[FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

2007-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh yes, in fact.  As I pointed out to Barty, you
 need to keep in mind that there aren't a whole lot
 of such cushy jobs, and many people aren't qualified
 for the ones there are.  If you insist spiritual
 teachers must teach for free by getting a high-paying
 job that leaves them lots of free time, you're
 restricting the pool of teachers to folks who are
 highly educated and trained to start with, which in
 effect means people from relatively well-to-do
 backgrounds for the most part.

Barty here. I love it when Judy gets so mad
she can't type.  :-)

Just to provide a counterpart to what she so
mistakenly says above, here's what the Rama
guy (even with his many faults) did to try
to help his students get careers that would
allow them the money and freedom to pursue
their spiritual lives.

Many of his students, when he first met them,
were *not* well educated. Some, like my friend 
in Chicago, had barely finished high school.
Many didn't have established careers. So Rama
advised them to consider computere programming 
as a career path, calling it a 2-3 year path to
100K a year. 

And, interestingly, that's how it turned out
for hundreds of his students. 6 months in a
computer school, paid for with student loans,
followed by a couple of years of programming
work to get one's chops down. The two years
on the job were supplemented by classes that
Rama provided at night in relational database,
AI, different languages and operating systems,
and the other things a person would have to
know to go into consulting. Most did. My friend
that I mentioned above who barely finished high
school was making 100K two yeare after entering
computer school.

This is not a career path (or a spiritual path,
for that matter) for everyone, but I firmly
believe that it can be *done* by everyone. 
I've seen it done by hundreds. Judy's idea that
this approach to teaching would restrict the
pool of teachers to the well-educated is sheer
educational bias on her part. T'ain't true. 
It ain't the well-educated who get the well-
paying jobs, it's the people who are *motivated* 
who get the well-paying jobs.

[FairfieldLife] Re: less than pure: caste-inspired murder.

2007-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  This is an example of what the caste system is *really*
  like, not what Maharishi and you present as an idealized
  picture of it. Maharishi's portrayal of what caste is all
  about in India today is as accurate as his portrayal of 
  what life was like in India in Vedic times.
 MMY talks about an *ideal*. Whether or not that ideal ever 
 existed or can EVER exist isn't germane to what he says 
 about the ideal. 

This statement is one for the ages. :-)

It's *extremely* germane. That was my whole point in
asking you the questions I did a while back about
Vedic times. You seem to have *bought* the ideal
hook, line, and sinker, and like so many other TM
followers, believe that if we just get enough butt-
bouncers and pundits together, we can *re*establish
this golden age on planet Earth. The problem is
that historically this golden age NEVER
HAPPENED. It's a fantasy. So is the fantasy 
of how the caste system is supposed to work.

It's a set of plans for the world that are based
on UNREALITY, on one man's fantasies. I *applaud*
the desire to work for a better world; I just wish
that the template that some of those folks have
for that better world were based on reality.

 Now, you can take the stance, as a practical matter, that 
 such a thing simply can't happen in the real world, but 
 you never discuss things that way that I can recall...

Just did. Deal with it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kewl linguistic tricks of Diirghatamas, part 1 (version 0.01)

2007-01-11 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 So is the highest heaven transcendental and a Unified Field?
 You saw the list of the heavens. Which one is it? For that matter,  
 how many are given in Rig Veda?

Verse 46, the second hemistich, from Rco akSare -suukta:

ekaM\` sad vipraa\' bahu\`dhaa va\'danty a\`gniM ya\`mam
maa\'ta\`rishvaa\'nam aahuH  || \EN{1}{164}{46} \\

Ralph T.H. Griffith:

To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama,


Being (sat*) [is] One (ekam)...

*)actually the present participle of the verb 'as' (to be)

[FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

2007-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh yes, in fact. As I pointed out to Barty, you
 need to keep in mind that there aren't a whole lot
 of such cushy jobs, and many people aren't qualified
 for the ones there are. If you insist spiritual
 teachers must teach for free by getting a high-paying
 job that leaves them lots of free time, you're
 restricting the pool of teachers to folks who are
 highly educated and trained to start with, which in
 effect means people from relatively well-to-do
 backgrounds for the most part.

Barty here. I love it when Judy gets so mad
she can't type. :-)

Just to provide a counterpoint to what she so
mistakenly says above, here's what the Rama
guy (even with his many faults) did to try
to help his students get careers that would
allow them the money and freedom to pursue
their spiritual lives.

Many of his students, when he first met them,
were *not* well educated. Some, like my friend
in Chicago, never finished high school. Many 
didn't have established careers. So Rama
advised them to consider computer programming
as a career path, calling it a 2-3 year path to
100K a year, with the attendant financial and
temporal freedom that salary level implies. 
His idea was that no one, should they want to
pursue teaching or some other form of selfless
service in their spare time, should ever feel
deprived in doing so.

And, interestingly, that's how it turned out
for hundreds of his students -- 6 months in a
computer school, paid for with student loans,
followed by a couple of years of programming
work to get one's chops down. The two years
on the job were supplemented by classes that
Rama provided at night in relational database,
AI, different languages and operating systems,
how to dress and act on the job and in interviews
and the other things a person would have to
know to go into consulting. Most did. My friend
that I mentioned above was making 100K two years 
after entering computer school. He's now making 
closer to 300K, and he's *still* never finished
high school.

This is not a career path (or a spiritual path,
for that matter) for everyone, but I firmly
believe that it can be *done* by everyone.
I've seen it done by hundreds. Judy's idea that
this approach to teaching would restrict the
pool of teachers to the well-educated is sheer
educational bias on her part. T'ain't true.
It ain't the well-educated who get the well-
paying jobs, it's the people who are *motivated*
who get the well-paying jobs.

It's also not without historical precedence.
The Cathars (sorry I keep harping on them, but
they do provide an interesting alternative to
many other spiritual groups) felt strongly that
their perfecti (not really priests but who had
devoted themselves to their path and to teaching)
should be self-supporting. So they organized 
trade guilds that taught literacy (not common
in that era) so that they could become scribes
for the illiterate masses, and paper-making
(since most of the world was still using
parchment at that time). They were a remarkably
*self-sufficient* group of seekers. And the
contrast between what a lay Cathar was asked
to contribute to the religion (nothing) and
what the lay Catholic was forced to contribute
to that religion (pretty much everything the
church could squeeze out of them) was obvious.

I still think that financial self-sufficiency
is a good model for the spiritual teacher. It
avoids so many down sides that appear when
you never challenge the assumption that these
teachers somehow deserve not to have to work
at a regular job, because what they're doing
is so much more important than what normal
people do. *Everyone* is normal.

[FairfieldLife] Kewl linguistic tricks of Diirghatamas, part 2 (version 0.01)

2007-01-11 Thread cardemaister
The second hemistich of the Rco akSare -verse goes
like this:

yas tan na veda kim Rcaa kariSyati
ya it tad vidus ta ime samaasate

I believe the pada-paaTha (sandhi-free reading)
of the second line would be something like this:

ye; it; tat; viduH; te; ime; samaasate

Griffith's translation:

Who knows not this, what will he do with praise-song? But they who
know it well sit here assembled.

The Diirghatamas-trick here seems to be using such an order
of words that the plural form of the relative pronoun
'yaH', that is 'ye', change by the rules of sandhi to 'ya'.
The rule here is something like this: if final 'e' is followed
by any other vowel than a short 'a', it changes to 'a'. In the
case above the 'i' of 'it' causes the 'e' of 'ye' to be changed
to 'a', thus 'ye + it' - 'ya it'. 

The kewl thang is that 'ya it' could equally well be sandhi
for 'yaH + it'. Well, 'yaH' is of course the nominative *singular*
(masculine) for that relative pronoun. Thus, that D. is referring to a
bunch of chaps, is revealed only by the verb forms 'viduH' and
'samaasate' which are plural verb forms.

Checking out some grammatical details revealed that
that was not so cool as we originally thought, but who cares.

[FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

2007-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Jan 10, 2007, at 5:06 PM, authfriend wrote:
  Oh yes, in fact.  As I pointed out to Barty
 Barty?  You're slipping, Judy. :)

It's probably a lack of practice in typing
my name. After all, she's only used it in
1176 posts to Fairfield Life in the last
year and a half. (Interestingly enough, this
is more than she typed the name in ten years
of Usenet postings.)  :-)

That quip made, it's pretty much always a 
sign of how deeply some subject we've brought
up has pushed her gotta defend Maharishi,
and myself for believing him buttons when 
she (an editor, after all, whose posts are 
usually grammatically excellent) starts to 
misspell and mistype things in response to 
Vaj and I. I take it to mean that she's so 
angry she can't take the time to reread and 
edit her posts before she presses Send. The 
Send button, in Judy's world, is analogous 
to the trigger of a gun.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

2007-01-11 Thread Vaj

On Jan 11, 2007, at 6:17 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Jan 10, 2007, at 5:06 PM, authfriend wrote:

Oh yes, in fact.  As I pointed out to Barty

Barty?  You're slipping, Judy. :)

It's probably a lack of practice in typing
my name. After all, she's only used it in
1176 posts to Fairfield Life in the last
year and a half. (Interestingly enough, this
is more than she typed the name in ten years
of Usenet postings.)  :-)

Sounds like she needs an editor, Barty. :-)

The editor's editor.

[FairfieldLife] Christian Linux

2007-01-11 Thread Vaj
For those of you who use the Linux operating system, here is  
something that may interest you:

Ubuntu Linux 6.06 Christian Edition

And of course, it's opposite:


Where's the tantric version? Barry-2?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

2007-01-11 Thread llundrub
As funny as it all is between you two lovers, it's not funy enough for 
continuation.  That's rather sad.  It's very sad that you two hate each other 
so much but hang around each other so much. It's either that you two are total 
losers with totally no life whatsoever, or you guys really just need each 
other. I mean that's obvious to everybody else.  Hey, do you all know where 
your blind spot is?  It's where you can't see it! Doesn't mean others can't see 
it.  It's clear that regardless of whether B and J think it's love or hate that 
keeps them together is not important, what the case really is is that they 
derive validation and self importance from each other just like two fighting 
little kids, the fight isn't important, the self validation is everything.  
It's apparent from their continued occupation and taking their battle to more 
personal arenas than AMT that the ongoing inclusion of others of greater 
sensitivity than AMT was needed to produce more Judy/Barry Bhava. You two are 
creating a Janus-like internet devata called the BarryJudy. I have lost 
identification of either of you as separate from the other. Judybarry this week 
say, Barryjudy. Naw like the Judybarry better. Judybarry judybarry judybarry, 
when do Judy and Barry, when do they plan to marry, na na na na na.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Vaj 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 6:32 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

  On Jan 11, 2007, at 6:17 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  On Jan 10, 2007, at 5:06 PM, authfriend wrote:

Oh yes, in fact.  As I pointed out to Barty

  Barty?  You're slipping, Judy. :)

It's probably a lack of practice in typing

my name. After all, she's only used it in

1176 posts to Fairfield Life in the last

year and a half. (Interestingly enough, this

is more than she typed the name in ten years

of Usenet postings.)  :-)

  Sounds like she needs an editor, Barty. :-)

  The editor's editor.

[FairfieldLife] NY Times article on dome homes

2007-01-11 Thread Patrick Gillam
Dome-goers and dome alums may be 
amused by this article in the New 
York Times on geodesic dome residences. 
It has a half-dozen photos of various 
domiciles around the Unites States.


The Dome Gains Weight and Settles Down

Published: January 11, 2007

BRUCE NELKIN decided in the 10th grade that he would someday live in a
geodesic dome, after seeing a picture of one in a science book. It
looked like something out of `Star Wars,'  Mr. Nelkin said. I
thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen, and I said to myself,
`When I grow up I'm going to build one of those.'  


[FairfieldLife] yagyas vs gita

2007-01-11 Thread claudiouk
Yagyas are rather complicated rituals seemingly done mechanically, to 
gain favour with the gods. Someone mentioned here references to 
animal sacrifices in the Vedic past, and the morality of charging 
money for yagyas in Christianity such practices sparked off the 

How does that square with the Gita where Krishna says just a little 
flower offered with devotion (whether directly to Him OR to the gods)
is all that is necessary.. a theme echoed in other religions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Linux

2007-01-11 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For those of you who use the Linux operating system, here is  
 something that may interest you:
 Ubuntu Linux 6.06 Christian Edition
 And of course, it's opposite:

They spelled the name of the OS wrong, it should be Microsoft


Re: [FairfieldLife] yagyas vs gita

2007-01-11 Thread llundrub
I think it's clear that the irreligeous do not do yagyas nor care about 
pleasing God or Gods.

- Original Message - 
From: claudiouk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:31 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] yagyas vs gita

 Yagyas are rather complicated rituals seemingly done mechanically, to
 gain favour with the gods. Someone mentioned here references to
 animal sacrifices in the Vedic past, and the morality of charging
 money for yagyas in Christianity such practices sparked off the

 How does that square with the Gita where Krishna says just a little
 flower offered with devotion (whether directly to Him OR to the gods)
 is all that is necessary.. a theme echoed in other religions.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] yagyas vs gita

2007-01-11 Thread llundrub
Moreover typical Vaishnava sees all things as being really to Vishnu. So 
other rituals are really of Vishnu. Krishna says he is so big he allows all 
worship of other deities as worship to him.  Which is to say that all 
worship is done as per the Purusha suktam which is that purusha immolates 
itself as food for the yagya for itself.

- Original Message - 
From: claudiouk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:31 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] yagyas vs gita

 Yagyas are rather complicated rituals seemingly done mechanically, to
 gain favour with the gods. Someone mentioned here references to
 animal sacrifices in the Vedic past, and the morality of charging
 money for yagyas in Christianity such practices sparked off the

 How does that square with the Gita where Krishna says just a little
 flower offered with devotion (whether directly to Him OR to the gods)
 is all that is necessary.. a theme echoed in other religions.

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 and click 'Join This Group!'
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Re: [FairfieldLife] yagyas vs gita

2007-01-11 Thread Peter

--- claudiouk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yagyas are rather complicated rituals seemingly done
 mechanically, to 
 gain favour with the gods. Someone mentioned here
 references to 
 animal sacrifices in the Vedic past, and the
 morality of charging 
 money for yagyas in Christianity such practices
 sparked off the 
 How does that square with the Gita where Krishna
 says just a little 
 flower offered with devotion (whether directly to
 Him OR to the gods)
 is all that is necessary.. a theme echoed in other

Different paths to the same goal: gyana and bhakti.

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 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!' 
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Any questions? Get answers on any topic at www.Answers.yahoo.com.  Try it now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: less than pure: caste-inspired murder.

2007-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   This is an example of what the caste system is *really*
   like, not what Maharishi and you present as an idealized
   picture of it. Maharishi's portrayal of what caste is all
   about in India today is as accurate as his portrayal of 
   what life was like in India in Vedic times.
  MMY talks about an *ideal*. Whether or not that ideal ever 
  existed or can EVER exist isn't germane to what he says 
  about the ideal. 
 This statement is one for the ages. :-)
 It's *extremely* germane. That was my whole point in
 asking you the questions I did a while back about
 Vedic times. You seem to have *bought* the ideal
 hook, line, and sinker, and like so many other TM
 followers, believe that if we just get enough butt-
 bouncers and pundits together, we can *re*establish
 this golden age on planet Earth. The problem is
 that historically this golden age NEVER
 HAPPENED. It's a fantasy. So is the fantasy 
 of how the caste system is supposed to work.
 It's a set of plans for the world that are based
 on UNREALITY, on one man's fantasies. I *applaud*
 the desire to work for a better world; I just wish
 that the template that some of those folks have
 for that better world were based on reality.

Some [people] see things as they are and say, 'Why?'
I dream things that never were and say, 'Why not?'

--George Bernard Shaw, quoted by Robert F. Kennedy

[FairfieldLife] A groaner

2007-01-11 Thread Rick Archer
Old rajas never die; they just ved away. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: less than pure: caste-inspired murder.

2007-01-11 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   This is an example of what the caste system is *really*
   like, not what Maharishi and you present as an idealized
   picture of it. Maharishi's portrayal of what caste is all
   about in India today is as accurate as his portrayal of 
   what life was like in India in Vedic times.
  MMY talks about an *ideal*. Whether or not that ideal ever 
  existed or can EVER exist isn't germane to what he says 
  about the ideal. 
 This statement is one for the ages. :-)
 It's *extremely* germane. That was my whole point in
 asking you the questions I did a while back about
 Vedic times. You seem to have *bought* the ideal
 hook, line, and sinker, and like so many other TM
 followers, believe that if we just get enough butt-
 bouncers and pundits together, we can *re*establish
 this golden age on planet Earth. The problem is
 that historically this golden age NEVER
 HAPPENED. It's a fantasy. So is the fantasy 
 of how the caste system is supposed to work.
 It's a set of plans for the world that are based
 on UNREALITY, on one man's fantasies. I *applaud*
 the desire to work for a better world; I just wish
 that the template that some of those folks have
 for that better world were based on reality.
  Now, you can take the stance, as a practical matter, that 
  such a thing simply can't happen in the real world, but 
  you never discuss things that way that I can recall...
 Just did. Deal with it.

Your post reminds me that the majority view of past human life is 
limited to the recovery and intepretation of artifacts. There's 
more, you know.

[FairfieldLife] MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.

When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.

You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?

I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!

[FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

2007-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Oh yes, in fact. As I pointed out to Barty, you
  need to keep in mind that there aren't a whole lot
  of such cushy jobs, and many people aren't qualified
  for the ones there are. If you insist spiritual
  teachers must teach for free by getting a high-paying
  job that leaves them lots of free time, you're
  restricting the pool of teachers to folks who are
  highly educated and trained to start with, which in
  effect means people from relatively well-to-do
  backgrounds for the most part.
 Barty here. I love it when Judy gets so mad
 she can't type. :-)
 Just to provide a counterpoint to what she so
 mistakenly says above,

(Which Barry smugly thinks he's refuted but
actually has not...)

 here's what the Rama
 guy (even with his many faults) did to try
 to help his students get careers that would
 allow them the money and freedom to pursue
 their spiritual lives.
snip Lenz's program, which sounds admirable as
far as it goes 
 This is not a career path (or a spiritual path,
 for that matter) for everyone, but I firmly
 believe that it can be *done* by everyone.
 I've seen it done by hundreds. Judy's idea that
 this approach to teaching would restrict the
 pool of teachers to the well-educated is sheer
 educational bias on her part. T'ain't true.
 It ain't the well-educated who get the well-
 paying jobs, it's the people who are *motivated*
 who get the well-paying jobs.

Says Barry, ignoring my qualifying phrase for
the most part.  There are always highly
motivated folks who manage to rise above the

It's not a matter of educational bias, of
course, but of cold, hard reality: getting a
high-paying job with easy hours is a lot easier
for those who are well educated to begin with.

And for those who have managed to get a good
education but are struggling to pay off college
loans because they couldn't afford to pay 
tuition out of pocket, investing substantial
amounts of time and money in additional training,
especially if they're supporting a family, is
going to be exceptionally difficult.

Making sacrifices is fine, but you shouldn't
*have* to sacrifice family life in order to be
a spiritual teacher.  That isn't good for your
teaching or your students, and it's distinctly
not good for your family.

 I still think that financial self-sufficiency
 is a good model for the spiritual teacher.

Of course it is.  It just shouldn't be the sole

 avoids so many down sides that appear when
 you never challenge the assumption that these
 teachers somehow deserve not to have to work
 at a regular job, because what they're doing
 is so much more important than what normal
 people do.

Huh, did anybody say this was why spiritual
teachers should be compensated?  I must have
missed it.  It certainly isn't what *I* said.

What *I* said is that it seems to me spiritual
teaching *should be* a regular job, and that
in this regard spiritual teachers deserve just
what everybody else does: compensation for the
time and energy they put into their work, so
they can focus on it rather than having to 
siphon off much of their mental and physical
resources to hold down a second, paying job.

*If* circumstances are such that you can
hold down that second job and do your spiritual
teaching as well without excessive strain, fine,
that's the ideal and can work nicely for some people.

But it shouldn't be a *requirement*, and you
certainly shouldn't have to suffer putdowns from 
obnoxious, elitist brats like Barry if the 
compensation option is more suitable and

You can do selfless service just as well if
you're being paid for it; the selflessness is
in how you do what you do.  *Attachment* to the
idea of one's own nobility in serving without
compensation, however, so one can look down on
those who take money--as in Barry's case--
pretty much invalidates the whole thing and may
well be a far worse spiritual trap.

 *Everyone* is normal.

duh  In other words, the term normal has no

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
 When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
 existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
 his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.
 You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
 doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
 this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
 I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!

Sure explains the Uncles in India thang though,
doesn't it. He's compensating them in advance.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

2007-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That quip made, it's pretty much always a 
 sign of how deeply some subject we've brought
 up has pushed her gotta defend Maharishi,
 and myself for believing him buttons when 
 she (an editor, after all, whose posts are 
 usually grammatically excellent) starts to 
 misspell and mistype things in response to 
 Vaj and I. I take it to mean that she's so 
 angry she can't take the time to reread and 
 edit her posts before she presses Send. The 
 Send button, in Judy's world, is analogous 
 to the trigger of a gun.  :-)

This, of course, is another of Barry's fantasies.
I don't reread my posts when I'm confident I've
expressed myself as I intended, which means the
occasional typo slips through.  But I don't make
typos any more often in posts about Barry or Vaj
than in any others.

And Barry is projecting when he imagines me being
angry.  I simply do not get angry over the rantings
of people for whom I have no respect.

Finally, of course, my argument had nothing to do
with defending Maharishi.  It had to do with
puncturing Barry's elitist balloon and illusionary

Just doing him a little favor...

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
  When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
  existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
  his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.
  You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
  doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
  this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
  I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!
 Sure explains the Uncles in India thang though,
 doesn't it. He's compensating them in advance.  :-)

Ha, hashame, shame!  How so?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
 When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
 existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
 his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.
 You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
 doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
 this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
 I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!

Interesting. I think it is silly too, but I think the whole concept of 
karma as being passed on life to life is a bit silly and too much 
stuck in earthbound thought patterns. 

I think I have heard people say that Maharishi has said that a 
meditator or sidha is purifying the karma of 7 generations of his/her 
family, in the future and past, but don't quote me on that. Anyone 
hear anything like this?


[FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

2007-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sounds like she needs an editor, Barty. :-)

As Barty knows, I've always said even editors
need an editor.  It's a commonplace among
editors, in fact.

[FairfieldLife] After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 chapters).
MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or going!

Although the principles are there the process of getting there is
*painfull* to say the least! 

And what did Christ mean when he said, No man cometh onto the Father
except thru me...Hummm.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
 When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
 existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
 his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.
 You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
 doubt it!

Also (see other post), (although I think the whole concept is bound up 
in linear earthbound thought patterns) what is it that you think is 
not justice? 

When Maharishi says the man is liberated and his individuality has 
merged into cosmic existence, surely he means that the soul is not 
bound to even come back to the world, so what is wrong with the 
concept that his good karma would go back to his bloodline. The 
bloodline must have some significance in cosmic reality, not just 
humpity bumpity, squirty squirty (as in MDIXON's case). Surely you 
would hope your children and grandchildren would benefit from your 
spiritual growth.

However, I really think the whole concept is metaphorical created by 
humans to satisy the cosmic story in their minds. Life is just a play 
being re-played for fun, so it needs a context that can portray the 
plot for any given culture, (on Earth, or on another planet?).

In other words, in the context of the quote you gave, what happens to 
the liberated man whose most powerful concept is: The World is My 
Family ?


[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 
 MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
 consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or going!

Speak for yourself.

 Although the principles are there the process of getting there is
 *painfull* to say the least! 
 And what did Christ mean when he said, No man cometh onto the Father
 except thru me...Hummm.

IF ...Christ existed, he obviously means that the Cosmic Big Self 
that I am living, walking, and breathing, (Pure Consciousness), is the 
source, course, and goal of all life, therefore, only through that 
which I am (Tat Svam Asvi - or whatever that phrase is), I am the 
Cosmic Self, the Source, and only through that will you come to the 
Source of existence (the Father). Christ also said: Before Abraham 
was, I AM (at least in the versions I have read, but I have not read 
the most ancient texts direct translations for a long time)


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread nablusos108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
   Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
   When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into 
   existence, then the influence of his past karma will be 
received by
   his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
   You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just 
   doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that 
   this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
   I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!
  Sure explains the Uncles in India thang though,
  doesn't it. He's compensating them in advance.  :-)
 Ha, hashame, shame!  How so?

Exactly; how so. Do you really belive that these fellows like 
Turquoise, Vaj or Llundurp knows anything about Maharishis family or 
finances ? I seriously doubt that. It is just a part of their lowlife 
smearcampaign, IMO.

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread nablusos108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 chapters).
 MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
 consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or going!
 Although the principles are there the process of getting there is
 *painfull* to say the least! 
 And what did Christ mean when he said, No man cometh onto the Father
 except thru me...Hummm.

The me of The Christ is the Kingdom of heaven within, or 
transcendence. Basic stuff really.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
  When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
  existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
  his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.
  You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
  doubt it!
 Also (see other post), (although I think the whole concept is bound up 
 in linear earthbound thought patterns) what is it that you think is 
 not justice? 
 When Maharishi says the man is liberated and his individuality has 
 merged into cosmic existence, surely he means that the soul is not 
 bound to even come back to the world, so what is wrong with the 
 concept that his good karma would go back to his bloodline. The 
 bloodline must have some significance in cosmic reality, not just 
 humpity bumpity, squirty squirty (as in MDIXON's case). Surely you 
 would hope your children and grandchildren would benefit from your 
 spiritual growth.
 However, I really think the whole concept is metaphorical created by 
 humans to satisy the cosmic story in their minds. Life is just a play 
 being re-played for fun, so it needs a context that can portray the 
 plot for any given culture, (on Earth, or on another planet?).
 In other words, in the context of the quote you gave, what happens to 
 the liberated man whose most powerful concept is: The World is My 
 Family ?

Hey, why should I pay for your mistakes?  Family yes, responsible for
your foiblesI think not!

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 chapters).
  MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
  consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or going!
  Although the principles are there the process of getting there is
  *painfull* to say the least! 
  And what did Christ mean when he said, No man cometh onto the Father
  except thru me...Hummm.
 The me of The Christ is the Kingdom of heaven within, or 
 transcendence. Basic stuff really.

The me of Christ is the personal God immanent in Creation like Brahma
the creator...not Brahman.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Christian Linux

2007-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:
 For those of you who use the Linux operating system, here is  
 something that may interest you:

 Ubuntu Linux 6.06 Christian Edition

 And of course, it's opposite:


 Where's the tantric version? Barry-2?


Fry's was selling $100 Linux boxes for awhile that had a version of 
Linux that was made by a Korean Christian College.  Problem was that the 
version of Linux was linked to some proprietary hardware in the machine 
so you couldn't nuke it and replace it with something else.

The tantric version is running on my machine.  :)

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
 When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
 existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
 his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.
 You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
 doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
 this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
 I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!

Er, karma is a matter of physical and manmade law. Certainly, for the manmade 
part, a 
man's debts are inherited by his children, to some extent.  What is so 
outrageous about 
assuming that more subtle debts are also inherited by his children?

The sins of the father are visited upon the sons, yay unto the 10th 
generation... or 
something like that. Jewish reincarnation theory certainly seemed to imply the 
same kind 
of thing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread nablusos108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
  When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into 
  existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received 
  his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
  You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just 
  doubt it!
 Also (see other post), (although I think the whole concept is bound 
 in linear earthbound thought patterns) what is it that you think is 
 not justice? 
 When Maharishi says the man is liberated and his individuality has 
 merged into cosmic existence, surely he means that the soul is not 
 bound to even come back to the world, so what is wrong with the 
 concept that his good karma would go back to his bloodline. The 
 bloodline must have some significance in cosmic reality, not just 
 humpity bumpity, squirty squirty (as in MDIXON's case). Surely you 
 would hope your children and grandchildren would benefit from your 
 spiritual growth.
 However, I really think the whole concept is metaphorical created 
 humans to satisy the cosmic story in their minds. Life is just a 
 being re-played for fun, so it needs a context that can portray the 
 plot for any given culture, (on Earth, or on another planet?).
 In other words, in the context of the quote you gave, what happens 
 the liberated man whose most powerful concept is: The World is My 
 Family ?

In the last book by Swoboda on the life of the Agohra saint 
Vimalananda (highly recommended) he said that genetics is of utmost 
importance regarding enlightenment. The purity of the bloodline being 
very important indeed for seeking and upholding transcendence. This 
may well be somewhat controversial, but then again Vimalanda was not 
your average Guru telling people what they wanted to hear. He was a 
very unpredictable and sometimes provoking teacher, I'd love to have 
met him. Maharishi is also not exactly predictable, to say the least. 
It's a pitty to hear all those people who dream about the good old 
days of the Movement not realizing that the Movement belongs to 
those who move. I've never seen anyone moving as fast as Maharishi.
I know from firsthand experience that Maharishi supports Vimalanandas 
view on genetics. 

[FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  Sounds like she needs an editor, Barty. :-)
 As Barty knows, I've always said even editors
 need an editor.  It's a commonplace among
 editors, in fact.

I just assumed you were subtly pointing out the similarities between Bart[y] 
Simpson and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 
  MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
  consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or going!
 Speak for yourself.
  Although the principles are there the process of getting there is
  *painfull* to say the least! 
  And what did Christ mean when he said, No man cometh onto the Father
  except thru me...Hummm.
 IF ...Christ existed, he obviously means that the Cosmic Big Self 
 that I am living, walking, and breathing, (Pure Consciousness), is the 
 source, course, and goal of all life, therefore, only through that 
 which I am (Tat Svam Asvi - or whatever that phrase is), I am the 
 Cosmic Self, the Source, and only through that will you come to the 
 Source of existence (the Father). Christ also said: Before Abraham 
 was, I AM (at least in the versions I have read, but I have not read 
 the most ancient texts direct translations for a long time)

 Nope, you're talking about Brahman! The Christ or 'Christos' is the
formless Being (which can take any form)IN creation, the creator as
assumed in the form Brahma! *Brahman* is the formless Absolute beyond

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
  When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
  existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
  his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.
  You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
  doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
  this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
  I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!
 Er, karma is a matter of physical and manmade law. Certainly, for
the manmade part, a 
 man's debts are inherited by his children, to some extent.  What is
so outrageous about 
 assuming that more subtle debts are also inherited by his children?
 The sins of the father are visited upon the sons, yay unto the 10th
generation... or 
 something like that. Jewish reincarnation theory certainly seemed to
imply the same kind 
 of thing.

Good argument.although does that seem fair to you?  Also, MMY
never said to some extent!

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread nablusos108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 nablusos108@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
   after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 
   MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
   consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or 
   Although the principles are there the process of getting there 
   *painfull* to say the least! 
   And what did Christ mean when he said, No man cometh onto the 
   except thru me...Hummm.
  The me of The Christ is the Kingdom of heaven within, or 
  transcendence. Basic stuff really.
 The me of Christ is the personal God immanent in Creation like 
 the creator...not Brahman.

Perhaps you are mixing up the consept of Jesus and The Christ ? They 
are not one and the same, even though the Church dearly wants you to 
believe so. They are two great Masters, The Christ, or Maitreya which 
is His name today, being the most senior. And Brahmananda Saraswati 
being more senior to Jesus. Not that it really matters I suppose, 
they are all perfected beings and work together in perfect synchrony. 
There is no contest here. According to Benjamin Creme Brahmanada 
Saraswati is currently not in incarnation, whereas Jesus is.

If you need clarification of the relationship between Jesus, The 
Christ and God. Please see: http://www.shareintl.org

[FairfieldLife] MMY's *withches brew* of consciousness!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
Hey, it's all transcendental, right! Most TM'er are mixed up when it
comes to understanding the differentations of CC, GC and UC.  MMY
explains it so poorly that anybody who reads the Gita is sure to be
confused. Here, I'll unravel it for you!

CC is Self Realization, realization of your Soul! Not Brahman!

GC is Realization of YOUR greater Soul, God the creator Brahma or the
fromless 'Christ' IN creation.

UC is realization of Brahman the Being beyond and IN creation as his
personal God Brahma. Get it?  Each level is more expanded than the
previous like circles within circles. I feel your pain!  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Perhaps you are mixing up the consept of Jesus and The Christ ?

Jesus was the man, Christ is the Universal Soul, the only begotten of
the Father, the Father being Brahman. We all have the power to become
Christ (formless essence of the Solar System)where as there will only
be one Jesus or John, etc.

Christ consciousness is the God Consciousness of MMY by another name,
same principle.


[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 nablusos108@
  Perhaps you are mixing up the consept of Jesus and The Christ ?
 Jesus was the man, Christ is the Universal Soul, the only begotten 
 the Father, the Father being Brahman. We all have the power to 
 Christ (formless essence of the Solar System)where as there will 
 be one Jesus or John, etc.
 Christ consciousness is the God Consciousness of MMY by another 
 same principle.

Perhaps, one should be careful about using Brahman as the symbol for 
the Father.  In vedic literature, Brahman has a limited life, 
although much longer than humans or the other demigods.  But the 
intent of your idea is understood.

Re: [FairfieldLife] MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread Vaj
It's probably too small a quote to really ascertain context, but to  
me it sound like a mishmash of karmic ideas from Vedanta, esp.  
sanchita karma and jivan-mukti (CC) vs. videha-mukti (UC). CC leaves  
behind some of the mayic bodies but still the overall effect on ones  
lineage should be one of upliftment. Nonetheless the mayic bodies  
holding collective karmas of your clan and place of birth still  
remain, thus tying your karma still to your gene pool. I'm guessing  
that's what he might be trying to convey.

On Jan 11, 2007, at 11:34 AM, wmurphy77 wrote:

Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.

When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.

You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?

I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
   Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
   When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
   existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
   his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.
   You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
   doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
   this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
   I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!
  Er, karma is a matter of physical and manmade law. Certainly, for
 the manmade part, a 
  man's debts are inherited by his children, to some extent.  What is
 so outrageous about 
  assuming that more subtle debts are also inherited by his children?
  The sins of the father are visited upon the sons, yay unto the 10th
 generation... or 
  something like that. Jewish reincarnation theory certainly seemed to
 imply the same kind 
  of thing.
 Good argument.although does that seem fair to you?  Also, MMY
 never said to some extent!

Human beings like to be compassionate. I never heard that the Laws of Naure, 
Western or 
Indian, were compassionate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's *withches brew* of consciousness!

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey, it's all transcendental, right! Most TM'er are mixed up when it
 comes to understanding the differentations of CC, GC and UC.  MMY
 explains it so poorly that anybody who reads the Gita is sure to be
 confused. Here, I'll unravel it for you!
 CC is Self Realization, realization of your Soul! Not Brahman!
 GC is Realization of YOUR greater Soul, God the creator Brahma or the
 fromless 'Christ' IN creation.
 UC is realization of Brahman the Being beyond and IN creation as his
 personal God Brahma. Get it?  Each level is more expanded than the
 previous like circles within circles. I feel your pain!  :-)

Funnt, somehow I get the impression that MMY explains it better than you do. 
Wonder why 
that might be the case?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread Vaj

On Jan 11, 2007, at 2:20 PM, sparaig wrote:

Human beings like to be compassionate. I never heard that the Laws  
of Naure, Western or

Indian, were compassionate.

Well you have half of it: there is relative compassion and absolute  
compassion, humans and various other beings can consciously project  
relative compassion. Absolute compassion's another entity altogether.  
It's the nature of entire world-systems and reality itself.

The laws of nature in TM parlance translate as devas. You don't  
feel that some devas are compassionate? Or do you have to pay for a  
yagya to get an answer from them? :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's *withches brew* of consciousness!

2007-01-11 Thread Vaj

On Jan 11, 2007, at 2:21 PM, sparaig wrote:

Funnt, somehow I get the impression that MMY explains it better  
than you do. Wonder why

that might be the case?

Better pundits on retainer?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Linux

2007-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
peterklutz wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For those of you who use the Linux operating system, here is  
 something that may interest you:

 Ubuntu Linux 6.06 Christian Edition

 And of course, it's opposite:


 They spelled the name of the OS wrong, it should be Microsoft


Yup, MS had help from spooks on Vista:

Re: [FairfieldLife] MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
wmurphy77 wrote:
 Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.

 When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
 existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
 his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him.

 You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
 doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
 this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?

 I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!

Actually I've heard this elsewhere.  But most folks here should be 
enlightened enough they should be witnessing whether this is true or 
not.   I seem to find it true  and remember your past karma can be good 
too not just negative karmas!

One thing I have noticed is how family members who consider themselves 
strong Christians have a lot of tragedy in their lives.  Apparently 
Jesus isn't all that much help.  My immediate family members (siblings 
and kids) aren't religious so don't seem to experience this.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fearmongering on new 24 Season?

2007-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
Bhairitu wrote:
 The new season of Fox's 24 begins this Sunday.   Here's a clip of the 

 So are they trying to condition Americans to they idea of a police state 
 with concentration camps?  Last season they were criticized for 
 conditioning Americans to the idea that torture is okay however the 
 central theme of that season was a Presidential conspiracy.

 I like to watch the show just to see what they are up to but sometimes 
 cringe at the bad writing and direction.  As for concentration camps 
 here is a video on one recently built in Texas:

 Just say No to Bush. Resist the New World Order.
Seems that the FBI wants to influence Hollywood too:

Also after 911 Ashcroft met with Hollywood and told them to stop making 
films showing the government in a bad light.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
sparaig wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oh well, fuck it. I'm all hooked up with more minutes then I'll ever use, my 
 wife has the whole  bloody internet on her phone. Best thing about it is 
 this proggy i got called, 'the ringtone maker' which allows you to make all 
 your own ringtones. it rocks and i have some weird ringtones boie, best 
 thing is doing my ordering while i'm cooking. i used to have to sit at a 
 desk, or more like, stand at a bar ;)

 As far as I know, the iPhone has the best implementation of the internet of 
 any cell phone. 
 The big complaint right now is about how good flash player support is...

So you have one already?  IOW, you don't know very far.  :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Teaching for free (was Re: Mechanics of Yagyas)

2007-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
 Oh yes, in fact. As I pointed out to Barty, you
 need to keep in mind that there aren't a whole lot
 of such cushy jobs, and many people aren't qualified
 for the ones there are. If you insist spiritual
 teachers must teach for free by getting a high-paying
 job that leaves them lots of free time, you're
 restricting the pool of teachers to folks who are
 highly educated and trained to start with, which in
 effect means people from relatively well-to-do
 backgrounds for the most part.
 Barty here. I love it when Judy gets so mad
 she can't type. :-)

 Just to provide a counterpoint to what she so
 mistakenly says above,

 (Which Barry smugly thinks he's refuted but
 actually has not...)

  here's what the Rama
 guy (even with his many faults) did to try
 to help his students get careers that would
 allow them the money and freedom to pursue
 their spiritual lives.
 snip Lenz's program, which sounds admirable as
 far as it goes 
 This is not a career path (or a spiritual path,
 for that matter) for everyone, but I firmly
 believe that it can be *done* by everyone.
 I've seen it done by hundreds. Judy's idea that
 this approach to teaching would restrict the
 pool of teachers to the well-educated is sheer
 educational bias on her part. T'ain't true.
 It ain't the well-educated who get the well-
 paying jobs, it's the people who are *motivated*
 who get the well-paying jobs.

 Says Barry, ignoring my qualifying phrase for
 the most part.  There are always highly
 motivated folks who manage to rise above the

 It's not a matter of educational bias, of
 course, but of cold, hard reality: getting a
 high-paying job with easy hours is a lot easier
 for those who are well educated to begin with.

 And for those who have managed to get a good
 education but are struggling to pay off college
 loans because they couldn't afford to pay 
 tuition out of pocket, investing substantial
 amounts of time and money in additional training,
 especially if they're supporting a family, is
 going to be exceptionally difficult.

 Making sacrifices is fine, but you shouldn't
 *have* to sacrifice family life in order to be
 a spiritual teacher.  That isn't good for your
 teaching or your students, and it's distinctly
 not good for your family.

That's why the tantric path is the most appropriate if you want to 
become a spiritual teacher and have a family at the same time.  That's 
what it was designed for.  :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
off_world_beings wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jobs also announced they are taking the word computer out of 
 names so instead of Apple Computer it will be Apple Inc.   Wonder 
 how long before they take computers out their product line?

 Not long I hope !
 I have to teach graphic design on that sh!t. They keep freezing and 
 glitching. PC's work great. (And I used nothing but Macs for over a 


Most artsy types I know especially musicians that have Macs are computer 
phobic.   But their are artsy types that look at their bottom line a 
little more closely and decide not to pay the extra for the fancy Apple 
logo and get just as much done.  :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
Alex Stanley wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steve Job's announced earlier today.

 The iPhone

 This is a day I've been looking forward to for two and a half  
 years, said Jobs. Every once in a while a revolutionary product  
 comes along that changes everything.

 I don't doubt that the iPhone may be a truly great smartphone-class
 handset, but with the vast majority of the people I see using small
 clamshell phones, I just don't see people switching in droves to an
 expensive humongo clunker like that. 

It's the same mistake that Sony made with the PSP.  It is too clunky and 
too fragile.

[FairfieldLife] Thanks for the laughs

2007-01-11 Thread llundrub
See yas next time around maybe.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vaj 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 1:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's *withches brew* of consciousness!

  On Jan 11, 2007, at 2:21 PM, sparaig wrote:

Funnt, somehow I get the impression that MMY explains it better than you 
do. Wonder why 

that might be the case?

  Better pundits on retainer?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
sparaig wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
 Steve Job's announced earlier today.

 The iPhone
 Is it based on MacOS X like the Apple TV is, I wonder? THAT would be a 
 scaleable product. 
 basically a tablet PC/phone combo sans handwriting recognition, as far as I 
 can tell.


 And yes it is. Apple's apparently now got a scalable MacOS X that works from 
 iPhones to 
More likely a form of Linux.  They probably already have built a version 
of Linux that looks like the MacOS.  They probably would have gone with 
Linux over Unix if SCO hadn't been scaring everyone.   And they would 
have a lot more companies developing apps for the Mac too.

Many consumer electronics devices like this start out with a small 
implementation of Linux running a prototype.  They may even ship this 
way and eventually everything is put into a chipset instead.

[FairfieldLife] Just for fun: lots of meanings of brahman!

2007-01-11 Thread cardemaister

brahman n. (lit. ` growth ' , ` expansion ' , ` evolution ' ,
` development ' ` swelling of the spirit or soul ' , fr. 2.
%{bRh}) pious effusion or utterance , outpouring of the heart in
worshipping the gods , prayer RV. AV. VS. TS. ; the sacred word (as
opp. to %{vAc} , the word of man) , the Veda , a sacred text , a text
or Mantra used as a spell (forming a distinct class from the %{Rcas} ,
%{sAmAni} and %{yajUMSi} ; cf. %{brahma-veda}) RV. AV. Br. Mn. Pur. ;
the Bra1hman2a portion of the Veda Mn. iv , 100 ; the sacred syllable
Om Prab. , Sch , (cf. Mn. ii , 83) ; religious or spiritual knowledge
(opp. to religious observances and bodily mortification such as
%{tapas} c.) AV. Br. Mn. R. ; holy life (esp. continence , chastity ;
cf. %{brahma-carya}) S3ak.i , 24/25 S3am2k. Sarvad. ; (exceptionally
treated as m.) the Brahma8 or one selfexistent impersonal Spirit , the
one universal Soul (or one divine essence and source from which all
created things emanate or with which they are identified and to which
they return) , the Self-existent , the Absolute , the Eternal (not
generally an object of worship but rather of meditation and-knowledge
[738,1] ; also with %{jye4STha} , %{prathama-ja4} , %{svayo4m-bhu} ,
%{a-mUrta} , %{para} , %{paratara} , %{parama} , %{mahat} ,
%{sanAtana} , %{zAzvata} ; and = %{paramA7tman} , %{Atman} ,
%{adhyAtma} , %{pradhAna} , %{kSetra-jJa} , %{tattva}) AV. S3Br. Mn.
MBh. c. (IW. 9 , 83 c ,) ; n. the class of men who are the
repositories and communicators of sacred knowledge , the Bra1hmanical
caste as a body (rarely an individual Bra1hman) AV. TS. VS. S3Br. Mn.
BhP. ; food Naigh. ii , 7 ; wealth ib. 10 ; final emancipation L. ; m.
(%{brahma4n}) , one who Prays , a devot or religious man , a Bra1hman
who is a knower of Vedic texts or spells , one versed in sacred
knowledge RV. c. c. [cf. Lat. , {fla1men}] ; N. of Br2ihas-pati (as
the priest of the gods) RV. x , 141 , 3 ; one of the 4 principal
priests or R2itvijas (the other three being the Hotr2i , Adhvaryu and
Udga1tr2i ; the Brahman was the most learned of them and was required
to know the 3 Vedas , to supervise the , sacrifice and to set right
mistakes ; at a later period his functions were based especially on
the Atharva-veda) RV. c. c. ; Brahma1 or the one impersonal
universal Spirit manifested as a personal Creator and as the first of
the triad of personal gods (= %{prajA-pati} q.v. ; he never appears to
have become an object of general worship , though he has two temples
in India see RTL. 555 c. ; his wife is Sarasvati1 ib. 48) TBr. c. c
, ; = [EMAIL PROTECTED] , a lifetime of Brahma1 Pan5car. ; an
inhabitant of Brahma1's heaven Ja1takam. ; the sun L. ; N. of S3iva
Prab. Sch. ; the Veda (?) Pa1rGr2. ; the intellect (= %{buddhi})
Tattvas. ; N. of a star , $ Aurigae , Su1ryat. ; a partic. astron.
Yoga L. ; N. of the 9th Muhu1rta L. ; (with Jainas) a partic. Kalpa
Dharmas3. ; N. of the servant of the 10th Arhat of the present
Avasarpin2i L. ; of a magician Ra1jat.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ 
   Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
   When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into 
   existence, then the influence of his past karma will be 
received by
   his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
   You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just 
   doubt it!
  Also (see other post), (although I think the whole concept is 
bound up 
  in linear earthbound thought patterns) what is it that you think 
  not justice? 
  When Maharishi says the man is liberated and his individuality 
  merged into cosmic existence, surely he means that the soul is 
  bound to even come back to the world, so what is wrong with the 
  concept that his good karma would go back to his bloodline. The 
  bloodline must have some significance in cosmic reality, not 
  humpity bumpity, squirty squirty (as in MDIXON's case). Surely 
  would hope your children and grandchildren would benefit from 
  spiritual growth.
  However, I really think the whole concept is metaphorical 
created by 
  humans to satisy the cosmic story in their minds. Life is just a 
  being re-played for fun, so it needs a context that can portray 
  plot for any given culture, (on Earth, or on another planet?).
  In other words, in the context of the quote you gave, what 
happens to 
  the liberated man whose most powerful concept is: The World is 
  Family ?
 Hey, why should I pay for your mistakes?  Family yes, responsible 
 your foiblesI think not!

You're an idiot.   
In that quote you quoted, Maharishi's comment only referred to the 
good karma that would come to your children when you are liberated 
and merge with the Cosmic. I tried to direct your mind to that fact 
in my last post , but intelligent posts are wasted on your scattered-


[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ 
   after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 
   MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
   consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or 
  Speak for yourself.
   Although the principles are there the process of getting there 
   *painfull* to say the least! 
   And what did Christ mean when he said, No man cometh onto the 
   except thru me...Hummm.
  IF ...Christ existed, he obviously means that the Cosmic Big 
  that I am living, walking, and breathing, (Pure Consciousness), 
is the 
  source, course, and goal of all life, therefore, only through 
  which I am (Tat Svam Asvi - or whatever that phrase is), I am 
  Cosmic Self, the Source, and only through that will you come to 
  Source of existence (the Father). Christ also said: Before 
  was, I AM (at least in the versions I have read, but I have not 
  the most ancient texts direct translations for a long time)
  Nope, you're talking about Brahman! The Christ or 'Christos' is 
 formless Being (which can take any form)IN creation, the creator as
 assumed in the form Brahma! *Brahman* is the formless Absolute 

You're an idiot.  
Christ said Before Abraham was, I AM, as I mentioned in my last 
He also said: I am in you, and you are in Me, and we are in the 

You need to break down your silly Tower of Babble.


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 11, 2007, at 2:20 PM, sparaig wrote:
  Human beings like to be compassionate. I never heard that the 
  of Naure, Western or
  Indian, were compassionate.
 Well you have half of it: there is relative compassion and 
 compassion, humans and various other beings can consciously 
 relative compassion. Absolute compassion's another entity 
 It's the nature of entire world-systems and reality itself.
 The laws of nature in TM parlance translate as devas. You 
 feel that some devas are compassionate? Or do you have to pay for 
 yagya to get an answer from them? :-)

Why are you so attached to money?


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ 
   Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
   When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into 
   existence, then the influence of his past karma will be 
   his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
   You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just 
   doubt it!
  Also (see other post), (although I think the whole concept is 
  in linear earthbound thought patterns) what is it that you think 
  not justice? 
  When Maharishi says the man is liberated and his individuality 
  merged into cosmic existence, surely he means that the soul is 
  bound to even come back to the world, so what is wrong with the 
  concept that his good karma would go back to his bloodline. The 
  bloodline must have some significance in cosmic reality, not 
  humpity bumpity, squirty squirty (as in MDIXON's case). Surely 
  would hope your children and grandchildren would benefit from 
  spiritual growth.
  However, I really think the whole concept is metaphorical 
  humans to satisy the cosmic story in their minds. Life is just a 
  being re-played for fun, so it needs a context that can portray 
  plot for any given culture, (on Earth, or on another planet?).
  In other words, in the context of the quote you gave, what 
  the liberated man whose most powerful concept is: The World is 
  Family ?
 In the last book by Swoboda on the life of the Agohra saint 
 Vimalananda (highly recommended) he said that genetics is of 
 importance regarding enlightenment. The purity of the bloodline 
 very important indeed for seeking and upholding transcendence. 
 may well be somewhat controversial, but then again Vimalanda was 
 your average Guru telling people what they wanted to hear. He was 
 very unpredictable and sometimes provoking teacher, I'd love to 
 met him. Maharishi is also not exactly predictable, to say the 
 It's a pitty to hear all those people who dream about the good old 
 days of the Movement not realizing that the Movement belongs to 
 those who move. I've never seen anyone moving as fast as 
 I know from firsthand experience that Maharishi supports 
 view on genetics.

I agree with that, because I believe everything in the macroscopic 
world mirrors precisely a 'microscopic' blueprint. Therefore, 
genetics is a mirror of some important laws of nature.   
It is inevitable that: Man and Woman (Adam and Eve), baby, son and 
daughter, grandmother, family, society, and whole human race, mirror 
the mechanics of existence at some fundamental level. I don't see 
that it can ever be any other way, even in an 'age of ignorance'. 
And I thik it is fundamentally the same on all evolved planets 
(though could be superficially very different). But I think the good 
karma of an enlightened man is beneficial to the relatives, but that 
the bad karma of relatives is not really strong enough to hold back 
the evolving sidha (not for long anyway).


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's probably too small a quote to really ascertain context, but 
 me it sound like a mishmash of karmic ideas from Vedanta, esp.  
 sanchita karma and jivan-mukti (CC) vs. videha-mukti (UC). CC 
 behind some of the mayic bodies but still the overall effect on 
 lineage should be one of upliftment. Nonetheless the mayic bodies  
 holding collective karmas of your clan and place of birth still  
 remain, thus tying your karma still to your gene pool. I'm 
 that's what he might be trying to convey.
 On Jan 11, 2007, at 11:34 AM, wmurphy77 wrote:
  Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
  When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into 
  existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received 
  his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
  You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just 
  doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that 
  this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
  I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!

Makes sense to me.


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
  When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into 
  existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received 
  his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
  You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just 
  doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that 
  this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
  I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!
 Er, karma is a matter of physical and manmade law. Certainly, for 
the manmade part, a 
 man's debts are inherited by his children, to some extent.  What 
is so outrageous about 
 assuming that more subtle debts are also inherited by his children?
 The sins of the father are visited upon the sons, yay unto the 
10th generation... or 
 something like that. Jewish reincarnation theory certainly seemed 
to imply the same kind 
 of thing.

Nice point. I think the Judaic tradition had many roots, possibly 
most, in some Vedic (or Universal) Wisdom. (I mean the man was 
called Abrahamasmi for cryin' out loud, and also MahShiwa -- 


[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread nablusos108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
   after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 
   MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
   consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or 
  Speak for yourself.
   Although the principles are there the process of getting there 
   *painfull* to say the least! 
   And what did Christ mean when he said, No man cometh onto the 
   except thru me...Hummm.
  IF ...Christ existed, he obviously means that the Cosmic Big 
  that I am living, walking, and breathing, (Pure Consciousness), 
is the 
  source, course, and goal of all life, therefore, only through 
  which I am (Tat Svam Asvi - or whatever that phrase is), I am the 
  Cosmic Self, the Source, and only through that will you come to 
  Source of existence (the Father). Christ also said: Before 
  was, I AM (at least in the versions I have read, but I have not 
  the most ancient texts direct translations for a long time)
  Nope, you're talking about Brahman! The Christ or 'Christos' is the
 formless Being (which can take any form)IN creation, the creator as
 assumed in the form Brahma! *Brahman* is the formless Absolute 

That might be so, but The Christ is also here now in flesh and blood, 
together with an increasing number of Masters being incarnated. In 
fact for the first time in 100,000 years. 

For more information, please see: http://www.shareintl.org

Heaven will walk on earth. In this generation. - Maharishi

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 
   Perhaps you are mixing up the consept of Jesus and The Christ ?
  Jesus was the man, Christ is the Universal Soul, the only 
  the Father, the Father being Brahman. We all have the power to 
  Christ (formless essence of the Solar System)where as there will 
  be one Jesus or John, etc.
  Christ consciousness is the God Consciousness of MMY by another 
  same principle.
 Perhaps, one should be careful about using Brahman as the symbol 
 the Father.  In vedic literature, Brahman has a limited life, 
 although much longer than humans or the other demigods.  But the 
 intent of your idea is understood.

The longest life (of incalculable time) according to Maharishi's 
interpretation, is Mother Divine.   
All the others (Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, etc) have calculable shorter 
life-spans (although still mind-bogglingly long).   
Not that it matters much to mere humans. We have no role to play 


[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ 
after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 
MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels 
consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming 
   Speak for yourself.
Although the principles are there the process of getting 
*painfull* to say the least! 

And what did Christ mean when he said, No man cometh onto 
except thru me...Hummm.
   IF ...Christ existed, he obviously means that the Cosmic Big 
   that I am living, walking, and breathing, (Pure 
 is the 
   source, course, and goal of all life, therefore, only through 
   which I am (Tat Svam Asvi - or whatever that phrase is), I am 
   Cosmic Self, the Source, and only through that will you come 
   Source of existence (the Father). Christ also said: Before 
   was, I AM (at least in the versions I have read, but I have 
   the most ancient texts direct translations for a long time)
   Nope, you're talking about Brahman! The Christ or 'Christos' is 
  formless Being (which can take any form)IN creation, the creator 
  assumed in the form Brahma! *Brahman* is the formless Absolute 
 That might be so, but The Christ is also here now in flesh and 
 together with an increasing number of Masters being incarnated. In 
 fact for the first time in 100,000 years. 
 For more information, please see: http://www.shareintl.org
 Heaven will walk on earth. In this generation. - Maharishi

Please stop passing this information around that I am here.   
I am trying to lead a quiet life.   
(Jest kiddin', but I am having some interesting experiences that 
suggest to me something very big in leap of consiousness is about to 
take placean ascension of sorts... of all humans)


[FairfieldLife] Re: The iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 off_world_beings wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  Jobs also announced they are taking the word computer out of 

  names so instead of Apple Computer it will be Apple Inc.   Wonder 
  how long before they take computers out their product line?
  Not long I hope !
  I have to teach graphic design on that sh!t. They keep freezing and 
  glitching. PC's work great. (And I used nothing but Macs for over a 

 Most artsy types I know especially musicians that have Macs are computer 
 phobic.   But their are artsy types that look at their bottom line a 
 little more closely and decide not to pay the extra for the fancy Apple 
 logo and get just as much done.  :)

Of course there are. What off-the-shelf computer costs less than a Mac PRo, 
assuming you 
need all the bells and whistles?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fearmongering on new 24 Season?

2007-01-11 Thread nablusos108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bhairitu wrote:
  The new season of Fox's 24 begins this Sunday.   Here's a clip 
of the 
  So are they trying to condition Americans to they idea of a 
police state 
  with concentration camps?  Last season they were criticized for 
  conditioning Americans to the idea that torture is okay however 
  central theme of that season was a Presidential conspiracy.
  I like to watch the show just to see what they are up to but 
  cringe at the bad writing and direction.  As for concentration 
  here is a video on one recently built in Texas:
  Just say No to Bush. Resist the New World Order.
 Seems that the FBI wants to influence Hollywood too:
 Also after 911 Ashcroft met with Hollywood and told them to stop 
 films showing the government in a bad light.

You are definately on to something; the american government is moving 
in an fascist direction. But the reaction the this so-called 
president GWB received in wanting to send even more soldiers to Iraq, 
from the Congress and the Press, do give some hope.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 11, 2007, at 2:20 PM, sparaig wrote:
  Human beings like to be compassionate. I never heard that the Laws  
  of Naure, Western or
  Indian, were compassionate.
 Well you have half of it: there is relative compassion and absolute  
 compassion, humans and various other beings can consciously project  
 relative compassion. Absolute compassion's another entity altogether.  
 It's the nature of entire world-systems and reality itself.
 The laws of nature in TM parlance translate as devas. You don't  
 feel that some devas are compassionate? Or do you have to pay for a  
 yagya to get an answer from them? :-)

Which laws of nature are automaticdally compassionate?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  Steve Job's announced earlier today.
  The iPhone

  Is it based on MacOS X like the Apple TV is, I wonder? THAT would be a 

  basically a tablet PC/phone combo sans handwriting recognition, as far as 
  I can tell.
  And yes it is. Apple's apparently now got a scalable MacOS X that works 
  from iPhones 
 More likely a form of Linux.  They probably already have built a version 
 of Linux that looks like the MacOS.  They probably would have gone with 
 Linux over Unix if SCO hadn't been scaring everyone.   And they would 
 have a lot more companies developing apps for the Mac too.

How's that GPL for value-added stuff linked to the libraries?

 Many consumer electronics devices like this start out with a small 
 implementation of Linux running a prototype.  They may even ship this 
 way and eventually everything is put into a chipset instead.

So you think it's really Linux even though Jobs explicitly claimed it was MacOS 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fearmongering on new 24 Season?

2007-01-11 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  Bhairitu wrote:
   The new season of Fox's 24 begins this Sunday.   Here's a 
 of the 
   So are they trying to condition Americans to they idea of a 
 police state 
   with concentration camps?  Last season they were criticized 
   conditioning Americans to the idea that torture is okay 
   central theme of that season was a Presidential conspiracy.
   I like to watch the show just to see what they are up to but 
   cringe at the bad writing and direction.  As for concentration 
   here is a video on one recently built in Texas:
   Just say No to Bush. Resist the New World Order.
  Seems that the FBI wants to influence Hollywood too:
  Also after 911 Ashcroft met with Hollywood and told them to stop 
  films showing the government in a bad light.
 You are definately on to something; the american government is 
 in an fascist direction. But the reaction the this so-called 
 president GWB received in wanting to send even more soldiers to 
 from the Congress and the Press, do give some hope.

With the latest poll showing a solid 70% opposed to an escalation of 
the war in the US, we'll see if Congress actually does something vs. 
just sounding ticked off. I hope so!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  sparaig wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   Steve Job's announced earlier today.
   The iPhone
   Is it based on MacOS X like the Apple TV is, I wonder? THAT 
would be a scaleable 
   basically a tablet PC/phone combo sans handwriting 
recognition, as far as I can tell.
   And yes it is. Apple's apparently now got a scalable MacOS X 
that works from iPhones 
  More likely a form of Linux.  They probably already have built a 
  of Linux that looks like the MacOS.  They probably would have 
gone with 
  Linux over Unix if SCO hadn't been scaring everyone.   And they 
  have a lot more companies developing apps for the Mac too.
 How's that GPL for value-added stuff linked to the libraries?
  Many consumer electronics devices like this start out with a 
  implementation of Linux running a prototype.  They may even ship 
  way and eventually everything is put into a chipset instead.

 So you think it's really Linux even though Jobs explicitly claimed 
it was MacOS X?


The NYTimes tech columnist doesn't have any problem stating 
unequivocally that the Iphone software is Mac OS X-based:


1. State of the Art: Apple Waves Its Wand at the Phone

Remember the fairy godmother in Cinderella? She'd wave her 
wand and turn some homely and utilitarian object, like a 
pumpkin or a mouse, into something glamorous and amazing, 
like a carriage or fully accessorized coachman.

Evidently, she lives in some back room at Apple.

Every time Steve Jobs spies some hopelessly ugly, complex 
machine that cries out for the Apple touch - computers, say, 
or music players - he lets her out.

At the annual Macworld Expo in San Francisco, Mr. Jobs 
demonstrated the latest result of godmother wand-waving. He 
granted the wishes of millions of Apple followers and 
rumormongers by turning the ordinary cellphone into ... the 

At the moment, the iPhone is in an advanced prototype stage, 
which I was allowed to play with for only an hour; the 
finished product won't be available in the United States 
until June, or in Europe until the fourth quarter. So this 
column is a preview, not a review. 

Already, though, one thing is clear: the name iPhone may be 
doing Apple a disservice. This machine is so packed with 
possibilities that the cellphone may actually be the least 
interesting part. 

As Mr. Jobs pointed out in his keynote presentation, the 
iPhone is at least three products merged into one: a phone, a 
wide-screen iPod and a wireless, touch-screen Internet 
communicator. That helps to explain its price: $499 or $599 
(with four or eight gigabytes of storage).

As you'd expect of Apple, the iPhone is gorgeous. Its face is 
shiny black, rimmed by mirror-finish stainless steel. The 
back is textured aluminum, interrupted only by the lens of a 
two-megapixel camera and a mirrored Apple logo. The phone is 
slightly taller and wider than a Palm Treo, but much thinner 
(4.5 by 2.4 by 0.46 inches).

You won't complain about too many buttons on this phone; it 
comes very close to having none at all. The front is 
dominated by a touch screen (320 by 480 pixels) operated by 
finger alone. The only physical buttons, in fact, are volume 
up/down, ringer on/off (hurrah!), sleep/wake and, beneath the 
screen, a Home button. 

The iPhone's beauty alone would be enough to prompt certain 
members of the iPod cult to dig for their credit cards. But 
its Mac OS X-based software makes it not so much a smartphone 
as something out of Minority Report.

Take the iPod features, for example. As on any iPod, 
scrolling through lists of songs and albums is a blast - but 
there's no scroll wheel. Instead, you flick your finger on 
the glass to send the list scrolling freely, according to the 
speed of your flick. The scrolling spins slowly to a stop, as 
though by its own inertia. The effect is both spectacular and 
practical, because as the scrolling slows, you can see where 
you are before flicking again if necessary. 

The same flicking lets you flip through photos or album 
covers as though they're on a 3-D rack. All of this - photos, 
music collection, address book, podcasts, videos and so on - 
are synched to the iPhone from Apple's iTunes software 
running on a Mac or Windows PC, courtesy of the 
charging/synching dock that is included. 

Movies are especially satisfying on this iPod. That's partly 
because of the wide-screen orientation, and partly because 
the screen is so much bigger (3.5 inches) and sharper (160 
pixels per inch) than those on 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  sparaig wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   Steve Job's announced earlier today.
   The iPhone
   Is it based on MacOS X like the Apple TV is, I wonder? THAT would be a 
   basically a tablet PC/phone combo sans handwriting recognition, as far 
   as I can 
   And yes it is. Apple's apparently now got a scalable MacOS X that works 
  More likely a form of Linux.  They probably already have built a version 
  of Linux that looks like the MacOS.  They probably would have gone with 
  Linux over Unix if SCO hadn't been scaring everyone.   And they would 
  have a lot more companies developing apps for the Mac too.
 How's that GPL for value-added stuff linked to the libraries?
  Many consumer electronics devices like this start out with a small 
  implementation of Linux running a prototype.  They may even ship this 
  way and eventually everything is put into a chipset instead.
 So you think it's really Linux even though Jobs explicitly claimed it was 
 MacOS X?

Actually, the iPhone may be running on an ARM processor, so it COULD be Linux 
under the 
hood, but would imply that Apple has ported a substantial portion of the MacOS 
X stuff to 
a non-FreeBSD kernel.

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread nablusos108

  That might be so, but The Christ is also here now in flesh and 
  together with an increasing number of Masters being incarnated. 
  fact for the first time in 100,000 years. 
  For more information, please see: http://www.shareintl.org
  Heaven will walk on earth. In this generation. - Maharishi
 Please stop passing this information around that I am here.   
 I am trying to lead a quiet life.   
 (Jest kiddin', but I am having some interesting experiences that 
 suggest to me something very big in leap of consiousness is about 
 take placean ascension of sorts... of all humans)

It has already happened my friend. Maharishi did it, with the help of 
the Pioneers of the Age of Enlightenment, many of whom are on this 

Now is the time for it to be openly demonstrated in the world of 
human affairs.

Wait for me a little longer only,
and you will find your dreams fulfilled.
So will it be, and soon My nourishing Love
will strengthen and invest your life with joy.

-Maitreya, November 2004

Jai Guru Dev


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fearmongering on new 24 Season?

2007-01-11 Thread nablusos108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 
 nablusos108@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   Bhairitu wrote:
The new season of Fox's 24 begins this Sunday.   Here's a 
  of the 
So are they trying to condition Americans to they idea of a 
  police state 
with concentration camps?  Last season they were criticized 
conditioning Americans to the idea that torture is okay 
central theme of that season was a Presidential conspiracy.
I like to watch the show just to see what they are up to but 
cringe at the bad writing and direction.  As for 
here is a video on one recently built in Texas:
Just say No to Bush. Resist the New World Order.
   Seems that the FBI wants to influence Hollywood too:
   Also after 911 Ashcroft met with Hollywood and told them to 
   films showing the government in a bad light.
  You are definately on to something; the american government is 
  in an fascist direction. But the reaction the this so-called 
  president GWB received in wanting to send even more soldiers to 
  from the Congress and the Press, do give some hope.
 With the latest poll showing a solid 70% opposed to an escalation 
 the war in the US, we'll see if Congress actually does something 
 just sounding ticked off. I hope so!

I'm not convinced that even Maharishi and ME can save the americans 
from their selfcreated destruction if they do not themselves stop 
this rotten government. I think the sensible americans (who are 
plentiful) will have to make their voices heard more loudly. Marches, 
big demonstrations and rallies by ordinary, sensible people. How can 
they let a fellow, someone who belives God is speaking to him 
directly, in other words a madman, with the support of 30% or less 
lead them into destruction ? It does not make sense. I think the 
americans will react, albeit a little late. There is still time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   sparaig wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:

Steve Job's announced earlier today.
The iPhone
Is it based on MacOS X like the Apple TV is, I wonder? THAT 
 would be a scaleable 

basically a tablet PC/phone combo sans handwriting 
 recognition, as far as I can tell.

And yes it is. Apple's apparently now got a scalable MacOS X 
 that works from iPhones 
   More likely a form of Linux.  They probably already have built a 
   of Linux that looks like the MacOS.  They probably would have 
 gone with 
   Linux over Unix if SCO hadn't been scaring everyone.   And they 
   have a lot more companies developing apps for the Mac too.
  How's that GPL for value-added stuff linked to the libraries?
   Many consumer electronics devices like this start out with a 
   implementation of Linux running a prototype.  They may even ship 
   way and eventually everything is put into a chipset instead.
  So you think it's really Linux even though Jobs explicitly claimed 
 it was MacOS X?
 The NYTimes tech columnist doesn't have any problem stating 
 unequivocally that the Iphone software is Mac OS X-based:

It's MacOS X, but is it FreeBSD UNIX? The helpd-wanted page for iPhone 
engieneers at 
apple is looking for someone with experience in MacOS X programming AND ARM 
(embedded processor) programming. As far as I know, there isn't a version of 
UNIX running on ARM processors, but I might be wrong.

[FairfieldLife] News from Vedic City

2007-01-11 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
from the police reports

Global County of World Peace, at 1805 170th St. of Fairfield reported
theft of six rolls of copper wire.

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You're an idiot.  

I see ad hominum attacks didn't take long to surface, I feel right at
home, cracker anybody?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You're an idiot.   
 In that quote you quoted, Maharishi's comment only referred to the 
 good karma that would come to your children when you are liberated 
 and merge with the Cosmic. I tried to direct your mind to that fact 
 in my last post , but intelligent posts are wasted on your scattered-

So now I'm twice the idiot!?! Oh well, who cares! BTW, please tell me
where you find it mentioned MMY only meant *good* karma?

[FairfieldLife] Re: News from Vedic City

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 from the police reports
 Global County of World Peace, at 1805 170th St. of Fairfield reported
 theft of six rolls of copper wire.

A massive crime wave hits the city. 500% increase in crime in one day.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The iPhone

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's MacOS X, but is it FreeBSD UNIX? The helpd-wanted page for iPhone 
 engieneers at 
 apple is looking for someone with experience in MacOS X programming AND ARM 
 (embedded processor) programming. As far as I know, there isn't a version of 
 UNIX running on ARM processors, but I might be wrong.

Turns out there is. One assumes they would still use FreeBSD instead of Linux 
if it was 
available for that processor family

[FairfieldLife] Re: News from Vedic City

2007-01-11 Thread bob_brigante
--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 from the police reports
 Global County of World Peace, at 1805 170th St. of Fairfield reported
 theft of six rolls of copper wire.


Guys who couldn't take the fumes from meth-making any more are big on 
swiping copper:


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  You're an idiot.   
  In that quote you quoted, Maharishi's comment only referred to 
  good karma that would come to your children when you are 
  and merge with the Cosmic. I tried to direct your mind to that 
  in my last post , but intelligent posts are wasted on your 
 So now I'm twice the idiot!?! Oh well, who cares! BTW, please tell 
 where you find it mentioned MMY only meant *good* karma?

You quoted it yourself:

When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
him. -- MMY.

Now, please explain to me the kind of BAD karma that a being has , 
who has become liberated and has merged into cosmic existence? To 
me this was obvious from the start, that such a being would have 
only good karma. To think otherwise is idiotic.


[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 

   That might be so, but The Christ is also here now in flesh and 
   together with an increasing number of Masters being 
   fact for the first time in 100,000 years. 
   For more information, please see: http://www.shareintl.org
   Heaven will walk on earth. In this generation. - Maharishi
  Please stop passing this information around that I am here.   
  I am trying to lead a quiet life.   
  (Jest kiddin', but I am having some interesting experiences that 
  suggest to me something very big in leap of consiousness is 
  take placean ascension of sorts... of all humans)
 It has already happened my friend. Maharishi did it, with the help 
 the Pioneers of the Age of Enlightenment, many of whom are on this 
 Now is the time for it to be openly demonstrated in the world of 
 human affairs.
 Wait for me a little longer only,
 and you will find your dreams fulfilled.
 So will it be, and soon My nourishing Love
 will strengthen and invest your life with joy.
 -Maitreya, November 2004
 Jai Guru Dev

It is going to be way more dramatic than people think. Not noly joy, 
or fulfillment of dreams, or even love.  
Overnight transformation, like burning molten lava flowing over all 
the Earth overnight, only the lava will not be purifying burning 
fire, but it will be purifying, burning and very powerful bliss. 
People will shake and convulse, and once the purification is over, 
they will completely forget their previous existence/livess. History 
will dissappear, and a whole vastly different universe will be 
opened up. It will be very fast when it comes. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  You're an idiot.  
 I see ad hominum attacks didn't take long to surface, I feel right at
 home, cracker anybody?

Incorrect, it was a conclusion based on reasoning. 
You have yet to prove it otherwise. Do you really think that someone 
who is liberated and merged with the cosmic existence has bad karma 
associated with them. You completely went off on the wrong track from 
the start and I tried to help you out twice, but your mind was jumping 
around like a crackerjack.

So I merely made a rational conclusion based on observation.  
You took it personally that I called you an idiot, when it was merely 
an example of pure unbiased scientific observation. You know, like 
saying, the grass is green, that sort of conclusion.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread Jonathan Chadwick
  All You Need Is Love  The Beatles (Lennon/McCartney)
  Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.  There's nothing you 
can do that can't be done.  Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.  Nothing 
you can say but you can learn how to play the game  It's easy.  There's nothing 
you can make that can't be made.  No one you can save that can't be saved.  
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time  It's easy.  All you 
need is love, all you need is love,  All you need is love, love, love is all 
you need.  Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.  All you need 
is love, all you need is love,  All you need is love, love, love is all you 
need.  There's nothing you can know that isn't known.  Nothing you can see that 
isn't shown.  Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.  It's 
easy.  All you need is love, all you need is love,  All you need is love, love, 
love is all you need.  All you need is love (all together now)  All you need is 
love (everybody)  All you need is love, love, love is
 all you need.  
  i think it's a zen thing
  sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  You're an idiot. 
  In that quote you quoted, Maharishi's comment only referred to the 
  good karma that would come to your children when you are liberated 
  and merge with the Cosmic. I tried to direct your mind to that fact 
  in my last post , but intelligent posts are wasted on your scattered-
 So now I'm twice the idiot!?! Oh well, who cares! BTW, please tell me
 where you find it mentioned MMY only meant *good* karma?

Karma's karma, anyway. Good or bad is only a label we put on it.


Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question 
on Yahoo! Answers.

[FairfieldLife] Where's that quote?

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
Someone recently quoted something from the Vedas or from a yogi, that 
said something about how the enlightened do not see the same 
distinctions among words as seekers do. Does anyone remember it? It 
might have been Sparaig that quoted it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
   You're an idiot.   
   In that quote you quoted, Maharishi's comment only referred to 
   good karma that would come to your children when you are 
   and merge with the Cosmic. I tried to direct your mind to that 
   in my last post , but intelligent posts are wasted on your 
  So now I'm twice the idiot!?! Oh well, who cares! BTW, please tell 
  where you find it mentioned MMY only meant *good* karma?
 You quoted it yourself:
 When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
 existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
 his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
 him. -- MMY.
 Now, please explain to me the kind of BAD karma that a being has , 
 who has become liberated and has merged into cosmic existence? To 
 me this was obvious from the start, that such a being would have 
 only good karma. To think otherwise is idiotic.

How would you describe the quality of the Karma visited upon Jesus
Christ as he was nailed to the cross?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
   You're an idiot.   
   In that quote you quoted, Maharishi's comment only referred to 
   good karma that would come to your children when you are 
   and merge with the Cosmic. I tried to direct your mind to that 
   in my last post , but intelligent posts are wasted on your 
  So now I'm twice the idiot!?! Oh well, who cares! BTW, please tell 
  where you find it mentioned MMY only meant *good* karma?
 You quoted it yourself:
 When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
 existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
 his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
 him. -- MMY.
 Now, please explain to me the kind of BAD karma that a being has , 
 who has become liberated and has merged into cosmic existence? To 
 me this was obvious from the start, that such a being would have 
 only good karma. To think otherwise is idiotic.

Hmmm... So you're saying that bad karma means you can't become enlightened?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
You're an idiot.   
In that quote you quoted, Maharishi's comment only referred 
good karma that would come to your children when you are 
and merge with the Cosmic. I tried to direct your mind to 
in my last post , but intelligent posts are wasted on your 

   So now I'm twice the idiot!?! Oh well, who cares! BTW, please 
   where you find it mentioned MMY only meant *good* karma?
  You quoted it yourself:
  When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into 
  existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received 
  his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
  him. -- MMY.
  Now, please explain to me the kind of BAD karma that a being 
has , 
  who has become liberated and has merged into cosmic existence? 
  me this was obvious from the start, that such a being would have 
  only good karma. To think otherwise is idiotic.
 Hmmm... So you're saying that bad karma means you can't become 

Karma gets burned, en masse, in the purifying molten bliss of pure 
consciousness -- even the Gita says that. Getting enlightened is 
easy by using the fire of pure consciousness to burn up all the 
karma. That is Maharishi's whole point and whole movement is based 
on this idea.


[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
   You're an idiot.  
  I see ad hominum attacks didn't take long to surface, I feel right at
  home, cracker anybody?
 Incorrect, it was a conclusion based on reasoning. 
 You have yet to prove it otherwise. Do you really think that someone 
 who is liberated and merged with the cosmic existence has bad karma 
 associated with them. You completely went off on the wrong track from 
 the start and I tried to help you out twice, but your mind was jumping 
 around like a crackerjack.
 So I merely made a rational conclusion based on observation.  
 You took it personally that I called you an idiot, when it was merely 
 an example of pure unbiased scientific observation. You know, like 
 saying, the grass is green, that sort of conclusion.

If MMY had stated only GOOD karma is visited upon his relatives I
would agree, he did not state that however, that is your assumption
and for you to proveyes?

Surely tat walla baba had some kind of bad karma, why would he have
been shot to death..

Although your point is interesting in that, can one achieve full
realization and still have bad karma...or any karma?

[FairfieldLife] Watch the way this guy plays guitar.

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  Now, please explain to me the kind of BAD karma that a being
  has , who has become liberated and has merged into cosmic 
  existence? To me this was obvious from the start, that such a 
  being would have only good karma. To think otherwise is idiotic.
 How would you describe the quality of the Karma visited upon Jesus
 Christ as he was nailed to the cross?

That was *our* karma, not his karma.

That's sorta the whole point of Christianity,
don'cha know.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
You're an idiot.   
In that quote you quoted, Maharishi's comment only referred 
good karma that would come to your children when you are 
and merge with the Cosmic. I tried to direct your mind to 
in my last post , but intelligent posts are wasted on your 

   So now I'm twice the idiot!?! Oh well, who cares! BTW, please 
   where you find it mentioned MMY only meant *good* karma?
  You quoted it yourself:
  When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into 
  existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received 
  his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
  him. -- MMY.
  Now, please explain to me the kind of BAD karma that a being 
has , 
  who has become liberated and has merged into cosmic existence? 
  me this was obvious from the start, that such a being would have 
  only good karma. To think otherwise is idiotic.
 How would you describe the quality of the Karma visited upon Jesus
 Christ as he was nailed to the cross?

Jesus Christ is a story, nothing more.  
He never existed in the time or place that you christians think. And 
even if he was nailed to the cross, if he was an Avatar, then no 
doubt (as he himself says in the story), that it was liberating. 
Only an ignorant man thinks being nailed to a cross is bad karma. 
For the enlightened, everything is a good laugh. Look at Monty 
Python's The Life of Brian where Jesus Brian sings Always look on 
the bright side of life, dee dum, dee dum dee dum dee dum dee dum.
That too was just a story, and as such just as valid as the story 
you refer to.


[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
You're an idiot.  
   I see ad hominum attacks didn't take long to surface, I feel right at
   home, cracker anybody?
  Incorrect, it was a conclusion based on reasoning. 
  You have yet to prove it otherwise. Do you really think that someone 
  who is liberated and merged with the cosmic existence has bad karma 
  associated with them. You completely went off on the wrong track from 
  the start and I tried to help you out twice, but your mind was jumping 
  around like a crackerjack.
  So I merely made a rational conclusion based on observation.  
  You took it personally that I called you an idiot, when it was merely 
  an example of pure unbiased scientific observation. You know, like 
  saying, the grass is green, that sort of conclusion.
 If MMY had stated only GOOD karma is visited upon his relatives I
 would agree, he did not state that however, that is your assumption
 and for you to proveyes?
 Surely tat walla baba had some kind of bad karma, why would he have
 been shot to death..
 Although your point is interesting in that, can one achieve full
 realization and still have bad karma...or any karma?

How is it that someone who is fully realized still desires food? Or is it that 
the body still 
desires food? Hmmm.. Could that mean that karmic reactions still continue but 
that they 
simply don't touch the Self?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 

 You're an idiot.   
 In that quote you quoted, Maharishi's comment only referred 
 good karma that would come to your children when you are 
 and merge with the Cosmic. I tried to direct your mind to 
 in my last post , but intelligent posts are wasted on your 

So now I'm twice the idiot!?! Oh well, who cares! BTW, please 
where you find it mentioned MMY only meant *good* karma?
   You quoted it yourself:
   When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into 
   existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received 
   his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with 
   him. -- MMY.
   Now, please explain to me the kind of BAD karma that a being 
 has , 
   who has become liberated and has merged into cosmic existence? 
   me this was obvious from the start, that such a being would have 
   only good karma. To think otherwise is idiotic.
  Hmmm... So you're saying that bad karma means you can't become 
 Karma gets burned, en masse, in the purifying molten bliss of pure 
 consciousness -- even the Gita says that. Getting enlightened is 
 easy by using the fire of pure consciousness to burn up all the 
 karma. That is Maharishi's whole point and whole movement is based 
 on this idea.

So if the karma is burned up, where is this good karma you're talking about 
coming from?

I think that what is burned up is the seed of karma in the nervous system. The 
karmic influences (did I really use that term just now?) continue on 
indefinitely because 
they're part of the relative existence of the universe.

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
You're an idiot.  
   I see ad hominum attacks didn't take long to surface, I feel 
right at
   home, cracker anybody?
  Incorrect, it was a conclusion based on reasoning. 
  You have yet to prove it otherwise. Do you really think that 
  who is liberated and merged with the cosmic existence has bad 
  associated with them. You completely went off on the wrong track 
  the start and I tried to help you out twice, but your mind was 
  around like a crackerjack.
  So I merely made a rational conclusion based on observation.  
  You took it personally that I called you an idiot, when it was 
  an example of pure unbiased scientific observation. You know, 
  saying, the grass is green, that sort of conclusion.
 If MMY had stated only GOOD karma is visited upon his relatives I
 would agree, he did not state that however, that is your assumption
 and for you to proveyes?

No it is obvious. Very obvious. 

 Surely tat walla baba had some kind of bad karma, why would he have
 been shot to death..

I would say bad karma is when a person is in suffering for a very 
long time.  
Tat Wala was in bliss one minute, shot in an instance, and in bliss 
again a few minutes later. In fact, if he was truely enlightened the 
whole thing would have felt like bliss, and certainly not sad, maybe 
even funny.

 Although your point is interesting in that, can one achieve full
 realization and still have bad karma...or any karma?

Only Leisha Vidya, the remains of the yagya, which is basically 
nothing much except just enough to still have some fun in the 
activity world. Maharishi's point has always been that you change 
the experience from 95% small self (and attachment and fear), to 95% 
enlightenment (fulfillment and bliss). The universe is still the 
universe, but seen through different glasses. You still need a spur 
to action to be alive. But the activities (karma) are not 
overwhelming to consciousness -- that has always been Maharishi's 
point in my view. Like a line drawn in the air, instead of a line 
drawn in sand.


[FairfieldLife] Re: News from Vedic City

2007-01-11 Thread suziezuzie
--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 from the police reports
 Global County of World Peace, at 1805 170th St. of Fairfield reported
 theft of six rolls of copper wire.

How much is that worth?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: News from Vedic City

2007-01-11 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 11, 2007, at 7:36 PM, suziezuzie wrote:

 --- In
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis

 from the police reports

 Global County of World Peace, at 1805 170th St. of Fairfield reported
 theft of six rolls of copper wire.

 How much is that worth?

About as much as the whole Global Country of World Peace--it was their 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Watch the way this guy plays guitar.

2007-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Jeez, impressive.  And interesting music.  The
visual--the gracefulness and precision of his
movements--is very much a part of the piece.

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