[FairfieldLife] iOS getting old??

2011-11-08 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Maitreya in St. Moritz

2011-11-08 Thread nablusoss1008
Bilderberg 2011: Lord Mandelson's nature walk
Charlie Skelton looks on as Peter Mandelson – and some billionaire
buddies – take the air at Bilderberg

 reddit this

* Comments (359)
  [Peter Mandelson and Richard Lambert]   Peter Mandelson and Richard
Lambert at Bilderberg. Photograph: Quierosaber
A shadow fell across the Engadine. The skylark ceased his merry song,
the flowers curled and blackened in the meadow and a man in a special
issue Bilderberg http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/bilderberg  anorak
set off on his stroll.

Bilderberg has had some bad ideas in its time (a European superstate,
anyone?) but Lord Mandelson's nature walk has to be the worst. What were
they hoping for? Had they not seen the 200 activists camped opposite the
hotel gates?

Out of the gates they drove in their very own Bilderbus, up the mountain
to a charming spot. The plan: to amble down through the gorgeous
scenery, back to the Suvretta House Hotel for tea.

Out of the bus stepped Erich Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google,
and Franco Bernabè, the CEO of Telecom Italia, followed by China's
vice-minister of foreign affairs, Ying Fu, with her amazing hair.
  [The Chinese minister Ying Fu]  Photograph: Hannah Borno

Then came the Swedish billionaire banker and industrialist Jacob
Wallenberg, and the dapper CEO of Airbus, Thomas Enders. More of him

Mandelson led the way, locked in conversation with Sir Richard Lambert,
a global non-executive director for Ernst  Young and the former editor
of the FT. The Tory MP Rory Stewart trotted behind.

It was an odd walk right from the start. From nowhere, like something
from a dream, a distinguished lady, dressed from top to toe in white,
whooshed serenely past security and swanned to the front of the power
  [The mysterious lady, dressed in white, at Bilderberg]  Photograph:
Hannah Borno
No one recognised her or has seen her since. She had an other-worldy
quality; I half expected her to be leading them to Charon's boat, or up
a stairway formed of clouds.

Mandelson fell into step with Schmidt. We couldn't hear their happy
chatter, but I presume they were admiring the breathtaking scenery,
comparing their favourite wild flower, and hammering out how best to
implement an internet kill switch.
  [Peter Mandelson and Erich Schmidt]  Photograph: Stefan-Hans Bauer
The lady in white led her band of Bilderberg bigwigs and billionaires
along the charming Swiss byways, across bridges over gentle streams ...
and straight into a pack of 50 baffled activists, who were milling
around outside a community hall during a break in a symposium.

This couldn't possibly be happening. This is terrible, Mandelson was
heard to exclaim as the activists swarmed around the delegates, firing
questions and chorusing their concern. You can watch some remarkable
footage from the incident on Alex Jones's website
side-hotel/ .

One activist, Ali Aslan, walked alongside Enders, the Airbus boss, and
asked him what was being discussed at this year's conference. Nothing
bad, said Enders. We are just making our agendas. (This was the
German word used: agenda – the same as in English).

I don't understand, said Alsan. There are politicians inside. Why are
we not allowed to know what you're talking about?

Enders smiled and said: I don't have to tell you, and you don't need to
know. And with that, he and his fellow delegates ducked beneath the
security cordon, into the blessed safety of Bilderberg.

I don't know who organised the conference itinerary this year – but
good luck in your next job.


2011-11-08 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jpgillam jpgillam@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj wrote:
  On Nov 6, 2011, at 8:58 PM, johnt wrote:
   You never will in a TM context, but if you study some 
   of Milton Erickson, Bandler and Grinder and other 
   related sources you will find that each part of a 
   TM initiation has a well studied neurolinguistic 
   effect which in this case is very effective at 
   producing a self transcending accessing cue which 
   accesses an experience at a primal (original) level 
   prior to subsequent conditioning
  It's called the placebo effect silly.
 I thought the placebo effect tended to 
 go away after a few weeks. I've been getting 
 results from the TM puja for 34 years. It 
 stills my mind. I recite it often, for 
 that purpose.

Patrick, I do not deny your experience with the TM 
puja, but I would suggest another explanatin for it. 
I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj 
does, but I would certainly call any subjective 
effect associated with performing the puja an 
exercise in trained moodmaking.

If you think back on it, what could possibly BE more
of an exercise in moodmaking than the way we were 
taught to perform the puja? It (at least as taught
on my TTC) was *not* about the mere power of the
words and reciting them. We were taught explicitly
to (contravening MMY's Don't divide the mind dictum)
maintain a constant awareness of the meaning of the
words in the puja in our minds while chanting/singing 
them. We were told endless stories about the personal-
ities of the teachers and/or gods and goddesses being 
invoked by the words of the puja, and taught explicitly 
to keep a conscious awareness of those meanings in our 
minds. It was also implied in no uncertain terms that the
puja was *supposed* to make you high, to change your
state of attention and boost you into a higher one.

Is it any wonder that many found that to be the case?
Duh. Classic hypnotic suggestion. Classic moodmaking.

Me, I rarely found there to be any SOC-shifting aspect
to performing the puja. I became aware early on that 
any such feelings were produced *by me*, as a result
of whether I indulged in the moodmaking I'd been taught
to indulge in or not. Repeat the words without dwelling
on the images or meanings I'd been taught to dwell on,
and nada...zilch...bupkus. I could just as easily have
been reading from the telephone book, for all the change
it produced in my state of attention. Add in the mood-
making instructions, divide the mind and *expect* there
to be a shift in my state of awareness, and I could feel
a light buzz. Nothing profound, just a light buzz.

I honestly believe that the reverence many TM teachers
have for the puja and its magical Woo Woo qualities is
based on not being able to tell the difference between
a light buzz and a profound shift in one's state of
attention. But then, unlike many of them, I'm not a 
proponent of magical thinking, in which one believes
that certain words (mantras, chants, etc.) have a Woo
Woo quality that can transform consciousness merely by
thinking, chanting or hearing the magical words. I
would be willing to bet that any competent researcher
with a knowledge of how the puja was supposed to work
could create a set of nonsense words, train TM teachers
how to repeat them while holding in their minds certain
images that they had been trained to consider elevating
or inspiring, and they'd experience the same buzz or 
high that they experience from the TM puja. They've
*already* been trained in how to moodmake themselves
into a supposedly higher state of consciousness, 
after all; the only difference would be the nonsense
words used as a trigger mechanism.

I fully *understand* the desire to attribute what you
feel to something magical or mystical associated with
the puja. It's just that, based on my own experience
and my own interpretation of the same training we 
received and performing the same ritual, I don't buy
it. I think it's pretty much a classic example of
trained moodmaking. Your mileage may vary.

[FairfieldLife] The Gathering of the Forces of Light - Mass UFO sightings

2011-11-08 Thread nablusoss1008

The Gathering of the Forces of Light

Mass UFO sightings

In the article `The Gathering of the Forces of Light' published
in Share International in March 2007, Benjamin Creme's Master
predicted a huge increase in UFO activity, so much so that the
phenomenon would be difficult to deny. He explained:
These will include sightings, in unprecedented numbers, of
spacecraft from our neighbouring planets, Mars and Venus in particular.
Nothing like this increased activity, over vast areas of the Earth, will
have been seen before…. The minds of men will be baffled and amazed
by these wonders, and this will cause them to ponder deeply.

This year, 2011, has seen increasing numbers of UFOs reported all over
the world, including some extraordinary mass sightings. Media are
reporting the phenomenon more seriously and many governments are
gradually releasing their secret UFO documents. With video-making
technology now available to the masses – mobile phones and video
cameras – the people are leading the way in filming UFO sightings
and posting them on the internet. This new development has allowed
people to broadcast their films to a huge audience, and has encouraged
more media channels to report and investigate the sightings.

In just two weeks of August 2011 the following mass UFO sightings were
reported from four parts of the world:

Sacramento, California, USA

  [Sacramento UFO] 
fo_sacramento.jpg A vast group of UFOs was filmed and posted on YouTube
by `njorgensen1154', who was in his pool when he saw
thousands of these things in the sky, just sitting there,
flying very high, northwards over Carmichael, near Sacramento,
California, at around 7pm local time on 13 August 2011. He filmed the
white orbs for about 15 minutes, until they finally moved out
of range of his camcorder.

They range from – when I first saw them – in colour from
white, orange and red, and now they're pretty much white, the
video narration says. He films and describes the movement of individual
objects within the mass of objects: They keep grouping and
spreading out and changing formations … Why would balloons group in
formations? they're making V-formations, they breaking apart,
they're changing directions…. I think the bigger ones are
co-ordinators … I can't explain it. I mean, why are they
grouping in triangle formations, and then lining up, and separating,
then pulling back, then going wide. You can't tell me it's just
the air randomly blowing them in a new formation or a triangle
formation. (Source: YouTube: njorgensen1154
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwGk2gaGHQI )

(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the `white orbs' were
spacecraft from Mars and Venus.)

Daejeon, South Korea

  [South Korea UFO] 
fo_daejeon.jpg During the evening of 11 August 2011, hundreds of
witnesses watched a fleet of bright lights moving slowly northeast
across the sky above a residential area of the city of Daejeon, South
Korea. The Korean television channel MBC covered the sighting in its
news bulletin, with eyewitness interviews and excerpts from the many
phone cameras and videos recording the event. Witnesses described dozens
of very bright objects travelling north-eastward in formation. I
saw some bright things at the edge of clouds in the sky, which I first
thought was very interesting. But then, 30 minutes later, they started
to move, said one observer. There were about 20 objects in the

The MBC news coverage included Professor Maeng Seong-ryeol, professor at
Woosuk University and president of the Korean UFO Research Center, who
said that this was probably the first time that this type of bright,
moving UFO had been captured on camera in Korea. Given the
brightness of the objects, taken by a mobile phone, they are highly
likely to be the sightings of UFOs, said UFO investigator Seo
Jong-han. It is almost impossible for flying lamps to be as bright
as that at night, as some people suspect. A phone call to the news
desk from a Korean Air Force spokesperson confirmed that there were no
flights at the time, and nothing detected on radar.

MBC's narrator added that enlarged pictures of the objects confirmed
that they emitted irregular patterns of flashes, as if they were
swirling. Considering the steady formation and frequent changes in
flight distance, the features distinct from conventional
aeroplanes, the narrator added, the analysis suggests that
there is a high likelihood that the objects are UFOs. (Source:
examiner.com; YouTube: UFOglobalRC
http://www.youtube.com/user/UFOglobalRC#p/u/18/jGDyCSPAfQg )

(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that they are spacecraft from

St Petersburg, Russia

fo_st_petersburg.jpg Multiple UFOs were sighted on the evening of 20
August 2011 at around 10.45 pm over St Petersburg, Russia. 

[FairfieldLife] The Sword of Cleavage

2011-11-08 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 Too little, too late. But as to what those specific changes should be,
I don't know. Maybe Mr. Creme has something concrete to offer. I'm
willing to listen even to him.

This is what Mr. Creme and Maitreya has to say:

The Sword of Cleavage

We present a selection of quotations on the theme of `The Sword of
Cleavage' from Maitreya (Messages from Maitreya the Christ, and
Maitreya's Teachings – The Laws of Life), Benjamin Creme's
Master (A Master Speaks), and Benjamin Creme's writings.

When Maitreya comes before the world there will begin for men a period
of intense heart-searching and reflection. It is only to be expected
that for many it will be a painful, even traumatic, one. So steeped in
the ways and ideas of the past, so fearful of a future unknown and
strange, are millions today, that men will want to take stock of the new
situation which will then pertain…. When Maitreya first announces
His plans and hopes for the rehabilitation of the world, His energy of
Love – the Sword of Cleavage – will further delineate the
divisions which now exist. Men will take sides – for or against the
new principles that He will present for the betterment of all. Thus will
it be. Thus will a period of discord and discontent precede the
acceptance of the new. Gradually, however, even the least sanguine will
acknowledge the need for a reconstructed world and add their weight to
the task.

There will begin a time unlike aught seen before on Earth. On every hand
and at every level the changes will pursue their logical course,
cementing in law and principle and form the aspirations of all. Thus
will men regain a hold on their destiny and turn away for ever from the
abyss. (Benjamin Creme's Master, from `Coping with change')

The world has come to a point not only of no return but of total crisis,
total confrontation between good and ill, between that which produces
harmony and that which produces the opposite. This is the result of the
energy of the Sword of Cleavage. In the Christian Bible we read that
Jesus said: The father shall be divided against the son, and the
son against his brother, and so on, all very destructive. The Sword
of Cleavage is, ironically it may seem, the energy of Love. That is what
has been happening and is happening today, and will be focused to a fine
point by Maitreya.

It is the energy of Love pouring out now through all the planes. It
saturates the world, and its effect on humanity is to make you more of
what you are. If you are a person of goodwill, that will be stimulated
and potentized. If you are destructive, of bad will, you become more so.
All, good and bad alike, are stimulated.

In this way humanity will see very clearly what it has to do. If this
did not happen, we might feel that we could soldier on as we are. It
would be difficult, but we might think that eventually, perhaps, things
would subside and be all right again – as it never was in the past.
The Sword of Cleavage sharpens the differences and makes clear the
options before humanity. More and more people, with the sharpened vision
that the Sword gives us, see that there is no alternative any more to
peace. If we do not have peace, we will have complete destruction of all
life on the planet. Peace, then, is no longer an option for humanity: it
is essential. This understanding is the result of the action of
Maitreya's energy of Love. It is the Sword of Cleavage, outlining
clearly the way forward for humanity: through brotherhood, justice,
sharing and peace; through freedom, right relationship and all that
flows from these. It is either that, or continuing on the way of the
present and destroying all life. (Benjamin Creme, Share International
Jan/Feb 2007)

My Plan is to reveal to men that there exists for them but two paths.
One will lead them inexorably to devastation and death. The other, My
friends, My dear ones, will lead mankind straight to God; and in the
light of His Presence they, if ready, will see wonders and unbelievable
glories. My Task is to point the way, to lead you out of discord into
that blessed state of Harmony and Love which will vouchsafe to you that
dream. My Work proceeds, and soon, now very soon, you will see My Face
and hear My Words. The period of test begins. My Plan is to place before
you these two alternatives, to outline the possibilities and the
pitfalls. The choice is yours; you, from your own divinely given
freewill, must decide. (Maitreya, from Message No.16)

A crisis of decision awaits mankind. My Love creates a polarity of
viewpoints; that is the Sword which I wield. My friends, know well where
you stand and receive My Light. Take care where you place your feet: on
the steps which lead to tomorrow or – oblivion. Men and women of the
world, My brothers, My children, I appeal to you: take the upward path
into the Light of the Truth which I bring, and be enabled to manifest
the Gods which you are. (Maitreya, from 

[FairfieldLife] Share or die

2011-11-08 Thread nablusoss1008

The Sword of Cleavage is really the energy of love. The energy of love
is the sword which creates cleavage in the world. Cleavage is
difference, separation, and yet, when we understand it, that energy is
released to the world by Maitreya Who is the Avatar of Love. He releases
that love in the world and it stimulates everybody without exception,
the good, the bad, the altruistic, the selfish, the greedy, the
unselfish, and so on. Everybody is stimulated. The energy itself is
purely impersonal, it is neither good nor bad. It is an energy which
stimulates, it brings together all peoples, and even the particles of
matter which hold the world together. The particles of matter in our
body are held together by that same energy.

It is God the Son, the Christ aspect, the Consciousness aspect. That
energy of love holds and binds together the particles of matter without
which there would be no world, and when it is released in a mass way, as
it has been for many years, it creates the Sword of Cleavage.

All of this is the action of the Law of Love. This creates the Sword of
Cleavage so that humanity will see clearly what the choice is.… The
pairs of opposites have never been clearer: gross materialism, stock
exchanges reeling because of overwhelming greed, and at the same time
people dying in millions from starvation. Maitreya's Sword of Cleavage
forces humanity to make a choice: to share or die. He states it clearly:
Men must share or die. There is no other course. When it dawns on us
that we share or we die, of course we will accept to share and that will
create the conditions in which all can live in peace. (Benjamin Creme,
The Art of Living: Living within the Laws of Life)


[FairfieldLife] Maitreya's plan

2011-11-08 Thread nablusoss1008

My Plan is to reveal to men that there exists for them but two paths.
One will lead them inexorably to devastation and death. The other, My
friends, My dear ones, will lead mankind straight to God; and in the
light of His Presence they, if ready, will see wonders and unbelievable
glories. My Task is to point the way, to lead you out of discord into
that blessed state of Harmony and Love which will vouchsafe to you that
dream. My Work proceeds, and soon, now very soon, you will see My Face
and hear My Words. The period of test begins. My Plan is to place before
you these two alternatives, to outline the possibilities and the
pitfalls. The choice is yours; you, from your own divinely given
freewill, must decide. (Maitreya, from Message No.16)


[FairfieldLife] Much that is loved must go

2011-11-08 Thread nablusoss1008

Much that is loved must go. Cling not to the old forms. Much will depend
on man's ability to renounce these outworn structures, and to create a
new and simpler world. Remember this. Forget not that I come to change
all things. My Coming brings peace. Likewise, My Presence brings
cleavage. My Sword, that Love which I am, will separate all men, will
show the True from the false, will clear the way for the New Light which
I bring. May it be that you can withstand this change and accept My
Light. (Maitreya, from Message No.74)


[FairfieldLife] Love is totally impersonal.

2011-11-08 Thread nablusoss1008

Love is totally impersonal. That is why it is called the `Sword of
Cleavage'. It divides by the fact that people respond to this
impersonal energy in whatever way they are motivated. If they are
motivated by good, desire for the best for all humanity, they will take
that aspect and act on it. If their motive is `evil', for want
of a better word, if it is separative, non-inclusive, they will take
that same energy of love and be galvanized in the opposite direction. So
it stimulates everything, the good and the bad, the selfish and the
altruistic. That is why Maitreya has to be very careful with it, very
skillful, to make sure that the right reaction is uppermost.

We think of love as something completely personal; we love some people
and we dislike other people. But love is nothing to do with that. It is
an unbroken stream of God-given energy which magnetically ties together
the tiny little blocks of matter which make the universe, and, at the
same time, the individual blocks which make a group. (Benjamin Creme,
Maitreya's Mission Volume Two)


[FairfieldLife] For Yifu

2011-11-08 Thread nablusoss1008

The energy of love is absolutely neutral. It is neither `good'
nor `bad'. We think of love as being all good. It is neutral. It
is the `Sword of Cleavage' which is used by the Christ
deliberately to stimulate all Beings. It stimulates the good and the
bad. It stimulates the selfish and greedy, and at the same time the
altruism of others.

It creates a line down the middle so humanity can see where it has to
stand, with no blurred edges, just where is the good and where is the
evil, where the greed and where the true soul altruism.

There are people who pretend to themselves that they are selfless and
all for the good of the world. But at the basis of their life they are
greedy and selfish. The Sword of Cleavage cuts through this hypocrisy,
and shows people in their true light. So we can see clearly that if we
go one way, it will make for total disaster. If we go another, it will
make for regeneration and a new world. (Benjamin Creme, The Art of
Living: Living within the Laws of Life)



2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:40 PM, feste37 wrote:

Good question. I did TM for more than 30 years, but then about 7 or  
8 years ago, I lost the desire to do it. This happened quite  
quickly, as I recall, over a period of maybe a few months. I just  
no longer had any desire to meditate, so I stopped doing it and  
have never gone back to it. Having said that, I still think it's a  
good technique that can dramatically change people's lives for the  
better, especially in the first year or so of practice, although I  
don't think it accomplishes all that its most ardent advocates  
claim for it, especially over the long term.

Interesting how certain, once pressing needs or desires, can just  
disappear, leaving no impulse to pursue them any longer.


2011-11-08 Thread feste37

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:40 PM, feste37 wrote:
  Good question. I did TM for more than 30 years, but then about 7 or  
  8 years ago, I lost the desire to do it. This happened quite  
  quickly, as I recall, over a period of maybe a few months. I just  
  no longer had any desire to meditate, so I stopped doing it and  
  have never gone back to it. Having said that, I still think it's a  
  good technique that can dramatically change people's lives for the  
  better, especially in the first year or so of practice, although I  
  don't think it accomplishes all that its most ardent advocates  
  claim for it, especially over the long term.
 Interesting how certain, once pressing needs or desires, can just  
 disappear, leaving no impulse to pursue them any longer.

Yes, indeed. Something we can agree on at last!


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 4:38 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj

I'd more specifically call it expectation effect from  
indoctrination, that expectation creating a style of placebo  
relaxation response.

It really seems to center around belief. If you do not or cannot  
change the belief system you were imprinted with - and it seems  
because of the light trance states that TM induces makes such  
imprints more lasting - you may have to do more than change your  
belief. You may need to re-imprint yourself with a deeper, more  
integrated meditative experience to override the earlier imprint.  
Otherwise, you're stuck with what you got. And slowly over time, your  
brain have been altered to readjust the hardware to what you've been  
doing, month-to-month, year-to-year.

Of course if you also surround yourself with people who echo back the  
same memes, you become that world - but become effectively trapped in  
a samsara of your own creation.


2011-11-08 Thread whynotnow7
Hi Patrick, no need to consider these two failures with coarse nervous systems. 
They wouldn't feel the puja if it smacked them in the face (and I wish it 
would). Opinions by one fool who hasn't meditated or done his puja for 40+ 
years and another who never learned it. Such hubris and BS.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jpgillam jpgillam@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj wrote:
   On Nov 6, 2011, at 8:58 PM, johnt wrote:
You never will in a TM context, but if you study some 
of Milton Erickson, Bandler and Grinder and other 
related sources you will find that each part of a 
TM initiation has a well studied neurolinguistic 
effect which in this case is very effective at 
producing a self transcending accessing cue which 
accesses an experience at a primal (original) level 
prior to subsequent conditioning
   It's called the placebo effect silly.
  I thought the placebo effect tended to 
  go away after a few weeks. I've been getting 
  results from the TM puja for 34 years. It 
  stills my mind. I recite it often, for 
  that purpose.
 Patrick, I do not deny your experience with the TM 
 puja, but I would suggest another explanatin for it. 
 I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj 
 does, but I would certainly call any subjective 
 effect associated with performing the puja an 
 exercise in trained moodmaking.
 If you think back on it, what could possibly BE more
 of an exercise in moodmaking than the way we were 
 taught to perform the puja? It (at least as taught
 on my TTC) was *not* about the mere power of the
 words and reciting them. We were taught explicitly
 to (contravening MMY's Don't divide the mind dictum)
 maintain a constant awareness of the meaning of the
 words in the puja in our minds while chanting/singing 
 them. We were told endless stories about the personal-
 ities of the teachers and/or gods and goddesses being 
 invoked by the words of the puja, and taught explicitly 
 to keep a conscious awareness of those meanings in our 
 minds. It was also implied in no uncertain terms that the
 puja was *supposed* to make you high, to change your
 state of attention and boost you into a higher one.
 Is it any wonder that many found that to be the case?
 Duh. Classic hypnotic suggestion. Classic moodmaking.
 Me, I rarely found there to be any SOC-shifting aspect
 to performing the puja. I became aware early on that 
 any such feelings were produced *by me*, as a result
 of whether I indulged in the moodmaking I'd been taught
 to indulge in or not. Repeat the words without dwelling
 on the images or meanings I'd been taught to dwell on,
 and nada...zilch...bupkus. I could just as easily have
 been reading from the telephone book, for all the change
 it produced in my state of attention. Add in the mood-
 making instructions, divide the mind and *expect* there
 to be a shift in my state of awareness, and I could feel
 a light buzz. Nothing profound, just a light buzz.
 I honestly believe that the reverence many TM teachers
 have for the puja and its magical Woo Woo qualities is
 based on not being able to tell the difference between
 a light buzz and a profound shift in one's state of
 attention. But then, unlike many of them, I'm not a 
 proponent of magical thinking, in which one believes
 that certain words (mantras, chants, etc.) have a Woo
 Woo quality that can transform consciousness merely by
 thinking, chanting or hearing the magical words. I
 would be willing to bet that any competent researcher
 with a knowledge of how the puja was supposed to work
 could create a set of nonsense words, train TM teachers
 how to repeat them while holding in their minds certain
 images that they had been trained to consider elevating
 or inspiring, and they'd experience the same buzz or 
 high that they experience from the TM puja. They've
 *already* been trained in how to moodmake themselves
 into a supposedly higher state of consciousness, 
 after all; the only difference would be the nonsense
 words used as a trigger mechanism.
 I fully *understand* the desire to attribute what you
 feel to something magical or mystical associated with
 the puja. It's just that, based on my own experience
 and my own interpretation of the same training we 
 received and performing the same ritual, I don't buy
 it. I think it's pretty much a classic example of
 trained moodmaking. Your mileage may vary.


2011-11-08 Thread Tom Pall
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:40 PM, feste37 wrote:

 Good question. I did TM for more than 30 years, but then about 7 or 8
 years ago, I lost the desire to do it. This happened quite quickly, as I
 recall, over a period of maybe a few months. I just no longer had any
 desire to meditate, so I stopped doing it and have never gone back to it.
 Having said that, I still think it's a good technique that can dramatically
 change people's lives for the better, especially in the first year or so of
 practice, although I don't think it accomplishes all that its most ardent
 advocates claim for it, especially over the long term.

 Interesting how certain, once pressing needs or desires, can just
 disappear, leaving no impulse to pursue them any longer.

So why do you think people seem to get diminishing returns with decades of
doing TM/TMSP?   It's all so exciting during the first few years of TM, the
first 2 advanced techniques, the first few years of the TMSP.I just
can't buy the argument that one's working on deeper and more extensive
stress/karma.   If that were so, every few years, at least, there's be a
lurch forward.  But this isn't.   Indeed people I know who come to IA for a
few months every year and go back home actually find their quality of life
degrading.   And yes, they pay $25-$50/EUR 25/EUR 50 to get frequent


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 8:40 AM, Tom Pall wrote:

So why do you think people seem to get diminishing returns with  
decades of doing TM/TMSP?   It's all so exciting during the first  
few years of TM, the first 2 advanced techniques, the first few  
years of the TMSP.I just can't buy the argument that one's  
working on deeper and more extensive stress/karma.   If that were  
so, every few years, at least, there's be a lurch forward.  But  
this isn't.   Indeed people I know who come to IA for a few months  
every year and go back home actually find their quality of life  
degrading.   And yes, they pay $25-$50/EUR 25/EUR 50 to get  
frequent checkings.

There's no real mastery of the mind taking place, as it's too languid  
of a technique IMO. In traditional mantra meditation as I was taught  
it, the blank thought-free state, and esp. gaps in breathing were  
considered a sign that it was time to move onto the next stage, which  
was a more Patanjalian attentional training. Since an individual is  
more than a mental continuum, there's more to self-mastery than  
transcending the coarse mental level and imaging one's achieving  

Without a stable foundation for ones telescope one cannot reliably  
create a subjective facility with which to experience clearly. The  
subjective facility never becomes reliable. It's like a bouncing  
telescope trying to observe the inner sky. Without mental vividness,  
mental perception is entrained as a fuzz. And unless one knows how to  
defeat mental laxity and excitation at the subtle level, one can  
never reach the level of complete pacification of afflictive  
emotional states like aggression or cravings. Over time this  
unmastery becomes hardwired. We're stuck.

Getting stuck and staying stuck are great advantages for certain  
classes of gurus - esp. those with extensive and expensive product  

It becomes like the Matrix: we don't even realize we're seeing a  
projected reality and we're actually suspended in an enslaving device  
intended to utilize our bodily or monetary energy.


2011-11-08 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 Hi Patrick, no need to consider these two failures with coarse nervous 
 systems. They wouldn't feel the puja if it smacked them in the face (and I 
 wish it would). Opinions by one fool who hasn't meditated or done his puja 
 for 40+ years and another who never learned it. Such hubris and BS.

Bingo ! Glad you threw in a comment here. I would'nt bother as I see all those 
havebeens who have opinions on things the haven'nt been doing for 40+ years 
as completely irrelevant.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sloth

2011-11-08 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 by the Pizz




2011-11-08 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 8, 2011, at 4:38 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj
 I'd more specifically call it expectation effect from  
 indoctrination, that expectation creating a style of placebo  
 relaxation response.
 It really seems to center around belief. 

Well, duh! That's rather exactly what according to PJ seems to
be the conditio sine qua non of (asaMprajñaata?)-samaadhi
(for upaaya-pratyaya-yogi_s):


shraddhAf. faith , trust , confidence , trustfulness , faithfulness , 
belief in... 


2011-11-08 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 Patrick, I do not deny your experience with the TM 
 puja, but I would suggest another explanatin for it. 
 I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj 
 does, but I would certainly call any subjective 
 effect associated with performing the puja an 
 exercise in trained moodmaking.
 If you think back on it, what could possibly BE more
 of an exercise in moodmaking than the way we were 
 taught to perform the puja? It (at least as taught
 on my TTC) was *not* about the mere power of the
 words and reciting them. We were taught explicitly
 to (contravening MMY's Don't divide the mind dictum)
 maintain a constant awareness of the meaning of the
 words in the puja in our minds while chanting/singing 
 them. We were told endless stories about the personal-
 ities of the teachers and/or gods and goddesses being 
 invoked by the words of the puja, and taught explicitly 
 to keep a conscious awareness of those meanings in our 
 minds. It was also implied in no uncertain terms that the
 puja was *supposed* to make you high, to change your
 state of attention and boost you into a higher one.

On my TTC the mind floats on the meaning of the Puja, which happened quite 
effortlessly after the performing the it hundreds of times. It's not just my 
hundreds of times that enlivens the Woo Woo-shakti-magic-whatcha-ma-call-it of 
the Puja, it's the collective performance of TM initiators for many years that 
enlivens the Puja. 

Rituals become more powerful over time. Whether it's Dexter collecting blood 
slides or thousands of priests celebrating the rite of the Holy Eucharist, such 
rituals evoke a specific quality of energy one plugs into. 

For me, if I put my attention on it, anything associated with the Puja, a piece 
of fruit, a flower, a candle, the scent sandalwood, can evoke a feeling of 
devotion in the heart, a sense of Mother is at Home or the deep comfort one 
feels enjoying family life. It's an inner smile. Barry will dismiss this as 
moodmaking of course, but I'd say that when he became an initiator he was 
simply unable to open his heart to the experience of gratitude and devotion and 
that's why he's such a sourpuss about TM today.

Note to johnt: The Puja has nothing to do with brainwave entrainment. You 
made that up. Furthermore, studying Bandler and Grinder will never give you any 
insight into the power of the Puja if you just focus on one individual doing 
the Puja. Study the years of collective performance of the Puja to enliven the 
mantras and you might be on to something.

 I honestly believe that the reverence many TM teachers
 have for the puja and its magical Woo Woo qualities is
 based on not being able to tell the difference between
 a light buzz and a profound shift in one's state of

Barry, if you're going to make a distinction implying that a profound shift in 
one's state of attention is *better* than a light buzz without defining 
buzz or shift or explaining the difference (as if you have had some such 
*superior* experience and know the difference) you're just setting up a straw 
man for the sake of denigrating Patrick's experience of the Puja and being 
nasty and snide, as usual.


2011-11-08 Thread feste37

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:
  On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:40 PM, feste37 wrote:
  Good question. I did TM for more than 30 years, but then about 7 or 8
  years ago, I lost the desire to do it. This happened quite quickly, as I
  recall, over a period of maybe a few months. I just no longer had any
  desire to meditate, so I stopped doing it and have never gone back to it.
  Having said that, I still think it's a good technique that can dramatically
  change people's lives for the better, especially in the first year or so of
  practice, although I don't think it accomplishes all that its most ardent
  advocates claim for it, especially over the long term.
  Interesting how certain, once pressing needs or desires, can just
  disappear, leaving no impulse to pursue them any longer.
 So why do you think people seem to get diminishing returns with decades of
 doing TM/TMSP?   It's all so exciting during the first few years of TM, the
 first 2 advanced techniques, the first few years of the TMSP.I just
 can't buy the argument that one's working on deeper and more extensive
 stress/karma.   If that were so, every few years, at least, there's be a
 lurch forward.  But this isn't.   Indeed people I know who come to IA for a
 few months every year and go back home actually find their quality of life
 degrading.   And yes, they pay $25-$50/EUR 25/EUR 50 to get frequent

I don't know why this is but it seems to be a fact, or at least something that 
many long-term TMers and ex-TMers experience. I agree with you that such 
experiences can't be fitted into the orthodox TM explanation of stress release, 
because, as you say, there is no lurch forward every so often, which is what 
one would expect if stress was really being released. As for the IA course, a 
surprising number attend simply because they need the money to survive, small 
amount though it is. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Last Breakfast for Catholocism

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 I'm hoping eventually to participate in the 
 dismantling of Catholocism. Basically, that 
 religion is an Abomination... 

Don't you just hate those Roman Catholics!

 I'm predicting that Christianity will be 
 engulfed within Sanatana Dharma... 

Don't you just love that caste system!

[FairfieldLife] Kundalini and Shiva's Cobra

2011-11-08 Thread wgm4u
Shiva-The ONE spiritual Self (Silence) of ALL.

Shakti-The dynamism of Creation (Mother Nature).

Brahm-The pure 'unified'  Wholeness  or Sattva  (Silence AND dynamism) 
called Brahm.

Kundalini-the power of Shakti (Mother Nature) residing in the human
physiology, the awakening of which bequeaths immortal bliss.

Kundalini is  Sanskrit for snake or serpent power,
so-called because it is  believed to lie like a serpent in the root
chakra at the base of the  spine.  The power of kundalini is said to be
enormous and has been  described as liquid fire and liquid light. (wiki)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Last Breakfast for Catholocism

2011-11-08 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 I'm hoping eventually to participate in the dismantling of Catholicism. 
 Basically, that religion is an Abomination. A new version will be 
 established: Buddhist Christianity.  Jesus will be worshiped as a Yidam; 
 with an end to the dualistic Trinity worship.

OM-TAT-SAT is the Hindu (Sanatana Dharma) version of the trinity. In 
Catholicism the Father is the SAT (Absolute Truth), the Son is the TAT (the 
pure reflection of the Father-Brahm) and the Holy Ghost is Mother Nature or the 
Pranava OM, the sound vibration that is the foundation of the VED and all 

True, actually, that Christianity has it's foundation in the Sanatana Dharma 
(Eternal Religion of the Vedas) which forms the main trunk of Religion (eternal 

 The appearance of MMY in the West allowed for a full clash of competing and 
 irreconcialable M-fields: non-Gnostic, dualistic Christianity (Trinity as 
 God) and all that that M-field entails in terms of countless sects; vs 
 Buddhism and the Vedic-oriented M-fields.  In this regard (imo), Robin in 
 correct; but my prediction probably differs from his: I'm predicting that 
 Christianity will be engulfed within Sanatana Dharma. Feature two 
 antagonistic amoebas, in which the outcome is that one or the other will 
 prevail, with the body of one assimilated into the body of the other. 
 Christianity in it's present form will lose.
 To Pope Benedict - have your last breakfast, cuz your time is a-comin', dude.
 He has one fear among all things considered (according to him) 
 Buddhism!...and well that he should fear it.
 by Ron English

[FairfieldLife] OCCUPYFAIL

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams
A business owner near the Occupy Wall Street 
encampment claims she has been repeatedly 
harassed and threatened with bodily harm by 
protesters after she and her employees refused 
to give in to their outlandish demands...

'Eatery: Occupiers Terrorize Us' 


2011-11-08 Thread Bob Price
What's interesting, is the motivation, of dudes, who can't stay away---no 
matter how humiliated they get. 

Might be time to give it up to Jesus; not everyone can bowl.


From: Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 5:10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK

On Nov 8, 2011, at 4:38 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj 

I'd more specifically call it expectation effect from indoctrination, that 
expectation creating a style of placebo relaxation response.

It really seems to center around belief. If you do not or cannot change the 
belief system you were imprinted with - and it seems because of the light 
trance states that TM induces makes such imprints more lasting - you may have 
to do more than change your belief. You may need to re-imprint yourself with a 
deeper, more integrated meditative experience to override the earlier imprint. 
Otherwise, you're stuck with what you got. And slowly over time, your brain 
have been altered to readjust the hardware to what you've been doing, 
month-to-month, year-to-year.

Of course if you also surround yourself with people who echo back the same 
memes, you become that world - but become effectively trapped in a samsara of 
your own creation.


[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread WLeed3


 From: grandm...@wordsofwimsey.com
To: bjolle...@gmail.com
CC:  wle...@aol.com, joba...@aol.com, anngr...@aol.com, 
korchyn...@verizon.net,  law...@aol.com, gbhob...@gmail.com, 
Sent:  11/8/2011 10:45:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Re: Unacceptable ...  ?

I am sick to My stomach!I'm shaking!And she was borne in the  
USA???I was not but I'm proud to be American!Respect the flag of  
understend?MY country!Maria

-Original Message-
From:  bjolle...@gmail.com [mailto:bjolle...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday,  November 7, 2011 08:30 PM
To: 'deenie miethaner', 'Donna',  'Donna', 'Dottie Szczesny', 
ljdau...@aol.com, 'Bill W', 
'Maria Szabo',  'Paul Bicker'
Subject: Fw: Unacceptable ... ?



From: _LaVern Way_ (mailto:vway...@earthlink.net)  
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 11:20 AM
Subject: FW: Fwd: Fw: Unacceptable ... ?



Vern Way
_vway212@earthlink.net_ (mailto:vway...@earthlink.net) 


- Original Message - 
To: _ADMCEDITOR@GMAIL.COM_ (mailto:admcedi...@gmail.com) 
Sent: 11/7/2011 1:08:20 AM  
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Unacceptable  ... ?
-Forwarded Message- 
From: IB 
Sent: Nov 6, 2011 8:00 PM 
Subject: Fw: Unacceptable ... ?  

- Original Message -  
Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2011 7:52  PM
Subject: FW: Unacceptable ...  ?



Her  pronouncement years ago of being proud for the first time in her  
adult life of her country PALES in comparison to what she said  during a 9-11 
commemoration over the weekend.
This  anti American socialist blathering FOOL has gone WAY too  far.
There  she sat on Barack’s right side as bagpipers played and an honor  g
uard folded an American Flag. You know how it’s done … with  reverence and 
respect, folded precisely and crisply …  honored.  It was during that moment 
that our nations “First  Lady” leaned to her husband’s ears and asked the 
question that  should set your TEETH on fire!!!
“All  of this for a damned flag?”
When  Barack nodded, she sat back and gave a look of disgust.   There is no 
audio but you can clearly read her lips.  HE  doesn’t show the least bit of 
surprise at her  question!!
See  the video by _clicking here!_ 
“All  of this for a damned flag?”
This  woman is beneath contempt and in NO WAY worthy of the title she  
currently holds!!
“All  of this for a damned flag?”
Michelle  Obama has NO IDEA what that “DAMNED FLAG” is or what it stands 
for  … NOT A CLUE!!!
That  flag … the stars and stripes to her must be nothing more than an  old 
rag … just pieces of cloth sewn together and not worth the  consideration 
of a dust cloth.
That  flag IS the representation of the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH.   That 
flag flies in honor of those who protect this nation with  their lives.  It 
stands as a symbol of freedom and justice in  this world.  It protects our 
liberty and our rights.   Each star represents an individual state and each 
stripe one of  the 13 original colonies.
What  irks me is that he nods in agreement to her statement - we need to  
remember this on election day.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Last Breakfast for Catholocism

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  ...with an end to the dualistic Trinity worship.
 OM-TAT-SAT is the Hindu (Sanatana Dharma) version 
 of the trinity.

Brahma, Visnu, and Shiva + the caste system. LoL!!!


2011-11-08 Thread turquoiseb
Thanks for following up, Vaj. This topic interests me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 4:38 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj
 I'd more specifically call it expectation effect from  
 indoctrination, that expectation creating a style of 
 placebo relaxation response.

I can buy that description, although I would not
limit the result to variants of the relaxation
response. I think that expectation based upon 
indoctrination can lead to some Class-A spiritual
experiences. I don't knock the technique, just
not recognizing it *as* a technique.

I'm just jackpotting ideas around, based on my 
own experience, and trying to come up with theories
based on that experience. Naturally, I can never
know what anyone else experienced.

I'm perfectly comfortable with any of the effects
I felt from performing the puja being attributable
to the trained moodmaking I described earlier. Or
they might have been the result of some woo woo. 
Given a choice between the two, these days I tend 
to take the path of lesser woo. :-)

One of the things that this has gotten me thinking
about is how we evaluate past experiences from the
POV of the present. I had many interesting exper-
iences during my time in the TMO. *At the time* I
would have rated them on my internal Woo Scale of 
1 to 10 as an 8 or 9. Now, in retrospect, I would 
rate them more like a 3 or 4. The difference is 
one of perspective changing over time. 

At the time I had an experience in the past, I would
rate it based on comparing it to all experiences I'd 
had up to that point. What else *could* I base it on?
So in comparison to everything I'd experienced up to
then, the experience might feel like a 9 on the Woo
Scale. It was Big Woo. But looking back at it now, 
trying to reassess it thirty-plus years on, it feels 
more like a 4. Lesser Woo. 

The reason is that in the years between then and now 
I've had many more experiences, some of which put the 
earlier experiences in the shade and raised the bar 
on my internal Woo Scale. What I used to consider a 9 
I now consider a 4. I'm sure you get what I'm talking 

[FairfieldLife] Re: OCCUPYFAIL

2011-11-08 Thread seekliberation
whoah Willy Tex,

You're apparently out of tune with the reality of the OWS message.  The 
business owner who is being harrassed is a greedy individual who deserves to be 
harrassed.  Bodily harm is called for in this situation as well as any 
situation with any other business owner who does give in to their demands.  OWS 
is a representation of a more enlightened America, and they are going to make 
it happen, you just wait and see.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardwillytexwilliams willytex@... 

 A business owner near the Occupy Wall Street 
 encampment claims she has been repeatedly 
 harassed and threatened with bodily harm by 
 protesters after she and her employees refused 
 to give in to their outlandish demands...
 'Eatery: Occupiers Terrorize Us' 


2011-11-08 Thread whynotnow7
Thanks for that - all I can say about the Puja is that it worked. It enabled me 
to use a mantra that transformed my life completely. Having been an altar boy, 
I can say that the rituals of Christianity, although practiced widely, can't 
compare to the soft and powerful transcendence of the Puja. 

I absolutely loved the safe and serene bliss, silence, and absence of thoughts 
of that first meditation, enough to chase it for years afterward, looking for 
the unexpected and unanticipated peace that enveloped me that afternoon, and 
started me on the beginning of a 35 year journey.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Patrick, I do not deny your experience with the TM 
  puja, but I would suggest another explanatin for it. 
  I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj 
  does, but I would certainly call any subjective 
  effect associated with performing the puja an 
  exercise in trained moodmaking.
  If you think back on it, what could possibly BE more
  of an exercise in moodmaking than the way we were 
  taught to perform the puja? It (at least as taught
  on my TTC) was *not* about the mere power of the
  words and reciting them. We were taught explicitly
  to (contravening MMY's Don't divide the mind dictum)
  maintain a constant awareness of the meaning of the
  words in the puja in our minds while chanting/singing 
  them. We were told endless stories about the personal-
  ities of the teachers and/or gods and goddesses being 
  invoked by the words of the puja, and taught explicitly 
  to keep a conscious awareness of those meanings in our 
  minds. It was also implied in no uncertain terms that the
  puja was *supposed* to make you high, to change your
  state of attention and boost you into a higher one.
 On my TTC the mind floats on the meaning of the Puja, which happened quite 
 effortlessly after the performing the it hundreds of times. It's not just my 
 hundreds of times that enlivens the Woo Woo-shakti-magic-whatcha-ma-call-it 
 of the Puja, it's the collective performance of TM initiators for many years 
 that enlivens the Puja. 
 Rituals become more powerful over time. Whether it's Dexter collecting blood 
 slides or thousands of priests celebrating the rite of the Holy Eucharist, 
 such rituals evoke a specific quality of energy one plugs into. 
 For me, if I put my attention on it, anything associated with the Puja, a 
 piece of fruit, a flower, a candle, the scent sandalwood, can evoke a feeling 
 of devotion in the heart, a sense of Mother is at Home or the deep comfort 
 one feels enjoying family life. It's an inner smile. Barry will dismiss this 
 as moodmaking of course, but I'd say that when he became an initiator he 
 was simply unable to open his heart to the experience of gratitude and 
 devotion and that's why he's such a sourpuss about TM today.
 Note to johnt: The Puja has nothing to do with brainwave entrainment. You 
 made that up. Furthermore, studying Bandler and Grinder will never give you 
 any insight into the power of the Puja if you just focus on one individual 
 doing the Puja. Study the years of collective performance of the Puja to 
 enliven the mantras and you might be on to something.
  I honestly believe that the reverence many TM teachers
  have for the puja and its magical Woo Woo qualities is
  based on not being able to tell the difference between
  a light buzz and a profound shift in one's state of
 Barry, if you're going to make a distinction implying that a profound shift 
 in one's state of attention is *better* than a light buzz without defining 
 buzz or shift or explaining the difference (as if you have had some such 
 *superior* experience and know the difference) you're just setting up a straw 
 man for the sake of denigrating Patrick's experience of the Puja and being 
 nasty and snide, as usual.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 ...we need to remember this on election day.

PARIS - French President Nicolas Sarkozy branded 
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a liar 
in a private conversation with U.S. President 
Barack Obama that was accidentally broadcast to 
journalists during last week's G20 summit in 

'Sarkozy tells Obama Netanyahu is a liar'


2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 The reason is that in the years between then and 
 now I've had many more experiences, some of which 
 put the earlier experiences in the shade and raised 
 the bar on my internal Woo Scale. What I used to 
 consider a 9 I now consider a 4. I'm sure you get 
 what I'm talking about...

Yes, I think so: you're thinking you are in CC now, or 
at least in an enlightened state of 'Woo Woo', right?

[FairfieldLife] Re: OCCUPYFAIL

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 You're apparently out of tune with the reality of 
 the OWS message. The business owner who is being 
 harrassed is a greedy individual who deserves to 
 be harrassed...

Harrass the owner of a bread shop because she doesn't
want her bathroom trashed by hooligans? Go figure.

 Bodily harm is called for in this situation as well 
 as any situation with any other business owner who 
 does give in to their demands. OWS is a representation 
 of a more enlightened America, and they are going to 
 make it happen, you just wait and see.
  A business owner near the Occupy Wall Street 
  encampment claims she has been repeatedly 
  harassed and threatened with bodily harm by 
  protesters after she and her employees refused 
  to give in to their outlandish demands...
  'Eatery: Occupiers Terrorize Us' 

[FairfieldLife] Re: OCCUPYFAIL

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

When the crazies come for you, you're on your own.

'Bloomberg's Broken Windows'


2011-11-08 Thread whynotnow7

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  Hi Patrick, no need to consider these two failures with coarse nervous 
  systems. They wouldn't feel the puja if it smacked them in the face (and I 
  wish it would). Opinions by one fool who hasn't meditated or done his puja 
  for 40+ years and another who never learned it. Such hubris and BS.
 Bingo ! Glad you threw in a comment here. I would'nt bother as I see all 
 those havebeens who have opinions on things the haven'nt been doing for 40+ 
 years as completely irrelevant.

It is simply bizarre to me why someone who has not done these things for so 
many years would even care to comment on them. What is the motivation to try 
and appear an expert, after so many years of not practicing what you preach 
against? What is the pay-off? It is an odd way to behave.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardwillytexwilliams willytex@... 

 PARIS - French President Nicolas Sarkozy branded 
 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a liar 
 in a private conversation with U.S. President 
 Barack Obama that was accidentally broadcast to 
 journalists during last week's G20 summit in 
 'Sarkozy tells Obama Netanyahu is a liar'

I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar, Sarkozy 
told Obama, unaware that the microphones in 
their meeting room had been switched on, enabling 
reporters in a separate location to listen in to 
a simultaneous translation.

You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with 
him even more often than you, Obama replied, 
according to the French interpreter.

This is cool. It's like Sarko is the Judy Stein of
the G20 summit, and Obama's the Curtis.  :-)

Personally I commend Sarko on telling it like it is,
and commend Obama for doing the same thing in reply.
As far as they knew they were just two guys talking,
about a third guy whom they both know to be an asshole,
but they also know they've gotta keep interacting with 
him. International politics sounds a lot like FFL.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread whynotnow7
This is cool. It's like Sarko is the Judy Stein of
 the G20 summit, and Obama's the Curtis.  :-)
 Personally I commend Sarko on telling it like it is,
 and commend Obama for doing the same thing in reply.
 As far as they knew they were just two guys talking,
 about a third guy whom they both know to be an asshole...

Perfect! Yes, you are the asshole!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardwillytexwilliams willytex@ 
  PARIS - French President Nicolas Sarkozy branded 
  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a liar 
  in a private conversation with U.S. President 
  Barack Obama that was accidentally broadcast to 
  journalists during last week's G20 summit in 
  'Sarkozy tells Obama Netanyahu is a liar'
 I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar, Sarkozy 
 told Obama, unaware that the microphones in 
 their meeting room had been switched on, enabling 
 reporters in a separate location to listen in to 
 a simultaneous translation.
 You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with 
 him even more often than you, Obama replied, 
 according to the French interpreter.
 This is cool. It's like Sarko is the Judy Stein of
 the G20 summit, and Obama's the Curtis.  :-)
 Personally I commend Sarko on telling it like it is,
 and commend Obama for doing the same thing in reply.
 As far as they knew they were just two guys talking,
 about a third guy whom they both know to be an asshole,
 but they also know they've gotta keep interacting with 
 him. International politics sounds a lot like FFL.  :-)


2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 It is simply bizarre to me why someone who has 
 not done these things for so many years would 
 even care to comment on them...

Vaj reminds me of how John Manning used to spam
the Mormon news forum, I guess because John at
one time was married to a Mormon girl, back in
1970. But, even Manning said Vaj was a liar and
had never learned TM!

OCD. An obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety 
disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated 
thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), 
or behaviors that make them feel driven to do 
something (compulsions).

The acts of those who have OCD may appear paranoid 
and potentially psychotic. However, OCD sufferers 
generally recognize their obsessions and compulsions 
as irrational, and may become further distressed by 
this realization...

'Obsessive-compulsive disorder'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:30 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

 I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar, Sarkozy 
 told Obama, unaware that the microphones in 
 their meeting room had been switched on, enabling 
 reporters in a separate location to listen in to 
 a simultaneous translation.
 You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with 
 him even more often than you, Obama replied, 
 according to the French interpreter.
 This is cool. It's like Sarko is the Judy Stein of
 the G20 summit, and Obama's the Curtis.  :-)
 Personally I commend Sarko on telling it like it is,
 and commend Obama for doing the same thing in reply.
 As far as they knew they were just two guys talking,
 about a third guy whom they both know to be an asshole,
 but they also know they've gotta keep interacting with 
 him. International politics sounds a lot like FFL.  :-)

The Israelis believe in recycling their old politicians
even more than the Repugs do.  How many times now has Bibi
gotten his chance to actually do something?  And blown it
every time?  The Israeli Nixon.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  This is cool. It's like Sarko is the Judy Stein of
  the G20 summit, and Obama's the Curtis...
Sal Sunshine:
 The Israelis believe in recycling their old politicians
 even more than the Repugs do.  How many times now has Bibi
 gotten his chance to actually do something?  And blown it
 every time?  The Israeli Nixon.
Don't you just love that HAMAS!

Apparently you want to admit that the real problem is the 
racial prejudice of the Europeans and the US President.

[FairfieldLife] How's that 'Hopey-Changey' thing workin' out for ya?

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams
The unemployment rate for males between 25 and 34 
years old with high-school diplomas is 14.4%—up from 
6.1% before the downturn four years ago and far above 
today's 9% national rate. The picture is even more 
bleak for slightly younger men: 22.4% for high-school 
graduates 20 to 24 years old. That's up from 10.4% 
four years ago...

'Generation Jobless: Young Men Suffer Worst as Economy Staggers'
Wall Street Journal:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread Bhairitu
On 11/08/2011 08:30 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardwillytexwilliamswillytex@... 
 PARIS - French President Nicolas Sarkozy branded
 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a liar
 in a private conversation with U.S. President
 Barack Obama that was accidentally broadcast to
 journalists during last week's G20 summit in

 'Sarkozy tells Obama Netanyahu is a liar'
 I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar, Sarkozy
 told Obama, unaware that the microphones in
 their meeting room had been switched on, enabling
 reporters in a separate location to listen in to
 a simultaneous translation.

 You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with
 him even more often than you, Obama replied,
 according to the French interpreter.

 This is cool. It's like Sarko is the Judy Stein of
 the G20 summit, and Obama's the Curtis.  :-)

 Personally I commend Sarko on telling it like it is,
 and commend Obama for doing the same thing in reply.
 As far as they knew they were just two guys talking,
 about a third guy whom they both know to be an asshole,
 but they also know they've gotta keep interacting with
 him. International politics sounds a lot like FFL.  :-)

Benny Nutty Yahoo wants to risk starting WWIII over his little patch of 
magic land because the magic man in the sky told him to do so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How's that 'Hopey-Changey' thing workin' out for ya?

2011-11-08 Thread Bhairitu
On 11/08/2011 08:53 AM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
 The unemployment rate for males between 25 and 34
 years old with high-school diplomas is 14.4%—up from
 6.1% before the downturn four years ago and far above
 today's 9% national rate. The picture is even more
 bleak for slightly younger men: 22.4% for high-school
 graduates 20 to 24 years old. That's up from 10.4%
 four years ago...

 'Generation Jobless: Young Men Suffer Worst as Economy Staggers'
 Wall Street Journal:

It's the result of the previous 8 years of the Bush Crime Family and a 
program of the destruction of the US that began with Ronny Raygun. 
That's why the Republicons ran jokes for 2008 and will do so again in 
2012. They don't want the collapse on their watch. How's that workin' 
for ya, Bubba?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  As far as they knew they were just two guys talking,
  about a third guy whom they both know to be an asshole,
  but they also know they've gotta keep interacting with
  him. International politics sounds a lot like FFL...
Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 Benny Nutty Yahoo wants to risk starting WWIII over his 
 little patch of magic land because the magic man in 
 the sky told him to do so.

Don't you just hate that Jew, 'Benny Nutty'!

[FairfieldLife] Re: How's that 'Hopey-Changey' thing workin' out for ya?

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 It's the result of the previous 8 years of the Bush 
 Crime Family...

France has unveiled the toughest austerity measures 
since World War Two despite the looming danger of a 
double-dip recession, vowing to slash borrowing by 
€65bn over the next five years in a last-ditch effort 
to save the country's AAA rating...
'France cuts frantically as Italy nears debt spiral'
The Telegraph:

  The unemployment rate for males between 25 and 34
  years old with high-school diplomas is 14.4%—up from
  6.1% before the downturn four years ago and far above
  today's 9% national rate. The picture is even more
  bleak for slightly younger men: 22.4% for high-school
  graduates 20 to 24 years old. That's up from 10.4%
  four years ago...
  'Generation Jobless: Young Men Suffer Worst as Economy Staggers'
  Wall Street Journal:

[FairfieldLife] Re: OCCUPYFAIL

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

What a lovely group. They're just like you and me… The 99%!

'LA Goons Shut Down Burger King'
Gateway Pundit:

[FairfieldLife] The Domes Revisited

2011-11-08 Thread Dick Mays
Vivid and charming!

The Domes Revisited
A Personal Essay About Meditating in the Golden Domes
Fairfield is home to over 2,000 Transcendental Meditation practitioners and 
Maharishi University of Management.
Silence. Many people think of silence as a problem—the awkwardness when 
conversation grinds to an embarrassing halt, a mother’ssense of trouble when 
the kids go quiet, the media announcer’s frantic attempt to fill up air time 
with anything other than nothingness.
But as a meditator, I know silence as something altogether different.To call it 
bliss seems trite, but even as a writer I fail to find an adequate description 
for that sweet spot inside so still that even breath causes ripples in it, that 
oasis hidden on the dark side of the moon, that place inside us where we flirt 
with genesis. Whatever name we give to inner silence, I’ve learned that the 
best place to find it is in the domes in Fairfield.
We didn’t have domes when I learned yogic flying in 1978 on the first MUM 
student’s course. We’d heard whispers about flying, but I don’t think we really 
believed it, not even when we saw sheets of foam spread on the pod-house floors.
But on that magical summer, almost before we had time to close our eyes, the 
woman next to me popped up with an astonished “oh!” as if someone had goosed 
her. Like a pot at the boiling point, the room fairly steamed with intermittent 
stifled gasps and giggles as more of us experienced that sudden, bubble-like 
lifting into the air. We learned that the foam was to soften the landing.

After the course, we did programs alone. A few months later, a message came 
that Maharishi wanted everyone to meet in the fieldhouse. It felt like a 
secret-service mission as we almost tiptoed into that stodgy, dark building, 
finding the basketball court covered with foam.
What an adventure! We seemed less about silence then than noise and 
exuberance.We were filled with a sense of wonder and daring as we made great 
leaps and wild sounds like fledgling giants testing their reach. We watched the 
stock market and world news go up and down, depending upon our numbers. I have 
never lost my sense of sadness that on the one day we did not do program 
together, the day of my graduation in 1979 when they took up the foam for 
commencement, an airplane crashed killing 271 people, the only such accident in 
months before or after.
After graduation, I left Fairfield. While I was gone, Maharishi himself 
inaugurated the 22,000 square feet (approximately the size of a football field) 
dome, called the Maharishi Patanjali Hall of Knowledge, in 1980. On returning, 
the enormity of it, the sheer volume of space from floor to ceiling, reminded 
me of the mothership in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Tongue-in-groove 
wood ceiling, central skylights, red carpets, and gold velvet drapes covering 
more than a hundred arched windows all served to bring new heights to the 
depths of silence.
I felt jealous because it had been built for the men, feeling only somewhat 
mollified when women got to use it on alternative months. At first, I felt 
traumatized by the segregation of the sexes. But the oscillation between dome 
and fieldhouse taught me what no amount of lecturing could have about why 
segregation was useful. It wasn’t for arbitrary puritanical standards but 
because we were different. Where the guys had been for a month, it smelled like 
a locker room. Nice smell, actually, but it had a different energy, a more 
forceful kind that I began to identify as distinctly masculine as compared to 
our softer, feminine energy. It left me with a greater appreciation for both 
sexes and a longing for the completion of the women’s dome, the Bagambhrini 
Hall of Knowledge, the twin to Patanjali.
Looking up at the stars through its open rafters during construction, I was 
aware that, with every nail and board, history was being made. When we got to 
fly in it for the first time, in December 1981, it felt like coming home to a 
new level of silence.
The pattern was clear—there was deeper silence in the fieldhouse than alone, 
more in Patanjali than the fieldhouse, and more for me, as a woman, in the 
women’s dome.

But while inner silence had increased, the outer level had gotten out of hand. 
Before program, hundreds of us gossiped in loud whispers against a background 
litany of microphone announcements and security procedures. Noise may not be a 
barrier to meditation, but during program there was so much coughing, clanking 
of keys, and rustling clothing that when I had to leave again in 1987, I looked 
forward to doing program alone.
The Power of Flying in a Group
But on returning to Fairfield ten years later, it became obvious that the 
outward silence wasn’t what made the process work. At the Raj, where I stayed 
when I first arrived, program was obviously deeper. Then, when I moved six 
miles away, the quality of program dropped. The contrast was 


2011-11-08 Thread maskedzebra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jpgillam jpgillam@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj wrote:
  On Nov 6, 2011, at 8:58 PM, johnt wrote:
   You never will in a TM context, but if you study some
   of Milton Erickson, Bandler and Grinder and other
   related sources you will find that each part of a
   TM initiation has a well studied neurolinguistic
   effect which in this case is very effective at
   producing a self transcending accessing cue which
   accesses an experience at a primal (original) level
   prior to subsequent conditioning
  It's called the placebo effect silly.

 I thought the placebo effect tended to
 go away after a few weeks. I've been getting
 results from the TM puja for 34 years. It
 stills my mind. I recite it often, for
 that purpose.

BW: Patrick, I do not deny your experience with the TM
puja, but I would suggest another explanatin for it.
I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj
does, but I would certainly call any subjective
effect associated with performing the puja an
exercise in trained moodmaking.

MZ: No moodmaking, trained or otherwise, can account for the experience 
produced by singing the Puja. It is as experiential as drugs. And one can be 
doing so many Pujas on a given day of initiating that one loses track of space, 
time, and *any meaning whatsoever*. The Puja, most particularly in the context 
of teaching Transcendental Meditation, works its effect on one without any 
capacity to influence or interfere with that effect. One could in effect 
perform the Puja, and think to oneself—all the while one is singing the 
Puja—that: this is all shit, this is stupid, this isn't real, what Barry Wright 
says about the Puja is what is true. And what would be the effect of this 
arbitrary imposition of meaning upon the Puja? Almost negligible. Obviously 
Barry Wright's association with Frederick Lenz killed off his objective 
memories of what it is like to be a TM initiator, and he was, through this 
surrender to the mystical context of FL, forced (within himself) to become a 
revisionist when it came to his own personal history. Barry cannot reconcile 
his experiences with Frederick Lenz and his experiences when he was one of 
Maharishi's teachers. To accord the Puja any status other than trained 
moodmaking is to threaten the stability of the point of view that was as 
involuntarily produced by his intimate association with the wonders and madness 
of Frederick Lenz—and it is this transfer of allegiance which necessitated the 
elimination of the point of view Barry previously held about the effects of 
doing the Puja. The real irony here is that Barry's relationship to Rama 
(Frederick Lenz) is itself an instance of being affected by a metaphysical 
context (the singularity of Frederick Lenz's mysticism) over which he has no 
say—once, that is, he became a devout disciple of Rama.

No trained moodmaking *there*.

You cannot, then, reconcile inside your consciousness—at least Barry 
can't—these two different forms of spirituality. So Barry—for the sake of 
maintaining his own internal consistency of belief and point of view—has to 
re-construe what happened when he performed the Puja and taught Transcendental 
Meditation. His analysis is so driven by a compulsion to conceive of Maharishi 
and TM in a certain way, that the absence of objectivity is obvious. All of 
what Barry says here to refute Patrick is motivated by a certain subjective 
reaction to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and his continuing allegiance to the 
experiences he had under the preternatural magic of Frederick Lenz.

BW: If you think back on it, what could possibly BE more
of an exercise in moodmaking than the way we were
taught to perform the puja? It (at least as 
on my TTC) was *not* about the mere power of the
words and reciting them. We were taught explicitly
to (contravening MMY's Don't divide the mind dictum)
maintain a constant awareness of the meaning of the
words in the puja in our minds while chanting/singing

MZ: Yes, Barry is right here. But I don't know of anyone who taught TM—except 
in an ex post facto sense—who was able to conform to this exhortation of 
Maharishi's. That Maharishi inspired us with this intention, simply had 
nothing, or almost nothing, to do with what actually happened in that Puja 
room. To try to make the case that one's experience of performing the Puja was 
determined by the extent to which one was able to adhere to these instructions 
from Maharishi, will not go any ways towards explaining what happened in that 
Puja room when one sang the Puja, and submitted oneself to the mechanical 
procedure of teaching TM, a process as impersonal and automatic as the 
experience of doing Transcendental Meditation. If the Puja was trained 
moodmaking, then so was TM. (It is interesting that Barry invokes the term 
moodmaking, which is itself a brilliant concept taught to us by Maharishi. I 
think you run into trouble if you are using, as 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread Bhairitu
On 11/08/2011 09:15 AM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:

 As far as they knew they were just two guys talking,
 about a third guy whom they both know to be an asshole,
 but they also know they've gotta keep interacting with
 him. International politics sounds a lot like FFL...

 Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 Benny Nutty Yahoo wants to risk starting WWIII over his
 little patch of magic land because the magic man in
 the sky told him to do so.

 Don't you just hate that Jew, 'Benny Nutty'!

So it's true then that in your last life you were a guard at Auschwitz.

[FairfieldLife] From the Police Blotter this week in the SF Bay Area

2011-11-08 Thread whynotnow7
San Jose Mercury News

Fremont: 5400 block of Roosevelt Place, Thursday. Someone got away with an 
empty safe and a fake diamond necklace during a residential burglary.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread John
IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife.  You can 
be enlightened even if you're married.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)
 There is lust, no pain, no suffering.
 There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.
 Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though obviously not so 
 often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is no question of possession, 
 no question of getting consumed by it, no shame, no guilt, ergo no pain or 
 On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@... wrote:
  Shri Bhagavan explains.


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:40 AM, cardemaister wrote:

Well, duh! That's rather exactly what according to PJ seems to
be the conditio sine qua non of (asaMprajñaata?)-samaadhi
(for upaaya-pratyaya-yogi_s):


shraddhA	f. faith , trust , confidence , trustfulness ,  
faithfulness , belief in...

Of course you'd have to accept that TM was a practice that related to  
the YS - which it does not. But even if it did, the deeper meaning of  
shraddha as I understood it was having faith that samadhi was the  
path and that the lineage from the guru was authentic, thus leading  
us to samadhi, which is a tool for realization.

Since we now know two important things: there still is no evidence of  
higher states of consciousness in TMers as of 2011 and the sad news  
that MMY was not from the tradition he claimed, it's kind of  
irrelevant. You could certainly have the faith that MMY was from the  
tradition he claimed, but given what we know today, you'd be a fool  
to believe that. But he did put on a very convincing show.

My point being such faith depends on the authenticity of the guru,  
not his stage presence or persona.


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:40 AM, cardemaister wrote:

Well, duh! That's rather exactly what according to PJ seems to
be the conditio sine qua non of (asaMprajñaata?)-samaadhi
(for upaaya-pratyaya-yogi_s):

BTW, it's samprajnata NOT asamprajnata.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 12:10 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Benny Nutty Yahoo wants to risk starting WWIII over his little  
patch of

magic land because the magic man in the sky told him to do so.

Let's not forget bloody Jesus needs someplace to hold Armageddon.

[FairfieldLife] Re: OCCUPYFAIL

2011-11-08 Thread wgm4u

And to think Obama encourages these individuals by his passive complicity 
(including the liberal media).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardwillytexwilliams willytex@... 

 What a lovely group. They're just like you and me… The 99%!
 'LA Goons Shut Down Burger King'
 Gateway Pundit:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 8, 2011, at 12:10 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  Benny Nutty Yahoo wants to risk starting WWIII over his little  
  patch of
  magic land because the magic man in the sky told him to do so.
 Let's not forget bloody Jesus needs someplace to hold Armageddon.

We ALL know that the 'magic man' gave that land to the Arabs...come on!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread Yifu
by Ron English

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 8, 2011, at 12:10 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  Benny Nutty Yahoo wants to risk starting WWIII over his little  
  patch of
  magic land because the magic man in the sky told him to do so.
 Let's not forget bloody Jesus needs someplace to hold Armageddon.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Domes Revisited

2011-11-08 Thread Buck
Retirement in Meditation.  Actually Fairfield is already like that.  It is 
incredibly easy to live here affordably and well.  A lot of people are already 
doing it.

Now the thing that needs to happen is to have the TM-Rajas change that 
anti-saint policy of theirs so as to not keep old TM'ers out of the group 
meditation.  It is enormously silly to have old TM-movement meditators move and 
live here only to keep them out of the domes over policy that is un-real.

The place is incredibly high-minded except for their anti-saint policy.

-Buck in FF

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
 What the TMO  aught 
   to consider since so many of us are approaching retirement is a 
   community for different income levels to gather us all together 
 again in one  
   place or a few places. Some of these properties the movement has 
 like the  
   Capitals of the Age of Enlightenment could maintain people on 
 small fixed  incomes 
   like SS who could then do extended programs all day  long.
  That might be a good idea, but I don't think that $500/month
  would be sufficient for any but the most healthy and reclusive
  to retire on. $500/month PLUS room and board and a 
  group health plan might be another matter...
 They'll have Social Security, as MDixon says, and many
 will have pensions and/or income from their own 
 retirement plans.  They'll also be on Medicare, so you've
 got a built-in health plan.
 If the dwellings were inexpensive to rent or buy, and
 you had a good group kitchen (preferably under the
 supervision of an Ayurvedic nutritionist who specializes
 in geriatrics) and dining area, you wouldn't really need
 the extra $500/month, although it would always be welcome.
 Maybe there could be a means test for that.
 Probably *would* be good to have some modifications
 in how folks fly, though, plus daily fitness classes.

[FairfieldLife] Austerity measures for Greece AND Italy.

2011-11-08 Thread wgm4u
What does that mean?...No more gravy train for the Unions. (I think they've 
already soaked all of their 'Rich').

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Domes Revisited

2011-11-08 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Retirement in Meditation.  Actually Fairfield is already like 
 that.  It is incredibly easy to live here affordably and well.  
 A lot of people are already doing it.
 Now the thing that needs to happen is to have the TM-Rajas 
 change that anti-saint policy of theirs so as to not keep old 
 TM'ers out of the group meditation.  It is enormously silly to 
 have old TM-movement meditators move and live here only to keep 
 them out of the domes over policy that is un-real.
 The place is incredibly high-minded except for their anti-saint 

Saint, schmaint. It's a Do what we say or else policy.
You can get away with that shit in a cult in which the
authority for the or else is still living, and still
considered a viable threat. 

When you attempt to run the same number on the basis of 
your own personal power, or on the currency of your cult's 
current caveat in the spiritual market, different story. 

Different story. The modern TMO will either make it on
its own merits or it won't. The legacy of its past --
imagined or real -- don't mean shit.


2011-11-08 Thread jpgillam
Responses interleaved below...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb wrote:

 If you think back on it, what could possibly BE more
 of an exercise in moodmaking than the way we were 
 taught to perform the puja? It (at least as taught
 on my TTC) was *not* about the mere power of the
 words and reciting them. We were taught explicitly
 to (contravening MMY's Don't divide the mind dictum)
 maintain a constant awareness of the meaning of the
 words in the puja in our minds while chanting/singing 

Agreed, although I would argue that it's pretty common 
to understand the meaning of words as we say them. :-)

 We were told endless stories about the personal-
 ities of the teachers and/or gods and goddesses being 
 invoked by the words of the puja, and taught explicitly 
 to keep a conscious awareness of those meanings in our 

You were told about deities? I don't recall any of that. My 
TTC Phase 3 was in the spring of 1977. I think we were 
more businesslike. No Maharishi on the course, for example.

 It was also implied in no uncertain terms that the
 puja was *supposed* to make you high, to change your
 state of attention and boost you into a higher one.

All I recall is my experience, as described in post #294752.

 Me, I rarely found there to be any SOC-shifting aspect
 to performing the puja. I became aware early on that 
 any such feelings were produced *by me*, as a result
 of whether I indulged in the moodmaking I'd been taught
 to indulge in or not. Repeat the words without dwelling
 on the images or meanings I'd been taught to dwell on,
 and nada...zilch...bupkus. 

I've noticed a decline in the resulting stillness if I recite 
the puja without paying attention to it. But heck, I've 
noticed a decline in everything if I do it without attending 
to it.

On the other hand, I've noticed that being mindful of the 
feelings of the offerings can enhance the richness of the 
quietness, rather as the TM-Sidhis do. That one experience
goes along with what you're saying.

 I could just as easily have
 been reading from the telephone book, for all the change
 it produced in my state of attention. 

Well, even reciting the puja absent mindedly produces 
*some* stilling in me.

 Add in the mood-
 making instructions, divide the mind and *expect* there
 to be a shift in my state of awareness, and I could feel
 a light buzz. Nothing profound, just a light buzz.

The misleading thing about transcending is that it's nothing 
to shout about. By rights, there would not even be a light 
buzz. (Careful with the alcohol phrasings or Nabby will 
dump on you for having beer-soaked consciousness again. :-)
So for me, I would not describe the result of the puja as a 
buzz of any degree.

 I fully *understand* the desire to attribute what you
 feel to something magical or mystical associated with
 the puja. It's just that, based on my own experience
 and my own interpretation of the same training we 
 received and performing the same ritual, I don't buy
 it. I think it's pretty much a classic example of
 trained moodmaking. Your mileage may vary.

Given your explanation, it's odd that I'd stand up for 
the TM puja when I've fallen away in so many other 
respects. I don't feel a pull to the TM organization. I 
don't use a mantra to meditate. The last time I sang 
the puja with some other 'rus, I did not bow at the end. 
(The bowing is kind of weird, I'm sure you'll agree.) I 
appreciate your rap, and I'm responding to express 
that appreciation. But my explanation is simpler and 
conforms to the facts before me.

Finally, I don't see any of this as being magical or 
mystical. To me it's pretty simple: We can be centered 
in our thoughts and feelings or centered in the 
consciousness that's aware of those thoughts and 
feelings. Wisdom traditions tend to teach ways to 
shift one's center to consciousness. Being present 
is one of the ways to effect the shift, as is the use of 
mantras that tend to fade away, leaving awareness 
aware of itself. The puja is another way to effect that 
shift. It's not magical or mystical. It's a technology, a 
tool to do some action that would be difficult or 
impossible without the tool.


2011-11-08 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jpgillam jpgillam@... wrote:

 Responses interleaved below...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb wrote:
  If you think back on it, what could possibly BE more
  of an exercise in moodmaking than the way we were 
  taught to perform the puja? It (at least as taught
  on my TTC) was *not* about the mere power of the
  words and reciting them. We were taught explicitly
  to (contravening MMY's Don't divide the mind dictum)
  maintain a constant awareness of the meaning of the
  words in the puja in our minds while chanting/singing 
 Agreed, although I would argue that it's pretty common 
 to understand the meaning of words as we say them. :-)

I would say that it's common to *project* the meaning
of words we speak onto them as we speak them. :-)

  We were told endless stories about the personal-
  ities of the teachers and/or gods and goddesses being 
  invoked by the words of the puja, and taught explicitly 
  to keep a conscious awareness of those meanings in our 
 You were told about deities? I don't recall any of that. My 
 TTC Phase 3 was in the spring of 1977. I think we were 
 more businesslike. No Maharishi on the course, for example.
  It was also implied in no uncertain terms that the
  puja was *supposed* to make you high, to change your
  state of attention and boost you into a higher one.
 All I recall is my experience, as described in post #294752.

And, as stated earlier, I do not dispute this. Your
experience was your experience. Nothing I can possibly
say can impact that. 

  Me, I rarely found there to be any SOC-shifting aspect
  to performing the puja. I became aware early on that 
  any such feelings were produced *by me*, as a result
  of whether I indulged in the moodmaking I'd been taught
  to indulge in or not. Repeat the words without dwelling
  on the images or meanings I'd been taught to dwell on,
  and nada...zilch...bupkus. 
 I've noticed a decline in the resulting stillness if I recite 
 the puja without paying attention to it. But heck, I've 
 noticed a decline in everything if I do it without attending 
 to it.

My intuition is that the paying attention to it factor
is more worth paying attention to than the TMO accords it.
 On the other hand, I've noticed that being mindful of the 
 feelings of the offerings can enhance the richness of the 
 quietness, rather as the TM-Sidhis do. That one experience
 goes along with what you're saying.

If, of course, your objective is the quietness.  :-)

  I could just as easily have
  been reading from the telephone book, for all the change
  it produced in my state of attention. 
 Well, even reciting the puja absent mindedly produces 
 *some* stilling in me.

From my point of view, that could be a real experience
or an unreal one, one based on moodmaking and programmed
expectation. If I experienced the stillness you speak of,
I could attribute it equally to either source. Could you?

  Add in the mood-
  making instructions, divide the mind and *expect* there
  to be a shift in my state of awareness, and I could feel
  a light buzz. Nothing profound, just a light buzz.
 The misleading thing about transcending is that it's nothing 
 to shout about. By rights, there would not even be a light 
 buzz. (Careful with the alcohol phrasings or Nabby will 
 dump on you for having beer-soaked consciousness again. :-)
 So for me, I would not describe the result of the puja as a 
 buzz of any degree.

I would. 

  I fully *understand* the desire to attribute what you
  feel to something magical or mystical associated with
  the puja. It's just that, based on my own experience
  and my own interpretation of the same training we 
  received and performing the same ritual, I don't buy
  it. I think it's pretty much a classic example of
  trained moodmaking. Your mileage may vary.
 Given your explanation, it's odd that I'd stand up for 
 the TM puja when I've fallen away in so many other 
 respects. I don't feel a pull to the TM organization. I 
 don't use a mantra to meditate. The last time I sang 
 the puja with some other 'rus, I did not bow at the end. 
 (The bowing is kind of weird, I'm sure you'll agree.) 

Just a part of the ritual.

 I appreciate your rap, and I'm responding to express 
 that appreciation. But my explanation is simpler and 
 conforms to the facts before me.
 Finally, I don't see any of this as being magical or 
 mystical. To me it's pretty simple: We can be centered 
 in our thoughts and feelings or centered in the 
 consciousness that's aware of those thoughts and 
 feelings. Wisdom traditions tend to teach ways to 
 shift one's center to consciousness. Being present 
 is one of the ways to effect the shift, as is the use of 
 mantras that tend to fade away, leaving awareness 
 aware of itself. The puja is another way to effect that 
 shift. It's not magical or mystical. It's a technology, a 
 tool to do some action that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Ravi Yogi
LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex without 
getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.

So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is free 
from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?

On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:

 IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. You 
 can be enlightened even if you're married.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)
  There is lust, no pain, no suffering.
  There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.
  Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though obviously not 
  so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is no question of 
  possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no shame, no guilt, ergo 
  no pain or suffering.
  On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@... wrote:
   Shri Bhagavan explains.

[FairfieldLife] Fighting for truth (was Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK)

2011-11-08 Thread jpgillam
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 wrote:

 It is simply bizarre to me why someone who has not done these things for so 
 many years would even care to comment on them. What is the motivation to try 
 and appear an expert, after so many years of not practicing what you preach 
 against? What is the pay-off? It is an odd way to behave.

People like to stand up for truth. What's interesting 
to me is, why?

I got to thinking about this question this weekend when 
I heard the This American Life story about Adrian 
Schoolcraft, the New York City cop who recorded 
corruption in his station house. 


Here's a guy who's taking some serious heat for 
fighting against injustice. Why bother?

I think the answer is the same as with any other 
situation: Sometimes people fight for truth because 
their artificial, manufactured, ignorance-based 
worldviews depend on those truths to justify their 
tenuous existences. And other times people fight 
for truth because truth is their essence, in the sense 
that consciousness is our essence and consciousness 
is true.


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:09 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

 The reason is that in the years between then and now 
 I've had many more experiences, some of which put the 
 earlier experiences in the shade and raised the bar 
 on my internal Woo Scale. What I used to consider a 9 
 I now consider a 4. I'm sure you get what I'm talking 

Oh yes, definitely. It was a long time before I was able to wrap my head around 
the fact that TM-style phenomenon were largely mental plane phenomenon. The 
light mental bliss I thought was so special, was just a mere shadow; the 
kundalini, mere prana-kundalini and the visions mental mirages. The perspective 
of time and experience changes everything. 


2011-11-08 Thread emptybill
And  unless one knows how to defeat mental laxity and excitation at the 
subtle level, one can never reach the level of complete pacification of 
afflictive emotional states like aggression or cravings.

What Vag is not telling you is that this explanation is just standard
Mahayana Buddhist instructions for training in sutra-level meditative
concentration (shamata). It is not prescriptive for Mahamudra or
Dzogchen. Those instructions are based upon effortlessness, as is the
Chinese Zen (Chan) method of silent illumination (Mo-Zhao).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 8, 2011, at 8:40 AM, Tom Pall wrote:

  So why do you think people seem to get diminishing returns with
  decades of doing TM/TMSP?   It's all so exciting during the first
  few years of TM, the first 2 advanced techniques, the first few
  years of the TMSP.I just can't buy the argument that one's
  working on deeper and more extensive stress/karma.   If that were
  so, every few years, at least, there's be a lurch forward.  But
  this isn't.   Indeed people I know who come to IA for a few months
  every year and go back home actually find their quality of life
  degrading.   And yes, they pay $25-$50/EUR 25/EUR 50 to get
  frequent checkings.

 There's no real mastery of the mind taking place, as it's too languid
 of a technique IMO. In traditional mantra meditation as I was taught
 it, the blank thought-free state, and esp. gaps in breathing were
 considered a sign that it was time to move onto the next stage, which
 was a more Patanjalian attentional training. Since an individual is
 more than a mental continuum, there's more to self-mastery than
 transcending the coarse mental level and imaging one's achieving

 Without a stable foundation for ones telescope one cannot reliably
 create a subjective facility with which to experience clearly. The
 subjective facility never becomes reliable. It's like a bouncing
 telescope trying to observe the inner sky. Without mental vividness,
 mental perception is entrained as a fuzz. And unless one knows how to
 defeat mental laxity and excitation at the subtle level, one can
 never reach the level of complete pacification of afflictive
 emotional states like aggression or cravings. Over time this
 unmastery becomes hardwired. We're stuck.

 Getting stuck and staying stuck are great advantages for certain
 classes of gurus - esp. those with extensive and expensive product

 It becomes like the Matrix: we don't even realize we're seeing a
 projected reality and we're actually suspended in an enslaving device
 intended to utilize our bodily or monetary energy.

[FairfieldLife] A Great Success

2011-11-08 Thread Dick Mays

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Mayor Ed Malloy emal...@mum.edu
 Subject: A Great Success
 Date: November 8, 2011 3:53:11 PM CST
 To: Dick, dickm...@lisco.com
 Dear Dick,
 I’m very happy to tell you that Super Monday was a tremendous success. Our 
 community program attendance totals were:
 Super Monday 7th morning: 1076 compared with 760 the previous Monday morning.
 That’s 316 extra!
 Super Monday 7th evening: 1323 compared with 936 the previous Monday 
 That’s 387 extra!
 Well done everyone! You have demonstrated that when we put our attention on a 
 goal, we can accomplish anything. Thank you for making this day such a 
 resounding achievement.
 Overall on Super Monday our Super Radiance total (including the Vedic Pandits 
 and special groups) went up to 1814 in the morning, well above the Super 
 Radiance number, and 2076 in the afternoon, well above Maharishi’s target of 
 For over three decades our Super Radiance Community has been dedicated to 
 keeping the highest numbers of Yogic Flyers in the flying halls to create 
 coherence for the country. This has contributed in many ways to the success 
 of Fairfield, and our continued attention can help lift America out of these 
 challenging times. Please join me in re-committing to bringing fulfillment to 
 this momentous promise. 
 Let’s see if we can all get to program next Monday, the 14th, again, and all 
 the following Mondays, and make every Monday a Super Monday!
 Of course we would also like everyone to come on all the days in between if 
 you can possibly make it. During these two months when Pandit numbers are 
 reduced it is so important that we all get to group program as many times in 
 a week as we can. I will try my best to live up to that as well.
 Many thanks and congratulations to the team of volunteers who organized Super 
 Monday, particularly:
 Einar and Mary Cathryn Olsen, 
 Bob Stone, 
 George Foster,
 Christine Loyacano,
 Mary Beschorner,
 Carol Bemben,
 Jim Collins, 
 Adam Delfiner, and 
 Raja Hagelin’s Ideal Community Group.
 On Monday morning Greg Derise told us, “It felt like the old days! As soon as 
 I closed my eyes and began meditating, I felt clear transcendence right 
 away.” This reminder of the deeper experience that happens in a larger group 
 was one of the great achievements of Super Monday. My wife Vicki told me, “I 
 am so inspired when our community responds to a call to uplift collective 
 consciousness and the Domes are full.”
 From now on let’s try to make every Monday a Super day in the Domes.
 Jai Guru Dev
 Ed Malloy
 Mayor, City of Fairfield


2011-11-08 Thread Yifu
To Vaj: ok, you experienced nothing of value from what you thought was TM but 
wasn't really. And, you prefer Mindfulness and Vipassana. Very good!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:09 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  The reason is that in the years between then and now 
  I've had many more experiences, some of which put the 
  earlier experiences in the shade and raised the bar 
  on my internal Woo Scale. What I used to consider a 9 
  I now consider a 4. I'm sure you get what I'm talking 
 Oh yes, definitely. It was a long time before I was able to wrap my head 
 around the fact that TM-style phenomenon were largely mental plane 
 phenomenon. The light mental bliss I thought was so special, was just a mere 
 shadow; the kundalini, mere prana-kundalini and the visions mental mirages. 
 The perspective of time and experience changes everything.


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:09 PM, Yifu wrote:

 To Vaj: ok, you experienced nothing of value from what you thought was TM but 
 wasn't really. And, you prefer Mindfulness and Vipassana. Very good!

It's all good IMO.

There's a lot of wonderful people I would've missed if it weren't for TM. And I 
treasure it as a learning experience.

[FairfieldLife] Re: OCCUPYFAIL

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

 And to think Obama encourages these individuals 
 by his passive complicity (including the liberal 
BOSTON – Three people arrested Thursday night inside 
the Occupy Boston camp have been charged with dealing 
crack cocaine...

'3 Charged With Dealing Crack; Occupy Boston `Deteriorating'
Boston Herald:

  What a lovely group. They're just like you and me… The 99%!
  'LA Goons Shut Down Burger King'
  Gateway Pundit:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Unacceptable ... ?

2011-11-08 Thread richardwillytexwilliams
  Don't you just hate that Jew, 'Benny Nutty'!
 So it's true then that in your last life you 
 were a guard at Auschwitz.

So, you hate Jews AND Auschwitz guards!

[FairfieldLife] Pensive Hulk Boy

2011-11-08 Thread Yifu
by Ron English


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:09 PM, emptybill wrote:

 And unless one knows how to defeat mental laxity and excitation at the subtle 
 level, one can never reach the level of complete pacification of afflictive 
 emotional states like aggression or cravings.
 What Vag is not telling you is that this explanation is just standard 
 Mahayana Buddhist instructions for training in sutra-level meditative 
 concentration (shamata). It is not prescriptive for Mahamudra or Dzogchen. 
 Those instructions are based upon effortlessness, as is the Chinese Zen 
 (Chan) method of silent illumination (Mo-Zhao).

Exactly. I approach the topic at it's own level. Very good Billy!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread obbajeeba
Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
HOw can anyone dispute that statement???  Nada.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
 without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
 So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is free 
 from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@... wrote:
  IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. You 
  can be enlightened even if you're married.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)
   There is lust, no pain, no suffering.
   There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.
   Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though obviously not 
   so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is no question of 
   possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no shame, no guilt, 
   ergo no pain or suffering.
   On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
Shri Bhagavan explains.



[FairfieldLife] Occupy Vedic City [1 Attachment]

2011-11-08 Thread Rick Archer

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Ravi Yogi
Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would rather 
masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and ethics than 

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
 HOw can anyone dispute that statement??? Nada.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
  without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
  So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is 
  free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@... wrote:
   IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. 
   You can be enlightened even if you're married.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)

There is lust, no pain, no suffering.

There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.

Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though obviously 
not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is no question 
of possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no shame, no 
guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.

On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:

 Shri Bhagavan explains.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Bob Price


From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 3:46:50 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would rather 
masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and ethics than 

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
HOw can anyone dispute that statement???  Nada.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
 without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
 So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is free 
 from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@... wrote:
  IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. You 
  can be enlightened even if you're married.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)
   There is lust, no pain, no suffering.
   There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.
   Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though obviously 
   not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is no question of 
   possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no shame, no guilt, 
   ergo no pain or suffering.
   On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
Shri Bhagavan explains.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Ravi Yogi
Loser gurus have been ashamed of their sexuality for the fear of their 
followers, this mad yogi has no such qualms..

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
 unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would rather 
 masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and ethics than 
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
 HOw can anyone dispute that statement??? Nada.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
  without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
  So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is 
  free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@... wrote:
   IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. 
   You can be enlightened even if you're married.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)

There is lust, no pain, no suffering.

There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.

Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though obviously 
not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is no question 
of possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no shame, no 
guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.

On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:

 Shri Bhagavan explains.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Ravi Yogi
Gosh.. Let me rephrase.. Loser gurus hiding their sexuality for the fear of 
losing, alienating their fame, popularity among their sexually obsessed 

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:53 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

 Loser gurus have been ashamed of their sexuality for the fear of their 
 followers, this mad yogi has no such qualms..
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:
 Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
 unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would rather 
 masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and ethics than 
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
 HOw can anyone dispute that statement??? Nada.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
  without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
  So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is 
  free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@... wrote:
   IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. 
   You can be enlightened even if you're married.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)

There is lust, no pain, no suffering.

There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.

Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though obviously 
not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is no question 
of possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no shame, no 
guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.

On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:

 Shri Bhagavan explains.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Bob Price


From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 3:53:23 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

Loser gurus have been ashamed of their sexuality for the fear of their 
followers, this mad yogi has no such qualms..

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would rather 
masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and ethics than 

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
HOw can anyone dispute that statement???  Nada.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
 without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
 So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is 
 free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@... wrote:
  IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. 
  You can be enlightened even if you're married.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)
   There is lust, no pain, no suffering.
   There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.
   Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though obviously 
   not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is no question 
   of possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no shame, no 
   guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.
   On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
Shri Bhagavan explains.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Bob Price


From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 4:01:37 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

Gosh.. Let me rephrase.. Loser gurus hiding their sexuality for the fear of 
losing, alienating their fame, popularity among their sexually obsessed 

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:53 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

Loser gurus have been ashamed of their sexuality for the fear of their 
followers, this mad yogi has no such qualms..

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:

Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would rather 
masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and ethics than 

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
HOw can anyone dispute that statement???  Nada.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
 without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
 So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is 
 free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@... wrote:
  IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. 
  You can be enlightened even if you're married.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)
   There is lust, no pain, no suffering.
   There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.
   Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though obviously 
   not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is no question 
   of possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no shame, no 
   guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.
   On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
Shri Bhagavan explains.




[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-11-08 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Nov 05 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Nov 12 00:00:00 2011
622 messages as of (UTC) Wed Nov 09 00:02:21 2011

50 authfriend jst...@panix.com
50 Denise Evans dmevans...@yahoo.com
43 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
39 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
37 obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
35 richardwillytexwilliams willy...@yahoo.com
33 Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
31 Yifu yifux...@yahoo.com
31 Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
28 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
27 seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
25 whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
20 tartbrain no_re...@yahoogroups.com
20 Tom Pall thomas.p...@gmail.com
17 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
16 wgm4u anitaoak...@att.net
12 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
12 maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
12 johnt johnlasher20002...@yahoo.com
 9 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 8 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 7 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 7 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
 6 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 5 Susan waybac...@yahoo.com
 5 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 5 MichaelB bax8...@aol.com
 5 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 4 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 4 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 3 wle...@aol.com
 3 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 2 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 2 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 2 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 1 stevelf ysoy1...@yahoo.com
 1 shainm307 shainm...@yahoo.com
 1 seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
 1 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 eustace10679 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 alexander_oprea_shift alexander_oprea_sh...@yahoo.com
 1 Bill Coop williamgc...@gmail.com

Posters: 42
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:58 PM, John wrote:

 Shri Bhagavan explains.

What a wonderful rationalization. Nice outfit. Westerners will eat this guy up 
because many enlightened beings are bald from radiating all that sattva and so 
they naturally want to dress in expensive silks. 

Please John, where do I send my money!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Yifu
I don't get youtube.  Who in the hell is Sri Bhagavan...some Vaisnava dualist?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:58 PM, John wrote:
  Shri Bhagavan explains.
 What a wonderful rationalization. Nice outfit. Westerners will eat this guy 
 up because many enlightened beings are bald from radiating all that sattva 
 and so they naturally want to dress in expensive silks. 
 Please John, where do I send my money!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Bob Price


From: Yifu yifux...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 4:25:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

I don't get youtube.  Who in the hell is Sri Bhagavan...some Vaisnava dualist?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:58 PM, John wrote:
  Shri Bhagavan explains.
 What a wonderful rationalization. Nice outfit. Westerners will eat this guy 
 up because many enlightened beings are bald from radiating all that sattva 
 and so they naturally want to dress in expensive silks. 
 Please John, where do I send my money!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Bob Price


From: Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 4:18:21 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:58 PM, John wrote:

Shri Bhagavan explains.


What a wonderful rationalization. Nice outfit. Westerners will eat this guy up 
because many enlightened beings are bald from radiating all that sattva and so 
they naturally want to dress in expensive silks. 

Please John, where do I send my money!

[FairfieldLife] Is Cain Pulling a Bill Clinton?

2011-11-08 Thread John
Cain denies any relationship with his accuser.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:58 PM, John wrote:
  Shri Bhagavan explains.
 What a wonderful rationalization. Nice outfit. Westerners will eat this guy 
 up because many enlightened beings are bald from radiating all that sattva 
 and so they naturally want to dress in expensive silks. 
 Please John, where do I send my money!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Ravi Yogi

On Nov 8, 2011, at 4:18 PM, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:58 PM, John wrote:
 Shri Bhagavan explains.
 What a wonderful rationalization.

Rationalization? - you sick, lying, crooked Buddhist son of a bitch.

Treating sexual thought as natural and controlling it in a morally ethically 
socially accepted way obviously sounds perverted to you.

You would rather want people to pretend they are renunciates like Tibetan 
Buddhist masters and then abuse every woman you can lay your hand on.

I have heard of horror stories from a friend of mine who was a Tibetan Buddhist 

This sickness and sexual repression only entered on a large scale after 
Buddhism in India. People obsessed with sex and worshiping renunciates, who the 
are forced to compromise because of fear of their followers, sick !!

 Nice outfit. Westerners will eat this guy up because many enlightened beings 
 are bald from radiating all that sattva and so they naturally want to dress 
 in expensive silks. 
 Please John, where do I send my money!


2011-11-08 Thread johnt
Not as far as I know but some of the subsequent practitioners may have. Milton 
Erickson did call the state of meditation (transcendence) the state of no 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
  You never will in a TM context, but if you study some of Milton
  Erickson, Bandler and Grinder and other related sources you will
  find that each part of a TM initiation has a well studied 
  neurolinguistic effect
 Did Erickson and Bandler and Grinder study the effects
 of TM initiation specifically, i.e., with the initiate
 hooked up to an EEG machine?
 If not, then you're just speculatively extrapolating,
 and not very convincingly. From what I understand,
 brainwave entrainment has been studied only using
 very regular sound frequencies, usually machine-
 generated, as the stimulus. The passing of the mantra
 from teacher to initiate in TM doesn't involve
 anything remotely near that regular.
 That is, if the mantra is even passed at all, rather
 than the teacher enlivening, or simply calling the
 student's attention to, a frequency already present in
 the student's mind. That sounds like what you're
 suggesting here:
  which in this case is very effective at producing a self
  transcending accessing cue which accesses an experience
  at a primal (original) level prior to subsequent
 But this doesn't necessarily involve entrainment per
 I'm in total agreement with Wilber, by the way, about
 the possibility of understanding religious/spiritual
 experience in either a mythical or a scientific
 context (the mythical context being a metaphorical
 version of the scientific one, when we finally figure
 out what the latter is).
 MMY offered both kinds of understanding (even if his
 nonmythical understanding was only quasi-scientific)
 and obviously enjoyed the mythical one himself.
 So I'm not at all opposed to the attempt to understand
 the process of TM in nonmythical terms. I just don't
 think the entrainment idea is sufficiently developed
 or studied to be cited as the definitive approach.
 (*) My own theory--not anything MMY ever discussed, as
 far as I'm aware--is that the mantra sounds live at
 the most subtle levels of the mind as devata, the
 processes of knowing. When the TM teacher calls the
 student's attention to one of them, it becomes chhandas,
 an object of knowledge. When we meditate, entertaining
 the mantra involves using that process of knowing (the
 mantra sound as devata) to *know itself* as that object
 of knowledge (the mantra sound as chhandas).
 That creates a feedback loop, like when a microphone
 apparatus picks up its own sound and magnifies it,
 only in this case it's a *negative* feedback loop,
 becoming (as it were) smaller and smaller until it
 extinguishes itself, leaving the mind without any
 distinctions between Rishi, the Knower; devata, the
 process of knowing; and chhandas, the object of
 That's obviously a horrendously crude description of
 a very vague concept, but I think it's at least
 potentially consistent with both the experience of
 TM and MMY's formulation of the Rishi/devata/chhandas
 structure of consciousness.
 Of course science hasn't identified any such thing as
 processes of knowing consisting of subtle sound
 frequencies at the basis of the mind, so this is even
 more wildly speculative than the entrainment theory.
 But if I were a neuroscientist, it's an angle I'd want
 to pursue.
   Nope. It's not necessarily what *TM* is, either. I don't
   know where johnt picked up this purported explanation,
   but I've never encountered it in the TM context.

From: johnt johnlasher20002000@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK

Why TM can't be learned from a book

A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave 
frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a 
frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state. This is only one 
of the Neuro effects of a TM initiation which is a very well crafted 
design of several which lead to a self transcending effect of the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Ravi Yogi
Damn I can't load these videos on my iPhone, I will check 'em out later.

On Nov 8, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 4:01:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?
 Gosh.. Let me rephrase.. Loser gurus hiding their sexuality for the fear of 
 losing, alienating their fame, popularity among their sexually obsessed 
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:53 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:
 Loser gurus have been ashamed of their sexuality for the fear of their 
 followers, this mad yogi has no such qualms..
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net wrote:
 Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
 unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would 
 rather masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and 
 ethics than Maharishi.
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
 HOw can anyone dispute that statement???  Nada.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
  without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
  So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is 
  free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@... wrote:
   IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. 
   You can be enlightened even if you're married.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)

There is lust, no pain, no suffering.

There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.

Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though 
obviously not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is 
no question of possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no 
shame, no guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.

On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:

 Shri Bhagavan explains.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread John
It sounds like you agree with Osho's path to enlightenment.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Loser gurus have been ashamed of their sexuality for the fear of their 
 followers, this mad yogi has no such qualms..
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
  unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would 
  rather masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and 
  ethics than Maharishi.
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
  HOw can anyone dispute that statement??? Nada.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
   without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
   So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is 
   free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
   On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. 
You can be enlightened even if you're married.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:

 Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)
 There is lust, no pain, no suffering.
 There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.
 Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though 
 obviously not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is 
 no question of possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no 
 shame, no guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.
 On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  Shri Bhagavan explains.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:58 PM, John wrote:
  Shri Bhagavan explains.
 What a wonderful rationalization. Nice outfit. Westerners will eat this guy 
 up because many enlightened beings are bald from radiating all that sattva 
 and so they naturally want to dress in expensive silks. 
 Please John, where do I send my money!

Send it to the guy who posted the video.:)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Bob Price


From: John jr_...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 5:05:01 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:58 PM, John wrote:
  Shri Bhagavan explains.
 What a wonderful rationalization. Nice outfit. Westerners will eat this guy 
 up because many enlightened beings are bald from radiating all that sattva 
 and so they naturally want to dress in expensive silks. 
 Please John, where do I send my money!

Send it to the guy who posted the video.:)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Bob Price


From: John jr_...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 5:01:58 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

It sounds like you agree with Osho's path to enlightenment.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Loser gurus have been ashamed of their sexuality for the fear of their 
 followers, this mad yogi has no such qualms..
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
  unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would 
  rather masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and 
  ethics than Maharishi.
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
  HOw can anyone dispute that statement??? Nada.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
   without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
   So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is 
   free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
   On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. 
You can be enlightened even if you're married.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:

 Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)
 There is lust, no pain, no suffering.
 There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.
 Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though 
 obviously not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is 
 no question of possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no 
 shame, no guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.
 On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  Shri Bhagavan explains.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread John

Nice clip.  There's a message in there somewhere.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 From: Vaj vajradhatu@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 4:18:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?
 On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:58 PM, John wrote:
 Shri Bhagavan explains.
 What a wonderful rationalization. Nice outfit. Westerners will eat this guy 
 up because many enlightened beings are bald from radiating all that sattva 
 and so they naturally want to dress in expensive silks. 
 Please John, where do I send my money!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread obbajeeba
How can a license be bondage free? You were absolutely correct on that first 
People like the celibate leader, because they think of Jesus as being celibate 
and how can God or god be part of procreation? No one wants to think about 
their mother or father having sex, so I guess when people want someone to look 
up to, they expect them to be sexless? 
You are correct with the sexually obsessed followers. lol

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:

 Gosh.. Let me rephrase.. Loser gurus hiding their sexuality for the fear of 
 losing, alienating their fame, popularity among their sexually obsessed 
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:53 PM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Loser gurus have been ashamed of their sexuality for the fear of their 
  followers, this mad yogi has no such qualms..
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
  unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would 
  rather masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and 
  ethics than Maharishi.
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
  HOw can anyone dispute that statement??? Nada.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
   without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
   So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is 
   free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not 
   On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your 
wife. You can be enlightened even if you're married.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:

 Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)
 There is lust, no pain, no suffering.
 There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.
 Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though 
 obviously not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is 
 no question of possession, no question of getting consumed by it, 
 no shame, no guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.
 On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  Shri Bhagavan explains.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread obbajeeba
Hahahahahahahahaha. I just wasted a post by using it to type: 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 From: Ravi Yogi raviyogi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 3:53:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?
 Loser gurus have been ashamed of their sexuality for the fear of their 
 followers, this mad yogi has no such qualms..
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
 Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
 unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would rather 
 masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and ethics than 
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
 HOw can anyone dispute that statement???  Nada.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
  without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.
  So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which is 
  free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is not so?
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your wife. 
   You can be enlightened even if you're married.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)

There is lust, no pain, no suffering.

There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.

Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though obviously 
not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there is no question 
of possession, no question of getting consumed by it, no shame, no 
guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.

On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:

 Shri Bhagavan explains.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can an Enlightened Person Have Lust?

2011-11-08 Thread Ravi Yogi
I have no clue what his path is.

Can you please summarize?

On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:01 PM, John jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:

 It sounds like you agree with Osho's path to enlightenment.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Loser gurus have been ashamed of their sexuality for the fear of their 
  followers, this mad yogi has no such qualms..
  On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
   Ha !! I don't know - John may be right, but I wasn't going to let him go 
   unanswered because I want enlightenment and sex too. Trust me I would 
   rather masturbate than make poor choices in beauty, style, morals and 
   ethics than Maharishi.
   On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:25 PM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   Excellent and brilliant from the Sun Yogi!
   HOw can anyone dispute that statement??? Nada.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
LOL..John, so an enlightened person cannot like other mortals have sex 
without getting licensed from the government and/or the priests.

So you seriously believe and think he said that enlightenment, which 
is free from bondage, free of cause and effect now needs approval is 
not so?

On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:02 AM, John jr_esq@ wrote:

 IMO, he's saying there's nothing wrong with having sex with your 
 wife. You can be enlightened even if you're married.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
  Beautiful, I was very curious. He didn't disappoint me at all :-)
  There is lust, no pain, no suffering.
  There is anger, there is no pain, no suffering.
  Lust or sex is purely a biological need, like hunger though 
  obviously not so often :-). Like he says just animal like, there 
  is no question of possession, no question of getting consumed by 
  it, no shame, no guilt, ergo no pain or suffering.
  On Nov 7, 2011, at 8:58 PM, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   Shri Bhagavan explains.


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