[FairfieldLife] Who really runs the world (was Re: U.S. Immigration)

2008-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

 I agree that there should be some help for the people involved.  
 But the people should take the initiative to find other 
 opportunities when their current jobs are at a dead end. There's 
 a reason why some jobs are being outsourced to other countries.  
 That's because it's more efficient to do so.

For whom?

You people are so...so...nineteenth century. You 
still think in terms of countries, as if they
were important and were running the planet. It's
a corporate planet, and has been for some time.

Of the top 150 economic entities on the planet
by GDP, two thirds of them are *companies*, not


 On the other, pure capitalism is not the answer either.  There 
 should be an economic system that allows the people to take care 
 of their economic needs and their spiritual well being.

Dream on. There is only one rule among the two
thirds of the economic entities on this planet,
and that is profit. They all think like Shemp.
(Isn't THAT a scary thought?)

The corporations make their own rules, they make
their own laws (in Iraq, Blackwater employees can
now not be prosecuted for crimes that are still
illegal for Iraqis and U.S. soldiers, including
murder), and they do not answer to voters, only
to their bottom line and the shareholders. And,
as evidenced by the history of the United States 
in the last few years, many of the 1/3 of countries
do the bidding of the corporations, not vice-versa.

Immigration, schmimigration. That's just where you
live. Wherever you do, chances are you work --
directly or indirectly -- for one of the real powers
on the planet. 

WAKE UP, people...you are living in the past. It's
no longer a world run by countries. It's a multi-
national corporate world in which countries are
quickly becoming irrelevant. They have their own
armies and they make and fight their own wars. The 
corporate-run world of the future, portrayed in 
fiction by William Gibson and TV series like Charlie 
Jade and movies like War, Inc., is NOT a thing of 
the future. It's here now. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
   I'm back!
  And you are welcome back, partly because 
  even though you almost certainly went over the 
  posting limit last week by accident, you took 
  your timeout quietly, without fuss, and with 
  Compare and contrast to some who, in the class 
  department, have shown...uh...not so much.
 I've never made a fuss about a timeout. I was
 never *given* a timeout to make a fuss about.
 Barry has also claimed that I refused to take
 a timeout, even though (a) I've never been 
 given one, and (b) there's no refusal option
 for timeouts.
 Barry lives a life of solipsistic fantasy 
 because reality doesn't work quite the way he
 thinks it should.
 And, oh, if you want to see class, check out
 a few of Barry's posts ranting about my posting
 habits, based on the obsessive count he keeps
 of the number of my posts.
 Sick, and getting sicker by the day.

Gee, Judy...I was talking about Shemp and Nabby
and sparaig, all of whom have thrown tantrums
over being tossed off for a week or more.

Did you somehow think I was talking about you?
Must be a guilty conscience.

And the lack of class thing, of course...   :-)

But now that you bring it up (I didn't) You *have* 
gone over the posting limit more than anyone here. 
That is documented, both before the enforced timeouts, 
and afterwards. And you have even *admitted* that you 
went over, and yet never once did you *voluntarily* 
take your well-deserved timeout. 

I'd say that speaks to a certain lack of class,
wouldn't you?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Miss USA Falls Down for Second Year in a Row

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To All:
 Is there a cosmic significance as to why the Miss USA representative 
 fell down during the Miss Universe beauty contest?
Too Top Heavy?
Greasy Heals?
Drank too much the night before.
Who Knows?
Butterfly wings in Japan?

[FairfieldLife] Re: U.S. Immigration

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
  The US jyotish chart shows that this country is not for the lazy 
  those without dreams of a better life.
  People in the US are very lazy. They are fat and drive 30 yards 
to get
  the gorceries. They are among the laziest people in the world.
 Not only that they feel entitled due to all the brainwashing 
they've had.

Perhaps it has to do with extreme poverty in Mexico and Central 
Over-population due to lack of birth control due to Roman Catholism;
The Republican attitude Bush learned from the Saudi's- have 
immigrants do all the 'dirty work'...
A several thousand mile border that is hard to defend against 
starving people.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dalai Lama Defends Islam as Peaceful Religion

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
 Even the most tolerant of Muslims know Buddhism is misguided 
 evil.  Its in the Koran.  I very much doubt the Muslims have a
 reciprocal view of Mr. Lama.

Perhaps it has to do with the difference in belief in what happens 
after death...
The belief in reicarnation and karma Vs.
The belief that it's a holy thing to murder yourself and others for 
the sake of some promise of sex with Madonna and many of her sisters, 
in Islamic Heaven?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Miss USA Falls Down for Second Year in a Row

2008-07-14 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  To All:
  Is there a cosmic significance as to why the Miss USA 
  representative fell down during the Miss Universe beauty

I think there's a *comic* significance.

 Too Top Heavy?
 Greasy Heals?
 Drank too much the night before.
 Who Knows?
 Butterfly wings in Japan?

Maybe she made the ghastly mistake of chewing gum
whilst walking to the podium.

Let's take a look:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
  Every President has one, by going to the 'Center'.
 (I think Robert meant to write won, not one.)
 Problem is, Robert, Obama campaigned for the primary
 on the claim that he was a *transformative* politician,
 not one who would do exactly what all the others have
 done. That's why so many people who supported him are
 now very pissed off. 
I did mean won, not one...
Obama has already been transformative, in many ways, he has woken up 
the electorite, and given hope to the rest of the world, that the 
United States is changing it's facist tendencies.
He is a politician, and is moving toward the 'center' in order to win 
the election.
I am not sure who is pissed off at him, besides the people who were 
supporting Hillary, and the McCain people who are afraid of any 
change and are mostly racists.

[FairfieldLife] My Plan for Iraq by Barack Obama(NYT)

2008-07-14 Thread Robert
THE call by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki for a timetable for the removal 
of American troops from Iraq presents an enormous opportunity. We should seize 
this moment to begin the phased redeployment of combat troops that I have long 
advocated, and that is needed for long-term success in Iraq and the security 
interests of the United States.
The differences on Iraq in this campaign are deep. Unlike Senator John McCain, 
I opposed the war in Iraq before it began, and would end it as president. I 
believed it was a grave mistake to allow ourselves to be distracted from the 
fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban by invading a country that posed no 
imminent threat and had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. Since then, more 
than 4,000 Americans have died and we have spent nearly $1 trillion. Our 
military is overstretched. Nearly every threat we face — from Afghanistan to Al 
Qaeda to Iran — has grown.
In the 18 months since President Bush announced the surge, our troops have 
performed heroically in bringing down the level of violence. New tactics have 
protected the Iraqi population, and the Sunni tribes have rejected Al Qaeda — 
greatly weakening its effectiveness. 
But the same factors that led me to oppose the surge still hold true. The 
strain on our military has grown, the situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated 
and we’ve spent nearly $200 billion more in Iraq than we had budgeted. Iraq’s 
leaders have failed to invest tens of billions of dollars in oil revenues in 
rebuilding their own country, and they have not reached the political 
accommodation that was the stated purpose of the surge.
The good news is that Iraq’s leaders want to take responsibility for their 
country by negotiating a timetable for the removal of American troops. 
Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. James Dubik, the American officer in charge of training 
Iraq’s security forces, estimates that the Iraqi Army and police will be ready 
to assume responsibility for security in 2009. 
Only by redeploying our troops can we press the Iraqis to reach comprehensive 
political accommodation and achieve a successful transition to Iraqis’ taking 
responsibility for the security and stability of their country. Instead of 
seizing the moment and encouraging Iraqis to step up, the Bush administration 
and Senator McCain are refusing to embrace this transition — despite their 
previous commitments to respect the will of Iraq’s sovereign government. They 
call any timetable for the removal of American troops “surrender,” even though 
we would be turning Iraq over to a sovereign Iraqi government. 
But this is not a strategy for success — it is a strategy for staying that runs 
contrary to the will of the Iraqi people, the American people and the security 
interests of the United States. That is why, on my first day in office, I would 
give the military a new mission: ending this war. 
As I’ve said many times, we must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were 
careless getting in. We can safely redeploy our combat brigades at a pace that 
would remove them in 16 months. That would be the summer of 2010 — two years 
from now, and more than seven years after the war began. After this 
redeployment, a residual force in Iraq would perform limited missions: going 
after any remnants of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, protecting American service 
members and, so long as the Iraqis make political progress, training Iraqi 
security forces. That would not be a precipitous withdrawal. 
In carrying out this strategy, we would inevitably need to make tactical 
adjustments. As I have often said, I would consult with commanders on the 
ground and the Iraqi government to ensure that our troops were redeployed 
safely, and our interests protected. We would move them from secure areas first 
and volatile areas later. We would pursue a diplomatic offensive with every 
nation in the region on behalf of Iraq’s stability, and commit $2 billion to a 
new international effort to support Iraq’s refugees. 
Ending the war is essential to meeting our broader strategic goals, starting in 
Afghanistan and Pakistan, where the Taliban is resurgent and Al Qaeda has a 
safe haven. Iraq is not the central front in the war on terrorism, and it never 
has been. As Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 
recently pointed out, we won’t have sufficient resources to finish the job in 
Afghanistan until we reduce our commitment to Iraq. 
As president, I would pursue a new strategy, and begin by providing at least 
two additional combat brigades to support our effort in Afghanistan. We need 
more troops, more helicopters, better intelligence-gathering and more 
nonmilitary assistance to accomplish the mission there. I would not hold our 
military, our resources and our foreign policy hostage to a misguided desire to 
maintain permanent bases in Iraq. 
In this campaign, there are honest differences over Iraq, and we should discuss 
them with the thoroughness they deserve. 

[FairfieldLife] 'The Final Days of Bush's Mafia'

2008-07-14 Thread Robert
The Real-Life ‘24’ of Summer 2008 



if (acm.cc) acm.cc.write();

Published: July 13, 2008

WE know what a criminal White House looks like from “The Final Days,” Bob 
Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s classic account of Richard Nixon’s unraveling. 
The cauldron of lies, paranoia and illegal surveillance boiled over, until it 
was finally every man for himself as desperate courtiers scrambled to save 
their reputations and, in a few patriotic instances, their country.
if (acm.rc) acm.rc.write();

“The Final Days” was published in 1976, two years after Nixon abdicated in 
disgrace. With the Bush presidency, no journalist (or turncoat White House 
memoirist) is waiting for the corpse to be carted away. The latest and perhaps 
most chilling example arrives this week from Jane Mayer of The New Yorker, long 
a relentless journalist on the war-on-terror torture beat. Her book “The Dark 
Side” connects the dots of her own past reporting and that of her top-tier 
colleagues (including James Risen and Scott Shane of The New York Times) to 
portray a White House that, like its prototype, savaged its enemies within 
almost as ferociously as it did the Constitution.
Some of “The Dark Side” seems right out of “The Final Days,” minus Nixon’s 
operatic boozing and weeping. We learn, for instance, that in 2004 two 
conservative Republican Justice Department officials had become “so paranoid” 
that “they actually thought they might be in physical danger.” The fear of 
being wiretapped by their own peers drove them to speak in code.
The men were John Ashcroft’s deputy attorney general, James Comey, and an 
assistant attorney general, Jack Goldsmith. Their sin was to challenge the 
White House’s don, Dick Cheney, and his consigliere, his chief of staff David 
Addington, when they circumvented the Geneva Conventions to make torture the 
covert law of the land. Mr. Comey and Mr. Goldsmith failed to stop the “torture 
memos” and are long gone from the White House. But Vice President Cheney and 
Mr. Addington remain enabled by a president, attorney general (Michael Mukasey) 
and C.I.A. director (Michael Hayden) who won’t shut the door firmly on torture 
even now.
Nixon parallels take us only so far, however. “The Dark Side” is scarier than 
“The Final Days” because these final days aren’t over yet and because the 
stakes are much higher. Watergate was all about a paranoid president’s 
narcissistic determination to cling to power at any cost. In Ms. Mayer’s 
portrayal of the Bush White House, the president is a secondary, even passive, 
figure, and the motives invoked by Mr. Cheney to restore Nixon-style executive 
powers are theoretically selfless. Possessed by the ticking-bomb scenarios of 
television’s “24,” all they want to do is protect America from further 
terrorist strikes.
So what if they cut corners, the administration’s last defenders argue. While 
prissy lawyers insist on habeas corpus and court-issued wiretap warrants, the 
rest of us are being kept safe by the Cheney posse.
But are we safe? As Al Qaeda and the Taliban surge this summer, that single 
question is even more urgent than the moral and legal issues attending torture.
On those larger issues, the evidence is in, merely awaiting adjudication. Mr. 
Bush’s 2005 proclamation that “we do not torture” was long ago revealed as a 
lie. Antonio Taguba, the retired major general who investigated detainee abuse 
for the Army, concluded that “there is no longer any doubt” that “war crimes 
were committed.” Ms. Mayer uncovered another damning verdict: Red Cross 
investigators flatly told the C.I.A. last year that America was practicing 
torture and vulnerable to war-crimes charges.
Top Bush hands are starting to get sweaty about where they left their 
fingerprints. Scapegoating the rotten apples at the bottom of the military’s 
barrel may not be a slam-dunk escape route from accountability anymore. 
No wonder the former Rumsfeld capo, Douglas Feith, is trying to discredit a 
damaging interview he gave to the British lawyer Philippe Sands for another 
recent and essential book on what happened, “Torture Team.” After Mr. Sands 
previewed his findings in the May issue of Vanity Fair, Mr. Feith protested he 
had been misquoted — apparently forgetting that Mr. Sands had taped the 
interview. Mr. Feith and Mr. Sands are scheduled to square off in a House 
hearing this Tuesday.
So hot is the speculation that war-crimes trials will eventually follow in 
foreign or international courts that Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s former 
chief of staff, has publicly advised Mr. Feith, Mr. Addington and Alberto 
Gonzales, among others, to “never travel outside the U.S., except perhaps to 
Saudi Arabia and Israel.” But while we wait for the wheels of justice to grind 
slowly, there are immediate fears to tend. Ms. Mayer’s book helps cement the 
case that America’s use of torture has 

[FairfieldLife] Obama would beat McCain 5 to 1 says poll.....

2008-07-14 Thread Hugo

.in Britain.  


Which should give republicans an idea of how the rest
of the world sees them.

[FairfieldLife] Yogic flying on the radio.

2008-07-14 Thread Hugo


Scroll down to Listen to Richard talk about yogic flying

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama would beat McCain 5 to 1 says poll.....

2008-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 .in Britain.  
 Which should give republicans an idea of how the rest
 of the world sees them.

And the Guardian and its readership are primarily
leftist. In a similar but more broad-based poll
by the Telegraph, a conservative paper with primarily
conservative readers, Obama was the clear favorite not 
only in Britain but in France, Germany, and Italy as 
well. The only country polled in which McCain was 
popular was Russia. Across all five countries, Obama 
received 52% of the vote, and McCain only 15%.


Also interesting in this poll was that only 27% of 
those polled felt that the US was a force for good
in the world, whereas 43% felt that it was a force 
for evil.

Similar polls in Spanish papers have shown Obama 
being favored overwhelmingly over McCain, 52-to-1 
in one poll and 73-to-1 in another. Many editorials
have commented that McCain reminds them of Franco.

For obvious reasons, none of these polls mentioned
has-been Hillary Clinton, but I did see one in a 
Spanish men's magazine that listed famous women 
leaders or first ladies around the world over the 
past few decades and asked the readers to list who 
they would most like to see naked. 

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy came in first, even though many
of the readers commented that they had *already* seen
her naked. Hillary was near the bottom of the list, 
behind Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
   Every President has one, by going to the 'Center'.
  (I think Robert meant to write won, not one.)
  Problem is, Robert, Obama campaigned for the primary
  on the claim that he was a *transformative* politician,
  not one who would do exactly what all the others have
  done. That's why so many people who supported him are
  now very pissed off. 
 I did mean won, not one...
 Obama has already been transformative, in many ways, he has
 woken up the electorite, and given hope to the rest of the
 world, that the United States is changing it's facist
 tendencies. He is a politician, and is moving toward the
 'center' in order to win the election.

 I am not sure who is pissed off at him, besides the people
 who were supporting Hillary, and the McCain people who are
 afraid of any change and are mostly racists.

Didn't you read what I wrote? A lot of people who
supported *Obama* are now very pissed off at him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
Every President has one, by going to the 'Center'.
   (I think Robert meant to write won, not one.)
   Problem is, Robert, Obama campaigned for the primary
   on the claim that he was a *transformative* politician,
   not one who would do exactly what all the others have
   done. That's why so many people who supported him are
   now very pissed off. 
  I did mean won, not one...
  Obama has already been transformative, in many ways, he has
  woken up the electorite, and given hope to the rest of the
  world, that the United States is changing it's facist
  tendencies. He is a politician, and is moving toward the
  'center' in order to win the election.
  I am not sure who is pissed off at him, besides the people
  who were supporting Hillary, and the McCain people who are
  afraid of any change and are mostly racists.
 Didn't you read what I wrote? A lot of people who
 supported *Obama* are now very pissed off at him.

Who are these people? A lot of people?
And why do we have to put stars around *Obama*
Is that sum subliminal thing your doing?
What's up with your anger against Senator Obama.
It's not his fault, he won.
He got more votes.
Same in the fall.
He will win, because he will get more votes.
So, whoever these people are, they will come along.
You'll see.
On flip-flopping, one time a reporter commented to Abraham Lincoln, 
saying: 'Mr. Lincoln, you've seemed to have changed your mind, many 
times the past 24 hours...
At which, Lincoln replied: 'I don't think much of a man who thinks 
exactly the same today, as he did yesterday!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
I'm back!
   And you are welcome back, partly because 
   even though you almost certainly went over the 
   posting limit last week by accident, you took 
   your timeout quietly, without fuss, and with 
   Compare and contrast to some who, in the class 
   department, have shown...uh...not so much.
  I've never made a fuss about a timeout. I was
  never *given* a timeout to make a fuss about.
  Barry has also claimed that I refused to take
  a timeout, even though (a) I've never been 
  given one, and (b) there's no refusal option
  for timeouts.
  Barry lives a life of solipsistic fantasy 
  because reality doesn't work quite the way he
  thinks it should.
  And, oh, if you want to see class, check out
  a few of Barry's posts ranting about my posting
  habits, based on the obsessive count he keeps
  of the number of my posts.
  Sick, and getting sicker by the day.
 Gee, Judy...I was talking about Shemp and Nabby
 and sparaig, all of whom have thrown tantrums
 over being tossed off for a week or more.

No, you were talking about me. Remember, you claimed
(as I pointed out) that I refused to be tossed off.

Either you've been lying, or you're delusional.

BTW, how about documenting the tantrums you claim
these others threw?


Gee, what a surprise.

 Did you somehow think I was talking about you?
 Must be a guilty conscience.
 And the lack of class thing, of course...   :-)
 But now that you bring it up (I didn't) You *have* 
 gone over the posting limit more than anyone here. 
 That is documented, both before the enforced timeouts, 
 and afterwards. And you have even *admitted* that you 
 went over,

Would have been pretty silly for me to deny it, don't
you think? Not to mention that it would show a lack of

 and yet never once did you *voluntarily* 
 take your well-deserved timeout.

It would have been even sillier of me to do so,
given that I never went over intentionally.

 I'd say that speaks to a certain lack of class,
 wouldn't you?

No, I'd say lying about my having refused to take
a timeout, when I was never given one to refuse, and
when there's no such thing as refusing a timeout
anyway, speaks to a very substantial lack of class.
(Not to mention all the other lies that post was
crammed with.)

You really are the very *last* person on this forum
to accuse anybody else of lacking class. If you had
any class at all, you'd stop lying and apologize for
all your hundreds of past lies.

Your problem here is that you think *you're* the one
who gets to determine who deserves a timeout.

How's that workin' out for ya, Barry? A little
frustrating that nobody else seems to agree with

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
 Every President has one, by going to the 'Center'.

(I think Robert meant to write won, not one.)

Problem is, Robert, Obama campaigned for the primary
on the claim that he was a *transformative* politician,
not one who would do exactly what all the others have
done. That's why so many people who supported him are
now very pissed off. 

   I did mean won, not one...
   Obama has already been transformative, in many ways, he has
   woken up the electorite, and given hope to the rest of the
   world, that the United States is changing it's facist
   tendencies. He is a politician, and is moving toward the
   'center' in order to win the election.
   I am not sure who is pissed off at him, besides the people
   who were supporting Hillary, and the McCain people who are
   afraid of any change and are mostly racists.
  Didn't you read what I wrote? A lot of people who
  supported *Obama* are now very pissed off at him.
 Who are these people? A lot of people?

Yes. Take a look at some of the blogs that have been
supporting Obama, such as DailyKos, for example. Take
a look at the shift in the polling and approval
numbers. Take a look at the decline in contributions
to his campaign.

 And why do we have to put stars around *Obama*
 Is that sum subliminal thing your doing?

The emphasis is because you suggested the people who
were pissed off were either Hillary or McCain
supporters, obviously.

 What's up with your anger against Senator Obama.

I think he's a fraud, have thought so from the 
beginning. He isn't who he claims to be.

 It's not his fault, he won.
 He got more votes.

Just barely, and then only depending on how you
count them. And there are a lot of questions about
how legitimately he won the caucuses.

 Same in the fall.
 He will win, because he will get more votes.
 So, whoever these people are, they will come along.
 You'll see.

Remember, he isn't the nominee until the convention
nominates him officially. He didn't win enough
pledged delegates to secure the nomination; he'll
need superdelegates to make up the difference, and
they get to change their minds at any time up to
the convention.

 On flip-flopping, one time a reporter commented to Abraham
 Lincoln, saying: 'Mr. Lincoln, you've seemed to have changed
 your mind, many times the past 24 hours...
 At which, Lincoln replied: 'I don't think much of a man who
 thinks exactly the same today, as he did yesterday!

Obama is no Lincoln. Not only has he changed his
mind many times, he's lied about having done so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
 I'm back!

And you are welcome back, partly because 
even though you almost certainly went over the 
posting limit last week by accident, you took 
your timeout quietly, without fuss, and with 

Compare and contrast to some who, in the class 
department, have shown...uh...not so much.
   I've never made a fuss about a timeout. I was
   never *given* a timeout to make a fuss about.
   Barry has also claimed that I refused to take
   a timeout, even though (a) I've never been 
   given one, and (b) there's no refusal option
   for timeouts.
   Barry lives a life of solipsistic fantasy 
   because reality doesn't work quite the way he
   thinks it should.
   And, oh, if you want to see class, check out
   a few of Barry's posts ranting about my posting
   habits, based on the obsessive count he keeps
   of the number of my posts.
   Sick, and getting sicker by the day.
  Gee, Judy...I was talking about Shemp and Nabby
  and sparaig, all of whom have thrown tantrums
  over being tossed off for a week or more.
 No, you were talking about me. Remember, you claimed
 (as I pointed out) that I refused to be tossed off.
 Either you've been lying, or you're delusional.
 BTW, how about documenting the tantrums you claim
 these others threw?
 Gee, what a surprise.
  Did you somehow think I was talking about you?
  Must be a guilty conscience.
  And the lack of class thing, of course...   :-)
  But now that you bring it up (I didn't) You *have* 
  gone over the posting limit more than anyone here. 
  That is documented, both before the enforced timeouts, 
  and afterwards. And you have even *admitted* that you 
  went over,
 Would have been pretty silly for me to deny it, don't
 you think? Not to mention that it would show a lack of

That's never bothered you in the past. You're
still trying to deny that you slandered Mel
Gibson based on a movie you never saw.  :-)

  and yet never once did you *voluntarily* 
  take your well-deserved timeout.
 It would have been even sillier of me to do so,
 given that I never went over intentionally.

Neither did Sal. But she had class.

  I'd say that speaks to a certain lack of class,
  wouldn't you?
 No, I'd say lying about my having refused to take
 a timeout, when I was never given one to refuse, and
 when there's no such thing as refusing a timeout
 anyway, speaks to a very substantial lack of class.
 (Not to mention all the other lies that post was
 crammed with.)
 You really are the very *last* person on this forum
 to accuse anybody else of lacking class. If you had
 any class at all, you'd stop lying and apologize for
 all your hundreds of past lies.

Oh, no need to apologize. I don't feel victimized
by attacks from people for whom I have no respect.
-- Judy Stein, in an earlier posturing post  :-)
 Your problem here is that you think *you're* the one
 who gets to determine who deserves a timeout.
 How's that workin' out for ya, Barry? A little
 frustrating that nobody else seems to agree with

What Judy's really pissed off about is that
I've put her consistent attempts to violate
the posting limits and get away with it under 
scrutiny, so now she is less likely to get away 
with them. I don't even have to *bother* to count 
her posts any more, because now other people are. 

It IS interesting that above Judy exposes what 
she really wants (which others have pointed out 
for years). It's to force the people she doesn't
like to apologize for having opinions she 
doesn't like. But then, what else would you
expect from someone who believes that those who 
think for themselves exemplify the worst that 
spirituality has to offer and that those who 
demonize heretics exemplify the best that 
spirituality has to offer. She's just having
flashbacks to her Inquisition incarnations. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread feste37
Here's my prediction, for what it's worth: Obama in a landslide. Hard
to see how he could lose to McCain. I see a parallel to 1996, with
McCain resembling the hopeless Bob Dole, the old guy who trailed the
much smarter, younger Democrat (Clinton) throughout the campaign and
lost resoundingly. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
  Every President has one, by going to the 'Center'.
 (I think Robert meant to write won, not one.)
 Problem is, Robert, Obama campaigned for the primary
 on the claim that he was a *transformative* politician,
 not one who would do exactly what all the others have
 done. That's why so many people who supported him are
 now very pissed off. 
I did mean won, not one...
Obama has already been transformative, in many ways, he has
woken up the electorite, and given hope to the rest of the
world, that the United States is changing it's facist
tendencies. He is a politician, and is moving toward the
'center' in order to win the election.
I am not sure who is pissed off at him, besides the people
who were supporting Hillary, and the McCain people who are
afraid of any change and are mostly racists.
   Didn't you read what I wrote? A lot of people who
   supported *Obama* are now very pissed off at him.
  Who are these people? A lot of people?
 Yes. Take a look at some of the blogs that have been
 supporting Obama, such as DailyKos, for example. Take
 a look at the shift in the polling and approval
 numbers. Take a look at the decline in contributions
 to his campaign.
  And why do we have to put stars around *Obama*
  Is that sum subliminal thing your doing?
 The emphasis is because you suggested the people who
 were pissed off were either Hillary or McCain
 supporters, obviously.
  What's up with your anger against Senator Obama.
 I think he's a fraud, have thought so from the 
 beginning. He isn't who he claims to be.
  It's not his fault, he won.
  He got more votes.
 Just barely, and then only depending on how you
 count them. And there are a lot of questions about
 how legitimately he won the caucuses.
  Same in the fall.
  He will win, because he will get more votes.
  So, whoever these people are, they will come along.
  You'll see.
 Remember, he isn't the nominee until the convention
 nominates him officially. He didn't win enough
 pledged delegates to secure the nomination; he'll
 need superdelegates to make up the difference, and
 they get to change their minds at any time up to
 the convention.
  On flip-flopping, one time a reporter commented to Abraham
  Lincoln, saying: 'Mr. Lincoln, you've seemed to have changed
  your mind, many times the past 24 hours...
  At which, Lincoln replied: 'I don't think much of a man who
  thinks exactly the same today, as he did yesterday!
 Obama is no Lincoln. Not only has he changed his
 mind many times, he's lied about having done so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It IS interesting that above Judy exposes what 
 she really wants (which others have pointed out 
 for years). It's to force the people she doesn't
 like to apologize for having opinions she 
 doesn't like. But then, what else would you
 expect from someone who believes that those who 
 think for themselves exemplify the worst that 
 spirituality has to offer and that those who 
 demonize heretics exemplify the best that 
 spirituality has to offer. She's just having
 flashbacks to her Inquisition incarnations. :-)

Anticipating the inevitable and unmistakable
screech of the Judybot bird (Liar!), above 
I am referring to FFL post #183005, in which 
Judy was so desperate for a Gotta Trash Barry 
retort that she failed to realize what she 
was actually saying:

-- Turq:
 Seems to me that the think for themselves group
 exemplifies the best that spirituality has to offer,
 while the gotta refute or demonize the heretics
 group exemplifies the worst that spirituality has
 to offer. And this forum gives me the opportunity
 to appreciate the former and laugh at the latter.
 Who could ask for more than that in an Internet
 chat forum? :-)

- Judy:
 Turn that around, and you have the answer to your
 question as to why *we're* here.

She DID say above that why she's here [on FFL, in
context] is to appreciate the latter (those who feel 
that they've got to refute and demonize heretics) and 
laugh at the former (those who think for themselves), 
did she not?

One would think that a professional editor would be
more aware of what she is really saying when she fires 
off a zinger?

She could possibly have just misspoken, carried away
in the bliss of a Gotta Trash Barry moment. Then 
again, it's Judy...it may have been a rare moment of
honesty. She DOES claim never to lie, after all...  :-)  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
  I'm back!
 And you are welcome back, partly because 
 even though you almost certainly went over the 
 posting limit last week by accident, you took 
 your timeout quietly, without fuss, and with 
 Compare and contrast to some who, in the class 
 department, have shown...uh...not so much.


I've never made a fuss about a timeout. I was
never *given* a timeout to make a fuss about.

Barry has also claimed that I refused to take
a timeout, even though (a) I've never been 
given one, and (b) there's no refusal option
for timeouts.

Barry lives a life of solipsistic fantasy 
because reality doesn't work quite the way he
thinks it should.

And, oh, if you want to see class, check out
a few of Barry's posts ranting about my posting
habits, based on the obsessive count he keeps
of the number of my posts.

Sick, and getting sicker by the day.
   Gee, Judy...I was talking about Shemp and Nabby
   and sparaig, all of whom have thrown tantrums
   over being tossed off for a week or more.
  No, you were talking about me. Remember, you claimed
  (as I pointed out) that I refused to be tossed off.
  Either you've been lying, or you're delusional.
  BTW, how about documenting the tantrums you claim
  these others threw?
  Gee, what a surprise.


   Did you somehow think I was talking about you?
   Must be a guilty conscience.
   And the lack of class thing, of course...   :-)
   But now that you bring it up (I didn't) You *have* 
   gone over the posting limit more than anyone here. 
   That is documented, both before the enforced timeouts, 
   and afterwards. And you have even *admitted* that you 
   went over,
  Would have been pretty silly for me to deny it, don't
  you think? Not to mention that it would show a lack of
 That's never bothered you in the past. You're
 still trying to deny that you slandered Mel
 Gibson based on a movie you never saw.  :-)

(a) I didn't slander him unless he *isn't* a Christian
bigot. (b) I never denied I called him a bigot. What
I deny is your claim that I reviewed the movie
without having seen it.

   and yet never once did you *voluntarily* 
   take your well-deserved timeout.
  It would have been even sillier of me to do so,
  given that I never went over intentionally.
 Neither did Sal. But she had class.

And was made to take a timeout, because now that
Bhairitu is posting the numbers every day and we
all understand how the system works, the only
reason for going over is not paying attention,
which isn't an excuse.

Nor, of course, have I ever refused to take a 
timeout, contrary to your lie.

  You really are the very *last* person on this forum
  to accuse anybody else of lacking class. If you had
  any class at all, you'd stop lying and apologize for
  all your hundreds of past lies.
 Oh, no need to apologize. I don't feel victimized
 by attacks from people for whom I have no respect.
 -- Judy Stein, in an earlier posturing post  :-)

Non sequitur. I'm hardly the only person you've lied
about. It's your modus operandi. You have no class
even if I *did* feel victimized by your lies. (And
the above was about attacks. It *is* possible to
attack somebody without lying, except, apparently,
for you.)

  Your problem here is that you think *you're* the one
  who gets to determine who deserves a timeout.
  How's that workin' out for ya, Barry? A little
  frustrating that nobody else seems to agree with
 What Judy's really pissed off about is that
 I've put her consistent attempts to violate
 the posting limits and get away with it under 

No, what you've done has been to lie, as you've just
done again, by claiming that I've gone over

 so now she is less likely to get away 
 with them. I don't even have to *bother* to count 
 her posts any more, because now other people are. 

You mean, because Bhairitu has created a much-needed
software count that we can all depend on.

But you're still counting my posts, just in case.

 It IS interesting that above Judy exposes what 
 she really wants (which others have pointed out 
 for years). It's to force the people she doesn't
 like to apologize for having opinions she 
 doesn't like.

Nope, more lies. (a) Barry consistently attempts to
portray his lies as merely different opinions; (b)
there's no way to force anybody to apologize for

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  It IS interesting that above Judy exposes what 
  she really wants (which others have pointed out 
  for years). It's to force the people she doesn't
  like to apologize for having opinions she 
  doesn't like. But then, what else would you
  expect from someone who believes that those who 
  think for themselves exemplify the worst that 
  spirituality has to offer and that those who 
  demonize heretics exemplify the best that 
  spirituality has to offer. She's just having
  flashbacks to her Inquisition incarnations. :-)
 Anticipating the inevitable and unmistakable
 screech of the Judybot bird (Liar!), above 
 I am referring to FFL post #183005, in which 
 Judy was so desperate for a Gotta Trash Barry 
 retort that she failed to realize what she 
 was actually saying:
 -- Turq:
  Seems to me that the think for themselves group
  exemplifies the best that spirituality has to offer,
  while the gotta refute or demonize the heretics
  group exemplifies the worst that spirituality has
  to offer. And this forum gives me the opportunity
  to appreciate the former and laugh at the latter.
  Who could ask for more than that in an Internet
  chat forum? :-)
 - Judy:
  Turn that around, and you have the answer to your
  question as to why *we're* here.
 She DID say above that why she's here [on FFL, in
 context] is to appreciate the latter (those who feel 
 that they've got to refute and demonize heretics) and 
 laugh at the former (those who think for themselves), 
 did she not?

Uh, no. Obviously the folks who are the target of the
laughter from this side are those who *believe* they
exemplify the best that spirituality has to offer.
That posturing is what we're laughing at; what we
appreciate are the folks who see through the posturing.

Clear now?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


and the McCain people who are afraid of any 
 change and are mostly racists.


...anyone who would make a comment like that is, in my opinion, a 
racist themselves.

By labelling your political opponents as racists you eliminate ANY 
possibility at rational dialogue.

But wait.  Obama supporters such as R.G. haven't been calling just 
McCain supporters racists, they've been doing a lot of that to 
Hillary supporters, too.  I can think of one prominent Hillary 
supporter who is really hurting as a result of being called a racist 
during this campaign.

His name is Bill Clinton.

It is this kind of name-calling by Obama supporters like R.G. that is 
not so much pissing off Republicans as it is the kind of people who 
started The Denver Group that Judy alluded to.  They are ROYALLY pissed 

So much so that they are taking the DNC rules to heart which not only 
allow pledged Obama delegates to switch votes at the convention (even 
ont he first ballot) but actually encourage it.  Here is what the DNC 
says from their own website:

Pledged delegates are not bound to vote for the candidate they are 
pledged to at the Convention or on the first ballot. A pledged delegate 
goes to the Convention with a signed pledge of support for a particular 
presidential candidate. At the Convention, while it is assumed that 
delegates will cast their votes for the candidate they are publicly 
pledged to, it is not required. Under the Delegate Selection Rules, a 
delegate is asked to 'in good conscience reflect the sentiments of 
those who elected them.' This provision is designed in part to make the 
Convention a deliberative body.

There are about 300 websites at last count that are devoted to getting 
Hillary the nomination.  Remember that Obama got most of his votes for 
the pledged delegates BEFORE the Rev. Wright revelations and BEFORE all 
the flip-flopping on core issues he has done.

If you think Obama is going to get the nomination in a cake-walk on the 
first ballot, you have no idea what is coming down the pike.

18,000,000 pissed off Hillary supporters are NOT taking this lying down.

(from: http://www.demconvention.com/delegate-voting )

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama would beat McCain 5 to 1 says poll.....

2008-07-14 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
  .in Britain.  
  Which should give republicans an idea of how the rest
  of the world sees them.
 And the Guardian and its readership are primarily
 leftist. In a similar but more broad-based poll
 by the Telegraph, a conservative paper with primarily
 conservative readers, Obama was the clear favorite not 
 only in Britain but in France, Germany, and Italy as 
 well. The only country polled in which McCain was 
 popular was Russia. Across all five countries, Obama 
 received 52% of the vote, and McCain only 15%.
 Also interesting in this poll was that only 27% of 
 those polled felt that the US was a force for good
 in the world, whereas 43% felt that it was a force 
 for evil.
 Similar polls in Spanish papers have shown Obama 
 being favored overwhelmingly over McCain, 52-to-1 
 in one poll and 73-to-1 in another. Many editorials
 have commented that McCain reminds them of Franco.
 For obvious reasons, none of these polls mentioned
 has-been Hillary Clinton, but I did see one in a 
 Spanish men's magazine that listed famous women 
 leaders or first ladies around the world over the 
 past few decades and asked the readers to list who 
 they would most like to see naked. 
 Carla Bruni-Sarkozy came in first, even though many
 of the readers commented that they had *already* seen
 her naked. Hillary was near the bottom of the list, 
 behind Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir.

One of the creepiest photographs I've ever seen in my life was one of 
Carla Bruni taken by Helmut Newton that appeared in, I think, Vanity 
Fair about 15 years ago (at about the time she was cavorting with 
Mick Jagger).  It was of a topless Carla in a skimply bikini bottom 
standing beside...HER BROTHER.

Now, perhaps this is a function of the fact that I only have brothers 
and no sisters and those that do can enlighten me...but in our 
Western culture, is it not inappropriate to be naked in that manner 
beside your own brother?

[FairfieldLife] New Yorker cover

2008-07-14 Thread shempmcgurk


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The new Maharishi Song

2008-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 13, 2008, at 12:58 PM, Hugo wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The new Maharishi Song?


Bank Vault In Heaven
Richard Thompson

Got a bank vault in heaven, got my name on the door
Every day I get richer, add a little bit more
Come you tellers and lenders and lend me some more
Got a bank vault in heaven and it's mine for evermore

And the angels sing Fly, fly, fly
The angels sing Fly, fly, fly
Fly from the darkness that covers you all
Fly to the sky where the only wall is infinity, infinity

Going to shine down from heaven right into your room
Take the minds of your children right off to the moon
Every mud hut and igloo, every penthouse and farm
I'll shine down from heaven and I'll do my snake-charm

And the angels say Sing, sing, sing, Sing, sing, sing
Oh the whole world is singing the same happy tune
Something so low even hound dogs can croon to insanity, insanity

Oh there's a signpost in heaven, in the firmament blue
You can run to the wastelands, but it points straight at you
I've got a bank vault in heaven, what joy will it bring
All you Punchs and Judys, I'll be pulling your strings

Richard Thompson, now yer talkin!

Favourite song:


Great fun to play, I often will play that for friends.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama would beat McCain 5 to 1 says poll.....

2008-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  For obvious reasons, none of these polls mentioned
  has-been Hillary Clinton, but I did see one in a 
  Spanish men's magazine that listed famous women 
  leaders or first ladies around the world over the 
  past few decades and asked the readers to list who 
  they would most like to see naked. 
  Carla Bruni-Sarkozy came in first, even though many
  of the readers commented that they had *already* seen
  her naked. Hillary was near the bottom of the list, 
  behind Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir.
 One of the creepiest photographs I've ever seen in my life was 
 one of Carla Bruni taken by Helmut Newton that appeared in, I 
 think, Vanity Fair about 15 years ago (at about the time she was 
 cavorting with Mick Jagger).  It was of a topless Carla in a 
 skimply bikini bottom standing beside...HER BROTHER.

 Now, perhaps this is a function of the fact that I only have 
 brothers and no sisters and those that do can enlighten me...but 
 in our Western culture, is it not inappropriate to be naked in 
 that manner beside your own brother?

Hint: the creepiness you see in that photo 
is a projection of you being a creep.  :-)

And an American/Canadian. *Our* Western
culture? Dude, women wear only a bikini
bottom on most European *beaches*, much
less at home, with their families. No, it
is not inappropriate.

Now if you want something inappropriate,
here's a photo of France's first lady 
showing off her pussy:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Dalai Lama Defends Islam as Peaceful Religion

2008-07-14 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Even the most tolerant of Muslims know Buddhism is misguided 
  evil.  Its in the Koran.  I very much doubt the Muslims have a
  reciprocal view of Mr. Lama.
 Perhaps it has to do with the difference in belief in what happens 
 after death...
 The belief in reicarnation and karma Vs.
 The belief that it's a holy thing to murder yourself and others for 
 the sake of some promise of sex with Madonna and many of her sisters, 
 in Islamic Heaven?

Deep view.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The new Maharishi Song

2008-07-14 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jul 13, 2008, at 12:58 PM, Hugo wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  The new Maharishi Song?
  Bank Vault In Heaven
  Richard Thompson
  Got a bank vault in heaven, got my name on the door
  Every day I get richer, add a little bit more
  Come you tellers and lenders and lend me some more
  Got a bank vault in heaven and it's mine for evermore
  And the angels sing Fly, fly, fly
  The angels sing Fly, fly, fly
  Fly from the darkness that covers you all
  Fly to the sky where the only wall is infinity, infinity
  Going to shine down from heaven right into your room
  Take the minds of your children right off to the moon
  Every mud hut and igloo, every penthouse and farm
  I'll shine down from heaven and I'll do my snake-charm
  And the angels say Sing, sing, sing, Sing, sing, sing
  Oh the whole world is singing the same happy tune
  Something so low even hound dogs can croon to insanity, insanity
  Oh there's a signpost in heaven, in the firmament blue
  You can run to the wastelands, but it points straight at you
  I've got a bank vault in heaven, what joy will it bring
  All you Punchs and Judys, I'll be pulling your strings
  Richard Thompson, now yer talkin!
  Favourite song:
 Great fun to play, I often will play that for friends.

You can manage that? Vaj, there are clearly many strings to your bow.

Here's another fave guitar track of mine. Bert Jansch playing
Anji off his first album:


Sounds like he's got nine fingers on each hand to me.
The album's available as a double with his third album 
Jack Orion, dark English folk at it's best. Recommended.

[FairfieldLife] Who really runs the world (was Re: U.S. Immigration)

2008-07-14 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You people are so...so...nineteenth century. You 
 still think in terms of countries, as if they
 were important and were running the planet. It's
 a corporate planet, and has been for some time.
 Of the top 150 economic entities on the planet
 by GDP, two thirds of them are *companies*, not

I KNOW. We should nationalize all those profit sucking monsters and
then we will be happy because the mother of all, the fountain of all
wealth and happiness, the government, will be ALL. Dick Cheney and the
congress could be running EVERYTHING. Ah, Paradise!

  On the other, pure capitalism is not the answer either.

So the answer is not something that was attempted in the 18th century.
I am sure you have a point in there somewhere.

  should be an economic system that allows the people to take care 
  of their economic needs and their spiritual well being.
 Dream on. There is only one rule among the two
 thirds of the economic entities on this planet,
 and that is profit.

And all those pesky other things necessary to make a profit:
identifying needs and filling them more efficiently than others. Damn
that Apple, creating that I-phone JUST to make a profit. DAmn that
Intel and AMD for making faster and more powerful CPU's! Damn those
memory makers who have driven the price of 4 GIG of RAM into chump
change. Damn people who wake up in the morning and who want to make money!

 The corporations make their own rules, they make
 their own laws (in Iraq, Blackwater employees can
 now not be prosecuted for crimes that are still
 illegal for Iraqis and U.S. soldiers, including
 murder), and they do not answer to voters, only
 to their bottom line and the shareholders. 

Yes! And since thats what Blackwell does, I am sure its what EVERY
corporation does. Again, nationalize all of the F**kers and let our
blessed benevolent Cheney and Congress and giude us with wisdom,
insight and benevolence, 

 as evidenced by the history of the United States 
 in the last few years, many of the 1/3 of countries
 do the bidding of the corporations, not vice-versa.

yes -- private companies should ONY do what the government tells them.
Nothing more. Nothing less. Congress is way smarter and efficient that
a bunch of scum who produce stuff. How slimy is THAT. producing stuff
that people want to buy.
 Immigration, schmimigration. That's just where you
 live. Wherever you do, chances are you work --
 directly or indirectly -- for one of the real powers
 on the planet. 
 WAKE UP, people...you are living in the past.

Yes! Thank you for revealing the =golden path to the future. And when
capitalism is dead, and ALL those filthy pig capitalists are dead,
then Turq, Nab and Burut can provide guidance in an enlightened sort
of way. Can't Wait!! 

 no longer a world run by countries. It's a multi-
 national corporate world in which countries are
 quickly becoming irrelevant. They have their own
 armies and they make and fight their own wars. The 
 corporate-run world of the future, portrayed in 
 fiction by William Gibson and TV series like Charlie 
 Jade and movies like War, Inc., is NOT a thing of 
 the future. It's here now.

I KNOW! I get all of my information on how bad things are from TV
dramas. Reading stuff just sucks you into the what THEY want you to think!

[FairfieldLife] Guitarists (was Re: The new Maharishi Song)

2008-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   Richard Thompson, now yer talkin!
   Favourite song:
  Great fun to play, I often will play that for friends.
 You can manage that? Vaj, there are clearly many strings to your 
 Here's another fave guitar track of mine. Bert Jansch playing
 Anji off his first album:
 Sounds like he's got nine fingers on each hand to me.
 The album's available as a double with his third album 
 Jack Orion, dark English folk at it's best. Recommended.

I used to love Bert Jansch. What ever happened
to him? John Renbourne is still around and
touring, but I never hear of Bert Jansch. I
tried to learn to play Angie once. Sprained
my brain and learned my limitations. :-)

BTW, if you like folky fingerpicking and songs
that tempt you to try to learn them, here are
a couple from Bruce Cockburn, plus a couple more 
of him just having fun:


Jerusalem Poker:

Jammin' with Ric Emmett:

Jammin' with Ali Farka Toure:

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Yorker cover

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
The cover is obviously intended to be satirical;
it's mocking the folks (probably none of them
readers of The New Yorker) who believe all kinds
of nutty things about Obama.

I have two problems with it. First, it's not very
well done artistically.

Second, and much more important, the controversy it's
creating distracts attention from the excellent
article inside the magazine by Ryan Lizza on Obama's
Chicago political history, which has nothing whatsoever
to do with the Obama-is-a-Muslim-type rumors. Two
completely different topics.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama Will Win

2008-07-14 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yet we do next to nothing to require research on safety and
  effectiveness.  And there is no standards of purity or strength.

 The supplement and herb industry will agree with you.  They want 
 standards too.  They just don't want to give it over the pharmaceutical 
 companies who will do a pull the ladder up to keep them out of the

I think the supplement industry isn't very interested in doing the
research necessary to prove safety and effectiveness. It costs a lot
to do drug trials.  Plus, there are no patents and thus no monopolies
available on things like cinnamon, cumin, licorice, etc. 


[FairfieldLife] Guitarists (was Re: The new Maharishi Song)

2008-07-14 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
Richard Thompson, now yer talkin!
Favourite song:
   Great fun to play, I often will play that for friends.
  You can manage that? Vaj, there are clearly many strings to your 
  Here's another fave guitar track of mine. Bert Jansch playing
  Anji off his first album:
  Sounds like he's got nine fingers on each hand to me.
  The album's available as a double with his third album 
  Jack Orion, dark English folk at it's best. Recommended.
 I used to love Bert Jansch. What ever happened
 to him? John Renbourne is still around and
 touring, but I never hear of Bert Jansch. I
 tried to learn to play Angie once. Sprained
 my brain and learned my limitations. :-)

As far as I know Bert is still on the road playing
the clubs and releasing the occasional album. I saw
John Renbourne with Jaqcui O Shea at the local folk
club, they've still got it. They didn't attempt Light
Flight, but it's always worth hearing again:

 BTW, if you like folky fingerpicking and songs
 that tempt you to try to learn them, here are
 a couple from Bruce Cockburn, plus a couple more 
 of him just having fun:

They do tempt me to try but I aint no guitarist I'm
afraid :-(
 Jerusalem Poker:
 Jammin' with Ric Emmett:
 Jammin' with Ali Farka Toure:

Loved Bruce for a long time but the last album of his 
I bought was World of Wonders, a long time ago. And I'm
well into Ali FT at the moment, good to see them together.

I got side tracked, as one so often does, in the Bruce 
Cockburn list and found some old faves:

Cool version of WoW from the Timbuktu trip:

Great song, great sentiment:

It's breaking the guitarist on his own vibe, but I had to
have a bit of John McLaughlin on here, he's awesome but the
stuff I like is not so well represented on youtube:


I saw him on this tour, excellent stuff.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
   Better than living with the delusion that I've actually seen people 
   levitate in former cults I've been associated with.
  Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?
 I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in one go 
 myself, on several occasions. 
 Soon thousands will float.

Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional.  Anyone disagree?
Anyone want to leap to his defense?  I tend to lean towards delusion:
you have a group of people together, all pumped up, firmly believing
that the hops are levitations.  

[FairfieldLife] New member

2008-07-14 Thread John
Greetings from Cleveland Ohio - USA

My Photo  brief profile below - 


Thank you, John 

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:

Better than living with the delusion that I've actually seen 
levitate in former cults I've been associated with.
   Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?
  I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in
  one go myself, on several occasions. 
  Soon thousands will float.
 Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional.
 Anyone disagree?

He does seem to have used scare quotes.

 Anyone want to leap to his defense?  I tend to lean towards
 delusion: you have a group of people together, all pumped up,
 firmly believing that the hops are levitations.

Or, more likely, that they're the first stage of a
sequence of developments that ends with levitation.

Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
really happening.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Who really runs the world (was Re: U.S. Immigration)

2008-07-14 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 WAKE UP, people...you are living in the past. It's
 no longer a world run by countries. It's a multi-
 national corporate world in which countries are
 quickly becoming irrelevant. They have their own
 armies and they make and fight their own wars. The 
 corporate-run world of the future, portrayed in 
 fiction by William Gibson and TV series like Charlie 
 Jade and movies like War, Inc., is NOT a thing of 
 the future. It's here now. 
Yup, I've been saying that for some time too.  And it's an ugly world 
run by the third rung merchant caste. ;-)
But these things go in cycles so the sudras will rule next then back to 
the brahmans.  :D

Don't forget Blade Runner' as a corporate world as well as Outland 
and Alien.  I also criticized the fact that when software companies go 
public they produce stockholder-ware and the customer falls by the 

Best thing to do?  Deprogram everyone of all the programming they had 
down through the centuries.  Now that would be enlightenment!  :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama Will Win

2008-07-14 Thread Bhairitu
ruthsimplicity wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yet we do next to nothing to require research on safety and
 effectiveness.  And there is no standards of purity or strength.
 The supplement and herb industry will agree with you.  They want 
 standards too.  They just don't want to give it over the pharmaceutical 
 companies who will do a pull the ladder up to keep them out of the

 I think the supplement industry isn't very interested in doing the
 research necessary to prove safety and effectiveness. It costs a lot
 to do drug trials.  Plus, there are no patents and thus no monopolies
 available on things like cinnamon, cumin, licorice, etc. 
What the owners of one company told me is they would like to be sure the 
herbs they are buying are the real thing.  Certified.  This was a firm 
in India.  A professor of ayurvedic medicine at Benares Hindu University 
told me that a lot of the remedies out the aren't quite what they're 
suppose to be, just a little bit of this and and little bit of that.  
They had to take the placards off the plants in their ayurvedic gardens 
because people would come in and steal planets.

Yup, ain't capitalism grand.  Money is God.

Re: [FairfieldLife] New member

2008-07-14 Thread Peter
John, you seem like a gentle soul. Are you sure you want to join this group? ;-)

--- On Mon, 7/14/08, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] New member
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 11:57 AM
 Greetings from Cleveland Ohio - USA
 My Photo  brief profile below - 
 Thank you, John 
 To subscribe, send a message to:
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ 
 Better than living with the delusion that I've actually 
 levitate in former cults I've been associated with.

Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?
   I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in
   one go myself, on several occasions. 
   Soon thousands will float.
  Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional.
  Anyone disagree?
 He does seem to have used scare quotes.
  Anyone want to leap to his defense?  I tend to lean towards
  delusion: you have a group of people together, all pumped up,
  firmly believing that the hops are levitations.
 Or, more likely, that they're the first stage of a
 sequence of developments that ends with levitation.

I'm not sure about more likely I lean towards the idea 
that yogic flying is some sort of brain/body togetherness 
that lets you tap into hidden energy. The only reason I'd
go that far is because I could always do it without getting
out of breath, but am we kidding ourselves? It would be
piss easy to demonstrate but I don't remember reading it
had been done.

It doesn't matter how far you fly but whether you travel
in a parabolic curve, in ten years I never saw anyone even
remotely break the laws governing bodies moving through
the air. I saw some who had perfected the hop to the point 
of physical poetry. Surely after thirty years they, at least,
would be airborne.
 Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
 not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
 really happening.

I don't know if anyone listened to the radio clip about
yogic flying I posted earlier but it's interesting for 
a few reasons: it doesn't mention the ME and it doesn't
claim that yogic flying is the first stage of levitation. 
I think that is the best you can say about it at the moment.

I always hope the optimists are right and we end up 
levitating because it means I already know how to do it!
I'm not going to hold my breath though. I think the laws
of physics are safe.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 I always hope the optimists are right and we end up 
 levitating because it means I already know how to do it!
 I'm not going to hold my breath though. I think the laws
 of physics are safe.

Unfortunately, since you gave up your practise of TMSP long ago.  
Your laws of physics are in for a surprise.
And the TMO has the infrastructure to take care of this, thank you very 

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?
   I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in
   one go myself, on several occasions. 
   Soon thousands will float.
  Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional.
  Anyone disagree?
 He does seem to have used scare quotes.

And then goes on to give impossible specifics.  Walk off 10 yards
Judy, you've been in a flying room or two, sound likely?

  Anyone want to leap to his defense?  I tend to lean towards
  delusion: you have a group of people together, all pumped up,
  firmly believing that the hops are levitations.
 Or, more likely,

MORE likely?

 that they're the first stage of a
 sequence of developments that ends with levitation.

Judy this response is out of touch with your usual wait and see
openminedness and becomes another belief without any evidence.
Claiming that hopping is the first stage of flying is intellectually
bankrupt and I believe that you know it.

 Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
 not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
 really happening.

This is unfair.  Since they have given demonstrations of yogic flying
to the public everyone has a right to weigh in on the physical claims.
 Your point may apply to how a person feels as they fly, but the
obvious lack of anything that is more than hopping is obvious.  Her
explanation is a fair estimation of why people might get together and
do something so silly.  If she has missed the inner experience you
feel that doesn't invalidate the point that people are claiming the
first stage of flying, not getting together and feeling blissful from
their technique.  Yogic flying.  And no matter what you feel inside,
that is not happening and you also know that.

When we see movies of the cargo cult worshiping airplanes, do we
really need to be a member of the tribe to have a good idea what is
going on?

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
 Better than living with the delusion that I've actually seen 
 levitate in former cults I've been associated with.

Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?
   I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in
   one go myself, on several occasions. 
   Soon thousands will float.
  Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional.
  Anyone disagree?
 He does seem to have used scare quotes.
  Anyone want to leap to his defense?  I tend to lean towards
  delusion: you have a group of people together, all pumped up,
  firmly believing that the hops are levitations.
 Or, more likely, that they're the first stage of a
 sequence of developments that ends with levitation.
 Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
 not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
 really happening.

I've certainly experienced what was called yogic flying. The first time was 
in Seelisberg 
before foam mats were involved. We all sat in chairs. Within a few weeks, we 
we're on 
floors and a few weeks after that the foam came in.

After that I was on many flying courses. It was also a part of our daily 
routine back at 
National in Pacific Palisades.

Never did I feel that the laws of gravity were being challenged. Possible 
Kundalini energy 
and a lot of group energy? Yes. 

If yogic flying as defined by the TMO and MMY is the beginning stage of 
flying why not 
put the flyer on a scale and see if he/she gets lighter in the moments before 
flying?  The 
answer is that nothing happens any differently than if someone tried to lift 
off without 
using a sutra and simply hopped.

Not mention that we've now been in the beginning stages for over 30 years..

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Or, more likely, that they're the first stage of a
 sequence of developments that ends with levitation.
 Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
 not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
 really happening.

Judy as always; this penetrating intellect so badly needed in this 
wanting world. 

You should duplicate yourself !

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:

Better than living with the delusion that I've actually seen 
levitate in former cults I've been associated with.
   Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?
  I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in one go 
  myself, on several occasions. 
  Soon thousands will float.
 Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional. 

I must admit that I do not understand your stand Ruth. I have jumped 
a lousy 10 yards in one go and have seen a few others do the same.
Why is that a problem for you ? Because you think and/or is 
conditioned to believe that gravity is an absolute measure ? 

Oh please ! Even Buddhists levitate, Christianity is full of it !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread mainstream20016

Who do you think will be the Democratic VP nominee ?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
  Every President has one, by going to the 'Center'.
 (I think Robert meant to write won, not one.)
 Problem is, Robert, Obama campaigned for the primary
 on the claim that he was a *transformative* politician,
 not one who would do exactly what all the others have
 done. That's why so many people who supported him are
 now very pissed off. 
I did mean won, not one...
Obama has already been transformative, in many ways, he has
woken up the electorite, and given hope to the rest of the
world, that the United States is changing it's facist
tendencies. He is a politician, and is moving toward the
'center' in order to win the election.
I am not sure who is pissed off at him, besides the people
who were supporting Hillary, and the McCain people who are
afraid of any change and are mostly racists.
   Didn't you read what I wrote? A lot of people who
   supported *Obama* are now very pissed off at him.
  Who are these people? A lot of people?
 Yes. Take a look at some of the blogs that have been
 supporting Obama, such as DailyKos, for example. Take
 a look at the shift in the polling and approval
 numbers. Take a look at the decline in contributions
 to his campaign.
  And why do we have to put stars around *Obama*
  Is that sum subliminal thing your doing?
 The emphasis is because you suggested the people who
 were pissed off were either Hillary or McCain
 supporters, obviously.
  What's up with your anger against Senator Obama.
 I think he's a fraud, have thought so from the 
 beginning. He isn't who he claims to be.
  It's not his fault, he won.
  He got more votes.
 Just barely, and then only depending on how you
 count them. And there are a lot of questions about
 how legitimately he won the caucuses.
  Same in the fall.
  He will win, because he will get more votes.
  So, whoever these people are, they will come along.
  You'll see.
 Remember, he isn't the nominee until the convention
 nominates him officially. He didn't win enough
 pledged delegates to secure the nomination; he'll
 need superdelegates to make up the difference, and
 they get to change their minds at any time up to
 the convention.
  On flip-flopping, one time a reporter commented to Abraham
  Lincoln, saying: 'Mr. Lincoln, you've seemed to have changed
  your mind, many times the past 24 hours...
  At which, Lincoln replied: 'I don't think much of a man who
  thinks exactly the same today, as he did yesterday!
 Obama is no Lincoln. Not only has he changed his
 mind many times, he's lied about having done so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama would beat McCain 5 to 1 says poll.....

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Now, perhaps this is a function of the fact that I only have brothers 
 and no sisters and those that do can enlighten me...but in our 
 Western culture, is it not inappropriate to be naked in that manner 
 beside your own brother?

An american president is evicted because he played around with cigars 
and young girls.
Mitterand had two families and has become a french icon.
Which culture is more cultured ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
Christianity is full of it !

I think we may have found some common ground Nabby.

How long is the longest long jump ever?

The current record stands at 8.95 meters or 29 feet 4 1/2 inches set
by Mike Powell of the USA at the World Championships in Tokyo, Japan
on August 30 1991.

I guess you beat the wold record distance that a specialist running
full tilt could jump, huh Nabby?  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
 Better than living with the delusion that I've actually seen 
 levitate in former cults I've been associated with.

Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?
   I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in one go 
   myself, on several occasions. 
   Soon thousands will float.
  Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional. 
 I must admit that I do not understand your stand Ruth. I have jumped 
 a lousy 10 yards in one go and have seen a few others do the same.
 Why is that a problem for you ? Because you think and/or is 
 conditioned to believe that gravity is an absolute measure ? 
 Oh please ! Even Buddhists levitate, Christianity is full of it !

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@  
  I always hope the optimists are right and we end up 
  levitating because it means I already know how to do it!
  I'm not going to hold my breath though. I think the laws
  of physics are safe.
 Unfortunately, since you gave up your practise of TMSP long ago.  
 Your laws of physics are in for a surprise.
 And the TMO has the infrastructure to take care of this, thank you 

Bring it on Nabster, the world is waiting.

I only quit the TMSP a year ago due to the fact it made me
feel crap and spaced out, like it does so many others. But
I really would *love* it if someone in the TMO ever levitates,
what vindication for MMY and the TMSP! When is the surprise
coming? Soon, do you think?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 14, 2008, at 10:57 AM, authfriend wrote:

Anyone want to leap to his defense?  I tend to lean towards
delusion: you have a group of people together, all pumped up,
firmly believing that the hops are levitations.

Or, more likely, that they're the first stage of a
sequence of developments that ends with levitation.

Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
really happening.

Oh, please, Judy, more of the you're not qualified to make observations
because you don't have the same experience I do, nonsense.  I've
experienced yogic flying hundreds of times, and can say Ruth's
observations are right on.  It's New-Age bunk.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. :)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 14, 2008, at 12:02 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

When we see movies of the cargo cult worshiping airplanes, do we  
really need to be a member of the tribe to have a good idea what is  
going on?

Or, as my dad used to say, I don't need to try hanging to know I
probably wouldn't like it very much. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 Christianity is full of it !
 I think we may have found some common ground Nabby.
 How long is the longest long jump ever?
 The current record stands at 8.95 meters or 29 feet 4 1/2 inches set
 by Mike Powell of the USA at the World Championships in Tokyo, Japan
 on August 30 1991.
 I guess you beat the wold record distance that a specialist running
 full tilt could jump, huh Nabby?  

No, they use muscles only though 8 yards/meters is roughly the same 
Sidhas move through nature, not muscles. And Sidhas start from a 
sitting position.

You know, some athletes might be proud to win the 100 meter hurdle, 
and rightly so in their small world. 
Not knowing that they are applauded by Sidhas that did the same feat 
in a fraction of a second.

I applaud anyone wanting to go beyond the mundane.
I do not applaud fellows like curtis who only applaud the wellknown 
and mundane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@  
   I always hope the optimists are right and we end up 
   levitating because it means I already know how to do it!
   I'm not going to hold my breath though. I think the laws
   of physics are safe.
  Unfortunately, since you gave up your practise of TMSP long ago.  
  Your laws of physics are in for a surprise.
  And the TMO has the infrastructure to take care of this, thank 
 Bring it on Nabster, the world is waiting.
 I only quit the TMSP a year ago due to the fact it made me
 feel crap and spaced out

What's wrong with feeling crap and spaced out ? 
Don't cling to the old models.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ 

  Better than living with the delusion that I've actually 
  levitate in former cults I've been associated with.
 Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?

I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in
one go myself, on several occasions. 
Soon thousands will float.
   Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional.
   Anyone disagree?
  He does seem to have used scare quotes.
   Anyone want to leap to his defense?  I tend to lean towards
   delusion: you have a group of people together, all pumped up,
   firmly believing that the hops are levitations.
  Or, more likely, that they're the first stage of a
  sequence of developments that ends with levitation.
 I'm not sure about more likely I lean towards the idea 
 that yogic flying is some sort of brain/body togetherness 
 that lets you tap into hidden energy. The only reason I'd
 go that far is because I could always do it without getting
 out of breath, but am we kidding ourselves? It would be
 piss easy to demonstrate but I don't remember reading it
 had been done.
 It doesn't matter how far you fly but whether you travel
 in a parabolic curve, in ten years I never saw anyone even
 remotely break the laws governing bodies moving through
 the air. I saw some who had perfected the hop to the point 
 of physical poetry. Surely after thirty years they, at least,
 would be airborne.
  Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
  not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
  really happening.
 I don't know if anyone listened to the radio clip about
 yogic flying I posted earlier but it's interesting for 
 a few reasons: it doesn't mention the ME and it doesn't
 claim that yogic flying is the first stage of levitation. 
 I think that is the best you can say about it at the moment.
 I always hope the optimists are right and we end up 
 levitating because it means I already know how to do it!
 I'm not going to hold my breath though. I think the laws
 of physics are safe.

So, I am still unclear as to whether anyone believes that N. can hop
10 yards.  Anyone?

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  
 I guess you beat the wold record distance that a specialist running
 full tilt could jump, huh Nabby?  

What is this you call music ? These recordings you put on here at FFL ? 
Made by someone who sounds like the begger with a guitar on the street 
corner ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: U.S. Immigration

2008-07-14 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , John jr_esq@ wrote:
   This is because the US is a land where hard work is rewarded with
   wealth and prosperity.  I believe the US government is screening
   those type of people who believe in this dream to become citizens.
   Unfortunately, there are American citizens born in this country
 who do
   not appreciate the opportunity that is available in the US.  Thus,
   waste their time in unemployment and homelessness.
   The US jyotish chart shows that this country is not for the lazy
   those without dreams of a better life.
  People in the US are very lazy. They are fat and drive 30 yards to
  the gorceries. They are among the laziest people in the world.
  America is a union of countries with more than 300 million
  Per capita, almost any developed country in Europes has more
  than US. Scotland alone has more per capita immigration than the
  Take Europe as a whole and it is much more.

 IMO, the work schedule in the US at typically 40 hours per week is
 hard work for most people in the world. 


 Many of the people in the
 world, particularly the underdeveloped countries, don't even have any
 jobs and are unemployed.

Are you serious? !

Lol !

  As such, the standard of living is fairly
 low compared to the developed countries.

 If you talk to a recent immigrant who is working here in the US, he
 will tell you that he did not expect work life here would be so

I am a recent immigrant and its no harder than anywhere else - although
I am not making as much money as back home, but America is more fun in
other ways (not more money, and not more work.)

 But since he is making more money than the old country,
 he is contented to stay here until he earns enough money to go home, 
or retire in this country or elsewhere.

Many Americans cannot afford to retire in this country. I can.


[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ 

  Better than living with the delusion that I've actually 
  levitate in former cults I've been associated with.
 Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?

I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in
one go myself, on several occasions. 
Soon thousands will float.
   Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional.
   Anyone disagree?
  He does seem to have used scare quotes.
   Anyone want to leap to his defense?  I tend to lean towards
   delusion: you have a group of people together, all pumped up,
   firmly believing that the hops are levitations.
  Or, more likely, that they're the first stage of a
  sequence of developments that ends with levitation.
 I'm not sure about more likely

I was correcting Ruth's notion of what TBs believe.

 I lean towards the idea 
 that yogic flying is some sort of brain/body togetherness 
 that lets you tap into hidden energy.

I'd buy that as one possible explanation. I don't
know *what* the hell it is, but it's not just a
case of mass suggestion, people just doing ordinary
hopping and thinking it's something else, as Ruth
seems to believe.

 The only reason I'd
 go that far is because I could always do it without getting
 out of breath,

And by oneself. And there's what they call the
impulse, which has always been very strong
for me. And other distinctly altered-state

 but am we kidding ourselves? It would be
 piss easy to demonstrate but I don't remember reading it
 had been done.
 It doesn't matter how far you fly but whether you travel
 in a parabolic curve, in ten years I never saw anyone even
 remotely break the laws governing bodies moving through
 the air. I saw some who had perfected the hop to the point 
 of physical poetry. Surely after thirty years they, at least,
 would be airborne.
  Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
  not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
  really happening.
 I don't know if anyone listened to the radio clip about
 yogic flying I posted earlier but it's interesting for 
 a few reasons: it doesn't mention the ME and it doesn't
 claim that yogic flying is the first stage of levitation. 
 I think that is the best you can say about it at the moment.

I haven't listened to it. What do they say about it,
if not that it's the first stage of levitation, or
that it generates the ME?

 I always hope the optimists are right and we end up 
 levitating because it means I already know how to do it!
 I'm not going to hold my breath though. I think the laws
 of physics are safe.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Miss USA Falls Down for Second Year in a Row

2008-07-14 Thread John
In jyotish, Venus represents beauty, the arts, and sexualtiy among 
other significations.  In politics, Venus can represent image and 
diplomacy among other representatives or countries.

By derivation, we have seen the significator of the USA fail to stand 
up among the parade of other representatives of countries in the 
world.  So, it appears that the pageant event is a microcosm of what 
is happening in the world political scene.  Due to the US mistake in 
properly handling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US has become 
a laughing stock of the world.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   To All:
   Is there a cosmic significance as to why the Miss USA 
   representative fell down during the Miss Universe beauty
 I think there's a *comic* significance.
  Too Top Heavy?
  Greasy Heals?
  Drank too much the night before.
  Who Knows?
  Butterfly wings in Japan?
 Maybe she made the ghastly mistake of chewing gum
 whilst walking to the podium.
 Let's take a look:

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 1:20 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on
the planet


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , curtisdeltablues  
 I guess you beat the wold record distance that a specialist running
 full tilt could jump, huh Nabby? 

What is this you call music ? These recordings you put on here at FFL ? 
Made by someone who sounds like the begger with a guitar on the street 
corner ?

Nabby, you think that insulting Curtis' music is a response to his
skepticism about your extraordinary claims that anyone here is going to
respect? Most of us spent thousands of hours in flying halls over decades
of practice. I know a few people who claim to have witnessed or demonstrated
levitation, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and there
has even been any ordinary proof. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not sure about more likely I lean towards the idea 
 that yogic flying is some sort of brain/body togetherness 
 that lets you tap into hidden energy. The only reason I'd
 go that far is because I could always do it without getting
 out of breath, but am we kidding ourselves? It would be
 piss easy to demonstrate but I don't remember reading it
 had been done.

I think yogic flying involves energy moving through certain subtle
channels in an upward motion, but I don't think it's necessarily
involves brain/body togetherness, nor is it spiritual, nor will it
ever lead to levitation.  Whether that energy flow is even good for
you or not I think varies from person to person.  For me it was awful
for both my subtle and gross body, and I've had that confirmed by
every good healer I've seen the past 10 yrs.  

If you practice any athletic skill long enough you develop better
mind/body connections to do that skill along with supportive energy
flows as well.  If you look at the group of people who have been yogic
flying for 30 yrs now, they may do the hopping thing better than the
average person and with less breath needed, but they certainly aren't
doing anything physically supernormal in the least and if you examine
their mental and physical health you won't find any superiority either
and in many cases they will be worse off because that particular surge
of subtle energy day after day is not good for many people.  A big
awakening for me is when I stopped yogic flying and replaced it with
walking/pranayam at sunrise and sunset - wow, what a relief for both
my mind and body.

 It doesn't matter how far you fly but whether you travel
 in a parabolic curve, in ten years I never saw anyone even
 remotely break the laws governing bodies moving through
 the air. I saw some who had perfected the hop to the point 
 of physical poetry. Surely after thirty years they, at least,
 would be airborne.
  Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
  not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
  really happening.
 I don't know if anyone listened to the radio clip about
 yogic flying I posted earlier but it's interesting for 
 a few reasons: it doesn't mention the ME and it doesn't
 claim that yogic flying is the first stage of levitation. 
 I think that is the best you can say about it at the moment.
 I always hope the optimists are right and we end up 
 levitating because it means I already know how to do it!
 I'm not going to hold my breath though. I think the laws
 of physics are safe.

[FairfieldLife] Re: U.S. Immigration

2008-07-14 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , bettyblue109 no_reply@ wrote:
  for all the faults of the U.S. the immigration actions of millions
  that it is one of the most desired countries to live in
  from Wikipedia:
  As of 2006, the United States accepts more legal immigrants as
  permanent residents than any other country in the world.[1] In 2006,
  the number of immigrants totaled 37.5 million.[2][3]

 ...and add to that an estimated population of ILLEGAL immigrants
 anywhere from 12-25 million and that's one impression total.

 Indeed, I would say that the illegal immigrant number makes Betty's
 point even better: they risk a hell of a lot to get here, sometimes
 their lives.

There are more illegal immigrants to Europe than to the US, and there
also more legal immagrants to Europe than to the US.

You Americans are living in cloud-cuckoo land. Totally isolated and
naive about the world. Meanwhile many Americans cannot afford to retire
in the US, and many more are emmigrating to Europe, Japan, China, etc,
while they can. You Veterans have to beg to survive here. Disgusting.

US is dying.

If Obama does not get in, most of the blue states will likely make moves
to secede from the nation.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of ruthsimplicity
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 1:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on
the planet


So, I am still unclear as to whether anyone believes that N. can hop
10 yards. Anyone?

I believe levitation is possible, that many have done it throughout history,
and even that some in the TMO may have done it. Of course, none of us can
prove Nabby hasn't done it, but he can't prove he has. I doubt he has. Maybe
he can elaborate. Did anyone see him hop 10 yards? Give us some details

[FairfieldLife] Who really runs the world (was Re: U.S. Immigration)

2008-07-14 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  I agree that there should be some help for the people involved.
  But the people should take the initiative to find other
  opportunities when their current jobs are at a dead end. There's
  a reason why some jobs are being outsourced to other countries.
  That's because it's more efficient to do so.

 For whom?

 You people are so...so...nineteenth century. You
 still think in terms of countries, as if they
 were important and were running the planet. It's
 a corporate planet, and has been for some time.

 Of the top 150 economic entities on the planet
 by GDP, two thirds of them are *companies*, not


  On the other, pure capitalism is not the answer either.  There
  should be an economic system that allows the people to take care
  of their economic needs and their spiritual well being.

 Dream on. There is only one rule among the two
 thirds of the economic entities on this planet,
 and that is profit. They all think like Shemp.
 (Isn't THAT a scary thought?)

 The corporations make their own rules, they make
 their own laws (in Iraq, Blackwater employees can
 now not be prosecuted for crimes that are still
 illegal for Iraqis and U.S. soldiers, including
 murder), and they do not answer to voters, only
 to their bottom line and the shareholders. And,
 as evidenced by the history of the United States
 in the last few years, many of the 1/3 of countries
 do the bidding of the corporations, not vice-versa.

 Immigration, schmimigration. That's just where you
 live. Wherever you do, chances are you work --
 directly or indirectly -- for one of the real powers
 on the planet.

 WAKE UP, people...you are living in the past. It's
 no longer a world run by countries. It's a multi-
 national corporate world in which countries are
 quickly becoming irrelevant. They have their own
 armies and they make and fight their own wars. The
 corporate-run world of the future, portrayed in
 fiction by William Gibson and TV series like Charlie
 Jade and movies like War, Inc., is NOT a thing of
 the future. It's here now.

I totally agree with Turq. (and that's a first !)


[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
  How long is the longest long jump ever?
  The current record stands at 8.95 meters or 29 feet 4 1/2 inches set
  by Mike Powell of the USA at the World Championships in Tokyo, Japan
  on August 30 1991.
  I guess you beat the wold record distance that a specialist running
  full tilt could jump, huh Nabby?  
 No, they use muscles only though 8 yards/meters is roughly the same 
 Sidhas move through nature, not muscles. And Sidhas start from a 
 sitting position.

Even the movement doesn't continue to claim this Nabby.  Sidhas hop
with their muscles. Most people here have done it for years so why try
to spin yarns to us?

 You know, some athletes might be proud to win the 100 meter hurdle, 
 and rightly so in their small world. 
 Not knowing that they are applauded by Sidhas that did the same feat 
 in a fraction of a second.

Not another fantastic claim!  You are on a roll today.  So let me get
this one straight... sidhas have traveled 110 meter hurdle courses in
a fraction of a second?  Not in ancient times but today so they could
clap at the guys who actually run this race?  

You are definitely Fucking with us Nabby.  I gotta tell you that there
is hardly a sidha in the movement who could finish such a course in
any amount of time.

 I applaud anyone wanting to go beyond the mundane.
 I do not applaud fellows like curtis who only applaud the wellknown 
 and mundane.

Well I do applaud your yarn spinning Nabby which was far from well
known or mundane.

The thing is that you don't serve your cause by telling tall tales, it
discredits any good research that is being done.  This was Maharishi's
downfall also, grandiosity. It wasn't enough for him to contribute a
useful meditation technique in a form palatable to Westerners, he had
to pretend to be the king of the whole world in his own fantasy land.

Spinning yarns is not a virtue and calling bullshit when it is
obvious shows respect to those who actually do great things in the

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, I am still unclear as to whether anyone believes that 
 N. can hop 10 yards.  Anyone?

I believe it. 

Of course he can hop 10 yards. Anyone can.

You just start by sitting comfortably in a 
cross-legged position on the edge of a three-
story building, and then just hop. But don't 
try this at home until the TMO announces the 
landing siddhi course. I'm sure it'll be
coming out Real Soon Now. 

As Douglas Adams said in The Hitchhiker's 
Guide to the Galaxy, All it takes to fly is 
to hurl yourself at the ground... and miss.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of ruthsimplicity
 Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 1:16 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre
dreams on
 the planet
 So, I am still unclear as to whether anyone believes that N. can hop
 10 yards. Anyone?
 I believe levitation is possible, that many have done it throughout
 and even that some in the TMO may have done it. Of course, none of
us can
 prove Nabby hasn't done it, but he can't prove he has. I doubt he
has. Maybe
 he can elaborate. Did anyone see him hop 10 yards? Give us some details

Thanks for stepping up and being upfront about it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What's wrong with feeling crap and spaced out ? 
 Don't cling to the old models.

I wouldn't blame you for not answering me as I called into question
your veracity regarding the 10 yard hops, but do you feel like crap
and spaced out much of the time?

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  
  I guess you beat the wold record distance that a specialist running
  full tilt could jump, huh Nabby?  
 What is this you call music ? These recordings you put on here at FFL ? 
 Made by someone who sounds like the begger with a guitar on the street 
 corner ?

Your petty coat is showing Nabby.  So if I doubt your claim that you
have done a magical thing then you will try to criticize my music? 
Are you trying to get back at me Nabby?  Did I hurt your feelings that
I don't believe that you are a magical person who does magical things?  

Nabby if you even listened to my music I can only thank you for taking
the time.  If you don't dig it, that's cool too, at least you gave it
a chance.  

[FairfieldLife] Who really runs the world (was Re: U.S. Immigration)

2008-07-14 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  You people are so...so...nineteenth century. You
  still think in terms of countries, as if they
  were important and were running the planet. It's
  a corporate planet, and has been for some time.
  Of the top 150 economic entities on the planet
  by GDP, two thirds of them are *companies*, not

 I KNOW. We should nationalize all those profit sucking monsters and
 then we will be happy because the mother of all, the fountain of all
 wealth and happiness, the government, will be ALL. Dick Cheney and the
 congress could be running EVERYTHING. Ah, Paradise!

Lol, Dick Cheney IS corporate greed incarnate idiot! He has made more
money from the Iraq war than he ever made in his life !

 And all those pesky other things necessary to make a profit:


What profit you idiot ! Your airlines and banks are going bankrupt and
your country is in debt up to your eyeballs to the Chinese ! All you've
done is print illegal monay and now its come back to bite you in the
ass. Europeans are buying up America as we speak.

 Yes! And since thats what Blackwell does, I am sure its what EVERY
 corporation does. 

Don't you mean BLACKWATER? - - largest private mercenary company in the
world, and does Dick Cheney's bidding !

Again, nationalize all of the F**kers and let our
 blessed benevolent Cheney and Congress and giude us with wisdom,
 insight and benevolence,

 yes -- private companies should ONLY do what the government tells

They already do you moron ! The Fed controls them and the profits
ultimately go to the War Machine.

 Yes! Thank you for revealing the =golden path to the future. And when
 capitalism is dead, 

Capitalism has NEVER existed in America you idiot !  Its always been
controlloed for the benifit of the rich. USA was built on the virtual
annihilation of one race and the slavery of another (right up until the
1970's and beyond)  Now the gap between rich and poor in America is
WORSE than ever, the US owes more money that it can ever generate
legally, and Europeans and others are literally buying the best parts of
America as we speak.


[FairfieldLife] Re: U.S. Immigration

2008-07-14 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , John jr_esq@ wrote:
This is because the US is a land where hard work is rewarded 
wealth and prosperity.  I believe the US government is 
those type of people who believe in this dream to become 
Unfortunately, there are American citizens born in this 
  who do
not appreciate the opportunity that is available in the US.  
waste their time in unemployment and homelessness.
The US jyotish chart shows that this country is not for the 
those without dreams of a better life.
   People in the US are very lazy. They are fat and drive 30 yards 
   the gorceries. They are among the laziest people in the world.
   America is a union of countries with more than 300 million
   Per capita, almost any developed country in Europes has more
   than US. Scotland alone has more per capita immigration than the
   Take Europe as a whole and it is much more.
  IMO, the work schedule in the US at typically 40 hours per week is
  hard work for most people in the world. 

You forget that there are other organizations like Microsoft that 
require workers to work longer than 40 hours per week.  Multiply that 
over one year and beyond.  You have an incredibly brutal schedule 
toward a heart attack at the very least.

  Many of the people in the
  world, particularly the underdeveloped countries, don't even have 
  jobs and are unemployed.
 Are you serious? !
 Lol !
   As such, the standard of living is fairly
  low compared to the developed countries.
  If you talk to a recent immigrant who is working here in the US, 
  will tell you that he did not expect work life here would be so
 I am a recent immigrant and its no harder than anywhere else - 
 I am not making as much money as back home, but America is more fun 
 other ways (not more money, and not more work.)

Many countries in Europe like France and Italy have a shorter work 
week with longer vacations, at least four to six weeks.  I don't know 
the equivalent data regarding Japan, India or countries in Africa.

  But since he is making more money than the old country,
  he is contented to stay here until he earns enough money to go 
 or retire in this country or elsewhere.
 Many Americans cannot afford to retire in this country. I can.

Then you have done well in this country.  Many American-born citizens 
in the USA are not as lucky as you.


[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 So, I am still unclear as to whether anyone believes that N. can hop
 10 yards.  Anyone?

And you did not answer my simple question. What makes you think anyone 
cares if I hopped 10 yards, 100 yards ? It's irrelevant. The 
transformative power of Maharishi's and Guru Dev's Knowledge is 
creating a Golden Age, an Utopia; The Age of Enlightenment. For the 
first time in 100.000 years on this earth our great Masters and friends 
of old are incarnating; now. ( http://www.shareintl.org )

Heaven will walk on earth - in this generation.
- Maharishi

Who cares about a few individual hops when the whole civilization is 
about to leap ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?

I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in
one go myself, on several occasions. 
Soon thousands will float.
   Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional.
   Anyone disagree?
  He does seem to have used scare quotes.
 And then goes on to give impossible specifics.  Walk off 10
 yards Judy, you've been in a flying room or two, sound likely?

Never a men's flying room, actually. No, that doesn't
sound likely even for a man, but I was referring to his
scare quotes around levitation, which Ruth seems to
have ignored.

   Anyone want to leap to his defense?  I tend to lean towards
   delusion: you have a group of people together, all pumped up,
   firmly believing that the hops are levitations.
  Or, more likely,
 MORE likely?

  that they're the first stage of a
  sequence of developments that ends with levitation.

More likely that's what believers believe. Ruth's
formulation wasn't right. Not even TBs believe
hopping is actual flying.

 Judy this response is out of touch with your usual wait and
 see openminedness and becomes another belief without any
 evidence. Claiming that hopping is the first stage of flying is
 intellectually bankrupt and I believe that you know it.

I didn't claim that, Curtis. You misread what I wrote.
I don't rule it out, but that's as far as I'll go. As
I told Hugo, I don't know *what* the hell is going on,
just that it's more than mass suggestion.

  Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
  not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
  really happening.
 This is unfair.  Since they have given demonstrations of yogic
 flying to the public everyone has a right to weigh in on the 
 physical claims.

Ruth was making more than physical claims (delusion),
and the physical claim she was making--that people aren't
actually flying--is something Yogic Flyers know anyway.

I could be wrong, but I suspect what she thinks is that
people are just doing ordinary garden-variety hopping
and thinking it's more than that.

 Your point may apply to how a person feels as they fly,


 but the
 obvious lack of anything that is more than hopping is obvious.
 Her explanation is a fair estimation of why people might get 
 together and do something so silly.

I didn't say it was unfair. If she wants it to be
*correct*, however, she needs to have had the
experience. (And remember, people do it by themselves
as well.)

  If she has missed the inner experience you
 feel that doesn't invalidate the point that people are claiming
 the first stage of flying, not getting together and feeling 
 blissful from their technique.

Didn't say it invalidated that point.

But they may also feel blissful from doing the 
technique by themselves, and/or have various
experiences of profoundly altered consciousness,
and/or feel the impulse. Plus which, for me and
a lot of others, the muscular action isn't
voluntary. Whatever else Yogic Flying may or may
not be, it involves some kind of rewiring of the
command and control connection between my brain
and my muscles.

 Yogic flying.  And no matter what you feel inside,
 that is not happening and you also know that.

What, specifically, is not happening?

 When we see movies of the cargo cult worshiping airplanes, do
 we really need to be a member of the tribe to have a good idea
 what is going on?

Wouldn't be a bad idea. But that's a pretty bogus

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ wrote:
 Better than living with the delusion that I've actually seen 
 levitate in former cults I've been associated with.

Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?
   I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in one go 
   myself, on several occasions. 
   Soon thousands will float.
  Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional. 
 I must admit that I do not understand your stand Ruth. I have jumped 
 a lousy 10 yards in one go and have seen a few others do the same.
 Why is that a problem for you ? Because you think and/or is 
 conditioned to believe that gravity is an absolute measure ? 
 Oh please ! Even Buddhists levitate, Christianity is full of it !

Nabby, so that I am clear, I do not believe anyone has ever levitated.
  Even though you might believe that you have seen people jump or hop
10 yards, I do not believe it happened.  I also do not believe that
Turq's experience of seeing someone levitate was actual levitation.  I
have no real opinion as to whether you guys are fibbing or delusional
or were fooled. 

If you and others were doing 10 yard hops, the TMO would be all over
it, showing it everywhere.  

So I call your hop.  Show me your cards.  Where is the tape? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
 Who do you think will be the Democratic VP nominee ?

I haven't the *foggiest*, except that it probably won't
be anyone who has their own real power base.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
  Judy this response is out of touch with your usual wait and
  see openminedness and becomes another belief without any
  evidence. Claiming that hopping is the first stage of flying is
  intellectually bankrupt and I believe that you know it.
 I didn't claim that, Curtis. You misread what I wrote.
 I don't rule it out, but that's as far as I'll go. As
 I told Hugo, I don't know *what* the hell is going on,
 just that it's more than mass suggestion.

Gotcha, thanks for clarifying.  Your formulation of what you put in
the I don't rule it out box is one of your best contributions to my
own POV here.
   Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
   not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
   really happening.
  This is unfair.  Since they have given demonstrations of yogic
  flying to the public everyone has a right to weigh in on the 
  physical claims.
 Ruth was making more than physical claims (delusion),
 and the physical claim she was making--that people aren't
 actually flying--is something Yogic Flyers know anyway.
 I could be wrong, but I suspect what she thinks is that
 people are just doing ordinary garden-variety hopping
 and thinking it's more than that.

This point gets interesting, I'll wait till you flesh it out a bit below.

  Your point may apply to how a person feels as they fly,
 But they may also feel blissful from doing the 
 technique by themselves, and/or have various
 experiences of profoundly altered consciousness,
 and/or feel the impulse. Plus which, for me and
 a lot of others, the muscular action isn't
 voluntary. Whatever else Yogic Flying may or may
 not be, it involves some kind of rewiring of the
 command and control connection between my brain
 and my muscles.

I agree that the state during flying is an interesting altered state.
 I don't believe it is beneficial necessarily, but I understand your
desire to show that it is more interesting than Ruth seemed to
describe it.  Having done it for 10 years myself I can also say that
it is a very odd pleasurable state of mind.  I can't really determine
what aspects are from the original group instructions, but once you
turn it on you can do it by yourself with much the same effect, so it
is more than just a group influence IMO. I am not confident that
Maharishi understood it since he seemed as surprised as anyone that
people were just hopping as reported by Jerry Jarvis.

  Yogic flying.  And no matter what you feel inside,
  that is not happening and you also know that.
 What, specifically, is not happening?

Anything that relates to the word flying.

  When we see movies of the cargo cult worshiping airplanes, do
  we really need to be a member of the tribe to have a good idea
  what is going on?
 Wouldn't be a bad idea. But that's a pretty bogus

That never stopped Maharishi!

[FairfieldLife] I quit

2008-07-14 Thread ruthsimplicity
Thanks to almost all of you for being here to teach me bunches!  

Anyone think that a 10 yard hop claim isn't a levitation claim? 

Oh well.  I can't seem to stay here on the terms I had set for myself,
with no interaction with a certain poster, so I am outtahere.  

A special thanks to Curtis who is both funny and perceptive, to
Jim/Sandiego for answering every question I ever asked, and to Vaj for
the great links. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
You will be missed Ruth.  I hope there is a time in the future when
you reconsider, many come and go.

Thanks for the high five on your way out.  Right back atcha!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks to almost all of you for being here to teach me bunches!  
 Anyone think that a 10 yard hop claim isn't a levitation claim? 
 Oh well.  I can't seem to stay here on the terms I had set for myself,
 with no interaction with a certain poster, so I am outtahere.  
 A special thanks to Curtis who is both funny and perceptive, to
 Jim/Sandiego for answering every question I ever asked, and to Vaj for
 the great links.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread Rick Archer

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 1:48 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on
the planet


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 So, I am still unclear as to whether anyone believes that N. can hop
 10 yards. Anyone?

And you did not answer my simple question. What makes you think anyone 
cares if I hopped 10 yards, 100 yards ? It's irrelevant. The 
transformative power of Maharishi's and Guru Dev's Knowledge is 
creating a Golden Age, an Utopia; The Age of Enlightenment. For the 
first time in 100.000 years on this earth our great Masters and friends 
of old are incarnating; now. ( http://www.shareintl.org )

I think what we care about, is that if we're going to have a serious
conversation with you, which some of us are going to do, that you are not
lying to us or deluding yourself. Otherwise your main value here is as a
jester, that we can all get a chuckle out of.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Thanks to almost all of you for being here to teach me bunches!  
 Anyone think that a 10 yard hop claim isn't a levitation claim? 
 Oh well.  I can't seem to stay here on the terms I had set for 
 myself, with no interaction with a certain poster, so I am 

Now, *that's* funny!

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, R.G. babajii_99@ 
   Better than living with the delusion that I've actually 
   levitate in former cults I've been associated with.
  Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?
 I've seen hundreds and have levitated about 10 yards in
 one go myself, on several occasions. 
 Soon thousands will float.

Well, either Nablusoss is lying or he is delusional.
Anyone disagree?
   He does seem to have used scare quotes.
Anyone want to leap to his defense?  I tend to lean towards
delusion: you have a group of people together, all pumped up,
firmly believing that the hops are levitations.
   Or, more likely, that they're the first stage of a
   sequence of developments that ends with levitation.
  I'm not sure about more likely I lean towards the idea 
  that yogic flying is some sort of brain/body togetherness 
  that lets you tap into hidden energy. The only reason I'd
  go that far is because I could always do it without getting
  out of breath, but am we kidding ourselves? It would be
  piss easy to demonstrate but I don't remember reading it
  had been done.
  It doesn't matter how far you fly but whether you travel
  in a parabolic curve, in ten years I never saw anyone even
  remotely break the laws governing bodies moving through
  the air. I saw some who had perfected the hop to the point 
  of physical poetry. Surely after thirty years they, at least,
  would be airborne.
   Unless you've experienced Yogic Flying, it's probably
   not a great idea to make suggestions about what's
   really happening.
  I don't know if anyone listened to the radio clip about
  yogic flying I posted earlier but it's interesting for 
  a few reasons: it doesn't mention the ME and it doesn't
  claim that yogic flying is the first stage of levitation. 
  I think that is the best you can say about it at the moment.
  I always hope the optimists are right and we end up 
  levitating because it means I already know how to do it!
  I'm not going to hold my breath though. I think the laws
  of physics are safe.
 So, I am still unclear as to whether anyone believes that N. can hop
 10 yards.  Anyone?

Ten bucks says he hasn't and can't.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  
   I guess you beat the wold record distance that a specialist 
   full tilt could jump, huh Nabby?  
  What is this you call music ? These recordings you put on here at 
FFL ? 
  Made by someone who sounds like the begger with a guitar on the 
  corner ?
 Your petty coat is showing Nabby.  So if I doubt your claim that you
 have done a magical thing then you will try to criticize my music? 
 Are you trying to get back at me Nabby?  Did I hurt your feelings 
 I don't believe that you are a magical person who does magical 
 Nabby if you even listened to my music I can only thank you for 
 the time.  If you don't dig it, that's cool too, at least you gave 
 a chance.  

Jumping 10 yards or a mile through the air is not a magical thing, it 
is a result of a natural process of aligning oneself with the 
infinite, natural possebilities of Nature. Simple, no big deal.

I apologize for hurting your feelings, but sometimes you sound like a 
Turq. I know you are an artist and so am I. If it's OK with you 
please post the link again and I'll give it a more thorough listening.
Did you listen to I, FLATHEAD recently released by Ry Cooder ? Over 
here it received standing ovations from all corners of academica and 
the press, but I was disappointed. 
I must listen to it again and again to perhaps discover something 
lost to me. As I will with your work, permittedly. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Otherwise your main value here is as a
 jester, that we can all get a chuckle out of.

Like getting a hug I suppose. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Thanks to almost all of you for being here to teach me bunches!  
 Anyone think that a 10 yard hop claim isn't a levitation claim? 
 Oh well.  I can't seem to stay here on the terms I had set for myself,
 with no interaction with a certain poster, so I am outtahere.  
 A special thanks to Curtis who is both funny and perceptive, to
 Jim/Sandiego for answering every question I ever asked, 

Levitation is developed through roughly 3 steps. Ruth; 10 yard hops is 
not levitation, it's just the second phase; jumping like frogs. Third 
is when the real fun starts; staying in the air, moving at will ! :-) 
This has already started happening and will soon be seen by the general 

And yes, I also miss Jim.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
 According to Sw. Lakshman Joo, Mahesh literally  
 begged Sw. L. to initiate him into the Vijnana 
 Bhairava Tantra. So he did.
You haven't posted a shred of evidence that would 
prove this claim, Vaj. From what I've read, the 
Marshy taught all the students of Swmai Laksmanjoo 
the TM technique, including the Laksmanjoo himself. 

That's why the Laksmanjoo invited the Marshy and 
his Rishikesh TTC class of '67 to have their 
picture taken together.

This is all related by class participants in 
'Darshan: Three Times India' by Frank Papetin
published by Hannemann Verlag in 1986. 

John Hughes, after completing the Rishikesh TTC, 
went to study with the Laksmanjoo in Srinagar. 
Hughes helped the Lakmanjoo with the publication 
of 'The Supreme Secret' the Laksman's translation 
of Abhinavagupta's 'Tantraloka'.

'Self Realization in Kashmere Shaivism'
The oral teachings of Swami Laksmanjoo.
By John Hughes
SUNY, 1994

John Hughes' son, Viresh, was made the acharya 
of Kashmere Shaivism by the Laksmanjoo, by 
designating Viresh to be his succussor. The 
Marshy and the Laksmanjoo , John Hughes and 
Viresh Hughes are all great proponents of 
transcendental meditation. 

These are the facts.

Statement by John Hughes:

The photograph was taken in Kashmere in 1968 
by Frank Papentin, and published in the book 
Darshan/Three Times India (available at 21st 
Century Books in Fairfield, IA) shortly after 
the Rishikesh TTC. Among the participants was 
John Hughes, an initiator, who subsequently 
became a desciple of Swami Lakksmanjoo. 

You can read John's great book on Kashmere 
Tantracism, published in 2000 in hardback, 
and available at Border's and Barne's and 

'Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme'
by Swami Lakshmanjoo and John Hughes
Authorhouse, 2000

[FairfieldLife] Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji on internet now

2008-07-14 Thread sriswamijisadhaka
Jaya Guru Datta


click on live radio link if interested to listen to Sri Swamiji who
has just arrived in New Jersey for Guru Purnima celebrations.

He is about to speak. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Yorker cover

2008-07-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
Judy wrote:
 The cover is obviously intended to be satirical;
 it's mocking the folks (probably none of them
 readers of The New Yorker) who believe all kinds
 of nutty things about Obama.
 I have two problems with it. First, it's not very
 well done artistically.
 Second, and much more important, the controversy 
 it's creating distracts attention from the excellent
 article inside the magazine by Ryan Lizza on Obama's
 Chicago political history, which has nothing 
 whatsoever to do with the Obama-is-a-Muslim-type 
 rumors. Two completely different topics.
This is another illustration of how the liberal 
media's blind hatred of, and desire to slander, 
conservatives can divert it from its quest to assist 
liberal candidates.

Read more:

'The Politics of Dodging the Issue'
Posted by John Hinderaker
Powerline, July 13, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji on internet now

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sriswamijisadhaka 

 Jaya Guru Datta
 click on live radio link if interested to listen to Sri Swamiji who
 has just arrived in New Jersey for Guru Purnima celebrations.
 He is about to speak.

I have never met this wonderful fellow, Datta. What I know is that he 
is Sidha and a Master of a high order. If you have a chance to see him, 
do !
In many ways he is a product of Maharishis programmes to regenerate 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My Plan for Iraq by Barack Obama(NYT)

2008-07-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
Robert wrote:
 I would consult with commanders on the ground 
 and the Iraqi government to ensure that our 
 troops were redeployed safely, and our interests 
After all, Mr. Obama was among those in January 
2007 who stridently opposed the surge and confidently 
predicted its failure – even going so far as to vote 
against funding our soldiers in the field unless 
the Bush administration abandoned this new approach. 
It is now clear that Mr. Obama's judgment on the 
surge was spectacularly wrong.

Yet rather than admit his mistake, Mr. Obama has 
instead tried to downplay or disparage the gains 
our troops have achieved in the past 12 months, 
clinging to a set of talking points that increasingly 
seem as divorced from reality as some in the Bush 
administration were at the darkest moments of the 

Read more:

'When Will Obama Go To Iraq?'
Posted by John Hindraker:
Powerline, June 5, 2008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2008, at 4:07 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 Vaj wrote:
 According to Sw. Lakshman Joo, Mahesh literally
 begged Sw. L. to initiate him into the Vijnana
 Bhairava Tantra. So he did.

 You haven't posted a shred of evidence that would
 prove this claim, Vaj. From what I've read, the
 Marshy taught all the students of Swmai Laksmanjoo
 the TM technique, including the Laksmanjoo himself.

gracious snip

More BS from Willy.

The evidence is from Lakshman Joo himself. It doesn't matter to me if  
you want to believe it or not. Mahesh was one of his disciples. What  
does matter to me is when you distort the tradition by attempting to  
connect the TMO to Kashmir Shaivism. Mahesh had many gurus, Swami  
Lakshman Joo was just one of them, that's all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 
From what I've read, the 
 Marshy taught all the students of Swmai Laksmanjoo 
 the TM technique, including the Laksmanjoo himself. 
 That's why the Laksmanjoo invited the Marshy and 
 his Rishikesh TTC class of '67 to have their 
 picture taken together.
 This is all related by class participants in 
 'Darshan: Three Times India' by Frank Papetin
 published by Hannemann Verlag in 1986. 

Laksmanjoo, like so many Saints where (almost) born into Freedom.
This great Yogi, in glory surpassed by few indeed, was overjoyed to see 
that Maharishis techniques worked on His students to the extent that 
they started to understand what He himself was talking about. :-)
In pure joy and exaltation He demanded Initiation from Maharishi. He 
did not need Initiation ofcourse. This friendship between Masters was 
cemented in an heartening way for onlookers, like us. To cherish.

Few are such souls, few understand what Maharishi did in this world, 
particularily those that claim to have have been co-ordinators, 
secretaries in the TMO. If someone claims such a thing be careful, 
often, as seen here on FFL; they are lying.  

If in doubt; close your eyes and softly ask Laksmanjoo what is what; He 
will let you know.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Otherwise your main value here is as a
  jester, that we can all get a chuckle out of.
 Like getting a hug I suppose.

From what is called a lady saint by some...
And many get a chuckle out of.

[FairfieldLife] Fairfield: the lush life?

2008-07-14 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
  Thanks to almost all of you for being here to teach me bunches!  
  Anyone think that a 10 yard hop claim isn't a levitation claim? 
  Oh well.  I can't seem to stay here on the terms I had set for 
  with no interaction with a certain poster, so I am outtahere.  
  A special thanks to Curtis who is both funny and perceptive, to
  Jim/Sandiego for answering every question I ever asked, 
 Levitation is developed through roughly 3 steps. Ruth; 10 yard hops 
 not levitation, it's just the second phase; jumping like frogs. 
 is when the real fun starts; staying in the air, moving at will ! :-
 This has already started happening and will soon be seen by the 

I might add; much to the consternation of atheists and buddhists as 
they will go into schock.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 4:27 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.


Laksmanjoo, like so many Saints where (almost) born into Freedom.
This great Yogi, in glory surpassed by few indeed, was overjoyed to see 
that Maharishis techniques worked on His students to the extent that 
they started to understand what He himself was talking about. :-)
In pure joy and exaltation He demanded Initiation from Maharishi. He 
did not need Initiation ofcourse. This friendship between Masters was 
cemented in an heartening way for onlookers, like us. To cherish.

Few are such souls, few understand what Maharishi did in this world, 
particularily those that claim to have have been co-ordinators, 
secretaries in the TMO. If someone claims such a thing be careful, 
often, as seen here on FFL; they are lying. 

If in doubt; close your eyes and softly ask Laksmanjoo what is what; He 
will let you know.

Laksmanjoo got a little nutty in his old age. He wore a heart pacemaker and
was living with Elliot Abravanel out in Los Angeles. A friend of mine went
to visit him and said his behavior was a bit strange. But he still enjoyed
the visit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New member

2008-07-14 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Greetings from Cleveland Ohio - USA
 My Photo  brief profile below - 
 Thank you, John

Om hey John, are you a meditator, or a non-meditator?

Rick Archer, a meditator, seems to let almost anybody on this FFL 
board.  Upfront, which are you?

Jai Guru Dev,
-Doug in FF

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2008, at 5:56 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
] On Behalf Of nablusoss1008

Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 4:27 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an  

Laksmanjoo, like so many Saints where (almost) born into Freedom.
This great Yogi, in glory surpassed by few indeed, was overjoyed to  

that Maharishis techniques worked on His students to the extent that
they started to understand what He himself was talking about. :-)
In pure joy and exaltation He demanded Initiation from Maharishi. He
did not need Initiation ofcourse. This friendship between Masters was
cemented in an heartening way for onlookers, like us. To cherish.

Few are such souls, few understand what Maharishi did in this world,
particularily those that claim to have have been co-ordinators,
secretaries in the TMO. If someone claims such a thing be careful,
often, as seen here on FFL; they are lying.

If in doubt; close your eyes and softly ask Laksmanjoo what is  
what; He

will let you know.

Laksmanjoo got a little nutty in his old age. He wore a heart  
pacemaker and was living with Elliot Abravanel out in Los Angeles. A  
friend of mine went to visit him and said his behavior was a bit  
strange. But he still enjoyed the visit.

I have to wonder if that was because of his brain tumors. Lakshman Joo  
would get terrible migraines from them. It's what eventually killed him.

When he died, the last remnants of Kashmir Shaivism died with him, and  
radical Islam took over Kashmir. To even worship a pagan God or  
Goddess other than Allah thereafter in any sort of public way, assured  
a visit from the death squad. And thus began the exodus of 350,00  
Brahmin pundit families back to mother India...

[FairfieldLife] Mensa Central

2008-07-14 Thread bettyblue109
How could so many Mensa Genius's actually be found in this one obscure 
location?.FF Life?

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-14 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
  Thanks to almost all of you for being here to teach me bunches!  
  Anyone think that a 10 yard hop claim isn't a levitation claim? 
  Oh well.  I can't seem to stay here on the terms I had set for myself,
  with no interaction with a certain poster, so I am outtahere.  
  A special thanks to Curtis who is both funny and perceptive, to
  Jim/Sandiego for answering every question I ever asked, 
 Levitation is developed through roughly 3 steps. Ruth; 10 yard hops is 
 not levitation, it's just the second phase; jumping like frogs. Third 
 is when the real fun starts; staying in the air, moving at will ! :-) 
 This has already started happening and will soon be seen by the general 
 And yes, I also miss Jim.

According to Bhoja's commentary the stages are, *if* I'm 
not mistaken (have not seen a translation, so these
are based solely on my own take of the original Sanskrit):

- walking on water
- walking on a spider's web (uurNa-naabha[1]-tantu-jaalena)
- ?walking on the rays of the Sun (aaditya-rashmibhiH)
- going through the air as one wishes (yatheSTam aakaashena)

[1] wool-navel(ed)? = spider

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Laksmanjoo got a little nutty in his old age. 

Says Rick, our one and only source of truth regarding all 
things Spiritual.

I think we will very gracefully drop everything perceived about the 
near future, the mental and physical health we have seen regarding 
this Rick Archer character.

This as you sough, so shall you reap principle still works though. 
Much to the disdain of Rick Archer and his dog.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread mainstream20016
Why wouldn't someone with their own real power base be placed as VP on the 
ticket ?  
Are you inferring that HILLARY will not be placed on the ticket BECAUSE she has 
her own real 
power base ?   If you could determine Hillary's thinking at this time  Is 
she be thinking that 
she will be given the right of first refusal for the Democratic VP slot ? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
 mainstream20016@ wrote:
  Who do you think will be the Democratic VP nominee ?
 I haven't the *foggiest*, except that it probably won't
 be anyone who has their own real power base.

  1   2   >