Re: [expert] KDE3.1 for MD >= 8.1?

2003-02-27 Thread Guy Zelck
Greg Meyer wrote:

Hash: SHA1
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 04:10 pm, Guy Zelck wrote:

Tibbetts, Ric wrote:


If you want the newest software, run the new versions,

And  change every 6 months, no thanks! Now that we finally got all our
3rd party s.w. working like vpn clients (cicso, freeswan), vmware
workstations, banking software, NVIDIA drivers, sound drivers...  to
name but a few. Do you think those suppliers are happy with having to
support 50 versions of their product on their website for Liniux? And
what about those new users, how do you expect them to cope with ever
changing versions and get orientated? It's hard enough for them to get
on board in the 1st place. When the poor guys ask for help it's o so
easy to tell them 'upgrade'. There are also a lot of people who want to
put their system to good use once it's up and has most of what they need
working and not having to think about doing it all over again in 6 mths.

Sounds  to me like you are a candidate for Debian stable, slow and steady, no 
real upgrades for years.  Of course they are on KDE 2.2.2 still, so that 
won't do.

You haven't even looked on the KDE download page then? Debian have 3.1 
alright. Where's Mandrake on that page?


OR: Go get KDE x.xx and install it yourself!

Yes, lets to the same work a thousand times over! In stead of Mandrake
doing it just once and sharing it with their community. Very smart...

Or you do it and share it with the community so that they do not have to do it 
a thousand times over.  Become a Club volunteer and package KDE3.1 for club 
members, I bet you would get a VIP membership out of it.

Why just for club members? That's another development and attitude I 
don't like. I couldn't care less about a VIP membership. Stuff that!
If I'll do it it will be for all. If I support Mandrake I do it out of 
gratitude, not because I want to  be better treated than someone who 
doesn't. That's so against the free and open spirit of the open source 
community that made Linux possible in the 1st  place.


How can you people continue to push Mandrake to release the newest
software for old releases, AND expect them to put out new releases?!?!

How are we pushing when we are holding on to our "older" (I hate to use
that word) releases? What is harder, compiling a few major apps or a
whole release?

Yes, I agree (in part) that the release cycle is too fast. They have
developed the habit of moving on to the next version, before they get
the current one, up to date, and working (se my last post on this).

I believe they keep it working (security updates, major bugfixes),

They do that, which is good.

but up to 
date may be another story. 

You can't expect them to keep everything up to date. I'm reasonable 
enough not to expect that. By learning the rpm package format there's 
already a lot that I've packaged.  But major stuff like KDE that make 
your life on the desktop more enjoyable would be nice. Why were the 
kde3.1 release candidates available and not the final thing?

I would assume that they believe that is what the 
new distro is for.  In essence saying, "if you want the new stuff run the new 
distro, and if you want new stuff for the old distro, join the Club, but if 
it is older than 12 months, we don't know what it is."

Don't expect that a membership will offer you all.


I'm not the only one who's thinking that. Don't get me wrong, I loved
Mandrake since 6.x . In stead of having a big following for one release
you end up with many small ones. Now there's even more divisions with
the non-club, standard, silver and golden categories. This is not good
for support. It's not good for Mandrake either having to adapt their
thinking or solutions to so many versions. It's making everybody's live

Which is exactly why they are going to support only two prior releases as per 
their new product life initiative.

Slow down is what they ought to do.

There are strong arguments for lengthening the release cycle and providing 
more software updates between releases, but that is not what Mandrake is 
doing right now.

Don't tell me.

 Subsequently, it is not us you have to convince, but 

Well, join us.


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Re: [expert] KDE3.1 for MD >= 8.1?

2003-02-27 Thread Guy Zelck
Greg Meyer wrote:

Hash: SHA1
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 04:10 pm, Guy Zelck wrote:

Hello all,

Will there ever be a KDE3.1 version released for 8.x?

I was going to take a shot at setting up a box and trying to build the srpms 
for KDE3.1 on 8.2, but I see that noone has even voted for this on the Club 
website, so I am going to stop before I even start.

Why do you need votes do do something? Just do it or don't.

 It would seem to me, 
that since 8.2 came with KDE2.2.2 there would be some work involved, and I am 
not up to it if there is no one,

If it came with 3.1 there wouldn't be any work involved now would it?

or just a few people interested.  

I might feel differently if a hundred people had voted for it on the Club.

O com'on, politician! Go for president instead. You have my vote.


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Re: [expert] KDE3.1 for MD >= 8.1?

2003-02-26 Thread Guy Zelck
Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

Hello all,

Will there ever be a KDE3.1 version released for 8.x?

Get a grip people! 
Cool it Ric, slow down. Caught in the race are you? ;-)

This is Linux! 
It's not, it's just one of the many distributions. Linus has nothing to 
do with Mandrake releases.

If you want the newest software, run the new versions,
And  change every 6 months, no thanks! Now that we finally got all our 
3rd party s.w. working like vpn clients (cicso, freeswan), vmware 
workstations, banking software, NVIDIA drivers, sound drivers...  to 
name but a few. Do you think those suppliers are happy with having to 
support 50 versions of their product on their website for Liniux? And 
what about those new users, how do you expect them to cope with ever 
changing versions and get orientated? It's hard enough for them to get 
on board in the 1st place. When the poor guys ask for help it's o so 
easy to tell them 'upgrade'. There are also a lot of people who want to 
put their system to good use once it's up and has most of what they need 
working and not having to think about doing it all over again in 6 mths.

OR: Go get KDE x.xx and install it yourself!
Yes, lets to the same work a thousand times over! In stead of Mandrake 
doing it just once and sharing it with their community. Very smart...

How can you people continue to push Mandrake to release the newest 
software for old releases, AND expect them to put out new releases?!?! 
How are we pushing when we are holding on to our "older" (I hate to use 
that word) releases? What is harder, compiling a few major apps or a 
whole release?

Yes, I agree (in part) that the release cycle is too fast. They have 
developed the habit of moving on to the next version, before they get 
the current one, up to date, and working (se my last post on this). 
I'm not the only one who's thinking that. Don't get me wrong, I loved 
Mandrake since 6.x . In stead of having a big following for one release 
you end up with many small ones. Now there's even more divisions with 
the non-club, standard, silver and golden categories. This is not good 
for support. It's not good for Mandrake either having to adapt their 
thinking or solutions to so many versions. It's making everybody's live 

I'm on a rant today.

I see two distinct flavors of users on this list:

1) I want the latest & greatest everything, all the time, on my 2 year 
old distro. And it better be stable.


2) I want new versions of everything, including the OS monthly.. and 
it better be stable.
Well it's still a free list, touch wood, and these are the 2 extremes. 
That shouldn't defer Mandrake from choosing a golden middle path. In the 
longer run we would apreciate.

Give Mandrakesoft a break folks. If you want to run bleeding edge, 
either run cooker, upgrade, or, install it yourself.
That's like saying bugger off. Where's the spirit of sharing and helping 

Enough ranting. I have work to do. 
Upgrading no doubt. :-D


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Re: [expert] KDE3.1 for MD >= 8.1?

2003-02-25 Thread Guy Zelck

This is the exact reason for me trying other distros. Sorce based distros
that are not sold are the way to go. (For me). I still use Mandrake at
work for servers and workstations but I have been trying others and found
"Lunar Linux" "Sorceror" and "Gentoo". With these you have no need for
packages being made for your current system as it uses the sources.
So give one a try.


I've allways loved Mandrake and they did a lot of good for the community
but lately they turned so commercial. They seem to have cut themselves
loose from the free spirit of the opensource community we all liked and
still like. It's not the community's fault they sold themselves to
moneyhungry managers. The way they race versions isn't healthy for a
broad following, it's just not serious anymore. It looks like a rat race.
Can you imaging new Linux users who struggle to get on board, once they
feel 25% at ease with the system they find themselves on an abandoned boat.
I hope they prove us wrong but I have strong doubts ...
Lately I've been orienting myself towards Debian. They seem to have a
sound look on things and don't race unnecesarily but take it in their


Hello all,

Will there ever be a KDE3.1 version released for 8.x?

I only now can say that I've got my 8.1 system like I want it to be. In
the mean time Mandrake raced versions, which in my view is crazy . It's
becoming more and more difficult to have recent versions of
programs. I find myself more and more rebuilding packages. A lot of
packages (libs) change names between versions and taking a recent spec
file to rebuild a package yourself is often hell as you have find out
what you need from scratch and change all required package names in the
Even guys that started of with 9.0 now have to be club members to get
kde3.1. This is a sad development. I see Mandrake more and more slip
away from being a free os distributor. I understand they have
difficulties so I payed for a regular membership  myself for 2 years in
a row now. You get very little with this. But more and more the regular
users are left out. This is very sad I find. I starts to stink for $s.
So I'm afraid there's little chance to get rpms from Mandrake for 8.x.
If there's no good soul in the community who put packages available I'm
in for an ordeal to get kde3.1 compiled and packaged for 8.1.


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Re: [expert] KDE3.1 for MD >= 8.1?

2003-02-25 Thread Guy Zelck

This is the exact reason for me trying other distros. Sorce based distros
that are not sold are the way to go. (For me). I still use Mandrake at
work for servers and workstations but I have been trying others and found
"Lunar Linux" "Sorceror" and "Gentoo". With these you have no need for
packages being made for your current system as it uses the sources.
So give one a try.


I've allways loved Mandrake and they did a lot of good for the community 
but lately they turned so commercial. They seem to have cut themselves 
loose from the free spirit of the opensource community we all liked and 
still like. It's not the community's fault they sold themselves to 
moneyhungry managers. The way they race versions isn't healthy for a 
broad following, it's just not serious anymore. It looks like a rat race.
Can you imaging new Linux users who struggle to get on board, once they 
feel 25% at ease with the system they find themselves on an abandoned boat.
I hope they prove us wrong but I have strong doubts ...
Lately I've been orienting myself towards Debian. They seem to have a 
sound look on things and don't race unnecesarily but take it in their 



Hello all,

Will there ever be a KDE3.1 version released for 8.x?

I only now can say that I've got my 8.1 system like I want it to be. In
the mean time Mandrake raced versions, which in my view is crazy . It's
becoming more and more difficult to have recent versions of
programs. I find myself more and more rebuilding packages. A lot of
packages (libs) change names between versions and taking a recent spec
file to rebuild a package yourself is often hell as you have find out
what you need from scratch and change all required package names in the
Even guys that started of with 9.0 now have to be club members to get
kde3.1. This is a sad development. I see Mandrake more and more slip
away from being a free os distributor. I understand they have
difficulties so I payed for a regular membership  myself for 2 years in
a row now. You get very little with this. But more and more the regular
users are left out. This is very sad I find. I starts to stink for $s.
So I'm afraid there's little chance to get rpms from Mandrake for 8.x.
If there's no good soul in the community who put packages available I'm
in for an ordeal to get kde3.1 compiled and packaged for 8.1.


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Re: [expert] KDE3.1 for MD >= 8.1

2003-02-16 Thread Guy Zelck

Charles A Edwards wrote:

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 09:29:37 -0500
Simon Ree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Maybe you could build it? 

Though it requires some time and effort kde-3.1 will build on 9.0, since
9.0 uses qt3

8.2 uses qt2, so unless you are a programmer and can re-write some
of the code kde-3.1 can not be built nor will it run on 8.2.

You would build it with qt3 ofcourse. Not try to build it with qt2, that 
would be very dumb or masochistic.

If you consider upgrading to qt3 on 8.2 the easiest, simplest, and
Safest approach is to upgrade the distro itself. 


The release candidate versions where available so why not the final 
version. I ran kde3.1 rc4  & qt3 for some time.
Maybe it just a question of time.


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Re: [expert] KDE3.1 for MD >= 8.1?

2003-02-16 Thread Guy Zelck

Simon Ree wrote:

Guy Zelck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello all,

Will there ever be a KDE3.1 version released for 8.x?

I only now can say that I've got my 8.1 system like I want it to be. In
the mean time Mandrake raced versions, which in my view is crazy .
It's becoming more and more difficult to have recent versions of
programs. I find myself more and more rebuilding packages. A lot of
packages (libs) change names between versions and taking a recent spec
file to rebuild a package yourself is often hell as you have find out
what you need from scratch and change all required package names in the

Why change to a new program version in the first place if you are happy
using a old os version? 

Old? MD8.1 is from Sep 2001, that's 1.5 years old. Using KDE2.2 together 
with all the other updates doesn't mean I have an old os. It's not 
because every 6 mths there's a new version, that the previous 2 
versions  are suddenly old.  They overtook RH in version number, very 
good Marketing wise, but not good for anything else.

You would advocate That mandrake should build
packages for for all of their old versions? KDE 3.1 for v6 maybe?

That's exagerating, that was not my question? A longer support period 
would be more reasonable, say 3 years, certainly for substantial 
packages. Creating a newer version less often would help, and instead 
provide upgrade waves (service packs ;-) )


Even guys that started of with 9.0 now have to be club members to get
kde3.1. This is a sad development. I see Mandrake more and more slip
away from being a free os distributor. I understand they have
difficulties so I payed for a regular membership  myself for 2 years in
a row now. You get very little with this. But more and more the regular
users are left out. This is very sad I find. I starts to stink for $s.

Cooker may be a choice for those who allways want the latest and
supposidly greatest.  Still free. 

Then I could have as well upgraded to 9.0.


So I'm afraid there's little chance to get rpms from Mandrake for 8.x.
If there's no good soul in the community who put packages available I'm
in for an ordeal to get kde3.1 compiled and packaged for 8.1.

Maybe you could build it? 

I'll have a go at it, sure.

I'm not saying mandrake shouldn't support old
versions, but the old distro did not ship with the intention of being
brought up the the latest level of every package.  My Explorer came with
a 5L V8, they now come with a 4.6L V8, should Ford provide me with a
upgrade path other than purchasing a new one?

Crummy comparison.


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[expert] KDE3.1 for MD >= 8.1?

2003-02-16 Thread Guy Zelck
Hello all,

Will there ever be a KDE3.1 version released for 8.x?

I only now can say that I've got my 8.1 system like I want it to be. In
the mean time Mandrake raced versions, which in my view is crazy .
It's becoming more and more difficult to have recent versions of
programs. I find myself more and more rebuilding packages. A lot of
packages (libs) change names between versions and taking a recent spec
file to rebuild a package yourself is often hell as you have find out
what you need from scratch and change all required package names in the

Even guys that started of with 9.0 now have to be club members to get
kde3.1. This is a sad development. I see Mandrake more and more slip
away from being a free os distributor. I understand they have
difficulties so I payed for a regular membership  myself for 2 years in
a row now. You get very little with this. But more and more the regular
users are left out. This is very sad I find. I starts to stink for $s.

So I'm afraid there's little chance to get rpms from Mandrake for 8.x.
If there's no good soul in the community who put packages available I'm
in for an ordeal to get kde3.1 compiled and packaged for 8.1.


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[expert] No kio_audiocd nor ko_help when not root!

2002-10-24 Thread Guy Zelck
Hello all,

I've recently installed kde3 3.0.4 for Mandrake-8.1 using rpms. I can
work fairly well until I discovered I couldn't 'audiocd:/' nor 'help:/'
in konqueror.
Funny thing is I can do all this being root! So it seems to be sth.
related to access rights? I can't see any unusual rights on the files
when comparing e.g. /opt/kde3/lib/kde3 files with their counterparts
from kde2 which I still have. In KDE2 things work.

Launching konqueror from a console I see:
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
ERROR: filesharelist not found in

konqueror: ERROR: ERROR 3: couldn't create slave : Unable to create
klauncher said: Error when loading 'kio_audiocd'.

What's the knack behind this? Is it some security feature they added?


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Re: [expert] Apache "SERVER_NAME" quick Q

2002-05-09 Thread Guy Zelck

In httpd.conf off course.

David Rankin wrote:

>Just a quick Q, because I'm suffering from a mental lapse.
>I'm getting Apache configured on 8.2. The "SERVER_NAME" variable in
>the default Welcome screen is pulling instead of the actual
>host name. Hostname is working fine. Where do I look to get this fixed.
>David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
>1329 N. University, Suite D4
>Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
>(936) 715-9333
>(936) 715-9339 fax
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Re: [expert] best firewall

2002-04-16 Thread Guy Zelck

Steve wrote:

> What is the best firewall to use with linux mandrake these days?
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The best GUI around for building firewall policies (the real fw is the 
iptables component of the 2.4 kernel) is fwbuilder
This is a very nifty gui that permits to build rules with drag-n-drop 
like all professional products do, so nice and easy. It also contains a 
druid (as opposed to the term wizzard).
Once a set of rules is created they can be saved, compiled and 
installed. All you have to do make these rules permanent through a 
reboot is call /etc/init.d/iptables save. On reboot 'iptables start' 
will then re-instate them automatically. Make sure 'chkconfig --add 
iptables' enables the iptables script. You can make fwbuilder call a 
script that will install the rules and do the 'iptables save' just after 


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Re: [expert] Disk corruption+A7V266-E+NFS+ext3

2002-04-15 Thread Guy Zelck

Damian G wrote:

>El Dom 14 Abr 2002 06:10, Guy Zelck escribió:
>>Mark Williamson wrote:
>> >I have seen this problem so many times..  you will have to switch off
>> >DMA on the IDE devices..  this is done by editing the /etc/lilo.conf
>> >file and by adding "ide=nodma" to the append line..
>> >
>> >e.g
>> >
>> >image=/boot/vmlinuz
>>  label=linux
>>  root=/dev/hda2
>>  initrd=/boot/initrd.img
>> >#this is were the change is made
>> >append="quiet devfs=mount ide=nodma"
>> >vga=788
>> >read-only
>> >
>i've a question here. i've got an old 500mb quentum maverick,
>and i just can't boot my machine when it's plugged in. 
>i wanted to use it as a backup for a few personal files 
>how would be the command to disable DMA in that single drive?
>would something like adding "/dev/hdd=nodma" ok?
You'll have to fiddle with the 'hdparm' command : hdparm -d0 /dev/hdd. 
This disables dma mode.
Very usefull are 'hdparm -i /dev/hdd': this'll show you the the 
capabilities of your drive detected at boot-up.
And 'hdparm /dev/hdd' shows you the current settings.



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Re: [expert] Disk corruption+A7V266-E+NFS+ext3

2002-04-15 Thread Guy Zelck

Damian G wrote:

>El Dom 14 Abr 2002 06:11, Guy Zelck escribió:
>>Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
>> >Just to chime in on this subject...
>> >
>> >The AliMagic and VIA based motherboards have "broken" chipsets.
>> >
>> >I've spoken to both companies engineers about this issue.
>> >
>> >This discussion arose because both chipsets have problems with DMA
>> >overlays when using the BT8xx type TV tuner cards...
>> >
>> >The problem is with clock timing (the famous broken clock timer chip!!!)
>> >and DMA xfers. As you push the udma speed the spurious clock pulses
>> >wreak havoc with the memory writes.
>> >
>> >The Windows drivers try to make the OS work around the problem...
>> >
>> >This may be why people are seeing corruption. Couple this with Civilme's
>> >statement on WD drives and lack of CRC DMA data checking, and it's a
>> >wonder that Linux even runs on these systems.
>> >
>> >Turning OFF DMA or reducing UDMA to 33 seems to help with this
>> >problem...
>> >
>> >Your milage may vary though...
>> >
>> >-JMS
>>Valuable input. I've got an Intel chipset but indeed a bttv tv tuner and
>>a Firewire card from VIA technologies and suffer the same problems.
>just for the record. i've read Civileme's opinion abou WD drives.
>he scared me a bit, since i installed linux on a 30 GB WD  drive
>and i can't afford to buy another.. so  i just said "tha heck with it,
>i'll use linux in this one till it dies or something..."
>that was a year ago. i'm still on my WD drive. i have 
>/dev/hdb5 / ext3 defaults 1 1
>/dev/hdb2 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
>none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
>none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
>/dev/hdb6 /home xfs defaults 1 2
>/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
>dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
>/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
>dev=/dev/hdd,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
>/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
>dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
>/dev/hdb7 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
>/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
>/dev/hda5 /opt ext3 defaults 1 2
>none /proc proc defaults 0 0
>/dev/hdb8 swap swap defaults 0 0
>hdb being the mentioned WD drive.
>as you see, i use several filesystems. 
>i've experienced power failures, hard freezes forcing 
>me to push the reset button. you know.. the usual.
What distro version is this? You probably do not have anything from VIA 
or posess a TV tuner card.

>and i'm still waiting for the day i get one single file corrupted.
Lucky bastard ;-) .


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Re: [expert] Disk corruption+A7V266-E+NFS+ext3

2002-04-14 Thread Guy Zelck

Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

 >Just to chime in on this subject...
 >The AliMagic and VIA based motherboards have "broken" chipsets.
 >I've spoken to both companies engineers about this issue.
 >This discussion arose because both chipsets have problems with DMA
 >overlays when using the BT8xx type TV tuner cards...
 >The problem is with clock timing (the famous broken clock timer chip!!!)
 >and DMA xfers. As you push the udma speed the spurious clock pulses
 >wreak havoc with the memory writes.
 >The Windows drivers try to make the OS work around the problem...
 >This may be why people are seeing corruption. Couple this with Civilme's
 >statement on WD drives and lack of CRC DMA data checking, and it's a
 >wonder that Linux even runs on these systems.
 >Turning OFF DMA or reducing UDMA to 33 seems to help with this
 >Your milage may vary though...

Valuable input. I've got an Intel chipset but indeed a bttv tv tuner and
a Firewire card from VIA technologies and suffer the same problems.


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Re: [expert] Disk corruption+A7V266-E+NFS+ext3

2002-04-14 Thread Guy Zelck

Mark Williamson wrote:

 >I have seen this problem so many times..  you will have to switch off
 >DMA on the IDE devices..  this is done by editing the /etc/lilo.conf
 >file and by adding "ide=nodma" to the append line..
 >  #this is were the change is made
 >append="quiet devfs=mount ide=nodma"
 >Once you have edited the lilo.conf don't forget to run the lilo command,
 >or the changes will do nothing..

Thanks for the easy to apply solution.


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Re: [expert] Disk corruption+A7V266-E+NFS+ext3

2002-04-11 Thread Guy Zelck

Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

>Just to chime in on this subject...
>The AliMagic and VIA based motherboards have "broken" chipsets.
>I've spoken to both companies engineers about this issue.
>This discussion arose because both chipsets have problems with DMA
>overlays when using the BT8xx type TV tuner cards... 
>The problem is with clock timing (the famous broken clock timer chip!!!)
>and DMA xfers. As you push the udma speed the spurious clock pulses
>wreak havoc with the memory writes.
>The Windows drivers try to make the OS work around the problem...
>This may be why people are seeing corruption. Couple this with Civilme's
>statement on WD drives and lack of CRC DMA data checking, and it's a
>wonder that Linux even runs on these systems.
>Turning OFF DMA or reducing UDMA to 33 seems to help with this
>Your milage may vary though...

Valuable input. I've got an Intel chipset but indeed a bttv tv tuner and 
a Firewire card from VIA technologies and suffer the same problems.


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Re: [expert] Disk corruption+A7V266-E+NFS+ext3

2002-04-11 Thread Guy Zelck

Mark Williamson wrote:

>I have seen this problem so many times..  you will have to switch off
>DMA on the IDE devices..  this is done by editing the /etc/lilo.conf
>file and by adding "ide=nodma" to the append line..
> label=linux  
>   root=/dev/hda2 
> initrd=/boot/initrd.img
>   #this is were the change is made
>append="quiet devfs=mount ide=nodma"
>Once you have edited the lilo.conf don't forget to run the lilo command,
>or the changes will do nothing..
>Thanks, easy to apply.

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Re: [expert] Disk corruption+A7V266-E+NFS+ext3

2002-04-10 Thread Guy Zelck

Bjarne Thomsen wrote:

>I have a colleague who has just gotten a PC
>based on the ASUS A7V266-E motherboard and
>an 80GB IBM IDE disk for fast numerical work.
>He is running LM 8.2 without modifications.
>The IDE disk is partitioned into ext3 and xfs
>partitions. / and /usr are ext3 are ext3,
>the rest are xfs. In addition he has mounted
>file systems on two different computers (A and B) using NFS.
>He has 3 times consistently been able to crash the
>OS resulting in a file corruption on the IDE disk.
>This happened 3 out of 3 times when he copied a 16Mb
>file from the file system on computer A to the file
>system on computer B by the program cp on the PC
>running LM 8.2. It has every time been an ext3 or ext2
>file system that has been corrupted (maybe a coincidence).
>Ist this problem caused by
>(a) the VIA chipset?
>(b) the AMD processor?
>(c) the UDMA setting?
>(d) the IDE driver?
>(e) the ext2/ext3 FS?
>(f) the NFS system?
>(g) or something else?
>We should appreciate very much if any of you
>could give us any advice on how to proceed.
>We have the advantage that we know how to
>produce the corruption?
>  -- Bjarne Thomsen
There where some threads about ths without any solutions yet  though, 
see "Which is better choice ext3 or reiserfs for thefilesystem" 
(there a several of them) and "XFS and Linux-Mandrake". I've got a P4 
system with a Quantum Fireball 8GB and have all my fs in xfs, except 
/boot. I can reproduce it easily by doing an unclean shutdown. All my 
open files at the time of the crash, hang or power-off get corrupted 
(mostly kde config files in /home). I have a md8.1 with kernel 2.4.8.
More and more problems like this are emerging it seems.

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Re: [expert] Which is better choice ext3 or reiserfs for the filesystem,(a step further)

2002-04-08 Thread Guy Zelck

Guy Zelck wrote:

> Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
>> On Fri, 2002-03-29 at 14:06, Guy Zelck wrote:
>>> I've installed it and ran it for 6H without any errors popping up. I 
>>> personally don't believe it's the memory which is in fault.
>>> As if the devil was involved I had a freeze again just after 
>>> boot-up. I followed the Alt-SysRq-... sequence to finally reboot but 
>>> then again I had my KDE files corrupted. What I don't understand is 
>>> how that crap is written to my config files. If xfs writes  what it 
>>> finds in its xfs log then it would mean that the xfs log contains 
>>> rubbish. How did this rubbish get in there or is it taking a wrong 
>>> part of the log.
>>> Is the xfs that's used in md8.2 still the same version or is it a 
>>> higher version? Maybe upgrade?
>>> When I boot up the only fsck I ever notice amongst Aurora's output 
>>> is the one of my /boot partition (ext2), is this supposed to be like 
>>> that? I suppose Fsck in rc.sysinit just  re-directs the output to 
>>> syslog.
>>> Guy.
>> Guy,
>> The SCSI bus chain needs to be terminated on both ends.  By that I mean
>> that the adapter itself needs some termination (usually set to automatic
>> in the bios in the case of the Adaptec models (I have an Adaptec 3940U
>> dual channel PCI installed in this machine btw).
> Yes, I know all this. My adptr is on automatic and I use a terminator 
> on the internal flat cable's far end. The external scsi bus goes to a 
> jazz drive (automatic termination selected) and then into a old pc box 
> I stashed with a few big Seagates ST42400N (big & heavy 
> motherfuckers), an ARCHIVE 1/2" tape drive & an Hexabyte 8mm drive 
> (now you know all) on a terminated flat cable.
> My scsi setup never gave me any problems.
>> This includes your 2940.  I think you said that you don't have access to
>> the Adaptec bios anymore. There happens to be a "quiet" option in these
>> cards that turns off the verbose bios access message when the card bios
>> is loading.  HOWEVER THE OPTION IS STILL THERE. This may be your
>> problem.
> It's not that. I still see the Ctrl-A msg but once having chosen this 
> the card itself reports that it can't see any scsi controller so I 
> can't get to any of the menus. This is only so on my new computer and 
> I only discoverd this recently. Strangely enough it functions normally 
> like this. Now I've heard that there are some particular pci slots 
> with fixed IRQs or sth.,  I should try moving the card to another pci 
> slot. Or is the pci standard too new for the card?
> Back to my file corruption problem which I can reproduce whenever I 
> want (and when I don't want), I think the one thing I could do to rule 
> out xfs as the culprit is either go for a recent kernel (2.4.18) in 
> which a newer xfs is compiled or back up every fs, re-create them with 
> reiserfs on them and then restore the backups. Then test and see if 
> the problem remains. I also intend to test the cpu with 'cpuburn'.
> Guy.
It's me again with some conclusions.

First of all, the problem has nothing to do with the SCSI card (remember 
my linux os runs on a IDE disk but I also have a scsi card). The fact I 
can't get  to my scsi-card BIOS anymore is due to the fact that the PCI 
slots share  IRQs. My old AHA-2940 card can't handle this seemingly. 
Even when indicating to my mb BIOS that I do not have a pnp capable os 
and resetting its build up irq database there's no way I can get to the 
scsi-card bios (ctrl-A on bootup), the card reports it can't find itself!
I took out this SCSI card altogether and waited for file corruptions to 
emerge after inpromptu shutdowns. I didn't have to wait long, same file 
corruptions (files filled with nulls, ^@) were detected.
So the first conclusion is that there is sth. wrong with xfs in the 
2.4.8 kernel.

My next step will be to try out the latest version of xfs; either 
compiled in 2.4.8 or in 2.4.18.


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Re: [expert] Should vfat systematically be checked with dosfsck?

2002-04-03 Thread Guy Zelck

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

>On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 15:20, Guy Zelck wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I share a disk with a M$ OS I seldom use. This disk holds a vfat32 
>>Since I nearly allways use my md8.1 and this partition is mounted 
>>automatically it should be checked.
>>I don't think the rc.sysinit file takes this into account, it's to say 
>>that this calls fsck via Fsck and fsck is a front end to a fs specific 
>>checker, e.g. when dealing with an ext32 it will call fsck.ext2.
>>So in the case of our vfat fs it will search for fsck.vfat which doesn't 
>>Now I looked around on my system and there is dosfsck which is what we need.
>>I could make a symlink 'ln -s /sbin/dosfsck /sbin/fsck.vfat' or edit 
>>rc.sysinit to call dosfsck to make it work.
>>Is using dosfsck a good idea or is there a better (safer) alternative?
>>I we rely on M$'s OS to do the repairing we oblige ourselves to boot 
>>into Windows after a lock-up. It's maybe safer but if it can be avoided ...
>>I'd like to hear from one of Mandrake's technicians what they think. 
>>Civileme ...
>While we are waiting for Civ to get here, I can put in that I've fixed
>problems with vfats with linux utils.  Bad ones. I've done everything
>from the partitioning right up to the point where 98 gets installed with
>the linux utils.  In fact, if you have XP and you put it on an NTFS
>partition, it's best (from what I understand) to do the NTFS creation
>with Linux, and then install XP afterwards.  Otherwise, if the XP disks
>do the NTFS conversion, I've been given to understand that Linux can't
>properly access the partition.  Not so if Linux creates it.
I need to write to the shared partition so NTFS is out of the question. 
I leave that f.s. wisely untouched thus avoiding fucking up the other OS.

>As to fixing problems with vfats using Linux, I've done that, and it's
>saved my butt a few times, because offtimes the vfat filesystem can get
>so crapped that fixing it from scandisk(dos) is not a possibility. 
>Unless you happen to have a dos bootdisk prepared.  But even then, I've
>been surprised with the effectiveness and dependability of the Linux
>utils as compared to the native dos stuff.  Fixing a vfat drive from
>inside linux (a truly unbiased/independent/seperate standpoint) has
>definite advantages.  The only reason I stop short of using the
>adjective "superior" is because I haven't conducted rigorous tests to
>back that view up.
My previous guess that linking dosfsck with fsck.vfat could work was 
right, it did. This is the output on bootup, yes I changed rc.sysinit to 
get the output on screen and in the messages log:
apr  3 21:56:20 gz rc.sysinit: Warning: FAT32 support is still ALPHA.
apr  3 21:56:20 gz rc.sysinit: dosfsck 2.8, 28 Feb 2001, FAT32, LFN
apr  3 21:56:20 gz rc.sysinit: /dev/hdc7: 2803 files, 118624/2049291 
apr  3 21:56:20 gz rc.sysinit: fsck 1.24a (02-Sep-2001)

As you can see dosfsck warns us that fat32 support is still alpha.


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[expert] Should vfat systematically be checked with dosfsck?

2002-04-03 Thread Guy Zelck

Hi all,

I share a disk with a M$ OS I seldom use. This disk holds a vfat32 
Since I nearly allways use my md8.1 and this partition is mounted 
automatically it should be checked.
I don't think the rc.sysinit file takes this into account, it's to say 
that this calls fsck via Fsck and fsck is a front end to a fs specific 
checker, e.g. when dealing with an ext32 it will call fsck.ext2.
So in the case of our vfat fs it will search for fsck.vfat which doesn't 
Now I looked around on my system and there is dosfsck which is what we 
I could make a symlink 'ln -s /sbin/dosfsck /sbin/fsck.vfat' or edit 
rc.sysinit to call dosfsck to make it work.
Is using dosfsck a good idea or is there a better (safer) alternative?
I we rely on M$'s OS to do the repairing we oblige ourselves to boot 
into Windows after a lock-up. It's maybe safer but if it can be avoided ...
I'd like to hear from one of Mandrake's technicians what they think. 
Civileme ...


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[expert] Should vfat systematically be checked with dosfsck?

2002-04-02 Thread Guy Zelck

Hi all,

I share a disk with a M$ OS I seldom use. This disk holds a vfat32 
Since I nearly allways use my md8.1 and this partition is mounted 
automatically it should be checked.
I don't think the rc.sysinit file takes this into account, it's to say 
that this calls fsck via Fsck and fsck is a front end to a fs specific 
checker, e.g. when dealing with an ext32 it will call fsck.ext2.
So in the case of our vfat fs it will search for fsck.vfat which doesn't 
Now I looked around on my system and there is dosfsck which is what we need.
I could make a symlink 'ln -s /sbin/dosfsck /sbin/fsck.vfat' or edit 
rc.sysinit to call dosfsck to make it work.
Is using dosfsck a good idea or is there a better (safer) alternative?
I we rely on M$'s OS to do the repairing we oblige ourselves to boot 
into Windows after a lock-up. It's maybe safer but if it can be avoided ...
I'd like to hear from one of Mandrake's technicians what they think. 
Civileme ...


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Re: [expert] XFS and Linux-Mandrake

2002-03-31 Thread Guy Zelck

Jason Guidry wrote:

> Jeff Flowers wrote:
>> I have used Linux in the past and because of its XFS support, I want 
>> to give
>> Mandrake a try. In particular, I am interested in installing on a 
>> machine
>> using the minimal install mode (65MB) and running XFS. Has anyone 
>> done this
>> and if so, any notable problems?
> Notable problems (as always) will likely occur with suspect hardware.  
> I have not taken the 8.2 plunge yet, but this is likely the only 
> concern you may have.  Tell us what you're up to with this install, 
> and what hardware you're considering.
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See the 'Which is better choice ext3 or ...' thread. On md8.1 myself and 
others experience corruptions.


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Re: [expert] Which is better choice ext3 or reiserfs for the

2002-03-31 Thread Guy Zelck

Thanks, this seems to confirm that under certain circumstances people do
have problems with xfs in md8.1. Either kernel or xfs version related or
...; you know there are 100 other possibilities why this could happen
happen, ahh informatics... That's why it's hard to solve. Anyway it
pisses me off good. How much memory do you have in that box? I've got
512MB which is a bit over what the average user has. Maybe a lead ...



>  yes it contains that kind of garbage.
>  and with 8.2 i shut my pc down more than 10 times directly.
>  it seems still fine so far.. hope it keep going :)
>>>  with Mandrake 8.1 and XFS, i often need to copy kdmrc
>>>  from other 8.1 machines, to make my X start again after
>>>  inproper shutdown.
>>>  but 8.2 with XFS seems OK so far, i now shutdown my PC directly
>>>  everyday when running X(just for testing...)...
>>>  so far so good...
>>Does kdmrc also contain ^@? That's what I allways have in at least 20
>>or more files.
>>Good news the recent versions of xfs do not show this. I feel like
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Re: [expert] Which is better choice ext3 or reiserfs for the

2002-03-30 Thread Guy Zelck


>   with Mandrake 8.1 and XFS, i often need to copy kdmrc
>   from other 8.1 machines, to make my X start again after
>   inproper shutdown.
>   but 8.2 with XFS seems OK so far, i now shutdown my PC directly
>   everyday when running X(just for testing...)...
>   so far so good...
Does kdmrc also contain ^@? That's what I allways have in at least 20 or
more files.
Good news the recent versions of xfs do not show this. I feel like

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Re: [expert] Which is better choice ext3 or reiserfs for the filesystem

2002-03-30 Thread Guy Zelck

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

>On Fri, 2002-03-29 at 14:06, Guy Zelck wrote:
>>I've installed it and ran it for 6H without any errors popping up. I 
>>personally don't believe it's the memory which is in fault.
>>As if the devil was involved I had a freeze again just after boot-up. I 
>>followed the Alt-SysRq-... sequence to finally reboot but then again I 
>>had my KDE files corrupted. What I don't understand is how that crap is 
>>written to my config files. If xfs writes  what it finds in its xfs log 
>>then it would mean that the xfs log contains rubbish. How did this 
>>rubbish get in there or is it taking a wrong part of the log.
>>Is the xfs that's used in md8.2 still the same version or is it a higher 
>>version? Maybe upgrade?
>>When I boot up the only fsck I ever notice amongst Aurora's output is 
>>the one of my /boot partition (ext2), is this supposed to be like that? 
>>I suppose Fsck in rc.sysinit just  re-directs the output to syslog.
>The SCSI bus chain needs to be terminated on both ends.  By that I mean
>that the adapter itself needs some termination (usually set to automatic
>in the bios in the case of the Adaptec models (I have an Adaptec 3940U
>dual channel PCI installed in this machine btw).
Yes, I know all this. My adptr is on automatic and I use a terminator on 
the internal flat cable's far end. The external scsi bus goes to a jazz 
drive (automatic termination selected) and then into a old pc box I 
stashed with a few big Seagates ST42400N (big & heavy motherfuckers), an 
ARCHIVE 1/2" tape drive & an Hexabyte 8mm drive (now you know all) on a 
terminated flat cable.
My scsi setup never gave me any problems.

>This includes your 2940.  I think you said that you don't have access to
>the Adaptec bios anymore. There happens to be a "quiet" option in these
>cards that turns off the verbose bios access message when the card bios
>is loading.  HOWEVER THE OPTION IS STILL THERE. This may be your
It's not that. I still see the Ctrl-A msg but once having chosen this 
the card itself reports that it can't see any scsi controller so I can't 
get to any of the menus. This is only so on my new computer and I only 
discoverd this recently. Strangely enough it functions normally like 
this. Now I've heard that there are some particular pci slots with fixed 
IRQs or sth.,  I should try moving the card to another pci slot. Or is 
the pci standard too new for the card?

Back to my file corruption problem which I can reproduce whenever I want 
(and when I don't want), I think the one thing I could do to rule out 
xfs as the culprit is either go for a recent kernel (2.4.18) in which a 
newer xfs is compiled or back up every fs, re-create them with reiserfs 
on them and then restore the backups. Then test and see if the problem 
remains. I also intend to test the cpu with 'cpuburn'.


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Re: [expert] Which is better choice ext3 or reiserfs for the filesystem

2002-03-29 Thread Guy Zelck

civileme wrote:

> Guy Zelck wrote:
>>  Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 07:26, Guy Zelck wrote:
>>> ---snip---
>>>> Interesting thread I thought to post my troubles with XFS to.
>>>> When I installed md8.1 on my home system I went from reiserfs, 
>>>> which never gave me trouble, to using xfs which I knew from work 
>>>> having it on our Silicon Graphics machine. I also read a lot about 
>>>> it and for speed and features it seemed the best and having a high 
>>>> esteem for SGI I did not hesitate.
>>>> Nevertheless I've experienced about 4 times so far the following (I 
>>>> have an IDE system disk 'quantum fireball' of 8GB):
>>>> Every time there's a power cut I find a lot of files corrupted. 
>>>> Instead of their original contents they contain nothing but ^@ 
>>>> (viewed with vim) characters. The files concerned are e.g. all the 
>>>> KDE config files of apps that were open at the time of the power 
>>>> cut, but I once had inittab & message affected too. You can imagine 
>>>> that KDE wouldn't start after that in the 1st case and the whole 
>>>> system was fucked in the 2nd. This for me
>>>> is totally unacceptable and I don't dare to imagine what this would 
>>>> mean for a company's production machine.
>>> Your results are interesting.  But as in most other things it's
>>> important to have a reference point(s) for comparison. So I've got some
>>> questions:
>>> 1) What is the history of this hardware with relation to the previously
>>> installed scheme(s)?  (what filesystem, Linux version, Win version)
>> The history is very recent since I bought this machine in Nov 2001 
>> but lets start with my previous setup, this was :
>> An AbitBX6 mb with a PII 266MHz, Intel BX440 chipset, 384 MB memory 
>> (100Mhz sdramm) and a completely SCSI setup based on the Adaptec 
>> AHA-2940 with Seagates of 512MB, 1GB & 2GB (3x) (old disks <=1995). 
>> My previous os was md7.2 and I used reiserfs for everything exept 
>> /boot (ext2). I suffered block ups and powerfails like every non 
>> ups'ed person but never had corruptions.
>> My present new machine is from Medion, sold by Aldi and has a 1.8GHz 
>> P4 on a msi mb (I'm not totally sure here, the manual is made for 
>> complete newbies and they avoid speaking about it alltogether), the 
>> chipset is Intel i845, there was 256MB (130MHz sdramm) memory on 
>> board by I added another 256MB, it has a Seagate st380020A (80GB) 
>> which has XP Home edition installed on it by Medion but I added a 
>> Quantum Fireball of 8GB for Linux (The 2 os'es are completely 
>> separated). The disks are on separate ide channels too with a dvd and 
>> cdrw as slave respectively. I use XFS for everything except /boot 
>> (ext2). I run md8.1 on it, stock kernel 2.4.8.
>> I incorporated my complete SCSI chain from my previous machine to 
>> this new setup and use this as extra disk space for storage purposes 
>> and it still has my md7.2 on it as a backup.
>>> 2) Can you recall crashes under other circumstances that did not 
>>> involve
>>> XFS in any way? (under this hardware config) Focus a little on hard
>>> drive history, as well as everything else.
>> I had a blockup which was os related one time and in that 
>> circumstance I had no corruption I think, but I was just lucky. But 
>> listen to the next: after having migrated my scsi chain I had one 
>> scsi disk that began to fall apart (from 1995 this one) and by doing 
>> so blocked my scsi bus which blocked the whole machine. I had to 
>> reboot and there I discovered to my horror and discomfort the 
>> corruptions for the 1st time. You can recognize the files as 'ASCII 
>> text, with no line terminators' with cmd 'file'. I had this 2 more 
>> times until this disk was 100% knock-out. I finally took it out and 
>> had no corruptions anymore. I more or less blamed reiserfs at 1st as 
>> I thought its interaction with the kernel blocked the working of xfs 
>> somehow but this makes no sense, even if xfs is blocked it should 
>> recover afterwards. Now, the 25 of March I suffered a plain power 
>> failure and bingo, the same corruptions appeared again. So now I'm 
>> sure it has nothing to do with my SCSI chain or reiserfs.

Re: [expert] Memtest floppy, Was: Which is better choice ext3 or reiserfs for the filesystem

2002-03-29 Thread Guy Zelck

Ken Thompson wrote:

>>memtest-x86.bin is on your CD1 in the images directory and can be sent
>>to floppy with a dd and the floppy can be booted and run to test memory.
>> An initial 512 Mb may not show problems for quite a while, even running
>>linux.  I had the unpleasant experience of negotiating a warranty return
>>on a 512M DDR recently, and my system would run for days then suddenly
>>reset without any indication in the logs of any temperature conditions
>Can you outline the operation to make a memtest bootable floppy for us?
dd if=/boot/memtest-2.7.bin of=/dev/fd0. But you don't need to do that, 
just installing memtest will make an entry in lilo.conf and on a 
subsequent boot-up you'll have 'memtest' as an entry in the lilo's boot 


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Re: [expert] Which is better choice ext3 or reiserfs for the filesystem

2002-03-29 Thread Guy Zelck

  Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

>On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 07:26, Guy Zelck wrote:
>>Interesting thread I thought to post my troubles with XFS to.
>>When I installed md8.1 on my home system I went from reiserfs, which 
>>never gave me trouble, to using xfs which I knew from work having it on 
>>our Silicon Graphics machine. I also read a lot about it and for speed 
>>and features it seemed the best and having a high esteem for SGI I did 
>>not hesitate.
>>Nevertheless I've experienced about 4 times so far the following (I have 
>>an IDE system disk 'quantum fireball' of 8GB):
>>Every time there's a power cut I find a lot of files corrupted. Instead 
>>of their original contents they contain nothing but ^@ (viewed with vim) 
>>characters. The files concerned are e.g. all the KDE config files of 
>>apps that were open at the time of the power cut, but I once had inittab 
>>& message affected too. You can imagine that KDE wouldn't start after 
>>that in the 1st case and the whole system was fucked in the 2nd. This 
>>for me
>> is totally unacceptable and I don't dare to imagine what this 
>>would mean for a company's production machine.
>Your results are interesting.  But as in most other things it's
>important to have a reference point(s) for comparison. So I've got some
>1) What is the history of this hardware with relation to the previously
>installed scheme(s)?  (what filesystem, Linux version, Win version)
The history is very recent since I bought this machine in Nov 2001 but 
lets start with my previous setup, this was :
An AbitBX6 mb with a PII 266MHz, Intel BX440 chipset, 384 MB memory 
(100Mhz sdramm) and a completely SCSI setup based on the Adaptec 
AHA-2940 with Seagates of 512MB, 1GB & 2GB (3x) (old disks <=1995). My 
previous os was md7.2 and I used reiserfs for everything exept /boot 
(ext2). I suffered block ups and powerfails like every non ups'ed person 
but never had corruptions.

My present new machine is from Medion, sold by Aldi and has a 1.8GHz P4 
on a msi mb (I'm not totally sure here, the manual is made for complete 
newbies and they avoid speaking about it alltogether), the chipset is 
Intel i845, there was 256MB (130MHz sdramm) memory on board by I added 
another 256MB, it has a Seagate st380020A (80GB) which has XP Home 
edition installed on it by Medion but I added a Quantum Fireball of 8GB 
for Linux (The 2 os'es are completely separated). The disks are on 
separate ide channels too with a dvd and cdrw as slave respectively. I 
use XFS for everything except /boot (ext2). I run md8.1 on it, stock 
kernel 2.4.8.
I incorporated my complete SCSI chain from my previous machine to this 
new setup and use this as extra disk space for storage purposes and it 
still has my md7.2 on it as a backup.

>2) Can you recall crashes under other circumstances that did not involve
>XFS in any way? (under this hardware config) Focus a little on hard
>drive history, as well as everything else.
I had a blockup which was os related one time and in that circumstance I 
had no corruption I think, but I was just lucky. But listen to the next: 
after having migrated my scsi chain I had one scsi disk that began to 
fall apart (from 1995 this one) and by doing so blocked my scsi bus 
which blocked the whole machine. I had to reboot and there I discovered 
to my horror and discomfort the corruptions for the 1st time. You can 
recognize the files as 'ASCII text, with no line terminators' with cmd 
'file'. I had this 2 more times until this disk was 100% knock-out. I 
finally took it out and had no corruptions anymore. I more or less 
blamed reiserfs at 1st as I thought its interaction with the kernel 
blocked the working of xfs somehow but this makes no sense, even if xfs 
is blocked it should recover afterwards. Now, the 25 of March I suffered 
a plain power failure and bingo, the same corruptions appeared again. So 
now I'm sure it has nothing to do with my SCSI chain or reiserfs.

>3) What is the hardware's history with respect to diagnostics and
>tests?  Has the memory been checked, dos diagnostics run, cpu checked..
Never ran any tests, have no experience with this, and since all my 
stuff is brand new... I never had any indication that sth. would be 
wrong with my cpu or memory. There is one thing I'm puzzled about and 
that is that my AHA-2940 scsi card's BIOS doesn't allow me to configure 
or diagnose my scsi disks anymore since it was moved to this new 
machine. PCI bus incompatibilities? But on bootup it still nicely 
recognizes all scsi disks and starts them one by one. In using the disks 
I have no problems as I use these scsi disk to do my downloads too.


[expert] File corruption with XFS after powerfail.

2002-03-28 Thread Guy Zelck

Hi all,

When I installed md8.1 on my home system I went from reiserfs, which 
never gave me trouble, to using xfs which I knew from work having it on 
our Silicon Graphics machine. I also read a lot about it and for speed 
and features it seemed the best and having a high esteme for SGI I did 
not hesitate.

Nevertheless I've experienced about 4 times so far the following (I have 
an IDE system disk 'quantum fireball' of 8GB):
Every time there's a power cut I find a lot of files corrupted. Instead 
of their original contents they contain nothing but ^@ (viewed with vim) 
characters. The files concerned are e.g. all the KDE config files of 
apps that were open at the time of the power cut, but I once had inittab 
& message affected too. You can imagine that KDE wouldn't start after 
that in the 1st case and the whole system was fucked in the 2nd. This 
for me is totally unacceptable and I don't dare to imagine what this 
would mean for a company's production machine.

My technical knowledge in this field is not sufficiant enough to 
pinpoint what exactly is the cause: the version of xfs included in 8.1, 
the way f.s. are checked (or not checked) on boot-up? I don't know. I've 
read before that journaling file systems didn't need to be fsck'ed but 
why do you find a fsck for reiser & xfs then? Mar 25
All I see in the messages file is this :
22:57:40 gz kernel: Start mounting filesystem: ide0(3,6)
Mar 25 22:57:40 gz kernel: XFS: WARNING: recovery required on readonly 
Mar 25 22:57:40 gz kernel: XFS: write access will be enabled during mount.
Mar 25 22:57:40 gz kernel: Starting XFS recovery on filesystem: 
ide0(3,6) (dev: 3/6)
Mar 25 22:57:40 gz kernel: Ending XFS recovery on filesystem: ide0(3,6) 
(dev: 3/6)

I'd be glad to learn more around this from active users of xfs since I 
sure would like to remedy this 'russion roulete' situation.

See ya,

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Re: [expert] Which is better choice ext3 or reiserfs for the filesystem

2002-03-28 Thread Guy Zelck

  J. Craig Woods wrote:

>FemmeFatale wrote:
>>I believe Civilme's exact words on Ext3 were:  An abortion waiting to
>>happen.  I quoteth. ;p
>Like so many different variations on your machine, filesytems should be
>made with reference to as many criteria as possible. Yes, speed is good
>but what if you go for speed and lose some function you might need? As a
>SA there are times I need to set file attributes. You know, a file gets
>deleted that should not have been deleted, etc. With file attribs, I
>have saved by butt many times. Ext3 will let me set file attributes, and
>reiserfs does not support them. My choice is not choice: I must go with
>ext2 or ext3. The bottom line is make choices based on what you need...
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
>Go to
Interesting thread I thought to post my troubles with XFS to.
When I installed md8.1 on my home system I went from reiserfs, which 
never gave me trouble, to using xfs which I knew from work having it on 
our Silicon Graphics machine. I also read a lot about it and for speed 
and features it seemed the best and having a high esteme for SGI I did 
not hesitate.

Nevertheless I've experienced about 4 times so far the following (I have 
an IDE system disk 'quantum fireball' of 8GB):
Every time there's a power cut I find a lot of files corrupted. Instead 
of their original contents they contain nothing but ^@ (viewed with vim) 
characters. The files concerned are e.g. all the KDE config files of 
apps that were open at the time of the power cut, but I once had inittab 
& message affected too. You can imagine that KDE wouldn't start after 
that in the 1st case and the whole system was fucked in the 2nd. This 
for me is totally unacceptable and I don't dare to imagine what this 
would mean for a company's production machine.

My technical knowledge in this field is not sufficiant enough to 
pinpoint what exactly is the cause: the version of xfs included in 8.1, 
the way f.s. are checked (or not checked) on boot-up? I don't know. I've 
read before that journaling file systems didn't need to be fsck'ed but 
why do you find a fsck for reiser & xfs then? Mar 25
All I see in the messages file is this :
22:57:40 gz kernel: Start mounting filesystem: ide0(3,6)
Mar 25 22:57:40 gz kernel: XFS: WARNING: recovery required on readonly 
Mar 25 22:57:40 gz kernel: XFS: write access will be enabled during mount.
Mar 25 22:57:40 gz kernel: Starting XFS recovery on filesystem: 
ide0(3,6) (dev: 3/6)
Mar 25 22:57:40 gz kernel: Ending XFS recovery on filesystem: ide0(3,6) 
(dev: 3/6)

I'd be glad to learn more around this from active users of xfs since I 
sure would like to remedy this 'russion roulete' situation.

See ya,

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[expert] KDE kamera module supported in kde2.2.2?

2002-03-16 Thread Guy Zelck

Hi all,

I've read and I see that KDE's Configuration Panel offers a way to
choose among digital cameras. I can choose the model I borrowed from
work which is a Canon Powershot Pro70. Pushing the Test button does nothing.
Opening Konqueror and begining the URL with kamera: or gphoto: just pops
up a msg. saying 'Protocol not supported'.
How do you get this thing to work, or has mandrake not build this thing
in when compiling?

I can use the camera with gtkam and the gphoto2 lib though, so I now the
camera connection works.
The connection is serial and at 56K so very slow. Often gtkam acts
deadslow too.

Thanks for your input.

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[expert] KDE kamera module supported in kde2.2.2?

2002-03-11 Thread Guy Zelck

Hi all,

I've read and I see that KDE's Configuration Panel offers a way to 
choose among digital cameras. I can choose the model I borrowed from 
work which is a Canon Powershot Pro70. Pushing the Test button does nothing.
Opening Konqueror and begining the URL with kamera: or gphoto: just pops 
up a msg. saying 'Protocol not supported'.
How do you get this thing to work, or has mandrake not build this thing 
in when compiling?

I can use the camera with gtkam and the gphoto2 lib though, so I now the 
camera connection works.
The connection is serial and at 56K so very slow. Often gtkam acts 
deadslow too.

Thanks for your input.

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[expert] RENDER extension not compiled in XFree4.0.2 Cooker version?

2001-02-14 Thread Guy Zelck

Hi all,

In order to use the latest kwintv with use of qt multi-threading I went
to the trouble of upgrading to glibc-2.2.1, qt-2.2.3, xfree-4.0.2,
freetype2 etc...
I compiled qt but  got binary rpms for the rest. My original system was
a Mdk 7.2.

After re-compiling kwintv ok I get this bleeding error at launchtime:

$ kwintv
Xl$ kwintv
Xlib:  extension "RENDER" missing on display ":0.0".
KCrash: crashing crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = kwintv path = 
Xlib:  extension "RENDER" missing on display ":0.0".

Does this mean that the xfree-4.0.2 I got from the cooker didn't have
the RENDER extension compiled in? I searched my system and found
/usr/X11R6/lib/ present.
If this is it how do you load it (tried 'load render' in vain)? An
xdpyinfo right now shows no RENDER extension indeed.

I find the extension loading quite ambiguous cause you have modules,
built-in extension and others.

Can anyone please shed some light on this by checking with xdpyinfo and
the contents of his XF86Config-4 file e.g..
Thanks for any help.


Re: [expert] 7.2 Install Problems

2000-11-07 Thread Guy Zelck

Jerry Sternesky wrote:

> On Sat, 04 Nov 2000 15:55:16 +0100 you wrote:
> Thanks for replying,
> I finally tossed caution to  the wind and tried the
> cdrom.img also.  It seemed to find the 7.1 installation
> without a problem, so I choose upgrade.  BIG OUCH there, I
> started it at 8pm on Friday went to sleep around 1am and it
> was still running.  Aroud 4:30am I got woken up by
> something, so I checked on the install and it was asking for
> the ext-cd, I put that in and went back to bed.

I see you suffer from the same 'late to bed, early up to check'  symptoms
I witnessed.

> The at 9am,
> on saturday I went back the install and found the same issue
> with the printer, I have HP deskjet 680C, the install just
> couldn't get it to go.

I  looked with F3 at the paths they used. They use absolute paths like
'/usr/...'  when it should be relative to /mnt during install.

> The hard drive estimations were way
> off for me, I have a 10 gig drive and it told me there
> wasn't sufficiant space for 2mb's of pagages to install.

That's what I experienced too.

> On
> the up side it did find my Umax scanner and the cdr.  Both
> on the same scsi adapter.

With SCSI you've a better chance at success.

> This is a server machine behind a firewall, so I was running
> NFS on it.  It seems I have a problem with my portmapper
> that causes nfs to fail on load, so I am currently hammering
> away at that.  With no luck so far, I may try deleting the
> NFS configuration, restarting all services, configure it
> back in and restart to see if that kicks it the but and gets
> it going.  This machine acts as a server for me, providing
> storage space and print services for 2 linux and 1 windows
> client.  So I do want to get these issues resolved soon.
> Also it is a reall pain in the put to work on the server,
> ssh doesn't work any more either, so I now have to sit in
> front of the machine and do the work.

I would try that NFS solution too.

>  On one other client, I did a fresh install of 7.2 and that
> seem's to have gone very well, except for 2 issues that I
> can see right now, I am afraid there will be more once I get
> into that machine.  I can't configure the printer or mount
> nfs shares because the the server isn't well with the 7.2
> upgrade and the videofor X is wacked out.  I have a
>  Trident Blade 3d card with 2 3dfx cards in SLI mode over
> there.  The problem is the windows are skewed to the right,
>  and anything from the center of the screen over repeats
> itself until it disappears off the visable screen area.
> I must say I am disappointed with with the upgrade script,
> it took way to long to run and the configured services that
> were working have now stopped because of it.  I switched to
> Mandrake about a year ago and had been very pleased with it
> until this release.
> As much as I want kde2 on my main client, I am afraid to
> install or upgrade that client because I need it working out
> of the gun, I can't sit and fiddle with it for days to get
> it working again.  That is a 7.1 install running a modified
> 2.2.16 kernel.  I am wondering if I could get to 7.2 on that
> client, by doing a manual kernel upgrade (modified and
> compiled with the options I need), uninstalling kde, putting
> the cd in and doing an rpm --freshen, than manually
> installing kde2 and cups.  Since I have never done that
> approach before I am unsure of what I will in for.

You're right. I would never blow away the old install just like that. I was
lucky to have a spare disk to do an install in parallel to my old and boy am
I glad.  I'm going back and forth between them 2 now to customize my new
install. I don't think that upgrading the kernel is necessary if you don't
need any special features. Kde2 was also my main reason for upgrading but you
will loose a lot of configuration files for the apps and your desktop. Kppp
luckily is able to use the old config files. But some apps compiled for kde1
won't work although qt1.44 is still on board and there's a package for kde1
compatibility. I would rather upgrade XFree86 since its quicker and less
memory hungry with better mouse support too. I tried the tarballs from
xfree86 since you exaclty know which ones you need from their docs and it was
easy to get things installed and working. I find the way Mandrake splits up
their packages is complicated and you don't know what's in them up front not
to mention the dependency problems you encounter. It was virtually impossible
to upgrade from 6.0 all this considered.

> > Hi Jerry,
> >
> > I just did the same meaning I tried to install 7.2 from images I burned
> > via that boot floppy and ran in exactly the same thing.
> > The solution is to simply use the cdimage.  It is able to make a reiser
> > fs.
> >
> > But allthough 7.2 is very promissing and interesting, the installer is
> > not.
> > Your troubles won't be over just yet cause the installer is buggy in
> > more than one field.
> > I encountered the followin

[expert] 7.2 Install Problems

2000-11-06 Thread Guy Zelck

Hi Jerry,

I just did the same meaning I tried to install 7.2 from images I burned
via that boot floppy and ran in exactly the same thing.
The solution is to simply use the cdimage.  It is able to make a reiser

But allthough 7.2 is very promissing and interesting, the installer is
Your troubles won't be over just yet cause the installer is buggy in
more than one field.
I encountered the following in expert mode:
1. The disk space estimations are wrong, I had 2.5 G. and it saw only
1.7 G. This causes him to nag about insuficient space and probably mess
up the whole packages decisions process afterwards.
2. Even if you select every single package that you want, and there're a
lot, your choices are simply ignored and messed up even though the total
install size was accepted by the installer. It simply installs what it
wants to install (due probably to that 67% rule you see after the size
Even with auto dependencies on, it forgets the most elementary stuff
like kdebase when you say you want KDE.
3. The printer install is totally bug ridden and fails on every account.

After my 1st install attempt I ended up with a fvwm interface and no
mention of KDE or Gnome, pretty desillusioning!

In my 2nd attempt I chose the custom mode and unselected quit a lot. It
again ignored my choices and installed almost everything. Luckily I knew
I had enough space so it finished OK. Printer install failed again of
1. This time I had no isapnp.conf although I had it after the 1st
2. Once the install is done you can configure the printers with e.g.
kups. This works. The results are great compared to the past (I have a
3. Only my 1st cd drive is seen, not the second. Cdplayers don't work
4. My scanner is not seen.
5. My ktuner for kde1 doesn't work with kde2.
6. Realplayer is missing.
7. Audio wasn't working (my isa SB16) and I had to run isapnp and
configure modules.conf to get it going.
So, there's a couple a weeks work ahead to get everything going and
configured as usual, like I'm used to with linux. I'm not complaining
about the content of MD7.2, it's simply great  and with the INST& EXT
cds you have a great database of s.w..
There's a lot  you can learn.

Much luck.


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