[FairfieldLife] Re: Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bh...@... wrote:

 No one said it any better than you just did, Curtis.
 Rory's unintelligible gibberish is a crock pot of mumbling, 
 sputtering, as if Buckminster Fuller's dry but highly 
 technical descriptions of a geodesic dome merged with a 
 Urantia book writer's imagination.

The issue with Rory is *not* his level of self
importance. That you can see in any number of
people who write tomes of knowledge and inflict
it upon hapless Internet readers or New Agers.
The shocking thing is that he seems to have found
an *audience* for it in Fairfield.

As Sal said and I hinted at, that's really weird,
and speaks to the utter desperation with which
long-term TMers long for tales of spiritual
experience, in lieu of real spiritual experience
of their own. Who, after all, if they were having 
regular cool experiences of their own, would be 
impressed by this Rorian crap? 

Call me crazy, but I equate such fascinations
with Slacker Spirituality, expecting someone 
else to provide stories of experiences you're too
fuckin' lazy to find on your own, and eventually
(as in Nabby's case) to provide them to you by
zapping you magically, with (again) no effort 
needed on your part. 

Listening to teachers like this and feeling all
special because of it is armchair spirituality
and IMO is pretty much the same phenomenon as 
meeting an NFL quarterback in line at Walmart 
and believing that your own football skills have 
gotten better as a result of touching his holy aura. 

It's a groupie thang, not an actual seeker thang.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
  steve.sundur@ wrote:
   Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
You can see him sooner than that even--
He started his own Facebook group,
the Rorian Mystery School. :)

   Thanks for posting this.  I just can't figure this out. It's as though 
   Rory could go on hour after hour with this stuff.  What I wonder is, 
   would he give the same talk tomorrow as he gave today, if he were 
   extrapolating on the same subject.
  He is running a language form.  The content doesn't matter.  You can riff 
  in this form endlessly whether you are discussing enlightenment or 
  someone's dead relative speaking from beyond the grave.  It is related to 
  carnivals style cold reading language. Like Maharishi, there is not end to 
  number of hours that can be filled with this form.  Like those programs Web 
  designers use to fill text boxes that look like text but are actually 
  randomly generated word like gibberish.  It is easier when you are 
  discussing abstract topics than when giving someone a psychic reading but 
  the formula is similar. 
  Me with spooky deep eyes:
  The transversing planets within the universe of our own Self (reflected in 
  the microcosmic self as personality rays) display the dynamics of tension 
  arising from the opposing forces of the creative process within the cosmic 
  core or the I am creator whose nature is know to those who have awakened 
  their inner light as the SUN source of light, energy, and bliss for the 
  totality of consciousness becoming aware of its own amness the unchanging 
  absolute basis for all that changes and blossoms forth into what we know as 
  the many levels of creation throughout all time and transcending time into 
  the timelessness of our own infinite awakened SELF.
  Now give me a fiver or get out of the tent.  NEXT!

[FairfieldLife] The Big Philosophical Question Of The Week

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
I like to amuse myself on Saturday mornings by 
trying to figure out what the Big Issue Of The
Week will be here on FFL. 

This week my guess (not seeing) is whether 
the fact that the Quintessential Quintet Of Evil
(Curtis, Sal, Vaj, do.rflex, and the Evil Barry)
have all Ragged On Rory is considered evil enough
that someone will feel compelled to rush in to 
defend him, or whether Rory has to be accused of 
child molestation before he's considered worthy
of her talents.

So there, Curtis. I've done my part to throw 
myself on the grenade for this week. Now I can
just sit back and watch the fireworks. Until
Tuesday. At the latest.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] PSA: Remedial education for the climate change / denier battles this week

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
Climate change worriers wondering how to how to 
gracefully handle climate change deniers need go
no further than this short training film created
by the Second City comedy troupe. It proposes a
kinder, gentler approach than that usually seen
here on FFL. Remember, removing vital organs is 
just not the answer. 


[FairfieldLife] Wow! Talk about the power of prayer!

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
OK, I guess you guys have gotten the point by now that I'm not
religious, and don't much see the point of praying to imaginary beings.
But imagine being someone who *does* believe in those imaginary beings,
on your knees praying to Him, and having him dump the building you
erected in His honor on you. That'd really mess with your head.

Morocco Minaret Collapse: Many Dead, Injured In Mosque Accident

RABAT, Morocco — A minaret collapsed during Friday prayers –
killing 36 people and injuring 71 – at a crowded mosque in the old
town of the historic Moroccan city of Meknes, the official MAP news
agency said.

Officials blamed the accident on heavy rain that had weakened the
minaret at the Bab Berdieyinne Mosque, according to a statement released
by the Interior Ministry.

King Mohammed VI sent the interior minister and religious affairs
minister to Meknes, a UNESCO heritage city and one of Morocco's four
imperial cities, some 120 kilometers (62 miles) east of the capital

The officials visited some of the injured at hospitals in Meknes. The
more seriously injured were taken to hospitals in the nearby city of
Fes. A team of psychologists also was sent.

The old town of Meknes is a pedestrian zone, which made rescue efforts
more difficult.

MAP, citing official sources, said hospitals had already released 51
people, but were still treating 20 injured victims.

The king has ordered the reconstruction of the mosque, which was built
four centuries ago under Sultan Moulay Ismail, who made Meknes his

Heavy rain battered the city Friday, and more rain has been forecast for
the next week.

[FairfieldLife] Re: PSA: Remedial education for the climate change / denier battles this week

2010-02-20 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Climate change worriers wondering how to how to 
 gracefully handle climate change deniers need go
 no further than this short training film created
 by the Second City comedy troupe. It proposes a
 kinder, gentler approach than that usually seen
 here on FFL. Remember, removing vital organs is 
 just not the answer. 


On the basis that the Devil gets all the best jokes,
I take this as evidence that us *deniers* must be on
the side of the angels...

[PS I can't help but notice that warmists have suddenly
gained a wonderful and useful clarity about the climate
versus weather distinction. Not a distinction that's troubled
many of them much in the past!]

[FairfieldLife] Mrs. Raj Raam's Cotillion Contest (was Re: PSA: Remedial education)

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, PaliGap compost...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Climate change worriers wondering how to how to
  gracefully handle climate change deniers need go
  no further than this short training film created
  by the Second City comedy troupe. It proposes a
  kinder, gentler approach than that usually seen
  here on FFL. Remember, removing vital organs is
  just not the answer.


Glad you enjoyed it. Thought you might. I was
actually impressed that I found this link on
Huffpost, a major supplier of Climate Change
brand heart jerky. Shows that *some* liberals
can laugh at their own...uh...overfervor.

 On the basis that the Devil gets all the best jokes,
 I take this as evidence that us *deniers* must be on
 the side of the angels...

Are you suggesting that angels drink...uh...
hazelnut-flavored coffee? Shukra and JohnR
might want to have a word with you over such
heresy. :-)

 [PS I can't help but notice that warmists have suddenly
 gained a wonderful and useful clarity about the climate
 versus weather distinction. Not a distinction that's troubled
 many of them much in the past!]

I was really glad to find such a funny comedy
sketch about this whole routine, because frankly
as a Climate Change agnostic I've grown tired of
its deadly seriousness. The *battles*, man. As if
they *were* real battles, and as if they mattered.
That's one reason I've always liked your lighter

Personally I wish people would spend less time
debating Climate Change and more time on important
spiritual issues such as what will Mrs. Raj Raam
wear to her cotillion, as she is presented to the
other Rajas? I'm betting on an off-white sari, as
pure white would just be too in the Rajas' faces.

Seriously, you just *know* that such an event is
in the TMO's future. So what would it be like, Mrs.
Raam's Coming Out Party? Who would be invited? Who
would refuse to come? Would it be more Gone With
The Wind or Gandarva With The Veda? Would any of
the other Rajas be allowed to bring their wives?
Or, even more interesting, their mistresses?

The mind boggles. Mine, anyway. If yours does, too,
and you can think up any clever Mrs. Raj Raam
Cotillion ideas or dialogue, please post away.
Consider it a contest to see who here is most
Off The Program.

[FairfieldLife] It's cold. So there's no Climate Change

2010-02-20 Thread do.rflex

Climate Denial Crock of the Week- It's cold. So there's no Climate Change

Watch:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0JsdSDa_bM

Check out the other 'Climate Denial Crock of the Week' clips by following the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dust my Blues!

2010-02-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 That's why, in hindsight, I see that it was wrong to utter derogatory words 
 about the blues of curtis; if it sings in your mind and heart that is 
 certainly all that matters. 

I appreciate you saying that Nabby.  And I appreciate anyone who listens to my 
music long enough to form an opinion either way.  Every musician follows their 
own heart, ultimately I play the music that moves ME. Along the way I meets 
some folks that resonate with that, we share similar tastes.

Every musician knows that most people listen will to them for a moment and then 
turn back to the music that moves them more.  But as long as I keep my own 
center, I will find people who share my passion for keeping this old time 
acoustic blues alive.  It doesn't hurt me when people say they like other 
people's music better.  I'm the same way with other styles that don't move me 
as much. To each his own.

In the end, if the worst criticism I get this week is that I don't play guitar 
as well as Jimi Hendrix, it has been a pretty good week! 

At least we share a passionate interest in music Nabby.  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   Manfred Eicher only uses the best of the best people on this Planet in 
   studio, fellows with amazing ears only; fools may not apply. If you are 
   one of those few; all credit to you ! 
   If you worked for Mr. Eicher I promize I will read every word you write 
   here from now on :-)
  Nabby, just curious, do you like Richard Wagner?
 Why, ofcourse. All real music sings the glory of the Divine, your Master and 
 eternal love within; it resonates; that's why you want to listen more; it's 
 Perhaps Chopin or Henrix wrote a song, but they wrote it for the Divinity in 
 you, from the unbounded love of Self; how else would you recognise it ? It 
 was done from you to you.
 However some composers are closer to this heart than others. Mozart, Jarret, 
 Arvo Prth and Chopin particularily. 
 That's why, in hindsight, I see that it was wrong to utter derogatory words 
 about the blues of curtis; if it sings in your mind and heart that is 
 certainly all that matters. 
 Keith Jarret and Jan Garbarek:
 Other stuff for carde:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim

2010-02-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bh...@... wrote:

 No one said it any better than you just did, Curtis.
 Rory's unintelligible gibberish is a crock pot of mumbling, sputtering, as if 
 Buckminster Fuller's dry but highly technical descriptions of a geodesic dome 
 merged with a Urantia book writer's imagination.

Excellent description.  I would like to add to what I wrote that I do believe 
he is sincere and not like the cynical carny I described whose language form he 
shares IMO.  If you believe in your own rap then the language form just flows 
naturally and continuously. When I was teaching TM I could talk for hours about 
Vedic studies.  Once you start it up it runs by itself almost like good 
songwriting moments. 

I had decent chats with Rory when he posted here and don't think he is a bad 
guy.  I believe he is a highly imaginative dramatic person who is like a 
novelist caught up in his own novel.  I don't doubt that he has a very 
compelling inner world of experience that he is describing.  Where we differ is 
what it means.  He seems to believe that the intensity and clarity of inner 
experience confers epistemological value.  I do not.  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
  steve.sundur@ wrote:
   Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
You can see him sooner than that even--
He started his own Facebook group,
the Rorian Mystery School. :)

   Thanks for posting this.  I just can't figure this out. It's as though 
   Rory could go on hour after hour with this stuff.  What I wonder is, 
   would he give the same talk tomorrow as he gave today, if he were 
   extrapolating on the same subject.
  He is running a language form.  The content doesn't matter.  You can riff 
  in this form endlessly whether you are discussing enlightenment or 
  someone's dead relative speaking from beyond the grave.  It is related to 
  carnivals style cold reading language. Like Maharishi, there is not end to 
  number of hours that can be filled with this form.  Like those programs Web 
  designers use to fill text boxes that look like text but are actually 
  randomly generated word like gibberish.  It is easier when you are 
  discussing abstract topics than when giving someone a psychic reading but 
  the formula is similar. 
  Me with spooky deep eyes:
  The transversing planets within the universe of our own Self (reflected in 
  the microcosmic self as personality rays) display the dynamics of tension 
  arising from the opposing forces of the creative process within the cosmic 
  core or the I am creator whose nature is know to those who have awakened 
  their inner light as the SUN source of light, energy, and bliss for the 
  totality of consciousness becoming aware of its own amness the unchanging 
  absolute basis for all that changes and blossoms forth into what we know as 
  the many levels of creation throughout all time and transcending time into 
  the timelessness of our own infinite awakened SELF.
  Now give me a fiver or get out of the tent.  NEXT!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Heavenly Music

2010-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 Try this composition by Ennio Morricone, Cinema Paraiso.

Nice !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim

2010-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  A different lurker asking, off-list:
  Who's this Rory Goff customer?
  Answer:Om,Rory has his experience and is legit himself that way. Like
 a lot of folks in FF now. But, by
  Blurting out what his spiritual experience actually is he drives the
 TM-quitters and the non-meditator writers on FFL especially crazy. Is an
 old history on FFL that way. 

Not to mention the socalled Buddhists here, particularily the Turq whom Rory 
drove nuts ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Wow! power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
I play debbil's advocate
so let's see,WHO(M) were they praying to?
Perhaps that is not God but a demi god, or just a fallen angel , or an 
enlightened person who died, and humans still alive just can't get over them.
Perhaps then it was the real God full of wrath that was jealous and smashed 
that thing down.
*Or maybe the rain falls on the good and the evil alike*
*or maybe it was not bad at all that this happened;because the praying all 
left their bodies and went on to God or a better life.
*perhaps to stay living in that body was not the best plan,plans for another  
life had arisen.
*perhaps this event will be the ground zero for some spark of invention, for 
uncollapsable timber, or a welling of the heart to instill REAL peace*
This being in the box labeled unfortunate event may not be the truth or 
intent of it existing in the time line.
-What if there is no evil?
What is it is all good?
Can you imagine it being so?
Is the destruction of ___(fill in with any 'end')
evil, or is it good, we just haven't seen the good yet.?
Implosions happen in Vegas quite regularly, thru intent of destruction, OR thru 
intent of building a NEW thing.
Perhaps there is a good plan of growing a good not EVIL thing out of this.
In fact, don't we have that example every winter, where everything is' 
leaves torn off by the winds, ground becomes in hospitable to grow food...could 
we not label that evil, and not to our benefit?
It is not so
it is a meditation slowing resting period for the land, trees, etc...just as we 
too, in accord, must rest, stop, meditate, to re new.
This is not an evil thing to stop and renew
Perhaps I can guide the eyes of you to contemplate, that it is not so bad/evil 
that a temporal structure is in a period of change(what is it now, is it being 
firewood, warming?
Is someone thankful, for a chair they can make out of it, some work they 
wouldn't have had -?
Perhaps the  ever living never dying  soul has gone on to whatever nirvana or 
destiny the plans were for it.
So we here, mourn the shift, the change, us creatures of habit.
Mourn that we cannot understand the Good Intent that is behind the scenes 
It is beauty
It is good
is better than what would have been/transpired had it stayed erected.
Had they stayed in those temporal bodies/shells.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's TM has 108 mantras, TM only 11 or 12

2010-02-20 Thread false
And those 108 are:


The irony is that the mantra you get seems to be the worst possible one for 
you: that list gives me the standard mantra for reducing kapha while I've 
always been highly vata.

--- On Thu, 2/18/10, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

From: Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's TM has 108 mantras, TM only 11 or 12
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 9:21 PM




[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow! power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirt...@... wrote:

 I play debbil's advocate

Me too!  I've got a message from one of the people in the mosque:

Please get this rock off my head.  No really, I mean it.  I need someone to 
help me get this rock off my head.  I'm dying here and want to stay in my 
temporal body/shell.  But without...you know... the rock on my HEAD.

 so let's see,WHO(M) were they praying to?
 Perhaps that is not God but a demi god, or just a fallen angel , or an 
 enlightened person who died, and humans still alive just can't get over them.
 Perhaps then it was the real God full of wrath that was jealous and smashed 
 that thing down.
 *Or maybe the rain falls on the good and the evil alike*
 *or maybe it was not bad at all that this happened;because the praying all 
 left their bodies and went on to God or a better life.
 *perhaps to stay living in that body was not the best plan,plans for another  
 life had arisen.
 *perhaps this event will be the ground zero for some spark of invention, for 
 uncollapsable timber, or a welling of the heart to instill REAL peace*
 This being in the box labeled unfortunate event may not be the truth or 
 intent of it existing in the time line.
 -What if there is no evil?
 What is it is all good?
 Can you imagine it being so?
 Is the destruction of ___(fill in with any 'end')
 evil, or is it good, we just haven't seen the good yet.?
 Implosions happen in Vegas quite regularly, thru intent of destruction, OR 
 thru intent of building a NEW thing.
 Perhaps there is a good plan of growing a good not EVIL thing out of this.
 In fact, don't we have that example every winter, where everything is' 
 leaves torn off by the winds, ground becomes in hospitable to grow 
 food...could we not label that evil, and not to our benefit?
 It is not so
 it is a meditation slowing resting period for the land, trees, etc...just as 
 we too, in accord, must rest, stop, meditate, to re new.
 This is not an evil thing to stop and renew
 Perhaps I can guide the eyes of you to contemplate, that it is not so 
 bad/evil that a temporal structure is in a period of change(what is it now, 
 is it being firewood, warming?
 Is someone thankful, for a chair they can make out of it, some work they 
 wouldn't have had -?
 Perhaps the  ever living never dying  soul has gone on to whatever nirvana or 
 destiny the plans were for it.
 So we here, mourn the shift, the change, us creatures of habit.
 Mourn that we cannot understand the Good Intent that is behind the scenes 
 It is beauty
 It is good
 is better than what would have been/transpired had it stayed erected.
 Had they stayed in those temporal bodies/shells.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2010-02-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Feb 19, 2010, at 6:30 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  Oh... so he took his football and went home?  Wait, it's Rick's football.
  Alex Stanley wrote:
  And, he means it. Just received in my Inbox:
 Well, boo-hoo.

FFL quitter!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
God: *considers request*
'No, I will let the rock crush your head and allow it to break the blood 
vessels ,releasing your life blood so you come back to me. Being with Me is 
infinitely better and there is a place with your name on it at the banquet I 
have prepared . Come back . I have loved you and missed you and I exult in your 
You forgot how beautiful the garden is.
Come back for a respite before your next adventure.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Big Philosophical Question Of The Week

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 I like to amuse myself on Saturday mornings by 
 trying to figure out what the Big Issue Of The
 Week will be here on FFL. 
 This week my guess (not seeing) is whether 
 the fact that the Quintessential Quintet Of Evil
 (Curtis, Sal, Vaj, do.rflex, and the Evil Barry)
 have all Ragged On Rory is considered evil enough
 that someone will feel compelled to rush in to 
 defend him, or whether Rory has to be accused of 
 child molestation before he's considered worthy
 of her talents.
 So there, Curtis. I've done my part to throw 
 myself on the grenade for this week. Now I can
 just sit back and watch the fireworks. Until
 Tuesday. At the latest.  :-)

Curtis responds:

I do believe he is sincere and not like the cynical carny
I described whose language form he shares IMO. If you
believe in your own rap then the language form just flows
naturally and continuously. When I was teaching TM I could
talk for hours about Vedic studies. Once you start it up
it runs by itself almost like good songwriting moments.

I had decent chats with Rory when he posted here and don't
think he is a bad guy. I believe he is a highly imaginative
dramatic person who is like a novelist caught up in his own
novel. I don't doubt that he has a very compelling inner
world of experience that he is describing. Where we differ
is what it means. He seems to believe that the intensity
and clarity of inner experience confers epistemological
value. I do not.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirt...@... wrote:

 God: *considers request*
 'No, I will let the rock crush your head and allow it to break the blood 
 vessels ,releasing your life blood so you come back to me. Being with Me is 
 infinitely better and there is a place with your name on it at the banquet I 
 have prepared . Come back . I have loved you and missed you and I exult in 
 your return.
 You forgot how beautiful the garden is.
 Come back for a respite before your next adventure.

The response:

Ouch!  Seriously this hurts.  So let me get this straight...you are the Lord 
of the universe and have complete power as well as full knowledge of my 
suffering.  And the best you can do in order to call me home is to send a rock 
to crush my head?  People die in their sleep every day, but no, not your 
plan for ME, huh?  I'm the guy who gets a ROCK ON MY HEAD!

Let me give you a little social advice  while I bleed out here in excruciating 
pain...next time you want to invite someone to your little banquet, send a car. 
 It doesn't have to be a limo, but something decent, not a Prius please. Or if 
you prefer I can take public transportation.  But if you want us to arrive with 
a bottle of Chardonnay from Trader Joe's (or maybe o box of their Belgium 
chocolates)  and a smile on our faces, don't drop a rock on our heads as an 
invitation to a party.

I notice that you are real big on letting others suffer like your own freak'n 
son for the sake of everyone.  How about changing the rules a bit to cut out 
the excruciating pain part?  And while you are at it, you gave some animals the 
instinct for a merciful kill bite and others the instinct to eat animals alive. 
 How about just making the merciful way the standard?  Is that really too much 
trouble?  And if you really need to gets a sadistic thrill you can watch 
re-runs of Auschwitz from your time machine cable box.  Would have been nice if 
you had thought to drop a beer garden roof on that douche instead of me.

And another tip, we like to express love with a hug. A handshake half hug 
between guys and a full hips locked squeeze if we think each other is hot.  Our 
Aunt with the mustache gets kind of a modified bro hug.  But we never express 
love by dropping rocks on each others heads no matter how great the catered 
food is at the after party.

Thanks for keeping this alive, this is fun!  I'm pretty sure I can confidently 
speak on behalf of the guy with the rock on his head.  How can you be confident 
you know the mind of the big guy?  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic Floating experience

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
  Alex, are there conservative gays?
 Yep. For example, the Log Cabinettes:

I've just been reading about a new gay conservative
group, GOProud.org. The Log Cabin guys are really
moderate Republicans, whereas the GOProud group is
more movement conservative--Draft Cheney 2012
conservative. They're small yet, only about 2,000
members, but allegedly growing fast:


Two recent pieces in Mother Jones about how the
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is
dealing with them:




After some resistance, GOProud ended up as one of the
co-sponsors of the CPAC meeting that ends today.

But here's a surprising development from Salon:

CPAC Crowd Boos a Homophobe Off Stage (with video)



No kidding, this is pretty amazing. (I'm not sure whether
to be thrilled that these conservatives are resisting
homophobia, or depressed that there are gays conservative
enough to have become an issue at that meeting.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: FairfieldLife Overflow: a new Yahoo! group on the verge of being created

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 Does Sparig have Twitter account
 nowadays?  That would be perfect for him.  Don't know who 
 would follow him though.  ;-)

Boy, I would. I've said before that I thought he
was the smartest person on FFL. Some of his one-
liners were astoundingly trenchant. When he was
cooking, he could say more in a dozen words or
less than the rest of us could in many paragraphs.

The trouble with Twitter, though, is that there's
not much in the way of context. Lawson's one-liners
were spectacular because they encapsulated so much
of the context of the discussions in which they

But I'd love to see what he'd do with his tweets.
Not sure how to track him down, though.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count -- do the math

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
Let's see if this analysis of posting frequency holds
up under examination.

After Barry had made his first post, one (or more)
of his pals got to him quickly to let him know the
arithmetic he wanted us to let him do for us (because
we weren't smart enough to do it ourselves, you see)
wasn't quite on the up-and-up. He hastily got out in
front of that embarrassing situation, so there's no
need for me to go over it again. A narrow escape, that!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Just in case anyone is incapable of doing the
  math and realizing what the result would be
  of getting rid of the posting limits, I'll do
  the math for you.
 Ooopsie. :-) Even though it would be fun to
 see THE CORRECTOR waste five posts correcting
 my math, I'll do it myself.

Actually one would have been more than sufficient.
Would've been fun, but there's plenty to correct
besides Barry's arithmetic.

  This week one of the people *for whom the post-
  ing limits were originally created* got her
  panties in a bunch over Curtis and managed to
  make 50 posts in slightly less than 75 hours.

Only 10 of them in the brawl with Curtis.

Note what Barry doesn't mention--and what Curtis
won't tell you either: the brawl erupted because
Curtis got *his* panties in a bunch over an 11-word
one-liner of mine. He also made 10 posts in that
brawl over the same period.

  That's basically 1.5 posts per hour, average.
 Really . posts per hour. Assuming that she
 slept at least 24 of those 75 hours, that's an
 average of 1 post per waking hour.
  If she were free to do what she used to do, 
  that means she would be making an estimated
  252 posts per week.
 More like 112 posts per week. Mea culpa.

Even this, of course, isn't right. Only if I'd
continued posting at the same rate would I have
been making 112 posts that week.

In the case of the fight with Curtis, as he has
noted (to Barry, so Barry is aware of this), 
Curtis pursued the fight so assiduously because
was snowed in over the weekend and had time on
his hands; and I usually make most of my posts
on the weekend. It's highly unlikely the fight
would have continued at the same rate into the
rest of the week.

 Which, interestingly, is pretty much on the
 money given actual past history. During the 
 month of October 2006 (the pre-posting limits
 Bad Old Days), FFL's top 3 posters (accounting 
 for almost a third of all posts) were:
 1. shempmcgurk -- 541 (11.6%)
 2. sparaig -- 533 (11.4%)
 3. authfriend -- 482 (10.3%)

From Barry's earlier post:

  I would remind people WHY the posting
  limits were created in the first place.
  Three posters -- two still present, one
  now gone -- were essentially Out Of 
  Control and using their ability to post 
  as much as they wanted to drown out 
  others here.

This is just silly. Nobody makes posts to drown
out other posters. It's impossible on the face
of it, not to mention undesirable (fewer posts to
respond to). To the extent other posters were
drowned out, we'd be left talking to ourselves.
And unlike some other posters here, the three of
us don't often initiate threads or spam the group
with reams of copy-and-paste material. We're
interested in *conversation*.

And the numbers themselves squash Barry's drown
out theory. Just for example, in October 2006
there was a total of 5,152 posts in the group. If
the three of us made 30 percent of them, it means
there were around 3,606 posts made by others--so
they were hardly drowned out. And my 50 posts
from Friday through Monday this past week were out
of a total of 410 posts for that period. Again,
nobody got drowned out.

The number of posts an individual makes has to do
with their interest, energy, and time, not with how
many posts anybody else makes--except that if others
are posting a lot, the individual has more posts to
respond to and might well therefore make *more posts
than s/he would otherwise*.

In other words, it works exactly the opposite from
what Barry claims.

  It was not uncommon for them 
  to make hundreds of posts per week.

False (unless Barry is speaking of the three of us
collectively). I often made more than 100 posts per
week, but never more than 150 or so and usually many
fewer. I doubt Shemp or Willytex ever went over 150
a week either.

  asked to voluntarily cut down their posting 
  volume, all three categorically refused.

False. Barry's been corrected on this before, so
he knows it isn't true.

So: We can't depend on Barry's arithmetic; we can't
depend on his logic; we can't depend on his accuracy
in reporting facts. About all that's left for us to
depend on is his tendency to demonize his critics at
every opportunity.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim

2010-02-20 Thread tartbrain
I just looked at one of his videos. To me he seems more on the path of a Joseph 
Campbell or Robert Graves -- an attempt to connect together the myths,legends 
and traditions of the ancient and pre-industrial world -- and less a spewing of 
new age pulp --  closer to a university comparative literature / mythology 
course. Ancient traditions and myth, like art -- of all types, can aid and 
enable us to see the world from different angles, to fire up the imagination 
and appreciation of the mysteries of life. Who does not marvel in the bliss 
of mid-May? To better see that others through the ages, in quite different 
circumstances and lands have celebrated the same -- for me enriches the 

How authentic and valid are Rory's representations of cross-cultural  
mythology, I cannot say. But in a universe of vast mystery and where successive 
layers of science and technology crumble under the weight of new findings, one 
could do worse than attempting to dust off and revive new/old ways to grok the 
vast gestalt of life and nature. 

As to the validity =-- or not -- of ancient visions, I swing between several 
views. First, a current-age-centric view, we are the best and brightest of the 
ages with clearer understanding and insights of all things -- standing on the 
shoulders of giants and all.  The alternative view that prevails for me, at 
times, is that our innate resources and capabilities are the same as the 
ancients. And while we spend those resources on the passive viewing of the 
outer spectacles of a technological age life -- wide screen TVs to watch the 
super bowl  and academy awards -- so to speak -- fracturing the universe into 
smaller and more discrete parts, dancing in the gloss of life. Older traditions 
spent those same resources on a more active, participatory pursuits of 
imagination, intuition and inclusiveness. The possibility that they exceeded 
our modest accomplishments in that realm are not hard to fathom.  Delving into 
myths of many traditions, seeing the connectivity of them, at a minimum, shakes 
your mind and rattles your soul. Not a bad way to spend a few minutes a week on.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bhrma@ wrote:
  No one said it any better than you just did, Curtis.
  Rory's unintelligible gibberish is a crock pot of mumbling, sputtering, as 
  if Buckminster Fuller's dry but highly technical descriptions of a geodesic 
  dome merged with a Urantia book writer's imagination.
 Excellent description.  I would like to add to what I wrote that I do believe 
 he is sincere and not like the cynical carny I described whose language form 
 he shares IMO.  If you believe in your own rap then the language form just 
 flows naturally and continuously. When I was teaching TM I could talk for 
 hours about Vedic studies.  Once you start it up it runs by itself almost 
 like good songwriting moments. 
 I had decent chats with Rory when he posted here and don't think he is a bad 
 guy.  I believe he is a highly imaginative dramatic person who is like a 
 novelist caught up in his own novel.  I don't doubt that he has a very 
 compelling inner world of experience that he is describing.  Where we differ 
 is what it means.  He seems to believe that the intensity and clarity of 
 inner experience confers epistemological value.  I do not.  
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
   steve.sundur@ wrote:
Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:

 You can see him sooner than that even--
 He started his own Facebook group,
 the Rorian Mystery School. :)

Thanks for posting this.  I just can't figure this out. It's as though 
Rory could go on hour after hour with this stuff.  What I wonder is, 
would he give the same talk tomorrow as he gave today, if he were 
extrapolating on the same subject.
   He is running a language form.  The content doesn't matter.  You can riff 
   in this form endlessly whether you are discussing enlightenment or 
   someone's dead relative speaking from beyond the grave.  It is related to 
   carnivals style cold reading language. Like Maharishi, there is not end 
   to number of hours that can be filled with this form.  Like those 
   programs Web designers use to fill text boxes that look like text but are 
   actually randomly generated word like gibberish.  It is easier when you 
   are discussing abstract topics than when giving someone a psychic reading 
   but the formula is similar. 
   Me with spooky deep eyes:
   The transversing planets within the universe of our own Self (reflected 
   in the microcosmic self as personality rays) display the dynamics of 
   tension arising from the opposing forces of the creative process within 

[FairfieldLife] Re: FairfieldLife Overflow: a new Yahoo! group on the verge of being created

2010-02-20 Thread WillyTex
  Don't know who would follow him though.  ;-)
 Boy, I would. I've said before that I thought he
 was the smartest person on FFL. Some of his one-
 liners were astoundingly trenchant. When he was
 cooking, he could say more in a dozen words or
 less than the rest of us could in many paragraphs.
Cogent is the way I'd describe his posts. Apparently
Lawson's posts were very frightening to Turq! 

Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
Interestingly, this very issue (Would a loving,
just God drop a building on people in the process
of worshiping him?) is at the heart of one of the
great heresy persecutions in European history.

The Cathars were Dualists. And they were gaining
converts hand over fist, at far greater conversion
rates than the Catholic Church, and in fact steal-
ing away many of its followers, both noble- and 

And why? The Catholic Church preached that when bad
things happen to supposedly good people, it is in 
fact God who is doing the building-dropping. Dualists
such as the Cathars believed that God never entered
the picture (or even the physical relative world), 
and that everything that happened there was the 
doing of the Other Guy, the Demiurge. 

Remember, this was the early Middle Ages, and life
was not exactly a bowl of mango-flavored tofu. If 
you were the average guy -- noble or base-born --
you were lucky to see 50 yourself and only one or
two of your seven kids would ever see 20. Suffering
was kinda the staple of the 11 O'Clock News. So it
was easier (philosophically) to believe that God 
was oh-so-far away and never messed with the relative,
and that all this dropping buildings on worshipers
stuff happened because of the Other Guy.

The Catholics were not amused by this. They created
two Crusades and the Inquisition, and killed a quarter
million of these heretics. And all because they had 
found a creative philosophical way to avoid pinning
the rap for suffering on God. Go figure. You'd think
God freaks would *welcome* being able to blame 
suffering on someone or something else.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
  God: *considers request*
  'No, I will let the rock crush your head and allow it to break the blood 
  vessels ,releasing your life blood so you come back to me. Being with Me is 
  infinitely better and there is a place with your name on it at the 
  banquet I have prepared . Come back . I have loved you and missed you and I 
  exult in your return.
  You forgot how beautiful the garden is.
  Come back for a respite before your next adventure.
 The response:
 Ouch!  Seriously this hurts.  So let me get this straight...you are the Lord 
 of the universe and have complete power as well as full knowledge of my 
 suffering.  And the best you can do in order to call me home is to send a 
 rock to crush my head?  People die in their sleep every day, but no, not 
 your plan for ME, huh?  I'm the guy who gets a ROCK ON MY HEAD!
 Let me give you a little social advice  while I bleed out here in 
 excruciating pain...next time you want to invite someone to your little 
 banquet, send a car.  It doesn't have to be a limo, but something decent, not 
 a Prius please. Or if you prefer I can take public transportation.  But if 
 you want us to arrive with a bottle of Chardonnay from Trader Joe's (or maybe 
 o box of their Belgium chocolates)  and a smile on our faces, don't drop a 
 rock on our heads as an invitation to a party.
 I notice that you are real big on letting others suffer like your own freak'n 
 son for the sake of everyone.  How about changing the rules a bit to cut out 
 the excruciating pain part?  And while you are at it, you gave some animals 
 the instinct for a merciful kill bite and others the instinct to eat animals 
 alive.  How about just making the merciful way the standard?  Is that really 
 too much trouble?  And if you really need to gets a sadistic thrill you can 
 watch re-runs of Auschwitz from your time machine cable box.  Would have been 
 nice if you had thought to drop a beer garden roof on that douche instead of 
 And another tip, we like to express love with a hug. A handshake half hug 
 between guys and a full hips locked squeeze if we think each other is hot.  
 Our Aunt with the mustache gets kind of a modified bro hug.  But we never 
 express love by dropping rocks on each others heads no matter how great the 
 catered food is at the after party.
 Thanks for keeping this alive, this is fun!  I'm pretty sure I can 
 confidently speak on behalf of the guy with the rock on his head.  How can 
 you be confident you know the mind of the big guy?  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
the sheep hear His voice;and he calls His own sheep by name and leads them 
.I am the good shepherd;and I know my sheep,and am known by my own.
Hear ye  not?(my words)
I hear voices in the wind 
voices from the cardamom at Everybody's. 
voices from hearts of those close and far away from me
I hear God
I hear angels
I hear  fallen angels
I hear Beings that are alive
i hear the wispy grass crying it wishes to softly rub against your arm, and hug 
you if you would just get close enough at the reservoir
I hear the elderberry tree at the entrance to the trail saying, eat my fruit, 
it will give you life, that is why i am here...
I hear the cries of the rosebuds fallen on the ground wishing they could help 
beings by being ingested and not to always be amending the soil by decomposing 
I hear Nature 's voice lamenting the land being set aside to not be destroyed  
is only a unfulfilled present.Intent is for it to not be destroyed, AND SHARED
The plants/trees were made for medicinal /nourishing intent.
I hear them kissing as walkers rush on by to get their lymph nodes working.
Missing the comfort of the rejuvenating effects of flowers/leaves/trees.
There is so much beauty in the world


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
it's not so bad
Your life is but a vapor
the rock was a miniscule time in that respect.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread curtisdeltablues

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirt...@... wrote:

 the sheep hear His voice;and he calls His own sheep by name and leads 
 them out.  
 .I am the good shepherd;and I know my sheep,and am known by my own.

Got it.  Since I didn't get the memo no figgy pudding for me.  But in my own 
defense I was in the back of the crowd so I thought Jesus said Many are cold 
but few are frozen.

 Hear ye  not?(my words)
 I hear voices in the wind 
 voices from the cardamom at Everybody's. 
 voices from hearts of those close and far away from me
 I hear God
 I hear angels
 I hear  fallen angels
 I hear Beings that are alive
 i hear the wispy grass crying it wishes to softly rub against your arm, and 
 hug you if you would just get close enough at the reservoir
 I hear the elderberry tree at the entrance to the trail saying, eat my fruit, 
 it will give you life, that is why i am here...
 I hear the cries of the rosebuds fallen on the ground wishing they could help 
 beings by being ingested and not to always be amending the soil by 
 decomposing there.
 I hear Nature 's voice lamenting the land being set aside to not be 
 destroyed  is only a unfulfilled present.Intent is for it to not be 
 destroyed, AND SHARED
 The plants/trees were made for medicinal /nourishing intent.
 I hear them kissing as walkers rush on by to get their lymph nodes working.
 Missing the comfort of the rejuvenating effects of flowers/leaves/trees.
 There is so much beauty in the world

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
What's that movie,
oh yeah...
Bruce Almighty
y all take a look at that
if ya have a grudge against the way God allows/does not allow things
really now
Watch the thing (AGAIN, if need be)
and holler back.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
God did not actually do the cranial cracking with his hand 
He allowed it
in the spectrum of the greatest good
There is no evil
Keeping everything the same is not always in the best interest of us.
Embrace change.
it's just change.
Believe it is the best
and beauty
Just look LOOK for it
You WILL find it
HAARP wasn't an act of God either.
Pray for peace


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
You were warned
I never wanted this to happen
it was not My intent
I wished for us to walk in the cool of the day forever.
It was perfect.
Your choice divided Us.
I fixed it though.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirt...@... wrote:

 the sheep hear His voice;and he calls His own sheep by name
 and leads them out.

 .I am the good shepherd;and I know my sheep,and am known by
 my own.

Spoken like a true city-dweller, and one who has
never seen what actually *happens* to a sheep when
its good shepherd leads it out and away from the
rest of the herd.

Can you say, Mutton? I think you can.  :-)

Thanks for being a good enough sport to play along
with this, Meow. In the above I am not making fun
of you per se but of a belief system I find funny.
It might be a true belief system for all I know,
but I still find it funny.

My feeling is that a belief system that teaches
that when the good shepherd offers to give you a
lift it's always *your* interests he's looking
after is suspect.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow! power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
  I play debbil's advocate
 Me too!  I've got a message from one of the people in the mosque:
 Please get this rock off my head.  No really, I mean it.  I need someone to 
 help me get this rock off my head.  I'm dying here and want to stay in my 
 temporal body/shell.  But without...you know... the rock on my HEAD.

And the rock is praying, Get this friggen head out from under me!!

  -What if there is no evil?
  What is it is all good?
  Can you imagine it being so?

Its not possible.

While I may be falling off the cliff of triteness, if its ALL good, there is no 
way you would know that. It would just be Its all of what it is, endlessly the 
same You are suggesting an Absolute. If there is no contrast, Good is no 
longer Good. 

An alternative view to your statement: what if there is no Good or Evil?  
Without getting all johnLennonish on you, what if Good and Evil do not exist in 
nature -- but are simply overlays we attached to things. Is the falling rock 
Good, Evil or An Event? 

(and did the rock fall or did the earth suddenly heave and sucked it up into 

  Implosions happen in Vegas quite regularly, thru intent of destruction, OR 
  thru intent of building a NEW thing.

If this is an analogy that implies that Nature has an Intent, what if that is 
also only an overlay, our own inner graffeeti  with which we tag the world. 
Like your Good and Evil.
In an Intentless Universe, with no Time's Arrow pointed towards Better and 
Good, what is  there (other than less to cling to)? I see, I experience nature 
swallowing up its past, vomiting the future. (as you gasp at my grossness, why 
is vomit Bad?)

In my life .. I have seen that one thing leads to another. Things seem to swing 
from one side to the other (extreme at times). Some of the Worst things turned 
out to be Good things (which I think is your point 
.) However, if we scrub off the inner graffeeti from the walls of what we see, 
then perhaps its just A turned into B an B into C. Which in itself is pretty 
gargantuanly amazing. No Active God directing things, No Intent, No tagging our 
perceptions with filters like Good and Bad. Just everything morphing into 
everything else, and into mind-boggling diversity and richness. Who needs to 
add a God, or Goodness, to make this picture complete and breathtaking?

  Perhaps there is a good plan of growing a good not EVIL thing out of this.
  In fact, don't we have that example every winter, where everything is' 
  leaves torn off by the winds, ground becomes in hospitable to grow 
  food...could we not label that evil, and not to our benefit?
  It is not so
  it is a meditation slowing resting period for the land, trees, etc...just 
  as we too, in accord, must rest, stop, meditate, to re new.
  This is not an evil thing to stop and renew
  Perhaps I can guide the eyes of you to contemplate, that it is not so 
  bad/evil that a temporal structure is in a period of change(what is it now, 
  is it being firewood, warming?
  Is someone thankful, for a chair they can make out of it, some work they 
  wouldn't have had -?
  Perhaps the  ever living never dying  soul has gone on to whatever nirvana 
  or destiny the plans were for it.
  So we here, mourn the shift, the change, us creatures of habit.
  Mourn that we cannot understand the Good Intent that is behind the scenes 
  It is beauty
  It is good
  is better than what would have been/transpired had it stayed erected.
  Had they stayed in those temporal bodies/shells.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
You are hearing now.
...by the way, you're rich, I'm enjoying this immensely
*hands cup of hot 
cacao+chili+organic brown sugar+cinnamon+smidge of ginger +pinch of grated 
nutmeg+organic milk(almond milk or soy for vegans)
to warm you and in the spirit of give more than you receive


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
  the sheep hear His voice;and he calls His own sheep by name and leads 
  them out.  
  .I am the good shepherd;and I know my sheep,and am known by my own.
 Got it.  Since I didn't get the memo no figgy pudding for me.  But in my own 
 defense I was in the back of the crowd so I thought Jesus said Many are cold 
 but few are frozen.

Which given 2000 years of playing the chain game of whispering into the ear of 
the person next to you, your quote may be more accurate than the gospel. 

Distorted memory, linguistic tructation and ramming round words thru square 
translative holes, ever changing contextual interpretations based on the 
structure of the ever new current life/ society in each generation, 
exploitation of the innocent, manipulation for political and financial gain,  
Jesus! I am guessing what you said is not on the pages of my Bible!


  Hear ye  not?(my words)
  I hear voices in the wind 
  voices from the cardamom at Everybody's. 
  voices from hearts of those close and far away from me
  I hear God
  I hear angels
  I hear  fallen angels
  I hear Beings that are alive
  i hear the wispy grass crying it wishes to softly rub against your arm, and 
  hug you if you would just get close enough at the reservoir
  I hear the elderberry tree at the entrance to the trail saying, eat my 
  fruit, it will give you life, that is why i am here...
  I hear the cries of the rosebuds fallen on the ground wishing they could 
  help beings by being ingested and not to always be amending the soil by 
  decomposing there.
  I hear Nature 's voice lamenting the land being set aside to not be 
  destroyed  is only a unfulfilled present.Intent is for it to not be 
  destroyed, AND SHARED
  The plants/trees were made for medicinal /nourishing intent.
  I hear them kissing as walkers rush on by to get their lymph nodes working.
  Missing the comfort of the rejuvenating effects of flowers/leaves/trees.
  There is so much beauty in the world

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count -- do the math

2010-02-20 Thread mainstream20016
The 50 post / week limit has the potential to improve post quality and thereby 
maximize the utilization of one's attention. 
I far prefer seeing your name attached to 1 of 8 posts -
50 out of 412 of last week's total FFL posts;
as opposed to seeing your name attached to only 1 of 10+ posts -  
482 out of 5,152 of Oct., '06's total FFL posts, the last month FFL went 
without posting limits.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 Let's see if this analysis of posting frequency holds
 up under examination.
 After Barry had made his first post, one (or more)
 of his pals got to him quickly to let him know the
 arithmetic he wanted us to let him do for us (because
 we weren't smart enough to do it ourselves, you see)
 wasn't quite on the up-and-up. He hastily got out in
 front of that embarrassing situation, so there's no
 need for me to go over it again. A narrow escape, that!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   Just in case anyone is incapable of doing the
   math and realizing what the result would be
   of getting rid of the posting limits, I'll do
   the math for you.
  Ooopsie. :-) Even though it would be fun to
  see THE CORRECTOR waste five posts correcting
  my math, I'll do it myself.
 Actually one would have been more than sufficient.
 Would've been fun, but there's plenty to correct
 besides Barry's arithmetic.
   This week one of the people *for whom the post-
   ing limits were originally created* got her
   panties in a bunch over Curtis and managed to
   make 50 posts in slightly less than 75 hours.
 Only 10 of them in the brawl with Curtis.
 Note what Barry doesn't mention--and what Curtis
 won't tell you either: the brawl erupted because
 Curtis got *his* panties in a bunch over an 11-word
 one-liner of mine. He also made 10 posts in that
 brawl over the same period.
   That's basically 1.5 posts per hour, average.
  Really . posts per hour. Assuming that she
  slept at least 24 of those 75 hours, that's an
  average of 1 post per waking hour.
   If she were free to do what she used to do, 
   that means she would be making an estimated
   252 posts per week.
  More like 112 posts per week. Mea culpa.
 Even this, of course, isn't right. Only if I'd
 continued posting at the same rate would I have
 been making 112 posts that week.
 In the case of the fight with Curtis, as he has
 noted (to Barry, so Barry is aware of this), 
 Curtis pursued the fight so assiduously because
 was snowed in over the weekend and had time on
 his hands; and I usually make most of my posts
 on the weekend. It's highly unlikely the fight
 would have continued at the same rate into the
 rest of the week.
  Which, interestingly, is pretty much on the
  money given actual past history. During the 
  month of October 2006 (the pre-posting limits
  Bad Old Days), FFL's top 3 posters (accounting 
  for almost a third of all posts) were:
  1. shempmcgurk -- 541 (11.6%)
  2. sparaig -- 533 (11.4%)
  3. authfriend -- 482 (10.3%)
 From Barry's earlier post:
   I would remind people WHY the posting
   limits were created in the first place.
   Three posters -- two still present, one
   now gone -- were essentially Out Of 
   Control and using their ability to post 
   as much as they wanted to drown out 
   others here.
 This is just silly. Nobody makes posts to drown
 out other posters. It's impossible on the face
 of it, not to mention undesirable (fewer posts to
 respond to). To the extent other posters were
 drowned out, we'd be left talking to ourselves.
 And unlike some other posters here, the three of
 us don't often initiate threads or spam the group
 with reams of copy-and-paste material. We're
 interested in *conversation*.
 And the numbers themselves squash Barry's drown
 out theory. Just for example, in October 2006
 there was a total of 5,152 posts in the group. If
 the three of us made 30 percent of them, it means
 there were around 3,606 posts made by others--so
 they were hardly drowned out. And my 50 posts
 from Friday through Monday this past week were out
 of a total of 410 posts for that period. Again,
 nobody got drowned out.
 The number of posts an individual makes has to do
 with their interest, energy, and time, not with how
 many posts anybody else makes--except that if others
 are posting a lot, the individual has more posts to
 respond to and might well therefore make *more posts
 than s/he would otherwise*.
 In other words, it works exactly the opposite from
 what Barry claims.
   It was not uncommon for them 
   to make hundreds of posts per week.
 False (unless Barry is speaking of the three of us
 collectively). I often made more than 100 posts per
 week, but never more than 150 or so and usually many
 fewer. I doubt Shemp or Willytex ever went over 150
 a week either.
   asked to voluntarily 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

Which given 2000 years of playing the chain game of whispering into the ear of 
the person next to you, your quote may be more accurate than the gospel. 
 Distorted memory, linguistic tructation and ramming round words thru square 
 translative holes, ever changing contextual interpretations based on the 
 structure of the ever new current life/ society in each generation, 
 exploitation of the innocent, manipulation for political and financial gain,  
 Jesus! I am guessing what you said is not on the pages of my Bible!

Tip of the hat to the Life of Brian.

Like today Jesus had many competitors for the crown of No really I've God on 
the line right now and he wants the corn beef on white bread, NOT rye and hold 
the mustard.  It was a fairly random sequence of events that has us quoting 
him at all.  The right mix of passivity rather than revolution towards the 
oppressors is my guess.  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
   the sheep hear His voice;and he calls His own sheep by name and leads 
   them out.  
   .I am the good shepherd;and I know my sheep,and am known by my own.
  Got it.  Since I didn't get the memo no figgy pudding for me.  But in my 
  own defense I was in the back of the crowd so I thought Jesus said Many 
  are cold but few are frozen.
 Which given 2000 years of playing the chain game of whispering into the ear 
 of the person next to you, your quote may be more accurate than the gospel. 
 Distorted memory, linguistic tructation and ramming round words thru square 
 translative holes, ever changing contextual interpretations based on the 
 structure of the ever new current life/ society in each generation, 
 exploitation of the innocent, manipulation for political and financial gain,  
 Jesus! I am guessing what you said is not on the pages of my Bible!
   Hear ye  not?(my words)
   I hear voices in the wind 
   voices from the cardamom at Everybody's. 
   voices from hearts of those close and far away from me
   I hear God
   I hear angels
   I hear  fallen angels
   I hear Beings that are alive
   i hear the wispy grass crying it wishes to softly rub against your arm, 
   and hug you if you would just get close enough at the reservoir
   I hear the elderberry tree at the entrance to the trail saying, eat my 
   fruit, it will give you life, that is why i am here...
   I hear the cries of the rosebuds fallen on the ground wishing they could 
   help beings by being ingested and not to always be amending the soil by 
   decomposing there.
   I hear Nature 's voice lamenting the land being set aside to not be 
   destroyed  is only a unfulfilled present.Intent is for it to not be 
   destroyed, AND SHARED
   The plants/trees were made for medicinal /nourishing intent.
   I hear them kissing as walkers rush on by to get their lymph nodes 
   Missing the comfort of the rejuvenating effects of flowers/leaves/trees.
   There is so much beauty in the world

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow! power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
Great post. Nothing to say about it other than that
it's a great post and to thank you and all the people 
who have contributed to the thread.

I mean, it *IS* an interesting event. A minaret in
Morocco falls on people who are on their knees 
worshiping the deity it was erected to honor. So
is the deity good or bad as a result of drop-
ping the minaret on the faithful?

*Forget* the which deity thang. That's just an 
easy out, and lazy. What if it were a Hindu temple
that had fallen and smushed the faithful? What if
it had been the Crystal Cathedral or the Vatican?
It's God's Fuckin' House, and if you believe that
He controls everything, He caused it to go boom.

It's a far *easier* path to believe as I do in No
God And No Need For One than it is to believe in
an all-seeing, all-powerful, architect-of-every-
sentient-being God. 

The former, as you express so well, merely implies
a trust in change, and the eternal unpredictability
of change. The latter implies a Grand Plan behind it
all, one that involves dropping buildings on the
very people who worship the Author of the Grand Plan.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
   I play debbil's advocate
  Me too!  I've got a message from one of the people in the mosque:
  Please get this rock off my head.  No really, I mean it.  I need someone 
  to help me get this rock off my head.  I'm dying here and want to stay in 
  my temporal body/shell.  But without...you know... the rock on my HEAD.
 And the rock is praying, Get this friggen head out from under me!!
   -What if there is no evil?
   What is it is all good?
   Can you imagine it being so?
 Its not possible.
 While I may be falling off the cliff of triteness, if its ALL good, there is 
 no way you would know that. It would just be Its all of what it is, 
 endlessly the same You are suggesting an Absolute. If there is no contrast, 
 Good is no longer Good. 
 An alternative view to your statement: what if there is no Good or Evil?  
 Without getting all johnLennonish on you, what if Good and Evil do not exist 
 in nature -- but are simply overlays we attached to things. Is the falling 
 rock Good, Evil or An Event? 
 (and did the rock fall or did the earth suddenly heave and sucked it up into 
   Implosions happen in Vegas quite regularly, thru intent of destruction, 
   OR thru intent of building a NEW thing.
 If this is an analogy that implies that Nature has an Intent, what if that is 
 also only an overlay, our own inner graffeeti  with which we tag the world. 
 Like your Good and Evil.
 In an Intentless Universe, with no Time's Arrow pointed towards Better and 
 Good, what is  there (other than less to cling to)? I see, I experience 
 nature swallowing up its past, vomiting the future. (as you gasp at my 
 grossness, why is vomit Bad?)
 In my life .. I have seen that one thing leads to another. Things seem to 
 swing from one side to the other (extreme at times). Some of the Worst things 
 turned out to be Good things (which I think is your point 
 .) However, if we scrub off the inner graffeeti from the walls of what we 
 see, then perhaps its just A turned into B an B into C. Which in itself is 
 pretty gargantuanly amazing. No Active God directing things, No Intent, No 
 tagging our perceptions with filters like Good and Bad. Just everything 
 morphing into everything else, and into mind-boggling diversity and richness. 
 Who needs to add a God, or Goodness, to make this picture complete and 
   Perhaps there is a good plan of growing a good not EVIL thing out of this.
   In fact, don't we have that example every winter, where everything is' 
   leaves torn off by the winds, ground becomes in hospitable to grow 
   food...could we not label that evil, and not to our benefit?
   It is not so
   it is a meditation slowing resting period for the land, trees, etc...just 
   as we too, in accord, must rest, stop, meditate, to re new.
   This is not an evil thing to stop and renew
   Perhaps I can guide the eyes of you to contemplate, that it is not so 
   bad/evil that a temporal structure is in a period of change(what is it 
   now, is it being firewood, warming?
   Is someone thankful, for a chair they can make out of it, some work they 
   wouldn't have had -?
   Perhaps the  ever living never dying  soul has gone on to whatever 
   nirvana or destiny the plans were for it.
   So we here, mourn the shift, the change, us creatures of habit.
   Mourn that we cannot understand the Good Intent that is behind the scenes 
   It is beauty
   It is good
   is better than what would have been/transpired had it stayed erected.
   Had they stayed in 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirt...@... wrote:

 God did not actually do the cranial cracking with his hand 
 He allowed it

Funny how this didn't fly at Kindercare when the little monster takes a header 
off the Jungle Jim and the teacher has to present him with a fat lip to his 
parents.  Turns out that the person who knows better IS responsible for more 
than allowing freedom.  In Hume's terms in his Dialogue on Natural Religion,you 
are dropping off the Good part of the tri-part definition of Go:, Omniscient, 
Omnipotent and Good to explain what we experience in the world. So now we have 
a God without the common sense, or the moral compass to lend a hand to 
alleviate suffering.  For starters he could have laid out his heaviest rap to 
us in the age of mass media, you know put up a freak'n Webpage in every 
language.  If Pepsi can own their own message so could he/she/it/tentacled 

 in the spectrum of the greatest good There is no evil

Would it surprise you to know that this is almost a direct quote from Charles 
Manson?  There is no spectrum of good so broad that it excuses the unnecessary 
suffering of living creatures IMO. And while the devil is in the details, how 
we define necessary,  most cultures have decided on some limits.  So for me 
there can be evil and not giving a kill bite instinct to all animals if you had 
the power is at the top of my list.  However as an evolutionary priority that 
overlooks my sensibility without a God, I understand how it happened.

 Keeping everything the same is not always in the best interest of us.
 Embrace change.
 it's just change.

You mean the change from believing in one version of the God idea to the 
freedom of non belief, right?  I'm down with that change.

 Believe it is the best
 and beauty

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

 Just look LOOK for it
 You WILL find it
 HAARP wasn't an act of God either.
 Pray for peace

Well we know that nothing fails like prayer.  Just ask anyone who went down in 
a fireball plane crash and was praying their ass off all the way down.

But with the unlimited naivete of our species that makes us so charming, I hope 
for peace too.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
 Which given 2000 years of playing the chain game of whispering into the ear 
 of the person next to you, your quote may be more accurate than the gospel. 
  Distorted memory, linguistic tructation and ramming round words thru square 
  translative holes, ever changing contextual interpretations based on the 
  structure of the ever new current life/ society in each generation, 
  exploitation of the innocent, manipulation for political and financial 
  gain,  Jesus! I am guessing what you said is not on the pages of my Bible!
 Tip of the hat to the Life of Brian.
 Like today Jesus had many competitors for the crown of No really I've God on 
 the line right now and he wants the corn beef on white bread, NOT rye and 
 hold the mustard.  It was a fairly random sequence of events that has us 
 quoting him at all.  The right mix of passivity rather than revolution 
 towards the oppressors is my guess.  

Its fascinating (well at least to dweebs like me) to consider how a religion 
survives -- on top of 100 other sects that have emerged (a la the scenese 
on LoBrian). It's won 100 or more consecutive flips of the coin. like 
Constatine's mother being attracted to the christian sect was perhaps a lucky 

Coin flipping, while totally random, does produce some long terms winners. Have 
a billion monkeys flip a 100 billion coins successively and some will be on a 
roll!  You know, an incredibly bright, skillful monkey who got 20 heads in a 
row! Wow, that monkey must have the Truth.  

Statistically you can show similar for successful  investors. Someone small 
set of all investors will have 20/20 heads -- or even 18/20. The investors, or 
coin flipper, or cult leader may have a good rap. And if they are the 1 out of 
x billion that have 20 heads in a row, the rap will sound SO GOOD, so 
convincing. I mean he is a freaking billionare -- or the religion has stood the 
test of time -- when it all could just be randomness.

More carnival rides for our amusement.   

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
the sheep hear His voice;and he calls His own sheep by name and 
leads them out.  
.I am the good shepherd;and I know my sheep,and am known by my own.
   Got it.  Since I didn't get the memo no figgy pudding for me.  But in my 
   own defense I was in the back of the crowd so I thought Jesus said Many 
   are cold but few are frozen.
  Which given 2000 years of playing the chain game of whispering into the ear 
  of the person next to you, your quote may be more accurate than the 
  Distorted memory, linguistic tructation and ramming round words thru square 
  translative holes, ever changing contextual interpretations based on the 
  structure of the ever new current life/ society in each generation, 
  exploitation of the innocent, manipulation for political and financial 
  gain,  Jesus! I am guessing what you said is not on the pages of my Bible!
Hear ye  not?(my words)
I hear voices in the wind 
voices from the cardamom at Everybody's. 
voices from hearts of those close and far away from me
I hear God
I hear angels
I hear  fallen angels
I hear Beings that are alive
i hear the wispy grass crying it wishes to softly rub against your arm, 
and hug you if you would just get close enough at the reservoir
I hear the elderberry tree at the entrance to the trail saying, eat my 
fruit, it will give you life, that is why i am here...
I hear the cries of the rosebuds fallen on the ground wishing they 
could help beings by being ingested and not to always be amending the 
soil by decomposing there.
I hear Nature 's voice lamenting the land being set aside to not be 
destroyed  is only a unfulfilled present.Intent is for it to not be 
destroyed, AND SHARED
The plants/trees were made for medicinal /nourishing intent.
I hear them kissing as walkers rush on by to get their lymph nodes 
Missing the comfort of the rejuvenating effects of flowers/leaves/trees.
There is so much beauty in the world

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count -- do the math

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20...@... 

 The 50 post / week limit has the potential to improve post
 quality and thereby maximize the utilization of one's

I disagree, but that isn't what I was discussing.
I was simply pointing out that Barry's notion
of prolific posters trying to drown out other
posters was nonsense (among several other nitwit
things he said).

 I far prefer seeing your name attached to 1 of 8 posts -
 50 out of 412 of last week's total FFL posts;
 as opposed to seeing your name attached to only 1 of 10+ posts -  
 482 out of 5,152 of Oct., '06's total FFL posts, the last month FFL went 
 without posting limits.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Let's see if this analysis of posting frequency holds
  up under examination.
  After Barry had made his first post, one (or more)
  of his pals got to him quickly to let him know the
  arithmetic he wanted us to let him do for us (because
  we weren't smart enough to do it ourselves, you see)
  wasn't quite on the up-and-up. He hastily got out in
  front of that embarrassing situation, so there's no
  need for me to go over it again. A narrow escape, that!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
Just in case anyone is incapable of doing the
math and realizing what the result would be
of getting rid of the posting limits, I'll do
the math for you.
   Ooopsie. :-) Even though it would be fun to
   see THE CORRECTOR waste five posts correcting
   my math, I'll do it myself.
  Actually one would have been more than sufficient.
  Would've been fun, but there's plenty to correct
  besides Barry's arithmetic.
This week one of the people *for whom the post-
ing limits were originally created* got her
panties in a bunch over Curtis and managed to
make 50 posts in slightly less than 75 hours.
  Only 10 of them in the brawl with Curtis.
  Note what Barry doesn't mention--and what Curtis
  won't tell you either: the brawl erupted because
  Curtis got *his* panties in a bunch over an 11-word
  one-liner of mine. He also made 10 posts in that
  brawl over the same period.
That's basically 1.5 posts per hour, average.
   Really . posts per hour. Assuming that she
   slept at least 24 of those 75 hours, that's an
   average of 1 post per waking hour.
If she were free to do what she used to do, 
that means she would be making an estimated
252 posts per week.
   More like 112 posts per week. Mea culpa.
  Even this, of course, isn't right. Only if I'd
  continued posting at the same rate would I have
  been making 112 posts that week.
  In the case of the fight with Curtis, as he has
  noted (to Barry, so Barry is aware of this), 
  Curtis pursued the fight so assiduously because
  was snowed in over the weekend and had time on
  his hands; and I usually make most of my posts
  on the weekend. It's highly unlikely the fight
  would have continued at the same rate into the
  rest of the week.
   Which, interestingly, is pretty much on the
   money given actual past history. During the 
   month of October 2006 (the pre-posting limits
   Bad Old Days), FFL's top 3 posters (accounting 
   for almost a third of all posts) were:
   1. shempmcgurk -- 541 (11.6%)
   2. sparaig -- 533 (11.4%)
   3. authfriend -- 482 (10.3%)
  From Barry's earlier post:
I would remind people WHY the posting
limits were created in the first place.
Three posters -- two still present, one
now gone -- were essentially Out Of 
Control and using their ability to post 
as much as they wanted to drown out 
others here.
  This is just silly. Nobody makes posts to drown
  out other posters. It's impossible on the face
  of it, not to mention undesirable (fewer posts to
  respond to). To the extent other posters were
  drowned out, we'd be left talking to ourselves.
  And unlike some other posters here, the three of
  us don't often initiate threads or spam the group
  with reams of copy-and-paste material. We're
  interested in *conversation*.
  And the numbers themselves squash Barry's drown
  out theory. Just for example, in October 2006
  there was a total of 5,152 posts in the group. If
  the three of us made 30 percent of them, it means
  there were around 3,606 posts made by others--so
  they were hardly drowned out. And my 50 posts
  from Friday through Monday this past week were out
  of a total of 410 posts for that period. Again,
  nobody got drowned out.
  The number of posts an individual makes has to do
  with their interest, energy, and time, not with how
  many posts anybody else makes--except that if others
  are posting a lot, the individual has more posts to
  respond to and might well therefore make *more posts
  than s/he would 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow! power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB 
no_re...@... wrote:

 I mean, it *IS* an interesting event. A minaret in
 Morocco falls on people who are on their knees 
 worshiping the deity it was erected to honor. So
 is the deity good or bad as a result of drop-
 ping the minaret on the faithful?

Puts me in mind of Randy Newman's wonderful God's 
Song (That's Why I Love Mankind) especially the line 
You all must be crazy to put your faith in me
That's why I love mankind:

Cain slew Abel, Seth knew not why
For if the children of Israel were to multiply
Why must any of the children die?
So he asked the Lord
And the Lord said:

Man means nothing, he means less to me
Than the lowliest cactus flower
Or the humblest Yucca tree
He chases round this desert
'Cause he thinks that's where I'll be
That's why I love mankind

I recoil in horror from the foulness of thee
From the squalor and the filth and the misery
How we laugh up here in heaven at the prayers you 
offer me
That's why I love mankind

The Christians and the Jews were having a jamboree
The Buddhists and the Hindus joined on satellite TV
They picked their four greatest priests
And they began to speak
They said, Lord, a plague is on the world
Lord, no man is free
The temples that we built to you
Have tumbled into the sea
Lord, if you won't take care of us
Won't you please, please let us be?
And the Lord said
And the Lord said
I burn down your cities-how blind you must be
I take from you your children and you say how blessed 
are we
You all must be crazy to put your faith in me
That's why I love mankind
You really need me
That's why I love mankind

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
  the sheep hear His voice;and he calls His own sheep
  by name and leads them out.
  .I am the good shepherd;and I know my sheep,and am
  known by my own.
 Spoken like a true city-dweller, and one who has
 never seen what actually *happens* to a sheep when
 its good shepherd leads it out and away from the
 rest of the herd.
 Can you say, Mutton? I think you can.  :-)

Spoken like a true non-Bible reader.

Jesus isn't talking about leading out a single
sheep away from the flock (not herd!), but
rather calling the whole flock and leading them 
all out of the sheepfold to graze in the field.

He goes on to say that if a stranger comes along
and calls to the sheep in the fold, they won't
come out and follow the stranger because they 
don't know the stranger's voice.

See John 10:1-16.

Yours truly,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow! power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, PaliGap compost...@... wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB 
 no_reply@ wrote:
  I mean, it *IS* an interesting event. A minaret in
  Morocco falls on people who are on their knees 
  worshiping the deity it was erected to honor. So
  is the deity good or bad as a result of drop-
  ping the minaret on the faithful?
 Puts me in mind of Randy Newman's wonderful God's 
 Song (That's Why I Love Mankind) especially the line 
 You all must be crazy to put your faith in me
 That's why I love mankind:
 Cain slew Abel, Seth knew not why
 For if the children of Israel were to multiply
 Why must any of the children die?
 So he asked the Lord
 And the Lord said:
 Man means nothing, he means less to me
 Than the lowliest cactus flower
 Or the humblest Yucca tree
 He chases round this desert
 'Cause he thinks that's where I'll be
 That's why I love mankind
 I recoil in horror from the foulness of thee
 From the squalor and the filth and the misery
 How we laugh up here in heaven at the prayers you 
 offer me
 That's why I love mankind
 The Christians and the Jews were having a jamboree
 The Buddhists and the Hindus joined on satellite TV
 They picked their four greatest priests
 And they began to speak
 They said, Lord, a plague is on the world
 Lord, no man is free
 The temples that we built to you
 Have tumbled into the sea
 Lord, if you won't take care of us
 Won't you please, please let us be?
 And the Lord said
 And the Lord said
 I burn down your cities-how blind you must be
 I take from you your children and you say how blessed 
 are we
 You all must be crazy to put your faith in me
 That's why I love mankind
 You really need me
 That's why I love mankind

While I not only applaud but bow deeply to your
sequitur, it just isn't quite right without
Randy's own musical/comic timing. Here you can 
see it en force majeure, in a live performance 
with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra (not
heard, and not missed). 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Dust my Blues!

2010-02-20 Thread lurkernomore20002000

Ok, I propose that any time there is an apology or anything resembling
an apology on FFL  there should be some kind of audio accompaniment. 
Like a trumpet sounding  or something like pinball machine noises.  And
then maybe there should be an extra ten posts for everyone for the week,
and some virtual self congratulating.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

  That's why, in hindsight, I see that it was wrong to utter
derogatory words about the blues of curtis; if it sings in your mind and
heart that is certainly all that matters.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM/Vedic City Wikipedia posters face Arbitration Committee

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  It's impossible for the casual reader to sort out the
  truth of the various charges and countercharges. It's
  a huge, huge mess. Everyone gets to have their say,
  but that doesn't exactly make for clarity and
  efficiency in settling the dispute. In some cases the
  policies in question are unclear and will need to be
  refined so everyone knows what's a violation and what
  The image of guilty TMers lined up before the bar to be
  sentenced and punished for wrongdoing is egregiously
 How do you know? Surely better to wait for a judgement.

I was referring to Vaj's statement framing it as if
it were a fait accompli (when he knows it isn't).

BTW, awhile back Vaj accused me here of being one of
the TMers who had supposedly taken over the
editing process. For the record, I have never been
involved in editing any of Wikipedia's TM-related
articles, directly or indirectly. (Nor did the TMers
who were ever take over the process.)

 I wouldn't like to have to wade through it all but I 
 looked at a few and it seems fair enough,

Some of it is, some of it isn't, from what I've read.

 for instance,
 to call John Hagelin a crackpot as it's a quote from a 
 book about QP. TMers will object of course but this is 
 just an article about his published physics, can't imagine
 what independent editors would make of some of the stuff 
 that gets broadcast on the Marshy channel.
 Selective editing is no good at all here. Let's face it, 
 if you were publishing an encyclopedia who would you get 
 to edit it? The people who passionately believe and make 
 a living from what they write about? Maybe, but you'd have
 it independently checked and then some.

Absolutely. Part of the problem is that the TMers are
simply better informed than the non-TMers, including
the non-TMers who are relatively objective. It's
virtually impossible to be well informed about some
elements of the TM story unless one has been involved.
But if one is still involved, one's objectivity is in
question; same with those who were once involved and
no longer are, since they're likely to take a negative

In other words, if all you had were independent
editors, i.e., folks who had never been involved with
TM, you'd need to have the article checked by TMers,
current and former, who knew what they were talking
about; and then disputes between them would have to
be settled (which is, in fact, what's going on now).

I'm sure you've read articles on TM in the newspapers
or magazines or seen segments on TV in which the
reporters got stuff factually wrong. And they're paid
to get it right!

Just as a for-instance, there's a sentence in the
article now that refers, without qualification, to
the TM-Sidhis including the ability to become invisible
and walk through walls. As it happens, these were
taught very early on in the TM-Sidhis program but
haven't been for a long time. You'd only know this if
you were an insider.

 It's going to be interesting how this one turns out.

Yup. It's a shame the format of all the various
discussions makes it so complicated and difficult
to follow (and thus easy to distort, if that's
one's inclination).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!(O I VEI!)

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
Oi vei-
I don't know what god that is
but it is NOT Jehovah
In verse 17 of Psalm 139, it says, “How precious are your thoughts toward me O 
God! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand.” Than 
the sand! God thinks about you more than all the grains of the sand!
Are y all stuck in that fire and brimstone god?
 Doncha read the inside of the Reader?
Maharishi trying to convey God to you?
God is beautiful and makes loves beauty.
Go to the light!
Get out of that black cloud!


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'David Wants to Fly'

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, PaliGap compost...@... wrote:
 [Hang on a minute - does anyone know of some good
 anti-malware software? My keyboard has been hijacked
 by a CORRECTOR trojan! Wait, let's see...IP address
 is somewhere in darkest Manhatten...]

Dude, if the IP address is in Manhattan, there must
be another CORRECTOR stalking Barry besides moi.

(I'm amused by the various myths and legends that
have sprung up about me. Just discovered to my
surprise that I have cats, via Vaj.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!a thank you

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
Thank you Corrector
Pete's sake
MUNAY to you all!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Another Hitler Video Parody

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 The interesting thing is that the director of the movie
 Downfall loves these parodies:


I know zilch about this guy, but on the basis of what
he said in this interview, he's got to be a real mensch.

Kudos also to the reporter who had the ingenious notion
of asking him what he thought about the parodies!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic Floating experience

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

  From Rory's autohagiography:
  More than this, though, Robin had an interesting --- and 
  disturbing --- world-view. An ex-drama-teacher, he saw the 
  world as a divine drama: a perennial conflict between the 
  divine and the demonic in each of us. *Robin also had an 
  enviable certainty that he was always right*; he trusted 
  his perceptions completely, and did not hesitate to label 
  one as in the grip of the demonic. 
 I never had any interest in Robin Carlson and 
 don't now, but I must say for the record, Doesn't
 that description of him sound like someone on FFL?
 Not the demonic thang per se, just the constant
 assumption of always rightness, and the tendency
 to label others with derogatory labels like...

...The Corrector, stalker, insane, psychopath,
the incarnation of pure ugliness--labels like those,
you mean?

Just sayin'...

 intellectually dishonest, and almost always having
 a hidden agenda of ill intent. 
 Just sayin'...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Heavenly Music

2010-02-20 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  Try this composition by Ennio Morricone, Cinema Paraiso.
 Nice !

Morricone is a genius.  Or, that the bliss flows in him and through his music.

[FairfieldLife] In the series musicians applying for Masterhood: A hillbilly

2010-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008


(For curtis, in respect)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's TM has 108 mantras, TM only 11 or 12

2010-02-20 Thread Bhairitu
These mantras for the nakshatras are very familiar to Vedic 
astrologers.   I even attended a workshop that Hart DeFouw held on 
them.  They are often very interesting because even westerners will wind 
up with the sound of the nakshatra they were born under for the their 
name and of course their parents knew nothing about this.  Some gurus 
might use these to select mantras but probably most just give calming 
mantras to the public (good for vata).   And to disciples unless it is a 
specific path they may select a mantra that fits the character of the 
initiate.  There are mantras for ayurveda, the most common are hoong 
for kapha, shring for pitta and ram for vata.  And of course if 
someone using these comes back into balance they may no longer need to 
practice it.   These are what I call maintenance mantras used to 
address a specific issue and used only temporarily.   There are many 
such mantras for different circumstances such as planetary mantras meant 
to be practiced during bad transits and dashas.

false wrote:
 And those 108 are:


 The irony is that the mantra you get seems to be the worst possible one for 
 you: that list gives me the standard mantra for reducing kapha while I've 
 always been highly vata.

 --- On Thu, 2/18/10, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

 From: Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's TM has 108 mantras, TM only 11 or 12
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 9:21 PM


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Big Philosophical Question Of The Week

2010-02-20 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 I like to amuse myself on Saturday mornings by 
 trying to figure out what the Big Issue Of The
 Week will be here on FFL. 

Whatever it is one can pretty much count on it being driven by 
sentimentality about TM or ignorance about spiritual issues and bottom 
line: boring.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!whatzyer Bible

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
whatz  a matta you?
I got those quotes right out of the Inspirational Study bible w/ commentaries 
by Max Lucado
after i looked them up in my concordance, and on ask.com
..have a meatball w/ pesto sauce


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!*sends O DE magazine*

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
here's your complimentary subscription to 'Ode'
ya negative monsters
i think i will crack a stone upon my own head-oi vei!!
Everything is not evil and bad
...back to the comment earlier, vomit is not bad,(panchakarma)
and the faerie is not as squeamish as she may seem
no gasping here...
I love your rocks voice.I love the viewing of this on many varied facets.
We could all learn a lesson from Spongebob and not be so Squidwardish.
Laugh a little
even if the laugh sounds like a woodpecker or a sponge.
M da 13


[FairfieldLife] Re: Patanjali, Vyasa and Shankara on Omkar, Ishvara and Samadhi

2010-02-20 Thread emptybill

Richard wrote:

Not sure where this saying comes from - maybe it's from Shankara's
Vivarana on the commentary by Vyasa, on Patanjali'sYoga Sutra

Yes, Richard, from Shankara'svivarana on Vyasa's commentary.

Richard wrote:
There's no OM' in mentioned in the Hindu scriptures: Rig Veda, Brahma
Sutra, Yoga Sutra, or in the Bhagavad Gita.

Richard I'm not sure how you come up with this. One of the most
famous texts in the entire Indian tradition is Mandukya Upanishad.

The first sentence of this Upanishad is:

Om iti etat aksharam idam sarvam

the akshara (letter) om is this all

Richard wrote:

Most Vaishnava adherents do not agree with the Tantrists that advocate
the use of bija mantras, although the Vaishnavas are Transcendentalists,
they do not term themselves 'impersonalists' like the Buddhist do.

The Vaishnava tradition is full of bija mantras, just like the Shaiva
lineages. Gaudiya-s like Shrila Prabhupad considered the Pancharatra
Vidhi (rites) to be the purest method for worshiping a deity. (See the
Lakshmi Tantra). This is how Gaudiya-s worship Radha-Krishnain their own

And, by the way, they all use Omkara.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

   'OM' isn't a genuine tantric bija mantra, that's the
  In Gita 7:8 Krishna proclaims praNavaH sarvavedeshhu
  - 'I am the the Pranava (AUM) in all the Vedas.'
 The Bhagavad Gita teaches that there is a Transcendental
 Person, Krishna, and that his symbol is the Pranava, 'OM',
 but there are no 'BIJA' mantras mentioned in the Gita,
 in the Upanishads, or in the Yoga Sutras or in the Rig

 That's because the Tantrics came much later, after the
 composition of the Gita and the Vedas. There were no bija
 mantras around back then. Apparently the use of bija
 mantras took place during the age of the Indian

 Most Vaishnava adherents do not agree with the Tantrists
 that advocate the use of bija mantras, although the
 Vaishnavas are Transcendentalists, they do not term
 themselves 'impersonalists' like the Buddhist do.

 See below:

 Because the impersonalists are very much afraid of
 addressing the Supreme Lord Krsna by His innumerable
 names, they prefer to vibrate the transcendental sound
 omkara. But they do not realize that omkara is the sound
 representation of Krsna...

 Gita 7.8:

 In the Upanishads, the word I-s'vara is used to denote
 a state of collective consciousness...

 Yoga Sutras 1.23-1.29:

 Tripura: Tri means three, and pura means city. Tripura
 is the consciousness that operates in the three cities
 of Waking (A of OM Mantra), Dreaming (U of OM Mantra),
 and Deep Sleep (M of OM Mantra), as well as the Conscious
 (A of OM Mantra), Unconscious (U of OM Mantra), and
 Subconscious (M of OM Mantra) aspects of mind.

 Sometimes conceptualized as the divine feminine (Shakti),
 compared to the divine masculine (Shiva), she permeates
 the three cities of the Gross world (A of OM Mantra),
 the Subtle plane (U of OM Mantra), and the Causal reality
 (M of OM Mantra). Tripura  also permeates the many other
 trinities such as the beingness inherent in past, present
 and future.

 Read more:

 'OM Mantra and 7 Levels of Consciousness'
 by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati

[FairfieldLife] Re: In the series musicians applying for Masterhood: A hillbilly

2010-02-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

So you like this guy or just think it is the kind of thing I would like?

I'm hip to Steve's music, a real minimalist grooveman with a compelling 
personal story.  The North Hills Mississippi tradition he favors has its 
masters.  Here is one of them:


As an acoustic performer this is more my style, and I play this song in my 

 (For curtis, in respect)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
  So for me there can be evil and not giving a kill bite instinct to all 
 animals if you had the power is at the top of my list.  

 However as an evolutionary priority that overlooks my sensibility without a 
 God, I understand how it happened.

Does that make the kill bite instinct, (or aggressions, fighting, war,) 
intrinsically bad? They are not my cup of tea. I am more the hippie pacifist 
type.  I don't care  for football, boxing or cockfighting much -- though I 
realize millions in various cultures live for that shit.  But if Good and Evil 
are the tags we spray paint on the world, can I call those things evil? (not 
calling them evil certainly does not mean they are good.)  

con't after the next section.

  Pray for peace
 Well we know that nothing fails like prayer.  
Just ask anyone who went down in a fireball plane crash and was praying their 
ass off all the way down.

Did you ask them? Or was that your experience? [some intersting sidetrip mirth 
possible here, but I digress]

Well, there are two things here. prayer to a presumed Supreme Being (ha, how is 
Being superior to other Being). And Life after bodily death. On the latter .. 

one of the fascinating things about life and its inevitable death is the 
quandry- is there any continuation of anything? lots of near-death experiences, 
upon coming back from prolong breath halt, many report -- ya know, tunnel of 
light, etc. -- that the other side is so good they didn't want to come back to 
Life. Maybe its just the experience caused by neurons shutting down I don't 
know - nor pretend to know. Maybe this consciousness is a continuum, maybe a 
brief shining light -- once gone, ever extinguished. who could know for sure. 
Who could deny for sure.

So stripping off the pretty ribbons of emergency prayers to a Supreme Being at 
the hour of need -- and leaving it to the question of if the body drops away 
and the continum is still there -- then prayer is superfulous. As it is if its 
just darkness, lights out, good night Irene. 

So if you have the scoop on the existence of prayer and a Supreme Being, cool. 
But do you have the certain scoop on continuation of the inner deeper life 
within? I don't.

 But with the unlimited naivete of our species that makes us so charming, I 
 hope for peace too.

Do my comments above make me naive? Or full of wonder? (or just the obvious, 
full of shit)


con't of prior section 

 ... but if Good and Evil are the tags we spray paint on the world, can I call 
those things evil? (not calling them evil certainly does not mean they are 

If continuity of life is what occurs, then violence, as well as peace and love, 
have a broader context. Life continues. The playground gets real. Lots of 
opportunities to learn life lessons, body after body. 

I never got fascism how and why one could get sucked into that (other than a 
decade of depression, hyperinflation, etc. -- partial explanations.) But I read 
recently a fascist view of militarism and aggressions -- that it was seen as a 
process to promote most rapid social change and growth. While not an advocate 
or fan, if viewed in the context of the continuity of life, then the rapid turn 
over of life could lead to the survival of the fittest paradigm prevalent in 
nature. so even the kill bite instinct may have a plays in the grand scheme of 
things. I really don't know.

And I am sure Charles Manson's types have spewed such in self-serving ways 
through the ages. But, that aside, if one drops the spray paint gloss of  Good 
and Evil, and of Certainty (about things like after death) -- then one is let 
with ... who knows.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count -- do the math

2010-02-20 Thread mainstream20016
The 50 post/week limit wonderfully frustrates the sixth grader in the body of a 
senior citizen and minimizes her opportunity to suck on the oxygen of our 
attention to feed her juvenile neuroses.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20016@ 
  The 50 post / week limit has the potential to improve post
  quality and thereby maximize the utilization of one's
 I disagree, but that isn't what I was discussing.
 I was simply pointing out that Barry's notion
 of prolific posters trying to drown out other
 posters was nonsense (among several other nitwit
 things he said).
  I far prefer seeing your name attached to 1 of 8 posts -
  50 out of 412 of last week's total FFL posts;
  as opposed to seeing your name attached to only 1 of 10+ posts -  
  482 out of 5,152 of Oct., '06's total FFL posts, the last month FFL went 
  without posting limits.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Let's see if this analysis of posting frequency holds
   up under examination.
   After Barry had made his first post, one (or more)
   of his pals got to him quickly to let him know the
   arithmetic he wanted us to let him do for us (because
   we weren't smart enough to do it ourselves, you see)
   wasn't quite on the up-and-up. He hastily got out in
   front of that embarrassing situation, so there's no
   need for me to go over it again. A narrow escape, that!
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:

 Just in case anyone is incapable of doing the
 math and realizing what the result would be
 of getting rid of the posting limits, I'll do
 the math for you.

Ooopsie. :-) Even though it would be fun to
see THE CORRECTOR waste five posts correcting
my math, I'll do it myself.
   Actually one would have been more than sufficient.
   Would've been fun, but there's plenty to correct
   besides Barry's arithmetic.
 This week one of the people *for whom the post-
 ing limits were originally created* got her
 panties in a bunch over Curtis and managed to
 make 50 posts in slightly less than 75 hours.
   Only 10 of them in the brawl with Curtis.
   Note what Barry doesn't mention--and what Curtis
   won't tell you either: the brawl erupted because
   Curtis got *his* panties in a bunch over an 11-word
   one-liner of mine. He also made 10 posts in that
   brawl over the same period.
 That's basically 1.5 posts per hour, average.

Really . posts per hour. Assuming that she
slept at least 24 of those 75 hours, that's an
average of 1 post per waking hour.

 If she were free to do what she used to do, 
 that means she would be making an estimated
 252 posts per week.

More like 112 posts per week. Mea culpa.
   Even this, of course, isn't right. Only if I'd
   continued posting at the same rate would I have
   been making 112 posts that week.
   In the case of the fight with Curtis, as he has
   noted (to Barry, so Barry is aware of this), 
   Curtis pursued the fight so assiduously because
   was snowed in over the weekend and had time on
   his hands; and I usually make most of my posts
   on the weekend. It's highly unlikely the fight
   would have continued at the same rate into the
   rest of the week.
Which, interestingly, is pretty much on the
money given actual past history. During the 
month of October 2006 (the pre-posting limits
Bad Old Days), FFL's top 3 posters (accounting 
for almost a third of all posts) were:

1. shempmcgurk -- 541 (11.6%)
2. sparaig -- 533 (11.4%)
3. authfriend -- 482 (10.3%)
   From Barry's earlier post:
 I would remind people WHY the posting
 limits were created in the first place.
 Three posters -- two still present, one
 now gone -- were essentially Out Of 
 Control and using their ability to post 
 as much as they wanted to drown out 
 others here.
   This is just silly. Nobody makes posts to drown
   out other posters. It's impossible on the face
   of it, not to mention undesirable (fewer posts to
   respond to). To the extent other posters were
   drowned out, we'd be left talking to ourselves.
   And unlike some other posters here, the three of
   us don't often initiate threads or spam the group
   with reams of copy-and-paste material. We're
   interested in *conversation*.
   And the numbers themselves squash Barry's drown
   out theory. Just for example, in October 2006
   there was a total of 5,152 posts in the group. If
   the three of us made 30 percent of them, it means
   there were around 3,606 posts made by others--so
   they were hardly drowned out. And my 50 posts
   from Friday through Monday this 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count -- do the math

2010-02-20 Thread mainstream20016
A 50 post limit frustrates the sixth grader in the body of a senior citizen, 
and minimizes her sucking the oxygen of our attention to feed her juvenile 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20016@ 
  The 50 post / week limit has the potential to improve post
  quality and thereby maximize the utilization of one's
 I disagree, but that isn't what I was discussing.
 I was simply pointing out that Barry's notion
 of prolific posters trying to drown out other
 posters was nonsense (among several other nitwit
 things he said).
  I far prefer seeing your name attached to 1 of 8 posts -
  50 out of 412 of last week's total FFL posts;
  as opposed to seeing your name attached to only 1 of 10+ posts -  
  482 out of 5,152 of Oct., '06's total FFL posts, the last month FFL went 
  without posting limits.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Let's see if this analysis of posting frequency holds
   up under examination.
   After Barry had made his first post, one (or more)
   of his pals got to him quickly to let him know the
   arithmetic he wanted us to let him do for us (because
   we weren't smart enough to do it ourselves, you see)
   wasn't quite on the up-and-up. He hastily got out in
   front of that embarrassing situation, so there's no
   need for me to go over it again. A narrow escape, that!
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:

 Just in case anyone is incapable of doing the
 math and realizing what the result would be
 of getting rid of the posting limits, I'll do
 the math for you.

Ooopsie. :-) Even though it would be fun to
see THE CORRECTOR waste five posts correcting
my math, I'll do it myself.
   Actually one would have been more than sufficient.
   Would've been fun, but there's plenty to correct
   besides Barry's arithmetic.
 This week one of the people *for whom the post-
 ing limits were originally created* got her
 panties in a bunch over Curtis and managed to
 make 50 posts in slightly less than 75 hours.
   Only 10 of them in the brawl with Curtis.
   Note what Barry doesn't mention--and what Curtis
   won't tell you either: the brawl erupted because
   Curtis got *his* panties in a bunch over an 11-word
   one-liner of mine. He also made 10 posts in that
   brawl over the same period.
 That's basically 1.5 posts per hour, average.

Really . posts per hour. Assuming that she
slept at least 24 of those 75 hours, that's an
average of 1 post per waking hour.

 If she were free to do what she used to do, 
 that means she would be making an estimated
 252 posts per week.

More like 112 posts per week. Mea culpa.
   Even this, of course, isn't right. Only if I'd
   continued posting at the same rate would I have
   been making 112 posts that week.
   In the case of the fight with Curtis, as he has
   noted (to Barry, so Barry is aware of this), 
   Curtis pursued the fight so assiduously because
   was snowed in over the weekend and had time on
   his hands; and I usually make most of my posts
   on the weekend. It's highly unlikely the fight
   would have continued at the same rate into the
   rest of the week.
Which, interestingly, is pretty much on the
money given actual past history. During the 
month of October 2006 (the pre-posting limits
Bad Old Days), FFL's top 3 posters (accounting 
for almost a third of all posts) were:

1. shempmcgurk -- 541 (11.6%)
2. sparaig -- 533 (11.4%)
3. authfriend -- 482 (10.3%)
   From Barry's earlier post:
 I would remind people WHY the posting
 limits were created in the first place.
 Three posters -- two still present, one
 now gone -- were essentially Out Of 
 Control and using their ability to post 
 as much as they wanted to drown out 
 others here.
   This is just silly. Nobody makes posts to drown
   out other posters. It's impossible on the face
   of it, not to mention undesirable (fewer posts to
   respond to). To the extent other posters were
   drowned out, we'd be left talking to ourselves.
   And unlike some other posters here, the three of
   us don't often initiate threads or spam the group
   with reams of copy-and-paste material. We're
   interested in *conversation*.
   And the numbers themselves squash Barry's drown
   out theory. Just for example, in October 2006
   there was a total of 5,152 posts in the group. If
   the three of us made 30 percent of them, it means
   there were around 3,606 posts made by others--so
   they were hardly drowned out. And my 50 posts
   from Friday through Monday this past week were out
   of a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!whatzyerBible

2010-02-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirt...@... wrote:

 whatz a matta you?
 I got those quotes right out of the Inspirational Study bible 
 w/ commentaries by Max Lucado

And that makes them somehow more meaningful 
or true than quotes by Randy Newman?  Whatz 
a matta you, bay-bee?

I mean, *really*, isn't that the only issue
here? You hold certain ancients to have been
possessed of certain inalienable, constantly-
true truths, and we think they were just
pissing into the wind, and geting splashed 
as a result with their own truths.

I spoke before about the real issue in this
thread. But that was merely the surface of the
real issue. The REAL real issue seems to be,
Do you believe that your vision of 'truth' is
'true' for all other sentient beings, or not?

I'm clearly in the NOT camp. Where do you stand,
Meow? Is there a possibility -- however faint --
that your quotes of choice might have as little
to do with a God (if One exists) and what His/Her/
Its Grand Plan might be (if one exists) as the
actual price of oil has to do with what you pay
at the gaspump? Is there a *possibility* that
your certainty about these things is...uh...
less than certain? Or are you *certain*, no
strings attached, no doubts, no dissenting 
opinions from other sentient beings allowed
to intrude upon the certainty?

That really *IS* the dichotomy that Curtis and I
are attempting to point out here on Fairfield Life.

IMO, that is. Curtis may have had nothing remotely
like that in mind.

But *I* see in his posts an interesting dichotomy
being pointed out between those who seem convinced
that they know the truth about stuff, and those
who are still humble enough to admit that they don't
have a fuckin' clue.

If you identify more with the former group, and its
groupies, more power to you. Me, I want to hang for
the rest of this life and in the afterlife with 
those who are honest enough to admit that they don't
have a fuckin' clue. YMMV.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hitler on Climate Change

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, PaliGap compost...@... wrote:

 A variation on a spoof template that might tickle one
 or two here I hope!

Oh, jeez, I'm wiping my eyes.

It's OK. He didn't mean that about Starbuck's.

This is the best Downfall spoof yet, I think, at least
of the ones I've seen.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!whatzyerBible

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 But *I* see in his posts an interesting dichotomy
 being pointed out between those who seem convinced
 that they know the truth about stuff, and those
 who are still humble enough to admit that they don't
 have a fuckin' clue.

Except, of course, they don't admit any such
thing. Rather, they:

 think [the ancients] were just pissing into
 the wind, and geting [sic] splashed as a result
 with their own truths.

Nothing wrong with thinking you have a fuckin'
clue. Just don't pretend you don't have one and
then use that falsehood to make yourself superior
to others.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count -- do the math

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20...@... 

 A 50 post limit frustrates the sixth grader in the body
 of a senior citizen, and minimizes her sucking the oxygen
 of our attention to feed her juvenile neuroses.

Toots, you get to not only minimimze but *completely
withhold* the oxygen of your attention.

If you can't manage that, it's your problem.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic Floating experience

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:
 But here's a surprising development from Salon:
 CPAC Crowd Boos a Homophobe Off Stage (with video)
 No kidding, this is pretty amazing. (I'm not sure whether
 to be thrilled that these conservatives are resisting
 homophobia, or depressed that there are gays conservative
 enough to have become an issue at that meeting.)

Apparently at this particular CPAC function, Ron Paul was
scheduled to speak a little later, and the audience was
full of his supporters rather than the run-of-the-mill
crazy righties. So not quite as amazing as it seemed, alas.

[FairfieldLife] Farewell for now message from Buck/Doug

2010-02-20 Thread Rick Archer
Dear Rick;

I have long been of the feeling that posting to FFL over the 50 post a week
is a clear crime of passion and as the guidelines provide
should be met with dispassion and firmness.  Fair is fair.

Frankly, 50 posts a week is plain over-indulgence.  40 posts as a weekly
threshold was even the better
show of character for the FFL list community.  

But in the rule of civic law,  the rule is the rule.  And, we both know that
Shemp is going 
to howl endlessly at the door over this error of yours.  Whine, gripe and
will proly make at overindulging the list community
by running at 50 posts crying, but Rick gets to as if he is an equal.

To dissuade just such abuse which will come, I offer myself
as hostage to your over posting last week.  Yep, yours was an error of
that I will place myself in as exchange for you. A replacement.  I will do
your time off-list for you.
Let me do this for the well-being of the FFL community.  Keep your hand
straight on the tiller.

There is great spiritual work now in the field and forest to attend to.  It
is Spring come again,
my time on the internet is closing for the year anyway as 
fieldwork and planting come around.  I shall be sharpening
plow shears this next week on your account. I'll be off-line
and working in the temple.  Don't let anyone say your crime
was not paid for.  I'll be gone from FFL for a while, 
gone to the woods on your account.

Jai Jai Adi Shankara,

Up to the hilltop:


[FairfieldLife] Apolo Anton Ohno

2010-02-20 Thread Rick Archer
If you've enjoyed Apolo's exploits over the last 12 yrs and want to  
see into the mind and heart
of both father and son, read on ...   Quite the Warrior and Zen Masters.

On and Off the Ice, Ohno Is Positioned for Success
Alex Livesey/Getty Images

Apolo Anton Ohno is one medal short of becoming the United States’  
most decorated Winter Olympian.

Published: February 19, 2010

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — The evolution of Apolo Anton Ohno  
unfolded in ice rinks, on television, over 12 years and three Winter  
Olympics. It involved a single father and singular short track  
speedskating focus, a torturous trainer and dancing with stars.

It brought Ohno here, to his record-tying sixth Olympic medal with  
three events remaining, most likely in his career. Over the last 16  
weeks, Ohno overcame swine flu and ate seaweed, and logged 900 miles  
of treadmill training.

His evolution, at least in the athletic sense, is nearly complete.  
 From chunky punk to slim superstar, from soul patch to soulful, Ohno  
has built, honed, tweaked and polished his most valuable asset: himself.

“I have a vision,” said Yuki Ohno, his father. “Apolo will entertain  
the world with an unbelievable performance. The battle is just  
getting started.”

Ohno resides in rare air, as both a full-time Olympian and his own  
brand. His profile adorns the side of an Alaska Airlines 737. His  
face routinely graces People magazine’s most beautiful issue. His  
wrist showcases the expensive watches he endorses along with George  
Clooney and Cindy Crawford.

In an online Smithsonian magazine poll, Ohno garnered 37 percent of  
the vote for America’s favorite Winter Olympian. The figure skater  
Brian Boitano ranked second with 21 percent. No one else, not Shaun  
White, not Bonnie Blair, not Eric Heiden, received even half of that.

But Ohno did not arrive here on his own. He is the product of Team  
A.A.O., his stable of family, friends, trainers, coaches and  
advisers. In training, diet, schedule, strategy and mind-set, they  
guided his evolution.

Ohno hired John Schaeffer, a kick boxer turned trainer, in 2002.  
Schaeffer’s résumé included work with swimmers, boxers, weight  
lifters, mixed martial artists and N.F.L. players, but never before  
had he encountered someone with Ohno’s intensity, recovery ability  
and capacity to endure pain.

“I don’t know anybody, honestly, who could train with Apolo,”  
Schaeffer said.

He traveled with Ohno to Italy for the Olympics and to Los Angeles  
for “Dancing With the Stars.” He once ran Ohno up the mountains near  
Reading, Pa., three times each day for three days, “like a goat.” He  
made core training their core focus.

Three months ago, Schaeffer moved into Ohno’s house near Salt Lake  
City. There, they ensured that Ohno, an athlete in the twilight of  
his career, would enter these Games in the best shape of his life.

Ohno lost nearly 16 pounds, doubled his strength, cut his body fat to  
2.8 percent and sacrificed not one ounce of speed. Yuki Ohno compared  
his son to a Lamborghini, the same brand as in previous Olympics, but  
shaped different: smaller in the quadriceps, leaner in the upper  
body, but similarly explosive.

A typical workout: eight sets of two repetitions at 1,000 pounds on  
the leg press, one leg at a time, holding the weight between each  
set. Then bench hops. Then one-legged hops. Then, in the afternoon,  
treadmill training, alternating each minute between 12 and 15 miles  
an hour for 20 rotations.

Schaeffer also changed Ohno’s diet, using lean fat for energy instead  
of carbohydrates, eliminating toxic nutrients. Ohno ate only  
vegetables, fruit and fish, except for the night before and the  
morning of each race, when he gorged on brown rice pasta prepared  
with coconut oil and essential fats.

“It’s intense,” Ohno said, in way of explanation. “You have no idea.”

The mental evolution fell mostly to Yuki, who won court custody when  
his son was an infant. (Neither Ohno has ever discussed Apolo’s  
mother.) Ohno described his father as his backbone, an equal partner  
in the Ohno enterprise.

It was Yuki who sent Apolo to a secluded cabin, alone for eight days,  
after he bombed at the Olympic trials in 1998. Yuki who implemented  
buffers as the time demands expanded, who handled scheduling, who  
battled through security here to deliver food after his son won a  
silver medal in the 1,500 meters.

Yuki built the mind-set, shifting the focus from winning races and  
securing Olympic records, to the struggle for perfection. Apolo Ohno  
often sounds like a Zen master, and that is his father’s influence.

“His mind is so clear and focused,” Yuki Ohno said. “When I drive  
with him, I feel his testosterone level. It’s so high, I get scared.  
I don’t want to challenge him in conversation. It’s like a dominant,  
focused lion is sitting right beside me.”

The strategic evolution came from Jae Su Chun, the former coach of  

[FairfieldLife] Re: In the series musicians applying for Masterhood: A hillbilly

2010-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
 So you like this guy or just think it is the kind of thing I would like?

 I'm hip to Steve's music, a real minimalist grooveman with a compelling 
 personal story.  The North Hills Mississippi tradition he favors has its 
 masters.  Here is one of them:


Impressive, never heard of him, thanks for posting this !


[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone Tried Yogic Flying?

2010-02-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:

And where is all that stored in your brain? Where did
the data of the experiences come from?
   I'd say it was invented in the same way that the dreaming
   mind conjurs up all sorts of fantastic stuff.
  See, that's where I just get boggled. I see stuff in
  my dreams that I've *never* seen before, either live
  or in photos or drawings, haven't read about, etc.
  Plenty of what I see *is* familiar, but some of it 
  simply ain't.
 Hmmm, depends what you mean by never I get stuff
 that's wild but hasn't ever happened (I hope) but
 it's still feasible in a monster-ish or sci-fi way.
 The acid halucinations are also stuff from the world
 but in ways you wouldn't think of, just a kind of 
 spontaneous modern art. Like I was sitting in a 
 church once and looked up at the beams of light shining
 through the rafters and saw a troop of gorillas sitting 
 as they do when resting in trees, just the mind making 
 more out of shadows that was there but a striking image.
 What do can you see that hasn't existed before? It's all
 made up of concepts of various things, unless your mind is
 truly out there!

Well, I don't have a particularly out there mind, I
don't think.

Most of the examples I can recall offhand are
architectural.  I have several recurring dreams, each
set of dreams having a common theme and common type of
architectural setting, but each individual dream takes
place in a different structure radically unlike any
I've ever been in. Some sets take place in realistic
structures, some in shockingly impossible ones, all
highly detailed. None of the details, as far as I can
tell, are like anything I've ever seen in real life.

I guess if an architect had such dreams, you could
make a case that he was creating structures from his
imagination in his dreams just as he does in real life,
except without any limitations. But I'm not an
architect, and in real life I'm not creative in the
sense of coming up with brand-new stuff.

(Symbolically, I strongly suspect the buildings in these
recurring dreams represent my mind, my subjective state,
in which I'm wandering around exploring with some dim
purpose, or trying more or less successfully to get
from one place to another.)

  (On the other hand...I just learned yesterday something
  I'd never heard, although apparently it's been public
  knowledge for awhile--that Francis Crick came up with
  the double helix while high on LSD. For some reason
  I get a huge kick out of that.)
 I always thought that he had dreamed about two mating 
 snakes entwined.

Are you thinking of Kekule intuiting the structure of
the benzene ring? He claimed to have had a vision of a
snake eating its own tail while daydreaming. Or maybe
Crick did say he'd dreamed it because he didn't want it
known that he used LSD. It didn't come out that he had
until after he died.

 Either one underlines the point that the 
 conscious mind isn't what does any of the actual thinking,
 that's all done deep down, the aware part of us just forms
 an outline of the problem.

But where does the data come from that the deep-down
part of the mind is using? I don't see how the brain
can *create* data de novo.

   Did I say it's our brains that control it?
  Yes, you did--see quote above, because it's our brains
  that control it!
 I know, I was kidding. A case of not thinking before typing.

Got it.

   No more than
   windows vista is controlled by the chip in this computer,
   it allows it happen but doesn't know or care whether it 
   does or not.
  So where does that leave us?
 Not being able to trust our own instinctive opinions
 about what happens in our minds I guess, which could be 
 worrying but most people just ignore it - if they ever 
 given it any thought that is.

Why is the thought that we can't trust our
instinctive opinions about what happens in our
minds so trustworthy? I have the sense that this
approach just circles back and bites itself in
the butt.

   Gut feeling is a bad thing to go on as we are too good at
   kidding ourselves.
  Your analogy to Windows Vista sorta breaks down here,
  doesn't it? (Assuming the OS is functioning properly,
  that is.)
 I don't see the analogy breaking down but our OS can, the
 two interact more in the human body than in the computer. 
 We have the feedback system of the fight/flight response 
 for instance so we can be scared of things that aren't real
 and it'll be the same as if they were. 
 If you don't take the analogy that far and think of some-
 thing like the TM explanation of mental activity, it doesn't
 have any actual parallel in the mind but we accept it as a 
 good explanation regardless. It's a software option that 
 thinks it knows how the machine that supports it functions 
 but doesn't really 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!!!!!

2010-02-20 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
So for me there can be evil and not giving a kill bite instinct to all 
   animals if you had the power is at the top of my list.  
   However as an evolutionary priority that overlooks my sensibility without 
   a God, I understand how it happened.
  Does that make the kill bite instinct, (or aggressions, fighting, war,) 
  intrinsically bad? They are not my cup of tea. I am more the hippie 
  pacifist type.  I don't care  for football, boxing or cockfighting much -- 
  though I realize millions in various cultures live for that shit.  But if 
  Good and Evil are the tags we spray paint on the world, can I call those 
  things evil? (not calling them evil certainly does not mean they are good.) 
  con't after the next section.
 I love my Discovery Chanel and Animal Planet, but every time I see a lion 
 pride starting their quivering buffet at the nose of a wide eyed and very 
 conscious Cape Buffalo,I am reminded at the lack of intelligent or 
 compassionate design.  I hold suffering as bad when it could be avoided.  
 In this case I agree, my labels have no meaning.  Nature is red in tooth and 
 claw IS natural law.  As humans I think we can often do better starting with 
 triple digit waterboardings. 
Pray for peace
   Well we know that nothing fails like prayer.  
  Just ask anyone who went down in a fireball plane crash and was praying 
  their ass off all the way down. 
  Did you ask them? Or was that your experience? [some intersting sidetrip 
  mirth possible here, but I digress]
 I'm bett'n on it!  I however would have no one to beg so I would put my head 
 firmly between my knees so I could kiss my ass goodbye!
  Well, there are two things here. prayer to a presumed Supreme Being (ha, 
  how is Being superior to other Being). And Life after bodily death. On the 
  latter .. 
  one of the fascinating things about life and its inevitable death is the 
  quandry- is there any continuation of anything? lots of near-death 
  experiences, upon coming back from prolong breath halt, many report -- ya 
  know, tunnel of light, etc. -- that the other side is so good they didn't 
  want to come back to Life. 
 Key word: near.  I've known people who did it for real and I haven't heard 
 from them since.
 Maybe its just the experience caused by neurons shutting down I don't know - 
 nor pretend to know. Maybe this consciousness is a continuum, maybe a brief 
 shining light -- once gone, ever extinguished. who could know for sure. Who 
 could deny for sure.
 That is the crux of it.  Not accepting the conclusions people claim after 
 this experience is not on the same level.  We can deny that there is 
 sufficient evidence with confidence.
  So stripping off the pretty ribbons of emergency prayers to a Supreme Being 
  at the hour of need -- and leaving it to the question of if the body drops 
  away and the continum is still there -- then prayer is superfulous. As it 
  is if its just darkness, lights out, good night Irene.
 Well some people feel better begging to an invisible friend.  I don't 
 begrudge them that especially in a life or death situation.
  So if you have the scoop on the existence of prayer and a Supreme Being, 
  cool. But do you have the certain scoop on continuation of the 
 inner deeper life within? I don't.
 Nice distinctions. As John Lee Hooker said, Ain't no heaven, ain't no burn'n 
 hell, where we go when we die, can't nobody tell.  My position is similar in 
 that I don't know and different in that I also couple that with and you 
 (everybody not just you you!) don't either.
 Going with what I do know about how connected my awareness is to the proper 
 functioning of my body I am placing a low probability on the continuation of 
 the software when the hardware crashes.  But I would be delighted to be 

Thats the image that keeps me laughing -- over the years: I can get all 
rational and anally empirical and deny continuation, and think when my eyes 
close for the last time, I will somewhat sadly, fearfully say ok, sayanra 
(well I have different versions, some where I man it up John Wayne and Clint 
Eastwood style and just laugh as the bullets rip thru me, but I digress) and 
then BAM I am in the middle of a cosmic party. Lights not only not Out, but on 
brightly. music blaring. 

For me, I have two choices in the midst of the uncertainty. I can assume it all 
stops, anything I start I will not finish -- and the why bother attitude 
creeps in -- with the result that a) lights are actually out, or b) the lights 
are actually still on. 

OR, I can assume  that 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: CPAC Has Largest Turnout in History

2010-02-20 Thread WLeed3


 From: news...@reply.newsmax.com
Reply-to:  xcfqzinvxsuxvd.nfnf...@newsmax.puresendmail.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent:  2/19/2010 11:15:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: CPAC Has Largest  Turnout in History

Breaking from Newsmax.com
_Kessler:  CPAC: Largest Turnout in History_ 
This time  last year, pundits were predicting the end of conservatism and 
the  Republican Party. So-called conservative columnists like David  Frum, 
formerly of National Review, and David Brooks of The New  York Times were 
warning conservatives that something was wrong  with their beliefs. The CPAC 
turnout shows they were wrong. 
_Read  the Full Story -- Go Here Now_ 
Special: _Dick  Morris Reveals Coming Obama Aftershock - RSVP  Now!_ 
_Rubio  Tells CPAC: Americans See Through Obama’s Con_ 
_House  Dems Say Merger of Health Bills Is Near_ 
_Ex-NYPD  Commissioner Kerik Sentenced to 4 Years_ 
More Links: 
_Suzanne  Somers Uncover Way to Survive Cancer_ 
_Get  the CIA Cap Free, Just Pay Shipping!_ 
_Doctor:  Weight Loss Starts with Your  Brain_ 



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Riviera Beach, FL, 33404 USA  
To remove your email from future mailings please click here: _Unsubscribe_ 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Alexander Haig Dies, Great Warrior for Freedom Passes

2010-02-20 Thread WLeed3


 From: news...@reply.newsmax.com
Reply-to:  tybmvejrus.surzjbjb...@newsmax.puresendmail.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent:  2/20/2010 11:01:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Alexander Haig Dies,  Great Warrior for Freedom Passes

Breaking from Newsmax.com
_General  Alexander Haig Dies, a Great American Warrior  Passes_ 
General Alexander M. Haig Jr., who served  as Secretary of State, died at 
the age of 85 Saturday after a brief  illness. Haig’s career spanned more 
than six decades, covering  one-quarter of the nation’s history. Newsmax 
reveals how Haig was an  actor and player in some of the most momentous events 
our times: the  opening of China, Watergate, the crisis of the Carter years, 
Reagan's  rollback of communism, and the emergence of the Internet.
_Read  the Full Story – Go Here Now._ 



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[FairfieldLife] Fwd: FINALLY, A CURE !

2010-02-20 Thread WLeed3


 From: lm...@cornell.edu
To: gwanst...@aol.com
Sent: 2/20/2010 6:01:53  P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Fwd: FINALLY, A CURE !

Begin forwarded message:

From: JAHodges _jahod...@aol.com_ (mailto:jahod...@aol.com) 

Date: February 20, 2010 5:12:35  PM EST

Subject:  Fwd:  FINALLY, A CURE !

In this age of increasing personalized  medicine!


The U.S. Center for Contagious  Disease Control has  
issued a level 1warning about a  new virulent strain  
that has been quickly spreading.   

The disease is contracted  through dangerous high- 
risk behavior.
The disease is Gonorrhea  Lectim, and is pronounced  
gonna re-elect em.
Research has confirmed that most victims contracted  
this dangerous and destructive disease after having  
been screwed in November 2008.
Naturalists and epidemiologists  are amazed at how  
destructive this disease has  become, and have further  
learned that it is easily cured  . . . by simply voting out  incumbents! 

Do your part in controlling this terrible  disease!


[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-02-20 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Feb 20 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat Feb 27 00:00:00 2010
101 messages as of (UTC) Sat Feb 20 23:51:38 2010

15 authfriend jst...@panix.com
12 m 13 meowthirt...@yahoo.com
11 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
11 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 tartbrain no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 6 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 5 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 3 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 3 wle...@aol.com
 3 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 3 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 3 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 2 PaliGap compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 pranamoocher bh...@hotmail.com
 1 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 false dj...@yahoo.com
 1 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 1 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
 1 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 1 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
 1 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com

Posters: 23
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Farewell for now message from Buck/Doug

2010-02-20 Thread ShempMcGurk
Does this mean you won't be peppering FFL with that irritating om every other 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Dear Rick;
 I have long been of the feeling that posting to FFL over the 50 post a week
 is a clear crime of passion and as the guidelines provide
 should be met with dispassion and firmness.  Fair is fair.
 Frankly, 50 posts a week is plain over-indulgence.  40 posts as a weekly
 threshold was even the better
 show of character for the FFL list community.  
 But in the rule of civic law,  the rule is the rule.  And, we both know that
 Shemp is going 
 to howl endlessly at the door over this error of yours.  Whine, gripe and
 will proly make at overindulging the list community
 by running at 50 posts crying, but Rick gets to as if he is an equal.
 To dissuade just such abuse which will come, I offer myself
 as hostage to your over posting last week.  Yep, yours was an error of
 that I will place myself in as exchange for you. A replacement.  I will do
 your time off-list for you.
 Let me do this for the well-being of the FFL community.  Keep your hand
 straight on the tiller.
 There is great spiritual work now in the field and forest to attend to.  It
 is Spring come again,
 my time on the internet is closing for the year anyway as 
 fieldwork and planting come around.  I shall be sharpening
 plow shears this next week on your account. I'll be off-line
 and working in the temple.  Don't let anyone say your crime
 was not paid for.  I'll be gone from FFL for a while, 
 gone to the woods on your account.
 Jai Jai Adi Shankara,
 Up to the hilltop:

[FairfieldLife] How the CRU manipulated data

2010-02-20 Thread ShempMcGurk

Reading some of the excerpts from the East Anglia emails reproduced in
the article below made me think of the dialogue that was used in the
Bruno Ganz Hitler on Climate Control youtube video.  Reality mimics
art (or whatever the saying is).

The Heretics: McIntyre and McKitrick

from: frontpagemag.com


When the infamous hockey-stick graph that purported to prove that human
activities are causing runaway global warming was finally broken, there
is some irony in the fact that a couple of Canadians did the breaking.
Retired mining engineer Steve McIntyre
http://www.thestar.com/printarticle/737357  and Ross McKitrick
http://www.uoguelph.ca/%7Ermckitri/cv.html , Professor of Economics at
the University of Guelph, have been a thorn in the side of global
warming alarmists for years. McIntyre, McKitrick and, more often, the
acronym MM to refer to the pair, are the subject of many
discussions in the e-mails released from the University of East
Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) last November.

Reading the e-mails, it quickly becomes clear that leading alarmist
scientists, like Michael Mann http://www.met.psu.edu/people/mem45  at
Penn State and Phil Jones
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Jones_%28climatologist%29  at the
CRU, seemed positively obsessed – almost to the point of appearing
deranged at times – with discrediting McIntyre and McKitrick. For
example, when the pair published their first hockey stick busting paper
in 2003, Mann sent an angry e-mail to his colleagues, telling them how
to deal with MM: The important thing is to deny that this has any
intellectual credibility whatsoever and, if contacted by any media, to
dismiss this for the stunt that it is.

Raymond Bradley http://www.geo.umass.edu/faculty/bradley/bradley.html
, a climatologist with the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and
part of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), went even
farther, suggesting that CRU should provide the independent
voice that would discredit McIntyre and McKitrick: …if an
independent group such as you guys at CRU could make a
statement as to whether the MM effort is truly an audit, and
if they did it right, I think that would go a long way to defusing the
issue… If you are willing, a quick and forceful statement from The
Distinguished CRU Boys would help quash further arguments.

What did McIntyre and McKitrick do to put these climatologists on the
defensive? To understand the significance of their work, we have to
delve into global warming theory a bit. The disaster scenarios that
alarmists predict can not be proven in real time. These scenarios are
based on computer models that are horrendously complex and, even if
modeling results match up with actual data during this year or that, it
still proves nothing in terms of long-term trends.

The only way to prove that the models are accurate is to demonstrate
that recent climatic trends are unprecedented. To do that, there are two
choices: 1) compare recent climatic trends to actual temperature
records, or 2) compare them to historic temperature records inferred
using other, secondary sources like ice cores and tree rings,
generically known as proxy data. The problem with first approach is that
humans have only been recording temperatures across the globe for about
the last century and a half, and many of those records are dubious. In
terms of natural climatic fluctuations, this is much too short a period
of time to conclude anything. So we're left with proxy data and,
when the IPCC issued its first report back in 1990, the committee was
left with an embarrassing problem: the proxy data showed that the
earth's recent warming trend isn't all that unusual.
Specifically, proxy data showed the Medieval Warm Period, which ran from
about 1000 to 1400 A.D., was much warmer than it is today.

Mann, Bradley and others then set to work on dissembling that set of
proxy data, creating a new historical temperature record that
disappeared the Medieval Warm Period and made it appear that
planetary temperatures have been relatively stable over the last 2,000
years until they suddenly took off precipitously starting about 1970.
The hockey stick graph was born.

Making the Medieval Warm Period disappear was an exercise in statistical
manipulation, choosing valid data, eliminating bad
data and using mathematical techniques to fill in the gaps. It's
complicated work, but precisely the sort of analysis that McIntyre and
McKitrick are used to performing. For example, as a mining engineer
McIntyre would have to study sets of core samples in an attempt to draw
sound conclusions about the likely location and extent of mineral
deposits. McIntyre and McKitrick set about closely examining how Mann,
Bradley et al. had done their work. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow!whatza matta you!my stand

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
Meow sez
disclaimer first:
Perhaps this is not the Absolute truth 
I believe I see darkly,Cannot see all the way thru
I do not have all the correct answers
or I would be released and in Nirvana/Heaven now
I am compelled to release what i do know
I believe in karma, and so , if i do not let what i have go, then it will be 
witheld from me also 
I have needs
i shall be wanting to receive at some points , a LOT of points.
Since i see not clearly, and not completely, i will not be totally correct ALL 
the time
And so it is with all of us, and so this is Divine, we can all realize we need 
each other , and that all/ each of us have value, have something the other 
lacks, this builds community, and esteem in individuals.
And, when i get new information, it is reasonable that that info may exclude 
some other thoughts or theories i had, so as new info comes in, i have new 
views perhaps, or perhaps the ones i have had are solidified.
That being said, i believe that all beliefs are true AND all beliefs are 
Each one has been defiled and is pristine at the same time.
This i s good because then we can all lean on each other . 
Maharishi expounded on a lot of what God s intent was that i sure never heard 
about in Christian churches.
I love catholism because their hearts bleed for the poor, and the mistakes of 
young passion(unwed mothers)
The Jewish have not left their history behind
The Mormons really believe the tithe and the helping the needy within
the family is really important too, so true, and i love this about the 
I need community.
Zen is so ...how could anyone put it down?
The Dalai Lama...simple-yet hard for the flesh, hard, but easy...
Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare...the sane advice to be kind to yourselves and animals 
Buddhism,simple truths that work
Confusious (spelling)..duh, of course all these we call follow, all truths
Pentacostals-who doesn't love to hear God show up and speak right at people 
/issues /hearts in tongues and an interpretation!Who doesn't want to see the 
Spirit like a rushing wind in the sanctuary , rolling by, molecules of air 
swirling  and the peace of silence heavy like a cloud upon everyone there!
Baptists-who doesn't want to be made new(dunk!)
I have left out some...
there are things that raise the hair on this cats back in all and some that 
make me purr, as truths and falsehoods.(or 
I do the best i can at the time which falls miserably short of Deity.
I want my karma/judgement to be a thing of beauty
and I want to get it before I have to spend a dizzying myriad of lifetimes here.
i am not a know it all
and if i proclaimed to be, i would then prove myself wrong.
Peace to you;
to all of Us in heaven and all the spaces of life and existance


[FairfieldLife] Re: Farewell for now message from Buck/Doug

2010-02-20 Thread m 13
i thought it predudiced against vatas who can love to talk 
this limit
that's what the delete button is for if one does not care for a post/poster
But ah well


[FairfieldLife] Fw: Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!*s ends ODE magazine*

2010-02-20 Thread m 13

--- On Sat, 2/20/10, m 13 meowthirt...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: m 13 meowthirt...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Wow!  power of prayer!to WHO(M)!*sends ODE magazine*
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 1:50 PM

here's your complimentary subscription to 'Ode'
ya negative monsters
i think i will crack a stone upon my own head-oi vei!!
Everything is not evil and bad
...back to the comment earlier, vomit is not bad,(panchakarma)
and the faerie is not as squeamish as she may seem
no gasping here...
I love your rocks voice.I love the viewing of this on many varied facets.
We could all learn a lesson from Spongebob and not be so Squidwardish.
Laugh a little
even if the laugh sounds like a woodpecker or a sponge.
M da 13


[FairfieldLife] What on Earth ?

2010-02-20 Thread nablusoss1008

http://www.cropcirclemovie.com/ http://www.cropcirclemovie.com/

A film by Suzanne Taylor

Re: [FairfieldLife] So was Soma speed?

2010-02-20 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:
 On Feb 19, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 I finally got around to watching episode 1 of my recording of the PBS 
 series on India last night. This was the series that was on a while ago 
 and I caught episodes 5  6 then. In episode 1 they investigate what 
 Soma is and some archaeologists believe it was a mix of poppies, 
 cannabis and . ephedra. IOW, though people were really messed up 
 on uppers and downers. BTW the series is now available on Blu-ray.

 Have you never read Maharaj: A Biography of Shriman Tapasviji Maharaj, A 
 Mahatma who lived for 185 years?

Not at $106 a copy.  :-D

[FairfieldLife] Crop Circle Cafe

2010-02-20 Thread Rick Archer
Hey Nabby,
You'll be interested to know that there is now a Crop Circle Cafe and
gallery in FF. The address here:
=24316563 is obsolete. It's two doors west of Americus Diamond, on
Burlington Avenue. It was established by Marlene Stanley, ex-wife of Raja
Tom Stanley, Alex's brother.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's TM has 108 mantras, TM only 11 or 12

2010-02-20 Thread shukra69
thanks for info, not so appealing as mantras alone,, om tee namah for a mantra? 
give me the TM mantras instead

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, false dj...@... wrote:

 And those 108 are:
 The irony is that the mantra you get seems to be the worst possible one for 
 you: that list gives me the standard mantra for reducing kapha while I've 
 always been highly vata.
 --- On Thu, 2/18/10, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 From: Vaj vajradh...@...
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's TM has 108 mantras, TM only 11 or 12
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 9:21 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Farewell for now message from Buck/Doug

2010-02-20 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirt...@... wrote:

 i thought it predudiced against vatas who can love to talk 
 this limit
 that's what the delete button is for if one does not care for a post/poster
 But ah well

Actually, meow, it takes much less energy than even using the delete button if 
one is bothered by a poster or the number of posts an unwanted poster posts.

The time and energy it takes to skim the name of the person who authors a 
thread when one looks at the messages list format of FFL takes, oh, about a 
nanosecond and about a nanocalorie of energy.

But certain long-winded posters insist upon imposing THEIR style of writing and 
posting on everyone else and Rick agrees...so what can one do other than get 
upset enough and start an overflow Yahoo! group?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's TM has 108 mantras, TM only 11 or 12

2010-02-20 Thread John
In jyotish, these sounds are the first syllables used for naming a child who 
was born in a particular pada or quarter in any of the nakshatras.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shukra69 shukr...@... wrote:

 thanks for info, not so appealing as mantras alone,, om tee namah for a 
 mantra? give me the TM mantras instead
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, false dj015@ wrote:
  And those 108 are:
  The irony is that the mantra you get seems to be the worst possible one for 
  you: that list gives me the standard mantra for reducing kapha while I've 
  always been highly vata.
  --- On Thu, 2/18/10, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  From: Vaj vajradhatu@
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's TM has 108 mantras, TM only 11 or 12
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 9:21 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone Tried Yogic Flying?

2010-02-20 Thread John

  I don't see the analogy breaking down but our OS can, the
  two interact more in the human body than in the computer. 
  We have the feedback system of the fight/flight response 
  for instance so we can be scared of things that aren't real
  and it'll be the same as if they were. 
  If you don't take the analogy that far and think of some-
  thing like the TM explanation of mental activity, it doesn't
  have any actual parallel in the mind but we accept it as a 
  good explanation regardless. It's a software option that 
  thinks it knows how the machine that supports it functions 
  but doesn't really and it doesn't affect *how* the machine 
  runs because it's job is just - in the case of consciousness 
  - to allow the creation of metaphors and patterns out of
  those metaphors, which is what all our thoughts are.
  The job of science here is to let us know which of the maps
  we create corresponds to what's actually happening.
 I'm very dubious that we can make a definitive
 distinction between creating patterns out of
 metaphors, on the one hand, and knowing what's
 actually happening, on the other. How do we
 know our notions of what's actually happening
 aren't really just more of those same metaphors
 and patterns? There's no such thing as pure
 information--there's always an interpretation
 involved, always some pattern-making.

FWIW, in jyotish, dreams are part of the field of higher knowledge, the 9th 
house.  Dreams are considered the work activity during our sleeping conscious, 
just as our careers/professions are the activities during our waking 
consciousness.  As such, these dreams are influenced by the planets that are 
placed in the 9th house at birth or are transiting the house at the present 
time.  For example, a benefic planet like Jupiter, a significator of a biped, 
would cause dreams to be about a person or people.