Re: [FairfieldLife] Most Rapid and Direct Means to Eternal Bliss

2007-09-30 Thread Bronte Baxter
  Interesting article. Bronte's comments in italics. The article states:
  1. Before you learned the language that you now think in, the background of 
awareness was there.
  So was the essence of my individuality, which is beyond language.
  2. Then you learned the word “I” in your language. 
  The concept of "I" existed before I learned the word for it.
  3. Your body was given a name, and when people saw that body they said “There 
goes John, (or Mike, or Jane, or Julie, or Kumar or Radha) or whatever name 
that they gave your body. Thus the idea “I am John, I am this body” arose. 
  I remember lying in my crib as an infant, before I knew how to speak, very 
much aware of my individual I-ness. I kept wishing those people would come pick 
me up so I could get out of that boring crib with the string of boring doodads 
hanging over the top of it.
  4. You existed as the background of awareness before that I thought arose. 
  As did we all. But the I thought arose long before birth in any body. It was 
the first impulse of creative divine mind.
  5. The thought calling its “self” “I” is an imposter “self”. 
  Not so. We are both. Small self and big self. No imposters. Only suffering 
when we forget the big-self part.
  6. Because you existed as the background of awareness before you learned the 
language that produced the thoughts you now think in, you can easily see that 
the I thought is an imposter.
  I also existed, prior to language, as an immortal individual. Language did 
not birth my personhood, although it helped to dress it. The concept that 
"language produces the thoughts you think in" is true only for regurgitated 
thinking, not for original thinking. Original thought is born of the spirit, 
the individual ego in communion with universal ego. Original thought is 
  7. All thoughts are opposed to your real nature.
  Far from it. Only limiting thoughts are opposed to our real nature. Original 
thoughts, coming from deep within the Source, express it.
  8. You know that thoughts are not part of your true nature because you had to 
learn them.
  Not the original ones. They are born of spirit._,___

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Millionaire Ayurveda shopkeepers

2007-09-30 Thread bob_brigante
--- In, "george_deforest" 
> > bob_brigante wrote:
> >
> > I haven't quite figured this out -- are they saying 
> > you have to sell $50K a month of AV products? 
> > If so, only a few big city placements will do this well, I think.
> this could work, if MAPI products became popular ... but only if
> there is a -very strong- and -constant- TV advertising campaign
> that actually *inspires* the average consumer. (like Apple iPod ads,
> for example.)
> > The winning point of the program is that every participating shop 
> > will be provided about $50,000 worth of Maharishi Ayurveda 
> > (retail cost) every month and in addition about $10,000 will be 
> > per shop in national and state-wide publicity, 

> my guess is, this is by far not a big enough advertising budget
> for the kind of sucess they are dreaming of.


Yeah, you would need an advertising budget in the many millions to 
promote items which are a complete blank for 99.9% of the American 
public. I don't know why they even bother with these shops anyway, 
since TMers can just shop online from MAPI in Colorado, at a much 
lower cost. I suppose they see joint operations of TM centers and 
Ayurveda shops, but they're not selling any TM instruction, 
either...oh well, I love MMY's statement on not getting bothered by 
the current shakeout of the disorder ( ):

"We have to be careful not to get upset by little or big things. If 
we loose our
our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer. Don't give 
things which may upset us, Maharishi said. This is a very precious 
time for the
world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't let it 
be shaken.
awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than ever 
before we
ourselves. We are at the basis of the power of Rudra. Time demands we 
completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for us we 
become angry, indifferent, or sad, we should just be like an ocean.

The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it; then 
after some
time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening is 
added ... It
is the
awakening of both values: Para and Apara, says Maharishi."

In other words, all the important stuff is going on at the most 
subtle level -- doesn't really matter about MAPI shops and TM 
centers, so don't worry about them or anything else, but just have 
confidence in the Vedic revival that is being led by MMY and the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread bob_brigante
--- In, "george_deforest" 
> im curious when did the maharishi say this?
> is it in response to something recent, like
> the monks in Burma getting killed?
> or, is this a preperation for something
> "on the horizon" like another 9/11 that
> maharishi forsees?
> or is this an old quote from some privious times ...
> we've been hearing about "phase transitions" since
> the 70's, for heaven sake!
> ati rudra bishek, isnt that a yagya for peace?
> not "shaking" and "fast moving chaos" which is 
> the opposite


Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace, but those elements that 
resist being orderly and peaceful will be shaken out of the picture, 
so we should avoid being shaken and just understand that the power of 
nature is just doing its thing and is behind this transition to 

"The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it; 
then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, 
awakening is added ..."

> > ve-da wrote:
> > 
> > Be unshakable now!
> > We are in the middle of the phase transition.  -  Maharishi 
> emphasised the 
> > great need to be completely self-referral during these times of 
> rapid phase 
> > transition. He said that there was quite a lot of unsettledness
> ('bubbling around') in 
> > world consciousness at present and that it is the responsibility 
> the whole 
> > meditating family, who are creating a stable basis for the
> transition to take place as 
> > quickly and as smoothly as possible, not to feel shaken. This is
> very necessary 
> > because on the surface the phase transition is so violent.
> > 
> > In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for 
> shaking to remain 
> > under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, have
> to be Para i.e. 
> > unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, the
> fast moving chaos 
> > and change will pass away in a steady manner. So we have to be 
> steady.
> > 
> > Maharishi referred to the 'Sahasra Ati Sri Rudra Abhivishek' yagya
> at present being 
> > performed ... and indicated that this was creating an enormous
> shaking around in 
> > world consciousness. Rudra corresponds to the dynamism value in
> nature (as 'RRR' 
> > in Rig-Veda) and this dynamism is what is being released by the
> yagya and causing 
> > the shaking at all levels of creation. When the eight prakritis 
> basic building 
> > blocks of creation) are shaken, Apara (i.e. relativity) is getting
> sorted out to come 
> > into coherence with Para (i.e. absolute). The yagya involves 11
> times 11 times 11 
> > pundits ... 
> > 
> > We have to be careful not to get upset by little or big things. If
> we loose our basis, 
> > our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer. Don't 
> importance to 
> > things which may upset us, Maharishi said. This is a very precious
> time for the 
> > world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't let 
> be shaken. Our 
> > awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than 
> before we are 
> > ourselves. We are at the basis of the power of Rudra. Time demands
> we remain 
> > completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for 
> we should not 
> > become angry, indifferent, or sad, we should just be like an 
> > 
> > The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it;
> then after some 
> > time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening is
> added ... It is the 
> > awakening of both values: Para and Apara, says Maharishi.
> > 
> > Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Kucinich Rocks - Was Re: Ron Paul: The Radical Right's Man in Washington

2007-09-30 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In, "gds444" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Edg,
> I've been a big fan of Kucinich since reading a speech of his five
> years ago about Bush and the destruction of American democracy. He
> gave the speech at USC when people were still afraid to criticize 
> If you read his policy stances on his site, they are mostly in
> alignment with what Americans actually want. An end to the Iraq 
war, a
> not for profit health care system, to cancel the WTO and NAFTA, 
> environmental policy and on and on. The sad part is that in both
> Presidential runs, the media branded him as a "longshot", 
a "liberal"
> and as a candidate with no chance to win. All of this became and 
is a
> self-fulfilling prophecy.
> I run into people all the time that tell me that Kucinich has the 
> sound policies, but they won't vote for him because he doesn't 
have a
> chance to win. My response is that if you don't vote for him, don't
> send him some money and don't share his message with friends,
> co-workers, family members, than you are absolutely correct, he 
has no
> chance of winning.
> I have seen Dennis speak in person on two occasions. Both times, I 
> driven to tears. The first speech he spoke about non-violence. He 
> the first politician I have heard or read that actually understands
> non-violence. Most invoke it as a means of protest. Dennis gets 
> it is a spiritual and political philosophy. He adheres to it 
through a
> vegan diet, through his peace work and establishment of a cabinet
> level Peace Department, through his support of worker's rights and
> unions, support of gay marriage, his environmental policy, et al. 
> is a truly remarkable human being. When you hear him speak in 
> he is electrifying. I know that this may sound impossible since he
> comes off so poorly in debates, but trust me, he sounds like a
> preacher that has been touched by God. He has so much passion. He's
> not made for the television era.
> My wife and I have a PR agency focussed on clients in health and
> wellness, spirituality, vegan/vegetarian foods, environmental
> technology and the like. I spoke with his national PR rep a few 
> back. Their strategy is to raise $50 from one million donors. This
> would allow him to better compete and would force the media to pay
> attention (since thirty percent of their coverage is money related 
> only those candidates that raise significant money are worthy of 
> attention). We are hoping to help get some bylined articles in 
> coverage in our sphere.
> Anyway, Dennis would make a wonderful president. I urge anyone that
> believes that he would be the best choice to get involved in some 
> Don't allow the system to tell you that you have to vote for 
> or Guliani or the world will collapse.
> Best,
> Gary

 Agreed. You might find this interview with Kucinich from 2003 

US Representative Dennis Kucinich, a Democrat from Ohio, first came 
to US national prominence in 1977 when he was elected mayor of 
Cleveland at age 31, the youngest person ever elected to lead a 
major American city. In 1978, Cleveland's banks demanded that he 
sell the city's municipally-owned electric power system to a 
privately-owned utility company as a precondition of extending 
credit to city government. Kucinich refused to sell, and in an 
incident unprecedented in American politics, the Cleveland banks 
plunged the city into default for a mere $15 million. Kucinich lost 
his re-election bid in 1979, but 15 years later won election to the 
Ohio Senate on the strength of the expansion of Cleveland's 
electricity system which provides low-cost power to almost half the 
residents of the city. In 1998, the Cleveland City Council honoured 
him for "having the courage and foresight to refuse to sell the 
city's municipal electric system". 

As a US Congressman, Kucinich led Congressional opposition to the 
2003 war in Iraq. In his current campaign for the US Presidency, he 
combines a powerful activism with a spiritual sense of the essential 
interconnectedness of living things. Kucinich's world view carries 
with it a passionate commitment to public service, peace, human 
rights and the environment. 

Share International: Peace and justice issues are central to your 
presidential campaign and your entire political approach. Why have 
you chosen those areas to focus on? 

Dennis Kucinich: All of us have a purpose in life that relates to 
trying to affirm the society in which we live. We do it in different 
ways. Some of us are doctors, lawyers, architects, teachers, 
mothers, fathers, municipal workers, bakers, waiters. All of us have 
a place and aspire to more and more possibilities. For myself, I 
have felt a commitment to social and economic justice from an early 
age. When we see the possibilities of life, reflected in our own 
life, the quest for peace in the external world has to 

[FairfieldLife] Hmmm... dharma-megha?

2007-09-30 Thread cardemaister

What does "dharma-megha-samaadhi" mean?
In his commentary on YS IV, Bhojadeva sez
(according to some Indian site, whose
URL we have lost, after downloading the
devanaagarii PDF, which seems to contain
some typos):

prasaMkhyaanaM yaavataaM tattvaanaaM yathaakramaM
vyavasthitaanaaM parasparavilakSaNasvaruupavibhaavanaM
tasminsatyapyakusiidasya phalamalipsoH pratyayaantaraaNaam-
anudayaatsarvaprakaaravivekhyaateH parisheSaaddharmameghaH
samaadhirbhavati | prakRSTamashuklakRSNaM dharmaM parama-
puruSaarthasaadhakaM mehati siñcatiiti dharmameghaH |
anena prakRSThadharmasyaiva jñaanahetutvamityupapaaditaM
bhavati |

Attempt at "sandhi-samaasa-vigraha":

prasaMkhyaanam; yaavataam; tattvaanaam; yathaa-kramam;
vyavasthitaanaam; paras-para-vilakSaNa-svaruupa-vibhaavanam;
tasmin sati; api; akusiidasya phalam alipsoH(?) pratyaya-
antaraaNaam anudayaat sarvaprakaara-vivekhyaateH(typo? viveka-
khyaateH??) parisheSaat; dharmameghaH
samaadhiH; bhavati | prakRSTam ashukla-kRSNam; dharma; parama-
puruSa-artha-saadhakam; mehati siñcati + iti dharmameghaH |
anena prakRSTha-dharmasya; eva jñaana-hetutvam iti; upapaaditam;
bhavati |

Haven't got much of an idea what the phuk that's all about.
Anyone got a translation for that? If not, I guess I'll
have to try to come up with some kind of "translation"... :(

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hmmm... dharma-megha?

2007-09-30 Thread Vaj

On Sep 30, 2007, at 5:32 AM, cardemaister wrote:

What does "dharma-megha-samaadhi" mean?
In his commentary on YS IV, Bhojadeva sez
(according to some Indian site, whose
URL we have lost, after downloading the
devanaagarii PDF, which seems to contain
some typos):

prasaMkhyaanaM yaavataaM tattvaanaaM yathaakramaM
vyavasthitaanaaM parasparavilakSaNasvaruupavibhaavanaM
tasminsatyapyakusiidasya phalamalipsoH pratyayaantaraaNaam-
anudayaatsarvaprakaaravivekhyaateH parisheSaaddharmameghaH
samaadhirbhavati | prakRSTamashuklakRSNaM dharmaM parama-
puruSaarthasaadhakaM mehati siñcatiiti dharmameghaH |
anena prakRSThadharmasyaiva jñaanahetutvamityupapaaditaM
bhavati |

Attempt at "sandhi-samaasa-vigraha":

prasaMkhyaanam; yaavataam; tattvaanaam; yathaa-kramam;
vyavasthitaanaam; paras-para-vilakSaNa-svaruupa-vibhaavanam;
tasmin sati; api; akusiidasya phalam alipsoH(?) pratyaya-
antaraaNaam anudayaat sarvaprakaara-vivekhyaateH(typo? viveka-
khyaateH??) parisheSaat; dharmameghaH
samaadhiH; bhavati | prakRSTam ashukla-kRSNam; dharma; parama-
puruSa-artha-saadhakam; mehati siñcati + iti dharmameghaH |
anena prakRSTha-dharmasya; eva jñaana-hetutvam iti; upapaaditam;
bhavati |

Haven't got much of an idea what the phuk that's all about.
Anyone got a translation for that? If not, I guess I'll
have to try to come up with some kind of "translation"... :(

My Patanjali Guru, who was very conversant with English called it  
"The samadhi of the raincloud of virtue and of the knowledge of the  
nature of all things (in which the mind dwells in itself, by itself,  
then identifies with the spiritual self)." Thus it's typical of such  
a yogi to not only possess all the signs of someone in effortless  
samadhi, but also to gain much spontaneous wisdom. It's the final  
bhumi of samprajnata-samadhi, the higher stage of asmita-accompanied  
samadhi and the initial stage a acognitive asamprajnata samadhi.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev 1945 on enemies

2007-09-30 Thread do.rflex

Delicious! Thanks, Bob.

--- In, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "One who has set in his heart the concept of the transitoriness of 
> the world through a process of reasoning and deep thought, is the 
> person competent to win over the inner hexagon. Because, one who is 
> convinced of the transitoriness of the entire world complex cannot be 
> susceptible to greed or attachment to anything, for he knows that the 
> object of his greed or attachment today will be something different 
> tomorrow. Conscious of this disappointment, desires and attachments 
> do not germinate in his mind. Nay, their very seed is destroyed. Then 
> jealousy also is gone. He is no longer vain about his greatness, 
> learning or wealth. When greed, attachment, vanity and jealousy 
> disappear, there is no cause left for anger and anger goes away 
> automatically. His desires recede and turn to God, with the result 
> that now his worldly actions are dictated by a sense of duty rather 
> than by passion. His behaviour automatically becomes proper and he 
> lives in the world without being affected by it, just as a lotus leaf 
> lives in water without getting wet. Such a man has no external 
> enemies left, and his sameness rules over the whole Nature. None is 
> capable of disturbing his kingdom of peace. It is such a person who 
> is "samadarshii" (impartial, dispassionate) and a great victor, who 
> can carry the world towards the goal of lasting peace and happiness.
> Therefore, a victory over the inner hexagon is the highest form of 
> victory, and it is to achieving this great victory that man should 
> direct his efforts.'
> *
> complete quote, from the Transcendental Meditation yahoo group:
> *
> It is said that in September 1945, when the Second World War was 
> over, newspaper reporters wanted to know the reaction of 
> Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of 
> Jyotirmath (Guru Dev). Allegedly he gave them the following 
> statement, parts of which match other published quotations of Guru 
> Dev:-
> 'Real victory is that, after which there can never be a reverse. 
> Nobody can call himself a victor forever merely by crushing an 
> external foe, because such foes can spring up again. A real victory 
> is achieved by bringing under control the internal foes. A check over 
> the internal enemies is therefore the only way of conquering the 
> external enemies forever, because we should bear in mind that it is 
> our own internal enemies which create the external enemies.
> These inner enemies are ambition, anger, greed, false attachment, 
> vanity and jealousy. It is this hexagon sitting inside us which makes 
> a cat's paw (duping) of anything in the outer world in order to 
> create enemies for us. Therefore if anybody wants to enjoy peace and 
> happiness through victory over all enemies, then he should raid the 
> very source of all physical enemies - the subtle hexagon living in 
> us. Destruction of enemies by root is not possible without breaking 
> up this hexagon (ambition, anger, greed, false attachment, vanity and 
> jealousy). This is axiomatic.
> It is a fact established by practical experience that anyone who has 
> conquered these subtle inner enemies, has broken up the central 
> source of all external enemies. Therefore, all enemies are nipped in 
> the bud. Then he has no enemies left to be defeated. It is only such 
> a victor who can be called a real victor. Then the gates of true and 
> lasting peace and happiness are opened for him.
> For a nation which desires to be completely free from enemies and to 
> build a world of peace and happiness, it is necessary to have such 
> men at the helm of its affairs who have conquered their inner 
> hexagon. Otherwise they would destroy themselves along with many 
> others. The history of the last several centuries shows that the 
> rulers of powerful nations have given a bloodbath to the world under 
> the influence of their hexagon. This is brutish. Those who carry the 
> burden of guiding a nation should particularly act with insight. It 
> is no greatness or humanism to be carried away by one's hexagon and 
> spread a wave of suffering over the earth.
> After all, how long can we go on destroying the external enemies? As 
> soon as we get rid of one, another one is ready to engage us. In this 
> way we not only remain ourselves perpetually disturbed, but we also 
> keep a cold war going on which threatens the peace and happiness of 
> the whole of mankind all the time. This is certainly neither a sign 
> of any victory nor of the suppression of any enemies. Hence it is 
> most essential that people who rule nations should be those who have 
> conquered their inner hexagon. It is these really victorious leaders 
> who can successfully guide the societies, the nations and the world 
> on to the path of lasting peace and happiness.
> It is not too difficult to win over

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul: The Radical Right's Man in Washington

2007-09-30 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gotta love Ron Paul's anti-government stance across several issues,
> but yeah, he's a racist.
> Dennis Kucinich anyone?

I am not surprised that someone who is as unstable as you, Duveyoung, 
who plays in traffic on contraptions designed to swerve into on-
coming vehicles would support someone like Dennis Kucinich.

The guy's a Marxist.

And a nutjob.

Like attracts like.

> I am going to be surprised at who I vote for.  I voted for Kerry
> despite his flaws just to be sure the Dems got "control," but now, 
> thinking to hell with anyone sucking a lobbiest's cock.  
> That would include Clinton, Obama.  I love Obama's vibe, and I love
> Clinton's "woman's heart" potential, but they're in bed with the 
> And here's Dennis with his leprachaun body and boy-voice.  GAWD why
> can't our heroes brawy Bruce Willis types?  I'm so ashamed that I 
> this.  Smack me someone.
> And Ralph Nadar the dessicated, dour, dufus seems more mortician 
> leader.
> Mike Gravel looks good on paper, but geeze he screams everything and
> betrays a wounded heart of a man passed by.  Better off with Dennis
> methinks.
> Right now, today, I'd vote for Oprah just to watch her go through 
> learning curves and having the pleasure of watching all the racist
> misogynistist rich white guys pissing in their boots. 
> Edg
> --- In, "oneradiantbeing"
>  wrote:
> >
> >
> > in.html
> > --

> > 
> > Ron Paul: The Radical Right's Man in Washington
> >  
> > from Daily Kos:
> > 
> > posted last May:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > In 1996, presidential candidate Pat Buchanan got in hot water 
> > the Center for Public Integrity revealed connections between 
> > Buchanan's campaign co-chairman Larry Pratt and Pastor Pete 
Peters, a 
> > leader of the white supremacist Christian Identity movement. 
> > the executive director of Gun Owners of America, had been a 
> > guest at meetings and on radio and television programs hosted by 
> > Peters, who inveighed against "Talmudic filth" as Pratt looked 
on. On 
> > February 15, 1996, Pratt took a leave of absence from the 
> > campaign, so as to avoid causing a "distraction."
> > 
> > The very next day, reported the San Antonio Express-News on 
> > 18, Ron Paul distributed a press release touting Pratt's 
> > of Paul's candidacy for the U.S. Congress. Pratt's endorsement of 
> > Paul was anything but pro forma; the February 22, 1996 issue of 
> > Call noted that Paul and Mike Gunn, a Republican candidate for 
> > Congress in Mississippi who had done some work for David Duke in 
> > latter's 1991 Louisiana gubernatorial campaign, were the only two 
> > candidates formally endorsed for office that year by Pratt's 
> > organization. Paul's opponent in the Republican primary, Rep. 
> > Laughlin, called upon Paul to repudiate Pratt; Paul declined to 
> > so, with his spokesman saying that Paul opposed racism but 
> > that "nothing has been proven against Mr. Pratt. He has denied 
> > (Pratt's enthusiasm for Paul continues to this day, as this quasi-
> > endorsement of Paul's 2008 presidential campaign makes clear.)
> > 
> > 
> > Paul's disinclination to separate himself from the Larry Pratts 
> > the world is part of a pattern that over the last 20 years has 
> > him snuggling up to some extremely questionable characters on the 
> > right fringe. Like, for example, secessionists, who gathered at a 
> > conference in April of 1995 to hear Paul speak about the "once 
> > future Republic of Texas." Or the beady-eyed listeners of The 
> > Political Cesspool. It's the unofficial radio program of the 
> > of Conservative Citizens--you know, the repainted White Citizens 
> > Council that got Trent Lott into a bit of trouble a few years 
> > (Tune in tonight for their special program on "the disastrous 
> > vs. Topeka Board of Education decision, one which ushered in an 
> > of radical leftist ideology upon the American citizenry.") Paul 
> > been a guest on the program; you'll find him listed under P, 
> > above Prussian Blue, the white supremacist teenage singing duo.
> > 
> > Or the crazy-as-fuck John Birch Society, to which Paul is more 
> > happy to grant the occasional interview and even speak at their 
> > dinners (the podcast, I am sorry to report, no longer seems to be 
> > available). In fact, Paul is the only member of Congress to 
receive a 
> > perfect 100 from the John Birch Society in its most recent member 
> > ratings.
> > 
> > 
> > Like many members of 

[FairfieldLife] We need Off-World -- including his astronomical observations (Re: To Off-World)

2007-09-30 Thread Duveyoung

You know I have not had much positivity for your actions here, but
yesterday, and you KNOW I hate to admit this, you were cogent, right
on, clear, and "good reading" in several posts and parts of posts.  So
much so, that I almost replied with a big thumbs up, but then just as
I was about to do so, another of your posts came wherein you "lost it"
and began the kicking and screaming lashing out toddler stuff.

With so many here trying to bite their tongues, sticking to the good
stuff and forgetting the blurry, I am getting high on the good vibes
coming on strongly here.  Suddenly everyone is trying to be nice and
trying to contribute, ya know?  You included.

So, even if Rick bans you for a week, come on back and do that good
stuff again.  One of the things I love/hate most about this venue is
that the people who negatively trigger me will, with unbearable
regularity, prove my opinion of them to be far too cartoonish and not
nearly as complex as they deserve.

You are a human being, Off, and to the extent that I judge you as
lacking, let it be known that that opinion is merely my own inability
to make lemonade out of "you" and thus my own mirror I look into.

And the other day, the astronomers found this "very brief flash" of
radio waves in their data.  A new thingy for them.  Don't know quite
yet what it was -- maybe a black hole exploding or two neutron stars
colliding, but it was over in "a flash."  So, when I first
starting posting here, I ripped you a new one for being so stupid as
to think you'd seen a supernova, I was not taking into consideration
that, hard as it is to imagine, you may have seen a very rare event --
never recorded by science before.  Not a supernova, but something
elsesomething way fast.

That said, the radio burst was not visible to the human eye, so the
incident I'm mentioning could not have been the one that "happened" to
you.  But, still, as an olive branch, let me say in public that maybe
there are events out there that are flashy in the visible spectrum. 
Maybe you should find an astronomer, tell him/her where you were
looking and when, and maybe he'll be able to search the data and see
what you saw!

So, bite your tongue there dude.  You know that I have a sore one,
right?  And I'm have a far deeper rage addiction, so if I can, so can you.


--- In, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In, Bronte Baxter 
>  wrote:
> >
> >   That flaming Scottsman Off-World wrote:
> >   It is clear what Ron Paul stands for, and that he will never be a 
> dictator as you are trying to make out. He does not have that sort of 
> energy, nor the charisma, to be a dictator. You're fearmongering is 
> laughable, and will go nowhere. It is a joke and you are making a 
> > fool of yourself. 
> > _ 
> >   Bronte:
> >
> >   Now doggone it, Off, here you're doing the VERY thing you just 
> told me was blatantly unfair: saying "your argument is stupid because 
> it's stupid, and you are stupid to boot." You are accusing others of 
> the thing you yourself have just turned around and done. You're hurt 
> and lashing out. It's time to stop and be 
> civil.  
> > 
> Yawn. (I'm hurt and lashing out..ROTFL ! )
> Anyone with a rational mind would see it for that, a rational 
> response to an insane irrational rant the purpose of which is to 
> smear someone (Ron Paul in this case)
> Go back and answer the points I made in reply to you in the other 
> post instead of avoiding them.
> Since when are lies about a person (Ron Paul) a form of discourse?
> What do you do the rest of the day when not scolding people for being 
> naughty boys on the internet?
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Re: To Rick Archer/ On Reciting God's Name

2007-09-30 Thread authfriend
--- In, Bronte Baxter 
> I don't think the Christians are as scary though. There's not the 
total dissolution of self in God like there is with the Easterners. 
Back ages ago, the Christians were certainly on a par with this, with 
their self-denial and extreme monasticism business. Now the Indians 
are taking the lead with the same sick messages. IMO, of course, with 
all due respect to yours. - Bronte

I'm not at all devotional, so it ain't my
message, sick or otherwise. But I don't think
it's anybody *else's* message either, to be
perfectly frank. I think it's another straw
man, a misreading on your part.

In any case, my point wasn't that the fundie
Christian "possession" by Jesus was scary, but
that they don't seem to be able to recognize
how similar it is to what they (and you) object
to about mantra meditation.

> authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   --- In, Bronte Baxter 
> wrote:
> > At the start of this thread, you quoted Ramana Maharishi on the 
> value of letting "His name," the name of a god, not only permeate 
> meditation but every moment of your life, every impulse of your 
> thought, the very fabric of consciousness. This is outright 
> This is a taking over of your individual consciousness by another 
> entity, by the god whose name you repeated. This is not experience 
> Brahman, however they may dress it to be so. 
> Funny thing is, this is the same argument fundie
> Christians make against mantra meditation, yet it
> seems as though in their own devotional practice,
> they're just substituting "possession" by Jesus
> for "possession" by a god.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hmmm... dharma-megha?

2007-09-30 Thread shukra69
I can't translate but I have read that dharma-megha means that the
yogi also rains dharma onto the surrounding society, source was Julian Lee

--- In, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What does "dharma-megha-samaadhi" mean?
> In his commentary on YS IV, Bhojadeva sez
> (according to some Indian site, whose
> URL we have lost, after downloading the
> devanaagarii PDF, which seems to contain
> some typos):
> prasaMkhyaanaM yaavataaM tattvaanaaM yathaakramaM
> vyavasthitaanaaM parasparavilakSaNasvaruupavibhaavanaM
> tasminsatyapyakusiidasya phalamalipsoH pratyayaantaraaNaam-
> anudayaatsarvaprakaaravivekhyaateH parisheSaaddharmameghaH
> samaadhirbhavati | prakRSTamashuklakRSNaM dharmaM parama-
> puruSaarthasaadhakaM mehati siñcatiiti dharmameghaH |
> anena prakRSThadharmasyaiva jñaanahetutvamityupapaaditaM
> bhavati |
> Attempt at "sandhi-samaasa-vigraha":
> prasaMkhyaanam; yaavataam; tattvaanaam; yathaa-kramam;
> vyavasthitaanaam; paras-para-vilakSaNa-svaruupa-vibhaavanam;
> tasmin sati; api; akusiidasya phalam alipsoH(?) pratyaya-
> antaraaNaam anudayaat sarvaprakaara-vivekhyaateH(typo? viveka-
> khyaateH??) parisheSaat; dharmameghaH
> samaadhiH; bhavati | prakRSTam ashukla-kRSNam; dharma; parama-
> puruSa-artha-saadhakam; mehati siñcati + iti dharmameghaH |
> anena prakRSTha-dharmasya; eva jñaana-hetutvam iti; upapaaditam;
> bhavati |
> Haven't got much of an idea what the phuk that's all about.
> Anyone got a translation for that? If not, I guess I'll
> have to try to come up with some kind of "translation"... :(

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread sgrayatlarge
"Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace"

Seems like we have been in a phase transition for over 30 years and 
we don't seem anywhere near "peace". Either this works or it doesn't. 
I don't see evidence that it does work. Aren't you and others just 
making excuses based on a very questionable theory?

Shiva is appeased by both devas and asuras.

--- In, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, "george_deforest" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > im curious when did the maharishi say this?
> > is it in response to something recent, like
> > the monks in Burma getting killed?
> > 
> > or, is this a preperation for something
> > "on the horizon" like another 9/11 that
> > maharishi forsees?
> > 
> > or is this an old quote from some privious times ...
> > we've been hearing about "phase transitions" since
> > the 70's, for heaven sake!
> > 
> > ati rudra bishek, isnt that a yagya for peace?
> > not "shaking" and "fast moving chaos" which is 
> > the opposite
> > 
> > 
> **
> Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace, but those elements that 
> resist being orderly and peaceful will be shaken out of the 
> so we should avoid being shaken and just understand that the power 
> nature is just doing its thing and is behind this transition to 
> Satyuga:
> "The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it; 
> then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of 
> awakening is added ..."
> > 
> > > ve-da wrote:
> > > 
> > > Be unshakable now!
> > > We are in the middle of the phase transition.  -  Maharishi 
> strongly
> > emphasised the 
> > > great need to be completely self-referral during these times of 
> very
> > rapid phase 
> > > transition. He said that there was quite a lot of unsettledness
> > ('bubbling around') in 
> > > world consciousness at present and that it is the 
> of
> > the whole 
> > > meditating family, who are creating a stable basis for the
> > transition to take place as 
> > > quickly and as smoothly as possible, not to feel shaken. This is
> > very necessary 
> > > because on the surface the phase transition is so violent.
> > > 
> > > In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for 
> that
> > shaking to remain 
> > > under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, 
> > to be Para i.e. 
> > > unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, 
> > fast moving chaos 
> > > and change will pass away in a steady manner. So we have to be 
> very
> > steady.
> > > 
> > > Maharishi referred to the 'Sahasra Ati Sri Rudra Abhivishek' 
> > at present being 
> > > performed ... and indicated that this was creating an enormous
> > shaking around in 
> > > world consciousness. Rudra corresponds to the dynamism value in
> > nature (as 'RRR' 
> > > in Rig-Veda) and this dynamism is what is being released by the
> > yagya and causing 
> > > the shaking at all levels of creation. When the eight prakritis 
> (the
> > basic building 
> > > blocks of creation) are shaken, Apara (i.e. relativity) is 
> > sorted out to come 
> > > into coherence with Para (i.e. absolute). The yagya involves 11
> > times 11 times 11 
> > > pundits ... 
> > > 
> > > We have to be careful not to get upset by little or big things. 
> > we loose our basis, 
> > > our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer. Don't 
> give
> > importance to 
> > > things which may upset us, Maharishi said. This is a very 
> > time for the 
> > > world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't 
> it
> > be shaken. Our 
> > > awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than 
> ever
> > before we are 
> > > ourselves. We are at the basis of the power of Rudra. Time 
> > we remain 
> > > completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for 
> us
> > we should not 
> > > become angry, indifferent, or sad, we should just be like an 
> ocean.
> > > 
> > > The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it;
> > then after some 
> > > time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening 
> > added ... It is the 
> > > awakening of both values: Para and Apara, says Maharishi.
> > > 
> > > Jai Guru Dev
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dear Off-World

2007-09-30 Thread authfriend
--- In, Bronte Baxter 
> I wrote this and a bunch of other posts today which apparently got 
lost in cyber space. I'm asking Rick to tell me what's wrong.

BTW, some of the originals are now showing up
along with your forwards, so perhaps they're
just being delayed. It does happen from time
to time.

Have you tried posting from the Web site rather
than by email? Such posts rarely seem to get

> I used to be in a debate club in high school. People battled each 
other on issues just for the fun of sharpening their intellects. Some 
battled, I'm sure, for the sake of beating others, to put other 
people down. But some of us just enjoyed the fencing for its own 
sake. Like athletes enjoy meets. You've got your athletes who hate 
the other team and really want to make them look stupid. But mostly 
they're guys who enjoy competition because it sharpens their own 
abilities. Their efforts to rile up the opponent are made in the 
spirit of starting a contest for fun.

Thanks for making this point; it's one I've
tried to make here before. There are one or
two people here who view the debating impulse
as somehow malign, as a "bid for attention,"
as a response to a perceived "attack on one's 
self," rather than, as you say, a matter of
starting a contest for the fun of sharpening
one's intellect (and, I would add, refining
one's positions).

Oddly enough, yesterday I was copy editing a
piece on how to handle flaming on a blog. The
author observed:

"Flaming can...take on the quality of a ritual battle, of sport. 
Participants try out different rhetorical tricks, looking for 
inconsistencies in their opponent's arguments, bringing genuine 
research and logic to their own arguments, conceding points when 
necessary, praising impressive tactical moves of their opponents, 
regarding it all with amused detachment, as a game, like verbal 

He's really talking about turning flaming into
an actual debate rather than just an exchange of
ad hominem insults. But it's a nice description
of what debate can be at its best (although I'd
say "tactics" rather than "tricks").

An intellectually honest debate has the quality 
of *dialectic*, whose ultimate goal is resolution
of opposing viewpoints. Even when resolution is
not achieved (which is most of the time), dialectic
can make the real nature of a disagreement a lot
clearer than it was to start with; and often it 
turns out that the disagreement was significantly
narrower than it appeared in the beginning.

>   "And because you are not smart enough" is the part that really 
hurts, whether it's said or implied. Whenever a debate gets personal -
- with the other person becoming the subject of the discussion 
instead of the topic itself -- the debaters skate onto thin ice and 
an insult is likely to happen.

I don't find such insults hurtful, actually,
unless they're coming from someone I respect,
but such a person would be unlikely to indulge
in insult in the first place.

Insults are mostly an expression of the 
*insulter's* feelings, after all, so why should
they be taken personally?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread Vaj

On Sep 30, 2007, at 10:34 AM, sgrayatlarge wrote:

"Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace"

Seems like we have been in a phase transition for over 30 years and
we don't seem anywhere near "peace". Either this works or it doesn't.
I don't see evidence that it does work. Aren't you and others just
making excuses based on a very questionable theory?

Pretty obvious to most objective observers.

But, believe it or not, there are still some that actually believe in  
the ME. Apparently no one bothered to tell the remaining believers  
that the level of coherence "generated" by their practices was  
actually considered scientifically and statistically insignificant by  
credible neurophysiologists.

More proof that some things can be both sad and funny at the same  
time... ;-)

Had you seen the latest declaration?: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread sgrayatlarge
Hagelin scolds none dome goers like children, well I guess if the 
shoe fits...

Thanks Vaj

-- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 30, 2007, at 10:34 AM, sgrayatlarge wrote:
> > "Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace"
> >
> > Seems like we have been in a phase transition for over 30 years 
> > we don't seem anywhere near "peace". Either this works or it 
> > I don't see evidence that it does work. Aren't you and others just
> > making excuses based on a very questionable theory?
> Pretty obvious to most objective observers.
> But, believe it or not, there are still some that actually believe 
> the ME. Apparently no one bothered to tell the remaining believers  
> that the level of coherence "generated" by their practices was  
> actually considered scientifically and statistically insignificant 
> credible neurophysiologists.
> More proof that some things can be both sad and funny at the same  
> time... ;-)
> Had you seen the latest declaration?:
> faultobligation.html

[FairfieldLife] Lou Valentino interviewed by LB Shriver on KRUU Radio in Fairfield

2007-09-30 Thread Rick Archer
You may remember Lou, and if you’ve been around longer, LB. I highly
recommend LB’s show. You can listen wherever you are in the world by tuning
in at 1pm Central Time every Wednesday at HYPERLINK
"" Click on the left where it
says Listen to our Live Stream. You can call in to the show at (641)

Dear Friends of Fairfield,   HYPERLINK


I will be interviewed by LB Shriver on Wednesday October 3rd from 1:00 to
2:00PM on KRUU Radio which is 100.1 on your FM dial. If you can't tune in
tell your friends. He will interview me about my book "The Future of Yoga"
endorsed by Deepak Chopra and available at 21st Century Books. Ask Tony the
store manager for a copy. It's on sale for $10.00. 


I will also be talking about Pluto transiting through the sign of Capricorn
and its effect from the start of 2008 through the spring of 2009. The
effects for Fairfield Iowa because both Maharishi and Tony Nader are born
under the sign of Capricorn in the Western system. Pluto is ruled by Shiva
so this directly effects our tradition. 


I have met so many people in Fairfield and have been here for almost three
months now. There is so much to do and so many people to meet. I look
forward to seeing all of you from time to time and continue to pray and
meditate for world peace. Thank you for your sharing's of life. It has and
continues to enrich my life.


I will also start to advertise astrological readings for both Western and
Vedic or combined. You can visit my website at HYPERLINK
""Astrological Varieties for more
information. See you soon.


Love and Light,

Lou Valentino

Jai Guru Dev


PS. For those who feel comfortable opening an attachment I have attached a
song I wrote for Maharishi.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.35/1039 - Release Date: 9/29/2007
9:46 PM

You're Majesty.doc
Description: Binary data

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hmmm... dharma-megha?

2007-09-30 Thread cardemaister
--- In, "shukra69" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I can't translate but I have read that dharma-megha means that the
> yogi also rains dharma onto the surrounding society, source was 
Julian Lee
> --- In, cardemaister  
> >
> > 
> > 
> > What does "dharma-megha-samaadhi" mean?
> > In his commentary on YS IV, Bhojadeva sez
> > (according to some Indian site, whose
> > URL we have lost, after downloading the
> > devanaagarii PDF, which seems to contain
> > some typos):
> > 
> > prasaMkhyaanaM yaavataaM tattvaanaaM yathaakramaM
> > vyavasthitaanaaM parasparavilakSaNasvaruupavibhaavanaM
> > tasminsatyapyakusiidasya phalamalipsoH pratyayaantaraaNaam-
> > anudayaatsarvaprakaaravivekhyaateH parisheSaaddharmameghaH
> > samaadhirbhavati |*** prakRSTam ashuklakRSNaM dharmaM parama-
> > puruSa-artha-saadhakaM mehati siñcatiiti dharmameghaH ***|

The last sentence above seems to be some kind of explanation
why that particular form, or whatever, of samaadhi is 
called 'dharma-megha'.

Let's start from the main verbs, which seem to be 'mih'
(?present tense indicative 3. person singular 'mehati')...

2 mih 1 cl. 1. P. (Dha1tup. xxiii , 23) %{***me4hati***} (ep. also 
A1. %{-te} , p. %{-meghamAna} RV. ; pf. %{mimeha} Gr. ; aor. %
{amikSat} S3Br. ; fut. %{meDhA} Gr. , %{mekSya4ti} AV. ; inf. %
{mihe4} RV.) , to void or pass urine , make water upon (loc. or 
acc.) or towards (acc.) RV. &c. &c. ; to emit seminal fluid BhP. ; (%
{mi4miDDhi}) = %{yAcJA-karman} Naigh. iii , 19: Caus. %{mehayati} 
(aor. %{amImihat} Gr.) to cause to make water RV.: Desid. %
{mimikSati} see 1. %{mikS}: Intens. %{me4mihat} see %{ni-mih}. [Cf. 
Gk. $ , Lat. &248141[818 ,2] {mingere} , {mejere} ; Slav. {migla} ; 
Lith. {me34z3} , Angl. Sax. {mi7gan} ; Germ. {Mist}.]  

... and 'sic' 
(?present tense indicative 3. person singular 'siñcati', in
HK siJca4ti).

sic 1 cl. 6. P. A1. (Dha1tup. xxviii , 140) %{***siJca4ti***} , %{-
te} (once in RV. x , 96 , 1 , %{se4cate} pf. %{siSeca} , %{siSice} 
[in RV. also %{sisicuH} , %{sisice}] ; aor. %{asicat} , %{-cata} 
[Gr. also %{asikta}] ; Subj. %{sicAmahe} RV. ; Prec. %{sicyAt} Br. ; 
fut. %{sekSyati} , %{-te} ib. &c. ; inf. %{sektum} MBh. %{sektavai} 
Br. ; ind. p. %{siktvA} ib. ; %{-si4cya} AV. ; %{-secam} or %{-
sekam} , (Gr2S3rS.) , to pour out , discharge , emit , shed , infuse 
or pour into or on (loc.) RV. &c.&c. ; to emit semen , impregnate 
RV. AV. Br. Mn. ; to scatter in small drops , sprinkle , besprinkle 
or moisten with (instr.) RV. &c. &c. ; to dip , soak , steep Bhpr. ; 
to cast or form anything out of molten metal &c. (2 acc.) RV. AV. 
AitBr.: Pass. %{sicyate} (ep. also %{-ti} ; aor. %{aseci}) , to be 
poured out or sprinkled RV. &c. &c.: Caus. %{secayati} , %{-te} (ep. 
also %{siJcayati} ; aor. %{asISicat} or %{asIsicat}) , to cause to 
pour out &c. ; to sprinkle , water (plants &c.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.: 
Desid. %{siSikSati} or %{sisikSati} ; %{-te} Gr. (cf. %{sisikSA}): 
Intens. %{sesicyate} , %{sesekti}. [Cf. Zd. {hincaiti} ; Gk. $ [?] ; 
Angl.Sax. {seo4n} ; Germ. &366885[1214 ,1] {seihen} , {seichen}.]  

Any suggestions for the most suitable meaning as to the Bhoja-vRtti
are welcome! ;)

FWIW, it seems a bit weird that a clause has two predicate verbs
(mehati, siñcati), but the only way I can "de-sandhi" 'siñcatiiti'
is 'siñcati + iti'. In principle it could also "of course" be
sandhi for 'siñcatii + iti', but that doesn't seem to be
a valid form from 'mih'. 

>From the form 'meghamaana' (present participle?) under 'mih'
we can see that the noun 'megha' is also prolly derived
from the root 'mih'.

The phrase beginning with 'prakRSTam' and ending with 'saadhakam'
seems to be the direct object of that clause, provided we
assume that 'saadhaka' refers to a person, and thus is in accusative
singular, because nominative singular would be 'saadhakaH'.
But according to M-W, 'saadhaka' can also be a neuter noun,
in which case 'saadhakam' could be nominative *or* accusative 
singular, because in Sanskrit as in Latin, nouns, whose nominative 
and accusative are identical in form, are called neuter gender words.

But let's "bravely" assume that 'saadhaka' above refers to
a person, and thus is in accusative case, and by that token
the object of that sentence. That leaves 'dharma-meghaH' the
only possible subject for that sentence despite the fact 
that it's preceded by 'iti' which would make it simultaneously
some kind of apposition, or stuff.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread authfriend
--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 30, 2007, at 10:34 AM, sgrayatlarge wrote:

> > I don't see evidence that it does work. Aren't you and others just
> > making excuses based on a very questionable theory?
> Pretty obvious to most objective observers.
> But, believe it or not, there are still some that actually believe
> in the ME. Apparently no one bothered to tell the remaining 
> believers that the level of coherence "generated" by their 
> practices was actually considered scientifically and statistically
> insignificant by credible neurophysiologists.

I should think this would be obvious, but
apparently not:

Actually, neurophysiologists, no matter how
credible, would hardly be the appropriate
experts to determine whether the ME works.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Thoughts on Ken's Burns "The War"

2007-09-30 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> authfriend wrote:
>>> --- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
>>>   In fact the impression I got was that 
 the war was more a failed exercise in trying to
 reduce the world's population dramatically.  And there
 is a section on how they got people in the US to buy
 bonds to finance the war but no answer as to who made 
 all the money off the weapons sales.  That should be
 part of the story too.
>>> Then it would be a very different documentary
>>> with a whole different purpose and approach.
>> But any thinking person watching the documentary will begin
>> to ponder how the madmen came to power.  They didn't just do
>> it by themselves.
> If you made a documentary that covered every
> single aspect of World War II, it would run
> every week for at least a year.
>> Some folks here ought to be asking how MMY became so big too.
> LOL!! You got a conspiracy theory for that as well?
Then we have the "Mother of All Conspiracy Theories" that 19 Arabs armed 
with boxcutters started WWIII.  That one is a doozy!

Re: [FairfieldLife] MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread Bhairitu
> Be unshakable now!
> We are in the middle of the phase transition.  -  Maharishi strongly 
> emphasised the 
> great need to be completely self-referral during these times of very rapid 
> phase 
> transition. He said that there was quite a lot of unsettledness ('bubbling 
> around') in 
> world consciousness at present and that it is the responsibility of the whole 
> meditating family, who are creating a stable basis for the transition to take 
> place as 
> quickly and as smoothly as possible, not to feel shaken. This is very 
> necessary 
> because on the surface the phase transition is so violent.
> In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for that shaking 
> to remain 
> under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, have to be Para 
> i.e. 
> unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, the fast moving 
> chaos 
> and change will pass away in a steady manner. So we have to be very steady.
> Maharishi referred to the 'Sahasra Ati Sri Rudra Abhivishek' yagya at present 
> being 
> performed ... and indicated that this was creating an enormous shaking around 
> in 
> world consciousness. Rudra corresponds to the dynamism value in nature (as 
> 'RRR' 
> in Rig-Veda) and this dynamism is what is being released by the yagya and 
> causing 
> the shaking at all levels of creation. When the eight prakritis (the basic 
> building 
> blocks of creation) are shaken, Apara (i.e. relativity) is getting sorted out 
> to come 
> into coherence with Para (i.e. absolute). The yagya involves 11 times 11 
> times 11 
> pundits ... 
> We have to be careful not to get upset by little or big things. If we loose 
> our basis, 
> our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer. Don't give 
> importance to 
> things which may upset us, Maharishi said. This is a very precious time for 
> the 
> world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't let it be 
> shaken. Our 
> awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than ever before we 
> are 
> ourselves. We are at the basis of the power of Rudra. Time demands we remain 
> completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for us we should 
> not 
> become angry, indifferent, or sad, we should just be like an ocean.
> The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it; then after 
> some 
> time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening is added ... 
> It is the 
> awakening of both values: Para and Apara, says Maharishi.
> _
> Jai Guru Dev
Wow! A lot of talk here to make the ego-bound TM'ers feel "real 
important" and provide delusions of grandeur.  If meditators are 
enlightened no mention needs to be made we just observe the changes.  
We've discussed the waves of stress in the global consciousness here and 
some of us get ridiculed as "conspiracy theorists" for pointing out the 
bigger picture by those too blind to see.  It would be something 
different if MMY just mentioned that "there are a lot of changes coming 
down and isn't it interesting" and leave out the ego stroking of TM'ers.

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[FairfieldLife] Rick, Do You Care To Addres The Flaming?

2007-09-30 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> I am not surprised that someone who is as unstable as you, 
Duveyoung, who plays in traffic on contraptions designed to swerve 
into on- coming vehicles would support someone like Dennis Kucinich.
 The guy's a Marxist. And a nutjob. Like attracts like.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino interviewed by LB Shriver on KRUU Radio in Fairfield

2007-09-30 Thread Duveyoung
"Pluto is ruled by Shiva" -- eh, references?  Make sure the refs are
at least a thousand years old.  

But just for funzies, who rules the Oort Cloud?  And, er, all the
moons of the planets in our solar system must be godlets of some sort,
so name and explain them.  And when a meteor falls, is that a minor
god dying?  

Again, I went to many well respect astrologers and none of them, not a
single one predicted the great tribulations I was about to face or
even the significant disasters of my past.  These were huge things but
not a word from any of them -- and they all took my money without
guilt.  Yet, a globe that is not big enough to be a planet, never
named in any Jyotish text, is touted as the highest of the highest God
influencing us deeply with a stream of photons that only the best
telescopes of modern day can see.

Meanwhile, here am I believing that Arunachala is Shiva.  


None of the planets shine with their own light, and Arunachala too
reflects the sun's vibe, and I'm betting Ramana Maharshi would agree
that that mountain was far more important than any unseen orb's
reflections or gravitation.

Not that I'm going to buy a ticket to India, I'm just saying.

New concept:  Once I took a Majorcan moonlight stroll with Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi -- along with about 200 others trailing him, and I don't
remember his words, but his concept was that the Moon was a powerhouse
of LOVE shining on all of us that night.  Here's the new concept: if
Maharishi is enlightened, is pure love, then his loving the Moon was
THAT ORB.  Enlightened persons are bright lights of some sort, right?
 What they see in the world is what reflects back to them -- where
another pure soul is encountered, the reflection is most perfect and
the love sent is the least absorbed.  I love this idea.  Talk amongst's buttah.


--- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You may remember Lou, and if you've been around longer, LB. I highly
> recommend LB's show. You can listen wherever you are in the world by
> in at 1pm Central Time every Wednesday at HYPERLINK
> "" Click on the left
where it
> says Listen to our Live Stream. You can call in to the show at (641)
> 209-1083.
> Dear Friends of Fairfield,   HYPERLINK
> "";
> I will be interviewed by LB Shriver on Wednesday October 3rd from
1:00 to
> 2:00PM on KRUU Radio which is 100.1 on your FM dial. If you can't
tune in
> tell your friends. He will interview me about my book "The Future of
> endorsed by Deepak Chopra and available at 21st Century Books. Ask
Tony the
> store manager for a copy. It's on sale for $10.00. 
> I will also be talking about Pluto transiting through the sign of
> and its effect from the start of 2008 through the spring of 2009. The
> effects for Fairfield Iowa because both Maharishi and Tony Nader are
> under the sign of Capricorn in the Western system. Pluto is ruled by
> so this directly effects our tradition. 
> I have met so many people in Fairfield and have been here for almost
> months now. There is so much to do and so many people to meet. I look
> forward to seeing all of you from time to time and continue to pray and
> meditate for world peace. Thank you for your sharing's of life. It
has and
> continues to enrich my life.
> I will also start to advertise astrological readings for both
Western and
> Vedic or combined. You can visit my website at HYPERLINK
> ""Astrological Varieties for more
> information. See you soon.
> Love and Light,
> Lou Valentino
> Jai Guru Dev
> PS. For those who feel comfortable opening an attachment I have
attached a
> song I wrote for Maharishi.
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.35/1039 - Release Date:
> 9:46 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev 1945 on enemies

2007-09-30 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> "One who has set in his heart the concept of the transitoriness of 
> the world through a process of reasoning and deep thought, is the 
> person competent to win over the inner hexagon. Because, one who 
> convinced of the transitoriness of the entire world complex cannot 
> susceptible to greed or attachment to anything, for he knows that 
> object of his greed or attachment today will be something 
> tomorrow. Conscious of this disappointment, desires and 
> do not germinate in his mind. Nay, their very seed is destroyed. 
> jealousy also is gone. He is no longer vain about his greatness, 
> learning or wealth. When greed, attachment, vanity and jealousy 
> disappear, there is no cause left for anger and anger goes away 
> automatically. His desires recede and turn to God, with the result 
> that now his worldly actions are dictated by a sense of duty 
> than by passion. His behaviour automatically becomes proper and he 
> lives in the world without being affected by it, just as a lotus 
> lives in water without getting wet. Such a man has no external 
> enemies left, and his sameness rules over the whole Nature. None 
> capable of disturbing his kingdom of peace. It is such a person 
> is "samadarshii" (impartial, dispassionate) and a great victor, 
> can carry the world towards the goal of lasting peace and 
> Therefore, a victory over the inner hexagon is the highest form of 
> victory, and it is to achieving this great victory that man should 
> direct his efforts.'
Thanks for posting this.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Enlightenment description like you have not heard

2007-09-30 Thread Ron
> Well it certainly sounds hilarious!

0- it IS - it is the great cosmic joke - as there is no one there 
to be Enlightened. What remains is Reality. There is Bliss but 
not a someone to be blissful. The past is over as if it never was. 
The Divine Essence which is Life is what is paramount and Known. 
One cannot manufacture it with mundane mind. One cannot fathom 
it in imagination. It is not what one surmises it to be no matter how 
astute their intellectualizms may be. It is a Mystery and Wonder. 

Maha Shanti 

[FairfieldLife] Lurker notice in out Yahoo group

2007-09-30 Thread Ron

Om Namo Narayan 0 - 

why is it that ego has the egotisitcal mindset that through 
lurking one has no obligations to support what is given 
here, and that if one just remains under the radar that they 
will hear Just the Right thing and then they can do it ALL 
on their own. 

If ego could do it on it's own and didn't need 
a Guru at all then there would be no need to lurk and Hope 
to glean just the *right* thing in order to progress. 

If you feel you need No Guru and can do it all on your own - 
this is quite fine - then go do so. But be honest in this. 
Don't play the game of conning yourself that chasing 
teacher after teacher and Darshan after Darshan is consistent 
with doing it All on *your* own. That is a lie of the egotistical 

So either participate here or unsub and enjoy your journey. 
The choice is yours - and for those who are deaf and have 
not ears to hear or seem to think that they are the Except to 
this rule - the choice will be made for you. 

The methodolgy here may not be for everyone - and that is 
fine, but don't hang here as this site is a priviledge and not 
a right simply because there is an open membership. 

Respect the site - respect the teachers and teachings - respect 
the practices and if using them, then support and give back 
for what is being given. To not do so in some manner is to be 
less than honest. The first 3 things taught here are 

1. Honesty 
2. Integrity 
3. Transparency 

If these are not willing to be followed through with then please 
enjoy your journey to greener pastures which are always on the 
other side of the fence. 

For those who are following through may your journey's continue to 
unfold to Realization where suffering is no more. 

Maha Shanti 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino interviewed by LB Shriver on KRUU Radio in Fairfield

2007-09-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Duveyoung
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2007 11:53 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino interviewed by LB Shriver on KRUU
Radio in Fairfield


New concept: Once I took a Majorcan moonlight stroll with Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi -- along with about 200 others trailing him, and I don't
remember his words, but his concept was that the Moon was a powerhouse
of LOVE shining on all of us that night. 

I was once in a small room with a group of people watching Maharishi discuss
something with Vernon Katz. Maharishi commented that the Pitris (HYPERLINK
""http:// live on the
moon. I said something like, “How can they live on the moon? There’s no
air.” Maharishi looked at me like I was an idiot and carried on. On another
occasion, on a full moon boat ride, Maharishi said something about the moon
producing soma. I asked him to elaborate, and he said, “Isn’t it obvious?”
Oh well.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.35/1039 - Release Date: 9/29/2007
9:46 PM

[FairfieldLife] Come on already! /Re: Lurker notice in out Yahoo group

2007-09-30 Thread Bronte Baxter
Gimminee critters, Ron. Here you go again. You are a nice, sincere guy, but 
this proselytizing is a drag. Isn't it an edifice of the ego, that you are 
always decrying? 
  Who are you to tell lurkers on this site that they are not welcome just to 
read the posts, and what authority do you have to analyze give advice on the 
spiritual life of strangers? It's one thing to present your fundamentalist 
opinions. There's a certain enjoyment for others in reading them. If nothing 
else, it clarifies what we object to and why. But to lay into people you don't 
even know and tell them what they ought to do smacks of spiritual arrogance. 
  Why not be who you are, and let those who resonnate naturally join up with 
you. This little epistle is reminiscent of the bible thumpers from another 
tradition, who share many of your same attitudes. Give it a rest. People are 
welcome to come here, to read, to post, to leave, whatever they feel to do. 
It's not your job to be gatekeeper.
  - Bronte

Ron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Om Namo Narayan 0 - 

why is it that ego has the egotisitcal mindset that through 
lurking one has no obligations to support what is given 
here, and that if one just remains under the radar that they 
will hear Just the Right thing and then they can do it ALL 
on their own. 

If ego could do it on it's own and didn't need 
a Guru at all then there would be no need to lurk and Hope 
to glean just the *right* thing in order to progress. 

If you feel you need No Guru and can do it all on your own - 
this is quite fine - then go do so. But be honest in this. 
Don't play the game of conning yourself that chasing 
teacher after teacher and Darshan after Darshan is consistent 
with doing it All on *your* own. That is a lie of the egotistical 

So either participate here or unsub and enjoy your journey. 
The choice is yours - and for those who are deaf and have 
not ears to hear or seem to think that they are the Except to 
this rule - the choice will be made for you. 

The methodolgy here may not be for everyone - and that is 
fine, but don't hang here as this site is a priviledge and not 
a right simply because there is an open membership. 

Respect the site - respect the teachers and teachings - respect 
the practices and if using them, then support and give back 
for what is being given. To not do so in some manner is to be 
less than honest. The first 3 things taught here are 

1. Honesty 
2. Integrity 
3. Transparency 

If these are not willing to be followed through with then please 
enjoy your journey to greener pastures which are always on the 
other side of the fence. 

For those who are following through may your journey's continue to 
unfold to Realization where suffering is no more. 

Maha Shanti 


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Lou Valentino interviewed by LB Shriver on KRUU Radio in Fairfield

2007-09-30 Thread Peter
When I read, "I am a volunteer of the intergalactic
federation." on Lou's website, I know its time to
stop reading.  ;-)

--- Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You may remember Lou, and if you’ve been around
> longer, LB. I highly
> recommend LB’s show. You can listen wherever you are
> in the world by tuning
> in at 1pm Central Time every Wednesday at HYPERLINK
> ""
> Click on the left where it
> says Listen to our Live Stream. You can call in to
> the show at (641)
> 209-1083.
> Dear Friends of Fairfield,  
> I will be interviewed by LB Shriver on Wednesday
> October 3rd from 1:00 to
> 2:00PM on KRUU Radio which is 100.1 on your FM dial.
> If you can't tune in
> tell your friends. He will interview me about my
> book "The Future of Yoga"
> endorsed by Deepak Chopra and available at 21st
> Century Books. Ask Tony the
> store manager for a copy. It's on sale for $10.00. 
> I will also be talking about Pluto transiting
> through the sign of Capricorn
> and its effect from the start of 2008 through the
> spring of 2009. The
> effects for Fairfield Iowa because both Maharishi
> and Tony Nader are born
> under the sign of Capricorn in the Western system.
> Pluto is ruled by Shiva
> so this directly effects our tradition. 
> I have met so many people in Fairfield and have been
> here for almost three
> months now. There is so much to do and so many
> people to meet. I look
> forward to seeing all of you from time to time and
> continue to pray and
> meditate for world peace. Thank you for your
> sharing's of life. It has and
> continues to enrich my life.
> I will also start to advertise astrological readings
> for both Western and
> Vedic or combined. You can visit my website at
> ""Astrological
> Varieties for more
> information. See you soon.
> Love and Light,
> Lou Valentino
> Jai Guru Dev
> PS. For those who feel comfortable opening an
> attachment I have attached a
> song I wrote for Maharishi.
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.35/1039 -
> Release Date: 9/29/2007
> 9:46 PM


Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows. 
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Millionaire Ayurveda shopkeepers

2007-09-30 Thread jyouells2000
--- In, "george_deforest"
> > bob_brigante wrote:
> >
> > I haven't quite figured this out -- are they saying 
> > you have to sell $50K a month of AV products? 
> > If so, only a few big city placements will do this well, I think.
> this could work, if MAPI products became popular ... but only if
> there is a -very strong- and -constant- TV advertising campaign
> that actually *inspires* the average consumer. (like Apple iPod ads,
> for example.)
> > The winning point of the program is that every participating shop 
> > will be provided about $50,000 worth of Maharishi Ayurveda products 
> > (retail cost) every month and in addition about $10,000 will be spent 
> > per shop in national and state-wide publicity, 
> my guess is, this is by far not a big enough advertising budget
> for the kind of sucess they are dreaming of.
Sounds like the  'Nigerian' branch of Millioaire Ayeurvedic
shopkeeping to me Give us a million and we'll give back some of
the interest, maybe


RE: [FairfieldLife] Lou Valentino interviewed by LB Shriver on KRUU Radio in Fairfield

2007-09-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2007 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lou Valentino interviewed by LB Shriver on KRUU
Radio in Fairfield


When I read, "I am a volunteer of the intergalactic
federation." on Lou's website, I know its time to
stop reading. ;-)

What federation do you belong to? Some puny sub-galactic one? And are you a
volunteer or are you paid?

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.35/1039 - Release Date: 9/29/2007
9:46 PM

[FairfieldLife] DS responds to mainstream20016 Re: Abortion

2007-09-30 Thread mainstream20016
--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been carefully staying out of this,
> partly because, on the few non-argument-
> driven forums I hang out in on the Net,
> abortion is a banned issue.
> The reason is that, as someone said earlier,
> one is either pregnant or one isn't. It's
> that kinda issue.
> You're either "for" or "against." Like
> pregnancy itself, it's tough to find a 
> middle ground amongst all the rhetoric.
> So, just for something fun to do on a 
> sunny afternoon in Sitges after a rain,
> with the environment washed clean and my
> self feeling similarly so, I think I'll
> actually violate a personal rule and
> weigh in on the subject. Just this once.
> --- In, "mainstream20016"
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "oneradiantbeing"
>  wrote:
> > >
> > > Mainstream: The wanton disregard of the fetus in determining 
> > > to abort is incredibly cruel.
> Mainstream, have you ever been the guy 
> helping a woman to get through an abortion?
> From the way you speak, I have to imagine
> that you have not. I have, several times. And
> none of the fetuses in question had the slight-
> est DNA link to my own. I tried to help the 
> women through a painful experience because 
> they were in pain and I wanted to help, in 
> any way I could.
> One of the only ways in which I found that I
> *could* be helpful was just not to judge.
> I'm sorry, but there is just one enormous load
> of judgment in your statement above. It's in 
> the second and third words of the sentence.
> "'Wanton disregard' of the fetus?" 
> How about wanton disregard of the carrier of
> the fetus? 
> It is *not* as if abortion is an easy decision.
> You're trying to make it sound as if it is one.
> I'm sorry, but if you had been the shoulder to
> cry on for as many women who have made the 
> decision to have an abortion as I have, I don't 
> think you'd talk the way you did above.
> > > DS: I believe it's more cruel for a religion or government 
> > > to abduct the bodily rights of a living individual and 
> > > force them to reproduce against their will.
> The bottom line is actually more sinister than
> that. When abortion is banned, the religion or
> government in question has abducted the woman's
> right to *have* a will.
> It's a power game. They're trying to impose 
> *their* will on the will of all the women whom
> they mistakenly think they "govern." Whether it's
> a priest or a state governor, it's almost always
> a man. And that man is saying to the women he is
> supposed to *represent* within a democracy, "So
> I understand that you think you have a will. I'm 
> here to tell you that you don't have one. No matter
> what *you* decide about this fetus dwelling within
> you, I am here to say -- definitively -- that your
> ideas on this matter Just Don't Count. *I* am the
> one who gets to decide what is right and what is 
> wrong in such matters, not you. Live with it. And
> if you don't *like* living with it, please remem-
> ber that I have the right [in the near past and,
> if some people get their way, in one possible 
> future] to throw you in jail / excommunicate you. 
> But you do what you think is right. I'll wait."
> > If one doesn't want to reproduce, one should prevent pregnancy. 
> > There are many convenient ways of preventing pregnancy.
> There are many convenient ways of trying. Not 
> one of them is foolproof.
> Every one of the women I helped get through an
> abortion was practicing -- and regularly, without
> a single exception -- some purportedly effective 
> means of birth control. 
> I'm sorry, Mainstream, but you're talkin' like a 
> priest or a politician -- and above all, like a 
> GUY -- trying your best to make women feel really, 
> really, really, really BAD about contemplating an 
> abortion, or having had one in the past. And in 
> my book, that puts you on a very, very, very, very 
> different plane of attention than the women I held 
> while they sobbed their way through the experience 
> you so blithely call "wanton disregard of the fetus."
> You have NOTHING to say about it.
> It's not your body.
> It's not your decision.
You pose your declaration as though I were blocking the entrance to an 
abortiion clinic in 
protest.  How dare you suggest I refrain from expressing my thinking that 
abortion is 
cruel!  Regarding your compassionate support to so many women tormented by 
decision to abort -  I think you had alot more involvement in their basic 
predicament, and 
that you lobbied for the eventual  decision that caused them so much pain.   

[FairfieldLife] DS responds to mainstream20016 Re: Abortion

2007-09-30 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "mainstream20016"
> --- In, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > I have been carefully staying out of this,
> > partly because, on the few non-argument-
> > driven forums I hang out in on the Net,
> > abortion is a banned issue.
> > 
> > The reason is that, as someone said earlier,
> > one is either pregnant or one isn't. It's
> > that kinda issue.
> > 
> > You're either "for" or "against." Like
> > pregnancy itself, it's tough to find a 
> > middle ground amongst all the rhetoric.
> > 
> > So, just for something fun to do on a 
> > sunny afternoon in Sitges after a rain,
> > with the environment washed clean and my
> > self feeling similarly so, I think I'll
> > actually violate a personal rule and
> > weigh in on the subject. Just this once.
> > 
> > --- In, "mainstream20016"
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "oneradiantbeing"
> >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Mainstream: The wanton disregard of the fetus in determining 
> > > > to abort is incredibly cruel.
> > 
> > Mainstream, have you ever been the guy 
> > helping a woman to get through an abortion?
> > 
> > From the way you speak, I have to imagine
> > that you have not. I have, several times. And
> > none of the fetuses in question had the slight-
> > est DNA link to my own. I tried to help the 
> > women through a painful experience because 
> > they were in pain and I wanted to help, in 
> > any way I could.
> > 
> > One of the only ways in which I found that I
> > *could* be helpful was just not to judge.
> > 
> > I'm sorry, but there is just one enormous load
> > of judgment in your statement above. It's in 
> > the second and third words of the sentence.
> > 
> > "'Wanton disregard' of the fetus?" 
> > 
> > How about wanton disregard of the carrier of
> > the fetus? 
> > 
> > It is *not* as if abortion is an easy decision.
> > You're trying to make it sound as if it is one.
> > 
> > I'm sorry, but if you had been the shoulder to
> > cry on for as many women who have made the 
> > decision to have an abortion as I have, I don't 
> > think you'd talk the way you did above.
> > 
> > > > DS: I believe it's more cruel for a religion or government 
> > > > to abduct the bodily rights of a living individual and 
> > > > force them to reproduce against their will.
> > 
> > The bottom line is actually more sinister than
> > that. When abortion is banned, the religion or
> > government in question has abducted the woman's
> > right to *have* a will.
> > 
> > It's a power game. They're trying to impose 
> > *their* will on the will of all the women whom
> > they mistakenly think they "govern." Whether it's
> > a priest or a state governor, it's almost always
> > a man. And that man is saying to the women he is
> > supposed to *represent* within a democracy, "So
> > I understand that you think you have a will. I'm 
> > here to tell you that you don't have one. No matter
> > what *you* decide about this fetus dwelling within
> > you, I am here to say -- definitively -- that your
> > ideas on this matter Just Don't Count. *I* am the
> > one who gets to decide what is right and what is 
> > wrong in such matters, not you. Live with it. And
> > if you don't *like* living with it, please remem-
> > ber that I have the right [in the near past and,
> > if some people get their way, in one possible 
> > future] to throw you in jail / excommunicate you. 
> > But you do what you think is right. I'll wait."
> > 
> > > If one doesn't want to reproduce, one should prevent pregnancy. 
> > > There are many convenient ways of preventing pregnancy.
> > 
> > There are many convenient ways of trying. Not 
> > one of them is foolproof.
> > 
> > Every one of the women I helped get through an
> > abortion was practicing -- and regularly, without
> > a single exception -- some purportedly effective 
> > means of birth control. 
> > 
> > I'm sorry, Mainstream, but you're talkin' like a 
> > priest or a politician -- and above all, like a 
> > GUY -- trying your best to make women feel really, 
> > really, really, really BAD about contemplating an 
> > abortion, or having had one in the past. And in 
> > my book, that puts you on a very, very, very, very 
> > different plane of attention than the women I held 
> > while they sobbed their way through the experience 
> > you so blithely call "wanton disregard of the fetus."
> > 
> > You have NOTHING to say about it.
> > 
> > It's not your body.
> > 
> > It's not your decision.
> You pose your declaration as though I were blocking the 
> entrance to an abortiion clinic in protest. How dare you 
> suggest I refrain from expressing my thinking that abortion 
> is cruel!  Regarding your compassionate support to so 
> many women tormented by their decision to abort -  I think 
> you had alot more involvement in their basic predicament, 
> and that you lobbied for the eventual decision that cau

[FairfieldLife] Come on already! /Re: Lurker notice in out Yahoo group

2007-09-30 Thread authfriend
--- In, Bronte Baxter 
> Gimminee critters, Ron. Here you go again. You are a nice, sincere 
guy, but this proselytizing is a drag. Isn't it an edifice of the 
ego, that you are always decrying? 
>   Who are you to tell lurkers on this site that they are not 
welcome just to read the posts, and what authority do you have to 
analyze give advice on the spiritual life of strangers?

Er, Bronte, read the original thread title again,
then look at the end of the post. Ron is quoting
the post of somebody called Maha Shanti who appears
to be the moderator of another Yahoo group in which
Ron participates. It's not Ron telling lurkers on
FFL that they aren't welcome.

 It's one thing to present your fundamentalist opinions. There's a 
certain enjoyment for others in reading them. If nothing else, it 
clarifies what we object to and why. But to lay into people you don't 
even know and tell them what they ought to do smacks of spiritual 
>   Why not be who you are, and let those who resonnate naturally 
join up with you. This little epistle is reminiscent of the bible 
thumpers from another tradition, who share many of your same 
attitudes. Give it a rest. People are welcome to come here, to read, 
to post, to leave, whatever they feel to do. It's not your job to be 
>   - Bronte
> Ron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Om Namo Narayan 0 - 
> why is it that ego has the egotisitcal mindset that through 
> lurking one has no obligations to support what is given 
> here, and that if one just remains under the radar that they 
> will hear Just the Right thing and then they can do it ALL 
> on their own. 
> If ego could do it on it's own and didn't need 
> a Guru at all then there would be no need to lurk and Hope 
> to glean just the *right* thing in order to progress. 
> If you feel you need No Guru and can do it all on your own - 
> this is quite fine - then go do so. But be honest in this. 
> Don't play the game of conning yourself that chasing 
> teacher after teacher and Darshan after Darshan is consistent 
> with doing it All on *your* own. That is a lie of the egotistical 
> mind. 
> So either participate here or unsub and enjoy your journey. 
> The choice is yours - and for those who are deaf and have 
> not ears to hear or seem to think that they are the Except to 
> this rule - the choice will be made for you. 
> The methodolgy here may not be for everyone - and that is 
> fine, but don't hang here as this site is a priviledge and not 
> a right simply because there is an open membership. 
> Respect the site - respect the teachers and teachings - respect 
> the practices and if using them, then support and give back 
> for what is being given. To not do so in some manner is to be 
> less than honest. The first 3 things taught here are 
> 1. Honesty 
> 2. Integrity 
> 3. Transparency 
> If these are not willing to be followed through with then please 
> enjoy your journey to greener pastures which are always on the 
> other side of the fence. 
> For those who are following through may your journey's continue to 
> unfold to Realization where suffering is no more. 
> Maha Shanti 
> -
> Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the 
hottest shows on Yahoo! TV.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino interviewed by LB Shriver on KRUU Radio in Fairfield

2007-09-30 Thread new . morning
--- In, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I read, "I am a volunteer of the intergalactic
> federation." on Lou's website, I know its time to
> stop reading.  ;-)

You would prefer that he was a paid employee? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread ve-da


The date of the lecture of MMY (to which this text relates) is the: 5th May 

The message of this text is just as fresh and relevant as if the message were 
from today  -  as the global (and personal?) 
turbulance is going on ... 

It seems to be a very long going on turbulent phase transition. 

(But: Be aware of the lenght of the ages ...!)

So the message "Don't get shaken. Stay by your Self" is still to be taken 

"Maharishi strongly emphasised the great need to be completely self-referral 
during these times ...!" 

Jai Guru Dev


Date: 30.09.07 01:19:40
"MMY on Phase Transition"

Be unshakable now!

We are in the middle of the phase transition.  -  Maharishi strongly emphasised 
great need to be completely self-referral during these times of very rapid 
transition. He said that there was quite a lot of unsettledness ('bubbling 
around') in 
world consciousness at present and that it is the responsibility of the whole 
meditating family, who are creating a stable basis for the transition to take 
place as 
quickly and as smoothly as possible, not to feel shaken. This is very necessary 
because on the surface the phase transition is so violent.

In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for that shaking to 
under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, have to be Para   
unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, the fast moving 
and change will pass away in a steady manner. So we have to be very steady.

Maharishi referred to the 'Sahasra Ati Sri Rudra Abhivishek' yagya at present 
performed ... and indicated that this was creating an enormous shaking around 
world consciousness. Rudra corresponds to the dynamism value in nature (as 
in Rig-Veda) and this dynamism is what is being released by the yagya and 
the shaking at all levels of creation. When the eight prakritis (the basic 
blocks of creation) are shaken, Apara (i.e. relativity) is getting sorted out 
to come 
into coherence with Para (i.e. absolute). The yagya involves 11 times 11 times 
pundits ... 

We have to be careful not to get upset by little or big things. If we loose our 
our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer. Don't give importance 
things which may upset us, Maharishi said. This is a very precious time for the 
world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't let it be shaken. 
awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than ever before we 
ourselves. We are at the basis of the power of Rudra. Time demands we remain 
completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for us we should 
become angry, indifferent, or sad, we should just be like an ocean.

The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it; then after 
time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening is added ... It 
is the 
awakening of both values: Para and Apara, says Maharishi.


Jai Guru Dev


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[FairfieldLife] DS responds to mainstream20016 Re: Abortion

2007-09-30 Thread authfriend
--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "mainstream20016"
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In, TurquoiseB  

> > > You have NOTHING to say about it.
> > > 
> > > It's not your body.
> > > 
> > > It's not your decision.
> > 
> > You pose your declaration as though I were blocking the 
> > entrance to an abortiion clinic in protest. How dare you 
> > suggest I refrain from expressing my thinking that abortion 
> > is cruel!

> Wow.
> This is so insane that I'm a little afraid.
> Now you know why I don't discuss abortion;
> it brings out the inner fanatic in people.

Actually, he's right on target in the part I quoted.

Whether what men have to say, pro or con, about
abortion *counts* is one thing; it's quite another
to tell them they have no right to express an

Just imagine the fireworks if someone told Barry
he had "nothing to say" about something upon
which he'd made one of his pronouncements!

[FairfieldLife] Come on already! /Re: Lurker notice in out Yahoo group

2007-09-30 Thread Ron
--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, Bronte Baxter 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Gimminee critters, Ron. Here you go again. You are a nice, sincere 
> guy, but this proselytizing is a drag. Isn't it an edifice of the 
> ego, that you are always decrying? 
> >
> >   Who are you to tell lurkers on this site that they are not 
> welcome just to read the posts, and what authority do you have to 
> analyze give advice on the spiritual life of strangers?
> Er, Bronte, read the original thread title again,
> then look at the end of the post. Ron is quoting
> the post of somebody called Maha Shanti who appears
> to be the moderator of another Yahoo group in which
> Ron participates. It's not Ron telling lurkers on
> FFL that they aren't welcome.
Yes, I was just posting what takes place in my yahoo group I belong to which is 
my path. 
But I was cracking up when I read Bronte's post. I totally agree with the 
points if I were 
directing the comments to this group. hope this clears that up.


[FairfieldLife] Comments from an enlightened one

2007-09-30 Thread Ron
Note From Hridaya- I pick out interesting comments from the enlightened in my 
Path- 0= 
Swami G, S= Swami Fisshananda, and then Sarojini. These short comments coming 
the three have similar or the same air to them because it is that One essence 
from which 
they speak. Maybe some enjoy these here:

Question from seeker:

>* It must be both sad and funny to see 
> the seeker running around looking for
> that which is already right there in
> the very midst of them, but it is not
> so funny for the one who suffers, and
> is so caught up in ego they are blind
> to the very 'Thing', which is already 
> right there - NOW.

S - The laughter that bubbles up from the absolute
is like a fountainit is not directed at 
anything or any-one at all (that is what is so funny and brings
more laughter). All who have awakened to the true
nature have walked the very same path as others
the path of ignorance (attachment to body and mind).

To see others struggling and know that the struggle
and suffering is needless, that there is another
reality to be entered that gives rise to freedom and joy
here and NOW is why the awakened one gives pointings
and continues working with humanity. 

[FairfieldLife] oops- S= Swami Siddhananda

2007-09-30 Thread Ron
Title says it all

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread BillyG.

Personally I think it's all wishful thinking, it would be nice if it 
actually were true. I mean, you know the Purushas actually functioning
from the home of all the laws of nature, but I doubt any of them have
even fully transcended once! (Don't forget, kundalini is the path of
transcending, there is no other way to enlightenment and if only one
or two actually do transcend that still does not quality to achieve
the MMY effect!

[FairfieldLife] Yogic flyer spotted in Romania

2007-09-30 Thread tertonzeno
"Superman" Seen Over Romania 
  Romania: Investigations are underway into claims by approximately 
twenty villagers from Gemeni in Mehedinti county that a figure that 
looked remarkably like Superman flew above their village for a period 
of time.

According to local police all the witness statements are 
consistent. "He looked like Superman and was flying slowly at about 
100 yards from the ground in a standing position. He didn't make any 
smoke or sound. Just cruising around," said one witness.

"We talked to people of different ages who are all reliable citizens 
in our village. They all said they saw this strange creature who flew 
over their houses in his shiny blue costume. We'll just have to see 
what happens next," said a police officer.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread bob_brigante
--- In, sgrayatlarge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> "Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace"
> Seems like we have been in a phase transition for over 30 years and 
> we don't seem anywhere near "peace". Either this works or it 
> I don't see evidence that it does work. Aren't you and others just 
> making excuses based on a very questionable theory?
> Shiva is appeased by both devas and asuras.


NASA did some work on the ketchup transition, and I believe it's 
relevant to the phase transition that MMY is talking about, which 
really began when Guru Dev left his cave to bring enlightenment to 
the world, determined to shake out the entropy.

Although the phenomenon of shear thinning in fluids is not really 
understood, it's analogous to another phase transition, the 
transition from high disorder in the Kaliyuga to the orderliness and 
bliss of the Sat Yuga:

The change from K- to S- yuga will be real quick, like ketchup 
leaving the bottle, but it's not obvious that anything is happening 
until it happens. As MMY sez, we're shaking the enlightenment bottle, 
and if you don't have confidence that that is what is happening, 
that's OK, but don't be surprised when the world changes:

"The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it; 
then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, 
awakening is added ..."

> --- In, bob_brigante  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "george_deforest" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > im curious when did the maharishi say this?
> > > is it in response to something recent, like
> > > the monks in Burma getting killed?
> > > 
> > > or, is this a preperation for something
> > > "on the horizon" like another 9/11 that
> > > maharishi forsees?
> > > 
> > > or is this an old quote from some privious times ...
> > > we've been hearing about "phase transitions" since
> > > the 70's, for heaven sake!
> > > 
> > > ati rudra bishek, isnt that a yagya for peace?
> > > not "shaking" and "fast moving chaos" which is 
> > > the opposite
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > **
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace, but those elements 
> > resist being orderly and peaceful will be shaken out of the 
> picture, 
> > so we should avoid being shaken and just understand that the 
> of 
> > nature is just doing its thing and is behind this transition to 
> > Satyuga:
> > 
> > "The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it; 
> > then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of 
> purity, 
> > awakening is added ..."
> > 
> > > 
> > > > ve-da wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Be unshakable now!
> > > > We are in the middle of the phase transition.  -  Maharishi 
> > strongly
> > > emphasised the 
> > > > great need to be completely self-referral during these times 
> > very
> > > rapid phase 
> > > > transition. He said that there was quite a lot of 
> > > ('bubbling around') in 
> > > > world consciousness at present and that it is the 
> responsibility 
> > of
> > > the whole 
> > > > meditating family, who are creating a stable basis for the
> > > transition to take place as 
> > > > quickly and as smoothly as possible, not to feel shaken. This 
> > > very necessary 
> > > > because on the surface the phase transition is so violent.
> > > > 
> > > > In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and 
> > that
> > > shaking to remain 
> > > > under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, 
> have
> > > to be Para i.e. 
> > > > unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, 
> the
> > > fast moving chaos 
> > > > and change will pass away in a steady manner. So we have to 
> > very
> > > steady.
> > > > 
> > > > Maharishi referred to the 'Sahasra Ati Sri Rudra Abhivishek' 
> yagya
> > > at present being 
> > > > performed ... and indicated that this was creating an enormous
> > > shaking around in 
> > > > world consciousness. Rudra corresponds to the dynamism value 
> > > nature (as 'RRR' 
> > > > in Rig-Veda) and this dynamism is what is being released by 
> > > yagya and causing 
> > > > the shaking at all levels of creation. When the eight 
> > (the
> > > basic building 
> > > > blocks of creation) are shaken, Apara (i.e. relativity) is 
> getting
> > > sorted out to come 
> > > > into coherence with Para (i.e. absolute). The yagya involves 
> > > times 11 times 11 
> > > > pundits ... 
> > > > 
> > > > We have to be careful not to get upset by little or big 
> If
> > > we loose our basis, 
> > > > our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer. 
> > give
> > > importance to 
> > > > things which may upset us, Maharishi said. This is a very 
> precious
> > > time for the 
> > > > world. Everything depends on how our

[FairfieldLife] KN Rao on the Dreadful Year 2007

2007-09-30 Thread shukra69

the Saturn - Ketu conjunction has started , the worst influence from
it is mid October when Saturn is weak due to its dispositer changing
The worst will be averted by the Yogis and Yagya performers of the
world, Maharishi chief amoung them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kundalini Through The Chakras

2007-09-30 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
Thank you for your effort, Bill.  I've explored simplifying my message
further yet cannot find any simpler way of asking what I've asked, and no,
my question is not a statement, it is a question.

On 9/29/07, billy jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Sorry, also, but I don't understand what you are looking for here. You
> asked for "classic descriptions" as well as personal experiences. These
> classical descriptions are found in the yoga and tantric texts of early and
> medieval Hinduism and Buddhism.
> Your reply seems unusual. Are you actually asking something that is a real
> question to you or are you wanting to make a statement about how things are?
> Perhaps you are looking for descriptions that accord with your own ideas as
> evidenced in your reply.
> Sorry, but I don't think I can help much. However, Vaj also shares this
> background, so perhaps you can query him.
> *"Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer.
> Who'd've Thunk It?" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> Regardless of what one "believes", Bill, the kundalini precedes, in the
> continuity of the cosmos, such prejudices.  Symptoms of it passing through
> the chakras has to do with nonprejudicial experiences.
> So, I don't understand the question, sorry.
> *Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most valuable
> thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral conscience. Only such
> persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity. Anything less is a menace
> to society.*
> *I want every person to be complete in themselves.  Your himsa has no
> place in my mission.*
> On 9/29/07, emptybill <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> >
> > Functionalist Buddhist Tantra or Structuralist Hindu Tantra?
> >
> > --- In, "Mystical Sadhu"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Does anyone have descriptions of experiences, perceptions resulting
> > from
> > > raising the kundalini through the various chakras?
> > >
> > > "Classic" descriptions as well as personal experiences.
> > >
> > > Thank you,
> > >
> > > Satya
> > >
> > > When Shakyamuni Buddha was at Mount Grdhrakuta, he held up a flower to
> > his
> > > listeners. Everyone was silent. Only Mahakashyapa broke into a broad
> > smile.
> > > The Buddha said, "I have the True Dharma Eye, the Marvelous Mind of
> > Nirvana,
> > > the True Form of the Formless, and the Subtle Dharma Gate, independent
> >
> > of
> > > words and transmitted beyond doctrine. This I have entrusted to
> > Mahakashyapa."

[FairfieldLife] Here's a parable

2007-09-30 Thread Ron
Namaste Beautiful ones,

Here's a parable:

There was a man who had heard of this great thing called "air". He 
had never seen air before, experienced air before or even knew that 
air existed. So, he went to a local teacher of air to teach him all 
about it. 

"What is air? Where is it? How can I find it?", he asked.
"It is right here. All around you. You are in it right now.", said 
the teacher.
"Where? I don't see it? What does it look like? What should I be 
looking for? How do I catch it?", he responded.
"There is no 'where', because it is everywhere. You can't see it 
because it is nothing. You can't look for it, because you will 
never find it. You can't catch it or hold it because it is 
nothing.", answered the teacher.
"Well, I want to be a part of this air that many say is what gives 
life. I want to understand it. I want to experience it. I want to 
swim in it, be in it and breathe in it."
"You Already Always Are.", replied the teacher.
"I don't understand. I don't feel it. I don't see it. I can't 
hold it. I don't know what this air is or how to be in it.", said 
the frustrated man. 
"You would not be alive and breathing if it were not for this air, 
which can not be seen, touched, grasped or known as It IS. You 
believe it isn't right in front of you because of this. Yet, here, 
there, everywhere it Already Always IS. Silent and being... 
bringing life to your lungs.", answered the understanding teacher.

So the man went home, exhausted and confused, hoping that he would 
be able to understand this air that brings life and wondering why he 
could not see, feel or touch what the teacher said was always 
there. That night during sleep the man stopped breathing. In panic 
and dread he began gasping and coughing. In then the next instant 
he breathed and now knew that this air was always there. More 
familiar to him than anything else. It had been ignored because it 
was so close, so familiar, so ordinary, unseen, untouchable, pure 
expanse and was a part of his being. What did he lose? Nothing but 
the misunderstanding. What did he gain? Nothing, it was Already 
Always there. What was the result? The constant and continual 
Gratefulness and Joy for this breath which gave him Life. It was 
not separate from him nor he from it. It was the Breath of his 

Maha Shanti O,

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In, sgrayatlarge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> "Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace"
> Seems like we have been in a phase transition for over 30 years 
> we don't seem anywhere near "peace". Either this works or it 
> I don't see evidence that it does work. Aren't you and others just 
> making excuses based on a very questionable theory?
> Shiva is appeased by both devas and asuras.
I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but I just read your words, and 
you're like, c'mon guys! its taken 30 whole years to transform every 
element of the world, and I don't see any clear evidence yet!!! I 
don't see it-- what's taking so damned long?...

Pretty funny actually, when you consider that even global warming 
for goodness sake took almost two hundred years to begin 
manifesting, and here we are 30 short years into a far more profound 
transformation, and you're already yelping, "where's the beef!?". 

[FairfieldLife] We need Off-World -- including his astronomical observations (Re: To Off-World)

2007-09-30 Thread off_world_beings
--- In, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Off,
> You know I have not had much positivity for your actions here, but
> yesterday, and you KNOW I hate to admit this, you were cogent, right
> on, clear, and "good reading" in several posts and parts of posts.  
> much so, that I almost replied with a big thumbs up, but then just 
> I was about to do so, another of your posts came wherein you "lost 
> and began the kicking and screaming lashing out toddler stuff.>>

Actually its kicking and screaming and lashing out like a grown up 
man, but hey, that's just the real world. 

Someone says the cowardly stuff they say to me here, but face to face 
in the real world, it would be an interesting interaction of form, 
rhythm, movement, angle, momentum, collision, and vector fractals 
that would result.

> With so many here trying to bite their tongues, sticking to the good
> stuff>>

But they are not. They are incredibly rude and hateful. It never 
ends. If someone says to me, as qntpkt, who started this whole thing 
said, that I am wrong because I am wrong and don't what I am talking 
about, it is absolutely no difference from saying : "You are [EMAIL 
moronic turd OffWorld" . And then that same person says that he 
deliberatley trolls the internet trying to get people angry by 
engaging them in combative irrational and useless arguments for the 
sole puropose of getting them angery, then I think the person should 
be banned. I do not believe in backing down to such a low-life 
attitude. It only encourages them to become more of that.

> And the other day, the astronomers found this "very brief flash" of
> radio waves in their data.  A new thingy for them.  Don't know quite
> yet what it was -- maybe a black hole exploding or two neutron stars
> colliding, but it was over in "a flash."  So, when I first
> starting posting here, I ripped you a new one for being so stupid as
> to think you'd seen a supernova, I was not taking into consideration
> that, hard as it is to imagine, you may have seen a very rare 
event -- never recorded by science before.  Not a supernova, but 
something elsesomething way fast.>>

And I remember at the time that I predicted that within one year you 
people here would hear scientists talking about such an event. (I 
could look back in the posts to find that prediction , but it would 
take too long right now.)

Thanks for bringing this up though, much appreciated. Where did you 
read it?

Note: to anyone I have not answered a post yet, it is just I have 
been too busy, but will do so soon.)



2007-09-30 Thread sgrayatlarge
Right, chill, ha! ha! It really is a joke

-- In, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, sgrayatlarge  
> wrote:
> >
> > "Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace"
> > 
> > Seems like we have been in a phase transition for over 30 years 
> and 
> > we don't seem anywhere near "peace". Either this works or it 
> doesn't. 
> > I don't see evidence that it does work. Aren't you and others 
> > making excuses based on a very questionable theory?
> > 
> > Shiva is appeased by both devas and asuras.
> > 
> I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but I just read your words, and 
> you're like, c'mon guys! its taken 30 whole years to transform 
> element of the world, and I don't see any clear evidence yet!!! I 
> don't see it-- what's taking so damned long?...
> Pretty funny actually, when you consider that even global warming 
> for goodness sake took almost two hundred years to begin 
> manifesting, and here we are 30 short years into a far more 
> transformation, and you're already yelping, "where's the beef!?". 
> Relax...:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-09-30 Thread sgrayatlarge
The President of Iran wants to hasten his version of the AofE by 
resurrecting the 12th. Imam, and his method is not closing the eyes 
twice a day with a bija mantra.

Is this what we all envisioned back in 1975?

Oh right, chill, just take it as it comes, never minding.

--- In, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, sgrayatlarge  
> wrote:
> >
> > "Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace"
> > 
> > Seems like we have been in a phase transition for over 30 years 
> and 
> > we don't seem anywhere near "peace". Either this works or it 
> doesn't. 
> > I don't see evidence that it does work. Aren't you and others 
> > making excuses based on a very questionable theory?
> > 
> > Shiva is appeased by both devas and asuras.
> > 
> I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but I just read your words, and 
> you're like, c'mon guys! its taken 30 whole years to transform 
> element of the world, and I don't see any clear evidence yet!!! I 
> don't see it-- what's taking so damned long?...
> Pretty funny actually, when you consider that even global warming 
> for goodness sake took almost two hundred years to begin 
> manifesting, and here we are 30 short years into a far more 
> transformation, and you're already yelping, "where's the beef!?". 
> Relax...:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino interviewed by LB Shriver on KRUU Radio in Fairfield

2007-09-30 Thread cardemaister
--- In, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Pluto is ruled by Shiva" -- eh, references?  Make sure the refs are
> at least a thousand years old.  

For me it's inuff, that transiting Pluto conjunct Soviet Sun
seemed to "cause" the dissolution of Soviet Union, that is
claimed to have been predicted by Dane Rudhyar in the 70's.
Furthermore, transiting Pluto was, AFAIK, on US ascendant
(7/4/1776, 5.14 PM, Philadelphia, PA?) 9/11/2001...


[FairfieldLife] DS responds to mainstream20016 Re: Abortion

2007-09-30 Thread TurquoiseB
Oh, goodie.  :-)

It's not every morning that I get a chance to
start my day off with a good rant, but here I
have two idiots offering me an opportunity to
do so, on a silver platter. 

I simply cannot resist.

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "mainstream20016"
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, TurquoiseB  
> wrote:
> > > > You have NOTHING to say about it.
> > > > 
> > > > It's not your body.
> > > > 
> > > > It's not your decision.
> > > 
> > > You pose your declaration as though I were blocking the 
> > > entrance to an abortiion clinic in protest. How dare you 
> > > suggest I refrain from expressing my thinking that abortion 
> > > is cruel!

[ the rest of mainstream's post, so carefully 
snipped by Judy, hereby reinserted ]

> > > Regarding your compassionate support to so many women 
> > > tormented by their decision to abort - I think you 
> > > had alot more involvement in their basic predicament, 
> > > and that you lobbied for the eventual decision that 
> > > caused them so much pain.

[ my response to mainstream ] 

> > Wow.
> > 
> > This is so insane that I'm a little afraid.
> > 
> > Now you know why I don't discuss abortion;
> > it brings out the inner fanatic in people.

[ Judy, being...uh...herself ]
> Actually, he's right on target in the part I quoted.
> Whether what men have to say, pro or con, about
> abortion *counts* is one thing; it's quite another
> to tell them they have no right to express an
> opinion.
> Just imagine the fireworks if someone told Barry
> he had "nothing to say" about something upon
> which he'd made one of his pronouncements!

Ok, you guys started this. Now sit back and
take what's comin' to ya.

There is NOT ONE WORD in my original post in
which I suggested that mainstream should not
express his opinion on this subject. I did NOT
tell him that he had "nothing to say" ON THE
SUBJECT. I told him he had nothing to say about
the *decision* any woman makes on this subject.

And he doesn't.

Mainstream, whether he believes it or not, really
IS (at heart) one of those guys who *would* stand
in the doorway of a doctor's office (which he
would demonize by calling it an "abortion clinic")
and try to stop some woman from having an abortion.

But he doesn't have the balls to do that.

So instead he tries to make the woman feel GUILTY
about her decision. That's the form of punishment
he metes out for her type of "sin."

And when I stood up for the women and pointed out
that he was trying to characterize them unfairly, 
he decided to try to mete out some of the same 
punishment to me.

He made up a story in his head (which says a great
deal more about him than about me) that I was the
father of these poor, aborted fetuses, and that I
was there at the women's side, urging them to kill
these poor human beings without a care.


I can see how mainstream might have a problem with
this concept. For him it must be difficult to imagine
a man just being friends with a woman and trying to
help her through a tough time. He'd much rather try
to make her feel bad -- and GUILTY -- about having
come to a decision about what to do with an unplanned
and unwanted pregnancy. In his mind, that makes him
some kind of moral giant, a man protecting the poor,
helpless fetuses of the world against those callous
women who would murder them.

To me it just makes him JUST ANOTHER GUY, trying
to impose his will on women whose will and whose
rights he doesn't understand and doesn't respect.

And when another guy comes along and busts him for
being such a male chauvinist pig, he lashes out and
calls me a liar, and makes up a whole story that some-
how implicates me in the "murder," and allows him to
try to make ME feel guilty, too.

Didn't work.

All it did was inspire in me an enormous sense of pity
for someone this insane, whose fanaticism has blinded
him to the fact that what he's trying to do by expres-
sing his opinion on a subject that doesn't concern him
personally is make the women whom it *does* concern
feel GUILTY about their decisions.

I'm sorry, but pity is *all* I can feel for him. I did
NOT say that he should speak about this subject -- he
imagined that, and so did Judy (in his case because he's
blinded by hatred for those he considers murderers, and
he wanted to consider me an "accomplice"; in her case 
because she's just blinded by hatred, period), and they
made up stuff in my post THAT WASN'T THERE, and then
turned it into an excuse to dump on me.

Mainstream has nothing to say about whether a woman has
an abortion. Even if he succeeded in getting laws passed
to make it illegal he'd have nothing to say about it. 
He just hated being reminded of his powerlessness, and
wanted to consider himself a big, powerful, moral MAN
whose wo