver # ppp temp entry
> I don't know if they are right, but I do know that the
> entries in resolv.conf are the DNS servers supplied by
> my ISP through DHCP.
> My route table looked odd at first, until I figured
> that the hyphenated IP address was probably just the
> name.  Here are two views of the route table that show
> what I mean:
> [root@Auckland etc]# route -e
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags 
>  MSS Window  irtt Iface
> 203-173-243-254 * UH
>   40 0  0 ppp0
> *   U 
>   40 0  0 eth0
>   *   U 
>   40 0  0 lo
> default 203-173-243-254 UG
>   40 0  0 ppp0
> [root@Auckland etc]# route -n
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags
> Metric RefUse Iface
> UH   
> 0  00 ppp0
>   U
> 0  00 eth0
>   U
> 0  00 lo
> UG   
> 0  00 ppp0
> Not sure what the UH and UG flags mean.  Actually,
> don't know much about routing at all, so if anything
> looks odd, please tell me.
> Finally, here's the output from ifconfig.  Not sure if
> the netmask is correct for ppp0, but
> that's what set up by DHCP from the ISP.  It's the
> same in Windows that that seems to work OK.  
> [root@Auckland etc]# ifconfig
> eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
> 00:90:CC:12:D2:64
>   inet addr:  Bcast: 
> Mask:
> Metric:1
>   RX packets:32926 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:38633 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:29 txqueuelen:100
>   RX bytes:16790046 (16.0 Mb)  TX
> bytes:6766294 (6.4 Mb)
>   Interrupt:3 Base address:0x300
> loLink encap:Local Loopback
>   inet addr:  Mask:
>   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
>   RX packets:5910 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:5910 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
>   RX bytes:1949959 (1.8 Mb)  TX bytes:1949959
> (1.8 Mb)
> ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
>   inet addr: 
> P-t-P:  Mask:
> MTU:1500  Metric:1
>   RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> frame:0
>   TX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
>   RX bytes:54 (54.0 b)  TX bytes:54 (54.0 b)
> Please help - this is driving me crazy and I can't
> figure out why ping and DNS lookup SOMETIMES work.  Of
> course, from a web browser I can't connect to anything
> at all - just get a ho

[expert] spastic messages during bootup

2003-02-18 Thread Praedor Atrebates
I have been struggling to get a usb wireless device (under NO circumstances 
should anyone buy linksys devices, particularly linksys usb wireless devices 
- they are useless in linux).  As part of the attempt to get it to work 
consistently and properly, I have altered bios settings: I either set PNP 
capable OS to yes or no.  If set to yes, no problem, I get a nice clean 
bootup.  If I set it to no, then I still get a bootup but there is a delay 
where the system goes berzerk producing hundreds of repetitive, streaming 
messages about mounting /dev/usb: readonly filesystem.  This doesn't happen 
when bios is set to PNP OS: yes.

What is the deal with this? 


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[expert] [repost] GTK2 apps in KDE (3.0.5)

2003-02-18 Thread Guy Van Sanden

I run KDE 3.0.5 with Liquid style as my main Desktop Environment.
I have AquaGraphite style set for my GTK1 applications (Like evolution)
to make my desktop look consistent.

But I seem to have problems doing something similar for GTK2 apps (which
the next version of Evolution will be BTW...).
I tried a suggestion from some Gnome mailing list to run

If I do this, my GTK2 apps get themed, but I lose control over my KDE
desktop (Icons disappear, Gnome wallpaper gets set, taskbar is not

Help! ;-)

King regards


Guy Van Sanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[expert] lilo and change rules for extended partition

2003-02-18 Thread bascule
when using lilo to hide partitions in the past i have relied on the examples i 
found online and in man lilo.conf, but now that i wish to alter the id of the 
extended partition (so that both os/2 and winxp will both work) i can't find 
any confirmation of the appropriate nomenclature.
the examples that i can find, for example:


do not actually coincide with the partition id list given by fdisk so i'm not 
sure if it is safe to just put:

and so forth; the extended partition is a primary partition so i'm assuming 
it's id can be changed (i read that this can't be done for logical 

can anyone tell me what the nomenclature is for the set= line to change the 
extended partition to id 05 (Extended) and to 0f (ExtendedX)



"Ah, " said Arthur, "this is obviously some strange usage 
of the word safe that I wasn't previously aware of. "

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Re: [expert] [repost] GTK2 apps in KDE (3.0.5)

2003-02-18 Thread Stanislav Kljuhhin

gtk apps are controlled by ~/.gtkrc file
gtk 2.0 apps are controlled by ~/.gtkrc-2.0
there is no need to run gnome-settings-daemon

here is example of my ones:

--- cat ~./gtkrc-2.0 ---
include "/usr/share/themes/Bluecurve/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
gtk-font-name = "Arial 12"

--- cat ~/.gtkrc ---
include "/usr/share/themes/Bluecurve/gtk/gtkrc"
style "user-font"
widget_class "*" style "user-font"

> Hello
> I run KDE 3.0.5 with Liquid style as my main Desktop Environment.
> I have AquaGraphite style set for my GTK1 applications (Like evolution)
> to make my desktop look consistent.
> But I seem to have problems doing something similar for GTK2 apps (which
> the next version of Evolution will be BTW...).
> I tried a suggestion from some Gnome mailing list to run
> 'gnome-settings-daemon'.
> If I do this, my GTK2 apps get themed, but I lose control over my KDE
> desktop (Icons disappear, Gnome wallpaper gets set, taskbar is not
> responding).
> Help! ;-)
> King regards
> Guy


Description: signature

Re: [expert] [repost] GTK2 apps in KDE (3.0.5)

2003-02-18 Thread SainTiss

gnome-settings-daemon works for me, but I'm using fluxbox, not KDE...

probably it's interfering with KDE's desktop management...

I wouldn't know how to solve that, but maybe you can try the
--sm-disable option?


On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 18:05, Guy Van Sanden wrote:
> Hello 
> I run KDE 3.0.5 with Liquid style as my main Desktop Environment.
> I have AquaGraphite style set for my GTK1 applications (Like evolution)
> to make my desktop look consistent.
> But I seem to have problems doing something similar for GTK2 apps (which
> the next version of Evolution will be BTW...).
> I tried a suggestion from some Gnome mailing list to run
> 'gnome-settings-daemon'.
> If I do this, my GTK2 apps get themed, but I lose control over my KDE
> desktop (Icons disappear, Gnome wallpaper gets set, taskbar is not
> responding).
> Help! ;-)
> King regards
> Guy
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?

Hans Schippers
UIA 2002-2003

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Re: Re: [expert] [OT] Latest on [MDK/Linux in general] support for DVD writers?!?

2003-02-18 Thread Jim Dawson
Very interesting. Perhaps there is a DVD recorder in my forseeable future after all. 

-Original Message-
From: Adam Kisiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 17 Feb 2003 19:29:39 -0500
Subject: Re: Re: [expert] [OT] Latest on [MDK/Linux in general] support for DVD 

On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 13:24, Jim Dawson wrote:
> cdrecord currently supports DVD-R/-RW, but (afaik) does not currently
> support DVD+R/+RW drives. From the CDRecord web site: "Cdrecord
> supports DVD-R and DVD-RW with all known DVD-writers on all UNIX-like
> OS and on Win32. "
  See the excellent page about DVD+RW at:
  Using info on that page I was able to use DVD+RW recorder in Linux,
both as an external (FireWire) and internal drive. I was able to record
both DVD+R and DVD+RW with no problem. So, while cdrecord does not work,
it does not matter, You just use growisofs instead.

>  Unfortunately it seems that the +R/+RW format seems to be gaining
> momentum. Most of the DVD recordable drives I've seen on the shelves
> of computer stores lately have been +R/+RW format. 
  I would have to disagree here. In my opinion (and I may be biased, as
I own a DVD+RW burner ...) It is very fortunate that DVD+RW is gaining
momentum as it appears to be a format superior to DVD-R(W). In short: it
is a true packet-writing format, so, in principle, the DVD+RW can be
even used as radom-writing device (think of it as a slow hard-drive).
Again, see the page above for more info.

Adam Kisiel

Adam Kisiel  | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Faculty of Physics   | homepage:
Warsaw University Of Technology  |

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Re: [expert] [repost] GTK2 apps in KDE (3.0.5)

2003-02-18 Thread stanly klyuhin

gtk apps are controlled by ~/.gtkrc file
gtk 2.0 apps are controlled by ~/.gtkrc-2.0
there is no need to run gnome-settings-daemon

here is example of my ones:

--- cat ~./gtkrc-2.0 ---
include "/usr/share/themes/Bluecurve/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
gtk-font-name = "Arial 12"

--- cat ~/.gtkrc ---
include "/usr/share/themes/Bluecurve/gtk/gtkrc"
style "user-font"
widget_class "*" style "user-font"

÷ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÉ ÏÔ Tuesday 18 February 2003 19:05 Guy Van Sanden ÎÁÐÉÓÁÌ:
> Hello
> I run KDE 3.0.5 with Liquid style as my main Desktop Environment.
> I have AquaGraphite style set for my GTK1 applications (Like evolution)
> to make my desktop look consistent.
> But I seem to have problems doing something similar for GTK2 apps (which
> the next version of Evolution will be BTW...).
> I tried a suggestion from some Gnome mailing list to run
> 'gnome-settings-daemon'.
> If I do this, my GTK2 apps get themed, but I lose control over my KDE
> desktop (Icons disappear, Gnome wallpaper gets set, taskbar is not
> responding).
> Help! ;-)
> King regards
> Guy


Description: signature

Re: [expert] lilo and change rules for extended partition

2003-02-18 Thread Felix Miata
bascule wrote:
> when using lilo to hide partitions in the past i have relied on the examples i
> found online and in man lilo.conf, but now that i wish to alter the id of the
> extended partition (so that both os/2 and winxp will both work) i can't find
> any confirmation of the appropriate nomenclature.
> the examples that i can find, for example:
> set=DOS16_big_normal
> or
> set=NTFS_normal
> do not actually coincide with the partition id list given by fdisk so i'm not
> sure if it is safe to just put:
> change
> partition=/dev/hda2
> set=0x05
> and so forth; the extended partition is a primary partition so i'm assuming
> it's id can be changed (i read that this can't be done for logical
> partitions)
> can anyone tell me what the nomenclature is for the set= line to change the
> extended partition to id 05 (Extended) and to 0f (ExtendedX)

Use FDISK to change it to 05 and leave it that way. 0F is for W95OSR2,
W98, and WME. NT and its derivatives aren't so brain dead as to require
a non-standard extended type to know how to deal with a big disk. See
below URL for more.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have
for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
Benjamin Franklin

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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Re: [expert] lilo and change rules for extended partition

2003-02-18 Thread bascule
thanks felix but my winxp will not see the ntfs partition that is within the 
extended partition unless the typ is other than 05, specifically it will not 
mount it onto it's filesystem and since that partition is the 'documents and 
settings' stuff i can hardly do without it :)
if you are sure that winxp pro should be able to do this from within a 05 id 
extended partition then i shall have to double check the integrity but there 
are no signs of errors, this linux install is booted from within the same 
extended partition


On Tuesday 18 Feb 2003 6:25 pm, Felix Miata wrote:
> bascule wrote:
> > when using lilo to hide partitions in the past i have relied on the
> > examples i found online and in man lilo.conf, but now that i wish to
> > alter the id of the extended partition (so that both os/2 and winxp will
> > both work) i can't find any confirmation of the appropriate nomenclature.
> > the examples that i can find, for example:
> >
> > set=DOS16_big_normal
> > or
> > set=NTFS_normal
> >
> > do not actually coincide with the partition id list given by fdisk so i'm
> > not sure if it is safe to just put:
> > change
> > partition=/dev/hda2
> > set=0x05
> >
> > and so forth; the extended partition is a primary partition so i'm
> > assuming it's id can be changed (i read that this can't be done for
> > logical partitions)
> >
> > can anyone tell me what the nomenclature is for the set= line to change
> > the extended partition to id 05 (Extended) and to 0f (ExtendedX)
> Use FDISK to change it to 05 and leave it that way. 0F is for W95OSR2,
> W98, and WME. NT and its derivatives aren't so brain dead as to require
> a non-standard extended type to know how to deal with a big disk. See
> below URL for more.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President 
should on no account be allowed to do the job." 

-- Some wisdom from The Book. 

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Re: [expert] kernel and alsa issues

2003-02-18 Thread Jack Coates
Still doesn't work; I've downloaded cooker alsa as well, but it won't
install because of gcc issues:
[jack@chupacabra jack]$ ls *alsa*
[jack@chupacabra jack]$ sudo urpmi *alsa*
installing ./libalsaplayer0-0.99.74-1mdk.i586.rpm
./xmms-alsa-0.9.7-3mdk.i586.rpm ./libalsa-data-0.9.0-0.13rc7mdk.i586.rpm

Installation failed: is needed by
alsaplayer-plugin-ui-gtk-0.99.74-1mdk is needed by alsa-utils-0.9.0-0.8rc7mdk is needed by libalsa2-0.9.0-0.13rc7mdk is needed by

You have no idea how good Gentoo looks right now; the only thing
stopping me is that I don't have twelve hours to backup, install, and

On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 08:04, Jack Coates wrote:
> I have a Sony Vaio VX88 which is ACPI-only and requires a newer ACPI
> patch than that used by the stock 9.0 distribution. This is my work
> laptop so I do not use the full cooker distribution, but I also don't
> want to recreate every single Mandrake patch.
> I've installed the 2.4.20-2mdk cooker kernel and had a moderate level of
> success: ACPI works, i810 sound works (albeit poppy). However, 3d
> doesn't work, swsusp doesn't work, and the kernel will crash on the
> occassional video context switch.
> I installed 2.4.21pre4-6mdk from cooker after reading the changelog and
> seeing improvements to ACPI, swsusp, and i810 Alsa modules. All I did
> was urpmi the new kernel, edit lilo.conf, run lilo, and reboot. ACPI
> still works, 3d works, swsusp kind of works (logs me out of X on resume,
> but better than the previous swap-partition corrupting crash-and-burn).
> However, sound doesn't work. /etc/modules.conf and lsmod look fine, but
> alsaplay shows:
> [jack@chupacabra jack]$ alsaplayer 
> error on set_period_size (512)
> Unavailable hw params:
> RATE: 44100
> PERIOD_TIME: (166 341334)
> PERIOD_SIZE: (7 15053)
> PERIOD_BYTES: (28 60212)
> PERIODS: (0 2151)
> BUFFER_TIME: (158 341316)
> BUFFER_SIZE: [7 15052]
> BUFFER_BYTES: [28 60208]
> error on set_period_size (1024)
> Unavailable hw params:
> RATE: 44100
> PERIOD_TIME: (166 341334)
> PERIOD_SIZE: (7 15053)
> PERIOD_BYTES: (28 60212)
> PERIODS: (0 2151)
> BUFFER_TIME: (158 341316)
> BUFFER_SIZE: [7 15052]
> BUFFER_BYTES: [28 60208]
> failed to configure output device...trying OSS
> So, I rebooted to 2.4.20-2mdk... and sound still doesn't work, with the
> same symptoms.
> ???
> This seems odd to me.
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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Re: [expert] [repost] GTK2 apps in KDE (3.0.5)

2003-02-18 Thread stanly klyuhin

forget about wizards... the only thing they can do is to completely duck up 
your carefully-written-by-hand config files ;)

first look at this line in my example ~/.gtkrc-2.0:
include "/usr/share/themes/Bluecurve/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
and now do:
$ find /usr/share/themes -name gtk-2.0

so? do you still need some wizard or configurator? ;)

÷ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÉ ÏÔ Tuesday 18 February 2003 22:16 ×Ù ÎÁÐÉÓÁÌÉ:
> Hi,
> Thank you for the tip, the file did not exist and I created it with
> >gtk-font-name = "Arial 18"<
> as the only line there.
> It does work and I don't need to use the gnome-settings-daemon which does
> take over the KDE desktop. Having a 1600x1200 screen I just _need_ to
> change the fonts.
> What I wonder is, is this file created by some wizard so I can change some
> other settings like the Theme and such?
> b.
> On Tuesday 18 February 2003 17:28, Stanislav Kljuhhin wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > gtk apps are controlled by ~/.gtkrc file
> > gtk 2.0 apps are controlled by ~/.gtkrc-2.0
> > there is no need to run gnome-settings-daemon
> >
> > here is example of my ones:
> >
> > --- cat ~./gtkrc-2.0 ---
> > include "/usr/share/themes/Bluecurve/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
> > gtk-font-name = "Arial 12"
> > ---
> >
> > --- cat ~/.gtkrc ---
> > include "/usr/share/themes/Bluecurve/gtk/gtkrc"
> > style "user-font"
> > {
> > fontset="-monotype-arial-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r"
> > }
> > widget_class "*" style "user-font"
> > ---
> >
> > > Hello
> > >
> > > I run KDE 3.0.5 with Liquid style as my main Desktop Environment.
> > > I have AquaGraphite style set for my GTK1 applications (Like evolution)
> > > to make my desktop look consistent.
> > >
> > > But I seem to have problems doing something similar for GTK2 apps
> > > (which the next version of Evolution will be BTW...).
> > > I tried a suggestion from some Gnome mailing list to run
> > > 'gnome-settings-daemon'.
> > >
> > > If I do this, my GTK2 apps get themed, but I lose control over my KDE
> > > desktop (Icons disappear, Gnome wallpaper gets set, taskbar is not
> > > responding).
> > >
> > > Help! ;-)
> > >
> > > King regards
> > >
> > > Guy


Description: signature

Re: [expert] lilo and change rules for extended partition

2003-02-18 Thread Felix Miata
bascule wrote:
> thanks felix but my winxp will not see the ntfs partition that is within the
> extended partition unless the typ is other than 05, specifically it will not
> mount it onto it's filesystem and since that partition is the 'documents and
> settings' stuff i can hardly do without it :)
> if you are sure that winxp pro should be able to do this from within a 05 id
> extended partition then i shall have to double check the integrity but there
> are no signs of errors, this linux install is booted from within the same
> extended partition

I don't have WXP to try, but W2K has no such problem, and I've never
heard of anyone else with XP unable to access logicals within a standard
05 extended.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have
for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
Benjamin Franklin

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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Re: [expert] [repost] GTK2 apps in KDE (3.0.5)

2003-02-18 Thread bones

Since you forwarded my mail to the experts list:

This is my little "defending wizards" speech that I always keep for moments 
like this.

On Tuesday 18 February 2003 19:46, stanly klyuhin wrote:
> hi,
> forget about wizards... the only thing they can do is to completely duck up
> your carefully-written-by-hand config files ;)

What I don't like about config files is, that I 
a) don't find them if I don't know they are there, or as in this case have to 
create them by hand first.
b) I don't know how dependant they are on each other
c) the options that are allowed or not - in short what you can do with it and 
what not - is not clear. It is text - I can put into it the text of one of 
Terry Pratchets books and hope Rincewind the wizard comes hopping out as my 
new office helper. 

What I do like about them is, that they are completely open and democratically 
changable by anybody and any program (with enough rights) - no registry shit, 
no encrytion, plain (text) and honest.

But the problem about those config files shows in this example, I now know how 
to change the fonts, and I know how to change the theme. But that is all I 
have learned in these two mails.

That's why I dig webmin, for the simple tasks that I want done it is perfect. 
And all it really does, is change the democratic text files...

> first look at this line in my example ~/.gtkrc-2.0:
> include "/usr/share/themes/Bluecurve/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
> and now do:
> $ find /usr/share/themes -name gtk-2.0
> so? do you still need some wizard or configurator? ;)

No, actually your first tip was all I really needed (bigger fonts) to have KDE 
as desktop and not loosing my eyesight. The theme was just for fun. So would 
be the rest I could do with it.

You can have one of my Terry Pratchet books as a thank-you, I just finished 
it. (That's maybe why I am in a bit of a strange mood and dare to write to 
the expert list, but I am honestly grateful for this tip)

good night, everybody


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Re: [expert] [repost] GTK2 apps in KDE (3.0.5)

2003-02-18 Thread stanly klyuhin

> [little "defending wizards" speech skipped]

i completely disagree

> But the problem about those config files shows in this example, I now know
> how to change the fonts, and I know how to change the theme. But that is
> all I have learned in these two mails.
that's because you've asked for pretty concrete fings to change.

here is comlete guide to gtkrc files:

> That's why I dig webmin, for the simple tasks that I want done it is
> perfect. And all it really does, is change the democratic text files...
endless crawling through dozens and dozens of often badly-designed dialogs... 
oh no, i'd better change one line in config file.

> [skipped]

> You can have one of my Terry Pratchet books as a thank-you, I just finished
sure, thank you. btw, what is "Terry Pratchet book"? ;)

> it. (That's maybe why I am in a bit of a strange mood and dare to write to
> the expert list, but I am honestly grateful for this tip)


Description: signature

Re: [expert] [repost] GTK2 apps in KDE (3.0.5)

2003-02-18 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 23:20:43 +0200
stanly klyuhin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> sure, thank you. btw, what is "Terry Pratchet book"? ;)

What;  that's sacrilege 

May the turtle stumble, the elephant fall and your world come crashing


"I'm growing older, but not up."
-- Jimmy Buffett
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-6mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [expert] Mandrake 9 will not make initrd

2003-02-18 Thread Todd Lyons
Hash: SHA1

Rolf Pedersen wrote on Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 08:28:10AM -0800 :
> >
> >Problem is, on my laptop initrd fails to work at all - complaining that it 
> >cannot find /dev/loop, cannot find a loopback device even though support 
> >for the loopback device was explicitly set in during make xconfig.
> >Why is it that 9.0 fails on this basic requirement?  What precisely was 
> >broken in 9.0 vs 8.2?  How does one get loopback working?
> I have had such a problem while installing a kernel on, I believe, 9.0. 
>  The solution for me was to modprobe loop and mkinitrd.  However, the 

Usually this means that for some reason the devfsd daemon has died.

Blue skies...   Todd
- -- 
   MandrakeSoft USA
  cat /boot/vmlinuz > /dev/dsp  #for great justice
  Mandrake Cooker Devel Version, Kernel 2.4.21pre4-5mdk
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] kernel and mount issues

2003-02-18 Thread Todd Lyons
Hash: SHA1

Jack Coates wrote on Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 02:13:35PM -0800 :
> > ... 
> It's the new kernel alright -- didn't have to muck with symlinks, but
> its dmesg output was different and the working/non-working sets were
> different.

What he's saying is that when you think you're booting the old kernel,
you're actually booting the new one.  Look at /etc/lilo.conf and see
what it's using (probably /boot/vmlinuz).  Then go look in /boot and
you'll see that vmlinuz is pointing to the most recent kernel you just

Blue skies...   Todd
- -- 
| MandrakeSoft USA | Sometimes you get what you want. |
|  | Sometimes you get experience.|
| |--unknown origin  |
  Mandrake Cooker Devel Version, Kernel 2.4.21pre4-5mdk
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] kernel and mount issues

2003-02-18 Thread Jack Coates
On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 15:34, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jack Coates wrote on Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 02:13:35PM -0800 :
> > > ... 
> > It's the new kernel alright -- didn't have to muck with symlinks, but
> > its dmesg output was different and the working/non-working sets were
> > different.
> What he's saying is that when you think you're booting the old kernel,
> you're actually booting the new one.  Look at /etc/lilo.conf and see
> what it's using (probably /boot/vmlinuz).  Then go look in /boot and
> you'll see that vmlinuz is pointing to the most recent kernel you just
> installed.

not according to uname -a. I also have a kernel module that drives some
gkrellm monitors, vaio_stat, which is compiled against 2.4.20 and won't
load in 2.4.21, so I am real clear on when it's 2.4.20 vs 2.4.21.
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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Re: [expert] kernel and mount issues

2003-02-18 Thread Todd Lyons
Hash: SHA1

Jack Coates wrote on Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 03:39:33PM -0800 :
> > 
> > What he's saying is that when you think you're booting the old kernel,
> > you're actually booting the new one.  Look at /etc/lilo.conf and see
> > what it's using (probably /boot/vmlinuz).  Then go look in /boot and
> > you'll see that vmlinuz is pointing to the most recent kernel you just
> > installed.
> not according to uname -a. I also have a kernel module that drives some
> gkrellm monitors, vaio_stat, which is compiled against 2.4.20 and won't
> load in 2.4.21, so I am real clear on when it's 2.4.20 vs 2.4.21.

Well that's pretty authoritative, so there's no doubt.  In that case,
dunno what to tell you though.  Is it possible it created some device
nodes in /dev that devfs is putting in place that are causing problems?

Blue skies...   Todd
- -- 
   MandrakeSoft USA
   Easy things should be easy, and hard things should be possible.
--Larry Wall
  Mandrake Cooker Devel Version, Kernel 2.4.21pre4-5mdk
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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RE: Re: [expert] [OT] Latest on [MDK/Linux in general] support for DVD writers?!?

2003-02-18 Thread Robert Wideman
>> cdrecord currently supports DVD-R/-RW, but (afaik) does not 
>> currently support DVD+R/+RW drives. From the CDRecord web site: 
>> "Cdrecord supports DVD-R and DVD-RW with all known DVD-writers 
>> on all UNIX-like OS and on Win32. "

Support for DVD+R/W, as per the previous info.


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[expert] very simple question about kdm

2003-02-18 Thread Damon Lynch

How do I get it to start up each time I boot?  I've been running cooker
to help with the testing and when I changed to kdm it now boots to
command prompt only.  I can login as root and start it manually, but I'm
sure there's a simple fix.


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[expert] KPilot woes

2003-02-18 Thread Rob Blomquist
I am suffering with KPilot on Mandrake 9.0, running the rpms from 
Mandrake of KDE 3.1.0.

KPilot appears to be trying to access /dev/ttyUSB0 (as I have told it 
to), but it cant find it. the Kernel log is showing that the visor is 
bound to /dev/ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1, but the 2 are not communicating. 
And quite frankly it doesn't matter if I tell it ttyUSB1 either. 
There is still no connect.

Can anyone tell me why this isn't working?

The full logs appear below:
Version: KPilot 4.3.6 (3_1_BRANCH)
Version: pilot-link 0.11.3
Version: KDE 3.1.0
Version: Qt 3.1.1

HotSync Log

21:52:24  Pilot device  /dev/ttyUSB0 doesn't exist. Assuming the 
device uses DevFS.
21:52:25  Trying to open device...
21:52:25  Could not open device:  /dev/ttyUSB0 (will retry)
21:53:45  HotSyncing. Please press the HotSync button.


Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on 
bus2/3, assigned device number 6
Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: Number of 
ports: 2
Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 1, is 
for Generic use and is bound to ttyUSB0
Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 2, is 
for HotSync use and is bound to ttyUSB1
Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
now attached to ttyUSB0 (or usb/tts/0 for devfs)
Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
now attached to ttyUSB1 (or usb/tts/1 for devfs)
Feb 17 21:51:45 timmy2 kernel: Device not ready.  Make sure there is a 
disc in the drive.
Feb 17 21:51:45 timmy2 kernel: Device busy for revalidation (usage=1)
Feb 17 21:51:48 timmy2 /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup visor for USB 
product 82d/100/100
Feb 17 21:52:37 timmy2 kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 6
Feb 17 21:52:37 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
now disconnected from ttyUSB0
Feb 17 21:52:37 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
now disconnected from ttyUSB1
Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on 
bus2/3, assigned device number 7
Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: Number of 
ports: 2
Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 1, is 
for Generic use and is bound to ttyUSB0
Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 2, is 
for HotSync use and is bound to ttyUSB1
Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
now attached to ttyUSB0 (or usb/tts/0 for devfs)
Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
now attached to ttyUSB1 (or usb/tts/1 for devfs)
Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: Device not ready.  Make sure there is a 
disc in the drive.
Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: Device busy for revalidation (usage=1)
Feb 17 21:53:43 timmy2 /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup visor for USB 
product 82d/100/100
Feb 17 21:54:32 timmy2 kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 7
Feb 17 21:54:32 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
now disconnected from ttyUSB0
Feb 17 21:54:32 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
now disconnected from ttyUSB1

And during the same period KPilot is reporting:

Version: KPilot 4.3.6 (3_1_BRANCH)
Version: pilot-link 0.11.3
Version: KDE 3.1.0
Version: Qt 3.1.1

HotSync Log

21:52:24  Pilot device  /dev/ttyUSB0 doesn't exist. Assuming the 
device uses DevFS.
21:52:25  Trying to open device...
21:52:25  Could not open device:  /dev/ttyUSB0 (will retry)
21:53:45  HotSyncing. Please press the HotSync button.

Rob Blomquist
Kirkland, WA

On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section,
it said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux and 
happily ever after.

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Re: [expert] very simple question about kdm

2003-02-18 Thread Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 18 February 2003 09:40 pm, Damon Lynch wrote:
> Hi,
> How do I get it to start up each time I boot?  I've been running cooker
> to help with the testing and when I changed to kdm it now boots to
> command prompt only.  I can login as root and start it manually, but I'm
> sure there's a simple fix.
> Thanks,
> Damon
kdm is in a seperate package now in cooker.  Do you have kdebase-kdm 
installed?  Or are you talking about a different distro version?
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] very simple question about kdm

2003-02-18 Thread Damon Lynch
On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 16:05, Greg Meyer wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday 18 February 2003 09:40 pm, Damon Lynch wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > How do I get it to start up each time I boot?  I've been running cooker
> > to help with the testing and when I changed to kdm it now boots to
> > command prompt only.  I can login as root and start it manually, but I'm
> > sure there's a simple fix.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Damon
> kdm is in a seperate package now in cooker.  Do you have kdebase-kdm 
> installed?  Or are you talking about a different distro version?

Yes, kdebase-kdm.  I installed that when doing general refresh of the
cooker packages (it asked me to choose between two, and I chose that




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Re: [expert] KPilot woes

2003-02-18 Thread Jack Coates
how about pilot-xfer -l? If that works, you know pilot-link is doing its
job... however, this is all terribly buggy territory and has been for
years and probably isn't going to get unbuggy any time soon. pilot-link
usually works pretty well, note that it's up to version 0.11.7 now.
Programs that work closely with it like jpilot work. gnome-pilot and
kpilot are generally not likely to work reliably.

On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 18:57, Rob Blomquist wrote:
> I am suffering with KPilot on Mandrake 9.0, running the rpms from 
> Mandrake of KDE 3.1.0.
> KPilot appears to be trying to access /dev/ttyUSB0 (as I have told it 
> to), but it cant find it. the Kernel log is showing that the visor is 
> bound to /dev/ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1, but the 2 are not communicating. 
> And quite frankly it doesn't matter if I tell it ttyUSB1 either. 
> There is still no connect.
> Can anyone tell me why this isn't working?
> The full logs appear below:
> Version: KPilot 4.3.6 (3_1_BRANCH)
> Version: pilot-link 0.11.3
> Version: KDE 3.1.0
> Version: Qt 3.1.1
> HotSync Log
> 21:52:24  Pilot device  /dev/ttyUSB0 doesn't exist. Assuming the 
> device uses DevFS.
> 21:52:25  Trying to open device...
> 21:52:25  Could not open device:  /dev/ttyUSB0 (will retry)
> 21:53:45  HotSyncing. Please press the HotSync button.
> /var/log/messages:
> Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on 
> bus2/3, assigned device number 6
> Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
> detected
> Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: Number of 
> ports: 2
> Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 1, is 
> for Generic use and is bound to ttyUSB0
> Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 2, is 
> for HotSync use and is bound to ttyUSB1
> Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
> now attached to ttyUSB0 (or usb/tts/0 for devfs)
> Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
> now attached to ttyUSB1 (or usb/tts/1 for devfs)
> Feb 17 21:51:45 timmy2 kernel: Device not ready.  Make sure there is a 
> disc in the drive.
> Feb 17 21:51:45 timmy2 kernel: Device busy for revalidation (usage=1)
> Feb 17 21:51:48 timmy2 /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup visor for USB 
> product 82d/100/100
> Feb 17 21:52:37 timmy2 kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 6
> Feb 17 21:52:37 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
> now disconnected from ttyUSB0
> Feb 17 21:52:37 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
> now disconnected from ttyUSB1
> Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on 
> bus2/3, assigned device number 7
> Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
> detected
> Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: Number of 
> ports: 2
> Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 1, is 
> for Generic use and is bound to ttyUSB0
> Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 2, is 
> for HotSync use and is bound to ttyUSB1
> Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
> now attached to ttyUSB0 (or usb/tts/0 for devfs)
> Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
> now attached to ttyUSB1 (or usb/tts/1 for devfs)
> Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: Device not ready.  Make sure there is a 
> disc in the drive.
> Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: Device busy for revalidation (usage=1)
> Feb 17 21:53:43 timmy2 /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup visor for USB 
> product 82d/100/100
> Feb 17 21:54:32 timmy2 kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 7
> Feb 17 21:54:32 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
> now disconnected from ttyUSB0
> Feb 17 21:54:32 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor converter 
> now disconnected from ttyUSB1
> And during the same period KPilot is reporting:
> Version: KPilot 4.3.6 (3_1_BRANCH)
> Version: pilot-link 0.11.3
> Version: KDE 3.1.0
> Version: Qt 3.1.1
> HotSync Log
> 21:52:24  Pilot device  /dev/ttyUSB0 doesn't exist. Assuming the 
> device uses DevFS.
> 21:52:25  Trying to open device...
> 21:52:25  Could not open device:  /dev/ttyUSB0 (will retry)
> 21:53:45  HotSyncing. Please press the HotSync button.
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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Re: [expert] kernel and alsa issues

2003-02-18 Thread Jack Coates
Okay, here's where we are now. It kind of works, sort of, except the
parts that don't work.

Feb 18 19:55:00 chupacabra alsa:  succeeded
Feb 18 19:55:00 chupacabra alsa:  succeeded
Feb 18 19:55:00 chupacabra modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Feb 18 19:55:00 chupacabra modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Feb 18 19:55:00 chupacabra modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Feb 18 19:55:00 chupacabra modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Feb 18 19:55:00 chupacabra modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Feb 18 19:55:00 chupacabra modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Feb 18 19:55:00 chupacabra modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
# ALSA module options
# ALSA portion
alias char-major-116 snd 
alias snd-card-0 snd-intel8x0 
# OSS/Free portion
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss 
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss 
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss 
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss 
alias sound-slot-0 i810_audio 
above snd-intel8x0 snd-pcm-oss

[root@chupacabra lib]# modprobe i810_audio
init_module: No such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
  You may find more information in syslog or the output from dmesg
modprobe: insmod
/lib/modules/2.4.20-2mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/i810_audio.o.gz failed
modprobe: insmod i810_audio failed

[root@chupacabra lib]# dmesg
Intel 810 + AC97 Audio, version 0.21, 15:39:22 Dec  9 2002

[root@chupacabra dev]# ll audio 
lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   11 Feb 18 19:55 audio ->
[root@chupacabra dev]# ll sound/
total 0
crw---1 jack audio 14,   4 Dec 31  1969 audio
crw---1 jack audio 14,   3 Dec 31  1969 dsp
crw---1 jack audio 14,   0 Dec 31  1969 mixer
crw---1 jack audio 14,   1 Dec 31  1969 sequencer
crw---1 jack audio 14,   8 Dec 31  1969 sequencer2

[root@chupacabra dev]# lsmod
Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
nls_iso8859-1   2844   1  (autoclean)
nls_cp850   3580   1  (autoclean)
vfat9580   1  (autoclean)
fat31864   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
sd_mod 11724   2  (autoclean)
sr_mod 15096   0  (autoclean) (unused)
ide-cd 28680   0  (autoclean)
cdrom  27008   0  (autoclean) [sr_mod ide-cd]
binfmt_misc 5700   1 
thermal 7232   0  (unused)
processor   9336   0  [thermal]
fan 1824   0  (unused)
button  2540   0  (unused)
battery 6176   0  (unused)
ac  2016   0  (unused)
vaiostat2720   0  (unused)
sonypi  8412   1 
lp  6752   0  (autoclean) (unused)
parport23808   0  (autoclean) [lp]
i810   58916   1 
agpgart32480   7  (autoclean)
ipt_TOS  984  12  (autoclean)
ipt_LOG 3384   6  (autoclean)
ipt_REJECT  2744   4  (autoclean)
ipt_state600  26  (autoclean)
iptable_mangle  2072   1  (autoclean)
ip_nat_irc  2384   0  (unused)
ip_nat_ftp  2992   0  (unused)
iptable_nat15288   2  [ip_nat_irc ip_nat_ftp]
ip_conntrack_irc2992   1 
ip_conntrack_ftp3888   1 
ip_conntrack   18560   4  [ipt_state ip_nat_irc ip_nat_ftp
iptable_nat ip_conntrack_irc ip_conntrack_ftp]
iptable_filter  1644   1  (autoclean)
ip_tables  11736   9  [ipt_TOS ipt_LOG ipt_REJECT ipt_state
iptable_mangle iptable_nat iptable_filter]
snd-seq-oss26048   0  (unused)
snd-seq-midi-event  3272   0  [snd-seq-oss]
snd-seq33232   2  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event]
snd-pcm-oss37252   0 
snd-mixer-oss  10936   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-intel8x0   16928   0 
snd-ac97-codec 27300   0  [snd-intel8x0]
snd-pcm56224   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-intel8x0]
snd-timer  10056   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd-mpu401-uart 2784   0  [snd-intel8x0]
snd-rawmidi12704   0  [snd-mpu401-uart]
snd-seq-device  3900   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq snd-rawmidi]
snd25156   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event
snd-seq snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-intel8x0 snd-ac97-codec snd-pcm
snd-timer snd-mpu401-uart snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device]
soundcore   3684   0  [snd]
af_packet  13000   2  (autoclean)
eeprom  3508   0 
i2c-proc7056   0  [eeprom]
i2c-i8014820   0  (unused)
i2c-core   15268   0  [eeprom i2c-proc i2c-i801]
orinoco_cs  4584   0 
orinoco29944   0  [orinoco_cs]

Re: [expert] kernel and mount issues

2003-02-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 15:34, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jack Coates wrote on Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 02:13:35PM -0800 :
> > > ... 
> > It's the new kernel alright -- didn't have to muck with symlinks, but
> > its dmesg output was different and the working/non-working sets were
> > different.
> What he's saying is that when you think you're booting the old kernel,
> you're actually booting the new one.  Look at /etc/lilo.conf and see
> what it's using (probably /boot/vmlinuz).  Then go look in /boot and
> you'll see that vmlinuz is pointing to the most recent kernel you just
> installed.

  Thanks for the English to English translation Tooo many late
nights we're on crunch time here too.


> Blue skies... Todd
> - -- 
> | MandrakeSoft USA | Sometimes you get what you want. |
> |  | Sometimes you get experience.|
> | |--unknown origin  |
>   Mandrake Cooker Devel Version, Kernel 2.4.21pre4-5mdk
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+UsLqlp7v05cW2woRAvQqAJ9mwNy0ooh1K2FnzUWiBuN0gVXClACgxglQ
> jefAixUZvz1PtEIt8zm01NU=
> =u/w8
> __
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Re: [expert] Loading appropiate LIRC modules in LM 9.0.

2003-02-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 17:49, Fabian Pena-Arellano wrote:
>   Hi James,
>   Thank you for answering. I just did what you proposed and
> everything seems to be working very good. But I still have a question.
> What do you have in your script placed in /etc/init.d/ to execute
> the daemon lircd at boot time?

Actually don't have lircd myself... I did this with some modules for a
nic card and changed the language to match your situation... Is there
something in /etc/init.d for lircd? if so try.

chkconfig --level 2345 lircd on  


>   Thank you in advance.
>   Fabián.
> On 17 Feb 2003, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 09:08, Fabian Pena-Arellano wrote:
> > >   Hello:
> > > 
> > >   I want to use the remote control I got with my TV card, but I can 
> > > only load into the kernel the modules I compiled myself with insmod. I
> > > would like them to be loaded at boot time, but appending
> > > 
> > > alias char-major-61  lirc_driver
> > > 
> > > in the /etc/modules.conf seems to load the modules included with LM 9.0 
> > > which do not work. These broken modules are in /lib/modules/2.4.19-16md
> > > k/kernel/3rdparty/lirc/.
> > >   How can I tell the kernel the path of the working modules? Thank you
> > > in advance for reading this e-mail.
> > > 
> > >   Fabian.
> > > 
> > Fabian,
> > 
> >Don't know for sure the "correct" answer for this but I can tell you
> > what I've done and it worked for me.  cd  to the 3rdparty directory in
> > your modules directory.  mv lirc to lirc.old  (this way you can role
> > back if needed.) mkdir lirc and move the modules you have created into
> > this directory and then rmmod the old ones and ismod the new.  This
> > should also correct the problem over a reboot.
> > 
> > James
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> __
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[expert] Question of ppoe

2003-02-18 Thread James Sparenberg

   Got an e-mail from someone who thinks I'm an expert with Linux
(little do they know *grin*) any way they have DSL with SBC and it uses
ppoe  I've never set it up and I don't know of a good document
source.  Note that the person is computer literate but primarily a
windows developer.  So this person expects a lot of things to work/act
like windows. (Took me a long time to make this person believe that
Linux doesn't need different driver CDs all the time) 

   Any rate I'm looking for a basic point and shoot kind of instruction
page that I can point them to to set up ppoe... any suggestions?


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Re: [expert] very simple question about kdm

2003-02-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 18:40, Damon Lynch wrote:
> Hi,
> How do I get it to start up each time I boot?  I've been running cooker
> to help with the testing and when I changed to kdm it now boots to
> command prompt only.  I can login as root and start it manually, but I'm
> sure there's a simple fix.
> Thanks,
> Damon

in /etc/inittab change the line that says.



And you should be back in business.


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Re: [expert] Question of ppoe

2003-02-18 Thread Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 19 February 2003 12:34 am, James Sparenberg wrote:

>Any rate I'm looking for a basic point and shoot kind of instruction
> page that I can point them to to set up ppoe... any suggestions?
This page is from Tom's old docs section.  I didn't read it, but it looks like 
it has a lot of stuff in it.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] Question of ppoe

2003-02-18 Thread drake
I use SBC and just configured the network through drakconf.  It allows you to 
select pppoe and it's easy to use.

On Tuesday 18 February 2003 11:34 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> All,
>Got an e-mail from someone who thinks I'm an expert with Linux
> (little do they know *grin*) any way they have DSL with SBC and it uses
> ppoe  I've never set it up and I don't know of a good document
> source.  Note that the person is computer literate but primarily a
> windows developer.  So this person expects a lot of things to work/act
> like windows. (Took me a long time to make this person believe that
> Linux doesn't need different driver CDs all the time)
>Any rate I'm looking for a basic point and shoot kind of instruction
> page that I can point them to to set up ppoe... any suggestions?
> James

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Re: [expert] KPilot woes

2003-02-18 Thread Rob Blomquist
On Tuesday 18 February 2003 08:12 pm, Jack Coates wrote:
> how about pilot-xfer -l? If that works, you know pilot-link is
> doing its job... however, this is all terribly buggy territory and
> has been for years and probably isn't going to get unbuggy any time
> soon. pilot-link usually works pretty well, note that it's up to
> version 0.11.7 now. Programs that work closely with it like jpilot
> work. gnome-pilot and kpilot are generally not likely to work
> reliably.

Well, I set up pilot-xfer and ran pilot-xfer --port /dev/ttyUSB1 
--backup /home/robbo/visor/ and it should have listened to 
/dev/ttyUSB1 where the message logs indicate that the Visor is 
connected to. But it never saw /dev/ttyUSB1 (I am running devfs...but 
old style addresses are still symlinked).

J-Pilot did not see it either.

I am currently running pilot-link-0.11.3-2mdk, I attempted to upgrade 
to 0.11.7 from source, but was unable to compile it, as I would have 
had to rebuild too much of my machine.

The logs from the recent test are basically like before. usbserial 
gives /dev/ttyUSB0 and 1 to the visor for use, and pilot-xfer, 
KPilot, JPilot and the like miss the connection. Is something else 
necessary to be running?

Any ideas? 

> On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 18:57, Rob Blomquist wrote:
> > I am suffering with KPilot on Mandrake 9.0, running the rpms from
> > Mandrake of KDE 3.1.0.
> >
> > KPilot appears to be trying to access /dev/ttyUSB0 (as I have
> > told it to), but it cant find it. the Kernel log is showing that
> > the visor is bound to /dev/ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1, but the 2 are not
> > communicating. And quite frankly it doesn't matter if I tell it
> > ttyUSB1 either. There is still no connect.
> >
> > Can anyone tell me why this isn't working?
> >
> > The full logs appear below:
> > Version: KPilot 4.3.6 (3_1_BRANCH)
> > Version: pilot-link 0.11.3
> > Version: KDE 3.1.0
> > Version: Qt 3.1.1
> >
> > HotSync Log
> >
> > 21:52:24  Pilot device  /dev/ttyUSB0 doesn't exist. Assuming the
> > device uses DevFS.
> > 21:52:25  Trying to open device...
> > 21:52:25  Could not open device:  /dev/ttyUSB0 (will retry)
> > 21:53:45  HotSyncing. Please press the HotSync button.
> >
> > /var/log/messages:
> >
> > Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on
> > bus2/3, assigned device number 6
> > Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor
> > converter detected
> > Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: Number
> > of ports: 2
> > Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 1,
> > is for Generic use and is bound to ttyUSB0
> > Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 2,
> > is for HotSync use and is bound to ttyUSB1
> > Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor
> > converter now attached to ttyUSB0 (or usb/tts/0 for devfs)
> > Feb 17 21:51:44 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor
> > converter now attached to ttyUSB1 (or usb/tts/1 for devfs)
> > Feb 17 21:51:45 timmy2 kernel: Device not ready.  Make sure there
> > is a disc in the drive.
> > Feb 17 21:51:45 timmy2 kernel: Device busy for revalidation
> > (usage=1) Feb 17 21:51:48 timmy2 /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup
> > visor for USB product 82d/100/100
> > Feb 17 21:52:37 timmy2 kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 6
> > Feb 17 21:52:37 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor
> > converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0
> > Feb 17 21:52:37 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor
> > converter now disconnected from ttyUSB1
> > Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on
> > bus2/3, assigned device number 7
> > Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor
> > converter detected
> > Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: Number
> > of ports: 2
> > Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 1,
> > is for Generic use and is bound to ttyUSB0
> > Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: visor.c: Handspring Visor: port 2,
> > is for HotSync use and is bound to ttyUSB1
> > Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor
> > converter now attached to ttyUSB0 (or usb/tts/0 for devfs)
> > Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor
> > converter now attached to ttyUSB1 (or usb/tts/1 for devfs)
> > Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: Device not ready.  Make sure there
> > is a disc in the drive.
> > Feb 17 21:53:40 timmy2 kernel: Device busy for revalidation
> > (usage=1) Feb 17 21:53:43 timmy2 /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup
> > visor for USB product 82d/100/100
> > Feb 17 21:54:32 timmy2 kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 7
> > Feb 17 21:54:32 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor
> > converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0
> > Feb 17 21:54:32 timmy2 kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor
> > converter now disconnected from ttyUSB1
> >
> > And during the same period KPilot is reporting:
> >
> > Version: KPilot 4.3.6 (3_1_BRANCH)
> > Version: pilot-link 0.11.3
> > Versi

Re: [expert] very simple question about kdm

2003-02-18 Thread Damon Lynch
On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 18:41, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 18:40, Damon Lynch wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > How do I get it to start up each time I boot?  I've been running cooker
> > to help with the testing and when I changed to kdm it now boots to
> > command prompt only.  I can login as root and start it manually, but I'm
> > sure there's a simple fix.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Damon
> in /etc/inittab change the line that says.
> id:3:initdefault:
> to 
> id:5:initdefault:
It is already like that.  But still I have to start kdm manually.  Hmmm
maybe this is not as simple as I thought!


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Re: [expert] very simple question about kdm

2003-02-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 22:20, Damon Lynch wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 18:41, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 18:40, Damon Lynch wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > How do I get it to start up each time I boot?  I've been running cooker
> > > to help with the testing and when I changed to kdm it now boots to
> > > command prompt only.  I can login as root and start it manually, but I'm
> > > sure there's a simple fix.
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > Damon
> > 
> > 
> > in /etc/inittab change the line that says.
> > id:3:initdefault:
> > 
> > 
> > to 
> > 
> > id:5:initdefault:
> > 
> > 
> It is already like that.  But still I have to start kdm manually.  Hmmm
> maybe this is not as simple as I thought!

I had this happen when switching to the real kdm instead of the mdk one
and the above was what I had to do.  Question is there anything in
/var/log/messages or dmesg to give a clue?  Does top indicate any zombie

Also if you run runlevel at the command prompt do you get something like
5 3 or
N 5 


> Thanks,
> Damon

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