[FairfieldLife] The Genocidal Vajrayana Bhuddists of Bhutan

2011-12-26 Thread shukra69

Ethnic Cleansing

Once King Jigme Singye Wangchuk and his families realised that the Bhutanese 
living in the south were acively demanding genuine democracy he decided to send 
his troops in to quell the movement. Well over 100,000 people were expelled, 
others were threatened, tortured or murdered. This is the biggest forced 
eviction by a country of its own citizens in modern history. The Bhutan regime 
forcibly expelled one- sixth of its 600,000 population.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the country expelled or forced to leave 
nearly one fifth of its population in the name of preserving its Tibetan 
Mahayana Buddhist culture and identity.[32] Bhutanese of Nepali origin, mainly 
Hìndu, fled their homeland. According to the UNHCR, more than 107,000 Bhutanese 
refugees living in seven camps in eastern Nepal have been documented as of 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> The overriding symbols, for me, were the blood of Christofascism - and the 
> wars of blood - from the genocides of the pagans, the mennonites of peace and 
> from the decimation of the natives of the Americas, up to and including the 
> massacre of hundreds of thousands of innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan.
> The emblematic blood of Jesus has inundated continents with their alleged 
> "grace".
> A "grace" of blood is no grace IMO, even if downgraded to the beautiful 
> pre-christian symbols of bread and wine.
> Bless this baby, today?
> On Dec 25, 2011, at 8:58 PM, Emily Reyn wrote:
> > Lyrics from San Jacinto...thank goodness you posted the second link...

[FairfieldLife] the-turin-shroud-is-fake-get-over-it

2011-12-26 Thread shukra69

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> Scientists say Turin Shroud image created by ultraviolet lasers
> By Eric Pfeiffer 
> * Posts 
> * RSS 
> By Eric Pfeiffer   |
> The Sideshow   – Wed, Dec 21,
> 2011
> * Email 
> *
> *
> * Share
>  m%2Fblogs%2Fsideshow%2Fscientists-turin-shroud-image-created-ultraviolet\
> -lasers-182107870.html&text=Scientists%20say%20Turin%20Shroud%20image%20\
> created%20by%20ultraviolet%20lasers%20%7C%20The%20Sideshow%20-%20Yahoo!%\
> 20News&action=inshare> 18
> * Print
> [http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/io9rRGD1eUyrZWcqpzd5TA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld\
> 3M7cT04NTt3PTE5MA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en/blogs/thesideshow/TurinShr\
> oud.jpg] 
>  enfs.com/en/blogs/thesideshow/TurinShroud.jpg>
> The Turin Shroud
> The exact origins of the Turin Shroud remain a great mystery, but
> scientists are now disputing the long-held belief that the religious
> artifact is a medieval forgery
>  lymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2076443/Turin-Shroud-created-flash-supe\
> rnatural-light.html> .
> Italian researchers at the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy
> and Sustainable Economic Development
>  pedia.org/wiki/ENEA_%2528Italy%2529>  say they believe the image was
> created by an ultraviolet "flash of light."
>  ron.com/believeitornot/2011/12/researchers-say-shroud-of-turin-is-%25E2%\
> 2580%2598authentic%25E2%2580%2599/>  However, if that theory is true, it
> remains a mystery as to exactly how that technology could have been
> implemented at the time of the Shroud's creation. While the technology
> is readily available in present day, it was far beyond the means of
> anyone around pre-20th Century.
> The Turin Shroud
>  oud.com/>  is said to be the burial cloth of Jesus, but has long been
> believed to be a fake, created during medieval times. It is currently
> kept in a climate-controlled case in Turin cathedral
>  done.org/the_holy_shroud__english_/life_of_faith/00024477_The_Cathedral.\
> html> . Scientists at the Italian agency have reportedly spent years
> attempting to recreate the Shroud's imagery. 'The results show a short
> and intense burst of UV directional radiation can colour a linen cloth
> so as to reproduce many of the peculiar characteristics of the body
> image on the Shroud of Turin,' the scientists said.
> "When one talks about a flash of light being able to color a piece of
> linen in the same way as the shroud, discussion inevitably touches on
> things such as miracles," said Professor Paolo Di Lazzaro, who led the
> study. "But as scientists, we were concerned only with verifiable
> scientific processes. We hope our results can open up a philosophical
> and theological debate."

[FairfieldLife] English and Sanskrit!

2011-12-26 Thread cardemaister

Cool analysis of the syntactic differences between
English and Sanskrit:


[FairfieldLife] Re: New Blood Orchestra 2011

2011-12-26 Thread shukra69

my Mother consulted with Yogi Karve. Did not have any practical value for her.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> No, I haven't.  I heard about him from KN Rao and members from another chat 
> group.  From what I heard, he has a siddhi for determining the location of 
> the planets on a person's horoscope based on intuition or looking at a 
> person's physical characteristics.
> KN Rao's mother, according to Rao himself, was able to make predictions based 
> on the person's physical features.  She got so good at jyotish that she no 
> longer needed the use of horoscopes. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Dec 26, 2011, at 4:02 PM, John wrote:
> > 
> > > Vaj,
> > > 
> > > Are you talking about Yogi Karve? Also, who were you in your past life? 
> > > How many other lives can you remember?
> > 
> > I was talking about Yogi Karve. Have you met him?
> > 
> > I wasn't anyone famous if that's what you meant, just a practitioner.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Another FFL type movie

2011-12-26 Thread shainm307
This is how masters wake up to their mastery I think.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> "Symphony for Delicious" is about newly paralyzed DJ named "Delicious" 
> who develops an ability to heal the sick but uses the gift to become a 
> rock star.  Stars Christopher Thornton, Mark Ruffalo, Juliette Lewis, 
> Laura Linney and Orlando Bloom.  Available on Netflix though I had 
> recorded it a couple weeks back on Showtime and finally got around to 
> watching it last night.  Good film and relevant to discussions here:
> http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Sympathy_for_Delicious/70118795

[FairfieldLife] Secret Place - Prem Joshua (Nirvana Lounge Vol 2)

2011-12-26 Thread Emily Reyn


[FairfieldLife] Re: New Blood Orchestra 2011

2011-12-26 Thread John
No, I haven't.  I heard about him from KN Rao and members from another chat 
group.  From what I heard, he has a siddhi for determining the location of the 
planets on a person's horoscope based on intuition or looking at a person's 
physical characteristics.

KN Rao's mother, according to Rao himself, was able to make predictions based 
on the person's physical features.  She got so good at jyotish that she no 
longer needed the use of horoscopes. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Dec 26, 2011, at 4:02 PM, John wrote:
> > Vaj,
> > 
> > Are you talking about Yogi Karve? Also, who were you in your past life? How 
> > many other lives can you remember?
> I was talking about Yogi Karve. Have you met him?
> I wasn't anyone famous if that's what you meant, just a practitioner.

[FairfieldLife] Fever - Steve Hillage Remix

2011-12-26 Thread Emily Reyn

This is better with speakers that have bass capability.  If you can dance to 
this, you can dance to anything.

[FairfieldLife] Stanley Brothers - Mountain Dew

2011-12-26 Thread Emily Reyn


[FairfieldLife] Wilders - Sorry i Let You Down

2011-12-26 Thread Emily Reyn


[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 12/26/2011 11:30 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

> > It is worth noting that most of the people discussing
> > these supposed higher states of consciousness that some
> > on this forum claim to have had are doing so completely
> > from a theoretical basis. They have personally never
> > had such experiences, and are basing anything they say
> > on theories given to them by Maharishi, who IMO was in
> > exactly the same boat they were. That is, only having
> > heard about enlightenment, and never having experienced
> > it. Even the early stages of it.
> Which I find a bit unusual as I knew people back in the
> 1970s that even with TM were discovering after a couple
> years "they weren't coming out of meditation anymore".
> IOW, the transcendent stayed with them the rest of the
> day.

Maybe--just maybe--you should take Barry's assertions
above with a grain or two of salt.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was *something* about their image)

2011-12-26 Thread Emily Reyn


> From: Bob Price 
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
>Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 3:48 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
>*something* about their image)
>The wife said: "I'm not sure about you, but from that cartoon I think Emily is 
>psychic.'The wife asked me to send you this link to a song I courted her with;
>From: Emily Reyn 
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
>Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 12:24:18 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
>*something* about their image)
>Merry Christmas Bob!  Yes, I was just telling the kids that "wouldn't it be 
>nice" if we could spend next Christmas in Hawaii. Perhaps I'll move there in 
>advance and pursue a new path as an "abstract painter/beach bum bunny."  
>Now, a little context for the comic below.  I stopped in my favorite used 
>bookstore the other day in the University District, Magus Books - the oldest 
>independent used book store in Seattle, buying and selling used and rare books 
>- right around the corner from my favorite brick storefront hole-in-the-wall 
>coffee house, located in an alley a few doors down from where the the homeless 
>youth congregate for a daily free meal...and, anywayI was looking for 
>Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (yes, I'm going to read it before seeing the movie). 
> They had one copy, a 1974 hardcover, which
>I grabbed off the shelf.  While perusing, I noticed that they were also 
>selling New Yorker cards and the line on this comic grabbed my attention as it 
>includes several pertinent references and gave me a good laugh.  I thought to 
>myself, "hmmm" I should send this to HotBob (now referred to as 
>Semi-PsychicBob)...he's been s helpful, after all.  
>So, in searching the internet for this comic, I found it and was shocked to 
>see upon reading the explanation that I had completely missed the subtext.  I 
>thought "OMG, I can't possibly send this now...what message will I be 
>sending...not the one I was amused at on the face of it...what will FFL 
>think...I already made this big deal about not dating married menthis will 
>be all wrong."  I will have to cower in shame for weeks after this.  And then, 
>I looked more closely at the comic and it occurred to me that this woman is 
>not even your type - her ankles are not nearly narrow enough and there is no 
>armani in sight and I think you said you still have some hair left on your 
>head and that's just the beginning of my analysis.  So, I'm going to go out on 
>a limb here and post it anyway.  Now, back to a few final gift wraps and the 
>best to you and yours :).  
>> From: Bob Price 
>>Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 12:41 PM
>>Subject: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
>>*something* about their image)
>>A groan, a yell, and a loud crash startled me from my brandy eggnog stupor, 
>>the after burn from the nutmeg on my
>>tongue reminded me what night it was; the tiny red, green, and gold lights,
>>strung along the mantel, continued to blink through the dust coming from the
>>fireplace, which had just disgorged what looked like a large red and white fur
>>ball wrapped in a large black leather belt. 
>>In the shadows, I sat in the lazy comfort of my easy chair; the warmth from 
>>the computer on my lap felt as good as any
>quilt. Sure, he looked a lot like Santa (except for the tan), and since
>>I didn't believe in Santa, how dangerous could a man in a Santa suit be, with
>>what looked like a sack of gifts---who had just crashed down my chimney. I
>>decided to sit still, and see what he was up to.
>>He reached into his sack, and pulled out a bunch of stockings, and started to 
>>hang them---lovingly, one by
>>one. He then took packages and bundles of papers that looked like
>>contracts, from his bag, and carefully filled each stocking.
>>In what seemed like a flash he finished filling the stockings; he walked over 
>>and helped himself to the burfi and lassi
>>the daughter had left for him, and just as fast as he had arrived he was up 
>>the chimney and gone. 
>>After he left I unfolded myself, and went over and peeked in the stocking. 
>>In a sock marked *Barry* I found a small Dictaphone, and the
>following link: 
>>In a sock marked *Curtis* I found a telephone numbers with the name Robert 
>>Johnson written under it, and the following link:
>>In a sock marked *MZ* I found a leather bound copy of a book called:
>>"Tractatus Logico Philosophicus".

Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was *something* about their image)

2011-12-26 Thread Emily Reyn


> From: Bob Price 
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
>Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 3:48 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
>*something* about their image)
>The wife said: "I'm not sure about you, but from that cartoon I think Emily is 
>psychic.'The wife asked me to send you this link to a song I courted her with;
>From: Emily Reyn 
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
>Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 12:24:18 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
>*something* about their image)
>Merry Christmas Bob!  Yes, I was just telling the kids that "wouldn't it be 
>nice" if we could spend next Christmas in Hawaii. Perhaps I'll move there in 
>advance and pursue a new path as an "abstract painter/beach bum bunny."  
>Now, a little context for the comic below.  I stopped in my favorite used 
>bookstore the other day in the University District, Magus Books - the oldest 
>independent used book store in Seattle, buying and selling used and rare books 
>- right around the corner from my favorite brick storefront hole-in-the-wall 
>coffee house, located in an alley a few doors down from where the the homeless 
>youth congregate for a daily free meal...and, anywayI was looking for 
>Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (yes, I'm going to read it before seeing the movie). 
> They had one copy, a 1974 hardcover, which
>I grabbed off the shelf.  While perusing, I noticed that they were also 
>selling New Yorker cards and the line on this comic grabbed my attention as it 
>includes several pertinent references and gave me a good laugh.  I thought to 
>myself, "hmmm" I should send this to HotBob (now referred to as 
>Semi-PsychicBob)...he's been s helpful, after all.  
>So, in searching the internet for this comic, I found it and was shocked to 
>see upon reading the explanation that I had completely missed the subtext.  I 
>thought "OMG, I can't possibly send this now...what message will I be 
>sending...not the one I was amused at on the face of it...what will FFL 
>think...I already made this big deal about not dating married menthis will 
>be all wrong."  I will have to cower in shame for weeks after this.  And then, 
>I looked more closely at the comic and it occurred to me that this woman is 
>not even your type - her ankles are not nearly narrow enough and there is no 
>armani in sight and I think you said you still have some hair left on your 
>head and that's just the beginning of my analysis.  So, I'm going to go out on 
>a limb here and post it anyway.  Now, back to a few final gift wraps and the 
>best to you and yours :).  
>> From: Bob Price 
>>Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 12:41 PM
>>Subject: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
>>*something* about their image)
>>A groan, a yell, and a loud crash startled me from my brandy eggnog stupor, 
>>the after burn from the nutmeg on my
>>tongue reminded me what night it was; the tiny red, green, and gold lights,
>>strung along the mantel, continued to blink through the dust coming from the
>>fireplace, which had just disgorged what looked like a large red and white fur
>>ball wrapped in a large black leather belt. 
>>In the shadows, I sat in the lazy comfort of my easy chair; the warmth from 
>>the computer on my lap felt as good as any
>quilt. Sure, he looked a lot like Santa (except for the tan), and since
>>I didn't believe in Santa, how dangerous could a man in a Santa suit be, with
>>what looked like a sack of gifts---who had just crashed down my chimney. I
>>decided to sit still, and see what he was up to.
>>He reached into his sack, and pulled out a bunch of stockings, and started to 
>>hang them---lovingly, one by
>>one. He then took packages and bundles of papers that looked like
>>contracts, from his bag, and carefully filled each stocking.
>>In what seemed like a flash he finished filling the stockings; he walked over 
>>and helped himself to the burfi and lassi
>>the daughter had left for him, and just as fast as he had arrived he was up 
>>the chimney and gone. 
>>After he left I unfolded myself, and went over and peeked in the stocking. 
>>In a sock marked *Barry* I found a small Dictaphone, and the
>following link: 
>>In a sock marked *Curtis* I found a telephone numbers with the name Robert 
>>Johnson written under it, and the following link:
>>In a sock marked *MZ* I found a leather bound copy of a book called:
>>"Tractatus Logico Philosophicus".

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was *something* about their image)

2011-12-26 Thread seventhray1

Well Curtis' too, and Robin and few others.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> Bob, thanks. I remembered shortly after I posted last night, my other
> Christmas present. Skull Candy headphones. And I can't wait to use
> them to listen you the links you post. But I can't do so right now,
> cause the wife just finished grilling some filets, and I have to help
> set the table. But of all the posting, I've been clicking on only
> yours.
> Ciao for now.
> Christkas
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
> >
> > Steve,
> >
> >
> >
> > The very best of the season to you and yours; i still think you're
> of the funniest people on this forum.
> >
> >
> >
> > Happy 2012
> >
> >
> Thanks Bob. I remembered shortly after I posted last night, my other
> Christmas gift. Skull Candy headphones. And I can't wait to use them
> to listen to your links. But truthfully, the wife just finished
> grilling some filets on the back porch at 7,200 ft., and she also made
> some mashed potatoes, so I''m gonna have to listen to the link later.
> But of all the postings, I am clicking on only yours.
> So, I'm gonna help set the table. Ciao again.
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-Ql1284QLw
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > From: seventhray1 steve.sundur@
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 5:53:37 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The two guys that tried to shoot Santa
> (was *something* about their image)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
> > > In a sock marked *Steve* I found a box of DVD's called:
> > > >  "The collected works of Danny Kaye, and the following
> link:
> > >
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw8ZL_gcTSM&feature=fvwrel
> >
> > Bob,
> >
> > Thanks for including me in what sounds like a Christmas gift.Â
> I am on vacation with the family and can't do much FFLing.
> >
> > I will tell you that Santa was very generous to me this year.Â
> I got a new pillow pet which I use when I lean against the dining room
> table, where I often do computer work.  I got a bad of the
> smoke house beef jerky.  I got a $45.00 gift certificate to
> Quizos, and one other item I can't remember right now, cause moma just
> fixed dinner.  Ciao for now.
> >
> >
> > Â
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was *something* about their image)

2011-12-26 Thread Emily Reyn
Bob, I would have married you too.  

> From: Bob Price 
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
>Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 3:48 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
>*something* about their image)
>The wife said: "I'm not sure about you, but from that cartoon I think Emily is 
>psychic.'The wife asked me to send you this link to a song I courted her with;
>From: Emily Reyn 
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
>Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 12:24:18 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
>*something* about their image)
>Merry Christmas Bob!  Yes, I was just telling the kids that "wouldn't it be 
>nice" if we could spend next Christmas in Hawaii. Perhaps I'll move there in 
>advance and pursue a new path as an "abstract painter/beach bum bunny."  
>Now, a little context for the comic below.  I stopped in my favorite used 
>bookstore the other day in the University District, Magus Books - the oldest 
>independent used book store in Seattle, buying and selling used and rare books 
>- right around the corner from my favorite brick storefront hole-in-the-wall 
>coffee house, located in an alley a few doors down from where the the homeless 
>youth congregate for a daily free meal...and, anywayI was looking for 
>Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (yes, I'm going to read it before seeing the movie). 
> They had one copy, a 1974 hardcover, which
>I grabbed off the shelf.  While perusing, I noticed that they were also 
>selling New Yorker cards and the line on this comic grabbed my attention as it 
>includes several pertinent references and gave me a good laugh.  I thought to 
>myself, "hmmm" I should send this to HotBob (now referred to as 
>Semi-PsychicBob)...he's been s helpful, after all.  
>So, in searching the internet for this comic, I found it and was shocked to 
>see upon reading the explanation that I had completely missed the subtext.  I 
>thought "OMG, I can't possibly send this now...what message will I be 
>sending...not the one I was amused at on the face of it...what will FFL 
>think...I already made this big deal about not dating married menthis will 
>be all wrong."  I will have to cower in shame for weeks after this.  And then, 
>I looked more closely at the comic and it occurred to me that this woman is 
>not even your type - her ankles are not nearly narrow enough and there is no 
>armani in sight and I think you said you still have some hair left on your 
>head and that's just the beginning of my analysis.  So, I'm going to go out on 
>a limb here and post it anyway.  Now, back to a few final gift wraps and the 
>best to you and yours :).  
>> From: Bob Price 
>>Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 12:41 PM
>>Subject: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
>>*something* about their image)
>>A groan, a yell, and a loud crash startled me from my brandy eggnog stupor, 
>>the after burn from the nutmeg on my
>>tongue reminded me what night it was; the tiny red, green, and gold lights,
>>strung along the mantel, continued to blink through the dust coming from the
>>fireplace, which had just disgorged what looked like a large red and white fur
>>ball wrapped in a large black leather belt. 
>>In the shadows, I sat in the lazy comfort of my easy chair; the warmth from 
>>the computer on my lap felt as good as any
>quilt. Sure, he looked a lot like Santa (except for the tan), and since
>>I didn't believe in Santa, how dangerous could a man in a Santa suit be, with
>>what looked like a sack of gifts---who had just crashed down my chimney. I
>>decided to sit still, and see what he was up to.
>>He reached into his sack, and pulled out a bunch of stockings, and started to 
>>hang them---lovingly, one by
>>one. He then took packages and bundles of papers that looked like
>>contracts, from his bag, and carefully filled each stocking.
>>In what seemed like a flash he finished filling the stockings; he walked over 
>>and helped himself to the burfi and lassi
>>the daughter had left for him, and just as fast as he had arrived he was up 
>>the chimney and gone. 
>>After he left I unfolded myself, and went over and peeked in the stocking. 
>>In a sock marked *Barry* I found a small Dictaphone, and the
>following link: 
>>In a sock marked *Curtis* I found a telephone numbers with the name Robert 
>>Johnson written under it, and the following link:
>>In a sock marked *MZ* I found a leather bound copy of a book called:
>>"Tractatus Logico Philosophicus".

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was *something* about their image)

2011-12-26 Thread seventhray1

Bob, thanks.  I remembered shortly after I posted last night, my other
Christmas present.  Skull Candy headphones.  And I can't wait to use
them to listen you the links you post.  But I can't do so right now,
cause the wife just finished grilling some filets, and I have to help
set the table.  But of all the posting, I've been clicking on only

Ciao for now.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> Steve,
> The very best of the season to you and yours; i still think you're one
of the funniest people on this forum.
> Happy 2012
Thanks Bob.  I remembered shortly after I posted last night, my other
Christmas gift.  Skull Candy headphones.  And I can't wait to use them
to listen to  your links.  But truthfully, the wife just finished
grilling some filets on the back porch at 7,200 ft., and she also made
some mashed potatoes, so I''m gonna have to listen to the link later. 
But of all the postings, I am clicking on only yours.

So, I'm gonna help set the table.  Ciao again.

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-Ql1284QLw
> From: seventhray1 steve.sundur@...
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 5:53:37 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The two guys that tried to shoot Santa
(was *something* about their image)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
> > In a sock marked *Steve* I found a box of DVD's called:
> > >  "The collected works of Danny Kaye, and the following
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw8ZL_gcTSM&feature=fvwrel
> Bob,
> Thanks for including me in what sounds like a Christmas gift. Â
I am on vacation with the family and can't do much FFLing.
> I will tell you that Santa was very generous to me this year. Â
I got a new pillow pet which I use when I lean against the dining room
table, where I often do computer work.  I got a bad of the local
smoke house beef jerky.  I got a $45.00 gift certificate to
Quizos, and one other item I can't remember right now, cause moma just
fixed dinner.  Ciao for now.
> Â

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

> > The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
> > is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
> > even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
> > only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic 
> > NPD/hypomania.
> Of course.

"Of course"?? Really?

Because NPD/hypomanic people believe their subjective
view is the only possible explanation, and Robin believes
his view is the only possible explanation, therefore Robin
must be NPD/hypomanic?

You *buy* that?

(BTW, Robin's said a number of times that he could be
wrong about everything. He's also said he came here to
test out his ideas and get feedback, hardly the approach
of a person who refuses to consider anything but his own
views. So we can cross that off the list as a basis for
diagnosing him as NPD/hypomanic even without taking into
account the illogic of Barry's attempt.)

> He is smart enough, he makes everyone either follower (or
> admirer) or opponent. (black and white, ask Curtis) In
> reality he is a poor and old guy, who's illusions were
> shattered. I don't really find any mystery about him, I
> rather find the fascination mysterious, he has for some
> people, intelligent people at that.

You sure have written enough about this "poor and old guy"
in recent weeks. You've even done parodies of his writing
style. Sort of strange considering you find him so

Something's not quite adding up here.

One of the things about Robin *I* find interesting is how
he evokes reactions, positive OR negative, from so many of
us. Since December 1, there's been an average of more than
20 posts *per day* to or about Robin (not including his
own posts), not all from his fans by any means (34 of them,
in fact, have been yours; 41 have been from Vaj).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/26/2011 02:31 PM, zarzari_786 wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> On 12/26/2011 04:12 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786   wrote:
 According to Maharishi and according to tradition this
 [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this
 case it wasn't fully established.
>>> Either that or it never happened in the first place.
>>> That is, from everything that has been reported here
>>> that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a
>>> classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
>>> and a desire to become the focus of other people's
>>> attention.
>>> I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
>>> up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
>>> even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."
>>> The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
>>> is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
>>> even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
>>> only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic
>>> NPD/hypomania.
>> Some people who believe they are enlightened may just be spacey.
> Maharishi had a word for this, for people slipping into Brahman (or so) and 
> not being really grounded: Moody Brahman

Wasn't that a musical group?  The Moody Brahmins.

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> This stuff in unbelievable. Taken in? The assumptions in
> these statements demonstrates true psychic ability on this
> forum...

No kidding. Particularly amusing after we've just got
done talking about first-person ontology!

(I admit I made an assumption about Barry in my comment,
but spotlight-envy has been a pattern with him for years,
so I think there's a solid basis for it.)

> >
> > From: authfriend 
> >To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> >Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 3:52 PM
> >Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 
> >Chivukula
> > 
> >
> >  
> >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >>
> >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> >
> >> > Of course. He is smart enough, he makes everyone either 
> >> > follower (or admirer) or opponent. (black and white, ask 
> >> > Curtis) In reality he is a poor and old guy, who's 
> >> > illusions were shattered. I don't really find any mystery 
> >> > about him, I rather find the fascination mysterious, he 
> >> > has for some people, intelligent people at that.
> >> 
> >> Exactly.
> >> 
> >> The real issue is not RWC, but those on this forum
> >> who have been taken in by him. That's just scary.
> >
> >Translation: Barry just *hates* it when somebody pushes
> >him out of the spotlight he considers rightfully his.

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> This stuff in unbelievable.  Taken in?  The assumptions in these statements 
> demonstrates true psychic ability on this forum...

Or simply common sense.

> > From: authfriend 
> >To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> >Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 3:52 PM
> >Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 
> >Chivukula
> > 
> >
> >  
> >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >>
> >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> >
> >> > Of course. He is smart enough, he makes everyone either 
> >> > follower (or admirer) or opponent. (black and white, ask 
> >> > Curtis) In reality he is a poor and old guy, who's 
> >> > illusions were shattered. I don't really find any mystery 
> >> > about him, I rather find the fascination mysterious, he 
> >> > has for some people, intelligent people at that.
> >> 
> >> Exactly.
> >> 
> >> The real issue is not RWC, but those on this forum
> >> who have been taken in by him. That's just scary.
> >
> >Translation: Barry just *hates* it when somebody pushes
> >him out of the spotlight he considers rightfully his.
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO over Germany on the Holy Evening

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFvHL5-KYOw&feature=player_embedded
> > > >
> > > 
> > > UFO lol, yeah,yeah, it's part of a sojus rocket coming down, everbody 
> > > knows. It's just burning and coming down (not hitting anywhere)
> > 
> > 
> > Sojus rockets are russian I believe. A russian rocket over Germany, well 
> > that would be quite some news !
> If you're seing russian rockets over Germany, 

My god, where do you live? 1989 never happened?

> perhaps it is you that should be labelled a "borderline" :-)
Of course, what else can you be, believing the media:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread Emily Reyn
This stuff in unbelievable.  Taken in?  The assumptions in these statements 
demonstrates true psychic ability on this forum...

> From: authfriend 
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 3:52 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
>> > Of course. He is smart enough, he makes everyone either 
>> > follower (or admirer) or opponent. (black and white, ask 
>> > Curtis) In reality he is a poor and old guy, who's 
>> > illusions were shattered. I don't really find any mystery 
>> > about him, I rather find the fascination mysterious, he 
>> > has for some people, intelligent people at that.
>> Exactly.
>> The real issue is not RWC, but those on this forum
>> who have been taken in by him. That's just scary.
>Translation: Barry just *hates* it when somebody pushes
>him out of the spotlight he considers rightfully his.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-12-26 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Dec 24 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Dec 31 00:00:00 2011
215 messages as of (UTC) Mon Dec 26 23:58:18 2011

36 authfriend 
33 Yifu 
27 zarzari_786 
17 Emily Reyn 
16 obbajeeba 
12 turquoiseb 
 9 Vaj 
 7 richardatrwilliamsdotus 
 6 Bhairitu 
 5 raunchydog 
 5 merudanda 
 5 cardemaister 
 5 John 
 5 Bob Price 
 4 nablusoss1008 
 4 Buck 
 3 curtisdeltablues 
 2 whynotnow7 
 2 seventhray1 
 2 merlin 
 2 feste37 
 2 Rick Archer 
 2 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 profildaniam 
 1 Jason 
 1 Frank 
 1 Duveyoung 

Posters: 27
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was *something* about their image)

2011-12-26 Thread Bob Price

The very best of the season to you and yours; i still think you're one of the 
funniest people on this forum.

Happy 2012


From: seventhray1 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 5:53:37 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
*something* about their image)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> In a sock marked *Steve* I found a box of DVD's called:
> >  "The collected works of Danny Kaye, and the following link: 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw8ZL_gcTSM&feature=fvwrel


Thanks for including me in what sounds like a Christmas gift.  I am on vacation 
with the family and can't do much FFLing. 

I will tell you that Santa was very generous to me this year.  I got a new 
pillow pet which I use when I lean against the dining room table, where I often 
do computer work.  I got a bad of the local smoke house beef jerky.  I got a 
$45.00 gift certificate to Quizos, and one other item I can't remember right 
now, cause moma just fixed dinner.  Ciao for now.


[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:

> > Of course. He is smart enough, he makes everyone either 
> > follower (or admirer) or opponent. (black and white, ask 
> > Curtis) In reality he is a poor and old guy, who's 
> > illusions were shattered. I don't really find any mystery 
> > about him, I rather find the fascination mysterious, he 
> > has for some people, intelligent people at that.
> Exactly.
> The real issue is not RWC, but those on this forum
> who have been taken in by him. That's just scary.

Translation: Barry just *hates* it when somebody pushes
him out of the spotlight he considers rightfully his.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was *something* about their image)

2011-12-26 Thread Bob Price

On behalf of the wife and myself, kiss kiss back at you, and a very happy 
boxing day.


From: obbajeeba 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 9:18:33 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
*something* about their image)

Oh Bob and wife, KISS KISS KISS and HUG!
My other favorite thing to do is press the "Try Me," buttons on all the 
electronic noisy, dancing, blinking toys, all stacked upon and around each 
other. The goal is to see how many toys one can get going consecutively and 
also to see who gets pissed off first, the employees or the customers, when one 
pushes, "Try Me," on the displayed toys.
Thank you so very much. Mr. Bean is awesome. : ) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE33l8JrFlQ
> A groan, a yell, and a loud crash startled me from my brandy eggnog stupor, 
> the after burn from the nutmeg on my
> tongue reminded me what night it was; the tiny red, green, and gold lights,
> strung along the mantel, continued to blink through the dust coming from the
> fireplace, which had just disgorged what looked like a large red and white fur
> ball wrapped in a large black leather belt. 
> In the shadows, I sat in the lazy comfort of my easy chair; the warmth from 
> the computer on my lap felt as good as any
> Christmas quilt. Sure, he looked a lot like Santa (except for the tan), and 
> since
> I didn't believe in Santa, how dangerous could a man in a Santa suit be, with
> what looked like a sack of gifts---who had just crashed down my chimney. I
> decided to sit still, and see what he was up to.
> He reached into his sack, and pulled out a bunch of stockings, and started to 
> hang them---lovingly, one by
> one. He then took packages and bundles of papers that looked like
> contracts, from his bag, and carefully filled each stocking.
> In what seemed like a flash he finished filling the stockings; he walked over 
> and helped himself to the burfi and lassi
> the daughter had left for him, and just as fast as he had arrived he was up 
> the chimney and gone. 
> After he left I unfolded myself, and went over and peeked in the stocking. 
> In a sock marked *Barry* I found a small Dictaphone, and the following link: 
> http://www.stenold.org/Cour_secretary.asp
> In a sock marked *Curtis* I found a telephone numbers with the name Robert 
> Johnson written under it, and the following link:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBqfZ5d5zw8&feature=related
> In a sock marked *MZ* I found a leather bound copy of a book called:
> "Tractatus Logico Philosophicus".
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CICjJpyz55o&fature=fvwrel
> In a sock marked *Judy*, he put a copy of "The Conversations", and the 
> following link:
> http://www.iofilm.co.uk/io/mit/001/murch.php
> In a sock marked *Alex*, I found a old 45 of this song:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HJ7w9MTCqs
> In a sock marked *RD* I found a book called"
> "The truth is highly overrated: "The Autobiography of Roger Ailes".
> In a sock marked *Rick* I found a term sheet for Batgap from Harpo Inc.
> In a sock marked *Bob* I found a memo from CAA stating:
> "LSD, The Inside Story" has been green lit by WB. 
> In a sock marked *Steve* I found a box of DVD's called:
>  "The collected works of Danny Kaye, and the following link: 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw8ZL_gcTSM&feature=fvwrel
> In a sock marked *Emily* I found a paint set and a ticket to Maui.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7KbXH67zIg&feature=related
> In a sock marked *emptybill* I found this:
> "So Agni stands on earth's most central station, invested in 
> well-decorated garments. Born, red of hue, where men pour out
> libations, O King, as great High Priest bring the Gods hither." - Rig Veda/ 
> HYMN I. / Book 10
> In a sock marked *Jim* I found this quote from of Romero and Juliet:
> "And when I shall die, take him and cut him up in little stars, and he will 
> make 
> the face of heaven so fine that all the world will fall in love with night 
> and pay no worship to the garish sun."
> In a sock marked *obeewan* I found this link:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&v=Se5CBogDuYU&NR=1
> Suddenly, the sound of gunfire spit the silence of the Christmas Eve night; I 
> ran to the window and threw open the
> curtain; I was amazed to see Santa, the Reindeer, and his sled, racing down 
> the icy
> street being chased by a couple of aging endomorph's dropping ammunition
> everywhere as they struggled to reload what looked like a couple of elephant 
> guns.
> Santa shouted:
> "Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen! On, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was *something* about their image)

2011-12-26 Thread Bob Price

The wife said: "I'm not sure about you, but from that cartoon I think Emily is 
psychic.'The wife asked me to send you this link to a song I courted her with;


From: Emily Reyn 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 12:24:18 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
*something* about their image)

Merry Christmas Bob!  Yes, I was just telling the kids that "wouldn't it be 
nice" if we could spend next Christmas in Hawaii. Perhaps I'll move there in 
advance and pursue a new path as an "abstract painter/beach bum bunny."  

Now, a little context for the comic below.  I stopped in my favorite used 
bookstore the other day in the University District, Magus Books - the oldest 
independent used book store in Seattle, buying and selling used and rare books 
- right around the corner from my favorite brick storefront hole-in-the-wall 
coffee house, located in an alley a few doors down from where the the homeless 
youth congregate for a daily free meal...and, anywayI was looking for 
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (yes, I'm going to read it before seeing the movie).  
They had one copy, a 1974 hardcover, which
I grabbed off the shelf.  While perusing, I noticed that they were also selling 
New Yorker cards and the line on this comic grabbed my attention as it includes 
several pertinent references and gave me a good laugh.  I thought to myself, 
"hmmm" I should send this to HotBob (now referred to as Semi-PsychicBob)...he's 
been s helpful, after all.  

So, in searching the internet for this comic, I found it and was shocked to see 
upon reading the explanation that I had completely missed the subtext.  I 
thought "OMG, I can't possibly send this now...what message will I be 
sending...not the one I was amused at on the face of it...what will FFL 
think...I already made this big deal about not dating married menthis will 
be all wrong."  I will have to cower in shame for weeks after this.  And then, 
I looked more closely at the comic and it occurred to me that this woman is not 
even your type - her ankles are not nearly narrow enough and there is no armani 
in sight and I think you said you still have some hair left on your head and 
that's just the beginning of my analysis.  So, I'm going to go out on a limb 
here and post it anyway.  Now, back to a few final gift wraps and the best to 
you and yours :).  

> From: Bob Price 
>Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 12:41 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] The two guys that tried to shoot Santa (was 
>*something* about their image)
>A groan, a yell, and a loud crash startled me from my brandy eggnog stupor, 
>the after burn from the nutmeg on my
>tongue reminded me what night it was; the tiny red, green, and gold lights,
>strung along the mantel, continued to blink through the dust coming from the
>fireplace, which had just disgorged what looked like a large red and white fur
>ball wrapped in a large black leather belt. 
>In the shadows, I sat in the lazy comfort of my easy chair; the warmth from 
>the computer on my lap felt as good as any
quilt. Sure, he looked a lot like Santa (except for the tan), and since
>I didn't believe in Santa, how dangerous could a man in a Santa suit be, with
>what looked like a sack of gifts---who had just crashed down my chimney. I
>decided to sit still, and see what he was up to.
>He reached into his sack, and pulled out a bunch of stockings, and started to 
>hang them---lovingly, one by
>one. He then took packages and bundles of papers that looked like
>contracts, from his bag, and carefully filled each stocking.
>In what seemed like a flash he finished filling the stockings; he walked over 
>and helped himself to the burfi and lassi
>the daughter had left for him, and just as fast as he had arrived he was up 
>the chimney and gone. 
>After he left I unfolded myself, and went over and peeked in the stocking. 
>In a sock marked *Barry* I found a small Dictaphone, and the
following link: 
>In a sock marked *Curtis* I found a telephone numbers with the name Robert 
>Johnson written under it, and the following link:
>In a sock marked *MZ* I found a leather bound copy of a book called:
>"Tractatus Logico Philosophicus".
>In a sock marked *Judy*, he put a copy of "The Conversations", and the 
>following link:
>In a sock marked *Alex*, I found a old 45 of this song:
>In a sock marked *RD* I found a book called"
>"The truth is highly overrated: "The Autobi

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> > >
> > > According to Maharishi and according to tradition this 
> > > [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this 
> > > case it wasn't fully established. 
> > 
> > Either that or it never happened in the first place.
> > 
> > That is, from everything that has been reported here
> > that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a 
> > classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
> > and a desire to become the focus of other people's
> > attention.
> Barry, I am with you on this. Not to the exact type of 
> diagnosis, I am not a psychiatrist. I would call it a 
> borderline personality, these people can be very 
> intelligent. I don't like it to be blunt like this, 
> especially, since the person is here on the board. it 
> is also not meant to be a put-down, these persons 
> can't help it. That is why I said, there is no use 
> discussing with someone, who will be unable to change 
> his mind, no matter how smart he argues.
> From the very first reading of RWC I got this impression, 
> and expressed it to somebody here. Whatever I read, hear 
> about the whole case confirms my opinion. According to 
> occam's razor, it is more likely he had a mental 
> disturbance, which is known to have similar symptoms than 
> enlightened states, than a fall from a real enlightened 
> state. There are too many congruences, like all this 
> demon/false devas stuff that permeates his whole history. 
> It's all throughout, pre- and post supposed unity. All 
> the channeling stuff, like obviously 1945, it's really 
> all rather typical for some schizophrenic disorder. 
> That's my opinion. I cannot know everything, and if 
> I am wrong, who cares? 
> > I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
> > up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
> > even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."
> > 
> > The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
> > is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
> > even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
> > only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic 
> > NPD/hypomania.
> Of course. He is smart enough, he makes everyone either 
> follower (or admirer) or opponent. (black and white, ask 
> Curtis) In reality he is a poor and old guy, who's 
> illusions were shattered. I don't really find any mystery 
> about him, I rather find the fascination mysterious, he 
> has for some people, intelligent people at that.


The real issue is not RWC, but those on this forum
who have been taken in by him. That's just scary.

[FairfieldLife] ...and the winner is ....(was the longest thread in FFL history)

2011-12-26 Thread Bob Price
It's that time of year again, the time we have all been waiting for, the 
thirty-six annual, FFL 

"Unintended Irony Award"

---for exceptionally unintended and unconscious irony in a post reaching for 
intellectual splendor. 

We must state upfront that this year, 2011, we *witnessed* a ferocity
of competiveness rarely seen on FFL. This was particularly true of a couple of 
entries by our very own Barry who in previous years has made this competition
virtually a one-man affair, but this year we *witnessed* the entry of a
"dark horse" who's looks to make this much more than a one horse race
for many, many years to come, but before we announce this years winner we must 
announce the runners up;

Second runner up:


"Wishing you well, both as Doug and as Buck. May your 
stockings be full of what you wish them to be full of.
I have a hot date later, and know that hers will be. :-)"

***BP: Given his need to share this type of information with
his fellow FFL posters one assumes Barry was hoping for some speculation on who
he might be referring to; given his obvious respect and hope for the future of
their relationship with the fortunate lady---I think this receptionist is one 


First runner up:




This late entry made this year's award almost impossible to
adjudicate; in one short post Barry has showed us how to addresses this nagging
FFL issue of how to explain irony to an emotional eight year old well into his
sixties. So I hope everyone will joint me in giving Barry a heart felt round of
applause with his entry of: "The Barry Wright Irony Meta Tags" which its my
sincere hope everyone will learn to use liberally.   

And now without further delay; and the winner is of this years "Unintended 
Irony Award".


"Judy, your post was brilliant, and I never had a doubt that your intellect is
among the sharpest here, and that's why I can say to you, I have the clear
feeling, there is some love-bombing going on here


I can understand that this is luring, especially when one has been through very
dry online discussions, with mostly men. Besides that, the whole culture in the
TM movement isn't really geared toward the heart, so I can understand, if
somebody comes, and touches you on a wholly differnt level, it is a kind of
transcending itself. Yet, it is the same effect, if you simply fall in love -it
can be as simple as that. This mingling of ideas about love, and spiritual ideas
is quite common in the spiritual field, it does happen a lot, with gurus and
their disciples, ladies - of all ages -fall in love with their male gurus, and
men fall in love with their lady Matajis. But it does not substitue
discrimination and real discernment about the ultimate state of enlightenment.

And I know about it - yes I do know about it - only in real life, not on
internet forums. You rightly say, that it is not possible to judge an
enlightened according to his behaviour, especially not on the net, because how
would you know? Because the internet puts a layer between us, that doesn't
exist in real life. And that's exactly the point: As you are not in the physical
proximity of the other person, it is more difficult to make a judgement, and
therefore, what's the whole point of such a connection then?


 Dear zarzar_739,

On behalf of the group I wanted to tell you how much you have impressed in such 
a short time (this award is no where near the half of it); at first I thought 
you seemed like Xeno on valium, but then you seemed to get a second wind which 
I can only describe: "as if Cliff Clavin came back as a Pashtun"; please don't 
get me wrong I think you are coming into your own and I've been more than a 
little dazzled with your polemics dressed up as dialogues (no doubt MZ is a 
little dazzled as well), and having worked with more than one German in my 
career, I'm impressed.

I just have one question, and I would appreciate if you don't give your answer 
a lot of thought, although it could impact our interactions going forward. 

Did you can me a Moonie?

From: zarzari_786 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 2:31:17 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 12/26/2011 04:12 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> >> According to Maharishi and according to tradition this
> >> [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this
> >> case it wasn't fully established.
> > Either that or it never happened in the first place.
> >
> > That is, from everything that has been reported here
> > that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a
> > classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO over Germany on the Holy Evening

2011-12-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFvHL5-KYOw&feature=player_embedded
> > >
> > 
> > UFO lol, yeah,yeah, it's part of a sojus rocket coming down, everbody 
> > knows. It's just burning and coming down (not hitting anywhere)
> Sojus rockets are russian I believe. A russian rocket over Germany, well that 
> would be quite some news !

If you're seing russian rockets over Germany, perhaps it is you that should be 
labelled a "borderline" :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO over Germany on the Holy Evening

2011-12-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFvHL5-KYOw&feature=player_embedded
> >
> UFO lol, yeah,yeah, it's part of a sojus rocket coming down, everbody knows. 
> It's just burning and coming down (not hitting anywhere)

Sojus rockets are russian I believe. A russian rocket over Germany, well that 
would be quite some news !

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> >
> > According to Maharishi and according to tradition this 
> > [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this 
> > case it wasn't fully established. 
> Either that or it never happened in the first place.
> That is, from everything that has been reported here
> that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a 
> classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
> and a desire to become the focus of other people's
> attention.

Barry, I am with you on this. Not to the exact type of diagnosis, I am not a 
psychiatrist. I would call it a borderline personality, these people can be 
very intelligent. I don't like it to be blunt like this, especially, since the 
person is here on the board. it is also not meant to be a put-down, these 
persons can't help it. That is why I said, there is no use discussing with 
someone, who will be unable to change his mind, no matter how smart he argues.

>From the very first reading of RWC I got this impression, and expressed it to 
>somebody here. Whatever I read, hear about the whole case confirms my opinion. 
>According to occam's razor, it is more likely he had a mental disturbance, 
>which is known to have similar symptoms than enlightened states, than a fall 
>from a real enlightened state. There are too many congruences, like all this 
>demon/false devas stuff that permeates his whole history. It's all throughout, 
>pre- and post supposed unity. All the channeling stuff, like obviously 1945, 
>it's really all rather typical for some schizophrenic disorder. That's my 
>opinion. I cannot know everything, and if I am wrong, who cares? 

> I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
> up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
> even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."
> The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
> is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
> even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
> only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic 
> NPD/hypomania.

Of course. He is smart enough, he makes everyone either follower (or admirer) 
or opponent. (black and white, ask Curtis) In reality he is a poor and old guy, 
who's illusions were shattered. I don't really find any mystery about him, I 
rather find the fascination mysterious, he has for some people, intelligent 
people at that.

[FairfieldLife] Scientists say Turin Shroud image created by ultraviolet lasers

2011-12-26 Thread nablusoss1008
Scientists say Turin Shroud image created by ultraviolet lasers
By Eric Pfeiffer 

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By Eric Pfeiffer   |
The Sideshow   – Wed, Dec 21,
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The Turin Shroud
The exact origins of the Turin Shroud remain a great mystery, but
scientists are now disputing the long-held belief that the religious
artifact is a medieval forgery

Italian researchers at the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy
and Sustainable Economic Development
  say they believe the image was
created by an ultraviolet "flash of light."
  However, if that theory is true, it
remains a mystery as to exactly how that technology could have been
implemented at the time of the Shroud's creation. While the technology
is readily available in present day, it was far beyond the means of
anyone around pre-20th Century.

The Turin Shroud
  is said to be the burial cloth of Jesus, but has long been
believed to be a fake, created during medieval times. It is currently
kept in a climate-controlled case in Turin cathedral
 . Scientists at the Italian agency have reportedly spent years
attempting to recreate the Shroud's imagery. 'The results show a short
and intense burst of UV directional radiation can colour a linen cloth
so as to reproduce many of the peculiar characteristics of the body
image on the Shroud of Turin,' the scientists said.

"When one talks about a flash of light being able to color a piece of
linen in the same way as the shroud, discussion inevitably touches on
things such as miracles," said Professor Paolo Di Lazzaro, who led the
study. "But as scientists, we were concerned only with verifiable
scientific processes. We hope our results can open up a philosophical
and theological debate."

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 12/26/2011 04:12 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> >> According to Maharishi and according to tradition this
> >> [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this
> >> case it wasn't fully established.
> > Either that or it never happened in the first place.
> >
> > That is, from everything that has been reported here
> > that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a
> > classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
> > and a desire to become the focus of other people's
> > attention.
> >
> > I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
> > up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
> > even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."
> >
> > The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
> > is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
> > even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
> > only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic
> > NPD/hypomania.
> Some people who believe they are enlightened may just be spacey.

Maharishi had a word for this, for people slipping into Brahman (or so) and not 
being really grounded: Moody Brahman

>  And 
> another lesson here is that Indian gurus even if they are experiencing 
> enlightenment just refer to it as a third person experience and not that 
> they are enlightened.  That's a safe position to take as otherwise one 
> comes under scrutiny and causes confusion.  OTOH, it is probably NOT 
> very easy to lose enlightenment because it is a process of adapting the 
> nervous system to support it.  Of course if the nervous system shuts 
> down due to an accident or temporarily from a cold it might be not so 
> pervasive but it will still be there.  And then it is also about how the 
> enlightened being relates to the phenomenal world which is of course 
> totally different from being in "serial consciousness."

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "richardatrwilliamsdotus"  
> > > Well, almost an hour by the Web site 
> > > timestamps. But no matter.
> > >
> zarzari:
> > Oh, yes, I must have been in Turya state of 
> > consciousness then (wink wink willy)
> > 
> Very impressive! So, we are agreed,

Yes we are agreed.

> but I
> thought it was Robin that had been in the
> Turiya state 

He was in a delusional state as of his own reporting. And that isn't turya.

> - now we've got a whole new
> set of claims from Zazari. Go figure.
> P.S. You can call me 'willy' if that makes
> me seem less human to you - I don't mind, 
> but that's my email address. LoL!

Okay, then richie? Or Richie Ji?

[FairfieldLife] Re: So called yogic siddhis/sanyamas and aaloka of prajñaa? Part 2

2011-12-26 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> deshabandhashchittasya dhaaraNaa .. 1..
> tatra pratyayaikataanataa dhyaanam.h .. 2..
> tad.h evaarthamaatranirbhaasa.n svaruupashuunyam.h iva samaadhiH ..
> trayam.h ekatra sa.nyamaH .. 4..
> tajjayaat.h praGYaalokaH .. 5..
> deshabandhaH; cittasya dhaaraNaa .. 1..
> tatra pratyaya+ekataanataa dhyaanam .. 2..
> tat; eva+artha-maatra-nirbhaasaM svaruupa-shuunyam iva samaadhiH ..
> trayam ekatra sanyamaH .. 4..
> tat; jayaat prajñaa+aalokaH(?) .. 5..
> NB: yellow + blue = green?

So, the depth(?) of samaadhi/samaapatti associated with saMyama/siddhi-s
seems to be able to be anything from nirvitarka/nirvitarkaa "down to" at
least saasmitaa (sa + asmitaa:with asmitaa):
smRtiparisuddhau svaruupashuunyevaarthamaatranirbhaasaa nirvitarkaa. (I
etayaiva savicaaraa [samaapatti/samaadhi -- card] nirvicaaraa ca
shuukSmavishayaavyaakhyaataa. (I 44)

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO over Germany on the Holy Evening

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFvHL5-KYOw&feature=player_embedded

UFO lol, yeah,yeah, it's part of a sojus rocket coming down, everbody knows. 
It's just burning and coming down (not hitting anywhere)

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > On 12/26/2011 04:12 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> > >> According to Maharishi and according to tradition this
> > >> [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this
> > >> case it wasn't fully established.
> > > Either that or it never happened in the first place.
> > >
> > > That is, from everything that has been reported here
> > > that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a
> > > classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
> > > and a desire to become the focus of other people's
> > > attention.
> > >
> > > I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
> > > up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
> > > even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."
> > >
> > > The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
> > > is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
> > > even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
> > > only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic
> > > NPD/hypomania.
> > 
> > Some people who believe they are enlightened may just be 
> > spacey.  
> Or delusional. I completely agree. I have seen nothing
> in RWC's performance here that rules out "delusional,"
> either then, or now.

Well RWC himself would agree with you wholeheartedly that his former - 
hard-to-get-out-of 'unity' state was delusional. Why shouldn't we all agree 
with him? After all he is trying to get rid of it, we should support him, I 
think. It's probably the best thing he can do at this moment. It's only a shame 
that this whole process is one which is permeated with a sense of guilt and 
sin, one of the side effects of the catholic faith.

Guys, I am out of town for the next three to four days, I'll hit the road 
tomorrow, being really busy. See you in a week or so.

> It is worth noting that most of the people discussing
> these supposed higher states of consciousness that some
> on this forum claim to have had are doing so completely
> from a theoretical basis. They have personally never
> had such experiences, and are basing anything they say
> on theories given to them by Maharishi, who IMO was in
> exactly the same boat they were. That is, only having
> heard about enlightenment, and never having experienced
> it. Even the early stages of it.

[FairfieldLife] UFO over Germany on the Holy Evening

2011-12-26 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Windoze Phoney 7: sux or not??

2011-12-26 Thread cardemaister


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Blood Orchestra 2011

2011-12-26 Thread Vaj

On Dec 26, 2011, at 4:02 PM, John wrote:

> Vaj,
> Are you talking about Yogi Karve? Also, who were you in your past life? How 
> many other lives can you remember?

I was talking about Yogi Karve. Have you met him?

I wasn't anyone famous if that's what you meant, just a practitioner.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Blood Orchestra 2011

2011-12-26 Thread John

Are you talking about Yogi Karve?  Also, who were you in your past life?  How 
many other lives can you remember?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Dec 26, 2011, at 3:11 AM, Emily Reyn wrote:
> > Are you talking about past lives here?  See where I'm at?  Yes, I might 
> > read this. What kind of a practitioner do you get the info on past lives 
> > from?  I ask because I've had some past lives identified and apparently, it 
> > wasn't all love and light.  
> No, I was actually talking about family members who were Christian Martyrs, 
> who came to the US to escape persecution.
> When I was 5-10 years old, I did have shocking, terrifying waking dreams of 
> my past life and my death. Then later in life I met a yogi who had the 
> ability to cognize your jyotish chart by being in his presence. He started at 
> the moment of birth and came up to the present, and then went into past lives 
> in shocking detail.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/26/2011 11:30 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> On 12/26/2011 04:12 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786   wrote:
 According to Maharishi and according to tradition this
 [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this
 case it wasn't fully established.
>>> Either that or it never happened in the first place.
>>> That is, from everything that has been reported here
>>> that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a
>>> classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
>>> and a desire to become the focus of other people's
>>> attention.
>>> I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
>>> up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
>>> even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."
>>> The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
>>> is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
>>> even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
>>> only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic
>>> NPD/hypomania.
>> Some people who believe they are enlightened may just be
>> spacey.
> Or delusional. I completely agree. I have seen nothing
> in RWC's performance here that rules out "delusional,"
> either then, or now.
> It is worth noting that most of the people discussing
> these supposed higher states of consciousness that some
> on this forum claim to have had are doing so completely
> from a theoretical basis. They have personally never
> had such experiences, and are basing anything they say
> on theories given to them by Maharishi, who IMO was in
> exactly the same boat they were. That is, only having
> heard about enlightenment, and never having experienced
> it. Even the early stages of it.

Which I find a bit unusual as I knew people back in the 1970s that even 
with TM were discovering after a couple years "they weren't coming out 
of meditation anymore".  IOW, the transcendent stayed with them the rest 
of the day.  And they were NOT spacey.  But then I knew one person who 
after all these years of doing TM claimed he only transcended once.

[FairfieldLife] Happy Boxing Day!

2011-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
Be sure to give some gifts to your servants!

I don't have any servants because I'm not one of the 1%.  But I've been 
getting acquainted with my new camera to find what all it does and 
doesn't do.  One little unclear bit of information is that the camera 
does shoot in Apple's iFrame mode which is probably NOT of much use.  
iFrame was developed to make HD video editing easier but only supports a 
resolution of 960x540 which is kinda halfway between SD and HD.  Netflix 
actually streams some of their non-HD offerings in this resolution.  
iFrame stores each picture as a full frame or what is known in MPEG 
compression parlance as an i-frame.

Though I had my eyes set on a Canon T3i DSLR I couldn't justify the 
expenditure at this time and since I was given a Best Buy gift care a 
little over a week ago used it to buy a Canon PowerShot 310 HS.  This 
camera supports iFrame but you have to use it from the manual settings.  
The camera does not have a 960x540 setting but apparently stretches the 
960x540 image to 1280x720.  Ugh, not so good as 720p should have more 
detail than that.  So iFrame is of not much use.

But the 1080p setting shoots at 24 fps which is what I've been wanting 
for years and the image is crisp.  One 1.5 minute video I shot Christmas 
eve created a 440 MB QuickTime MOV file so there is little compression 
going on using the AVCHD format anyways and the file loaded fine into my 
editing software.  Video analysis software showed it was pretty much as 
standard AVCHD file mostly of p-frames and some i-frames.  My bet is the 
p-frames don't use a lot of compression.  This camera shoots better 
video than my 2005 $1800 Sony camcorder which only did 1440x1080i and 
the Canon was only $180.  The camera has both an USB port and an HDMI 
port.  I'm using Class 10 sdcards with this camera which happened to be 
on sale this last week for $15.  The higher speed card is recommended to 
prevent dropouts.

And of course the camera takes great stills.  I haven't had a really 
good still camera since I had an SLR back in the 1970s.

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

> > Some people who believe they are enlightened may just be 
> > spacey.  
> Or delusional. I completely agree. I have seen nothing
> in RWC's performance here that rules out "delusional,"
> either then, or now.

Oh, and remember, Barry knows there's nothing in Robin's
posts to rule out "delusional" *even though Barry doesn't
read Robin's posts*--a truly miraculous feat that proves
Barry is, beyond any shadow of a doubt, in Unity

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > Robin's going to have quite a mess to clean up...
> If you don't mind, I'm gonna be a bit more messy..

Be my guest--as long as I don't have to do the cleanup!

> This is a very clear and beautiful explanation here Judy:

Thanks, but please observe what I recommended to Emily,
and insert a parenthetical "(as I understand it)" after
every one of my statements. This is not an area of my

> > First-person ontology: only I can know what it's
> > like to be me. Third-person ontology: you can
> > understand what it's like to be me via what I tell
> > you or what you observe of me, but it'll be quite
> > limited and may be false (because I'm lying or
> > otherwise behaving deceptively, or because I'm
> > communicating poorly or you're understanding
> > poorly).
> Isn't that basically saying that every person is closed
> up in his own consciousness.

That's exactly what it's saying.

> It isn't really accessible to anyone else, except, mostly
> by artificial means, through external knowledge, like a
> brain scientist, or through ordinary communication, still
> you don't get it what it is to be 'you'.

(You don't get what it is to be *me*. Or, I don't get
what it is to be *you*). Yes, that's right.

> > Your understanding of what it's like to be me is
> > a function of *your* first-person ontology: only
> > you can know what it's like to be you trying to
> > grasp what it's like to be me. Only I can know what
> > it's like to be me trying to grasp what it's like
> > to be you trying to grasp what it's like to be me.
> Yes, I am starting to get dizzy here slightly.
> > ;-)
> > 
> > or ;-(, depending...

Sorry, I was having a little fun playing with it.

> > Well, he says Unity Consciousness is a real state of
> > consciousness, but it isn't congruent with reality--or
> > Reality--as I understand him. 
> That would presuppose that reality is already defined.

By whom?

> If your first person ontology, is real, and unity
> consciousness IS your first person ontological experience,
> then it is real to you, no? This basically the approach of
> phenomenology.

Sure. But you can be led to doubt your experience; and
that too is real to you. In this case, the experience
in question is of what Reality is. Robin believed to
start with that his Unity Consciousness was the
experience of Reality. Subsequent events/experiences
years later caused him to doubt that belief, suggesting
that Reality was what Aquinas said it was. Robin's never
doubted that he was in what MMY called Unity 
Consciousness, but he's come to doubt that what MMY
called Unity Consciousness was the experience of Reality.

> Anyway, I have a strong feeling that Robin misunderstands
> what Unity is about. I will try to see it from the
> classical approach. Unity in this case is the unity
> between Atman and Brahman, not the unity between me and a
> stone or you. In vedanta afaik, the nonduality is a function
> of not identifying with the separate I, but realizing that,
> in it's core, this I is only a reflection of Brahman. In
> Brahman there is no duality, hence the oneness.

Would that not encompass unity between you and a stone,
or between you and me?

> With all the uniqueness of my own conscious experience, which
> is even unique in its reflection of Brahman, which is only
> known to me, there is still the more generic fact of my
> humanness, and my being conscious. As an example, you might
> imagine a glass of water, the glass, the limits of it, is my
> own 1st person ontology, while the water, the more generic 
> substance of it, is the Atman, which is basically part of a
> greater whole, the Brahman.
> You can also imagine that different glasses of water, reflect
> the same sun, without loosing their individual boundaries, 
> according to their colors, the reflection will differ, but
> the recognition that it is ultimately the same reflection, and
> the same light that is being reflected, is what I understand
> to be the unity between atman and brahman.

Well, I can't address this on the basis of personal
experience, goodness knows, but in my understanding 
nonduality cannot by definition exclude any condition
whatsoever. So individual boundaries are Brahman as
well as no boundaries at all.

MMY says this, in effect, in his Gita commentary:

"The mind of the realized man is fully infused with the
state of Being--the oneness of life--and such a mind
naturally has oneness of vision irrespective of what it
sees. The apparent distinctions of relative existence
fail to create divisions in its view.

"This does not mean that such a man fails to see a cow
or is unable to distinguish it from a dog. Certainly he
sees a cow as a cow and a dog as a dog, but the form of
the cow and the form of the dog fail to blind him to the
oneness of the Self, which is the same in both. Although
he sees a cow and a dog, hi

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

> It is worth noting that most of the people discussing
> these supposed higher states of consciousness that some
> on this forum claim to have had are doing so completely
> from a theoretical basis. They have personally never
> had such experiences, and are basing anything they say
> on theories given to them by Maharishi, who IMO was in
> exactly the same boat they were. That is, only having
> heard about enlightenment, and never having experienced
> it. Even the early stages of it.

Says Barry, who, having experienced all the stages of
enlightenment, is able to discern precisely what
experiences others have had and exactly what state of
consciousness they are in, including MMY.

Jai Barry!

Why are we discussing this at all when we could just
ask Barry to explain it to us, the whole nine yards?

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 12/26/2011 04:12 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> >> According to Maharishi and according to tradition this
> >> [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this
> >> case it wasn't fully established.
> > Either that or it never happened in the first place.
> >
> > That is, from everything that has been reported here
> > that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a
> > classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
> > and a desire to become the focus of other people's
> > attention.
> >
> > I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
> > up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
> > even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."
> >
> > The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
> > is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
> > even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
> > only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic
> > NPD/hypomania.
> Some people who believe they are enlightened may just be 
> spacey.  

Or delusional. I completely agree. I have seen nothing
in RWC's performance here that rules out "delusional,"
either then, or now.

It is worth noting that most of the people discussing
these supposed higher states of consciousness that some
on this forum claim to have had are doing so completely
from a theoretical basis. They have personally never
had such experiences, and are basing anything they say
on theories given to them by Maharishi, who IMO was in
exactly the same boat they were. That is, only having
heard about enlightenment, and never having experienced
it. Even the early stages of it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/26/2011 04:12 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
>> According to Maharishi and according to tradition this
>> [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this
>> case it wasn't fully established.
> Either that or it never happened in the first place.
> That is, from everything that has been reported here
> that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a
> classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
> and a desire to become the focus of other people's
> attention.
> I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
> up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
> even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."
> The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
> is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
> even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
> only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic
> NPD/hypomania.

Some people who believe they are enlightened may just be spacey.  And 
another lesson here is that Indian gurus even if they are experiencing 
enlightenment just refer to it as a third person experience and not that 
they are enlightened.  That's a safe position to take as otherwise one 
comes under scrutiny and causes confusion.  OTOH, it is probably NOT 
very easy to lose enlightenment because it is a process of adapting the 
nervous system to support it.  Of course if the nervous system shuts 
down due to an accident or temporarily from a cold it might be not so 
pervasive but it will still be there.  And then it is also about how the 
enlightened being relates to the phenomenal world which is of course 
totally different from being in "serial consciousness."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Blood Orchestra 2011

2011-12-26 Thread Vaj

On Dec 26, 2011, at 9:52 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

> Nice. Thanks. Peter himself doesn't look that good,
> but it's nice to hear the music in a different setting.

I've been following him since he was in Genesis and he's still able to somehow 
keep each new tour fresh.

Re: [FairfieldLife] New Blood Orchestra 2011

2011-12-26 Thread Vaj

On Dec 26, 2011, at 3:11 AM, Emily Reyn wrote:

> Are you talking about past lives here?  See where I'm at?  Yes, I might read 
> this. What kind of a practitioner do you get the info on past lives from?  I 
> ask because I've had some past lives identified and apparently, it wasn't all 
> love and light.  

No, I was actually talking about family members who were Christian Martyrs, who 
came to the US to escape persecution.

When I was 5-10 years old, I did have shocking, terrifying waking dreams of my 
past life and my death. Then later in life I met a yogi who had the ability to 
cognize your jyotish chart by being in his presence. He started at the moment 
of birth and came up to the present, and then went into past lives in shocking 

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> >
> > According to Maharishi and according to tradition this 
> > [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this 
> > case it wasn't fully established. 
> Either that or it never happened in the first place.
> That is, from everything that has been reported here
> that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a 
> classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
> and a desire to become the focus of other people's
> attention.
> I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
> up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
> even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."

According to Robin, MMY *did* verify his enlightenment,
unambiguously, not long after it happened. He then
*retracted* that verification years later in the
recording that was played in court during the lawsuit
against MIU. I don't have any difficulty believing that
retraction could have been what MMY found expedient at
the time, after the huge uproar Robin had caused. It
was a brutally efficient way of getting Robin out of
the TMO's hair once and for all. If that did a job on
Robin's head, tough beans. Collateral damage.

Maybe the initial verification was expedient too. Who
knows? But MMY sure didn't hand out verifications of
enlightenment like candy. It was very rare.

Or, of course, Robin could have misunderstood MMY, or
MMY could have been mistaken to start with. But let's
see how you justify your belief:

> The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
> is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
> even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
> only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic 
> NPD/hypomania.

Sorta like assuming a person is an alcoholic because
they deny alcoholism. Since alcoholics are typically in
denial, if a person denies alcoholism, it's safe to
assume they *are* an alcoholic.

That works, right? Perfectly logical. After all, nobody
who really *wasn't* an alcoholic would deny being an--

Oh, wait.

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > > Judy, I think you are not quite right here. The spoof, which
> > > some may not get, was about Robin, and Barry was about the
> > > first to catch this, about 2 min. after I had posted it.
> > 
> > Well, almost an hour by the Web site timestamps. But no
> > matter.
> Oh, yes, I must have been in Turya state of consciousness then (wink wink 
> willy)
> > I don't think Barry was referring to your Robin spoof here.
> > Robin hadn't reacted to it; he had other fish to fry that
> > morning and was beginning to run short of posts. He may not
> > even have read it. So how could Barry know how he felt
> > about it?
> I don't want to get in the Barry /Judy battle here,

Too late!

> but I had made a reference that maybe some persons didn't 
> understand. Among those was empty. That can happen, as one
> can read it as irony on Vaj as well, but I wasn't conscious
> about this when I wrote it.

It was unmistakably a parody of Robin. Vaj doesn't write
that way at all. emptybill just had some kind of brain
fart there; he's usually sharper than that. His conflict
with Vaj is much more serious than his conflict with
Robin, so empty might have been so eager to see a slam
on Vaj that he leaped to the wrong conclusion.

Or, he could have been *deliberately* misidentifying Vaj
as the target of your parody as a way to irritate you.

> In any case, if you are interested, my little spoof had a
> diolog between Robin and whynotnow as its ideal, which
> whynotnow somehow must have realized. In my completely
> incompetent view, his approach to Robin was all too
> sheepishly,

I don't think "sheepishly" is the word you want. "Fawning,"
maybe. "Sheepish" usually implies some embarrassment.

> and the way Robin took this up and turn it in his way,
> simply took me out of my seat.

Not sure what you're suggesting. It was *already* turned
his way, by whynotnow. Seems to me Robin's gratitude at
feeling understood was genuine.

> Therefore, I can really understand, from my 3rd person
> ontolgical account, that whynotnow had reasons to be mad
> on me.

whynotnow was objecting to your support of Vaj. I don't
think it had a thing to do with whynotnow's exchange
with Robin or your parody thereof.

> Here is the model for my little spoof, that inspired me,
> as it is,it can of course not stand in comparison the
> master.

Sheesh, zarzari, there are any number of similar models
from Robin, including his earlier exchanges with Curtis.
You could have used any one of them.

> Robin OTOH made another post a little later to Vaj, from
> which I gathered, he could have imitated my spoof, not
> knowing it was one, and being ironic on Vaj. I may be
> imagining all of this,

You're imagining all this. Robin's been doing this kind
of irony all along. He'd done it with Vaj a number of
times before you even wrote your parody. It's his
standard approach: He love-bombs the folks who are being
nice to him--especially if they're disagreeing with him
about something--and does *ironic* love-bombing with
the folks who are being nasty.

Your parody, BTW, could have been of either--Robin
making nice with whynotnow, *or* Robin making nice
*ironically* with Vaj. 

 but here is the post: 
> Last words: "Graffiti for the soul, Vaj: this really has
> Merry Christmas all over it. Jesus, he is proud of you
> today."

Totally cracked me up. That's pure Robin. The rest of
us have a long way to go before we can even dream of
matching that level of wit. I'm chortling even now as
I read it again.

My all-time favorite, in response to Vaj's jab,
"You get the Histrionic Personality award for 2011!":

"I think it all comes down to not having to pay any
health insurance. That makes for a kind of unmerited
freedom amongst us Canadians. We get--potentially--
histrionic in not having to face that adversity."

That was just inspired, IMHO.

[FairfieldLife] Another FFL type movie

2011-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
"Symphony for Delicious" is about newly paralyzed DJ named "Delicious" 
who develops an ability to heal the sick but uses the gift to become a 
rock star.  Stars Christopher Thornton, Mark Ruffalo, Juliette Lewis, 
Laura Linney and Orlando Bloom.  Available on Netflix though I had 
recorded it a couple weeks back on Showtime and finally got around to 
watching it last night.  Good film and relevant to discussions here:


[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > I'm not sure whether it's considered possible in MMY's
> > teaching to "abandon" higher consciousness once it's
> > become stable (Robin's, according to him, lasted for
> > at least a decade).
> According to Maharishi and according to tradition this is
> not possible. In this case it wasn't fully established. That
> is to say in TM lingo, 'there was still some stress', not
> matter how long it lasted to come out. It's the last stress, 
> remember?, the most difficult one.
> > And again, if it wasn't "complete,"
> > it wouldn't have been MMY's Unity Consciousness in the
> > first place.
> Now this is word-picking, it could have been on the way to
> UC or temporary experiences of UC, but not fully established. 

No, it isn't word-picking with regard to what we're
talking about. This is what I was addressing, from a
couple of posts back:

> > > Robin, for all his
> > > critics of eastern systems, is still attached and in love
> > > with his 'enlightenment' past, you can see this in his posts,
> > > where he makes sure, everyboy gets the point that he was
> > > 'really enlightened', 'really in unity'. (For any TMer this
> > > proves that TM leads in fact to unity as MMY describes).

If it wasn't fully established, it doesn't prove TM leads
to Unity. Not to mention the trouble he got into on the
basis of his belief that it *was* fully established.

And anyway, I'm not sure you can make a case for
"temporary experiences of Unity" when, according to Robin,
it was an experience of Unity that lasted without a break
for over a decade.

And then there's the issue of how, even if Unity wasn't
fully established, he could have *shed it all* right back
to waking state, not even any witnessing. That's just not
in the TM model. Presumably if one has attained a state
where there's only the most difficult stress yet to be
released, failing to get rid of that stress doesn't mean
one reacquires all the stress that *had* been released,
right back to square one.

> > At any rate, I think it's much more a matter of Robin's
> > personality and how he interacts with folks here than
> > his past experience with TM that we find appealing.
> > TM-wise, he's an anomaly any way you look at it.
> There is a considerable group dynamics in this, and Ravi is
> part of the equation, and you too.

Perhaps. But the bottom line, my original point, is that
entirely contrary to Barry's assertions, we have no problem
being friendly with someone who has raised serious questions
about the validity of MMY's teaching.

For that matter, Ravi himself expressed some skepticism
about MMY's teaching, and it didn't stop us from being
friendly with him either.

> > > Not Brahma Chaitanya, but Brahmi Chetana.
> > 
> > Well, OK, Brahma Chaitanya was emptybill's spelling (I've
> > now found the post), and he equated it with Unity
> > Consciousness. What he objected to was Robin saying his
> > ego was extinguished when he entered Unity. He said that
> > wasn't how Shankara or Vidyaranya described Unity.
> > 
> > Here's his post if you're interested:
> > 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/295775
> > 
> > > Tell me a scripture where Brahmi Chetana is mentioned. I don't
> > > know, maybe there is, chetana simply means consciousness,
> > > Brahmi (of Brahman I think). I think that it is more a
> > > translation back from english. Just like bhavatita dhyan
> > > which is hindi for TM. I don't really think it is a 'term'
> > > vedanta. And if it is, it probably has a different
> > > connotation than unity.
> > 
> > You'll have to fight that out with emptybill.
> As a rule of thumb, I don't fight with emptybill. But I agree
> with him that the categories of his system and the definitions
> of MMY are different from tradition.

OK. I'm just pointing out that you said:

> > But on the whole he is using TM descriptions, primarily the
> > term 'unity consciousness' itself. This is not a classic term,
> > as emptybill rightly pointed out, it doesn't belong to the 
> > Vedantic system. It is a description, a categorization used
> > by MMY and TM.

That was *not* what emptybill pointed out. From the post
of his you were referring to:

Robin: And when I transcended for the last time—the actual act
of slipping into Unity—I also experienced the extinction of my
ego. That, after all, is the very basis of Unity Consciousness.

Emptybill: I don't think so. Unity (Brahma-Chaitanya) is not described this way 
by Shankara. It is also not described this
way by Vidyaranya, a 14th Century proponent of the path of
"Yogic Advaita".

Emptybill *confirmed* that "Unity Consciousness" is 
"Brahma-Chaitanya." What he was questioning was Robin's
assertion that ego-extinction is the basis of Unity

(I have the sneaking suspicion that the "ego-extinction"
issue is a matter of semantics, but Robin didn't address

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Third Open Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:

> Robin's going to have quite a mess to clean up...

If you don't mind, I'm gonna be a bit more messy..

This is a very clear and beautiful explanation here Judy:

> First-person ontology: only I can know what it's
> like to be me. Third-person ontology: you can
> understand what it's like to be me via what I tell
> you or what you observe of me, but it'll be quite
> limited and may be false (because I'm lying or
> otherwise behaving deceptively, or because I'm
> communicating poorly or you're understanding
> poorly).

Isn't that basically saying that every person is closed up in his own 
consciousness. It isn't really accessible to anyone else, except, mostly by 
artificial means, through external knowledge, like a brain scientist, or 
through ordinary communication, still you don't get it what it is to be 'you'.

> Your understanding of what it's like to be me is
> a function of *your* first-person ontology: only
> you can know what it's like to be you trying to
> grasp what it's like to be me. Only I can know what
> it's like to be me trying to grasp what it's like
> to be you trying to grasp what it's like to be me.

Yes, I am starting to get dizzy here slightly.

> ;-)
> or ;-(, depending...
> This isn't the *grammatical* third person, BTW. It
> just means anybody other than me. (I just did a
> search for "second person ontology" to make sure and
> came up with only one hit, on an analysis of a poem
> by e.e. cummings, where it refers to a literary
> device.)
> > > It can be used in many different contexts and for many
> > > different purposes. Searle makes use of it for his
> > > purposes; Robin makes use of it for his purposes. What
> > > requires explanation is the purposes, and Robin has
> > > explained his pretty thoroughly: he's arguing against the
> > > reality of Unity Consciousness, in which first-person
> > > ontology is experienced to be illusionary and universal
> > > consciousness the reality. As I understand him, he's
> > > saying first-person ontology is the reality and universal
> > > consciousness the illusion.
> > 
> > I understand this so far. For example, does it simply mean
> > that the consciousness of man is simply isolated, for example
> > mind reading is not a reality. You cannot participate in the 
> > consciousness of somebody else, and therefore there is also
> > no unity consciousness, is it that what you mean he is saying
> > with it?
> Well, he says Unity Consciousness is a real state of
> consciousness, but it isn't congruent with reality--or
> Reality--as I understand him. 

That would presuppose that reality is already defined. If your first person 
ontology, is real, and unity consciousness IS your first person ontological 
experience, then it is real to you, no? This basically the approach of 

Anyway, I have a strong feeling that Robin misunderstands what Unity is about. 
I will try to see it from the classical approach. Unity in this case is the 
unity between Atman and Brahman, not the unity between me and a stone or you. 
In vedanta afaik, the nonduality is a function of not identifying with the 
separate I, but realizing that, in it's core, this I is only a reflection of 
Brahman. In Brahman there is no duality, hence the oneness. 

With all the uniqueness of my own conscious experience, which is even unique in 
its reflection of Brahman, which is only known to me, there is still the more 
generic fact of my humanness, and my being conscious. As an example, you might 
imagine a glass of water, the glass, the limits of it, is my own 1st person 
ontology, while the water, the more generic substance of it, is the Atman, 
which is basically part of a greater whole, the Brahman.

You can also imagine that different glasses of water, reflect the same sun, 
without loosing their individual boundaries, according to their colors, the 
reflection will differ, but the recognition that it is ultimately the same 
reflection, and the same light that is being reflected, is what I understand to 
be the unity between atman and brahman.

> I'm not sure mind reading
> would be ruled out, depending on how you're defining it.

This is a very interesting point.

> You might know some things that were in my mind via some
> kind of telepathy--say at a distance--for instance, but
> that wouldn't tell you what it's like to be me; it
> wouldn't be participating in my consciousness. It would
> still be third-person ontology, just using a different
> means of communication.

Right. But the question here arises, of how far such a knowing could go? Maybe 
somebody just can read your thoughts, okay, he doesn't yet feel what it is like 
to be you, but somebody who could enter your mind  more fundamentally, who 
would get about 50% of all your thoughts and feelings, would come closer to 
know that. He would indeed, participate partially in your consciousness. (Not 
that it is this I understand unity con

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > Well, almost an hour by the Web site 
> > timestamps. But no matter.
> >
> Oh, yes, I must have been in Turya state of 
> consciousness then (wink wink willy)
Very impressive! So, we are agreed, but I
thought it was Robin that had been in the
Turiya state - now we've got a whole new
set of claims from Zazari. Go figure.

P.S. You can call me 'willy' if that makes
me seem less human to you - I don't mind, 
but that's my email address. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > > Judy, I think you are not quite right here. The spoof, which
> > > some may not get, was about Robin, and Barry was about the
> > > first to catch this, about 2 min. after I had posted it.
> > 
> > Well, almost an hour by the Web site timestamps. But no
> > matter.
> Oh, yes, I must have been in Turya state of consciousness then (wink wink 
> willy)
> > I don't think Barry was referring to your Robin spoof here.
> > Robin hadn't reacted to it; he had other fish to fry that
> > morning and was beginning to run short of posts. He may not
> > even have read it. So how could Barry know how he felt
> > about it?
> I don't want to get in the Barry /Judy battle here, but I had made a 
> reference that maybe some persons didn't understand. Among those was empty. 
> That can happen, as one can read it as irony on Vaj as well, but I wasn't 
> conscious about this when I wrote it.
> In any case, if you are interested, my little spoof had a diolog between 
> Robin and whynotnow as its ideal, which whynotnow somehow must have realized. 
> In my completely incompetent view, his approach to Robin was all too 
> sheepishly, and the way Robin took this up and turn it in his way, simply 
> took me out of my seat. Therefore, I can really understand, from my 3rd 
> person ontolgical account, that whynotnow had reasons to be mad on me.
> Here is the model for my little spoof, that inspired me, as it is,it can of 
> course not stand in comparison the master.

Oh, I forgot to insert:

> Robin OTOH made another post a little later to Vaj, from which I gathered, he 
> could have imitated my spoof, not knowing it was one, and being ironic on 
> Vaj. I may be imagining all of this, but here is the post: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/299578
> Last words: "Graffiti for the soul, Vaj: this really has Merry Christmas all 
> over it. Jesus, he is proud of you today."
> > It's much more likely Barry was referring to whynotnow;
> > Barry's frequently made that criticism of him (inaccurate,
> > but that's another story). I think he had in mind your
> > earlier response to whynotnow, the "Ji Ji" one, figured
> > that was a spoof that somehow presented whynotnow "in a
> > different light than the one [he wanted] to be presented
> > in," and that whynotnow wasn't getting the point, assuming
> > that the discussion involved your criticizing whynotnow
> > rather than the reverse.
> > 
> >  See here:
> > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/299493
> > > 
> > > > And
> > > > zarzari has a perfect right to object to what he feels is an 
> > > > inaccurate presentation, as does anybody else. Goodness
> > > > knows Barry does it often enough.
> > > > 
> > > > As to not getting the point of a spoof, that has nothing
> > > > to do with whynotnow "being presented in a different light
> > > > than the one they want to be presented in" in this
> > > > exchange. As noted, that isn't what was happening.
> > > 
> > > I guess the reference was about Robin, not whynotnow.
> > 
> > Don't think so. whynotnow is one of Barry's perennial
> > targets, and when he saw there was a disagreement 
> > between you and whynotnow, he quickly "piled on." He
> > got to Robin later in the post when you referred to
> > Robin's five-parter to Curtis, but even then his
> > comment was mainly a swipe at whynotnow.
> > 
> > Barry doesn't really pay all that much attention to
> > what he's responding to if he sees an opportunity for
> > a putdown of someone he doesn't like.
> > 
> > You can expect Barry to back you up, BTW, no matter
> > what it was he actually intended.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:

> > Judy, I think you are not quite right here. The spoof, which
> > some may not get, was about Robin, and Barry was about the
> > first to catch this, about 2 min. after I had posted it.
> Well, almost an hour by the Web site timestamps. But no
> matter.

Oh, yes, I must have been in Turya state of consciousness then (wink wink willy)

> I don't think Barry was referring to your Robin spoof here.
> Robin hadn't reacted to it; he had other fish to fry that
> morning and was beginning to run short of posts. He may not
> even have read it. So how could Barry know how he felt
> about it?

I don't want to get in the Barry /Judy battle here, but I had made a reference 
that maybe some persons didn't understand. Among those was empty. That can 
happen, as one can read it as irony on Vaj as well, but I wasn't conscious 
about this when I wrote it.

In any case, if you are interested, my little spoof had a diolog between Robin 
and whynotnow as its ideal, which whynotnow somehow must have realized. In my 
completely incompetent view, his approach to Robin was all too sheepishly, and 
the way Robin took this up and turn it in his way, simply took me out of my 
seat. Therefore, I can really understand, from my 3rd person ontolgical 
account, that whynotnow had reasons to be mad on me.

Here is the model for my little spoof, that inspired me, as it is,it can of 
course not stand in comparison the master.

Robin OTOH made another post a little later to Vaj, from which I gathered, he 
could have imitated my spoof, not knowing it was one, and being ironic on Vaj. 
I may be imagining all of this, but here is the post: 

Last words: "Graffiti for the soul, Vaj: this really has Merry Christmas all 
over it. Jesus, he is proud of you today."

> It's much more likely Barry was referring to whynotnow;
> Barry's frequently made that criticism of him (inaccurate,
> but that's another story). I think he had in mind your
> earlier response to whynotnow, the "Ji Ji" one, figured
> that was a spoof that somehow presented whynotnow "in a
> different light than the one [he wanted] to be presented
> in," and that whynotnow wasn't getting the point, assuming
> that the discussion involved your criticizing whynotnow
> rather than the reverse.
>  See here:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/299493
> > 
> > > And
> > > zarzari has a perfect right to object to what he feels is an 
> > > inaccurate presentation, as does anybody else. Goodness
> > > knows Barry does it often enough.
> > > 
> > > As to not getting the point of a spoof, that has nothing
> > > to do with whynotnow "being presented in a different light
> > > than the one they want to be presented in" in this
> > > exchange. As noted, that isn't what was happening.
> > 
> > I guess the reference was about Robin, not whynotnow.
> Don't think so. whynotnow is one of Barry's perennial
> targets, and when he saw there was a disagreement 
> between you and whynotnow, he quickly "piled on." He
> got to Robin later in the post when you referred to
> Robin's five-parter to Curtis, but even then his
> comment was mainly a swipe at whynotnow.
> Barry doesn't really pay all that much attention to
> what he's responding to if he sees an opportunity for
> a putdown of someone he doesn't like.
> You can expect Barry to back you up, BTW, no matter
> what it was he actually intended.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Blood Orchestra 2011

2011-12-26 Thread turquoiseb
Nice. Thanks. Peter himself doesn't look that good,
but it's nice to hear the music in a different setting.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> Some Christian thoughts, for the day.
> From my favorite concert in 2011.
> Red Rain
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8A59tErhfE
> Wallflower 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhWs02B4urY

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Blood Orchestra 2011

2011-12-26 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> The overriding symbols, for me, were the blood 
> of Christofascism - and the wars of blood - from 
> the genocides of the pagans, the mennonites of 
> peace and from the decimation of the natives of 
> the Americas, up to and including the massacre 
> of hundreds of thousands of innocents in Iraq 
> and Afghanistan...
This is a hateful message for a greeting at this 
time of year. One wonders if all these Christians 
are Vaj's enemies, where are all his friends. 

Go figure.

But, where I come from, silence usually indicates 
agreement. Don't you just hate those Christians,
especially this time of year!

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > > It isn't "as MMY described" if he can throw it all 
> > > off and become "de-enlightened," going back to mere 
> > > waking state!
> > >
> > This is not a classic term, as emptybill rightly 
> > pointed out, it doesn't belong to the Vedantic 
> > system... 
> >
According to the Sri Vidya tradition of SBS, Gaudapada 
was the philosophical grandfather of Shankara. Gauda's
'Karika on the Mandukya Upanishad' is the oldest known 
systematic exposition of Advaita Vedanta. 

"The Fourth has no sound-element, it is incommunicable, 
it is the extinction of phenomena, blissful, non-dual." 

Gaudapada shows clear signs of familiarity with Buddhist 
philosophy, and both his language and his doctrine are 
close in many cases to Buddhist originals. This has led 
many scholars to speculate that Gaudapada himself was 
originally a Buddhist. 

So, in fact, MMY was really a 'Vijnana' Buddhist in many
respects - he often uses the Vijnana nomenclature which 
is classic Vedanta terminology.


'Mandukya Karika' 
by Sri Gaudapadacharya 
Tr. Mm. Pt. V. Bhattacharya 
Calcutta U. 1943 Calcutta U. 1943

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > Not Brahma Chaitanya, but Brahmi Chetana...
> >
Brahman Consciousness or brahmi chetana. All of the 
acharyas of Vedanta point to this state of being.

"O Svetaketu, do you understand what I am telling 
you? This great but most essence of all the worlds 
is the Truth, the Atman, the Supreme Reality within 
you, and you are THAT" - Uddalaka - Chhandogya U.

> But I agree with him that the categories of his 
> system and the definitions of MMY are different 
> from tradition...
Not so different, it seems to me. For example, in 
Brahmi Chetana you no longer are in a relationship 
to this creation because you are this creation, 
Brahman. In this state, according to MMY, there is 
no duality, there is no other, because when all 
thought drops off, you are left all by your Self. 
At other times you reflect duality, self and 

"When mental activity disappears, then knower, 
knowing and known become merged one into another, 
just like a transparent crystal which assumes the 
appearance of that upon which it rests."

Pantanjali - Yoga Sutras I.41. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: You Mother, you..

2011-12-26 Thread Buck
"In eternity, the Father begets the Son in his own likeness. 'The Word was with 
God and the Word was God.' Like God, it had his nature. Furthermore, I say that 
God has begotten him in my soul. Not only is the soul like him and he like it, 
but he is in it, for the Father begets his Son in the soul exactly as he does 
in eternity and not otherwise. He must do so whether he will or not. The Father 
ceaselessly begets his Son and, what is more, he begets me not only as his Son 
but as himself and himself as myself, begetting me in his own nature, his own 
being. At that inmost Source, I spring from the Holy Spirit and there is one 
life, one being, one action. All God's works are one and therefore He begets me 
as he does his Son and without distinction."

Meister Eckhart
Sermon 18
Raymond B. Blakney, Trans., Harper & Bros., New York, 1941, p. 181
quoted in D. T. Suzuki
_Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist_
NY: Harper Bros., 1957, p. 111-112, at sacred-texts.com

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> We are all meant to be mothers of God. What good is it to me if this eternal 
> birth of the divine Son takes place unceasingly but does not take place 
> within myself? And, what good is it to me if Mary is full of grace if I am 
> not also full of grace? What good is it to me for the Creator to give birth 
> to his Son if I do not also give birth to him in my time and my culture? 
> Then, then, is the fullness of time: When the Son of God is begotten in us.
>  Meister Eckhart,
> 14th century Christian theologian and mystic
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Interesting though.  Sitting around recently with adept people who 
> > > > > > work with and can see people's energy fields comparatively, the 
> > > > > > comment was that the Ravi Shankar AOL kriya people tend to have 
> > > > > > coarser chakra systems from the rawer kundalini that their 
> > > > > > pranayams give.  The SRF (Yogananda) have sweeter cultivated 
> > > > > > systems and don't have that kind of evident coarseness at all with 
> > > > > > their kriyas, they seem to get nicer energy systems to work with.   
> > > > > > Ammachi people too have nicer working systems top to bottom.  The 
> > > > > > TM people, are characteristically top lit while not connected much 
> > > > > > to the energy fields in their subtle bodies otherwise.  Sometimes 
> > > > > > tremendous upper registers of their upper mental fields but not lit 
> > > > > > or home (integrated) much at all below that.  Often the TM'ers seem 
> > > > > > not well embodied spiritually and often carry stuck flows in their 
> > > > > > energy fields.  That's the comparing experience with it. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > That's actually true, it's the same kind of feedback I was getting 
> > > > > when I moved out of TM. Later, through the spiritual work going on, 
> > > > > that changed. It also corresponds with my experience.
> > > > >
> > > > 
> > > > Yep, this person has been extrememely helpful to people here this way, 
> > > > Janet Sussman:
> > > > http://www.timeportalpubs.com/sunpoint.htm
> > > >
> > > 
> > > In looking at it, for years TM meditators and their families in spiritual 
> > > troubles with their own subtle spiritual physiology's have sought out 
> > > help from her as spiritual things have got out of balance.  Even with the 
> > > top level TM folks. She has been an important resource out in the 
> > > meditating community, along with the saints, healers and spiritual 
> > > teachers coming through like John Douglas or the ladies.  
> > > 
> > > There are some other people here who are good at it too.  However, these 
> > > subtle system energetic troubles, even intermittent spiritual meditator 
> > > depressions, rooted in the system, evidently get beyond the purview of 
> > > just TM and TM-siddhis administrators.  
> > > 
> > > That Maharishi never really taught much about it makes one wonder how 
> > > able he was with it; as in, even the enlightened can't know everything.  
> > > Is interesting that M never cultivated or held out shakti-pat as a 
> > > modality of his spiritual help.  It wasn't his thing evidently.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > Neurol-plasticity and chakras?  
> > 
> > "Integration enables us to be flexible and free; the lack of such 
> > connections promotes a life that is either rigid or chaotic, stuck and dull 
> > on the one hand or explosive and unpredictable on the other. With the 
> > connecting freedom of integration comes a sense of vitality and the ease of 
> > well-being. Without integration we can become imprisoned in behavioral 
> > ruts—anxiety and depression, greed, obsession, and addiction."
> >  
> > Dr 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Because and Moonlight!

2011-12-26 Thread merudanda
Finding similarities between the music of the Beatles and Beethoven(
here Beethoven's sonata in C-sharp minor (Op. 27, No. 2, originally
titled "quasi una fantasia" and also known as the "Arbor" sonata),
dedicated to his young piano student Countess Giulietta Guicciardi ) is
intriguing because it highlights a commonality between the (supposedly
antithetical) high art of a cultured classical composer and the popular
music of four provincial, musically unschooled and self-taught
Liverpudlian youths, and the idea of the Beatles' turning a piece of
music backwards certainly requires no stretch of the imagination when
one recalls their use of reversed vocals in the fade-out of "Rain" or
the backwards guitar solo in "I'm Only Sleeping."
However, a survey of John's (and Yoko's) comments about "Because"
demonstrate that what Lennon had in mind was a song based upon a
reversal of "Moonlight Sonata"'s chord progression, not literally a
backwards version of the piece.
  Interested in a technical discussion of the musical similarities
between "Because" and "Moonlight Sonata"  you might enjoy Ian Hammond's
essay on the subject from his Beathoven series WaybackMachineArchive

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> In addition to Across the Universe, Because is one of my
> favorite "TM-influenced" Beatles songs:
> According to Lennon, the song's [Because -- card] close musical
resemblance to Ludwig van Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" was no
coincidence: "Yoko was playing Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata' on the
piano ... I said, 'Can you play those chords backwards?', and wrote
'Because' around them. The lyrics speak for themselves ... No imagery,
no obscure references."[1][3]
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Because_(The_Beatles_song)
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWlLPJG9Cvg

[FairfieldLife] A yoga virtual Xmas card I did en francais

2011-12-26 Thread profildaniam
Hello Fairfield Life.

Yes, I keep reading your posts and appreciate them when the content is so rich 
and fullfiling.

Thank you.

Here is a virtual xmas card I did:


For those who are into yoga, feel free to visit and then register at:


If you wish to receive just our enews letter, here is the link (It is secure 
with feedblitz):


One thing for sure, it's in french.

I'm registered as a yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance, the Francophone 
Federation and a Fitness organisation Canfit pro.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Because and Moonlight!

2011-12-26 Thread merudanda
...aahh it turns me on
it blows my mind
  it makes me cry
  Memory Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
Wet beneath the blue suburban skies
I sit and meanwhile back in

Memory Lane with a round world
   Memory Lane with a blue sky and high wind
LOVE is all with an hourglass
hope you had a cosy Christmas
LOVE is all with an hourglass
love is you

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> In addition to Across the Universe, Because is one of my
> favorite "TM-influenced" Beatles songs:
> According to Lennon, the song's [Because -- card] close musical
resemblance to Ludwig van Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" was no
coincidence: "Yoko was playing Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata' on the
piano ... I said, 'Can you play those chords backwards?', and wrote
'Because' around them. The lyrics speak for themselves ... No imagery,
no obscure references."[1][3]
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Because_(The_Beatles_song)
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWlLPJG9Cvg

[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786  wrote:
> According to Maharishi and according to tradition this 
> [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this 
> case it wasn't fully established. 

Either that or it never happened in the first place.

That is, from everything that has been reported here
that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a 
classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
and a desire to become the focus of other people's

I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."

The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic 

[FairfieldLife] Because and Moonlight!

2011-12-26 Thread cardemaister

In addition to Across the Universe, Because is one of my
favorite "TM-influenced" Beatles songs:

According to Lennon, the song's [Because -- card] close musical resemblance to 
Ludwig van Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" was no coincidence: "Yoko was playing 
Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata' on the piano ... I said, 'Can you play those 
chords backwards?', and wrote 'Because' around them. The lyrics speak for 
themselves ... No imagery, no obscure references."[1][3]



[FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi Chivukula

2011-12-26 Thread zarzari_786

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:

> I'm not sure whether it's considered possible in MMY's
> teaching to "abandon" higher consciousness once it's
> become stable (Robin's, according to him, lasted for
> at least a decade).

According to Maharishi and according to tradition this is not possible. In this 
case it wasn't fully established. That is to say in TM lingo, 'there was still 
some stress', not matter how long it lasted to come out. It's the last stress, 
remember?, the most difficult one.

> And again, if it wasn't "complete,"
> it wouldn't have been MMY's Unity Consciousness in the
> first place.

Now this is word-picking, it could have been on the way to UC or temporary 
experiences of UC, but not fully established. 

> At any rate, I think it's much more a matter of Robin's
> personality and how he interacts with folks here than
> his past experience with TM that we find appealing.
> TM-wise, he's an anomaly any way you look at it.

There is a considerable group dynamics in this, and Ravi is part of the 
equation, and you too. 

> > Not Brahma Chaitanya, but Brahmi Chetana.
> Well, OK, Brahma Chaitanya was emptybill's spelling (I've
> now found the post), and he equated it with Unity
> Consciousness. What he objected to was Robin saying his
> ego was extinguished when he entered Unity. He said that
> wasn't how Shankara or Vidyaranya described Unity.
> Here's his post if you're interested:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/295775
> > Tell me a scripture where Brahmi Chetana is mentioned. I don't
> > know, maybe there is, chetana simply means consciousness,
> > Brahmi (of Brahman I think). I think that it is more a
> > translation back from english. Just like bhavatita dhyan which
> > is hindi for TM. I don't really think it is a 'term' of vedanta.
> > And if it is, it probably has a different connotation than unity.
> You'll have to fight that out with emptybill.

As a rule of thumb, I don't fight with emptybill. But I agree with him that the 
categories of his system and the definitions of MMY  are different from 

> Well, thanks. I've said it before, at least the part
> about what we hoped for from King Tony. I started
> thinking about it way back when, not long after Tony's
> coronation, when it had become clear he would be MMY's
> designated successor. 

I think, Maharishi, till the very end of his life, when he officially withdrew, 
would never have given the reigns out of his hand. 

> I had the sense that after MMY
> died, he'd emerge from the woodwork and take the reins.
> And he still might. 

That would be a surprise. If he still wants to do something, he has to do it 
now, time is running out, many old TMers will be dead in 10 years, or simply 
incapable of doing anything. New people are hardly there. This is the 
situation. Anyway, leaders are known to act quickly, he doesn't have this 
mindset. You think maybe when Bevan dies? It will be too late.

> For all we know, he could be
> quietly working behind the scenes, and it's just not
> evident yet.

Yes, that is evident. They were developing this new course/technique of Vedic 
physiology at lightening speed, which they were already working on for 10 years 
when Maharishi was still alive. Tony Naders paperback edition of his book on 
vedic physiology, is also on the NYT bestseller list since years.

> Right, you said he "commands a natural authority" (which
> gave Feste fits).


[FairfieldLife] So called yogic siddhis/sanyamas and aaloka of prajñaa? Part 1

2011-12-26 Thread cardemaister

deshabandhashchittasya dhaaraNaa .. 1..
tatra pratyayaikataanataa dhyaanam.h .. 2..
tad.h evaarthamaatranirbhaasa.n svaruupashuunyam.h iva samaadhiH .. 3..
trayam.h ekatra sa.nyamaH .. 4..
tajjayaat.h praGYaalokaH .. 5..

deshabandhaH; cittasya dhaaraNaa .. 1..
tatra pratyaya+ekataanataa dhyaanam .. 2..
tat; eva+artha-maatra-nirbhaasaM svaruupa-shuunyam iva samaadhiH .. 3..
trayam ekatra sanyamaH .. 4..
tat; jayaat prajñaa+aalokaH(?) .. 5..
NB: yellow + blue = green?

[FairfieldLife] So called yogic siddhis/sanyamas and aaloka of prajñaa? Part 1

2011-12-26 Thread cardemaister

deshabandhashchittasya dhaaraNaa .. 1..tatra pratyayaikataanataa
dhyaanam.h .. 2..tad.h evaarthamaatranirbhaasa.n svaruupashuunyam.h iva
samaadhiH .. 3..trayam.h ekatra sa.nyamaH .. 4..tajjayaat.h praGYaalokaH
.. 5..deshabandhaH; cittasya dhaaraNaa .. 1..tatra pratyaya+ekataanataa
dhyaanam .. 2..tat; eva+artha-maatra-nirbhaasaM svaruupa-shuunyam iva
samaadhiH .. 3..trayam ekatra sanyamaH .. 4..tat; jayaat
prajñaa+aalokaH(?) .. 5..NB: yellow + blue = green?

Re: [FairfieldLife] New Blood Orchestra 2011

2011-12-26 Thread Emily Reyn
Are you talking about past lives here?  See where I'm at?  Yes, I might read 
this. What kind of a practitioner do you get the info on past lives from?  I 
ask because I've had some past lives identified and apparently, it wasn't all 
love and light.  

> From: Vaj 
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
>Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 7:47 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] New Blood Orchestra 2011
>For my family, in the 14th through 17th centuries, it meant slavery & torture 
>just for living the Christlike lives of 'separation of church and state' and 
>the refusal to 'bear arms'. In more modern terms that has been magnified by a 
>Military Industrial  Complex. You need to understand, we were literally 
>friends of Ike. My grandfather and he were golfing buddies. But the 
>Eisenhowers shared a similar tortured past.
>So to be a witness to the present atrocies - for me - is almost beyond belief 
>in what humans can wreak. If you haven't read Sam Harris's Letter to a 
>Christian Nation, then you probably will miss my most heart-felt feelings in 
>You are essentially right IMO, albeit it's a HUGE picture...
>Sent from my iPad
>On Dec 25, 2011, at 9:38 PM, Emily Reyn  wrote:
>Does one blame it all on Jesus?  I think it's bigger picture than that.  