Re: LAST QUESTION :) Re: [expert] Intruder security questions

2002-11-08 Thread Oliver Thieke

- Activate proper firewall rules (iptables or ipchains)
- Check your Boxes security with portscanner tools
  from outside. Tools:
  Nmap or Nessus
- Check your system files integrity. Tools:
  Tripwire or AIDE
- Check you logs:
  manually or with tools: logchecker or logsurfer
- Want to now who is accessing what file:
  run lsof

- and much more... security is always about
  paranoia ;) ...


greetings from the city without the wall


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Re: [expert] mounting of smb-ressources , jints on reading

2002-11-01 Thread Oliver Thieke
Hi Steffen !

>On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 04:36, Steffen Barszus wrote:
>> A friend of mine has several win2k workstations and one Mdk 9.0
>> workstation. Discovering and mounting some directories of the win
>> stations was a task of seconds. Later that evening we discovered , he was
>> not able of writing to that dir's.
>> So I thought this is an easy thing, take a look at the fstab , there will
>> be somthing like :
>> //pc1/d/ /mnt/pc1-d/ smbfs -user="xxx",passwd="xxx" 0 0
>> but after I saw it it was solved another way (something like
>> .auth.Administrator.dhakhd )

Don't know (yet) details about fstab.  But did you make shure
that your user "xxx" has write access on the win2k-share ?
You must set the ACLs (on the win2k side) carefully - win2k is there
more restrictive than other win's used to be...

Had the same problem in a different, non-lx context...

Maybe this helps

Greetings from the city without the wall


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RE: [expert] Enemies Purchased by Gates

2002-10-25 Thread Oliver Thieke
Hi List !

> I thought this was a mandrake-linux related mailing-list

It still is...

> where such political _nonsense_ has nothing to search.

TCPA, DRM and Palladium is NO nonsense. It will not appear
next Year.  But maybe it's the roadmap for the next decade.
The wintel empire and the entertainment industry is behind it.
Intel and M$ push it heavily for different reasons:  Intel
to push future CPU-sales (all all CPU's to be replaced
by TCPA-enabled CPU's). And M$ to help the entertainment
industry, end the illegal copying of commercial software
and gain perfect control about who can install what software
on his/her PC...

> From an European point of view there is not much difference ...

I'm Europaen too.  I'm not familiar with the political details
and acting person's either. But the subject itself is of great
interest for the future of Linux and OSS. HP is already on the
road developping an TCPA-compliant Linux.
Since the US dominates the IT world this will afect Europe for

The interesting question will be: what will Apple, AMD or other
CPU-Manufacturers do about it ?  Will we still have access to
cheap, non-TCPA Hardware where our Linux can run on ?
I don't care about ending the ripping and copying of music
and movies.  But I care about who's limiting my choice of
software and forcing me to buy and use only "their" programs.

"My fear is that Palladium will lead us down a road where our
 computers are no longer our computers, but are instead owned by a
 variety of factions and companies all looking for a piece of our
 wallet.  To the extent that Palladium facilitates that reality,
 it's bad for society.  I don't mind companies selling, renting,
 or licensing things to me, but the loss of the power, reach,
 and flexibility of the computer is too great a price to pay."

Bruce Schneier, Cryptogram, August 15, 2002

Complete text in:

Cheers from Berlin


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Re: [expert] No innovation in Linux / Steve Ballmer in town (October 22)

2002-10-25 Thread Oliver Thieke
Hi List, hi Steve B.   ;-) !

> "Linux is very, very, very expensive for customers to take care of,"

Talking about a home environ he might be right. But in a corporate
environ ?  win2k and XP-Pro are there as complicated and difficult to
administrate as LX/UX...  The decisive difference is not the
cost/complexity of administration but the number of applications
(still, unfortunately).

> "Linux is a cloned operating system - it cloned Unix and now
> it wants to clone Windows. "

So what ?  To clone a proven, well-designed system for cheap hardware
is maybe a good idea, hmmm.  M$ is still in the process of cloning...
And Mac OS-X is a clone (or fusion of UX, Obj-C-Lib's and MAC-GUI) too...

> "It would be nice to get some innovation."

And what about M$ ?  Which innovations do they provide ?  Declaring
the web browser as a vital OS' component ? They just get it half-way
right on the third attempt...  And what about their innovations ?

  + C#:heavily influenced by SUN's Java
  + GUI:   invented by PARC Xerox & spread by Apple Mac
  + Win NT:based on co-development with IBM (OS/2)
  + Office Apps:   invented by VisiCalc
  + TCP/IP:invented by DARPA & spread by UX
  + Web:   invented at CERN and NCSA (UIUC),
   first denied an neglected by M$...
  + User Admin (ADS):  clone of Novell's NDS and LDAP
  + Authetification:   based on Kerberos (ADS)
  + SMB/CIFS:  original SMB protocol introduced by IBM
  + MS SQL:Sybase clone

And their own "innovations" - WINS and NT domain. Gone...

And security ?  One of my favorite quotes:

"Honestly, security experts don't pick on Microsoft because we have some
 fundamental dislike for the company.  Indeed, Microsoft's poor products
 are one of the reasons we're in business.  We pick on them because they've
 done more to harm Internet security than anyone else, because they
 repeatedly lie to the public about their products' security, and because
 they do everything they can to convince people that the problems lie
 anywhere but inside Microsoft.
 Microsoft treats security vulnerabilities as public relations problems.
 Until that changes, expect more of this kind of nonsense from Microsoft
 and its products."
 Bruce Schneier, cryptogram Jan, 2002

To broaden the discussion:  the only thing I fear for the future and
from M$ is the whole subject of TCPA, DRM and "Palladium"...
It will be based on Hardware, will give M$ a deeper control of
the PC and the software installed on it and might be a serious
threat for the OpenSource Software and movement...

Cheers from the city without the wall ;-).


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[expert] OpenOffice 1.0.1.RH.rpm on MDK 8.2 - a problem ?

2002-10-10 Thread Oliver Thieke

Hi out there @ the screens !

This time just a simple question for informational
purposes ;) .  I checked to find RPM's
for OpenOffice ('cause I don't have 'em on CD).
All I found were some old Beta's for MDK itself and

openoffice-1.0.1-8.i386.rpm  for RedHat-8.0

MDK is supposed to be close to RH and hence all RH-rpm's
should be installable on MDK. At least in theory...
So I am going to try to install this package on my
MDK-8.2 workstation.

The ML-archive doesn't have anything specific on that
case (just something on MDK-CD included rpm and original

Has anyone of you done this yet ?
Any pitfalls or booby traps to pay attention to ?
Any reason NOT to do/try it ?
Install rpm's instead ?

Thanx in advance from the polish border


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[expert] xterm from mandrake to solaris box

2002-08-15 Thread Oliver Thieke

Hi out there at the screens,

I've got a borderline case here...  I'm in the process
of switching from a Windows environment to an Mandrake
based one. Right now I'm struggling with the following
I want to connect with a xterm-Window from my Mandrake Box
to a SUN Solaris box.  I must use X since I want to start
an X app located on the Solaris machine.
I'm using a dual-boot workstation. On the Windows half
with Hummingbird eXceed installed and used everything
works fine and easy since years.
Changing to Mandrake 8.2 I'm unable to figure out how
to accomplish the same task. According to one of my LX
books it should be as easy as using the following command:

xterm -display

(assuming that is the Solaris box' IP adress)

But all I get is the following error message:

/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm.real Xt error: can't open display:

(same holds true for variations of the -display option:
  -display, -display  etc.)

I was assuming that remotely accessing an X-Server would be
as easy as connecting with telnet or VNC to another machine.
Obviously it is not :-( ...

It can't be an Solaris or network issue since I'm using in
both cases the same machine with the same IP. With Windows (eXceed)
it works, with Mandrake (XFree86) it refuses to do so...
Hence it must be something with the local command execution or
the local linux X configuration...

I checked various Linux and Unix books, but they didn't come
up with anything helpful.  I searched this mailing lists' archive:
nothing.  I googled for it. I found the "XDM and X Terminal mini-HOWTO".
They're saying in paragraph 6.2:

"You can run X on a Linux box, instructing it to query a Solaris machine
  as previously described:
/usr/X11R6/bin/X -query"

Obviously I'm not an X guru ;-).  If I start another X server, how
can a xterm then decide which one to connect to (the local one or
the remote one on Solaris) ?  I don't want to set up a complete
X-terminal. The Linux worksation should stay on its own. It just
should open one xterm (or x-app) on another machine.

I examined the eXceed config files for this case (windblows).
They say:
Start Method=0
Command=xterm -display
Host Type=SUN

OK - obviously I got the xterm's command syntax wrong. The -display
option has to point to the machine the xterm is running on (and
not as I read and assumed first to the remote machine). But how to
I tell my xterm then which host it should connect to ?

I browsed a little bit thru /etc/X/ and found /etc/x/xdm/Xservers.
But that's too deep inside X for me. I didn't want to play arround
with X' config...

Now I'm kinda lost...  Any pointers ?

Many thanx for your help in advance !

Greetings from the polish border :-)


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Re: [expert] Microsoft - The settlement (OT)

2002-04-18 Thread Oliver Thieke

Hi !

> > Apologies to all for this LONG off topic meander..
Why ? It is funny to follow ;-).
And maybe some enjoy it after crawling thru the huge piles
of problems and solutions the daily biz provides.

I learned something about canada and would be eager to
find the Dilbert cartoon with the pointy haired boss
deciding pro linux...

Greetings from the polish border

Oliver Thieke

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[expert] Choosing the right filesystem

2002-02-28 Thread Oliver Thieke

Hello out there...

I hope this question won't raise a fs-jihad ;-).
And I hope this mail isn't too long, but I'm
trying to be as specific as possible.

On installing Mandrake 8.1 the Installer offers
various options for the partition's fs. I'm
again in the business of setting up a usual PC 
as a dual-boot machine with NT 4 and Man 8.1.
And now I wonder which FS to choose for my
particular layout... 
ext2, ext3, ReiserFS or XFS,...

NT is for work and m8.1 is for experimenting,
learning and exposing some of our "you can't be
wrong with windoze"-guys to "unknown" 
alternatives. The hardware is quite simple:
P-III, DVD-Drive, HP CD-burner, Creative 
soundblaster and 3Com-LAN-NIC.

I already browsed through the mandrake user 
and reference manuals, the SUSE sysad-manual,
the LSAG (LDP), googled in some linux newsgroups
and o'reilly's "running linux, 2nd ed".
But none of them came up with some sort of 
recommendation or rule of thumb for this case.

Just a short statement in LSAG: "There is usually
little point in using many different filesystems.
Currently, ext2 is the most popular one, and it 
is probably the wisest choice. (...) This needs to 
be decided on a case-by-case basis."
Looks a little bit outdated...

The purpose of the m8.1 will primarily be: 
Gaining experience. It will serve as a workstation
and server. "Areas" to be included: Apache, samba,
NFS, mysql, postgresql, networking tools, developing 
and the usual KDE, internet & office stuff (no fancy 
multi-media stuff, mp3 or the like). And later maybe 
oracle 9i personal edition...

Hence I designed the following layout for my m8.1
part of the disk:

/boot  50 MB
/swap 800 MB (approx. 3 * RAM size)
/ 250 MB
/var  650 MB
/usr 9800 MB
/home7000 MB 

On the IBM-DeveloperWorks-Site (in general a very 
nice source for tutorials on lx, java, xml,...) I found 
a series of articles by Daniel Robbins dealing with
the new array of filesystems for the 2.4 kernel.

According to the IBM author those FS's show the 
different advantages and diadvantages:

+ better in handling small files (< 4 k)
- eventually performance loss with reading large mail
- poor sparse file performance
- NFs compatibility not so good

+ easys transition from ext2
+ backward compatible to ext2
+ supposed to be very reliable
- slightly "slower" than XFS/reiserFS

+ speedy on large files
+ efficient disk accesses
- slower deletes

Robbins' recommendation: "Those who were looking for 
raw performance generally leaned towards ReiserFS, 
while those more interested in meticulous data integrity 
features preferred ext3. However, with the release of XFS 
for Linux, things have suddenly become much more confusing."

I'm still not sure which fs design to choose. 
Should all partitions have the same fs including 
/boot and / ?  Which one ?  
Do you, out there, have any hands-on recommendations for 
this purpose ?  
Experience with the reliability, recoverability and 
compatibility of the various fs' ?  
Any known problem areas for the three fs ?

Thanx in advance from Berlin


BTW - this is a very nice mailing list. Not too much
traffic. Hence you still can follow all threads and 
learn a lot :-).

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RE: [expert] databases for linux

2002-02-22 Thread Oliver Thieke

Hi out there !

Adding some comments to the backend-part of the debate
(the frontend-part circling around PERL and PHP ;-) ):

> Postgres and MySQL, features, platforms...
Just two things which haven't been mentioned yet:

* There IS also a win32-version for Postgresql. It is
  included in the Cygwin-package (
  But most statements I've read don't recommend to use
  the windblows-platform for PG. But I don't have any
  personal experience with that path...

* There is also a nice feature in MySQL I read about
  which isn't included in PostgreSQL: replication.
  Again - I just read about it (did some research
  in possibility of clustering/replication with those
  two DBs) - no hands-on experience...

Finally, both DBs look very promising and I hope to
be able to examine them ASAP...

Oliver Thieke


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[expert] Package List/Description for Mandrake =>8.1<= (DAMNED TYPO CORRECTED)

2002-02-16 Thread Oliver Thieke

Hi out there at the screens !

After struggling one week getting a dual-boot
PC installed with NT 4.0 and man8.1 (and finally
succeeding ;-) ) I'm starting to exploring the 
I did the install in expert mode and chose the 
packages one by one. But I didn't write it all down.
Now I am wondering whether there is some list out 
there listing all the packages in the 3-CD-edition.
(I know I might be able to get it by hand from the 
 cd looking for all the rpm-files, then searching for 
 each package in the web...).
Ideally I would look for a list sorting the packages
by area (as done in the install GUI), providing a short
description of the package and maybe a link to the 
project's home site... 
I just want to find out what packages I really need
and what some packages are really for (vim, postgresql,
apache, samba - thats all obvious, but there were also
a lot packages I encountered the fist time).

I googled for such a list - nothing (just some compile 
list for PPC-packages). I searched the mandrake-website
(search-function, product area m8.1) - nothing.
I had the same question some time ago for the cygwin 
packages and I got from the mailing list some nice 
links (on private sites and lists).

Thanx in advance from Berlin

Oliver Thieke

|* O. THIEKE  *|
|* Fon:  ++49-(0)30-26009-220 *|
|*  Verlag Der Tagesspiegel   *|
|*  - Admin / Development -   *|
|*- I T  / PrePress - *|
|*B.E.R.L.I.N *|
|* *|
|*   *|
.. ..  
 > rerum /||\ causas <
| cognoscere |

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[expert] Package List/Description for Mandrake 9.1

2002-02-16 Thread Oliver Thieke

Hi out there at the screens !

After struggling one week getting a dual-boot
PC installed with NT 4.0 and man8.1 (and finally
succeeding ;-) ) I'm starting to exploring the 
I did the install in expert mode and chose the 
packages one by one. But I didn't write it all down.
Now I am wondering whether there is some list out 
there listing all the packages in the 3-CD-edition.
(I know I might be able to get it by hand from the 
 cd looking for all the rpm-files, then searching for 
 each package in the web...).
Ideally I would look for a list sorting the packages
by area (as done in the install GUI), providing a short
description of the package and maybe a link to the 
project's home site... 
I just want to find out what packages I really need
and what some packages are really for (vim, postgresql,
apache, samba - thats all obvious, but there were also
a lot packages I encountered the fist time).

I googled for such a list - nothing (just some compile 
list for PPC-packages). I searched the mandrake-website
(search-function, product area m8.1) - nothing.
I had the same question some time ago for the cygwin 
packages and I got from the mailing list some nice 
links (on private sites and lists).

Thanx in advance from Berlin

Oliver Thieke

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Re: [expert] Boot Loader

2002-02-16 Thread Oliver Thieke

Hi Jorge !

> new PC: configuration.   >  (fat32) > cdrom > 20,4 gb disk (fat32) >
> cd-rw > 60 gb disk (w98 + w2k +  linux)
> something about a boot  diskette but I can't do it on install .
> Any ideas? I know about how to install  lilo if I have w2k.

What exaclty is the problem ?

There might be 2 possibilities:

1.) If you install the OS in a certain order it should be easy 
1. w98, then 2. w2k and finally mandrake. I've done that on one
machine - works without problems. (Only in that order - w98 ->
mandrake -> w2k screws up)

2.) If w2k rules the MBR it's a different situation:
Look e.g. for:

If you boot from mandrake CD and follow the GUI installation
one of last steps ask you for creating the boot disk.

Good Luck

Oliver Thieke

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